Teachers' council "development of creative abilities in preschoolers." Presentation of the teachers' council "development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in various types of children's design" Teachers' council development of children's creative potential

Irina Kulakova
Pedagogical advice on the topic: “Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children”

Target: To improve work in preschool educational institutions in artistic and aesthetic education.


1. Introductory word “The meaning of artistic aesthetic education in the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children.” - manager

2. Message using the presentation “Development of musical and creative abilities of preschool children” - music. supervisor

3. Message “Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children” - art teacher.

4. Report from work experience “Organization of work on artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children” - teacher of a preparatory group for school.

5. Results of diagnosing the creative abilities of preschool children (senior groups) - educational psychologist.

6. Results of mutual verification of PRS on artistic and aesthetic education in different age groups. - group teachers

7. Results of the thematic test “System of working with preschoolers in artistic and aesthetic education.” - Art. teacher

8. Business game– “Pedagogical run” using presentation. - Art. teacher

9. Presentation of a mini-summary of GCD in a playful form “Acquaintance with the work of an artist, writer, composer”, “Acquaintance with a folk toy” - teachers of groups, music. managers

10. Discussion of the draft decision.

The importance of artistic and aesthetic education in the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children" (- presentation).

The head begins the meeting with a statement from the wonderful teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of children’s creative abilities and talents are at their fingertips. In other words: the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

Preschool age, gives great opportunities for the development of creative abilities and the extent to which these opportunities were used will largely depend on the creative potential of an adult.

How we want to see our future largely depends on us and on the principles that we instill in the minds of children. What a person is, such is his activity, such is the world he creates around himself.

What characterizes a person above all? Of course, his culture. This concept includes spirituality and morality, civilization and education, spiritual and mental sophistication and creative activity. A person’s culture is a reflection of his inner world, and aesthetic education plays a huge role in the formation of a person’s culture.

What is artistic and aesthetic education of children? Let's turn to respected teachers of our time, as well as to the dictionary on aesthetics (slide).

Key role kindergarten(slide)

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​artistic and aesthetic education of preschool educational institutions(slide).

What are the tasks of artistic and aesthetic education in kindergarten? (slide)

First group tasks are aimed at developing children’s aesthetic attitude towards the environment.

And, indeed, from the first years of life, a child unconsciously reaches out to everything bright and attractive, rejoices in shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this gives him a feeling of pleasure and interest. The word “beautiful” enters children’s lives early. From the first year of life, they hear a song, a fairy tale, look at pictures; simultaneously with reality, art becomes the source of their joyful experiences. In the process of artistic and aesthetic education, preschoolers undergo a transition from an unconscious response to everything bright and beautiful to a conscious perception of beauty.

Acquaintance with beauty in life and art not only educates the child’s mind and feelings, but also contributes to the development of the child’s imagination, fantasy, and creativity.

Second group tasks are aimed at developing artistic skills in the field of various arts.

Moreover, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the goal of teaching artistic skills is not only to give children knowledge and skills in singing, drawing, reading poetry, but also to arouse their interest and desire to independently creative activity.

What can we classify as means of artistic and aesthetic education?(teachers' answers).

The main means of artistic and aesthetic education are (slide):

Subject development environment


(Visual arts, music, architecture, literature, theater)

Artistic activity

(both organized by the teacher and independent)

It is the educator who must lead the child from the perception of beauty and emotional response to it to understanding and the formation of aesthetic ideas, judgments, and evaluations.

This is painstaking work, requiring the teacher to be able to systematically, unobtrusively permeate the child’s life with beauty, and in every possible way to ennoble his environment.

Children's creativity is also manifested in composing stories, inventing poems, as well as in other types of their artistic activities. In drawing, modeling, stories, songs, the child satisfies his need for an effective, figurative expression of his impressions. And here, first, the idea is born, and then the means of implementing it; children combine their impressions obtained from the perception of various works of art. And in this case, the child remains just as sincere; he does not just copy what he saw, but conveys his attitude towards it.

Thus, in preschool age, the sprouts of creativity are observed, which are manifested in the development of the ability to create a plan and its implementation, in the ability to combine one’s knowledge and ideas, in the sincere transmission of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. However, in order to develop artistic and creative abilities in children, they need appropriate training. In the process, they master ways of figuratively expressing and depicting their ideas in words, singing, drawing, dance, and dramatization. Education encourages the child to consciously express artistic expression, evokes positive emotions, and develops abilities.

We have formulated the tasks of artistic and aesthetic education of children, determined the main means with which we will solve these problems, but we must not forget about the conditions for their implementation (slide):

Conditions for implementing the tasks of artistic and aesthetic education (slide)

I attach great importance to the integration of all types of art and artistic and creative activities in the implementation of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of children and in the development of their creativity.

It is integration that allows you to combine children’s impressions, deepen and enrich the figurative content children's creativity through the relationship between the figurative content of art and children's artistic activity. The integration of different types of art and various artistic activities allows children to more deeply and comprehensively comprehend the images they create, to better understand art and the phenomenon of life.

The effectiveness of aesthetic education in general and the development of artistic and creative abilities in particular, from my point of view, is determined by the interconnected use of all means of aesthetic education and a variety of artistic and creative activities (game, visual, theatrical, artistic speech, music).

The mechanism of integration is the image created by means of different types of art and artistic activity:

– in literature, the means of expression is the word (figurative definitions, epithets, comparisons);

– in theatrical activities means of expression dramatization - movements, gestures, facial expressions, voice, intonation;

- V visual arts– drawing (shape, size, color, modeling (shape, volume, proportions, appliqué (shape, color, composition);

– in music – melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, intonation, etc.

All artistic and creative activities perform a psychotherapeutic function, distracting children from sad, sad events, relieving nervous tension, fears, causing joyful high spirits, calming them down, and creating an environment of emotional well-being. The artistic and aesthetic development of children contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, emotional sphere, influences the knowledge of the moral side of reality, increases cognitive activity.

About development preschoolers have musical and creative abilities musical director(presentation).

About development in preschoolers, artistic and creative abilities through didactic games and exercises, the arts teacher will tell you.

Experience in organizing work The teacher of the preparatory group “Cherry” will share on the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Results of diagnosing the creative abilities of older children, preparatory groups An educational psychologist will voice you, give recommendations for developing these abilities and conduct a quick diagnostic of your creative abilities.

Teachers tell on the results of mutual verification of the subject-development environment for artistic and aesthetic education.

Results of the thematic audit The “system of work with preschoolers on artistic and aesthetic education,” carried out in preparation for the teachers’ council, is let down by the senior teacher. then conducts a pedagogical run on the topic of the teachers' council (presentation).

Teachers present a mini-summary of GCD using gaming techniques


  • Systematize the knowledge of teachers and increase their professional competence in the field of developing children's creative abilities preschool age.
  • Creating motivation for active creative activity.

Plan for the teachers' meeting:

  1. Results of the thematic control “The state of work of the teaching staff on the development of the creative potential of preschool children.”
  2. Dispute “Creativity – the destiny of the chosen few or a necessity of existence.
  3. Brainstorming “Kindergarten – the territory of creativity”
  4. We share our pedagogical skills:
    1. Game is a means of developing the creative personality of a preschooler
    2. Development of imagination and creative abilities of preschool children through construction.
    3. Problem-based learning is a means of developing the creative potential of a preschool child’s personality.
    4. Collecting as a means of developing creativity in preschool children.
  5. Business game “Creative teacher - creative child.”
  6. Summing up the results of the teachers' meeting.

Draft decision of the teachers' council:

  1. In order to improve the quality of the educational process, systematically conduct creative games to develop the creativity of preschoolers in all types of children’s activities, taking into account their personal interests.
  2. To contribute to the enrichment of the subject-development environment of groups through the creation of collections and “Inventor” corners as a form of developing cognitive interest in children.
  3. Include problem-based learning in the practice of working with children as a means of developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.
  4. Design the exhibition “Advice to parents on developing the creative abilities of preschoolers in the family” (literature, visual aids, recommendations, booklets, memos).
  5. To systematize the work experience of preschool teachers in developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Thematic control plan

Topic: “The state of the teaching staff’s work on developing the creative potential of preschool children.”

Target: research and determination of the effectiveness of organizing educational work in the preschool department to develop the creative potential of preschoolers and making the necessary adjustments to improve the professional competence of teachers to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

No. Direction of work Content Methodology for organizing control
1 Survey of the level of development of creative abilities of preschool children. To identify the level of development of creative abilities of preschoolers of different age groups. Analysis of diagnostic cards.

Analysis of children's activities in classes and in independent activities.

2 Assessment of teachers' professional skills. Teachers’ knowledge of partial programs and technologies, tasks for developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.

A variety of techniques and methods used by teachers in working with children.

Observation and analysis of the methods of conducting classes.

Questioning of teachers

Analysis of self-education of teachers.

Analysis of the subject-developmental environment in the group (competence of teachers in its creation)

3 Creation of conditions. Creating conditions for working with children in groups and specialists’ offices.

Creating conditions for independent children's activities.

Visiting groups.

Study and analysis of the subject-developmental environment (from the point of view of its content) (creativity corner, experimentation corner, book corner, theatrical corner, educational games)

4 Work planning. Planning work with children to develop creative abilities.

The relationship between the work of teachers and specialists.

Analysis of planning (system of work on developing children’s creative abilities: planning classes, individual and subgroup work with children, work in group corners, creative games).
5 Working with parents Evaluation of visual information and counseling assistance to parents.

Analysis of the activities carried out

Analysis of plans (organization and conduct of events with the participation of parents).

Analysis of visual information for parents in the group

Questioning parents

Brainstorming “Kindergarten – the territory of creativity”

1. Determine which components belong to the main components of creativity:

a) attention

b) divergent thinking

c) activity

d) imagination

e) initiative

e) emotionality

2. What document do you think the following phrase is taken from: “State educational institutions of preschool education will receive support in the implementation of modern educational programs aimed at improving the quality of education, ensuring the creative and intellectual development of children...”?

a) Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education

b) Law on Education;

V) Government program the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012 – 2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow “Capital education”.

d) Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations.

e) Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

3. Divergent thinking is...

a) the ability to perceive reality as a whole and not split it into parts

b) the ability to see a problem where others do not see it

c) searching for multiple solutions to the same problem.

d) the ability to easily associate distant concepts

a) Alex Osborne

b) Joy Paul Guilford

V) Marshall McLuhan

d) Lev Semenovich Vygotsky

5. Identify factors that hinder the development of creativity.

a) the teacher’s focus on the child’s absolute success

b) the ability to manipulate objects and thoughts

c) separating children from each other in play activities

d) the desire to find an answer immediately

e) active play activity

f) personal example of a creative approach to problem solving

6. Founder of the theory of solving inventive problems

a) William Gordon

b) Alex Osborne

c) Heinrich Altshuller

d) Joy Paul Guilford

7. The essence of the focal object method (TRIZ) is...

a) in modeling processes occurring in the natural and man-made world between substances

b) in the transfer of properties, qualities of one or several objects to another

c) in changing the properties and purposes of an object to the opposite, turning them into anti-objects

d) in determining the role and place of the functions of objects and their interaction for each subsystem and supersystem element.

a) Milne Alan Alexander

b) Rudyard Kipling

c) GianniRodari

d) Carol Lewis

e) Lindgren Astrid

Business game “Creative teacher – creative child”

Teachers are divided into 3 teams

Equipment: cards for task No. 2 by number of teams, sheets of paper, colored pencils, musical accompaniment, expert sheets for the jury

1 task “ Business card teams"

Teams present their team name and motto.

The maximum number of points for a task is 3 points

Task 2 “Imaginative-associative thinking” (the ability to group objects based on their signs (properties) associated with the emergence of arbitrary associations between these objects).

Each team is given a card with pictures. It is necessary to create as many groups of pictures as possible, combining them according to different criteria of association. For each group compiled and explained, 1 point is awarded.

Possible answers:

  1. group: objects in which you can carry something (bucket, backpack, juice pack)
  2. group: transport (car, boat)
  3. group: wooden objects (spruce, spoon, guitar)
  4. group: objects in which you can pour liquids (juice carton, bucket)
  5. group: metal objects (car, bucket)
  6. group: can swim (fish, boat)
  7. group: objects made by man (guitar, backpack, bag, car, bucket, boat)
  8. group: natural objects (fish, spruce)

Teams are given a junk item that no one needs in advance, based on which they must make an advertisement, presenting at least 5 new unusual ways to use this item. Advertising time is maximum 1 minute.

Suggested Items:

  • empty tin can;
  • burnt out light bulb
  • burst balloon;
  • a roll of tape;
  • broken umbrella

Task 4 “Unknown animal”.

The presenter calls each team words denoting animals unknown to science and asks them to draw and describe them. You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

  • Biruang (Malayan bear),
  • Alpaca is an animal of the camel family.
  • Kinkajou is a predatory mammal from the raccoon family. “Kinkajou” translates as honey bear, because these animals love honey.

The maximum number of points for an assignment is 3 points.

Task 5 “Dynamic chain “Good-bad-good-bad” (development of the ability to understand the inconsistency of the properties of objects and phenomena)

Teachers are offered the word “pedagogical council”. Teachers should evaluate and write positive and negative sides. You can also invite teachers to evaluate the phrase “is it good or bad to be a teacher.”

The maximum number of points for an assignment is 3 points.

Task 6 “Make up a story”

Each team is given 4 words that are as little related as possible. Within 5 minutes, you need to come up with a story that combines these words into a logically coherent action (do not incline the words).

Example words:

  • dirt, theater, bread, pen;
  • lantern, boat, salt, brick;
  • milk, computer, umbrella, iron

The maximum number of points for an assignment is 3 points.

Formation and development of students' creative abilities in extracurricular work in mathematics. (Teacher: Dultseva L.P.) My speech at the teachers' meeting. March 28, 2012

The teacher’s task is to organize the process in such a way that every effort to master knowledge takes place in the context of the development of students’ cognitive abilities, the formation in them of such basic techniques of mental activity as analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. Schoolchildren must be taught to work independently, express and check assumptions and guesses; be able to make generalizations and creatively apply knowledge in new situations. Pedagogical tasks are multifunctional, but the main content pedagogical activity- student. Consequently, the criterion for a teacher’s activity is the final result: to give the student only a set of knowledge on the subject or to form a personality ready for creative activity. It follows that the development of students depends on the activities that they perform during the learning process - reproductive or productive (creative). Only when educational activities, aimed at mastering the basics of science and developing personal qualities, is formed at a higher level, and its creative side begins to clearly manifest itself. The capabilities of schoolchildren are different, but they must be set in motion to develop creative activity, and at the same time the student’s personality. The creative activity of students is not limited to just acquiring new things. The work will be creative when the students’ own ideas are manifested in it, new tasks are set and independently solved with the help of acquired knowledge. The creative activity of a student depends on the presence of three components of thinking: 1) high level the formation of elementary mental operations: analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy; 2) a high level of activity and originality of thinking, which manifest themselves in various options making decisions and putting forward non-standard ideas; 3) a high level of organization and purposefulness of thinking, which are manifested in the ability to highlight the essential in phenomena and consciousness own ways thinking. A student who has the above-mentioned thinking qualities can overcome difficulties in mastering educational material and emerge victorious in unfamiliar situations. Consequently, the teacher’s task comes down to the formation of these components of thinking, the formation and development of students’ creative abilities. Extracurricular work in mathematics helps to complete this task. Contributing to a deep and lasting mastery of the studied material, improving mathematical culture, instilling independent work skills, extracurricular work develops interest in the study of mathematics and the creative abilities of schoolchildren, and its tools should be: Ø mathematical games; Ø mugs; Ø Olympics; Ø math evenings; Ø week of mathematics; Ø various entertaining tasks: puzzle tasks, guesswork and guesswork, non-standard tasks, etc. I will dwell in more detail on each of them. Games. Play is creativity, play is work. During the game, children develop the habit of thinking independently, the desire for knowledge, self-esteem, a sense of empathy for a teammate, etc. Being carried away, children do not notice that they are learning, learning, remembering new things, and this new thing comes into them naturally, playfully. They orient themselves better in an unusual situation, show creativity and imagination, especially those who at other times simply would not react to a lesson, to didactic games. Introduction to creative activity can take place through mathematical battles, KVN, mathematical lotto, auction, brain rings, etc. A game gives the teacher the opportunity to see the student’s creative potential, to reveal and develop his creative abilities; the game creates conditions for the development of these abilities. In my teaching activities I practice extracurricular activities in the form of games such as brain ring, “The Weakest Link”, “Oh Lucky Man!”, “ Finest hour in mathematics”, etc. Very rich material on conducting such games can be found in the newspaper “Mathematics” (supplement to the newspaper “SEPTEMBER 1”). SHOW - Book “Kaleidoscope of educational and business games in high school.”

Circle. During the club's classes, students learn to solve problems (puzzles, quick-wittedness and guesswork, Olympiad, practical, non-standard problems, etc.). The main factor of entertainment is introducing students to creative search, activating their independent research activities. By offering students entertaining tasks, the teacher develops their ability to analyze comparisons, generalizations, establish connections, draw conclusions, and at the same time develop a special type of creativity - ingenuity. During the club classes, children are more relaxed and fantasize better.

Olympics. The annual holding of Olympiads allows children who are passionate about mathematics to demonstrate their creative mathematical abilities. When preparing for the Olympiad, a teacher has to work a lot: a variety of solution methods, studying additional material etc. Sometimes students develop methods themselves and share them with others. I take material for preparing students for Olympiads from the magazine “Mathematics at School”, the newspaper “Mathematics” (supplement to the newspaper “SEPTEMBER 1”), and books. In connection with the computerization of the educational process in preparation for the Olympiads, I offer children who have a computer at home computer disks. Talk about computers logic games, they allow us to identify students with a mathematical mindset.

Math week. In recent years, many schools have traditionally celebrated Mathematics Week. The beginning of Mathematics Week is announced by the publication of a newspaper, which indicates the plan for the Week. In the following days, various competitions, KVN, mathematical games, savvy tournaments, etc. are held in the classrooms. Mathematics Week ends with a school mathematical Olympiad, in which everyone can take part. GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF SPENDING A WEEK AT OUR SCHOOL. (In addition to the fact that I have a removable “Be Smart” stand in my classroom, during the Week I post entertaining, logic problems, puzzles. Sometimes I use humorous techniques: you will enter or leave the class by answering my questions (thinking questions). This year, the children were given a creative task - publishing a mathematical newspaper, which allowed the children to learn new facts for themselves, because in order to select material it was necessary to leaf through a lot of mathematical literature, act as editors, and show their abilities. During the week, students themselves bring interesting and entertaining tasks that they found on their own in various books. Execute creative tasks By various topics geometry: coordinate plane, axial and central symmetry, rotation; compose “scientific tales” (About quadrangles). As part of the week, students prepare reports on the history of mathematics and great scientists. With the introduction of specialized education in schools, students have the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge through attending elective courses. In conclusion, I want to say: if a student sees before him examples of a creative approach to the work of his mentors, then he himself has a need for creativity.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in different types children's design. Prepared by: Emelyanova Evdokia Sergeevna

2 slide

Slide description:

Agenda Relevance of the problem Activities of teachers to create conditions for the development of artistic and creative abilities of children in constructive activities (analysis, head). Business game Decision Award

3 slide

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“Children's creative design” Children's design - various buildings from building materials and designer parts, making crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. Constructive activity is the most powerful means of a child’s mental development.

4 slide

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With properly organized activities, children acquire: constructive and technical skills generalized skills

5 slide

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Constructive activity promotes practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships: it is a means moral education preschoolers plays a big role in developing the initial skills of working in a team; it is also of great importance for the education of aesthetic feelings.

6 slide

Slide description:

Activities of teachers to create conditions for the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities in constructive activities

7 slide

Slide description:

Business game “Development of children’s artistic and creative abilities in design” Rules of the game Be able to listen to others Develop common decision Take an active part in the game Observe the culture of speech and tact Adhere to the regulations

8 slide

Slide description:

warm-up How do you understand the term “design”? What do you see as the reasons for failures in design work? What specifically do you take blame for as an educator? In your opinion, what kind of work should be done with parents in preschool educational institutions on this issue?

Slide 9

Slide description:

Second group early age While playing with tabletop and floor building materials, continue to familiarize children with the details (cube, brick, triangular prism, plate, cylinder), with options for arranging building forms on a plane. To develop children’s ability to construct elementary buildings according to a model, to support the desire to build something on their own. Promote understanding of spatial relationships. Suggest the use of additional story toys commensurate with the scale of the buildings (small cars for small garages, etc.). At the end of the game, teach the child to put the toys back in their place. Introduce children to the simplest plastic construction sets. Offer to design turrets, houses, cars together with an adult. Support children's desire to build on their own. In the summer, encourage construction games using natural materials (sand, water, acorns, pebbles, etc.).

10 slide

Slide description:

Junior group Lead children to the simplest analysis of created buildings. Improve constructive skills. Strengthen the ability to distinguish, name and use basic building parts (cubes, bricks, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms), construct new buildings using previously acquired skills (laying, attaching, applying), use parts of different colors in buildings. Instill a feeling of joy at a successful construction. Learn to place bricks and plates vertically (in a row, in a circle, around the perimeter of a quadrangle), place them close to each other, at a certain distance. Encourage children to create design options by adding other details Change buildings in two ways: replacing some parts with others or building them up in height and length. Develop a desire to build buildings according to your own design. Continue to teach children how to play with buildings, unite them according to the plot. After playing, teach children to carefully put the parts in boxes.

11 slide

Slide description:

Middle group Continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name construction objects (cube, plate, brick, block); learn to use them taking into account their structural properties (stability, shape, size). Develop the ability to establish associative connections by asking them to remember what similar structures children have seen. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample: identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape, establish the spatial arrangement of these parts relative to each other. Develop the ability to independently measure buildings and follow the design principle set by the teacher. Offer to build buildings from large and small building materials, use parts of different colors to create and decorate buildings. Develop ideas about architectural forms. Teach paper construction techniques: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, aligning the sides and corners, and glue the parts to the main shape. Involve children in making crafts from natural materials. Learn to use glue and plasticine to secure parts; use reels, boxes of different sizes and other items in crafts.

12 slide

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Senior group Continue to develop the ability to establish connections between the buildings being created and what children see in the life around them; create a variety of buildings and structures. Strengthen the ability to identify the main parts and characteristic details of structures. Help analyze crafts and buildings made by the teacher; find based on analysis Constructive decisions and plan to create your own building. Introduce new details: various in shape and size. Strengthen the ability to replace some parts with others. To develop the ability to create buildings of different sizes and designs of the same object. Strengthen the ability to build according to a drawing, independently select the necessary building material. Continue to develop the ability to work collectively, combine your crafts in accordance with a common plan, agree on who will do what part of the work; help each other when necessary. Improve the ability to work with paper: bend the sheet four times in different directions; work according to the finished pattern. Strengthen the ability to create from paper volumetric figures: divide a square sheet into several equal parts, smooth out the folds, cut along the folds. Continue to strengthen the ability to make toys, souvenirs from different materials, firmly connecting the parts. Develop the ability to independently make toys and souvenirs. Involve children in the production of manuals for educational activities. Strengthen the ability to use materials economically and rationally.

Slide 13

Slide description:

PREPARATORY GROUP To develop interest in a variety of buildings and structures. Encourage the desire to convey their characteristics in constructive activities. Develop the ability to see the structure of an object and analyze its main parts and their functional purpose. Invite children to independently find individual constructive solutions based on an analysis of existing structures. Strengthen skills teamwork: the ability to distribute responsibilities, work in accordance with the general plan, without interfering with each other. Construction from building material. Develop the ability to construct various structures of the same object in accordance with their purpose. Determine which parts are most suitable for construction, how best to combine them; continue to develop the ability to plan the construction process. Strengthen the ability to construct buildings combined common theme. Construction from construction parts. Introduce different types of constructors. Learn to create various models according to a drawing, according to the teacher’s verbal instructions, according to one’s own plan. Strengthen the ability to create designs united by a common theme.

Slide 14

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Working with paper and cardboard. Strengthen the ability to fold paper rectangular, square, round shape in different directions; use paper of different textures, make markings using a template; create fun toys. To develop the ability to create objects from strips of colored paper, select colors and their shades when making toys, souvenirs, costume parts and decorations for the holidays. Develop the ability to use a sample. Teach children to create three-dimensional toys using the origami technique. Working with fabric. Develop the ability to thread a needle and tie a knot; sew on a button, hanger; sew simple items using a “forward needle” seam. Strengthen the ability to make applique using pieces of fabric of various textures, draw an outline using chalk and cut out in accordance with the intended plot. Work with natural material. Strengthen the ability to create figures of people, animals, birds, convey the expressiveness of the image, and create general compositions. In the process of work, develop fantasy and imagination. Strengthen the ability to use materials carefully and economically.

15 slide

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious, mental, moral and physical development child, a person’s personality is formed.

The problem of developing creative abilities is very relevant these days, because from complex, insecure children it is unlikely that truly creative individuals will grow up. Our most important task is to educate people who are caring, seeking, and capable of transformative activities.

The creative potential of preschool children is most clearly manifested in interesting and accessible theatrical activities. Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, because it is based on play, and the need for play in preschool children is great. Children enjoy participating in creative process, if it is related to the game.

The whole life of children is filled with play. Every child wants to play their role. How to teach a child to play, take on a role and act? Children's theater is the answer to all questions. The theater is a magical land in which a child rejoices while playing, and in play he learns about the world!

A theatrical performance gives children a vivid artistic experience, teaches them to carefully follow the unfolding plot, and encourages children to take an active part in the action. Children are a little bit magicians, they know how to change the world in their own way and then live and act in this world. It is important not only to teach how to portray heroes or express certain emotions, but to give children the opportunity to express their abilities.

Theater education is a very effective and active education, and it is not necessary to subsequently choose the work of an actor, director, playwright, artist, musician; let our children simply carry through life the feeling of beauty that they experienced within the walls of kindergarten. If a child is not taught to dream, feel, love, and everything that is beautiful and good is not awakened in him, he is unlikely to be able to choose his real path in life.

Childhood passes in peace role playing games which help the child master the rules and laws of adults. Games for children can be considered as improvised theatrical performances in which the doll or the child himself has his own things, toys, furniture, clothes, etc. The child is given the opportunity to play the role of an actor, director, decorator, prop maker, and musician. Each child plays in his own way, but in their games they all copy their favorite characters from fairy tales, from familiar works, and from adults. In the game, the child tries on different roles.

Of particular importance in preschool institutions should be given to theatrical activities, which help to form the correct model of behavior in modern world, improves the child’s general culture, introduces him to children’s literature, music, fine arts, rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions. The love for the theater becomes not only a vivid childhood memory, but also a feeling of a holiday spent together with peers, parents and teachers in an unusual magical world.

Theatrical performances, fairy tales, performances, miniatures require the participation of not only children, teachers in preparation, but also parents. Parents often play the role of costume designers and decorators. Costumes made by the skillful hands of mothers and grandmothers make the performance bright and visually rich. What satisfaction our little actors get from their performances. Our viewers experience a sea of ​​emotions and joy.

Theater activities not only develop children and their artistic abilities, but also the universal human ability for interpersonal interaction and creativity in any field. For a child, a theatrical performance is a good opportunity to become a hero, at least for a short time, to believe in himself, to hear the first applause in his life.
