Recommendations for parents on raising a child with mental retardation. Recommendations for parents with children with disabilities consultation on the topic Recommendations for parents of children with disabilities of preschool age

Yulia Grudinina
Practical recommendations for parents of children with mental retardation

Unfortunately, many parents think that developmental delay "treat" speech therapists, but speech therapists are actually teachers. They only teach the child how to speak various sounds correctly. This is why most speech therapists wait until they reach a conscious age (4-5 years) and only then they begin to work with the child, but after 5 years of delayed speech development (SRD, unfortunately, a delay in PSYCHO-speech development may develop (ZPRR). In the absence of medication and pedagogical correction, delayed psycho-speech development in children(ZPRR) can develop into mental retardation with age - a stable decline in intelligence. Simply waiting until the age of 5 without treatment often leads to a significant lag behind peers, in which case education will only be possible in a specialized school.

Often parents do not understand the importance of their child’s problem and refuse to go to specialized preschool educational institutions when it is recommends speech therapist or psychologist, without even thinking that just a speech therapist will not solve their problem, that completely different conditions and environment, specialists, and programs are needed.

Currently, there are special kindergartens where you can go parents, children with complex speech disorders, for with help: preschool educational institution of a compensating type, preschool educational institution of a combined type. In such preschool educational institutions, in addition to the main general educational program with a general developmental focus, correctional programs are also implemented taking into account the special needs of pupils. I would also like to note that the number children in special speech groups almost half less than in groups of general education preschool educational institutions, and the teaching staff mainly have special education, for more effective correctional work specifically with children with problems in any development.

Working with such children begins with their parents, because they have different attitudes to this, they do not see a problem in the fact that a child of 2.5 years is silent, explaining this in differently: he understands everything, he’s just lazy; he is just like his dad (aunt, grandfather, he also spoke late; this is always the case with boys. Indeed, today many children begin to speak after 2.5-3 years, but such a delay in itself should already alert: this means there are some, albeit minimal, changes in development.

What to do? Adviсe parents:

Be sure to consult with medical specialists institutions: neurologist, speech therapist (defectologist, ENT.

Talk to your child more, voicing all actions (feeding, dressing, bathing, commenting on the environment, without fear of repeating the same words, pronounce them clearly, patiently, kindly.

Develop speech understanding using simple instructions type “Give me your pen, where’s the leg?” Rely on what is available to the child. Repeat what you have already learned over and over again.

Use simplified words along with full words in your speech. options: car - beep, doll - la-la, fell - bang.

Sing to your child before bed. It's better not to change your repertoire often.

Create a desire to imitate an adult. This is possible when emotional interest and accessibility of the words that the child utters during joint games are combined. (Hide and seek - peek-a-boo, Little Engine - tut-tu). Be surprised together what he saw: Wow! The first words spoken against an emotional background may be interjections: oh, ah, uh.

Tell stories and read children's first fairy tales and poems more often. Encourage the child to complete the words to the best of their ability.

Do not overload your child with television, video and audio information. When reading, reduce the text to understandable phrases.

Do not talk in front of your child about his retardation. Don't be annoyed or embarrassed by what your child doesn't say. Don't be excessive alarm: everyone has their own deadlines, their own problems.

Without waiting for the child to speak, start teaching him to distinguish objects by size (large - small, correlate colors, shapes (give the same, quantity (one - many).

Stimulate speech development kids, by training the movements of the fingers. It has been proven that the level of speech development children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine finger movements hands: this includes massage of the hand and each finger, kneading and stroking; active finger exercises "Finger gymnastics", games like "Magpie-white-sided". At older ages, starting from twelve months, except « finger gymnastics» it is necessary to develop fine motor skills of the hands using work: with massage balls, rings; with small objects; training toys with lacing, buttons, zippers, phone dials, locks and keys for them; appliqué; modeling; constructor; "Mosaic"; "Puzzles"; Lego and so on.

Dear parents! Please obtain professional advice from such specialists as: pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, typhoid teacher, teacher of the deaf, depending on the child’s diagnosis.

Seek psychological help, get individual, family consultations, take part in special trainings for parents and children with disabilities.

Remember, it is not your fault that this happened. Accept the situation as a given, don’t think about how and why it happened, think about how to continue to live with it. Remember that the child feels all your fears and “dark” thoughts on an intuitive level. For the sake of your child’s successful future, try to find the strength to look into the future with optimism while living in the present.

If necessary, turn to similar parents for help, help each other, share your experiences, support each other. A psychologist, social worker, or those parents who have a child with a similar developmental disorder and have successfully overcome the difficult period can help overcome a difficult period.

Communicate with parents who have the same children, share your experience, your successes in learning, education, communication, adopt other people's experiences. This will help you and your children find friends and life partners. Train effective ways behavior.

Communicate with your child. Teach him to communicate, ask for help, and help others. Create conditions for the child to communicate with peers and friends, because no media can replace live communication. How earlier child will begin to communicate with other children, the greater the chance that he will be able to adapt more easily in the future.

Try to remain calm, kind, and friendly when communicating with children, among yourself and with other people. From the first months of life, it is important for a child to feel the stability and calm of his environment. Praise children when they succeed in doing or achieving something.

Do not feel sorry for your child because he is not like everyone else. Give your child your love and attention, remember that there are other family members who need them too.

Allow children to carry out household chores and errands, dress independently, take care of themselves, keep clean, develop self-care skills, etc., as this stimulates the development and adaptive activity of children, makes them independent and less dependent. Give your child independence in actions and decision-making.

Encourage your child's independence and activity, give him the opportunity to act independently. Be a friend or mentor for your child, not a prohibitor. Help your child in difficult situations.

Learn to reasonably, calmly and patiently refuse children if necessary, as this will allow the child to navigate social conditions environment. Express your thoughts clearly, specifically, consistently, briefly. For children with mental retardation, this is an important condition.

Be interested in the child’s opinion, listen to him carefully before criticizing. Give him the opportunity to speak out and tactfully correct him if he is wrong about something. Be prepared to accept your child's point of view and agree with him. This will not damage your authority, but it will strengthen your child’s sense of self-esteem.

Develop in children a general stock of knowledge, ideas, thinking, intelligence, interests not only in play, but also in learning. For children with mental retardation, it is important to repeat new knowledge, skills and abilities to consolidate them, as well as train them in different conditions.

Organize a developmental environment for children at home: a special separate place and equipment for educational activities, games, and recreation. Allow children to independently monitor the order and cleanliness of these places.

Develop special skills in children. Help find the child's hidden talents and capabilities. Stimulate its adaptive activity; help in finding hidden opportunities.

Teach children techniques for concentrating, switching attention, relaxing, regulating their emotional state, and resting.

Develop your child’s interests and yours so that all family members have the opportunity for self-development and self-expression. Live a full life, enjoy your favorite activities, hobbies, participate in interesting events, read interesting literature (special and fiction). Sacrifice will not benefit the child or you. If you are satisfied with life, you will be able to give incomparably more to your children.

Be attentive to the development of children, keep a diary of observations of behavior, emotional reactions, intellectual development children, notice all changes and new growths in children. This will allow you to understand how the child is developing, what else needs to be done, what to teach, what to correct, what specialists to contact. This will give you confidence and peace of mind and organize your life.

Take care of your health and instill this skill in your children. Play sports (swim, ride a bike, ski, etc.), attend clubs and sections with your children, take walks, lead an active lifestyle, watch your diet. Teach children to care about others - this stimulates development.

Take care of yourself. Watch your appearance, behavior, and emotional well-being. Your well-being, health and mood are the basis of your family’s quality of life. Seeing you cheerful, cheerful, believing in the best, the child will smile more often, be more optimistic, and learn to cope with difficulties.

Maintain a psychologically favorable climate in the family, friendly relations with loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Respond kindly, calmly, patiently and confidently to strangers' interest in your child in the presence of strangers and your child. This will allow children to form the same style of behavior and relationships.

Development of communication skills with children:
- build relationships with your child on mutual understanding and trust
- control your child’s behavior without imposing strict rules on him
- avoid, on the one hand, excessive softness, and on the other, excessive demands on the child
- do not give your child categorical instructions, avoid the words “no” and “impossible”
- repeat your request in the same words many times
- use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions
- remember that a child’s excessive talkativeness, mobility and indiscipline are not intentional
- listen to what the child wants to say
Changing the psychological microclimate in the family:
- establish a solid daily routine for the child and all family members
- reduce the influence of distractions while the child is completing a task
- avoid large crowds of people whenever possible
- remember that overwork contributes to a decrease in self-control and an increase in hyperactivity.
Special behavioral program:
- do not resort to physical punishment! If there is a need to resort to punishment, then it is advisable to use sitting in a certain place after committing the act.

Praise your child more often. The threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so children with mental retardation do not perceive reprimands and punishments, but are sensitive to rewards
- do not allow the task to be postponed until another time
- help your child begin the task, as this is the most difficult stage.
But still, in our opinion, parental love and the professionalism of specialists will help the child cope with any difficulties.
What parents need to know about mental retardation.
For many parents, the diagnosis of mental retardation sounds like a sentence passed on their child. But is mental retardation really that bad? What should parents and teachers do so that a child with such a diagnosis can harmoniously integrate into the normal life of society or even get rid of the disorders that make him different from his peers?
Mental retardation (MDD) is a violation of the rate of development of individual mental functions of a person: attention, memory, thinking, emotional sphere. In this case, mental development lags behind the norms accepted in the scientific world, characteristic of a certain age.
What is ZPR?
The pedagogical diagnosis of “mental retardation” is given to a child before school age or primary school period. It is at these age stages that correction of the child’s development is possible. At negative result development of mental functions, this diagnosis changes to more serious ones: “constitutional infantilism” or “mental retardation”.
1. The diagnosis of mental retardation is made by a neurologist
2. A diagnosis of FGR means that the child develops in the same way as all other children, only more slowly
3. The sooner you start classes with a child with mental retardation, the faster the child will catch up with his peers in development
4. Specialists who can help you:
- neurologist, psychoneurologist
- teacher-speech pathologist
- educational psychologist
- teacher speech therapist.
5. It is advisable to receive qualified assistance from these specialists at the Center for Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Support.
6. For children with mental retardation there are specialized preschool educational institutions. In order to get into a specialized preschool educational institution, you must pass a psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission (PMPC) at the center for psychological, medical, and pedagogical support (CPMPS).

Causes of mental retardation:
Modern science identifies two groups of main causes, each of which has several factors influencing the development of the human psyche.
Biological reasons related to the functioning of the body of the child and his parents:
pathological pregnancy, during which there could be infectious diseases, severe toxicosis, cases of injury to the mother and fetus, intoxication) intrauterine hypoxia fetus premature birth injury or asphyxia of the fetus during childbirth; infectious, traumatic, toxic diseases of the child in early age hereditary predisposition.
Social reasons for PPD can be the following:
long-term isolation of the child from society, unfavorable family environment with mental trauma: physical and psychological violence, parental alcoholism, parental indifference, non-participation in the child’s development, etc.
Depending on the causes of mental retardation, there are different classifications of mental retardation. When diagnosing mental retardation, domestic psychologists often use the classification of clinical types of mental retardation based on the principle of origin by K. S. Lebedinskaya. She distinguishes 4 types of ZPR:
constitutional origin (the child in his development is at a stage lower than his peers: immature emotional-volitional sphere, play motives prevail over cognitive ones, superficial emotions) somatogenic origin (feeling of physical inferiority, capriciousness, uncertainty caused by past diseases: operations with anesthesia, limited mobility, heart disease, etc.) of psychogenic origin (caused by insufficient or excessive care, neurotic characteristics, lack of cognitive activity, egocentrism, nervousness, increased anxiety, etc.) of cerebral-organic origin (mental instability or inhibition, expressed in both hyperactivity and and in uncertainty, timidity, slowness).

What advice do experts give for the successful development of children with mental retardation?
Attend specialized kindergartens, schools or groups Conduct regular classes to develop all thought processes Work with a speech therapist, speech pathologist and psychologist. Draw more, sculpt, glue, etc. Train emotional sphere by using modern techniques: art therapy, fairy tale therapy, play therapy, etc.) Form spatial and abstract thinking through special classes Take an integrated approach to child development with parallel drug treatment, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and sports activities
And the main thing to remember is that mental retardation is a diagnosis from which there are many chances to get rid of if adults do not have a deficit of love, attention, patience and wisdom.

Shestakova A.V. teacher speech therapist

Timely detection of mental retardation is 50% of success in correcting the diagnosis. If you notice the following symptoms, consult your doctor.

  1. a child under 1 year of age cannot hold his head up on his own;
  2. starts to roll over late;
  3. does not sit down;
  4. by 6 months babbling does not appear, and at 1 year, 1 year 2 months, 1 year 3 months. doesn't even pronounce the most simple words(“mom”, “dad”, “give”, “yes”) or at least syllables (“ma”, “pa”, “na”);
  5. walking on tiptoe.

ZPR can manifest itself at primary school age as:

  1. insufficiently formed knowledge about the surrounding world;
  2. increased fatigue;
  3. lack of concentration on any task;
  4. preference for games over intellectual stress;
  5. immaturity in behavior (playing inappropriately for one’s age, inappropriate whims, frequent tears, hysterics).

The presence of all or several is the reason to contact specialists. It is important not to ignore the problem, not to neglect the symptoms and not to panic. If you know people who started talking at the age of 5, grew up and later spoke normal life, this does not mean that you can also ignore your child’s developmental delay. Such a reaction from parents often leads to a more serious diagnosis.

You have been diagnosed with mental retardation, what should you do?

You should not blame yourself and your loved ones for spoiled heredity. The best thing to do is to seek help from specialists. Special psychologists, neurologists, defectologists, speech therapists will help you choose the necessary correctional programs which must be performed continuously and continuously. In case of non-compliance with the instructions, refusal of further examination according to the system prescribed by doctors, leads to an increase in symptoms, up to the development of mental retardation.

The feeling of shame for a “defective” child, especially if there are other, normally developing children, creates in the child a feeling of inferiority, social maladaptation and negative attitude to yourself.

If negative feelings and emotions prevail over the desire to help the child, consult a doctor. A diagnosis of mental retardation is not a death sentence; it can easily be corrected with systematic implementation of rehabilitation measures, and upon reaching primary school age the child catches up with his peers in development. But it is best to send your child to school at the age of 8, not 7 years. The fact that the child will be 1 year older than the rest of his classmates is not scary, but he will be ready for school emotionally and mentally.

It is very important not to hope that “it will go away on its own”, “it will speak”, “it will catch up in kindergarten”, but to act on your own and together with the doctor to correct the signs of mental retardation. This is a labor-intensive process that requires the participation of all close and older children (if there are older brothers and sisters). All the efforts made to correct the developmental disorder will pay off with interest. If correction measures are not enough, then additional medication is prescribed by doctors.

How should parents behave to help their child with mental retardation?

The role of the family is the most important function in the success of treatment. Several useful rules for the whole family in education:

  1. Fight the desire to do everything for the child: collect him in kindergarten/school, dressing, fastening buttons and other things that he can do himself. Teach independence, from simple self-care skills to household tasks. Don’t do everything for him, help him develop independence by asking questions: “What should I take with me to kindergarten/school tomorrow,” “Where should I put my clothes?” Thus, attention is activated, and the desire to do everything yourself will gradually form. The main thing in the education process is your patience.
  2. Don't demand too much. Consider the specifics of the diagnosis. Do not overload with tasks and work that children of his age who are not lagging behind in development can cope with. Excessive demands can only reduce performance and discourage any desire to do anything in the future. The time for completing the tasks will be determined by the psychologist. This usually depends on the age and severity of the diagnosis. On average, mental exercise tasks last 10-12 minutes. Then you should take a break for 20 minutes. Play an active game, have a snack, do some exercise. Continue correctional and developmental work for another 8 minutes. This is enough for a day. During the day, include therapy games in your child’s mode: manipulations with sand, finger games. It is necessary. If the child cannot stand even 5 minutes of class, add breaks with physical education minutes, but complete all 10 minutes of each class.
  3. Encourage, praise for good behavior, celebrate small victories (learned how to cut out paper - go to the movies or do other favorite entertainment). The child must believe in himself and be interested in his own achievements. The desire to do something independently, developing activity, will be formed at first only on easy and exciting material.
  4. Communicate, help study the world. On a walk, on the way from the garden/school, anywhere outside the home and educational environment, ask to name the shape, size, color of an object - a car, a house, a roof. Pay attention to the weather, ask to describe it.
  5. Be patient. By the way, the child will also need it. If you yourself are breaking down, unable to wait for him to button his jacket, wash his mug, collect his toys, make himself a sandwich, what can you expect from him?

Now special groups have been created in kindergartens (public and private), and correction classes operate in schools. Group classes of 10-12 people are effective. There, children study under special programs and receive help from a defectologist, psychologist, and speech therapist. This work makes it possible to completely stop the diagnosis.
