Raising children through folk art. The role of oral folk art in the education of preschool children consultation on the topic

From experience, the work of kindergarten teachers in moral, patriotic and musical education

Folk art in raising children preschool age.

Every child is a drop, a ray,
Gathered together - a bright spring.
What will they carry to the running river of life?
Just think about it for a moment.
Everything that is pledged will all come back to us.
When we sow good things, we will reap good things.
Let your heart smile with joy again.
Having met a drop of my stream!
“Dedication to Children” by N. B. Fedorov.
Living in national republic, every person should be familiar with the traditions, customs and culture of the indigenous population. From the moment of birth, people instinctively, naturally and imperceptibly get used to their environment, to the way of life and culture of their nation. All this is the basis for preserving the cultural identity of each people that is part of Russia.
IN preschool period the spiritual and moral foundation of the child, his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms are being formed social adaptation in society, that is, the process of realizing oneself in the world around us begins. This period of life is the most favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on a child, since children’s images of perception are very vivid, strong, and therefore remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime. These first childhood emotions later become the basis for the emergence of more complex social feelings.
At this age, those character traits that invisibly connect little man with your people, your country. Opportunities for such education are inherent in songs, music, games, and toys inherent in the indigenous population. How much does a child gain from learning about nature? native land, about the work, life, morals and customs of the people among whom he lives. Developing a child in an ethnocultural environment, the emphasis is on introducing him to beauty and goodness, on the desire to see the uniqueness of his native culture and nature, and to participate in their preservation and enhancement.
We set ourselves the task of forming a personality capable of mastering the elementary rules of moral behavior and basic ethical concepts. This problem can be solved by turning to ideas folk pedagogy, which is a system of ideas, views, judgments, ideas, methods of education, accumulated over centuries and reflected in folk art. It is no coincidence that many outstanding teachers believed that the education system is generated by the history of the people, their material and spiritual culture. Folk art includes various types labor activity, crafts, customs, traditions, holidays, rituals, folklore, games, dances, fine and decorative arts. Creativity is the main means by which a child masters cultural and historical experience, and the driving force behind the development of society. Folk culture and art with their capabilities create in modern conditions the most favorable environment for identifying and developing national characteristics in a child.
The Russian philosopher and teacher V.V. Zenkovsky wrote that no one can be considered a son of his people if he is not imbued with the basic feelings with which he lives folk soul, can't mature outside national culture, which needs to be saturated so that the forces inherent in the soul can receive their development.
In our kindergarten, acquaintance with the world of traditional culture of the small Motherland begins with the child’s immediate environment. When studying the history of our native land, we use materials on ethnography and folklore. During walks along the streets of the village and excursions, children will learn the history of its origins and the traditions of folk and applied arts. When visiting the regional museum of local lore, they look into the depths of past centuries, learn from the guide about the architecture of the village, the structure of a wooden house, and get acquainted with the life, way of life, customs, and activities of its inhabitants.
The mini-museum of the kindergarten plays a big role in introducing children to the history and life of their people. The museum displays exhibits of decorative and applied arts, household items, tools, and folk costumes. Here children can not only see everything, but also touch and play with it. For example, walking around in bast shoes, “spinning a tow,” drinking tea from an old samovar. Children visit the museum with great pleasure, ask a lot of questions, and learn new things.
Knowledge of folk customs strengthens family and tribal ties and helps regulate relationships between different generations. Beginning with younger age, teachers read fiction, conduct various conversations and events aimed at nurturing love and respect between generations. IN senior group children make up their own family tree. At the same time, big job with parents. Each child, together with his loved ones, collects material about his ancestors: where they lived, who they worked with, etc., and then compiles family tree kind.
Much attention is paid to classes on the artistic and creative development of children. Folk art products are diverse. Each product is filled with beauty, goodness, joy; it carries a fantasy that captivates children and adults into the world of a beautiful fairy tale. Ornaments used by folk craftsmen to paint their products include geometric elements, flowers, leaves, berries, grass, which a child often encounters in the forest, park, or kindergarten area. Children transfer all this to their work. Under the guidance of teachers, they decorate napkins, towels, plates, clothes for dolls, doing drawing or appliqué. During modeling classes, kids get acquainted with folk toys and try to make the same ones themselves. How much joy a child makes with his own hands.
Children love to listen to fairy tales and fables, solve riddles, memorize nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, and tongue twisters. Fairy tales reflect the life of the people, the main character traits: courage, hard work, wit. The children willingly not only listen to fairy tales, but also compose them themselves, act them out, and participate in theatrical performances. Not a single holiday, not a single entertainment, and often even an activity in our garden is complete without the participation of fairy-tale characters. How interesting it is to turn into fairy tale hero and visit a magical land or recognize your favorite teacher in the cheerful Baba Yaga.
Games play a huge role in children's development.. Folk games contain the centuries-old experience of the people, their culture, traditions and are of great importance for the comprehensive and harmonious education of preschool children. Games are used in various activities of children. Starting from a young age, we use folk games in classes and during walks, in the morning and evening hours. They are an excellent element of the content of leisure activities held in kindergarten.
Children are of great interest in learning about musical folklore. On music lessons children perform folk songs and dances, play the musical instruments. Get acquainted with the works of composers of the republic. Holiday in kindergarten! How impatiently the children are waiting for it! For them, this is a window into the world of beauty, into the world of exciting music, poetry, into the world of vivid visual perceptions, exciting games and activities. Therefore, folklore festivals are interesting and fun. They are a special form of acquaintance with folk musical art. Here joy and fun, knowledge and skills are combined. The guys show their theatrical, dancing, and musical skills. Shared experiences unite children into a friendly team and evoke feelings of individual and collective responsibility. Complex impact various types art contributes to the formation of preschoolers artistic taste.
Holidays are a joyful, exciting event for every child that lasts a long time. Holiday scenarios include various types of activities, here children sing, dance, read poetry, play musical instruments, participate in rituals, folk games, and stage fairy tales.
A folklore festival helps to reveal the significance of long-standing traditions, bring children closer to an understanding of antiquity and, through active participation, introduce them to the history of their people.

Meaning folk traditions in raising children

Folk traditions are historically established sets of educational and social experience, norms of behavior, and social traditions passed on from generation to generation. Labor traditions of spiritual education accustomed children to systematic work, passing on all the skills, knowledge and abilities known in the peasant world, contributed to the formation of the habit of work, diligence, respect and respect for work, responsibility for the assigned work.

Life experience is acquired throughout the history of a people’s existence and is reflected in folk traditions. the rich arsenal of folk traditions, which was formed from the specific historical conditions of the development of the people, should be widely used. The cultural heritage of the people contains pedagogically valuable ideas and centuries-tested experience of education, which, as they develop, enrich world pedagogical thought.

The role of folk traditions in the education of the younger generation is great. The most significant period in the moral development of an individual is the junior school age. This age is characterized by increased susceptibility to external influences, faith in the good manners of everything that is taught and said, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards, uncompromising moral demands on others, and spontaneity in behavior. This is the key to learning and education junior schoolchildren.

A person who does not know his roots, does not love his homeland, is not proud of the glory and culture of his ancestors, a person who “does not dream of the grass near his home” will not respect the traditions, culture and national feelings of another people. Turning to folk art, which includes the spiritual experience of the people and expresses their artistic and aesthetic ideas, helps to revive a person’s sense of national pride. Therefore, the preservation of cultural heritage, folk art, and its reproduction in modern life requires active and creative work.

Folk art, being the custodian of historical memory, the direct bearer of original culture, the art of previous generations, reflects teaching experience people, is the most important means of educating a harmoniously developed personality, developing its moral, labor, aesthetic, and technological culture.

Folk traditions of crafts are an effective means of forming the artistic and technological culture of children due to the fact that in them modern masters find an inexhaustible source of beauty, harmony, and expediency. In folk crafts, as in all decorative and applied arts, established traditions themselves are criteria for beauty, for what is the foundation of artistic culture.

The analysis of various schools of folk craftsmanship provides for a cultural-historical approach, the connection of folk art with the nature of the native land, and a synthesis of the material and spiritual values ​​of folk artistic culture.

Folk traditions play an important role in educational process child. After all, it is in them that spiritual foundations and norms accepted in society accumulate.

The system of folk traditions and customs is one of effective means education, as it carries out a mechanism for transmitting norms of behavior, cultural and spiritual values ​​from one generation to another.

Traditions, customs, rituals, holidays, which contain the knowledge, skills and abilities of mankind reliably tested by time and historical selection, represent a subject of social demand and relevance for additional education.

The educational value of these social phenomena lies in the fact that they cause an ardent desire to follow good examples, established norms and rules. It is necessary to create in younger schoolchildren a certain attitude towards folk traditions and customs, an attitude of deep respect, understanding of their essence, a desire to study and follow the example of the people who bear these phenomena.

Decorative and applied art has organically entered modern life and continues to develop, preserving national traditions intact. It contains enormous potential for the development of cultural heritage, since it has conveyed to this day, in an almost undistorted form, the nature of the spiritual and artistic comprehension of the world.

The unity of man with nature and the earth, which is being violated in the world, urgently forces us to turn to folk wisdom - the memory of the human race. This means that there is a need to restore the history of the people, their way of life and creativity. These motives of self-preservation explain the craving of society for such traditional artistic manifestations as folklore and craft, for their history.

The teaching of decorative and applied arts in additional education is dictated by vital necessity, since the sphere of its influence is constantly expanding and covers the most diverse aspects of the life of a modern person.

One of the main features of folk arts and crafts is the hand-made nature of the works. Each product of a folk craftsman is unique; it seems to keep a piece of his soul, the warmth of his hands. The artistic principles and creative methods of decorative and applied art are developed by the masters themselves in the process of their artistic practice, and are passed on from master to master, from generation to generation.

Teaching decorative and applied arts in additional education institutions makes it possible to broaden one’s horizons, activate imaginative thinking, and also most fully identify the individual abilities of each child.

The aesthetic significance of children’s communication with works of folk art, with the process of making necessary and useful things in life, the ability to create them, is important for the overall development of children, for instilling in them a healthy moral principle, respect for work, and the development of artistic taste in best examples this art.

Children love to work with a variety of materials, design, and do things for practical purposes. Teaching arts and crafts is organically combined with the development of artistic taste and creative imagination.

By engaging in art, a person develops his taste, learns to find beauty in the ordinary, and learns to think creatively.

Conclusion: The role of folk art and traditional folk crafts in raising children is enormous. It is the traditional crafts, which the younger generation is introduced to, that tell about the life of our ancestors, about their morals and customs, and do not allow the people to forget their history. Current task patriotic education is largely realized through children’s love for traditional art. The importance of folk traditions is great for the education of the younger generation. Folk art is the people's embodied idea of ​​beauty and goodness, of the wealth of their native land. Distinctive feature Decorative and applied folk art is the brightness of colors, the contrast of patterns, a passion for plant, animal or geometric patterns.

The most important thing in raising children, which always has enduring significance and is very relevant in modern conditions, is a careful attitude towards the values ​​​​created by human labor and nature.

In folk pedagogical practice, we discover a conscious and unconscious desire to use every part and area of ​​life for educational purposes. Tradition is alive as long as it is respected and preserved.

tagPlaceholder Tags: folklore, folk, art, additional, education, creativity

  • #1

    Traditions and customs must always be respected!

  • #2

    juliet (Monday, 10 December 2012 14:11)

    Folk traditions have developed and created canons of correct, reasonable behavior for centuries, so it is important to pass them on to our children in the process of education

  • #3

    It is impossible not to introduce a child to the traditions of his people. Like a sponge, he will absorb all the most useful and all the best. If only his parents and relatives show him this.

  • #4

    Rich cultural traditions The history of our people is beginning to be forgotten, they are being replaced...

  • #5

    And we must strive to ensure that children do not forget their roots and know the present.

  • #6

    Each nation has its own methods of education.
    It hasn't led to anything worse yet. if you start educating from an early age.

  • #7

    Evgeny agrees with you, there is no harm from the traditions of raising children. When I have children, I will observe all the traditions of my people and raise a real person!!

  • #8

    Traditions are definitely a good thing. But you must always approach from the point of view common sense, and not mindlessly follow them.

  • #9

    quite interesting article

  • #10

    Children should always remember their parents and sacredly observe the traditions of their ancestors.

  • #11

    Traditions are a national value; when a people loses its values, it degenerates.

  • #12

    Excellent site, well designed with good content. The information is simply amazing!

  • #13

    Good article, but every nation has its own upbringing traditions, and they must be observed!!!

  • #14

    It is amazing that completely illiterate people felt and understood nature this way, knew much more about its secrets than we do now with all our scientific achievements and discoveries. And the traditions acquired by our ancestors over the centuries are disappearing. We don't need them anymore. It's a pity.

  • #15

    The article is very informative and will be useful for young parents. I loved it!!!

  • #16

    Novel (Thursday, 11 April 2013 17:46)

    An excellent tradition that must be known and not forgotten

  • #17

    I am a mother myself and I think that this is very necessary for greater development. child, and thus more when children do something with their own hands! Thanks for the article

  • #18

    I liked the site, very good design, I recommend it :)

  • #19

    Such a bright, provocative site...it’s impossible to ignore...and there are so many interesting things))

  • #20

Natalia Figurkina
Oral folk art in the education of moral culture of preschool children

In modern domestic pedagogy moral a person is interpreted as the totality of his consciousness, habits, behavior associated with compliance with the norms and rules accepted in society. Morality is manifested in that a person not only knows the rules and norms of behavior, but also strives to comply with them.

Moral(moral) values ​​are ethical ideals, the highest principles of human life. The orientation of the individual towards values ​​contributes to the formation in him positive qualities, highly moral needs and actions.

IN preschool age in the learning process there is a development of such moral feelings , like love for the Motherland, collectivism, a sense of camaraderie, friendship, duty, honor.

During training preschoolers the most important element is folklore, which is a special type of art, that is, a type of spiritual exploration of reality with the goal of transforming the surrounding world according to the laws morality and beauty. Folklore understandable and accessible to children, as folk art has roots deep in antiquity. His works are created in accordance with the centuries-old traditions of one or another people, which basically have a unity of views on the world.

What is it folklore? This is a reflection Everyday life people, his dreams and aspirations, this is the embodiment folk wisdom, expressed in creative forms. According to its name, it was passed on from mouth to mouth, changing and acquiring new colors and shades. It has no authors, it is collective creativity of the people.

In literature « folklore» has another name - "folklore".

In a broad sense "folklore" - folk art, most often it is oral.

Children's folklore is divided: to mother (created for children) and actually children's (created by children). The first group includes lullabies, pesters, nursery rhymes, and jokes; to the second - gaming (counting books, silence) and non-game (teasers, jokes) children's folklore.

Children's folklore belongs to small folklore genres. These are so interesting and rich in their own way. educational essence of a work of folk art, How: 1) poetry nurturing: lullabies, nurseries, nursery rhymes, jokes, boring tales; 2) funny folklore: jokes, tongue twisters, upside-down fables; 3) gaming folklore: games, counting rhymes; 4) household folklore: chants, sentences, teasers, riddles, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings.

Children's folklore has its own system of genres, correlated with age characteristics children. It has artistic and pedagogical functions. It is dominated by gaming principles. All works children's folklore according to their functional role can be divided into two groups:

Works related to game actions Works that occupy children their verbal content and are performed regardless of game actions

Pestushki are short poetic sentences, which accompany the baby’s movements for the first months of life. Pestushki got their name from the word nurture - “to nurse, raise, follow someone, bring up, carry in your arms." Lullabies in people call them tales. This name comes from the verb bayat, bayit - "speak". The ancient meaning of this word is "whisper, speak". Lullabies did not get this name accidentally: the most ancient of them are directly related to conspiracy poetry. In songs whose purpose is to lull children to sleep, the rhythm and sound "decor" correspond to the swaying and creaking of the unsteady.

Nursery rhymes are songs that accompany a child’s play with fingers, arms and legs. Zaklikat comes from the word zaklikat - "to call, ask, invite, contact"). These are appeals to the sun, rainbow, rain, birds. On occasion kids shouts out the words of the chant in chorus - these are short, usually poetic appeals to animals and birds, etc.

Draws - this agreement appears when the players need to split into two parties. This is a rhyming appeal to "uterus", the heads of both parties. Jokes are songs of more complex content, no longer associated with any game. Their content is reminiscent of small fairy tales in verse.

A counting rhyme is a rhymed poem, consisting mostly of invented words and consonances with emphatically strict adherence to rhythm. Fables, upside-down fables are a special type of rhyme song that makes you laugh deliberate displacement of real connections and relationships

Tongue twisters or frequent twisters are the rapid repetition of difficult to pronounce rhymes and phrases. They combine words of the same root or consonant.

There is another division of folklore genres, which depends on the volume of the work. Thus, the large folklore genres include fairy tales, legends, epics, historical songs, folk theater, and for small ones - ditties, riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, tongue twisters, frequent tongue twisters.

Let's consider small folklore genres.

Name of the genre Its brief description

Riddle - comes from the word "guessing"- think, reason. A riddle is usually understood as a small piece of folklore constructed in the form of an allegory, containing an intricate question that must be answered comprehensively. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, and forms the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions.

Tongue Twisters

Verbal exercises for quickly pronouncing phonetically complex phrases. A tongue twister combines words with the same root or similar sound, which makes it difficult to pronounce and makes it an indispensable exercise for speech development.

The saying is “foldable” short speech, walking in people, but not part of a complete proverb” - this is Dahl’s definition. This is the first half of the proverb. A saying, unlike a proverb, does not contain a general instructive meaning.

Submariner songs, Maslenitsa songs, drawn-out lyrical songs (love songs, family songs, about recruiting and soldiering, daring songs (robber songs, historical songs, ballad songs, game round dances and dance songs, etc., depending on the national holiday.

A proverb is a short saying containing a conclusion from observations of the environment. Proverbs are similar and not similar to aphorisms wise sayings famous writers and public figures. A proverb differs from an aphorism in that, in addition to the direct meaning, it contains an allegorical meaning that is more significant than the one directly expressed in them. The content of the proverb is revealed in speech.

Folklore is folk art, very necessary and important to study folk wisdom Nowadays. On these works

our children are being raised now. Knowledge of folklore can give a person knowledge about Russian people, and ultimately about yourself.

The greatest teaching opportunities in education of moral culture of preschool children embedded in such works oral folk art as epics, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings.


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9. Zubra A. S. Culture personality as spiritual value: A manual for teachers, educators, teachers, students. – Mn.: Universite, 2001.- 274 p.

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Acquaintance with the customs and traditions of Russian folk holidays.

If a child was born and grew up
On the native side, among Russian birches,
I heard Russian songs, sang carols,
I congratulated my relatives on the bright holiday of Easter,
Was brought up in work, mercy, kindness,
In respect to elders, relatives and the Earth,
This commandment of the ancestors will be preserved in the soul,
It will only bring joy and happiness.




“The role of folk art in raising a preschool child”

Solomina Tatyana Igorevna, MBDOU Krasnozorensky kindergarten, teacher at Krasnaya Zarya village.

If a child was born and grew up
On the native side, among Russian birches,
I heard Russian songs, sang carols,
I congratulated my relatives on the bright holiday of Easter,
Was brought up in work, mercy, kindness,
In respect to elders, relatives and the Earth,
This commandment of the ancestors will be preserved in the soul,
It will only bring joy and happiness.

An important means of moral and aesthetic education and the formation of an active creative personality is folk art, which combines oral folklore, musical and art. Folk art summarizes ideas about beauty, aesthetic ideals, and the wisdom of the people, which are passed on from generation to generation. Through folk art, a child learns the traditions, customs, and peculiarities of life of his people. They become familiar with his culture. The value of folk art is determined by the fact that it affects the feelings of a child through means of expression. And this influence is natural, not violent. Because of this, it is accessible to children with different levels of development. And every child receives satisfaction and emotional charge from communicating with him. I'm glad that last years Interest in this type of art has increased significantly. Its educational possibilities are inexhaustible. In the process of getting acquainted with folk art. In addition to solving aesthetic problems, such as developing the ability to see beauty, create and preserve it, and be creative. It is also important to develop the psychological processes necessary for successful creative activity and for the general development of children (memory, thinking, imagination, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres), as well as to solve the problems of moral and patriotic education: respect for one’s people. To the work of folk craftsmen. Love for your land, Motherland, Fatherland. Our task is to ignite a spark of love and interest in the life of people at different historical times, in their history and culture, in the nature of Russia, to help us, adults, raise patriots. But right now. When everything that is popular, pure, and good is subjected to mockery and perversion. Familiarization with folk art and crafts is a matter of honor for any sensible citizen of the country. After all, right now, people. And especially for children. Need information about her history. Her rich spiritual life. About folk traditions and life, crafts. Everyone strives to know the world. And getting to know him begins with those closest to him - from his home, the street. First of all, the door opens to us in a big and bright world called the Motherland. But to for real deeply love your homeland. You need to know not only the present, but also the past. How did Russian people live? How did you work and relax? What made them happy and what worried them? What customs and traditions did they observe? How did you decorate your home? What did you dream about? How did you dress? To answer these questions means to restore the connection of times, to return lost values. We need to strive to instill love and respect for folk art. Our kindergarten introduces children to the calendar and agricultural holidays associated with the farewell of winter, the migration of birds and the melting of snow, the blossoming of the earth, the beginning of summer, the sowing and harvesting of grain. In our matinees, holidays and entertainment, we use ritual songs, dances, round dances, chants, etc. They created a mini-museum “Izba” with exhibits of folk life: a chest, a samovar, utensils, benches, a Russian stove, wicker baskets, embroidered towels, etc. For the holidays, we select folk costumes, with which the district cultural center actively helps. Children look forward to the holidays with joy and excitement, which unite both adults and children with common experiences, expectations, fun games. The joyful atmosphere of children's parties and entertainment creates a favorable climate. Promotes the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children, gives them a feeling of satisfaction and encourages them to communicate with beauty, forming cultural interests and needs. Such holidays are an unobtrusive form of introducing children to folk art. Man has always tried to decorate his life. Any craft. Having reached the top, it becomes art. This is how folk crafts arose. Our Russian land was famous for its craftsmen and craftsmen. “It’s not that red gold is expensive, but that it’s folk craftsmanship,” says folk proverb. With the help of parents, exhibitions of towels, rugs, and capes are organized. Children, not seeing this in everyday life, are genuinely happy, examine it, and then reflect what they saw in drawings and games. Before leaving for school, our students have an idea of ​​the crafts of folk craftsmen of the Russian land, respect for folk crafts, folklore, and use elements manual labor. Parents donated spinning wheels, a tow, bed decorations, household items, and embroidered clothing samples to our museum. Folk toys, Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya, Livenskaya, or bright illustrations, photographs with large images of authentic toys always make a vivid impression on children. Everyone likes lively, festive, magnificently molded and painted dolls, goats, horses, roosters with painted tails. Children model in their likeness and rejoice at the result. The skills acquired by children in the course of classes are used by them when creating other types of stucco work, which makes the products more expressive both in design and design. Under the influence of folk art, children perceive Russian illustrations more deeply and with great interest. folk tales such artists as I. Bilibin and Yu. Vasnesnetsov, whose work is based on national traditions. Instilling in children the need to create beautiful things is an important matter. If you teach them to do this with early age, then later, when they become adults, they will always strive for beauty. When helping children master some of the skills and techniques used by folk craftsmen, the teacher must master them himself and know the sequence of making a particular product. And also be able to draw patterns based on paintings. We conduct master classes round tables, we invite drawing and drawing teachers from the Krasnozorensk Secondary School. In the process of teaching children decorative drawing, sculpting, appliqué, we use the following techniques: - creating game situation at first educational activities and during the analysis of children's work; - comparison of pattern elements and various composition options; - use of an outlining gesture (to highlight elements. Determine their location and the sequence of the pattern); - demonstration of the drawing sequence and exercise in depicting new or complex pattern elements; - combination of different types visual arts(modeling followed by painting). The ability to see and notice the variability of elements, color and composition on objects of each type of folk art. Like a master. Without going beyond the boundaries of fishing traditions. Each time he creates a new, unique work. Will help children independently choose combinations of elements and composition depending on the purpose and shape of the item they are decorating. We conduct creative classes with children of senior preschool age, during which they come up with patterns in the style of some kind of painting. For example, based on a finished sketch, we suggest drawing a sketch of fabric for a dress Snow Queen using Gzhel motifs; decorate kokoshniks in style Dymkovo painting; depict a bouquet composed of Gorodets flowers; draw a fairy-tale forest using elements and colors of Khokhloma painting. The use of music helps make classes on getting acquainted with decorative and applied arts more interesting and varied. Elements of theatrical activity. After all, that’s why we will be so emotional. How we organize this work largely depends on whether we can instill in children a love for folk art and develop the ability to perceive and appreciate the skill of folk craftsmen. The child learns that wonderful colorful objects are created folk craftsmen, people gifted with imagination, talent and kindness. Children gradually begin to respect and love this art, to understand its plasticity, ornamentation, color combinations, in a variety of forms and images. In senior and preparatory group Children, under the influence of learning, have a desire to make toys themselves, modeled on those with which they were introduced. The knowledge acquired by children expands opportunities independent activity. The more impressions children have, the more interesting and varied their ideas become, and the presence of skills leads to this. That the guys take on their implementation quite easily.

Children get acquainted with our national wealth, oral folk art, they themselves compose fairy tales and dramatize them. Rich folklore material helps - these are fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk games, counting rhymes. E.I. Tikheyeva, E.A. Fleurina also believed that folklore provides excellent examples of the Russian language, which they imitate. The child successfully learns his native language. Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor. Movements are often accompanied by funny moments, tempting and beloved by children counting rhymes, drawing lots, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic significance and constitute the most valuable gaming folklore. Folk games are figurative, and therefore attract preschool children. Folklore works bring joy to the child, activate thinking, speech, memory, and imagination. Different types Oral folk art is an important means of developing speech and all aspects of a child’s personality. The influence of folklore on creative development is undoubtedly great. And our experience shows that such activities using elements of manual labor and folklore open up great opportunities for children to develop initiative. They awaken positive emotions, inspire, and activate children's thoughts. The use of handicrafts and folklore enriches our leisure time and helps create a friendly atmosphere in the group. A folk poetic word, an example of spiritual service to people. It is like a spring flowing from the depths of the earth, to which generations fall. And from generation to generation mother’s lullabies, tales, fables, proverbs, and fables sound. The folk poetic word intended for children is necessary not only for them, but also for adults to express their love, tenderness and care to children.

Russian folk art never ceases to delight and surprise with its deep content and perfect form. It is constantly being studied, and the eyes of historians, art critics, and teachers are turned to it. Native speech, sounding in fairy tales, the expressive intonations of a Russian song, a bright folk toy are an indispensable means of nurturing love for the Motherland, for the surrounding nature, which a child encounters from an early age. The role of folk art in the development of children's activities, and above all in play, in actions with toys, is perfectly revealed. It is difficult to find more valuable material for the development of artistic perception than fascinating Russian fairy tales, expressive songs, and colorful arts and crafts. Impressions received from their perception. They are reflected in the child’s independent verbal, song, and visual creativity. Oral folk art has an amazing ability to awaken a good beginning in people. The use of oral folk art in working with children creates unique conditions for the development of children’s speech, thinking, behavioral motivation, and accumulation of positive moral experience in interpersonal relationships.

Irina Sevastyanova

Upbringing a citizen and patriot who knows and loves his Motherland cannot be successfully resolved without a deep knowledge of the spiritual wealth of his people, development folk culture. The process of cognition and assimilation should begin as early as possible, figuratively speaking, with mother’s milk, the child should absorb the culture of his people through lullabies, ditties, nursery rhymes, fun games, riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, works folk decorative arts. Only in this case folk art will leave a deep imprint on a child’s soul and arouse lasting interest. The beauty of native nature, features of Russian life people, his all-round talent, hard work, optimism appear before children vividly and directly in his works folk craftsmen.

It is impossible to imagine Russian culture without folk art. Oral folk art, musical folklore, popularly-applied art should find great reflection in the content of education and education the younger generation now, when examples of mass culture from other countries are being introduced into the lives, everyday life and worldview of children. Folk art, being the fundamental basis of professional art, contributes to the formation of artistic taste of the main aesthetic criteria, the development of children’s aesthetic attitude towards professional art, nature, and the surrounding reality, has great educational opportunities. It carries a huge spiritual charge, an aesthetic and moral ideal, faith in the triumph of beauty and the victory of goodness and justice. Folk art makes it possible to introduce children to the spiritual culture of their people, of which it is a part.

In this regard, a corner was created in our health group MBDOU No. 14 folk art. Great help parents helped in collecting exhibits for our corner health group. For which we thank them very much.

Look what we got.

Publications on the topic:

Russian folk art is the basis for the formation of patriotic feelings and universal human values ​​of preschoolers“Education, created by the people themselves and based on popular principles, has that educational power that is not found in the best systems.

Oral folk art as a means of spiritual and moral education of older preschoolers In our time, it is necessary to raise a child to be a citizen, a patriot who knows and loves his homeland. But this task today cannot be done successfully.

Oral folk art as a means of introducing preschool children to Russian folk culture 1slide Topic of my self-education: “Oral folk art as a means of introducing preschoolers to Russian folk culture" implementation period.

Self-education plan “Oral folk art in the upbringing and teaching of children of primary preschool age” Goal: Increasing your theoretical level, professional skills and competence. Objectives: Development of innovation.

Oral folk art has a beneficial effect on the upbringing of children and develops creative, cognitive, and communication abilities. Children.

Pedagogical project “Folk art in the life of preschool children” Justification of the problem. “Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique one.

The preschool period of a child’s life largely depends on us, adults. And we must fill the child’s life with the light of goodness, spiritually enrich him.
