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Salt body scrub, how to make

Salt body scrub, how to make

Cellulite is a problem for women of different body types. The unsightly “orange peel” on the body affects plump and thin individuals of the fair sex. Let's not figure out what this is connected with; we'd rather find a cheap and effective way to fix the problem. T

6 Best Makeup Brushes

6 Best Makeup Brushes

Creating flawless makeup is a real art, a creative process, the main components of which are the skill and experience of the makeup artist. However, an equally important factor is the quality of cosmetics and tools for applying makeup. Powder, blush, shadows

Hyperhidrosis of the palms

Hyperhidrosis of the palms

Palmar hyperhidrosis is a form of localized hyperhidrosis in which excessive sweating affects only the palm area. According to statistics, this pathology is detected in 3% of the population. General information Physiotherapeutic and surgical treatment Ta

How to tell a man's character by his hair

How to tell a man's character by his hair

But they also say: the main thing is not what is on the head, but what is in the head... © Shutterstock People at all times have endowed their hair with magical properties. And they always paid special attention to their hair. For a woman, hair is a symbol of beauty, but for a man it is a symbol of strength.

How to quickly remove lipoma on the face?

How to quickly remove lipoma on the face?

Wen (scientifically called lipoma) are benign subcutaneous neoplasms consisting of a capsule with fat cells. Their favorite location is the area around the eyes, the skin of the cheeks and the wings of the nose. Wen on the face, as in other places, you

Dermatovenerologist: what diseases he treats, what methods he uses

Dermatovenerologist: what diseases he treats, what methods he uses

A dermatovenerologist is a doctor whose competence includes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of skin and sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, he deals with the relationship between the listed diseases and the general condition of the body. The doctor sees not only those who are suffering from

How to quickly cure a cold on your lip

How to quickly cure a cold on your lip

Each person has his own weak points in the body. Some people get a sore throat at the slightest hypothermia, others suffer from a runny nose at the first sign of a cold. There is a group of people who know about a cold in the body by characteristic inflammation

Can my menstrual cycle be disrupted?

Can my menstrual cycle be disrupted?

It is commonly said that menstrual irregularities occur against the background of hormonal changes. But can the menstrual cycle be disrupted due to external factors? For example, does climate change or stress affect this? It would be good to know what to say about this

Which brushes are best for makeup?

Which brushes are best for makeup?

Refined, sophisticated makeup is difficult to reproduce without a set of brushes that will evenly and correctly shade all the colors, like an artist. Very often girls save on good brushes, limiting themselves to using applicators that

What to wear with a cardigan: options for women and men +60 photos

What to wear with a cardigan: options for women and men +60 photos

Despite the fact that the cardigan was created back in the 19th century, by the way, its invention is attributed to Lord Cardigan, today it is often confused with other types of sweaters. How is it different from a sweater or jumper? In fact, everything is simple, a cardigan is knitted

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