Individual approach to a child in a pre-school. Individual approach in raising children Individual approach in preschool classes

  • Shamis Vitaly Alexandrovich, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Omsk Humanitarian Academy

The article examines the essence of an individual approach, how a teacher solves the problems facing him through pedagogical influence on each child, taking into account his psychological characteristics and living conditions

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The essence of the individual approach is that the teacher solves the problems facing him through pedagogical influence on each child, taking into account his psychological characteristics and living conditions

An individual approach assumes that a teacher works with a group of students, but at the same time takes into account the characteristics of each child individually.

The issue of an individual approach to children has always attracted the attention of many progressive teachers. An individual approach is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, respect for his uniqueness, the desire to understand his complex spiritual world, as well as for the humane attitude of the teacher towards the child. The upbringing of children in a preschool institution should be such that it develops creative activity, initiative, and activity.

An individual approach is the work of a teacher with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

During development educational program, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the principles can be distinguished: taking into account the individual educational needs of the child; assessment of the child’s development in comparison with oneself, and not with peers. The conditions that the Federal State Educational Standard imposes on individual work in kindergarten occupies a significant place and contributes to the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  • Psychological – pedagogical conditions– taking into account the child’s individual abilities to perceive and assimilate information, as well as the psychological characteristics of the individual;
  • Material and technical conditions - equipment of the group and assistance from parents;
  • Personnel conditions – interaction of the teacher with other specialists;
  • Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment - all equipment and materials must be safe, multifunctional, variable, transformed, functional.

Personal development requires constant study and skillful consideration of the pedagogical influences of all factors. Relying only on the natural inclinations, positive environmental influences and abilities of students and neutralizing negative influences, education is able to play a certain role in the formation of personality. While ensuring a high level of development of students, education can in no case allow leveling and leveling in their personal formation. Its most important task is to fulfill and develop the positive potential of each individual, her natural inclinations, abilities and inclinations, which together determine the formation of her originality and individuality.

The individual approach is based on identifying the characteristics of each child. Children of the same age have many common physical and mental development, which are defined as age-related.

Depending on the individual, general age characteristics children manifest themselves in different ways. Every child is unique; no two characters are alike. The character and habits of a child are influenced by living conditions, environment, characteristics family education– all this necessitates an individual approach.

Distinctive age characteristics of preschoolers are expressed in the following:

  • Emotionality and impressionability (development of mental properties of the individual);
  • Remembering what you hear, understanding your statements (development of logical thinking);
  • Development and plasticity nervous system(helps with education and training);
  • Tendency to repeat with a gradual increase and complication of material (acquisition and consolidation of skills);
  • The intensity of physical development processes: growth, change in body proportions, ossification of the skeleton, increase in muscle mass, increase in brain mass.
  • Development of speech and imagination; perception various forms thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative); and most importantly, for our research, the development of artistic abilities.

Ya.I. Kovalchuk identifies several conditions for implementing an individual approach:

  • A combination of an individual approach to each child with the upbringing and formation of a cohesive and cheerful team;
  • Interrelation in raising a child, teachers preschool with a family;
  • Reliance on positive aspects in the child’s character and personality traits.

An individual approach requires from a preschool teacher love for children, great patience, and the ability to understand the complex manifestations of a child; it is aimed at improving the quality of mastering the program, creating the image of the group, and increasing the level of activity of parents.

Pointing to the uniqueness of individuality, the need for a differentiated approach to teaching and raising a child, V.D. Eremeeva and T.P. Khrizman give teachers some recommendations:

  • Visualization is very important when teaching preschoolers;
  • In case of failures, do not be nervous yourself and do not make your child nervous, but find the reasons for the difficulties and look optimistically into the future;
  • Do not scold your child with hurtful words for their inability to do or understand something. Time will pass and, at least in some areas, he will know and be able to do more than you;
  • Praise your child for his successes and achievements, without comparing with others;
  • The teaching methodology should be oriented towards a specific group of children or a specific child so as to maximize their capabilities;
  • The teacher should be as patient, understanding and mobile as possible, and not interrupt the child;
  • Do not blame the child for difficulties in communicating with him or for not understanding each other;
  • It is impossible to learn something without making mistakes, so a child should not be afraid to make mistakes. The feeling of fear is a bad advisor. It suppresses initiative;
  • Do not scold your child for his inability, but try to understand the nature of the difficulties and help him find ways to solve the problem;
  • The main thing for a teacher should be not so much to teach a child something, but to make sure that the child wants to learn, without losing interest, and feels a taste for learning new things;
  • In every possible way stimulate, support, cultivate the child’s independent search, without presenting the truth;
  • Recognize children's right to individuality, the right to be different.

According to E.A. Arkin, “intimate contact” is important in studying the individuality of each child. By “intimate contact” we need to understand the establishment of a relationship in which the child would see in an adult a person who is deeply interested in him, from whom his experiences find a sincere, lively response.

An individual approach in classes helps to reveal the child’s individuality. According to Ya.I. Kovalchuk, the technology of an individual approach includes several interrelated stages:

  1. Studying the characteristics of the child through observation, special questionnaires, tests, techniques, the results are recorded in a diary.
  2. The information is analyzed, the teacher draws conclusions and focuses his attention on the most important.
  3. Having analyzed all the conditions, the teacher outlines the tasks, methods and forms of work with each child individually.
  4. After a deep analysis, you can begin to implement the intended goals, to carry out the planned work in classes, in communication, in games, in everyday life.

The teacher needs to keep a diary in which he should describe the characteristics of the children and draw brief conclusions from the observation results in order to study the individual characteristics of the children. A profile is compiled for each child, which includes:

  • General information about the child;
  • Physical condition data;
  • Positive manifestations of the child;
  • Relationships with the team;
  • Attitude to work;
  • Features of mental development;
  • Pedagogical conclusions.

Over time, factors affecting the child and personal development may change, so it is important to remember that such work must be carried out constantly.

An individual approach has a positive impact on the formation of the personality of each child if it is carried out in a certain system: studying the manifestations of the child, establishing the reasons for the formation of the characteristics of his character and behavior, determining the appropriate means and methods, clear organizational forms for implementing an individual approach to each child in general pedagogical work with all the children.

An individual approach to children should permeate the entire educational system: in routine moments, during a walk, in independent activity, we should not forget for a moment that a child is a unique personality. Cultivating interest in fine arts, you should be especially attentive to each child, be able to help him, give the necessary instructions, support the desire to do a good job and objectively evaluate his efforts. E.A. Flerina said well about the content and form of the teacher’s comments, depending on the individual characteristics of the child, about the tone of these comments: “For some children, a hint, a small reminder, a leading question is enough; others require detailed explanation; in relation to children who are not self-confident, a particularly confident, encouraging tone is required; For children who are overly confident in the quality of their work, the content and tone of the teacher’s comments should show greater demands and criticism. In case of inattentive work or bad behavior of the child, the teacher’s tone should be categorical and demanding.”

Unfortunately, teachers most often notice those children who attract attention with their successes, or those who do not cope well with completing tasks. The rest of the children remain on the sidelines.

Parents must be involved in individual work. To do this, you can organize joint exhibitions “Here we are”; creating a handwritten journal “It was recently, it was a long time ago...”; conducting conversations and surveys “What kind of parents are we”, “Developing artistic creativity in the family and kindergarten." The final form of cooperation with parents can be “Family Day”.

Thus, an individual approach is the work of a teacher with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child, it is of great importance for the formation of the child’s personality, it permeates the entire educational system. The essence of the individual approach is that the teacher solves the problems facing him through pedagogical influence on each child, taking into account his psychological characteristics and living conditions.


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The education system faces many critical challenges. But a special place among them is occupied by the search for such an organization of the process that would allow the formation of an individual approach to the upbringing and teaching of children. Only in this case is it possible for the child to acquire not only the necessary amount of skills, abilities and knowledge, but also to develop his desire for self-knowledge and self-development.

Relevance of the topic

How important is the technology of an individual approach in teaching and raising children? The answer to this question can be obtained if we remember that it is man who is the highest value of our society. That is why there is such great attention to the education of each individual, concern for improving his qualities and the multifaceted development of abilities. All these tasks are priorities for any state.

An obvious fact is the existence of individual differences between people. Therein lies the answer to the question posed. in the education and upbringing of a child is necessary due to the fact that with any pedagogical influence, a person’s personal abilities are refracted through changed “internal conditions.” Without taking this factor into account, the process of education and training loses its effectiveness.

Definition of the concept

The main goal of our society is the comprehensive development of all its citizens. Solving this problem is possible only through identifying the creative potential of the individual, as well as the formation of his individuality, which represents the highest level of development. After all, every person must certainly identify, that is, “fulfill” himself. And this is not only the goal of his life, but also the main task of society as a whole.

In addition, such a form of education as an individual approach to learning does not oppose such a principle as collectivity. And this is confirmed by scientific research. “I” exists in a person precisely because “we” exists.

An individual approach is far from a one-time event. They need to permeate the entire system that affects the child. In this regard, this approach can be called the general principle of educating the younger generation.

An individual approach to training, as well as in upbringing, aims to strengthen the positive character traits of an individual and eliminate shortcomings in his behavior. Having sufficient pedagogical skills and making timely intervention, you can avoid in the future such a painful and unwanted process as re-education.

An individual approach to learning will require a lot of patience from an adult, as well as the ability to correctly understand certain manifestations of a child’s behavior.

An individual approach to teaching, as well as to upbringing, is an integral part of the pedagogical process. With its help, children are involved in active activities aimed at mastering program material.

The essence of an individual approach

Appeal to the specific personality of the child should be present in every level of educational and educational work with children of all ages. What is the essence of such an individual approach? It is expressed in the direct pedagogical influence on the child in solving common problems facing the team. In this case, the teacher or educator must take into account the living conditions and mental characteristics of the individual.

We can safely say that the principle of an individual approach in teaching, as well as in upbringing, is the main principle in pedagogical practice. When implementing it, an adult must:

Know and understand your students;
- love children;
- be able to think and analyze;
- maintain a thorough theoretical balance.

The teacher must always remember that the child is a self-directed subject of his own development. At the same time, he always needs the support of an adult.

The implementation of an individual approach in training, as well as in upbringing, is impossible without taking into account the psychophysical aspects. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

IQ level

This is the first aspect that should be considered when an individual approach is taken in teaching preschoolers and students in general education institutions.

The teacher must study the child's level. This is necessary for his further successful learning. If this indicator has a high level, then the student will quickly perceive and comprehend the material, remember it well and reproduce it, and then retain it in memory longer. The knowledge gained, in this case, will be successfully used when performing subsequent tasks.

An individual approach to teaching children and their upbringing, which is based on the level of mental development, is built by the teacher taking into account the zone of his immediate influence. In this case, the adult should differentiate not the task itself, but the amount of help that he offers the child. For example, some students not only carry out this or that activity themselves, but also explain the progress of its implementation to their comrades. Others are able to complete the task by adhering to a certain algorithm. Still others will require the help of a teacher.

Type of nervous system

This is the second aspect that must be taken into account when implementing an individual approach to the child. According to the conclusions made by modern researchers, the properties that are inherent in the human nervous system are of a genotypic nature.

In other words, they are practically unchangeable and stable personality characteristics. That is why this factor cannot be ignored.
The main properties of the nervous system: mobility-inertia and strength-weakness.

Thinking type

This is the third and quite important aspect that the teacher must take into account when implementing an individual approach in the learning process. Children, like adults, solve problems assigned to them in different ways. Some of them have an analytical mind. It finds its manifestation in verbal-logical abstract thinking. Others find it easier to think in images. In this case, artistic thinking comes into play.

There are also people for whom these two components are in balance. In this case, we can talk about a harmonious mindset. The existing differences occur due to the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. The teacher should take this into account when he takes an individual approach to teaching students or preschoolers.

Thus, children with artistic minds begin to comprehend any material only after emotional inclusion. First, they rely on images and ideas, and only then analyze all the components and draw their conclusions.

Children of the thinking type begin to solve tasks by building logical chains. They analyze all the components and think in symbols. Their algorithm for solving problems is dominated by logical thinking. The emotional coloring of details, as a rule, simply prevents them from thinking.

Modality of perception

This is the fourth and also important aspect that the teacher takes into account when approaching children individually. By observing the behavior of a child, you can be convinced that the way he learns the world, has a huge impact on his level of adaptation in society, physical development and educational success.

By carefully monitoring this aspect, already at a young age one can predict what problems the child will encounter while studying at school. Knowing the way of cognition, parents, educators, teachers and psychologists can correctly structure games and activities with the child. This will allow you to get the most out of the learning process.

Perception of information can be visual, auditory and kinesthetic. In the first of these, the child’s learning should be carried out through visual perception of the information provided. The auditory type means that it is easier for the student to remember all materials by ear. Some children perceive information only as a result of their own activities. In such cases, we can talk about a kinesthetic type of perception of the surrounding world.

Health status

This aspect becomes particularly important in cases where it is necessary to organize the upbringing and education of children with physical defects and disorders of somatic development. But the teacher must always take into account such psychological characteristics of children as fears and anxiety, self-doubt and neuroses. Underestimation of all these psychophysical characteristics of pupils causes enormous harm to their health.

The teacher needs to know that mental disorders in children may be associated with factors such as:

Somatic diseases;
- physical development defects;
- stress and various types of unfavorable factors affecting social conditions life.

Age characteristics

What else should a teacher take into account in the educational process? He needs to remember that personal development any person is reflected in his age characteristics. Depending on the years lived, there is a change in the individual’s thinking, the range of his interests and requests, as well as social manifestations. Each age has its own developmental limitations and capabilities. For example, memory and thinking abilities expand most intensively in childhood and adolescence. If this is not taken into account in the process of training and education, then time will be lost. It is very difficult to use the opportunities of this period in a later period. But at the same time, the teacher should not get too ahead of himself when influencing the moral, mental and physical development of children. Here it is important to take into account the age-related capabilities of the body.

Physical education

Modern scientists, based on the results of their research, have made an amazing conclusion. They revealed a direct relationship between mental, physical and moral development person. The first of them influences the formation of a person’s character. Physical perfection allows the development of the organs of vision, hearing and senses. In addition, it is closely related to moral and labor education. At the same time, vigorous activity depends on the child’s health status, and vice versa.

Games played with children also help strengthen their willpower, discipline, organization and others. moral qualities. Physical education is also connected with aesthetic education. The exercises performed make the body beautiful. A person’s movements become dexterous. Posture and gait are correct.

With an individual approach to physical education children awaken interest in active movements on fresh air, to acquiring cultural and hygienic skills, etc.

Moral education

In childhood and adolescence, children develop moral standards. They gain experience in behavior and develop their own attitude towards people. By conducting the moral education of a child, a teacher can significantly influence the formation of the child’s character and will.


Demonstrating the principle of an individual approach in the upbringing and teaching of children, the teacher must know:

1. Features of the child’s health and physical condition. His attention in class, lesson and overall performance will largely depend on this.
2. Memory properties, interests and inclinations of students. Taking these features into account, it becomes much easier to implement an individual approach to the child, loading the stronger one with additional activities and providing assistance to the weaker one.
3. The mental-emotional sphere of children, identifying pupils with a painful reaction to comments and increased irritability. Understanding the child’s character will allow you to organize collective activities as efficiently as possible.

Only knowledge of the developmental characteristics of each child, obtained by the teacher on the basis of an in-depth study of all factors, will create the necessary conditions for their successful use in the process of training and education.

The object of the study is the purposeful process of upbringing and teaching preschool children in a preschool educational institution.

Research hypothesis: it is assumed that the use of an individual approach will contribute to a more successful process of training and education of preschool children in preschool settings.

Subject: the use of an individual approach in the education and training of preschool children.

The purpose of the study is to study the theoretical aspects of an individual approach to the upbringing and teaching of children in a kindergarten.

To achieve the goal test work, the following tasks were set: - to study the concept of an individual approach, its importance in the process of raising and educating children; - study the psychophysiological aspects of an individual approach to education and training.

1. The concept of an individual approach and its role in the process of teaching and raising children in kindergarten.

Individuality as the unique identity of each child’s personality is determined by the totality of traits and properties of his psyche, formed under the influence of various factors. Individuality is a generalized characteristic of a person’s psychological characteristics that ensures more or less successful performance of an activity. The essence of individuality is associated with a holistic idea of ​​the individual, taken in the unity of all his properties and characteristics. The individuality of a person lies in the fact that he is unique, it is a separate, original world, which, being included in the world around him, in one or another social structure, retains its relative independence. Many teachers paid attention to the need for in-depth study and proper consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children to take into account in the process of education. These questions, in particular, were raised by Y.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky and others. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects.” A.S. Makarenko considered the principle of an individual approach to children to be very important when solving a number of pedagogical problems, for example, when organizing and educating a children’s team, labor education children at play. He came to the conclusion that, while implementing a general personality education program, the teacher must make “adjustments” to it in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child. In modern pedagogical literature, the concept of “individualization of learning” is found, which means “...organization of the learning process taking into account individual characteristics, which allows creating optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each student.” Let us note that individualization, as a rule, does not necessarily imply taking into account the characteristics of each child; most often, scientists limit themselves to taking into account groups of children who are similar in some set of qualities. Accordingly, one should distinguish between the concepts of “individual approach” and “individualization”. In the first case, we are dealing with the principle of teaching, in the second, with the implementation of this principle, which has its own forms and methods. So, E.S. Rabunsky gives the following definition in his monograph “Individual approach in the learning process”: “...Individual approach means effective attention to each student, his creative individuality in group and individual classes...”. Let us note that the individual approach should be understood not as the personal care of the child on the part of the teacher, but as “the creation of equal psychological, pedagogical, intellectual conditions for the development of each and everyone.” An individual approach to raising a child should be based on knowledge of anatomical, physiological, mental, age and individual characteristics. Scientific research has proven that there is a direct relationship between the physical, mental and moral development of a person. For example, physical education is closely related to the improvement of the senses, vision, and hearing, which in turn has a profound impact on mental development and the formation of a person’s character. So, an individual approach is currently called mandatory in the process of training and education. Besides, in modern world There is growing interest in specific strategies for working with information, thanks to which information will be perceived not as overloading, but as educational. In such a situation, one of the most important tasks is to develop the child’s ability to perceive information. This is only possible within the framework of individual and differentiated approaches.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution "Romodanovsky combined kindergarten" Romodanovsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

Consultation on the topic “Specifics of the organization individual approach to working with children preschool age" (for preschool teachers)

Moiseeva Lyubov Alekseevna teacher 1 qualification category agreed: senior teacher _______________ I.A. Levashova date: 02/12/2015

Romodanovo village 2015 Learning is an individual activity of children.

Here each child does a certain

mental or physical work individually.

A.P. Usova

In childhood, the characteristics of character and temperament, abilities and interests of the child’s personality are clearly manifested. There are no children with the same habits and behavior, knowledge and skills. Twins are different from each other. All preschoolers of the same age have different levels of development. Some are active and fast, others are passive and slow. There are self-confident children, and there are shy ones. Children, so different, need to be raised and taught, but how? In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, among the principles preschool education The individualization of preschool education also stands out, which should be understood as the construction educational process based on the individual characteristics of each child. One of the objectives of the standard is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world. In this case, an individual approach to children is simply necessary. It is needed in all types of children's activities and throughout the day. But he is especially good in the classroom, since it mainly involves organized learning and development.
“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must get to know him in all respects” K.D. Ushinsky. “The good in a person always has to be projected, and the teacher is obliged to do this” A.S. Makarenko. “Somewhere in the innermost corner of the heart, each child has his own string, it sounds in his own way, and in order for the heart to respond to my word, you need to tune in to the tone of this string” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
The essence of the individual approach is the selection of means of pedagogical influence on each child individually, taking into account all his characteristics. What does it mean to approach a child individually? Approaching a child individually means understanding the child himself: what he is like, what his goals are, what he can do, what he cannot do at all, what he is afraid of, what he likes and what he doesn’t like, whether he is shy or vice versa. There are many such questions. A child is sometimes a tangle of problems, closely intertwined with each other, which he himself cannot understand. “Feeling the child” is an important quality thanks to which a teacher becomes a professional. This is an experience that manifests itself from communication with a child. And the accumulation of such experience is possible when the teacher sees the personality in the child. In addition to special knowledge, a teacher will need creativity, sensitivity, and the ability to analyze and predict in this matter. He must know and understand the students, be close and equal, be wise and forgiving. So, the teacher must know the “strings” of all children and skillfully influence them. An individual approach to educational activities helps to reveal the child’s individuality, which is expressed in the nature of thought processes, memorization, attention, and in the manifestation of initiative and creativity. This approach helps to reveal the individuality of each child. Thus, silent, withdrawn, shy, indecisive, slow children in the classroom become different if guided by certain rules: 1. Give them easier tasks. 2. Ask them not first, but what they know better, and gradually move on to new, more difficult material, or repeat the answer. 3. Ask a leading question. 4. Use a reminder. 5. Give time to answer, do not rush the answer, do not interrupt. 6. The teacher should also remember about active high level development: 1. Don’t always ask only them. 2. Involve them in correcting and clarifying the answers of other children. 3. Select more difficult tasks for them. 4. Make increased demands on children’s answers. Here are the general requirements that a teacher can apply to all children in class: 1. Consider boarding children(taking into account the characteristics of physical and mental development and behavior). Two easily excitable children sitting next to each other can disturb not only each other, but also everyone else. If there is a calm, balanced peer next to an easily distracted child, then the first child behaves in a more organized manner. 2. Encourage generously. A timid child should be praised for his efforts. If the baby is stubborn and does not want to follow the teacher’s instructions, it is better to switch his attention to another object. Children are very sensitive to evaluation from adults. During the lesson, there should always be an individual assessment of the activity: “drew the line correctly, answered the question well.” 3. Compare the child’s results with his own achievements, and not relative to other children. So, if a child finds it difficult to hold a pencil correctly, then the teacher helps him hold the object and guides it with his hand, rather than setting an example for other children. 4. Develop initiative and independence. You can always see which of the kids is more active and who is busy with monotonous activities for a long time. The teacher’s task is to choose one or another toy, play together, introduce the child to a group of children playing, offer a role in the game, thereby creating a friendly environment. 5. Teach children to control themselves. Adults' approval of positive actions and disapproval of negative ones allow children to understand how to act and what not to do. In each specific case, the teacher looks for the reason for the child’s incorrect behavior, tries to figure it out, find out the cause of the conflict. 6. “Don’t put labels” on children, such as “he’s like that here,” “he doesn’t know anything,” etc. 7. Interrupt children's attempts to ridicule others' answers. 8. Learn to correctly evaluate the actions and results of yourself and your comrades. 9. Encourage children to rejoice in the successes of their peers. 10. Plan an individual approach(for example, who is better to ask what question). 11. Conduct individual work outside of class. 12. Offer homework assignments to parents.
An individual approach has a positive impact on the formation of the personality of each child, provided that it is carried out in a certain sequence and system, as a continuous, clearly organized process. An individual approach to preschoolers of the same age can be carried out by dividing them into subgroups. In the first subgroup– children with great activity, interest in activities, and manifestation of creative abilities. More complex activities can be selected for them. In the second subgroup– children whose activity does not appear outwardly, there is no special interest in the activity, they may remain silent or answer correctly, but creative manifestations are insignificant. As a rule, children of the first subgroup have a higher level of development than the second. Thus, the teacher also provides an individual approach. When conducting individual work In the process of various children's activities, the teacher must rely on the team, on the collective connections of children within the group. The team is the force that strengthens the social principles in the child. It is impossible to cultivate such qualities as goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance, and responsibility for a common cause without communicating with the team. For an individual approach in the process play activity It is important to find out their attitude, interest in the game and the nature of participation in various games. The teacher must develop such qualities as goodwill and the desire to benefit the gaming group. Knowing the individual characteristics of children, their abilities and skills, you should always use this in the game. Some children read poetry expressively, others sing and dance well. There are guys who know how to build well and decorate their buildings. In a common game, everyone can find something to do. In progress didactic games The degree of mental development of the child, their intelligence, ingenuity, as well as determination, fast or slow switching from one action to another is determined. Didactic games help expand ideas about the environment, living and inanimate nature, space and time, the quality and shape of objects, etc., in didactic games visual perception, observation, and the ability to communicate develop. In the process of conducting them, the individual characteristics of children are clearly revealed; these games help to cultivate concentration, attention, and perseverance. This is especially important for children with increased excitability. Thus, play activities provide great opportunities for effective individual work with children. And the teacher must constantly use them for the comprehensive development of each child. Individual work on physical education is based on the age and individual characteristics of children. When drawing up a plan for individual work, the teacher takes into account the child’s motor interests. Offers him a variety of tasks: remember and perform exercises, organize familiar outdoor games, etc., an important role is given to the development of manual skill and hand motor skills. Individual work on movement development is planned daily, during a walk. Here are some components of the work that you need to pay attention to during individual work with children during the day:
    conversations with parents during the morning reception about the child’s well-being and behavior providing each child with the opportunity to do something that interests him, creating a calm, joyful environment, and maintaining it
when preparing for breakfast and during it, pay attention to helping children who do not fully speak cultural and hygienic skills
    involve children in working in a corner of nature carrying out work with timid, shy children who missed previous classes, preparing them for participation in a general lesson During classes, pay attention so that everyone can sit comfortably, the teacher can be seen and heard, be sure to take into account the activity and degree of assimilation of the material by each child cultivating the skill of dressing for a walk, paying Special attention sick and weakened children, take into account the individual characteristics of each child, encourage them to help each other During the walk, various goals are achieved to overcome the child’s shyness, involve him in the team, develop observation skills, prepare for participation in classes, develop work skills pay attention to children who show special interest in any activity, highlighting it among others learning poems and tongue twisters with children suffering from speech difficulties talking with parents in the evening, talk about the child’s activities during the day, answer their questions, give recommendations on a topic that interests them
Thus, systematically conducting individual work with children is fundamental in the pedagogical process; it helps in the formation of character, the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, and contributes to the organization and education of a friendly children’s team.

Used Books: 1. Avanesova V.N. Raising and teaching children in a mixed-age group - 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Education, 1979. – 176 pp., ill. 2. Internet source. 3. Kovalchuk Ya.I. Individual approach to raising a child: A manual for child educators. garden – M.: Education, 1981. – 127 pp.

Alekseeva Yulia Vasilievna,
GBDOU kindergarten No. 74
Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

The goal of raising a child is to raise a harmoniously developed personality with creative thinking, with willpower, with the desire for everything beautiful. The process of comprehensive personal development includes a whole system of raising a child. All implemented programs for raising and training children in kindergarten are aimed at raising and training a child with an average level of development, i.e., the individual characteristics of children are not taken into account. No children are exactly alike; each has their own inclinations, characteristics, and interests. Using an individual approach, you can find the “key” to each child.

The task of the individual approach is to most fully identify the individual ways of development, the capabilities of children, strengthen their own activity and reveal their unique personality.

The highest value of our society is the person. Attention to the upbringing of a person, concern for the comprehensive development of his abilities, the improvement of personal qualities, is included in the range of problems modern society. Many representatives of progressive pedagogy, both Russian and foreign, paid attention to the problems of an individual approach in raising children.

Already in pedagogical system J. A. Komensky, the great Czech teacher, clearly outlines the provisions that the entire process of teaching and raising children must be built taking into account their age and individual characteristics and identify these characteristics through systematic observations.

The need for an individual approach is caused by the fact that any impact on a child is refracted through his “internal conditions”, without which a truly effective upbringing process is impossible.

A.S. Makarenko considered the principle of an individual approach to children to be very important in resolving a number of pedagogical problems, for example, in organizing and educating a children's team, working education of children, and in play. He came to the conclusion that, while implementing a general personality education program, the teacher must make “adjustments” to it in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child. With this definition, A.S. Makarenko emphasized the complexity of an individual approach to children. He believed that in the process of upbringing and training it is necessary to focus on the positive qualities of the child - this is the main point of support in the general system of education and in the individual approach to children. Therefore, in each child, first of all, it is necessary to identify the positive aspects of character and actions and, on this basis, strengthen it has faith in its own strengths and capabilities.

An individual approach is not a one-time event. It must permeate the entire system of influence on the child, and that is precisely why it general principle education. At the same time, this approach manifests itself to varying degrees in different areas of education and training.

An individual approach is aimed primarily at strengthening positive qualities and eliminating deficiencies. With skill and timely intervention, the unwanted, painful process of re-education can be avoided.

An individual approach requires a lot of patience from the teacher and the ability to understand complex manifestations of behavior. An individual approach is an organic part of the pedagogical process; it helps to involve all children in active activities to master program learning.

In pedagogy, the principle of an individual approach should permeate all levels of educational and educational work with children. different ages. Its essence is expressed in the fact that the general tasks of education that face a teacher working with a group of children are solved by him through pedagogical influence on each child, based on knowledge of his mental characteristics and living conditions.

Individual approach is one of the main principles of pedagogy. The very problem of an individual approach is creative in nature, but there are main points when implementing a differentiated approach to children:

Knowledge and understanding of children;

Love for children;

Thorough theoretical balance;

The teacher’s ability to think and analyze.

The teacher must not forget that the child is the subject of his own development. But children should always feel supported by the teacher.

An individual approach to the child is carried out both in the process of organizing group activities, as well as individual forms of work.

When organizing work, the teacher should rely on the following indicators:

The nature of the switching of mental processes (flexibility and stereotypicality of the mind, the speed or sluggishness of establishing relationships, the presence or absence of one’s own attitude to the material being studied);

Level of knowledge and skills (awareness, effectiveness);

Performance (ability to act for a long time, degree of intensity of activity, distraction, fatigue);

Level of independence and activity;

Attitude to learning;

The nature of cognitive interests;

Level of volitional development.

An individual approach allows us to resolve the main contradictions in the learning process between the social form of existence of culture and individual form its appropriation, making a personally-oriented approach to raising children more realistic.

Theoretical analysis of research by T.I. Babaeva, L.S. Vygodsky, T.N. Zakharova, Ya.I. Kovalchuk, N.N. Poddyakova, M.G. Sinyakova, N.M. Shakhmaev and others allows us to highlight pedagogical conditions for individualization in children's education:

Accounting for variable content educational work with kids;

Peculiarities of perception of cognitive material;

Knowledge of the individual and typological characteristics of individual children and their groups;

Ability to analyze educational material, identify possible difficulties that different groups of children will encounter;

Drawing up a detailed lesson plan, including tasks for different groups and individual children;

Providing prompt feedback;

Compliance with pedagogical tact.

Ways to implement an individual approach are studied by scientists mainly in teaching schoolchildren and extremely rarely in teaching preschoolers. The meaning and conditions for implementing an individual approach in working with preschoolers speech development disclosed in the study of T.N. Zakharova, physical education of children different groups health - M.Kh. Spataeva, in the formation of gender role socialization of boys and girls - O.I. Ivanova. These studies highlight important conditions implementation of an individual approach to the development of preschool children. The implementation of an individual approach requires the development of new content and a revision of methodological techniques for working with children. Its essence lies in the fact that the tasks of training and development of preschool children are solved through pedagogical influence on subgroups of children and each child, united common features development. In addition, the implementation of an individual approach depends on the teacher’s ability to diagnose children, select the content and methods of organizing different types activities and material environment, prepare to differentiate didactic material, create conditions for active independent activity of the child.

Theoretical analysis of the research problem of the individual approach and the conditions for its implementation allows us to identify a number of provisions that ensure its implementation in work with preschoolers:

Provisions on the relationship between learning and development by L.S. Vygodsky, V.V. Davydov, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and others, according to which learning comes ahead of development, focused on the development of the child, determines it, learning, in turn, is built on the basis of the level of development.

Development of the child as a subject of activity. The child develops through learning and education, mastering a variety of means and methods of activity.

In the development of any mental functions and personality traits, it is necessary to rely on the current level of development of the child and focus on the nearest one.

The effectiveness of child development is achieved if the pedagogical process is organized on the basis of level differentiation. The transition of a child from one group to another is carried out taking into account individual development rates.

The teacher must remember that there are no uniform conditions for success in learning for all children. It is very important to identify the inclinations of each child, to reveal his strengths and capabilities, to let him feel the joy of success in mental work.

Modern science emphasizes the priority of the family in raising a child, which is manifested in a variety of forms of influence, in the range of values ​​that a growing person masters.

Working with families is an integral factor in an individual approach to children and individual assistance.

Forms of work with parents:

1. Visiting the child’s family. In order to identify the characteristics and reasons for the formation of individual qualities of children.

2. Consultations about age and individual characteristics children.

3. Individual conversations with parents.

4. A joint analysis between the teacher and the parent of the child’s actions to identify the reasons for doing so.

5. Design of sliding folders “Features of the psychophysical development of children”, “Children’s whims and stubbornness”, “Raising shy children”, etc.

7. Group parent meetings“Individual approach to children in the family”, “ Moral education in the family”, etc.

In working with parents, the teacher is assigned the role of helping parents in understanding children from a scientific position, and not through the prism of judgment.

Thus, an individual approach is the most important principle of education.

It presupposes professional knowledge and scientifically based understanding of the individual psychological characteristics of each child, as well as the specific conditions that influenced the formation of a certain personality trait.


1. Comenius Jan Amos: Teacher of teachers (“Mother’s School”, “Great Didactics” and other works with abbreviations). M.: Karapuz, 2009, 288 p.

2. Kovalchuk Ya.I. Individual approach to raising a child: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Education, 1981.

3. Zakharova T.N. “Theory and methodology of preschool education”, abstract, Ekaterenburg

4. Spataeva M.Kh. “On the problem of a differentiated approach to physical education of preschool children of the second and third health groups” // Scientific works: Yearbook. / M.Kh.Spataeva, S.G.Kurtev. - Omsk: SibGAFK, 2001. - P.148-151.

5. T.V. Ivanova. Boys and girls: a differentiated approach to raising children. Corypheus ITD, Volgograd from 96.
