Thematic planning in kindergarten on the theme: Autumn. Topic of the week: Autumn colors

What is Autumn?

Target: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn as a season, its signs and phenomena.
Deepen children's understanding of changes in nature in autumn.
Develop the ability to observe living objects and inanimate phenomena. Develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes;
To cultivate the moral and spiritual qualities of a child during his communication with nature
Continue to introduce children to agricultural professions.
Develop children's creative abilities through familiarization with a new way of drawing trees with a sponge, application of materials of different textures.
Form monologue speech by means of composing descriptive stories. Continue to work on expressive speech through memorizing poems.

21.09 – 25.09
Autumn in the city.
Expand children's knowledge about autumn;
Compare natural phenomena based on differences and similarities;

Continue to introduce agricultural professions;
Reinforce knowledge about the rules safe behavior in nature;
Consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the sequence of months in the year;
Foster a caring attitude towards nature;
Expand ideas about the display of autumn in works of art (poetic, visual, musical);
Expand your understanding of creative professions.

28.09 – 4.10
Where did the bread come from? Journey to grain country.
Continue to expand children's knowledge about bread: the growing process (who grows it, and what professions people help grain growers; what tools and machines are used in growing and harvesting cereals, their processing); the process of making bread and bakery products;
Give an idea of ​​how bread was grown in the old days. Develop the ability to name the sequence of growing bread - plowing, harrowing, sowing, growing, reaping, threshing, baking;
Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread and respect for the people who raised it.

5.10 – 11.10
Vitamins from nature's pantry.
Fix the general concept of “vegetables” and “fruits”, the names of vegetables. Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions, cultivate respect for people’s agricultural work;
To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, respect for the work of people working on the land;
Develop imagination and creative thinking, memory. Teach composition descriptive story based on the diagram;
Reinforce knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature.

12.10 – 18.10
In the autumn forest.
Arouse interest in the surrounding world, form a realistic idea of ​​nature;
Fix the “generalizing” concept of “Mushrooms”, “Berries”, names various mushrooms, berries; place of their growth, essential features;
Develop imagination, creative thinking;
Activate children's attention and memory;
Learn to compare, analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, and make generalizations.

21.09 – 25.09

Reading: A.N. Maikov “Autumn”, V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Who was the rowan waiting for”, “Autumn outfit”, “How autumn begins”, “Autumn rains”, I. Tokmakova “A conversation between an old willow and the rain”, “The sky was already breathing in autumn” A. Pushkin, N. Gernet, D. Kharms "Very, very tasty pie." N. Nosov “Gardeners”, N. Sladkov “Autumn on the Doorstep”, L. N. Tolstoy “Oak and Hazel Tree”, A. S. Pushkin “Sad Time”, K. Ushinsky “The Story of an Apple Tree”, I. Sokolov- Mitkov “In a Den”, V. Bianki “Hiding”, V. Suteev “Apple”, “A Hedgehog That Could Be Petted”, A. Sukontsev’s fairy tale “How a Hedgehog Changed His Fur Coat”, V. Bianki “Who Prepares for Winter How” , Prishvin. “Once upon a time there was a bear”

Finger games“The rain came out for a walk”, “Autumn”, “Leaves”, “The Wind and the Bunny”, “Song about the Bunny”, “Prickly Hedgehog”.

Conversations: “Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit”, “Animals in the forest”, “How the Hedgehog prepared for winter”, “How the Hamster prepared for winter”, “The Bear prepared for hibernation”

Games - conversations : “Why do hares need wolves?”, “Where do birds fly?”

Storytelling from a picture: "Hedgehog"

28.09 – 02.10

Storytelling training:based on the landscape painting “Autumn-Autumn” (I.I. Levitan “ Golden autumn)

Writing a creative storytheme: “Golden Autumn”

Writing a descriptive story:I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

Reading : poems by A. Pushkin “Autumn”, “Autumn in the Forest” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov, “Bread Voice” by A. Remezov,

“The fox walked with rye” folklore, “In the Autumn” by M. Voloshin; Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings about trees;

Ecological tales.

Exercise : “If I were a tree” (empathy)

Games with leaves : “What is the name of a forest of birches, aspens, maples, and pines?”

Didactic games: “When does this happen?”, “Say it kindly,” “Choose enemy words,” “Which one?” Which? Which?"

Creative task:“What will happen if...”, “Good and bad.”

05.10 – 16.10

Conversation on the topic: “Gifts of the autumn forest” (Berries, mushrooms)

Writing a storyon the topic “What nature has given us”

Reading: A. Remizov “Bread Voice” S. Topelius “Three Ears of Rye”K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”, N. Sladkov “Forest Strongmen”, P. Potemkin “Fly Agarics”, M. Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Faller”, V. Sukhomlinsky “Smells of Apples”, “Lame Duck” ( Ukrainian fairy tale), L. Tolstoy (fable “The Old Man and the Apple Trees”), “The Man and the Bear” - r.n.s., “Come to the Garden” (Scottish song E. Ostrovskaya “Potato”, “Tree Argument” by K. Ushinsky, L. Stanchev “Autumn Gamma”, translated from Bulgarian by I. Tokmakova, fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” by V. Suteev, “For Mushrooms” by Y. Taits, “Mushrooms” by S. Aksakov, reading according to children’s choice

Retelling : stories by K. Ushinsky “Four Desires”, “Mushrooms” by V. Kataev.

Reading stories about autumn: “What is autumn sad about”

Memorizing the poem by Z. Fedorovskaya “Autumn at the edge of the forest...”

Conversations : “A walk through the garden”, “The riches of autumn”, “Where did the bread come from?”, “The plant kingdom is mushrooms”,

Finger gymnastics:"Cabbage", "Autumn", "Weather"

19.10 – 23.10

Conversations: "Doctor Nature", "What do we know about nature native land", "Let's help nature."

Writing creative stories:“If the plants suddenly disappear...”, “An ant meets a bear,” “It’s the other way around.”

Reading: K. Ushinsky “Tree dispute”, A. Lopatina “Lipkin's Gifts”, “Life of a Tree”, “Green Country”, etc., Russian folk tales “Little Fox and Sister” Gray wolf”, “Tails”, “Bragging hare”, “Fear has big eyes”; stories from T.A.'s manual Shorygina “What animals are in the forest?”, E. Permyak “Russian fairy tales about nature”, N. Sladkov “Tales of the Forest”, V. Bianki “Fairy tales”M. Prishvin “It’s cold for the aspens”, “The rowan tree is turning red”, A. Tvardovsky “Forest in autumn”

Svetlana Bliyadze (Kuznetsova)
Thematic week"Late fall"

Thematic week« Late fall»

The first day

Didactic game "Who has whom".

Target: To reinforce in children the correct use of plural names of baby animals in speech. h., R p.

Ind/r. by sculpting Subject"Bowl"

Target: Teach children to sculpt using already familiar techniques and new ones - pressing and pulling the edges.

HRE "Beauty saloon"

Target: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about work in "Beauty salon", make you want to look beautiful.


Observation of tree bark.

Target: Invite children to examine the bark of trees, find out that for many insects the bark serves as a home where they can spend the winter. Teach children to distinguish trees by appearance.

Outdoor game "Birds and Cat"- To

Target: Teach children to move in accordance with the text of the game, create a joyful emotional mood.

Target: To form in children a conscious attitude towards order, to teach them to tell what needs to be done in order to restore order, to act together, and to value the results of work.


Familiarization with fiction. Reading poems about autumn.

Target: Together with the children, remember and read poems about autumn: A. Pleshcheev « Autumn has come» , "Boring picture".

Didactic game “When does this happen?”- To

Target: To update children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of people at different times of the day.

Didactic game “What’s extra?”- ICT

Target: Teach children to choose among objects those that cannot be included in given groups, answer questions, explaining their choice.

Board and printed games.


An evening walk

Wildlife watching "Spruce late autumn» .

Target: Expand children’s understanding of trees, continue to introduce the features of coniferous plants (straight trunk, needles instead of leaves, cones on the branches, special "coniferous" smell, needle leaves remain on the branches all year round, draw children's attention to the fact that the spruce does not shed its needles.

D./i “What is where?”

Target: Teach children to name spatial landmarks using nouns in agreement with prepositions "under", "on the", "V", "y" and etc.

Second day

Looking at the painting « Late fall» . Reading « Autumn» , E. Golovin.

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about periods autumn(early, golden, late, characteristic features each period.

Finger game "Storm"- To

Target: development of fine motor skills

Board and printed games.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teach them to obey the rules in the game.


Weather observation.

Target: To clarify children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the weather, to develop the ability to describe its condition.

D./and to get acquainted with the surrounding world Examination of houses and buildings.

Target: Teach children to see the variety of houses in height, width, color, number of floors, purpose, learn to distinguish and name the number of floors of a house, consolidate concepts "one" And "a lot of".

Target: Teach children to correctly perform jumps on two legs while moving forward.


Didactic game "Let's pick up toys"- ICT

Target: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds by children "and" in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Theatrical game

Muz/did game "Zainka".

Target: Teach children to maintain the shape of a circle when moving a round dance, perform movements according to the text of the song, and introduce them to the culture of the Russian people.

Board and printed games.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teach them to obey the rules in the game.

An evening walk

Surveillance at the site. Signs late autumn.

Target: During the inspection of the site, identify signs with children late autumn, teach children to talk about their observations using constructions "Before., and now"

Outdoor game "Mice and Cat".

Target: Teach children to subordinate their actions to the leader’s signals, concentrate, exercise children in running while changing the direction and pace of movement. Develop activity in outdoor games.

Didactic game "Sweet words".

Target: Teach children to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.

Day three

Observation "Birch late autumn» .

Target: Continue introducing children to various tree species, teach them to recognize a birch by its white trunk, the shape of its branches, and name its distinctive features.

Didactic game "Pick a Pair"- To

Target: Teach children to select cards with images of identical objects, to activate the corresponding concepts in children’s speech.

Didactic game “What sky?”

Target: Teach children to select relative adjectives and describe natural phenomena.


Observation "Chestnut in autumn» .

Target: Expand children’s understanding of trees, introduce them to the characteristic structural features of chestnut leaves and fruits, teach them to recognize chestnut among other trees.

Life Safety Games “It’s possible - it’s not possible”- To

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​household objects that cannot be played with.

Individual work on speech development.

Target: IN game exercises strengthen children's ability to correctly use the plural form. h., R. p., noun (forks, apples, shoes, etc.).

Work assignments. Restoring order in the area.


HRE "Theater"- To

Goals: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the theater, about the theater troupe, theater workers, to show the collective nature of work in the theater, to develop the expressiveness of speech.

Di "Guess the toy"- To

Target: to develop in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features and description.

Board and printed games.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teach them to obey the rules in the game.

An evening walk

Outdoor game "Fox in the Chicken Coop".

Target: Exercise children in jumping off a bench and running.

Word game "Vice versa"- To

Target: to develop the ability to select words that have opposite meanings

Day four

Transport surveillance.

Target: Continue to introduce children to freight transport, the names of machine parts, and the purpose of various machines.

D./i “Tell me which one?”- To

Target: Teach children to identify the characteristics of an object.


Wildlife watching "Spruce late autumn» .

Target: Expand children’s understanding of trees, continue to introduce them to the characteristics of conifers.

Outdoor game "Cucumber, cucumber"- To

Target: Help children improve their basic movements when walking and running, teach them to move around the entire playground, follow safety rules, and develop reaction speed.

Ind/r “Catch the ball!”

Target: Teach children to throw and catch a ball.


Games with building materials “We are building a two-story house”.

Target: Teach children to build tall buildings with ceilings. Learn to use buildings for cooperative play.

Role-playing game "Salon".

Target: Teach children to unite in a game, distribute roles, perform game actions in accordance with the game plan and the interests of their comrades.

An evening walk

Watching the evening come.

Target: Give children the idea that daylight hours are getting shorter, and dark times - evening and night - are getting longer.

Outdoor game "Aircraft".

Target: Contribute to the improvement of basic movements, develop dexterity, attention, creativity in motor activity.

D./i “Call it in one word”- To

Target: teach to enrich objects with one word, enrich vocabulary.

Day five

Observing the work of adults

Duty in a corner of nature. Loosening the soil.

Target: Discuss with the children the purpose of this labor operation, teach the children during the inspection to identify under which plants it is necessary to loosen the soil, to develop the ability to perform loosening correctly and accurately.

Ind/r with a poem on subject matter

Teaching storytelling


Looking at children's clothes.

Target: Invite children to tell what changes have occurred in people’s clothing compared to early in autumn.

Teamwork: putting things in order in the sandbox.

Target: Discuss with the children the essence and purpose of the upcoming work, develop the appropriate skills in children, and instill responsibility for the assigned work.

Individual work. Drawing a tree.

Target: To update children’s knowledge about the structure of trees, the names of the main parts of a tree, teach them to draw a trunk and branches, conveying their characteristic distinctive features.

Word game “What then?”- To

Purpose of the game. To consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children at different times of the day.

HRE "Family"- To

Target: Teach children to prepare the environment for play, select objects and attributes, choose a convenient place; teach to develop a plot (related to the past weekend, holidays, significant events for children - birthday, going to the cinema, and the circus, etc.)


Work on life safety. "Child and Fire". Reading by S. Marshak "Fire".

Target: Discuss with children what can result from inept handling of fire, offer to formulate and remember safety rules related to fire.

Board and printed games.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teach them to obey the rules in the game.

An evening walk

Didactic game “What are the dishes made of?”

Target: Based on children's ideas about different types utensils (tea, dining, kitchen, clarify what items are included in these sets, what features distinguish the materials from which they are made) done: appearance(transparency, color, strength, fragility, plasticity, use; develop children’s visual and tactile perception.

Project "Late Autumn"

(preparatory group No. 12 MBDOU No. 151)

Project type.

According to the dominant activity in the project: informational, creative.

By the number of project participants: group.

By duration: short-term (1 week).

By nature of contact: family, within the preschool educational institution.

Based on the nature of the child’s participation in the project:

participant from the inception of an idea to the receipt of a result.

Compound project team:

    project leaders: educators

Maksimova Olga Petrovna.

    children and parents of preparatory group No. 12.

Objective of the project:

enrich children's understanding of the diversity of the natural world.

Project objectives:

    develop children's cognitive interest in nature.

    develop a desire to actively explore the natural world.

    look for answers to questions, make guesses and assumptions.

    teach to reason about what determines the changes occurring in nature.

    bring up moral feelings, expressed in the improvement of nature.

    to cultivate aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world.

Relevance of the project.

Today, environmental literacy and respect for nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. Besides, environmental education children - this is a huge potential for their comprehensive development.

Thus, it was decided to develop and implement a project that will be aimed at developing children’s cognitive interest in nature.

Project stages.

    drawing up an activity plan.

    cooperation with parents.

    studying methodological literature and collecting fiction.

    collecting information about autumn (poems, songs, posters, photographs, reproductions of paintings by artists, books).

    discussion of the script for the “Golden Autumn” holiday.

    collecting material for organizing the exhibition “Autumn Time” in the group.

Stage 2 - basic, organizational - practical.

Working with parents

    making crafts on the theme “Autumn time”

    holding the holiday "Golden Autumn"

    assistance in organizing the mini-museum “Autumn”

Work with children Cognitive development

    conducting a lesson “Late Autumn”

    getting to know the signs of autumn

    developing educational situation “Nature has no bad weather”

    experiment “which feathers fly better in the air”

"water freezing"




    s/r game “Journey to the autumn forest”

    didactic game “Trees and Shrubs”,

“Seasons”, “Guess from which tree the leaf and fruit come from”

    communication situation “Weather in autumn”, “How to dress in autumn?”

    work of the labor force to treat trees

Speech development

    conversation on the following issues:

“Why do we love autumn?”

    learning poetry:

A. Feta “Autumn Time”

A. Nekrasova “Glorious Autumn”

    reading and discussing proverbs on the topic “Autumn”

    making up a story from personal experience on the topic of:

“Autumn worries!”

Artistically- aesthetic development

    listening to excerpts from the music album “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky

    creation of an album of children's drawings “Autumn Motifs”

    creation of the exhibition “Autumn Time”

    looking at illustrations on the theme “Autumn”

    tear-off applique “Autumn tree”

    sketch “Show how a leaf fades”

    modeling on the theme " Amazing world autumn"

Physical development

    sword game "summer or autumn"

    outdoor game “Migration of birds”

    physical education - minute “Birds - crows flew”

    outdoor game “Show the leaf fall”

“Nuts, acorns, cones”, “It flies - it doesn’t fly”

    exhibition of drawings “Autumn, trees in autumn”

    Holiday "Golden Autumn"

    conducting a general lesson “Autumn”

    exhibition of crafts on the theme “Autumn Time”

Expected outcome of the project.

    children's knowledge about autumn was systematized;

    a caring attitude toward nature and a desire to actively study the natural world have been formed;

Product of project activity.

    Exhibition of drawings “Trees in Autumn”

    mini-museum in the “Autumn” group

    exhibition of handicrafts “Golden Time”.

THEME OF THE WEEK “Golden Autumn”
Enrich and systematize children's knowledge about autumn as a season (early, golden, late).
To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the sequence of months in the year.
Expand ideas about the display of autumn in works of art (poetic, visual, musical)
To form ideas about beauty (to see, appreciate and create beauty in the world around us in its various manifestations), the relationship between beauty and health, beauty and human kindness.

Place a wide variety of artistic and natural materials: dried leaves, sheets of tinted paper for a collage on the theme “Autumn Motifs”, conditions for drawing leaves using templates, coloring books, stencils on an autumn theme
Creating conditions for viewing reproductions of paintings by artists on the topic “Autumn through the eyes of artists,” photographs and illustrations autumn theme
Didactic games: “What comes in this color”, “Select by color and shape”, “Which branch are the kids from?”
Post autumn bouquets made by children. Adding the necessary natural materials for crafts: seeds, chestnuts, acorns, dried leaves and berries.
Place a herbarium of leaves and seeds for viewing.
Didactic games: Lotto “Seasons”, “All year round”, “When it happens”, “Twelve months”.
Mnemonic table “Autumn”, for creating a descriptive story
Select books about nature for independent reading and viewing illustrations on the theme of autumn.
Books with encyclopedic content
Series of demonstration paintings “All Year Round”
Design an autumn meadow with illustrations musical instruments for the game - improvisation “Sounds of the autumn forest” (woodpecker, cuckoo, wind in leaves, grass, stream, hedgehog, etc.)
Create conditions for the s\r games “Tourists”, “Journalists” (bring in a microphone or voice recorder), “Interview at the autumn forest” (one child is a journalist, the second is a tree...).
D/i “Tree of necessary words”, mnemonic tables - proverbs and sayings about autumn
Mnemonic tables for learned poems about autumn (A. Pushkin, A. Blok, F. Tyutchev, etc.)

Collecting and drying maple leaves and seeds for making crafts
Invite parents to take a walk with their children in the autumn park, collect natural materials and fallen leaves for crafts (“Autumn Carpet”).
Invite parents to prepare work together with their children for the fair of crafts made from natural materials.
Take your child for walks around the city, to parks, to an art gallery, focusing the child’s attention on the colors of autumn
Involve parents in making a herbarium autumn leaves.
Play the game “Who can name the most changes in nature” on the way home?
Full text of the material Planning on the topic "Golden Autumn"; Preparatory group, see downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.
