Lesson notes - conversations on cognitive development. Preparatory group

Yulia Demidova
Summary of the conversation on cognitive development V senior group"Health Rules"

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Chukhloma kindergarten "Spring"

Chukhloma municipal district, Kostroma region

Summary of the conversation on cognitive development in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Theme of joint activities: conversation on cognitive development« Health rules»

Teacher: Demidova Yulia Nikolaevna.

Age group of children: senior group.

Target: Development of cognitive activities in educational fields « Health» , "Safety", « Physical Culture» , formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Psychological and pedagogical tasks:

Training tasks: to form children’s ideas about dependence health from doing basic rules maintaining one's own health.

Developmental tasks: Develop interest in cognitive activities.

Educational tasks: To cultivate the desire and ability to take care of your body. Fasten personal hygiene rules and regulations, saving health body in everyday life.

Preliminary work: Review of children's encyclopedias, conversations about health, reading fiction, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations on the topic of healthy lifestyle.

Technologies: health savers: physical education minute, breathing exercises "Miracle - nose", gaming: (d/i "Find out by touch", "When it happens", a game "Harmful - useful".

Methodical techniques: Didactic game, artistic expression, situational tasks, conversation, exploratory activities, breathing exercises, reference to children’s life experiences.

Integrated educational region: cognition, communication, health, socialization.

The type of children's activity underlying joint activities:

gaming, motor, educational.

Form of work with children: group

Progress of activities:

Part 1 - introductory: creating an educational situation

Hello guys!

Tell me, what do we wish when we talk to each other? "Hello"?

We wish health.

Why health so important for a person?

Motivating children for upcoming activities

Health– this is the most important wealth that needs to be protected. Is our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, each ray is rule, which needs to be carried out.

If the rules are followed, the sun is shining brightly and everything is fine with us health. They are very important to know!

Formulating the goal of the upcoming activity and the children’s acceptance of it. Let's let's get acquainted with the first ray, but the game will help us.

Part 2 – main:

DI "Find out by touch".

You need to guess the item by touch (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush) and tell what it is intended for and how to use it.

What general word can be used to describe these items?

Personal hygiene items.

Why do you think we need these items?

To be clean.

What is the name of the first ray health?


Let's attach a ray to the sun.

Let's let's meet the second ray, and you can guess what it’s called by looking at the picture.

Children look at illustrations about sports, physical education

So that be healthy, don't catch a cold,

You need to do charging.

Pay in order and go out to exercise.

Physical education minute

We raise our hands higher, lower our hands down.

You get the roof first, then touch the floor.

(Pull your arms up, sit down, touch the floor with your hands)

We perform three bends, bending to the floor (bending forward).

And then we’ll bend deep back three times at once (bends back).

Let's perform hand jerks - 1,2, 3, 4.5. (hand jerks)

And now we squat to become stronger and stronger (squats)

We'll reach up later (stretching arms up, forward, to the sides)

Wider arms let's divorce.

We have warmed up from the heart and will hurry to the place (sit down in their seats).

Health is good?

Thanks for charging.

Sport has added to our health?

What is the second ray called? health?

Physical education, sports.

(Let's attach a ray to the sun)

Now listen riddle:

You won't be able to live without him

No eating, no drinking, no talking.

And even, to be honest,

You won't be able to light a fire.

An experiment will help us guess the answer - take a deep, deep breath and cover your mouth and nose with your palms.

How did you feel?

Why couldn't they be without air for a long time?

Why do we need air?

Without breath there is no life,

Without breathing, the light fades.

Birds and flowers breathe,

He, and I, and you breathe

Guys to be healthy, we need clean air and we also need to be able to breathe correctly.

Breathing exercise.

(let's remember what breathing exercise we know).

Breathing exercises: exercise "Miracle Nose".

Deep and quiet

I breathe through my nose...

I’ll complete the task, hold my breath...

One two three four -

Let's breathe again: deeper, wider.

So what is the third ray called? health?

Fresh air.

Where should you go to breathe clean air?

In the park, in the forest.

(Let's attach a ray to the sun)

Guys, why does a person need food? How do you think?

If your mother asked you to go to the store, would you be able to choose healthy foods? Let's check and play the game "Harmful - useful".

The basket contains a bag of chips, an apple, a carton of milk, chocolate, orange, chewing gum, and yogurt. Children choose and take out useful ones from the basket. products: apple, carrot, etc.

Let's see what healthy products you bought, did anyone make a mistake? What foods are harmful?

Well done, I will definitely tell your mothers that you know how to choose healthy products.

So what is the name of the fourth ray? health?

Healthy food.

Conclusion: It's important to eat healthy food because it is rich in vitamins and preserves health.

Let's attach a ray to the sun.

Guys, listen to a funny poem and guess what else helps us preserve health.

The chicken is in pain today head:

Yesterday an owl called her to visit,

They stayed up all night

And during the day our chicken pecks.

What happened to the chicken, why does it feel bad?

What should we follow in order to always feel good, get up easily, and have time to do all our business?

Di: When does this happen? (the teacher shows pictures with regime moments and asks what time of day this happens).

So what is the fifth ray called? health?

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

Let's attach a ray to the sun.

Part 3 – final: Summing up activities. Pedagogical assessment results of children's activities.

Look carefully at each other, why are your eyes sparkling? Why do you have a kind smile? Why are you all smiling cheerfully? What's your mood? Good mood- this is the name of the last ray.

Look, the sun is smiling, happy for you that you now know how to preserve your health.

Guys, let's remember what we talked about health rules today?

I wish you to comply health rules, grew up not only smart, but also healthy.

Well done today, everyone did a great job.

Smooth removal of children from directly educational activities into independent activity

The teacher invites the children to look at albums about health, play didactic games "Good Habits", "What's first, what's next".

Integrated lesson on cognitive development “We are Almetyevsk residents”

This material will be useful preschool teachers senior and pre-school groups (children from 5.5 to 7 years old). Can be used as an open event both at the preschool educational institution and at the municipal level.

Target: nurturing humanity, respect and love for the people inhabiting the hometown, caring for its objects.

NGO "Poznanie":
- to form children’s knowledge about their hometown: what Beautiful places there are people in it who live and work in it;
- consolidate knowledge about the state symbols of the city;
- develop children's memory, attention, imagination.
NGO "Socialization":
- develop cooperation skills when performing teamwork;
- evoke in children a feeling of admiration and pride in their hometown and its inhabitants;
- cultivate love for hometown, the desire to learn as much new and interesting things as possible about him.
NGO “Reading Fiction”:
- develop the ability to emotionally perceive poetry by ear, expressiveness when reading independently.
OO " Artistic creativity»:
- develop constructive abilities, the ability to depict favorite objects of your hometown.

Preliminary work:
Targeted walks along nearby streets; conversations about street names; viewing illustrations; games: “Travel around my hometown”, “Find out where I am”; examination of the flag and coat of arms of the city of Almetyevsk; memorizing the poem “My City.”

TV, disc with a film recording, ball, illustration depicting city streets and individual objects, a set of state symbols (flag + coat of arms) of the peoples of the Volga region, oil, sheets of A4 paper for each child, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, easel.

Progress of direct educational activities:
Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, facing the guests.
- Guys, guests came to our lesson today, let’s say hello to them. (Children say hello)
-Guys, I want to offer you a short film, and while you watch it, I will read you a poem. (Children watch a video about the city of Almetyevsk, and the teacher reads a poem by A.L. Litvin)

Where there used to be a wasteland,
You are growing upward
You are growing in breadth.
And torches of poplars
You call people to tomorrow.
My city, my blooming city,
For many - just oil,
And for me you are a city - a garden,
And that you exist, I am proud and glad.
You are many-sided and multi-colored,
Visible in the country and abroad.
Sons of different nations,
Your pride and mine are here.
Oil flows like a river along Druzhba,
This gift to people is yours and mine.
And I want you to always be
You are a peaceful city of labor.

Guys, you probably already guessed what we will talk about today? (Children’s answers)
-That’s right, and our lesson is called “We are Almetyevsk residents.”
- Guys, our city, like all people, has a birthday - November 3rd. And this year he turned 57 years old. And now let's remember what streets there are in our city, their names. I will give you photographs - one for both of you, you will look at them carefully and say what the name of this street is and what is on it, what object or building is familiar to you. We will post all photos on a magnetic board. (Children complete the task.)

Guys, tell me, what distinctive symbols does each country, each republic and each city have? (Children's answers)
-Right. And our city has its own flag and coat of arms. I suggest you find the flag and coat of arms of the city of Almetyevsk from the symbols proposed here. (Children find)
Then the children optionally talk about what each color of the flag means and what is depicted on the coat of arms. If there is difficulty, the teacher helps them:
-The flag includes two colors - green and red. Green color- a symbol of nature, health, youth, life; red - courage, strength, hard work, beauty and celebration. The shield of the coat of arms is depicted in the form of an end-to-end golden tulip flower, inside of which there is a golden staircase - an image of an oil derrick, and on top of it - a black fountain with two jets gushing from the end. The combination of gold and black emphasizes the symbolic definition of oil as “black gold”.

Guys, what is being mined in our area? (Children's answers) - That's right, oil, and today the Almetyevsky district is the largest oil production center in Tatarstan. Look what it is like, oil. (The teacher shows a vessel with oil.) - Guys, oil is a very expensive mineral that is necessary for all of us. It is processed at oil refineries to produce gasoline and diesel fuel, which are necessary for transport. Oil is also used to make plastic, which, in turn, is used to make many different items, including toys for children. Guys, all these materials and objects are made by people of different professions. And I invite you to play the game “I Know Five Professions.” I hit the ball on the floor and throw it to one of you. The one who has the ball in his hands names any profession.
-You named the profession of a builder. I suggest you now also be builders and put together whole objects that are in our city from cut-up pictures and name them. (Children complete the task.)

Guys, you told us how beautiful our city is and what it has. But the main wealth of each country as a whole and each city separately is its people. Currently, your mothers and fathers, grandparents are trying to improve life in the city with their work: roads, buildings, historical monuments are being repaired; Work is being carried out to improve courtyards and parks. And in order for everyone to feel good in our city, we must respect each other, take care of everything that was created by the work of your parents, grandparents.
Children read a poem (by E. Fadeeva):
We live in our beloved city,
We'll become big
We'll grow up quickly.
We will decorate our city with new gardens,
He will be wonderful
The city is yours and mine!

Guys, each of you has your favorite place in the city. You won’t name them now, but go to the tables and each draw your favorite place in the city of Almetyevsk. (Children draw, while adults watch a video about the city of Almetyevsk, accompanied by a song.)

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's drawings is organized.

Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory school group

Topic: “Conversation about insects”
Author: Irina Viktorovna Enikeeva, teacher at MDAOU, general developmental kindergarten No. 11, Korenovsky district
Software tasks: introduce children to insects - butterfly, ant, bee ( appearance, habits, reproduction) and give ideas about the relationship of any living organism with its environment. Activate the vocabulary (notches, pollen, nectar, cells, honeycombs). To cultivate love and respect for all living things; develop logical thinking.
Materials: wheat and corn seeds, paper flowers, model of a butterfly, pine cones, tape recording of “birds singing”, slide (ants, beetles, bees), honey.

Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory school group. Topic: “Conversation about insects”

Description: This activity is intended for older children. The direction is to cultivate love and respect for all living things; develop logical thinking.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, I was going to work today and met some animals on the way. We talked with them for a long time, they told me about their lives, and I told them about what we have in our kindergarten preparatory group and very friendly, obedient and inquisitive children live in it. Isn't it the same? And these animals invited you to visit them. But since they were in a hurry, each left their own trail, along which we must get to where they live.
Educator: Do you like to travel? Then let's hit the road right now.
Educator: Look, someone’s footprint (corn or wheat is scattered). Who do you think could leave such a mark? (answer - Mice) Correct.
Yes guys, this is the first animal I met this morning. Where did the mouse take us? (In field).
(Painted flowers and dry plants are scattered everywhere. A butterfly sits on one of the flowers).
Educator: Look what a beautiful butterfly! Let's look at it.
What parts does a butterfly's body consist of? (From the head, chest, abdomen - consists of notches - small particles).
How many legs does a butterfly have? (Six)
Why does a butterfly fly from one flower to another?
That's right, guys. Butterflies don't just flutter: they are busy doing important work.
And how do they collect nectar?
Yes, they need long proboscis in order to extract sweet nectar from flowers. But, of course, they don’t forget to show off either: sometimes they open their wings, sometimes they close them. It’s as if they were saying: “Look how beautiful I am.” So she flutters from flower to flower, as elegant as a rainbow, and sits on a tree, on the grass, folds her wings and is gone!
Now let's think together. What do butterflies eat? (Nectar from flowers).
How do they collect sweet nectar? Butterflies have a proboscis. It penetrates the core of the flower in order to suck out the nectar.
Educator: How is a butterfly born?
(First an egg, from the egg a caterpillar that eats and eats all the time. It increases in size and turns into a pupa that sleeps all winter and finally a butterfly emerges from the pupa).
Guys, this is how much we learned about butterflies.
What butterflies do you know? (butterfly slide show).
And here are the butterflies we have in our collection. Poem "Butterfly".
Educator: But there are many other insects living in the field. Which ones?

Educator: Now, guys, it’s time for us to move on. Look, someone left a trace for us. (Collect cones).
Who loves pine cones? (Squirrel)
Where do squirrels live? (In the woods)
So you and I have come to the forest. Birds greet us. (tape recording of birds singing).
Oh guys, look here, what is this?
And to find out, we need to solve the riddle.
You won't find a saw here,
We didn't cut down the trunks,
They didn't knock with an axe,
And a house grew under the spruce tree.
Where do ants live? (in anthills)
What do they build anthills from? (From pieces of pine needles, leaves, resin crumbs, lumps of earth, pieces of wood).
What do ants eat? (Sweet juices secreted by plants and animals, aphids, scale insects).
Guys, ants use aphids as “cash cows” - tickling them with their antennae, they force them to secrete sweet juice, which is then licked off.
Ants are very friendly. Where the strength of one ant is not enough, another, a third appears.
How do they distribute responsibilities among themselves? (There are 3 types of ants - females, males and worker ants - they work).
Educator: Guys, ants always live in colonies and they have their own queen. How is the queen chosen? I'll tell you about this now.
The females leave the colony and fly high into the sky. She then founds a new colony. Burrows into the ground and lays eggs there. The eggs hatch into larvae and the female helps each of them create a cocoon. When a young ant appears inside the cocoon, she tears one end of the cocoon and pulls the ant out. Almost immediately, the newborn ants begin adult life and take care of the female queen. Why are ants called “forest orderlies”? (Because ants can destroy about 10 million dead insects and harmful insects over the summer).
That's right, that's why anthills must be protected, they cannot be destroyed.
Educator: Guys, there are a lot of other insects, various midges, and bugs living in the forest. What beetles do you know? (slide show “bugs”). The mushroom beetle lives in mushrooms, does not collect mushrooms, but settles in them and feeds on them. I settled in comfortably.
The stag beetle has horns on its head.
A rhinoceros beetle has horns instead of a nose.
Longhorned beetle - body smaller than whiskers. Lives in the bark of trees and destroys it.
Educator: Let's leave the cones in the forest, guys, here they will be useful to the animals.
Now let's move on.
To the clearing. Who do you see in the flowers? (Bees)
What parts does a bee's body consist of?
How do you think a flower can feed a bee?
(Each flower has nectar and pollen, which serve as food for many insects, including bees.)
Everyone knows that honey, which is not only tasty, but also healthy, comes from bees.
How does this happen?
Bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers, then transfer the nectar to the cells of the honeycomb, where it turns into honey.
A bees' nest, children, is a whole state where worker bees live.
What are these bees doing? (They collect and process honey, clean the hive, feed the larvae with pollen).
Educator: There is a female queen who does what?
That's right, it hatches eggs.
Guys, how do bees communicate? How do they tell each other that they have found flowers with nectar? When a worker bee finds flowers with nectar, she returns home and begins to dance and spin. If the bee dances animatedly, then this means that it has been detected a large number of food and many bees fly away in search.
Where do bees put their nectar? (They have special baskets on their paws for collecting pollen).
Yes, and before the nectar turns into honey, the bees evaporate most of the water from it. What happens to bees in winter? What do they eat in winter?
That's right, they eat this honey. Worker bees maintain the temperature in the hive at 34C and do not allow it to drop below 7C. Brought honey is used by bees as fuel; after eating it, they release heat. These are such amazing creatures.
Educator: Guys! Everything in nature is interconnected and all living things are needed for balance. If even one species of insects disappears, a catastrophe could occur on earth.
Now let's repeat how you can distinguish an insect from other living beings?
(In insects, the body consists of three parts - the head, torso and abdomen, and they only have 6 legs).
You cannot catch insects, destroy anthills, wasp nests, etc.
Educator: Now let's play with you. I give you cards, you look at them and answer, who is the odd one out? And why?
Well done guys, you completed the task successfully and for this the bees prepared a surprise for you.
Which one do you think? They gave you delicious and nutritious honey. Eat for your health!

Integrated lesson on cognitive development “We are Almetyevsk residents” This material will be useful to teachers of pre-school educational institutions of senior and preparatory groups for school (children from 5.5 to 7 years old). Can be used as an open event both at the preschool educational institution and at the municipal level.

Target: nurturing humanity, respect and love for the people inhabiting the hometown, caring for its objects.


NGO "Poznanie":

– to form children’s knowledge about their hometown: what beautiful places it has, who lives and works in it;

– consolidate knowledge about the state symbols of the city;

– develop children’s memory, attention, imagination.

NGO "Socialization":

– develop cooperation skills when performing team work;

– evoke in children a feeling of admiration and pride in their hometown and its inhabitants;

– cultivate a love for your hometown, a desire to learn as much new and interesting things as possible about it.

NGO “Reading Fiction”:

– develop the ability to emotionally perceive poetry by ear, expressiveness when reading independently.

NGO "Artistic Creativity":

– develop constructive abilities, the ability to depict favorite objects of your hometown.

Preliminary work:

Targeted walks along nearby streets; conversations about street names; viewing illustrations; games: “Travel around my hometown”, “Find out where I am”; examination of the flag and coat of arms of the city of Almetyevsk; memorizing the poem “My City.”


TV, disc with a film recording, ball, illustration depicting city streets and individual objects, a set of state symbols (flag + coat of arms) of the peoples of the Volga region, oil, sheets of A4 paper for each child, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, easel.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, facing the guests.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today, let's say hello to them. (Children say hello)

Guys, I want to offer you a short film, and while you watch it, I will read you a poem. (Children watch a video about the city of Almetyevsk, and the teacher reads a poem by A. L. Litvin)

Where there used to be a wasteland,

You are growing upward

You are growing in breadth.

And torches of poplars

You call people to tomorrow.

My city, my blooming city,

For many - just oil,

And for me you are a city - a garden,

And that you exist, I am proud and glad.

You are many-sided and many-colored,

Visible in the country and abroad.

Sons of different nations,

Your pride and mine are here.

Oil flows like a river along Druzhba,

Guys, tell me, what distinctive symbols does each country, each republic and each city have? (Children's answers)

Right. And our city has its own flag and coat of arms. I suggest you find the flag and coat of arms of the city of Almetyevsk from the symbols proposed here. (Children find)

Then the children, if desired, talk about what each flag means and what is depicted on the coat of arms. If there is difficulty, the teacher helps them:

The flag includes two colors - green and red. Green color is a symbol of nature, health, youth, life; red – courage, strength, hard work, beauty and celebration. The shield of the coat of arms is depicted in the form of an end-to-end golden tulip flower, inside of which there is a golden staircase - an image of an oil derrick, and on top of it - a black fountain with two jets gushing from the end. The combination of gold and black emphasizes the symbolic definition of oil as “black gold”.

Guys, what is being mined in our area? (Children's answers) - That's right, oil, and today the Almetyevsky district is the largest oil production center in Tatarstan. Look what it is like, oil. (The teacher shows a vessel with oil.) - Guys, oil is a very expensive mineral that is necessary for all of us. It is processed at oil refineries to produce gasoline and diesel fuel, which are necessary for transport. Oil is also used to make plastic, which, in turn, is used to make many different items, including toys for children. Guys, all these materials and objects are made by people of different professions. And I invite you to play the game “I Know Five Professions.” I hit the ball on the floor and throw it to one of you. The one who has the ball in his hands names any profession.

You named the profession of a builder. I suggest you now also be builders and put together whole objects that are in our city from cut-up pictures and name them. (Children complete the task.)

Guys, you told us how beautiful our city is and what it has. But the main wealth of each country as a whole and each city separately is its people. Currently, your mothers and fathers, grandparents are trying to improve life in the city with their work: roads, buildings, historical monuments are being repaired; Work is being carried out to improve courtyards and parks. And in order for everyone to feel good in our city, we must respect each other, take care of everything that was created by the work of your parents, grandparents.

Children read a poem (by E. Fadeeva):

We live in our beloved city,

We'll become big

We'll grow up quickly.

We will decorate our city with new gardens,

He will be wonderful

The city is yours and mine!

Guys, each of you has your favorite place in the city. You won’t name them now, but go to the tables and each draw your favorite place in the city of Almetyevsk. (Children draw, while adults watch a video about the city of Almetyevsk, accompanied by a song.)

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's drawings is organized.

Summary of joint educational activities sti

for preparatory school kindergarten groups. Cognitive development of FEMP

"Conversation about the history of mathematics"

GBPOU student

"Pedagogical College No. 4 of St. Petersburg",

OZO, group 12a, Sizova Nellya Olegovna

Target: to develop children's interest in mathematics and its history, to consolidate quantitative concepts, ideas about shape and size.

Educational h adachi:

1 Expand children’s understanding of how the science of mathematics originated.

2Exercise children in counting within 10, forward and backward counting.

3To consolidate children’s knowledge about geometric shapes.

4Reinforce the concepts of “wide” and “narrow”.

5Activate and expand lexicon children (pyramid, papyrus, Romans, tribe, science, temple, tag).

Developmental h adachi:

1Activate attention, pdevelop logical and imaginative thinking.

2 Develop auditory perception.

3 Develop children's constructive abilities and creativity.

4 Develop logical and imaginative thinking.

Educational h adachi:

1Nurture independence.

2 Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

3 Cultivate a desire to help others, take into account the opinions of others.

Use of problem-based gaming technologies:

Logical math game;

Problem situation;

Logical-mathematical story game.

Health-saving technology:

Physical exercise.

Integration with educational field"Socially - communication development», « Speech development", "Physical development" .

Equipment: Creation of a developmental environment for organizing and conducting joint educational activities:

Illustrations on the content of the lesson “History of Mathematics”;

Envelope with a letter;

Pinocchio doll;

Chairs placed in pairs to represent a bus;

Tickets with circles of the corresponding number and numbers on the seats of the “bus”;

Illustration - gate with geometric shapes;

A narrow scarf and a wide shawl depicting a stream and a river;

Boards with numbers from 1 to 10;

Boxes with counting sticks and modeling samples made from sticks individually for each child;



Preliminary Team work :

1Review of the children's encyclopedia about human origins.

2Didactic games “Fun Counting”, “Geometric Constructor”.

3Looking at pictures didactic manual“What’s first, what’s next”, “History in pictures” and conversation based on content.

4 Conducting physical exercises with mathematical content.

Progress of joint educational activities:

Part 1 – organizational.

Educator: Guys! I invite you to take a trip to the city"Amazing Mathematics" . There we will learn where the science of mathematics came to us.

Pinocchio doll : Guys! Take me with you! I really love mathematics, and I want to find out what kind of city this is.

Educator: Let's take Pinocchio with us. Well, guys, do you agree?(Yes)

Part 2 – the main one.

Educator: You and I will go to the city"Amazing Mathematics" by bus. What do you need to buy to get on the bus?

Children: You need to buy tickets at the box office.

Educator: Right. I have already bought tickets for everyone and will now distribute them.(The chairs are arranged in pairs, numbers are attached to their backs) .

Educator: Katya, why did you sit on this chair?

Kate: Because there are 4 circles on my ticket and the number 4 is painted on the chair.

Educator: Lera, why did you sit on this chair?

Lera: Because there are 3 circles on my ticket and the number 3 is painted on the chair.

Educator: Now we have arrived at the city of “Amazing Mathematics”. Look at the interesting gate in front of the city. What's on them?

Children: Geometric figures.

Educator: Guys, this is a tough gate. If we name these figures correctly, the gates to the city will open. Which geometric figures you see?

Children: Square, trapezoid, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Educator: To open the gate, you need to unravel one secret - guess which of the figures is the odd one out. Which figure do you think is the odd one out?(a circle has no corners).

Educator: Thanks to your knowledge, the gates opened. Look what an interesting city it is. The houses are multi-colored, and something is painted on them. Let's take a walk around the city and look at the houses.

An ancient man, palms, are drawn on a green house.

Educator: The first concepts of mathematics were less, more and the same. When one tribe exchanged its fish catch from another for stone knives, there was no need to count how many fish and how many knives they brought. They simply placed a knife next to each fish.A little later, people learned to count only on their fingers and could show numbers only on their fingers. By the way, fingers played a significant role in the history of counting. Especially when people began to exchange objects of their labor with each other. So, for example, wanting to exchange a spear he had made with a stone tip for five skins for clothing, a man would put his hand on the ground and show that a skin should be placed against each finger of his hand. One five meant 5, two meant 10. When there were not enough arms, legs were used. Two arms and one leg – 15, two arms and two legs – 20. Residents of New Guinea even today bend their fingers and count “be-be-be...”. After counting to 5, they say “ibon-bae” (HAND). Then they bend the fingers of the other hand “be-be...” until it comes to “ibon-ali” (TWO HANDS). Counting further, New Guineans use their toes, and then... SOMEONE ELSE'S HANDS AND LEGS! How were the numbers written down? Instead of the number “3” - three sticks, “4” - four sticks.

Here's the next house. How beautiful it is, with columns. This is an ancient Roman temple. The ancient Romans had different numbers. If you look closely at the Roman numerals (showing the Roman numerals painted on the wall of the temple), they look like fingers. One is one finger; two is two fingers, five is a five with the thumb extended, six is ​​a five and one more finger. For dozens there is a different sign - like a horseshoe.

Educator: Now let's continue our journey.

Pinocchio finds a letter on the road and reads it to the children: “Our city is not easy, but magical. To go further along it, solve fun puzzles”:

1. Six funny little bears

They rush into the forest for raspberries.

But one kid was tired:

I fell behind my comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are there ahead? (five )

2. Once to the bunny for lunch

My neighbor friend galloped up

The bunnies sat on a tree stump

And they ate five carrots.

How many carrots did you eat? (ten )

3. Four sheep were lying on the grass,

Then the two sheep ran home.

Come on, tell me quickly:

How many sheep are there now?(two) .

4. Five fluffy puppies

Everything is in the basket,

And one decided to run away

How many of them will be left lying around? (four ).

What happens to only two in a person? (2eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs. 2 ears )

What are the fairy tales that have the number 3 in their titles? (3 bears, 3 pigs, 3 fat men)

Educator: Well done! Now we can move on. Look how unusual the building is. Who knows what it's called? What does it look like?

Children will learnpyramid.

Pinocchio: I also know that this is a pyramid. Such buildings were built in ancient Egypt.

Teacher: That's right, look, there are hieroglyphs painted on the wall of the pyramid. In Egypt - one of the most ancient numberings. The inscriptions of the Egyptians consisted of drawings - hieroglyphs.

Two mathematical papyri have survived, which show how the ancient Egyptians calculated. For example, the hieroglyph for a hundred was drawn like a measuring rope, for a thousand - like a lotus flower, for 10 thousand - a raised finger, 100 thousand - like a toad, a million - like a man with raised hands.

Educator: To successfully engage in agriculture, arithmetic knowledge was necessary. Without counting days, it was difficult to determine when to sow fields, when to start watering, when to expect offspring from animals. It was necessary to know how many sheep were in the herd, how many bags of grain were put in the barns, etc. The word “tag” is still preserved in the Russian language. Now this is the name given to a tablet with a number or inscription, which is tied to sacks of goods, boxes, bales, etc. But two or three hundred years ago this word meant something completely different. This was the name given to pieces of wood on which the amount of debt or tax was marked with notches. The notched tag was split in half, after which one half remained with the debtor, and the other with the lender or tax collector. When calculating, the halves were added together, and this made it possible to determine the amount of debt or tax without disputes or complex calculations.

Educator: The road led us to a stream. Is it wide? Can you step over it?

Children : No, not wide, narrow.

Everyone steps over it together.

Educator: But there is another obstacle - the river. Which river is it narrow or wide?

Children. The river is wide.

Educator: Can you step over it like a stream?

Children. No.

Educator: That's right, a very wide river. Children, what should we do? How can you get across the river?

Children offer solutions to the problem.

Educator: And we will cross the river through the bridge. Guys, a strong wind blew and scattered all the planks. What can we do to move forward?

Children. Collect the planks.

Educator : That's right, you just need to collect them in order from 1 to 10.

Children help each other collect boards using numbers from 1 to 10.

Educator: Well done guys, put together the bridge. Let's check if it is assembled correctly. First, let's count in direct order.

Vera, do the math. Well done! Kira, count! Fine!

Now, let's count in reverse order.

Sasha, count! Right. Vova, do the math. Well done!

Now we all cross the bridge across the river together.

Educator: Guys, you and I walked across the bridge and found ourselves in a clearing. Let's relax here and have a fun physical activity.

Children do exercises.

Our rest is a physical education minute,

Take your seats.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up,

Vanka - It’s like they became Vstanka,

And then they started galloping

Like my elastic ball.

After physical exercise, the teacher takes the children to a place where counting devices are laid out: counting sticks, abacus, calculator.

Educator: In ancient states, scribes - the people who carried out calculations - were entrusted with a very difficult task - they had to keep records of government revenues and expenses, and these were always very large numbers that were difficult to calculate in the mind. And here the ancient people showed amazing ingenuity - they created manual devices for counting: it was a board with longitudinal grooves in which pebbles were originally placed. In Ancient China, pebbles were not moved in grooves, but beads were moved on wires.

Abacus appeared in Rus' many years ago and has been used quite effectively to this day. They are still very convenient for the blind.

The teacher blindfolds the child and asks him to put five, eight, ten stones on the abacus.

Another 2-3 people try.

Then the teacher shows the calculator and explains that people use it to do complex calculations. This item is necessary in the store, in the bank, and in other places where there are complex calculations and a lot of actions with numbers.

Educator: Let's take the counting sticks and play. Children sit on a rug - a clearing. They count the sticks, there are 10 of them.

Then the teacher asks to build a house, a flag, a boat, a TV (each child is given a model of construction from sticks).

Well done, everyone completed the task.

Part 3 – final .

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. What did we learn today? What they were doing?

Children talk. Pinocchio helps them remember.

Well done to you all today! We completed all the tasks.

We say goodbye to Pinocchio, but we do not say goodbye to the city of “Amazing Mathematics”, through which we still have many interesting journeys to make.


Registration of professional activities in a portfolio
preschool teacher notes on joint educational activities using modern educational technologies

When you write notes on joint educational activities, remember some approximate rules for their design:

First we write HEADLINE and select it:

Joint educational activities


for the junior (or middle, or...) kindergarten group

After the name, be sure to write your full name and the name of the preschool educational institution.

1. GOAL OF JOINT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES– let’s formulate it briefly main goal!

2. TASKS OF JOINT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES – remember that there should be 3 groups of tasks: educational (including vocabulary work), developmental and educational. You can find for this item beautiful phrases at any sample program in tasks for the right age.

3. USE OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES. In a summary of any topic, it is necessary to list innovative (modern educational) technologies that you used. When listed, they should each be highlighted in their own color (WORD has a “color fill” function) and they are highlighted in the same color in the presentation itself or in the notes.

What modern educational technologies can be used in kindergarten?

An approximate list of modern educational technologies.

* Mnemonics.

* ICT technology (use presentation during class). In this case, during the notes you must indicate the numbers of the slides in the order in which you open them. The presentation is attached to the abstract as an appendix.

* TRIZ technology (methods for developing the creative imagination of preschoolers)

* Problematic - gaming technology

Logical math games, including: Voskobovich games , Dienesha blocks , (see educational manual - Korobova T.V. "System of initial play activities with Dienesha Blocks for children

junior preschool age" , Cuisenaire sticks

Problem situations

Logical-mathematical story games

Creative tasks

* Project activities .

* Fairytale therapy.

* Museum pedagogy.

* Logorhythmics.

* Musical influence technology.

* Socio-game technology (person-centered technology).

* Research technology (see Educational manual - Korobova T.V. "Entertaining experiments with air, water, sand and static electricity"

* Health-saving technologies:

- Finger gymnastics , (cm. Methodological development- Korobova T.V. " Finger gamesThe best way development fine motor skills hands of preschoolers"

- Gymnastics for the eyes , (see Methodological development - Korobova T.V. “We need physical exercises, they are important for children!”

- Relaxation exercises (elements of psycho-gymnastics), (see Methodological development - Korobova T.V. "Game relaxation exercises for older preschoolers"

4. EQUIPMENT- carefully re-read your notes and list everything you use during joint educational activities.

5. PRELIMINARY JOINT ACTIVITIES- list all the activities you carried out. to prepare children for this joint educational activity. This could be reading books, learning poetry, drawing, etc. on this topic. This item depends entirely on your imagination.

6.. PROGRESS OF JOINT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES(don’t forget about highlighting modern educational technologies with color!).


Target mathematical development preschoolers

    Comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

    Preparing for successful learning At school.

    Correctional and educational work.

Tasks mathematical development preschoolers

1. Formation of a system of elementary mathematical representations.

    Formation of prerequisites for mathematical thinking.

    Formation of sensory processes and abilities.

    Expansion and enrichment of the dictionary and improvement
    connected speech.

    Formation of initial forms of educational activity.

7 . The importance of developing spatial concepts in preschoolers:

    The sensory experience of spatial discrimination is improved.

    Speech is activated and vocabulary increases.

    Orientation to your body makes it possible to recognize the parts of the body as anatomical units.

    Logic, thinking, and imagination develop.

    Street orientation skills are developed.

    Orientation on a piece of paper prepares you for school.

    Promotes the development of gaming, labor, visual, constructive, educational activities.

    Develops horizons, etc.
