Prevention of dyslexia in preschoolers. Prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia (practical techniques)

The problem of dyslexia is very common among children of preschool and school age. Such children have difficulty learning to write and read. Difficulties occur even for those whose level intellectual development is tall and also has no hearing or vision problems. Problems arise when perceiving written text, there are failures in coordinating movements, and it is difficult to master spelling basics. Such children eventually develop hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.

Children with dyslexia have problems reading and writing


The root cause of the problem lies in the disruption of the brain, as a result of which psychological and biological factors come into force. Parents should not be afraid that their baby is mentally retarded or has poor understanding. It's all due to dysfunction of the mechanism of a separate part of the brain.

What are the causes of this disease:

  • diseases during intrauterine development;
  • complicated childbirth resulting in asphyxia, umbilical cord entanglement and placental abruption;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • genetically determined factors;
  • traumatic head injuries, concussion (we recommend reading:);
  • inhibited functioning of certain parts of the brain.

It cannot be ruled out that the culprit will be general speech underdevelopment (GSD) or mental retardation (MSD).

OHP is characterized by retarded development of the sound and semantic aspects of speech, which is manifested in the immaturity of phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills.

For the most part, complex diseases of mental retardation and neurodevelopmental disorder lead to the appearance of the disease we are considering.

It is the mental retardation or OHP that may be the cause of dyslexia


The neurological nature of the disease makes itself felt most clearly during early schooling. It is almost impossible to first determine the presence of symptoms of this disease. Early diagnosis is unrealistic, since children are just beginning to master new skills (reading and writing), and it is absolutely natural for them to make mistakes at first.

The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • the child constantly makes mistakes when reading: he pronounces letters incorrectly, replaces syllables and sounds, and does not understand what he read;
  • the child cannot correctly translate letters into sounds;
  • the baby does not know how to recognize words quickly and correctly;
  • the child cannot master basic writing skills.

In addition, the following disorders occur in children with a similar disease:

  • total disorganization;
  • dysfunction fine motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • difficulty in perceiving information;
  • poor memory performance;
  • reading skills are zero, even with highly developed intelligence;
  • difficulties in determining the parties and provisions.

A sign of dyslexia is the inability to read, even with developed intelligence.

Types of dyslexia in children

The disease comes in several types. They will influence the very form of the disease.

Phonemic dyslexia

In phonemic dyslexia, the system of the same name in the language suffers. Its manifestations lie in the fact that it is difficult for a schoolchild to distinguish between sounds that affect the meaning-discriminating function.

The underdevelopment of a number of functions of the phonemic system allows us to divide the disease into 2 forms. So, phonemic dyslexia is expressed in the following disorders:

  1. Incorrect reading, which is associated with unformed perception of phonemes. With this development of the disease, it is difficult for the child to learn letters, and there is also a frequent replacement of sounds that are similar to each other in acoustic and articulatory terms (d - t, g - sh, b - p, s - sh, etc.)
  2. Incorrect reading associated with underdevelopment of the ability to analyze phonemic sound. This variant of the disease is characterized by similar disorders: spelling, incorrect combination of sounds and syllables.

With phonemic dyslexia, words may be distorted due to the omission of consonant sounds - for example, instead of “mark”, “mara” is read. It is also common to insert vowel sounds between consonants, for example, instead of “pasla” - “pasala”. There is a violation in the rearrangement of sounds: instead of “duck” - “tuka”. At different forms phonemic dyslexia, syllable rearrangements and omissions are possible: instead of “shovel” there can be “lata” and “lotapa”.

When semantic dyslexia manifests itself, there is no distortion of sounds, words and sentences, but the child does not understand at all what he is reading about. A similar situation most often arises when a child reads fractionally, syllable by syllable. Verbal reading interferes with the perception of whole words. Children cannot even recognize familiar words if they read them in syllables. The problem is the difficulty of synthesizing and restoring fragmented parts into a single whole.

With semantic dyslexia, the child cannot connect parts into a single whole.

Semantic dyslexia makes it difficult for children to do the following tasks:

  • combine sounds into a single word if these sounds are pronounced separately with short pauses, for example, “f - a - b - a”;
  • read words and sentences arranged in syllables: “ko-ro-va chews grass.”

Correct perception of sentences is hampered by insufficiently formed concepts about the connection of words within a sentence from the point of view of syntax. All words in a sentence appear to the child separately, without connection with other words. Read below to learn how to correct semantic dyslexia.

Agrammatic dyslexia

The grammatical structure of speech in agrammatic dyslexia, as well as the ability to generalize syntactic and morphological structures, has a general underdevelopment. This dyslexic variant manifests itself in the following disorders:

  • incorrect endings of cases and numbers (“from under the bench”, “to visit”, “dog” - “dogs”);
  • erroneous agreement in case, gender and number of adjectives and nouns (“ interesting fairy tale"heavy rain");
  • incorrect formation of the number of pronouns (“all” – “all”);
  • erroneous formation of pronouns belonging to nouns (“our Panama”, “this museum”);
  • violation of the formation of verb forms of the 3rd person in the past tense (“it was a good day”, “life flew by”);
  • erroneous formation of verbs in different tenses (“said” - “speaks”, “hears” - “heard”).

Who is most likely to have agrammatic dyslexia? Most often it affects schoolchildren who have systemic insufficient speech formation.

Most often the problem affects school-age children

Mnestic dyslexia

All letters with mnestic dyslexia are extremely difficult to learn. Their undifferentiated replacement is associated with failures in the processes of establishing sound-letter connections, as well as with problems in speech memory. When pronouncing, the order is disrupted, the number is reduced, and sounds or words are skipped. This is how mnestic dyslexia manifests itself.

Letters that are similar in spelling are extremely difficult to remember. They eventually become interchangeable. The letters are mixed and replaced with others that are similar. All this is the result of the inability to separate forms at the visual level. Insufficient development of visual-spatial perception and representation is complemented by disruptions in the work of visual recognition, synthesis and analysis.

Visual-spatial perception and recognition are impaired in optical dyslexia. Optical dyslexia makes it somewhat difficult for children to draw simple drawings (repeating from a model or writing from memory), but reproducing more complex objects leads to inaccuracies if the child copies from a model. When drawing complex things from memory, the child makes mistakes even more often.

With optical dyslexia, a child cannot convey what is intended in a drawing

The child simplifies a given object, reduces the number of elements, and also disrupts the arrangement of lines. Children have difficulty recognizing letters if one is written on top of another. Incorrect letter writing is not always recognized by children with a similar disease. They cannot add the missing elements to the given letter.

Children who start going to school find it very difficult to master writing letters that are similar in spelling. As an example, we can name the letters C and O, L and Y, N and P.

Tactile dyslexia

This tactile type of disease is typical for blind children. They have difficulty recognizing tactile Braille. The child begins to confuse letters that are similar in the number of dots, as well as those letters whose dots are mirrored, for example, E and I, Zh and X, or those that differ by only one dot: A and B, L and K.

Blind children with tactile dyslexia have poor orientation in time and space, and also have a number of other disorders. Among others, let's name a delay in speech development.

When reading a word, the child “sees” it separately, without connection with others. There is no general perception of the text; he only reads individual letters. A blind child has difficulty reading because he is constantly forced to look for the missing word or sentence. Mistakes in reading are caused by frequent substitutions and omissions. When reading, the fingers move irregularly and intermittently. All of these features define the concept of “tactile dyslexia.”

Tactile dyslexia is common in blind children


To detect the disease, the child must undergo a series of examinations, during which his ability to read, listen and speak is tested. Children must be diagnosed by a psychologist. During this examination, it becomes clear what the child’s developmental characteristics and learning abilities are, and the most suitable type of education is selected.

Among other studies, another one is being conducted: how successfully a child perceives what he read or listened to. It is this type of analysis that allows us to make a conclusion which method of learning will be most effective for each individual child. All studies characterize active and passive speech, evaluate language and pronunciation, as well as memory and attention.

The diagnostic activity of a psychologist includes establishing the emotional state that affects the difficulty of reading. This feature can be clarified by collecting anamnesis - information from the family “tree”, which will list emotional and psychological disorders.

Speech therapists and psychologists use a speech map in their diagnosis. Such a card is universal, suitable for both professional examination and systematic research of a child’s speech development. A speech map can provide a detailed description of the speech of each individual child, which can subsequently help identify the best options for correcting a speech disorder.


The basis for the treatment of any type of dyslexia, as well as mental retardation and mental retardation, is correctional work in speech therapy. The method has proven itself to be effective and copes well with eliminating speech disorders and non-speech processes. The form of dyslexia will determine how it is treated:

  • optical: corrected by active influence on visual-spatial perception;
  • tactile: requires work to study and understand patterns;
  • mnestic: should be treated by developing speech, visual and auditory memory;
  • phonemic: corrected by correcting pronunciation skills, as well as by forming an adequate idea of ​​the sound-letter composition of words;
  • semantic: requires training in the norms of language grammar and practicing the skill of syllabic synthesis;
  • agrammatic: requires intensive work on creating stable grammatical systems.

Among adults, there are also cases of dyslexia, mental retardation or mental retardation. The treatment method for them will be somewhat different; they will practice in an expanded manner, but in general the mechanism of the exercises is similar to that used in classes with children.

Dyslexia in adults is treated a little differently than in children.


Correction of dyslexia is carried out through therapeutic exercises. They mean various techniques and exercises that are aimed at improving the mental and mental health of children:

  • Exercise “Corrector”. To work, you will need a free text with the task for the child to cross out only those letters in the words that you will tell him. Start with vowels, then move on to consonants. Once you have mastered this exercise, make the task more difficult. Now invite your child to circle the vowels and underline all the consonants. For example, state the task like this: “Please underline all the “p”s, and circle all the “i”s.” Focus on those sounds that are most difficult for your child. This exercise will help the baby quickly remember all the letters, teach them to write and not make mistakes when reading and writing (see also:). It is recommended to practice for at least 2 months with daily training.
  • Exercise "Ring". An educational game for the correction of dyslexia is aimed at developing fine motor skills, and also helps stimulate memory, speech and attention. This task will good remedy to eliminate signs of the disease. Each finger in turn should be folded into a ring paired with the thumb. You should start with the index finger and end with the little finger. Having completed the action in one direction, begin the opposite action. Initially, do the exercise with one hand, and then complicate it by suggesting drawing with both hands at the same time. The technique will be effective if carried out daily for 10-15 minutes. The minimum course is 2 months.

“Ring” effectively develops fine motor skills
  • Exercise “Mirror drawing”. The exercise is aimed at activating the brain. For work you will need Blank sheet paper. Give it to your child, along with some pencils or markers. You should simultaneously draw identical mirror figures or letters with both hands. First, do this task with your child. Having mastered his principle, give him the opportunity to do everything on his own. For effective correction, be sure to do this exercise every day!


Correction of dyslexia in younger schoolchildren can be carried out through dictations. Small texts 200 characters each will be completely non-tiring for children, which means that the number of mistakes will be less. There is no need to correct errors. They should be marked in the margins with a pen of a contrasting color (green or black, but not red). After making notes, let your child find his own mistakes. Such tasks are designed to save the child from mistakes in words and sentences and speed up overcoming the illness.

Articulation training

A good method for correcting dyslexia in preschoolers is when you require the child to read slowly or pronounce words when copying. Give your child a feeling of success during home games, because he really needs support after all the failures and failures at school. No speed reading required. It is a huge stress for a child, even when he reads slowly and makes mistakes. Excessive pressure can only aggravate the situation and cause neurosis.

Reading aloud should be practiced in a playful way, without giving the child the feeling of an exercise.

It is important to work not for quantity, but for quality. Don't rush yourself and don't rush your child. It is optimal to write or read little, but with a minimum number of errors. For more ideas on how to work with your child at home, watch thematic videos.


Speech therapy sessions with a specialist are of great importance. Treatment in such conditions will be most effective. The speech therapist's game tasks will be interesting and useful. The child is asked to find a specific letter in a short passage, or for a capital printed letter, a younger student needs to find a capital letter. Another task could be cutting out letters and reading some letter combinations. A magnetic alphabet is required for operation. Such exercises will help the child quickly master the skill of pronouncing sounds and words.

For training, the speech therapist chooses a variety of exercises. Among others - writing a dictation, repeating words over and over again, selecting word forms.

Sessions with a speech therapist will help you get rid of the problem faster

Prevention of dyslexia

It is possible to reduce the risk of dyslexia and dysgraphia by doing special exercises for prevention. The goal of such tasks should be to develop the basics of competent writing and speech. Prevention of dyslexia is based on games, not lessons. Total duration – 45 minutes:

  1. A game with cards on which one word will be written. From these words you can make a sentence, which you voice. Then you ask the child to construct a sentence by ear on his own from the available cards.
  2. For prevention, the “Write out loud” method is good. Read a short excerpt from a familiar fairy tale to your child and observe the process of his writing. It is advisable to choose a text for dictation that the child would like.
  3. You can develop phonetic skills with the game “Find the Word”. To work, you will need prepared pictures, signed on the back. Having named the word, the child must independently find the picture that corresponds to it. The word can be anything - for example, “table” or “cloud”.
  4. A good game of making words from syllables. It is necessary to come up with the names of animals or objects, syllable by syllable, and then ask the child to make a word from them - for example, “carrot” or “cat”.

Such game tasks for the prevention of dyslexia will help your child learn to read and write correctly. Such exercises are very good, as they are based on visual memory, because it is much easier for a child to perceive “by eye”.

Dyslexia is a disorder in which a person can read and understand letters and numbers, but has difficulty differentiating them.

To treat dyslexia, there are special programs, corrective exercises and teaching methods. Teachers and parents must master all these methods and apply them in the classroom and at home.






TEACHERS – Speech therapist

Teacher speech therapist:

Gridina Yu.A.

At the moment, it is too early to talk about a clear system for using NLP techniques in domestic pedagogy, but the use of elements of this technique in lessons is possible and realistic. Taking into account the neurolinguistic characteristics of children, it is important for the teacher to present the material in a language accessible to children, based on auditory, visual and kinesthetic memorization. To do this, the teacher needs to learn to vary the presentation of the material in all three modalities. This not only helps to build on the child's developed modality, but also teaches how to use less developed modalities in the learning process.

When teaching children, it is necessary to provide information through several channels of perception,teach multisensory. Multisensory perception of information in the lesson helps students receive it using their leading channel of perception. In addition, multisensory learning develops students' other sensory channels.

Working with a visual student, use words that describe color, size, shape, location, and highlight different points or aspects of the content. Record actions, use diagrams, tables, visual aids.

Working with an audit student, use voice variations (volume, pauses, pitch), reflect the rhythm of speech with your body.

Working with a kinesthetic student, use gestures, touches and the typical slow speed of thought processes. Remember that kinesthetic learning is through muscle memory. Let them play the role of different pieces of your information.

If you seriously analyze the results of learning, then special attention should be paid to the memory process.

An auditory learner uses his brain as a tape recorder. Having received a question, he selects the answer tape and scrolls through all the information until he receives the answer.

A student with visual memory is able to “see words with the eyes of the brain.” Visualization of information is the main key to academic success.

A student with kinesthetic memory is able to remember through physical activity.

It is necessary to take into account the manifestations of the leading modality of each individual student. For example, you should not force a kinesthetic learner to sit still during a lesson, since during movement he or she memorizes the material more firmly. The visual learner must be allowed to have a piece of paper in the lesson on which he can draw, shade, draw, etc., in the process of memorizing. The auditor must not make comments when he makes sounds or moves his lips while performing a task. Without this, he may not be able to complete the task.

The student must also make comments in his own language: for the visualist, shake his head, shake his finger; kinesthetics - put your hand on your shoulder, pat it; to the auditor - say in a whisper: “Sh - sh - sh,”

As an example of the possible use of knowledge about a person’s internal strategies, we will describe the NLP technique “Strategy of competent writing (spelling).”

It is based on the phenomenon of so-called “innate literacy,” which helps people who possess it to write accurately without resorting to existing rules of grammar. These people have a special strategy that allows them not to make mistakes: they remember words in the form of visual images (the leading system is the visual modality).

This strategy can be taught to a child. Moreover, the effectiveness of learning is much higher than when memorizing grammar rules. The strategy operates automatically, on an unconscious level.

The essence of the method is that the student is presented with standard words on cards to memorize, so that he can recognize them later.


Right hemisphere

Left hemisphere




Words used:

look, see,

watch, picture,

clear, etc.

Words used:

grab, feel,

stick to,

touch, etc.

Words used:

listen, rhythm, sounds,

similar speeches, etc.

Basic movements

around the eyes, blinking,

squinting, furrowed eyebrows, etc.

Basic movements from the neck and below.

Basic movements around the mouth and ears

Observant. Focused on appearance. Have difficulty remembering verbal instructions. They remember in images. Less distracted by noise. Experience confusion when reading words they have not seen before.

When communicating, they stand close, touching people. Lots of movement. Early physical development. High coordination of movements. Learn by doing.

When reading, move your finger along the line. Remember the general impression. Strong intuition.

They talk to themselves. They speak rhythmically. Easily distracted by noise. They prefer counting and writing. They learn languages ​​easily. Learn by listening. They read new words well. Talkative. They love discussions.

They are strong in reading, successful, quick. They remember what they saw. Living figurative fantasy.

Weak in details. They are concise and use strong words and movements. They gesticulate a lot.

They easily repeat what they hear. They move their lips, pronouncing words when reading.




Relieving emotional stress. Improved performance. Development of interhemispheric connections. Development of attention and thinking.


The top letter of each line is spoken out loud. The lower letter indicates the movement of the hands: L - the left hand rises to the left, P - right hand rises to the right side, B - both arms rise up.

The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, and then from the last letter to the first.












TEACHERS – Speech therapist

Municipal educational institution GYMNASIUM No. 9





Dyslexia is a disorder in which a person can read and understand letters and numbers, but has difficulty differentiating them. The IQ of these people is normal, and this is what distinguishes this disorder from, for example, brain damage, in which people have a low IQ.

Dyslexia is not usually diagnosed. The violation has various forms: From an inability to distinguish between the numbers 6 and 9, for example, to a more severe form in which letters and numbers are confused, such as E and 3. These people's speech is normal, but written words or letters may be rearranged.

Dyslexia itself is not a problem, but its social consequences can be quite serious. The child may be ridiculed in class or develop a hatred of letters and numbers. Not only does this affect a child's academic performance, but it can also lead to social withdrawal and an inability to make friends. For this reason, the child may refuse to master any physical skills, which further develops his sense of inferiority.

Parents who find that their child is too shy, withdrawn, unwilling to participate in group activities, afraid of school, or avoids reading and math should immediately raise the possibility of dyslexia. These children are very adaptable and often find defense mechanisms, such as becoming unruly at school. For this reason, the diagnosis of dyslexia can be made when the child is already grown. I mention this because it is never too late to use available treatments and have significant success in overcoming this problem.

Deficiencies in certain nutrients can cause or worsen dyslexia. Use a multivitamin that contains more zinc, lecithin and amino acids, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, and most of all, beware of dehydration.

Any child who is reluctant to learn letters and numbers, is very shy, unsociable, or has poor school performance should be assessed for dyslexia. If all of these characteristics are combined with awkwardness, this is another reason to suspect a diagnosis of dyslexia.

To treat dyslexia, there are special programs, corrective exercises and teaching methods. Parents should also master all these methods and apply them at home.

Dyslexics are quite easy to identify among other schoolchildren!

A dyslexic person openly manifests himself in writing and reading through the presence of specific errors and problems with handwriting. To identify a dyslexic or a student with dysgraphia, it is enough to look at the student’s school notebook. And the analysis of errors that a schoolchild makes in reading and writing will make it possible to determine the specific manifestations of dyslexia in a schoolchild.


1. Work with the ball.

Buy a rubber ball with spikes.

Reading words syllable by syllable, with each syllable - we squeeze the ball with all fingers, watch the ring and little fingers - this is very important!!! These fingers are not developed!!!

Complication - transfer from one hand to the other.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

a) warm-up

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth;

Inhale, hold your breath, exhale;

Inhale, exhale in portions.

b) exercises to develop clarity of pronunciation:

Planes take off: ooh-ooh.

The cars are moving: w-w-w.

The horses galloped: clop-clop-clop.

A snake crawls nearby: shhhh.

A fly hits the glass: s-z-z-z.

c) reading pure phrases in a whisper and slowly:

ra-ra-ra - the game begins,

ry-ry-ry - we have balls in our hands,

ru-ru-ru - I hit the ball with my hand.

d) reading quietly and moderately:

Arch of Arts

arta arda

arla archa

Arsa Arja

e) reading loudly and quickly:

burn - steam - fry

door - beast - worm

e) reading tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings

1. A water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.

2. Speak, speak, but don’t talk.

3. Geese are cackling on the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain.

4. Our head will out-head your head, out-head your head.

5. Our duda is both here and there.

6. A tree is planted soon, but not soon the fruits are eaten.

7. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, do not cut wood on the grass in the yard.

8. Near the hill on the hill stood 33 Egorkas: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas, etc.

9. Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

10. In one, Klim, stab the wedge.

11. Like the fiber, like the fabric

12. He pecks the trigger and smokes a Turkish pipe.

13. Libretto “Rigoletto”.

14. Have you watered the lily, have you seen Lydia?

15. The fox runs along the six, lick, fox, sand.

16. The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

g) reading consonants

The student takes a deep breath and as he exhales reads 15 consonants of the same row:







Reading a consonant with a vowel using the same table.

After this exercise, students practice reading a series of vowels with emphasis on one of them: a o u y and e.

4. Training exercises to develop reading skills and techniques.


The essence of the “Tug” exercise is reading in pairs. The adult reads “to himself” and follows the book with his finger. And the child reads aloud, but from the finger of an adult. Thus, he must keep up with his reading.


consists of reading aloud to an adult and a child at the same time. An adult reads within the speed limits of a child, who must adjust to his pace. Then the adult becomes silent and continues to read “to himself,” and the child follows his example. Then read aloud again. And if the child correctly “caught” the pace of reading, then he will “meet” him on one word.

Repeated reading.

The student is asked to start reading and continue for one minute. After this, the student notes to what point he has read. Then follows a re-reading of the same passage of text. After this, the student again notices which word he has read and compares with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more (some by 2 words, some by 5, and some by 15). Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in the child, he wants to read again. However, you should not do this more than three times! Avoid fatigue. Strengthen the situation of success. Praise your child.

Reading at the pace of a tongue twister.

Children practice clear and correct, and most importantly, fast reading of text. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by the child, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Expressive reading with transition to an unfamiliar part of the text

The student reads a passage of text, then we explain to the child this way: “Now, read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully, expressively.” Your student reads the passage to the end, but the adult does not stop him. The child moves on to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here a small miracle happens. It consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of text several times and has already developed an increased reading pace, when moving to an unfamiliar part of the text, continues to read it at the same increased pace. Its capabilities are not enough for a long time, but if you carry out such exercises daily, the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase. After two to three weeks, your child's reading will improve noticeably.

“Throw - notch.”

Its goal is to develop the visual ability to navigate the text. It consists of the following:

The child puts his hands on his knees and begins to read the text aloud at the command “Throw”. When the “Notch” command is heard, the reader lifts his head from the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds, while his hands remain on his knees. On the command “Throw”, the child must find with his eyes the place in the book where he stopped and continue reading aloud. This exercise can last about 5 minutes.

To increase the upper limit of the individual reading speed range, an exercise is used"Lightning".

Its meaning is to alternate reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed accessible to the child, reading silently and reading aloud. The transition to reading in the most accelerated mode is carried out at the command of the teacher “Lightning!” and lasts from 20 seconds /at the beginning/ to 2 minutes /after mastering the exercise/. Training can be carried out several times during each reading lesson, and a metronome can be used as an additional stimulant.

Children always want to compete to see who can read faster. In this case, the exercise is useful"Sprint".

If your child’s classmates come to see you, invite them to find the same passage in the book and, on command, begin to read out loud at the same time, whoever is faster, correctly pronouncing the endings of the words. At the signal - “Stop”, the children show with their fingers who has stopped where.

With this exercise, little readers also learn attention and concentration. After all, there are other children nearby reading aloud and making it difficult to concentrate. The child needs to be attentive and not be distracted by extraneous noise. And this skill needs to be developed.

Students’ favorite type of reading is role-playing reading, which evokes a lot of feelings and emotions. Arrange"Radio play."

Reading text with the top of the line covered:

There is a secret in this exercise - an exercise with a trick. The fact is that any intelligent child will notice that when the top line is read in half letters, at this time the bottom line is completely open, and will realize that it is much more profitable to have time to quickly read it while it is open, so that later, when it is closed quickly produce the finished result. Many children quickly adopt this strategy, and this is exactly what is needed to increase their reading speed!

This exercise is formed by several significant educational qualities:

* Reading to yourself (because it needs to be hidden);

* Verbal-logical memory (since it is necessary to retain several words in memory at once and retain them for several seconds).

* Distribution of attention and the ability to perform at least 2 tasks simultaneously (reading a given line out loud and reading the underlying line silently). Most of the time, the student should read “to himself,” silently. This is understandable. It is difficult to read aloud, fatigue comes earlier.


When given the command “Lips,” the child places the finger of his left hand on his tightly compressed lips, which reinforces the psychological attitude towards silent reading. When given the command “Aloud,” he removes his finger and reads the text aloud.

As the student gets used to reading without external signs of pronunciation, the command “Lips” is given less and less often and, finally, is canceled completely.

Thus, the less pronunciation, the higher the speed!

The main goal of the next group of exercises- improving reading skills, since poor reading technique invariably affects reading comprehension. For a beginning reader, understanding a word read often does not come along with reading, but after it, when he traces the entire letter sequence.

Gradually the eye gains the opportunity to run ahead and understanding occurs along with reading. We list the most significant exercises in this set:

1. Correct mistakes.

It hits like a fish hitting honey.

A lazy person and a scoundrel are two native gates.

A horn to the ears - even sewn strings.

In the absence of fish, the tank is fish.

Fashion does not flow under a lying stone.

Buy a whale in a bag.

2. Find and write five words that are hidden in these syllables:



3.Find a name on each line and write it next to it.


SASHAITEUBLT _____________

ONMAKNGTANYA _________________

The names of animals were hidden among the letters. Find and underline.





3. Read the words and find among them those that can be read backwards.



4. Cross out the letters that are repeated twice. What is written?


Nowadays, more and more often, teachers are faced with students who have reading and writing disorders. Parents ask: “What should I do? I don’t know how to help?”, and the teachers shrug their shoulders: “Learn the rules, read aloud more often!” and sent to a speech therapist or speech pathologist. It’s good if he is at school, but what if he is not? Such problems are most often left to chance: errors in reading and writing develop into omissions of signs and indices when solving problems in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The student receives bad grades, and a persistent reluctance to learn is formed.

It’s even harder for an adult student who knows about his problems, but doesn’t know what can be done about it, how to fix it. The biggest problems arise with technical terminology and abbreviations.

The article will present three exercise games that can be used to correct reading and writing disorders.


Dyslexia– a specific disorder of the reading process. It can manifest itself in inability to distinguish the meaning of the text read, in difficulties in mastering and memorizing letters and sounds, replacing letters when reading, changing case endings, etc.

Dysgraphia– a specific violation of the writing process. It can manifest itself in the replacement of sounds that are similar in sound, distortion of words and sentences, use of reverse word order in a sentence, distortion of letters when writing, etc.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia are a large syndrome that includes violations of the prerequisites of intelligence, cognitive immaturity, language impairment, frustration disorders, corresponding behavioral reactions, and finally, written language disorders. (Kornev A.N.)

Since the types of disorders in dyslexia and dysgraphia are similar, they can be corrected together.

According to scientists, without the cooperation of teachers and parents, success in correction is unattainable. Based on his work experience, the author believes that parents need to be informed about all research results and discuss them with them. Parents should know the goals of correction, immediate and long-term, the expected result and the expected timing of correctional work. This is necessary not only for ethical reasons, but also helps to involve parents in the work and develop a sober view of things in them. The main task of parents is to consolidate the skills acquired by the child.


Game-Exercise No. 1. Work on memorizing words and terms (their graphic version)

Make up vocabulary words (or terms, for adult listeners) from syllables, circle them in different colors.

Speech material for first graders: alphabet, crow, law, came in, they are calling, textbook, teacher, glue, carpet.

Speech material for cadets and students on terminology (example): analysis, synthesis, verification, safety, accident, gaff, car pump, liquidation, arson.

If possible, use word breakdowns or insert pictures and other visual cues to enhance comprehension.

Game-Exercise No. 2. We work on word order to help the child/adult understand the text.

Option for children.

Adding one word at a time, make sentences based on the picture. Be sure to ensure that your child follows word order.

Picture for the exercise


On ________


Us ____ ____.

The rules of the game are simple, but you will need some equipment - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it is called Dixit, but not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism.

For example- a rickety anchor in the middle of the desert.

Example of cards for the game

The essence of the exercise game

  • What associations come to mind?
  • They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voiced by others.
  • The main condition: the phrase must be constructed in compliance with the word order. Inversion and illogicality are unacceptable.
  • Players select a suitable card from their set according to the description and place it on the table.

The secret is that the description must be multifaceted, and the one whose card is not immediately guessed wins.

  • But, the important element is that if no one could identify your card at all, you lose points.
  • By the way, the cards themselves, or rather the pictures, can be found and printed from the Internet at home.

Exercise game No. 3.

Option for children.

Sea battle game(borrowed from Bobkina O.G., speech therapist at secondary school No. 5 in the village of Tavrichanka, Nadezhdinsky district, Primorsky Territory). We are working on plane orientation, improving syllabic analysis and synthesis, and forming students’ active and passive vocabulary.

Children are offered a playing field on which ships are depicted with syllables written on them: the teacher/parent names a place on the field, and the children find it and name the syllable written on it.

If the ships are named in a certain sequence, then words can be made from the syllables. To do this, the named syllables are written out and then synthesized.

Speech material:

Teacher/Parent: Students:

E-1, D-7, A-9 TAN, KA, PI = CAPTAIN


B-4, K-7 REG, BE = SHORE

K-5, A-7 YAK, MA = MAYAK


Zh-7, G-2, Z-3 SLAVE, KO, LI- SHIPS

Zh-10, I-3 ROD, GO-CITY



G-10, B-2 ROM, PA- FERRY


Playing field

Option for adult learners.

Game “Fireman Crocodile”. We are working on developing observation, attentiveness, and skills to build logical chains.

The rules are very simple. Participants are divided into two teams. The first team thinks of a word and tells it to the opponents' representative. This is the chosen one who must portray the word using pantomime to his team. The person depicting cannot speak, but the members of his team can ask him questions and list the options that appear. The person depicting the word is allowed to nod his head “yes” or “no” - but no more! At this time, the team that guessed the word can simply roll with laughter, seeing the efforts of the opponents, often without results for a long time. If the word is guessed, the teams change roles. Of course, a new player is put up for the image each time.

For those who are just learning the game, you can start with the basics. It will be more difficult with abstractions: for example, the word “many” took a long time to guess. Now imagine for yourself how you can portray “perfection”? If you have more or less figured out the words, you can move on to depicting phrases, then proverbs.

To warm up: sleeve, management, fire, action, document, partner, parade

Collocations: fire tower, property damage, fire brigade, fire sketch.

Sayings and proverbs

  1. For a beaten person they give two unbeaten ones
  2. Tears of sorrow will not help
  3. Sleep on one side - thirty-six hours.
  4. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleighs
  5. There is safety in numbers
  6. Fight fire with fire
  7. The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it
  8. Sleeps like a regimental horse.
  9. Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float
  10. What burns will not rot.
  11. The fireman is sleeping - the Motherland is getting richer.
  12. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest
  13. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
  14. He aimed at the heel and hit him on the nose.
  15. If you love to talk, love to listen.

Practical material is given according to the complexity of the tasks: from letters, syllables, to reading sentences and various types of texts. The tasks are playful and developmental in nature.

The reasons for learning difficulties at school and university are very diverse, and therefore gaming methods must be strictly differentiated and individualized, that is correspond to the mechanisms of learning and behavioral problems in the institution, identified during a comprehensive neuropsychological examination, as well as gender, age and individual characteristics child's personality.

1. Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children: Educational and methodological manual - St. Petersburg: MiM, 1997. - 286 p.



Prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia

(practical techniques)

Difficulties in mastering certain school subjects are the most common cause of school maladjustment, a sharp decrease in educational motivation and resulting behavioral difficulties. Among them, reading and writing disorders occupy the first place in frequency. Modern general education schools are characterized by literally catastrophic failure of many students in the Russian language. This phenomenon is far from accidental. The reasons for it go back to preschool and even earlier ages.

Prevention of reading and writing disorders should be carried out from preschool age, especially in children with speech disorders. Primary prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia is to eliminate the main etiological factors related to these disorders. The following activities may be recommended:

Protecting the health of pregnant women, preventing birth injuries, infection of the newborn fetus;

Measures to reduce somatic and infectious morbidity in children in their first years of life;

Early diagnosis and timely treatment of perinatal cerebral pathology;

Early diagnosis and correction of speech development disorders in children;

Individual assistance to children who have changed their language of instruction.

Early prevention measures for dysgraphia and dyslexia include the targeted development in a child of those mental functions, the sufficient development of which is necessary for normal mastery of the process of writing and reading. I would like to once again emphasize the exceptional importance of identifying the prerequisites for dysgraphia and dyslexia in preschoolers as early as possible. The entire course of normal speech development of a child proceeds according to strictly defined patterns, in which each formed link is the basis for the full formation of the next one.

The earliest and most targeted correction of the speech and mental development of preschool children is one of the most important conditions the effectiveness of speech therapy work, ensuring children’s readiness for learning to read and write and school adaptation in general, and also serves to prevent secondary deviations in the development of an anomalous child. The significance of the problem of preventing dysgraphia and dyslexia is due to the fact that in children with general speech underdevelopment, certain features of the formation of speech and non-speech functions and processes associated with the acquisition of writing and reading are revealed. In speech therapy: “a partial impairment of a writing disorder, manifested in persistent errors in writing” caused by underdevelopment of higher mental functions.” Their main symptom is the presence of persistent specific errors. Dysgraphia and dyslexia are usually found in combination. The main symptoms of dysgraphia are specific errors that are persistent character, and the occurrence of which is not associated with intellectual or sensory development child or with the irregularity of his schooling. The researchers applied the principle of level-by-level analysis of specific errors - for the convenience of their systematization, both for the purpose of their detailed study, and for the purpose of better organizing corrective action. This made it possible to identify three groups of specific errors:

Errors at the letter and word level;

Errors at the word level;

Errors at the sentence (phrase) level.

Principles of speech therapy intervention

When developing and carrying out preventive work with children with special needs, the following principles were used as a basis:

1. The principle of complexity was implemented through correctional work aimed at the entire complex of speech and non-speech symptoms identified in children with ODD.

2. The principle of systematicity involves influencing speech as a single system of speech, on components:

3. Ontogenetic - the sequence of speech therapy work is determined by the appearance of certain forms in the hypothesis.

4. Pathogenetic - the basis of all disorders is determined by a mechanism, a violation of some mental function.

5. The principle of taking into account the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions.

One of the conditions normal course The process of mastering writing is the formation of a complex of speech and non-speech mental functions and processes. Preventive work should be based on the identified individual psychological characteristics inherent in preschoolers before entering school.

The main tasks for the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia in children with ODD:

1. Formation of sound pronunciation, clarification of sound articulation.

2. Development of phonemic hearing, phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, phonemic representations.

3. Expansion of vocabulary, enrichment of active vocabulary.

4. Development of thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention.

5. Formation of coherent speech: it is necessary to teach children different types retelling (detailed, selective, brief), leaving a story according to a series of pictures, one plot picture, according to a proposed plan, according to a given beginning or end, etc.

6. Improving spatial-temporal orientations on oneself, on a sheet of paper, developing the ability to memorize, automate and reproduce series, including several different movements (Ozeretsky’s “Fist-rib-palm” test), Head’s test, series speech.

7. Development of fine motor skills of the hands using massage and self-massage of the fingers, playing with fingers, tracing, shading, working with scissors, plasticine, etc.

8. Development of tactile sensations: through dermalexia, preventive work is carried out to prevent dyslexia (it is necessary to find out which letter was “written” on the back, on the arm, in the air with the child’s hand, to recognize the letters by touch, etc.)

9. Expanding the child’s “field of vision”.

10. Preparation for learning to read and write: familiarization with basic concepts (sentences, words, syllables, letters, sounds), drawing up diagrams, etc.

Solving all these problems helps to form the basis for mastering school knowledge.

Games and exercises to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia

1. Preventing writing errors at letter levels

Game "Magic Letter"

Laying out letters from sticks, focusing attention on which direction the letter is directed, where its elements are located, and in what quantity. Identification of letters written on cards where both correct and false (mirror) letters are presented. Feeling the cardboard letters with your eyes closed.

It is necessary to determine by touch which letter is in your hands, name it, come up with words containing this letter, put it on the table so that it reflects the correct spelling. Find the missing letter elements. To do this, turn to the game “The Letter is Broken.” Tracing letters using a stencil, template, inserting the outline of the letter with seeds, threads, wire. These tasks help you remember the image of the letter.

Game “What does the letter look like?”

A - antenna, telegraph pole, stepladder; U - ears, twig, hanger.

Exercise “Demonstration of letters in different positions”

Letter definition,“written” on the back (the outline of the letter is slowly drawn over the skin with a finger), on the palm, in the air (with eyes closed, with eyes open).

Finding letters superimposed on each other

It is necessary to highlight the letters written one against the other.

Coming up with words starting with a given letter in a certain position: beginning, middle, end.

- Reconstruction of letters.For example: from the letter P you can make the letter H by moving one stick. Determination of letters that can be laid out from three (I, A, P, N, S, K) and from two (T, G, X) sticks.

2. Prevention of writing errors at the syllable level.

Game "Live Letters".Children are given letters. They must find a pair for themselves so that they get a syllable (any syllable, either specified by a reference vowel, or by a reference consonant letter, or the syllable is called in its entirety at once).

Composing a syllableby pictures, highlighting the first sounds, the last, the second from the beginning of the word, the second from the end, etc. For example: given are pictures showing a snail and an ant. Let's make a syllable based on the first sounds: UM.

- We come up with words with this syllable: Smart, Clever, Clever.

Let's swap the pictures and find out what syllable we now have?

Saw - MU. Let's remember the words with this word:

FLOUR, FLY, MUSEUM, GARBAGE - at the beginning of the word.

eMU, why, panaMU (took) - at the end of the word.

to torture, torture, priMUla - in the middle of the word.

3. Prevention of writing errors at the word level.

First, it is necessary to define the concept of “word”. Words can be short or long. The shortest words are conjunctions and prepositions, consisting of one letter U, I, K, V, S. Therefore, when learning the letter “a”, children become familiar with the conjunction “a”.

We make sentences using pictures with the letter “a” (adversive conjunction) between them. For example: You need to come up with as many sentences as possible using this picture. For example: Carrot is a vegetable, and apple is a fruit.

Learning counting rhymes.In a letter, all words are written separately, so children are encouraged to learn a counting rhyme, limiting each word with a wave of their hand. Particular attention is paid to prepositions and conjunctions so that children remember that these are separate words and do not connect them with others.

Game "The Word Has Scattered".Composing words from these letters. For example: M.T.S.O - bridge; S, 3, B, U - teeth.

Game "Lost letter".For example, the following combinations are given: DU. D. M What word will you get if you insert the letters? DU. - oak, spirit, shower; D. M - smoke, house, dam, doom.

The game "Who is faster, who is bigger?"Make up other words from each letter of a given word. For example, syrup: salt - sugar; iris - game; cancer - role; lake - donkey; the park is dust.

4. Prevention of writing errors at the level of phrases.

Combination of nouns with adjectives.

a) Selecting as many words as possible to the proposal, answering the questions: Which?, Which?, Which?, Whose?, Whose?, Whose?, Whose? For example: apple (which one?) - juicy, ripe, tasty, green, red, large, wormy, whole, bitten, aromatic; trail (whose?) - hare, wolf, fox, etc.

b) Selection of a noun for a given adjective. What can you say: warm, warm, warm? For example: warm - day, evening, pie, tea, sweater,...warm - weather, jacket, spring, hand,...warm - milk, dress, letter, lake,...

c) Connecting words with arrows to form the correct phrase, using both relative and possessive adjectives. For example: green leaf, green dress, green lawns.

d) Presentation of phrases with the missing ending of the adjective. For example: jacket - red..., blue...; shoes - red..., blue...

e) Presenting children with incorrectly composed phrases. A game like "Help Dunno correct his mistake." For example: long evening (long), black wings (black).

Combination of nouns with verbs.

a) Select as many words as possible for a given word. For example: What can you do with an apple? Pick an apple - buy, eat, wash, divide, boil, bake, draw, etc.

b) Selection of a noun for a given verb with a preposition. For example: Come to... (home, father, decision); get away from... (grandfather, home, problems).

c) Selecting the right verb depending on the gender and number of the noun. For example: Zhenya fell - Zhenya fell; Sasha left - Sasha left; the apple tree is blooming - the apple trees are blooming. This task must be carried out using pictures.

Combination of nouns with numerals.

It is necessary to teach children, correctly, to coordinate the numerals 1,2,5 with nouns: one chicken, two chickens, five chickens; one hen, two hens, five hens; one egg, two eggs, five eggs. When performing such a task, games like “Teases” are successful with children. Children are given cards that show pictures with a certain number of objects; at the same time, the children say: “I have two envelopes, and you don’t have two envelopes,” “I have five lemons, and you don't have a single lemon."

Sometimes children are given cards with any objects in advance, and the following condition is set: at the beginning, Sasha will have one of all objects, Seryozha will have two, and Anya will have five. Then they exchange cards with each other.

5. Preventing writing errors at the sentence level.

Drawing up proposals according to schemes:

Winter. ______ ______. Winter came.

Cold winter has arrived.

A cold, blizzard winter has arrived.

The opposite task is also given: drawing up diagrams for these proposals. Excluding a word from a sentence in order to invite children to correct the mistake by composing the correct sentence.

a) Skipping prepositions: We walked... in the forest. The cat is sitting... in the window.

b) Skipping nouns: Apples grow on...

c) Skipping adjectives: In summer, maple leaves are green, and in autumn...

d) Skipping adverbs: I will say the word high, and you will answer... (low). I will say a word far away, and you will answer... (close).

e) Skipping verbs: Sasha... car. Dad... from the car.

Highlighting sentence boundaries in the text.

a) Children are invited to clap their hands when, in their opinion, the semantic phrase has ended. An adult monotonously reads the phrases: It’s raining outside.

b) Putting points in sentences presented on the board or on cards. Children must learn that the beginning of a sentence is always written with a capital letter, and at the end there is a period, question mark or exclamation mark.

The relevance of the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia in preschoolers with ODD lies in the earliest, targeted correction of the speech and mental development of preschoolers, ensuring the readiness of children for learning to read and write and school adaptation in general, and preventing secondary deviations in the development of an abnormal child. Considering that in children with OHP the formation of all components of the speech system is complexly impaired: sound pronunciation, sound-syllable structure of words, phonemic processes, language analysis and synthesis, immaturity of monologue connected speech, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, visual gnosis, optical-spatial praxis, memory, attention, motor function, thinking; there is underdevelopment cognitive activity and, accordingly, the speech and non-speech prerequisites for mastering writing have not been formed. In this regard, speech therapy work on the prevention of dysgraphia in conditions kindergarten should be aimed at the formation of both speech and non-speech mental functions and processes that determine the normal process of mastering writing.


Goal: To teach to listen and hear, to distinguish and recognize non-speech sounds.

Game "Name the sounds you hear"

The speech therapist suggests closing your eyes and naming the sounds that are heard in the group and behind it (children’s voices, birdsong, car horns.)

Game "Journey".

The lesson is conducted with a subgroup of children. The speech therapist suggests listening and guessing what the adults are doing (the nanny is washing the dishes, the children in the group are sitting at tables, in the music room the children are dancing to music, the cook is preparing food.) The speech therapist clarifies what sounds helped them guess what the adults and adults are doing behind a closed door. children? (The sound of dishes, a stream of flowing water - these sounds suggested that the nanny was washing the dishes. Children put up chairs and sat down at tables - this noise suggested that the children would be studying, etc.)

Game "Guess" what am I doing?

Children sit in a semicircle. A speech therapist behind a screen performs various actions with objects, children name these actions: tearing paper, pouring water, playing the metallophone, pouring cereal, knocking with a hammer, clapping their hands. (The speech therapist encourages children if they correctly name the actions of the speech therapist with objects).

Game "Where the bell rings?"

Children stand in a circle. The driver closes his eyes, the children pass the bell, and the speech therapist gestures to indicate who should ring. The child is coming to the sound and points to the one who has the bell in his hand.

Game "Who lives in Sasha's village?"

The speech therapist tells how Sasha vacationed in the village with his grandmother in the summer. Every morning Sasha helped his grandmother feed all the animals that grandmother had. Let's try to guess who Sasha fed every morning? The speech therapist turns on the tape recorder. Children listen to the voices of animals: mu-mu, ku-ka-re-ku, woof-woof, meow-meow, bae-uh... bae-uh, oink-oink. The speech therapist suggests naming the animals: cow, rooster, dog, cat, sheep, pig.

Game "Name the Animals"

Let's remember what animals lived with Sasha? Listen to the voices of the animals again and remember who made the sound first, second, etc. After listening, it is proposed to arrange the pictures on the canvas in the order in which the animals made sounds.

Game "Orchestra"

The speech therapist suggests listening to a piece of music. After listening, name the instrument on which the piece of music was performed (piano, violin, guitar...)

2nd version of the game "Our Orchestra"

The speech therapist suggests approaching the door music hall and listen to "Our Orchestra". After listening, name the instruments the children played (tambourine, bell, metallophone, piano, spoons).

Goal: To teach children to distinguish identical words and sound combinations, focusing on the height, strength and timbre of the voice.

Game "Guess who called?"

Children stand in a circle with the leader in the center, eyes closed. The speech therapist gestures to the person who should say the name of the driver. The driver guesses.

Game "Who said meow?"

The child does not say a name, but makes a sound, imitating a kitten. The driver guesses which of the children makes the sound (meow).

Games "Guess who said the word"

The speech therapist invites 3 children behind the screen and explains the rules of the game. Each child takes turns saying the same word loudly: “Mom.” Children guess the names of the children who said this tin.

Game "How to say correctly?"

Dunno brought you new toys and wants them (a large box is brought in). What toys do you think are in the box? (ask 5-6 people). Dunno: I’ll show you toys: this is a doll (shows a doll). This is tukla, mukla, zhukla. Speech therapist: children. Dunno is confused as to how to correctly say - this is a doll. Dunno: I’ll try, I’ll say it correctly - this is a fly, a toe, a bag (shows a bear). This? Children: bear.

Option 2 of the game “Listen and Correct”

Speech therapist: Dunno, you are completely confused because you are in a hurry, learn to listen and think. See how children can listen. I will say the words, and the children, if I say the word incorrectly, will clap their hands and correct me. Wagon - wagon - fakon - wagon - fakon - vagom - vagop - wagon. What word was I trying to say correctly? Children: Wagon.

Game "Which word did I want to say correctly?"

The speech therapist distributes pictures to children (ball, cup, ribbon, doll, flag). I will pronounce the words incorrectly, guess what word I wanted to say, and show me a picture indicating the object that I wanted to name.

Speech therapist: mar, kar, var, kar, sar... Children: ball (picture displayed on the canvas). Speech therapist: porridge, porridge, head, head... Children: cup.

Game "Letter from Dunno"

Speech therapist: guys, we have received a letter. And Dunno wrote a letter. Let's read what he wrote to us. “Guys, I learned to write and read. I have a new book. There are a lot of pictures in there. Toska and Tatenka, dog and kenok, metuh and Turkish girl.” Guys, do you understand what errors are in the letter? (Toska and tatenok are a cat and a kitten, a dog and a puppy are a dog and a puppy, a cock and a turk are a rooster and a hen). Speech therapist: We also have such a book. Let's look at the pictures and name the animals correctly.

Goal: To teach children to distinguish words that are similar in sound composition,

Game "Chain of words"

Speech therapist: I’ll start a word, and you, replacing the first sound with any other, name your tin. T-shirt - polar cod - bunny - seagull - husky - Raika; cup - porridge - Masha - Sashka.

Game "Find paired pictures"

Speech therapist: there are different pictures on the canvas, look at them, I will show them the picture and name them, and you find pictures on the canvas that have the same name as the one I named.

bitch - bow cancer - poppy, house - catfish, par-shar.

Game "Name the extra word"

Speech therapist: I will name words that sound very similar to each other, but one word is superfluous. Try to hear it. Poppy - cancer - bak - bough (bough); cat - sweat - mouth - whale (whale); Onion - bough - poppy - beetle (poppy); com - catfish - house - scrap - rum - onion (onion). Speech therapist: who remembered which words were superfluous? The speech therapist displays pictures (bitch, whale, poppy, onion).

Option 2 of the game “Remove the extra picture”

The pictures on the canvas sound very similar, but one picture is extra. Find it and remove it. Poppy - varnish - cancer - cat. Som - house - com - poppy.

Goal: To teach children to distinguish syllables.

Game "Name which syllable is extra"

Speech therapist: I will name the syllables, listen and tell me which syllable is extra?

On - but - on; ka - ko - ka; pa-ba-pa.

Game "Telephone"

Children sit on chairs in one row. The speech therapist pronounces a syllable in the child’s ear and offers to pass this syllable to the next child, etc. The speech therapist asks each child which syllable he heard? (Syllables: PA KA GA RA).

Goal: To teach children to distinguish phonemes.

Game "Guess what sound I made?"

Speech therapist: you and I learned to distinguish different sounds, we guessed the actions of children and adults by sounds, but there are sounds that help us understand each other. These sounds are combined into syllables, and syllables into words. Try to guess what sound I will make. Be very careful. You won’t hear the sounds that I will make, but if you look carefully at the position of the lips, you will immediately guess. The speech therapist opens his mouth wide and silently pronounces the sound [A]. How did you guess? Speech therapist: what sound would you hear now? (the speech therapist pulls his lips into the tube position). Children: sound [O]. Speech therapist: lips in a smile and we hear a sound? Children and].

Game "Name the sound"

Speech therapist: Dunno came to visit us. He wants to play with us. Guess what sounds Dunno makes. Children guess vowel sounds by the position of their lips. Dunno brought you symbols of vowel sounds as a gift, try to guess what sounds these symbols represent? [A U I O] Dunno has a very favorite song when he is in a good mood, but he always sings it. Let's sing it together: A O U I. The children sing the “song” together with the speech therapist. Increasing and decreasing the strength of the voice.

Game "Look and Remember"

The speech therapist suggests looking at the canvas and naming the vowel symbols with sounds. Invites children to remember the sequence of vowel sound symbols. The driver leaves the door - the speech therapist removes one of the symbols, the child names which symbol was removed.

Option 2.

The speech therapist suggests looking at and remembering the sequence of symbols. Then, on the strip, arrange the symbols of vowel sounds in the same sequence as on the board, but from memory [U O I A].

Game "I'll name the words, and you show the symbols"

Speech therapist: I will name the words, and you will think about what sound each word begins with and show the symbol of this sound: bus, album, aster - [A]; duck, snail, iron [U]; wasps, donkey, hoop - [O]; turkey, caviar, needles - [I]

Option 2.

Speech therapist: I will show you the symbol of a vowel sound, and you come up with words that begin with this sound. The speech therapist shows the symbol of the vowel sound - [A]. Children make up words. The speech therapist monitors the correctness of the task. Alternately shows the symbols of vowel sounds [О У И].

Game "Magic Cube"

The speech therapist shows the cube and asks how it differs from the cubes that children play with. Children: symbols of sounds are drawn on the cube. The speech therapist suggests rolling the dice and coming up with words that begin with the sound whose symbol will be on the dice.

Roulette game

The speech therapist suggests playing a new game. There are colored circles on the arrow - children choose any color and spin the tape measure one by one. Everyone comes up with a word that starts with the sound whose symbol is shown by the arrow.

Note: When children select pictures and come up with words with a given sound, the speech therapist teaches the children to isolate the given sound in the middle or end of the word. Using the same scheme, children learn to distinguish consonant sounds.

Goal: Developing basic sound analysis skills in children.

Game "Reading words"

Speech therapist: I’ll tell you the story of one girl who got lost in the forest (the speech therapist tells). Which small word are we screaming in the forest to find each other? Children: AU! Speech therapist: let's try to compose this word using symbols. What is the first sound in the word AU? Children: [A]. Speech therapist: what about the second sound? Children: [U]. Speech therapist: what word did we make up using symbols? Children: AU. The speech therapist suggests taking a walk in the forest. Children practice casting their voices (au. ay. ay).

Exercises that help prevent and correct dyslexia.

1. Reading pairs of words that differ in one letter:

goats - braids

grass - herbs

wind - evening

ran up - ran up

2. “Find the extra word”

(Quick Read and writing words that differ by one letter)

Hat hat hats hat

Table pillar table table

House house house com

Jackdaw stick stick stick

Paw paw paw linden

Got lost got hit

Teddy bear Teddy bear Bowl Teddy bear


3. Reading chains of words close to the graphic appearance:

aloud - deaf - hearing

wind - wind - blizzard

4. Reading chains of related words:

water – aquatic – underwater

forest - forest - forester - undergrowth

5. Reading words in which phonemes paired in hardness and softness perform a semantic separating function:

eats - eats

jackdaw - pebble

corner - coal

6. Reading syllable by syllable and clarifying the meaning of difficult words before reading the entire text.

Once upon a time the elk spilled

Pu-te-six-vo-vat travel

For – seams – ripples they threw

7. Reading words in which the minimum reading units were printed in different fonts:


took off




Perhaps you have noticed while reading that many words that you read, you do not finish reading to the end, guessing what kind of word it is based on its content. This technique, used to further comprehend the text, is called anticipation, or anticipation, in another way - a semantic guess.

This is the mental process of orientation towards a foreseeable future. It is based on knowledge of the logic of events and significantly speeds up reading. Most experienced readers use this technique.

At the same time, if a child has not developed the ability to guess the meaning, he will need to read each word to the end each time in order to comprehend the phrase and understand the content of what he read.

Exercises aimed at developing anticipation skills

1. Reading with missing endings.

The kitten Vaska was sitting on the... near the chest of drawers and a lot of... flies. And on the como..., on the very edge, lying... is a hat. And then the cat Vasya... see... that one mu... sat on the hat.... He jumped up and grabbed the hat with his claws... I’ll slip my hat... off the como... Vaska fell off and flew to the floor! And the way... - bang! – and covered it from above.

And Volodya and Vadik were sitting in the room. They colored... the pictures and didn’t see... how the cat Vasya... fell under the hat.... They only heard... something plopped behind them and fell to the floor.

2. Finish the line.

Lo - lo - lo - like on the street... (light)

St - st - st - I broke... (chair)

Mom washed Mila with soap,

Mila didn’t... (like) soap.

3. Entertaining models.

E- (chalk, village, forest)

e - - (food, ate, ate)

e - - - (raccoon, riding, ruffs)

E - - (forests, village, sang)

4. Invisible words

I'm fat and big. WITH - - -

I am where the pain is. I - ah, I - oh! WITH - - -

The grasshoppers are ringing on me. WITH - - -

And I am the end result. AND - - -

(elephant, moan, haystack, result)

5. “Reading backwards” according to words.

What is written is read in such a way that the last word appears first, etc.

6. “Search for semantic absurdities.”

Children are offered a specially prepared text in which, along with ordinary, correct sentences, there are those that contain semantic errors that make the description absurd.

For example: “The children didn’t get wet in the rain because they hid under a telegraph pole.”

7. “Reading the text through the word.”

8. Reading using the Grid.

Training in reading texts begins with a grid. It is superimposed horizontally on the readable part of the page and gradually moves down. When you apply a grid over text, some areas of the text overlap.

Students, perceiving the elements of texts visible in the windows, must mentally fill in the sections of the line blocked by membranes, restoring the meaning.

Reading training with a grid lasts no more than 5 minutes and is replaced by reading without a grid for 2-3 minutes.

1. Articulation of vowels, consonants, combinations of vowels and consonants.

These exercises develop the mobility of the speech apparatus.


(Change the sequence of vowels yourself, make sure your pronunciation is clear).


S-Z-Z-SH, B-D-P-T, G-Z-K-SH...

Ba - bya bo - byo bu - bye - bya - bi

For - zy zo - ze zu - zy ze - ze zy - zi

Fa - fya fo - fe fu - fyu fy - fi fe - fe

La - la lo - le lu - lyu ly - li le - le

2. Reading tongue twisters.

The secret of a tongue twister is that it contains words that are similar in sound but different in meaning. Sounds and syllables are rhythmically repeated in words.

In the morning, sitting on a hillock,

Magpies learn tongue twisters.

Carrrr! Potatoes, cardboard, carriage, cap.

Carrrr! Cornice, caramel, toddler.

Sanya took the sleigh with him up the hill.

Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.

Egor walked through the yard

Repairing a fence with an axe.

3. To develop correct pronunciation and improve reading skills, we use structural syllabic tables.

4. Sometimes reading fluency cannot be developed due to jerky reading.

In this case, you need to work on your reading fluency. To work on smooth reading, the following tables are used:

Improper breathing

To develop breathing and voice control skills, we suggest the following exercises:

"Blow out the candle"

Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle.

Imagine that there are three candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three breaths. Blow out each candle.

Imagine that you have a birthday cake in front of you. There are many small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as possible, making maximum amount short exhalations.

"Spray your laundry with water"(at one time, three, five)

Take a deep breath and simulate splashing water on your laundry.

"Holding Your Breath"

Children place strips of paper at lip level, take in more air and begin to exhale slowly so that the strip of paper does not move.

"In the flower shop"

Imagine that you came to a flower shop and smelled the delightful aroma of flowering plants. Take a noisy breath in through your nose and out through your mouth (2-3 times).

"Exhale with a count"

Take a deep breath, and count loudly as you exhale until you run out of air.

Using tongue twisters (in unison):

Like on a hill, on a hill

Cost 33 Egorki (deep breath)

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas... (and so on until you exhale completely).

It should be noted that after just a few classes there is enough air for a larger number of Yegoras.

"Bear Cubs"

Imagine that you are little cubs and ask momma bear for food. Words must be pronounced drawlingly, in a bass voice, clearly pronouncing [m].

Mom, I wish we could

Mom, could we have some milk?

"In the elevator"

Imagine that we are riding in an elevator and announcing the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa. We go first from first to ninth, and then down.

Small field of view

Field of view is a section of text that is clearly perceived by the eyes during one fixation.

A small field of view is a big drawback for many readers. Since children have a small field of vision, their eyes make a lot of fixations. It is necessary to expand the field of view so that the eye fixes not 1-3 letters, but a whole word or several words.

Exercises to help expand your field of vision

1. The “Pyramid” exercise is aimed at solving this problem.

Looking at the center at the dot and without moving your eyes horizontally, you must try to simultaneously see two syllables of one word. Go down to the next line, etc. Find the limit line that the child sees without moving his eyes. Start again from the first line, each time moving down one line. If it is difficult for a child, you can read the word syllable by syllable, and then, looking at the point, see this word at once.

Psychologists have convincingly proven that the size of the operational field from which information is collected depends on training. The Schulte digital tables, widely known among psychologists, significantly expand the field of view. But when working with them, the reader’s eyes move spasmodically. And to expand the field of vision, it is necessary to fix the eyes in one center.

Positioned in the center green dot or a question mark, you can successfully apply the tables in practice. When working with these tables, you must volitional effort. The gaze must be fixed on the green dot in the center of the table. The task is to see the entire table. The adult names the letter, the child must find it without taking his eyes off the center.

Reading the first and last syllables on a line.

Badger Nose (excerpt)

K. Paustovsky

Che half an hour later the beast stuck out of the grass, wet blacknose , By resembling a pig's snout, his nose sniffed the air for a long time andsting from greedyyou

"Word Pyramid"

We build a pyramid from the words of the work we are reading.

We read the words at different paces:


Children place their hands on their knees and begin to read the text aloud at the command “Throw”. When the “Notch” command is heard, the children lift their heads from the book, close their eyes and rest for a few seconds, hands on their knees. On the command “Throw”, children must find with their eyes the place where they stopped and continue reading aloud.

Level of attention organization

“Attention is precisely the door through which everything passes,

what only enters a person’s soul from the outside world.”

K. D. Ushinsky

The role of attention in reading is as great as in other types of human activity. Very often the attention of a younger student is scattered, he cannot concentrate or concentrate.

Properties of attention

Exercise: Find words among the letters and underline them.

About the sun and the pillars



Exercise: Read a sentence in which all the words are written together. Divide the sentence into words.





Exercise: Compare two tables. Write down the letters from the right table in accordance with the sequence of numbers on the left. Explain the meaning of the proverb that you get if you answer correctly.

Fear has big eyes.

Exercise "Grid table"

Stage I Look at the table and find all the black numbers from 1 to 12

Attention span

This exercise is carried out collectively so that the child has someone to compete with.

At the “Attention” signal, show the card (see sample), but no more than 2 seconds. The child must read the material presented and write it down.

As you train, increase the volume of material.

Nonsense words containing from 3 to 9 consonants, for example:







M V P K Sh L H B S

Sentences Containing from 5 to 16 letters, for example:

I am running.

Give me.

Smoke is coming.

The yard is clean.

What to do?

Learning is light.

I'm swimming.

The bird is singing

Concentration of attention

Exercise: Try to rewrite the following lines without errors:

Ammadama Reberge Assamas

Hesklla essanessas

Enalsstade enadslat etaltarrs

Usogkata limmodorra clatimore

Correction tests allow you to determine and develop the volume and concentration of attention

Development of RAM

The development of reading technology is hampered by underdeveloped RAM.

What does it mean?

You can often see this picture. The child reads a sentence consisting of 6-8 words. Having read to the third or fourth word, I forgot the first word. Therefore, he cannot connect all the words together. In this case, it is necessary to work on RAM.

This is done using visual dictations.

Each of the 18 dictations has six sentences. Their peculiarity is this: if the first sentence contains only two words - “The snow is melting” and 8 letters, then the last sentence of the eighteenth set already consists of 46 letters. The length of the sentence increases gradually, one to two letters at a time. The working time for all sets is approximately 2 months.

What is the best way to conduct visual dictations?

Write out six sentences from one of the sets and cover them with a sheet of paper. After one of the offers is highlighted, i.e. the sheet of paper is moved down, the child reads this sentence silently for a certain time (the time is indicated for each sentence) and tries to remember. After time has passed, the sentence is erased and you are asked to write it down in your notebook.

This is followed by exposure, reading, and memorization of the second sentence. After it has been erased, you should write it down again in your student notebooks.

Six sentences usually take between 5 and 8 minutes.

So, on average, one set takes three days. Eighteen sets – 54 days, about two months. In two months you can develop operative memory, but on the condition that visual dictations must be written daily; if you write intermittently, this no longer gives anything.

Examples of sentence sets (Fedorenko's dictations)

1. Potatoes, beets, carrots, and onions are grown in the fields.

2. Every day thousands of people move into new apartments

3. Exercising helps people stay healthy.

4. A group of tourists is walking along an overgrown forest path.

5. The boy went to the window and saw a house under construction behind the grove.

6. Russia lives in peace and friendship with other nations.

Development of RAM

A type of visual dictation is the following exercise:

Sentence on the board: Natasha gave Sveta one wafer.

Read and remember the sentence.

Insert the first letters of all words in order into the table.

Using this system of exercises in practice helps to improve reading technique:

increasevariesthe volume of visual and auditory perceptions, as well as the angle of vision;

is being producedanticipation skill;

is being formedstability of attention;

there are no regressions;


developvariesarticulatory apparatus.

The development of reading technique affects:

general development of speech - students use more common sentences, epithets, comparisons in their speech;

improving the quality of academic performance;

maintaining high-quality academic performance when moving to the second level.

The presented exercises will help eliminate the causes of difficulties and improve the technical component of the reading process, and therefore will help your schoolchild in learning in general. Get acquainted with the sections gradually, study regularly and with interest, and read with enthusiasm, with the whole family.
