For a healthy lifestyle dou. Sports leisure for employees of the preschool educational institution “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Cinderella"



Abdurazakova D.I. /teacher/

Kogalym 2016

1. Introduction

“Health is a precious thing, and

Moreover, the only one, for the sake of

which is worth not sparing time,

strength, labor and great blessings"

Michel de Montaigne

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious, mental, moral and physical development of the child are laid, and a person’s personality is formed. Currently, there is an urgent question about ways to improve the work on promoting health, developing movements and, in general, the physical development of children, as a fundamental component of universal human culture. It is known that health depends only 7-8% on healthcare, while more than half depends on lifestyle.

There are several components of health:

1. Somatic health is the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development.

2. Physical health- level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body.

3. Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is a state of general mental comfort.

4. Moral health, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of human behavior in society.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

Ø Physical education classes, walks

Ø Balanced diet, compliance with personal hygiene rules: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep

Ø Friendly attitude towards each other, development of listening and speaking skills, ability to distinguish lies from truth

Ø Careful attitude towards environment, to nature

Ø Medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations

Ø Formation of the concept “don’t harm yourself”

Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis of physical and moral health, and health promotion can only be achieved through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues. All parents want to give their child the best start in life, and most understand that movement is necessary for normal growth, development and good health. Maintaining in children a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle, and in the future the desire to maintain and strengthen their health are important components of upbringing in the family. The educational functions of a kindergarten and a family are different, but for the harmonious development of a child, their interaction is necessary, the quality of which determines the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the upbringing of children. Parents and teachers are the people who help develop the personality of each person. How I want to make my parents real and sincere helpers! After all, the attitude of their children towards it depends on how parents feel about kindergarten, and then about school. Modern, very busy parents sometimes do not always manage to devote much time to their children. It's sad, but it's a fact. From communicating with parents, I came to the conclusion that they want to, but do not know how to educate, so they have problems with their children and the majority of parents are like this. We need to help them. Joint sports events can be such an assistant. They are aimed at strengthening families, involving adults, teachers together with children in creative process, during which their fruitful communication and unity take place. After the completion of the project, we hope that children and parents will become more actively involved in sporting events Preschool educational institutions and in regional competitions.


Poor health and illness are the causes of stunting, failure in classes, games, and sports.

In the general system of children’s physical development, motor activity occupies a special place. In preschool age, the foundations of good health, proper physical development, and high performance are laid. During these years, the development of motor activity occurs, as well as the initial development of physical qualities.

Movement is a means of understanding the surrounding world and satisfying the biological needs of the body. It's hard to overestimate the role motor activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism, in improving motor activity. But lack of movement can lead to pathological changes in the body. The great value of every person is health. Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply. Problems children's health need new approaches. Today it is important to form and maintain parents’ interest in improving the health of both themselves and their children. Help them understand that health means not only the absence of disease, but also mental and social well-being. Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle, we, middle school teachers, decided to launch the project “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” Raising a child strong, strong, and healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing preschool educational institutions. Family and kindergarten are the social structures that mainly determine the level of health of the child.


How to effectively organize educational educational process without harming the health of preschool children?

This is the problem with the modern system preschool education, relevant today and exciting for teachers. It can be answered provided that we approach the organization of education and training from the perspective of the three principles of valeology: preservation, strengthening and formation of health.

Currently there are various forms and activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children. A set of such measures is called health-saving technologies. Health-saving technologies are a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, and methods for organizing the educational process that do not harm the health of children.

In recent years, when organizing the educational process, much attention has been paid to the health of students.

Novelty of the project

One of the main areas of my work is protecting and promoting the health of children.

The goal of health-saving technology: to provide preschoolers high level real health, equipping him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and teach him to use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life.

In order to productively apply health-saving technologies in practice, I first of all tried to competently ensure the organization of the child’s subject-spatial environment in kindergarten. Because the entire preschool regime, the nature of relationships and methods educational work, different types activities - all this should contribute to the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards his health.

Project goal and objectives

Project type: cognitive - long-term.

Project participants: children of secondary group No. 4 at the Cinderella school, teachers, parents.

Objective of the project: Involve parents in joint active work in issues physical education and the use of health-saving technologies in everyday life to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


v to form in children and parents an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of human life, of the ability to protect and care for their health;

v to form a knowledge base and practical skills for a healthy lifestyle; - instill the need for a healthy lifestyle, the ability to use health-saving technologies in practice;

v develop free communication with adults and children about health and a healthy lifestyle.

v selection of special games aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle, and introducing parents to them through practical exercises and entertainment together with their children.

v to interest parents to strengthen healthy image family life.

Expected results:




1. Arouse children's interest in their health.

2. Teach children to correctly use various types of gymnastics in practice.

3. Expand children’s understanding of the importance of health-saving technologies in everyday life.

1. Acquisition of new work experience by teachers using health-saving technologies.

2. Replenish the developmental environment in kindergarten groups.

3.Create a bank of teaching materials on the topic of the project.

1. Increase the competence of family members in matters of education healthy child.

2. Formation of a conscious need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Involvement in replenishing the subject-development environment for healthy lifestyle.

4. Participation in joint events on healthy lifestyle.

Necessary equipment: card files of games, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, relaxation exercises, equipment for breathing exercises, objects for using visual gymnastics, physical equipment for physical activity of children.

3.Project implementation

Project stages:

I. Stage – preparatory (September 2016)

III. Stage final (May 2017)


Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Working with parents


Conversation with children on the topic: “To be healthy...”

(using personal experience children).

Looking at illustrations and photographs about health.

Questioning of parents “Let’s preserve and strengthen the health of the child in the family.”

September 2016

A conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands (rhymes).

Outdoor game:

"Do as I do".

Design of a wall newspaper in the group “Healthy lifestyle of children”.

Role-playing game"A walk with the whole family."

Selection of materials and necessary attributes for the game.

Making attributes for s/r games.

NOD “Where is health hidden? »

Drawing “Which vegetables and fruits contain vitamins?”

Design of the card index “Granny's Recipe Chest”.

November 2016

Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

Let's recite poems with our hands.

Memo “Development of manual skills.”

November 2016

Reading the work of Mikhalkov S. “About a girl who ate poorly”

Watching the cartoon “Aibolit” with children in a group.

“Leisure activities – competition “Funny Ball”.

December 2016

“Where do germs hide?”

D\I " Healthy foods»

Parents' meeting "Involving children in a healthy lifestyle."

December 2016

Reading by Tokmakova I. “I’m sad - I’m lying sick.”

Dramatization game


Folder “How to teach a child to exercise.”

January 2017

NOD “I will save my health, I will help myself.”

Theatrical game: "Teddy Bear - Athlete."


"Fun Starts"

February 2017 .

Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

Didactic exercise:

“Find two identical balls”, “What’s extra?”

Open day for parents - parents' participation in morning exercises, physical exercise classes, walks, and after-bed exercises.

March 2017

NOD "Journey to a Fairy Tale".

D/i “Wonderful bag”.

Manufacturing non-standard equipment for breathing and visual gymnastics.

April 2017

Diagnostics of children according to project objectives

Presentation of the project for parents.

Daily preventative work:

Morning exercises (breathing, improving posture, flat feet, vision).

Awakening gymnastics, “health” path.

Air contrast hardening.

Lightweight clothing in a group.

Walks every day with outdoor games.

Walking barefoot before and after sleep.

Hardening and extensive washing after sleep.

Phytoncides – onions, garlic.


Game self-massage.

Fairytale therapy.

Communication games.

Music therapy.

Finger gymnastics.

Physical education minutes.

Outdoor and sports games with the whole group.

During the whole year.

Work on the project is planned in 3 stages.

1st stage– organizational or preparatory (September 2016)

At this stage, it is planned to discuss the conditions with the parents project activities, collect various types of questionnaires for parents, develop a conversation - a survey with children “To be healthy...”, collect methodological literature on this issue, conduct a survey of parents “Let’s preserve and strengthen the health of the child in the family.”

To ensure the upbringing of a healthy child, work is carried out in several areas:

ü Creation of conditions for physical development and reduction of morbidity in children;

ü Raising a healthy child through the joint efforts of kindergarten and family.


Work with children:

Morning exercises Preventive exercises (breathing, improving posture, flat feet, vision) Awakening exercises, “health” path Air contrast hardening. CONVERSATIONS: “Conversation about health and cleanliness” Solving provocative issues, problem situations. Commandments of a healthy lifestyle for children.

Working with parents:

Consultation - “Physical education in the family”

Visibility in the form of information files " Folk wisdom reads..." Card index "Outdoor games of our grandmothers" Exhibition of physical education equipment, where opinions were expressed about its importance and significance in the development of a child. Parent meeting “Healthy lifestyle”. Main areas of work in preschool educational institutions and families. Speech at the teachers’ council “A healthy lifestyle in the family is the key to a child’s health.” Work on joint activities parents and children: Shared fun with children and parents “Try to guess what the leaf can become.” Release of the wall newspaper “Be Healthy Baby.” Open day, using physical education equipment made in collaboration creative activity parents with children.

3rd stage work – final stage (May 2017)

1. Conducting repeated surveys with children and parents, diagnosing the level of morbidity in preschool children.

2. Formalization of the project results with a presentation, presentation of the project presentation to children, parents, and teachers.

4.Resource support

Personnel potential:

- Teachers


Art instructor

Musical director

The subject-spatial environment meets modern requirements and contains:

Sports section;

Sport equipment

Visual and demonstration material: albums, presentations, illustrations, photographs, on the topic of the project;

Library of books of fiction and educational literature on healthy lifestyle;


Theoretical and methodological literature;


Materials on best teaching practices.

Preschool website;

Photo reports;

Publications in magazines.


The implementation of a social project on fiction will allow:

Reduce morbidity rates in children;

Create a conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Introduce new forms of work;

Parents' interest in making sports equipment from waste material.

To form models of interaction within a preschool educational institution - CHILD - PARENT - KINDERGARTEN.

Informational resources:

1. Alexandrova E.Yu. “Health-improving work in preschool educational institutions under the program “Island of Health”, publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2007.

2. Alyamovskaya V.G. “How to raise a healthy child” Moscow 1993.

3. Anisimova T.G., Ulyanova S.A. “Formation of correct posture and correction of flat feet in preschool children” publishing house “Uchitel” Volgograd 2009.

4. Golitsyna N.S., Bukharova E.E. “Physical education kaleidoscope for preschoolers” LLC publishing house “Scriptorium” 2003.

5. Kazakovtseva T.S., Kosolapova T.L. “Growing a healthy future” Kirov 2004

6. Kartushina M.Yu. “Scenarios of recreational activities for children 4-5 years old” LLC “TC Sfera” Moscow 2005.

7. Kartushina M.Yu. “We want to be healthy” LLC “TC Sfera” Moscow 2004.

8. Penzulaeva L.I. “Physical training in kindergarten” MozaikaSintez publishing house. Moscow 2009

9. Podolskaya E.I. “Unusual physical education activities for preschoolers” publishing house “Uchitel” Volgograd 2006

10. Runova M.A. “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten” MozaikaSintez publishing house. Moscow 2000



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Cinderella"


"We are for a healthy lifestyle!"


Abdurazakova D.I. /teacher/

Kogalym 2016

1. Introduction

“Health is a precious thing, and

Moreover, the only one, for the sake of

which is worth not sparing time,

strength, labor and great blessings"

Michel de Montaigne

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious, mental, moral and physical development of the child are laid, and a person’s personality is formed. Currently, there is an urgent question about ways to improve the work on promoting health, developing movements and, in general, the physical development of children, as a fundamental component of universal human culture. It is known that health depends only 7-8% on healthcare, while more than half depends on lifestyle.

There are several components of health:

1. Somatic health is the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development.

2. Physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body.

3. Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is a state of general mental comfort.

4. Moral health, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of human behavior in society.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Exercise classes, walks
  • Rational nutrition, observance of personal hygiene rules: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep
  • Friendly attitude towards each other, development of listening and speaking skills, ability to distinguish lies from truth
  • Respect for the environment and nature
  • Medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations
  • Formation of the concept “don’t harm yourself”

Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis of physical and moral health, and health promotion can only be achieved through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues. All parents want to give their child the best start in life, and most understand that movement is necessary for normal growth, development and good health. Maintaining in children a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle, and in the future the desire to maintain and strengthen their health are important components of upbringing in the family. The educational functions of a kindergarten and a family are different, but for the harmonious development of a child, their interaction is necessary, the quality of which determines the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the upbringing of children. Parents and teachers are the people who help develop the personality of each person. How I want to make my parents real and sincere helpers! After all, the attitude of their children towards it depends on how parents feel about kindergarten, and then about school. Modern, very busy parents sometimes do not always manage to devote much time to their children. It's sad, but it's a fact. From communicating with parents, I came to the conclusion that they want to, but do not know how to educate, so they have problems with their children and the majority of parents are like this. We need to help them. Joint sports events can be such an assistant. They are aimed at strengthening the family, involving adults, teachers together with children in the creative process, during which their fruitful communication and unity occur. After the completion of the project, we hope that children and parents will take an active part in preschool sports events and regional competitions.


Poor health and illness are the causes of stunting, failure in classes, games, and sports.

In the general system of children’s physical development, motor activity occupies a special place. In preschool age, the foundations of good health, proper physical development, and high performance are laid. During these years, the development of motor activity occurs, as well as the initial development of physical qualities.

Movement is a means of understanding the surrounding world and satisfying the biological needs of the body. It is difficult to overestimate the role of physical activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism and in improving motor activity. But lack of movement can lead to pathological changes in the body. The great value of every person is health.Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply. Children's health problems require new approaches. Today it is important to form and maintain parents’ interest in improving the health of both themselves and their children. Help them understand that health means not only the absence of disease, but also mental and social well-being. Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle, we, middle school teachers, decided to launch the project “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” Raising a child strong, strong, and healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing preschool educational institutions. Family and kindergarten are the social structures that mainly determine the level of health of the child.


How to effectively organize the educational process without compromising the health of preschool children?

This problem of the modern preschool education system is relevant today and worries teachers. It can be answered provided that we approach the organization of education and training from the perspective of the three principles of valeology: preservation, strengthening and formation of health.

Currently, there are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children. A set of such measures is called health-saving technologies. Health-saving technologies are a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, and methods for organizing the educational process that do not harm the health of children.

In recent years, when organizing the educational process, much attention has been paid to the health of students.

Novelty of the project

One of the main areas of my work is protecting and promoting the health of children.

The goal of health-saving technology is to provide a preschooler with a high level of real health, equipping him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

In order to productively apply health-saving technologies in practice, I first of all tried to competently ensure the organization of the subject-spatial environment of the child in kindergarten. Because the entire regime of a preschool institution, the nature of relationships and methods of educational work, different types of activities - all this should contribute to the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards his health.

Project goal and objectives

Project type: cognitive - long-term.

Project participants:children of secondary group No. 4 at the Cinderella school, teachers, parents.

Objective of the project: Involve parents in joint active work in matters of physical education and the use of health-saving technologies in everyday life to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


  • to form in children and parents an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of human life, of the ability to protect and care for their health;
  • to form a knowledge base and practical skills for a healthy lifestyle; - instill the need for a healthy lifestyle, the ability to use health-saving technologies in practice;
  • develop free communication with adults and children about health and a healthy lifestyle.
  • selection of special games aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle, and introducing parents to them through practical exercises and entertainment together with their children.
  • to interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family.

Expected results:




1. Arouse children's interest in their health.

2. Teach children to correctly use various types of gymnastics in practice.

3. Expand children’s understanding of the importance of health-saving technologies in everyday life.

1. Acquisition of new work experience by teachers using health-saving technologies.

2. Replenish the developmental environment in kindergarten groups.

3.Create a bank of teaching materials on the topic of the project.

1. Increase the competence of family members in raising a healthy child.

2. Formation of a conscious need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Involvement in replenishing the subject-development environment for healthy lifestyle.

4. Participation in joint events on healthy lifestyle.

Necessary equipment: card files of games, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, relaxation exercises, equipment for breathing exercises, objects for using visual gymnastics, physical equipment for physical activity of children.

3.Project implementation

Project stages:

  1. Stage – preparatory (September 2016)
  2. Stage - main (September 2016 – May 2017)
  3. Stage – final (May 2017)

Long-term plan for working on the project


Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Working with parents


Conversation with children on the topic: “To be healthy...”

(using children's personal experiences).

Looking at illustrations and photographs about health.

Questioning of parents “Let’s preserve and strengthen the health of the child in the family.”

September 2016

A conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands (rhymes).

Outdoor game:

"Do as I do".

Design of a wall newspaper in the group “Healthy lifestyle of children”.



Role-playing game "Walk with the whole family."

Selection of materials and necessary attributes for the game.

Making attributes for s/r games.



NOD “Where is health hidden? »

Drawing “Which vegetables and fruits contain vitamins?”

Design of the card index “Granny's Recipe Chest”.

November 2016

Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

Let's recite poems with our hands.

Memo “Development of manual skills.”

November 2016

Reading the work of Mikhalkov S. “About a girl who ate poorly”

Watching the cartoon “Aibolit” with children in a group.

“Leisure activities – competition “Funny Ball”.

December 2016

Experimental activities:

“Where do germs hide?”

D\I "Healthy Products"

Parents' meeting "Involving children in a healthy lifestyle."

December 2016

Reading by Tokmakova I. “I’m sad - I’m lying sick.”

Dramatization game


Folder “How to teach a child to exercise.”

January 2017

NOD “I will save my health, I will help myself.”

Theatrical game: "Teddy Bear - Athlete."


"Fun Starts"

February 2017

Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

Didactic exercise:

“Find two identical balls”, “What’s extra?”

Open day for parents - parents' participation in morning exercises, physical exercise classes, walks, and after-bed exercises.

March 2017

NOD "Journey to a Fairy Tale".

D/i “Wonderful bag”.

Manufacturing of non-standard equipment for breathing and visual gymnastics.

April 2017

Diagnostics of children according to project objectives

Presentation of the project for parents.



Daily preventative work:

Morning exercises (breathing, improving posture, flat feet, vision).

Awakening gymnastics, “health” path.

Air contrast hardening.

Lightweight clothing in a group.

Walks every day with outdoor games.

Walking barefoot before and after sleep.

Hardening and extensive washing after sleep.

Phytoncides – onions, garlic.


Game self-massage.

Fairytale therapy.

Communication games.

Music therapy.

Finger gymnastics.

Physical education minutes.

Outdoor and sports games with the whole group.

During the whole year.

Work on the project is planned in 3 stages.

1st stage – organizational or preparatory (September 2016)

At this stage, it is planned to discuss the conditions of the project activity with parents, collect types of questionnaires for parents, develop a conversation - a survey with children “To be healthy...”, collect methodological literature on this issue, conduct a survey of parents “Let’s preserve and strengthen the health of the child in the family.”

To ensure the upbringing of a healthy child, work is carried out in several areas:

  • Creating conditions for physical development and reducing morbidity in children;
  • Raising a healthy child through the joint efforts of kindergarten and family.


Work with children:

Daily preventative work

Morning exercises Preventive exercises (breathing, improving posture, flat feet, vision) Awakening exercises, “health” path Air contrast hardening. CONVERSATIONS: “Conversation about health and cleanliness” Solving provocative questions and problematic situations. Commandments of a healthy lifestyle for children.

Working with parents:

Consultation - “Physical education in the family”

Visualization in the form of information files “Folk wisdom says...” Card index “Outdoor games of our grandmothers” Exhibition of physical education equipment, where opinions were expressed about its importance and significance in the development of a child. Parent meeting “Healthy lifestyle”. Main areas of work in preschool educational institutions and families. Speech at the teaching council “A healthy lifestyle in the family is the key to a child’s health.” Work on joint activities of parents and children: Joint entertainment with children and parents “Try to guess what a leaf can become.” Release of the wall newspaper “Be Healthy Baby.” Open day, using physical education equipment, made in the joint creative activity of parents and children.

3rd stage work – final stage (May 2017)

1. Conducting repeated surveys with children and parents, diagnosing the level of morbidity in preschool children.

2. Formalization of the project results with a presentation, presentation of the project presentation to children, parents, and teachers.

4.Resource support

Personnel potential:




Art instructor

Musical director

Material and technical base:

The subject-spatial environment meets modern requirements and contains:

Sports section;

Sport equipment

Visual and demonstration material: albums, presentations, illustrations, photographs, on the topic of the project;

Library of books of fiction and educational literature on healthy lifestyle;



Theoretical and methodological literature;


Materials on best teaching practices.

Project information services:

Preschool website;

Photo reports;

Publications in magazines.


The implementation of a social project on fiction will allow:

Reduce morbidity rates in children;

Create a conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Introduce new forms of work;

Parents' interest in making sports equipment from waste material.

To form models of interaction within a preschool educational institution - CHILD - PARENT - KINDERGARTEN.

Informational resources:

1. Alexandrova E.Yu. “Health-improving work in preschool educational institutions under the program “Island of Health”, publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2007.

2. Alyamovskaya V.G. “How to raise a healthy child” Moscow 1993.

3. Anisimova T.G., Ulyanova S.A. “Formation of correct posture and correction of flat feet in preschool children” publishing house “Uchitel” Volgograd 2009.

4. Golitsyna N.S., Bukharova E.E. “Physical education kaleidoscope for preschoolers” LLC publishing house “Scriptorium” 2003.

5. Kazakovtseva T.S., Kosolapova T.L. “Growing a healthy future” Kirov 2004

6. Kartushina M.Yu. “Scenarios of recreational activities for children 4-5 years old” LLC “TC Sfera” Moscow 2005.

7. Kartushina M.Yu. “We want to be healthy” LLC “TC Sfera” Moscow 2004.

8. Penzulaeva L.I. “Physical training in kindergarten” MozaikaSintez publishing house. Moscow 2009

9. Podolskaya E.I. “Unusual physical education activities for preschoolers” publishing house “Uchitel” Volgograd 2006

10. Runova M.A. “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten” MozaikaSintez publishing house. Moscow 2000

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution MADOU No. 51 Combined type, Ulan-Ude


Health-saving technologies

" We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

Teacher of the highest quarter categories

Ulan-Ude 2014

Project passport

name of the project

We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

Head of MADOU


Budaeva Elena Stanislavovna


Ulan-Ude, Gastello street 6 “A”

Project Manager

Bogdanov Pyotr Vitalievich

Project developers

Educator: Bogdanov Pyotr Vitalievich

Objective of the project

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of wellness in preschool educational institutions

Project implementation period

October – November – 2014

Expected results

Creation of a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships preschool employees with parents.
- design of an exhibition of children's works “We will say “Yes” to health”;

Resource support

Development of a program of recreational activities and leisure activities.

Manufacturing of non-standard equipment


One of the leading tasks of the basic general education program “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva is caring for the health, emotional well-being and comprehensive development of each child. At the Thumbelina MBDOU, health improvement work is ongoing. Our project, organized in January 2012. - February 2013 – practical implementation of innovative health-saving technologies in education.

Using the recommendations of scientists: I.V. Nikitina, T.N. Doronova, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, working in the field of health conservation, as well as developmental education technology, we tried to create in each age group a developmental environment that will facilitate the implementation of the program. The preschool educational institution has additional areas that teachers use to enrich the motor sphere of their pupils. These are music and physical education rooms where children can relax and relieve psychomotor stress.

In the groups, conditions have been created for organizing the motor activity of children, both organized and independent, and also corresponding to the age and individual characteristics of the children.

Physical education corners equipped with non-traditional physical education equipment made and decorated by the hands of teachers and parents (rings with ribbons, non-standard paths with different coatings for the prevention of flat feet, “stuffed bags”, etc.) are in great demand among our students, because they can in independent activity use these simulators, using them to organize games of various mobility.

Big job was done with kindergarten specialists: together with the senior teacher, music director, physical culture complexes of morning exercises, breathing exercises, after-sleep exercises, and relaxation were selected and developed.

Introduced into the educational process, “Minutes of Pranks,” “Minutes of Silence,” and “Gymnastics of Little Wizards” became the property of the entire team. Now, for each age group, files of finger play training, dynamic pauses, as well as psycho-gymnastics and relaxation have been selected.

The body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors depends not only on the child’s individual characteristics, but also on the timely and correct implementation of special health measures: timely ventilation of premises, daily walks and physical education classes. fresh air.

Flexible implementation of the daily routine, adherence to an individual and differentiated approach to each child allowed us to develop a model for improving the health of children in preschool educational institutions, which represents the foundation for organizing physical education health work and educational process in a health-saving mode.

We work to improve the health of children in several areas:


1. Ensuring a favorable course of adaptation (under control medical worker, educational psychologist and educator);

2. Implementation of a sanitary and hygienic regime (creation of a high culture of hygiene and comfort for each pupil during his entire stay in kindergarten);

3. Warning colds methods of nonspecific prevention (self-massage, use of paths with different coatings to strengthen the arch of the foot, etc.).

4. Consulting parents on children’s health issues


1. Organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions;

2. Determination of indicators of physical development, motor readiness using diagnostic methods;

3. Organization of physical activity depending on the level of physical activity of each pupil

4. Providing psychological comfort.

In addition, an algorithm has been developed for performing invigorating exercises after a nap, which includes:

General developmental exercises lying and sitting on the bed;

Elements of health self-massage;

Hardening procedures (walking barefoot on paths with different surfaces and fillers);

Problem: Lack of awareness among parents about the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on family lifestyle (reduced activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the daily routine, unhealthy leisure, growing risk factors).

Currently, the problem of the health and physical development of children is of particular relevance. preschool age. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply. Children's health problems require new approaches and trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Target project: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health conservation inDOW.


Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Improve physical abilities in joint motor activities of children.

To improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic of a healthy lifestyle.

To create a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Ways to implement the project :

Thematic integrated classes, including physical education;

Monitoring procedures (questionnaires for parents, tests for teachers);


Sport competitions;


Games, relay races, quizzes, competitions;

Consultations for parents;

Exhibition children's creativity;

Expected Result:

Increasing children's interest in physical exercise and sports;
- increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle

Improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in health conservation

Creation of a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents
- design of an exhibition of children's works “We will say “Yes” to health”

Creation of a card index “Outdoor games for preschool children”

Project type:

By duration: short-term;

According to the dominant line in the project: practice-oriented;

Content: social and pedagogical

By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution.

By number of participants: frontal.


Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health conservation in preschool educational institutions

Project implementation principles

The principle of personal orientation and continuity – taking into account different levels and different ages of development and health status

The principle of conformity with nature – the formation in preschool children of a desire for a healthy lifestyle

The scientific principle is the reinforcement of all ongoing activities not aimed at promoting health.

The principle of activity and consciousness is the participation of teachers and parents in the search for effective methods for improving the health of children.

The principle of differentiation - the pedagogical process must be focused on individual characteristics child.

The principle of complexity and integrativeness is the solution of health-improving and preventive tasks in the system of the educational process.

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle


Improve physical abilities in joint motor activities of children.

To improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic of healthy lifestyle

To create a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.



Taking care of your health

Increasing interest in physical education and sports

Ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Improving the professional skills of teachers in health conservation


Replenishment of sports equipment in groups

Competence in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle

Increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle


Interaction with teachers and physical education instructor on issues of physical education of children

Active participation in the life of the preschool educational institution and the implementation of the project


Organization and provision of physical education and health activities

Introduction of “Little Wizards’ Gymnastics” into recreational activities

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle

Creating a healthy environment in kindergarten, in which not only children and teaching staff, but also parents will become adherents and active subjects of a healthy lifestyle

Resource support for the project

Non-standard equipment

Summaries of recreational activities, sports activities

Selection of methodological literature

Gym, sports ground.

Program of recreational activities and leisure activities.

Integration educational areas

Physical Culture

Development of physical qualities accumulation of motor experience as important conditions preserving and strengthening children's health.


Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle, consolidation of knowledge and concepts about how to maintain health.


Formation of the foundations of safe life in various types motor activity.


Development play activity children, familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself, gender identity.


Development of sensory culture, expansion of horizons in terms of ideas about the human body, health and healthy lifestyle.


Development of free communication with adults and children about health and a healthy lifestyle.


Using works of art and folklore to enrich the content of the area.

Artistic creativity

Satisfying children's needs for self-expression in productive activities.


Using musical works to develop children's motor creativity.

Formation of ideas and skills of healthy lifestyle

Pupils of preschool educational institution


Parent meetings



Pedagogy of cooperation

Health work.

Study of programs, innovations


Planning work with children

Instructorphysical education

Advisory points

Equipment for subject development environment


Project participants




Musical director

Physical education instructor



List of health-saving technologies used in pedagogical process MADOU “Kindergarten No. 51”


Place in daily routine


Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Minutes of pranks

No earlier than 30 minutes after a meal daily for everyone age groups

Musical Director,


Dynamic pauses

During breaks between direct educational activities

5 – 7 min for all age groups



Depending on the condition of the children and goals for all age groups

All teachers

Finger gymnastics

WITH younger age individually or with a subgroup daily


teacher speech therapist

Gymnastics for the eyes

Daily 3 – 5 minutes at any free time, depending on the intensity of visual load from the younger group

All teachers

Breathing exercises

All teachers

Invigorating gymnastics

Every day after nap 5 – 7 minutes


Corrective gymnastics

IN various forms physical education and health work

Physical education instructor

Gymnastics of little wizards”

From the 2nd junior group in physical education classes, after a nap

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

Play therapy

During free time in the afternoon. The timing depends on the tasks set by the teacher.


In various forms of physical education and health work

Teachers, instructor


Conducted at any time convenient for the teacher from senior group


Play massage

From the middle group in physical education classes and during dynamic breaks

Physical education instructor, teachers

Communication games

1-2 times a week 25 – 30 minutes from older age

Teachers, educational psychologist

Project implementation stages



Expected Result


Stage I Analytical

Analysis of the situation, awareness of the need to start working to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Literature study, diagnostics, conversation, questioning.

Obtaining information about the state of health, physical development of children, the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

October 2014

Stage II Organizational

Work planning and forecasting

Drawing up plans for working with children, parents, and teachers to introduce them to a healthy lifestyle.

Availability of plans:

Sports leisure and entertainment.

Consultations for parents and teachers.

October 2014

Development of entertainment and leisure content

Summaries of sports entertainment and leisure activities

Selection didactic material, literature.

Availability of a variety of means necessary to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Enrichment of the subject development environment.

Selection and production of non-standard equipment.

Availability of non-standard equipment in the gym and groups.

November 2014

Stage III Practical

Educating parents and teachers about healthy lifestyles and involving them in joint events.

Conducting events with children, parents and teachers.

Card index of outdoor games. Exhibition of children's works: “We will say “Yes” to health!”

Booklets: “Breathing exercises”

Non-traditional physical education equipment.

Sports festival “Glory to the Russian Army”



Share experience in the field of health conservation

Design of the exhibition “We will say “Yes” to health”

Presentation of the project “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Health Day in kindergarten “Be healthy!”

Action plan for project implementation





Educators, preschool specialists

1. Test for educators on pedagogical competence on the topic “Physical education of preschool children”

2. Consultations for educators

“Physical training minutes and their place in the daily routine”,

"Use of non-standard equipment"

3. Ped. advice. Theme: “Being healthy is my right”

4 Presentation of manuals for non-traditional equipment

5. Introduction to the “Little Wizards Gymnastics” program

1. Kustova L.I.

2. Bogdanov P.V.

3. Goncharova O.G.

All teachers


1. Questioning: “The path to a child’s health lies through the family”

2. Consultations: “Immunity”, “We play - we develop our fingers”

3. Booklets: “Breathing gymnastics”

3. Drawing competition: “We will say “Yes” to health”

1. Bogdanov P.V.

2. Goncharova A.G.

3. Teachers of all groups

1 junior group

1. “Moments of pranks”, “Gymnastics of little wizards”

2. Entertainment “Let’s teach Piggy to wash himself”

3. “Health Day”


1 All teachers

2. Phys. supervisor

2nd junior group “A”

1. “Gymnastics of little wizards”, “Moments of pranks”, “Moments of silence”

2. Target walk on the section “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

3. Conversation “What is good, what is bad?”

4 ECD “Physical culture” based on fairy tales “Visiting a fairy tale”

4. “Health Day”


1. All teachers

2. Phys. supervisor

2nd junior group “B”

2. Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Health”

3. Reading fiction: tales about the benefits of physical education and sports.

4. “Health Day”


1. All teachers

2.Phys. supervisor

Middle group"A"

1. “Moments of pranks”, “Moments of silence”, “Gymnastics of little wizards”

2. Fairy tale - conversation “Who are microbes?”

3. Gymnastics for the eyes based on Korney Chukovsky"

4. Entertainment “Kolobok’s Winter Journey”

5. Conversation: “Healthy products”

6. “Health Day”


1. All teachers

2. Phys. supervisor

Middle group “B”

1. “Moments of pranks”, “Moments of silence”, “Gymnastics of little wizards”

2. Conversation: “Health is fine, thanks to exercise”

3. Games – situations: “Let’s teach Cheburashka to set the table correctly and beautifully”, “Tea drinking”

4. Winter fun: Folk games outdoors

5. “Health Day”


1. All teachers

2. Phys. supervisor

Senior group

1. “Moments of pranks”, “Moments of silence”, “Gymnastics of little wizards”

2. Reading fiction “Fairy tales and stories about the benefits of physical education and sports”

3. Walk: “Ice Secret”

4. Sports festival “Glory to the Russian Army”

5. Quiz “About sports”

6. “Health Day”


1. All teachers

2. Phys. supervisor

Preparatory group

1. “Moments of pranks”, “Moments of silence”, “Gymnastics of little wizards”

2. Sports entertainment"Colorful balls"

3. Reading fiction: fairy tales and stories about the benefits of physical education and sports.

4 Conversation “My health”

5. Sports festival “Preschool children are future defenders of the fatherland”

6. Quiz "Olympic Quiz"

7. “Health Day”


1. All teachers

2. Phys. supervisor


Our project is the result of the creative activity of children, parents, teachers and kindergarten specialists.

A special feature of the project is a unified educational space created on the basis of trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents. This is the key to successful work with children.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that health is an enduring value, it needs to be preserved and strengthened.

In the project, we tested innovative health-saving techniques:

- “Minutes of pranks”,

- “Moments of silence”,

- “Gymnastics of little wizards.” The proposed system of classes has a comprehensive effect on the development of the child. All exercises and games are carried out at a free pace without coercion.

The main goals of these game exercises are:

- adherence to the prevention of colds;

- hardening of children;

- leading children to the conscious ability to be healthy, attentive, and sensitive;

- learn to free yourself from stress and overexertion;

- instill the necessary skills in acupressure.

Thanks to joint project activities we were able to:

- expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

- improve physical abilities in joint motor activities of children;

- improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic of a healthy lifestyle;

- create a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Our work does not aim to achieve high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children demonstrate their own potential, so that, as they grow up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle and value their health and the health of others.


    Astashina M.P. Modern approaches to physical education and health activities of preschool children: Educational method. allowance / M.P. Astashina. – Omsk, 20022.

    Akhutina T.V. Health-saving teaching technologies: an individual-oriented approach // School of Health, 2000, No. 2 - P.21 – 28.

    Vorotnikina I.M. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Enas, 2006

    Glazyrina L.D., Ovsyankin V.A. Methods of physical education of preschool children: A manual for preschool teachers. institutions. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1999

    Kartushina M.Yu. Green light of health - M., Sfera shopping center, 2007

    Kartushina M.Yu. We want to be healthy. Wellness and educational activities for kindergarten children. Moscow 2003.

    Litvinova O.M. System of physical education in preschool educational institutions. Methodological materials, activity development and sports games. –Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

    Overchuk T.I. Health and physical development children in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Education, 2004

    Makhaneva M.D. Raising a healthy child // Manual for practical workers of children's preschool institutions. – M.:ARKTI, 1999.

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation from12/28/2010No. 2106 “On approval of federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students and pupils.”

    Shorygina T.A. “Conversations about health.” Moscow, 2004.

    Internet resources materials ; ;

MKDOU CRR – kindergarten No. 13 Group No. 13

Nomination “Propaganda of healthy lifestyle among preschool children”

Topic: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

Putorogina Yu.V.


  • Development of children's need for a healthy lifestyle
  • Promoting children's health
  • Disease reduction and prevention

Healthy lifestyle!

It is useful for everyone.

Healthy lifestyle!

Luck and success.

Healthy lifestyle!

You are with me forever.

Healthy lifestyle!

This is my destiny.

Healthy lifestyle,

Be in everyone's blood!

Healthy lifestyle!

In the morning you get up and run.

Healthy lifestyle!

Breathe some fresh air.

Healthy lifestyle!

You will be happy!

We're doing exercises We start in the morning. Let diseases fear us Let them not come to us.

Health is good - thanks to exercise!

Children really need sports! We are strong friends with sports! Sport is an assistant, sport is health, Sports - a game, physical education - hurray!

You, my friend, listen to me, It is very important not to forget: Before you sit down to eat You need to wash your hands with soap!

You need to eat a lot of porridge Drink kefir and yogurt, And don't forget about the soup, You will be healthy, my dear!

Hey guys, are you sleeping? Wake up, don't be lazy! I'll push away the remnants of sleep, throw the blanket aside, I need gymnastics - it helps a lot.

Sun, air and water - Our best friends. We will be friends with them, So that we can be healthy.

1,2,3,4,5 –

Let's play with cones!

Let's play with cones

roll them between your hands...


Brochure: “we are for a healthy lifestyle”

Exhibition of wall newspapers:

“A healthy lifestyle in my family”

"We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

The main thing in life is this is health!

Try to understand this from childhood!

The main value is this is health!

You can't buy it, but it's easy to lose!

Konyaeva Marina Petrovna
MKDOU "Tetkinsky kindergarten "Fairy Tale", Kursk region, Glushkovsky district, Tetkino village
Project “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Passport of the project “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Project location: MKDOU "Tetkinsky kindergarten "Fairy Tale", senior group

Time spending: 7 months

Project participants:

Children of senior group No. 2 “Teremok”

Teachers - Konyaeva M.P., Tyapkina E.I.

Project motto:“Being healthy is great! »

Project type: information - practice - oriented

Project implementation

Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • Formation of the problem.
  • Definition of tasks.
  • Studying methodological literature on this topic.
  • Diagnosis of children on this topic.

Stage 2: Main.

  • Organization of work on the project.

Stage 3: Final.

  • Analysis of project results.
  • Design of an exhibition of drawings: “Being healthy is great! »
  • Message for teachers from experience working on the project

Problem:“Lack of interest in maintaining and strengthening one’s health”

Justification of the problem

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until seven years go by intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills for a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Introducing health-saving and health-strengthening conscious behavior to children from preschool age is an urgent problem. preschool education, because It is at this age that, due to the high activity of children, an interest in correct behavior, habits form. There is a need to find practical ways to develop a healthy lifestyle in children. The need to cultivate a culture of health is emphasized by studies of domestic and foreign scientists confirming that human health depends only 7-8% on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

Today, preserving and strengthening children’s health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”; as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation”, “On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of an individual.

Therefore, the main tasks to improve the health of children in our group are to form their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, and to develop a healthy lifestyle. Children must learn the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial to health and avoid everything harmful. These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Solving the problems of cultivating a conscious attitude towards one’s health can go either directly educational activities, and be realized in the process of educational activities during regime moments, in children's project activities.

The system of teaching knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure and maintain health will allow you to successfully solve the problem of forming your own health philosophy and form health-enhancing habits while harmful ones have not yet been acquired, and then healthy lifestyle behavioral skills will become an integral part of life.

Objective of the project: form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, expand knowledge about maintaining health.
Project objectives:

1. Expand ideas about health and its values
2. Strengthen and preserve the health of children by introducing physical education and health-improving, hardening activities.

3. Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Fundamental question:“Do the guys know how to maintain their health?

What is health?
Where to find vitamins and why are they needed?
What are germs and viruses?
What do we do to get rid of germs and viruses?
What does the expression “be healthy without doctors” mean?
What is a healthy lifestyle?
How do we improve our health?
Events within the framework of the project “We are for a healthy lifestyle”
1. Organization of the photo competition “We are for a healthy lifestyle”
2. Multimedia presentation for children “Physical education and health”
3. Multimedia presentation for parents “Secrets of longevity”
4. Evening of questions and answers “Our bad habits»
5. Physical entertainment for children and parents “Favorite outdoor games”
6. Role-playing game “Cooks. Healthy eating»
7. Watching the animated film “Micropolis” (Russia, 2007), the animated film “Mitya and the Microbes”, the educational cartoon for children “Little Microbe”
8. Consultation for parents “Vitamins and microelements”
9. Conversation “How to maintain health in the autumn”
10. Master class “Brushing your teeth correctly”
11. Examination of illustrations on the topic “Be healthy without doctors”
12. Physical education and health work: gymnastics after sleep, breathing exercises, eye exercises, morning exercises
13. Hardening procedures
14. Reading the fairy tale by G. Nemkina, M. Savka “The Story of the Fairy Vitaminka”

15. Lesson “Eyes are the main assistants of a person”

16. Lesson “The Road to Good Health”

Expected results for the teacher:

  • Creating a favorable educational environment, ways to maintain health, education and personal development.

For children:

  • Beneficial influence on the development of speech, broadening of horizons, physical and moral qualities.
  • Developing forms of behavior for children that help avoid danger to the life and health of children.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • To analyze the approaches available in the scientific literature to the formation of health-saving behavior in preschoolers;
  • To identify the level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among project participants and range of interests, compliance with basic rules of healthy lifestyle (children preparatory group and their parents).
  • Defining the topic, goals and objectives, project content, predicting the result.
  • Discussion with parents of the project, clarification of the opportunities necessary for the implementation of the project, determination of the content of the activities of all project participants.

Stage 2 of implementation.

The stage included the integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “socialization”, “safety”, “health”, “communication”, “physical education”, “reading fiction”, “ artistic creativity", "music", which was carried out in the process of organizing joint activities between an adult and a child and independent activities of children.

Work with children:

Direct educational activities:

1. Topic:"Sunshine of Health"

Target: To form in children a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, using modern health saving technologies

2. Theme"Microbes."

Target: To form children's understanding of microbes, methods of their spread and transmission, to introduce them to ways to protect the body from diseases. Clarify ideas about the role of physical education and hardening in the fight against germs and viruses.

3. Topic:"Journey to the country of life safety."

Target: To consolidate the concept of life safety, to develop the ability to act correctly in emergency situations, to generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and rules of behavior on the street.

4. Topic:“All professions are important, all professions are needed.”
Target: expand and enrich children’s ideas about professions, tools, and labor actions.

5. Topic:"Health and Nutrition".

Target: expand and clarify children’s understanding of nutrition, continue to teach the rules of cultural and safe behavior at the table, cultivate a desire to eat healthy food, interest children in maintaining and strengthening their own health and leading a healthy lifestyle.

6. Topic:“There is smoke all around from cigarettes, there is no place for me in that smoke.”
Target: Introduce children to the respiratory system and lung function in humans. Develop a conscious attitude towards performing stretching, relaxation and breathing exercises. Give children the opportunity to make their own decisions to protect their bodies from harmful smoke.
Educational activities during regime moments.
Daily preventative work:

Morning exercises, preventive exercises (breathing, posture, flat feet, vision), awakening exercises, ventilation, hardening, physical education, outdoor games.

  • Communication: “To always be healthy, you need to exercise!”
  • “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “How to help myself and others?”, “How does our body work?”, “Why do people get sick?”, “How does our body work?”, “Who and how takes care of your health?”, “How to create good mood?”, “If you want to be healthy?”
  • “Conversation about health, cleanliness” Solving provocative questions and problematic situations
  • Conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands (rhymes)


  • Plot-wise role-playing games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy", " Ambulance", "Health Center", "Cafe", "Kindergarten", "Family", "Hospital".
  • Didactic games: “Health watch”, “I can do it - I can’t”, “Guess who called”, “Find a pair”, “Guess by touch”, “Rules of hygiene”, “Good or bad”, “Harmful or useful”, “It’s possible or not”, “My day”, “Dangerously not dangerous” and others.
  • Outdoor games: “Silence”, “A Stream”, “Find out who called”, “Trap”, “Tug of War”, “Sports for Boys and Girls”, “ Dangerous situations", "Whose circle will gather faster."
  • Games for the development of motor creativity: “Think of it and show it.” "Charging the funny little mice." "Mirror". “Guess - repeat”, “Do as I do”.
  • Dramatization games: staging of excerpts: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”. "Vegetable Carnival" "Piggy and Stepashka."

Looking at illustrations

Memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about health.
Reading fiction:
K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s grief”, V. Radchenko “Olympic textbook”, S. Prokofiev “Ruddy cheeks2”, M. Bezrukov “Talk about proper nutrition", G. Zaitsev " Bon appetit”, “Strong - strong teeth”, A. Kutafin “Vovka’s victory”, A. Barto “I’m growing” and “Dirty girl”.
Production of leaflets: “Rules for a healthy lifestyle!”

Performance indicators:

  • Reducing morbidity among children.
  • Children's knowledge and conscious understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to take care of their health.
  • Children’s ability to choose behavior and actions that benefit health.
  • The majority of project participants have formed an active life position aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health, creating conditions for maintaining this position.

Intermediate result:

  • Cognitive leisure "If you want to be healthy."
  • Design of an exhibition of drawings: “It’s great to be healthy!”
  • Project presentation.

Project product:

  • Photo exhibition “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Being healthy is great!
Safe for human life!
For society it’s acceptable, whatever.
And of course being healthy is fashionable!

A promotion was held in our garden "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

primary goal: Promoting healthy lifestyle priorities among students and their parents, developing interest in physical education and sports.

Healthy lifestyle today is not only fashionable, but also truly necessary! Nowadays, when we lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat foods stuffed with chemicals, breathe poisonous air, have a whole bunch of diseases, it’s worth thinking and saying: “Stop!” harmful factors. Young people do not think about tomorrow, they live for today. We, today's generation, need to say "No!" everything that harms us to become a Person needed not only by the family, but also by society. From how much we will healthy, the future of our children depends. If it is impossible to raise a child so that he does not get sick at all, then, in any case, maintain a high level of illness. health is quite possible. It's easy to say, but how to do it! If Academician Amosov says this, then everything seems clear - after all, he is a doctor. What can I, a teacher, do?

The lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet of many children, unfavorable ecology, incorrect daily routine, children and adolescents have fewer opportunities for beneficial health occupy your free time. And then there’s this unpleasant term “hypodynamia” - restriction of the body’s motor activity, lack of movement, low load on the muscles. For proper functioning, the body needs activity, muscle load, and oxygen saturation. This is exactly what the body needs for stable functioning, and this is what is the key to good health and strong health. human health.

To find out “Is it fashionable to be healthy in our kindergarten?” Elena Anatolyevna Ezhova, head of the health service, organized and held a photo exhibition under the motto: “Being healthy is fashionable!”, where parents, children and teachers actively took part.
