Long-term project for the senior group "my family". “Project “My Family” (senior group) Family projects in pre-school

Liliya Budarina
Senior group project “My Family”


Budarina Lilia Ivaevna

Participants project: parents of pupils, children senior group, educators.

Target project: Introduce children to your ancestry.

Tasks project:

Generalize and expand children's knowledge about family;

to form ideas about family relationships, pedigree, family traditions and customs;

foster respect for all members families; show concern for loved ones;

develop coherent speech, cognitive interest;

Involve parents to participate in the educational process, unleash their creative abilities.

Strengthen child-parent relationships.

Type project: creative, information and research;

View project: family, group, short-term

Expected results:

Formation of children's knowledge about family relationships in family.

Fostering a caring attitude towards all members of your team families, showing care and respect to all members families.

Children's understanding of significance families in the life of every person.

Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about family

Involving parents of students in cooperation and interaction.

1. Inform participants project the importance of this topic.

2. Create a development Wednesday: select materials, toys, attributes for gaming and theatrical activities; didactic games, illustrated material, fiction on the topic « Family» .

3. Select material for artistic and aesthetic development

4. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Section of the program Forms and methods of work

Role-playing games « Family» , "Birthday", "Shop", "Hospital".

Didactic games "Who to be", "Who needs what for work", “Whose children?”

Dramatization games based on fairy tales "Little Red Riding Hood", "Turnip".

Construction games "Furniture for home".

Word games: "Who older, who is younger?, "Correct Dunno", "Family Relationships", “1,2,3,4,5...who I want to talk about”

Cognitive development Conversations "Rights and responsibilities in family» , "My name".

Getting to know the professions of parents.

Classification (furniture, dishes, Appliances, Food).

Creating Albums "My family» , "Our group» .

Speech development

Reading fiction

Writing creative stories on a topic "My family» , "My pet", "How I help at home".

Conversations on the topic “What do my parents do?”, "Day off in my family» , "How I help at home"

Reading fiction on the topic « Family» : fairy tales "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Swan geese", "Cuckoo".

Proverbs and sayings about family, puzzles

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing on themes "My family» , "Mom's Portrait", "My house".

Making gifts for moms, invitations, cards for members families.

Photo exhibition "How I spent summer".

Social personal development Collecting family albums

Working with parents

Leisure "Flower of Family Happiness".

P/n "My dear mother".

Newspaper release for Mother's Day.

Compiling a family newspaper "How I spent summer"

My business card families« Family tree my families»

World of family hobbies: creating collections of fabrics, candy wrappers, buttons, badges, postcards

"The family tree of my families» .

P/n "My dear mother".

Exhibition "My coat of arms families» .

Photo newspaper "How I spent summer".

Leisure "Flower of Family Happiness".

Publications on the topic:

Long-term project in the junior group “Me and my family” Educator: Kurmashova A.K. 2015 Take care of each other, warm each other with kindness.

Short-term project “My Friendly Family” in the senior group during the summer health period Type of project: informational and creative. Duration: from July 4 to July 8. Project participants: senior children, teachers, parents.

Short-term project in the middle group “My Family” Project in the middle group Topic: “MY FAMILY” Conducted by: Natalya Vladimirovna Porokhnya, teacher of MBDOO No. 3 “Sun” Type of project: informational.

Middle group project “My Family” Project “Me and My Family” middle group

The "My Family" project must be included in the plan of work with children first junior group! This project reveals family values ​​for children.

Project “My Family” in the preparatory group. Project goal: To expand children's understanding of family history in the history of their native country. Objectives: 1. To foster love for home, family.

So, as promised, I’m posting our homework.

For those who have forgotten or just popped in to read, I’ll explain: It was “family” week in the kindergarten, and the parents were asked to do a project on the topic “Me and my family.” Based on photographs, and texts, whatever comes to mind. To the point that some simply brought a couple of photos and the child simply showed and told who was depicted in them.

This is what happened to me.

At first I took as a basis a poem that I came up with myself... of course, I’m not a writer, as I wrote it, I did it, I called the poem Who will I become. She leaned on him. I have already selected photographs to match the text, fortunately there are plenty to choose from. Of course, when I was inventing a poem, I remembered what I had from the photographs so that everything would fit together

I made collages from the photos and printed them on a color printer. I wrote pieces of poetry on each page. At the end I printed out the entire poem. I put all this into files and put it in a folder.

Here are the photos themselves: Me and my family “Who will I become” (I apologize for the photo quality)

Now I have such a memory =) By day it turned out to be 400 rubles, that’s all. But, if you have a printer and a folder at home, then it would be a pretty penny.

Thank you everyone for stopping by.

"Project "My Family" ( senior group)


№26 "RIVER"



(senior group)


Nekrasova Anna Nikolaevna

Educator group No. 7

Project"My family»

senior group

WITH families A person’s life begins, here his formation as a personality takes place. Family is the source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. Family influences the child, introduces him to the life around him.

Relevance project

The content of moral education of preschoolers includes solving many problems, including instilling love for the Motherland, family respectful attitude towards your parents. However, it should be noted that the amount of knowledge on this topic is limited. There is no material relating to the past in the program content child's family. In connection with this, few children know the history of creation families, your ancestry. Family holidays and traditions are becoming a thing of the past. For the purpose of studying families, establishing contact with its members, to coordinate educational influences on the child, the idea arose to create project"My family» which helps children understand the importance families, to instill in children love and respect for its members, to instill a sense of affection for family and home.

IN project presents the planned joint work of the teacher, children, parents to form an idea of family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other. During project children will gain knowledge about the professions of their parents, about their ancestry families, family traditions.

A survey of children showed that children do not know enough about their family, where and who their parents work, what the names of their grandparents are. To change this situation, the idea arose to create project"My family» . We, adults, teachers and parents, must help children understand the importance families, instill in children love and respect for members families, instill a feeling of attachment to family and home.

Problem: children have scant knowledge about family, about living together and family holidays, about the professions of parents.

Target project:

Expand children's understanding of their family, pedigree.

Establish contact with parents to coordinate educational measures in interaction with children.

Tasks project:

1. Improve the quality of work of the kindergarten in interaction with parents.

2. To form in children an idea of family, about moral attitude towards family traditions, expand knowledge about your immediate environment, teach you to understand family ties.

3. Develop the creativity of parents and children in the process joint activities.

4. Instill in children love and respect for members families, show value families for each person and take care of loved ones.

Type project: short-term

Participants project: educators, pupils senior group, parents.

Forms of organization project:

1. Survey of children.

3. Consultation for parents

4. Exhibition "Family tree families» .

5. Exhibition of drawings and photographs "My family» .

6. Plot - role-playing game « Family» , "Hospital", "Shop".

7. Parent meeting "All family

Implementation stages project:

Stage I – preparatory

Questioning children about the problem

Defining goals and objectives

Creation necessary conditions for implementation project

Stage II - main (practical)

Introduction into the educational process effective methods and techniques for expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about family, its origin

Consultation development “What is a family tree?”

Exhibition "Family tree families»

Exhibition of drawings and photographs "My family»

Joint production of role-playing games by children and parents « Family» , "Hospital", "Shop"

Development and accumulation of methodological materials, development of recommendations on the problem

Stage III - final

Processing implementation results project

Parent meeting

Presentation project"My family»

Location: MADOU « Kindergarten No. 26".

Operating mode: during and outside of classes.

Expected results project:

Children: nurturing a feeling of love for members families, expanding children's knowledge about their family: about members families, traditions, about the life of grandparents, the ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about family.

Parents: improving the pedagogical culture of parents, establishing trust and partnership relationships with them.

Implementation project


Interview with children: "What do I know about family

The main GCD on the topic "My family»

Communication "My family»

Drawing "Mother"

Communication “Telling Belarusian folk tales to children "Puff".

Modeling "Furniture for the Three Bears"


« Grouping items»

(clothes, shoes, hats).

Construction "Mom's braids"

Reading fiction literature:

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"Swan geese"

"The Tale of a Smart Mouse" S. Marshak

« Mom's work» E. Permyak

"Mother's daughter" V. Belov

"Bone" K. Ushinsky

“How Vovka helped out the grandmothers” A. Barto

“Granny’s hands are shaking” V. Sukhomlinsky

Didactic games:

"Who to be?"

"Finish the sentence"

"Who older "Who's younger?"

“Which one is ours?” (looking at yourself in the mirror)

"Place it in order" (human figures, taking into account age-related changes)

“Assemble a portrait from parts”

"Make up family of figurines»

“Joy - or sadness?”

“What do they affectionately call you at home?”

Role-playing games:

« Family» , "Hospital", "Shop".


"Day off in my family»

"How I help at home"

"What do your parents do for work" (using album)

"How we relax"

Reading poems, riddles.

Finger gymnastics. (Annex 1)

Articulation gymnastics

"Delicious jam", "Pancakes"

Consultation “What is a family tree?”

Exhibition "Family tree families»

Exhibition of drawings "My family»

Final Summing up the implementation project

Parent meeting "All family together - so the soul is in place" (Appendix 2)

Dissemination of work experience on the topic among preschool teachers

Conclusion: I guess, What:

During implementation project"My family» level of formation of ideas about family in children it will increase significantly;

In the process of working on project teachers will get to know each other better families of pupils, with their family traditions, characteristics of family upbringing.

I believe that thanks to this project will strengthen parent-child relationship, children's horizons will broaden and their vocabulary will be enriched. Feature of this project, in my opinion, is that, together with family We will not only learn and master new things, but we will also actively work and relax in one team "Teachers - children - parents", where parents will turn from observers into active participants in the lives of children in kindergarten.

Implementation period (planned): April 2014

Abstract of GCD

in average group on the topic"My family» .

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, social and communicative development.

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction, playful, productive.

Goals: Educational: learn to name all members correctly families. Give concepts "relatives", "relatives"; learn to answer questions;

Developmental: develop an idea of family as people who live together and love each other, take care of each other; form ideas about the composition families using photos of members families;

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude, love and respect for loved ones, a sense of mutual assistance in family.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning the last name, first name, and patronymic of parents.

2. Making a family tree.

3. Role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters".

4. Learning poems about mom, dad, family.

5. Looking at family photos.

Equipment: family bear dolls for a fairy tale "Three Bears", photo families, game basket, cut out figures with image: children, adults, elderly people (for each child, glue, sheets of paper, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time. (Children stand in a circle)

We'll stomp first:

Top-top-top, top-top-top.

And then we'll clap:

Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap.

And then we'll turn around

And let's smile at each other.

Children sit on chairs.

A bear appears, the bear's story about his family.

"Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I'm Mishutka from a fairy tale "Three Bears". I have a mom and dad. Our small family: There are only three of us. I love my parents very much. They love me too, they care about each other and about me. Do you guys have family? Tell me about yours family, about how you live."

The teacher helps the children write a story about family(Children look at family photographs and everyone talks about their family).

Guys, Mishutka and I realized that you know a lot about your family. Remember! Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers - these are your relatives, your relatives, your family.

Children, do you know where everyone lives? family? (house, apartment)

Physical exercise.

Who lives in our apartment?

One two three four. (Clap our hands.)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)

One two three four five. (Jumping in place.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)

Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilts the body to the right and left.)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns the body left and right.)

That's all mine family. (Clap our hands.)

A game "Say kindly" .(Ball game)

IN family They call each other affectionately, tenderly, because they love each other. How can you call it affectionately? (The teacher says the first word, the children continue.)

Daughter - daughter, little daughter.

Son - son, son, little son, little son.

Dad - daddy, daddy.

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather.

Mom - mommy, mommy.

Sister-sister, sister.

A game "Say it the other way around".

Grandfather older, and dad. (younger).

Mom is younger and grandma (older) .

Dad is taller and mom is taller. (below).

Dad is big, and son. (small).

Physical exercise.

Three bears were walking home. /Children imitate walking in place. /

Dad was big - big, / They stretch their hands up. /

Mom is a little shorter, / They bend over. /

And the baby is just a little one. / They squat. /

He was very small

He walked around with rattles. / Depict playing with rattles. /

Ting - ding - ding

He walked around with rattles.

Guys, who is in your family does most of the housework? (Mother)

What does mom do around the house?

What does dad do?

What do grandparents do?

What household chores do you have?

A game "Basket of Good Deeds"

Children stand in a circle around the basket. One by one they pass the basket, calling out the good case: washing the dishes, watering the flowers, making the bed...

Children's creative work under guidance teacher-game "Make up family of pictures» (Calm music plays during operation.)

The children and Mishutka are offered cut-out pictures from magazines; they paste them side by side, making up family.

Let's see what happened.

Analysis of works. Exhibition.

We all have family. Some have a large one, some have a smaller one. But in every family you are loved and cared for. And you love everyone! You are the happiest children in the world.

Bear recites a poem:

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support us, friends?

Our friendly. (family) .

It's very difficult on your own

To live alone in the world

Living with mom and dad

I always want to, guys.

Do you agree with me? (Yes)


Finger gymnastics « Family»

Fingers - friendly family.

They cannot live without each other.

(Clench the fingers of each hand into fists and unclench them).

That's a big one! And this is average.

The ring and last one is our little finger, baby!

Woohoo! You forgot your index finger.

So that the fingers live together,

(Alternately raise the fingers of both hands up)

We will connect them and perform the movements.

(We connect each finger of the hand in turn to the thumb).

Finger gymnastics "Who lives in my apartment..."

One two three four! (clap hands)

Who lives in my apartment?

One two three four five! (clap hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, cat Murka,

two kittens, my goldfinch, cricket and me (alternate stroking - massage of all ten fingers).

That's all mine family!

Finger gymnastics "My family»

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me.

(Alternately extending the fingers clenched into a fist, starting with the thumb)

That's all mine family!

(Clench into a fist and unclench all fingers at the same time)

Finger gymnastics "Boy-Thumb"

Thumb Boy - Where have you been?

With this brother - - I went into the forest.

With this brother - I cooked cabbage soup.

With this brother - I ate porridge.

With this brother - I sang songs.

(each finger is connected in turn to the thumb)

Finger gymnastics « Family»

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's all mine family.

And I also have another one relatives:

Here is my sister

Here's brother

Here is uncle

Here is auntie

Here is my favorite cat...

(each finger is connected in turn to the thumb, first on one hand, then on the other.)


Summary of parents' meeting in secondary school kindergarten group

"All family together - so the soul is in place"

Form of conduct: Creative workshop + Master class.

Location: group.

Equipment: tape recorder, board, equipment for role-playing games "House".

Event plan:

1. Greeting from the teacher

2. Reading poems about family with children.

3. Game "I'll start, and you finish" (Proverbs and sayings)

4. Exhibition of drawings "My family»

5. Presentation of certificates.

6. Speech by the teacher on the topic "What's happened family»

7. Exchange of opinions, discussion.

8. The teacher’s summary of the first part of the meeting, a reminder to parents from the child.

9. Summing up, memo for parents “Advice for parents for every day”

Program content:

Involve parents in resolution life situations, family conflicts;

Teach parents to hear and understand their child;

Increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents;

To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms work;

Create in group conditions for joint activities of children and their parents;

Awaken the desire to see your baby’s problems from the inside, collaborate with specialists to solve them;

Use the educational potential of parents to educate and raise children.

Preparatory stage - Preliminary Job: 1. Conduct a survey of parents on the topic "My family» (See attachments)

2. Prepare an invitation to a meeting for each family. (Together with the children, make invitations in the form of postcards)

3. Prepare a skit with the children "A day off in my family» .

4. Interview with children on the topic "What's happened family Record children's statements on video.

5. Prepare a questionnaire for a conversation with parents.

6. Prepare an exhibition of children's drawings at topic: "Me and my family» , organize a drawing competition in various categories.

7. Prepare and post on the board the thoughts of psychologists V. Levi, Yu. Gippenreiter, Sukhomlinsky on the topic of family and children.

8. Prepare instructions for parents "Assignment for the meeting":

Learn one or two proverbs or a saying about family;

Bring 2-3 family photos to make a collage;

Buy one magazine with pictures family or children.

Organizational stage

While the parents are getting ready, recordings of children's songs about family"Under the roof of your house" and others; the tables are arranged in a semicircle, chairs for children are placed in front of the parents.

Main stage

Good evening, dear parents! We thank you that in such a cycle of affairs, work, and busyness, you found time and came to meet us. We are glad to see you at our round table. This means that we are all united by an interest in the topic of parent-teacher conferences, and it really deserves attention. The most important and valuable thing in life is family! Family- these are wonderful mom and dad, kind grandparents, cheerful and friendly brothers and sisters. Let's talk about ours family, about her hobbies and travels. Children run into the hall with balloons to the soundtrack of a song groups"Fidgets" Line up in a semicircle.

Reading poems.

1 child Family is us.

Family is me.

Family- this is my dad and mom

. Family is Sasha, dear brother.

Family- This is my fluffy cat.

2 child Family- These are uncle's godaunts.

Family– this is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

Family- This is a round table celebration.

Family is happiness, family is home.

Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

3 child These days are pure luck!

Sundays are so needed.

Because on Sunday

Mom is making pancakes.

4 child Dad washes tea cups,

We wipe them together.

And then we all family

We drink tea with jam for a long time.

Children and parents perform a skit “A day off at our house”

5 child Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family- this is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

6th child Mom and dad are my relatives.

I have no relatives more dear to me.

And sister relatives, and brother,

And the flop-eared puppy Tishka.

And I also have a friend.

Friend Seryozhka is also related to me.

I tell him all the secrets

I will give him everything in the world.

7 child Family is work, taking care of each other.

Family– this is a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love.

I want people to talk about us Friends:

How good is yours? family!

Children sit on chairs next to their parents.

Educator: - I wonder if our parents know proverbs about family? I'll start, and you finish:

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

In a friendly family and warmth in the cold. In an unfriendly there is no good for the family....

A diligent house is dense, but a lazy house is... empty.

In your home, the walls... help.

IN family and porridge...thicker.

IN family discord, and I’m not happy at home either.

IN family according to, so things are going... great.

(Parents and children read proverbs and sayings prepared in advance about family)

Exhibition of drawings: Children and parents talk about their drawing: - Who and where is shown in the picture? - What are you doing? - What is your family? And etc.

Presentation of certificates in various nominations: "For excellence", "For sincerity and kindness" and others. Children go to group.

Educator: - What is it? family? (parents' answers)

Now listen to how your children answered. (Video interview shown projector)

Family- organized social group, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity. (Information on slide) What's happened family- this is a question worth asking yourself before trying to create it. Family is happiness, for which you need to prepare. Creation families– this is an art and everyone should master this art.

Reading a poem:

How did the word “ family"?

Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him...

But he told Eve before the wedding Adam:

Now I'll tell you I'll ask seven questions;

“Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess”?

And Eva quietly answered “I”,

“Who will raise them, my queen?”

And Eva briefly answered “I”

Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve still answered “I”

“Who will sew the dress? Washing clothes?

Will he caress me? Decorate your home?

Answer the questions, my friend! ”

“I”, “I”...Eva said quietly - “I”, “I”...

She said to the famous family"

This is how it appeared on earth family.

Why does a person need family? I think everyone will answer in their own way (parents’ answers, but one simple and true thought will probably be heard - for happiness. Yes, human happiness is hardly possible without families. Neither the most exciting job nor friends can give what can give family. Life activity families is associated with the following functions: The educational function is considered the main function families, which is expressed in satisfying the needs of fatherhood and motherhood, and raising children.

“Education is great case“: it decides the fate of a person,” said V. G. Belinsky. “How do you perform this function?” (parents' answers):

The economic function is expressed in the fact that the combined efforts of spouses make it easier to withstand material adversity, run a joint household and provide for members of their family. family food, housing and clothing, etc.

The emotional function is realized in the satisfaction of members family in sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support in grief and joy, in psychological protection.

Family also performs the function of primary social control. -What it is? This is the control of parents over the behavior of children and teaching them the rules of behavior in society, fulfilling social norms, teaching them human dignity. -How do you implement this feature in your family? (parents' answers)

The function of spiritual communication is manifested in joint leisure activities, mutual spiritual enrichment and plays an important role in the spiritual development of society. -How do you spend your leisure time? (parents' speech)- What games do you play? family? (parents' answers) "Fun Workshop". (The teacher invites parents to make a collage families) (at the end everyone decorates the exhibition)

Summing up the meeting, sharing opinions:

Educator: And now I will give you these hearts. And I suggest moms write what it is family what do they think? And write wishes to your child. We will put these hearts in a box here. And let's really hope so. That whatever you wish for them will come true.

Educator: Thank you for coming to us today. I wish that in your families have always had peace, peace, mutual understanding, so that you always understand your children, and when they grow up, they take care of you. Love each other.

Advice for parents for everyone day:

Tell your son or daughters: “People should be comfortable with you.” Don't be afraid to repeat it.

When you scold a child, do not use expressions: “You always”, “You in general”, “Eternally you”. Your child is generally and always good, he just did something wrong today, tell him about it.

Do not part with your child in a quarrel, first measure it out, and then go about your business.

Try so that the child is tied to the house; when returning home, do not forget say: “Still, how nice it is at home.”

Instill in your child the long-known formula of mental health: “You are good, but not better than others.”

Our conversations with children are often poor, so read aloud with your children every day (even with teenagers) good book, this will greatly enrich your spiritual communication.

When arguing with your son or daughter, give in at least sometimes so that they don’t feel like they are always in the wrong. This will teach you and your children to give in, admit mistakes and defeats.

Long-term project of interaction with children's parents

senior group

"My family"

(joint activities of kindergarten and family on

spiritual and moral education) .


Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for comprehensive development.

As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority preschool in solving educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in pedagogical process. In turn, teachers underestimate the role of the family and do not strive to join forces with parents for the development and upbringing of children, therefore they do not properly establish feedback and do not fully use the influence of the family on the upbringing and development of the child.

In system preschool education family education is its beginning, core and crown. The knowledge and skills established by home education are the first steps to the heights high level children's culture. And here an important role is assigned to the preschool institution; a search for new relationships between the family and the preschool educational institution is required, namely cooperation, interaction, and trust. In addition, it is in preschool age There is a closer connection between the child and the family and the teacher than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Since the upbringing, development and health of a child directly depends on the conditions in which he lives, grows, develops, what kind of people surround him and how the process of his upbringing is organized.

Unfortunately, nowadays in our country, for many reasons, family ties are weakening, and traditional family upbringing is becoming a thing of the past. Psychologists and teachers pay attention to the deterioration of the health of children, the increase in socially vulnerable families, socio-psychological anxiety and fatigue from the problems experienced by adults (including in connection with the ongoing stratification of society), loneliness (especially in single-parent families) and lack of mutual understanding, redistribution material and economic functions within the family (when the wife/mother becomes the source of financing for family members), construction difficulties family life against the backdrop of crises. Were highlighted and global problems: environmental; mental; local and regional wars; epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism; scientific and technological progress leading to rapid obsolescence of knowledge, etc.

This process can and should be stopped by human preschool teachers who closely communicate with children and their parents.

In this regard, the issue of searching and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today.


Involve parents in establishing rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, i.e. the need for the formation of family values.

To form and develop children’s skills in research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between adults and children are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, and attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

Provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a variety of ways and freely, and have personal time to do what they love.

    Teach children to write a story about their family.

    Cultivate love and respect for your family members.

    Give an idea of ​​the concepts: “clan”, “parents”, “pedigree”, “family”, “relatives”, “relatives”.

    Give an idea of ​​Russian family traditions, family heirlooms, and the distribution of family responsibilities.

    Continue to develop cognitive abilities in children, actively include them in creative and exploratory activities.

    Broaden their horizons and enrich children’s vocabulary with terms of family relationships, develop coherent speech.

    Strengthen child-parent relationships

Project implementation stages

Stage 1 -

Stage 2 -

Stage 3- generalizing (May)


    Exhibitions of children's creative works and a family living room in the kindergarten group were organized.

    Quality has increased educational process, the learning process has become more exciting and emotionally rich.

    A methodological piggy bank on this problem has been created.

    The level of parental activity in organizing joint activities to raise children has increased.

    Parents' confidence in their teaching capabilities has increased.

    The children have expanded their horizons. They developed an interest in family history, family traditions, and pedigree.

    The work also contributed to instilling a sense of pride in the family, love and respect for parents.

    The children became more friendly and acquired conflict-free communication skills.

Project presentation

Family living room: “Flower of family happiness.”


Significant changes that have occurred in recent years and new problems associated with raising children have led to a rethinking of the essence of spiritual and moral education, its place and role in public life. Solving the problem of teaching the fundamentals of morality required new approaches to organizing the educational process. The spiritual and moral education of children is one of the important tasks of an educational institution. The “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education” formulates the most important goals of education: “Formation in children of civil responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, the ability for successful socialization and active adaptation in life.” The family is of great importance for solving these problems; it is the family that is the source and mediating link in the transmission of socio-historical experience to the child. Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development child's personality in early age". Taking this into account, we can rightfully assume that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for spiritual education - moral qualities child. At preschool age, the formation of cultural and value orientations of the spiritual and moral basis of the child’s personality, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms social adaptation in society, the process of national-cultural self-identification and awareness of oneself in the surrounding world begins. This period in a person’s life is the most favorable for emotional and psychological impact, since the images of perception of reality and cultural space are very vivid and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in the education of patriotism. Analyzing the works of modern researchers (L.V. Kokueva, T.N. Antonova, T.T. Zubova, E.P. Arnautova, etc.), we can say that the formation of the foundations of patriotism covers a wider range of tasks: - formation spiritual and moral attitude and sense of belonging to one’s home, family, kindergarten, city (village), native nature, cultural heritage of one’s people; - fostering love, respect for one’s nation, understanding one’s national characteristics , self-esteem as a representative of one’s people and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities - peers, their parents and people around them; - fostering a respectful attitude towards people, native land, symbols, traditions and customs. All these tasks are important and relevant, but the priority for the formation of the foundations of patriotism, in our opinion, is the task of nurturing in a child love and affection for his home, family, family traditions and customs. Therefore, the task of an educational institution is to actualize the child’s sense of belonging with his family, clan, and relatives; provide an opportunity to understand the rules governing family relationships; initiate children's awareness of family values, traditions, and customs. Touching the history of your family evokes strong emotions in a child, makes you empathize, and attentively pay attention to the memory of the past, to your historical roots. Interaction with parents in this direction contributes to the formation of a caring attitude towards family values ​​and the preservation of family ties. Only the family can ensure the preservation of national traditions and customs, songs, sayings and commandments, and ensure the transmission to descendants of all the positive things that the family and people accumulate. It should be noted that nowadays people are interested in their genealogy, in the study of national, class, professional roots and their kind in different generations. Therefore, family study of their ancestry will help children begin to understand very important and deep postulates: - everyone’s roots are in the history and traditions of the family, their people, the past of the region and the country; - family is the unit of society, the custodian of national values. This contributes to the formation of the foundations of patriotism already in preschool age, the child learns behavioral models, the goals of life are realized and the foundation is laid for the success of the goal of education - the development of the child as an individual in whom the ideals of the people and the state are concentrated. Family values ​​are the principles on which our lives are based; they are the standards by which we judge what is right and what is wrong. Some values, such as kindness, politeness and honesty, are widely recognized as the most important, while others, such as punctuality and constancy, are less important to some people. Each person adheres to his own personal scale of values, characteristic only of him. Unfortunately, diagnostic results show that children do not have clear ideas about the concepts of “family” and “family members.” There is inaccurate knowledge of the history of one's clan and family. Families have not formed ideas about positive and negative actions as one of the family values, since there are families whose members are not happy with anything in the child’s behavior, there is no consistency between parents - the same actions cause their own reactions that do not coincide in meaning . Parents do not always listen to their children’s opinions, and there is a lack of trust and respect between family members. Underestimated family values, interest in studying and preserving family customs and traditions is unstable or absent. Preschoolers generally have fuzzy, unclear, unformed ideas about the family as a value, about the levels of family values. Many children cannot describe the importance of family for a person. Of course, not every parent is fully aware of the relevance of the problem under discussion and is unlikely to be familiar with the methods and means of solving it. The need to create and implement the “Family” project was determined by the above factors. The research problem is determined by the contradiction between the need to introduce children to family traditions and customs, increasing interest in family values ​​and the lack of pedagogical conditions, contributing to spiritual and moral education to the fullest.

PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE . Improving the quality of the educational process in spiritual and moral education through the organization of joint research activities of parents, children, and teachers. Creation methodical piggy bank on moral education. Activation and enrichment of parents' educational skills in introducing preschoolers to family traditions and values, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. Creation of conditions in a kindergarten group for generalizing material on the formation of family values ​​in older preschoolers. Strengthening the connection between family and preschool educational institution. Forming in children an interest in their family, preserving family traditions and customs, instilling respect for family members.


It consists of developing content, methods and forms, which provides for the gradual organization of introducing children to family traditions, increasing interest in family values ​​and the participation of parents in joint events.

TARGET Formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual through the introduction of children to family traditions and values.


    To develop in children an interest in their family, preserving family traditions and customs, and instill respect for family members.

    Involve parents in establishing rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, i.e. the need for the formation of family values. To form and develop children’s skills in research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

    To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between people (adults and children) are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

    Encourage children to carry out socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for their family, home, kindergarten.

    Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, and attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them. Provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a variety of ways and freely, and have personal time to do what they love.

RESEARCH HYPOTHESES : we assume that the process of moral education will be more effective if: Form ideas about the home, family traditions and a sense of belonging to them not only in the family, but also in the preschool educational institution. Moral education will be based on material that is close, understandable and emotionally significant for the child, taking into account the interaction of teachers and parents. Develop a system of cooperation between teachers and families. Children’s activities to form family values ​​are carried out systematically and systematically.

NOVELTY It consists of developing new strategic approaches to introduce children to family traditions, values ​​and interaction with the family according to spiritual and moral raising a child in conditions of the preschool educational institution. Joint research activities preschoolers, parents and teachers to study the history of family and clan contributes to the formation of patriotism, tolerance, cultural and value orientations, spiritual and moral development.


The problem of the individual’s relationship to traditions was considered in the works of L. V. Zagik, V. M. Ivanova, N. F. Vinogradova, T. M. Markova, O. L. Zvereva and others, in which various interpretations of the development of traditions by preschoolers as part of nationwide, national culture. Family traditions were considered in line with psychological and pedagogical research, in relation to specific topics of scientific work:

Organization of interaction between children and elders in the family (T. A. Markova, S. P. Tishchenko), education of a value-based attitude towards old age (Yu. O. Galushchinskaya);

Familiarizing preschoolers with traditional holidays, introducing children to the household, cultivating interest in Russian traditional culture (E. S. Babunova, N. F. Vinogradova, L. V. Zagik, I. S. Khomyakova, N. A. Starodubova, etc. .);

Recognition of the special role of parental authority, ethics of intra-family communication, lifestyle, style of intra-family relationships (V. M. Ivanova, L. A. Talanova, O. L. Zvereva, T. A. Repina);

Significance of the organization collaboration with parents on raising moral-volitional, humane, civic qualities in children (V.V. Dubrova, N.F. Vinogradova, I.S. Khomyakova);

Application in family education works folk art, art (L. D. Vavilova, D. O. Dzintare).


The principle of child-centrism (in the center creative activity There is a pupil who shows his activity. He has wonderful opportunities to realize himself, to feel success, to demonstrate his capabilities).Principle of cooperation (in the process of working on the project, there is extensive interaction between students and teachers, with parents and among themselves).The principle of relying on the subjective experience of students (everyone, working on a mini-project, has good opportunities to apply their own experience and knowledge).The principle of taking into account the individuality of students : their interests, pace of work, level of training.The principle of free choice : project topics, subtopics, partners in work on the project, sources and methods of obtaining information, research method, form of presentation of results.The principle of connection between research and real life (there is a combination of knowledge and practical actions).The principle of a difficult goal (an easily achievable result is not a mobilizing factor for many students).


Stage 1 - organizational and diagnostic (September).

Target: Monitoring, diagnostic studies and determination of prospects. Establishing partnerships between teachers, parents, children, creating a single socio-cultural space. Compilation long-term plan events, preparation for events.

At the first stage a project passport was developed, its purpose and main objectives were determined. Project participants were identified. During the implementation of the group project, the participants were senior group students, teachers, parents and musical director. The content of the project was determined, developed forward planning for working with children, a plan for interaction with parents and teachers has been drawn up.

Stage 2 - formative (October - April)

Target: To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between adults and children are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected. To develop in children an interest in their family, the preservation of family traditions and customs, and to instill respect for family members. Involving parents in direct creative activities with children, in active creative educational practice to revive family traditions.

Second phase - this is the direct implementation of the project itself, within the framework of which work was carried out in three areas: the work of teachers with children, the work of children and parents, the work of teachers and parents. Classes were conducted with the children on the project, joint and independent activities were organized for children to familiarize themselves with family values. His roots connect him with his home and immediate surroundings. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a close relationship with the parents of the students. For this purpose, work was organized, which included a series of consultations for parents, as well as parent meetings on the topic of the project, the purpose of which was to explain the relevance and importance of the work being carried out on the spiritual and moral education of children in preschool educational institutions, to increase the educational level of parents on this issue, to interest them and make them their allies.

All work on the project was based on the following topics: “My family”, “Members of my family”, “Our names and surnames”, “Parental home - the beginning of the beginning”, “My dad is Defender of the Fatherland”, “My mother”, “Professions of my parents ", "We are helpers."

Stage 3- generalizing (May)

Target: Questioning parents and diagnosing the level of forced involvement of children in family traditions and family values. Analysis and summary of the work.

Third stage includes a presentation of the project “Flower of Family Happiness” dedicated to Family Day. A poster presentation and exhibitions of children's creative works were organized within the family living room.


Personally oriented training and education

This is an education where the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth are placed at the forefront; each person’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education. Personally-oriented learning is based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the student himself, as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition.

Developmental education

Allows the child to develop creative abilities and the need for creativity, orients the child towards self-determination and self-actualization, and supports the child’s personal development.

Individual training

Education and training taking into account individual characteristics development of each child allows us to create comfortable conditions for classes. Children complete the work at their own pace. In addition, this technology makes it possible to most effectively develop independent work skills in preschoolers.

Information and communication

IN modern world With all the growing flow of information, it is impossible to do without the use of information and communication technologies. In classes, multimedia presentations are often used in joint activities, musical arrangement, video screenings are organized.

Development of creativity

Creative process is divided into four phases: preparation, idea maturation, insight and implementation. Helps to form and develop students’ ability to improvise, apply acquired skills in new conditions, and look for non-standard solutions.


As a result of development play activity V preschool period readiness for socially significant and socially assessed learning activities is formed. Children learn life and family values ​​through play.

Problematic - search

Involves creation under the guidance of a teacher problem situations and active independent activity children with their permission, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.


One of the modern interactive learning technologies. Forms in preschoolers the skills of planning joint activities and designing. Promotes self-organization, teaches you to make choices and decisions. Studying together is not only easier, but also more interesting.

FORMS OF WORK with kids:

Conversations; classes; viewing family albums, paintings, illustrations; exhibitions of children's works under the "Family" project at the preschool educational institution; didactic and role-playing games based on the “Family” project; excursion to the Russian Izba museum; memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about family; creative speech activity; matinees, entertainment; competitions; theatrical activities; writing stories and fairy tales about family; creation of mini-projects; video views. with parents. Visual propaganda; conversations and consultations; correction journal; survey; open days; round table; finest hour; pedagogical laboratory; competitions; family living room; family mini projects.


1.Methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschool children:

    comparison method

    elementary analysis

    modeling and design method

    project activity method

    question method - asking questions to children; cultivating the ability and need to ask questions, formulate them competently and clearly

    the method of repetition is the most important didactic principle, without the use of which there will be no strength of knowledge in the education of feelings.

2. Methods aimed at increasing the emotional activity of children when acquiring knowledge:

    gaming techniques – increase the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings

    surprise moments and elements of novelty – emotionally prepare the child for learning, sharpen the child’s desire to unravel the secret or simply be happy

3.Methods and techniques that help establish connections between different types of activities:

    accepting suggestions and teaching the method - the teacher not only talks emotionally about the family, the person, but should also make the children want to try their hand at research.

    conversation is a connecting link

4. Methods of correction and clarification:

    method of generalized answer to a question: individual conversation, comparative analysis, assessment, clarification, joint search for a way out of the situation, discussion of the method of action.

Long-term plan for a long-term group project “Family” in the senior group.

Cooperative activity

with parents

Consultations for parents


My family

1 . Cognition

"My family" .

"Our Friendly family . 3. Formation lesson lexico-grammatical categories and development of coherent speech “I’ll tell you about my family”

Conversation on the topic: “What is family”, “My loved ones”, “How my parents and grandparents grew up”, “Traditions of our family”.

Reading fairy tales

“Cuckoo”, “Geese-Swans”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Geese-Swans”.

Finger game: "My family" Role-playing games: “Family”, “Daughters - Mothers”, “Meeting Guests” A series of conversations based on pictures "What a family I have." Looking at paintings : T. Sorokina “Family” Dramatization of a fairy tale: "Turnip"

Wall newspaper: “Friendly family” Stories and drawings of children: “Meet my family” Mini-project: “Coat of arms of my family” Practical task:

Ask mom and dad to talk about their parents (your grandparents).

Consultation: “The main conditions for raising children in a family” Movable folder: "How to create a family coat of arms"

Involve parents in the collection

materials needed for

implementation of projects.


My family members

1 . Cognition

"What do I know about myself" , "Who lives with me » 2. Portraits of children from salt dough: "Nice to meet you"

Conversation on the topic: “A day off in our family”, “The most dear people”.

Discussion of situations: "I have big family", "My children's album", "Who do I look like?" Reading works: Y. Akim “My relatives”. V. Dragunsky “My sister Ksenia.” Didactic game: "Kinship" Watching cartoons: "Multi-colored family." Children's stories about grandparents.

Creative speech activity : "Letter to Grandma and Grandpa" Game situation : “My brothers and sisters”, “What I was, what I will become”, “We are different.” Manual labor : “A card for mom on Mother’s Day,” “That’s who we are.”

Practical task: Forming a photo album of your family for the group. Competition program for children and parents dedicated to Mother’s Day “Mother and Child”

Mini project : “Bedtime story” We compose and write down fairy tales together.

Sliding folder : “A child’s appeal to his parents”, “The history of the holiday “Mother’s Day” Booklets : "Hello, my dear"


You and your name

1 . Cognition

"The secret of your first and last name"

Conversation on the topic : "What does your name mean?" , “Where did my last name come from?”, “My ancestry.”

Interview with parents - “Tell me why they called me that?” Watching an animated film : “Morozko”, “Twelve months”. Didactic games: "My family. Make a chain”, “Who is the birthday boy today?”, “Come up with a last name” Graphic exercise : “Type your last name and first name according to the sample”

Reading the work: "T.A. Shorygina

Participation of parents in improving the subject-development environment

Mini project: "The family tree of my family."

Movable folder:

"The role of the surname in life

person" Booklets: "Basic Commandments" healthy family»


The house we live in

1 . Cognition

"My house"

2 . Artistic creativity(Applique): "My dream house"

Conversation : “Dad is in the house and the house is in good order,” “How I help at home.”

Construction game: "Furniture for home"

Role-playing games: “Our house”, “Builders”, “Housewarming”, “Apartment renovation”.

Dramatization game: "Three piglets".

Creative speech activity: "My day at home"

Learning proverbs about native scrap: “A house without an owner is an orphan.” Looking at illustrations : "Family at home" Discussion of situations : “My room”, “My play corner”, “To make the house more fun.” Finger game: "Building a house"


"Our dream house" (Manual labor with parents)

Exhibition of drawings: "The room of my dreams"

Excursion of children and parents to the kindergarten museum "Russian hut"


“Family is my home”


“Rights and responsibilities in the family


My dad

1 . Communication

"Journey to hot-air balloon»

2. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

"My dad is a protector"

Conversation: " Where did my dad serve?" "Dad is my pride"

Looking at the illustrations reproductions, albums with military themes

Reading fiction: T. Bokova “Dad”, T. Shorygina “Grandfather”; poems for the holiday. Manual labor: « greeting card for Dad" Role-playing games: "Sailors".

Looking at the army photo album at home with dad


“Where my dad and grandfather served”

Family leisure : “Dad, mom, I am a sports family.”

Teacher's advice:

"Raising a man"


"On the role of the father in the family"


My mom

1 . Communication

"How I help my mother"

2. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

"My Mom is the best"

Conversation on the topic:

"My mom is the best"

Watching the cartoon:

"Mom for baby mammoth"

Reading a poem E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”, “That’s what a mother is”

Tabletop theater:

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Role-playing games: "Daughters - Mothers"

Board and printed games: “Assemble a portrait of mom”

Festive program dedicated to mothers on March 8th

Movable folder:

"When parental love

comes in

too far"


My parents' professions

1 . Cognition

“What do our moms and dads do?”

2. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

“What do our parents do?”

Conversation on the topic:

“My parents are builders, doctors, teachers, etc.”

Reading works

S. Baruzdina “Mother’s work”, V Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like”

Role-playing games: "Drivers", "Polyclinic"

Didactic games “What is unnecessary?”, “Who needs what?”

Meeting with loved ones: Parents' story about their work.

Landscaping of the kindergarten site.

Movable folder:

“How do we help our families?


Family traditions and customs

1 . Cognition

“What do they do in your family”, “Traditions and customs of my family”

2Exhibition of drawings

"Holiday in our family"

Conversation on the topic: “How do you understand the word “traditions”, “The world of family hobbies”, “How I helped my dad, grandparents.”

Examination of the reproduction: Z. Serebryakova "At Breakfast"

Role-playing game: "We welcome guests"

Book family recipes

Project presentation-

"My Family's Pedigree"

Movable folder:

"Traditions and customs of the family."


The work contributed to: The implementation of the project provided optimal conditions for children to study their traditions; interest in the family, its past and present increased. Children have a desire to be like loved ones in deeds and actions. It manifests itself emotionally - a positive attitude towards one’s family, pride in one’s family, caring attitude towards family heirlooms. More often there is a desire to implement knowledge about the family’s past in one’s own activities (stories, drawings, presentation of family heirlooms, creation of a favorable microclimate in the child-parent team. Activation and enrichment of the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents. Enhancement of the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Development of the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities. Equipping a subject-development environment in the group. Organizing an exhibition and a family living room in the kindergarten group. They developed an interest in family history, family traditions, pedigree. The work also contributed to the development of a sense of pride in the family, love and respect for parents In addition, the children became more friendly and acquired conflict-free communication skills.

Vera Gingulyak
Middle group project “My Family”

municipal budget preschool educational institution city ​​of Kurgan "Combined kindergarten No. 117 "Pock"

Project"My family»


Family is of paramount importance in the life of every person. Exactly family is an institute for the primary education and training of children. IN family the first ideas of moral perception of the world, the foundations of morality, and attitude towards people are laid. Only in family children receive the concept of kinship, respect and love for loved ones.

Modern times and the rhythm of life in which we live dictate its own rules, which sometimes have a negative impact on children and family first. Parents increasingly do not have enough time to spend as much time as possible with their children, however, despite this, they still try to devote every free minute to their child.

Raising children, shaping a child’s personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents. Family influences the child, introduces him to the life around him. We adults need to help children understand the importance families, instill in children love and respect for members families, instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.


Children's lack of sufficient knowledge about their family, lack of family traditions in families of pupils, inability of parents to build partnerships, trusting relationship with your children and teachers groups.

Target: expand children's ideas about family through the organization different types activities, create conditions for increasing the active participation of parents in life groups.


1. To form in children an idea of family, about the moral attitude towards family traditions, expand knowledge about your immediate environment.

2. Continue to introduce children to professions.

3. Develop the creative abilities of parents and children in the process of joint activities.

4. Instill in children love and respect for members families, show value families for each person and take care of loved ones.

Age of participants: children middle group №4

Type project: long term (2 months)

Compound project team : preschool teachers, students middle group, parents.

Expected results:

1. Expanding children’s understanding of their parents (where and who they work for, their favorite activities and hobbies, etc., about their members families, traditions, about the life of grandparents (where they live, who they are from, etc.)

2. Joint activities will help strengthen trusting parent-child relationships.

Product project activities

Presentation project

Organization of an exhibition of feeders "Daddy can, daddy can..."

"Family tree" for each families.

Making gifts for mothers "Flower of Kindness"

Festive concert "Mom's Holiday"

Stage 1. Preparatory

Drawing up a passport project.

Survey of children "What do I know about family

Questioning parents on the topic "My family»

Creation of a developing environment: selection of fiction, toys, attributes for gaming and theatrical activities; didactic games.

Album making "My family»

Work with methodological material, literature on this topic.

Stage 2. Practical

Conducting conversations with children;

Conducting active, didactic, role-playing games.

Reading fiction to children (memorizing poems, asking riddles on the topic).

Looking at pictures, drawing pictures, making gifts for grandmothers and mothers.

Collaboration between children and parents "Bird Feeders", "Family tree"

Stage 3. Final

Presentation project

Exhibition "Magic Palms"

Exhibition of feeders

"Family tree"

Concert for mothers

Long-term planning of work with children project

"My family»

Stage 1. Preparatory

1. Questioning parents on the topic "My family»

2. Survey of children "What do I know about family

Stage 2 Practical

Didactic games

D. and. "My parents' names are..."

D. and. "Call me kindly"

D. and. “Whose things are these?”

D. and. “Who can name more actions?”


K. D. Ushinsky

“Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring”,

S. Georgiev "Grandma's Garden",

D. Gabe "Mother"


E. Serova "My dad"

Development of connected speech

“How my dad and I went to the forest”

Finger game (Su-Jok balls) "My family»

Board-print game

“I know all professions”

Role-playing games

« Family» , "Guests have come to us", "Bus", "Shop"

Working with parents

"Magic Palms" (what do our names mean)- involve parents in joint activities with children.

Consultation "Role families in raising a preschooler"

GCD familiarization with surroundings "My family»

GCD (drawing) “Let’s decorate an apron for grandma”

Didactic games

D. and. "I love my relatives" D. and. "My address"

D. and. "Polite Words Store"


E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"

Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Russian folktale "Three Bears"


O. Chusovitina "The best dad"

Memorizing a poem about mom - according to the holiday script

Learning proverbs about mom

“The bird is happy about the spring, and the baby is happy about the mother”.

“There is no sweeter friend than your own mother”.

Development of connected speech

Writing a story "My family» (from photos)

Construction games

"Furniture for home"

Hood. creation

Drawing with pencils "My family»

Drawing with pencils "My house"

Application "Chamomile"

Game situation "Let's help mom..."- Compliance with safety rules when organizing work

Conversation "Where do my parents work"

Learning songs about mom family.

Board-printed games

"My house",

Lotto “I know all professions”.

Finger games

"My friend family» , "Wash",


Watching a cartoon "Mom for a baby mammoth"

Working with parents

Exhibition of feeders "Daddy can, daddy can..."

"Family tree"

Stage 3. Final

Presentation project
