People who do not value goodness. Why men don't appreciate a good attitude

Why is it that many people consider those who often “give others a hand” in difficult times as soft-hearted romantics, at the expense of which you can arrange your own life comfortably?

What to do if you think that people should be helped if they need help, but at the same time you don’t want to look like a weakling in other people’s eyes?

What do we mean by kindness?

Kindness is not only the ability and desire to support someone in difficulty, but also positive attitude, to which a person subconsciously strives under any circumstances.

This does not mean that he walks around around the clock with a smile on his lips.

Some good-natured people may have a far from friendly facial expression, but their hearts, as they say, are big, and is capable of giving warmth to those in need of support.

In other words, we can say about kindness that these are various manifestations of the characteristics of human character, which truly has moral qualities and capable of empathy for others.

Kindness can manifest itself in the form of:

Why is it difficult for good people to live?

This happens if fate decides in such a way that a philanthropist is surrounded only by mercantile individuals, unscrupulously exploiting him and not intending to leave the person the opportunity to spend resources on his personal tasks.

The life of such a good-natured person can be similar to the duty schedule of an ambulance crew.

That is there are always sufferers, but there is no time to drink tea, relax and, in a figurative sense, look out the window or do something for yourself.

And if in the case of doctors they at least have a salary, then philanthropists very often have only internal comfort from the feeling that they did the right thing and at the behest of their heart. But often there is no time for yourself. And resources too.

A person may suffer for his own responsiveness for the following reasons:

Why don't people appreciate this quality?

Main reason: Some individuals quickly forget that good deeds are not a mandatory action, but are a manifestation of the purely will of an assistant who has decided that someone should and should lend a hypothetical shoulder.


Who owns the quote: “Kindness is mistaken for weakness, and rude behavior is taken for a demonstration of strength.” What to do for those who want be kind but not weak?

Be prepared that for a long time It will be difficult for you to restrain yourself and not rush to the call of everyone who asks for help.

But it’s worth learning to distinguish between empty requests and the voice of someone in real trouble. If only because there will be more energy and time to save the latter.

Beecher Henry Ward said that kindness is often mistaken for weakness, and rude behavior for a demonstration of strength. However, according to him, the greatest advantage of the strong is to use his physical or spiritual superiority in the right way and direction.

It is said quite aptly, succinctly and as expected from religious figure, well known in America in the century before last.

And if there is a fire burning within you, the heat of which is enough for many others, do not be afraid to share it. But try not to waste it on people who only seem to be in a difficult situation.

Why is good reciprocated with evil?

Why don’t men appreciate kind and caring women. How many times have I noticed this... 🤔. Is this really a drawback? If a woman has a good heart, this does not mean that she is stupid or naive. She has everything - career, leisure, hobbies, she is her own boss. At some point, such girls come to the conclusion that they no longer want to change their lives.

A good girl strives to find a partner for life and create a strong relationship. She is waiting to meet a man who will become her best friend.

She is looking for someone who will accept all her flaws and shortcomings and surround her with love and care. Such a girl does not view relationships as a game and does not manipulate guys.

Her kind heart doesn't make her weak, it helps her forgive and give people a second chance.

She sees only the good in those around her. Every person has the right to make a mistake - that’s what she thinks. We've all done things that we later bitterly regretted, the main thing is that we learned a lesson from it. Everyone has the right to start life with a clean slate.

A good girl is guided not by rules, but by intuition. She will not allow a man to tell her how to live, she loves herself the way nature created her. She considers her kindness to be a blessing from above.

She knows that kindness sometimes brings more problems and worries than happiness, but does not change her attitude towards people.

She knows that others seem strange, as if out of this world, but she doesn’t care, she’s always one step ahead.

Her path is the path of spirituality. She trusts the Universe and sees the blessing of heaven in every moment. In the most difficult situations she remains true to herself and her views.

Even if they mock her, she will not repay evil for evil. Kindness is her weapon. How do you feel about girls who seem good to others, but never find a partner?

It is impossible to do a good deed too early, because it is impossible to know when it will be too late.


To be fair, you must first be kind. And to be kind means to understand that all people make mistakes.


What a pity that not everyone smart people- kind...
What a pity that not everyone good people- rich...
What a pity that not all rich people are smart...
What a pity …

Kindness cannot be given away forever - it always comes back.


A truly kind person is the one who is happy when dreams come true. Other's.


The emptiness of the soul... that's what you need to fear, not an empty wallet...


Beauty attracts attention, but kindness wins the heart! But if your kindness does not attract attention... beauty will not win the heart!!!


Good intentions are nothing if they are not translated into good deeds.


Many people have to be respected not because they do good, but because they do not do evil.


There are people like comets...
The brightest light of kindness
They leave a mark throughout life
Their souls are of wondrous beauty...


If you want to try everything in this life, try to be kind and honest.


Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible.


To help another person, you don’t have to be strong and rich—it’s enough to be kind.


Human life is fragile glass,
Evil is ready to break at any moment.
Hurry to distinguish yourself by good deeds -
Give your neighbor warmth!


Some people just need a drop of happiness to become kinder.


Kindness human soul It’s like a river, because no matter how much you draw from it, it doesn’t get smaller.


Why are there so many angry people?
Perhaps because it is much more difficult to be kind...


Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.


Most The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up.


If you consider yourself kind and good or good and kind, first take a piece of paper and write down all the good deeds that you have done in your life...
Show this to your friends if you can.


I don’t know any other signs of superiority other than kindness...


Kindness and naivety quickly and unmistakably reveal anger, self-interest and meanness.


Let kindness rule people -
This is my old dream!
Appearance is not a criterion
Beauty is in the soul, not in the body!


You will find it only by stopping looking. You will only receive by learning to give. You can see only by closing your eyes and opening your heart.


No person in the world attracts more than a person with a kind heart and a “pure” tongue.


Don’t be afraid if a black cat crosses your path... an optimist sees a beautiful kitten, a pessimist is in trouble even without a cat... The main thing is that there is no blackness in your soul...


Whoever skimps on good feelings in life will never enjoy this life.


Kindness will always prevail over beauty.


Life is measured not only by its length, but also by its width.


Don't speculate on people's kindness.
There is less and less of her, this heart hurts.
The world will be filled with universal melancholy,
What if kindness suddenly becomes contraband?


Smile even if they offend you!!! Let them realize their weakness in front of kindness


How much kindness there is in a person, so much life there is in him.


When you do a good deed, never think about whether others will appreciate it, the main thing you know is that the Almighty sees everything...!


Kindness in words creates trust. Kindness in thoughts improves relationships. Kindness in actions gives birth to love.


Be kind to those who depend on you.


People who do not believe in human kindness rarely encounter its manifestations


Of all possible solutions choose the kindest thing - it will most likely turn out to be the most correct.


A KIND AND OPEN face even decorates wrinkles.
The cheerful rays from bright smiles are especially wonderful.
And the EVIL and eternally DISSATISFIED face... be it at least three times
young and smooth, like a peach, unpleasantly repels you...


In an effort to understand the essence of our whole life, we need to remember a simple truth... That beauty will please a little... And kindness heals our whole life...!


Kindness is not an act, it is a process.


When we are happy, we are always kind; but when we are kind, we are not always happy.


In the relationship of developing a sense of goodness, it is most difficult to create any rules.


A good deed, if it is truly good, is worth more than a million kind words. But sometimes the word is the deed, and then it costs a lot. Statuses for optimists

Good afternoon Maria! I really like watching your channel. My situation is this: I (28 years old) 3 years ago experienced severe mobbing at work from the entire office, including my superiors. Before that, I was a quite sociable girl, but I preferred to be alone more than surrounded by people. A year after this situation, I lived in constant apathy and depression, but was able to overcome it by mentally forgiving all the offenders and taking the blame upon myself, making it a life experience to learn from my own mistakes, but still it left a huge imprint on my psyche. I started working as a freelancer because I don’t want to be part of a team, I’m scared that they might do this to me again. I also began to be wary of all new people, looking for a catch in everything that could hurt me again on their part. Many people are offended by me because I distance myself. People are drawn to me, but I push them away, and this makes me anxious. I’m struggling with the feeling of protecting myself and the concept that this is impossible, you can’t hide from people all your life. And now I live in another country where I need to teach new language and, accordingly, communicate with foreigners, which makes me even more anxious and this prevents me from making progress on the path to a new life. I don’t know how to get out of this situation, please advise what can be done?

Hello, I’ve been beating around the bush for a week now, still debating whether to write to you or not. I used it in a boarding school, so I didn’t have my own home as such. And what does it mean good family I’ll find out as life goes on. My husband also had problems in his family. Dad gambled everything away. Mom worked like a horse to pay off her husband’s debts. And my husband, from the age of 14, helped her in her work. So, my husband and I got together when I was 19, my husband was 22. We found out that I was pregnant, and since we were in our final years of study, we decided to live with his mother in her house. At the same time, I always told my husband that I wanted to live separately. Mother-in-law is a completely separate issue. She is a powerful woman, she always speaks indirectly and not directly, but at the same time she is a terrible slob. He might pass by and say that your child hasn’t combed his hair or that the kitchen floors need to be washed. At the beginning, as a loving daughter-in-law living on her territory, I went and did everything, although I brushed the child an hour ago and washed the floors in the morning. So over time I was simply made a servant. They said you should do this, cook this, raise a child like this, go to the sea there and that. (The mother-in-law did nothing at all around the house). And if you try to tell her no, she starts to get offended (she starts acting like a teenager, goes into the room and closes herself). At the same time, when she cools down, she behaves as if nothing had happened. And it doesn’t matter that she offended someone. I sometimes complained to my husband, but he didn’t react. But at the same time, I constantly told him that it was time to move. We quarreled over this, he began to explain that he was still helping his mother. And I believed it like a fool. We lived like this for 10 years. In the summer, I once again announced a conversation with my husband about moving, and, as usual, it ended in nothing. The mother-in-law heard and let’s explain that men are not built like that, and she knows better where and how we should live. The husband, as usual, sat and listened quietly. It got to the point where my mother-in-law leaves home for work at the crack of dawn, and comes back too. So that I could feel comfortable, but they again forgot to ask my opinion. And if she is at home, then we cannot be in the same room calmly. We haven't spoken for 4 months now. My daughter sees this, which is the worst thing. I explain to my husband, but as usual he doesn’t care. I said whatever he wants, but we have to move. Moreover, they paid off all their debts. Now it turns out that he does not want to move (his mother has a private house, and it is located very far from all the infrastructure). When asked why, there is only one answer: “Why should I leave everything here?” I’m trying to explain to him that no one is forcing him to give up everything, that he, as a loving son, should come to his mother and help her. That I will feel good away from his mother, that I will stop being nervous and worrying. He seems to begin to understand what I want to convey to him, but no, after a while he starts playing his tape again. That it’s more convenient, that we don’t have money and all that. (We have a one-room apartment) I’m trying to explain to him that if you don’t want to live in a one-room apartment, we can sell it. Take out a loan as much as you need and buy more. But this is also not an option for him. It got to the point where I gave an ultimatum, either his mom or I. I gave him a month to make a decision. Then I'll leave. Help me what to do. I love him, but I can’t live like this anymore. Maybe I am wrong? I'm very tired.

Hello. My son got married. Lives separately. My son is the meaning of my life. I just have an emptiness. I’m trying to fill it with everything I can. I’m not alone - I’m married. my husband and I are good. I hoped that my daughter-in-law would become a close and dear person. but a conflict occurred - we have a complete misunderstanding. We don’t understand or hear each other at all. I know that many mistakes were made by both me and her. We decided not to communicate with each other. My son is tormented by this. He is cunning and dodges, at least in front of me, as if to avoid conflict. I think that I controlled a lot in my son’s life. I dictated to him what and how to do. His wife was the same - she’s trying to control him. It’s easier for him to remain silent. just to avoid quarrels. he loves her. I have already come to terms with this. I'm tired of this situation. the son says that his wife believes that she is right in everything. I want to try to have a heart-to-heart talk. I want to start everything with white sheet. I want peace for everyone. But the girl is capricious. ambitious. vindictive. and most importantly, envies everyone a lot. late child of a single mother who lived with her grandparents until she was 13 years old. She is doing well. We are suffering - my son and I. How can I fix everything and not be rejected? ?

Why do they stop appreciating faithful and decent people, devoted good wives and caring good husbands, responsible employees and honest companions? You will find the answer in this article...

You will be responsible and good. Loving, caring and responsible. Every day you will do the same thing - good. Correct. Perform good deeds and even heroic deeds, perhaps. At first they will admire you, and then they will stop loving you. You will get bored and disgusted. And they will hate your flowers, good deeds and even deeds. The pies you serve will become boring. And they will leave you. Those who so warmly praised and admired you will leave.

When you are always good and predictable, it's not good for you

It's because you are predictable. Monotonously predictable, you are like the sun that warms and shines; but how tiresome the eternal sun is, how predictable its sunrises and sunsets are. Who thanks the sun? Yes, no one in hot countries where there is no rain or cold. There they hide from the sun in the shade. And the newspapers write about rain as an unusual phenomenon. Amazing and long-awaited...

When you are always good and predictable, this is not good for you. You're like a postman who comes at the same time - they stop noticing you. And they stop appreciating it.

And those who admired you begin to dislike you. That's why: people tend to remember those first emotions that you aroused in them: delight, joy, admiration... And then these emotions pass. And a person involuntarily compares his first admiration and current indifference, satiety. No, it was not he who was fed up. It is your fault that you are so predictable, correct, monotonously good. It's your fault that you're no longer admired. Tired of you with your kind face and good deeds; disgusted!

This is why they stop appreciating loyal and decent people. Devoted good wives and caring good husbands. Responsible employees and honest companions. Everything predictable is boring and tiring, like the sun in a clear sky. They stop seeing and hearing you: just like they stop seeing the old clock on the shelf and hearing its ticking.

One husband, faithful and responsible, the wife did not see or hear. And she didn’t appreciate it. And she was annoyed by the flowers he regularly gave. But at first there was so much joy and admiration for the husband’s care and responsibility!

One day this respectable husband got drunk at a meeting of classmates. The first and only time in my life. He came home in the morning, broke the glass in the door, vomited on the floor, and called his wife “Eduard Sergeevich,” although her name was Sveta. So, after repentance and stormy reconciliation, relations improved. This is not good behavior, but the wife saw an alternative to sobriety, flowers and gifts. And I stopped taking good things for granted. It turns out that not everything is so predictable and monotonous. And the sun does not shine forever, there is rain and storms...

Monotonous responsible and excellent behavior makes a person terribly boring. And the initial admiration gives way to hostility: as if he stole those first emotions of delight. Where did you put my emotions? Where is my admiration? How tired of you, kind and decent boring person!

There's no need to get drunk. But you don’t need to be monotonous either. Otherwise, they will treat it like an old familiar clock in the corner, which is not seen, not heard and not appreciated. It's as if they don't exist. And only complete silence makes you remember the clock; oh, they're broken! They stopped ticking and showing time... This is how a good person is remembered when he is no longer around. When he brought some variety with his departure...
