Project on labor activity in the middle group. Features of organizing the work activity of an older preschooler through project activities

By labor education

V preparatory group

“A little deed is better than a big idleness”


Panikarovskaya E. B.

short-term, 1 week

Project participants:

preparatory group children, teachers, parents


Preschoolers have poorly developed moral and work qualities: perseverance, determination, the ability to finish a job, caring for the results of work


Interest in work and the necessary work skills are established in early childhood. It is important not to miss this moment, because preschool childhood is a unique time when the child is interested in everything, he discovers the world, gets to know him. And he does it with joy. Work should enter a child’s life joyfully and help in all-round development. Adults want to do things faster, better, more carefully. They do not think about the fact that if a child is constantly denied the desire to help him do something himself, then soon such desires will not appear in the child. The main task of the teacher is to help the child independently acquire his own experience, develop his desire and need to acquire labor skills and abilities.

Fostering hard work and a sustainable positive attitude towards work through the development of labor skills and abilities in older children preschool age

To develop interest in children’s independent activities in various types of available work;

In progress labor activity develop labor skills and abilities;

To develop moral and work qualities: perseverance, determination, the ability to finish a job;

Cultivate a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results

Expected results:

Respect for work and help elders

Developed work abilities

Hard work, careful attitude to work

Developed skills in organizing your own work

Stages of work on the project:

Stage I – preparatory

Searching for project ideas: studying children's interests to determine project goals

Selection of methodological and reference literature on the selected topic

Selection of literary works for children's reading

Development of a project action plan

Stage II - main

Cognitive activity

Conversations: “Why is it important that there is order in the group” “Why do you need to work” “Cleanliness is the key to health” “Safety rules for household work” “Everything has its place” “How I help my parents”

Examination of illustrations, pictures about people’s work at different times of the year;

Introduction to proverbs about work;

Guessing riddles about tools and tools.

Play activity

Didactic games:

“Which of which?” “What do they do with this object?” “What first, what then?” (plant growth algorithm) “Everything in its place”

Outdoor games:

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Role-playing game:

"Cleaning of the apartment"

Game exercises:

“Fasten your buttons” “Whoever washes his hands and doesn’t splash a single drop on the floor” “Let’s carefully hang up the towel”

Competition game:

“Who will put things on the chair faster and more neatly?” “Who will assemble faster toys" "Who makes the bed more carefully"

Artistic and productive activity

Coloring pages on the topic - drawing tools and household appliances- design from natural material(cones, maple, ash seeds) - paper construction (boxes, airplanes, boats)

“Table and chair” (made of paper)

Labor activity

“Making the bed” “Setting the table” “Water the plants” “Preparing for class” “Cleaning up after class” “Repairing books” “Washing toys” “Collecting toys”

Perception of fiction

V. Mayakovsky “Who to be” D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like” S. Marshak “Where did the table come from” S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, “Uncle Styopa” V. Livshits “And we will work” E. Serov “Washing” V. Oseev “Sons”

Interaction with family

Consultations for parents:

“Responsibilities of children at home” “How to involve a child in work” Participation of parents in creating crafts for games in a group

Stage III – final

Collective household work on cleaning in the group room “Everything in its place”

Annex 1.

Proverbs about work

You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty

Without good work there is no fruit.

If only there was a desire, every job would improve.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Don't be lazy behind the plow - you'll end up with a pie

Taking on everything means doing nothing.

Every skill comes from hard work.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

They get healthy from work, but from laziness they get sick.

Time for business, time for fun.

I am small in stature, thin and sharp, looking for my way with my nose, dragging my tail behind me.(Needle)

She got down to business:
She squealed and sang,
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broke a tooth, tooth. ( Saw )

He removes shavings from an oak tree

Sheep crawl out of it.

In yellow, fragile curls

Slides along the board. (Plane)

We can do a lot:
Cut, cut and cut.
Don't play with us, children:
We can punish you painfully. (Scissors)

Tell me what to call it:
Her teeth are all full of holes,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She grinds deftly. (Grater)

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head.
He doesn't cry
Only hides his nose. (Nail)

I was digging the ground -
Not at all tired.
Who dug for me?
He's tired. (Shovel)

He climbed onto the table from under the bench,
Looked around on the stand,
He wagged his flexible tail.
I removed the folds from the tie. (Iron)

Knocking and ringing! Knocking and ringing! –
After a bow, a bow.
Ringing and knocking! Ringing and knocking! –
There are only chips around. (Axe)

I have a robot in my apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness
And it hums like a TU airliner
He willingly swallows dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.(Vacuum cleaner)

Appendix 2.

Abstract of GCD

Theme “Table and chair for Misha”


Strengthen the skill of making a cubic box;

Develop the ability to transform it into other objects (chair, table);

Improve skills in working with scissors and paper;

Develop creative imagination;

Cultivate neatness;

Form an aesthetic assessment

Materials and equipment:

Square sheets of white or colored paper measuring 21x21 cm, scissors, glue; - Masha doll

Preliminary work:

Telling the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"; - looking at pictures of tables and chairs; - watching the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”


The teacher shows the doll Masha from the cartoon. He says that it’s Mishka’s birthday and Masha decided to give him a table and a chair, but doesn’t know how to do it. What do we do?

Examination of the finished table and chair.

What are the table and chair made of?

What will we make this furniture from? (from a cubic box)

3. Let's remember how to make a cubic box. Fold a sheet of paper into many squares. I take my pattern and determine which squares are extra and cut them off. Then I make cuts on the small sides on the reamer. An incision is made one square deep along the fold line. Now I fold the box and glue it together. And now I take the remaining strip and cut it in half, and glue one half into two squares to the box instead of a back, it will make a chair, and I fold the second in half, round it and glue it to the box on top, to make a table. All that remains is to cut out the legs. I cut it out. So we have a table and a chair.

4. Physical education moment

Now start doing it yourself. While doing the work, I talk through all the actions. When children have difficulties, I show them how to follow the sequence of work on my pattern.

Job analysis.

Guys, you are all great, you made wonderful tables and chairs. Masha liked (I note the most neat work) these tables and chairs.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Seyakhinskaya boarding school"


S. Seyakha 2016
Project Information Card
The title of the project is “Work and patience turn into skills”
Authors and project manager Group teachers, senior teacher Yaptik Alexandra Anikhasovna
The goal of the project is to develop a positive attitude towards work and a conscious need to work.
The objectives of the project are to develop in students a positive attitude towards work and high social motives for work;
- development of cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice;
- education of hard work, duty and responsibility, efficiency and honesty;
- equipping students with a variety of labor skills and abilities, forming the foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor.
Dates: January – March 2016
Venue: Seyakha boarding school
Total number of participants
(including children) 45 children
Conditions for participation in the project Voluntariness, mutual understanding.
Relevance of the project.
Labor is a conscious, purposeful, creative activity of a person, aimed at satisfying his material and spiritual needs, developing his physical and spiritual essential forces, as well as moral qualities.
Every work activity has its own motive. Different motives for work also determine different attitudes towards it. A person who understands the social significance of work, rejoices at a job well done, experiences happiness in work, and actively brings creativity to work. With such incentives, work becomes a means of comprehensive personal development. And vice versa, work only for the sake of accumulating material wealth impoverishes a person and creates negative personality traits.
Therefore it is necessary:
- formation in pupils of social motives for work as the most valuable and significant, stable beliefs in the need for work for the benefit of society; - formation in the younger generation of a culture of work, skills and abilities of individual and collective work. Every person can work for the benefit of society only when he has mastered the culture of work: he knows how to determine the goal of work, plan the most rational way to achieve it in order to get results;
- formation of respect for work, careful attitude to its results of public and personal property, instilling respect for people who create material and spiritual values;
- development in the younger generation of interest in different types of work in order to identify the abilities and inclinations of each for a conscious choice of profession. Modern views labor requires a wide range of knowledge, technical preparedness, and special abilities. Labor education of children in a boarding school is an integral part of a holistic pedagogical process, which includes the transfer of labor skills and abilities to pupils, the development of their creative practical thinking, labor consciousness and activity, which would help them in their future adult life after leaving the boarding school.
Teaching students some work techniques does not mean that we have achieved any results; it is necessary to develop and consolidate the implementation of acquired skills and abilities systematically. And for this, in my opinion, it is necessary to use various forms and teaching methods based on specific material taken from the surrounding life and nature, on the direct experience and observation of students.
We offer the project “Work and patience turn into skills” as one of the forms of introducing students to work, the desire to create and reveal their labor potential. This project provides for a close relationship between labor education and spiritual moral education. The project places great importance on labor education, environmental education, leisure activities. Labor is a tool for the overall development of personality, the main source of material and spiritual wealth of society, the main criterion of a person’s prestige and his responsibility.
Within of this project provides:
- preparatory stage: collecting information about the need for landscaping of the group, improvement of the territory of the boarding school. Coordination with the management of the boarding school.
Questioning children;
- “Clean Village” campaign - pupils collect garbage around the boarding school and school;
- action “We keep our books and notebooks in order” - pupils repair books, textbooks, make book covers.
-search activity, within which students are given the independent opportunity to search for information about indoor plants and plant care;
- the “Help the Birds in Winter” campaign: as part of this campaign, students, under the guidance of a teacher, make bird feeders from improvised materials;
- “Do it yourself gift” competition - within the framework of this competition, crafts will be considered as gifts for teachers and educators by March 8th.
Implementation period and stages:
Stage I – collecting information, preparing conversations with students (January);
Stage II – conducting conversations and presentations (February);
Stage III – action “We keep our books and notebooks in order” - (February).
Stage IV - search activity, within which students are given the independent opportunity to search for information about indoor plants and their care (March)
Labor objects
List of works Objects Contents of activities Deadlines
Landscaping of the territory adjacent to the boarding school. Garbage collection around the boarding school Once a week - Sunday
Campaign “We keep our books and notebooks in order” Game room groups, educational Making covers for books, textbooks January
Landscaping of group 3 boarding school building Planting flowers and seedlings
Weeding plants
Watering plants. March
Creative workshop Group play room Making crafts from paper, fabric, beads for March 8th March
Action “Help the birds in winter” Game room 3 buildings Making feeders from scrap materials March
Project implementation mechanisms.
Submitted project work implemented in the following forms:
- collection and analysis of information;
- presentations, meetings, conversations;
- competition for the best craft for a gift;
- stock.
The following tools are used within the project:
- use of Internet resources; - digital tools (projector, PC);
- material for repairing books and making covers;
- material for planting indoor plants(pots, soil);
- material for making crafts.
Expected results:
A positive attitude towards working for the benefit of your boarding school.
Positive attitude towards environment, responsibility for the environmental situation of their “small homeland”.
Development in children leadership qualities, communication skills and the ability to work in a team, the desire for creative growth and self-management.
Material and technical resources:
Interactive and sound-reproducing equipment.
Gardening tools (buckets, watering cans, shovels, garbage bags, gloves, etc.)
Materials for creativity (paper, paints, pencils, etc.)
Regulatory support of the project.
1.The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
2.Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. "On education in Russian Federation»
3. Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” (as amended on December 17, 2009 No. 326-FZ) 4. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
5. Charter of the boarding school.
1. Voronov V.V. Education technology. M., 2000
2. Humanistic educational systems yesterday and today. Ed. N.L. Selivanova. M., 1998.
3. Dzhurinsky A.N. Development of education in modern world. M., 1999
4. Krivshenko L.P. Pedagogy. M., 2004
5. Polyakov S.D. Educational technologies. M., 2002
6. Pidkasisty P.I. Pedagogy. M., 2002
7. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. General pedagogy. At 2 o'clock. M., 2002
8. Sociology of youth / Rep. Ed. Lisovsky V.T. St. Petersburg.1996
9. Smirnov M.I.. The problem of labor communication among schoolchildren. M., 2004
Questionnaire for schoolchildren
1. Do you enjoy doing your homework?
2. Do you have a permanent responsibility in the family? Which?
3. Are you willing to do it?
4. What don't you like to do around the house?
5. Do your parents punish you if you don’t do the assigned task?
6. Do you often do any work with your parents?
7. Do you like working with your parents? Why?
8. Do you help your grandparents?
9. Do you think housework is hard work?
10. Which of the last household tasks was new and unusual for you?
11. Which of your parents’ professions would you like to learn in the future?

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Tatyana Nazarova
Pedagogical project “Labor education of preschoolers in kindergarten”

« Labor is a powerful educator in pedagogical system education».

A. S. Makarenko

Relevance project

Labor education the younger generation is one of the most important tasks of our society. Preparing young people for life, for participation in labor, to meet physical and spiritual needs is a priority today. An active, purposeful person capable of self-realization, creativity, satisfying his interests in his chosen business and self-improvement is the goal educational - educational work all educational institutions.

Origins labor education lie in preschool age when a child first begins to feel the need for independent activity, declaring his intentions and showing himself to be the subject of his desires and interests. Upbringing this need is one of the central tasks labor education of children.

Introducing the child to labor adults are one of the sources education it has a careful attitude towards the public good. Watching the activities of adults, they think about the possibility of achieving the same result through their own efforts. This increases interest preschoolers to work, demanding quality of work performed. Raising children's interest in work, it is very important to remember that achieving high-quality results from children should be done gradually, in accordance with their strengths and developing skills.

Work- the most important tool education, beginning with preschool age; in the process, the child’s personality is formed and collective relationships are formed.

The whole process raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity labor for yourself and for the team. Treat work with love, see joy in it - necessary condition for the manifestation of the individual’s creativity and talents.

Labor education is necessary the most important condition successfully preparing children for school. Children, brought up from an early age in labor, are distinguished at school by their independence, organization, activity, neatness, and ability to serve themselves. Labor is something, which develops little man, supports him, helps him assert himself. That's why the topic education of hard work children will always remain relevant.

Hard work and ability to work are cultivated from early childhood. Labor education is"Team work teacher and pupils, aimed at developing the latter general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for labor, formation of a responsible attitude towards labor and its products, for a conscious choice of profession.”

You need to seriously prepare your child to choose his future profession. He needs to know who his parents work or his grandparents worked, introduce him to the specifics of various professions, the requirements they place on a person, and also be interested in what he wants to become when he grows up. How bigger baby absorbs information and the more diverse and rich it is, the easier it will be for him to make his decisive choice in the future, which will determine his life. A person starts everything with childhood and professional orientation as well. The most important rule for adults: It’s not enough for a child to know about the profession, he needs to play it! During the game preschoolers begin to reflect the content of the activities of representatives of various professions. I decided to start getting acquainted with the world of professions with a profession "Cook", because she is familiar to children from childhood, because they see how their mothers and grandmothers cook.

For this purpose I made a lapbook “Profession of a cook”.

Target: Expanding children's knowledge about the profession of a cook.

All components of the folder are combined with each other common theme.


Expand knowledge and understanding of the profession of a cook, introduce kitchen equipment and utensils;

Develop coherent speech, learn to answer questions in complete sentences;

Develop logical thinking and attention during didactic exercises;

Learn to listen carefully to works of fiction - riddles, poems;

Reinforce the names of vegetables and fruits when conducting a didactic game “Let’s make soup, compote”;

- bring up children have interest and respect for people working in kindergarten, respect for adult labor.

All components of the folder are united by a common theme "Profession cook". The laptop includes tasks for cognitive, speech development And perception of the surrounding world. Helps to systematize existing knowledge about the profession of a cook, consolidates speech skills, and promotes the development fine motor skills hands, eye. Designed for younger children preschool age, can also be used for children with disabilities health.

Text of the conversation about the profession;

Folding poems by profession "Cook";

D/i “What a chef needs for his profession”

A folding bed with riddles about the items needed by the cook, food, vegetables, fruits;

Game "Professions" kindergarten";

D/i “What’s extra?”

Pocket with physical exercises and finger games;

A pocket with a didactic game “Little Housewife”, which includes several different games, including ones for speech development;

D/game "Menu"

With the help of a lapbook, children systematize their knowledge about the profession of a cook, update their knowledge on the topics “vegetables,” “fruits,” “dishes,” and improve grammatical structure speech.

Target project: correct upbringing child and timely development of necessary labor skills.

Tasks project:

Familiarization with the work of adults and raising respect for it;

Teaching the simplest labor skills;

-nurturing interest in work, hard work and independence;

-education of work skills in the team and for the team.

The work of children in kindergarten is varied. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities and carry out their comprehensive upbringing. Let's look at four main types child labor : self-service, household goods work, labor in nature and manual labor.

Self-care is aimed at caring for oneself (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.). Educational the meaning of this type labor activity lies, first of all, in its vital necessity. Due to the daily repetition of actions, self-service skills are firmly acquired by children; self-care begins to be recognized as a responsibility.

Household preschool children's work needed in Everyday life kindergarten, although its results are compared with other types of them labor activities and are not so noticeable. This work aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine processes. Children learn to notice any violation of order in a group room or area and, on their own initiative, eliminate it. Household work is aimed at serving the team and therefore contains great opportunities for education caring attitude towards peers.

Work in nature involves the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden, in a flower garden. This species is of particular importance labor has for the development of observation skills, education caring attitude towards all living things, love for our native nature. He helps teacher solve the problems of children’s physical development, improve movements, increase endurance, and develop the ability for physical effort.

Manual work develops children's constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientation, creates interest in work, readiness for it, cope with it, the ability to assess their capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, sleeker, neater).

Labor of preschool children in kindergarten organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, duties, collective labor activity.

Assignments are tasks that teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, as well as educational tasks.

Duties - a form of organization child labor, which presupposes that the child must perform work aimed at serving the team.

The most complex form of organization labor children is collective work. It is widely used in senior and preparatory groups kindergarten when skills become more sustainable and results labor have practical and social significance.

In order for children worked with pleasure, it is necessary to create an emotionally positive atmosphere. Properly organize the material environment and labor equipment. It is important to take into account the load, avoiding overloading children. It is imperative to take into account the individual interests and inclinations of children to a particular type labor.

IN kindergarten Systematicity and consistency must be observed labor education, therefore in preschool The educational institution must carry out specially organized forms of work with parents on this issue. question: such as landscaping, cleanup, joint creativity, involvement in the production of handicrafts, etc.

1. By the nature of the content:

child + family + nature + kindergarten;

By duration: long-term.

Participants project: children combined group №1 "Sun", their parents, group teachers.

Implementation plan project:

Stage I – preparatory.

Stage II is the main one.

Stage III – final

1. Preparatory stage:

1. Selection of visual and didactic material, game “Who needs what?”.

Target: To form children’s ideas about professions in kindergarten. Teach children to find tools labor and materials, necessary for people of a particular profession. Develop children's attention, memory and speech.

2. Conversation about labor of adults and children in kindergarten.

3. Selection of games (didactic, role-playing, tabletop-printed).

2. Main stage of implementation project:

1. Excursion "Visiting the Chef".

2. Observations cook's work, assistant teacher, laundress, janitor.

3. Conversation about the work of a teacher.

4. Quiz using ICT cognitive development "Where did the bread come from".

5. Educational games “What’s extra?”; “What is needed for the profession?”, "Recognize by silhouette", "Pronounce it correctly", "Give me a word", "Puzzles".

6. Finger games.

7. Children's play activities: role-playing games, board and printed games.

8. Conversation to familiarize yourself with labor adults in the preparatory group kindergarten on the topic: "Who works in kindergarten» .

9. Collective work: "Book Repair".

10. Working with parents (talking at home with the child about your profession “All professions are needed!”).

11. Creating a laptop using topic: "Profession cook".

3. Final stage:

1. Exhibition of drawings on the topic "Any work is honorable» .

2. Preparation methodological material for publication on a personal website.

Expected Result:

Expanding ideas about labor of adults in preschool children.

Increased communication skills creativity children preschool age.

Forming parents' interest in the problem labor education of children.


Labor in kindergarten became something necessary for children. He brings them joy. We have once again seen that systematic work in a corner of nature, in the garden, on the windowsill, on the plot, observing the work of adults increases children’s interest in labor education, educates they have a love and caring attitude towards natural objects, which contributes to the formation hard work and others moral qualities. In children brought up conscious attitude towards labor. They comprehend the work they do, understand its purpose, and expand their horizons. As a result of work in kindergarten the children became more friendly the children's team rallied, this is also of great importance. And our children were once again convinced that the world around us is beautiful and amazing.

Project duration: short-term (November).

Project type: educational and informational

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents, musical director, teacher speech therapist

Children's age: 6-7 years

Problem– we are faced with the fact that children, even in the preparatory group, do not all know the names of their parents’ professions, the characteristic features of this specialty

Project goals: expand children’s understanding of the role of work in people’s lives and the variety of professions

Project objectives

For children

— Enrich children’s ideas about the diversity of the world of professions in society;

— Expand children’s knowledge and understanding of their parents’ professions (parents’ place of work, the significance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);

— Expand ideas about different types of labor, about the structure of the labor process (goal, motive, material, tools, set of labor actions, result);

— Develop the ability to correlate labor results and a set of labor processes with the names of professions;

— Foster a conscious attitude towards the value of adult labor;

— Arouse curiosity and interest in the activities of adults;

— Enrich children’s vocabulary with special terms specific to a particular profession;

— Show the relationship between different types of labor;

— Learn to display ideas about the work processes of adults in role-playing games, conveying in the game the attitude of adults to work;

— Develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop a game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers, imagining oneself in different social roles;

— Develop understanding and ability to evaluate people’s actions;

— Develop the ability to use speech-evidence to substantiate your judgments;

— Encourage children to think about choosing a future profession.

For teachers

— Create an information base: creating presentations about various professions, producing a book of children's stories about professions;

— Selection of works of art on the topic of the project;

— Recording of the video “Who do I want to become?” (followed by display at the final event);

— Selection of didictic and printed board games, illustrations on the topic of the project;

— Create conditions for active, independent and jointly with an adult, creative, playful activity of preschool children through role-playing games;

— Enrich the subject-development environment on the topic of the project;

— Ensure the implementation of educational, developmental and training tasks through children’s mastery of educational areas;

— Continue to develop coherent speech in preschoolers;

Develop interest in children and parents in project activities.

For parents

— Be involved in joint activities with children when creating products of project activities;

Stimulate the creative and cognitive activity of children;

- Conduct a conversation - a story about your profession;

— Conduct a master class for children (parents’ hobby).

Organizational stage

1. Creating a problematic situation for children, which the project will aim to address using a three question model:

- Why do you need to work? What do your parents do, what do you know about their professions? What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do we need to do to find out?

Where can we find out? How can we tell everyone what we learn?

2. Joint discussion with children about the stages of work on the project

Health and physical development

  • Introduction to professions related to sports;
  • Daily thematic rhythmic exercises;
  • Sports leisure"At the athletics stadium"
  • Thematic physical education minutes
  • P/i “Firemen in exercises”, “Cosmonauts”, relay race games
  • Compliance with work schedule (work and rest)


  • “How to prepare for a subbotnik?” — discussion
  • Safety rules for household work
  • People of different professions have their own safety rules


  • Presentations “All works are good”, “The master’s work is afraid”, “Professions”
  • Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the theme “Professions”
  • Series of conversations: “Who works in kindergarten”, “Objects and tools, people need various professions", "World of professions"
  • Conversations about the professions of parents and relatives, their places of work
  • Didactic games: “Give me a word”, “Guess who it is?”, “Toy store”, “Who can tell you more about the profession!”, “Guess what I’m doing?”, “What’s first, what’s next?”, “Where you can should I buy this?”, “Name the profession”, “What to whom”, “Guess the profession”, “Who can’t do without them”, “Professions of people”, “Who does what? “,” “Names of professions from A to Z,” “What would have happened if I hadn’t worked...”, “What they do with this object,” “What the object will tell.”
  • Labor process modeling
  • Usage logic games
  • Using TRIZ elements when solving problem situations
  • Drawing up a diagram for writing a story about professions
  • Round table“Professions that have appeared recently”, “Let’s tell Smart Guy about changes in the work of people in some professions” (children’s choice: driver, baker, doctor, etc.), “How it was before, and how it is now”


Interaction with parents:

Meeting with interesting person:

  • Karina’s dad is a police officer “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”
  • Timur's dad is a traumatologist, problematic situation"What Happened to the Monkey"
  • Alice's grandmother - former teacher kindergarten
  • master class by Vasilisa’s mother – “In the pottery workshop” (clay modeling and baking in a muffle oven)

Games and conversations

  • Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Garage”, “Library”, “Builders”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”, “Beauty Salon”, “Television”
  • Imitation games: “Mom’s Helpers,” “Cooking Dinner for the Whole Family,” “We’re Making a Movie”
  • Game situation: “Who will I become?”
  • Conversation about the qualities that a person who wants to get a particular profession must have “This profession suits me”
  • Game-discussion “I am in the past, present and future” (work is the main activity of an adult)


  • Writing stories about parents' professions
  • Learning poems about various professions
  • Enriching children's vocabulary with new terms
  • Guessing crosswords and puzzles on the topic “Professions”
  • Stories from children personal experience"At the doctor"
  • Making a dictionary of professions
  • Proverbs and sayings about work
  • Discussion of phraseological units about work
  • Computer game on the development of verbal and logical thinking “Such different professions”


  • Household and household work in a group
  • participation in a subbotnik (work in nature)
  • manual labor


Proverbs and sayings about work
Poems and riddles about professions
Reading poems and stories about professions

V. Mayakovsky “Who to be? ",
M. Poznanskaya “Let’s go to work”,
D. Rodari “What crafts smell like”
S. Marshak “Where the table came from”, “We are military”,
S. Mikhalkov “What do you have? ", "Uncle Styopa", "Uncle Styopa is a policeman."
In Lifshits “And we will work.”
B. Zhitkov " Railway»,

M. Ilyin “Cars on our street”
N. Naydenova “Olga Pavlovna”.
S. Baruzdin “Who built new house»,

L. Voronkova “We are building, building, building”,


  • Music game“If you have fun, do it this way”
  • Song about the masters (Y. Kim, A. Rybnikov)
  • Conversation about creative professions related to art (pianist, conductor, composer, singer, ballerina, artist)

Artistic and creative activities

Exhibition of drawings “Who will I be”
Making attributes for games: “Mail”, “Shop”, “Pharmacy”, “Television”
Coloring pages - professions
Drawing tools and equipment, using stencils in your work
Modeling – vegetables and fruits, confectionery
Creation of the “City of Masters” layout

Play activity

  • Board games— “Professions”, “Who should I be?”, “Associations”, “Who needs what for work?”, “We know all professions”, Puzzles “Professions”, “Couples” (by topic), “Associations”, lotto, dominoes , cut pictures
  • Didactic games “Give me a word”, “Guess who it is?”, “Toy store”, “Who will tell you more about the profession”, “Guess what I’m doing”, “What first, what later”, “Where can I buy it” , “Name the profession”, “What to whom”, “Guess the profession”, “Who can’t do without them”, “Professions of people”, “Who does what? ”, “Who needs what”, “Names of professions from A to Z”, “What would have happened if I hadn’t worked ...”, “What is done with this object”, “What will the object tell.”
  • Games “Where we were, we won’t tell you what we did, we’ll show you”, “If you have fun, do this”

Working with parents

  • consultations for parents “Children’s responsibilities at home”
  • placement of materials in parent corners
  • design of a photo newspaper together with parents “Mom at work”
  • consultations with parents on conducting master classes and conversations with children

Final stage

Holiday "City of Masters"

Project results:

  • Teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project
  • All material on the project topic has been collected and systematized
  • Preschoolers have developed an interest in this topic;
  • A holistic understanding of the work activity of adults has been formed
  • Children know and call a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about labor, tools, can make up descriptive story about the profession.
  • All professions are important

    I tell everyone I know

    Rhyming games

    Who do you want to become




    Authors: Ptitsyna Marina Anatolyevna, teacher;
    Abramenko Lyudmila Ivanovna, teacher;
    Borisova Maria Alexandrovna, speech therapist;
    Bykova Svetlana Valerievna, music director;
    GADOW " Kindergarten No. 125 combined type of Vyborg district of St. Petersburg."
