Healing from colds. Magic conspiracy

Throughout our lives, we are exposed to various stresses that weaken our immunity. In the modern world, events happen instantly, and often we do not have time to protect ourselves from diseases. Prayers for health will help you always be in excellent shape so that flu and viruses are avoided.

There are many religions and beliefs in the world, but if you look at it, the meaning is the same everywhere: by turning to Heaven, we seek protection. Some people prefer to use prayers, others use spells, and others are accustomed to relying on positive thinking and affirmations.

In fact, everyone is right in their own way, because faith helps each of us in life. It is she who makes us move towards our goals and hope for the best. Appeal to the Higher powers has a beneficial effect on the biofield, cleansing and strengthening it. It is the presence of strong energy protection that helps not only cope with diseases and various types of infections, but also overcome difficulties and obstacles.

Prayers for health

There are many options for turning to Heaven for healing. It all depends on who you are used to praying to and how serious the illness is.

In the early stages of the disease, you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos or your Guardian Angel. In this case, there is no specific text, since the request for health must be sincere and come from the heart. Therefore, you can use those words that come to you during prayer.

If recovery is delayed and there is a risk of complications, you should contact the Holy Great Martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Saint Panteleimon, I humbly ask you to turn your gaze to the servant of God... (name of the patient). You, who have known all the torments on Earth and the blessings in Heaven, have suffered not only for yourself, but also for your faith in the Almighty. I beg you for help. Come and heal the servant of God... (name of the sick person), protect him from illnesses and all kinds of illness. Let him live his life in health and a clear mind and glorify your name and the Lord God. I trust in your mercy and thank you sincerely. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This prayer should be read three times a day until the person gets better. Then you can contact the healer once a day. It will also be a good help if the patient himself or one of his close relatives lights a candle to this Saint in the church.

However, prayers alone are not enough for recovery. There is no need to give up modern medicine, because turning to the Higher Powers helps to heal a person only at the energy level. To achieve your goals, combine several techniques, don’t be afraid to experiment, trust the Universe and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.02.2016 00:50

A prayer to the revered Christian saint, whom God has endowed with the gift of healing sick people, is considered one of the most powerful. ...

For all of us, communication with relatives is very important. We love our parents and want...

This may sound strange to some, but there is a conspiracy against the flu that helps alleviate the patient’s condition. The spoken words somehow influence the vital forces and attract higher ones, helping to get rid of the disease in a short time.

Some people try to treat the flu with special spells

Of course, when starting verbal methods of struggle, you should not forget about drug treatment. Influenza is a serious type of disease, and the threat lies in its complications. If you miss the moment, the infection will cause severe intoxication and begin to affect the internal organs. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • heat;
  • pale skin, cyanosis, etc.

These are the signs that accompany severe intoxication. Penetrating into the blood, pathogenic viruses rapidly increase in number, which causes disruption in the functioning of the cardiac, nervous, vascular, and genitourinary systems, and damage to the liver and kidneys. The disease can acquire more complex contours in the form of:


  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if symptoms begin, especially during epidemics. The problem requires antiviral therapy in combination with antipyretic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

At the same time, you can resort to verbal influence, because prayer for flu and colds has never hurt anyone, but rather helped. Apparently the reason lies in the concentration of a person’s consciousness, his internal strengths and the colossal properties of the highest authority, capable of dissolving the disease in an instant. It’s a good idea to supplement the method with the healing properties of stones. Amber has an amazing effect on the condition of the larynx and thyroid gland. Amber beads will help against flu and virus, affecting blood microcirculation in the upper respiratory tract.

Spell for colds and flu

So, let's start reading healing words, which will only make it easier.

  • Pour a pinch of salt into a glass of spring, clean or melt water and read: “ Mother, pure water, remove all the aches and pains from the servant of God (name), take all the ailments into the depths of the sea, drag them into the very depths, hang iron and stone chains on them so that they never float up or return again, and about the servant God's (name) forgotten».

Some combinations of words may have healing powers - this is the essence of the conspiracy

Dip your finger into the charmed water and apply a drop at a time to the forehead, left and right shoulder, chest of the person who is sick and say:

« I command holy water, I conjure with white salt, that all aches and pains will come out of the body, from a sore head and a zealous heart, from clear eyes and black eyebrows, from bones, brain, from fingers and all joints».

  • Conspiracy against the flu. First, you should prepare a healing drink from currant or raspberry leaves, adding honey or sugar and say the following prayer:

« Neither in the northern nor in the western capital, but on the eastern side the sea splashes, there is an island on the sea, and on that island there is a huge oak made of copper, inside the copper oak lives the queen bee, she collects honey, and guards the honey. Mother of all bees, give me some honey, it won’t leave you short, but God’s servant (name) will get a lot of health.».

  • Spell on water to avoid getting the flu. Spell words are read at the initial signs of illness. Before you begin, ask the sick person to blow his nose into a red cloth, wrap it around a nail and insert it into the hole and read:

« When I insert a nail into the wall, I am not plugging the gap, but pressing the disease.

Just like this carnation has nowhere to go and is of no use anywhere,

So fluid will no longer flow from the patient’s nose.

Let these words be strong and sticky,

Stronger than the hardest stone

Harder than the strongest iron.

All my words must be locked and key, from now on and forever and ever, Amen!».

There is no need to be afraid that nothing will work out. The main thing is to believe in healing words, and every request addressed to higher powers will be fulfilled.

Yoga for flu and colds

The most ancient miracle - yoga still amazes the minds of the world's leading scientists with its unique properties. It would seem that simple exercises can save a person from any type of illness, including colds and respiratory diseases. The complex includes cleansing the body, healthy, specific nutrition, exercise and reading mantras.

Yoga against flu and colds - cleansing

Every morning, lunch and evening it is necessary to cleanse the body.

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of salt into half a liter of warm boiled water. Rinse one nostril, then the other.
  2. Rinse your throat with a solution of salt and soda (a teaspoon per 200 grams of water).
  3. All passages need to be cleaned, so an enema is important. Per liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, carry out the procedure 2 times a day.

Yoga for colds and runny nose: exercises

The set of movements is aimed at stimulating breathing, due to which the optimal amount of oxygen enters the respiratory tract, blood flow improves, and cells are nourished.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, back straight, hands on your knees. Perform mula-badhu and uddiyana badhu, that is, take a long breath and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat 8 times. Then begin intensive breathing through your nose. As you inhale, bend your chest, lifting your ribs and the central part of your chest up, while lowering your shoulders. When performing the exercise, look up, distribute the weight on the pelvic and sciatic joints. As you exhale, round your back, pull your chest and ribs inward, and gradually increase your intense breathing. Repeat 15 times and slow down your breathing.
  2. Rotations. Perform with dynamic breathing, which allows you to completely fill your lungs with fresh air and oxygen. The method clears the airways of mucus and warms the chest. Sit up straight, in the state of mula-badha and uddiyana-badha, inhaling air, begin to rotate the entire chest clockwise, the central part and ribs protrude forward and upward. Then move the emphasis to the right, including the shoulder, while exhaling, round the back and move to the left. The movements should be smooth and without stopping, while inhaling air, bend the sternum as much as possible and move the shoulders back, then down. Repeat the procedure 10 times, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Yoga also helps strengthen the body and protect against the flu

Mantras for colds and flu

For healing, we will use the most powerful mantra Wen-A-Hung, which gets rid of any ailments, including colds. With its help, millions got rid of illnesses, since sounds stimulate the vibration of brain cells, and this is where the signals to the body and the healing program come from. The power of the Soul over matter is established and the result is already observed after 2-3 sessions.

Sit down and cross your legs - lotus position. The back is straight, the chin is slightly lowered, the tip of the tongue is adjacent to the palate, but does not touch it. The eyes are closed, the body is completely relaxed.

Now let's start making sounds, this is music for flu and colds. Lie in a comfortable position, raise your right hand with your palm above your navel. The left palm is at a level slightly below the navel. Hands should be close to the body, but not touching it, we say:

« My dear body, soul and mind Wen-A-Hung, I love you and appreciate you very much. Please heal (organ). I will be happy and it will be an honor for me. Thank you».

Inhale deeply, chant Wen-A-Hong as you exhale, while imagining in front of you with the first syllable “Wen” a red color in your head, with “A” - a white glow in the chest area, with “Hun” - a blue glow inside your stomach. Take a deep breath again and repeat the chant, the method should take one minute.

Meditation for flu and colds

The healing procedure requires privacy. The “Emerald Radiance” method allows you to get rid of runny nose, flu, colds, but in case of complex illness, it should not be the only one. In advanced cases, bed rest is necessary and unnecessary physical activity will only harm the patient.

Proper meditation can even help normalize fever

If the patient has a high temperature, then physical exercise is out of the question; in extreme cases, meditation and mantras.

  • Sit comfortably in the lotus position and close your eyes.
  • Relax, starting from the head and moving down through the body.
  • Visualize that an emerald light has appeared above your head, the flow of which descends and begins to penetrate the body from the top of the head, then the chest, shoulders, arms, etc. Having filled the soles of the feet, the glow goes into the ground.

When meditating, you may experience the feeling that there are dark spots at different points of the body that the emerald light bypasses. At such moments, it is necessary to mentally stop the flow of light and return it to the “raw” point with your gaze. Don't miss any of these spots. Then sit quietly in the lotus position for five minutes.

Precautionary measures

Finding a conspiracy against flu and colds on the Internet will not be difficult. But in any case, it is easier to practice mantras and yoga to prevent illness. All ancient methods of influencing the body are intended for constant use, and even in a healthy state. The same music for the treatment of flu is pleasant to the human ear and can be enjoyed in free hours, relaxing the body and absorbing healing sounds. Water procedures are useful, but in the form of a shower, contrast douches. In addition, the technique provides a unique diet: only natural, plant-based products, and in raw form.

In addition to prayers and meditation, do not forget about the importance of good nutrition!

It is necessary to avoid fried, boiled, flour, sweet, smoked and fatty foods. A minimum of 2 liters of water per day and spice consumption are required. By following the yoga regimen, reading a prayer for colds and flu, a person will be absolutely protected from the attack of viruses and other complex diseases.

Of course, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, since the disease may be more serious than you think. However, try these simple rituals anyway and you will see their power.

Cold spell

In this conspiracy, coarse salt is used, which also removes the evil eye and cleans objects. You need to pour clean, spring or melt water into a glass. Throw three pinches of salt into a glass, and then read on this water cold spell:

Mother, the water is fast, wash away all the trouble,
all the aches from God's servant (name),
take them into the depths of the sea,
pull them into the deepest pools,
put stone clamps on them,
so that they never emerge again,
forget about God's servant (name) forever.

Wet the middle finger of your right hand in charmed water and apply one drop each to the forehead, chest, left and right shoulder of the person with a cold. As you do this, say:

I command holy water, I conjure with white salt
go away all the pain, go away all the pain,
from a wild head, from a zealous heart,
from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from bones,
from brains, from fingers and joints!

This cold spell helped my friend well when her daughter got sick. The girl became hypothermic, started coughing and had a runny nose. After reading the plot, within a day the child was absolutely healthy!

In Ancient Rus', many diseases were treated with the help of spells, and a spell for the common cold was often used. These “medicines” have survived to this day, and everyone can use them. Having chosen this method of treatment, which is rare these days, you need to:

Prepare an infusion of fresh birch leaves. Pour half a teaspoon of medicinal raw material into a glass of boiling water, let it brew at room temperature for half an hour, strain. Leaning over a glass of drink, they say a spell: “Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose, so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen". After pronouncing these words, you need to drink the prepared infusion, and, as ancient manuscripts assure, the runny nose should go away the next day. If there are residual effects, the procedure should be repeated again.

Put on your oldest clothes and walk around in them all day. At sunset, approach the willow tree and, hugging it, say the words of the spell: “Lord, fill the lungs of my soul with the prayerful spirit of Your Kingdom. I leave my illnesses here. In this place you should lie and wait for your devils, your masters. Let it be so! Amen!" Repeat the words of the prayer three times, and the person will be quickly healed.

It is difficult for people who are accustomed to using medical help to judge how effective a spell for a runny nose is. As with all such procedures, in this case the patient is required to have deep faith in the power of miraculous words. Unlike our great-grandmothers, who successfully treated their illnesses using this method, we are ironic and not so naive. For this reason, few of our contemporaries truly believe in the power of conspiracy, and its use will most likely be ineffective.

In addition, you should not experiment with your own health, allowing the disease to progress. Therefore, it is better to treat a runny nose using modern medicine, or proven old-fashioned methods. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic, and it will be much more difficult to constantly visit its “owner” and treat it.

If you have a runny nose that cannot be treated, you should consult a doctor, because this could be a sign of some serious illness, for example, the initial stages of asthma. Only a doctor can understand what caused the inflammation of the sinuses and prescribe timely and effective treatment.

Speak to a runny nose

“It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

Speak flu (cold)

Any drink needs to be spoken for. Tea, water, etc. You need to take a glass or mug with a drink in your left hand and say it so that your breath touches the liquid:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helena, Saint Catherine, take it down and take it away, and extinguish the sickness of the slave (name) with my slander, your order. From now on and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The word slave and slave can be changed depending on the gender of the patient.

Speak to a sore throat

Readable only on the water. The water must be running, i.e. river, stream, well, water tap. Read in the same way as in the previous plot. Don't let the text confuse you. Texts should not be analyzed at all. Give the said water to the patient to drink.

“One birch, two birch, three birch, four birch, five birch, six birch, seven birch, eight birch, nine birch with branches, with leaves, the slave (name of the patient) will swallow. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Speak cough

When you put the yeast dough, say a curse while mixing. The hex only affects the person whose name is mentioned during reading. The conspiracy does not apply to other people, although they can eat products made from this dough. I usually recommend making pancakes.

“On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “You are my daughter croaking here, and the slave (name) is coughing there.” I’ll mix the ferment, the cough and the tree frog, and free the slave (name) from coughing!”

Speak tonsils

Lightly tap the patient’s throat with the index finger of your right hand and say in a barely audible whisper:

“Go to where they are waiting for you. Go to where they were waiting for you. Go where they will wait for you. Where they will reap what is not sown, where they will thresh what is not harvested, where they bake bread from the earth, go there, they are waiting for you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Folk spells for influenza, sore throat, colds (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections), headaches, runny nose, cough, fever, are best pronounced at sunset or before bed.

1. A very effective folk plot for flu and colds

For this plot you will need a wax church candle, a mug or a glass.
The conspiracy is pronounced over some drink (tea, coffee, water) on the day when the Moon wanes, in the morning (at dawn).
You need to take a container with a drink, full to the brim, in your left hand, hold a lit candle in your right and pronounce the words of the conspiracy, almost touching the drink - as if breathing on it: “Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Harlampy, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious, Tsar David, Mother Helen, Saint Catherine, take it down, take it, and extinguish the sickness of the slave (name) with my slander, your order. From now on and forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
After this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times and drink the liquid in one go.

Our Father Prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen".

After this, you need to extinguish the candle with the fingers of your left hand, and remove the rest of the candle away. If necessary, you can use it later.

2. Spell for flu and colds, if a runny nose bothers you

Before reading this plot, you need to clear your nose well (blow your nose or rinse it) in order to breathe freely, and read the text of the plot very quietly, to yourself: “It does not burn, does not flow, does not itch, does not hurt. Amen".
Read the plot as many times as you are at least one year old.

3. Conspiracy-prayer for flu and colds

They read from the morning before washing: “Lord, save, Lord, save. On an oak throne, in a golden crown, sits the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, nods her head, protects me from colds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A spell for a severe cold (when it has already developed)

You need to warm up 100-150 g of red wine (Cahors is best); when the wine begins to boil, bend over the mug and quietly say: “Alien, superfluous people will refuse to feed the creature, when I drink this wine, new strength will cleanse my blood, fill my kidneys with peace, purity and Heavenly power. I, God’s servant (name), will tear away the tiny impurities like unnecessary trash from the body, and my cheeks will be cleansed for a new healthy life. My illness will go away through small outbreaks. With red living wine I will be healed, by the power of the Lord I will become healthy. Amen".
After this you need to drink wine and go to bed. By morning the cold will go away.

Folk spells for sore throat and sore throat


As soon as you feel a sore throat, you need to take a ladle (kitchen ladle) and draw a cross on the back of it with a knife, lick it with your tongue, and swallow the saliva. This must be done three times.


This conspiracy is read in the morning when you wake up: “I will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I'll go out into the open field. And I will stand facing the dawn. And I will pray and worship two dawns, two sisters: the morning dawn of Ulyana, the evening dawn of Maremyana. Morning dawn Ulyana, evening dawn Maremyana, and take all my cough and suffocation, and carry it across the ocean. Everyone will be accepted across the ocean-sea. It's baked and cooked there for you. Amen".


This conspiracy is read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise. You need to stand behind the house, so that no one sees you, and shout three times in a drawn-out voice: “Morning dawn, give me a voice, take away the voicelessness.”

Conspiracies for extreme heat (temperature), told by healers


“The red maiden stands on the shostka, sorts out spoons, washes, grinds and blows, the shooting and heat of God’s servant (name) consoles and drives away. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".


“Bishikha, bishikha, you shouldn’t be here. You can't stand here. Do not twist the red blood. Go to the dark forest. The Lord himself whistles, God's servants dry up the hveora. Amen".



“In an open field there is a flammable stone, and a sick woman is sitting on this stone. She holds a hot frying pan in her white hands. Her hands did not burn and she did not feel chills. Likewise, God’s servant (name) would not have a burning hand and no chill.”

Village plot for headaches

You need to pronounce this spell while looking at the rising sun, and circle your head clockwise with your ring finger: “Just as on Maundy Thursday the sun rises, rejoices, shimmers with all sorts of colors, so my little head would not hurt, would not be dizzy, would live and rejoice.”

Colds are the most common type of illness. You can cope with it using folk remedies or using medications. For greater effectiveness, you should turn to magic for help and read a simple but effective spell for colds.

You can fight a cold with the help of spells

Hex for colds

In the book of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova there is a powerful ritual that is used to treat colds. To carry it out, you should prepare the following attributes:

  • church wax candle;
  • paper;
  • pen.

You need to inscribe your own name on the wax of the candle. After this, you need to write a cold spell on paper:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to get rid of the negative energy that provoked the disease. I wish the sun to send me its beneficial rays and save me from the symptoms of the disease. I don't want to experience headaches and body aches. I read a strong plot to feel relief. I ask you, Lord, protect me from negativity. Save my sinful body from suffering. Amen".

You need to set the paper on fire from a candle. The ashes are collected in a separate red bag and stored. After 2-3 days you will feel changes for the better.

Getting rid of illness through prayer

There is a ritual related to white magic that allows you to When you go to bed at night, read the words of the following prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), am reading a spell for a cold so that relief passes through my entire body. I will read a prayer, turning to the Almighty Lord. May he forgive all my sins and give me the opportunity to cope with illnesses. The temperature haunts me and I can’t sleep at night. I hope that in a few days I will be able to get back on my feet and go to work. I can’t get sick, my family is counting on my income. Amen".

After this you need to drink a glass of holy water. Place the second one by the bed; you will need to drink it immediately after waking up.

Prayer for colds and fever

Flu spell

A strong ritual performed with the help of healing ingredients will help against the flu. To do this, add 2 tbsp to a glass of holy water. l. pure fresh honey. After this, you should read the words of a strong conspiracy against a cold:

“Let my illness turn into a tall tree and sprout in an open field. The archangels, the servants of the Lord, cut him down and will save me forever from this terrible disease. This tree will take away all the flu symptoms that I have been experiencing for several days now. I hope that all my sins will be forgiven. Because of them I got sick. I will read the words of the prayer for the remission of sins. Flu symptoms should leave me today. Amen".

After this, you should drink the charmed tincture and go to bed. By the morning you will feel relief. You must carry out the entire ritual according to the specified rules, sincerely hoping for a positive result.

Ritual for a runny nose

A tincture made from birch buds will help you get rid of a runny nose forever.

  • Mix 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. birch buds.
  • Let the liquid sit.
  • Strain it through a gauze bandage.
  • The patient should drink the decoction, and his close relative should read the words of the following magical spell:

“With the help of liquid, let the runny nose come out of my sinful body. The birch tree will take all the cold upon itself, and will leave me, the servant of God (name), alone. May my nose be cleared of infection so that I no longer have to sneeze. Amen".

If it does not give results, you will have to do it again the next day. In just a few days your condition will improve, you just need to believe in a positive result.

Ritual on red cloth

Prepare a red rag. A sick person should blow his nose into it. When he does this, the person standing next to him must read the words of a strong curse:

“I, the servant of God (name), read the words of prayer so that my loved one will get rid of discomfort in the nose area. I don’t want to watch him suffer, so I turn to the help of magic so that higher powers come to the rescue. Most Holy Theotokos, forgive all the sins of God’s servant (name). Help him escape from flu and colds so that viruses can never enter his body again. Amen".

The red rag needs to be buried under an old tree. It is advisable that it be away from home.

Magic for a cold in a child

If your child is sick, and you don’t want to stuff him with medications that only further destroy the immune system, you should turn to higher powers for help, they will save the baby’s health. Before the ceremony, you need to knead the sheet dough. The words of the following conspiracy for a cold in a child are read on it:

“May my baby, servant of God (name), be healed of this annoying disease. I don't need anyone but him. I can't watch him suffer from unbearable pain. I, as a mother, want to take all the suffering upon myself, if the Almighty allows. If this is not possible, then all the unpleasant sensations will transfer to someone else. As soon as my child eats a pie made from this dough, he will immediately feel relief. Amen".

Prepare some baked goods in the morning and give them to your child. By evening he will feel better.

Plot for a cold in a child


It is easy to get rid of a cold with the help of medications that ordinary people often resort to. If you are worried about your immunity, pay attention to magic. With its help, you can easily influence your well-being without consequences.
