Educational project (summer period) with children of primary preschool age The sun, air and water are our best friends! Summer sports festival “Sun, air and water are our best friends” for children of senior preschool age Sun air and water h.

Summer is in full swing, hot July delights with the gentle sun and warm sea. We invite you to take part in the new competition and are waiting for your drawings about how you spend your summer. The main condition of the competition is that the drawing must convey your summer mood!

We will be glad if our competition helps its participants to open up and show their talents and creativity.

All participants of the Competition receive award documents FREE OF CHARGE.

Procedure for holding the Competition:

You can download the competition regulations here.


The competition is held for educational institutions of any type and type in the Russian Federation.

Pupils of any preschool institutions Russian Federation.

Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and any other educational institutions.

Categories of participants:

Competition nominations:

Nomination "Drawing"

Conditions of the competition:

One work per participant on the stated topic of the competition is accepted for the competition.

The work must have a title and a brief description.

All works are provided electronically only in JPEG/JPG format.

Rules of participation:

  1. Required (a teacher or parent of the participant can register).
  2. Please read the distance competitions carefully.
  3. Print the receipt and pay the registration fee for participation in any way convenient for you. The registration fee for participation is 90 rubles for each participant. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator with one receipt for the total amount.
  4. Prepare the work in accordance with the requirements for registration of competitive works
  5. Follow the link provided in the Regulations of the event you have chosen to download the competition entry.
  6. Carefully fill out all fields of the competition application. Be careful when filling out the form to upload your entry. The data you enter will be used when processing incentive documents.
  7. Upload your competition work, following the recommendations specified in the section.

For preschoolers, assistance in filling out and submitting the form with the competition work is provided by parents or teacher-curators.

Requirements for uploading competition works:

  1. Acceptance of works for participation is carried out only by independently filling out an electronic application on our website. Materials sent to us by email will not be published.
  2. All application fields must be completed.
  3. The size of the work file should not exceed 10 MB.
  4. After successfully uploading the files, you will receive a notification to the email address specified in the application that the work has been accepted for consideration. Works are published on the website within 3 days from the moment the work is accepted for consideration.
  5. The administration of the ART-Talent Academy reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements. If an application is rejected or changes need to be made, a message will be sent to the Authors of such works at the email address specified in the application.

Encouragement of winners:

The jury determines the Winners of the competition, who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and the Laureates of the competition.

The winners are awarded Diplomas of the Winner of the All-Russian Distance Creative Competition.

The laureates are awarded Diplomas of Laureate of the All-Russian Distance Creative Competition.

Teachers who prepared the Winner or Laureate of the competition are awarded Teacher Diplomas.


Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 83 Rossosh

“The sun, air and water are ours best friends

Educator: Sycheva S.I.


Promotion of student health;

Development of physical qualities, beautiful posture, plastic movements;

Training in the ability to complete assigned tasks quickly and accurately;

Continuation of work on the formation of collectivism and mutual assistance, discipline, courage;

Set the rules for sunbathing.

Leading: Hello! We are pleased to welcome all participants to our sports festival.

Sports, guys, are very necessary.

We are very friendly with sports

Sport is a helper!

Sport is health!

Sport is a game!

Physical training!

Leading: What kind of guest is in a hurry to celebrate?

Find out what his name is!

He will heal everyone, he will heal-

Kind ……

Doctor: I am a doctor, I treat patients,

So that people don't get sick.

I rush to them at any time,

In bad weather and in a blizzard.

I can put a thermometer.

And prescribe pills

Potion, sweet drops

Who's sick here?

Guys, do you like exercises?

Then we'll start warming up.

Rhythmic gymnastics with musical accompaniment

"Radiant sunshine"

Aibolit. Something sad. There is no merry sunshine, let's all call him.

Everyone shouts in unison:

Sunshine, come

Bring your rays!

The sun appears.

Sun. Hello guys! How do you live?

Presenter. Guys, let's show Sunny how we live? Let's play the game "How do you live"

Children in a circle, pronounce words and show.

Presenter. How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad, head down)

How are you being naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

How do you scream? - Like this! (they shout: Ah-ah-ah!...)

How do you wave after your mother? - Like this! (wave hands).

Sun. I see how well you live, how happy you are, how many friends you have. I want to play a game with you too.

Game "Sun and Rain" ( junior groups)

Aibolit: And I want to play a game with the kids

“Who can set the thermometer faster” (Senior groups)

Children line up in three teams. “Thermometers” are skittles. Run up to take the thermometer, put it under your arm, return to the team, pass the baton.

Music sounds, Dunno appears with an inflatable frog.

Dunno is all tanned.

Dunno: Hello, here I am, something bad happened to me. I was on the river and burned all over in the sun, I don’t know why?

Aibolit. But we know that the sun can be both harmful and insidious... being in the sun all the time, especially. When it gets too hot, it's dangerous. Guys, tell Dunno what precautions you need to know so that there is no harm from the sun?

You can't have your head uncovered;

You can't look at the sun, otherwise your eyes may hurt,

You must use sunscreen;

On sunny days it is better to wear glasses;

You can't sunbathe for a long time, you can get sunburnt.

You have to be careful with the sun!

Let me treat you with cream.

Dunno: Thanks guys! Because you taught me how to be friends with the sun, I want to play with you.

Game "Who can fill the bucket with water faster" ( Relay game)

Aibolit: Guys, let's remember now homework. We announced a competition for the best portrait of the sun.

All sun portraits are on the stand. The children choose the winner in unison.

Diplomas are awarded to the winners.

Festive disco.

Publication date: 10.09.2016

Short description:

material preview

Compiled by: educators

"Buttons" group

Novoselova N.I.

Kozlova E.A.

Everything around has turned green,

Turned red, turned blue!

It's summer!

It's summer!

With the warm sea,

With bright light.

G. Lagzdyn

Project “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”

Type of project: educational - recreational - gaming.

Project implementation period:


It is no secret that the curiosity and cognitive interests of a preschooler are manifested in his attitude towards the world around him. And in order to encourage children to independently expand and deepen their knowledge in an area of ​​interest, namely the properties of water, air and the sun, this project was developed, where children participate in various experiences and experiments.

Not only all boys and girls, as well as their parents, participate in the project; it helps to consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of inanimate nature. This project is relevant because it provides ample opportunities to strengthen not only the physical, mental, but also the social health of pupils, since it is very important to teach a child to think not only about himself, but also about others, to teach him to live in harmony with others and with the environment .

Project goals:

    Formation of ecological culture of pupils through the organization of cognitive and research activities

    Strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

Project objectives:

    Generalize and expand children's ideas about the surrounding world, ideas about the important components of health - sun, air and water;

    To develop knowledge that nature is a source of health;

    Develop cognitive interest, develop experimentation skills;

    Expand sensory forms of contact with nature, the objective and social environment;

    Develop coordination and fine motor skills hands; encourage children to do a variety of activities with water and sand;

    Form friendly relationships, ability to interact;

    Increase the level of parental competence in the field physical development children.

Project participants:



    other family members.

    Relations between participants in the educational process are built on the basis of cooperation and respect.

    Cooperation of a child with adults in developmental classes, play form of educational activities, reading fiction, exhibition of drawings and crafts, excursions, observations, independent children's activities, role-playing, didactic, verbal, board games.

    Visual propaganda is a combination of various types of visuals, design of thematic exhibitions and stands.

    Consulting of parents by specialists of the preschool educational institution (teacher with the right to teach physical education, Art. nurse, svm.manager according to VMR, speech therapist).

    Organization of leisure activities dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Expected results for the project:

    Every teacher, parent, child is an active participant in the project due to their capabilities.

    Each participant takes the initiative.

    Preservation and strengthening physical health children through education of a conscious attitude towards their health.

    Positive developments in emotional sphere relationships in the family.

    Acquisition of basic knowledge by parents about maintaining and promoting health in the family

    Increasing the role of the family in creating a healthy lifestyle

Stage 1. Preparatory work:

    Inform project participants of the importance of this problem.

    Selection of methodological, popular science and fiction literature, illustrative material on the topic of the project.

    Selection of materials, toys, didactic games, attributes for gaming, cognitive activities

    Selection of material for children’s visual and productive activities.

    Development of lesson notes and thematic discussions.

    Compiling a card index of didactic games for the education and development of younger preschoolers cultural and hygienic skills.

Stage 2. Practical.

Long-term plan

1st week

“Red summer, be with me!”

    Looking at pictures “Summer”, “Summer Adventures”, “Children in Summer”

    Reading: N. Sladkov “The Bear and the Sun”, Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”

    Conversations: “The red summer has come,” “What is sunstroke? ","We always play together"

    Drawing "Primroses"

    Sketch “Call me kindly”

    Experience: “Hello Sunny Bunny” (with mirrors, with foil)

    Didactic games: " Wonderful pouch", "Collect a picture", "Which insect flies and which crawls"

    Plot- role-playing game"Family"

    Listening to songs: music by E. Telecheev “The sun has a friend”, “Sun, the sun shine brightly for us”

    Musical and sports festival “Summer, ah, summer!”

Working with parents:

    Consultation for parents “Child nutrition in summer”

    Folder - moving "Summer"

2nd week


    Looking at illustrations, photographs, paintings about health.

    Reading: “Charging”, L. Lyapisova. “I don’t miss you”, G. Ladonshchikov

    Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

    Conversations: “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “Safety lessons”, “Conversation about health, cleanliness”

    Drawing together with parents “My sports family”

    Application "Olympic rings"

    Presentation “Types of Sports”

    Listening to music by V. Vitlin, V. Viktorov

"To charge"

    Role-playing game “Sporting Goods Store”.

    Outdoor games “Get into the basket”, “Football”, “Don’t drop”, “Who is faster”.

    Playing with massage balls.

Working with parents:

    Consultation “Beautiful posture is the key to health”

3rd week

"Day of Soap Bubbles"

    Looking at photographs on the topic “Where soap and soap suds live”

    Reading: I. Demyanov “The Dirty Girl”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

    Conversations: “Friends of Moidodyr”, “About safe handling of soap”.

    Drawing with water on asphalt

    Modeling “Multi-colored bubble”

    Drawing “Look, the bubbles are flying away”

    Experiments: “Introduction to foam”, “Adventure of bubbles”,

    Group decoration with balloons

    Outdoor games: “Catch the bubble”, “Inflate the bubble”, “Catch the bubbles”

    Riding bicycles, scooters.

Working with parents:

    Contest dress up and color the balloon “Balloon Show”

4th week

"Sand Fantasies"

    Reading poems about sand by B. Zakhoder, E Shalerova; stories “Sand and Sunlight”, “Egg in the Sand”, “Tale of the Sands”

    Conversation using illustrations, teaching aids: “What is under our feet?”, “Grains of sand, what are they”, “Who needs sand to live”

    Drawing on sand “Sand fantasies”

    Sand construction “House for the sun”

    Experiments: “Sand Streams”, “Wonderful Figures”, “Prints of Our Hands”.

    Games with sand: “Making sand pies”, “Sand men” (Draw with pens in the sand), “Hourglass”.

    Riding bicycles, scooters.

    Competition “City of Masters” (for the best sand building).

    Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Working with parents:

    Folder - moving " Environmental education"(experiments with sand and water)

1st week

"The Journey of a Droplet"

    Reading: V. Suteeva “Under the Mushroom”, “Droplet” by G. Lyushnin, “Stream” by T. Zhibrova.

    Conversations: “Water around us”; “The Journey of a Droplet”, “Everyone Needs Water”

    Drawing "Waves"

    Experiments with water: “Warm, cold water”, “Water - liquid”, “Multi-colored water”.

    Watching cartoons: “Kapitoshka”, “Across the seas, along the waves”

    Didactic games: “We wash our hands”, “What different waters”, “Cut pictures”, “Floats, doesn’t float”.

    Listening to rain, ponds, mp3 audio recordings from the “Sounds of Nature” cycle: “The Sound of the Sea”, “Surf”, “Music of Rain”, “Thunder”, “Ringing Stream”.

    Outdoor games: “Catch up with me”, “On a level path”, “Get into the circle”, “Find the ball”

    Walking on massage mats.

    Riding bicycles, scooters.

Working with parents:

    Make a selection folk signs rain

    Consultation for parents: “We swim with benefit and pleasure”

2nd week

"We and nature"

    Weather Observations

    Review of the albums “Seasons”

    Reading “Hello, Summer” by T. Bokov, “Bear” by G. Ladonshchikov, “Seasons” by A. Kuznetsov, “What does the sun look like?” T. Bokova

    Conversations: “What grows in the country”, “Who lives in the grass?”

    Modeling “Berry Kingdom”

    Drawing "Fly agaric"

    Plot-role-playing game: “Walk in the forest”

    Games with natural materials. "From what tree leaf?”, “Gather a bouquet”, “What is round in nature?”

    Walking game: “Pathfinders”

    Outdoor games: “Stream”, "Edible - inedible" "Name the animal" "Knock down the bumps" “Who can run faster?”

    Playing with massage balls.

    Work in the garden (caring for zucchini beds)

Working with parents:

    Collection natural material for manual labor.

3rd week

“Visiting Sunny!!!”

    Reading: “Caring Sun”, “The Sun is Resting”

    Conversations: “About the fact that in sunny weather you need to wear a Panama hat.”

    Drawing the sun - in unconventional ways We draw “Radiant Sun” on the asphalt.

    Application teamwork"Give a ray of sunshine"

    Watching the cartoon "Stolen Sun".

    Watching the sun while walking.

    Didactic games: “Blots”, “Put out the sun”, “Sun, air and water” - on clothespins, “Collect a picture” - puzzles.

    Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, “Sunny Bunnies”, “Find Your Color”, “Day - Night”

Working with parents:

    Consultation for parents "Be careful - the sun!"

4th week

"Good water"

    Conversations: “About the safety of people on the water”, “Why do you need an umbrella? »

    Lesson - entertainment "Water-water"

    Drawing “Rain, rain, drip-drip”

    Modeling “Cloud and Rain”

    Experiments with water: “Sweet water, salty water”, “Sinking, not drowning”

    Didactic games: “Let’s launch boats”, “Catch fish with a net and fishing rod”, “Fold the picture”

    Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, Crucian carp and pike”, “Droplets”

    Viewing of theatrical activities (on flannelgraph) “Boat” Slavina L. S. (preparatory and senior groups)

    Watching the cartoon: “Across the seas, across the waves”

    Musical entertainment “Day of Neptune”

    Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Working with parents:

    Making costumes for the holiday

    Consultation for parents: “Games with children in the fresh air”

1st week

"Sport is health".

    Looking at illustrations with various types sports.

    Memorizing sayings: “I’ll save my health, I’ll help myself,” “You can’t become strong instantly - temper yourself gradually.”

    Conversation about the need to do morning exercises, “Health and illness”, “Talk about proper nutrition”

    Modeling from plasticine. "Athletes".

    Physical entertainment "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family."

    Musical fairy tale “Secrets of Health”

    Design of the collage “We are Athletes”

    Listening to music: M. Starokodomsky, A. Kuznetsova “On exercise”

    Role-playing game "Hospital"

    Didactic games: “My daily routine”, “Name it correctly”, “Every thing has its place”

    Outdoor games: “One, two, three - run!”

    Walking on massage mats

Working with parents:

    Consultation for parents “Health through sports”

    Folder “Physical education is the key to health”

2nd week

"Invisible air."

    Consideration of the album “Nature Has No Bad Weather”, subject pictures on the topic

    Reading: A. Orlov “The Wind is a Shepherd” A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, (S. Marshak) “Veterok”, (E. Elova) “Windy”

    Conversations: about the wind, about its role in human life, “What kind of wind”, “What is air”, “Invisible air”, “The air around us”

    Construction of a “Kite”

    Compose a story on the topic: “How the wind helps us and how it can harm us.”

    Experiments with the wind: “Making waves”, “The wind blows - the boats sail”, “With ribbons”, “Where does the wind blow from?”

    Plot-role-playing game: “Balloon Journey.”

    Outdoor games: “Overtake the wind” (acceleration run), “Balloon”, “Wind”

    Game "Launch the Plane"

    Breathing exercises “Let’s blow on a flower.”

    Playing with massage balls.

Working with parents:

    Making toys for playing with the wind (ships, boats, plumes).

    Consultation for parents “If you want to be healthy”

3rd week

Sunny week

    Reading and memorizing the nursery rhymes “Sunshine”, “Show the Sun”, “Sunny Bucket”, “Burn-Burn Clearly!” E. Blaginina,

    Conversation “If there was no Sun.”

    Modeling: “Radiant Sun”

    Drawing: “A bright red spot appeared - this is the sun looking through our window”

    Drawing on asphalt “Trace my shadow”

    Conducting observations of sunrise and sunset (if possible in a group, using illustrations, with the help of parents at home).

    Dramatization of the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun.”

    Didactic games: “What does it look like?”, “Rays for the sun”, “Match by color”, “Collect the sun”.

    Outdoor games: “Sunny Bunny”, “Catch the Sunny Bunny” “Let’s hide from the Sunny”

    Musical and didactic games: “There are puddles on the paths”, “Sun and Cloud”

    Physical education lesson - song “I’m lying in the sun”

    Listening to music: Listening to E. Grieg “Morning”.

Working with parents:

  1. Folder - moving ""Hardening the child's body"

4th week

Gifts of Summer

    Conversations: “The red summer has passed”, “About the benefits and harms of sunlight”, “What do you remember about summer”

    Reading the poem “So summer has arrived” by V. Danko

    Modeling “Vitamin still life”

    Drawing on asphalt “Summer”

    Outdoor games: “Carousel”, “Shapes”, “Cross the bridge”, “Walk along a narrow path”, “Roll the ball into the goal”

    Musical - final entertainment “Goodbye, summer, goodbye!

Working with parents:

    Riddles from the garden (Creating a book of riddles together with parents)

    stage. Final.

    Wall newspaper “This is our summer!

    Crafts competition together with parents “Summer, oh summer”

    Application: “Goodbye, fun summer!”

    Round table “Sharing experiences in children’s health”

    Photo exhibition “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

    Project protection for pedagogical project MBDOU

    Final presentation of the project “Sun, air and water are our best friends.”

Thus, we can conclude that the work on this project made it possible to expand children’s knowledge about the properties of water, air and the sun. It was possible to teach children to independently conduct simple experiments. The participation of parents in joint creativity with children and in outdoor activities made it possible to strengthen parent-child relationship. Children have formed an initial understanding of healthy life, motor activity of children and general body tone have increased. Both parents and children had great fun exploring the theme “Sun, air and water are our best friends.”


    Replenish the card index of artistic words on the topic under study.

    Extend the work experience to other age groups.

    Use new forms of work with children and parents on this topic.


    G.P. Tugusheva, A.E. Chistyakov “Experimental activity” ed. "Childhood-press", 2007

    O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinin “The Unexplored is Nearby” - publishing house Sfera shopping center, 2010.

    L. N. Prokhorova “Organization of experimental activities of preschool children.” Guidelines- Arki publishing house 2005

    L. N. Menshchikova " Experimental activities children" edition - 2009

    Program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, A. A. Moscow 2012

    Long-term planning according to the program “From birth to school” ed. - “teacher”, 2011

    Magazine " Preschool education» No. 11/2004

Internet resources:



If the material does not suit you, use the search

Summary of the conversation

for children of senior preschool age

Educational area:"Social and communicative development"

Kind of activity:direct educational

Subject: Conversation “Sun, air and water - Our faithful friends”

Target: introduce children to such natural factors as the sun, air and water and their influence on human health and life

Program content

Educational objectives: continue to teach children to take care of their health, to form in children a conscious desire to be healthy

Educational: explain to children the benefits of the sun, air and water; Encourage children to answer questions and activate speech.

Educational: instill in children a caring attitude towards their health.

Develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other and the teacher.

Health-saving technologies:relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, finger exercises.

Preliminary work:conversations: “What is health?”, “Health assistants”, looking at illustrations, pictures “Tips about health”, learning proverbs and sayings about health, self-massage, breathing exercise, finger gymnastics.

Materials and equipment:Multimedia, slides “Health Tips”, “Sun, Air, Water”, audio recording “If you want to be healthy”.

Progress of the conversation:

(Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, a song playsV. Solovyov -Sedoy-V. Lebedev-Kumach “If you want to be healthy.”)

The teacher reads a poem.

Poem about health

Being healthy is fashionable!

Friendly, fun, cheerful

Get ready to exercise.

Recharge your body!

Adults and children know

The benefits of these vitamins:

Fruits, vegetables in the garden -

Everything is fine with health!

You also need to toughen up

Take a contrast shower,

Run and walk more

Don't be lazy, get enough sleep!

Well, with bad habits

We will say goodbye forever!

The body will thank you -

It will be the best view!

Educator: Guys, tell me what this poem is about?

Children's answers: About health, about what helps maintain our health.

Educator: What else do you think you need to do to maintain and strengthen your health?

Children's answers.

(The teacher summarizes what has been said, showing slides “Health Tips”)

Educator : Well done! You said everything correctly. Health is our wealth; it must be protected, taken care of and strengthened. It is very important for a person, his life. Everyone knows about this. They know and knew before. And many proverbs and sayings have been written about health. Educator: Guys, what sayings and proverbs do you know? Let's play the game “Say the proverb” with you.

The game “Say the proverb” is being played.

Health is fine – (thanks to exercise)

Cleanliness – (key to health)

Health is more valuable (gold)

Smoking – (harmful to health)

Garlic and onions - (from seven ailments)

Take care of your dress again, and (health from a young age).

Educator: Are you familiar with this saying? - “The sun, air and water are our faithful friends!” Let's think about what this saying is about and what it means?

Children's answers.

The teacher helps children think and encourages their activity. Then he continues.

(show a slide with an image of the Sun).

Educator: Tell me what is shown in the picture? What does the sun give us?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right guys, the sun gives light and warmth. The sun is good for our health.Sunbathing is good for children because the sun sends us vitamin D in its rays, which makes our arms and legs strong and strong. In extreme heat, it is imperative to wear a hat and avoid sunbathing for a long time.

Educator: What do you think sunbathing is?

Children's answers.

Educator: Sunbathing is also a wonderful hardening that Mother Nature herself gives us. But you need to follow certain rules so as not to harm yourself. First, spend 5-10 minutes in the sun, and you must cover your head with a Panama hat. When the body gets used to the sun's rays, you can stay in the sun longer. In our Krasnodar region, in the south of Russia, where we live, it is best to sunbathe before 10 a.m. and from 5 p.m.

Remember, guys, important rules when tanning:

  1. You can sunbathe only before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m.; it is advisable to have shade from trees, a canopy, or an awning.
  2. Stay in the sun only wearing hats (kerchiefs, panama hats, caps).
  3. To reduce the harmful effects of the sun, eat the following foods: carrots, potatoes, apricots.
  4. Drink more fluids.
  5. After sunbathing, be sure to take a swim.
  6. Sunbathe in the presence of adults.

Poem about the sun

(children perform relaxation exercises according to the text).

The sun is sleeping and the sky is sleeping,

(palms to left cheek, to right cheek)

Even the wind doesn't make any noise.

Early in the morning the sun rose

(raised hands up, stretched)

Sent all its rays.

(we shake our hands up)

Suddenly a breeze blew,

(wave hands up and down)

The sky is overcast.

(covered face with hands)

And shook the trees.

(torso swinging left - right)

The rain pattered on the roofs,

(jumping in place)

The rain drums on the roofs

(claps hands)

The sun is sinking lower.

(bending forward)

So it hid behind the clouds,


Not a single ray is visible.

(they stood up and hid their hands behind their backs)

(show a slide showing the sky, air)

Educator: What do you think thanAre air baths and walks in the fresh air beneficial?

Children's answers.

Educator: When we breathe fresh air, active air circulation and gas exchange occur in the lungs. Inhaling oxygen deeply, our breathing quickens, our heart begins to beat faster, and the circulatory system begins to function as it should. Why do we feel cheerfulness and lightness in the body? In addition, walking in the fresh air helps us strengthen ourselves and not get sick later.

But, of course, the air we breathe must be clean.

What do you think could happen if we breathe dirty air?

Children's answers.

That's right, dirty air can clog our body, cause allergies and even poison.

Poem about air

(children doing breathing exercise).

He is transparent and invisible,

Light and colorless gas.

(Deep calm breath - exhale through the nose)

With a weightless scarf

It envelops us.

(Deep calm breath - exhale through the mouth)

He is in the forest - thick, fragrant,

Smells of resinous freshness,

(breathing through the left nostril, closing the second)

Smells of oak and pine.

(breathing through the right nostril, closing the second)

In summer it is warm,

(cover your nose and mouth with your palms, breathe through your mouth, feel the warm air)

It blows cold in winter,

(open your palms, exhale long through your mouth, as if blowing something from your palms)

When frost colors the glass

And lies on them like a border,

(3 deep breaths in and out through the nose)

We don't talk about him.

(hold your breath until the end of the poem)

We just breathe it in -

We need him!

(calm way out)

Educator : Now let's talk about water.

(Show a slide depicting water, river, sea, waterfall).

Educator : Tell me, why do we need water?

Children's answers.

Educator: that's right, We drink water and use it in cooking, and it, like the air, must be clean. After all, our body contains a large amount of fluid, and if it is dirty, the body will get sick or simply not be able to live.

Water also helps keep us clean: we wash our hands, wash our faces, take a shower (we wash away dirt and harmful germs). We clean our home, wash the floors, dishes, wipe the dust, leaves of indoor plants - all this makes our home and us clean and healthy.

Educator : Which of you likes to swim in the river, sea, lake?

Children's answers.

Educator : Bathing is great pleasure and a good way to harden yourself.

Remember, guys, the important rules of swimming:

  1. Always swim under adult supervision.
  2. Do not swim in unfamiliar places where there may be glass shards and rusty pieces of iron at the bottom.
  3. Don't dive in an unfamiliar place.
  4. If you are swimming in a group, do not grab each other's arms or legs. This is life-threatening!
  5. Do not swim immediately after eating; only an hour and a half after eating can you swim.
  6. Do not immediately go into the water if you are sweating or feeling steamed. Walk slowly along the shore. Do a light warm-up, enter the water up to your ankles first. Stand in the water and walk around. After this, start swimming.

Poem about water

(children perform finger gymnastics according to the text).

Save water

Water is what gives us all life.

What gives us strength and vigor.

(fingers clasped in a “lock” - clench and unclench your fingers)

Crystal clear or very dirty.

It is useful in any condition.

(unlock your fingers, palms apart, move your fingers)

Where there is mud, frogs live.

For them, only in the swamp there is peace and comfort.

(alternately clenching and unclenching fists)

For us, the water must be clean,

So that we are not afraid to wash and drink.

(fingers clasped in a “lock”, elbows spread to the sides, wave-like movements with the hands)

However, water is no less useful.

Which is in the form of frozen ice.

(show fists)

It cools, freezes, invigorates.

And in the heat it gives us coolness and joy.

(tapping fist on fist)

Let's all save water.

Protect her from unreasonable spending.

(make a “house” from your palms)

Otherwise the water may run out

And life on the planet will then die down.

(fold your fist into your fist)

Educator: Tell me, guys, what new have you learned about the sun, air and water?

Children's answers.

Educator: correctly, the sun, the air, and the water help us to be healthy, strong, tempered, cheerful and cheerful. That is why they say: “The sun, air and water are our faithful friends!”

Sun, air and water -

Our true friends.

We will be friends with them,

May we be healthy!

Educator: Marchuk N.A.

Khusnutdinova Elvira Valerievna, teacher of kindergarten No. 80, Naberezhnye Chelny

Many preschool children still often suffer from inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. These diseases negatively affect the child's health and sometimes become the cause of his chronic ailments in subsequent years.

The main means of preventing colds is natural health factors. The appropriate use of air, sun and water helps the child develop adaptive reactions to changing external conditions.

Air baths are used to accustom children to direct contact of the entire surface of the body with air. In addition to temperature, humidity and air movement are also important.

In the hot summer, when children wear only panties all day, there is no particular need for special air baths. In the spring, when you are not yet accustomed to the air, and on cool days, which also happen in the summer, they are very useful.

For air baths, choose an area protected from the wind; they can be carried out on the terrace, on an open balcony. Children are stripped naked or left with only short panties. At first, air baths last only 3-4 minutes, gradually increasing their duration, up to an hour. It is better to start the procedure in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 23-24°.

During air baths, children should be in motion; on cool days, more active games should be selected, and on warm days, calm ones. You can offer your child some interesting task: throw and catch a ball a certain number of times so that it never falls, roll a wooden hoop to the end of the path, run 2-3 times around a tree, gazebo, etc.

Sunbathing have a general strengthening effect on the body of preschoolers, enhance metabolism, and increase the body's resistance to diseases. Substances rich in vitamin D are formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. (anti-rachitic), which improves the absorption of salts, calcium and phosphorus, especially important for a growing organism. Staying in the sun is also beneficial because children get used to withstanding the thermal effects of the sun's rays and feel cheerful even in hot weather.

But after prolonged exposure to the sun, some children may develop weakness, irritability, and sometimes poor sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being of children both during sunbathing and after it.

The place chosen for sunbathing should be dry. The child lies down on the mat so that the body is illuminated by the sun and the head is in the shade (it can be covered with a Panama hat). The duration of the procedure at first is 4 minutes, during which the child changes position, exposing his back, right and left side, and stomach to the sun. Every 2-3 baths, another minute is added to the irradiation time for each side of the body. Gradually, the duration of the sunbath can be increased to 25-30 minutes. 2-3 minutes after the end of the sunbath, the child should be doused with water at a temperature of 26-28° and allowed to rest in the shade for half an hour.

Bathing- an excellent hardening agent. You can swim in open waters from the age of two. The swimming area should be shallow, level, and with a slow current. Before giving your child the opportunity to independently enter the water, you need to make sure that there are no holes, deep mud, snags, or sharp stones in this place. An adult must be in the water with the child.

When swimming you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is not allowed to swim on an empty stomach and earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating
  2. Children need to be active in the water
  3. If you feel chills, get out of the water immediately
  4. You should not plunge into cool water while hot.

There are several separate methods of water hardening:

1. Rubbing is the most gentle of all water procedures. It can be used at all ages, starting from infancy. Wiping is carried out with a cloth soaked in water, the fabric of which must satisfy the following conditions: absorb water well, not be too soft. It is advisable that the mittens are well moistened, but water should not drip from them. After drying, the body is rubbed with a dry towel. Rubbing is accompanied by a light massaging action, and the massage is always done from the periphery to the center, so the limbs must be wiped from the bottom up (arms from hand, legs from foot). Temperature drops by one degree after 2-3 days.

2. Dousing - can be local or general. Local dousing: dousing the feet, most often used in nurseries and junior groups. The initial water temperature is +30, then brought to +18, and in older groups to +16. The time of pouring the legs is 20-30 seconds. General dousing should be started at a higher temperature, mainly in children, and in the autumn-winter period it should be organized so that the water covers the largest possible surface of the body, the back, then the chest and stomach, then the right and left sides. After finishing, rub with a towel. Time under the stream is 20-40 seconds. A shower is more powerful than a simple douche. The water from the shower has a massaging effect and feels warmer than even pouring water.

3. Walking barefoot is one of the oldest hardening techniques, widely practiced today in many countries. In addition, the foot muscles are trained. Protecting against flat feet. Therefore, it is recommended to walk barefoot on mown grass, fallen pine needles in the forest, etc. You should start walking barefoot in the room, first for 1 minute and add 1 minute every 5-7 days, bringing the total duration to 8-10 minutes daily.

The ideal rest for a frequently ill child looks like this (every word is important): summer in the village; inflatable pool with well water, next to a pile of sand; dress code - shorts, barefoot; restriction on the use of soap; feed only when he screams: “Mom, I will eat you!” A dirty naked child who jumps from water to sand, begs for food, breathes fresh air and does not come into contact with many people in 3-4 weeks restores immunity damaged by city life.

During hardening procedures, the body receives a signal that it is in a stressful situation and needs to adapt to it. Thus, the immune system gets used to various environmental changes. The body's thermoregulation is also adjusted, because in children it is still far from perfect. The body learns not to lose excess heat when cooling and vice versa, to give off heat so as not to overheat. With periodic repetitions of the procedures, the body gradually gets used to it and immediately responds with the necessary reaction. The sooner you start hardening a child, the easier his body will tolerate the procedures and the more effective the result will be. In addition, when hardening a child, not only his body is trained, but also the reactions of the brain are accelerated.
