Balloon festival. Scenario for kindergarten


Create a joyful, cheerful mood in the group; consolidate and clarify knowledge about balloons, be able to use balls in various outdoor games, develop mental activities such as thinking, imagination, perception, sensory skills; enrich the vocabulary with the words “rubber”, “stretches”, “crumples”; develop a desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere; cultivate activity, curiosity, organization.


Ved: We came to the hall today, how elegantly it is decorated! Parsley runs into the hall with balloons. Ved: Hello Petrushka, where are you in a hurry? Parsley: to come to your party, have fun with the guys. Parsley: It’s possible. Ved: Of course you can, really guys. Parsley: I want to ask a riddle

Guess the fun riddle again, guys.

I am big, but empty, I fly into the sky above the earth.

And not proud, but inflated, entangled in a thick thread.

I have always been friendly with the children, and my name is...... /BALLOON/ Ved:

There are many beautiful, colorful and airy balloons in our hall!

You can play with them and have fun,

You can dance with them and have fun frolicking!

After all, a balloon is fun and necessary.


Attention, friends, the program is starting!

Let's choose a balloon!

VED: The balloon is airy, cheerful and necessary!

Irresistible in its multicolor!

The guys just need it!


1 to. Jump into loose form, ball in both hands.

Ex: Ball up, down / 2 p.

Spun around.

Ball up, down / 2p.

Spun around.

Losing: Formation in a circle, running

2k: Side gallop, ball in front, in outstretched arms.

Ex: the same

Prigrysh: Reorganization in all directions.

3k: Swinging the ball above your head from side to side

Ex: same

At the end, the balls are thrown up.

VED: Parsley, what are you doing?

Parsley: I'm putting the balls back in place.

VED: Let's play with them some more. Here I have one fun task: whoever bursts the balloons while sitting the most wins.

Parsley: I’ll play the same with you, I’ll burst more than you!

ATTRACTION “burst the ball” for 4 people

VED: Well done, everyone worked hard! That's how many balloons the hammers burst.

And you, Petrushka, burst a lot.

Parsley: I only somehow burst one.

VED: Don't be upset, Petrushka! We will continue the holiday and entertain each other! Here, take the balls!


Parsley: I'm a cheerful hippopotamus! I have a big belly!

VED: Let's hold on to the ball relay!

And let's call her "Hippos"


(2 children squeeze the ball with their stomachs, hugging each other with their arms. They move

sideways to the landmark.)

VED: And the next fun is music and dance. And it's called

“Let’s arrange the balls according to color.” Again, we take the balls and dance with them.

"Game match by color"

(Children with balloons dance, the music ends; children with the same colors form a circle). VED: We continue our fun relay races.


(Children hold the ball between their knees. Jump to the landmark without dropping the ball)

VED: Guess the riddle. A humpbacked beast is walking through the desert.

But the guys really like him.

Parsley: I don’t know that.

EDUCATION: And the children will now tell you who it is (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS)

Let's now turn into baby camels using a balloon.


(Children hold the ball on their back with both hands. Run to the landmark and back.

Passed to the next player)

VED: And now the ball and I have spun around and turned into a snake.

“Snake” RELAY

(Children stand like a train, with balls between them, with their arms around the waist of the person in front) They follow the leader in any direction. Parsley: comes out with a suitcase.

VED: Where are you going?

Parsley: I'm going on vacation. I'll take balloons with me. Thank you guys for teaching me how to play them. And as a parting gift I want to give you each balloon ik.

CL: Well, the game is over, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Respect the balls, don't burst them - play.

They will serve you, entertain and amuse you!

Balloons are something the kids really need!

Parsley LEAVES.

VED: Now it’s time for us to leave, kids!

Scenario summer fun in the middle group “Oh, these balloons.”

This event will be useful for educators, music directors, when conducting summer holidays and entertainment with children of middle preschool age.

Target: Creating joyful festive mood in children; development motor activity; nurturing a sense of mutual assistance, friendship, and cheerful mood.

1. Foster activity, curiosity, organization;
2. Develop a desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere;
3. Be able to use balls in various outdoor games, competitions, and relay races.

Progress of entertainment:

On the playground, the children are met by a clown (teacher) holding a magic box.
Which beautiful balls around! And are they all different colors? Children, please name what color the balls are? How many are there, please count them.
(Children name the colors of the balls and count them).
Clown: Guys, I know that you love holidays? (children's answers)
Children: Yes!
How amazing! Today I invite you to a fun holiday... but what kind of holiday you will find out from the poem.
I have a hot air balloon
Bright, light and obedient.
When I go for a walk,
I'm holding the ball by the string.
I really regret the ball
Why is he losing weight?
Right! I have... balloons in my box! And today we will have a balloon festival. Today they will serve us not only as decoration for our holiday. Balloons will help us carry out funny Games and relay races.
Clown (teacher):
What a great fellow you are! Welcome to the Balloon Festival, where we will play and have fun! Each of you will now have a friend - a balloon, which you must take care of so that he can play with you longer.
(Each child is given a ball.)
Lots of different entertainment
It is impossible to count them all here.
And you have a lot of enthusiasm
Yes, and the power is still there.
Now there's new fun -
Let's all dance for laughs.
A warm-up with balloons is performed to the music.
Clown (teacher): Guys, do you know poems about balloons?
Children: Yes!

Children read poetry.

1st child.

My light balloon
He pulled the thread disobediently,
He interrupted and said: Bye!
And rushed off into the clouds.

2nd child
Blue inflatable ball
Didn't want to play with me.
For some reason today he
He looked at me poutingly.

3rd child
A joyful hedgehog ran through the forest,
He held a balloon by a thread.
The birds are chirping! Light and warm...
Only suddenly the sun went behind a cloud...
4th child
It became dark... The wind blew...
The owl hooted... and the forest was empty...
The hedgehog said: “What is this?
Sun, oh! Night has come to earth...
5th child
You can’t hear the birds, the flowers are closed...
Who will help me find the path?
The hedgehog asked his ball to help -
He unclenched his paw and let go of the thread...
6th child
The ball took off over the forest and floated...
He was yellow, like the sun!
It's light again. And the flowers opened,
The paths are visible between the trees!
The darkness is over! Our hedgehog smiled:
“How does my ball look like the sun!”

The attraction “Who can collect the most balls” is held.

The song is sung: “Balloons will fly into the sky”
And we continue our fun games with the ball.
Jumpers. Who can jump the farthest with a ball sandwiched between their knees?

2nd relay game. "Pop the ball."

You need to play in pairs. Two balloons are tied to each leg of the player. When the presenter blows his whistle, the competition begins. Task: step on your foot and slam the opponent's ball, but save your balls..
Clown (teacher): Well done boys! coped well with the tasks.
And now we will dance.
A dance with balloons is performed to cheerful music.
Clown (teacher):
And now a comic relay race: “Hippopotamuses”
(two children carry a balloon on their stomachs)

Clown (teacher): How fast and dexterous you are... I'll see if you can cope with the next fun competition! Children are divided into teams. Each team must build a pyramid from the balls. The team whose pyramid is higher and has stood longer than others wins.

Clown (Teacher): Great, this competition also amused you. You showed your agility and speed. And now we will hold a competition with balloons called “Greedy”
Scatter on the floor a large number of balls without threads. The essence of the competition is to collect as many balls as possible and keep them. You can hide it under clothes, hold it in your hands, between your teeth, between your legs, whatever you like. The child who collects the most balls wins.
Clown (teacher):
And now, so as not to get bored, I suggest you play! Do you agree?

Outdoor game "In an even circle"

The clown shows the children various movements, the children repeat after him.
In an even circle one after another
Let's walk happily
Everything the Clown will show us
That's what we will do.
Clown (teacher): Guys, can you throw balls far, far? Then we will play a game:
"Balloon Throwing"(Who will throw the ball further? Four children each).

A funny song about a balloon is sung.
Clown (teacher): Your kindergarten is good,
Better than a garden you won't find it.
And what guys are here:
Agile and fast
Brave, skillful.
(Sums up the results of the competition, awards the children).
It's time for us to say goodbye
Goodbye, kids.
The clown gives out balloons to children as souvenirs.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 "Forget-me-not" Developed by first category teacher Elena Nikolaevna Savelyeva

Ostashkov 2015

Goal: creating a festive mood in children; development of motor activity; nurturing a sense of mutual assistance and friendship.

Equipment: The celebration takes place outside, the area is decorated with balloons, inflatable toys, and flowers. A tape recorder, recordings of funny music, balloons, a clown costume for the teacher. Cardboard balls, magnetic boards.

Fun music sounds! Hello guys! I'm the funny clown Klepa! What's your name? (children say their names). Well, here we are. I flew to visit you for the holiday on these multi-colored balls from a country called Smekhlyandiya. Clowns and clown kids live there. We all have fun there, make each other laugh, sing, dance. Do you know what holiday today is? It is a holiday today balloons, look how many of them I have! Guess what I love most in the world? Yes, I love to play. Do you like to play? And today we will play with balloons. And the first game is called "Give me a smile" . I will come up and give everyone a balloon, and you will give me beautiful smiles. I'm walking along the path (The clown walks past the children), and I give smiles to everyone! (Stops and gives a ball to each child). Smile and hurry up, it will be more fun together! Do you like to dance? Then I suggest a fun dance with balloons. Stand in a circle.

Dance with balls

And now I want to know: which of you is the smartest.

Contest "Guess a riddle"

Small balls
Hanging on the tree:
Red, green -
They look tempting.

Love these balls
Adults and children,
Bulk balls –
The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,
The ball grew near the path. (dandelion)
He's big, like a football
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!
What kind of ball is this? (watermelon)
Good-natured, thick-skinned,
Looks like a hot air balloon

Almost always lives in water
Thick-skinned... (hippopotamus)
Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds. (balloon)

And now, so as not to get bored, I suggest you play! Do you agree?

Outdoor game "In an even circle"

The clown shows the children various movements, the children repeat after him.

In an even circle one after another
Let's walk happily
Everything that Klepa will show you
That's what we will do.

Oh, how I like it with you!

A balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. What do you think they are needed for? air balloons? (children answer) Yes, balloons are used to decorate events and have a wonderful ability: to create great mood. Do you know any poems about balloons? Tell me.

Poems about balls

My brother bought himself a flashlight
Well, for me - a balloon.
Over my head
He dances as if alive.

My ball
My balloon
Hanging on a branch
Does not know,

Where should I go?
He may come down
Of course, down
But it can also rise to the sky!

He looked down
On a familiar fence
For the house and the green roof, -
And rushed into the sky,

Where there is space,
All higher
And higher,
And higher!.

Air balloon
Hot air balloon, hot air balloon,
It breaks out of your hands.
Naughty, naughty -

Suddenly it flies up to the ceiling.
I need to catch him
And tie it by the ponytail

Not always obedient.
Colored balls,
Very naughty.

They love to break out
rush across the sky,
Fly among the birds
Get stuck in branches.

How the wind blows
Hold them, children.
So as not to fly away,
You weren't upset.

I'm big but empty.
I will fly into the sky above the earth.
And not proud, but inflated,

Entangled with a thick thread.
I’m with the children, I’ve always been friendly,
And my name is...

Now guess the riddle:
Like a rubber ball
This animal is jumping
Carrying a baby in a bag

The grass is nibbled slowly!

That's right, a kangaroo carries its baby in a pouch. Now imagine that you "kangaroo" only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands, and pass it to the next one. But first you need to split into two teams.

A game "Kangaroo"

I still have one more gift for you - these balls. I drew them myself (shows paper balls). But then trouble happened. I was in such a hurry to come to you for the holiday that the strings came off from the balloons and now the balloons are left without strings. You will help me choose the color of the threads for the balls. All the balls are different colors - yellow, green, red. And here (points to flannelgraph)- strings from these balls. Let `s start?

A game “Match a ball of the same color to the string.”

Now let's play with real balls. We will pass the balls around in a circle, and when they meet, those guys who have the ball will dance.

Children stand in a circle and pass the balls to each other. When the balls meet, the two children who have the balls dance in the center of the circle, the rest clap for them.

And now I’ll see which of you is the most attentive. I will show different colored balls. If I pick up a red ball, you should clap, if it’s blue, you should all stomp, if it’s yellow, raise your hands up. Let's begin.

Do you like to draw? Then you will like the next game and it's called

"The Cheerful Artist"

Participants receive a balloon, a marker and a scarf. You need to draw Alyonushka’s face as quickly as possible and tie a scarf for her.

Oh, guys, how much fun you have! I don’t even want to leave you, but it’s time to say goodbye, and as everyone knows, it’s customary to give gifts to everyone during the holiday, and I’m giving you these beautiful balloons. And now everyone is dancing to cheerful music along with the balloons.

Goodbye guys, see you again.

Natalia Evdokimova

Target: Creating a festive mood in children, developing physical activity, nurturing feelings of mutual assistance and friendship.

7.30-8.30 Reception and examination of children.

Choosing the theme of the day (riddle about ball, acquaintance with balloon).

Morning exercises on air with balloons.

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast No. 1.

Preparation for GCD (going outside).

GCD. Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing).

Subject: "Convert balloon in a man»

Target: to develop the ability to draw, develop imagination.

9.30-10.00 Independent play activity With balls.

10.00-10.10 Breakfast No. 2.

10.10-12.50 Preparing for the walk. Walk.

Conversation: "Tell balloon about an apple tree» .

Target: develop conversational speech, the ability to explain what you see, expand knowledge about plants.

Outdoor game « Balloon» .

Labor activity.

12.50-13.00 Return from a walk. Water procedures.

13.00-13.20 Preparation for lunch. Dinner.

13.20-15.30 Getting ready for bed. Dream.

15.30-16.00 Get up. Air and water procedures.

16.00-16.30 Independent play activities.

Holiday « Balloons»

16.30-16.45 Preparation for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack.

16.45-18.00 Preparing for the walk. Walk.

Observation: "What's happened air» .

Target: generalize, clarify children’s knowledge about air, cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment.

Children play with the wind using plumes, pinwheels, and ribbons.

Independent play activity.

Leaving home from a walk.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of summer entertainment for children 4–6 years old “Birthday of Sharik” Scenario of summer entertainment for children 4-6 years old Children in the hall waiting for the start of the performance. (To music from the film “Holidays in Prostokvashino” to the audience.

June 1 is Children's Day! A holiday of peace, sun, joy, smiles, a holiday of childhood! June 1 is the first day of summer, the first day of vacation!.

Last year I became the head of the Magic Palette art studio, which operates on the basis of our preschool educational institution. The older children visit the art studio.

Master class “Transforming a balloon” Master class on the topic “Transforming a balloon” Course of the master class: Good afternoon, Dear colleagues! Today I will give you a master class.

In my preparatory group The “City of Masters” festival took place. The children talked about Russian crafts. As preliminary work.

Master class on making matryoshka dolls from a balloon. In my preparatory group, the “City of Masters” festival was held. The children talked.

Balloon Festival

Goal: creating a festive mood in children; development of motor activity; nurturing a sense of mutual assistance and friendship.

Event scenario

Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

They rush up and play,

WITH thin thread fly away.

This is the joy of children

Multi-colored... (balls)

Educator : That's right, these are balls. I invite you to a balloon festival. Today they will serve us not only as decoration for our holiday. Balloons will help us hold fun games and competitions. Do you want to play and have fun?

Someone once invented balls,

As entertainment for kids.

Someone once cheated for the first time,

Someone once breathed soul into them.

No, there won't be a carnival without balloons

And the festive hall will not be decorated.

Balloons have been attracting us all for a long time,

Each of them has flight and space.

These balls call us all back to childhood,

Let's get acquainted with the balloon.

A balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used to decorate events and has a wonderful ability: to create a great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room.. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

Children come out

1 child:

Ball, ball

My airy one

Fidgety, naughty

The ball is round,

The ball is smooth,

The ball is light,

The ball is soft!

2nd child:

Ball to the right,

Left ball

My glowing lantern

Let me hug you

And I’ll press it to my cheek!

3rd child:

I press the ball

It flies out of your hands

Up but I caught it

I tied a thread to my finger.

4 child

My light balloon

He pulled the thread disobediently,

He interrupted and said: “Bye”

And rushed off into the clouds.

5 child

I have a hot air balloon

Bright, light and obedient.

When I go for a walk,

I'm holding the ball by the string.

6 child

My blue balloon

Quite dear to me.

But suddenly the wind blew,

The ball flew into the sky.

Educator: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams.The game is called "Kangaroo"

Do you know who this is?

Children's answers

Educator : That's right, a kangaroo carries its baby in a pouch. Now imagine that you are a “kangaroo” only instead of a cub, you will hold a ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands, and pass it to the next one.

Educator : Well done guys, next game"Collect the balls"

I have two boxes, one with red balls and the other with green balls.

At my signal, you begin to collect them.

The first team is red, the second is green.

Educator: Now let's see which team has the ball fly the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

Educator: Great job! Next game “Carry it without dropping it”

On my command, you hit the ball with your hand to a landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

COMPETITION “Guess the riddle”

Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

Love these balls

Adults and children,

Bulk balls –

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball grew near the path. (dandelion)

He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this? (watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Looks like a hot air balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned... (hippopotamus)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds. (balloon)


Next game “Ball over your head”

Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, on my command you begin to pass the ball to the one standing behind you, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players have taken part.

Game for attention . Children play with balls. The command “red” is given: children with balls of this color remain, the rest sit down. This signal is also given for blue and yellow.

Game "Don't drop the ball." Children are asked to hold the ball in the air and not let it fall.

Game "Give a ball to a friend." Children play freely, but only hear the command “Give a ball”, the children exchange balls.


Paint a balloon

Educator: Well done boys! What a fun holiday it turned out to be. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring.

Report on the holiday held in kindergarten

"Balloon Festival"

Venue: MBDOU DS No. 35 “Alyonushka”

Date: 17.06. 2015

Participants of the holiday: Children middle group, group teacher: Politskaya I.N., Musical director Kurbatskaya N.G.

Goals of the holiday: Creating a festive mood in children, developing motor activity, nurturing a sense of mutual assistance and friendship

The holiday began with an introduction by the presenter. She told the children that a balloon is not only a toy, but also a decoration for any holiday and serves to lift their spirits.

The children recited poems about balloons.

The children enjoyed participating in games and competitions. Showing skill and skill, dexterity and mobility.

1. Game "Kangaroo". The children pretended they were kangaroos, but instead of babies there were balloons. The children divided into two teams, holding the balls between their knees, they need to jump on two legs to the pin and return to pass it to another.

2. Game "Collect the balls " Children were asked to collect balls of different colors when given a signal.

3.Next game "Carry it don't drop it " Carry the ball in the basket and pass it to another participant.

4. There was a competition for children" Guess a riddle". The children were offered riddles with the word ball.

5. Game"Ball Over Your Head" .Children competed in passing the ball over their heads.

6. And at the end of the holiday there was a competition"Artists" The children happily painted balloons one after another, drew the sun, flowers and much more as they wished.

The “Balloons” holiday has come to an end. The children were happy and cheerful. And each child received a balloon as a gift.
