Correctional work of a psychologist at school. Art therapy for troubled teenagers: how creativity overcomes addiction Art therapeutic program for teenagers

Art therapy is an interdisciplinary approach that combines various fields of knowledge - psychology, medicine, pedagogy, cultural studies, etc. Its basis is artistic practice, since during art therapy sessions clients are involved in visual activities. The word “art therapy” was first used in the 1940s. in English-speaking countries by such authors as M. Naumburg and A. Hill, to designate those forms of clinical practice in which psychological “accompaniment” of clients with emotional, mental and physical disorders was carried out during their visual arts activities for the purpose of their treatment and rehabilitation .

Art therapy is a special form of art psychotherapy, which also includes drama therapy, music therapy and dance movement therapy.

We can say that during art therapy sessions, clients receive an important message from their own subconscious. This technique is one of the most ancient and natural forms of correction of emotional states. IN different countries exist various models art therapy. It is very important to note that this technique has no contraindications or limitations. It is used in almost all areas of psychotherapy. It has also found quite wide application in pedagogy and social work.

Art therapy gives anyone the opportunity to express their inner world through creativity.

If we talk about classical art therapy, it includes only visual types of creativity, such as painting, graphics, photography, drawing and sculpting. But modern art therapy has a larger number of types of techniques. It also includes bibliotherapy, mask therapy, fairy tale therapy, origami, drama therapy, music therapy, color therapy, video therapy, sand therapy, play therapy, etc.

Art therapy techniques are used for a fairly wide range of problems. These can be psychological traumas, losses, crisis conditions, intra- and interpersonal conflicts, post-stress, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, existential and age-related crises. Art therapy helps to develop a person’s creative thinking and the integrity of his personality, and through creativity it allows him to discover personal meanings.

It should be noted that art therapy is highly effective, both when working with adults and when working with adolescents and children. It allows you to reveal the inner strengths of a person. Art therapy helps improve self-esteem; teaches you to relax and get rid of negative emotions and thoughts; When working in groups, it develops important social skills in a person. Art therapy is used in individual and group psychotherapy, in various trainings. It can also serve as a complement to other methods and areas of psychotherapy, systems of health improvement, education and upbringing.

Art therapy has acquired a pedagogical direction in recent years. At school it performs the following functions: educational, correctional, psychotherapeutic, diagnostic and developmental.

When entering school, a child is bombarded with a lot of different types of information - lessons, clubs, extracurricular activities, communication with classmates, adults, teachers, parents, etc. When moving to high school, children also bear responsibility for their future fate, setting life goals, professional self-determination. It is not for nothing that modern society is called information society, noting in its features a high level of development and use of information technologies, a large volume of various information that a person must possess, already from the first stages of education. Currently, a huge problem is not just teaching children, endowing them with a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities, but teaching children how to navigate the information society, the ability to think and work with a huge amount of data in modern society.

In the system of psychological and pedagogical support for students in educational institution the central place is occupied by the problem of timely detection and prevention possible problems in students, especially teenagers. One of the tasks of a school psychologist is to provide educational process, relieving stress associated with a heavy workload on students. This is why art therapy is so widely spread and used. The purpose of the method is not to teach the student to draw, but to help, through art therapy, cope with information overload, stress associated with experiences during the learning process, and give an outlet for creative energy. Using art therapy methods, you can cope with various negative conditions, such as a negative “I-concept”, anxiety, fears, aggressiveness, experiences of emotional rejection, depression, conflicts, inappropriate behavior and many other psychological problems that prevent a teenager from living and slow him down development.

The teenager equips himself with one of the accessible and pleasant ways to relieve emotional stress, release emotions, fears, and internal conflicts. It is very important to express your inner world through creativity and try to achieve spiritual harmony.

The advantages of art therapy, especially when working with adolescents, are as follows:

  • the possibility of nonverbal communication, which is important for children because they find it difficult to verbally describe their experiences;
  • facilitating the communication process, creating relationships of mutual acceptance and empathy;
  • opportunity to explore unconscious processes;
  • the opportunity for free self-expression and self-knowledge;
  • mobilization creative potential, internal mechanisms of self-regulation;
  • increasing adaptive abilities, reducing fatigue and tension;
  • creating a positive emotional mood.

There are many various types and areas of art therapy. These are: isotherapy, music therapy, dance therapy, bibliotherapy, drama therapy, film therapy, puppet therapy, imagotherapy, sand therapy etc.

Among the art therapy methods that I use in my work with high school students are the following:

1. One of the most common types of art therapy is isotherapy (drawing, ) a therapeutic effect, correction through visual activity.

Isotherapy gives positive results when working with schoolchildren, helping them cope with their psychological problems. There are a lot of isotherapy techniques. When working with high school students, I use the following: “Blots”, “Drawing circles”, “Drawing a mandala”, “Drawing emotions”, “Coloring feelings”, “The color of my mood”, “Drawing a name”, “Drawing trees”, “ Mascot mask”, “Drawing aggression”, “Sculpting from plasticine”, “Gifts”, “Ice wall”, “Plan of my life”. All the guys’ drawings can also be used for diagnostic purposes.

Among the classical projective tests used in my work, we can highlight: “Non-existent animal” (M.Z. Dukarevich), “Drawing of a person” (F. Goodenough, D. Harris), “House-Tree-Person” (D. Book), “Drawing of a Family” (W. Wulf, W. Hules, R.K. Burns, S.K. Kaufman).

2. Another type of art therapy based on the therapeutic and corrective effects of reading is bibliotherapy.

From all the variety of artistic materials for reading - stories, novels, novels, poems - in solving problems of aggressive, insecure behavior, accepting one’s feelings, I use fairy tales and parables.

Fairy tales and parables are examples of vivid imagery of speech that help resolve intrapsychic conflicts and relieve emotional stress, change life position and behavior.

One of the parables that I use in working with children who show verbal aggression is “The Parable of Nails.”

3. - a method using music as a means of correction.

In this case, I use it as additional musical accompaniment to other correctional techniques to enhance their impact and increase their effectiveness.

It is important to note that the difference between free learning of creative skills and art therapy is of fundamental importance. They influence the psychological structures of students in different ways and cause different mental dynamics. Art therapy classes require the presence of a specialist who will give direction to the work, monitor the process and organize a safe environment for clients.

The effectiveness and undoubted benefits of using art therapeutic techniques in working with children are convinced by the following:

  • close psychological contact is established between all members of the process;
  • the child develops a sense of importance and self-esteem increases;
  • a sense of collectivism is fostered;
  • there is a high degree of activation of the independent work of each child, unsociable children easily get involved in the work;
  • used in classes individual approach to every child;
  • a comfortable psychological climate is created:
  • goodwill, openness, frankness, everyone’s opinions are listened to;
  • creativity is stimulated, imagination develops;
  • speech and communication skills are developing; the ability to clearly and concisely express your thoughts;
  • The feeling of anxiety decreases, the level of attention increases, excessive aggressiveness and muscle tension are relieved.

Practice has shown that this is an excellent method of working both individually and in groups, as it allows each child to operate at their own level and be accepted. This method can be used to develop communication skills and is an ideal tool for increasing self-esteem and confidence (both of which underlie children's desire to take risks in learning, make mistakes and try new things). It can be used to develop group cohesion and can help a child express things that he or she does not have words for or cannot verbalize.

The use of art therapy methods in working with groups of high school students allows us to strengthen group relationships and safe self-disclosure of its participants, teaching self-regulation skills and improving communication skills, emotional intelligence. IN preventive work it is important to identify and study the totality of all reasons, motivations, circumstances and actions of the individual or social groups, constituting explicit or hidden mechanisms of their behavior that does not comply with accepted norms or rules in society. Art therapy methods have enormous potential and can be effective in a wide variety of areas of society.


  1. Golovan O.V., Osadchikh V.A. The role of art and art therapy in the socialization of the individual and the prevention of deviant behavior.
  2. Kopytin A.I. The use of art therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders. [Electronic resource] // Medical psychology in Russia: electronic. scientific magazine 2012. N 2. URL:
  3. Mendelevich V.D., Sadykova R.G. Psychology of dependent personality. - Kazan, 2002. - 240 p.
  4. Kopytin A.I., Svistovskaya E.E. Art therapy for children and adolescents. - Cogito Center, 2014 - 197 p.

Burkutbaeva A.A., psychologist, secondary school No. 16


Someone, someday, has to answer,

Having exposed the truth, having revealed the truth,

What are difficult children?

Eternal question and sick as a boil.

Here he is sitting in front of us, look,

He shrank like a spring, he despaired,

Like a wall without doors and without windows.

Here they are, these main truths:

We noticed too late... We took into account too late...

No! Difficult children are not born!

They just didn't get help in time.

(S. Davidovich)

Social crisis processes occurring in modern society negatively affect people’s psychology, giving rise to anxiety and tension, anger, cruelty and violence. Low level of wages that do not meet the family’s needs to support dependents, lagging wages social payments, including child benefits, from the rising cost of living are factors causing widespread poverty among families with minors, as well as high level the desire of young people for “easy money”.

The worst living conditions are typical for large families. Being at the poverty line, many parents are forced to work two or three jobs, practically not seeing their children, and not having time to establish communication with them. Family dysfunction, largely associated with the economic situation in the state, is a direct path to a child going into crime.

Statistics show an increase in deviant behavior among adolescents. An alarming symptom is the increase in the number of minors with deviant behavior, manifested as (alcoholism, drug addiction, violation of public order, hooliganism, vandalism, etc.). Demonstrative and defiant behavior towards adults has increased. Cruelty and aggressiveness began to appear in extreme forms. Crime among young people increased sharply.

Deviant behavior is not only a deviation from accepted social norms, but also early alcoholism and suicide attempts.

In adolescents, aggressiveness is a means of raising prestige, demonstrating one’s independence and maturity. Alcoholism and drug addiction are closely woven into the structure of the deviant lifestyle of adolescents. Often teenagers, by drinking alcohol, seem to celebrate their “merits”: successful adventures, hooligan acts, fights, petty thefts. When explaining their bad deeds, teenagers have the wrong idea of ​​morality, justice, courage, and bravery..

Corrective work on the prevention of deviant behavior with adolescents has its own characteristics. At the initial stages, group forms are not shown, individual work with a teenager is more effective.

How to help a difficult teenager and prevent deviant behavior?

One of the most beneficial from the point of view of working as a psychologist with destructive behavior of adolescents is art therapy, the concept of which was introduced in 1938 by Adrian Hill.

The advantages of art therapy, especially when working with difficult teenagers, are as follows:

The ability to communicate non-verbally, which is important for such children because theyfind it difficult to verbally describe their experiences;

Opportunity for free self-expression and self-knowledge.

Using art therapy methods, you can cope with various negative conditions, such as a negative “I-concept”, anxiety, fears, aggressiveness, experiences of emotional rejection, depression, conflicts, inappropriate behavior and many other psychological problems that prevent a teenager from living and slow him down development.

There are many different types and areas of art therapy. These are: isotherapy, music therapy, dance therapy, bibliotherapy, drama therapy, film therapy, puppet therapy, imagotherapy, sand therapy, etc.

Among the art therapy methods that I use in my work with difficult teenagers are the following:

1. One of the most common types of art therapy is isotherapy(drawing, modeling) therapeutic effect, correction through visual activity.

2. Another type of art therapy based on the therapeutic and corrective effects of reading is bibliotherapy.

From the whole variety of artistic materials for reading - stories, novellas, novels, poems, poems. In solving problems of aggressive, insecure behavior, and accepting one’s feelings, it is better to use fairy tales and parables.

Fairy tales and parables are examples of vivid imagery of speech that help resolve intrapsychic conflicts and relieve emotional stress, change life position and behavior.

3. Music therapy- a method that uses music as a means of correction. In this case, it is advisable to use it as additional musical accompaniment to other correctional techniques to enhance their impact and increase their effectiveness.

Below is an approximate topic of individual lessons with deviant teenagers.

Lesson 1. Diagnostics emotional state students.

1.Organizational issues. Acquaintance.

2.Safety briefing.

3. Diagnosis of emotional state:"Cactus" graphic technique M.A. Panfilova

4. Diagnosis of emotional state: anxiety test

Lesson 2. Techniques for relieving emotional stress. Drawing with relaxation.

1. Artistic relaxation techniques (working with lines).

2. Exercise for relaxation and development of imagination “Quiet Lake”.

Lesson 3. Ways to relieve emotional stress and aggression.

1. Working off negative emotions. Techniques for working with plasticine and salt dough.

2. Working off negative emotions: Color meditation.

3. Working off negative emotions. Working with paper - collage.

Lesson 4. Development of positive emotions. Working with blots.

1. Study of the blot technique. Color selection.

2. Working with emotions using colored spots.

3. Color therapy.

Lesson 5. Working out feelings. Working with fairy tales.

1.Drawing a fairy tale. Famous fairy tale heroes, their feelings.

2. Flowers, birds and animals in fairy tales. Their feelings

3. Fairy tale therapy (playing fairy tales)

Lesson 6. Strengthening adequate self-esteem.

1. Working with personal associations.

2. What is friendship?

Lesson 7. Development of communicative culture through collective creativity.

1. Compilation of a story about the life of the class. Message to the future.

2. Let's draw a holiday!

3. Newspaper “Our Colorful World!”

Final lesson. Final diagnostics.

1. Final lesson. Demonstration of the resulting work.

2. Diagnosis of the emotional state of students: Drawing test "Elephant"

Active use of art as a therapeutic factor and training emotional sphere not only helps teenagers, but also gives the psychologist an impetus for creativity. Children in such classes actively participate in the created imaginary plot, they are not taught to draw, take the “right” paint, sculpt according to a model, they are given the opportunity to create a unique personal work. Art therapy classes help children express their thoughts, feelings, and moods in the creative process.

The correctional and developmental program helps to maintain positive attitude children, conduct a conversation about a particular situation, action and its consequences.

The use of art therapy in working with maladjusted adolescents

Keywords: teenage crisis, social maladjustment, art therapy.

During the period of teenage crisis, it is very difficult for children to adapt to society and understand themselves. They are still poorly able to analyze the reasons for what is happening to them. Many factors influence how the teenage crisis will unfold: personal, biological (including deviations from age norms in development, psychophysiological characteristics, health problems), psychological, pedagogical, and socio-economic conditions of the functioning of society. Such a multitude of factors, their combination often leads to social maladaptation (disruption of the process social development, socialization of the individual) adolescents.

A major role in the formation of social maladjustment is played by:

  • pedagogical neglect as a consequence of apparently unfavorable living conditions and upbringing, lack of love and attention to the child;
  • deprivation as the complete absence of warm, close, direct relationships with the child of people close to him necessary for the full development;
  • cruel treatment;
  • experienced extreme situations - traumatic situations in which a person participated directly as a witness, if they were associated with the perception of death or its real threat, severe injuries and suffering of other people (or one’s own), while experiencing intense fear, horror, a feeling of helplessness ( Such situations cause a special condition - post-traumatic stress disorder);
  • frustration, in which the child is very often placed in a situation of blocking or insurmountable obstacles to the satisfaction of vital needs;
  • internal conflict (a clash of opposing value orientations of an individual, his needs, interests, aspirations).

The consequences of social maladaptation can be:

  • worsening interaction with family and school,
  • sharp deterioration of nervous mental health,
  • self-destructive behavior (increased early teenage alcoholism, drug addiction, sexualization, smoking, suicidal tendencies).

Switching from maladaptation to adaptation generally requires long-term psychocorrection. At the initial stage, contact is established and trust is formed. Building trust can happen in one meeting, or it can take a longer period. Built trust necessary condition and most importantly in the mechanism of psychocorrectional work. It allows you to reduce stress. Allows you to release energy that was previously aimed at combating tension. The resulting energy will be used by family members in which the teenager lives to develop strategies towards change and implement them. Primary trust is reinforced by the resulting changes in the life of the family and the life of the teenager. Therefore, in the process of psychocorrectional work, when passing through the next step or stage, the emphasis is on positive changes. And this will be a motivating component of psychocorrectional work.

At the same time, based on conversations with parents and children, specialists study the family and its characteristics. They assess the living conditions of family members, identify existing problems in the family, and study personal relationships in the family.

The next stage is a psychological examination in order to identify the individual and personal characteristics of the teenager, parents and the study of intra-family relationships.

Since this already takes more than one consultation, in parallel, when current problems are identified, they are discussed and joint strategies and ways to solve them are developed.

After the psychological examination, the results obtained are discussed. Based on the psychological examination, recommendations are given to both parents and the teenager.

Correctional and developmental work with adolescents is aimed at developing self-confidence, the formation of adequate self-esteem, the development of self-control and self-analysis skills, correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, the formation of motivation for change, reducing the level of anxiety, correction child-parent relationships, development of communication skills.

As mentioned above, building trust with children adolescence, most often, takes a long time. Teenagers tend to distrust adults, which leads to their reluctance to open up when communicating with a psychologist. They experience tension, answer questions unambiguously, refuse to carry out proposed work options, etc.

In each individual case, the psychologist tries to find a suitable way of interaction for a given teenager. To strengthen and preserve the mental health of adolescents, we use flexible forms of psychotherapy when working with them.

For example, art therapy. It meets this requirement fully. Art therapy (from the English art, art) is a direction in psychological correction based on art and creativity. Art therapy allows you to approach the client’s problems in a gentle and environmentally friendly manner. The purpose of art therapy, says V. Becker-Glosch, is not to identify mental deficiencies or disorders. On the contrary, it addresses the strengths of the individual, and also has the amazing property of internal support and restoration of a person’s integrity. the main objective art therapy is to harmonize the mental state through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge. This method has no restrictions or contraindications. In art therapy we offer maladjusted teenagers variety of activities fine arts and arts and crafts (drawing, graphics, painting, writing fairy tales, photographs, small sculptures, all kinds of installations, crafts, etc.), which are aimed at enhancing communication with a psychologist or in a group for a clearer, more subtle expression of one’s experiences and problems , internal contradictions, on the one hand, as well as creative self-expression, on the other. The value of using art therapy is that it can be used to express and explore a variety of feelings and emotions on a symbolic level: love, hatred, resentment, anger, fear, joy, etc. With its help, you can help a person understand what is the problem and consider possible options exit from it.

Moreover, the less the psychologist interferes in the creative activity of clients, the higher the therapeutic effect obtained, the faster relationships of empathy, mutual trust and acceptance are established. In the art therapeutic process, commands, instructions, demands, and coercion are unacceptable. In art therapy, there is a ban on comparative and evaluative judgments, marks, criticism, and punishment. The client has the right to choose the content creative activity, visual materials, and work at your own pace.

In the process of correctional work with teenagers, we have identified the most effective art techniques:

  • From isotherapy (drawing therapy): “Feelings and state in this moment", "Masks", "I am in the past and I am in the present and I am in the future", "Island" (containing "Without dangerous world" and "dangerous world"), "My totem animal", "Place of my power" "My grievances", "My anger", "My coat of arms", "Coat of arms of my family". Often, some emotions and thoughts remain suppressed in the mind of an individual. Some drawings allow you to reveal these experiences without any trauma for the individual or others. Other drawings allow you to work with boundaries, develop communication skills, acquire resources, and identify value orientations. Drawing with a partner “Joint drawing on free topic» Helps explore interpersonal relationships and conflicts.
  • From sand art therapy: “Create your world in the sand.” When interacting with sand and small figures made from it, a person of any age brings his inner world closer to himself - he begins to understand his desires, understand his memories and find solutions to certain situations.
  • From fairy tale therapy - reading fairy tales, writing fairy tales helps to find a connection between the characters in a literary work and the person in real life– in behavior, character, etc.; helps find resources; develop the ability to ask for help and accept it; make choices and analyze the consequences of choices. Metaphor in fairy tales, according to O.V. Khukhlaeva, allows you to work with a wide range of teenage problems and allows you to quickly convey to the teenager the meaning of the difficulties that he experiences. A metaphor allows a teenager to find ways out of current situations himself.
  • When using plasticine modeling: “My problem”, “My illness”. Allows you to touch the problem, realize it, reduce it, make it less scary and solvable.
  • From mandala therapy. Mandala - translated from Sanskrit as “circle” or “center”. Weaving a mandala from threads allows you to understand that changes require effort and when applied, you can achieve the desired result. Depending on what the client and the psychologist want to weave into the mandala, its pattern changes. Thanks to its unique shape, the mandala is an ideal model for meditation, which helps to relax and is suitable for those people who suffer from stress, tension and inability to concentrate. Weaving helps you get pleasure from similar movements and, accordingly, awaken the taste for life.Jung came to the conclusion that the mandala method is the path to our center, to the discovery of a unique individuality. He considered the mandala to be an extremely powerful symbol, which is a visible projection of the psychic world and expresses the human Self. Creative work with mandalas can help a person strengthen the connection between the conscious and unconscious “I”. She, thanks to her round shape, brings the necessary energy into a person’s inner world to restore balance and calm, so that a person feels as “round” and whole as a mandala.
  • From puppet therapy. The process of making dolls itself is a kind of meditation and has a healing effect. Being carried away by the manufacturing process, teenagers become calmer and balanced. Randomness develops mental processes, fine motor skills hands, imagination, ability to concentrate, perseverance. When working with teenagers in our classes, we create a “Protector” doll, a “Protector Angel”, and a “Comforter” doll. These dolls create a feeling of security.

Irina Taranenko’s technique is very interesting and effective. She suggested using metaphorical cards in the art therapy system. For this purpose, she developed and created metaphorical ITAR cards “Egg of Life”, "The tree of Life". By making changes, independently complementing the selected drawings as part of a correctional and developmental lesson, it is possible to find your own way from problematic situation to her decision.With the help of paints and a tablet, the process of drawing builds a path from negative to positive. From the present state to the desired one. You can return to the past in images and change it on the map tablet to the desired situation. At the same time, the person drawing can recognize his limiting beliefs, look at himself and the world around us as if from the outside, fill himself with resources, develop a step-by-step way out of a problem situation and transfer the found solution to real life.

So, art therapy allows a teenager to express everything that is difficult for him to explain in words, turn to his own soul and see what escapes in everyday thinking. It allows a teenager to remain himself, not to experience awkwardness, shame, or resentment from comparison with children who are more successful, in his opinion, and to advance in development in accordance with his nature. From the perspective of adaptation, art therapy can be considered as an integrating adaptation mechanism that provides a person with an active position regarding the possibilities of adaptation to an environment that contributes to the overall harmonization of the individual.
