A complete lack of desire to get married is pathological. Why men don't want to get married

Despite the sincere desire of your relatives to marry you off as soon as possible, you are still not yet ready for such a decisive step that can completely change your world. You shouldn’t feel complex about not having a permanent partner.

If you have been dating your boyfriend for a long time, or are always single and cannot find a permanent life partner, you probably often receive this question from your family members at every family celebration sitting at the same table with them. Despite the sincere desire of your relatives to get you married as soon as possible, you are still not yet ready for such a decisive step that can completely change your world. You shouldn’t feel complex about not having a permanent partner.

This question is as unpleasant as asking a married couple, “When will you have children?” Many spouses sincerely hate such questions, since they affect their intimate sphere of existence. Many consider it their duty to raise the issue of marriage during a personal meeting, but you should remember that marriage is an important and responsible step, and only you have the right to decide when you can take it.

While the tabloids are full of information about life together celebrities like Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell who live under the same roof without official registration already since 1983, as well as Oprah and Stedman, who began living together in 1986, many prefer not to advertise their relationship. People love to read about successful stories of two lovers ending in marriage, although to be fair, it can be noted that not all couples living under the same roof without registration cannot boast of strong feelings. This statement is completely wrong. We can't know for sure why Oprah didn't marry Steedman. This is their personal matter, which does not concern anyone.

It is stupid to think that a free woman aged 40-50 is unhappy and cannot enjoy all the joys of life. It's just that for some people the very idea of ​​marriage is unacceptable. They want to remain free and independent and this is quite normal. You don’t need to go through a special ceremony and sign a piece of paper to be sure of your own well-being and happiness with your loved one. If your inner voice tells you that you are not fit for marriage, trust it. Here are a few signs that happiness will not pass you by if you live alone or with a permanent partner without formal paperwork. The main thing is that the situation satisfies both and you can refer to your partner not as a wife or husband.

1. You are incapable of compromise.

Although this state of affairs does not look very good, there is nothing tragic about it. It is worth understanding that if you have long been accustomed to doing everything your own way and even the incorrect sequence of loading the dishwasher by your partner leads to convulsions in the back, marriage is contraindicated for you, since you will probably make not only yourself, but also your significant other unhappy. You have an established way of life and the very thought that someone will impose their opinion on you or do something differently from what you are used to can lead to nervous breakdown. A simple thank you to your regular partner for being there and not trying to change your established way of life is enough.

2. Your relationship looks more complicated than it really is.

You like to be close to your loved one, but you also want to feel free, having complete control over yourself. You don’t feel like you’ve met the right person who will make you better or become the other half you need for a harmonious life. You are just pleased that this person is around from time to time. It may well be that a real great feeling has never visited you, and you cannot imagine life with a permanent partner. You never saw romantic get-togethers with your partner as a way to... own home, where cozy curtains and two children together await behind the fence.

3. Trying to come up with your dream wedding.

There is an opinion that every girl dreams of a wedding, but such an ultimate goal may not always bring happiness. Sometimes the very thought that for a complete and happy life you have to go through a certain ceremony, appear in a white outfit with a bouquet of flowers and be sure to sign some papers, it’s just ridiculous. There is no doubt that many women do not fully understand their desires, but they look forward to the end of the relationship. Registration in court does not always guarantee a long happy life.

4. Problems with commitment.

It’s good if you clearly understand the essence of the problem and know that you are not able to remain faithful to your partner throughout your life. You may be a great person, but marriage is simply not recommended for you because it will most likely make your partner unhappy. It is quite possible that, unable to maintain the obligations assumed, it is worth turning to alternative ways of living together.

5. You have a strong sense of independence.

You are not ready to share your life with someone. For you, your own “I” always comes first. You are completely independent and don't need help paying bills, shopping or relaxing. You are fixated on building a career, and the emergence of a new attachment can simply destroy your usual way of life.

6. You don't see marriage as something positive.

It is quite possible that you grew up in a family where your parents were constantly in conflict or went through a long and painful divorce. In this case, people usually cannot look at the concept of marriage as something long-awaited and joyful. Such a person’s imagination will draw terrible pictures of life together and will certainly lead to the destruction of the family. However, it is worth understanding that not all marriages are the same and it depends only on you how successful your marriage will be.

7. You want to live a traditional life.

You don’t have the belief that after love comes, marriage necessarily comes. You would prefer to raise a child alone or not have children at all. You do not strive to earn parental approval, but want to live independently, completely relying only on your skills and abilities. Your preference is a permanent partner who does not care about etiquette and public opinion. The main thing is that life together brings only joy and pleasure.

8. You are satisfied with the current situation.

Why change something that is already good. Goldie Hawn once said that she wakes up every day with pigs: Is this the man I want to be with? Do I want to maintain such a relationship? Am I ready to give more? Perhaps something will be better and do I want this step? No ceremony can give us more happiness if we already have it.

“It’s never a bad thing to get married, no matter how married you are,” said our grandmothers, who managed to get married at 18-20, or even 16 years old. Nowadays, guys and girls prefer not to rush into marriage, building a career or simply living for their own pleasure. Psychologist Alisa Kuramshina looked into what this trend is connected with.

Society is getting younger

Soviet youth worked hard on the collective farm almost from the age of 15, and today’s youth are sometimes difficult to get to work even after university. It’s about the same with marriage, childhood dragged on...

“This is the modern infantilization of society. The concept means that a person is entering adulthood later and later - that is, he is postponing the time when he will have to take responsibility for himself. In biology, the term neoteny has long been known (an individual does not mature, remaining at the level of a larva, for example), now it manifests itself in relation to human beings, only in a psychological sense,” explains Alisa Kuramshina.

So, ladies, don’t ask a 33-year-old guy down the aisle, maybe he’s just not ready, he still wants to live with his mother

Why are relationships needed?

If we think globally, it is not only people who have changed. Absolutely everything around has changed! Gadgets, technology and even modern laws have made the life of homo sapiens very easy, so maybe marriage has become a relic?

“Family has ceased to be a condition for survival. Previously, people created a “society unit” to make it easier to survive together and continue the family line. Now conditions are much softer; almost all people in developed countries have their basic needs met. Therefore, say, it is not necessary to give birth to 12 children in order for some of them to survive,” explains the psychologist.

You can’t fool modern youth here: “falling in love is natural, but getting married is something you came up with yourself...”.

I feel good alone!

We almost forgot about emancipation and the cult of bachelorhood. It's fashionable. You are lonely, like Keanu Reeves, and you are looking for the meaning of life with the languid expression of a handsome young face - song...

“Attitudes towards single people have changed. Back in the eighties, being lonely, homeless, or even, God forbid, a single mother, abandoned, was considered a sign of a person’s inferiority. Nowadays this causes at most slight bewilderment if a person in adulthood does not live with someone in a couple,” says Alisa Kuramshina.

You can also take part in reality, if you don’t find love, or write about it on a blog - that’s a good life!

Wedding? I have no time, there are more interesting things to do

Most importantly, in addition to reality and blogs, there can be a thousand interesting and useful activities, besides marriage. As they say, electricity has already been installed everywhere and the night does not have to be dedicated to love, as before.

“Due to the fact that people are not busy surviving around the clock, they are doing what they are actually interested in. They look for themselves in a profession, on Earth, in a hobby, etc. And the family seems to be something stable that reduces overall mobility,” continues Alisa Kuramshina.

Many young people would be much more willing to sign a mortgage agreement at age 20 than a marriage certificate.

Well, OK! Why do I need a stamp in my passport?

That's what modern children say, but whatever - middle-aged people don't want to get married again in order to avoid unnecessary hassle in the event of a possible separation.

“New forms of family have appeared, or rather, old but rare ones have spread. For example, guest marriage is becoming increasingly popular. People prefer to remain autonomous and meet, say, only on weekends. The number of officially registered marriages is also falling,” explains the specialist.

Love has become available

It’s impossible to talk about weddings without touching on intimacy. Previously, marriages were concluded to “gain access to the body,” what can we hide! And now it is not limited...

“Sex has become more accessible. Now you can regularly receive satisfaction without a stamp in your passport, or even virtually. The age of robotic pleasures is ahead,” says the specialist.

Like that movie with Stallone, anyone else remember? "Destroyer".

I won't get married! It's your own fault!

The reluctance to get married can be blamed on the modern generation, the way of life, or anything else. But the problem is often hidden in banal experience. Were your parents happy in their family ties?

“Most of today's youth have grown up observing dysfunctional relationships in parental family. Naturally, due to the psychological trauma they received, they do not want to repeat this difficult experience,” confirms the psychologist.

So we return to childhood and the well-known commandment: “Don’t raise children, educate yourself!”

Family is expensive

Money in modern world play an important role. Everyone already knows the continuation of the proverb “Happiness is not in money, but in quantity,” which is why not many people want to spend money on such a useless thing as marriage.

“Family is a new expense. There are people who believe that having a family will seriously hit their pockets. People in our country constantly live in a situation where they think that life is becoming more expensive and earnings are falling. Therefore, now it is easier for some to survive alone than to drag their family along,” says Alisa Kuramshina.

In addition, the following topics are being discussed everywhere: “the wife takes money from her husband, lives at his expense,” “the husband is a spender, spends on friends, football and video games, not serious.” Here we are reaping...

A few words about traditions

As you know, everything new is learned through negation. For today's youth, the traditions of the older generation are not postulates; the realities have changed too much. These foundations are something new that needs to be destroyed, so they think.

“If earlier availability wedding photos was a mandatory attribute of any photo album, now these albums are pushed to the far upper dusty shelves. Fewer and fewer young people dream of a ransom, a white dress, a black suit and a limousine with a doll on the bumper,” says the specialist.

... and about the status

When hiring, experience and education are important; a candidate’s marital status has long been overlooked. And in general, society has long ceased to divide people into free people and those with family.

“Marriage no longer gives status in society as it once did. The status “single”/“not married” no longer closes the door to almost any society. More recently, this state of affairs was impossible,” concludes Alisa Kuramshina.

What affects the status now? Clothes, a car or an Instagram page where all this is captured? Will future youth trade real life and virtual love - time will tell.

Text: Angelika Kholodilova

The issue of men's reluctance to marry is a pressing issue among women today. In the relationship there is respect for each other, understanding, the man talks about love, but still marriage is not included in his plans. Why? What is the reason for this reluctance? Our article today will be devoted to this issue.

Men have thousands of excuses not to get married. Some say that there is no financial independence, others that they have not yet worked up, and still others argue their reluctance to get married due to the lack of separate living space. It turns out that the male sex has settled down well. Women take care of them, feed them, give them tenderness and attention, and in return they hope to start a family and have children. However, often in return women receive a refusal to marry without explanation from men.

The most common reason for men's reluctance to marry is the fear of responsibility for their wife, future children, etc., which falls on their shoulders along with the stamp in their passport. No stamp - no responsibility. Something didn’t suit me, I packed my things and left. And there is no need to “bother” about divorce and division of property. In addition, you will have to spend all the money earned “sweat and blood” on your family, and not, as before, on yourself.

Another reason for a man’s reluctance to undergo a marriage ceremony is the fear that his beloved is sweet and beautiful girl After the wedding, she will get fat and become a grumpy wife, about whom they write so much in jokes.

Another equally important fear of men about getting married is having a child. Yes, I agree, you can have a child without getting married, but in most cases children are born into “legitimate” families. The fear of men is that after the wedding the woman will stop paying attention to him because she will quit her job and become immersed in raising children.

In addition, men are afraid that after marriage their wife will restrict his freedom. It will prohibit you from communicating with friends, going to the sauna, or going hunting or fishing. Of course, any man is not immune from such a turn of events. However, in this situation, the girl needs to talk to the man and explain to him that trust in each other is an important and main part of their relationship. That he can and even has the right to maintain relationships with friends, go to a bar with them or visit the sauna. Say that loving people should also take a break from each other, not forgetting about their friends.

Also, if a man is surrounded by bachelor friends who do not have permanent relationships, he will not rush into getting married. Who wants to seem like a black sheep among their comrades? He will feel out of place among them, especially when a group of men starts meeting girls. Of course, over time this whole group will settle down and start their own family, but they will have to wait quite a long time.

The fear of marriage for men is “fuelled” by the lack of separate housing where newlyweds could live after the wedding. After all, then you will have to live with your parents, which can be quite difficult, since you need to adapt to your parents’ habits. In addition, living only with your family means living separately.

Another common reason for a man to refuse marriage is the fact that he has already been married before, and this experience was not successful. The man experienced all the pros and cons family life. Now his main desire is quiet life, where there is no need to think about marriage. Girls in such a situation should not at all convince a man that family life with her will be what he dreams of, since for her it may have the opposite effect. A man’s decision should mature by itself, if, of course, he comes to it.

What if we, women, ourselves, by our behavior, bring men to such a state that they are terrified of marrying us? After all, aren’t we all the time unhappy if they return home late from work, if they earn little, we grumble if there is no opportunity to relax at sea for too frequent gatherings with friends in bars or the garage? And the list of complaints is far from small.

In any case, in order to tie oneself with the “tie of Hymen”, it is necessary for both men and women to mature for this step. It's not enough to just want to get married. It is necessary to consciously take this step, to be prepared for various kinds situations that will inevitably arise during family life. Only after this will contradictions cease to arise between partners, when one wants to get married and the other is not ready to get married.

In conclusion, I want to say that if a beloved man is in no hurry to get married, it does not at all follow that he does not love or that he does not have serious intentions. Maybe he is in no hurry because he wants to create a solid foundation of material value, necessary for starting a family. And this takes time. I think it's worth waiting a little.

One of the most common reasons for a man’s – and, by the way, a woman’s – reluctance to start a family is childhood trauma associated with problems between parents. Constant scandals, and especially divorce, are unlikely to inspire anyone to repeat such a feat. It’s good if you had a more successful marriage experience before your eyes, but this does not always happen. In such a situation, the girl will have a particularly long job of building relationships: she will have to prove that family is not such a bad invention.

The breakup of your own marriage

There is an opinion that a man who has already been married is more experienced in family matters than any young man, and therefore is perfect for the role of a husband. However, this is not always the case: firstly, he could be the reason for the divorce, and then it is not entirely clear what his “wisdom” consists of. Well, secondly, if the wife was the cause of the collapse of the relationship, then it’s easy to imagine what kind of “vaccination” she could have given him against family life.


Modern society largely contributes to the fact that people tend to seek only pleasure in life and shift responsibility to someone else. In principle, this is not catastrophic behavior; everyone wants to live well, but previously men with such aspirations were condemned by society due to traditions and established stereotypes as too infantile people. But everything is changing, and today few people are ready to so easily give up their own plans (like traveling and buying an apartment), which are easier to implement alone than with a constant life partner and children.

Desire to maintain independence

A continuation of the previous point is the desire to maintain independence. As you know, a man is especially characterized by the desire for independence (at least externally) and freedom of choice - either everything will be the way he wants, or nothing at all. A dubious compromise in this case is the absolute submission of a woman, who not only does not burden the man with her own opinion, but also helps in everyday life. However, you must admit that not everyone wants such a fate, so if your chosen one is one of such powerful people, maybe you should just be glad that the wedding never took place?

"Creative person"

One of the types of men who are afraid of losing their independence is a man who has connected his life with creativity. Musician, writer, artist - many representatives of this profession sincerely believe that the love of just one woman may be good for someone, but definitely not for them and their genius. Remember the sensational film “Mama!”: Javier Bardem is a prominent representative of this type. In general, do not rush to become the muse of such a person - this is an interesting activity, but it very rarely leads to a stable marriage.

Doesn't see the point: why?

But really, why get married when you can get everything just like that? As we know, before, if a man communicated with a girl for two or three months, visited her house (or rather, her family’s house) and after all did not propose, he was denied further visits. Naturally, this contributed to the fact that the young man was more likely to decide on an important step - and not only for the sake of sex, but also for the sake of female attention, care and communication, which is lacking in the “harsh men's world" Today things are different (in many respects - and thank God), and we do not call for returning to an updated version of house-building, but there is a common sense in not giving a man “everything at once”. After all, the three-date rule (at least) is still quite valid if your end goal is marriage.

His doubts and your persistence

Men do not like to do what everyone expects of them, and especially when they are pressured about this from all sides - by their own parents, the girl’s relatives and, of course, the chosen one herself. You have to show your character, but... own desire to get married, if you really can’t wait, it’s better to hint, rather than say it outright. For example, you can go together to visit your happy married friends so that the man can see that there is not so much terrible in marriage as such and life does not end there, but is just beginning.

Different views on the future

If a couple has different views on the future - let's say she wants children, and he adheres to the child free philosophy - then this also serves as a stumbling block on the path to engagement. Of course, it’s reasonable to ask: why doesn’t he just break off the relationship? Everything is simple here: firstly, this question is worth asking yourself, and secondly, hope dies last, and the young man can hope that the girl will eventually accept his point of view. In any case, plans for the future should be discussed with your partner in the first stages of the relationship, and not when you already regret the time and effort spent.

There's really no love

Finally, we should not forget about the most banal reason why a young man is in no hurry to propose: perhaps he simply stopped loving his chosen one. By inertia, a relationship can continue for quite a long time until one of the partners finds a more suitable option: many find it hard to believe, but men are not without romance, and they, just like women, want to marry the one they really love.

Every woman dreams of marrying the man she loves. But not all representatives of the stronger sex are in a hurry to propose to their girlfriends. Faced with such a situation, girls begin to look for flaws in themselves, trying to understand why a man does not want to get married. But in reality there can be many reasons. We will try to figure out what to do in such a situation and how to find your feminine happiness.

There are many reasons why men refuse to marry. They are not always associated with character flaws or a woman’s behavior. Therefore, before looking for bad sides in yourself and lowering your self-esteem, you should figure out what prevents a man from getting married.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Presence of marriage. Often girls find themselves in situations where their lover hides the fact of having a legal wife. Therefore, it is worth checking this point in advance.
  • Not a serious attitude. If a man does not want to get married, perhaps he simply does not consider you a worthy candidate for life together. You may only be a backup option, and not the only one with whom he would like to live his life.
  • Civil marriage. Now this concept has firmly entered the life of society. Many couples do not seek to put a stamp in their passport, but simply live together. This is especially convenient for men. If a woman is already constantly with him, taking care of him, creating comfort in the house, then why go to the registry office? He receives all the necessary benefits from her, but at the same time he is not responsible for her and can leave at any time. For some men, this is the ideal relationship.
  • Other priorities. For a woman, marriage is one of the main goals in life. Men don’t consider this a goal at all. Material values ​​play a big role for them. Therefore, if a guy has set himself the goal of saving for an apartment, then he will not want to spend money on a wedding.
  • Bad behavior of a woman. Men's reluctance to commit their fate officially may also arise as a result of bad behavior beloved. If a woman is constantly hysterical, makes scandals, and torments her with jealousy, then the guy will get scared and will no longer take any responsible steps.
  • Unpreparedness for family life. The most common reason why a man does not want to get married. All representatives of the stronger sex are afraid of marriage, loss complete freedom, emergence of responsibility. It is especially difficult to marry a guy who has already been married. After the breakup of a family, men do not want to build a serious relationship again for a very long time.
  • Negative attitude or excessive attention from the woman's parents. If the mother-in-law and father-in-law constantly interfere in the couple’s relationship or express their negative thoughts regarding the chosen one, this will scare away the beloved. A woman should convince her parents that she is an adult and will understand own life herself.
  • Parents' broken marriage. If the relationship between the beloved’s parents was bad, then he is unlikely to be eager to start a family. Especially if the guy watched the picture when his mother nagged his father and was constantly dissatisfied with him. A man on a subconscious level will be afraid of a repetition of such a situation.
  • A lack of money. Representatives of the fair sex love wealthy and serious men. Guys know this and it is not surprising if the chosen one is ashamed to admit to his girlfriend that he does not have the necessary amount of money for the wedding. He will renounce marriage by any means, so that his beloved does not find out about his financial difficulties.
  • The man is an introvert. Psychologists say that often guys do not want to get married because they love living alone. Introverts do not need a lot of communication, constant living with other people. It’s easier for them to just date, but live alone.

A man's reluctance to walk down the aisle is due to various reasons. In some cases they themselves are to blame, in others it is women. But relationships are built by two sides, so both need to take care of their future lives.

Do you really want to get married?

Before convincing a man to marry, you should think carefully about whether you really want to marry him. Quite often it turns out that parents and relatives force people to get married as soon as possible. Perhaps this man is not your man, since everything has reached a dead end and you have to think about how to influence him so that he wants to get married.

Also, a friend who talks about the happy efforts of preparing for the wedding and demonstrates can often influence the desire to get married. wedding ring. Pressure from outside can disrupt your own plans and goals.

You should be able to separate your desires and principles from those imposed by society. One has only to imagine all the delights of living together, and the desire can disappear on its own.

How to convince your chosen one to get married?

If you are sure that this man is dear to you, and you want to be his legal wife, then you can take a number of actions to get what you want. There are no specially developed persuasion tactics, since all guys are different, and the reasons for not wanting to get married can also be different.

But psychologists recommend talking to your boyfriend and letting him know that legal marriage is very important to you, and you would like your relationship to move to the next level. Women often only drop hints about this, but the stronger sex does not always understand them or pretends not to understand. But if you explain how important this is to you, you will immediately find out what your man thinks about it and what reasons prevent him from taking a responsible step. It is also worth convincing him that no one is going to infringe on his freedom. A man must understand that his family will become his support, which will support him in any difficult moments.

To achieve reciprocity from their lover, women often go to great lengths. But not all methods help you become a wife; most, on the contrary, provoke a break in the relationship. Psychologists categorically prohibit the following:

  1. Obsessively trying to persuade someone to get married.
  2. Throw tantrums.
  3. Use blackmail.
  4. Trying to drag a guy into the registry office through a false pregnancy.
  5. Involve relatives in order to influence a man.

These methods are pure manipulation that will not help you get married, but will show you from the worst side.

What to do if you fail to convince?

If you did everything possible to convince your chosen one to marry, but he still did not agree, there are only two options left.

First way

Accept the man’s decision and wait until he himself wants to propose marriage. If you choose this option, then you need to let go of the situation and stop worrying. If a man loves, then sooner or later he will want to make you his legal wife. At the same time, you need to understand that you may not receive an offer. Your lover may stay with you for a while and then just leave. Nobody can give you guarantees. But you must accept the second outcome of the situation in advance so that it doesn’t hurt too much later. You yourself agreed to this and must take full responsibility for your decision.

Second way

Offer to break up for a while so you can think about what to do next. You should think carefully about whether this person can become a good and reliable husband, the father of your future children, if he does not want to get married. At the same time, check how much he needs you. If you broke up, and he doesn’t even call you, doesn’t ask how you are, then what kind of life together can we talk about? He is not interested in you, he has more important things to do. You definitely shouldn’t throw in your luck with such a man. In this case, just forget about it. You need a man who will cherish you and take care of you.

If he constantly calls and asks what you decided, then this good sign. This means your man cares about you. In this case, begin to slowly elude him: meet less and less often, refuse to talk on the phone for a long time, referring to business, increasingly do not answer calls and do not call back. He must feel like he is losing you. And at this time, observe his behavior. Now he can do it in two different ways:

  1. Disappear: stop calling you, looking for meetings with you. This means that this man is not very interested in you, he would never marry you, and your relationship was temporary for him. It's good that you figured it out now and didn't waste another 5 years waiting for a marriage proposal. The result would be the same.
  2. Persistently trying to get your attention. He may start making a fuss about you not answering the phone, being constantly busy, and suspecting that you have someone else. You must let him know that you are not dating other men, but are just dating active life and are busy with important things. And in reality this should be the case. Sign up for a dance class, go to the gym, take up your hobby, go on a trip, meet your friends. This behavior will make him think that he either needs to get married or he will lose you. And all he has to do is make his choice.

By choosing the second method, you will win in any case. Either get the long-awaited ring, or get rid of the man who never loved you. If he does not fight for you, then this is not your young man. Let him go in peace. He made room for your true love.

How to get married from cohabitation (video)

If you have been living for quite a long time civil marriage, and your man doesn’t propose to you, then watch this video.

What kind of women do they choose as wives?

And finally, I will tell you what the stronger sex pays attention to when choosing a wife. These recommendations will allow you to adjust your behavior and become a good wife.

According to men, the ideal girl for marriage should meet the following criteria:

  • Economic. Guys love cleanliness and comfort in the house, but do not know how to create it themselves. Therefore, they are looking for women with whom they will always be comfortable and warm at home.
  • Knows how to cook. Without this skill it is impossible to talk about family life. Cooking is a direct female responsibility. It’s not for nothing that they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  • Not devoid of maternal instinct. For a woman, the most important thing in life is children. If your partner speaks negatively about your other half’s desire to have a child, she is unlikely to be able to claim the role of wife.
  • Balanced and wise. Constant hysterics and scandals are something that no man needs. Guys choose girls who can calmly solve any issues and find compromises.
  • Caring and gentle. Men, like children, need care; they love to be treated with affection and reverence.
  • Sexy. Sex is an integral part of family life, so it is important for men that their companion is not only a caring woman, but also an excellent lover.
  • Well-groomed. In family life, girls often forget about appearance. Beauty is not the main thing, but it is more pleasant for a man to see his wife well-groomed.
  • Engaged in self-development. Getting married and spending your whole life at the stove is not the brightest prospect, which will not make a man happy either. Guys want to see you next to you smart woman, which, in addition to creating comfort in the home, develops and improves personally.

The male gender takes choice seriously future wife. Guys can date different girls, but they marry only those who can really become a faithful wife for them, real support and support at any time.
