Independent activities of children for physical development. Independent motor activity of children in a group setting consultation on the topic

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Independent motor activity of preschool children.

Independent motor activity is of great importance for the harmonious development of a child. During independent motor activity, the child tries his hand, shows initiative, consolidates skills and satisfies natural needs in movement. In this activity, the child has the opportunity to actively repeat movements as many times as he wants, to choose those movements that he likes. this moment interesting. The child acts in this activity independently of the adult. All this charges him with positive emotions. Therefore, it is important to organize the child’s life so that independent motor activity accounts for at least 2/3 of his total motor activity. The manifestation of independent motor activity is influenced by various facts:

  • Personal motor experience of a child
  • Degree of development of independence
  • Well-being
  • Interest
  • Times of Day
  • Climatic and hygienic conditions
  • Availability of a physical education and gaming environment

Indicators of the success of well-organized independent motor activity are:

  • Sufficient amount of physical activity (according to pedometer)
  • Duration
  • Variety of motor skills used
  • Good mood
  • Positive relationships between children
  • A sufficient number of speech reactions

Observing children, one can distinguish 3 levels of such activity.

Children with a low level of development of independent motor activitycan only actively perform physical exercises together with an adult. It is important to arouse their interest and desire to repeat the movements without the help of an adult. The following techniques will help solve this problem:

  • Doing the exercise with an adult
  • Self-execution after demonstration
  • Arranging the necessary aids and equipment with the child, making him want to try them out
  • Special tasks, for example “Show how you can play with a ball”
  • And etc.

Children with average level of development of independent motor activityare able to perform familiar movements in a familiar environment, subject to reminders and recognition of situations by the location of aids. Such children are ready to act not only one at a time, but also together, and in a small subgroup. These children will be happy to help lay out the manuals and invite other children to run and jump with them.

Children with a high level of independence in motor activityThey are already able to independently choose, arrange aids, and perform mastered movements in an unfamiliar environment and with new equipment. These children have a pronounced need for adults to evaluate their actions: “Look how I can do it!” Such children enjoy communicating with adults.

A physical education and play environment can support children’s independent motor activity. Thanks to it, children get great pleasure from interacting with various objects and gain a unique motor experience. Direct training does not always lead to better mastery of movements. Independent activity in a well-organized physical education and play environment can lead to better results.

In this regard, there is no need to inhibit their independence in motor activity. It should be supported, encouraged, stimulated. To do this, it is necessary to allocate sufficient space for children’s movements, taking into account their:

  • Interests
  • Paula
  • Level of motor activity
  • Motor experience
  • Degrees of independence

It is important that benefits are sufficient and varied. A variety of objects will not only arouse interest in movements, but will also prevent the development of monotonous movement patterns.

Children in independent activity they love to run. However, running too long leads to overstimulation. nervous system, overwork. The adult’s task in this case is to tell the children what else they can do besides running.

An important condition for the successful organization of independent motor activity of children is the allocation of special time for this in the daily routine. The best time for this is:

  • Morning reception
  • Before and between classes
  • On a walk
  • After sleep in the evening

In order for children to be active in independent motor activity, the teacher must remember special techniques:

  • Monitor the children, see them all, provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner
  • Involve children in placing aids in a group, on a site, thereby stimulating the desire to perform movements
  • Encourage children's actions, praise them, thereby relieving tension and constraint
  • Offer children benefits appropriate to their experience
  • Change the location of benefits
  • When getting acquainted with a new manual, show different ways of working with it
  • Periodically engage in joint games with children, thereby arousing additional interest
  • Build basic “obstacle courses” with children using aids, equipment, and furniture. Teach children to overcome them in different ways
  • Use specific techniques for guiding the motor activity of children with different levels of motor activity

The main activity in preschool age, as is known, is play. Therefore, the motor environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game.

To stimulate the independent motor activity of children in a group, it is necessary to create so-called obstacle courses on the veranda so that children can perform various motor tasks (walk along paths, jump from bump to bump, crawl into a tunnel, climb a ladder, etc.)

You can attach a “Hit the Hoop” simulator in the doorways, and mark the floor with bright electrical tape for playing “Hopscotch.”

It is advisable to organize the space in such a way that there is an opportunity for multivariate games.

In addition, it is good to have a card index in the group various games, movements, exercises, consisting of cards on which general developmental games, basic types of movements, elements of gymnastics, fragments of relay races and outdoor games are schematically depicted.

Working with cards can help children use their accumulated motor experience in independent activities, teach them to organize competitions with peers, and obey the rules.

The criterion for preparing children for independent organization motor leisure is their ability to perform game movements, schematically indicated on cards. So, by connecting cards, children, for example, make up a version of the relay game and play it first mentally, psychologically preparing themselves for the upcoming competition.

To increase interest in movements, you can think of designation badges (“silver”, “bronze”, “gold”) and indicate the indicators of these standards (for example, to receive a “silver” badge you need to do 7-10 push-ups, and for a “gold” - 10-20 times). Standard cards for each child are placed on the typesetting board in the group. After completing tasks during a walk, in free time play activity Children, under the guidance of a teacher, cut strips of the appropriate color and attach them to their card.

Children with low levels of physical activity

The reasons for low physical activity may be:

  • Deviations in health status
  • Underweight or overweight
  • Unsatisfactory psychological climate
  • Uniformity. Poverty of the development environment
  • Systematic prohibitions of adults, as a result of which a sedentary type of behavior was formed.

Sedentary children find it difficult to find space to play, try to move away, and choose inactive movements. Effective way increasing the motor activity of such a child may become a game. It is important to show him in a playful way simple movements that do not require precision, offer him, together with an adult or one of the children, to “teach” a toy, a doll, and repeat the same movement but with a different object. In this case, one should not achieve technically precise execution movements. At the initial stage, the main thing is to arouse the child’s interest and desire to perform certain actions. It is imperative that you actively support your child's attempts. From time to time it is necessary to give children the opportunity to act with objects (balls, ribbons, hoops, jump ropes) the way they want. If such situations are repeated regularly, then many children themselves, without any prompting, will gradually master some complex movements.

It is important to pay special attention to the activation of basic movements (running, jumping, etc.). There is no need to be afraid that the children will get tired. They won't get tired if:

  • Change movements frequently
  • Execution rate
  • Amplitude
  • Location of execution

Such activities will provide active rest, relieve fatigue, and activate mental processes (attention, memory).

Children with a high level of physical activity

They find the opportunity to move in any conditions, preferring running and jumping, avoiding movements that require great precision. These children do not seem to have time to understand the essence of the exercise; their movements are impulsive and emotional. Great physical activity creates a high physical load on the child’s body, which can lead to abnormalities in the cardiovascular system. Such children are susceptible colds. In addition, physical fatigue leads to mental fatigue. They can perform tasks at a slow pace, their memorization process is difficult, their attention is scattered, they allow a large number of errors. Excessive mobility is a strong irritant to the nervous system, so such children can find themselves in conflict situations.

In hyperactive children, motor activity that does not have a specific direction is about 50%. They are characterized by disinhibition, aggressiveness, loudness, and it is difficult for them to switch to calm movements that require sustained attention.

It is impossible to restrain or limit the movements of such children! An adult should not prohibit movements, but regulate their intensity. It is necessary to select movements that require:

  • Concentration
  • Attentions
  • Accuracy
  • The plot should make movement more meaningful (not just running, but “driving a car” on different roads, observing road rules).

Children with average, normal level of mobility

These children, with properly organized independent activities, are active. Their movements are well developed, motor activity is self-regulated, without requiring special attention from adults. They usually have normal body weight, rarely get sick and learn educational material well.

Knowing the specifics of each child, the teacher directs their independent motor activity in the right direction, which helps their comprehensive, harmonious development.

It is known that physical activity is crucial for a growing organism. However, in preschool educational institutions its importance is as a factor stimulating the reserve capabilities of physical, functional, motor and mental development children are not taken into account enough.

According to modern data, children move half as much as is provided for by age norm. Clearly not enough attention is paid to the child’s independent motor activity.

A special role for strengthening the health of the child, his comprehensive mental and physical development, as well as for the realization of potential mental and motor abilities and stimulation of cognitive and creative activity, is played by the construction of such a developing subject and motor environment, which, according to L. S. Vygotsky, should correspond to " zone of actual development" of the weakest and "zone of proximal development" of the most strong child in Group.

Along with factory manuals, it is advisable to use equipment from waste material(various massagers, walking and running tracks, devices for developing dexterity, coordination, etc.). This equipment is especially effective for developing children's interest in physical education. In addition, it can make it possible to do without significant material costs, which is very important in conditions of insufficient funding for preschool institutions.

Organization of independent motor

children's activities in conditions of the preschool educational institution and families
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 68", Krasnodar Teacher - speech therapist Galina Borisovna Titarenko A special role for strengthening the health of the child, his comprehensive mental and physical development, as well as for realizing potential mental and motor abilities and stimulating cognitive and creative activity is played by the construction of such a developing subject and motor environment, which, according to L. S. Vygotsky, should correspond to the “zone of actual development” of the weakest and the “zone of proximal development” of the strongest child in the group. According to a number of medical and pedagogical studies, the motor activity of children of senior preschool age during their stay in kindergarten constitutes less than 40-50% of the waking period, which does not allow the child’s body to fully meet the biological need for movement. The forms of organizing health-improving work are: independent activity of children, outdoor games, morning exercises, motor-health-improving physical training minutes, physical exercises after naps, physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures, physical education walks (to the park, to the forest, to a pond), physical education leisure activities, sports events, health days, wellness treatments in the aquatic environment (swimming pool). An essential component of any type of activity (game, theater, constructive, educational, etc.) is movement. When studying the motor activity of children, two aspects were important: - determination of the most adequate activity that contributes to the full satisfaction of the child’s needs for movement and his motor development; - search for ways and means of rational organization of children’s motor activity in organized and independent activities. The motor activity of a preschooler should be directed and consistent with his experience, interests, desires, and functional capabilities of the body, which forms the basis of an individual approach to each child. The content side of the motor regime of preschoolers should be aimed at developing the mental, spiritual and physical abilities of children.
Attaching particular importance to the role of physical activity in promoting the health of preschool children, it is necessary to determine priorities in the daily routine.
First place
in the motor mode of children belongs to physical education and health activities (morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education minutes in classes with mental stress, etc.)
Second place
In the motor mode, children are engaged in physical education classes - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing optimal children's DA.
Third place
is assigned to independent motor activity that occurs on the initiative of children. It gives wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor capabilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of a child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity. The main activity in preschool age, as is known, is play. Therefore, the motor environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game. Increasing the independent motor activity of children can be considered as one of the effective means of preserving the child’s health, improving his physical fitness, enriching his motor experience, and increasing his creative and cognitive potential. Creating favorable pedagogical conditions for the physical education of children only within the framework of a preschool institution is not a sufficiently effective measure. After all, children spend part of their active waking time in the family, and parents bear special responsibility for organizing physical education and health activities with them. To create a physical culture and health climate in the family, it is necessary to start with family traditions which are passed on to the younger generation in various forms physical education, as well as creating age-appropriate and individual characteristics child in a subject-development environment at home. To implement this problem, it is necessary to use well-proven forms of traditional education of parents about methods of physical education and health work (meetings, open days, promotions, visual campaigning, open events) and non-traditional forms (individual conversations about the organization of a subject-development environment at home, organizing workshops - demonstrating options for using toys and sports equipment). The main component of the subject-development environment that provides physical education for children at home is
sports and recreation complexes "Home Stadium", balls, sleds, bicycles, skis, badminton. If the family has these basic (key) items necessary for the normal physical education of children in the family, then this will partially help realize the physical development of children. However, as the analysis of the survey data shows, the capabilities of this subject environment are often used to a limited extent. Parents need to more successfully organize the motor activity of their children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. Parents should take the position of an active participant, showing their children by example that physical exercise is necessary for health. At home, parents identify a range of basic items for the independent motor activity of a preschooler. Developmental environment at home: Provide free access to a bicycle, sled, swing, hanging net - a bag for throwing balls, simple exercise equipment (mini exercise bike, mini stepper - “steps”), ball jumper (hop, gymnastics) and skis. It is necessary to equip a place for independent physical activity of children by freeing up an area of ​​the room and covering it with carpet. The teacher can recommend that parents use musical accompaniment during joint or independent games: include songs from their favorite cartoons. At the end, you should change the nature of the musical accompaniment to a calm and relaxing one, so that it is easier for the child to switch to another type of activity. “Movement is life” - these words are known to almost every person. The fact that physical activity is beneficial for the human body is indisputable. But not everyone understands how important it is for the formation of a person’s physical and mental health and how necessary it is to teach children to lead an active lifestyle from preschool age. Currently, the number of children with poor health has increased significantly; more and more children are appearing with frequent colds, excess weight, and poor posture. This list could be continued for a very long time. There are many reasons for this situation, but one of the main ones is the child’s sedentary lifestyle. Physiologists consider movement to be an innate, vital human need. Its complete satisfaction is especially important in early and preschool age, when all the basic systems and functions of the body are formed. Doctors say that without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy. Movement, by their definition, can act as a preventative measure. In addition, movement is widely used as an effective therapeutic and corrective tool.
According to psychologists: Small child- activist! And his activity is expressed primarily in movements. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intense the intellectual development. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic educational program define the qualitative characteristics of a kindergarten graduate as physically developed, “... the child must have developed the basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity...”. Creation healthy image life for a child in a preschool educational institution is the fundamental basis of his full upbringing and development. A healthy lifestyle involves introducing children to a motor culture through targeted physical education. Most of the time in preschool institution the child is in a group, therefore, the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the teacher’s activities in organizing the children’s routine are structured. The forms of organizing motor and health work in preschool educational institutions are: independent activity of children; outdoor games; morning exercises; motor-health-improving physical training sessions; exercise after a nap; physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures; physical exercise walks (to the park, to the forest, to a pond); physical education; sports holidays; Health days. The first place in the motor mode of children belongs to physical education and health activities. These include well-known types of physical activity: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education sessions in classes with mental stress, gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures, exercises for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet, etc. During a walk, it is recommended to organize 2-3 games if there was no physical education class that day. On the days of physical education classes, one outdoor game and some physical exercise are organized. In older groups, 15–20 games can be played within a month. Each new game is repeated 4-5 times. We should not forget about the games - relay races. Physical education minutes are used to prevent fatigue during classes. Its duration is 2-3 minutes in the middle of the lesson. Gymnastics after a nap helps improve children's mood and helps prevent postural disorders and flat feet. This gymnastics should be performed for 7 – 15 minutes.
The basis for the prevention and treatment of postural disorders is general training of the body. Acquiring correct posture is a long process, so the child must be repeatedly shown what correct posture is. It is necessary to give positive wording (walk straight, chin up, nose forward) and show it directly on the child’s body correct position. It is best to play games to develop posture more often. The second place in the motor mode of children is occupied by physical education classes - as the main form of teaching motor skills and the development of optimal DA in children. It is recommended to conduct physical education classes at least three times a week in the morning (one outdoors). The third place is given to independent motor activity that occurs on the initiative of children. It gives wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor capabilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of a child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity. Independent motor activity of children is organized at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between classes, after a nap, during walks. When planning independent activities, it is important to take care of creating a physical education and play environment (space sufficient for movement, variety and rotation of aids and toys). The teacher can introduce various physical education aids throughout the day and group them in different ways. Necessary physical activity helps to improve tissue nutrition, skeletal formation, correct posture and increase immunity to diseases. A system of classes based on the following principles: continuity (from morning to evening); voluntariness (cause desire, not force); availability of exercise; alternation of organized forms with independent motor activity. According to modern data, children move half as much as is provided for by age norm. Clearly not enough attention is paid to the child’s independent motor activity. The main activity in preschool age, as is known, is play. Therefore, the motor environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game. Increasing the independent motor activity of children can be considered as one of the effective means of preserving the child’s health, improving his physical fitness, enriching his motor experience, and increasing his creative and cognitive potential.
To organize a child’s independent motor activity, it is necessary to interest him. For this you can use, for example: 1. The “Catch the ball with a trap” simulator. It is made from the top part of a plastic bottle. Using a cap, a fishing line (length from 40 cm to 1 m) with a Kinder Surprise capsule at the end is attached to the bottle. The goal is to throw the capsule into the basket. Develops dexterity and accuracy. The difficulty of the exercise is adjusted by the length of the fishing line. 2. Exercise machine “Get into the ring” A wooden ring (diameter - 40 cm) is attached to the doorway at a distance of about 1.5 m from the ground. A braid (about 2 m) with a soft ball is sewn to the ring. The child must hit the ball with the ball. There can be two players. They are located on opposite sides of the ring. In this case, the task becomes more complicated: the players must not only throw, but also catch. 3. "Skis" Made from used plastic bottles. A hole in the shape of a foot is cut along the bottle, the edge of which is covered with cloth or paper. The child, putting on “skis,” performs sliding movements, imitating the movements of a skier. 4. Floor checkers A canvas measuring 1 by 1 m is embroidered with squares of two colors, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The role of checkers is played by yogurt cups. Children play checkers while lying on the floor, which allows them to relieve stress on the spine. So, there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person. Upbringing healthy child was and remains a pressing problem in education and medicine. This problem in our kindergarten is solved through the interaction of teachers and parents. After all, a child’s health largely depends on the environment that surrounds him at home.

Independent motor activity of children

in a group room

The main causes of neuropsychic and somatic diseases in preschool children are intellectual overload and a decrease in motor activity, both in volume and intensity. Its content also becomes monotonous.

All this gives rise to changes in emotional sphere. The phenomenon of “dried heart” (lack of feelings), which was observed by L.S. Vygotsky, among his contemporaries, is associated “with education aimed at logical and intellectualized behavior.” Unfortunately, this phenomenon is still relevant today.

Independent motor activity of children, about the benefits of which much has been written, is an excellent means of physical and emotional development personality. Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the conditions for the development of movements of preschool children in different age groups Oh.

Younger age

A child of two or three years old is actively exploring the world, using for this a still small reserve of movements: crawling, climbing, climbing, throwing, rolling, etc. His movements are not yet coordinated, steps when walking and running are mincing and noisy, there is no coordination in the work of his hands and legs, with sudden movements he often falls. But how many positive emotions the little explorer receives from satisfying the need for movement given to him by nature!

The first task of the teacher is choose the right physical education and gaming equipment. It is necessary to proceed from what basic types of movements should be developed at this age: walking and running, balance and coordination, jumping on the spot (at two years) and jumping from a height (at three years); rolling, rolling and throwing a ball; crawling, crawling under arches, climbing into a box, onto a cube, climbing over a log, climbing a stepladder, etc.

In this regard, for the independent motor activity of children in a group room, it is advisable to have the following set physical education equipment and small equipment:

  • smooth board (length 1.5 m, width 20 cm);

  • gymnastic bench (length 2 m, height 15 cm, width 20 cm);

  • ribbed board (length 1.5 m, width 20 cm);

  • two arcs for climbing and rolling balls (height 50 cm, width 50 cm);

  • two cubes (edge ​​25-30 cm);

  • drawers for climbing in (height 20.15 and 10 cm, width and length 50, 47 and 44 cm, respectively);

  • step ladder (height 1.5 m);

  • balls (diameter 6-8 cm, 10-15 cm, 20-25 cm) - five of each size;

  • one or two inflatable balls (diameter 40 cm);

  • rolling toys (two sets of different types);

  • log (length 1.5 m, diameter 20 cm);

  • health and preventive path (fine gravel, footprints, fabric of different textures, massage mats etc.);

  • large toys on wheels (at least four);

  • cord (length 10 m, diameter 10-12 mm);

  • rattles, rings, plumes, ribbons, flags - according to the number of children;

  • four gymnastic sticks (length 75-80 cm);

  • gymnastic pole (length 1.8-2 m).
Multifunctional modular sports and play equipment - a transformer - is optimal for the development of a child’s motor sphere. The “Cubes” manual is interesting and useful for the comprehensive development of movements.

The equipment must be bright, attractive, meet hygienic requirements and safety rules. The teacher is obliged to check the stability and reliability of the equipment. This is especially true for swings, slides, and ladders, which are used only with an adult’s safety net.

The second task is correctly place physical education and gaming equipment. Often, educators, in an effort to zone the playroom, place equipment in a specific safe place (in a drawer, box, on a rack, etc.). We believe that this is not entirely advisable for the following reasons.

Firstly, children’s behavior is involuntary and situational. Comprehending the basics of movements, they study the properties of various objects and toys that fall into the area of ​​their attention. For example, a child will be interested in a musical hammer until he notices a rotating inflatable ball mounted on the ceiling. Having accidentally stumbled upon a box with rings, the child will try to fit into it, and when he finds the details of the pyramid here, he will try to assemble the structure.

Secondly, children aged two or three always imitate their peers. Therefore, when he sees how enthusiastically another child plays with a ball or fervently runs around the group room with a rolling toy, he will definitely want to follow his example.

Physical education equipment for a child is the basis for learning how to use it. Place equipment and small inventory around the perimeter of the room in safe areas, modeling the trajectory and nature of the children’s movements. Try to ensure that the child does not have difficulty finding the item he needs. The object itself should stimulate and at the same time suggest a way to perform actions with it or on it.

Creating game situations (“a bear sitting on a gurney”, “a kitten stuck on the top rung of a stepladder”, “a car located under an arc-garage”, “a bunny sitting on a ribbed board”) will be a powerful incentive to repeatedly perform motor skills. actions with toys.

Of course there is no need to convert game room to the equipment warehouse. However, it is important that the inventory fits logically into the interior of the room, and change its location once or twice a week, combining several items into a single obstacle course.

Thus, in the first and second junior groups It is inappropriate to create a special physical education corner. The entire room should be one motor space, where each child can satisfy his need for movement, acting with a variety of physical education and play aids.
Middle group

According to research, in the fifth year of life, preschoolers experience a significant increase in motor activity indicators. The child becomes more mobile and seems tireless. However, its capabilities are still small. He is poorly oriented in space and is not dexterous enough, so careful control over the intensity and content of his independent motor activity is necessary.

Since physical education classes in middle group are held in the hall, there is no need to keep all the equipment in the group room. For children to study independently, we recommend equipping a special physical education corner. The optimal place for such activities is an area away from windows, closets, and a corner of wildlife. Niches, shelves, hooks, drawers, carts and other options for placing equipment must meet hygienic and pedagogical requirements, and the equipment itself must meet the principle of expediency. For example, the Darts game should be placed at the child’s eye level, foot massagers should be placed in a niche on the floor, etc. The physical education corner should logically fit into the interior of the room, harmonizing with it in color and style.

When selecting physical education equipment, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of organizing the physical activity of children in a limited area individually and in small groups.

Now let's talk about the selection of equipment. It is advisable to place equipment that will help consolidate the motor skills acquired by children in classes. However, some of the equipment (ladders, arches, benches, etc.) are too cumbersome, and the use of other aids (gymnastic sticks, balls) is unsafe without the supervision of a teacher. It is advisable to place such equipment on the site and use it during a walk.

Physical education and gaming equipment specially designed for a group room is universal - small-sized, lightweight, with a pronounced entertainment and developmental focus:

  • skittles (one or two sets);

  • rackets with balls with Velcro;

  • floor and hanging ring throwers;

  • foam and fabric balls;

  • two or three jump ropes, a cord;

  • plumes, ribbons, flags, plastic dumbbells (two or three sets);

  • two or three bags weighing 200 g;

  • two or three hoops;

  • tambourine, musical hammer;

  • health and preventive path (fine gravel, footprints, fabric and materials of different textures, massage mats, etc.).
If in younger groups children learned the basics of movements and explored the possibilities of using each object, now they strive to perform movements different ways, choosing the most rational one. In other words, children begin to learn correct technique movements.

By satisfying children's curiosity, we can stimulate the development of creativity, independence, and initiative. To this end, vary the location of the equipment, and periodically remove for two to three weeks what the children are bored with. Liven up the corner with bright illustrations and thematic pictures.

Senior preschool age

A higher level of psychophysical development of an older preschooler ensures corresponding changes in his motor activity: coordination of movements improves, motor actions become more economical, coordinated and rhythmic.

Thanks enough high level orientation in space and volitional regulation, the child confidently behaves in a limited space, can slow down the movement, change its direction, switch to another, which makes his activities in the group room safer. The accumulated motor experience allows children to spend their free time meaningfully, organize games with peers, and independently use a variety of equipment.

Physical education corner equipment

In older preschool age, the child’s psychophysical qualities and motor abilities develop: speed (5 years), strength and flexibility (5-6 years), endurance (6 years), eye and coordination of movements (6.5 years). In addition, there is a difference in interests and preferences among children of different sexes.

Preschoolers gravitate towards complexly coordinated motor actions and sports games, and training devices that allow them to perform a variety of movements, so the physical education corner in older groups has its own characteristics.

Firstly, the corner becomes a “mirror” in which it is reflected sport life groups (competitions, family tourist gathering, etc.). For example, after a physical education festival or an Olympics, you can place a pennant, cup, and photographs of participants in a corner; after a tourist walk - children’s drawings reflecting their impressions, as well as crafts from natural material. Here you can also place thematic mini-collections of badges, stamps, postcards, talismans; Place board sports games (basketball, hockey, checkers, etc.) in a specially designated place (niche, folding table).

Secondly, the contents of the physical education corner are replenished with sports equipment, with the help of which elements of sports games are taught.

Thirdly, the simplest small-sized training devices are added to the corner. They can be replaced by homemade rubber expanders for strength exercises, elastic bands for jumping, balance beams for developing balance, etc.

Fourthly, an option for equipping the corner could be a ready-made mini-stadium or a physical training complex. The apparatuses are arranged in the form of a “gymnastic tree” so that from one apparatus one can climb onto two adjacent ones. The following movements are basic for various combinations on apparatus: vis(crossbar, rings and trapezoids), jumping, spinning(waist lopping), rocking(removable rocking bag, swing and vertical swing vines), skating(indoor slide), equilibrium(sloping triangular staircase) and lasagna(all the shells listed above).

A trampoline is stretched under all the equipment or a mat is placed, which both insures and provides shock absorption during a dismount.

In order for the mini-stadium to be popular, classes can be given a plot-like character. It is known that children are most attracted to performing entertaining exercises in accordance with the accepted role. They happily imitate the habits of a cat, squirrel, or monkey climbing from branch to branch. By joining in the plot proposed by the teacher or inspired by a fairy tale or cartoon, children gladly respond to the offer to climb to the top of a tree, stock up on nuts, get bananas from the top branch, etc. Shells can be decorated and diversified with homemade attributes. This will keep children interested in doing gymnastic exercises.

Organizing independent classes at such a mini-stadium is possible subject to the following conditions: periodic testing of structures for strength and stability of fastenings; teaching children safe techniques for performing exercises, how to climb from apparatus to apparatus; strengthening the self-insurance technique; performing exercises in sports shoes or barefoot; provision of insurance by the teacher.

Indicative list of equipment for a standard physical education corner:

  • game “Towns” (made of plastic);

  • ping pong rackets and balls (two sets);

  • skittles (one or two sets);

  • small basketball hoop and fabric balls;

  • game "Darts" (with Velcro balls);

  • ring throw;

  • one or two rubber expanders;

  • two “Health” disks;

  • mini treadmill;

  • track roller;

  • two or three jump ropes and elastic bands;

  • plumes, ribbons, braids;

  • tambourine;

  • two or three hoops;

  • board sports games;

  • exercise machines (foot, hand);

  • massagers (foot, hand).
Older preschoolers prefer same-sex company and, accordingly, certain types of movements. Boys are more attracted to exercises aimed at developing strength, speed, agility, and accuracy; girls - to develop coordination, plasticity, flexibility, expressiveness of movements.

The list of equipment is compiled taking into account the preferences of both boys and girls.

Thus, creating a safe developmental environment for children’s independent motor activity, adequate to their age and needs, will help improve health, expand motor experience, develop a strong interest in physical exercise, self-organization skills and communication with peers.

Organization of independent motor activity of preschool children during the day

“Kostanay kalasy akimdiginin Kostanay kalasy

Akimdіgіnіn bіlіm bolіmіnіn No. 44 bekzhay bakshasy" ICKK.

State Public Enterprise "Nursery-garden No. 44 of the city akimat"

Kostanay Department of Education of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay."

Bubnova S.V.,

teacher of the first qualification category

One of the main factors in children’s health is physical activity. The first seven years are years of rapid mental and physical development of a child, whose body and its functions are still far from perfect and are easily exposed to various influences. That is why it is so important that during this period of children’s development, we educators provide them with a pedagogically appropriate environment. The state of health of the child, the ability to control his movements, his dexterity, orientation, speed of motor reaction largely determine his mood, character and content of the game, and subsequently his achievements in academic and labor activity.

Proper organization of physical education of children in Everyday life ensures implementation motor mode, necessary for the healthy physical condition of the child and his psyche during the day.

The health-improving and educational tasks of the physical education program for children are carried out in various forms: outdoor games, walks, individual work with individual children and small groups, independent activities for children various types physical exercises and physical education holidays. The child receives the basis for successfully mastering motor skills in systematic physical education classes. However, improvement, sustainability of acquired skills and their independent acquisition by a child in various living conditions cannot be achieved through classes alone. To give children the opportunity to exercise and independently apply skills in their activities, I use a set daily routine various shapes work.

In addition to daily morning exercises and a certain number of physical education classes per week, I always provide time during the day for a variety of outdoor games, individual lessons and provide the opportunity for children to unite and play or exercise on their own.

In the practice of my activities, I plan, organize and encourage outdoor games at different times of the day in accordance with the regime of each age group. In the morning, before breakfast, there are always games based on the interests of the children. Among them, there are also independent outdoor games of small children's groups. Outdoor games and physical exercises while walking are a form of daily work preschool institution for physical education. During a walk, the duration of games and exercises is 10-12 minutes if physical education is planned that day, 30-40 minutes on other days. In the evening I devote 10-15 minutes to outdoor games and physical exercises. This form of work opens up wide opportunities for the physical improvement of children, strengthening their health and hardening. I make it available to children game material, physical education aids and equipment that stimulate physical activity. I try to offer new plots role-playing games: ("Rocket launch", "Firemen in training", " Sports competitions" etc.).

I saturate the motor environment with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game. To stimulate physical activity in the group and on the site, I create obstacle courses so that children can perform various motor tasks (walk along paths, jump from bump to bump, crawl into a tunnel, etc.). I use out-of-the-box material (“Hit the hoop,” “Knock down the pin,” “Ring throw”) and practice markings on the asphalt for playing Hopscotch. I try to organize the space in such a way that there is an opportunity for multi-variant games. In addition, in the group I have a card index of various games, movements, exercises consisting of cards on which general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, fragments of relay races and other outdoor games are schematically depicted. Working with cards helps children use their accumulated motor experience in independent activities, teaches them to organize competitions with peers, and obey the rules. At the site I offer sports toys (reins, turntables, gurneys, etc.) and small physical education aids (sticks, hoops, balls, jump ropes, skittles, etc.)

By organizing a variety of outdoor games with children, I contribute to the comprehensive development of children, promote the health of the body, enrich the lives of children with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in environment, independence and creative initiative.

I plan individual work with children on physical education based on an examination, which is carried out jointly with a sports instructor. Under development individual routes for children. Individual work planned throughout the day during hours of games, walks, it is a natural and organic part of the general pedagogical process. Achieving success in teaching motor actions, I not only suggest that the child perform the exercise correctly, for example, following his model, but also try to arouse interest in the task. In cases of individual training, the child masters this motor action better. When studying independently, the child focuses his attention on actions leading to the achievement of a goal that captivates him.

I unite children in small groups when conducting outdoor games with rules, in order to clarify these rules and learn the mandatory nature of these implementations. I single out shy children as leaders, involve sedentary children in physical activity, etc.

Physical education minutes, finger games(short-term physical exercises) I use very actively in my work in middle, high and preparatory groups during breaks between classes, as well as during the class itself. The meaning of physical education is to change the nature of the child’s activity and posture through motor activity, relieving fatigue, restoring an emotionally positive state of mind. I spend physical education minutes during the lesson itself, sitting or standing at the table at which the children are studying. It consists of 2-3 exercises for straightening the torso, moving the arms, activating the muscles and expanding chest, step in place. All this is done within 1-2 minutes. I practice physical education between two classes, spending it in the form of outdoor games and exercises. Whenever possible, during physical education, I give access to fresh air(open transoms, windows). At the end of the exercise, and if an outdoor game was carried out, a short walk, I remind the children what else they will be doing and invite them to calmly take their places.

The stimulus for independent motor activity of children of all age groups is, first of all, the presence in the group or area of ​​various toys, small and large physical education aids.

In the group of children of the third year of life, I select toys that stimulate independent initial actions: various wheelchairs, strollers, cars, balls, balls that are convenient for throwing, tossing, rolling into hoops, etc. Among the large toys that encourage children to move, I use slides, ladders, benches, boxes and other devices on which children practice climbing, climbing, crawling, etc.

For independent motor activity of children of the fourth year of life, I select motor toys, small physical education aids and games in accordance with the program. For throwing and throwing exercises, I use balls of various sizes, bags, rings, a variety of interesting designs and shapes: ring throws, throwing boards, hoops, short and long jump ropes. For children of older groups, by the end of the year, together with a sports instructor, we introduce games with elements of sports games - volleyball, basketball, gorodki, badminton - preparing children to become familiar with the rules of these games and to master some of the simplest elements in order to prepare for school and sports.

Great place In children’s independent activities, I focus on active games with rules; They develop creative initiative, organizational skills, develop criteria for assessing the behavior of participants and the implementation of rules, and bring children together.

All of the indicated variety of independent motor activity of children is provided for in the cyclogram. I regulate and monitor all the varied motor activities of children. The creation of a calm environment, maintaining the cheerful mood of children, the appropriate employment of each child, the necessary change of activity, its dosage, and compliance with the entire motor regime depend on it. I always try to help children, and at the same time not to rush and not to deprive them of initiative, the opportunity to think, to show effort when mastering physical exercises, performing various game tasks, etc.

The life of children during the day should proceed within the established regime, without haste and constant haste, which contradicts the basic hygiene of the child’s nervous system. Therefore, I alternate physical education in all its components with other activities and activities of children. Compliance with systematic alternation causes a positive reaction in children and good results.

All pedagogical work is aimed at ensuring that children are able to learn something new every day, improve what they already know, enrich their knowledge and feelings, and, when they go home, have an interesting prospect for tomorrow - play the promised interesting game, improve their capabilities using a variety of sports and gaming equipment .

Introduction 3

1. The concept of physical activity of preschool children 5

2. Ways to optimize children’s physical activity 15

3. Organization of a physical education corner in groups of different ages 21

Junior preschool age 21

Average preschool age 24

Senior preschool age 25

Conclusion 29

References 30


In connection with the catastrophic increase in the incidence of children throughout the country and the decrease in the level of their physical fitness, there is a need to find new effective approaches to organizing modern conditions education and training that ensures the preservation of the physical and mental health of the younger generation.

The decisive importance of physical activity in the formation of a growing organism is well known. However, in educational process its specific significance as a factor stimulating an increase in the reserve capabilities of the physical, functional, motor and mental development of children is not sufficiently taken into account.

According to modern data, during their stay in kindergarten, children move freely and play less than 30% of their waking hours. Under such conditions, children perform less than half the age norm in terms of the number of movements.

In pedagogical practice, insufficient attention is paid to organizing the child’s independent motor activity. It is not considered as a component physical culture and a means of developing a person's personality. These and other factors reduce the possibility of maintaining the health of students in educational institutions.

To improve the health of children, it is necessary to improve the system of physical education, intensify motor activity, and implement an individually differentiated approach to the upbringing, training and development of the child.

Despite the fact that children love to play outdoor games, they cannot organize a game, even one that is familiar to them, on their own. The adult becomes the leader of the child’s independent activities. This guidance is carried out by demonstration, as well as through verbal narration, explanations and instructions. In children’s mastering of new movements and in the development of a child’s independent motor activity, adults play a leading role.

The purpose of the work is to consider the methodology for guiding children’s independent motor activity.

Job objectives:

Consider the essence of motor activity and motor activity of children;

Identify ways to optimize children's motor activity;

Reveal the features of organizing a physical education corner in groups of different ages.

The concept of physical activity of preschool children
