Conducting educational activities on the development of speech in preschool children. Summary of OOD on speech development in the senior group "Fairytale Country" outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 27 “Charoit”

Summary of OOD on speech development in the preparatory group


Shtol Natalya Alekseevna

April 2017


Moscow region

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group

Lesson objectives:

1. Learn to select and use words with a general meaning in speech.

2. Enrich children’s vocabulary with synonyms and antonyms, and be able to select examples.

3. Remember and name fairy tales based on fairy-tale characters, develop children’s imagination and verbal creativity.


1. Develop the ability to form diminutive words from the nouns given by the teacher. Game “Name it kindly.”

2. Didactic game“Name your house” - teach how to name an animal’s home (house) correctly.

3. Teach how to form adjectives from nouns (fox - fox).

4. Learn to use comparative words and phrases in your speech.

5. Develop the ability to recognize an animal by description (fur, nose, eyes) - a comparison method.

6. Repeat home address and telephone number.

Type of lesson:

Consolidating previously acquired knowledge.

Lesson form:

Directly educational activities


30 min


Pupils of the group

Age of students:

6-7 years

Equipment and materials:

A small ball,

Preliminary work:

Methods and techniques for working with children:

Visual: demonstrating illustrations, showing a method of action, showing a sample; verbal: teacher’s story, children’s explanation; practical: completing assignments.

Lesson structure:

Develop the ability to form diminutive words from nouns given by the teacher. Game "I am a weasel."

Didactic game “Name your house” - teach how to name an animal’s home (house) correctly.

Teach how to form adjectives from nouns (fox - fox).

Learn to use comparative words and phrases in your speech.

Develop the ability to recognize an animal by description (fur, nose, eyes) - a comparison method.

Repeat home address and phone number.

20 minutes

End of class

Summing up the lesson, checking the acquired knowledge.

5 minutes

Progress of the lesson:

The guys stand in a semicircle. The teacher is in the center with a small ball in his hands.

Educator: Guys! I asked you to stand in a semicircle, shoulder to shoulder, so that you feel like one organized, cohesive group and in case of your failure you can always feel the shoulder of your friend, comrade, who will always come to your aid.

Let's think about how you would like to be called in the group and what mommy affectionately calls you. When passing the ball, please say your name loudly and clearly.

Children pass the ball to each other and affectionately call their names (Sveta - Svetochka).

Educator: Guys! But not only you, but also the objects around us can be called affectionately. Let's try to form diminutive words, that is, let's play the game “Name it affectionately.”

The teacher calls the word and passes the ball to the child, who forms a diminutive form from it. For example, flower - flower, nose - nose, dress - dress, etc. Then the children quietly sit on chairs at tables.

The teacher checks the children's further readiness for the lesson (the back is straight, the legs are straight, the hands are folded - the right one is at the top).

Educator: In the last lesson, we recalled words that are called synonyms, that is, we selected words that were close in meaning.

Asks one of the children to remind and give examples. Children select synonyms for the words “enemy”, “work”, “lazy”.

Educator: Today we will work on the words work - idle. Guys, what are these words in meaning and meaning? What are these words called?

Asks one of the children to define antonyms and give examples.

Educator: Let's, guys, try to find antonyms, that is, words that are opposite in meaning to these words: day - night; kind angry; back and forth; polite - rude; hardworking – lazy; high - low; neat - sloppy; narrow – wide; top - down; right left; friend - enemy; a brave man is a coward.

For better understanding and memorization, the teacher turns to poetic form.

Educator: “I’ll say the word “high”, and you will answer... (low).

I will say the word “far”, and you will answer... (close).

I’ll tell you the word “coward”, you will answer... (brave).

Now I will say “beginning”, -

Well, answer... (end!"

At the end of the antonym game, the teacher praises the children.

Educator: Now, guys, look at the easel. Let's remember I. Tokmakova's poem “Fish, fish, where do you sleep?”

Place two demonstration pictures on the easel.

Educator: Guys! How many of you can read this poem to us? Please, Anya. It was no coincidence that I called Anya to the easel. She read this poem very well and highlighted all the endings in the words with her voice. Let's repeat together: the fox has the footprint of a fox. (Use your voice to emphasize the ending of the adjective).

The teacher uses a ball to play the game “Whose trace?” Children pass the ball to each other and say the answer:

Cow - cow

Hare - hare

Sheep - sheep

Horse - equine

Cat - feline

Goat - goat

Piglet - piggy

Hedgehog - hedgehog

Belka – squirrel

Wolf - wolfish

Fox - fox

Educator: From the poem we learned that animals live in houses. What are their houses called?

With the help of a ball, the game “Who lives where?” is played: an ant - in an anthill, a bird - in a nest, a bear - in a den, a shark - in the sea, a pike - in the river, bees - in a hive, a fox - in a hole, a squirrel - in hollow, a wolf - in a den, a beaver - in a hut, on a dam, a dog - in a kennel, a chicken - in a chicken coop, a sheep - in a sheepfold, a horse - in a stable.

Educator: Where do my kids live? Who can give their home address?

Listen to the answers of 3 - 4 children.

At the end of the game you need to praise the guys. Then the children quietly stand near their seats, the teacher conducts a physical education session:

“We made a snowball,

The ears were made later.

And just instead of eyes

We found some coals.

The bunny came out alive

He has a tail and a head.

Don't pull your mustache -

They are made from straws

Thin, shiny,

Like real"

Now, guys, let's see how you know fairy tales. I'll call fairy-tale heroes, and you tell me the name of the fairy tale. Listen carefully:

1. Tsar, three sons, Sivka-burka, princess - “Sivka-burka”.

2. Evil stepmother, two daughters, Santa Claus - “Morozko”.

3. Tsar, three sons, Ivanushka, the little humpbacked horse, the princess - “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

4. Tsar, three sons, arrow, swamp, frog - “The frog princess.”

5. “Father, stepmother, three daughters, king, prince, fairy - “Cinderella.”

Place a picture of forest fairy-tale animals on the easel. (Application)

Assignment for children: look carefully at the picture, choose the animal you like, describe it, and say how it differs from other animals. What is it called in fairy tales and in which fairy tales is it found? Children go out and talk about the animals they have chosen.

For example, a fox is cunning, a deceiver, red, fluffy, very beautiful tail, ears on the top of the head. They call her little sister fox, Patrikeevna fox. Found in fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “Fox with a Rolling Pin”; the mouse is small, gray, long ponytail, eyes - like beads. Little mouse. Fairy tales: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”; The wolf is a gray wolf, his teeth click, when he is hungry, he howls at the moon, his eyes are evil. Gray wolf. Fairy tales: “Teremok”, “Sister Fox and Gray wolf", "Little Red Riding Hood".

Educator: Well done, guys. Did a good job. What did we do today? What new have you learned?

1. Agapova I., Davydova M. Literary games for children; Lada - Moscow, 2010. - 192 p.

2. Bondareva L. Yu. Teaching literacy to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Exercises for every day; Academy of Development - , 2008. - 288 p.

3. Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V., Kislova T. R. On the road to the ABC. Textbook-notebook for preschoolers 4-6 years old in 4 parts. Part 2; Balass - Moscow, 2008. - 450 p.
4. Varentsova N. S. Teaching preschoolers to read and write. For classes with children 3-7 years old; Mosaic-Synthesis - Moscow, 2009. - 112 p.

5. Speech development. Additional materials. Vegetables, fruits, berries; Corypheus - Moscow, 2010. - 112 p.

Teacher of MBDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 123"

(Senior group)

Target:Develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech and impart emotional overtones to the story.

Tasks: Development of perception, empathy, voluntary behavior; development of imagination; intensify the use of synonyms in children’s speech; practice composing a connected story about what you read; pronounce phrases clearly and distinctly, speak with different intonations in the voice, change the tempo of speech.

Material:audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", toy owl, author's fairy tale"Mischievous Breeze" autumn leaves according to the number of children, album sheet and colored pencils, pictures for the proverb.

  1. Exercise "Silence".

Teacher: “Let’s all sit down on the floor, hold hands, close our eyes and sit in silence for a while, and a fairy tale will come to visit us. Now let’s open our eyes and listen to the tale of “The Mischievous Breeze.”

  1. The story of the fairy tale “The Mischievous Breeze” (Author’s).

Teacher: “Once upon a time there was a breeze, he was very mischievous and naughty. He blew hard, played around, tore people’s hats off. And once, when one girl was swimming in the sea, it blew so hard that all her clothes flew into the sea. Another time, he blew very hard into the boy’s ear, so much so that it hurt. And everyone began to be afraid of the breeze, tried to run away as soon as they felt the slightest breath of it, and sometimes they said: “Oh, what a nasty wind.” The wind became very sad and offended, he went to his old grandfather the wind and complained to him that everyone was hiding from him, running away, and even calling him names. And the grandfather wind tells him: “Don’t play pranks and play around with your granddaughters, blow gently, people will love you. Sometimes it’s very hot outside, so everyone is happy for the gentle breeze.” The breeze was happy that they would love him if he didn’t play mischief, thanked the grandfather of the wind and flew away. Let’s let the breeze play with our dreams now.”

  1. Exercise “Choose synonyms for the words mischievous”
  2. Game “The wind blows the one who has...”.

With the words “The wind blows on the one who has...” the teacher begins the game. In order for all participants in the game to learn more about each other, questions could be as follows: “The wind blows on the one who blonde hair- all the fair-haired people gather in one group. “The wind blows on the one who has a sister... brother... who loves sweets the most... etc.”

  1. Conversation with children based on a fairy tale.
  2. Game “Blow on an autumn leaf” ( breathing exercises)
  3. Pronunciation of the proverb: “Goodness adorns a person” (in different intonations of voice).
  4. Invite children to draw their favorite fairy tale hero (audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”)

Summary of OOD on speech development “Mischievous Breeze”

Summary of OOD on speech development in the preparatory group. Topic: "Books are our friends"

Purpose: for preschool teachers
1. Continue to develop in children the ability to formulate arguments, observing the structure of this type of text. Teach children how to write advertisements, including a description of the item.
2. To consolidate the idea of ​​the genres of literary works.
3. Exercise the ability to understand and explain the figurative meaning of phraseological units.
4. Foster a respectful, caring attitude towards books.

A chest with a key, cards with the name of the genre, a large sheet of paper for writing rules for caring for books, an exhibition of books, an advertising diagram.

Progress of the lesson:

Pay attention, guys, to this casket. I don't know what's in it. It's closed. And to open this casket, you need a key. The key is not easy, the key is knowledge. If during the lesson you complete all the tasks, you will be able to receive the key and open the casket and find out what is in it.
"The nut of knowledge is hard,
Well, we're not used to retreating
It will help us split it
Desire: “We want to know everything!”
- We will start the lesson with a riddle:
“Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but a sewn one.
Not a person, but a storyteller.
What is this?" (Book)
- Yes, this is a book. A book is the greatest miracle in the world. You have already become acquainted with the history of the appearance of books. You know that every book has gone through a long and difficult journey before falling into your hands. Do you think books should be protected? Why?
- You know, there are guys, and some adults, who don’t know how to handle books. I suggest you come up with rules for caring for books and write them down. We'll hang them in kindergarten so that everyone knows how to properly handle books. Guys, each rule is one sentence. (Children make up the rules).
- Guys, what kind of books are there? (For children and adults).
- How do children's books differ from adult books?
- I know that fairy tales are published in children's books. What other literature is published for children? (Stories, fables, riddles, poems, teasers, proverbs, etc.).
- What is the difference between a fairy tale and a short story?
- What is the difference between a story and a poem?
- What is the difference between a tongue twister and a proverb?
- What is the difference between a teaser and a riddle?
- Guys, I will read you excerpts from various works, and you must determine what it is: a poem, a fairy tale or something else. Support your answer with evidence of why you think so. (Teacher, children give reasons for their guesses).
- Well done! I think you can handle the next task. I have prepared cards for you. Each card has one word: fairy tale, story, poem, riddle, teaser, tongue twister, proverb. You need to remember or come up with what you get.
- Guys, today we are having a book exhibition. The books are all interesting and good. I read each of them from cover to cover. Is it possible to say: “I read it from cover to cover.” (Children's answers).
- Yes, you can say so. This means reading the book carefully from beginning to end.
- Let's return to our exhibition of books. Imagine that you are sales representatives of a printing house. You need to sell books profitably, and for this you need effective and interesting advertising. Now you and I will learn how to come up with book advertisements. What do you think needs to be said?
- We need to tell you about the title of the book and the author. What kind of binding: soft or hard? What is printed in the book? (Fairy tale, story or poem). Can you provide a short story about who the main character is?
- What words can you use to start an advertisement?
- What words to finish with?
- I suggest you choose a book for advertising. Examine it carefully. When telling an advertising story, you can use an outline.
I suggest: Book - Title - Author - Binding: M or T - Fairy tales? - About what? - Heroes!
(Analysis of the resulting advertisements).
- Well, you have completed all the tasks, it’s time to open the casket. (Children open the casket, it contains gifts for children - books).

(For children of the preparatory group)


To acquaint children with the culture of their people, with the peculiarities of everyday life, customs, traditions, and Russian folk games.

Introduce children to the hut - the home of a peasant family, the Russian stove.


Development of curiosity, observation, and speech in children.

Enrich children's vocabulary folk proverbs, sayings, new words (grip, cast iron, poker, etc.).


Cultivate a caring attitude towards antiques, folk traditions, customs of hospitality, interest in Russian folklore.

Vocabulary work: hut, stove, grip, poker, cast iron.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations in books depicting ancient household items. Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles, fables, round dances. Reading Russian folk tales.

Equipment:“Russian hut”, equipped with items of Russian everyday life, cast iron, grip, poker, cap-mask for R.N. games, Russian folk costume for the hostess.

Progress of the lesson

(The children enter the hall. They are greeted by the hostess in Russian folk costume.)

Educator: Hello dear guests!

According to Russian custom, we greet our dear guests with bread and salt and greet them with a low bow!

Mistress: You are welcome, dear guests, come into the hut. My hut is small, but it’s so beautiful!

(Children sit on benches.)

Make yourself comfortable.

Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?

Was there enough room for everyone?

Prepare your ears and eyes.

(Children take their seats.)

Guys, what is a hut?

Children: (this is a house).

Hostess: Right! This is an old name for a village house.

To find out what we will talk about today. Guess the riddle.

"Our fat Fedora

Will not be full soon

But when I’m full

There’s warmth from Fedora.”

Children: bake.

Hostess: That's right, children! This is a stove.

Guys, what do you think is the purpose of a stove in a hut?

Children: (to keep the house warm).

Hostess: Yes, guys, it’s impossible to imagine a hut in a Russian village without a Russian stove. The stove is considered the most important in the hut. It was located in the center of the hut, to heat the entire house. A Russian stove must be big, why do you think?

Children: to keep the hut warm for a long time.

Hostess: Guys, was the stove only needed for warmth?

Children: (food was prepared in it).

Hostess: That's right, guys, they used the stove for different purposes, for which ones do you think?

Children: (for warmth, they cooked food in it, slept on it).

Hostess: That's right guys, the stove was used for heating and for cooking, and for sleeping on it, and even for washing.

The frost will crackle in the yard, the wind will howl in the chimney, but by the stove it’s warm and cozy, all you can hear is the crackling of the firewood.

The hostess approaches the stove.

- Oh, who is this lying here?

- Children: cat

Oh, Vaska the prankster, where have you gone?

Hostess: Guys, what is Vaska the cat doing on the stove?

Children: warming up.

Hostess: Guys, but the stove itself does not heat up, what must we do first so that the stove gives us heat?

Children:(you need to melt it).

Hostess: Yes, guys, when the housewife gets up in the morning, the first thing she does is start lighting the stove. All day long the stove is chugging and trying.

What did the hostess cook in it, guys?

Children:(porridge, potatoes, soup).

Hostess: Right! The owners will cook potatoes in the oven for themselves and steam feed for the cattle. The porridge is boiling, the milk is heating, the bread is baking and browning.

The stove was considered the family's breadwinner.

What did the guys in the old days say about the Russian stove?

“The oven is our dear mother.”

“The stove is all red summer.”

“The oven heats and cooks, bakes and fries.

“The oven will feed, dry and delight the soul!”

“Already better bread don’t feed, but don’t drive me away from the stove.”

“It’s a kind speech, if there is a stove in the hut.”

Game "Goat and the guys"

There was even a stove in children's games. Shall we play? The game is called "The Goat and the Guys."

One child is selected - Goat. (He puts on a goat mask.)

The goat stands in a circle, the children dance around it, and a dialogue is conducted.

Goat: I am the Goat, meh!

I went to the forest.

I was chopping wood.

Children: Why do you need firewood?

Goat: Meh, light the stove.

Children: Why light the stove?

Goat: Meh, cook porridge.

Children: Why cook porridge?

Goat: Meh, feed the guys.

Children: We don’t want porridge!

Goat: Meh, I'll feed you!

I'll catch up and feed you! (Children run away.)

(Children sit down in their places.)

- Hostess: Tell me guys, who puts on the stove?

Children:(Stove maker).

- Hostess: What building material does a stove maker use when building a stove in a hut?

Children: (Brick, clay)

- Hostess: Now guys, let's see how the Russian stove works.

Hostess: Guys, what do you think this is?

(The teacher points to the pipe.)


Hostess: Yes, guys, that’s right, it’s a pipe, but what was it needed for?

Children: (smoke came out of it).

Hostess: That's right guys, what was the smoke coming from?

Children:(due to the fact that wood was burning in the stove).

Hostess: Yes, guys, that’s right, but where did they put the firewood?

Children: (Children's answers.)

Hostess: Guys, the firewood was placed in a special place in the stove, called mouth. To make the stove burn better, they used birch firewood; it provided more heat.

Guys, look what's in my hand?

Children: poker.

Hostess: Guys, what do you think a poker is for?

Children: to stir the coals in the firebox.

Hostess: Yes guys, in order for the fire to burn more cheerfully stove, the firewood was stirred with a poker.

Hostess: What else did the guys put at the mouth?

Children: (pots).

The hostess takes the cast iron

What is it?

Children: cast iron.

Hostess: What do you guys think, why was cast iron needed at that time?

Children: Porridge and soups were cooked in it.

Mistress puts the cast iron on the pole. Oh, but how do you install cast iron, because it’s hot in the stove?

Hostess: Guys, to send cast iron into the oven you need a grip.

(The hostess takes the handle and sends the cast iron into the oven.)

And so that the heat and fire did not escape from the stove, the mouth was closed flap.

Hostess: There is free space at the bottom of the stove - oven.

Guys, what do you think the owner used this place for?

Children:(The housewife kept a broom, dustpan and poker in the oven.)

Hostess: The oven is used to store stove equipment: grips, pokers, scoops, and even in the cold winter they kept chickens under the stove.

- There was a special place at the top of the stove - bed.

Hostess: guys, what do you think this place was for?

Children: For people's rest and sleep.

Hostess: Right! With the help of the oven, illness was expelled, for example, colds, warmed the backs.

The guys dried not only clothes on the stove, but what else?

Children: mushrooms, berries and onions.

- The Russian stove has another magical place, here it is, a small recess, like a window. This stove!

Why do you think it was needed?

Children:(they dried clothes in it).

Hostess: Yes, the guys are right, they dried clothes and shoes in the stove.

Between the stove and the wall of the house there was a place called "woman's cut" this corner was curtained with a colored curtain. The owner of the shelter was a woman. What do you think the owner was doing there?

Children: I cooked food, baked bread, cooked.

Hostess: Guys, there are also riddles about the stove. Shall we guess?

What can’t you get out of the hut?


Hostess: In winter, it is no warmer, and in summer it is no colder.


Hostess: Why can't you light the oven?

Children:(without firewood).

Hostess: What did you use to cook porridge and cabbage soup in a Russian oven?

Children:(in a cast iron pot, clay pot).

Hostess: What was used to pull hot cast iron out of the furnace?

Children:(with a grip).

Hostess: Guys, what fairy tales talk about a wonderful stove?

Children:(Geese-swans, At the behest of the pike, bun.)

Hostess: The Russian people have a wonderful saying: “Good cabbage soup from the Russian oven.” But not only cabbage soup was cooked in the oven, but also the main Russian dish - porridge.

The hostess goes to the stove and sniffs.

And now our porridge is ready, oh, how delicious it smells, guys, while we were talking, the porridge was cooked.

(The hostess invites the guys to the table and treats them to buckwheat porridge.)

Hostess: Did you guys like visiting me?

It's time to know the honor. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
