Features of individual work with families. Effective forms of family and school work Forms of individual work with families

Matryona Smarandi
Forms of interaction between the teacher and the families of pupils

Forms of interaction between the teacher and the families of pupils.

Interaction with families of pupils is one of the main conditions for the development of a child’s personality. And in order to attract family to participate in the affairs of the group and kindergarten in order to become partners and like-minded people in education I use a variety of children forms of work. And the main task teacher not only inform parents and enrich them with pedagogical knowledge, but also attract them so that they become full participants in the educational process.

Dads and moms need to remember that kindergarten is only an assistant in raising a child, and therefore they should not shift all responsibility to teachers and avoid educational-educational process.

Job Objectives teacher for interaction with parents:

Establish partnerships with family of each pupil;

Join efforts for development and raising children;

Create an atmosphere mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;

Activate and enrich educational skills of parents;

Support their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

forms forms form form informal (problems).

In my work I use traditional and non-traditional forms communication between teachers and parents of preschool children. One of the collective forms is considered a parent meeting. Once a year I hold a meeting in a traditional form with the invitation of specialists preschool, subsequent practice in non-traditional form, which are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, attracting attention to kindergarten (problems).

This is a debate “Game is the basis of speech development” (the problem is posed and discussion is invited).

"Question answer". It can be carried out by differently: one option is to prepare questions in advance and put them in "chest", and at the meeting the parents pulled out and answered. Another time, the chest was displayed in the group’s locker room, where parents were asked to omit questions about development and raising children, and the answers were given at a parent meeting.

Naturally, by reading mail, I can prepare a full answer in advance, study the literature, consult with colleagues, or even redirect the question. I can’t always voice questions, so I leave some of them for individual consultations, because parents asked various questions that they did not want to talk about out loud.

Round table (on pedagogical situations, where different points of view on the problem are also discussed.

Conference « Family is the basis of education» , where parents shared their family experiences education.

On such forms work communication occurs in a relaxed manner form with discussion of current issues raising children, taking into account the wishes of parents, using methods of their activation. The positive side of such forms is that that participants are not imposed a ready-made point of view, but are encouraged to look for their own way out of the current situation and reason.

Usually before the parent meeting I conduct a survey, the topic may be different depending on what the topic of the meeting is, for example “Results of adaptation of preschool children”, « Speech development child", "Hardening the child's body" and others.

I organize thematic consultations: I invite not the whole group, but several parents, if there are difficulties in child upbringing and development, and, of course, individual ones. Here I practice reminders for parents (in printed version) on certain issues, for example "Self-Care Skills", “Is your child speaking correctly?”.

Seminars - workshops.

"Mobile and round dance games» (they invited a physical training instructor);

"Significance and role finger games» (group 2-3 years old).

"Toughening up children at home";

"Crafting with children";

“Crafts made from natural materials”;

"Grow up healthy".

This form helps you get to know life better families and to provide help where it is needed most, encourages parents to take a serious look at their children, to think about what is best for them bring up. I believe that the main purpose of consultation is workshop- parents make sure that kindergarten they can receive support, advice and practical application.

Class viewings, Open Days, I think all kindergartens have this forms work also applies, but here I organize joint activities of parents and children, where I create conditions for the development of partnerships, trust relationships V family, the point is to give a concentrated idea of ​​the work of the kindergarten. On this day, parents attend classes, morning exercises, and get acquainted with the diet. Parents see how their children are engaged, watch them during games, and get acquainted with the nature of paid services.

The key to successful work together with family is well informed. Material for informational baskets varied: oral and written, visual - stands, photos, folding folders topics:

"Know yourself as a parent";

“Health improvement for children in kindergarten and at home”;

"Activities in kindergarten";

"What were we doing";

"Reading at home";

"How form child's active dictionary";

Provide practical assistance family - these are photo stands"Our classes", "Our flower garden"; newspapers - congratulations "Our Mothers", "Our Dads", exhibitions of children's works "My favorite fairy tales", mobile folders with various headings.

Leisure forms communication organizations are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. These are sports events, entertainment, concerts.

"Autumn Festival";

"Mothers Day";

"New Year's Eve";

"Christmas Fun";


"Our dear mothers";

« Best dad»

Parents are direct participants in the entertainment (play roles, prepare children’s costumes, participate in group registration). These events end with tea. Such evenings help create emotional comfort in the group and bring participants closer together pedagogical process. Use of leisure forms contributes to, that thanks to the establishment of a positive emotional atmosphere parents become more open to communication, in the future it is easier for me to establish contacts with them, provide pedagogical information.

And of course, parents are the main helpers in registration development environment of the group, starting with children's corners in the group, locker room and album design by theme, your child’s portfolio, participation in various poster competitions “Love and protect your native nature”, contest "Our garden", "Outfit for a doll", puppet theaters, various exhibitions.

Only in harmonious interaction between kindergarten and family you can compensate and mitigate each other’s imperfections.

Family and kindergarten complement each other, create best conditions for education and creative development children, parents need to know where and what their children are doing and support what they are being taught. It is important that the child’s joy and success are noticed not only by the teacher, but also family.

I wish you all creative success and good luck in cooperation with parents!

Marina Zaryanova
Forms and content of work of a preschool institution with a family

In order to better get to know each family, its way of life, the system of raising a child, in order to establish the necessary mutual understanding and trust, preschool workers use various forms individual work with parents: conversations, consultations, visiting families, inviting individual mothers and fathers to kindergarten, individual reminders and folders - moving.

Evening conversations with parents limited in time. Conversations with parents, although short-term, should be meaningful and useful for them. This is facilitated by the teacher’s preparedness and friendly tone. In the practice of working with families, individual assignments and requests that teachers and instructors address to parents are justified: making plumes, flags for decoration, etc. Fulfilling such assignments brings parents closer to the life of a preschool institution.

TO collective forms of work with families include: parents' meetings - group and general, group consultations, conferences, evenings for parents.

Reports and lectures for parents on the topics of raising and educating children

are organized both within the walls of the kindergarten and outside it; sometimes they unite parents of several preschool institutions located in the same neighborhood. Such meetings should not repeat the topic parent meetings, but to complement it.

The practice of preschool institutions has included the so-called o open days for parents(parent days, which are planned for the year. Parents are notified about them in advance.

Movies on educational topics are of great benefit to parents, which often serve as the beginning of a lively discussion and debate on issues that concern mothers and fathers.

It is also useful to design stands and showcases with content

which are text and photo-illustrative materials for a certain

topic, for example: “Educating athletes” - this could be the name of a stand, the materials of which tell about intense walks and physical education classes.

Joint physical education holidays and leisure and are of great importance in actively involving the family in physical education. Their contents include funny Games, fun, entertainment.

In our kindergarten, joint holidays and leisure activities are very interesting. Physical education are carried out both outdoors and indoors.

In my work I use integrated leisure activities. And also based on sports games and exercises.

Based on sports exercises. Such leisure activities are organized by combining several seasonal sports (for example, skiing, sledding in winter or cycling, rollerblading, scootering in summer). The content of a holiday or leisure activity may include sports exercises of one type (for example, swimming).

Based on outdoor games, attractions, fun. This is the most common type of leisure. It does not require complex equipment or a specially equipped area (it can be carried out in a clearing or compacted path). The versatility of leisure lies in the fact that children of all ages and adults can be involved in it.

Integrated. The content of these leisure activities, along with motor tasks, includes elements of cognitive, visual activity, theater, etc.

Based on sports games (holding championships in football, basketball, hockey, etc. between parallel groups). Such leisure can be organized if the children have a good command of the technique of the game and are familiar with its rules. To attract all children to participate, you can organize dance performances for girls and games for fans between halves. If the level of motor fitness of children is not high enough, then leisure can take the form of competitions between teams for speed and quality of performance individual elements sports games (dribble the ball and throw it into the basket; hold the tennis ball longer on the racket; hit the shuttlecock into the circle with the racket, etc.). You can also include relay games and games with elements of individual and collective competitions in your leisure time.


Osokina, T. Ya. Physical Culture in kindergarten / T. I. Osokina. M, 1986.

Leskova, G. Ya. General developmental exercises in kindergarten / G. P. Leskova, P. P. Butsinskaya, V. I. Vasyukova. M., 1981

Bocharova N.I. Physical education of a preschooler in a preschool educational institution. M., 2007

Consultation “Forms of working with families”

Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in kindergarten work, however, in the real relationship between educators and parents, there is a certain disharmony. Both personal and professional factors can hinder the development of these relationships. factors: lack of time, feelings of inadequacy, ethnic stereotypes, feelings of resentment - all this can lead to formation personal and professional prejudices that interfere families become active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using the principle individual approach for parental participation, you can develop various ways to get involved work for most families.

Presentation of a preschool institution

Goals: introduce parents to the preschool institution, its charter, development program and team of teachers; show (fragmentary) all types of activities to develop the personality of each child.

As a result, such forms of work parents receive useful information about the content of working with children, paid and free services provided by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, ophthalmologist, swimming and hardening instructor, social teacher, psychologist).

Open classes with children in preschool for parents

Target: introduce parents to the structure and specifics of conducting classes in preschool educational institutions.

When conducting a lesson, the teacher can include an element of conversation with parents (the child can tell something new to the guest, introduce him to his circle of interests).

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents

Target: to involve parents in actively thinking about the problems of raising children in family based on taking into account their individual needs.

Progress of the teachers' council

1. The theoretical part, which is prepared by teachers in accordance with the topic of the teachers' council.

2. Questioning parents. It is carried out in advance to identify the main trends in the opinions of parents on the issue under discussion.

3. Summing up the results of the survey.

4. Interview with parents. Helps teachers establish an appropriate atmosphere in communication with parents, establish feedback in the sphere of influence of the preschool institution on the child and family.

5. Pedagogical situations. Discussing situations activates parents and makes communication with teachers and specialists useful for both parties.

6. Helpline. In the gaming form parents can ask any questions they are interested in both out loud and in in writing. The notes are reviewed, and based on the analysis it is planned Job with parents in appropriate form.

Visit families

Each teacher age group must visit families of their pupils. Each visit has its own purpose.

Purpose of first visit families- find out the general conditions family education. Repeat visits are scheduled as needed and include more specific tasks, such as checking the implementation of recommendations that were previously given by the teacher; acquaintance with the positive experience of family education; clarifying the conditions for preparing for school, etc.

There is another family visit form - examination usually conducted with public participation (members of the parents' asset) for the purpose of providing financial assistance family, protection of the rights of the child, influence on one of the members families, etc. d. Based on the results of such a survey issued psychological and pedagogical characteristics families (Appendix 5).

Pedagogical conversations with parents

This is the most affordable form establishing a connection between the teacher and family, it can be used either independently or in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at parent-teacher meetings, consultations.

Target: to provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, to help achieve a common point of view on these issues.

The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans the topic and structure of the conversation in advance.

Thematic consultations

Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the teacher, conducting consultation, strives to give parents qualified advice.

Consultations can be planned and unplanned, individual and group.

Planned consultations held in kindergarten systematically: 3-4 consultations per year in each age group and the same number of general consultations for kindergarten according to the annual plan. Duration consultation 30-40 minutes. Unplanned ones often arise during communication between teachers and parents on the initiative of both parties.

Consultation, like a conversation, requires preparation for the most meaningful answers from teachers to parents.

Parent Group Meetings

At group meetings, parents are introduced to the content, tasks and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and families.

The agenda of group parent meetings includes a pedagogical conversation (report) on the most important topic on this moment; speech by a doctor or nurse, musical employee; reports from one of the parents about the experience of family education; discussion of current organizational issues.

At the end of the meeting, parents ask questions that concern them and were not covered at the meeting, consult with the teacher and, perhaps, express complaints.

Round table with parents

Target: in a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, discuss current issues of education with parents.

Parents who have expressed in writing or orally a desire to participate in a discussion of a particular topic with specialists are invited to the round table meeting.

Conference with parents

At a conference in an entertaining uniform teachers, specialized specialists and parents model life situations by acting them out. This enables parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of raising children, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.

Example 1. Conference for mothers "Let's talk about mom."

1. Dialogue with parents after listening to a tape recording of children's opinions.

2. Acting out situations - design and analysis of mother's behavior in various situations.

Example 2. Conference for dads “My dearest person.”

1. Invited dads are seated in a semicircle; after the host’s introductory words, a recording of conversations with kindergarten children about dads is offered for listening (the children respond to questions: What should a dad be able to do? Why is it interesting to be with dad on weekends and in the evenings).

2. Opinions of a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher regarding the problems expressed by fathers in the questionnaires.

3. Construction and analysis of the father's behavior in life situations. For example: "Friday evening. All family gathered around the TV and watching the program" Good night, kids,” and suddenly the lights go out... Shouldn’t you go to bed without a fairy tale? Tell your child the fairy tale "Kolobok" or "Turnip".

4. Practical task. In three minutes, make a toy or souvenir for your child.

Topics of conferences for parents

1. Aesthetic education preschoolers.

2. Raising future mothers and fathers.

3. The child’s physical and psychological readiness for school.

4. “School tomorrow” for our children.

General meetings of parents

At the meetings, general organizational issues of joint work the entire preschool.

At each meeting, a chairman and a secretary are elected (from the parents, minutes are kept, a decision is made; personal registration of those present is required.

The general parent meeting is planned and held by the head of the kindergarten together with the parent committee and teachers. There must be at least three meetings a year.

Visual propaganda

IN work Preschool institutions are recommended to use different means of visual propaganda. One of these means is to attract parents to visit kindergarten and present them with specific pedagogical tasks: observation of the activities of the group teacher, relationships between peers, as well as adults and children, games, activities of preschoolers, behavior of one’s own child; familiarization with living conditions in kindergarten.

Parents are also visually introduced to the life of children in kindergarten by organizing open days, which are held 3-4 times a year on designated dates. On these days, parents can visit kindergarten in one or another age group without prior agreement. Parents' activities include monitoring the conduct of classes, children's games, and routine moments. After the viewing, a small group conversation is held, parents ask questions and share their impressions.

In order to visit the preschool institution, duty is held not only on specially designated days. Parents on duty are invited to participate in excursions and walks with children outside the kindergarten, in leisure and entertainment.

The number of shifts during a week, month, or year can be set at the discretion of the kindergarten management and parent committee, as well as depending on the capabilities of the parents themselves.

While on duty, parents should not interfere in the teaching process. They can express their thoughts or comments to the teacher, the head, and later write them down in a special notebook.

Traditional means of visual pedagogical propaganda are various stands. Each age group must have a group stand (corner for parents).

Along with traditional forms there are modern working with family.

It is necessary to create and use opportunities for direct communication.

There are a variety of activities that create opportunities for parents and caregivers to collaborate and share information with each other. It is advisable to create opportunities and allocate time for discussions with families, always leaving enough time for parental questions. Learn to listen well. Below are some activities that have been successfully used in the program "Step by step".

First visits to kindergarten.

Before a child starts attending kindergarten, parents should come to classes and introduce them to teachers, other children, and the kindergarten in general.

Introductory meetings.

After a child is enrolled in kindergarten, parent orientation meetings help parents meet teachers and other parents and get to know both the child and the child. family V home environment.

When to drop off and pick up your child

The schedule can be designed so that the time when children are dropped off at daycare and taken home is used for communication with families.

Phone calls.

Phone calls are made in special cases or once a month by all parents to support informal communication with them

Conferences of parents and educators.

The conference is formal meetings, designed to discuss children's progress and provide an opportunity for parents to share their ideas and concerns. Conferences can be used to jointly plan individualized programs.

How to use written forms of communication?

When time or scheduling issues prevent you from meeting with your parents in person, or if you don't have a phone, there are some things you can do to help you stay in touch with your parents: forms of written communication.

Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of the kindergarten and give an overall information about him.


The newsletter can be published once or twice a month to provide ongoing family information about special events, changes in the program, etc.

Weekly notes.

A weekly note addressed directly to parents informs family about health, mood, behavior of the child in kindergarten, about his favorite activities and other information.

Informal notes.

Caregivers can send short notes home with the child to inform the family about a child’s new achievement or a skill just mastered, thank family for their help; there may be recordings of children's speech, interesting statements of the child, etc. Families They can also send notes to the kindergarten expressing gratitude or containing requests.

Personal notebooks.

Such notebooks can travel between kindergarten and family to share information about what happens at home and in kindergarten. Families can notify caregivers about special family events, such as birthdays, new Job, trips, guests.

Bulletin board.

A notice board is a wall display that informs parents about daily meetings, etc.

Suggestion box.

This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, allowing them to share their thoughts with a group of educators.

Written reports of child development are one of the forms of communication with families, which can be useful provided that it does not replace personal contacts.

There are techniques for creating roles for parents.

Parents can play differently formal and informal roles in the program. Below are some of them.

Guest of the group.

Parents should be encouraged to come to the group to observe and play with their children.


Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help teachers in the classroom, take part in performances, help organize events, provide transportation, help clean, arrange and decorate group rooms, etc.

Member of the parent council.

A parent council is a group of parents that meets regularly to advise educators on their theory and practice.

How to develop work aimed at parents?

Parents' cooperation with each other.

This is more help experienced parents for beginners. Group activities may include meeting for socializing or providing support.

Information for parents and their training.

The kindergarten provides parents with information on a topic that interests them about child development.

Informal meetings of parents and teachers.

These are thematic meetings, evenings, etc.

Use of communication resources.

Communication between parents on issues related to employment, health, housing, child care, education and other family needs.

Literature exchange.

A kindergarten can create a library of interesting books, articles, booklets, video and audio tapes that parents could use.

What can parents do in a nursery? garden:

Bring various toys for general games;

Collect natural materials for activities children: pebbles, seeds, shells, etc.;

Participate in holidays (for example, for the holiday "My day families » bring albums, family heirlooms, tell children about yourself, your family, etc. d.)


To create in family favorable conditions for raising children, parents first of all need to master the full scope of certain psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills and abilities pedagogical activity.

To implement a differentiated approach to work with parents, it is necessary to comply with such general pedagogical and specific conditions as the structure families, social status, style family relations etc.

To identify the level of pedagogical culture and the degree of parental participation in raising children, the following socio-pedagogical indicators can be used: methods: questionnaires, testing, individual conversations, visiting families, monitoring children and parents, etc.

Depending on the categories of parents, such new active ones are used forms of work, How " round tables”, auctions, quizzes, pedagogical kaleidoscopes, debates, interest clubs, competitions, “Question and Answer Evenings”, etc.

Before each meeting, viewings of classes are organized, according to the topic. Various used forms influences must be based on trust. The organization of interaction should be aimed at implementing the pedagogy of cooperation between educators and parents, at increasing the professional level of educators themselves in work with parents, taking into account modern requirements of pedagogical propaganda.

Identification of all categories through socio-pedagogical methods, the use of active forms of work with parents, taking into account the types of families and the level of their pedagogical knowledge, skills, communication skills with children, organization work Preschool education as an open system, active support of communication with neighborhoods, brings significant results.

Needs further improvement forms of working with parents, taking into account their social status, social status, category of families, social situation in society. And the teacher should take the main leading role in this, using all the knowledge gained

These are, first of all, family clubs, which are divided into three groups:

    Clubs united by the nature of their activities: family clubs for tourists, healthy lifestyles, theater and music clubs, leadership-type family clubs.

    By composition of participants: family clubs of parents with many children, student family clubs uniting single-parent families.

    Family clubs by level of development: (from one to two years of work, from two to six years of work or more).

Each club has its own tasks and content of work depending on its focus. Each club must have its own Charter, which is adopted by the general meeting of club members. The Charter defines the content of the work, membership, financial base, operating hours, and responsibilities of members of the family club. The name of a family club should flow organically from the content of the club’s work, be short, interesting, and memorable. Usually a family club has its own emblem. The head of the club is elected from among the club members. All activities of family clubs are based on the joint participation of children and parents. The participation of parents in such family clubs can be determined by the following motives:

    the desire to receive at least a minimum level of practical skills from more experienced parents, to take advantage of the “piggy bank” of collective experience in the upbringing, development and health of children;

    the need to systematize and expand pedagogical knowledge;

    find support in clubs for families who have the same problems;

    the desire to teach a child certain types of art with the involvement of teachers;

    the desire of parents themselves to acquire certain skills and abilities by studying together with their children.

Psychological motives:

    curiosity, desire for creative self-affirmation

Practical reasons:

    professional and creative interest, information comfort, the opportunity to participate with the whole family in public events.

Group forms of work of the club with parents include conversations, meetings with specialists (sociologist, psychologist, doctors, representatives of law enforcement agencies)

Individual work– these are consultations with specialists in various fields, as a condition for maintaining normal family relationships, and providing assistance to families in resolving conflict situations. These include individual conversations with difficult children and parents from disadvantaged families.

All forms of work with families can be organized by childcare centers at the families’ place of residence, on the basis of a children’s yard club, or in dormitories.

Pedagogical propaganda among parents

Experience shows that a significant portion of parents feel a lack of pedagogical knowledge and need qualified pedagogical assistance. This assistance is intended to be provided by leisure institutions in contact with schools, libraries, and psychological assistance centers. Qualified pedagogical propaganda among parents helps to implement and improve family education.

Parents need to be introduced to the basics of pedagogy, to explain the essence of such principles as education in a team, in the process of work, systematicity and consistency in raising children, as well as the methodology for their implementation in the process of family education. Much attention should be paid to familiarizing parents with issues of developmental psychology, the patterns of physiological and psychological development of children of different age categories. The interest of parents will undoubtedly be aroused by events of leisure institutions devoted to such issues as “Regime for children different ages", "Prevention and treatment of childhood diseases", "Parental control over the physical development of children", "Prevention of drug addiction, childhood alcoholism and smoking", "Organization family leisure children" etc.

The most common forms of promoting pedagogical knowledge are: mass forms - lectures for parents, parent conferences, oral magazines, question and answer evenings, parents' days, family vacation days; group forms - parents' clubs, circles on specific problems of family education, group consultations; individual forms - conversations, consultations with specialists (doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.).

Oral propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is carried out through conversations, lectures, and consultations. Conversations and consultations can be both group and individual. In groups they can reveal common problems family education, for example, what kind of help to provide children on exam days, how to cultivate perseverance, and develop attention. During individual conversations or consultations, parents can receive clarification on many specific issues of raising children in the family, taking into account their age, gender, and psychological characteristics. With great interest, parents take part in conversations with doctors, police officers, and prosecutors about children’s offenses and their prevention. Such meetings increase the sense of responsibility of parents for raising their children.

Lectures are the main method of disseminating pedagogical knowledge among parents. Lecture series are especially effective because they cover a broader range of knowledge. For example, a series of lectures entitled “School, family, life” may include the following topics: “Family and citizenship education”, “Labor education in the family”, “the role of family traditions in raising children”, “Raising future defenders of the Motherland”, “How to introduce a child to art”, “How to make children’s recreation active and meaningful.”

When organizing a lecture hall, you should pay attention to drawing up a thematic plan, take care of the accessibility and relevance of the material presented. For example, the following topics are very popular among parents: “The person of the future is being raised today,” “Do we know our children,” “How to cultivate a culture of behavior,” “Who are difficult children?” etc. Broad information is provided to the public about the lecture hall’s work plans. Subscriptions and invitations to parents are distributed with the help of teachers, parent councils, activists, and students.

Parent conferences are valuable because they help make the positive experience of raising children in the family available to everyone. During the preparation of the conference, specialist consultations are organized for parents preparing for presentations, and samples of student work, photographs, books, films, performances, and television programs on the issues of raising children and adolescents are collected. The question and answer evenings are of great interest to the population. Experience shows that although parents are interested in a large number of questions, it is inappropriate. It is much better to limit yourself to narrower topics, namely: “ Moral education in the family”, “How to organize family life, extracurricular activities and leisure time for children”, “How to educate children’s artistic taste”.

Oral journals can also be used in pedagogical propaganda. In each regular issue of the oral journal, you can highlight a page dedicated to pedagogical issues. Sometimes it is advisable to devote the entire issue of an oral journal to issues of pedagogical propaganda. Here is an approximate list of pages of the oral magazine “For Parents about Children”:

Page 1 - “Cultivating a sense of duty and responsibility in children.”

Page 2 – “A schoolchild’s work corner in the family.”

Page 3 – “About children’s leisure time.”

Page 4 – “New items in children’s literature.”

Page 5 – “Housekeeping Tips.”

Page 6 – “New in school amateur performances.”

On each page you can use films or filmstrips, display of photographs through an epidiascope, and performances by amateur artists.

Parents' Days are aimed at establishing a closer connection between parents and the school and familiarizing them with the work of the teaching staff. The day's program includes lectures, reports or meetings, in which heads of regional educational institutions, local authorities, the school director, teachers and, of course, parents can take part. Parents become familiar with the tasks of public education and the affairs of the school; teachers talk about how children learn and behave, conduct individual or group consultations and conversations. Since Parents' Day is usually held on Sunday, you can expand the program and organize a demonstration of a feature film dedicated to raising children, make a bibliographic review of a book exhibition, and conduct a discussion of pedagogical literature and books for children. The attention of parents will be drawn to a sample of a schoolchild’s work corner, an exhibition of creative and artistic works of schoolchildren, and a wall bulletin “The Voice of Parents.”

Improving this form of work, many leisure institutions, together with schools, have moved on to organizing family recreation days. Their task is not only to increase the cultural pedagogical level of parents, but also to fill the family’s leisure time with a variety of interesting content. The program of this day includes a lot of exciting things for children - games. Attractions, film trips, meetings with people of different professions, performances by family groups, competitions like the television “Dad, Mom and I – a Sports Family.”

Pedagogical propaganda among parents can be deep in content, lively and varied in forms, and, therefore, most effective, only if club workers carry it out systematically, in close connection with the school, with the constant help of the parent council and the local community.

The forms of work of socio-cultural institutions with families are varied. Family holidays, family clubs, and individual forms that have become traditional are enriched with new content and are based on the interests of the family. The organization of traditional forms of family leisure in the Russian folk style has become widespread: youth games, fairs, gatherings, applied arts circles for children and adults “Skillful Hands”, fine arts, folk ensembles and folk instrument orchestras. Family communication clubs, teenage clubs, theaters, libraries and other centers help solve the problem of lack of communication between parents and children.

The development of intrafamily contacts is facilitated by the creation of role associations such as “Big Brother”, “ Elder sister", "Mother and Child". Conferences of fathers, men's clubs, meetings, consultations, correct conversations between doctors, psychologists, teachers, joint work in workshops, hikes, excursions, etc. have proven themselves well.

The special value of family leisure forms is that they actively include and intensively use various communication mechanisms: family - children, family - family, children - children, children - teenagers - adults. The simultaneity of these contacts gives family leisure emotional appeal, sincerity, and warmth. Intrafamily leisure relationships in themselves have a rehabilitative function and actively influence the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the family. Focus on organizing joint socially useful and leisure activities for adults and children will have a positive impact on strengthening and uniting the family.

Already at the present time, there are all the prerequisites for bringing family clubs into the orbit of classical family education, turning them into the main unit of pedagogical, socio-cultural universal education of the population. For these purposes, it is legitimate to raise the issue of additional material and financial incentives for existing family clubs before municipal authorities. The practice of organizing, together with cultural and public education bodies, regional, all-Union, television competitions and meetings of family clubs of various profiles on the basis of exhibition complexes, parks, recreation areas, cultural and leisure centers deserves attention. Some universities and cultural schools create centers (points) on a self-sufficiency basis to provide advisory assistance to families on issues of culture and leisure, healthy image life.

Focusing in general on the family as the bearer of leisure traditions of society, it is necessary to take into account all age categories of residents - from preschoolers to pensioners. Due to their physiological and psychological characteristics, teenagers require special attention in the structure of family leisure. Both at school and in their free time, they strive to assert themselves and show their inclinations and interests. That is why it is necessary to create amateur associations and teenage clubs based on interests in society. In order to keep teenagers and young people employed in the evening, it is advisable to create a youth leisure center at the club at their place of residence with a cafe, an Internet cafe, a disco club and a wide range of activities for teenagers and young people. At least a partial solution to the problem of employment of these categories of neighborhood residents in the evening should significantly contribute to reducing the number of violations of public order by them.

The parent community is becoming particularly relevant in organizing family leisure in the microdistrict. In this regard, along with parent committees in educational institutions, the experience of creating a single parent public body of a microdistrict, uniting the efforts of parent assets of schools, preschool and out-of-school institutions, and other social institutions, deserves attention. The activities of such a public formation contribute to increasing the activity of adult residents of society, the responsibility of parents for organizing leisure time for both their own children and the entire child population of the microdistrict. Such a “general” system of organizing leisure time in society has proven itself well in the practical experience of families in the USA, Canada and other Western countries.

The effectiveness of using the social potential of the family largely depends on the level of pedagogical culture of parents. Its increase is facilitated by the efforts of schools, social services, clubs, libraries and other centers. The idea of ​​combining the efforts of all socio-cultural institutions in the pedagogical education of parents and in organizing psychological and pedagogical seminars in the residential environment remains pedagogically justified and in demand. School teachers, social educators, preschool teachers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, employees of out-of-school institutions, teachers and university students are involved in their work. Purposeful, systematic work of the seminar with a clearly developed program and taking into account age characteristics children and adolescents will allow reaching a significant number of parents and will help improve their pedagogical culture.

Along with parents, family leisure organizers also need psychological and pedagogical training: social workers, social educators, culturologists, sociologists. In addition, production workers, students, retirees working with children and adolescents also experience difficulties in their teaching activities. They can get answers to their questions at the consultation point. Such a point is created at a school, leisure center, teenagers club or library. The work of the consultation center is based on two main directions: selection of specialized literature, teaching materials, manuals for systematic use; consultations with specialists at certain hours (social educators or parents can consult with specialists on issues of family leisure and pedagogical communication). Due to the wide spread of informal leisure associations and movements Special attention In providing psychological and pedagogical assistance, social workers should pay attention to the methodology of leisure activities with adolescent and youth groups.

Consultation for teachers

“Modern forms and methods of working with families”

When organizing joint work of an institution preschool education with families it is necessary to observe the basic principles:

openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children;

creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;

diagnosis of general and specific problems in the development and upbringing of a child.

The main goal of teachers of preschool education institutions- professionally help the family in raising children, without replacing it, but complementing it and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions:

development of the child’s interests and needs;

distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in constantly changing situations of raising children;

supporting openness in relationships between different generations in the family;

development of a family lifestyle, formation family traditions;

understanding and acceptance of the child’s individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person.

This goal is achieved through the following tasks:

fostering respect for childhood and parenthood;

interaction with parents to study their family microenvironment;

increasing and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills in practical work with children;

use with parents various forms cooperation and joint creativity, based on an individually differentiated approach to families.

Work with parents should be based on the following: stages.

Thinking through the content and forms of work with parents. Conducting a quick survey to study their needs. It is important not only to let the parent know what the preschool wants to do with their child, but also to know what the parent expects from the preschool. It should be taken into account that some parents prefer to work with their child themselves, and consider kindergarten only as an environment for playful communication with their son or daughter. The obtained data should be used for further work.

Establishment between educators and parents friendly relations with an eye towards future business cooperation. It is necessary to interest parents in the work that is supposed to be carried out with them, to form a positive image of the child in them.

Parents' formation of more full image their child and his correct perception by imparting to them knowledge, information that cannot be obtained in the family and which turns out to be unexpected and interesting for them. This may be information about some features of the child’s communication with peers, his attitude to work, and achievements in productive activities.

Familiarization of the teacher with family problems in raising a child. At this stage, educators enter into dialogue with parents, who play an active role here, talking during the teacher’s visit to the family not only about the positive, but also about the difficulties, anxieties, and negative behavior of the child.

Joint research with adults and the formation of the child’s personality. At this stage, the specific content of the work is planned and forms of cooperation are selected.

All forms with parents are divided into:

collective, individual and visual information;

traditional and non-traditional.

Collective forms involve working with all or a large number of parents of the institution (group). These are joint events between teachers and parents. Some of them involve the participation of children.

Customized forms are intended for differentiated work with parents of pupils.

Visual information - play the role of indirect communication between teachers and parents.

Currently, sustainable forms of work between kindergartens and families have emerged, which preschool pedagogy it is generally accepted traditional. These are time-tested forms of work. Their classification, structure, content, and effectiveness are described in many scientific and methodological sources. These forms include pedagogical education of parents.

Particularly popular with both teachers and parents non-traditional forms communication. They are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to teachers.

Practice has already accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized. However, today they have changed principles, on the basis of which communication between teachers and parents is built. It is built on the basis of dialogue, openness, sincerity, refusal of criticism and evaluation of the communication partner. Therefore, these forms are considered non-traditional.

The dominant role among forms of communication between teacher and parents continues to play to this day. cognitive forms organizing their relationships. They are designed to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, and, therefore, to contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment, and to develop reflection. In addition, these forms of interaction make it possible to acquaint parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of their practical skills. Parents see the child in an environment different from home, and also observe the process of his communication with other children and adults.

The leaders in this group are still: traditional collective forms of communication :

General parent meeting. Its goal is to coordinate the actions of the parent community and teaching staff on issues of education, upbringing, health improvement and development of students. Problems of raising children are discussed at general parent meetings . Like any parent meeting, it requires careful preliminary preparation. For parents newly admitted to the institution, it is advisable to give a tour of the kindergarten with an explanation of the profile and tasks of the institution, and introduce them to specialists; you can publish a booklet, advertisement telling about a specific institution or show a presentation; organize an exhibition of children's works, etc.

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents. The goal of this form of work with families is to involve parents in actively understanding the problems of raising children in the family based on individual needs.

Parent conference - one of the forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents. The value of this type of work is that it involves not only parents, but also the public. Teachers, employees of the district education department, representatives of medical services, teachers, educational psychologists, etc. speak at the conferences. In addition, this form allows teachers, specialists and parents to simulate life situations by playing them out. This enables parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of raising children, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.

Thematic consultations are organized with the goal of answering all questions that interest parents. Part of the consultation is devoted to the difficulties of raising children. They can be carried out by specialists on general and special issues, for example, the development of musicality in a child, the protection of his psyche, teaching literacy, etc. Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the latter involve dialogue, it is led by the organizer of the conversations. The teacher strives to give parents qualified advice and teach something. This form helps to get to know the life of a family more closely and provide help where it is needed most; it encourages parents to take a serious look at their children and think about the best ways to raise them. The main purpose of the consultation is for parents to make sure that in kindergarten they can receive support and advice. There are also “correspondence” consultations. A box (envelope) is being prepared for parents' questions. While reading the mail, the teacher can prepare a complete answer in advance, study the literature, consult with colleagues, or redirect the question. This form received a response from parents. As our experience of conducting “correspondence” consultations showed, parents asked a variety of questions that they did not want to talk about out loud.

Pedagogical council. According to some modern authors (E.P. Arnautova, V. Lapitskaya, etc.), this form can and should be used when working with parents. It helps to better and deeper understand the state of relationships in specific family, provide effective practical assistance in a timely manner (if, of course, the parents have a desire to change something in the current situation).

The council can include a teacher, head, deputy head for main activities, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, head nurse, and members of the parent committee. At the consultation, the educational potential of the family, its financial situation and the status of the child in the family are discussed. The outcome of the consultation could be:

availability of information about the characteristics of a particular family;

determination of measures to assist parents in raising a child;

development of a program for individual correction parental behavior.

Parent Group Meetings- this is a form of organized familiarization of parents with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family (the problems of the group’s life are discussed).

It is recommended to hold 3-4 meetings a year, lasting 1.5 hours. Topics should be formulated problematically, for example: “Is your child obedient?”, “How to play with a child?”, “Should children be punished?” and etc.

When preparing for a parent meeting, you should adhere to the following rules:

the meeting must be purposeful;

meet the needs and interests of parents;

have a clearly defined practical nature;

be carried out in the form of dialogue;

At the meeting, you should not make public the failures of children or the miscalculations of parents in their upbringing.

The agenda of meetings can be varied, taking into account the wishes of parents. Traditionally, it includes reading a report, although this should be avoided; it is better to conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents. According to lecturers, “reading from a piece of paper causes sleep with with open eyes" It is not recommended to use official words like “report”, “events”, “agenda”, “attendance is strictly required” when working with parents. If a teacher reads the text without stopping, one gets the impression that he is incompetent in the issues being presented. In the message, it is important to present the characteristics of the life of the group and each child. Kindergarten specialists (doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.), as well as specialists among parents who are related to preschool childhood(pediatrician, lawyer, librarian, etc.).

The meeting is prepared in advance, the announcement is posted 3-5 days in advance. The ad can include small tasks for parents, for example, observing children’s behavior, developed skills, paying attention to children’s questions, etc. The tasks are determined by the topic of the upcoming meeting. Experience shows that parents respond more actively to individual invitations, especially if children took part in their preparation.

When preparing for a meeting, you can use the following plan:

Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home before the meeting, and their results are used during the meeting.

Making invitations for each family (in the form of an applique, drawing, postcard, etc.). It is important that children take part in making invitations.

Making leaflets with tips on the topic of the meeting. Their content should be brief and the text should be printed in large font.

Preparation of competitions and exhibitions.

Tape recording of children's answers on the topic of the meeting.

Meeting invitation fairy tale hero(use of a surprise moment).

Preparation of posters on the topic of the meeting, etc.

Now meetings are being replaced by new non-traditional forms. "Round table". In a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, current problems of education are discussed with parents

Open classes with children in a preschool institution for parents. Parents are introduced to the structure and specifics of conducting classes in a preschool institution. You can include elements of a conversation with parents in the lesson.

These forms have been used before. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate the communication partner. Therefore, these forms can also be considered non-traditional. For example, this could be holding parent meetings based on famous television games: “KVN”, “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, “Through the Mouth of a Baby” and others. An informal approach to organizing and conducting these forms of communication confronts educators with the need to use a variety of methods for activating parents. To such “old forms on new way"can be attributed to:

"Open Days". Currently they are becoming widespread. However, today we can talk about this form of communication between teachers and parents as non-traditional, due to changes in the principles of interaction between teachers and parents. According to researchers, a preschool institution is able to fully satisfy the needs of parents only if it is an open system. “Open Days” give parents the opportunity to see the style of communication between teachers and children, and to “get involved” in the communication and activities of children and teachers. If previously it was not assumed that a parent could be an active participant in the life of children when visiting a group, now preschool institutions strive not only to demonstrate the pedagogical process to parents, but also to involve them in it. On this day, parents, as well as other people close to the child who are directly involved in his upbringing (grandparents, brothers and sisters), have the opportunity to freely visit the preschool; walk through all its premises, get acquainted with the life of a child in kindergarten, see how the child studies and relaxes, communicate with his friends and teachers. Parents, observing the activities of the teacher and children, can themselves participate in games, activities, etc.

Clubs for parents. This form of communication presupposes the establishment of a trusting relationship between teachers and parents, awareness by teachers of the importance of family in raising a child, and by parents that teachers have the opportunity to help them in solving emerging difficulties in upbringing. Meetings of clubs for parents are held regularly. The choice of topic for discussion is determined by the interests and requests of the parents. Teachers strive not only to prepare useful and interesting information themselves on a problem that worries parents, but also invite various specialists

Oral pedagogical journal. The magazine consists of 3-6 pages, each lasting from 5 to 10 minutes. The total duration is no more than 40 minutes. The short duration of time is of no small importance, since parents are often limited in time due to various objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is important that a sufficiently large amount of information placed in a relatively short period of time is of significant interest to parents. Each page of the magazine is a spoken message that can be illustrated teaching aids, listening to tape recordings, exhibitions of drawings, crafts, books. Parents are offered literature in advance to familiarize themselves with the problem, practical assignments, and questions for discussion. Sample topics of Oral Journals proposed by teachers: “At the threshold of the school”, “Ethics of family relationships”, “The influence of nature on the spiritual development of the child” and others. It is important that the topics are relevant to parents, meet their needs and help solve the most important issues in raising children.

Evenings questions and answers. This form allows parents to clarify their pedagogical knowledge, apply it in practice, learn about something new, expand each other’s knowledge, and discuss some problems of children’s development.

"Parent University". In order to work " Parent University"was more productive, activities with parents in a preschool institution can be organized at different levels: general kindergarten, intra-group, individual-family.

It can operate different departments according to the needs of parents:

“Department of Competent Motherhood” (Being a mother is my new profession).

“Department of Effective Parenting” (Mom and Dad are the first and main teachers).

“Department of Family Traditions” (Grandparents are the custodians of family traditions).

Mini-meetings. An interesting family is identified and its experience of upbringing is studied. Next, she invites two or three families who share her position in family education. Thus, in narrow circle a topic of interest to everyone is discussed.

Research and design, role-playing, simulation and business games. During these games, participants not only “absorb” certain knowledge, but construct new model actions, relationships. During the discussion, the game participants, with the help of specialists, try to analyze the situation from all sides and find an acceptable solution. Approximate themes of the games could be: “Morning in your home”, “Walk in your family”, “Weekend: what is it like?”

Trainings. Training game exercises and assignments help to give an assessment in various ways interaction with the child, choose more successful forms of addressing him and communicating with him, replacing undesirable ones with constructive ones. A parent involved in game training begins to communicate with the child and comprehends new truths.

Days of good deeds. Days of voluntary, feasible assistance from parents to a group, preschool institution - repair of toys, furniture, group, assistance in creating a subject-development environment in the group. This form allows you to establish an atmosphere of warm, friendly relationships between the teacher and parents. Depending on the work plan, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for parental assistance, discuss each visit, the type of assistance that the parent can provide, etc.

Similar forms: Communication days, Father's Day (grandparents, etc.)

The cognitive group includes customized forms interactions with parents. The advantage of this form of work with parents is that through studying the specifics of the family, conversations with parents (with each individual), observing the communication of parents with children, both in a group and at home, teachers outline specific ways of joint interaction with the child.

Pedagogical conversations with parents. Providing timely assistance to parents on one or another issue of education. This is one of the most accessible forms of establishing communication with family. The conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting or family visit.

The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue; Its peculiarity is the active participation of both the teacher and parents. Conversations can arise spontaneously at the initiative of both parents and teachers. The latter thinks through what questions he will ask the parents, announces the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, we must strive to cover, as far as possible, all aspects of education. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the issues of teaching and raising a preschooler. In addition, conversations must meet certain requirements:

be specific and meaningful;

give parents new knowledge on issues of teaching and raising children;

awaken interest in pedagogical problems;

increase the sense of responsibility for raising children.

As a rule, the conversation begins with general questions; it is necessary to provide facts that positively characterize the child. It is recommended to think through in detail its beginning, on which success and progress depend. The conversation is individual and addressed to specific people. The teacher should select recommendations that are suitable for a given family and create an environment conducive to “pour out” the soul. For example, a teacher wants to find out the features of raising a child in a family. You can start this conversation with positive characteristics child, to show, even if insignificant, his successes and achievements. Then you can ask your parents how they managed to achieve positive results in their upbringing. Next, you can tactfully dwell on the problems of raising a child, which, in the teacher’s opinion, still need to be improved. For example: “At the same time, I would like to pay attention to the education of hard work, independence, strengthening the child, etc.” Give specific advice.

Family visit. The main purpose of the visit is to get to know the child and his loved ones in a familiar environment. By playing with a child, in a conversation with his loved ones, you can find out a lot of necessary information about the baby, his preferences and interests, etc. The visit benefits both parents and the teacher: parents get an idea of ​​how the teacher communicates with the child, have the opportunity in a familiar environment to ask questions that concern them regarding the upbringing of their child, and allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house, traditions and morals of the family.

The teacher of each age group must visit the families of his pupils. Each visit has its own purpose. The purpose of the first visit to the family is to find out the general conditions of family upbringing and to examine the child’s living conditions. Repeat visits are scheduled as needed.

When organizing a home visit, you must comply with the following conditions:

be tactful when visiting family;

do not start a conversation in the family about the child’s shortcomings;

do not ask parents many questions about raising children;

Make yourself a reminder about organizing home visits and try to follow it.

Individual consultations. Consultations are similar in nature to conversation. The difference is that a conversation is a dialogue between a teacher and a parent, and when conducting a consultation and answering parents’ questions, the teacher strives to give qualified advice.

Individual notepads, where the teacher records the children's successes in various types of activities, parents can mark what interests them in raising their children.

These forms also include:

"Young Family School";

execution of individual orders;


Trust mail;

piggy bank of Good deeds, etc.

Leisure forms communication organizations are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. In the future, it will be easier for teachers to establish contacts with them and provide pedagogical information. Such forms of cooperation with the family can be effective only if educators pay sufficient attention to the pedagogical content of the event, and the establishment of informal trusting relationships with parents is not the main goal of communication.

Holidays, matinees, events (concerts, competitions). This group of forms includes the holding by teachers of preschool institutions of such traditional joint holidays and leisure activities as “New Year's Eve”, “Christmas fun”, “Maslenitsa” , “Mom’s Holiday”, “Best Dad”, “Dad, Mom, Me” Friendly family", "Harvest Festival", etc. . evening of interaction “How we welcomed spring” . Can't do without sports entertainment such as “Zarnichka”, family Olympic Games. Such evenings help create emotional comfort in the group and bring together the participants in the pedagogical process. Parents can show their ingenuity and imagination in various competitions. They can act as direct participants: participate in drafting the script, read poems, sing songs, play the musical instruments and tell interesting stories etc.

Exhibitions of works by parents and children, family opening days. Such exhibitions usually demonstrate the results joint activities parents and children. This important point in building relationships between a child and a parent and significant for the teacher (increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group, one of the indicators of comfort intra-family relations). For example, the exhibitions “A birch tree stood in the field”, “Miracles for children from unnecessary things”, vernissages “Mom’s hands, dad’s hands and my little hands”, “Nature and fantasy”

Joint hikes and excursions. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. As a result, children develop hard work, accuracy, attention to loved ones, and respect for work. This is the beginning patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for one’s family. Children return from these trips enriched with new impressions about nature, insects, and their region. Then they enthusiastically draw, make crafts from natural materials, and design exhibitions of joint creativity.

Charity events. This form of joint activity has great educational significance not only for children who learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give. Parents will also not remain indifferent, seeing how their child enthusiastically plays with friends in kindergarten in a game long abandoned at home, and the favorite book has become even more interesting and sounds new in the circle of friends. And this is a lot of work, education human soul. For example, the “Give a book to a friend” campaign. Thanks to this form of work with parents, the group’s library can be updated and expanded.

Visual and informational forms of interaction with parents.

These forms of communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, and revise methods and techniques home education, see the teacher’s activities more objectively.

Visual information forms are conditionally divided into two subgroups:

The tasks of one of them are informational and educational- is to familiarize parents with the preschool institution itself, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of the preschool institution.

Tasks of another group - outreach— close to the tasks of cognitive forms and aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the characteristics of the development and upbringing of children preschool age. Their specificity lies in the fact that the communication between teachers and parents here is not direct, but indirect - through newspapers, the organization of exhibitions, etc., therefore they were separated into an independent subgroup, and not combined with cognitive forms.

In their use, it is necessary to observe the principle of purposefulness and the principle of systematicity. The main task of these forms of work is to acquaint parents with the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children in a group and to help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and to provide practical assistance to the family. These include:

tape recording (dictaphone) of conversations with children,

video clips of organizing various types of activities, regime moments, classes;


exhibitions of children's works,

stands, screens, sliding folders.

In pedagogical practice they use and combine different kinds visibility:





Corner for parents. It is impossible to imagine a kindergarten without a beautifully and originally designed parent corner. It contains information useful for parents and children: the group’s daily routine, class schedule, daily menu, useful articles and reference materials for parents. Parent corner materials can be divided into two parts according to content:

informational materials: rules for parents, daily routine, announcements of various types;

materials covering the issues of raising children in kindergarten and family. They reflect the current work on the upbringing and development of children. Parents will clearly see how they can equip a corner or room for their child, receive answers to their questions, and find out what consultations will be held in the near future.

The main thing is that the content of the parent corner should be brief, clear, and legible, so that parents would have a desire to refer to its content. It is also very important not only to fill the corner with the freshest and useful information, but also make it colorful and eye-catching. To do this you need:

Choose a suitable place on the wall. It is advisable to place a corner opposite front door or just above the locker rooms in the locker room. This way, the necessary information will immediately catch the parents’ eyes. Make room on the wall for the future parent's corner. Make a flatbed stand out of plywood or buy a ready-made one, preferably a collapsible one, so that you can increase or decrease the area of ​​the stand if necessary.

Decide what exactly will fill the parent stand. Posters with background information: parents about the rights of the child, life safety for parents (personal safety rules), parents and the second child, advice from doctors, parents and their responsibilities, etc.

Prepare and post information about children's institution and staff, indicating contact numbers. This will give parents the opportunity to receive personal advice if necessary. The daily schedule, daily menu, information about the students in the group (height, weight and other indicators) - all this is an indispensable part of the parent's corner.

Exhibitions, vernissages of children's works. Their goal is to demonstrate to parents important sections of the program or the children’s progress in mastering the program (drawings, homemade toys, children’s books, albums, etc.).

For example: an exhibition dedicated to sections of the program “ Visual activities children in the family and kindergarten”, “The toy and its educational role” or exhibitions of children’s works “Autumn - stocking up”, “Winter has come”, etc.

Information sheets. They may contain the following information:

information about additional activities for children; announcements about meetings, events, excursions;

requests for help;

thanks to volunteer helpers, etc.

Reminders for parents. A short description (instructions) of the correct (competent) procedure for performing any actions

Mobile folders. They are formed according to the thematic principle: “So that our children do not get sick,” “The role of the father in raising children,” etc. The folder is given for temporary use to parents. When parents become familiar with the contents of the travel folder, you should talk with them about what they read, answer any questions that have arisen, listen to suggestions, etc.

Parent newspaper prepared by the parents themselves. In it, they note interesting incidents from the life of the family and share their experiences of education on certain issues. For example, “Family day off”, “My mom”, “My dad”, “I’m at home”, etc.

Videos. They are created on a specific topic, for example “ Labor education child in the family”, “Labor education of children in kindergarten”, etc.

These forms of work with parents include:

design of photomontages;

joint creation of a subject-development environment;

family and group albums “Our Friendly Family”, “Our Life Day by Day”, “Education from All Sides”;

photo exhibitions “My grandmother is the best”, “Mom and me, happy moments”, “Dad, mom, me - a friendly family”;

emotional corner “This is how I am today”, “Hello, I’m here” and others.

Information and analytical forms of organizing interaction with parents

The main task information and analytical forms Organizations of communication with parents include the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have the necessary pedagogical knowledge, the family’s attitude towards the child, requests, interests, and needs of parents for psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, person-oriented approach to a child in a preschool setting, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Questioning. One of the most common diagnostic methods, which is used to study the family, determine the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child.

Having received the real picture, based on the collected data, the teacher determines and develops communication tactics with each parent and child. This helps to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.

Based on questionnaire data, it is possible to develop criteria for the “involvement” of parents in the educational process. It can reflect quantitative indicators of parental presence at group events: attendance at parent-teacher meetings and consultations; presence of parents at children's parties, participation of parents in preparing and conducting excursions, thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the “Open Day”; assistance from parents in equipping the pedagogical process. As well as quality indicators: initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults. This analysis allows us to identify three groups of parents.

Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process, see the value of any work of a child care institution.

Parents are performers who participate subject to meaningful motivation.

Parents are critical observers. A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”

All this will help the teacher find a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

What is new in the practice of kindergarten work with families is the use of written forms of communication with parents. How and when to use written forms of communication? When time constraints or difficulties with your parents' work schedule prevent you from meeting with them in person; If you don't have a phone or want to discuss an issue in person, some forms of written communication can help you stay in touch with your parents. But you should not abuse such forms of communication. Since they do not contribute to the cohesion of the parent-child team of the group. And some (brochure, manual, newsletter, report) are more suitable for organizing work with parents throughout the kindergarten.

Brochures. Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of a kindergarten and give general information about him.

Benefits. The manuals contain detailed information about the kindergarten. Families can access benefits throughout the year.

Bulletin. A newsletter can be issued once or twice a month to keep families informed about special events, program changes, and more.

Weekly notes. A weekly note addressed directly to parents informs the family about the child's health, mood, behavior in kindergarten, his favorite activities and other information.

Informal notes. Caregivers can send short notes home with the child to inform the family about the child's new achievement or skill just mastered, to thank the family for the help provided; there may be recordings of children's speech, interesting statements from the child, etc. Families can also send notes to the kindergarten expressing gratitude or containing requests.

Personal notebooks. Such notebooks can travel between the kindergarten and the family every day to share information about what is happening at home and in the kindergarten. Families can notify providers about special family events such as birthdays, new job, trips, guests.

Bulletin board. A notice board is a wall display that informs parents about meetings for the day, etc.

Suggestion box. This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, allowing them to share their thoughts with a group of educators.

Reports. Written reports of child development are a form of communication with families that can be useful, provided they do not replace face-to-face contact.
