Individual forms of interaction between doe and family. Forms of interaction between family and preschool educational institution

Olga Manushina
Modern forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

At the core modern The concept of preschool education is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement educational activities families.

Cooperation- This is a joint activity in which no one has the privilege to indicate, control, or evaluate.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

Key point in context « family– preschool institution"- personal interaction teacher and parents about difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family, which is impossible without "openness" DOW.

Give to a preschool "openness" inside means making the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, humanizing the relationships between children, teachers, parents, creating such conditions that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) there was a personal readiness to open oneself in some activity or event, to talk about one’s joys, anxieties, successes and failures.

"Openness" DOW inside

is the involvement of parents in educational process kindergarten. Parents, members families can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution and contribute to educational work.

The main goal of everyone forms and types of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families– establishing trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

Teachers must master modern arsenal pedagogical technologies to be able to explain to parents their purpose, features and preferences; know the specifics family education, take into account the peculiarities of raising children; be able to design activities in relation to parents and children, analyze the level of pedagogical competence of parents; pay attention to the pedagogical education of parents, as well as constantly improve their level of communication skills.

Currently, various methods are used and forms pedagogical education of parents. In preschool pedagogy, there are four most general areas of work with parents:

Traditional (thematic parent meetings, consultations, family sports, competitions, holidays, conversations, visits child's family. open days, etc.);

Educational (organization of parental education, publication of newsletters, information leaflets, booklets, stands and "corners" for parents, using the media to highlight educational problems, etc.);

Interactive (master classes, trainings, surveys, diagnostics, round tables, consultations with specialists, workshops - seminars, etc.);

Development of public administration (work of the board of trustees, parent committee).

Let us dwell in more detail on the interactive direction, which contains great potential for modern stage of development preschool education in the work of preschool educational institutions with family.

Interactive direction in working with family can currently be considered a priority, as it allows the use of optimal forms and methods in differentiated group and individual work with family, as well as improve the pedagogical competence of parents.

Interactive methods of working with parents, which can be characterized as innovative, which are little used in preschool institutions, can be attribute:

method "delphi"- brainstorming method; a method for quickly finding solutions based on their generation in the process of brainstorming, which is carried out by a group of teachers and parents;

test case method (problem situations); Using this method, the teacher creates special conditions, in which each parent - participant in the seminar - workshop manifests himself most clearly;

trainings for parents, during which the teacher creates conditions so that parents not only learn their pedagogical capabilities, but can also use them in specific problem situations that arise in family;

actions - a set of events and actions that help parents better understand the problem that has arisen, determine their position in solving this problem, their attitude towards it;

master classes for parents transfer of current technology, method interaction between parents and a teacher with recognized authority, who ensures the transfer of experience and skills to parents through direct and commented demonstration of work techniques;

thematic and individual consultations at the request of parents; each consultation involves not only a discussion of the problem, but also practical recommendations for solving it; specialists competent in this field are involved in the consultation;

exposition and interactive exposition (from the Latin expositio - display, presentation) in art - placement in museums and exhibition halls or in the open air according to a certain system of various works of art, as well as monuments of material culture, historical documents. In the work of a kindergarten, the exposition of products of children's activities makes it possible to show parents the child's progress in mastering educational program, introduce the children of the group and teachers to the personal preferences of each child, his hobbies and interests. The group should be full of crafts and drawings by children, which help each child to better understand and reveal their capabilities and the capabilities of other children.

Interaction between kindergarten and family should permeate all educational work in preschool educational institutions. It is necessary to ensure that teachers use a variety of forms of work, paying attention to improving the practical educational skills of parents (conversations and other work must be confirmed by practical observations, joint activities of children and parents)

Using the knowledge, experience and capabilities of our teachers preschool We actively use various modern forms of interaction with the parents of the students.

Each group has joint creative, gaming, research projects teachers, children and parents. Preschool teachers, using this method, try to take into account the fact that all projects must be interconnected. To complete each new project (conceived by the child himself, in a group, independently or with the participation of a teacher), it is necessary to solve several interesting, useful and related real life tasks. The child is required to be able to coordinate his efforts with the efforts of others. To succeed, he has to obtain the necessary knowledge and, with its help, do specific work. Ideal project one that requires knowledge from various fields to solve a whole range of problems. By solving specific life problems, building relationships with each other, learning about life, children receive the knowledge necessary for this life and develop their abilities. Joint projects help you get to know opportunities better families, include them in the educational process, deepen the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents. The topics of the projects coincide with the calendar planning of our kindergarten; the timing of the projects depends on the problem that has arisen, the tasks set, the age group, etc. The most successful were projects: "My family» , "Miracles from the Autumn Branch", « New Year rushing towards us...", "Let's talk about love","Garden on the window" and the most long-term, creative project "A Year-Long Literary Journey". This project is now very relevant, because 2015 is the year of Russian literature. All pedagogical activity, joint events, competitions are held in our kindergarten and are inextricably linked with Russian literature. We use the works of Russian classics and literary heroes to solve our problems, develop creative abilities and comprehensive development of students.

In our kindergarten in winter time an action is being organized "Volunteer" when everyone wants (parents, children, employees) They go out to clear areas of snow, and after working together we drink tea. We receive a huge charge of energy, positivity, and joyful emotions from physical labor and communication with parents and children. There is also a promotion in winter "Feed the birds in winter", when all the parents, children and teachers are making bird feeders. Then teachers and children hang them in the kindergarten area and feed their feathered friends. And the jury members choose the most original feeder and award the winners.

A joint action is also carried out in the spring, during the improvement of the territory called "The cleanest yard". All employees of preschool educational institutions, employees of schools with in-depth study of individual subjects take part in this action "Yaktylyk", parents and residents of the neighborhood.

For the second year in a row in the group "Stars" there is a promotion going on "Sun family traditions» , where a friendly team of teachers, children and parents get together, talk about their family traditions, family values, about holidays, oh relationships with children, the older generation, share experiences, problems and give each other gifts.

During the school year, teachers of our preschool educational institution conduct other forms of interaction and cooperation with parents:master – classes, seminars, round tables, individual conversations; our parents are frequent guests in the group, telling their children about their professions and culinary abilities; help in organizing holidays, directly – educational activities, projects, competitions.

Family interaction and kindergarten is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patience, creativity and mutual understanding. In new forms of interaction teacher with parents, based on cooperation in dialogue mode (conversations, family clubs, discussions: round tables, seminars - trainings, interactive games, master classes, the principle of trustful partnership is implemented. Variety of interactive forms of interaction with parents allows educators to significantly improve relationships with families, improve the pedagogical culture of parents, expand children’s understanding of various educational areas.

Practitioners are looking for new, innovative forms cooperation with parents; The preschool education system is being restructured. Use of non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family together with traditional ones help to increase the effectiveness of work with parents.

Features of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils

Compiled by: Shifanova Svetlana Valerievna, Arzamas, MBDOU No. 36, structural unit "Family kindergarten"
“The way childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The renewal of the preschool education system, the processes of humanization and democratization in it have determined the need to intensify the interaction of the preschool institution with the family.
The family is a unique primary society that gives the child a feeling of psychological security, “emotional support,” support, and unconditional, non-judgmental acceptance. This is the enduring importance of family for a person in general, and for a preschooler in particular.
Modern specialists and scientists in the field of family speak about the same thing (T.A. Markova, O.L. Zvereva, E.P. Arnautova, V.P. Dubrova, I.V. Lapitskaya, etc.). They believe that the family institution is an institution emotional relationships. Every child today, as at all times, expects unconditional love from his family and people close to him (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother): he is not loved for good behavior and assessments, but just like that and for who he is, and for the fact that he simply is.
For a child, family is also a source of social experience. Here he finds role models, here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, we must solve this problem “with the whole world”: kindergarten, family, public.
Therefore, it is no coincidence that in recent years a new philosophy of interaction between family and preschool institution has begun to develop and be implemented. It is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are designed to support and complement their educational activities.
The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of legal documents, including the “Concept of Preschool Education”, “Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions”, the Law “On Education”, etc. Thus, in the Law “On Education” in Art. 18 it is written that “parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age.”
The policy of transforming education from family to public, officially implemented for many years in our country, is becoming a thing of the past. In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families is also changing. Each preschool educational institution not only educates the child, but also advises parents on issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.
The advantages of the new philosophy of interaction between teachers and parents are undeniable and numerous.
Firstly, this is a positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents are confident that the preschool educational institution will always help them in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time will not harm them, since the opinions of the family and suggestions for interaction with the child will be taken into account. Teachers gain understanding from parents in solving problems (from material to economic). And the biggest winners are the children, for whose sake this interaction is carried out.
Secondly, This is taking into account the child's individuality. The teacher, constantly maintaining contact with the family, knows the characteristics and habits of his pupil and takes them into account when working, which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the teaching process.
Third, parents can independently choose and form, already at school age, the direction in the development and upbringing of the child that they consider necessary. Thus, parents take responsibility for raising the child.
Fourth, this is an opportunity to implement a unified program for the upbringing and development of a child in a preschool educational institution and in the family.
On this occasion, N.K. Krupskaya wrote in her “Pedagogical Works”: “The issue of working with parents is a big and important issue. Here we need to take care of the level of knowledge of the parents themselves, of helping them in self-education, equipping them with a certain pedagogical minimum, and involving them in the work of the kindergarten.” An essential aspect of the interaction between kindergarten and family, N.K. Krupskaya repeatedly emphasized, is that the kindergarten serves as an “organizing center” and “influences ... on home education“Therefore, it is necessary to organize the interaction between the kindergarten and the family in raising children as best as possible. “...There is enormous strength in their community, in mutual care and responsibility.” At the same time, she believed that parents who do not know how to educate need to be helped.

I. Features of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils

When organizing joint work of a preschool educational institution with families within the framework of the new philosophy, it is necessary to observe the basic principles:
openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);
cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children;
creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;
diagnosis of general and specific problems in the development and upbringing of a child.
The main goal of preschool teachers is to professionally help the family in raising children, without replacing it, but complementing it and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions:
development of the child’s interests and needs;
distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in constantly changing situations of raising children;
supporting openness in relationships between different generations in the family;
developing a family lifestyle, forming family traditions;
understanding and acceptance of the child’s individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person.
This goal is achieved through the following tasks:
fostering respect for childhood and parenthood;
interaction with parents to study their family microenvironment;
increasing and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;
providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills in practical work with children;
using various forms of cooperation and joint creativity with parents, based on an individually differentiated approach to families.
The main conditions necessary for the implementation of trusting interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family are the following:
studying the families of pupils: taking into account differences in the age of parents, their education, general cultural level, personal characteristics of parents, their views on education, the structure and nature of family relationships, etc.;
openness of the kindergarten to the family;
teacher orientation towards working with children and parents.
Work with parents should be based on the following steps.
1. Thinking through the content and forms of work with parents. Conducting a quick survey to study their needs. It is important not only to inform the parent about what the preschool educational institution wants to do with his child, but also to find out what he expects from the preschool educational institution. It should be taken into account that some parents prefer to work with their child themselves, and consider kindergarten only as an environment for playful communication with their son or daughter. The obtained data should be used for further work.
2. Establishment between educators and parents friendly relations with an eye towards future business cooperation. It is necessary to interest parents in the work that is supposed to be carried out with them, to form a positive image of the child in them.
3. Formation in parents of a more complete image of their child and his correct perception by providing them with knowledge and information that cannot be obtained in the family and which turns out to be unexpected and interesting for them. This may be information about some features of the child’s communication with peers, his attitude to work, and achievements in productive activities.
4. Familiarization of the teacher with family problems in raising a child. At this stage, educators enter into dialogue with parents, who play an active role here, talking during the teacher’s visit to the family not only about the positive, but also about the difficulties, anxieties, and negative behavior of the child.
5. Joint research with adults and the formation of the child’s personality. At this stage, the specific content of the work is planned and forms of cooperation are selected.
Form (lat. - forma) – device, structure of something, system of organizing something.
All forms with parents are divided into
collective (mass), individual and visual information;
traditional and non-traditional.
Collective (mass) forms involve working with the entire or larger group parents of preschool educational institutions(groups). These are joint events between teachers and parents. Some of them involve the participation of children.
Individual forms are intended for differentiated work with parents of pupils.
Visual and informational - play the role of indirect communication between teachers and parents.
Currently, stable forms of work between kindergartens and families have emerged, which in preschool pedagogy are considered traditional. These are time-tested forms of work. Their classification, structure, content, and effectiveness are described in many scientific and methodological sources. These forms include pedagogical education of parents. It is carried out in two directions:
Inside the kindergarten, work is carried out with the parents of pupils of this preschool educational institution;
working with parents outside the preschool educational institution. Its goal is to reach the vast majority of parents of preschoolers, regardless of whether their children attend kindergarten or not.
Non-traditional forms of communication are especially popular among both teachers and parents. They are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to teachers.
Practice has already accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. It is built on the basis of dialogue, openness, sincerity, refusal of criticism and evaluation of the communication partner. Therefore, these forms are considered non-traditional.
T.V. Krotova offers the following classification of non-traditional forms of interaction with parents (Table 1).

Table 1.

II. Cognitive forms of interaction with parents

The dominant role among forms of communication between teacher and parents continues to be played by cognitive forms of organizing their relationships. They are designed to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, and, therefore, to contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment, and to develop reflection. In addition, these forms of interaction make it possible to acquaint parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of their practical skills. Parents see the child in an environment different from home, and also observe the process of his communication with other children and adults.
The following traditional collective forms of communication are still in the lead in this group:

General parents' meeting of the preschool educational institution. Its goal is to coordinate the actions of the parent community and the teaching staff on issues of education, upbringing, health and development of students (Appendix 1. Regulations on general parental meeting of the preschool educational institution). At general parent meetings, problems of raising children are discussed. Like any parent meeting, it requires careful preliminary preparation (see below). For parents newly admitted to the preschool educational institution, it is advisable to give a tour of the kindergarten with an explanation of the profile and tasks of the institution, and introduce them to specialists; you can publish a booklet, advertisement telling about a specific institution or show a presentation; organize an exhibition of children's works, etc.

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents. The goal of this form of work with families is to involve parents in actively understanding the problems of raising children in the family based on individual needs.

A parent conference is one of the forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents (Appendix 2. Scenario of a parent conference). The value of this type of work is that it involves not only parents, but also the public. Teachers, employees of the district education department, representatives of medical services, teachers, educational psychologists, etc. speak at the conferences. In addition, this form allows teachers, specialists and parents to simulate life situations by playing them out. This enables parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of raising children, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.

Thematic consultations are organized to answer all questions of interest to parents (Appendix 3. Consultation series for parents). Part of the consultation is devoted to the difficulties of raising children. They can be carried out by specialists on general and special issues, for example, the development of musicality in a child, the protection of his psyche, teaching literacy, etc. Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the latter involve dialogue, it is led by the organizer of the conversations. The teacher strives to give parents qualified advice and teach something. This form helps to get to know the life of a family more closely and provide help where it is needed most; it encourages parents to take a serious look at their children and think about the best ways to raise them. The main purpose of the consultation is for parents to make sure that in kindergarten they can receive support and advice. There are also “correspondence” consultations. A box (envelope) is being prepared for parents' questions. While reading the mail, the teacher can prepare a complete answer in advance, study the literature, consult with colleagues, or redirect the question. This form received a response from parents. As our experience of conducting “correspondence” consultations showed, parents asked a variety of questions that they did not want to talk about out loud.

Pedagogical council. According to some modern authors (E.P. Arnautova, V. Lapitskaya, etc.), this form can and should be used when working with parents (Appendix 4. Outline of the consultation “Preparing children for schooling”). It helps to better and more deeply understand the state of relationships in a particular family, and provide effective practical assistance in a timely manner (if, of course, the parents have a desire to change something in the current situation).
The council can include a teacher, head, deputy head for main activities, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, head nurse, and members of the parent committee. At the consultation, the educational potential of the family, its financial situation and the status of the child in the family are discussed. The outcome of the consultation could be:
availability of information about the characteristics of a particular family;
determination of measures to assist parents in raising a child;
development of a program for individual correction parental behavior.

Parent Group Meetings- this is a form of organized familiarization of parents with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family (the problems of the group’s life are discussed).
It is recommended to hold 3-4 meetings a year, lasting 1.5 hours. Topics should be formulated problematically, for example: “Is your child obedient?”, “How to play with a child?”, “Should children be punished?” and etc.
When preparing for a parent meeting, you should adhere to the following rules:
the meeting must be purposeful;
meet the needs and interests of parents;
have a clearly defined practical nature;
be carried out in the form of dialogue;
At the meeting, you should not make public the failures of children or the miscalculations of parents in their upbringing.
The agenda of meetings can be varied, taking into account the wishes of parents (Appendix 5. Parent meetings in the group ( guidelines). Traditionally, it includes reading a report, although this should be avoided; it is better to conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents. According to lecturers, “reading from a piece of paper causes sleep with with open eyes" It is not recommended to use official words like “report”, “events”, “agenda”, “attendance is strictly required” when working with parents. If a teacher reads the text without stopping, one gets the impression that he is incompetent in the issues being presented. In the message, it is important to present the characteristics of the life of the group and each child. Kindergarten specialists (doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.), as well as specialists among parents who are involved in preschool childhood (pediatrician, lawyer, librarian, etc.) can participate in speaking at meetings.
The meeting is prepared in advance, the announcement is posted 3-5 days in advance. The ad can include small tasks for parents, for example, observing children’s behavior, developed skills, paying attention to children’s questions, etc. The tasks are determined by the topic of the upcoming meeting. Experience shows that parents respond more actively to individual invitations, especially if children took part in their preparation.
When preparing for a meeting, you can use the following plan:
Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home before the meeting, and their results are used during the meeting.
Making invitations for each family (in the form of an applique, drawing, postcard, etc.). It is important that children take part in making invitations.
Making leaflets with tips on the topic of the meeting. Their content should be brief and the text should be printed in large font.
Preparation of competitions and exhibitions.
Tape recording of children's answers on the topic of the meeting.
Meeting invitation fairy tale hero(use of a surprise moment).
Preparation of posters on the topic of the meeting, etc.
Now meetings are being replaced by new non-traditional forms (see Appendix 5.). I would like to warn teachers against getting carried away with entertainment: some people think that they should drink tea and play games with their parents. In this case, the pedagogical content “goes away.” It is advisable to combine different forms of work, for example, after entertainment events You can organize conversations and meetings with parents.

"Round table". In a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, current problems of education are discussed with parents (Appendix 6. Round table scenario “What prevents a child from developing?”)

Parent council (committee) of the group. The Parent Council is a group of parents that meets regularly in order to assist the administration of the preschool educational institution and the teachers of the group in improving the conditions for the implementation of the educational process, protecting the life and health of students, and the free development of personality; participate in organizing and conducting joint events. As a rule, parents with an active life position who are interested in improving the stay of children in preschool educational institutions are elected as members of the parent council (Appendix 7. Organization of work with the parent committee)

Open classes with children in a preschool for parents. Parents are introduced to the structure and specifics of conducting classes in preschool educational institutions. You can include elements of a conversation with parents in the lesson.

These forms have been used before. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate the communication partner. Therefore, these forms can also be considered non-traditional. For example, this could be holding parent meetings based on famous television games: “KVN”, “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, “Through the Mouth of a Baby” and others. An informal approach to organizing and conducting these forms of communication confronts educators with the need to use a variety of methods for activating parents. To such “old forms on new way"can be attributed to:

"Open Days". Currently they are becoming widespread. However, today we can talk about this form of communication between teachers and parents as non-traditional, due to changes in the principles of interaction between teachers and parents. According to researchers, a preschool institution is able to fully satisfy the needs of parents only if it is an open system. “Open Days” give parents the opportunity to see the style of communication between teachers and children, and to “get involved” in the communication and activities of children and teachers. If previously it was not assumed that a parent could be an active participant in the life of children when visiting a group, now preschool institutions strive not only to demonstrate the pedagogical process to parents, but also to involve them in it. On this day, parents, as well as other people close to the child who are directly involved in his upbringing (grandparents, brothers and sisters), have the opportunity to freely visit the preschool; walk through all its premises, get acquainted with the life of a child in kindergarten, see how the child studies and relaxes, communicate with his friends and teachers. Parents, observing the activities of the teacher and children, can themselves participate in games, activities, etc. (Appendix 8. Open Day Scenario).

Presentation of a preschool institution. This is a form of advertising for preschool educational institutions, modernized in accordance with the newly opened computer capabilities. As a result of this form of work, parents get acquainted with the charter of the preschool educational institution, the development program and the team of teachers, and receive useful information about the content of work with children, paid and free services.

Parents' clubs. This form of communication presupposes the establishment of a trusting relationship between teachers and parents, awareness by teachers of the importance of family in raising a child, and by parents that teachers have the opportunity to assist them in solving emerging difficulties in upbringing. Meetings of clubs for parents are held regularly. The choice of topic for discussion is determined by the interests and requests of the parents. Teachers strive not only to prepare useful and interesting information themselves on a problem that worries parents, but also invite various specialists (Appendix 9. Club of Caring Parents)

Oral pedagogical journal. The magazine consists of 3-6 pages, each lasting from 5 to 10 minutes. The total duration is no more than 40 minutes (Appendix 10. Oral journal script). The short duration of time is of no small importance, since parents are often limited in time due to various objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is important that a sufficiently large amount of information placed in a relatively short period of time is of significant interest to parents. Each page of the magazine is an oral message that can be illustrated with teaching aids, listening to tape recordings, exhibitions of drawings, crafts, and books. Parents are offered literature in advance to familiarize themselves with the problem, practical assignments, and questions for discussion. Sample topics of Oral Journals proposed by teachers: “At the threshold of the school”, “Ethics of family relationships”, “The influence of nature on the spiritual development of the child” and others. It is important that the topics are relevant to parents, meet their needs and help solve the most important issues in raising children.

Evenings of questions and answers. This form allows parents to clarify their pedagogical knowledge, apply it in practice, learn about something new, expand each other’s knowledge, and discuss some problems of children’s development.

"Parent University". In order to work " Parent University"was more productive, preschool activities with parents can be organized at different levels: school-wide, intra-group, individual-family (Appendix 11. Work plan of the “Parent University”).
It can operate different departments according to the needs of parents:
“Department of Competent Motherhood” (Being a mother is my new profession).
“Department of Effective Parenting” (Mom and Dad are the first and main teachers).
“Department of Family Traditions” (Grandparents are the custodians of family traditions).

Mini meetings. An interesting family is identified and its experience of upbringing is studied. Next, she invites two or three families who share her position in family education. Thus, in narrow circle a topic of interest to everyone is discussed.

Research and design, role-playing, simulation and business games. During these games, participants not only “absorb” certain knowledge, but construct new model actions, relationships. During the discussion, the game participants, with the help of specialists, try to analyze the situation from all sides and find an acceptable solution. Approximate themes of the games could be: “Morning in your home”, “Walk in your family”, “Weekend: what is it like?” (Appendix 12. Business game“Psychological readiness of a child for school”)

Trainings. Training game exercises and assignments help to give an assessment in various ways interaction with the child, choose more successful forms of addressing him and communicating with him, replacing undesirable ones with constructive ones. A parent involved in game training begins to communicate with the child and comprehends new truths. (Appendix 13. Training “Socio-emotional development of children”).

Board of Trustees. One of the new forms of work with parents, which is a collegial self-government body, constantly operating on a voluntary basis at a preschool educational institution. (Appendix 14. Generally accepted regulations on the board of trustees of preschool educational institutions).

Days of good deeds. Days of voluntary feasible assistance from parents to the group, preschool educational institution - repair of toys, furniture, group, assistance in creating a subject-development environment in the group. This form allows you to establish an atmosphere of warm, friendly relationships between the teacher and parents. Depending on the work plan, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for parental assistance, discuss each visit, the type of assistance that the parent can provide, etc.
Similar forms: Communication Days, Father's Day (grandparents, etc.)
The cognitive group also includes individual forms of interaction with parents. The advantage of this form of work with parents is that through studying the specifics of the family, conversations with parents (with each individual), observing the communication of parents with children, both in a group and at home, teachers outline specific ways of joint interaction with the child.

Pedagogical conversations with parents. Providing timely assistance to parents on one or another issue of education. This is one of the most accessible forms of establishing communication with family. The conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting or family visit.
The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue; Its peculiarity is the active participation of both the teacher and parents. Conversations can arise spontaneously at the initiative of both parents and teachers. The latter thinks through what questions he will ask the parents, announces the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, we must strive to cover, as far as possible, all aspects of education. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the issues of teaching and raising a preschooler. In addition, conversations must meet certain requirements:
be specific and meaningful;
give parents new knowledge on issues of teaching and raising children;
awaken interest in pedagogical problems;
increase the sense of responsibility for raising children.
As a rule, the conversation begins with general questions; it is necessary to provide facts that positively characterize the child. It is recommended to think through in detail its beginning, on which success and progress depend. The conversation is individual and addressed to specific people. The teacher should select recommendations that are suitable for a given family and create an environment conducive to “pour out” the soul. For example, a teacher wants to find out the features of raising a child in a family. You can start this conversation with positive characteristics child, to show, even if insignificant, his successes and achievements. Then you can ask your parents how they managed to achieve positive results in their upbringing. Next, you can tactfully dwell on the problems of raising a child, which, in the teacher’s opinion, still need to be improved. For example: “At the same time, I would like to pay attention to the education of hard work, independence, strengthening the child, etc.” Give specific advice.

Family visit. The main purpose of the visit is to get to know the child and his loved ones in a familiar environment. By playing with a child, in a conversation with his loved ones, you can find out a lot of necessary information about the baby, his preferences and interests, etc. The visit benefits both parents and the teacher: parents get an idea of ​​how the teacher communicates with the child, have the opportunity in a familiar environment to ask questions that concern them regarding the upbringing of their child, and allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house, traditions and morals of the family.
The teacher of each age group must visit the families of his pupils. Each visit has its own purpose. The purpose of the first visit to the family is to find out the general conditions of family upbringing and to examine the child’s living conditions. Repeat visits are scheduled as needed.
When organizing a home visit, you must comply with the following conditions:
be tactful when visiting family;
do not start a conversation in the family about the child’s shortcomings;
do not ask parents many questions about raising children;
Make yourself a reminder about organizing home visits and try to follow it.

Individual consultations. Consultations are similar in nature to conversation. The difference is that a conversation is a dialogue between a teacher and a parent, and when conducting a consultation and answering parents’ questions, the teacher strives to give qualified advice.

Individual notebooks where the teacher records the children’s progress in different types activities, parents can mark what interests them in raising their children.

These forms also include:
"Young Family School";
execution of individual orders;
Trust mail;
piggy bank of good deeds, etc..

In addition, there are techniques for creating roles for parents. They can play different formal and informal roles in the development and education program of their children in the kindergarten group. Below are some of them.
Guest of the group. Parents should be encouraged to come to the group to observe and play with their children.
Volunteer. Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help teachers, take part in performances, help organize events, provide transportation, help clean, arrange and decorate group rooms, etc.
Paid position. Some parents may take up a paid position as a member of the educational team.

III. Leisure forms of interaction with parents

Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. In the future, it will be easier for teachers to establish contacts with them and provide pedagogical information. Such forms of cooperation with the family can be effective only if educators pay sufficient attention to the pedagogical content of the event, and the establishment of informal trusting relationships with parents is not the main goal of communication.

Holidays, matinees, events (concerts, competitions). This group of forms includes the holding by teachers of preschool institutions of such traditional joint holidays and leisure activities as “New Year’s Eve”, “Christmas Fun”, “Maslenitsa” (Appendix 15. Maslenitsa scenario), “Mothers’ Day”, “Maslenitsa” Best dad", "Dad, Mom, I - Friendly family”, “Harvest Festival”, etc. (Appendix 16. Scenario of the holiday “Come on, grandma! Come on, grandpa!”), evening of interaction “How we greeted spring” (Appendix 17. Evening script) . You can’t do without sports entertainment such as “Zarnichka”, family Olympic Games (Appendix 18. Scenario “Summer Family Olympic Games”). Such evenings help create emotional comfort in the group and bring together the participants in the pedagogical process. Parents can show their ingenuity and imagination in various competitions. They can act as direct participants: participate in drafting the script, read poems, sing songs, play the musical instruments and tell interesting stories etc.

Exhibitions of works by parents and children, family opening days. Such exhibitions, as a rule, demonstrate the results of joint activities of parents and children. This is an important moment in building relationships between a child and a parent and is significant for the teacher (increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group, one of the indicators of comfort intra-family relations). For example, the exhibitions “A birch tree stood in the field”, “Miracles for children from unnecessary things”, vernissages “Mom’s hands, dad’s hands and my little hands”, “Nature and fantasy”

Joint hikes and excursions. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. As a result, children develop hard work, accuracy, attention to loved ones, and respect for work. This is the beginning of patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for one’s family. Children return from these trips enriched with new impressions about nature, insects, and their region. Then they enthusiastically draw, make crafts from natural materials, and design exhibitions of joint creativity.

Charity events. This form of joint activity has great educational significance not only for children who learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give. Parents will also not remain indifferent, seeing how their child enthusiastically plays with friends in kindergarten in a game long abandoned at home, and the favorite book has become even more interesting and sounds new in the circle of friends. And this is a lot of work, educating the human soul. For example, the “Give a book to a friend” campaign. Thanks to this form of work with parents, the group’s library can be updated and expanded.

These forms also include:
circles and sections;
clubs of fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers;
weekend club (Appendix 19. Weekend club program);
release of a wall newspaper (Appendix 20. Article “Wall newspaper as a means of interaction between teachers and parents in raising children”);
home living rooms (Appendix 21. Home living room scenario);
work of the theater troupe children - parents (joint production of performances);
family meetings;
cycling marathon dedicated to Children's Day (June 1);
music and literary salons;
collecting, etc.

IV. Visual and informational forms of interaction with parents.

These forms of communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques of home education, and more objectively see the activities of the teacher.
Visual information forms are conditionally divided into two subgroups:
1. The objectives of one of them - information and awareness-raising - is to familiarize parents with the preschool institution itself, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and to overcome superficial opinions about the work of the preschool institution.
2. The tasks of the other group - information and educational - are close to the tasks of cognitive forms and are aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the peculiarities of the development and upbringing of children preschool age. Their specificity lies in the fact that the communication between teachers and parents here is not direct, but indirect - through newspapers, the organization of exhibitions, etc., therefore they were separated into an independent subgroup, and not combined with cognitive forms.
In their use, it is necessary to observe the principle of purposefulness and the principle of systematicity. The main task of these forms of work is to introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children in a preschool educational institution (group) and to help overcome superficial judgments about the role of a kindergarten and provide practical assistance to the family. These include:
tape recording (dictaphone) of conversations with children,
video clips of organizing various types of activities, regime moments, classes;
exhibitions of children's works,
stands, screens, sliding folders.
In pedagogical practice they use and combine different kinds visibility:
But it should be noted that the attitude of teachers towards traditional methods of visual propaganda at the present stage of development of the relationship between teacher and parents is ambiguous. A number of educators are convinced that visual forms of communication with parents are ineffective in modern conditions. They explain this by the fact that parents are not interested in the materials posted on stands and mobile folders. And teachers often try to replace direct communication with parents with information announcements, articles from newspapers and magazines. According to other educators, visual forms of communication are capable of fulfilling the task of familiarizing parents with the methods and techniques of education and providing them with assistance in solving emerging problems. In this case, the teacher needs to act as a qualified adviser who can suggest the necessary material and discuss the difficulty with the parents.
Let's consider a group of traditional information and orientation forms.
Corner for parents. It is impossible to imagine a kindergarten without a beautifully and originally designed parent corner. It contains information useful for parents and children: the group’s daily routine, class schedule, daily menu, useful articles and reference materials for parents. Parent corner materials can be divided into two parts according to content:
informational materials: rules for parents, daily routine, announcements of various types;
materials covering the issues of raising children in kindergarten and family. They reflect the current work on the upbringing and development of children. Parents will clearly see how they can equip a corner or room for their child, receive answers to their questions, and find out what consultations will be held in the near future.
The main thing is that the content of the parent corner should be brief, clear, and legible, so that parents would have a desire to refer to its content. It is also very important not only to fill the corner with the latest and most useful information, but also to make it colorful and eye-catching. To do this you need:
1. Choose a suitable place on the wall. It is advisable to place a corner opposite the front door or immediately above the cabinets in the dressing room. This way, the necessary information will immediately catch the parents’ eyes. Make room on the wall for the future parent's corner. Make a flatbed stand out of plywood or buy a ready-made one, preferably a collapsible one, so that you can increase or decrease the area of ​​the stand if necessary.
2. Decide what exactly will fill the parent stand. Posters with background information must be present: parents about the rights of the child, life safety for parents (personal safety rules), parents and the second child, advice from doctors, parents and their responsibilities, etc.
3. Pay attention to the content of reference materials. All articles must be written in accessible language, without complex terms, with a font size of at least 14 points. Supplement the information with colorful drawings.
4. Prepare and post information about children's institution and staff, indicating contact numbers. This will give parents the opportunity to receive personal advice if necessary. The daily schedule, daily menu, information about the students in the group (height, weight and other indicators) - all this is an indispensable part of the parent's corner.
5. Traditionally, the parent's corner is designed in the form of a tower, the roof of which can be made of any material (paper, self-adhesive oilcloth, straw, branches, etc.). The corner is decorated with drawings, appliqués and children’s crafts. You can also ask the parents themselves, who together with their children will gladly take part in this creative event.
But you can also think about non-trivial design of the corner. There can be many options here. You can design your stand in accordance with the name of the group or the general design of the reception area. For example, in the form of a train with carriages. To do this, glue on wheels made of multi-colored cardboard to each article or memo (they are usually issued in A4 format), and make the edging of the trailers with colored paper (Appendix 22. Wall newspaper “Corner for Parents”).

Exhibitions, vernissages of children's works. Their goal is to demonstrate to parents important sections of the program or the children’s progress in mastering the program (drawings, homemade toys, children’s books, albums, etc.).
For example: an exhibition dedicated to sections of the program “Fine art activities of children in the family and kindergarten”, “Toys and their educational role” or exhibitions of children’s works “Autumn - stocking up”, “Winter has come”, etc.

Information sheets. They may contain the following information:
information about additional activities with children (Appendix 23. Information sheet);
announcements of meetings, events, excursions;
requests for help;
thanks to volunteer helpers, etc.

Reminders for parents. A short description (instructions) of the correct (competent) implementation of any actions (Appendix 23. A series of instructions for preschool educational institutions).

Movable folders. They are formed according to the thematic principle: “So that our children do not get sick,” “The role of the father in raising children,” etc. The folder is given for temporary use to parents. When parents become familiar with the contents of the travel folder, you should talk with them about what they read, answer questions that have arisen, listen to suggestions, etc. (Appendix 24. Folder “Note to parents”).

The parent newspaper is prepared by the parents themselves. In it, they note interesting incidents from the life of the family and share their experiences of education on certain issues. For example, “Family day off”, “My mom”, “My dad”, “I’m at home”, etc.

Video films. They are created on a specific topic, for example, “Labor education of a child in the family,” “Labor education of children in kindergarten,” etc.

These forms of work with parents include:
design of photomontages;
joint creation of a subject-development environment;
family and group albums “Our Friendly Family”, “Our Life Day by Day”, “Education from All Sides”;
photo exhibitions “My grandmother is the best”, “Mom and me, happy moments”, “Dad, mom, me - a friendly family”;
emotional corner “This is how I am today”, “Hello, I’m here” and others.

V. Information and analytical forms of organizing interaction with parents

The main task of information and analytical forms of organizing communication with parents is the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, the presence of the necessary pedagogical knowledge, the attitude of the family towards the child, the requests, interests, needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, personality-oriented approach to a child in a preschool institution, to increase the effectiveness of educational educational work with children and building competent communication with their parents.

Questioning. One of the most common diagnostic methods used by preschool employees to study the family, determine the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child (Appendix 25. Questionnaire “Interaction between parents and teachers”).
Having received the real picture, based on the collected data, the teacher determines and develops communication tactics with each parent and child. This helps to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.
Based on questionnaire data, it is possible to develop criteria for the “involvement” of parents in the educational process. It can reflect quantitative indicators of parental presence at group events: attendance at parent-teacher meetings and consultations; the presence of parents at children's parties, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions and thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the “Open Day”; assistance from parents in equipping the pedagogical process. As well as quality indicators: initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults. This analysis allows us to identify three groups of parents.
Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process and see the value of any work of a child care institution.
Parents are performers who take part subject to significant motivation.
Parents are critical observers. A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”
All this will help the teacher find a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

VI. Written forms of interaction with parents

What is new in the practice of kindergarten work with families is the use of written forms of communication with parents. How and when to use written forms of communication?
When time constraints or difficulties with your parents' work schedule prevent you from meeting them in person; If you don't have a phone or want to discuss an issue in person, some forms of written communication can help you stay in touch with your parents. But you should not abuse such forms of communication. Since they do not contribute to the cohesion of the parent-child team of the group. And some (brochure, manual, newsletter, report) are more suitable for organizing work with parents throughout the kindergarten.

Brochures. Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of the kindergarten and give general information about it.

Benefits. The manuals contain detailed information about the kindergarten. Families can access benefits throughout the year.

Bulletin. A newsletter can be issued once or twice a month to keep families informed about special events, program changes, and more.

Weekly notes. A weekly note addressed directly to parents informs the family about the child's health, mood, behavior in kindergarten, his favorite activities and other information.
Informal notes. Caregivers can send short notes home with the child to inform the family about the child's new achievement or skill just mastered, to thank the family for the help provided; there may be recordings of children's speech, interesting statements from the child, etc. Families can also send notes to the kindergarten expressing gratitude or containing requests.

Personal notebooks. Such notebooks can travel between the kindergarten and the family every day to share information about what is happening at home and in the kindergarten. Families can notify providers about special family events such as birthdays, new job, trips, guests.

Bulletin board. A notice board is a wall display that informs parents about daily meetings, etc.

Suggestion box. This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, allowing them to share their thoughts with a group of educators.

Reports. Written reports of child development are a form of communication with families that can be useful, provided they do not replace face-to-face contact.

VII. Criteria for the effectiveness of using various forms of work with parents in the upbringing and development of a child’s personality

Unfortunately, forms and methods in themselves are not so significant. In recent years, scientists and practitioners have developed many bright and interesting forms of working with parents. But in most cases, these forms exist on their own, because work with families is assessed by the number of activities and their quality, demand from parents, and how much the efforts of the teaching staff have helped parents and children are not analyzed at all.
In order to effectively solve this problem, the administration of the preschool educational institution, and educators, need to conduct an analysis (self-analysis) of the effectiveness (quantitative and qualitative) of the activities that are carried out by kindergarten specialists.
To determine the effectiveness of efforts spent on interaction with parents, you can use surveys, feedback books, score sheets, express diagnostics, and other methods immediately after an event. Equally important is self-analysis on the part of teachers.
When working with parents, repeated diagnostics, interviews with children, observations, recording the activity of parents, etc. can be used to track and evaluate delayed outcome.
The effectiveness of work with parents carried out in a preschool institution is evidenced by:
showing parents interest in the content of the educational process with their children;
the emergence of discussions and disputes on their initiative;
answers to parents' questions by themselves; giving examples from your own experience;
an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the child’s personality and his inner world;
the desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;
reflection of parents on the correctness of using certain methods of education;
increasing their activity in analyzing pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing controversial issues.
Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education? Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions.
Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.
To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
In the practice of a modern kindergarten, standard forms of work are often used: parent meetings, parent committees, exhibitions, less often conferences, Open Days, which are held irregularly, and the topic does not always coincide with the content. Few parents take part in Open Days. Events such as a tournament of experts, KVNs, quizzes are actually not held.
This happens for several reasons:
no desire to change anything;
stable stamps in work;
a lot of time spent on preparation, etc.
inability to set specific tasks, fill them with appropriate content, or choose methods;
when choosing methods and forms of cooperation, the capabilities and living conditions of specific families are not taken into account;
quite often, especially young educators, use only collective forms of work with families;
insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;
inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the characteristics of raising children;
inability to plan joint work with children and parents;
Some, especially young, teachers have insufficiently developed communication skills.
The practical material presented above from work experience is necessary for the two systems (kindergarten and family) to become open to each other and help to reveal the child’s abilities and capabilities.
And if the work with parents described above and its analysis are carried out in the system and not “on paper”, then it will gradually give certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” will become active participants in meetings and assistants to the teacher and the administration of the preschool educational institution, since This will create an atmosphere of mutual respect. And the position of parents as educators will become more flexible, since they have become direct participants in the educational process of their children, feeling more competent in raising children. Lesson with parents in kindergarten. Abstract

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There is no unity of views in defining the educational process. Its specificity is revealed only when compared with the processes of development and personality formation. Formation, development is the goal, education is the means to achieve it. Education is a process purposeful formation personality. This is a specially organized, managed and controlled interaction between educators and students, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of a personality that is necessary and useful for oneself and society. In the modern understanding, education is the effective interaction (cooperation) of educators and students aimed at achieving a given goal.

The educational process has a number of features. First of all, this is a goal-oriented process. The greatest effectiveness is ensured by its organization in which the goal of education turns into a goal that is close and understandable to the student. It is the unity of goals and cooperation in achieving them that characterizes the modern educational process. At the same time, the process of upbringing is multifactorial; it reveals numerous objective and subjective factors that, through their combined action, determine the unimaginable complexity of the process. The complexity of the educational process lies in the fact that its results are not so clearly perceptible and do not reveal themselves as quickly as, for example, in the learning process. The process of education is dynamic, mobile, changeable and, in addition, differs in duration. In fact, it lasts a lifetime. One of the features of the educational process is its continuity (Podlasy 1999: 173).

Preschool education- this is a continuous, systematic interaction between educators, students and their parents. If the process of education is interrupted, proceeds from case to case, then the teacher constantly has to re-create a “trace” in the consciousness of the pupil, instead of deepening it and developing stable habits. The educational process is complex, which means the unity of goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of the educational process, subordinated to the idea of ​​the integrity of personality formation. The educational process is characterized by significant variability (ambiguity) and uncertainty of results (Smirnov 2004: 230).

In a modern preschool institution, the education process includes:

Holistic formation of personality, taking into account the goal of comprehensive, harmonious development;

Formation moral qualities personality based on universal human values, socially oriented motivation, harmony of intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of personality development;

Introducing preschool children to social values ​​in the field of science, culture, and art;

Developing a life position that corresponds to the democratic transformations of society, the rights and responsibilities of the individual;

Development of the inclinations, abilities and interests of the individual, taking into account his capabilities and desires, as well as social requirements;

Organization of cognitive activities of preschool children, developing individual and social consciousness;

Organization of personal and socially valuable, diverse activities that stimulate the formation of personality qualities determined by the purpose of education;

Development of the most important social function of the individual - communication in changing conditions labor activity and increased social tension.

The object of the study is the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family.

The subject of our research is the content, organizational forms and methods of joint work of a preschool educational institution and a family in raising children.

Purpose of the study: to identify the content, organizational forms and methods, to summarize the experience of joint work of a preschool educational institution and a family in raising children.

Research objectives:

1) study of literature on the problem;

2) study of the theoretical features of the joint work of a preschool educational institution and a family in raising children;

3) selection of diagnostic techniques for the problem under study.

The paper presents a generalization of the pedagogical experience of teachers of the Dudacha kindergarten “Spikelet”.

Hypothesis. We hypothesized that the process of aesthetic development of preschool children will be more fruitful if teachers and parents of pupils work in unity, purposefully, helping each other, fulfilling each other’s wishes and instructions.

The following research methods were used in the work:

Theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison),

Empirical (generalization of teaching experience).

The work consists of an introduction, two main sections, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.


1.1 Forms and methods of joint work between preschool educational institutions and families

Methods of raising children in the family are the ways (methods) by which the purposeful pedagogical influence of parents on the consciousness and behavior of children is carried out. Educational methods have their own specifics:

The influence on the child is individual, based on specific actions and tailored to the individual;

The choice of methods depends on the pedagogical culture of the parents: understanding of the purpose of education, parental role, ideas about values, style of relationships in the family, etc.

Therefore, methods of family education bear a vivid imprint of the personality of the parents and are inseparable from them. How many parents - so many varieties of methods. For example, some parents’ persuasion is a gentle suggestion, while others have a threat, a scream. When a family's relationship with children is close, warm, and friendly, the main method is encouragement. In cold, alienated relationships, severity and punishment naturally prevail. The methods are very dependent on the priorities set by the parents: some want to instill obedience, and therefore their methods are aimed at ensuring that the child unfailingly fulfills the demands of adults. Others consider it more important to teach independent thinking and initiative and, naturally, find appropriate methods for this (Sysenko 2003).

All parents use common methods of family education: persuasion (explanation, suggestion, advice); personal example; encouragement (praise, gifts, interesting prospects for children), punishment (deprivation of pleasures, refusal of friendship, corporal punishment). In some families, on the advice of teachers, educational situations are created and used.

There are various means of solving educational problems in the family. Among these means: word, folklore, parental authority, nature, traditions, radio, press, museums and exhibitions, games and toys, sports, physical education, holidays, symbols, attributes, relics, etc.

The choice and application of parenting methods are based on a number of general conditions:

1. Parents’ knowledge of their children, their positive and negative qualities: what they read, what they are interested in, what assignments they carry out, what kind of relationships they have with peers and teachers, adults, children, what they value most in people, etc. Seemingly simple information, but 41% of parents do not know what books their children read; 48% - what films they watch; 67% - what kind of music they like; more than half of parents cannot say anything about their children’s hobbies.

2. The personal experience of parents, their authority, the nature of family relationships, and the desire to educate by personal example also affect the choice of methods. This group of parents usually choose visual methods; training is used relatively more often.

3. If parents prefer joint activities, then practical methods usually prevail. Intensive communication during joint work, watching TV shows, hiking, walking gives good results: Children are more open, this helps parents understand them better. There is no joint activity, no reason or opportunity for communication.

4. The pedagogical culture of parents has a decisive influence on the choice of methods, means, and forms of education. It has long been noted that in families of teachers and educated people, children are better brought up. Consequently, learning pedagogy and mastering the secrets of educational influence is not at all a luxury, but a practical necessity. “The pedagogical knowledge of parents is especially important during the period when the father and mother are the only educators of their child... At the ages of 2 to 6 years, the mental development and spiritual life of children depends decisively on... the elementary pedagogical culture of the mother and father, which is expressed in the wise understanding the most complex mental movements of a developing person,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky (quoted from: Sukhomlinsky 1979: 173).

Kindergarten and school play a leading role in organizing family and public education. To successfully coordinate educational influence, they must restructure their work, abandon previous, largely formalized forms of work with parents and the public, and take a humanistic position in pedagogical education.

Coordination activities of preschool educational institutions, family and public education of children is carried out in the following organizational forms:

1. Coordination of plans educational work teaching staff, parents, public councils, libraries, stadiums, police and health authorities with a clear distribution of functions of each of these participants in the educational process.

2. Organization by the preschool institution of systematic training for parents and members of the public in the most effective methods of working with children.

3. A thorough study and joint discussion of the progress and results of educational work, identifying the causes of detected deficiencies and implementing joint measures to eliminate them.

The kindergarten carries out its main work with parents through parent associations bearing various names - parent committees, councils, congresses, associations, assistance societies, assemblies, presidiums, commissions, clubs. Each of these associations has its own charter (regulations, regulations, plan), which determines the main directions of activity, rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process. In many cases, a single plan for joint activities of the family, preschool educational institution and the public is drawn up.

Parents gained access to consideration of those issues where they were traditionally not allowed - the choice of subjects for study, determining the scope of their study, drawing up curriculums; developing a system of measures to ensure discipline, work, rest, nutrition, medical care for preschool children, a system of rewards and punishments, etc. In a word, with well-organized joint activities, the preschool educational institution and the family become real partners in raising children, where everyone has well-defined tasks and does their part of the work (Kolechenko 2006: 41).

The work to create common ethical, aesthetic, moral, volitional, and intellectual values ​​begins with the creation of a parent school. Her asset, as the most capable of cooperation, is to convince all parents of the need to study the foundations of humanistic pedagogy, pedagogy of cooperation, and the activity approach. The result should be to stimulate the desire to expand one’s knowledge and learn the practical foundations of proper upbringing of children in the family.

Most parents would like to see their children gifted and cultured, educated and successful. The relationship between the kindergarten and the family is built on this natural desire. The latter becomes an open system for coordinating educational conditions. Coordinating the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family means eliminating contradictions and creating a homogeneous educational and developmental environment. The joint activities of the family and the preschool educational institution are aimed at developing children’s moral qualities, physical health, intellectual qualities, and aesthetic perception of the world around them (Pastukhova 2007: 54).

Modern family education is based on the principles of humanistic pedagogy:

Creativity - free development of children's abilities;

Humanism - recognition of the individual as an absolute value;

Democracy, based on the establishment of equal spiritual relations between adults and children;

Citizenship based on awareness of the place of one’s “I” in the social and state system;

Retrospectiveness, which allows for education based on the traditions of folk pedagogy;

Priority of universal human moral norms and values.

The development and upbringing of a child in a family requires a variety of activity situations in which the formation of a personality of a given orientation occurs (Lizinsky 2004: 60).

Since the interaction between the family and the preschool institution plays an important role in the development of the child and ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education, a detailed study of the family is necessary.

In recent years, attention to the study of the family as an educational institution has increased from pedagogy, psychology, sociology and other sciences. However, the possibilities of scientists in research are limited due to the fact that the family is a rather closed unit of society, reluctant to initiate outsiders into all the secrets of life, relationships, and values ​​that it professes.

Methods for studying the family are tools with the help of which data characterizing the family are collected, analyzed, and generalized, and many relationships and patterns of home education are revealed.

Among the methods of studying the family, sociological methods have become quite common: sociological surveys, interviews and questionnaires. The interview method requires the creation of conditions conducive to the sincerity of respondents. The productivity of the interview increases if it is conducted in an informal setting; contacts between the teacher and the subjects are colored by personal sympathies.

The questionnaire method (written survey) allows you to collect a lot of data that interests the teacher. This method is distinguished by a certain flexibility in the possibility of obtaining and processing the resulting material (Miklyaeva 2006: 28).

In work on family studies, it is necessary to use contact questionnaires, i.e. The teacher himself organizes the survey and collects questionnaires.

The study of the family must be carried out consistently, systematically, therefore it is necessary to outline areas of work, a kind of plan. As an approximate plan, we offer you a plan drawn up taking into account the recommendations of scientists V.V. Kotyrlo and S.A. Ladyvir:

1. Family composition, professions, educational level of parents, other adult family members taking part in raising the child.

2. General family atmosphere, features of relationships between family members:

Friendly tone of communication with each other;

Changeable, contradictory nature of relationships;

A kind of autonomy for each member in the family.

3. The purpose of raising a child at home.

4. The degree to which parents are aware of the special role of the preschool period of childhood in the formation of the child’s personality.

5. Family priorities in raising a child: health, development of moral qualities, mental, artistic abilities, early education of the child.

6. Level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills of parents:

Availability of certain knowledge and readiness to replenish and deepen it;

Limited knowledge and susceptibility to pedagogical education;

Low level of knowledge and negative attitude to their acquisition.

7. Features of educational influences:

Participation of all adults in education, degree of coordination of educational activities;

Inconsistency, lack of coordination in upbringing, presence of conflicts regarding upbringing; a family member who primarily performs an educational function;

Lack of upbringing as a purposeful influence, conditions for the full development of the child.

8. Organization of modern forms of activity in the family:

Community in all family affairs, involvement of the child in family affairs, concerns;

Differentiation of responsibilities among adults, occasional involvement of the child in family affairs;

Disunity of adults in family matters, isolation of the child from family affairs and concerns.

9. The family’s attitude towards the preschool institution:

They highly appreciate the educational opportunities of the kindergarten and are ready to cooperate;

They are wary and distrustful of kindergarten and do not see the need for cooperation;

They shift all educational functions to the kindergarten and are not ready to cooperate;

They are indifferent to kindergarten and to raising their own child (Doronova 2006: 52).

The plan for studying the experience of family education is implemented using various methods, among which the most common are the methods of conversation and observation.

A conversation differs from an interview in that it has greater freedom in both organization and content, a more informal atmosphere and relationships between the interlocutors. But this does not mean that the conversation should not be organized in advance. In accordance with the intended goal, the teacher thinks through a conversation plan and identifies key issues. During the conversation, you can obtain the necessary information about such aspects of home education that are hidden from prying eyes. This is a flexible, targeted, quickly adjustable method. The conversation is needed to confirm, specify or refute some hypothetical conclusions made on the basis of a preliminary study of the experience of family education using other methods. To successfully conduct a conversation, you must have the ability to win over someone, inspire trust, and be able to direct the conversation in the right direction (Miklyaeva 2006: 34).

During the conversation, parents should feel that the teacher has no other goal than to provide assistance. This will promote confidence and improve the pedagogical effectiveness of the conversation. Care should be taken in assessing the personal qualities of family members, especially the child, to be able to emphasize positive qualities, and to create a certain “pedagogical hope” among parents.

Observation as a method of studying family is characterized by purposefulness. The teacher determines in advance for what purpose, when, and in what situation the parents will be observed and their interaction with the child. This usually happens during morning reception hours and during the child's daycare hours. An observant teacher will notice many features of the relationship between an adult and a child, by which one can judge the degree of their emotional attachment and culture of communication. Based on what the child’s parents ask about in the evening and what instructions they give him in the morning, one can draw a conclusion about the priorities of modern education and the attitude towards the preschool institution. The interest of parents in children's works, advice and recommendations placed on the information stand is indicative.

The teacher must use not only observation from the outside, but also participant observation, i.e. create special situations: joint work; leisure; classes with parents and children.

In the process of participant observation, the teacher can see those family aspects of upbringing that are often hidden during external observation.

It should be remembered that in an informal setting, both adults and children reveal their different facets, so it is recommended to involve parents and other family members: in the preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment; in organizing an excursion (Evdokimova 2005: 16).

Usually in such situations, all adults feel responsible for children (and not just for their child), their activities, safety, and try to actively express themselves, so the teacher sees many of the educational techniques of his assistants, which gives grounds to judge the style and methods of home education.

The veil of the peculiarities of home education can be lifted by such a method as the child performing some practical task in the presence of his mother (father, grandmother). The teacher specifically concretizes the situation: before mom arrives, she invites Yulia to wash the doll’s dress, Sasha - to disassemble the crafts from the construction set and arrange the parts into the cells of the box, etc. The teacher observes and analyzes the mother’s reaction to her daughter’s (son’s) activity, the nature of her help, methods of stimulating or suppressing the child’s independence, assessing the quality of the child’s work, diligence and effort, etc.

Analysis of observation results, supported by data obtained using other methods, will shed light on the cause of many “pros” and “cons” in the child’s development, will make it possible to determine lines of interaction with the family, and strengthen one’s educational work in the group in this area.

Preschool educators must remember that it is impossible to draw conclusions about the specifics of home education based on the results of a single observation: it is necessary to observe the phenomenon being studied many times, in similar and different conditions.

1.3 The role of the preschool educational institution in improving the pedagogical culture of the family

Working with parents, preschool teachers must improve the pedagogical culture of parents. And for this they need to know:

What is the organizational activity of a preschool institution aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of the family;

What forms of work should be used to improve the pedagogical culture of the family.

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents in order to improve their pedagogical culture is one of the areas of activity of a preschool institution. Improving the pedagogical culture of the family includes the promotion of literature on pedagogical topics, since the task of teachers is to awaken parents’ interest in pedagogical literature and help them choose theoretically reliable sources from the stream of modern publications.

The entire teaching staff of the institution, as well as specialists of other profiles (psychologist, doctor, nurse, speech therapist, heads of clubs and sections of additional education) should be involved in the above activities. It must be remembered that the focus of a preschool institution on improving the pedagogical culture of a particular family increases the requirements for the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the characteristics of age development child, patterns and principles of education and training (Solodyankina 2005: 47).

The importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution.


2.1 Areas of difficulty in interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

Both interacting parties are interested in children, in their upbringing; they do not imagine this upbringing as joint, carried out in the course of cooperation.

Thus, the sphere of appeal of parents and educators to each other and the sphere of desired help indicate a mismatch between these spheres. In order for these areas to be coordinated, educators need to not only use situational and organizational issues when working with parents, but also issues related to the development of the child, his education and upbringing.

Recommendations for organizing interaction. Since the most problematic area for educators is organizational issues related to the inclusion of parents in the life of a preschool institution, activities are needed to encourage parents to become involved in the life of a preschool institution. Since parents are interested, first of all, in the development of their children, it is preferable to encourage them to take part in the life of a preschool educational institution through awareness of the importance of this for the development of their children. Parents must realize the specific positive consequences for the child of their inclusion in the life of a preschool institution.

As the most effective form of persuasion, we can propose a group discussion by parents and teachers of parental participation in organizational activities in various forms, during which it is necessary to encourage parents to find the positive aspects of their participation in the life of the preschool educational institution, take an active position and make decisions independently (Evdokimova 2007: 52) .

The most problematic area of ​​interaction for parents is the lack of psychological consultations on problems of development and education of children, their preparation for school, i.e. psychological counseling on issues of education and upbringing, as well as age characteristics of children.

This problem can be solved at the level of organizing the work of a preschool institution as a whole, i.e. You can suggest that parents contact a specialist in this field - a psychologist or social teacher working in a preschool institution.

One of the reasons for difficulties in interaction is the lower assessment by preschool employees of the importance of the family in the upbringing and education of children than the family’s assessment of their own importance. This can lead to parents feeling unneeded by the preschool. Therefore, it is necessary for educators to recognize and understand the role of the family in the upbringing and education of the child, including those areas of education that have traditionally been considered the prerogative of public education, for example, preparation for school, as well as the role of interaction between the preschool institution and the family on all issues of child development (Zvereva 2005: 49) .

In order to increase the efficiency and productivity of interaction, it is advisable to develop specific programs for working with parents and teaching staff. To develop such programs, it is necessary to conduct research aimed at finding out exactly what forms of organizing consultations for parents would be most effective, in what forms it is possible to more actively involve parents in the educational process of a preschool institution.

2.2 Analysis and generalization of teaching experience

“Believe in the talent and creative powers of each student!” (quoted from: Rodchanin 1991: 89). These are the words of one of the most remarkable pedagogical figures of our time - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky. The experience of his own many years of teaching practice, a generalization of the vast pedagogical heritage of the past, convinced him that “the power and possibilities of education are inexhaustible” (quoted from: Rodchanin 1991: 96).

Let us give examples from the work experience of the outstanding teacher of our time V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Attitude towards the child. V.A. Sukhomlinsky is a worthy heir to the humanistic tradition. At the Pavlyshevskaya school, education without punishment was the pedagogical principle of the entire teaching staff. Sukhomlinsky, unlike his predecessors, understood punishment much more deeply. “Among teachers,” noted Sukhomlinsky, “one can often hear talk about reward and punishment. Meanwhile, the most important encouragement and punishment, the most powerful punishment in pedagogical work is evaluation” (quoted in: Sukhomlinsky 1979: 172).

Firstly, V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that only the teacher who loves children has the right to use a sharp assessment tool. A teacher should be as dear to a child as a mother. The student's faith in the teacher, mutual trust between them, humanity and kindness - this is what the teacher needs, what children want to see in their mentor.

Secondly, speaking about assessment as an instrument of punishment, Sukhomlinsky considered it permissible to use it only for high school students; In primary school, punishment with an unsatisfactory grade especially hurts, insults and humiliates the dignity of the child. Sukhomlinsky’s assessment is always optimistic; it is a reward for work, not a punishment for laziness. He respected " child punishment" A month, six months, a year, the child “may not succeed at something, but the time will come to learn.” A child’s consciousness is a powerful but slow river, and for everyone it has its own speed.

Sukhomlinsky recommends that teachers call parents to school not because of poor performance or discipline of their child when he does something good. Even though it may seem insignificant at first glance, it is a kind deed. In the presence of the child, you need to praise, support and definitely write in your diary. The education system, which is based on the assessment of only positive results, extremely rarely leads to mental breakdowns and the emergence of “difficult” adolescents (Sukhomlinsky 1979: 177).

The impact on the unstable, easily vulnerable psyche of a child by the force of moral condemnation of the collective most often leads to the child “breaking down”, becoming a hypocrite and opportunist, or, what is no less scary, becoming embittered in blind hatred against everyone. On this basis, it would be incorrect to conclude that Sukhomlinsky generally denied the educational role of the collective. “A team can become an educational environment only if,” Sukhomlinsky believed, “when it is created in a joint creative activity, in work that brings joy to everyone, enriches them spiritually and intellectually, and develops interests and abilities.”

“Education without punishment is not a narrow school matter,” said Sukhomlinsky. “This is one of the most important problems... of the reconstruction of society, its subtlest and most complex spheres - human consciousness, behavior, relationships” (quoted in: Rodchanin 1991: 97).

Vasily Aleksandrovich wrote: “I was surprised by my opponent’s view of punishment as a necessary, inevitable thing in the system of educational work... I didn’t pull out of thin air the truth that our children can be raised only with kindness, only with affection, without punishment... And if on a mass scale , in all schools it is impossible to do this, not because education without punishment is impossible, but because many teachers do not know how to educate without punishment. If you want there to be no criminals in our country... - raise children without punishment” (Sukhomlinsky 1979: 164).

To the beautiful through the beautiful. Sukhomlinsky shared the opinion that the success of education is largely determined by the development of the emotional and sensory sphere.

In introducing children to beauty, he always used a number of psychological aspects and pedagogical commandments. First of all, education for beauty was based on positive emotions. Where even the slightest compulsion of a child’s soul begins, there can be no talk of aesthetic education. The world of beauty for a child begins in the family. “The subtlety of a person’s feeling, emotional sensitivity, impressionability, sensitivity, empathy, penetrating into the spiritual world of another person - all this is comprehended primarily in the family.” For a child, the most dear, close, beautiful being is the mother. A mother is not only warmth, comfort, attention. This is a world of sun, love, kindness, affection, the whole world is in the hands of a mother. And how a person grows up depends on what this world is like (Sukhomlinsky 1979: 181).

2.3 Interaction between kindergarten and family in the process of aesthetic development of children

The ability to feel, understand and appreciate beauty does not come on its own; it must be systematically developed from an early age. To strive for this goal means to carry out aesthetic education, which contributes to the development of a harmonious personality. The formation of a creative personality is impossible without close contact with parents. “Two banks of one river” is the main principle by which interaction between preschool educational institutions and families is built on all issues, including the aesthetic development of children.

The main goal of aesthetic education of children is:

Development of the ability of artistic vision of the world;

Introduction to the world of art;

Development of artistic and creative abilities (Komarova 2006: 41).

In all three areas, teachers of the Dudacha kindergarten “Spikelet” work closely with the family, which allows them to establish a unity of views in raising a child, involve parents in the pedagogical process, and promote pedagogical knowledge. The construction of any relationship, as a rule, is based on compliance with the principles of interaction.

Principles of interaction with family:

The Krepysh Health School is of great interest to parents. Here parents can learn a lot of useful advice, knowledge about mental and physical health children, tourist walks, joint recreation in nature, the use of artistic, speech and visual material. Parents learn that they can use not only paints, brushes, paper, but also non-traditional and waste materials (cones, feathers, sticks, sand, leaves, etc.). Drawing and newspaper competitions are held for such events:

- “Our sports family” (2009);

- “We are friends with sports” (2010);

- “How we vacationed in the summer” (2009);

- “Alone with Nature” (2010).

2) Involvement of the family in joint activities with children and teachers. It has become a good tradition of the kindergarten to hold creative exhibitions of family works:

- “Christmas tree - green needle” (2010);

- “Sorceress-Autumn” (2010);

- “Merry Parade of Snowmen” (2010);

- “Pillow is my girlfriend” (2010);

- “Autumn Basket” (2011);

- “Bird of Family Happiness” (2011);

- “Miracle Courtyard” (2010);

- “We will make a hundred miracles without offending the forest with our fingers” (2010).

Such competitions help strengthen ties between preschool educational institutions and families. Competitions encourage parents to engage in joint creative activities with their children and develop children’s creative abilities. The purpose of this work is to include parents in a single creative process, form caring, positive relationships with the family. Joint creative work allows adults to fully experience play, work, holidays and much more with their child.

The joint activities of the family and the Dudacha preschool educational institution “Kolosok” can also be seen at exhibitions of creative drawings:

- “I love you, my native land”;

- “I would go to the rescuers”;

- “Winter fun”;

- “Our family hobby”;

- “The coat of arms of our family” (Appendix A).

Here all family members can show their abilities - fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters.

3) Parent counseling (group and individual), individual communication with the family. The following consultations were carried out:

- “How to raise a creative personality in a child”;

- “Artists from the cradle!” ( unconventional techniques in drawing);

- “Artistic and aesthetic development of children”;

- “Formation of a child’s creative personality by means of non-traditional drawing”;

- “Introducing children to museum culture”;

- “Development of children's talent through art”;

- "Organization children's creativity in the summer";

- “How to teach a child to draw.”

Individual communication with the family promotes the development of trusting relationships, helps identify the characteristics of family upbringing, personal problems of parents and children, as well as the needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical training, increases efficiency correctional work. Individual communication with parents on issues of aesthetic development of children is carried out both by group teachers and by the head of the art studio.

4) Use various means information for parents. In each age group kindergarten, in the art studio there are information stands where you can find and read useful information.

There is a library “Mother’s School”, which contains pedagogical literature “Artists from the cradle”, “How to teach a child to draw”, “Journey to the world of beauty”, etc. Thus, sufficient attention is paid to the interaction of kindergarten and family on issues of aesthetic education taking into account an integrated approach to solving this problem. This direction is one of the bridges along which the kindergarten and family, and then the school, walk together, so that together with the child they can be happy and active members of society, capable of coping with any life task.

Since the family has existed, the main concern has been raising children. Increasing the responsibility of parents for raising children, in-depth interaction between the family and preschool educational institutions are closely related to solving the problems of educating parents.

One of the most important aspects of a preschool educational institution’s activities is working with families.

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families also changes. It is important to improve the content, forms and methods of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families in the comprehensive development of the child.

As practice shows, parents choose exactly the kindergarten that is located near their place of residence. Positive characteristics of the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the families of the pupils are laid down at the level of daily affairs and meetings.

The development of such interaction is as follows:

The trusting relationship of teachers and parents cannot be imposed; it appears as a natural desire of both parties;

The interaction process develops sequentially.

The main objectives of cooperation between the Dudacha kindergarten “Kolosok” and parents are the following:

1. Work on enriching the Environment social development child by:

Increasing the activity and responsibility of parents and teachers in solving problems of social development;

Involving potential subjects of social development in the educational space of the kindergarten;

Increasing the level of parental competence.

2. To promote the active involvement of families of pupils in the educational space of the kindergarten and to involve them in cooperation in matters of child development.

3. Develop criteria for the professional activities of teachers, taking into account the level of development, their abilities for self-realization in professional activities.

4. Contribute to the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children.

5. To promote the development among teachers of a respectful attitude towards the traditions of family education of children and recognition of priority parental rights in matters of raising a child.

6. Identify and meet the needs of families of preschool children not covered by the preschool education system.

The system of work of preschool educational institutions with families. To solve these problems, the main directions of work with parents were developed:

Table 1

Principles of working with parents

Family Study Methods

Focused, systematic, planned;

a differentiated approach to working with parents, taking into account the multidimensional specifics of each family;

age-related nature of work with parents;

friendliness, openness.

Questionnaire; child monitoring; family examination using projective techniques; conversation with a child; conversation with parents

Forms of work with parents

General, group, individual

Consultations, conversations, seminars, trainings, conferences

Joint activities, leisure activities, exhibitions

Interest clubs: young family, national traditions, professional interests

Participation of parents in methodological activities: making costumes, game material, video shooting

Open days

Pedagogical living room


Pedagogical education of parents:

In the “education” of parents. An active position of the institution in increasing the level of parental competence is assumed.

Satisfying individual requests of parents in individual and group forms of work.

Study of the state of child development factors associated with his family.

Working with preschool teachers:

Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers.

Satisfying individual requests of teachers related to issues of social development of children and relationships with their parents.

Studying the state of environmental factors for the social development of children in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

Working with preschool students:

Organization of activities of the “School of Good Wizards” aimed at developing the individuality of children.

Correction of social development based on diagnostic results and parents’ requests.

Organization of children's leisure time.

Work with documents:

Formation of an information bank on family work.

Development of a long-term and current work plan.

Preparation of finished and intermediate reports.

Working with parents includes both individual work with each of them and the involvement of parents in the lives of children in kindergarten. In addition to traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions and families, innovative forms and methods are actively used.

Forms of work with families of pupils:

Presentation of preschool educational institution;

Film universities;

Schools for parents;


Frontal and individual surveys of parents, study of the social portrait of pupils’ families;

Group meetings in the form of round tables, discussions, disputes, parents' living rooms.

In the Dudachinsky kindergarten “Kolosok”, great importance is attached to the aesthetic education of children by involving the students’ parents in this. Currently, parents are more than willing to get involved in the life of the kindergarten and are interested in new clubs, exhibitions, and upcoming contests and competitions. And, of course, and this is the main thing, parents are interested in their children: their activities, hobbies, games, competitions.

In the Dudachinsky kindergarten "Kolosok" teachers, parents and children are a single whole, thanks to which each child can receive the necessary knowledge and skills in order to enter a new life, more adult, more responsible, healthy, active and developed.


family preschool educational institution

The current stage of development of the preschool education system involves close interaction between two educational institutions - the family and preschool institutions with the goal of the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, taking into account his capabilities and abilities.

During the preschool years, the child almost completely identifies himself with the family. He perceives the discovery of his own “I” and the world of other people mainly through the prism of judgments, assessments, and actions of his parents. A family is a multifaceted system in which there are not only relationships in the parent-child dyad, but also the interpenetration of the world of adults and the world of children.

Currently, the “open” kindergarten model is actively functioning, which is focused on interaction with the family and provides qualitatively new role loads for parents with the aim of their equal and organic participation in the process of raising and educating children.

The essence of such interaction becomes personality-oriented education, which connects education and training into a single process of help, support and social pedagogical protection child development. This is education focused primarily on the child himself. Its main task is to achieve the maximum development of the child through introducing him to the values ​​of human culture in the most acceptable and accessible way.

The formation in a child of self-confidence, social activity, personal mobility, as well as an orientation towards the importance of oneself and another person, and the desire to seek mutual understanding can only be carried out in conditions of close interaction between teachers, parents and children.

A preschool child is the center that unites the educational efforts of adults based on the implementation of the principle of his personal development in activities. The joint activities of teachers, parents and children become a means of development not only of the child, but also of socially responsible adults.

An equal partnership between parents and teachers will allow them to better understand the intrinsic value of the child’s personality, the need for its study, development and protection.

One of the most important tasks of interaction between teachers and parents is to provide a unified space for the development of the child, the formation of his universal abilities to a level corresponding to the age-related capabilities and requirements of modern society.

When organizing educational interaction, the teacher must abandon the evaluative strategy in relations with parents; create a friendly atmosphere of dialogue; pay close attention to the problems of parents and their experiences; present scientific information in an accessible manner; teach parents to observe their child’s behavior, notice his characteristics and abilities; notice the positive, be able to instill hope for success in parents (Gorina 2009: 139).

Thus, based on all of the above, it can be argued that the hypothesis we put forward was confirmed, since the educational interaction of kindergarten and family reflects one of the main facets of mutual assistance of two educational institutions in the formation of a full-fledged and healthy personality of the child: the development of his intellectual, physical, moral and, of course, the aesthetic sides. It must be remembered that the main figure in the interaction between teachers and parents is the child himself. It is for him that we must try, for him to learn mutual assistance and, most importantly, to live.


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A modern kindergarten needs to synchronize the processes of teaching and upbringing, making them not opposed to each other, but complementary, enriching the development of children. The child must receive the right to become the subject of his own life activity, to see his potential, to believe in himself, to learn to be successful in his activities, and for this, today a structural and functional model of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family on child development issues is needed.

Both interacting parties are interested in children, in their joint upbringing carried out in the course of cooperation. In order for these areas to be coordinated, educators need to not only use situational and organizational issues when working with parents, but also issues related to the development of the child, his education and upbringing.

Since the most problematic area for educators is organizational issues related to the inclusion of parents in the life of a preschool institution, activities are needed to encourage parents to become involved in the life of a preschool institution. Since parents are interested, first of all, in the development of their children, it is preferable to encourage them to take part in the life of a preschool educational institution through awareness of the importance of this for the development of their children. Parents must realize the specific positive consequences for the child of their inclusion in the life of a preschool institution.

The structural-functional model of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family on child development issues can consist of three blocks: information-analytical, practical and control-evaluative. Let's look at each of them.

Information and analytical block involves collecting and analyzing information about parents and children, studying families, their difficulties and requests, as well as identifying the family’s readiness to respond to the requests of the preschool institution. These tasks determine the forms and methods of further work of teachers. These include: surveys, questionnaires, patronage, interviewing, observation and special diagnostic techniques used mainly by psychologists.

Work with parents within the framework of the information and analytical block is built in two interrelated areas. The first direction is educating parents, providing them with the necessary information on a particular issue. To resolve issues, various forms can be used: lectures, individual and subgroup counseling, information sheets, newspapers, memo sheets, a library for parents, a video library, an audio library, etc. The second direction is the organization of productive communication between all participants in the educational space, i.e. it is an exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings. For this purpose, events are planned and carried out that would involve parents and children in a common interesting activity, which would “force” adults to enter into communication with the child.

The main task of the teaching staff is to create conditions for situational, business-like, person-oriented communication based on a common cause (drawing, crafts, roles in a play, books, games, preparing for a holiday, a hike, developing a common project, etc.).

Accordingly, with the solution to this problem, forms of interaction are also chosen: game libraries, weekend exhibitions, traditions, theater Friday, meeting with an interesting person, holidays, publishing family newspapers, magazines, protecting family projects, keeping home reading diaries and much more.

Second - practical block, contains information aimed at solving specific problems related to the development of children. This block may consist of such forms of work as:

psychological training - interactive communication with parents;

“virtual reception”, which involves virtual communication with the parent community on the “Educational Portal” website.

The forms and methods of work that can be used by specialists, teachers and psychologists depend on the information they received when analyzing the situation within the first block.

In order to solve the problem of effective interaction between preschool institutions and families, a third block is being introduced - control and evaluation, those. This is an analysis of the effectiveness (quantitative and qualitative) of activities. To determine the effectiveness of efforts spent on interaction with parents, you can use surveys, feedback books, score sheets, rapid diagnostics and other methods used immediately after an event. Equally important is self-analysis on the part of teachers. When working with parents, repeated diagnostics, interviews with children, observations, recording the activity of parents, etc. can be used to track and evaluate delayed outcome.

Thus, working with this model makes it possible to structure the activities of teaching teams of preschool educational institutions and families, and can be the starting point for organizing harmonious interaction between parents, children, and teachers.

.2 Modern forms of interaction between a preschool teacher and the family of children of senior preschool age

The entire system of work in preschool educational institutions is aimed at accepting the family as the first and most important actor in the upbringing and education of the child. Therefore, family participation in the educational process makes it possible to improve the quality of children’s education, since parents know their child’s capabilities better and are interested in their further advancement.

The main areas of interaction with the family are:

studying the needs of parents for educational services;

educating parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Based on these directions, work is carried out to interact with the families of preschool children through various forms. An analysis of the work practices of preschool educational institutions revealed two types of forms of collaboration:

joint events of teachers and parents: parent meetings, conferences, consultations, conversations, evenings for parents, circles for parents, thematic exhibitions, debates, pedagogical councils, board of trustees, meetings with the administration, school for parents, visiting families at home, parent committee.

joint events of teachers, parents and children: open days, tournaments of experts, clubs, KVN, quizzes, holidays, family competitions, newspaper release, film screenings, concerts, group registration, competitions, improvement of the preschool educational institution and the territory.

Exist traditional and non-traditional forms of communication between a teacher and parents of preschool children, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms are divided into collective, individual and visual information.

Collective forms include parent meetings, conferences, round tables, etc.

Parent meetings are an effective form of work for educators with a group of parents, a form of organized familiarization with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family. The agenda of meetings can be varied, taking into account the wishes of parents. We recommend formulating the topic problematically, for example: “Is your child obedient?”, “How to play with a child?”, “Should children be punished?” and etc.

Currently, meetings are being replaced by new forms, such as “Oral Journal”, “Pedagogical Lounge”, “Round Table”, Parent Conferences, Workshops - their main goal is the exchange of experience in family education, etc. It is advisable to combine different forms of work, for example , after entertaining activities with parents, you can organize conversations and meetings.

Individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents; This is one of the most accessible forms of establishing connections with family. The conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting or family visit. The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue; Its peculiarity is the active participation of both the teacher and parents.

Thematic consultations are organized to answer all questions that interest parents. The main purpose of the consultation is for parents to make sure that in kindergarten they can receive support and advice. There are also “correspondence” consultations. A box (envelope) is being prepared for parents' questions. While reading the mail, the teacher can prepare a complete answer in advance, study the literature, consult with colleagues, or redirect the question. This form received a response from parents. As our experience of conducting “correspondence” consultations showed, parents asked a variety of questions that they did not want to talk about out loud.

A separate group consists of visual information methods. They introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include tape recordings of conversations with children, video fragments of the organization of various types of activities, routine moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's work, stands, screens, sliding folders.

In addition, visiting the child’s family helps a lot to establish contact with the child and his parents.

Traditional forms of interaction between the teaching staff of a preschool institution and the family are combined today in new social conditions with variable innovative technologies for organizing the interaction of preschool teachers with parents of students. Many preschool educational institutions have unique experience in this area.

Currently, they are especially popular among both preschool teachers and parents. non-traditional forms communication. The following non-traditional forms are distinguished: information-analytical, leisure, educational, visual and informational (Table 1).

Table 1 - Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents

Name For what purpose is this form used Forms of communication Information and analytical Identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy Conducting sociological cross-sections, surveys, “Mailbox” Leisure Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children Joint leisure, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions Educational Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills in raising children in parents Seminars-workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical living room, holding meetings, consultations in non-traditional forms, oral pedagogical journals, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents Visual and informational: informational and educational; informational and educational Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the features of raising children. Formation of knowledge among parents about the upbringing and development of children Information brochures for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open viewings of classes and other activities of children. Publishing newspapers, organizing mini-libraries

They are built according to the type of television and entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten. In new forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented. Plan in advance for conflicting points of view on issues of raising children (punishment and rewards, preparation for school, etc.). Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to teachers. The positive side of such forms is that a ready-made point of view is not imposed on the participants; they are forced to think and look for their own way out of the current situation. Thus, parents are involved in preparing matinees, writing scripts, and participating in competitions. Games with pedagogical content are held, for example, “Pedagogical Field of Miracles”, “Pedagogical Case”, “KVN”, “Talk Show”, where opposing points of view on the problem are discussed and much more. A number of kindergartens organize a pedagogical library for parents, and books are given to them at home. You can organize an exhibition of joint works of parents and children “Dad’s Hands, Mom’s Hands and My Little Hands”, leisure activities “Inseparable Friends: Adults and Children”, “Family Carnivals”.

A special role in any form of organizing interaction with parents is given to sociological issues, questioning, and testing of parents and teachers. The main task of information and analytical forms of organizing communication with parents is the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, the presence of the necessary pedagogical knowledge, the attitude of the family towards the child, the requests, interests, needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, person-oriented approach to a child in a preschool setting, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children (joint holidays and leisure activities). Leisure forms of cooperation with the family can only be effective if educators pay sufficient attention to the pedagogical content of the event.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and families are intended to familiarize parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of practical skills in parents.

The main role continues to belong to such collective forms of communication as meetings, group consultations, etc. The principles on the basis of which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate the communication partner.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents are designed to play a dominant role in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, and therefore contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment, and develop reflection.

Visual and informational forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in preschool educational institutions, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques of home education, and more objectively see the activities of the teacher. Visual information forms are conventionally divided into two subgroups. Familiarizing parents with the preschool educational institution, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of the preschool educational institution. The objectives of one of them - information and awareness-raising - is to familiarize parents with the preschool educational institution, the features of its functioning, the activities of teachers, etc. The tasks of the other group - information and education - are close to the tasks of cognitive forms and are aimed at enriching parents' knowledge about the features of the development and upbringing of preschool children. Their specificity lies in the fact that the communication between teachers and parents here is not direct, but indirect - through newspapers, the organization of exhibitions, etc., therefore we have identified them as an independent subgroup, and not combined with cognitive forms.

“Open Days” are especially popular, during which parents can visit any group - this makes it possible to introduce parents to the preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest them and attract them to participate.

Round tables are held in a relaxed manner with a discussion of current problems in raising children, taking into account the wishes of parents, and using methods to activate them. Conflicting points of view on the issues of punishing children, preparing them for school, etc. are planned in advance. The positive side of such forms is that a ready-made point of view is not imposed on the participants; they are forced to think and look for their own way out of the current situation.

In order to effectively implement the interaction process, it is necessary, first of all, to know the characteristics of the subjects of interaction, in particular, the teacher must know the typology of families, the psychological characteristics of parents, their age characteristics, various styles of communication between parents and children in different families. Preschool teachers are fully aware that each family has a number of individual characteristics and reacts differently to outside intervention. Therefore, at present, pressing tasks continue to remain individual work with a family, differentiated approach to families different types, taking care not to lose sight and influence of specialists on any specific but important family issues.

Thus, the interaction between parents and teachers in a preschool educational institution has a distinctly specific nature of cooperation, since both the content and forms of relationships between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions have changed. In order to increase the efficiency and productivity of interaction, it is advisable to develop specific programs for the work of preschool educational institutions with different types of families.


Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Each of these branches, representing the social institution of education, has its own specific capabilities in shaping the child’s personality. Family and preschool institutions are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the comprehensive development of the child. Preschool plays an important role in the development of a child. Here he receives an education, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, and organize his own activities. However, how effectively a child will master these skills depends on the family’s attitude towards the preschool institution. The harmonious development of a preschooler without the active participation of his parents in the educational process is hardly possible.

The role of the family in the upbringing and development of a child should also not be underestimated. The main feature of family education is a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. Another important role of family education is the influence on the value orientations, worldview of the child as a whole, and his behavior in various spheres of public life. It is also known that it is the example of parents and their personal qualities that largely determine the effectiveness of the educational function of the family. The importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution. However, this interaction is influenced by a number of factors, primarily what parents and teaching staff expect from each other. Despite the fact that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged that involve involving parents in active participation in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, more often work with parents is carried out only in one of the areas of pedagogical propaganda, in which the family is only the object of influence. As a result, feedback from the family is not established, and the opportunities for family education are not fully used.

At the same time, since the interaction between family and preschool institution plays an important role in the development of the child and ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education, it is necessary to study in detail the ideas of parents and teachers about each other, their influence on interaction and the development of recommendations that would help improve the effectiveness of this interactions. In this regard, the issue of finding and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today, as is the topic of our research: “Non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family.”

Purpose of the study: theoretically substantiate and practically test the effectiveness of non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family.

Object of study: interaction between preschool and family.

Subject of study: non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and the family.

Research methods. When writing the course work, we carried out a comprehensive analysis. The main methods in the work were the following: survey, experiment, comparative.

Research hypothesis: The interaction between the preschool institution and the family will be more effective:

If non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families are used in combination with traditional ones;

If the work is dominated by forms aimed at involving parents in raising their children.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the research objectives:

1. Consider the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of interaction between a preschool institution and the family.

2. Develop criteria for assessing the interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

3. Develop long-term plan on the use of non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool institutions and families.

Research base: MDOU 9 “Alan”, Naberezhnye Chelny.

Work structure. The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Scientific theoretical basis organizing work based on interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

1.1. The problem of interaction between public and family education in the historical aspect

Modern pedagogical science has numerous evidence confirming what has matured for centuries in the folk practice of education and was noted prognostically in the works of outstanding thinkers of the past, namely: the indisputable priority of family education in the development of the child’s personality (K. D. Ushinsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and etc.). In recent years, attention to the family as an object of research has increased and data have been obtained to deepen the characteristics of this most important social institution of education.

The family is the source and important link in transmitting socio-historical experience to the child, and, above all, the experience of emotional and business relationships between people. Taking this into account, we can rightfully assume that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for the upbringing and socialization of a child.

Modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since it gives the child the whole gamut of feelings, the widest range of ideas about life. In addition, its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even highly qualified, education in a kindergarten or school (33, p. 58).

The first ideas of family education, ideas about love, parents, children, ancestors developed in folk pedagogy on the basis of centuries of everyday experience, i.e. empirically. They were passed down from century to century, from family to family through traditions, national-ethnic rituals, customs, folklore, works of decorative and applied art, which ensured the people’s reproduction of themselves, their spiritual culture, national character and psychology in a series of successive generations. We can rightfully say that folk pedagogy has defined its own way of education, its own “system” of rules and norms of behavior, embodied in the ethical code, traditions, rites, and customs.

The family occupies a special place in folk pedagogy, since it was considered in traditional culture as a natural environment that determines the order of home education and its content. The order of home education ensures a certain family structure, traditions, customs, holidays, and rituals. Home education is worldly oriented, daily life person. His goal is to prepare the child for this life, so that it will be “not a burden, but a joy.” The moral guarantee of the well-being of human life is conscientious work, to which a child is taught from an early age. This is evidenced by popular wisdom: “Man is born to work”, “Without work there is no good”, “Without good work there is no fruit”, “Living without work will only smoke the sky”, etc.

The means of folk pedagogy created many centuries ago and currently in use (fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, legends, songs, games) contain a unique “house-building” program, which defines the fundamentals family life, housekeeping rules, ethics of relationships, receiving guests, etc. (16, p.88).

Positive heroes in fairy tales honor and respect their parents, take care of their children, treat their brothers and sisters with tenderness, and are ready to do great deeds in the name of love. Proverbs aptly express people's ideas about family and family relationships, the rules of relationships, which have not lost their moral value to this day. Let us recall some of them: “A husband is the head, a wife is the soul”, “Whoever is not a widower has never suffered troubles”, “It’s easy to make a child, it’s not easy to raise a child”, “Scold a wife without children, and children without people”, “Choose the wife is not in a round dance, but in the garden”, “A child is like dough: as he kneads it, it grows”, “Leading a house is not about shaking the reins, but you need to make ends meet”, etc.

The progressive features of Russian family pedagogy, in which, as the famous historian V.S. Solovyov noted, the “moral principle of the people” is rooted, include veneration of elders and special attention to the little ones, worship of the earth-breadwinner, giving honor to the home, introducing children to the history of the family, preservation of traditions and customs that help the younger generation realize their role as heirs of national values.

Thus, the family pedagogy of each nation reflects its ideals, ideas about the goals and means of education, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of the best traits of national character in children and prepares them for an independent, worthy life. Naturally, family pedagogy as a branch of pedagogical science, developing the theoretical foundations of home education, is based on family folk culture, which, as a focal point, contains the historical experience of home family education (I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, G.N. Volkov , V.M.Petrov, etc.) (12, p.43).

While noting the undoubted strengths of family folk pedagogy (stability, reliability, efficiency), one should not absolutize and try to restore as fully as possible in the current conditions the traditional family education that has developed throughout the history of a particular people. First of all, as modern scientists rightly note (I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, I.S. Kon), the family fabric of relationships, which has been created over centuries, is undergoing transformation, new values ​​and patterns appear that expand the socio-cultural ideas of a person. IN modern family children become main value, the rating of emotional intra-family relationships is rapidly growing, etc. It should also be taken into account that folk pedagogy also has some negative features due to the historical foundations of life: prejudices and superstitions, “dominance of verbal measures of influence” (G.N. Volkov), excessive severity in dealing with children, despotism of parents, etc. . Evidence of this can be found in the works of historians, for example, in the book by N.I. Kostomarov “Home Life and Morals of the Great Russian People.” Works of fiction tell about this, among which are the well-known autobiographical books by A.M. Gorky “Childhood” and “In People”.

Family is one of the main themes of ancient Russian literary and pedagogical monuments dating back to the 10th-14th centuries, and domestic collections of the 14th-19th centuries. The pedagogical thought of Ancient Rus' was clearly manifested in the “Instructions to Children” by Prince Vladimir Monomakh, in such literary and written monuments as “Bee”, “Prologues”, “Chrysostom”, etc. In the understanding of ancient Russian authors, the true wisdom of family education is associated with high morality , with Christian virtues.

Raising children in love and respect for their parents and honoring their ancestors is one of the leading ideas of ancient Russian pedagogy. Another idea is to raise a future family man from an early age, by instilling positive moral qualities (hard work, meekness, tolerance, pliability, diligence, modesty, honesty, etc.). Thus, Vladimir Monomakh advocated for the strengthening of the family, he highly valued the role of the father in instilling hard work in the boy, in preparing a defender-warrior, but most importantly - in developing the ability to carefully manage his home (25, p. 66). On the pages of Domostroi (XVI century) a unique “program” is presented moral education children, preparing them for life as a family, teaching them what is necessary in “home life.” In this regard, the chapters “How to raise a daughter and marry her off with a gift”, “How to love and care for the children of their father and mother, obey them, and give them peace in everything” are of particular interest.

1.2. Modern approaches to organizing interaction between family and preschool educational institution

At the core new concept The interaction between family and preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement their educational activities. The officially implemented policy in our country of transforming education from family to public is becoming a thing of the past.

Recognition of the priority of family education requires new relationships between the family and the preschool institution. The novelty of these relationships is determined by the concepts of “cooperation” and “interaction.”

Cooperation is communication “as equals”, where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, or evaluating.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication. In S. Ozhegov's "Russian Language Dictionary" the meaning of the word "interaction" is explained as follows: 1) the mutual connection of two phenomena; 2) mutual support.

The main point in the context of “family - preschool institution” is the personal interaction between the teacher and parents about difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family. Helping each other in understanding the child, in solving his individual problems, and in optimizing his development is invaluable (23, p. 64).

It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become an open system. The results of foreign and domestic studies make it possible to characterize what makes up the openness of a preschool institution, including “openness inward” and “openness outward.”

Giving a preschool institution “openness to the inside” means making the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, and humanizing the relationships between children, teachers, and parents. Create conditions so that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) have a personal willingness to reveal themselves in some activity, event, talk about their joys, anxieties, successes and failures, etc.

The teacher demonstrates an example of openness. A teacher can demonstrate his openness to children by telling them about something of his own - interesting, seen and experienced in holidays, thereby initiating in children a desire to participate in the conversation. When communicating with parents, the teacher does not hide when he doubts something, he asks for advice, help, emphasizing in every possible way respect for the experience, knowledge, and personality of the interlocutor. At the same time, pedagogical tact, the most important professional quality, will not allow the teacher to sink to familiarity and familiarity.

The teacher “infects” children and parents with his personal readiness to reveal himself. By his example, he invites parents to have confidential communication, and they share their worries, difficulties, ask for help and offer their services, freely express their complaints, etc.

“Openness of the kindergarten inward” is the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten. Parents and family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution and contribute to educational work. This can be an occasional event that every family can do. Some parents will be happy to organize an excursion, a “hike” to the nearest forest or river, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, and still others will teach their children something.

Some parents and other family members are included in systematic educational and health work with children. For example, they run clubs, studios, teach children some crafts, needlework, engage in theatrical activities, etc.

Thus, all subjects of the pedagogical process benefit from the participation of parents in the work of a preschool institution. First of all - children. And not just because they learn something new. Another thing is more important - they learn to look with respect, love and gratitude at their fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, who, it turns out, know so much, talk so interestingly, and have such golden hands. Teachers, in turn, have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weak sides home education, determine the nature and extent of your help, and sometimes just learn.

Thus, we can talk about a real addition to family and public education.

“Openness of the kindergarten to the outside” means that the kindergarten is open to the influences of the microsociety, its neighborhood, and is ready to cooperate with those located on its territory social institutions, such as: a comprehensive school, a music school, a sports complex, a library, etc. Thus, on the basis of the library, a “Book Festival” is held, in which senior kindergarten students take part; music school students give a concert in kindergarten; children, staff and parents are involved in district activities. For example, on holidays, dedicated to the Day city, Christmas, Easter, etc., a choir of children, employees, and parents of the preschool institution performs. The preschool institution presents the works of its pupils at exhibitions of children's creativity held throughout the district. Local cable television broadcasts from the kindergarten (for example, Maslenitsa celebrations). On Defender of the Motherland Day, children, with the help of their parents, invite veterans and military personnel living in neighboring houses to their concert (17, p. 204).

The content of the work of a kindergarten in a microsociety can be very diverse and is largely determined by its specifics. Its undoubted value is in strengthening connections with the family, expanding the social experience of children, initiating the activity and creativity of kindergarten employees, which in turn works on the authority of the preschool institution and public education in general.

In order for kindergarten to become a real, and not a declared open system, parents and teachers must build their relationships on the psychology of trust. Parents must be confident in good attitude teacher to child. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop a “kind view” of the child: to see in his development and personality, first of all, positive traits, create conditions for their manifestation, strengthening, and attract the attention of parents to them. Parents' trust in a teacher is based on respect for the teacher's experience, knowledge, and competence in matters of education, but, most importantly, on trust in him due to his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity).

In an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity to come to the group at a time convenient for them, observe what the child is doing, play with the children, etc. Teachers do not always welcome such free, unscheduled “visits” from parents, mistaking them for control and verification of their activities. But parents, observing the life of the kindergarten “from the inside,” begin to understand the objectivity of many difficulties (few toys, cramped washroom, etc.), and then, instead of complaints against the teacher, they have a desire to help, to take part in improving the conditions of education in the group. And these are the first shoots of cooperation. Having become acquainted with the real pedagogical process in the group, parents borrow the most successful teaching techniques and enrich the content of home education. The most important result of parents’ free visit to a preschool institution is that they study their child in an unfamiliar environment, notice how he communicates, studies, and how his peers treat him. There is an involuntary comparison: is my child lagging behind others in development, why does he behave differently in kindergarten than at home? Reflexive activity “starts”: am I doing everything as I should, why am I getting different results from my upbringing, what do I need to learn.

The lines of interaction between the teacher and the family do not remain unchanged. Previously, preference was given to the direct influence of the teacher on the family, since the main task was to teach parents how to raise children. This area of ​​the teacher’s activity was called “working with families.” To save effort and time, “training” was carried out in collective forms (at meetings, collective consultations, lecture halls, etc.). Cooperation between kindergarten and family presupposes that both parties have something to say to each other regarding a particular child and his development trends. Hence the turn to interaction with each family, hence the preference individual forms work (individual conversations, consultations, family visits, etc.).

Interaction in a small group of parents who have similar home education problems is called a differentiated approach.

There is another line of influence on the family - through the child. If life in a group is interesting, meaningful, and the child is emotionally comfortable, he will definitely share his impressions with his family. For example, the group is preparing for Christmas carols, children prepare treats, gifts, come up with skits, rhymed congratulations, wishes, etc. At the same time, one of the parents will definitely ask the teacher about the upcoming entertainment and offer their help (20, p. 162).

Among the relatively new forms of cooperation between kindergarten and family, it should be noted recreation evenings with the participation of teachers, parents, and children; sports entertainment, get-togethers, preparations for performances, meetings in the form of “Let’s get to know each other,” “Let’s please each other,” etc. Many preschool institutions have a “helpline,” and “Good Deeds Day” and question-and-answer evenings are held.

The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families is to establish trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

Interaction between teachers and parents of preschool children is carried out mainly through:

Involving parents in the pedagogical process;

Expanding the scope of parental participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;

Parents attending classes at a time convenient for them;

Creating conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;

Information and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to become more familiar with the specifics of the institution, introduce them to the educational and developmental environment;

A variety of programs for joint activities between children and parents;

Combining the efforts of a teacher and a parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of a child: these relationships should be considered as the art of dialogue between adults and specific child based on knowledge mental characteristics his age, taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child;

Showing understanding, tolerance and tact in raising and teaching a child, striving to take into account his interests without ignoring feelings and emotions;

Respectful relationships between family and educational institution.

So, the relationship between the preschool and the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open inward and outward.

1.3. Forms of interaction between family and preschool educational institution

Not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities to influence the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and still others do not understand why this is necessary. In all cases, qualified assistance from a preschool institution is necessary.

Currently, urgent tasks continue to be individual work with families, a differentiated approach to families of different types, care not to lose sight and influence of specialists who are not only difficult, but also not entirely successful in some specific but important issues families.

A visit to a child’s family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, and clarifying the conditions of upbringing, if it does not turn into a formal event. The teacher must agree in advance with the parents on a time that is convenient for them to visit, and also determine the purpose of his visit. Coming to a child's home means coming to visit. So you have to be in good mood, friendly, friendly. You should forget about complaints, comments, avoid criticism of parents, their family economy, way of life, give advice (single ones!) tactfully, unobtrusively. The child’s behavior and mood (joyful, relaxed, quiet, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family (31, p. 401).

Open Day, being a fairly common form of work, provides an opportunity to introduce parents to a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, and features of educational work, to interest them in it and to involve them in participation. It is conducted as a tour of a preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of visiting parents are raised. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, getting ready for a walk, etc.). After the tour and viewing, the head or methodologist talks with the parents, finds out their impressions, and answers any questions that have arisen.

Conversations are conducted both individually and in groups. In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be found out, how we can help. The content of the conversation is concise, meaningful for parents, and presented in such a way as to encourage the interlocutors to speak out. The teacher must be able not only to speak, but also to listen to parents, express his interest and goodwill.

Consultations. Usually a system of consultations is drawn up, which are carried out individually or for a subgroup of parents. You can invite to group consultations parents of different groups who have the same problems or, conversely, successes in education (cranky children; children with bright expressed abilities to drawing, music). The goals of the consultation are for parents to acquire certain knowledge and skills; helping them resolve problematic issues. The forms of consultation are different (a qualified message from a specialist followed by discussion; a discussion of an article read in advance by all those invited to the consultation; a practical lesson, for example, on the topic “How to teach a poem to children”).

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of teaching and show them: how to read a book, look at illustrations, talk about what they read, how to prepare a child’s hand for writing, how to exercise the articulatory apparatus, etc.

Parent meetings are held in group and general meetings (for parents of the entire institution). General meetings are organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss the tasks for the new academic year, results of educational work, questions physical education and problems of the summer health period, etc. You can invite a doctor, lawyer, or children's writer to the general meeting. Parent speeches will be provided.

Group meetings are held every 2-3 months. 2-3 questions are brought up for discussion (one question is prepared by the teacher, on others you can invite parents or one of the specialists to speak). Every year, it is advisable to devote one meeting to discussing family experiences in raising children. A topic is chosen that is topical for this group, for example, “Why don’t our children like to work?”, “How to raise children’s interest in books,” “Is TV a friend or foe in raising children?”

Parent conferences. The main goal of the conference is to exchange experiences in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, and the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic and preparing a speech. A specialist may speak at the conference. His speech is given “as a seed” to provoke discussion, and if possible, then discussion. The conference can be held within one preschool institution, but conferences on city and regional scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the current topic of the conference (“Caring for children’s health”, “Involving children in national culture", "The role of the family in raising a child"). An exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference. The conference can be completed with a joint concert of children, preschool staff, and family members.

Currently, in connection with the restructuring of the preschool education system, practitioners of preschool educational institutions are looking for new, non-traditional forms of work with parents, based on cooperation and interaction between teachers and parents. Let's give examples of some of them.

Family clubs. Unlike parent meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with families on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and a joint search for optimal forms of helping a child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one large club or split into smaller ones - it all depends on the theme of the meeting and the plans of the organizers.

A significant help in the work of clubs is the library of special literature on the problems of upbringing, training and development of children. Teachers monitor the timely exchange, selection of necessary books, and compile annotations of new products.

Given the busyness of parents, such non-traditional forms of communication with families as “Parent Mail” and “Helpline” are also used. Any family member has the opportunity to express doubts in a short note about the methods of raising their child, seek help from a specific specialist, etc. The helpline helps parents anonymously find out any problems that are significant to them, and warn teachers about noticed unusual manifestations in children.

A library of games is also a non-traditional form of interaction with the family. Since games require the participation of an adult, it forces parents to communicate with the child. If the tradition of joint home games is instilled, new games appear in the library, invented by adults together with children.

Grandmothers are attracted to the “Crazy Hands” circle. Modern bustle and haste, as well as cramped conditions or, conversely, excessive luxury of modern apartments, have almost eliminated the opportunity to engage in handicrafts and crafts from a child’s life. In the room where the circle works, children and adults can find everything they need for artistic creativity: paper, cardboard, waste materials and etc.

The cooperation of a psychologist, educators and families helps not only to identify the problem that has caused the difficult relationship between parents and children, but also to show the possibilities of solving it. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to establish equal relations between the educational psychologist, educator and parents. They are characterized by the fact that parents develop an attitude of contact and develop trusting relationships with specialists, which, however, do not mean complete agreement, leaving the right to their own point of view. Relationships proceed in the spirit of equality of partners. Parents do not passively listen to the recommendations of specialists, but themselves participate in drawing up a plan for working with the child at home.

Thus, the interaction between the kindergarten and the family can be carried out in different ways. It is only important to avoid formalism.

Conclusions on Chapter I

Since the beginning of the existence of the Soviet regime, in our country, which proclaimed a policy of public education, for many years a derogatory attitude towards family and home education has developed, under the influence of which professional teachers have taken root the belief in the pedagogical incompetence of parents, their reluctance to overcome it (“They don’t do anything”) they want to know, they don’t know how to educate”). Meanwhile, teachers did not strive to acquaint “incompetent” parents with the content and methods of raising children, the carriers of which they were professionals. Parents were allowed into the kindergarten when their help was needed in cleaning, landscaping the premises, landscaping the area, making repairs, and they were invited to holidays and meetings. And on other days the doors of the kindergarten are closed to them. The teachers sincerely believed that their mission was to teach, control the family, and point out mistakes and shortcomings. As a result, very persistent methods and forms of working with families have emerged with the dominance of the teacher’s monologue (instructional messages at meetings, consultations, information stands, etc.). This led to many mistakes in the teacher’s communication with parents (impersonal addresses, haste in assessing the child with an emphasis on negative manifestations, neglect of the interlocutor, ignoring his mood, condition, life experience, etc.). The indicated mistakes and negligence are evidence of the teacher’s communicative incompetence, which practically nullifies his pedagogical competence: it is not enough to know a lot, you must be able to say so in order to be heard.

However, later, from about the 60s, our country accumulated considerable experience in pedagogical education of parents - “schools for mothers”, “universities of pedagogical knowledge”, “parental education”, etc. But the content of the programs was often ideological and politicized. In addition, teachers often chose an edifying tone when communicating with parents: they did not advise or suggest, but demanded; they did not prompt, but instructed - and acted in the role of a judge, not a partner. All this repelled parents. But the result was the same - the kindergarten and the parents were raising the child without interacting with each other.

This state of affairs required not only a change in the approach to the family, but also the creation of new forms of preschool education.

Currently, a restructuring of the preschool education system is underway, and at the center of this restructuring is the humanization and de-ideologization of the pedagogical process. Its goal is not the education of a member of society, but the free development of the individual. Much attention is beginning to be paid to the interaction between kindergarten and family. Practical workers are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents, based on the principle of unity of educational influences.

2. Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families into the practice of work of a preschool educational institution

2.1. Studying the state of work with parents at the stage of the ascertaining experiment

Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution into the practice of preschool educational institutions was carried out at MDOU No. 9 “Alan” in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in preschool group No. 6. The work was carried out in 3 stages, representing ascertaining, formative and control experiments. To conduct experimental work, we identified two groups of parents - experimental and control - 10 parents in each group.

During the ascertaining stage, the work was carried out in February 2009. During this period, psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue was analyzed. The conceptual apparatus of the study was clarified, the research apparatus was formulated.

Experimental work began with studying the state of work with parents in the group. To do this, we analyzed the annual plan, the long-term plan for working with parents and found out that the group holds parent meetings once every four months, and also conducts surveys, entertainment, and workshops.

Then we conducted a survey of parents. The contents of the questionnaire and the results of the survey of parents of the control and experimental groups are given in Appendices 1-2.

Analysis of the responses to the questionnaire showed the following:

1. To the question “What problems of education remain less studied for you?” the majority of parents in the experimental (70%) and control (60%) groups answered: “Relationships between children and parents.” This suggests that parents of both groups are poorly informed about the issues of raising preschoolers. This fact is confirmed by the answers to the following two questions: “Do you read pedagogical literature?”, “Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of educating preschool children?” 50% of parents in the experimental group and 40% of parents in the control group do not read pedagogical literature. 30% of parents in the experimental group and 50% of parents in the control group do not read periodicals devoted to the problems of raising preschool children.

2. The vast majority of parents in the experimental and control groups take a passive position in the issue of interaction with preschool educational institutions. Thus, 60% of parents in the experimental group and 50% of parents in the control group would like to receive information about raising their children only at parent-teacher meetings. 90% of parents in the experimental group and 80% of parents in the control group did not want to participate in working with children in kindergarten, citing a lack of free time and the fact that only preschool employees should deal with this issue. Only one parent in each group we studied expressed a desire to run a group in kindergarten.

Based on the results of the survey, we set the following tasks for working with parents of the experimental group:

Establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, join efforts for the development and upbringing of children.

Create an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional mutual support and mutual insight into each other’s problems.

Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.

Maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities

Solving these problems is associated with parents’ awareness of their educational role in the family and their experience of relationships with the child. In psychology, this form of rethinking is called reflection (translated from Latin as “turning back”).

We used a reflexive model of communication between the teacher and the family, which aims at parents rethinking their educational attitudes and stereotypes. In the concept of “pedagogical reflection,” we included the ability of parents to analyze their own educational activities, critically evaluate them, find adequate reasons for both their pedagogical successes and miscalculations, and choose methods of influencing the child that correspond to his characteristics and specific situation.

Before we started work, the teachers collectively discussed and then adopted the criteria for interaction with parents:

Realize that only through the joint efforts of the family and the educational institution can the child be helped; treat parents with respect and understanding.

Remember that a child is a unique individual. Therefore, it is unacceptable to compare him with other children. There is no one else like him (she) in the world, and we must appreciate his (her) individuality, support and develop it. A child should always see teachers as people who are ready to provide him with personal support and help.

To instill in children unlimited respect for their parents, who gave them life and put a lot of spiritual and physical strength so that they grow and are happy.

Take into account the wishes and suggestions of parents, highly value their participation in the life of the group.

Consider the upbringing and development of children not as a set of general techniques, but as the art of dialogue with a specific child and his parents based on knowledge psychological characteristics age, taking into account the child’s previous experience, his interests, abilities and difficulties that have arisen in the family and educational institution.

Respect what the child himself creates (a story, a song, a building made of sand or other building material, modeling, drawing, etc.). Together with parents, admire his initiative and independence, which helps to build the child’s self-confidence and his abilities, and instills in parents a sense of respect for the teachers of their children.

Regularly, in the process of individual communication with parents, discuss all issues related to the upbringing and development of children.

Show understanding, delicacy, tolerance and tact, take into account the point of view of parents.

Authoritarian methods of “educating” parents are excluded. You should interact with parents with interest and love for the child. In order for educators and parents to have time for such interaction, it must be specially organized. Each direction of a child’s development presupposes special content and forms of communication between educators and parents, in the process of which their psychological and pedagogical culture will increase.

The next criterion for assessing the interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents of preschool children attending this institution was our proposed competition of family crafts made from natural materials. We assessed the level of interaction, firstly, by the presence/absence of crafts, and secondly, by the quality of the work performed. For the quality of the craft, we adopted a three-point marking system: “3”, “4”, “5”. The results of this competition are presented below (Fig. 1.) in general form, since they turned out to be identical in both the control and experimental groups.

Rice. 1. Results of evaluating crafts

Thus, according to Figure 1, we can notice that parents are extremely inactive regarding activities in the preschool educational institution that their child attends.

2.2. The formative stage of working with parents to conduct non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family

The second, formative stage of the experiment took place in February 2009. We introduced non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family into the practice of preschool educational institutions.

From the first day we met the parents of the experimental group, we reminded them: in order for our children to grow up morally healthy, close contact between parents and teachers is necessary. The introduction to the life of each family began with a questionnaire filled out by the parents.

The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. Do you know your child well?

2. What is your child's temperament like?

3. How often do you spend free time with your child?

4. Do you enjoy communicating with your child?

5.What does your child like to do in his free time?

6. What household responsibilities does your child perform?

7. How does he carry out his duties around the house?

8. What parenting methods do you prefer to practice?

9. Which member of your family spends the most time with the child?

After analyzing these questionnaires, we learned a lot about the family: about the child’s hobbies, about his behavior and responsibilities at home, about the methods of education used by the parents, about who is involved in the upbringing in the family.

The following questionnaire for parents allowed us to draw a conclusion about the child’s sociability, his character traits, and ability to communicate. We learned a lot about family relationships from the children's drawings.

At this stage of the pedagogical experiment, we held a meeting: “Family leisure”. Indicator family leisure children's drawings on the theme "Evening in my family" become. All the drawings are similar: mom is in the kitchen, dad is on the sofa, and the child is somewhere off to the side, alone with toys.

The drawing is an indicator of relationships in the family. The child lacks communication and is often lonely in the family. This is why difficult children grow up in seemingly prosperous families. They look for communication on the side, sometimes falling into bad company.

The children's drawings forced parents to look at their child with a different look. There was only one answer: we don’t communicate much with children.

To the question: “What do your parents not allow you to do?” The children's answers basically boiled down to the following: you cannot light gas, open the door to strangers, light a fire, etc. Some children said this: “I don’t know what I can’t do, I can do everything.”

With this attitude, anything is possible! - children usually come to kindergarten: you can scream, run, interrupt the teacher, behave badly during lunch, etc. The principle of upbringing for many parents is: do whatever you want, just don’t bother me. But parents are responsible for their child, they must make the necessary demands on him, teach him what is possible and what is not.

Analyzing the content of questionnaires, drawings, analyzing various situations in which a child communicates with adults and peers, together with parents we have drawn up a number of rules. Here they are:

Be moderately kind and demanding to your child if you want to achieve something.

Before you evaluate your child’s actions, try to understand the situation.

Set a good example for your child.

Together with my parents, we decided to create a club" A happy family"We build his work under the motto “My family is my joy.” Our common goal is to raise kind, sympathetic children who love and respect mom and dad, sisters and brothers, grandparents, all friends and relatives, to be merciful to people.

The first meeting of the club was dedicated to getting to know the families of the children. Each family published a wall newspaper under the heading “Here we are!”, where family hobbies were described in a humorous or serious form, in poetry or prose. The exhibition of family albums turned out to be very interesting. The club meeting turned into a wonderful celebration in which every family took part. Did children, parents, and grandmothers show their talents?

The second meeting of the club was dedicated to the traditions of Russian folk culture. Children and their parents prepared Russian folk costumes, read fairy tales, learned folk songs and games, and got acquainted with ancient traditions and rituals.

The holiday "Village Gatherings" was interesting. Russian folk songs were sung by grandmothers; moms staged folk tales; children solved riddles and demonstrated ancient things: grips, rocker arms, tubs found from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

A little later we held a marathon “My Friendly Family”. In poems, songs, and games, children expressed their attitude towards grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters.

The children expressed their opinion on how they understand what the “world of family” is. As a result, it turned out that the “family world” is:

home, comfort, warmth;

mutual understanding, love, respect;

holidays, traditions.

The adults tried to explain to the children: in order for peace and friendship to reign in the family, you need to remember three important rules:

respect and love your elders;

take care of the younger ones;

remember that you are a helper in the family.

And the questions about what qualities should be cultivated in oneself, in what mood one should perform household duties, how family members should treat each other so that everyone is happy, were answered not only by children, but also by parents. At the end of the marathon, each family received a gift album “My Genealogy” (author-compiler V. S. Vasilevskaya).

Folk wisdom says: “Wormwood cannot grow without a root,” so we began practical work to collect materials about the family’s pedigree.

With the help of the manual album, which contains tasks for children and parents, we began to complete the first task. Children learned about the origins of names and surnames and looked for materials in dictionaries and reference books. While completing assignments, children wrote about themselves, their parents, brothers and sisters, and their beloved grandparents.

Having learned a lot of interesting things about their relatives, finding out their ranks and titles, the children, together with their parents, began to draw a family tree - the tree of life of each family.

Having compiled their pedigree, drawn a family tree, they learned to compose their family coats of arms and mottos. On the field of the shield they painted what most suited their family: some depicted their hobbies, and others depicted family professions passed down from generation to generation.

All coat of arms owners must have family mottos. Proverbs helped to find a suitable motto: “Live forever, learn forever,” “Patience and work will grind everything down,” “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” etc.

So, having laid the foundation for a family chronicle, restoring, as far as possible, their pedigree, and even inventing their own coat of arms and motto, the children realized that they owe their lives to many generations of their family. A person in this world is not alone and should value all his relatives.

All this work helped the children understand: in order to treat loved ones with care, they must help in everything and do good deeds.

First, it was necessary to create a special application in the album, which is called “Calendar of birthdays and family holidays,” and, most importantly, regularly look at this calendar, not forgetting to congratulate your loved ones on time.

The result of this painstaking, but at the same time interesting work became family celebration“The warmth of the home”, which was held under the motto:

Keep the fire of your home hearth

And don’t covet other people’s fires.

Our ancestors lived by this law

And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:

Keep the fire of your home!

O. Fokina

The holiday was held with great emotional excitement. Every moment of this holiday educated not only children, but also adults, forcing them to remember the past, reconsider the present, and think about the future.

At the festival, children talked about their distant ancestors, who were wonderful farmers, blacksmiths, weavers, and baked amazing bread. And how many interesting things the children learned about their surnames, names that came to us from ancient times. Many interesting relics were presented at the exhibition: antique vases, towels, candlesticks, antique money.

The children were surprised not only to see, but also to hear the sound of the gramophone, which seemed to the children something fabulous, unreal. It turned out that some families have their own symbols of happiness that bring good luck. In one family it is a fisherman's hat, which always brings the owner a big catch.

The effectiveness of a teacher’s educational work largely depends on his ability to find mutual language with parents, relying on help and support.

Parent meetings are one of the most effective forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents and forming a parent team.

Each of our meetings with parents gives rise to thought, evokes a desire to analyze and reason. Recently, we have come to the conclusion that parent meetings need to be held in a new way. Our parent meetings include pedagogical education, consultation, discussion, and family celebrations.

Each parent raises their children as they see fit, based on their knowledge, skills, feelings and beliefs. It is difficult for an outsider, even a teacher who is usually close to the parent, to confront this. And is it necessary? Is it worth breaking this tradition? Isn’t it better to elevate it into a kind of principle: let the family raise their children as they want. But she must certainly want and be able to educate. And to help parents choose the right way, as part of the “Happy Family” club, we held a series of round table discussions. Parents could freely express their opinions on educational issues and shared their experiences of family education.

So, talking about the relationship between mother and child, we came to the conclusion that maternal love has many faces. The main thing is to truly love the child. This means, for his sake, overcoming yourself, suppressing your bad habits and addictions, limiting the demonstration of your “I”.

And this turns out to be much more difficult than meeting the basic needs of a child. Not every mother is capable of such self-restraint and self-sacrifice.

One of the main indicators of maternal love is understanding your child. Only by comprehending his essence, the mother is able to respond to his feelings, forgive, encourage, help overcome doubts and gain self-confidence. Understanding on the part of the mother causes children to be frank. By understanding your child, you can protect him from negative influences. “Only the heart is vigilant; you cannot see the most important things with your eyes” - these words from Saint-Exupery’s “The Little Prince”, in my opinion, express the essence of maternal love.

In preparing for a parent meeting on the topic: “Cultivating a culture of behavior in older preschoolers,” we set ourselves a goal: to help parents see shortcomings in the process of raising children and find ways to eliminate them.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Our children are our old age. Proper education“This is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, our guilt before other people, before the whole country.”

Upbringing in the family is the foundation. Everything else: kindergarten, school, college, environment - additional polishing, nothing more.

Thus, at this stage of the experiment, we offered tasks and exercises aimed at cooperation and interaction between parents, children and preschool employees.

2.3. Control stage of work with parents on non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family

At the last control stage, the effectiveness of the work done was studied and analyzed.

Based on the results of experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution into the practice of preschool educational institutions, a repeated survey of parents was conducted (Tables 3-4) and it was proposed to make birdhouses for birds that will soon fly to us from warm countries.

After analyzing the responses of the parents of the experimental group, we came to the following conclusions.

1. Most parents began to purposefully deal with the problems of raising preschoolers. Now they are interested in problems that they had not thought about before: the patriotic, moral and aesthetic education of children, their culture of behavior, introducing children to cultural values. As the results of the survey showed, these problems are of interest to 55% of the parents of the experimental group (before the formative stage - 30%).

2. 80% of parents in the experimental group read pedagogical literature. Before the formative stage - 50%.

3. Many parents of the experimental group (85%) began to take part in the life of the kindergarten with great interest (before the formative stage - 55%).

4. 40% of parents want to receive information about raising their children in a playful way, and 30% at parent conferences. Before the formative stage - only 10%.

5. Parents expressed a desire to conduct clubs: “Origami”, “Salt dough modeling”, “Crocheting”, “Young technician”, “Skillful hands”, “Young athlete” - 60%. Before the formative stage - 10%.

Analysis of the responses of parents in the control group showed the following.

1. Some parents began to show more interest in the problems of raising their children. If earlier they were mainly concerned about the issue of relationships with children, now they have become interested in problems of physical education and healthy image the child’s life, culture of behavior and familiarization of children with cultural values ​​- only 60% versus 30% at the ascertaining stage. In all likelihood, this is due to the fact that the parents of the experimental group shared their impressions of classes at the preschool educational institution with the parents of the control group.

2. Attitudes towards pedagogical literature have not changed, but 80% of parents began to read periodicals on issues of raising children (regularly - only 10%).

3. 40% of parents expressed a desire to participate in joint work with children - slightly more than at the ascertaining stage (20%), but much less than the parents of the experimental group (80%).

4. 20% of parents want to receive information about raising their children in a playful way. The majority prefer traditional forms - parent meetings and individual conversations - 80%.

5. Parents of the control group do not feel much desire to hold clubs: only two parents agreed to do this - “Young Technician”, “Young Athlete”, that is, 20%.

Figure 3 shows comparative data from our questionnaire survey of both study groups at the beginning and end of the experiment.

Fig.2 Comparative data from a questionnaire survey of parents from the EG

Thus, we can conclude that the position of the parents of the experimental group has improved significantly, in contrast to the parents of the control group.

The answers of the parents of the control group differed in many ways from the answers of the parents of the experimental group. This is due to the fact that no active work was carried out with these parents on their pedagogical training and involvement in cooperation with the preschool educational institution.

The results of the EG birdhouses made are presented by us in Figure 3.

Fig.3. Results of assessment of birdhouses EG

Comparing the results with the initial data we obtained during the experimental phase of the study, we can conclude that the quality of handicrafts made by preschoolers in collaboration with their parents increased by an average of 45%.

In Figure 4. We present comparative data from both study groups at the beginning and end of our experimental activities.

Fig.4. Dynamics of indicators of interaction between parents and children

Therefore, we can conclude that the EG data increased significantly at the end of our study. In the control group, the indicators remained at the same level.

Conclusions on Chapter II

The experience of working with parents of the experimental group showed that as a result of the formative experiment, the position of both parents and educators became more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Fathers and mothers feel more competent in raising children. The position of the parents of the control group has hardly changed: parents show insufficient knowledge and skills in the field of raising preschool children, and show little activity in interaction with preschool educational institutions on the problems of children's upbringing and development.


We examined the issues that the family and kindergarten are chronologically connected by continuity, which ensures the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.

Family and kindergarten have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

The family is the institution of primary socialization. The nursery is part of the system of the child’s indirect, or formal, environment and represents an institution of secondary socialization. All stages of the socialization process are closely interconnected.

Currently, no one doubts the need for public preschool education. In recent years, increased demands have been placed on preschool institutions.

The relationship of a preschool institution with a family should be based on cooperation and interaction, subject to the openness of the kindergarten inward (involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten) and outward (cooperation of the preschool educational institution with social institutions located on its territory: general education, music, sports schools, libraries, etc.).

If in the Soviet period our state in every possible way emphasized the social function of a preschool institution - the liberation of a woman-mother to participate in social production, then today the pedagogical function of a preschool institution is put at the forefront: how they are educated, what they teach, how successfully they prepare for school. Practitioners are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents; The preschool education system is undergoing a restructuring, and at the center of this restructuring is the humanization and de-ideologization of the pedagogical process.

The experience of working with parents of the experimental group showed that as a result of the formative experiment, the position of both parents and educators became more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Fathers and mothers feel more competent in raising children. Most parents began to purposefully deal with the problems of raising preschoolers. They are interested in the problems of patriotic, moral and aesthetic education of children, their culture of behavior, and introducing children to cultural values. As the results of the survey showed, these problems are of interest to 70% of the parents of the experimental group (before the formative stage - 10%). All parents of the experimental group read pedagogical literature (40% - regularly) and periodicals devoted to the problems of raising preschool children (60% - regularly). Before the formative stage - 10% regularly. After holding events with parents during the formative stage, the majority (80%) would like to take part in the life of the kindergarten with great interest (before the formative stage - 10%). Parents expressed a desire to conduct clubs: “Origami”, “Salt dough modeling”, “Crocheting”, “Young technician”, “Skillful hands”, “Young athlete” - 60%. Before the formative stage - only 10%.

The position of the parents of the control group has hardly changed: parents show insufficient knowledge and skills in the field of raising preschool children, and show little activity in interaction with preschool educational institutions on the problems of children's upbringing and development.

Thus, the use of non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and the family helps to increase the effectiveness of work with parents.


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Annex 1

Answers of parents of the experimental group to the questions of the questionnaire (ascertaining stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

Relationships between children

Others (name)

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In classes, in a playful way

Others (name)




Salt dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful hands

Young athlete

Others (name)

Appendix 2

Responses of parents of the control group to the questionnaire questions (ascertaining stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

Relationships between children

Relationships between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child

Introduction to cultural values

Others (name)

2. Do you read pedagogical literature?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

3. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of raising preschool children?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

4. In what forms would you like to receive information about raising your children in kindergarten?

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In individual conversations with specialists

In classes, in a playful way

Others (name)



6. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?


Salt dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful hands

Young athlete

Others (name)

Appendix 3

Answers of parents of the experimental group to the questions of the questionnaire (control stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

1. What issues of education remain less studied for you?

Relationships between children

Relationships between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child

Introduction to cultural values

Others (name)

2. Do you read pedagogical literature?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

3. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of raising preschool children?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

4. In what forms would you like to receive information about raising your children in kindergarten?

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In individual conversations with specialists

In classes, in a playful way

Others (name)

5. Do you wish to participate in working with the children of your group?



6. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?


Salt dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful hands

Young athlete

Others (name)

Appendix 4

Responses of parents of the control group to the questionnaire (control stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

1. What problems of upbringing remain less studied for you?

Relationships between children

Relationships between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child

Introduction to cultural values

Others (name)

2. Do you read pedagogical literature?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

3. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of raising preschool children?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

I don't read

4. In what forms would you like to receive information about raising your children in kindergarten?

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In individual conversations with specialists

In classes, in a playful way

Others (name)

5. Do you want to participate in working with the children of your group?



6. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?


Salt dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful hands

Young athlete

Others (name)

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