23 week position of the baby in the uterus. Colds


A photo taken at 23 weeks of pregnancy shows us the growth of the belly in pregnant women, as a result of which the skin stretches, dryness appears, and sometimes rashes and itching. It is recommended to lubricate the stomach with a special cream for stretch marks.

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the belly of pregnant women may be different for the same period.

An ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy shows the location of the uterus, which is pressing on the internal organs. At the same time, the placenta increases in size and the amount of amniotic fluid increases.

Be vigilant - if your underwear gets wet, tell your doctor.
At the 23rd week of pregnancy, uterine contractions occur in the form of tingling in the abdominal area. These are training contractions before childbirth . The pain usually goes away after a short rest.

Throughout pregnancy, the body's need for fluid increases. Preference should be given to plain water, fresh compotes, exclude carbonated drinks and canned juices.

Eat less salt during the 23rd week of pregnancy, excess of which in the body leads to edema.


Movements at the 23rd week of pregnancy are already well felt. The child can become more active while the pregnant woman is resting.

During this period, the breast continues to grow, the nipple areolas darken, and colostrum may appear.

Weight at 23 weeks of pregnancy reaches 7 kg. From this moment on, the baby in the womb will begin to gain significant weight.

How many months from 23 weeks of pregnancy will your baby gain fat? It is still wrinkled and red, as fat deposits form later. During this period, the child’s skin is red due to excess pigments. The fetus gradually becomes more active . During fetal endoscopy, you can see the baby grasping the umbilical cord and pushing. His movements at 23 weeks of pregnancy are still soft. The length of the fetus at the 16th week is about 20 cm, the weight of the child at the 23rd week of pregnancy reaches 450g.

The child swallows the fluid around him and excretes it as urine. The child’s nails are already formed, dark fluff covers the body. The baby can suck his thumb.

Fetal growth slows down, but weight increases. Eyebrows, ears, nose, neck are already clearly visible.

How many months in the 23rd week of pregnancy will be determined for you according to the obstetric calendar, where a month is equal to exactly four weeks. For 5 obstetric months and three weeks, the norm for additional weight considered up to 7 kg.


Insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus causes hypoxia. On different terms pregnancy lack of oxygen has different Negative consequences. In the first months of pregnancy hypoxia can cause developmental abnormalities. In later stages of pregnancy, the central nervous system of a fetus suffering from hypoxia is affected and growth is delayed.

Ultrasound shows growth retardation of the fetus, which is experiencing oxygen starvation. A Doppler examination reveals poor blood flow in the placenta and a weak heartbeat.

A slight lack of oxygen does not affect the child’s health. Severe fetal hypoxia leads to irreversible serious consequences.

Hypoxia during childbirth is dangerous. Every child at birth normally experiences moderate hypoxia.

Hypoxia with complete blocking of oxygen supply is called asphyxia. Such strangulation can occur as a result of entanglement with the umbilical cord, premature placental abruption and other factors.

There are different causes of fetal hypoxia. Low hemoglobin in the mother, bronchitis, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, smoking - all this can cause insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. Intrauterine infections, malformations, and placental insufficiency also cause hypoxia. During childbirth, the lack of oxygen can be caused by multiple births, umbilical cord prolapse, or premature placental abruption.

breech presentation of the fetus. CAUSES AND WAYS TO ELIMINATE THE PROBLEM

Sometimes in women the fetus is in breech. The fetus can change its position several times a day. And by 22-24 weeks of pregnancy it is usually installed head down.

The breech presentation of a child can be determined using ultrasound, vaginal examination and external examination.

There are many various reasons this position of the fetus:

Obstacles in the entrance to the small pelvis (narrowed pelvis, uterine fibroids, large baby’s head, low position placenta, etc.).

The activity of the baby due to polyhydramnios or abnormal development of the head, prematurity, delayed fetal development.

Restricted mobility due to the structure of the uterus, entanglement with the umbilical cord, and oligohydramnios.

Hypertonicity of the uterus of the lower segment and hypotonicity of the upper segment, due to inflammatory processes after repeated curettage, complicated childbirth.

The diagnosis can be clarified by examining the vagina using an ultrasound.

With a breech presentation of the fetus, pregnancy proceeds in the same way as with a cephalic presentation. From 32 weeks this situation can be corrected with the help of certain exercises. It is recommended that the pregnant woman turn from one side to the other and lie in this position for up to 10 minutes. Results appear already on the 7th day in the absence of aggravating circumstances. If by the 37th and 38th weeks of pregnancy the baby has not changed position, then the birth will take place in a breech presentation. Pregnant woman with fetus who are in a breech position are subject to hospitalization several weeks before the expected birth.

The purpose of hospitalization is to develop a birth plan and identify pathology.


Currently, uterine fibroids are common during pregnancy. This is due to more late childbirth, as well as the use modern methods diagnostics

Uterine fibroids appear as a result of active cell division of the uterus, the causes of which have not been clarified by science. However, it has been established that this occurs due to hormonal stimulation and depends on increased secretion of estrogen.

It is believed that fibroids begin to grow during pregnancy. However, some believe that this is only apparent growth associated with an enlarged uterus. Especially an increase in fibroids is observed in the first and second trimester. In most cases, uterine fibroids do not grow during pregnancy and rarely complicate pregnancy.

During pregnancy, uterine degeneration is more common. This phenomenon can occur at any stage of pregnancy , as well as in the postpartum period.

The following signs of fibroid degeneration are distinguished:

-hypertonicity of the uterus;


Pain in the area of ​​the myomatous node;

Increased white blood cell count;

Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The final diagnosis can be made after an ultrasound. This condition usually lasts several weeks. At this time, the pregnant woman is recommended to take analgesics and stay in bed. If abdominal pain and active contractions of the uterus appear, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and treatment continues in the hospital.

Non-surgical treatment of fibroids involves inhibiting tumor growth. The growth and development of fibroids is often promoted by a lack of iron in the blood. That is why it is recommended that pregnant women undergo regular examinations and donate blood.


The size of the fetus from the crown to the coccyx (CTR) allows you to determine the gestational age by week. This method is universal and is suitable for everyone, regardless of the race or sex of the fetus. In case of menstrual irregularities, gestational age by week is determined based on the fetal calcific temperature. Under normal conditions menstrual cycle data ultrasound examination compared with the period that corresponds to the one established from the first day of the last menstruation.

The coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is determined at the moment of greatest extension. This measurement occurs during sagittal scanning.

Measuring fetal CTE during pregnancy by week helps to identify exact date in the first trimester. This is the most accurate indicator of the period, the error of which can be no more than 3 days.

An ultrasound at 10-12 weeks shows the development of the fetus, the sex of the child, and clarifies the gestational age.

Why is it necessary to carry out CTE of the fetus by week? This helps to detect fetal development abnormalities in time.

Already from the 5th week of pregnancy you can monitor the fetal heartbeat, from 8 weeks - the activity of the fetus.

It is recommended to measure fetal CTE at 11 weeks of pregnancy, since at this period it is possible to detect early pathologies and resolve many issues. Only a doctor can correctly decipher the ultrasound results, so you should not draw independent conclusions.


During pregnancy, you need to monitor your weight gain week by week. In the first few months, a pregnant woman usually does not recover. Body weight increases in the second half of pregnancy . Intense weight gain can mean health problems.

Doctors recommend gaining no more than 12 kg during your entire pregnancy. Starting from 30 weeks, the pregnant woman gains weight weekly by 300 g or no more than 2 kg. per month. To determine acceptable weight gain by week During pregnancy, doctors use a special table.

Causes of weight gain during pregnancy:


Weight before pregnancy;

Early toxicosis;

Individual characteristics of the constitution;

Fruit size;

A good appetite.

At birth, a child weighs on average 3 kg. Where do the remaining kilograms go? Don’t forget that the uterus weighs 900g, and they weigh the same amniotic fluid, the last baby reaches 400g, adipose tissue - 2200g, milk flow to the breast - 500g, tissue fluid -2700g.

Pregnancy weight It is recommended to measure by week. Excess weight can depend on individual characteristics body, and may also mean a deviation from the norm, requiring medical intervention.

There is less and less time left before the expected birth. You are already 23 weeks pregnant. According to the obstetric "pregnancy calculus", you are 5.5 months pregnant. Congratulations!

Fetus at 23 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The baby has grown to almost 29 cm and already weighs half a kilo! The brain of the little smart guy is also getting heavier. If in the second month of pregnancy its weight was 2 g, then by the end of the sixth it reaches 100 g. This means that the mother should be on fresh air to ensure that enough oxygen reaches the baby's brain.

Walking in the fresh air is also necessary to fully provide the baby with oxygen: the baby will indicate a possible lack of oxygen by increased frequent movements. Yes, yes, the mask is now already announcing its existence in a very tangible way: if a few weeks ago you listened carefully to hear the baby, now he himself is not averse to communicating with his mother through pushes.

While the baby’s movements are still unobtrusive and do not cause discomfort to the mother, which often happens during latest dates pregnancy, when the child, for example, rests his legs against his ribs. But even now, movements may not always occur “on time,” for example, at night, when a woman is trying to rest from a busy day. Is your baby awake and playing in his tummy at night? Try to calm him down by rubbing his belly, humming a lullaby, or telling him a good story.

And during the day, listen to the movements: in half a day, pregnant women usually feel about 10 movements by this time. Remember that the baby has already developed its own sleep and wakefulness pattern: at some moments it may kick, then it calms down for a couple of hours. The complete absence of the child's movements during the day should cause alarm: in such a situation, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

All organs and systems gradually take over their assigned functions. Digestive system The baby is fully formed: the stomach, esophagus, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas are ready for work. From the amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus, water and sugar are separated, which later form the baby's original feces - meconium.

The pancreas is actively working and developing: it synthesizes insulin and other hormones. The genitals of a boy or girl are fully formed. The fetus continues to develop chest and cooks respiratory system to work. Although he will take his first breath only after birth, the baby is already making up to 60 breathing movements per minute.

All endocrine glands are actively working, and the spleen is also involved. It not only produces blood cells, but also strictly controls their quality: all “defective” lymphocytes are destroyed.

Subcutaneous fat continues to accumulate, but the translucent skin of the fruit is still wrinkled. And everything is covered with vernix. The hair on the baby's body begins to darken.

You already quite clearly feel the tremors from within and can even feel when the child hiccups: your stomach shakes rhythmically.

Future mom

Of course, during this period you may well have a lot of “ side effects»pregnancies that bring little joy to the expectant mother: heartburn, bloating, varicose veins, swelling,... Read the recommendations for each individual case.

Don't be embarrassed by the appearance age spots and excess hair on the body. If this happens, there is no doubt that it is very unpleasant for the woman, but after childbirth everything will pass. As well as the noticeably improved condition of the hair on the head: due to increased blood flow, the skin and hair follicles began to be better nourished and strengthened. The hair that was supposed to fall out during this time will leave your head in bulk in the first months after childbirth.

In the meantime, you may be rejoicing beautiful hair, you are likely to experience problems with your teeth or skin. Pregnancy progresses, the baby takes on a significant portion of calcium and other substances. Don’t let dental problems get worse and contact your dentist on time. Practice daily hygiene; increased sweating may cause you to shower more often. Don't forget about.

Of course, eat right, move a lot, get enough rest and enjoy this blessed time: it is slowly coming to an end.


By the 22nd week of pregnancy, when the center of gravity shifts due to an increasingly growing belly, a common problem is pain in the back and lower back, in the abdominal area, or more precisely, in the hip area. Again, due to a shift in the center of gravity and in the process of preparing the body for the upcoming birth, pain in the pelvic area is also possible - the hip joints begin to soften so that in the future the fetus can pass through the birth canal. To relieve back pain and reduce abdominal pain, wear shoes, do not walk in heels, do not sleep on your stomach, do not stand on your feet for a long time, learn to lie and sit correctly.

In the second half of pregnancy, if this has not been observed before, cramps of the calf muscles may occur from time to time. More often, leg cramps occur at the end of the day that a woman has spent on her feet. This is a symptom of tired legs and calcium deficiency. To reduce the risk of cramps, it is advisable to massage your legs every night, regularly rest your legs during the day, and enrich your diet with calcium-containing foods.

But headaches at 23 weeks of pregnancy may already disappear into oblivion. Headache- a very common companion in the first trimester of pregnancy. And, if this symptom did not bypass you in your first weeks of bearing a baby, now that the riot of hormones has subsided somewhat, the headaches should go away.

Belly at 23 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts

But they can make themselves known from time to time painful sensations in the abdominal area. Often the expectant mother at this stage complains of pain in the abdomen, in particular on the sides, especially when she gets up, sneezes, or coughs. This is due to overstretching of the muscles that support the uterus.

Also from this period you may feel false training contractions. Braxton-Hicks contractions are a completely normal phenomenon for the second half of pregnancy: in this way, the uterus seems to be warming up before the upcoming, and already real, birth. Training contractions are episodic uterine spasms that should not cause the woman any pain. If contractions become regular, painful, and are also accompanied by rupture of amniotic fluid, call an ambulance immediately: you are experiencing premature labor.

Abdominal pain can be caused by constipation and the inability to have bowel movements normally. In this case, it is rational to review the diet and include in the menu foods that are rich in fiber and have a laxative effect.

And keep in mind: if abdominal pain is accompanied by additional symptoms (such as elevated temperature, bloody vaginal discharge and others), then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Discharge at 23 weeks of pregnancy

It’s generally better to pay attention to allocations now Special attention: the nature of the discharge can tell a lot about the course of pregnancy and the absence of some individual dangers.

Transparent or light milky, liquid discharge without any pronounced odor, not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, is considered normal for this period. The appearance of yellow, greenish, gray, purulent, bubbling or curdled discharge with attached unpleasant smell indicate the probable addition of a genital tract infection. Often, infectious diseases of this kind are also accompanied by discomfort in the perineal area: itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genitals. With such symptoms, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible and, on his recommendation, begin treatment of the disease, otherwise there is a high risk of infection reaching the fetus and intrauterine infection.

Please note that the discharge is now quite liquid, one might say watery. And it is very important not to confuse the discharge with leaking amniotic fluid, if such a phenomenon occurs. After all, amniotic fluid can leak almost imperceptibly, in small portions, “masquerading” as vaginal discharge. Therefore, if you are still afraid of complications in the form of leakage of amniotic fluid, purchase a special test at the pharmacy that will make it possible to exclude such a complication.

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. But this does not mean that some women who have come face to face with such a phenomenon as increased uterine tone are now immune from its manifestations. Hypertonicity of the uterus, as before, is manifested by nagging, cramping pain in the abdomen, possibly by the appearance of brown or bloody discharge. If you have the above symptoms, immediately go to see a doctor: at first, a slight bleeding may “progress”: heavy bleeding that replaces the “spot” against the background of regular contractions signals the beginning premature birth.

In addition to increased uterine tone, the appearance of bloody discharge may be a sign of placenta previa or abruption. As a rule, such conditions are also accompanied by abdominal pain.

If brown or bloody spotting does not cause pain to a woman, and only appears after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, it is most likely associated with cervical erosion. This condition can be determined after a special medical examination, therefore, if a spot “appears” on your panties, it is rational to seek advice from a specialist.


At 23 weeks of pregnancy, parents will probably be able to recognize with an ultrasound whether it is a girl or male name them to choose for the unborn child. The sexual characteristics of the fetus are now clearly differentiated, and ultrasonography is able to tell about them, if, of course, the baby turns out well.

However, the main task of ultrasound at the 23rd week of pregnancy remains to exclude pathologies of fetal development and diagnose the child’s condition. When performing an ultrasound, the doctor will assess the size of the baby, the correspondence of these same sizes to the gestational age, listen to the heartbeat and give an assessment motor activity baby.

Inspection is also provided internal organs fetus, assessment of the development of individual parts of the body and their relationship to each other. Corresponding indicators are necessary to exclude possible malformations of the baby and to ensure the absence of any chromosomal abnormalities.

In addition, the doctor will assess the size and condition of the uterus and look at the location of the placenta. Just don’t be upset right away if, during an ultrasound examination, it turns out that the placenta is located too low. Very often, during the next weeks of pregnancy, due to further enlargement of the uterus, the placenta rises and takes on its “proper”, non-threatening position.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The course of pregnancy at the 23rd week

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother will need twice as much energy as she previously needed. And this does not mean that she will work twice as hard; on the contrary, she will visit the pregnant woman twice as often.

If a lack of strength and energy prevents you from feeling well during the day, you should lie down to rest, even if it is only the middle of the day. There is no need to endure and overpower yourself; now it is important to gain new strength, and not feel overwhelmed, tired and lethargic.

Listen carefully to your body. At 23 weeks expectant mother may change . You should not ignore your desires, this is how the child signals which ones “ Construction Materials"in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates he needs at this stage.

23rd week of pregnancy: for the expectant mother. However, you shouldn’t look in the mirror at your rounded figure with horror. The bulk of the gained mass will go away immediately after the birth process, some is necessary for the body to begin breastfeeding. Of course, there is no need to eat for two, as mothers and grandmothers may insist. But starving or following a diet is harmful not only to the health of the mother, but also to the development of the baby, because in this way he is deprived of essential vitamins and nutrients.

What happens in the twenty-third week of pregnancy

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may complain about her arms, legs, and also notice the appearance of spider veins on the skin. Problems with blood vessels are the initial signs of veins, which occurs due to the fact that the outflow of blood from the legs worsens: the growing uterus puts more pressure on the pelvic veins. The appearance of spider veins is a reason to visit a phlebologist.

The 23rd week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 6th month or 2nd trimester

On this period the baby becomes stronger and more and more actively makes various movements in the womb. Although these movements are very noticeable for a woman, they do not cause her any discomfort; on the contrary, when she feels her long-awaited child inside her, she becomes more pleasant. The baby's skin has become more dense, and there is more fatty tissue. But on an ultrasound, fatty tissues cannot be seen, since they are located under the skin.

The weight of the fruit is about 450 grams. The hair is already clearly visible, the nails are getting stronger and can be seen more clearly. Gastrointestinal tract is already perfectly formed and works well, the baby has produced its first feces. Sometimes an expectant mother can feel her baby hiccupping inside, this is due to the swallowing of amniotic fluid.

Appear painful sensations in the uterus, which will intensify over time. This happens due to the child's activity. But there is no need to be afraid, this phenomenon is considered normal, and besides, these pains stop very quickly. By placing your hand on the place where the pain comes from, you can feel involuntary movements provoked by contraction of the uterus.

The pregnancy period is already five months. There is very little left before the start of the third trimester, how developed is the baby? this moment, which physical properties he has.

What happens to the child

The child’s brain is developing very actively, his weight has increased tenfold. Now its weight is 20-24 grams. But this is not the limit; it still has to increase fivefold, which will happen in the next two weeks.

Frequent walks in the fresh air are simply necessary in this position for the unborn baby, which will allow oxygen to be delivered to his brain. Stressful situations in women are also harmful for the successful development of the brain. Therefore, it is harmful for pregnant women to be nervous. This can lead to oxygen starvation in the child.

The twenty-third week of pregnancy for the baby is the period when he is quite well developed, but until the end of pregnancy he will still continue to gain strength and health. Digestion has completely completed its development and began to actively work: the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, large intestine and small intestine. The lungs gain experience by swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid, making movements similar to breathing 60 times per minute. This is why hiccups appear in the unborn child in the womb of the mother, who feels it well. Amniotic fluid entering the esophagus is synthesized with sugar, which provokes the formation of the baby's first feces.

This period will allow you to determine whether you should expect a boy or a girl. You can find out by conducting an ultrasound examination, which you have clearly been looking forward to. After all, undoubtedly, every parent is very interested in this issue. After all, as soon as you find out the gender of the unborn child, you can choose good name, as well as prepare clothes and other necessary supplies for the baby.

At this stage, the child weighs about 500 grams and is approximately 29 centimeters tall. The hairline acquires a clear color, the nails also become clearly visible, as they have gained strength and hardened.

At five months, the baby almost always sleeps, waking up briefly every hour, then goes back to sleep. This became known after special research, and he also had his first dreams.

What does a woman feel when she is pregnant at this stage?

The baby’s movements have become so characteristic and noticeable that now you certainly can’t confuse them with anything else. The 23rd week of pregnancy is characterized by the sensations of a baby who stubbornly turns over in the womb, or simply plays. You can feel or see when moving some clear part of the body protruding from the abdomen. You can calm down an angry child. He hears his mother's voice well and feels her intonation, so you can sing him a lullaby while gently stroking his belly. This will definitely help calm a spoiled baby, who is most active in the evening, when the expectant mother is about to go to bed.

Heartburn is a problem for almost every pregnant woman. It appears due to the growth of the abdomen. Each expectant mother finds a way to overcome it on her own, by eating any foods that she likes, let it be chocolate or seeds, everyone’s body and needs are different. Under no circumstances should you try to treat heartburn with baking soda, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. In addition to heartburn, a woman may feel short of breath. This occurs due to the fact that the uterus, as it increases, compresses the sternum, which leads to rapid breathing.

It is advised to take less liquid, especially before bed, as the uterus puts pressure on all organs, including bladder, which provokes frequent trips to the toilet. Although during the day you can drink as much as you want, according to your body’s requirements. Do not be afraid of swelling; at this stage it is normal, since the placenta requires a lot of fluid. If the swelling is very severe, eliminate salt and other salty foods from your diet. At least try very hard, because during pregnancy it is very difficult to give up salty foods.

Redness of the hands indicates that hormonal changes are occurring in the woman’s body; do not be alarmed; this strange phenomenon will soon pass. Pigment spots can also accompany pregnancy; this is also a temporary phenomenon. There is no need to look for ways to get rid of them; the only thing that will help here is time, which is worth surviving a little after the birth of the baby. It is necessary to take care of the elasticity of the skin in order to avoid stretch marks and rips; it is better to do this in the early stages, since then it will be too late and the stomach will remain scarred from ruptures, which does not bring any joy and is not pleasing to the eye.

It is worth paying special attention to personal hygiene. Especially oral and dental hygiene. Since during pregnancy, problems are quite often observed when teeth deteriorate due to a lack of calcium. Teeth need special attention and care.

Photo of the belly at 23 weeks

Feeling pain during pregnancy

Due to a lack of calcium, leg cramps may occur, especially during sleep. Unpleasant feeling when it seems like there is nowhere to put your legs, which makes it very difficult to sleep at night. It is necessary to combat this problem by taking vitamins containing calcium, as well as eating food containing this substance. As the baby grows, his weight increases, which affects the back, tailbone or lower back. The pain increases due to exertion. To alleviate suffering, you first need to choose more comfortable shoes and without heels with solid soles.

Comfortable shoes will make your walking much easier. Also, for such cases, pharmacies have special bandages, which must be purchased in consultation with your doctor. The bandage can be used prenatally and postpartum; after childbirth, it must be worn to remove the belly. Prenatal is convenient because by taking the load on yourself, the pain in the spine caused by the heaviness is significantly removed. It is not recommended to make sudden movements; you also need to keep your posture straight.

Pain appears in the abdomen when coughing or laughing, which is considered normal for this period. If the pain is accompanied by fever or poor condition, you need to sound the alarm and consult a doctor.

Condition of the uterus

At the twenty-third week, you can expect training contractions, which can cause discomfort and mild pain. If you feel the onset of contractions or some kind of pain, you should lie down, preferably on your left side. The pain will be reduced. But if they do not go away and continue at a rapid speed, becoming increasingly painful, for more than an hour, or rather five times an hour, you urgently need to call an ambulance. This should not be tolerated under any circumstances; this is not the norm.


Ultrasound (ultrasound) can detect pathology or other various problems of the child, if any. Absolutely every woman expecting a baby is sent for an ultrasound in order to identify problems in time and take the right measures to prevent them. You can’t disobey the doctor, you need to act on his recommendations in order to safely and without problems reach your due date and give birth. healthy child. You should not miss scheduled visits to the doctor, as well as prescribed procedures and tests.

Thanks to this procedure, the doctor will determine whether the child’s size and development are appropriate and whether he is lying correctly. How the heart works, which is very important to know. You can also find out the gender of the unborn child, but already at a longer period.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks

Mandatory tests

With the onset of pregnancy, repeated trips to the biochemical laboratory begin to take urine and blood tests. The doctor with whom you are registered must know and record all the indications that are revealed when donating blood. Urinalysis is regularly observed.

By taking tests, the doctor can notice problems in the body so that he knows what problems to expect and how to prevent them.

Blood glucose level is one of the important tests, since a child can gain a lot of excess weight if elevated level. In such cases, the pregnant woman is treated and put on special diets.

Anemia is very common in a situation such as pregnancy; in order to detect it, blood is taken for hemoglobin.

If there is some kind of pathology, then all tests will show this at the same time. So, if one test is bad, there is no need to rush to make a final diagnosis. You just need to re-analyze.

Observed discharge during pregnancy

When found heavy discharge from the genital tract with a curd consistency of yellow, green color, or with the presence of blood and all this is accompanied by a pungent odor, you must immediately inform the doctor, since the health of the woman, and therefore the baby, completely depends on these secretions.

The doctor will order a smear test, which will identify the problem. If there is any malignant infection, there is a possibility of infection of the child during childbirth during its passage through the genital tract. It is very important to fight infections at an early stage, since there are microorganisms that can cause great harm to the child even in the womb. So you shouldn’t ignore and consider such unpleasant phenomena as trifles.

If the discharge is clear and watery in the twenty-third week, do not panic, this is normal. If the discharge is accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genitals, pain when urinating, it may be an infection. With such a problem, you urgently need to go to the doctor and take measures to eliminate it.

The threat of miscarriage at this time has decreased significantly. Bloody issues, which may appear after sex or a doctor’s examination should not cause concern, unlike the initial stage of pregnancy. If you suspect that amniotic fluid is leaking, you should, of course, immediately consult a doctor.

Sexual relations at this time

It is not advisable to refuse sex, unless of course everything is normal and there are no contraindications or doctor’s instructions. During pregnancy at this stage, a woman’s desire intensifies, and the sex that occurs between people expecting a child becomes more interesting and unique, as well as relationships.

Despite the fact that situations in life are very different, it is forbidden for a woman to change her sexual partner. Foreign microorganisms entering the vaginal microflora can cause infections that have a detrimental effect on the unborn child.

It is worth abstaining from sex if a woman has already had miscarriages before this pregnancy, or the placenta has prolapsed. Also, during multiple pregnancies, doctors recommend sexual rest even with careful intimacy. Often, couples continue intimacy, for example through oral sex. There are no medical recommendations on this issue. Of course, with such a rapprochement, hygiene must be observed.

Nutrition at 23 weeks

A pregnant woman's diet should be very varied and rich in vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Particularly important is the high protein content in food. Fresh greens, fruits and vegetables will fully provide the body in need of vitamins.

Calcium is a very important substance that a pregnant woman needs to supply her body with every day. The presence of foods in the diet that are rich in iron is very important, since hemoglobin should always be normal. Eat less fried, smoked and salted food, no matter how difficult it may be in this situation, think about your future child, maybe it will become easier to do this.

Drinking plenty of fluids is very appropriate during pregnancy, you can drink compotes, fruit drinks, but the best thing is to simply drink clean water. When it comes to herbal infusions, take this seriously with caution.

It is very important now to carefully monitor your weight, so completely give up flour and sweets. If you want to eat something sweet, eat dried fruits, but be very careful, as they contain quite a few calories.

Closer to childbirth, a woman begins to feel discomfort, which comes from heavy weight, which affects breathing, which becomes increasingly difficult, and pain in the legs and back. It's getting harder to find comfortable position for sleep, which is why insomnia occurs in pregnant women. And all this is considered the norm, because the long-awaited miracle is about to be born. The recommendations of your supervising doctor should not be ignored in order to avoid problems in the future and during childbirth.

Extra pounds truly harm both the unborn baby and the expectant mother herself. Therefore, take the issue of controlling your weight carefully and seriously. Don't forget to weigh yourself every day. At this stage, excess weight from five to seven kilograms is normal. If you notice that this number is exceeded, immediately consult your doctor for advice on controlling your weight, which you undoubtedly need to adhere to and unconditionally follow the recommendations given by the doctor.


To safely complete the rest of your term and give birth to a healthy baby, beware infectious diseases. Try to avoid places where people with colds may gather, protect yourself from the flu. The virus, entering the body, can cause the baby to stop developing, and pathology of the cardiovascular system can also develop. Nervous system may also get hurt.

If Braxton Hicks contractions continue ten or more times a day, you should definitely call ambulance, if less, then there is no cause for concern, since these contractions occur due to the movement of the child inside the mother. Varicose veins veins is relevant both in the first stages of pregnancy and now.

Get an ultrasound to find out your baby's condition and rest assured. Don’t be nervous over trifles, control yourself, staying constantly in in a great mood. Your baby feels your mood very well when he is inside you. Be sure to pay attention to nutrition and maintain weight. Spend more time in the fresh air, relax and sleep more if possible. If you think it is necessary and pleasant, then have sex.

Twins pregnancy at 23 weeks

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, each twin already weighs about 500 grams. At this stage of development, babies are unlikely to survive in case of premature birth. But it will take about a month and they will become viable.

The woman is transformed, becomes prettier before our eyes - the condition of her hair and skin improves. This is due to the action of hormones. But do not forget that with multiple pregnancy There are risks involved.

The expectant mother of twins should pay attention to the health of her teeth. The fact is that during pregnancy the body experiences a lack of calcium, which affects the condition of the teeth. Your legs may hurt and swell. Due to the redistribution of the load, a woman may be bothered by her back. Possible anemia. Therefore, you should do everything that the doctor advises.

A woman's pregnancy lasts about 6 months. More than half the way has already been completed...

The second trimester continues. A few more weeks - and the third, final stage in a woman’s life will begin “ interesting situation", after which she will be able to hold the long-awaited baby in her arms.

Fruit size

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby’s length is about 26–28 cm. In size, it can be compared to a zucchini.

Baby's weight

The weight of the fetus at this stage is about 450–470 g.

Fetal development at 23 weeks of gestation

The lungs are gradually maturing, the remaining organs and systems have already formed, now they continue to become more complex and improved. Thus, brain activity at 23 weeks is shown to be special devices, similar to the brain activity of newborns. Moreover, experts believe that babies at this stage can already dream. Many even claim that the dreams of the fetus are “united” with the dreams of the woman, i.e. unborn child sees the same thing as his mother.


At week 23, the baby’s heartbeat is quite distinct. This allows the doctor to listen to extraneous noise and evaluate the short sounds (tones) that occur as the heart beats. Muffled sounds or irregular heart rates (still 140–160 beats per minute) may indicate fetal hypoxia during pregnancy.

What does the fetus look like at 23 weeks of pregnancy?

Your previously very thin baby is gaining weight - from the 23rd week, active growth of the baby’s subcutaneous fat layer begins. So now a woman should eat very well, but under no circumstances overeat (children whose mothers gained weight during the “interesting situation” excess weight, are more prone to obesity and the development of cardiovascular diseases). When the baby is not sleeping, he constantly moves in his mother’s belly; now his movements are becoming clearer and more coordinated.

Body changes and new sensations for women

At the end of the second trimester, a woman may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as symphysitis during pregnancy. Its symptoms may be the following: severe swelling in the symphysis (pubis), pain in the groin, pubic bone, tailbone, sharp pain when changing the position of the body (it becomes simply impossible to raise a straight leg in a lying position). The cause of symphysitis is excessive softening of the symphysis pubis. In itself, the softening of bone tissue is a completely natural process during the period of waiting for a baby. How else will the child be born? After all, he will need to go through the birth canal, while pushing the pelvic bones apart without harm to himself and the mother.

What to do if your pubis hurts? Keep your weight under control - obesity greatly increases the load on the pubic bone. If you experience pain when lying down, relieve pressure on your hip joint by placing pillows under your buttocks and legs. Include foods containing calcium in your diet (one of the causes of symphysitis is a lack of this trace element in the body). Wear a bandage, get busy physical therapy for pregnant women and be sure to tell your doctor about your discomfort.

Weight gain

Doctors do not recommend adding more than the prescribed 300 g per week. The total weight gain by the end of 23 weeks for women of normal build is slightly more than 7 kg. See pregnancy weight calculator here.

Mom's belly

By this time, the uterus is at a height of 24 cm above the pubic bone (approximately at the level of the navel). She continues to grow and build muscle, which is reflected in the size of her belly, which no longer hides anything. light dress, nor a loose-fitting blouse.
At 23 weeks, the mother feels her baby more and more clearly. Sometimes the baby's movements cause her pain. In this case, doctors advise changing body position. If too active, painful fetal kicks do not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor - this may indicate that the baby does not have enough oxygen. This phenomenon is called “hypoxia during pregnancy.”

Tests and ultrasound

All tests have already been completed in previous weeks. Now the woman can breathe easy and relax. Ultrasound at the 23rd week of pregnancy is also not performed unless there are special indications.

Nutrition at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Probably, by the 6th month you have already become accustomed to quality products (you get used to good things quickly, and the situation requires that nutrition during pregnancy be balanced and healthy), enriched your diet with cottage cheese, milk, vegetables, fruits and gave up junk food(for example, fast food). It's high time to limit your salt intake - it contributes to sodium retention in the body, and therefore causes edema. But you can’t completely give up salt either (this can reduce appetite and even disrupt some biochemical processes in the body) - just give your preference to iodized salt or sea salt.

Vitamins and microelements

Sea salt, discussed above, contains such an important element as iodine. The production of thyroid hormones depends on iodine during pregnancy. These hormones play a vital role in the formation of the skeleton; they are also necessary for the mental development of the fetus. A woman with a lack of iodine may also feel uncomfortable: her skin becomes dry, her nails become brittle, and her hair becomes thin. In addition to sea salt, iodine is found in seaweed, seafood and dried figs.

Sex at 23 weeks pregnant

It is known that many men find pregnant women very erotic. And for good reason: during an “interesting situation,” especially in the second trimester, a woman’s need for sex against the background of hormonal changes increases significantly. There is no need to be afraid of your increased desire and refuse intimacy. Yes, an orgasm can provoke a slight contraction of the muscles of the uterus (if there are medical contraindications, physical expressions of love should still be abandoned), but, on the other hand, it does not give reproductive organ completely relax and thus prepares it for the process of “pushing” the fetus out of the pregnant woman’s body.


Many researchers believe that a child is not born " blank slate" Of course, he is not yet a person, but he is already a person. And the mother, starting from the 23rd week of pregnancy, and maybe earlier, should establish “feedback” with him. It is known that the fetus reacts to warmth, gentle touches (stroke your tummy more often), he hears his mother’s voice (you can sing him a lullaby), sounds from the outside (play CDs with beautiful melodies for the child). At this moment, the baby’s facial expressions express pleasure, a smile appears on his face, he feels that he is loved and is no longer afraid to be born and become part of a new world for him.

Beauty and accessories

Are you afraid that pregnancy may take away your beauty? This is wrong! Yes, the expectant mother’s body changes while she’s expecting a baby, but if you healthy image life, eat right, a hormonal storm will only improve your appearance. Many expectant mothers note that their hair has become thicker, their cheeks are flushed, their breasts have enlarged, and their libido has increased. So, the 20th century sex symbol Sophia Loren claims that during pregnancy she felt much more attractive than at any other time. In her book “Women and Beauty,” the great Italian writes: “In my opinion, nothing makes a woman more beautiful than pregnancy, when she takes on a regal, independent appearance.” And he gives advice to women: “It’s difficult to do a pedicure because of your belly, put it off for the future. But pay special attention to your fingernails: file them, clean them, rub cream into the holes. I painted my nails different colors that I don't usually use. It entertained me and lifted my spirits.”
