College Parent Education Program. Parent education program “Parent University” educational and methodological material on psychology on the topic

Sections: Working with parents


People love to dream. From generation to generation they do not give up this dubious occupation, and even more than that: with slight variations, from century to century, they dream about the same thing. Three main human dreams: to fly, live forever and predict the future. So, while dreaming, a man came up with an airplane and medicine, but the most difficult thing was with the last point. The future continues to frighten and intrigue, fascinate and dizzy. It just doesn’t come into my hands, and fortune-telling on coffee grounds offers little consolation. However, traditions help make the future at least partly predictable. Family traditions and home rituals are much more important for children than for adults. It may seem to us that a mother’s sweet habit of telling her baby a fairy tale every night does not oblige her to anything. For the child’s psyche, rituals acquire, in the language of psychological terms, supporting and stabilizing functions. With their help, the little one orients himself in time, from them he draws confidence that everything in the house is going as usual, and the parents’ loyalty to the child’s household habits is nothing more than an everyday expression of love for the baby. The meaning of rituals and home traditions is precisely that events follow one another in a once established sequence: day after day, month after month, and that they are observed no matter what. Confidence in this brings a sense of stability to a child’s life, relieves anxiety and consoles in moments of distress. A reverent and attentive attitude to rituals is especially important if the baby is sick, upset or offended. The seriousness and respect with which adults treat the child’s habits, which they themselves created, contributes to the development of a sense of self-worth in the little one. The baby learns to respect his words and promises, to be consistent, and to keep his word.

We won't open big secret, saying that Small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Dad and mom form a child's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. First, they build a world of touches, sounds and visual images for him, then they teach him the first words, then they convey their attitude to all this. How a child subsequently treats himself, others and life in general depends entirely on the parents. Life may seem to him like an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or he may see it as a frightening foray into wild places or as boring, thankless and hard work awaiting everyone right outside the school gates. If most of the usual family rituals do not carry restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens in children a sense of family integrity, a sense of the uniqueness of their own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better.

Of course, a child’s character is not formed in one day, but we can say with confidence: the more childhood was like a holiday, and the more joy there is in it, the happier the little man will be in the future. When creating individual traditions for your home, it is worth remembering that any rules are good if they make life better and do not complicate it. Rigid traditions, even if they do not regulate everyday life, but only holidays or other joyful events, have a depressing effect on the spontaneous child’s psyche. Some events in life should simply be allowed to happen without making them fit into a script.

If you want to diversify the life of your children and make family everyday life more interesting, you can create your own home traditions. Children of all ages love to do fun and joyful things with serious faces, under the strict guidance of adults. Think about what each member of your family does well and try to turn it into a pleasant custom.

Traditions in Russia home education were significantly weakened as a result of the policy of nationalization of educational practices. Currently, in Russian society there is a revival of the understanding that the family is perhaps the main source of development of intelligence, moral and aesthetic formation, emotional culture and physical health children. However, these problems must be solved jointly with the school.


The purpose of the “Family Traditions” program is to improve pedagogical culture and educate parents. As part of the implementation of the program, various forms of work with parents can be used: parent meetings, conferences, debate meetings, organizational, activity and psychological games, parent lectures, family living rooms, round table meetings, question and answer evenings, pedagogical workshops, training for parents and others.

The program consists of nine thematic blocks:

  1. Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate (Origins family education)
  2. My son, but he has his own mind (Me and him: how to live in harmony with a child)
  3. Reading is beauty, not reading is dryness (Family traditions: family reading)
  4. Examples of more useful instructions (Family traditions: family hearth)
  5. Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity (Family traditions: free time)
  6. Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality (Family traditions: family archive)
  7. He who hopes in heaven sits without bread (Family traditions: work in the family
  8. Health is most valuable (Family traditions: healthy lifestyle)
  9. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it (Family traditions: dialogue in family communication)

Target: promoting the revival of the best domestic traditions of family education, the restoration of the traditional way of life.


  • to form an active pedagogical position of parents, to attract them to actively participate in extracurricular leisure activities;
  • warn parents against the most common mistakes in raising children;
  • generalize and disseminate the positive experience of family education.

Expected results:

  • Creation of a system of assistance to parents in the formation of a moral lifestyle of the family, in the prevention of negative manifestations in children and adolescents.
  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, revealing creative potential parents, improving family education using examples of family traditions.
  • Strengthening the role of the family in raising children.
  • Forming in young people the qualities of a future family man and parent.





Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate
(The origins of family education)

Like the tree, so are the apples (Traditions folk pedagogy)

My day is my century: what has come to us has come to you (Traditions in Russian pedagogy)

There is a reason for everything (The origins of deep attachment in parent-child relationships)

It is not the father - the mother who gave birth, but the one who gave him water, fed him, and taught him goodness (The power of good traditions)

Child is like wax: you can salt whatever you want (Golden deposits of parental pedagogy)

From little comes great (Creating your own family traditions. Family business card)

A good example returns in a circle... (L.A. Seneca) or One for all and all for one (The Birth of Class Traditions)

A good example is the best sermon (Educating masculinity and femininity through the example of family traditions)

The Russian is proud in words and firm in deeds (How statesmen were raised)

The soul is the measure of everything (Spiritual origins of education)

The human soul is the greatest miracle of the world (Dante Alighieri)

(The role of culture and religion in the education and development of personality)


My son, but he has his own mind
(Me and him: how to live in harmony with a child)

Teach a child while he lies across the bench, but when he lies along the bench, then it’s too late to teach (Age characteristics junior schoolchildren)

Whoever indulges children later sheds a tear (Influence parental settings for the development of the child.)

And the crow praises the crows (Parental expectations as an important factor in the formation of a child’s personality)

From a moose - moose calves, from a pig - piglets (Parental behavior styles)

What will happen cannot be avoided (Psychological adaptation of students and ways of its correction)

Small children will not let you eat, big children will not let you live (Age and individual psychological characteristics of a teenager.)

In a good life, curls curl, in a bad life they split ( Emotional atmosphere in family)

Great figure, but stupid (The first signs of the emergence of a sense of adulthood. The desire for self-respect)

Raising children is not enough to count chickens (Taking into account physical and psychological characteristics, combining respect for the individual with demands on him, coordinating the influence of family and school, reasonable adjustment of the diverse influences on the student)

Children are more like their time than their parents (Adolescence. Psychological aspect)

The one who does nothing is not mistaken (Psychological meaning of supporting another person)


Reading is beauty, not reading is dryness
(Family traditions: family reading)

You'll get along with the book, you'll gain your mind, the song is beautiful, and the fairy tale is beautiful (Fairy Tale Hour for younger schoolchildren)

Books don't tell, but they tell the truth (Family Library))

From time immemorial, a book raises a person (Meeting - debate “Reading is the best teaching!”)

The newspaper teaches the reader to think about what he does not know, and to know what he does not understand (V.O. Klyuchevsky) (Review of family newspapers and magazines)

Is the pen big, but does it write big books (“Sharks of the pen” (Adults get acquainted with the creativity of their children)

Don’t be lazy to read ancient books, because in them you will easily find what others found with such difficulty in everyday experience, and you will comprehend everything (Basily I of Macedonian) (Reading interests of teenagers, favorite book and favorite characters or series of books ZhZL)

It’s not difficult to do, but difficult to conceive (Introduction to popular science magazines and books)

Some books enrich you, while others lead you astray (Meetings with writers, poets)


Examples of more useful instructions
(Family traditions: family hearth)

What it’s like at home is what it’s like for yourself (Long live comfort!)

A house is like a full cup (The joys of family)

One with a bipod, seven with a spoon (Big family. Joys and difficulties)

Our Cossacks have this custom (Traditional family structure...)

Living at home and grieving about everything (Family Laws)

There is no value against love (Family love)

Money about a white day, money about a red day and money about a rainy day (Children and money, family budget)

Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it means it’s there (Recipes for family happiness)

Any guardianship that continues after adulthood turns into usurpation (V. Hugo) (Specifics of family education: positive and negative)

True ethics begins where one stops using words (Albert Schweitzer) (Ethics and aesthetics of family life)


Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
(Family traditions: free time)

For the amusement of people, for the surprise of the whole world (Games for entertainment)

Why you go, you will find (Games for the benefit of the cause)

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry (Children with motor hyperactivity syndrome. Games to calm children)

And the box just opened (Mind games)

Many children's games are imitation of the serious activities of adults (J. Korczak) (Igroteka)

In education, the development of skills must precede the development of the mind (Aristotle) ​​(Communicative games)

Such miracles that it makes your hair stand on end (33 family competition)

He who cannot take with affection will not take with severity (A.P. Chekhov) (Games for interaction)

What is tricky is not simple ( Entertaining tasks)

The head is the beginning of everything, where the mind is, there is sense (Intellectual games, computer games)


Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality
(Family traditions: family archive)

From old memory, as from literacy (Family memories of ....)

A young mind is strengthened by an old mind (Secrets of Grandma's Chest)

What kind, tribe? (Pedigree of my family)

I'll be alive and I won't forget. I will remember forever (Storage of relics)

According to rank and honor (Cult of the older generation)

Remember a lot, but never turn back (Photos of our childhood)

Where there are no good old people, there are no good youth (Presentation of family generations, organization of meetings for...)

The great ingredients of happiness: having, something to do, something to love and something to hope for (E. Chalmers) (Family values)

Honor is protected with the head (Family honor)

Inheritance is neither a gift nor a purchase (Introduction to the family code)

The father's word is true even according to the fairy tale (Blessing of parents)


He who hopes for heaven sits without bread
(Family traditions: work in the family)

Take on what you are good for (Child labor and its organization)

Harmony of three concepts: necessary, difficult, beautiful (Content, forms and methods of labor education)

You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty (Basic mechanisms of labor education)

As you stamp, so will you burst (Household self-service. 1001 ways to wash dishes with pleasure)

A Jew hanged himself for company (Meeting - debate “Subbotnik – work or punishment)”

If you suffer for a long time, something will work out (Creative nature of work)

Patience and work will grind everything down (Laws child labor)

Nightingales are not fed fables (Incentives for children's labor activity)

You've done the job, walk boldly (Labor discipline)

I would drink and eat, but I would also like to (Cooking recipes)

Houses and straw are eaten (Family Dinner Culture)


Health is more valuable than anything else
(Family traditions: healthy lifestyle)

In order to judge a child fairly and truly, we need not to transfer him from his sphere to ours, but to move into his spiritual world ourselves (N.I. Pirogov) (Mental health of the child)

Everything is great for the healthy (Home recess)

Sports are great!

Appetite flees from the sick, but goes to the healthy (Four Laws) healthy eating)

The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever (School of safety at school and at home)

It's good to be away, but better to be at home (Camping Safety School)

The day will come - it will bring care (Where is the best way to start a working day)

A marriage must fight the all-consuming monster - habit (Habits and Health)

Mind and health are more valuable than anything (Crib for parents)

Don’t pray for a sore, but get treatment (Family doctor)

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it
(Family traditions: dialogue in family communication)

It's hard to get drunk with you (Communicating is so easy)

God gave speech to the mute (Our facial expressions, our gestures)

It’s good to listen to intelligent speech (Parental communication hour)

Language opens the mind (Helping children with communication disorders)

The same word, but it would be wrong to say it (Do we know how to communicate?)

Don’t rush to answer, hurry to listen (Do we know how to listen and hear?)

Kind speech that there is a stove in the hut (Compliment and word of praise)

Don’t let your soul be lazy (The art of communication. Inclusion of mental vision, elements of training).

Understanding is a two-way street (Eleanor Roosevelt) (Difficult People and Dealing with Them)

He doesn't talk much, but he thinks a lot (Business speech and computer)

Don’t joke with someone who is sensitive to every word (Conflict-free communication between boys and girls)


  1. Falkovich A.T. Non-traditional forms of working with parents [Text] / A.T. Falkovich, N.S. Tolstoukhova, L.A. Obukhova. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. – 237 p.
  2. Bogatenko V.D. Organization summer holiday and labor of schoolchildren: results and prospects [Text] / V.D Bogatenko, G.V. Gavrilova. – Kemerovo, 2002. – 145 p.
  3. Miklyaeva A. I am a teenager. I am among other people [Text] / Anastasia Miklyaeva. Psychology lesson program. Part 3. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. – 119 p.
  4. Kulinich G.G. Bad habits [Text] / G.G. Kulinich. – M.: VEKO, 2008.
  5. Cyril and Methodius Big Encyclopedia [Electronic resource] / Cyril and Methodius, 2006, 2007
  6. Scientific and methodological journal of the deputy school director for educational work [Text] / 2005. – No. 6.
  7. Bulletin of Education of Russia, 2002. – No. 23
  8. Dal V. Proverbs of the Russian people [Text] / V. Dal. Collection in two volumes. – M.: Fiction, 1998.
  9. Dal V. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings [Text] / V Dal. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1980.

For the child to grow up a good man, a healthy cultural personality, it is necessary to improve relations between teachers and parents. It is parents who must become assistant teachers, interested participants in the pedagogical process, colleagues in the common task of education. Purposeful and systematic work with parents - important condition successful school activities. One of the reasons for the inferiority of family education and conflicts between parents and children is the low pedagogical and psychological culture of parents. After all, education is the creativity of adults, which is based on science - developmental and psychology. Husband and wife are the founders of the family. They are responsible for everything that happens in it, marital relationships are of a conflictual nature or are hiddenly destroyed, and at the same time pedagogically appropriate contacts between parents and children disappear. If there is no mutual understanding between husband and wife, there is no understanding with the children. The reality now is that we, teachers, need to carry out systematic work to improve the level of parental culture of current and future parents. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Wonderful children grow up in families where father and mother truly love each other and at the same time love and respect people.”

The school penetrates the family, arming it with psychological and pedagogical knowledge, helping to overcome conflicts between “fathers and children” and the school community. The effectiveness of parental education classes is increased by sociological research, diagnostics, questioning, testing, drawing up a family social passport, and the use of non-traditional forms in working with parents. After all, today more than ever we should remember national traditions in raising children. It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all and most of all people. Of these, parents and teachers come first. Not all parents, of course, respond to teachers’ desire to cooperate with them and show interest in joining efforts to educate their child.

The school has gained some experience in organizing psychological and pedagogical education of parents: parent meetings, school-wide parent conferences, question and answer evenings, round table meetings, and a decade of the Family are regularly held.

Psychological and pedagogical education at school is carried out mainly by class teachers. The experience of psychological and pedagogical education of parents was summarized during the competition “Work of educational institutions with students’ families.”

Despite the positive experience of organizing psychological and pedagogical education of parents, we see today a number of problems in the implementation of this activity and its effectiveness.

Firstly, the number of parents attending parent-teacher meetings is decreasing from 70% to primary school up to 30% in senior management.

Secondly, in recent years there has been an increase in the “stratification” of parents: a gradual increase in the number of dysfunctional families (as a result of which we can talk about a lower level general education and educational culture of parents) with an increase in the number of parents with good regular incomes, higher and secondary specialized education and, accordingly, serious requests for high-quality psychological and pedagogical education.

Thirdly, more often than before, instead of mothers and fathers, grandparents, even brothers and sisters, whose values ​​are little adapted to the changed social conditions, are present at parent-teacher meetings. As a result of this, on the one hand, they are not authoritative educators for children, and on the other hand, they do not accept psychological and pedagogical information that diverges from their attitudes.

Teachers spend a lot of effort on educating parents, but with changes in conditions in society, the nature of educational activities changes little: the value system in society has changed significantly, and we (teachers) work on the basis of the old system, using old methods and forms, the consequence of which is growth mistrust of parents in the education system.

Outside the scope of pedagogical efforts is a group of young people who are potential or very young parents whose children do not attend educational institutions where educational work is carried out. And we know that “you need to educate while he’s lying across the bench.”

In psychological and pedagogical education it is necessary to conduct:

Taking into account the diversity of the educational and cultural level of parents and using appropriate various forms and means of working with parents (individual and group conversations, lessons, games, trainings, workshops, promotions, conferences, debates, etc.);

Using all opportunities (not only school) for pedagogical influence on potential and very young parents (through the Youth Council under the Administration, the young family club, opportunities for medical practice, etc.);

Changing work technologies that take into account modern “languages” of communication and obtaining information: video, computer, etc.;

Shifting the emphasis in psychological and pedagogical education from informing (acquiring knowledge) to creating conditions for the formation and development of educational competencies, skills of constructive communication with children necessary for optimization child-parent relationships;

Selection of the content of educational work based on monitoring (requests from parents and teachers, dynamics of the results of the work);

Inclusion of student parents in the development and implementation of educational and educational projects and programs.

Objectives of psychological and pedagogical education:

    Educational – to teach parents to see and understand the changes occurring in children,

    Advisory - joint psychological and pedagogical search for methods of effective influence on the child in the process of acquiring social and educational skills,

    Communication – enrichment family life emotional impressions, experience of the culture of interaction between the child and parents

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents is carried out in the following areas.

1. School for future parents

2. Parent's primer.

3. ABC for parents.

4. Encyclopedia of family education.

With generalwork goals on psychological and pedagogical education of parents (increasing the level of parental competence ) at each stage a specific solution is requiredtasks :

On first - to form positive motivation and interest in participating in psychological and pedagogical education

On the second - create conditions for parents to develop skills and abilities that enable them to provide support to their children in the learning process, identify “talented” parents;

On third - teach ways and means of constructive interaction with teenagers, contribute to the formation of parental assets;

On the fourth - to construct situations for the transfer of parental experience according to the “peer-to-peer” model, to involve parents in the design of the educational environment.

In general, work can be both planned (systemic) and situational (organized at the request of parents or teachers, schoolchildren - most often - problematic), of a local nature.

Approximate topics of psychological and pedagogical education parents (according to the age of the children) are defined as follows:

Primary School

Features of adaptation of first-graders.

Development of the emotional-volitional and cognitive sphere of younger schoolchildren.

Educational activities junior school student.

We teach children to be healthy.

The role of the family in shaping the child’s personality.

How to communicate with a child.

5 – 7 grades

Social situation of development of fifth-graders.

Psychological characteristics teenagers

Constructive communication with teenagers.

Prevention bad habits and socially determined diseases.

Raising boys and girls in the family.

Formation and development of a teenager’s interests.

8 – 11 grades

Issues of gender education in the family.

The role of the family in the self-determination of a schoolchild.

Psychological problems of adolescence.

Problems of moral and sexual education.

Throughout the entire period of children’s education at school, and, therefore, psychological and pedagogical support of upbringing, the main questions in educating parents are the following questions:

Nurturing hard work, preparing for a conscious choice of profession:

    identifying the professional interests and inclinations of children using various techniques;

    organizing meetings with specialists,
    depending on the professional interests of children;

    organization of excursions by parents to institutions;

    holding class meetings and discussions
    on career guidance “How to choose a profession?”, “What does it mean to be successful in
    life?”, “How to become competitive in the labor market?” and etc.;

    organizing meetings and conversations with parents
    “How I chose a profession”, “What does my profession mean to me”;

    assisting the child in drawing up a plan to prepare for future professional activities;

    participation in the competition “My Profession”;

-organization of joint work affairs
(decoration, landscaping, renovation of offices, planting trees, landscaping of the village, improvement of the school yard, creation of a sports ground, etc.).

Formation of morality and culture of behavior in children:

-introducing children to various ethical concepts in the family, in educational and extracurricular activities;

    discussion moral problems with children arising in everyday life;

    watching and discussing films; preparation of concerts and joint events;

    holding discussions and class meetings on moral issues:
    “About kindness and mercy”, “ Modern man- what is he like?”, “About friendship and friends”, etc.;

    carrying out campaigns to help families in need;

    organizing meetings with interesting people;

    organizing and conducting excursions to museums, historical places in our region, trips to our native land,

Preparing students for family life:

    organization of the “School of the Future Family Man”, the purpose of which is to introduce students to various aspects of creating a family, mastering family roles, studying
    psychological, economic, legal, physiological issues;

    discussion of problems at a class meeting “Ideal modern family”, “What does family happiness depend on”, etc.;

    holding a competition “me and my dad” (between boys and fathers),
    organization of competitions “mother and daughter” (for girls, with the support of mothers), “Supergranny”;

Formation of children's need for a healthy lifestyle:

-systematic diagnosis of children's health;

    organizing education of children and parents on health issues;

    promoting a healthy lifestyle in academic and extracurricular activities;

-determining the most favorable daily routine, work and rest for each child;

    arrangement of children in sections,

    holding Health Days, sports competitions (family, team);

    organization of tourist rallies, hikes, ski trips, visits to the skating rink

At each stage, when choosing forms, means, and technologies of work, priority is given to those that are most appropriate to the age of the parents’ children: a game, a conversation, a lesson - at first - second steps; workshop, training, action - in the second or third; research, design, transfer of experience - on the fourth.

Work is also underway to provide psychological and pedagogical education to parents of families in difficult living conditions:

    Individual plans working with families,

    Individual consultations,

    Small teacher councils,

    Social - parental - pedagogical patrol,

    Social help,

    Reminders for parents,

    Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency among Students.

Efficiency mark

The effectiveness of a specific event is assessed quantitatively. An assessment using a reflective questionnaire for participants is expected. The evaluation criteria are defined as: usefulness/uselessness, interest/lack of interest, level of satisfaction of the request.

Expected results

    increasing parents' interest in participating in the system of psychological and pedagogical education;

    an increase in the number of parents attending parent-teacher conferences;

    activation of parents in solving problems of the family and society (participation in socially useful activities).


psychological and pedagogical education of parents of students of the Turin boarding school

"Only with my parents,

joint efforts, teachers

can be given to children

great human happiness."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky .


Formation of responsible and positive parenting is one of the main directions of social policy Russian Federation, enshrined in the “Concept of State Family Policy until 2025, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1618-r dated August 25, 2014. Teaching staff of educational organizations are called upon to form the foundations of family culture for students, and for parents to develop the pedagogical competencies necessary for building harmonious family relationships.

The “National Strategy of Action for Children until 2017” speaks of the need to develop responsible and positive parenting. The improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents is written in the “Concept of State Family Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025”, the revival of the traditions of family education, and the provision of opportunities for parents to receive accessible pedagogical and psychological assistance on the issues of raising children - in the “Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy”. The most important requirement for the development of society for the education of the younger generation in the modern sociocultural situation is to increase the role of the family in education and in reducing social tension in society.

Family and school are important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, their interaction is necessary, built on the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions, and not the principle of parallelism.

The sociocultural conditionality of education presupposes the recognition of the right of parents to become full partners of teachers in raising children, the right to special pedagogical knowledge. In modern social conditions When there is an intense stratification of society based on property, when parents are alienated from their children and are completely absorbed in social and everyday problems, when children are left to themselves and the street, etc., the problem of involving parents in the formation of the child’s personality becomes particularly relevant.

The relevance of education is also due to the special role of the family in the life of a person and society. Family is one of the necessary and basic stages of human existence. It is in the family that the primary socialization of the child occurs, skills of interaction and communication with people are acquired, the image of “I” and self-esteem, independence and responsibility are formed, as well as much more, which lays the foundation for the full development of the individual. Through the life activity of the family, the connection between the natural and the social in a person is realized, the transition of the individual from a biological state to a social state is ensured, and his formation as a person and individuality is ensured. The family is a special socio-cultural institution, on which the stability and sustainability of the existence of society, in which the physical and spiritual reproduction of a person takes place, largely depends. Pedagogy approaches the family as a subject of educational activity and, therefore, is focused on the role of the family in the formation of personality, on its educational potential and educational needs, on the content and forms of interaction between family and school in educational process.

Legal basis Psychological and pedagogical education programs for parents are:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Family code Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2014 No. 1618-r “On approval of the Concept of state family policy in the Russian Federation for the period

until 2025";

List of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2014 No. PR-411GS following the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On state policy in the field of family, motherhood and childhood”;

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2014 No. 2403-r “Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2014 No. 808 “Fundamentals of state cultural policy”;

Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025";

. “Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”;

Federal Law No. 120 0t 06/24/1999 “On the basics of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”

Regulations on the Service of Practical Psychology in the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated October 22, 1999 No. 636

The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen.

Target - formation of parents' horizons in the field of psychological and pedagogical knowledge.


1. To introduce the basics of pedagogical and psychological knowledge;

2. Create motivation for self-education and development of parental competencies;

3. Provide relevant assistance to parents in solving the problems of raising children with intellectual disabilities;

4. Prevent common parenting mistakes;

5. Invite parents to actively participate in the educational process;

Directions(sections) of psychological and pedagogical education:.

Healthy image life. Sex education.

Prevention of self-destructive behavior in students.

Prevention of abuse in the family.

Prevention of deviant behavior in students with intellectual disabilities.

Career guidance.

Popular psychology.

Forms psychological and pedagogical education and conditions its implementation.

Psychological and pedagogical education is carried out by a teacher-psychologist within the framework of educational activities through lectures, seminars, trainings, round tables.

Classes are organized with groups of parents. Groups are formed by classes, parallels, and also by the relevance of the problem for a certain circle of parents. The program also provides individual thematic consultations for parents.

Calendar and thematic planning for the program is designed for one academic year and includes 15 group events with a total volume of 22 hours, implemented according to the boarding school work plan and individual thematic consultations for parents every last Thursday of the month.

Practical significance This program consists of creating a system of organized psychological and pedagogical education of parents, which significantly increases the role of the family in the upbringing and development of children.

In the process of working on the program, it is envisaged that it will be refined and adjusted, taking into account the wishes of parents and teachers.

Planned results:

increasing the level of pedagogical competence, ensuring the effective solution of problems related to the upbringing and development of a child with intellectual disabilities, taking into account his age and individual characteristics;

formation of ideas about creating conditions for a favorable psychological environment for the development of the personality of a child with intellectual disabilities;

formation of motivation of parents for self-education and development of parental competencies;

prevention of negative family education;

reducing the number of dysfunctional families;

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents of boarding school students for the 2017-2018 academic year

Calendar-thematic planning of a teacher-psychologist

Name of section (direction)

Event topic (form)

Number of hours


the date of the

Child psychology

Meeting for parents of newly arrived students

New arrivals

Child psychology

Active and slow children. Lecture

Parents of students in grades 3a, 3b

Healthy lifestyle Sex education

Child psychology adolescence. Psychology of early adolescence. The role of the family in the formation of harmonious premarital and marital relationships.

Career guidance

How to help your child during the preparation and passing of the exam. Results of a study of professional inclinations.

“Correctional and developmental environment at home.” Round table.

1-2 class, 1 class

Child psychology

“Developing children’s effective communication skills at home.” Seminar.


"Prevention of child abuse." Seminar with training elements

« Psychological health students. The role of the family in strengthening it.” Lecture.

4a class, 4b class


The role of the family in the prevention of self-destructive behavior of adolescents (smoking, alcohol, psychoactive substances). Seminar.

7a class, 7b class

The role of the family in the prevention of self-destructive behavior in adolescents (suicidal behavior). Seminar.

Parents of “at-risk” students

Psychology of Personality

Acquaintance with the methodology for determining the way of knowing the world around us. Workshop.

d/o "Parents Club"

Women's and maternal psychology. Training.

d/o "Parents Club"

The role of the family in the formation of a harmonious personality of a child with intellectual disabilities. Lecture.


How to help your child adapt to new conditions when entering school.

How to help a child adapt to new conditions when moving to secondary education.

5a class, 5b class


Personality formation in the family, the role of parental care and love.

The influence of parents' behavior on the formation of children's behavioral stereotypes.

Harmonious family relationships and why they are not there.

Daily participation in the life of your child is a prerequisite for his well-being.

Promoting knowledge about the patterns of mental development of a child, about the influence of parents on him.

Why children don't keep their promises.

Company in the life of high school students.

Individual (family) consultations for families on preventive care and “at-risk” families.

Isaeva Lyubov Nikolaevna

Teacher primary classes

Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 67

G. Tolyatti

Parent Education School

Parent meeting as a form of interaction between the class teacher

with the students' parents.

“Nothing can be done well,

if it is not known what they want to achieve.”

A.S. Makarenko

The unification of parents and the formation of the parent community as a collective is important in the formation of a team of students. And here is the main effective form collaboration the parent meeting speaks.

A parent meeting is not only an opportunity to meet with parents, it is primarily work with a team of parents who have educational potential. Whether this potential will be activated, whether it will become a real resource for education, depends on the activities of the teacher.

Classroom parent meetings, as a rule, are held at least once every quarter and should become a school for educating parents, expanding their pedagogical horizons, and stimulating the desire to become good parents. A parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the child’s achievements. The topic and methodology of the meeting should take into account age characteristics students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

Types of class parent meetings:

  1. Organizational (ongoing) meetings.The main task is to form an efficient parental asset, to mobilize parents for direct inclusion in the educational process. These are meetings with a traditional agenda: results of academic performance in the quarter, results of ongoing events and holidays, hikes.
  2. Thematic meetings.They are aimed at resolving parents' knowledge in the field of raising children. As a rule, they are devoted to a current topic, in the discussion of which the vast majority of parents in the class are interested.
  3. Final meetings.The main task is to summarize the educational process for a certain period of time. During such a meeting, parents have the opportunity to evaluate the achievements of students in the class, own child, compare past results with those that already exist.
  4. Combined meetings.

The main conditions that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of meetings held by teachers are: thorough preparation, inclusion of parents in active activities during the meeting, expansion of the topics of meetings, the use of various forms of holding parent meetings.

Stages of preparing a parent meeting:

  1. Selecting a topic and defining the goals of the parent meeting.The topic chosen for discussion should not be random. Its choice is determined by the goals of the life activity of the children's team, the patterns of development of the student's personality, the peculiarities of the processes of teaching and upbringing, the logic of the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents, the strategy for building and improving the relationship between school and family.

When choosing a topic, the teacher must clearly understand why this particular problem is in this moment should be discussed with parents. (See Appendix No. 1)

  1. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of the collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.A deep and detailed consideration of the issues included in the agenda of the parent meeting is impossible without relying on theoretical knowledge and accumulated experience. Their study helps to highlight the key aspects of the problem under consideration and preliminary outline ways and means of solving it. The class teacher gets acquainted with the publications and then presents the most interesting things to the parents at the book exhibition.
  2. Conducting a micro-study among children and parents.It is necessary to obtain additional information about the nature and causes of a particular problem, possible ways and means of solving it. Most often, express methods are used that do not require much time and effort to prepare and conduct research, process and analyze its results. These are conversations with parents and students, filling out simple tests and questionnaires with a small number of questions and assignments. In some cases, the class teacher is assisted in conducting a microstudy by a school psychologist and a social educator.
  3. Determining the type and form of parent meetings, methods and techniques joint activities participants.The meetings themselves can take the form of discussions, debates, brainstorming sessions, round tables, role-playing and organizational-activity games, workshops, competitions, master classes, holidays, psychological and pedagogical trainings on various issues of education and training of schoolchildren, etc. etc. In accordance with the chosen form, the stages, methods and techniques of work of participants in the parent meeting are determined. It is necessary to diversify the forms and methods of organizing the mental and practical activities of parents at the meeting.
  4. Inviting parents and other meeting participants.It is advisable to invite parents to the meeting twice: the first time - 2-3 weeks before the meeting, so that they can plan their participation in the meeting in advance, and the second time - 3-4 days before it in order to confirm information about the date and time of its holding . Most often, students make relevant entries in their diaries; somewhat less often, they use invitation cards made by schoolchildren.
  5. Development of the meeting’s decision, its recommendations, memos, and methodological materials.The decision is a mandatory element of the parent meeting. However, teachers and members of the parent committee sometimes forget about its adoption. It is very important that each meeting has an aftereffect aimed at improving the joint educational work of the family and school. Otherwise, it is difficult to get the desired effect even from a meeting that was held with a high turnout and interested parent participation. That's why classroom teacher must draw up a draft decision 2-3 days before the meeting. The decision can be presented not only in the “classical” form - in the form of a list of planned actions and participants responsible for their implementation, but also in the form of recommendations or memos for parents. When developing them, it is advisable to use the help of a social teacher, psychologist, speech therapist and other school employees.
  6. Equipment and design of the venue for parent meetings.Exhibits can be displayed in the classroom creative works students (crafts, drawings, photographs, essays, etc.) and scientific and methodological literature on the problem under discussion, hang up tables and diagrams with the results of micro-research conducted in the class, as well as posters with reminders for parents. Tables and chairs should be arranged in accordance with the chosen organizational form of the meeting.

Basic requirements for organizing a parent meeting:

  1. Inform parents about parent-teacher conferences in a timely manner.
  2. Tactfully informing parents about positive and negative changes in their children's education.
  3. Informing about the life of the class as a single team.
  4. Determining the tasks of further joint activities with parents, mobilizing them for cooperation.
  5. Creating a psychologically comfortable environment in communication with parents.

Rules of conduct for the class teacher at the parent meeting:

  1. The teacher needs to relieve his own stress and anxiety before meeting with parents.
  2. Using speech, intonation, gestures and other means, make parents feel respect and attention to them.
  3. Try to understand the parents; correctly identify the problems that most concern them. Convince them that school and family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.
  4. You should talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that parents of all students - both prosperous and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.
  5. The result of joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising their children they can always count on the support of the teacher.

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the parent meeting are the active participation of parents in discussing the issues raised, sharing experiences, and answering questions. The positive outcome of each meeting is a favorable basis for the future meeting.

Appendix No. 1

Sample topics for parent-teacher meetings for primary grades.

Experience of laboratory school No. 18 in Pskov.

Developed by Chernushevich N.V., Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

Thematic scheduling parent meetings


Topic of the meeting, questions for discussion

Who conducts

Preparation period


  1. Getting to know the school.
  2. Rules for admitting children to first grade.
  3. Getting ready for school.

School administration, psychologist, speech therapist


Introducing parents to educational route class.


First grade


1. Results of the adaptation period

2. About tasks for the academic year

3. Elections of the class parent committee

Teacher, psychologist


1. Junior schoolchild: developmental features.

2. Assessing the learning outcomes and personality development of the child in first grade. Familiarization with the student's achievement sheet.

Teacher, psychologist


Development of the personality of a junior school student

Parent committee, teacher, scientific consultant


Results of the first half of the year


Let's sit down for lessons

(organizational activity game)

Parents committee, teacher


1. About the results of the academic year

2. Organization of summer holidays for children

Parents committee, teacher

Second class


1. About the tasks for the new academic year

2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of second grade students. Norms for assessing student learning and development outcomes.



How to raise a child's love of reading.

Parents' committee, teacher, school librarian.


School difficulties of prosperous children (workshop)

Teacher, psychologist


1. Results of the first half of the year.

2. About children's friendship (together with students)


I love my child (meeting - workshop)

Teacher, consultant


Cultivating Conscious Discipline

Parent committee, teacher, psychologist


Results of the second year of study (ceremonial meeting with children)

Parents committee, teacher

Third class


2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in grade III.



Speech of younger schoolchildren and ways of its development

Teacher speech therapist


If your child doesn't want to study.

Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist.


Family traditions

(organizational activity game)

Parents committee, teacher


About the role of family in labor education younger schoolchildren.

Parents committee, teacher


Children and television (communication workshop)

Teacher, psychologist


Results of the third year of study (ceremonial meeting with children)

Parents committee, teacher

Fourth grade


1. Objectives for the new academic year

2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities for fourth-graders.



Emotional well-being of children in the family

Parents' committee, teacher, social pedagogue, psychologist


1. Results of the first half of the year.

2. Dispute and quarrel (workshop)

Parents committee, teacher


Taking into account the gender and age characteristics of children in their upbringing

Teacher, medical worker, psychologist.


Problems of continuity of education in primary school: ways and means of solution.

Parents' committee, primary school teacher, future class teacher of the fifth grade.


Goodbye elementary school! (ceremonial meeting-celebration together with children)

Parents committee, teacher


1. BABENKO R. “Oh, these difficult parent-teacher meetings...”: Technology for holding parent-teacher meetings // Educational work At school. - 2006. - June (N 3). - pp. 129-135.

2. BUKATOV V. Parent meeting: how to avoid mutual claims: [recommendations for holding a parent meeting at school] // Educational work at school. - 2010. - April. (N 2). - pp. 115-118.

3. VERSHININ V. Pedagogical comprehensive education of parents: [in general educational institutions] // Public education. - 2005. - Sept. (N 8). - pp. 186-192.

4. IGNATENKO M. On the way to dialogue: [The system of interactions “child-parent-teacher”: technology for monitoring the education of students, samples of questionnaires for students, examples of technology for holding parent-teacher meetings] // Education of schoolchildren. - 2005. - Jan. (N 1).- P.27-31.

5. LEPNEVA O. How to conduct the first parent meeting? : [at school] / Lepneva O., Timoshko E. // Educational work at school. - 2009. - June (N 3). - P. 80-82.

7. LYKOVA T. “A year-long journey.” Final parent meeting in elementary school // Educational work at school. - 2009. - June (N 3). - pp. 103-108.

8. WORK OF THE CLASS TEACHER: Toolkit/ Ed. E.A. Slepenkova. – M.: ARKTI, 2005. – 168 p. (Method. beep).

9. STEPANOV E. Methodology for preparing and holding parent meetings: [at school] // Education of schoolchildren. - 2009. - Feb. (N 2). - P. 12-20.

10. SYTENKOVA T.N. On the experience of holding parent meetings at school // Education of schoolchildren. - 2010. - Aug. (N 7). - pp. 31-34.

11. Timonina L.I. Parent meeting: [at school (recommendations for preparation and holding)] // Public education. - 2010. - Feb. (N 2). - pp. 237-240.

12. CHUMAKOV V. Parents’ meeting “Do you know exactly where your children are?” : [ guidelines on holding a parent meeting] // Educational work at school. - 2008. - Feb. (N 1). - P. 51-62.

The systematic and meaningful work of educational institutions aimed at pedagogical education of parents can change the situation of pedagogical illiteracy. This is one of the main components of the work of a class teacher.

Parents must understand (both the institution and the class teacher must convey this idea to them) that they are the most interested party in matters of pedagogical interaction, since they are responsible for the upbringing and quality of education of their children, and the school is a professional mediator and assistant for them.

Principles of organization

The school’s task is to establish close and fruitful interaction with students’ parents based on the following principles:

  • mutual respect;
  • tolerance;
  • tolerance;
  • trusting each other;
  • mutual support;
  • patience;
  • help;
  • readiness to accept each other's positions.

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents should be aimed at:

  • transferring to parents knowledge about the patterns and features of the educational process;
  • development of their pedagogical thinking;
  • formation of their skills and practical abilities in the educational field.

When selecting topics and material for classes with parents, you need to remember the following features of the information offered:

  • relevance and usefulness;
  • prevention;
  • practical feasibility;
  • was based on specific facts and life experience.

The class teacher must establish the most productive dialogue with parents and get a positive response from them to their activities. To achieve this, it is recommended to extremely expand the circle of parental involvement in various areas. school life and apply various ways educational impact on parents.

Forms of pedagogical education for parents

Parents can receive psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the principles of development and upbringing of children through such.


This form involves transmission by a lecturer (teacher, psychologist, teaching worker, researcher) parent audience of scientific information. His report should include:

  • scientific analysis pedagogical phenomena and educational situations;
  • explanation of their causes and conditions of occurrence;
  • description of the patterns of development of the child’s psyche;
  • explanation of the mechanisms of child behavior.

It should name terms, indicate facts and statistics, and provide examples from the experience of family education.

Parent meetings

One of the most popular forms of interaction between school and family, aimed at increasing the pedagogical education of parents. There should be 3-5 meetings per academic year. Such meetings should be devoted to:

  • consideration of current pedagogical problems;
  • discussing the tasks of educational work;
  • planning educational activities;
  • identifying problems that arise in the classroom or that affect children's performance and finding ways to resolve them;
  • summing up;
  • determining for the future the most productive forms of interaction between school and family.

The purpose of parent meetings is to carry out analysis and comprehension pedagogical theory, contribute to solving any problems that arise in a particular classroom or school community.


This form of pedagogical education provides for the expansion and deepening of existing knowledge about the upbringing and development of children, discussion of accumulated experience in this area. This event is held once a year. It has a clear structure and requires long and thorough preparation with the active involvement of parents in this process. Parents should be not only listeners, but also speakers and active participants in the discussion.

Individual consultations

A form of psychological assistance necessary to solve specific problems. Such consultations are carried out through direct personal communication between the teacher and parents. The need for these meetings arises when you have, get into a difficult situation or develop an unfavorable psychological state.

These meetings are useful for both teachers and parents. They learn reliable information about the behavior and level of knowledge of the student, and the teacher will understand better reasons affecting the child’s performance and actions.

the main task individual consultations— discuss the problem and find a common understanding of how best to resolve it. The main requirements for carrying out this form of work are competence, mutual respect, tolerance, and trusting relationships.

May be carried out thematic consultation, in which communication takes place not with any individual family, but with a group of parents who have similar problems in raising children.


Aimed at developing in parents the skills and pedagogical abilities necessary to organize proper educational interaction with children. During the workshop, parents are introduced to a specific pedagogical situation and asked to find an effective way out of it.

Parents should make suggestions, defend their opinions, and have a constructive debate. As a result of such communication, parents learn to independently create a model of their behavior when a similar situation arises in their family.


One of the forms of training the pedagogical thinking of parents. The peculiarity of the trainings is that during their implementation, parents are informed about the right ways behavior with children and practice them, bringing them to automatism.


One of the most common forms of pedagogical education for parents. The structure of the seminar consists of theoretical and practical parts. At the same time, theoretical principles are assimilated on the basis of practical actions with them.

Disputes and discussions

Refer to . The main condition for holding a debate is the organization of a general discussion of the stated problem and the formation of a common point of view on the possibilities of solving it.

This is a kind of dispute with the need to argue and defend your position. No one should remain a passive listener. It is necessary to create conditions under which everyone must express their opinion and propose their own method of action in the proposed situation. In the final decision, all proposals must be taken into account. It needs to be positively perceived by all participants in the event.

Parent readings

They involve studying literature that deals with specific problems in raising a child. After this, there is a discussion of what was heard and a determination possible options applying the obtained information in practice.

Role-playing games

An effective form of interaction with parents. Pedagogical value role playing games is that parents are invited not only to offer some solution to the educational problem, but also, having tested it in practice, to determine the level of its effectiveness.

Parents are invited to be in the role of a child and feel what he feels at the moment of educational influence from adults.

Read more:

Corner for parents

Each classroom should have a parent's corner where topical newsletters or newspapers are posted on specific topics in raising children. There may also be an exhibition of children's works, announcements, memos, questionnaires or other documents that are used in working with parents.

Interactive communication

Nowadays it is very popular to create parent groups in communication and messaging programs such as WhatsApp or Viber. They facilitate and speed up the exchange of information between teacher and parents.

Typically, such groups transmit notifications about general events, urgent meetings, and joint activities. In this way you can give advice or reminders regarding raising a child.
