Scenario for an entertainment program for a snowman's birthday. Scenario of the competitive game program "funny snowman"

Dedova Valentina Borisovna,


MADO TsRR-d/s No. 167 of the city of Tyumen

Software tasks:

Develop attention, memory and logical thinking;

Exercise children in counting to 5;

Develop the ability to determine the place of an object in order;

Develop the ability to work in a group.

Preliminary work:

Introduce children to recreational gymnastics;

Consider the painting “Children making a snowman”;

Learn the game with movements “We are going for a walk in the yard.”


Snowman toy;

Paper snowflakes of two colors, according to the number of children;

Cards with animal silhouettes;

Geometric shapes of different sizes;

Counting sticks;

Snowman parts in bags;

Sample for laying out a cup from sticks.

The teacher asks a riddle:

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (Winter)

Educator: Tell children it's winter "Good or bad"

Children's answers:

It's good in winter because you can go sledding.

It gets cold in winter and that's bad.

In winter you can build a snowman and that's good.

Ice is bad in winter.

Educator: Winter has come and transformed the world: white fluffy snow flies, covered in the sun sparkles winter blanket sleeping earth... And in every yard, as if by magic, funny snowmen wrapped in scarves appear (a toy snowman appears).

Snowman: Hello kids, girls and boys! You recognized me? It's my birthday today!

Educator: How we celebrate children's birthdays. Let's have a birthday for the Snowman too.

Children: Let's rock on the chair, sing a loaf (children sing a round dance).

Snowman: I love jokes, songs, laughter, and I love all the guys, all of them.

Educator: The snowman brought us to show his drawings. He drew snow figures that he saw in the yard (hare, fox, duck...). Look at the first picture, the second picture, the third picture. Guess who the Snowman drew?

Game "Guess by Silhouette"

Snowman: Well done! You guessed it all. I like to play games on my birthday!

Educator: What do you like to play?

Snowman: In the snowflakes (takes out snowflakes).

Educator: Well, let's play.

Game "Lay a Path". First, one child posts, and then all together.

Educator: The snowman spent a long time drawing and cutting out snowflakes; his fingers and eyes were tired. Teach the Snowman to do health-improving gymnastics.

Exercise "Snowman"

One hand, two hands,

We're making a snowman!

Three-four, three-four

Let's draw the mouth wider.

Five let's find a carrot for the nose,

Let's find coals for the eyes

And let's put our hat on askew,

Let him laugh with us!

Snowman: I had a lot of fun, but what would a holiday be without food? I prepared cookies: large, round ones for the girls; for boys small, triangular. Help yourself guys!

Game "Choose by task"(children choose cookies according to instructions).

Snowman: It would also be nice to have some tea. We don't have cups. What to do? We have magic wands and from them we can add whatever we want.

Game "Put it out of sticks"(children make a cup of tea from sticks).

Snowman: Help yourself to your health! Tasty?

Educator: Children, tell the Snowman about how we went for a walk in the yard.

Game with the movement “We are going for a walk in the yard”

One two three four five,

We're going for a walk in the yard!

They sculpted a snow woman,

The birds were fed crumbs,

And then we rode down the mountain,

And they were also lying in the snow.

Everyone came home covered in snow,

We ate soup and went to bed.

Educator: You and I will not sleep, but will get to work. I suggest you post a portrait to our snowman as a gift. Do you agree?

Game "Fold the Snowman"

The teacher gives the children parts in a bag, the children are divided into four teams and lay out a snowman on the floor. The music is “Song about a Snowman”

As the work progresses, the teacher can individually ask questions:

What parts does a snowman consist of? (circles, buckets)

How many white circles do we need? (Three).

What size is the bottom circle? (big).

And on it? (smaller, this is the torso).

Educator: Snowman, do you like our gifts?

Snowman: What a good and funny song. The snowmen turned out great. I really enjoyed receiving gifts!

Educator: Did you guys like it at Snowman's birthday? Which game did you like the most?

I want to tell you that in the old days, your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers sculpted a little snowman from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their wish to him. They believed that the snow figure would fulfill all their wishes.

I suggest you go outside and build a big snowman and tell him about your wishes.

The snowman and the children go for a walk.


1. Bezhenova M.A. "Fun mathematics", Stalker -1998, p-320.

2. Kartushina M.Yu. "Logoritmics for kids", Sfera - 2005, p-144.

3. Cherenkova E.F. " Finger games"Moscow -2007, p-185.

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Summary of the holiday in preparatory group

Theme: "Snowman's Birthday"

Target: to activate and unite the creative expressions of the children, to reveal their initiative, to cause an emotional upsurge.

Tasks: Subject- development of motor and speech activity;

Strengthen the skill of pure intonation;

Strengthen the ability to move in accordance with the text in song and dance compositions;

Repetition of previously learned musical material;

Metasubject- Consolidation of knowledge acquired in classes on familiarization with the outside world;

Personal– cultivate endurance and self-control;

Cultivating good feelings towards each other;

To evoke positive emotions in children, to bring joy to children.

(The music director dressed as the Snow Maiden joins the children’s group)

Music director Hello children! You recognized me? Do you like winter? What do you like in winter? I invite you for a walk in the winter forest.

(The children stand one after another behind the Snow Maiden and go to the music room, in music hall music sounds)

Music director We start our walk, there are huge snowdrifts in front of us, we put on felt boots and walk through the snowdrifts, raising our knees high, well done, and now we put on our skates, there is a frozen river in front of us. Well done! And now we stand on our tiptoes and fly over the field like light fluffy snowflakes. Now we put on our skis and go skiing. Look around, what a wonderful winter forest, and what kind of winter forest is it?


Enchantress in Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands,

And under the snow fringe,

motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,

Not dead and not alive -

Enchanted by a magical dream,

All entangled, all shackled

Light chain down...

Is the winter sun shining?

On him your ray with a scythe -

Nothing will tremble in him,

It will all flare up and sparkle

Dazzling beauty.

F. Tyutchev

Music director And the frost is getting stronger, let's warm ourselves up, stand in a circle, and sing a cheerful song about winter.

Song “Blizzard” by G.P. Fedorov

Music director Well done, now we definitely won’t freeze. Tell me what winter holidays you know and how they are celebrated. How did you celebrate New Year? I am sure that you not only sing wonderfully, but also know how to dance very well, can you show me?

Dance “Begin in a round dance...” (KuKoSha)

Music director Great, it's time to continue our journey, you have to complete a very difficult task: I will tell you a riddle, and you must make up the answer from the letters on the magic board.

(Appeared in the yard

It's in cold December.

Clumsy and funny

Standing by the skating rink with a broom.

I'm used to the winter wind

Our friend...Snowman

(Children make up an answer on a magnetic board, at this time a snowman slowly enters the hall)

Music director Well done, you guessed everything correctly, and who is crying, look, guys!

(Children see a snowman and approach him.)

Music director Dear snowman! Why are you crying, what happened?

Snowman: Today is my birthday, but no one congratulated me and no one came to visit me! Very sad!

Music director It’s really sad, but it’s fixable, guys, tell me how to congratulate you on your birthday? ( Children's answers) That's right, let's congratulate the snowman, sing "Loaf" to him and then he will have a real birthday!

Song "Loaf"

Snowman: Thank you guys, I now have a real birthday. I want to thank you, tell me, do you like to play? Let's play your favorite game "Snowman"

Game "Snowman"

Music director Thank you, Snowman. We really enjoyed visiting you, didn’t we guys? But everything comes to an end, and it’s time for us to return to the Kindergarten, goodbye.

Scenario of winter entertainment “Gift for a Snowman” for children of middle preschool age

Description: the entertainment scenario was developed for a festive event in kindergarten. Designed for children five years old, may be useful for teachers, music directors, physical instructors education. The entertainment is aimed at developing children's interest in winter outdoor games.
Target: develop children's interest in winter games and fun.
consolidate the ability to actively participate in games and competitions;
develop gaming abilities, emotional responsiveness, sense of rhythm, coordination of movements;
bring up friendly relations to each other, entertainment characters.
Characters: Presenter, Winter, Baba Yaga.
Equipment: baskets, brooms, hop balls, snowballs, scarf, snowflakes, Christmas trees.
Musical accompaniment: audio player, music tracks.
Children enter the hall to the song “Hurray - winter has come.”
Hello dear guys,
Fun awaits everyone today.
There will be games, there will be laughter,
Winter fun has been prepared for everyone!
Aren't you afraid of frost?
So, quickly stand in a circle.
Let's start dancing now
Repeat, together, at once.
Game based on “It’s Frosty Outside”

Now we're warmed up,
And I have a riddle for you:
“Flakes flew from the sky,
They put on white fur coats.
And trees and houses,
It’s coming here to us..." (winter)
(children's answers)
Presenter: get up in a round dance and welcome Winter!
Round dance "Winter is a beauty"
includes "Winter"

Hello Zimushka - Winter,
We love you very much.
Yours both ice and snow,
Well, a sled and a skating rink.
Hello guys,
Girls and boys.
I was in a hurry to see you,
I need your help.
Tell us everything quickly,
We will help you too.
Today, this wonderful day,
An interesting hero was born.
He was cleverly molded from snow,
Instead of a nose there is a carrot.
I'm used to snow and cold,
Of course it is? (Snowman).
He celebrates his birthday today
And he invites everyone to visit.
And I had a gift for him,
This is a scarf to keep him warm.
And then I got into trouble,
Baba Yaga stole it from me.
Presenter: Don’t be sad, Zimushka – Winter. It’s not a problem at all, a scarf, we’ll help you find it. Only I hear some strange noise.
Baba Yaga runs into the hall while the music is playing.
Baba Yaga: It's cold, I'm all frozen and chilled. And all this winter is nasty, cold! Even the scarf doesn’t warm her, it’s of no use.
Winter: Well, the naughty girl complained that the scarf wasn’t warming up? But it doesn’t warm you up because it wasn’t intended for you, but it’s his birthday today for the snowman. But I didn’t have time to decorate it with my own snowflakes.
Now I’ll freeze you into an ice figure. You will stay here until spring.
Baba Yaga: I'm not scared at all.

Winter: but if you're so brave, play a game with the guys, then we'll see.
Musically active game: “The blizzard worries once”

Baba Yaga: no, I don’t want to turn into an ice figure, take your scarf. Forgive me Winter, I will be the most exemplary and obedient and will play with the guys.
Winter: Help me decorate a scarf for a snowman with snowflakes.
Baba Yaga: where can I get snowflakes, maybe I should look for them (looks around)
Winter: don’t look, but rather complete my tasks with the guys and get snowflakes. So that the snowflake gets to you, complete my first task, answer the questions. Each of you knows what happens in winter, if you agree that this happens, clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, stomp your feet.
Baba Yaga: Can I play this game with the guys?
Game for attention “What happens in winter”
Winter: completed the first task, get a snowflake
Baba Yaga: Can I decorate my scarf with a snowflake, I’ve reformed, I’m so good and kind.

(gives the snowflake to Baba Yaga, who decorates her scarf)
Winter: listen to the second task, so that I can give you a snowflake, I suggest you compete and collect snowballs as soon as possible.
Baba Yaga: this is what I love (scatters snowballs around the hall)
Competition game: “Who can collect the most snowballs”
(at a signal, girls and boys each collect snowballs in their own basket)
Winter: Well done guys, come get the snowflake.
We continue, in order to give you the next snowflake, you need to play together. Try rolling a snowball:
Musically active game “Snowball”

We're all rolling a snowball,
One, two, three, four, five,
you should jump like a bunny (etc.)
Winter: hold the third snowflake.
Now who can ride around the Christmas trees faster on a snowball:
Competition game: “Who can ride a snowball the fastest?”
(two teams of 5 children each participate, jumping on balls - hops to the Christmas trees and back)

Presenter: Look at Baba Yaga, what fast, strong guys we have.
Baba Yaga: but if they are so fast, strong. Let them play my game with my broom.
Game competition: "Broomstick"
(2 teams participate, first they fly one at a time on a broom. Then two or three participants are added - whose team will win)

Baba Yaga: Well done, please give them a snowflake for this winter.
Winter: And here is my last task. Listen carefully, friends. Snow, ice, chaos. Find a match for yourself
Musically active game: "Commotion"

Snow, ice, chaos,
Hello, winter - winter! - 2 times.
Find a match for yourself
1 phrase - words are spoken, words are walked in all directions.
2nd phrase - they just walk.
Part 2 - stand up in pairs, knees,
palms, heels, etc. freeze

They played very well
All tasks were completed.
Take the last snowflake,
And attach it to the scarf.
Your scarf turned out beautiful, go, dress warmly, and let’s go visit the snowman and give him a scarf and congratulate him on his birthday.
Baba Yaga: and I want to join you guys too. I'm just afraid I'll get sick.
Presenter: Don’t worry, grandma – Yagusya! The guys and I know the right remedy for colds and winter cold, don’t we guys? To avoid freezing, you need to jump, run, warm up and play. Join us.
(children go outside, they are greeted by a snowman, give the snowman a scarf, play round dance game"Loaf")

Winter holiday: “Snowman, snowman, you are so good.”

Create a joyful, cheerful mood.
Continue to improve the basic movements: throwing at a target, climbing, running with obstacles, jumping forward.
Cultivate friendly relations with each other.
Create a desire for healthy image life.
Arouse interest in creativity.

Material and equipment: for each team - hoops, gymnastic sticks, balls according to the number of children, a basket, 8-10 relay batons, two buckets, two arcs with bells, emblems, two rollers, a chest with candies, a snowman and fox costume, a nose - a carrot, plastic bottles of paint, skittles 8-10 pcs.

Venue of the holiday: kindergarten area.

The day is cheerful and frosty.
The snow sparkles like stars
Pinches the nose Father Frost,
But children's tears are not visible:
We have no time to cry, brothers.
There is plenty to do in the yard.
Snow must be applied
And build a snowman.

Hey guys, come together, be brave
Let's get down to business!

Children make a snowman: remove the sheet from an adult covered with a sheet.

Ved: Who is this and where did he come from?

Children: We have a living snowman.

Ved: Yes! Guys, I'm a Snowman, I'm used to the winter cold.
Instead of a clever nose, I wear a carrot.
Instead of eyes, coals were found, just right.

Children: Look, he can talk.

Ved: You look very strange... as if something is missing (walks around the snowman).

Snowman: Of course it’s not enough! My nose is carrot. While you were sculpting me, the Trickster Fox stole my nose.

Ved: Why does she need it, her nose?

Snowman: I don’t know, she said that red suits her, but there’s clearly something missing on her face.

Ved: That’s why she needed your nose for her face! But don’t worry, Snowman, the guys will help you get your nose back, and we love you even without your nose. Join us in a round dance!

Song – game “Snowman”

We'll bounce around like balls: jump and hop, jump and hop, repeat again!
Snowman, snowman, you are so good, Snowman, snowman, clap your hands for us!
We will squat together like dolls: like this, like this, repeat again!
Snowman, snowman, you are so good, Snowman, snowman, clap your hands for us!
We will perform like clowns in the circus, like this, like this, repeat again!

Thank you, friends, you cheered me up! And now let's go, catch up with the deceiver Fox. In order to catch up with her faster, we need to split into two teams. Who goes with me - “Snowmen”, and who goes with the teacher - “Nimble Bunnies”. And before the road, we’ll practice our ingenuity and solve winter riddles:

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, the wind blows, when does this happen? (Winter)
He entered - no one saw, he said - no one heard. He blew through the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows! (Freezing)
Many, many stars as thin as glass; white, cold, and the earth is warm. (Snowflakes)
A sleigh rides along the road, a stitch winds like a thread. There was a trace left from the runners, dusting up the trail....
It grows upside down, not in summer, but in winter. When the sun heats her up, she sheds tears. (Icicle)
Who is this who, howling, flies without wings, covers his tracks without a broom, sculpts snowdrifts from snow dough, and moves them from place to place? (Blizzard)

Ved: We guys will find the fox only if we show persistence, patience, are fast and dexterous. And here is the first obstacle, and such that it is impossible to climb over it! You'll have to crawl through the snowdrifts.

(Children crawl on their bells under arches - barriers to which bells are attached; they must crawl so as not to touch them).

Snowman: There has been a lot of snow this winter, and further along the path there are increasingly higher snowdrifts. We need to overcome them too.

"Snow drifts."
(Children crawl on all fours, crawling over the roller)

Snowman: I overcame a difficult path, I even wanted to eat.
There, high on the hill, there are delicious icicles in a bucket.
Can you help me get them?

Snowman: Just remember that icicles are a favorite treat for Snowmen, not for children. Icicles are harmful to children and cause illness.

Take out the icicle.
On the top rung of the pyramid ladder there are two buckets, in which there are icicles - relay batons, you need to climb the ladder to the top using any in a convenient way, take the icicle, get off and return to the team. The team whose bucket is empty first wins.

On reindeer sleds.
Children run in pairs (one child depicts a harnessed deer, with a hoop thrown over it, the other - a rider). At the signal, the “sleds” run, overcoming an obstacle: they go around a snowdrift and stop on the opposite side of the site. After this, the next pair runs. The team whose team covers the distance first wins.

Snowman: Guys, the Fox’s house is already visible, let’s speed up. But on the way we have hummocks - ice piles, let's call on the magic horses - gymnastic sticks - for help.

Through the hummocks.
Relay participants hold a gymnastic stick with their feet and perform jumps moving around a snowdrift. The team that jumps to the starting line first wins.

Snowman: Come out, Fox is a cheat,
Give me my carrot.
If you don't want to be kind
You can leave right away
You yourself must understand
That you can’t take someone else’s.
We have no place for the evil ones
You and I are not interested.

Lisa: I’m not evil or a thief, I just wanted to be even more beautiful, because it suits me Orange color! (gives the snowman his carrot nose back)

Children: For this you don’t need carrots at all, you need paints, we give them to you and invite you to our holiday: paint the snow. Snow, were you white in the morning? The kids will color you! (hand the fox a bottle of orange paint)

(children and all participants in the entertainment draw in the snow)

Snowman: Thank you, friends, you helped me get my nose back, overcame a difficult path, showed yourself to be brave, strong and very friendly, and it was friendship that led us to success.
I wish you guys play sports,
And always stay healthy in life!
And as a farewell, I want to treat you to magic icicles, but the trouble is, while we were drawing, the chest with icicles was filled with snow blocks, they need to be knocked down.

Hit the pin with a snowball.
(In front of the chest, pins are placed in a row, children, from a certain distance, throw soft balls at them, trying to knock them down. The snowman treats the children and the fox with candy)

Lisa: Now I will always be kind
I won't forget you guys
And I won’t take someone else’s. (Addresses the snowman)
Can I go with you?

Snowman: I'll be happy to take you.

The snowman and the fox say goodbye to the children.

Scenario winter fun for children of middle and senior groups “Snowman’s Birthday”

Strengthening children's health, improving physical qualities.

  1. Increase interest in physical culture, continue to introduce winter sports and winter fun.
  2. In a playful way, develop basic qualities - strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements. Form muscle-motor skills. Develop creativity and expressiveness of movements.
  3. Develop a sense of self-confidence in children.

Equipment: Snowman costume, 2 module cubes, tambourine, 10 hoops,

Host: Guys, we received a letter, but we don’t know from whom. Let's read what is written in it?

"Hello guys! I really want to meet you and play. I’m waiting for you in the gym.”

Host: Do you want to know who is waiting for us in the hall? (We want)

Then, quickly build up and go!

(The guys come into the hall and see a toy snowman there)

Host: Guys, do you find out who this is? (Yes, it's a snowman)

Host: The letter said that the snowman wants to play with us, but he is so small (after a pause). Let's try to revive the snowman. Close all your eyes and repeat after me:

Snowman, snowman, you snow-white flank,

Red carrot, resin edge.

Turn around three times and turn into a human!

One, two, three, bring our snowman to life!

Children open their eyes, and there is a living snowman in front of them.

Snowman: Hello guys!

I've been used to games since childhood.

I know how to play snowballs skillfully,

And I hold my nose with a carrot.

White snow covered all the roads to the village.

All roads, all paths - neither pass nor pass.

  • And you guys and I will cross the ice floes.
  1. Game "Crossing the Ice Floes"

Description of the game.

The players are divided into two teams. Teams are located behind the starting lines. At the signal, they move toward the finish line on “ice floes” (2 hoops at a time, moving from one hoop to another without stepping on the floor. Three children cross each other, then one returns with the hoop to the remaining team members.

Rules: do not step on the floor.

The team that finishes the crossing from one bank to the other the fastest wins.

Here's another game -

  1. "Catch up with the snowman."

The snowman runs away, the children catch up with the Snowman.

Snowman: How fast you are! And now I will catch you!

  1. Game "Dash"

Children are divided into two groups and occupy houses (marked on opposite sides of the site with lines). There is a Snowman in the middle. Children must run from one house to another, and the Snowman catches them. The group with the most players at the end of the game will win.

Snowman: Wow, I'm tired, I can't! I’d better sit down and rest!

HOST: Sit down, snowman, relax, and while I tell the guys some riddles.

  1. The snow turned blue from the cold,

There is white frost on the trees.

Even Bobik hides his nose

After all, outside... (frost)

  1. Fell out of a white cloud,

And she fell into our laps.

This fluff of snow

Called (snowflake)

  1. Anybody here can be a bird.

In the winter cold, treat yourself.

There is a hut hanging on a branch.

It's called (feeder)

  1. In the snowdrifts near the river,

Long planks are moving.

They are looking for a higher hill.

Name the boards (skis)

  1. We sculpted him cleverly.

There are eyes and a carrot nose.

A little warm, she’ll cry instantly,

And melts (snowman)

Snowman: Well, now I’ve rested! We can continue our fun. What's fun without a sled?

HOST: As if two sleds were flying through the snow, through a blizzard,

And they make noise, and they rattle, and the bells ring.

  1. Game "On a reindeer sleigh."

Description of the game.

The game is played by two teams. Children playing are arranged in pairs. At a signal, participants run in pairs: one runs in the hoop, the other behind;

Rules: The participant standing behind must hold on to the hoop at all times.

The game ends when the last pair crosses the starting line.

HOST: There are many types of sports, you can’t even count them all.

We will now play, name sports.

Teams take turns naming winter sports.

Sports quiz.

  1. What should you do in the morning to be cheerful and healthy? (charging)
  2. Who draws patterns on windows in winter? (freezing)
  3. What do they use to go down the hill? (sled)
  4. How many teams play hockey? (two)

What happens to a snowflake if you pick it up?

  • It will melt from the warmth of our hands and turn into a drop of water.

White, patterned,

Little star.

You fly into my hand

Sit a minute.

The star spun

There’s a little bit of “Blizzard” in the air – they’re running in a circle, etc.

Presenter: Let the frosts crackle, the blizzard swirls in the field. Kids - strong ones are not afraid of the cold!

Well done to our guys, strong and skilled,

Friendly, cheerful, fast and brave!


Our holiday ends

Goodbye friends!

We wish you goodbye

Always be healthy.
