Master crafts from pasta with your own hands. DIY pasta crafts

Creative activities help children develop their imagination and fine motor skills, and also strengthen social relationships when done in a group or with parents.

For variety, in addition to the classic materials plasticine or paper, you can use others, for example, pasta. They are in any kitchen. In addition, pasta crafts look beautiful and original.

How to paint pasta for crafts

To add some color, you can color the pasta ahead of time by dividing it into small piles. For each you need to take a separate color.

What to paint with?

Gouache is a classic and simple solution. Every child has such paints in their arsenal. They are convenient for coloring pictures, finished crafts and blanks.

Painting technology:

Option 1. Place the required amount of pasta in a small plastic container or bag. Combine the selected gouache color with water, then pour it in. Shake to mix the contents and leave to brew for 10-14 minutes. After waiting time, drain the unnecessary liquid, remove the pasta and spread it out, let it dry.

Important! The brightness of the color depends on the amount of water. More liquid means less brightness.

Option 2. Hand dyeing. Place some pasta on a sheet of plain paper. Paint them with a brush one by one. Paint without diluting with water. When finished, wait and let the products dry. Then carefully turn it over and paint the bottom in the same way. If the shells are large, with holes, then you can hang them to make it more convenient to cover both sides of the product.

Food coloring is often used for creativity. It is corrosive, so wear gloves before working. The coloring technology is simple - place the pasta selected for crafts in a small unnecessary container (it’s more convenient to take a couple of bags, it’s faster to mix).

Next, you need to follow the instructions included with the paint step by step, since it is sometimes diluted not with water, but with vinegar or ordinary alcohol. Carefully pour the prepared solution into the container and mix thoroughly. 5-10 minutes is enough to color the pasta.

Non-standard option. It’s interesting, but you can color the pasta with regular green paint. She will give them a deep shade. Dilute a little greenery with water and place the pasta in it. A drop will give only a slight tint.

Other non-standard materials:

  • nail polish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • cocoa solution;
  • turmeric;
  • spray paint.

The choice is large.

How the finished product is painted

It’s convenient to color the pasta in advance; you can immediately distribute the quantity according to the required colors. Sometimes you have to paint finished products. For example, a basket or a house made from shells. The classic approach of soaking will not work; it is important to process everything carefully, maintaining the integrity of the product.

Color options:

  1. Manually. Take paints of the desired colors. Place the figure in front of you on a white A4 sheet. Using brushes, carefully paint the craft. Try to handle all the details. Spaghetti is easier to color; it is straight, without roughness and not ribbed.
  2. From a can. It is more convenient to treat pasta beads with small holes with a spray bottle, spraying paint. Such dyes have a strong smell, so it is better to work with a mask outside. Coating any, even complex, craft from a spray can or spray bottle is a universal way. Paint particles get into all the smallest holes. The finished product then looks very bright.

How and what to glue pasta in crafts with

DIY pasta crafts require reliable glue. It should be invisible, so white PVA is not suitable.

Types of glue:

  • “Dragon”, “Titanium” are polymer, they are similar in properties, just different names.
  • “Crystal” is thick and sticky, like “Moment”, but less noticeable.
  • Thermal gun - perfect for creating figures such as a hut, a teapot or a basket; it is unlikely to be useful for postcards. Glues quickly (1-2 minutes is enough). It is convenient to use due to its shape, popular and inexpensive. Excellent gluing of various materials, including pasta.

Alternative options:

  • PVA - white, clearly visible, sticks for a long time;
  • glue stick - cheap, but weak.

Important! More often, people choose a heat gun, but an adult must help the child work with it.

Pasta beads

How to make long multi-colored beads? The stringing process is fascinating, and the kids will definitely love it. The length can be adjusted by yourself.

What you will need:

  • pasta with holes - 750 gr.;
  • multi-colored dye;
  • 3 bowls;
  • beaker;
  • medical alcohol;
  • baking sheet or large flat plate;
  • wax paper;
  • spoon;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape.

Work process:

  1. Divide the pasta among three small bowls, dividing equally.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of different dyes to each. Pour water, add ¼ tablespoon of alcohol.
  3. Stir the contents of the bowls until the vermicelli is fully colored.
  4. Drain off any excess liquid and place the pasta on a plate or baking sheet to dry.
  5. Measure enough thread to make a bead or bracelet. Tie the end and wrap your finger with a piece of duct tape. String different colored vermicelli alternately until the thread is completely filled. When finished, connect the ends of the thread with a simple knot.

The beads are ready.

Panel and painting made of pasta

It’s easy to create a variety of pasta paintings at home with your own hands. Even a child can cope; adults just need to guide and prompt.

What you will need:

  • vermicelli;
  • thick cardboard;
  • figure templates;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • brush.

Operating procedure:

  1. Download ready-made images of a bird, Smesharik or other fairy-tale character or copy them from the screen.
  2. Cut out the outlines of the figure, then carefully glue it to the base - a sheet of thick cardboard.
  3. Using a brush, evenly spread the PVA over it in a thin layer.
  4. Vermicelli accentuate the details of the picture - the wool of a lamb, the mane of a lion, the face of a Smesharik or the wings of a bird. This is how the craft acquires volume and originality.

Important! For convenience, you can color the noodles in advance and glue the already colored ones.

Frame pasting

Flour products come in various forms, so they can be used anywhere. For example, paste over a simple wooden frame. Small pasta bows or leaves give it charm and originality. You need to glue one piece at a time with a glue gun. For convenience, pasta is colored in advance.

Decorating vases with pasta

Do you have an old vase lying around at home or would you like to create your own from simple scrap materials? Great, why not use a variety of pastas.

What you will need:

  • figured vermicelli;
  • decorative accessories (colorful ribbons, twine, beads);
  • container - base (small plastic bottle);
  • spray paint;
  • glue gun

Operating procedure:

  1. Think over the composition that you want to depict on the surface of the vase. A beautiful flower, animal figures or something else.
  2. Forming the foundation. Take a small bottle, coat it with glue and tie it evenly with ribbons.
  3. Glue pasta and pieces of jewelry to the finished base one by one, creating the intended pattern.
  4. Use plastic stacks or an unnecessary rag to promptly remove any remaining adhesive. After finishing decorating, spray it with paint.
  5. Flowers are collected from small combs or cute bows, attaching them to tied twine.

Tip: instead of a bottle, take a jar or other unnecessary container.

Architectural masterpieces made from pasta

It's amazing how many paintings and various figures can be created from ordinary flour products!

The main materials are noodles, a glue gun, an original idea and hard work.

  • a fairy-tale hut with a small courtyard, surrounded by a fence with turrets;
  • a temple with a dome and a cross;
  • Faberge egg;
  • old castle.

As you can see, the possibilities are limited only by your own imagination. Of course, sometimes, in addition to labor and available materials, you need a plan and knowledge of mathematics, but pictures of most architectural masterpieces are available on the Internet.

Pasta crafts for children

Children are interested in fairy-tale characters and animal figures. Homemade creativity develops imagination, fine motor skills, perseverance and attention. It’s worth starting with small, child-friendly images, while explaining the details.

Pasta hedgehog

The idea is simple; anyone, even a very small child, can make a hedgehog. A great way to distract the prankster while mom is sorting things out in the kitchen.

What you will need:

  • piece of dough;
  • pasta;
  • paper.

Operating procedure:

  1. Make a figurine of a sitting hedgehog from a piece of regular dough. His back remains clean.
  2. Place the craft on A4 sheet, give the child a handful of short spaghetti and tell him how to decorate the back with it.
  3. For the eyes, you can take raisins or buckwheat.

Craft owl

A three-dimensional figure is created from several types of pasta.

What you will need:

  • large shells (base-body);
  • bow (will be ears and tail);
  • 2 snails (big owl eyes);
  • small shells (sharp beak, paws), large ones (2 wings).

Operating procedure:

  1. Place a large shell vertically in front of you. Break the bow in half with your hands, glue one half on top, on your head. The second is from below, forming a tail.
  2. Glue two small snails - the eyes of the owl.
  3. Take three small shells, attach one between the snails - the beak, the rest below the tail - the paws.
  4. Glue large wing shells tightly to the edges on the sides.
  5. Color the owl. It can easily be turned into an eagle owl if you use a different color. For an example, look at photos of birds on the Internet.

Craft snail

It is easy to make, all materials are available.

What you will need:

  • large shell;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpicks;
  • stand.

Operating procedure:

  1. First, make a sausage from plasticine - the body of the future snail. Fold the edge smoothly upward, forming a head.
  2. Add plasticine patterns to large shells to make the snail’s house bright and beautiful.
  3. Break a toothpick and make a couple of small horns out of it. Attach rounds of plasticine to the ends. Blind your eyes and smiling mouth.
  4. The stand is a green leaf, cut out of colored cardboard. Remember, one snail is bored, make her friends!

Autumn craft from pasta - bows

Autumn is the golden time of harvesting and composing romantic poems. It's time for abundance. What craft can express this? For example, a basket full of collected fruits!

What you will need:

  • "scallops";
  • "bows";
  • plastic bowl;
  • glue gun;
  • wire cutters;
  • masking tape;
  • spray paint;
  • filling for the basket.

Operating procedure:

  1. Scoop out the scallops and gun one at a time to the sides and bottom of the base bowl. Try to attach more tightly.
  2. Pen. Using a heat gun, connect several scallops with their tips together, forming a semicircle. Wait until dry, then glue the finished handle to the basket.
  3. Decorate the edges and sides with bows.
  4. Once you've finished your basket, spray it with gold, brown, or silver paint.
  5. Wait for it to dry. Fill your finished basket with the gifts of autumn!

Winter crafts from pasta

In winter, the main idea for creativity is New Year. I would like to complement the interior with original decorations and make cute gifts.

Christmas wreath

Instead of spruce or fir branches there will be pasta of different shapes.

What you will need:

  • foam base hoop;
  • glue gun;
  • figured shells;
  • ribbons;
  • paints;

Moreover, there are simply a lot of main components for this activity in any kitchen! And if you don’t find the required configuration, then purchasing them in a store will not hurt your pocket.

The only auxiliary materials you will need are glue, some kind of paint and a balloon to create spherical shapes.

But before you begin a detailed examination of specific products, you need to understand the basics of creating these unusual pasta crafts with your own hands. Let's do this!

How do you glue pasta together?

Gives the best and most lasting results special gun, which is sold in craft stores. The glue there is silicone and is served hot, and when it hardens it forms a very dense plastic drop that is not afraid of any shaking.

Some advise using PVA glue, but this will be a short-lived result, until the first slightest blow. Therefore, we do not recommend that you opt for something that does not guarantee good clutch quality.

After all, you want the product to please the eye not for a couple of days, but for much longer? In addition, do not forget that children will constantly touch them and show them to their friends!

In the case of a glue gun, skill is required. The drop hardens quite quickly, so you need to have time to glue as many parts as possible in one application of glue.

No need to drip glue from a gun directly onto the pasta! The drop comes out big enough for such small parts. Just take a little glue mass with a toothpick and quickly apply it to the pasta.

How to paint pasta different colors?

Some souvenirs require colorful pasta. Painting every little thing with a brush, you understand, is simply impossible. And even more so if they are very small and shaped

How to paint pasta for crafts:

  1. 1 Take regular Easter egg dye.
  2. 2 Dilute it according to the instructions, not forgetting to add vinegar (it fixes the paint).
  3. 3 Hold a batch of blanks in the solution, stirring so that the color comes out evenly.
  4. 4 And then just lay them out on foil or newspaper to dry.

All of the above can be done in food bags with zippers, as shown in the photo instructions below:

That's all, now you can make a variety of crafts with your own hands from this pasta.

How to color an entire pasta product?

If you want to make any figure from pasta, which involves a monochromatic color, then it will be much more convenient for you to use spray dye.

Fast, high quality and plus a huge color spectrum! In Easter colors you are unlikely to find gold, silver, bronze or the usual white color.

Acrylic paints also suitable, but only for drawing details, exclusively. They cannot cover a large volume of material as evenly as we would like. In general, these paints are quite durable and form an indelible film when dry.

We don't think you need to say that gouache and watercolor are not suitable at all. If you cover a product with them, then paint stains will remain on your hands if you just want to pick them up.

How to give a spherical shape to a pasta product?

It's very, very easy to do!

The above collage was made based on photos belonging to

Take a balloon of the shape you want your future souvenir to be.

For example, for a round teapot, an ordinary one is suitable, but for a heart on a ribbon of pasta, of the same shape. There are also long, cylindrical balls, and there are triangular ones. So, the scope for flights of fancy is simply enormous.

So you inflate the selected balloon and start covering it with pasta.

Important: Do not get glue on the rubber surface.

You simply glue the parts together and lay them on top. Once the glue is completely dry, you take a needle and deflate the balloon.

An important point: do not inflate them very tightly, since in this case, when punctured, an explosion will form, which can completely destroy your structure.

Well, now we have figured out the basics. Now you can choose what you would like to do. We offer you several options that will decorate your kitchen.

We have selected the best DIY pasta crafts, in our humble opinion, of course. We hope you also like our selection.

Decorative jars with colored pasta

The most basic option, where you don’t need to do almost anything, is perfect for beginners. But the result is simply magnificent!

For such souvenirs you need:

  • Several cans of different shapes
  • A piece of burlap for lids
  • Harsh thread for tying operculums
  • Egg dye
  • Vinegar
  • Pasta

As you understand, all you need to do is paint the pasta in matching colors, dry it and pour it into a jar. Well, cover them with a burlap lid, of course.

The only thing we can advise is to try something choose the color of the pasta so that it harmonizes or with furniture or textiles in the kitchen.

And select the rest of the color scheme to match it. In this case, the containers will look harmonious.

For children, painting and filling these colorful jars will be fun and, most importantly, easy entertainment.

Box of macaroni

It is very easy to make such a box if you have any box of the appropriate size. Wrap it in cling film and lay out the pasta. Of course, like any pasta product, it will be very fragile and you shouldn’t fill it with anything.

The design can be completely different, it all depends on the shape of the source material. The more openwork and carved the pasta itself, the more elegant the model will be.

The box can be made of any shape, for example, like the one in the picture, round. You just need to choose the right base. And the edges can be covered with satin ribbon, which will add additional charm.

Pasta service

Once you have learned how to make a samovar, such a service will seem like a very easy task.

The technique is already familiar to you and there is nothing special about it except the spoon. It should be made on the basis of ordinary tea, wrapped in the same cling film.

But as for painting, it’s a little more complicated. You will first need to make all the elements that are painted white, and on them, after painting and drying, stick a frame of gold pasta.

It is better to spray paint them first, placing them individually on a tray or directly on a table covered with newspaper.

Samovars made from pasta

If the previous example was just a warm-up, then this requires skills and dexterity.

But the result will be simply amazing and guests will definitely be surprised to see such a decorative element and will definitely take a photo as a souvenir!

This DIY pasta craft is perhaps the most difficult option of all that is presented here.

Therefore, if you are just learning this difficult craft or want to teach this to your child, immediately move on to easier crafts.

For option #1 you will need:

  • Round shaped balloon
  • Cup
  • Saucer
  • Square board
  • Gold spray paint
  • Pasta

1 First make a base on which you will then place the ball. That is, start designing from the bottom.

Wrap a board of a suitable shape in foil and place the pasta on this shape. Then attach the legs. After drying, remove the product from the board and take on the remaining parts.

2 The body of the samovar itself is made using a balloon, as well as the lid. But you can make a cup on the basis of an ordinary tea cup, wrapping it in foil in the same way as before the plate.

3 When you assemble the base, glue on the handles, let the product dry well and cover it with gold paint.

For option #2 you will need:

  • Three liter jar
  • Half liter jar
  • Cling film
  • Square plank
  • Round board
  • Gold spray paint
  • Pasta

Here we act in the same sequence as in the first case: from bottom to top.

The only difference between these two models - in the shape of a samovar body. In this case, the base will not be a ball, but an ordinary three-liter jar.

Wrap it in cling film and glue it. Then carefully pull it out, attach it to the base and decorate with the rest of the small details.

The plate that stands next to it can be assembled using a ball or porcelain plate of a suitable shape, previously wrapped in film.

Our samovar is ready! The only bad thing is that you won’t be able to drink tea from it! =)

Photo frame decorated with macaroni

Here, no comments at all. Take any frame, cover it with pasta and voila! An ordinary frame has turned into a kitchen one. And most importantly, no fraud, only sleight of hand and a little imagination.

In the first version, the pasta is clearly visible, but in this example you’d never guess what the elements are made of:

And here is a version of a children's frame, made from multi-colored pasta tubes:

But you can make not just one frame, but a whole collage on the wall, using several frames, not only for children, but for the whole family.. This is what such a composition will look like:

As you can see, in addition to pasta, other kitchen provisions are used here: beans, sweet straws, spaghetti. Coffee beans, peas and other bulk products are also perfect.

Pasta basket

A very original design, the making of the base of which you have already become familiar with using the example of a samovar or a tea set.

But the handle needs to be made on the basis of ordinary cardboard: cut out a strip of a suitable shape, do not forget to wrap it with film and bend it into an arc. Now fix the part in this state and cover it with pasta.

Once dry, simply peel off the base and you'll be left with a lovely, lacy handle to attach to the basket.

Bouquet of daisies from pasta

Why not make such a cute bouquet and put it on the kitchen table? Make flowers from round cardboards onto which you glue pre-painted pasta.

And use sweet straws to make stems onto which to glue daisies.

Vase of openwork pasta

It would be nice to make a vase for daisies in a style that matches these daisies. Take as a basis any design (in the picture the base is made of thick paper) or a balloon.

There are just a lot of options here, the main thing is don’t get confused when choosing!

Pasta paintings

The picture must first be drawn. And then lay the fragments with pasta. In general, if you are creating a picture, try not to take pasta with too different structures, otherwise the look will come out sloppy.

It is better to keep the composition in the same style. Look at our examples, maybe you will like something. Otherwise, draw the motive yourself!

Any crafts made from pasta will add a special flavor to the design of your kitchen. After all, it looks very nice and homey.

Unusual ones are becoming more and more popular due to their simplicity and beauty. They make paintings, boxes, vases, snowflakes, people, houses, appliqués, and interesting pasta crafts for children.

It is very interesting and exciting not only for children, teachers, but also for parents to engage in such developmental activities with children. And by the hour, mom herself gets very interested in this kind of creativity and creates real masterpieces.

When choosing what to start doing using pasta, you must, of course, first focus on the age of the child. The youngest can make crafts more simply, preschool children are a little more complex, and children aged 12 can create entire compositions, flowers, bouquets, vases, Christmas trees, decorations, toys and more on their own.

Children can make crafts from pasta by several people at the same time. For example, several children made this picture at once.

Children can come up with the plot of the picture themselves, colors, shapes - it’s all their imagination! Children will come up with and make various interesting pasta crafts with their own hands.

For unique and beautiful products for activities with children, you need pasta with beautiful shapes: feathers, wheels, spaghetti, paint and glue. You can use other additional materials for the painting.

Here's the idea of ​​creating an almost real railroad - a steam locomotive with carriages and trees for the game.

Using dry pasta or vermicelli, you can come up with ideas for paintings or applications for children. The picture itself can be done on plain paper, or it can be decorated with a beautiful frame.

A wonderful butterfly painted with shell paint. You can use thin spaghetti for the antennae, and make the body of the butterfly using spiral noodles.

A child will be happy to decorate such a product with a brush and paints, glue it and see what he can do.

Another real painting in which pasta, paper, and cereals are used. Everything is held together by glue.

An idea on how to make a toy using pasta. Angel doll. Such a beauty can be played in games, made into a resident of a dollhouse, or hung on a Christmas tree for the New Year holidays.

With children as young as one year old, you can even create jewelry in the form of beads. Pasta beads are a wonderful educational activity for kids. It consists in the fact that the child learns to manipulate a string, a ribbon, trying to string “beads”.

Older children can color different shaped beads and put them together on a ribbon, creating a beautiful decoration that girls can use to decorate dolls or even themselves.

You can use any shape of pasta to create beads. You can connect them together using knots or simply stringing identical tubular pasta, for example, in a row.

Involve children in creativity and create beautiful things.

If you don't like pasta, you don't have to cook it: there are many interesting ideas that will help you while away a fun evening, and pasta is on the agenda. Photos of crafts are so diverse that it is difficult to settle on one idea. And there’s no need to stop – let’s look at everything in order.

Why pasta?

But because it is the most affordable and structurally suitable material. In addition, pasta comes in a variety of shapes: in stores we see packages with circles, carved leaves, spirals, leaves, and even butterflies or mini bears. They not only provide a wealth of choice and have good durability, but also do not deteriorate over time, which means the craft will delight us for many years.


The choice of pasta directly depends on the shape. For example, it would be difficult to build decorative plate from “spirals” or New Year's ball from straight spaghetti - flat and universal gears, leaves, and flowers are more suitable for such purposes. It is more expedient to use complex twisted shapes when working with panels, when orderly rows of complex figures are glued onto thick paper.

How to register

Pasta, even the most bizarre shapes, have one feature - they are uniform in color. Today you can also find colored products, but they are expensive, and they rarely appear on shelves, and therefore there is no point in buying them for handicrafts. Let's make do with standard cheap options, because they can be turned into a masterpiece with one stroke of the brush. To do this, it is enough to buy for modeling or use ordinary white enamel, which we use to tint batteries.
