FGOS lesson on valeology, senior group. Summary of a lesson on valeology in the preparatory group “Bon Appetit”

A series of classes on valeology in the middle group, topic: “Here I am!”

Goals and objectives:

To acquaint children with the external structure of the human body, with the capabilities of his body: I ​​can run, jump, sing, watch, listen, eat, endure heat and cold, endure pain, breathe, think, help other people; cultivate a sense of pride that “I am a human being.” Arouse interest in further knowledge of yourself.

Materials and equipment:

Saucer, 3 glasses with sour, sweet and salty solution, a small piece of bread, a glass of clean water, 4 cotton swabs, napkin.
2 cotton swabs, one of which is soaked in perfume, and the second with garlic juice. Wrapped in a plastic bag to prevent the smell from dissipating.
Ice cubes, glass of warm water.
A screen and objects behind it, with the help of which the teacher demonstrates everyday sounds (a glass of water, an empty glass, paper, keys, rattles, spoons, etc.)

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we are starting an exciting journey to a country called “Man”. You will learn a lot of interesting and surprising, unexpected and unusual things about yourself and your friends, family, i.e. other people.
- Each person is unique in his character, his outlook on life, spiritual qualities, but all people are the same in physical structure: they have the same structure of the body, external and internal organs. But some people often get sick, while others are always cheerful and healthy. Some are always dissatisfied with something and love only themselves, while others are cheerful and help other people as much as they can...
- Why do you think this happens?

(Children's answers)

We will learn about this in classes where we will learn to love and understand ourselves, care for and help ourselves and other people. And today we learn that each of you, and any person in general, is almost a magician who can and can, and if he can’t, then he can learn to do many, many different things, all kinds of miracles. No other creature on Earth can do this.
- Interesting? Then we begin to get acquainted with our body, which helps us every second.

Block 1 – differentiation of the concepts of “body parts” and “organs”

Animals have only three body parts: head, torso and tail. Let's see what body parts a person has. Ilya, come to me. Do you have a head? Eat! Which part of the body is called the head? (children's answers. Reference: the head is the part of the body on which all the senses are concentrated and in which the brain is located.) - Why is it needed? (answers: to think, eat, breathe, etc.)
- Is there a torso? (showing the torso.) Yes! What organs are there on the body and inside? (children's answers: arms, legs, heart, lungs, etc.)

Block 2 – hair

Guess the riddle:

Hair riddle

They don’t sow, they don’t plant,
And they themselves grow.

What is located above everything? (The teacher puts his hand on his head and combs through his hair.)

Let's get acquainted with their properties. Touch your hair... Pull it... Tug...
Close your eyes and gently touch your neighbor's hair. Did you feel it? Now tug – quietly. How did you feel? (children's answers: pain)
- Who guessed why we need hair? (children's answers: protect the head, absorb some influences, warm and protect from the hot rays of the sun).

Block 3 – leather

What's below? (answer: forehead)
- What is inside? (answer: brain)
- Why do we need a brain? (answer: to think)
- What is the forehead covered with? (answer: skin)
- There is skin not only on the forehead, but also on all other parts of the body.

We will study it too. Close your eyes, I place an object (ice cube) on your palm. How did you feel?

We close our eyes and place another object on the other palm (a glass of warm water).
How did you feel?

Olya, close your eyes and determine what I will do.
- Now, each one, lightly pinch the skin with your nails. How did you feel? (answer: pain)
- What can the skin feel? (children's answers: warmth, cold, touch, pain.)

Block 4 – eyes

Guess the riddle:

Riddle about the eyes

Olya looks at the cat
To pictures-fairy tales.
And for this we need
Our Ole...

What is below the forehead? (answer: eyes). Now we’ll find out why they are needed. Everyone, close your eyes and don't open them until I say so. Tell me what am I doing? Don't open your eyes. (The teacher shows the book. Silence.) And now? (The teacher takes the book. Silence).
- Open your eyes. That's what I did. (The teacher repeats his actions). Why are eyes needed? (To see).
- The eyes have helpers and protectors. Look at each other. Blink. Which organ is involved in this? (answer: eyelids). Why do you need to blink?
- Wave your hand in front of your friend's eyes. What did your friend do? Why are eyelashes needed?
- Let's look at why eyebrows are needed. When we wash our face, droplets run down from the forehead. What am I doing with my eyelids? (answer: protect eyes from water, dust, etc.)

Block 5 – nose

Guess the riddle:

Riddle about the nose

Here is the mountain, and at the mountain
Two deep holes.
The air wanders in these holes,
It comes in and out.

What's below? (answer: nose)
- Let's check why the nose is needed. Pinch your nose with one hand and your lips with the other hand. Why do you need a nose? (answer: to breathe)
- Close your eyes (The teacher brings cotton swab to the baby's nose). How did you feel?
So why do we need a nose? (answer: breathe and smell)

Block 6 – ears

Guess the riddle:

Riddle about ears

Olya listens in the forest,
How the cuckoos cry.
And for this we need
Our Ole...

What's a little lower? (The teacher points to the ears).
- Let's check why we need ears. Close your ears tightly with your palms, press your palms to your ears. (The teacher pronounces 2-4 words). Open your ears. What did I just do? (answer: they said, we saw it from the lips). What did I say? (did not hear?)
So why do we need ears? (answer: to listen)

Block 7 - mouth

What's below? (answer: mouth).
- Let's check why we need a mouth. There is a piece of bread in front of you. Eat it.
- Now press your lips together with your fingers and say: mom, dad, I'm going for a walk.
- And one more experience (The teacher hands out glasses with solutions of salty, sour and sweet water). How did you feel?
- So why do we need a mouth? (answer: to eat, talk and taste).

Block 8 – neck

What's below? (The teacher points to the neck.) Let's check if we need it. Sit up straight and remember what you see. (Children remember.) Now turn your head in any direction. (Children do). Do you see the same amount or more? Why is a neck needed?

Block 9 – arms and legs

Guess the riddles:

Riddle about legs

Olya runs merrily
Along the path to the river.
And for this we need
Our Ole...

Riddle about hands

Olya takes berries
Two, three pieces each.
And for this we need
Our Ole...

Let's find out why a person needs hands. Dima, come to me. Place your hands behind your back and take a book from the table. Don't turn around. Why do you need hands? (answer: to take objects.) - Now come up all in a group, only without legs. Why do we need legs?

Outdoor game: “We won’t tell you what we do, we’ll show you what we do”

Goal: the driver shows the actions, and the players must guess what these actions are (hammer nails, lift weights, knit, cut, run, stomp - walk).

Block 10 – internal organs

There are many organs inside the body. Let's listen to how the heart works. Place your hand on your chest and listen to your heart.
- There are other organs in the body: stomach, intestines, but we will talk about them in other classes.

Physical education lesson “This is what my body is like!”

I have a head
Right - left, one - two.
(Turns the head to the right - to the left, tilts the head)

She sits on a strong neck,
Turned and turned.
(Circular turns of the neck)

Then the body goes
Bend back, tilt forward,
Turn - turn.
(Hands on the belt, bends, turns)

Everyone has skillful hands
Up and down, down and up.
(Jerks your arms up and down)

We need legs to run
Jump, squat, stand.
(Running in place, jumping, squats)

This is my body!
With him you will do everything to perfection!

Practical exercises:

Show me where your head is
Touch your neighbor's head, stroke it.
Stretch your neck like a goose.
Pull your head into your shoulders.
Stroke your nose.
Stroke your neighbor's nose.
Show me your ears.
Open and close your mouth.
Smile. Give a smile to your neighbor.

Reading to children

The human body

(M. Efremova)

What is our body?
What can it do?
Smile and laugh
Jump, run, play around...
Our ears hear sounds.
Our nose breathes air.
The mouth can tell.
Eyes can see.
Legs can run fast.
Hands can do everything.
Fingers grab tenaciously
And they squeeze tightly.
To be healthy in body,
We need to do exercises.
We will raise our hands: “Oh!”
Let's take a deep breath!
Let's lean left and right...
What a flexible body!
And clap your hands together: “Clap!”
And don’t frown on your beautiful forehead!
Stretched - stretched...
And they smiled at each other.
How we skillfully wield
With this slender, strong body!


Tell me guys, have we found at least one organ that a person would not need?
- What about a body that would do nothing? (Children's answers).

Well done guys, good job.

Abstract of GCD on valeology using ICT in senior group for children with severe speech impairments on the topic “The Miracle of the Nose”

The summary will be useful for educators working with a group of older children. preschool age. The summary presents the experimental activities of children, as well as ICT tools, which makes the lesson more exciting and interesting for children.
Target: expand children's understanding of the structure and functions of the nose
Software tasks:
- to form children’s ideas about the importance of the nose for health;
- consolidate the rules of nose care;
- develop olfactory perception;
- develop breathing exercises skills;
- cultivate a culture of health in children.
- mirrors (according to the number of children);
- green and yellow circles (according to the number of children, 2 circles for each);
- napkins and oilcloths for applique, glue;
- a square sheet of white paper (40*40cm);
- spray bottle, handkerchief;
- containers with odorous safe substances, covered with gauze (by quantity
- a poster with the structure of the nose and the human respiratory system;
- picture of Mickey Mouse;
- white medical gown and cap;
- video film “Why does our nose sneeze?”
Preliminary work:
-reading encyclopedias: “Man”, “Human Body”;
-learning finger gymnastics “Castle”;
- a conversation about the rules of hygiene and safety of nose care.

Progress of direct educational activities

The children enter the group and are greeted by Doctor Aibolit (a teacher in disguise).
Educator:- Hello friends, I hope you recognize me?
Children:- Yes, you are Doctor Aibolit.
Educator:- Guys, what does the word “hello” mean? After all, we say it
every day and more than once.
(Children’s answers: the word “hello” means “to wish health”, it means to wish health to the one you greet)
Educator:- Well done boys. That’s right, the word “hello” means “to wish you health.” And now we wish you all good health, everyone is healthy and cheerful. So you can help me. Guys, sit down on the carpet, I’ll tell you a story. Mickey Mouse turned to me for help (demonstration of an illustration of Mickey Mouse). Such an unpleasant situation happened to him. Mickey Mouse never used a handkerchief, wiped himself with his sleeve, walked without a hat, loved to fight and often got punched in the nose. And he was always swollen and red. Mickey Mouse's nose got offended and ran away from him into the forest. What about Mickey Mouse? He decided to do without a nose.
Educator:- Guys, do you think our hero made the right decision? Is it possible to do without a nose?
(Children’s answers: we can’t live without a nose; if we don’t have a nose, we won’t be able to breathe)
Educator:- Yes, guys, our body is designed in such a way that the absence or disease of one organ immediately affects the work of others. Let's talk about the nose, tell it, and prove to Mickey Mouse how important it is for us. Will you help me with this? Then, I invite you to my scientific laboratory, where they study the human body and human health.

(Children get up, physical exercise is carried out)
Educator:- But first, I will examine you.
I'll ask you to stand up nicely
And follow the commands!
Everybody breathe, don't breathe!
It's okay, take a rest!
Together we raise our hands,
Excellent, let's drop it.
Bend over, straighten up
Stand up straight, smile!
Yes, I'm happy with the inspection
None of the guys are sick.
Everyone is cheerful and healthy,
And there is no need for doctors.
Then hit the road, follow me! (Follow Doctor Aibolit to the laboratory)

Doctor Aibolit (teacher): - Here we are. To enter the laboratory you need
open the door.
(Finger gymnastics is carried out)
We begin to conjure,
Open the doors.
Although the lock is very strong,
Metallic and tenacious.
We'll spin it first
And then we’ll blow three times.
Let's shake - one, two, three.
Unlock the door lock.
The doors open
The experiments begin!

(Children pass and sit at tables)
Educator:- Guys, there should be silence in the laboratory, scientists are working here.
Guys, think and tell me why we need a nose?
(Children's answers: we need our nose to breathe)
Educator:- Yes, you are absolutely right, we need our nose to breathe.
Let's make sure of this. Hold your nose and don't breathe (the teacher does it together with the children).
Oh! I can not do it anymore. It's very hard not to breathe, isn't it?
Guys, breathing is important and if there is no air flowing, it is dangerous not only for our lungs, but also for the brain.
A person cannot live without air, but nature came up with a way for us to get it into the body. respiratory system, where the nose plays a major role.
(Looking at a poster with the structure of the nose)
- Why do you need to breathe through your nose, when you can do it with your mouth?
(Children’s answers: because the throat may hurt, it’s hard to breathe through the mouth, we inhale dirty air through the mouth, etc.)
Educator:- Guys, I heard that the nose is called a “stove”, why?
(Children's assumptions: the nose warms the air, warms the air)
- Yes, guys, the air, passing through the nose (nasal passages), warms up and enters our lungs warm. Let's make sure of this by doing a little experiment: inhale air through your nose and exhale it through your mouth into your palm. What do you feel, what kind of air is coming out?
(Children's answers: I felt warmth, warm air)
Educator:- Guys, the nose is also called a “watchman.” What does the nose protect our body from?
(Children's guesses: from dirt, from dust)
Educator:- The nose protects our lungs from dust. There are hairs in the nose. You can see them yourself if you look at your nose in the mirror.
(There are mirrors on the tables, children take them and look at their noses.)
- Hairs act as guards. They do not allow dust particles to enter the nose, and clean air enters the lungs. The nose also protects us from pathogenic microbes.
-And our nose can also sneeze. Why does our nose sneeze?
(Children's answers: because a lot of germs accumulate in him; because we catch a cold; because he is sick, etc.)
Educator:- Yes, that’s absolutely right, when a lot of germs accumulate in the nose, we
we start sneezing. What happens when a person sneezes?
(Children's answers: germs fly in different directions, they can infect other people)
Educator:- What should be done to prevent germs from flying in different directions?
(Children's answers: cover yourself with a scarf)
Educator:- I suggest you conduct a little experiment. For this we need an ordinary spray bottle, which of course is in my laboratory. It will act as a cold nose. Since he has a cold, it means he is full of germs and therefore he constantly wants to sneeze. And what will happen if we don’t cover ourselves with a handkerchief when we sneeze?
(The teacher conducts an experiment with a spray bottle)
Educator:- Look, guys, without a handkerchief, germs fly long distances and infect healthy people. But what happens if we cover ourselves with a handkerchief. All germs remain on the scarf and do not threaten anyone. A handkerchief is an item of personal hygiene and that is why it is so important to have a handkerchief.
Educator:- And now, guys, I suggest you watch the scientific film “Why does our nose sneeze?” from the series “Incredible Adventures in the Human Body.”
(watching a movie)
Educator:- Guys, in order for the nose to breathe well, what hygiene and safety rules for nose care need to be followed?
Children's answers:
Rinse your nose in the morning and evening while washing your face.
You can't pick your nose with your finger.
You should not pick your nose with sharp objects.
Do not put foreign objects (buttons, small toys and so on.)
Try to protect yourself from colds.
Clean your nose with a handkerchief.
Do breathing exercises.
Educator:- That's right, friends, if you follow all these rules, your
………………noses will be healthy.
……………. -Are your noses healthy? Let's check. After all, if the nose is healthy, it breathes well and catches odors well. I suggest playing the game “Guess by Smell.” But first, let's prepare our noses and do breathing exercises.
(Children get up from the tables, breathing exercises are performed)
1) Take a deep breath through the nose, slowly raise your arms, bring your palms together, rise on your toes, pull yourself up, holding your breath, slowly exhale deeply with the sound “A”, arms fall down in time with the exhalation.
2) Alternately pressing with your index finger, now on one nostril, then on the other, pronounce the sound “M”.
Educator:- Well done, friends. We breathed well. Now can you tell by the smell what is in the glass? Take a glass, take a few deep breaths in a row and try to guess what is in your glass.
(Children’s answers: “I smelled garlic.” “I smelled a Christmas tree,” etc.)
Educator:- Well done friends! I see that your noses are healthy. You all completed the task. Take your seats.
(Children sit at tables)
Educator:- We did a good job today in the laboratory. Guys, let's give Mickey Mouse a handkerchief as a souvenir. Look, it's already ready. But our hero loves bright things, so we’ll decorate the scarf with multi-colored polka dots.
- A pea Green colour The one who remembers and names what the nose is for will stick it on.
(Children's answers: to breathe; to protect the lungs from dust; to warm the air; to distinguish odors).
- The yellow pea will be glued to the one who remembers and names the rules of hygiene and safety for nose care.
(Children stick)
Educator:- This is how bright the scarf turned out. I think that Mickey Mouse will really like him and now he will take care of his nose and use a handkerchief. Now it's time to return to the group.
(The teacher takes off his medical uniform)

What foods contain vitamin B. And what is it for?

Vitamin B- helps the heart function, and is found in milk, rice, raisins, cottage cheese, cheese, bananas, meat, bread, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

This vitamin is perhaps the most important; it protects against colds.

It is found in oranges, lemons, berries, radishes, turnips, cabbage, onions, and potatoes.

If there is not enough or little vitamin C, then a person will quickly get tired and get sick often.

Guys, we can now help Polina recover faster. /answers/

When we return to kindergarten, we will draw healthy foods for her so that she can eat them and get better faster.

Physical exercise “Vegetables”.

One, two, three, four, (Walking in place)
The children learned vegetables. (Jumping in place)
Onion, radish, zucchini, (Tilts left and right)
Tomato, garlic. (Clap your hands)

Today we only got acquainted with some vitamins, but there are a lot of them. We will get to know you and learn about the benefits of other vitamins, but now we need to go back to kindergarten.

Oh, look, someone sent us a letter! /slide, doctor/

And this is a letter from our doctor. Shall we read it?


1. Before sitting down to the table, you need to wash your hands, vegetables and fruits.
2. You need to eat healthy foods.
3. You should eat slowly and not talk. /so as not to choke/.
4. Food must be chewed well. /then it is better to assimilate/.
5. Rinse your mouth after eating.
6. Be sure to follow a routine and eat at the same time. /the body will get used to receiving food at the same time and the food will be absorbed faster/.

Good rules The doctor sent it to us, we’ll thank him later.

Are you tired of traveling, let's play a game.

Game "Helpful - Harmful."

/Is cake healthy? Coca Cola? Milk? Chupa Chups? Candies? Cottage cheese? Chocolate? Chips? Etc.

Game "Wonderful bag".

You need to guess by touch what kind of vegetable or fruit it is and say how it is useful.

Game "Find out the taste."

Now you will be tasters and determine what you ate?

Children close their eyes and taste pieces of vegetables and fruits. /apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, lemon, banana, tangerine.../

Now let's draw and compose a book for Polina. You can not only draw healthy vegetable or fruit, but you can come up with your own recipe. For example: “Vitamin” salad made from cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers. Or maybe juice.

Well done boys! Tired of drawing?

Finger gymnastics"Cabbage"

We chop and chop the cabbage (moves our hands like an ax)
We crumple the cabbage, crumple the cabbage, (knead the cabbage)
We salt and salt the cabbage (take a pinch of salt and salt it)
We squeeze and squeeze cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)

Now let's repeat:

-What makes our food healthy?
- Name useful products.
- What did you learn today?
- Name the vitamins.
— What rules must be followed?

Well done! I think that you will now try to eat only healthy foods, take vitamins, do gymnastics and lead healthy image life.

At the end the verse:

Only healthy food
Always on our table!
And since it's healthy food -
Will we be healthy? Yes!

There is a presentation as an appendix to the lesson.

The presentation was created for children to better understand lessons about vitamins. Forms children's initial knowledge about healthy products, healthy and wholesome food. Allows you to strengthen children's skills in table behavior, diet and hygiene. (cultural hygiene skills)

The presentation is addressed to children of preparatory age 6-7 years old and others who want to familiarize themselves with the benefits of vitamins.

The presentation reveals the importance of vitamins for the body and what foods contain them. The most interesting are the poem about vitamins with bright illustrations.

The presentation is shown during class, when the topic is presented.

It can be used as a supplement to a lesson or as a stand-alone material.

Unlike medicine, the focus of which is, first of all, a sick person and methods of treating him, in the field of interest of valeology - a healthy person who wants to maintain his vigorous and cheerful state. Teach children to take care of their health, be conscious of nutrition and motor activity– this is the main meaning of all classes, the notes of which are presented in this thematic section.

Look how your colleagues tried to interest their students in the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and instill in them the basics of health conservation.

Encyclopedia of classes on the basics of valeological culture

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1116.
All sections | Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments

Using modern technologies in valeology in working with preschoolers Unfortunately, today there is a very low level of motivation to maintain and strengthen individual health. You can increasingly hear about the lack of a health culture in Russia. A person does not seek to take responsibility for his health. Indeed, worldwide...

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Lesson notes on valeology Summary of a lesson on valeology Program content: -Tell children basic information about internal organs(heart. -Form basic concepts about appearance, functions and role of the heart for children's health. -Teach children to protect their health, learn the rules of caring for...

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Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments - Valeological musical greetings for preschoolers

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Summary of a lesson on valeology in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: “What we are like inside”


Introduce children to the main organs of the human body (brain, heart, lungs, stomach), their names, location and functions.
Teach children to experimentally confirm their acquired knowledge (through simple experiments).
Make children want to learn more about their bodies.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Colour pencils.
Sheets of paper with a drawn silhouette of a person and internal organs.
Mirrors, previously inflated and deflated balloons.
Pictures of food products.
Small feathers.
Glasses of water, straws.

Progress of the lesson:

Every person should know the structure of his body, because this will help him to be healthy.
You already know that our body is structured like this: on top - the head, then the neck and torso. The torso has upper limbs - arms and lower limbs - legs.

But this is what we see, and there are many different organs inside our body. We don’t see them, but thanks to them we live, breathe, think, eat and much more. Today we will get acquainted with the most important organs.
Here is a diagram showing these organs. After getting to know each organ, you will color it in with colored pencils and try to remember it.


One of the most important organs is the brain. He is like the boss over all organs, he knows everything and is responsible for everything. Signals from the outside world come to it, as if through wires, and it gives orders to the entire body how to react to these signals. The brain helps a person to be human. Think. Walk. Do different jobs.

Didactic exercise “Follow the order”

Children perform actions according to commands.

Our brain rests at night when it is dark and we sleep. But not the whole brain rests; it has duty cells that work even at night. After all, at night we see dreams. Can you tell me what you dream about?

The brain is very fragile. It’s good that a hard skull reliably protects the brain from damage. But still try not to hit your head. A strong blow can cause a concussion.


The heart is like a big pump that pumps blood. Blood “runs” throughout the body through different vessels. The main task of blood is to nourish the whole body. And a very important organ pumps blood and helps it move - the heart. The heart works constantly, even when a person sleeps.

It knocks day and night,
It's like it's a routine.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knocking will stop.

The heart is located in the center of the chest, almost in the middle, and the size of a fist. Form your hand into a fist and place it on the center of your chest, slightly to the left. This is approximately the size of your heart. Now clench and slightly unclench your fist - this is how the heart works: when it contracts, it pushes blood. And you hear a heartbeat.

What color is our blood? How did you find out about this? When blood flows from your wound, adults rush to treat the wound and stop the bleeding. This is very important because losing blood is very dangerous. How do you treat your wounds?
The heart must be protected. But if a person decides to lie down all the time and do nothing to take care of his heart, he will be very mistaken and will only harm his heart. The heart needs to be trained and exercise. When you run, your heart works faster. It beats and pumps blood.


Now we will prove it. Place your hand on your heart and listen. Now jump, run in place, lean forward, backward. Now place your hand on your heart again. What changed? My heart began to beat faster.


A person has two lungs. A person needs lungs to breathe and supply the blood with the necessary air. The air is not visible, but you cannot live without it.


Look at your breath. Bring the mirror closer and breathe on it. Warm breath will fog the mirror.
Your lungs expand like this balloon when you inhale and contract when you exhale.
Place your hands on your chest and take a deep breath. You felt your arms rise along with your lungs filling with air. Now exhale. Hands dropped.


Take the straws in your hands, lower them and blow into them. What did you see? This is air in the form of bubbles.

We don't always breathe the same way. When we run, we breathe more often and deeply, and when we are calm or sleeping, our breathing is even and calm.
You should try not to breathe smoke or dirty air. Our lungs benefit from fresh, clean air. And of course, you shouldn’t poison your lungs with cigarettes. Cigarette smoke turns your lungs black and makes you sick.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a feather”

Children, at the teacher’s command, perform the exercise.


The stomach is like a saucepan inside us - all the food goes there, and the stomach digests it. The stomach copes with wholesome, healthy food easily, but the stomach suffers and even gets sick from junk food. The stomach really doesn’t like it when we overeat - we fill our belly. The stomach does not have time to cope with the enormous amount of food and our stomach begins to ache.

Didactic game “Healthy and junk food”

Children are divided into two groups: “Healthy” and “Harmful” pictures depicting food products.

Self-massage “Help yourself”

There are many, many points on the human body. Which are connected to different organs. And if you learn these points, you can help yourself when you get sick. Now we will learn how to massage ourselves.

The gnome lives in your fingers,
(bend and extend fingers)

He brings us health.
One two three four five,
(sprayed phalanges on the points at the wings of the nose)

Our gnome began to play,
Draw circles with your fist near your nose,
And then I rose higher
(lightly stroking the maxillary sinuses)

And rolled down from top to bottom.
The gnome looked out the window,
(massage with index and middle fingers on the brow ridges)

He laughed and flew away.
The gnome found a point near the eye,
(massage of points on the bridge of the nose)

Turned right, left,
Pressed on the other one,
(massage points near the wings of the nose)

And then he went down -
(massage points above the upper lip)

Closer to your mouth,
Hid behind his ears
(massage of auricle points)

Laughed at me
And he wanted to play with me.
One two three four five,
(massage of the forehead and brow ridges)

I decided to catch him.
I caught the gnome in the eyebrows,
And he kept walking in circles,
So our gnome fell silent
(nose tip massage)

And he took off running.
We will take it in our hands,
(relaxation of hands)

Let's wave our hands a little.
