Social work with neglected and homeless minors. Methods and forms of social and pedagogical work with neglected and street children

The number of minors whose behavior is deviant is growing. Social disadvantage is manifested in the breakdown of family and kinship ties, neglect and vagrancy of children, their commission of antisocial acts and offenses, drunkenness and drug addiction.

Early social maladaptation leads to the formation of a generation that does not know how to work or start a family. We can identify a number of the following socio-economic, political, spiritual and moral factors that in one way or another influence the increase in the number of homeless and neglected adolescents:

  • - excessive commercialization of society; the collapse of a number of social institutions that previously worked for childhood, social economic conditions family functioning (low material level, poor living conditions);
  • - the difficult economic and moral situation in which most families find themselves; criminalization of society, the growing influence of the cult of power;
  • - loss of prestige of education and honest earnings. These and many factors led to a reassessment of life values, the emergence of a new ideal - the so-called new Russian, with huge incomes, but often without education, who achieved wealth in socially disapproved ways. This leads to the fact that a teenager has a desire to achieve success without making serious efforts.

However, social maladjustment is a reversible process, therefore, according to many scientists and practitioners, it is possible not only to prevent deviations in the social development of children and adolescents, but also to manage the process of resocialization of homeless and neglected children and adolescents.

The greatest social rehabilitation is possible for street children who have been neglected for up to 3 years.

The lowest chances of rehabilitation are for children whose experience of neglect exceeds 6 years.

There is a public opinion that the prospects for social and human rehabilitation for the majority of neglected and homeless children are very small.

To a certain extent, the attitude towards street children today is in a critical phase. The remaining potential of public sympathy is not realized due to the disastrous material and mental state of many families and parents, the weakness of personnel and logistics of special institutions, bribery and corruption in government bodies and the high degree of physical and mental trauma of neglected and homeless children.

The attitude towards street children largely coincides with the attitude towards terminally ill patients (unfortunately, that is what they are). In public opinion and the psychology of the authorities, motives begin to prevail: if neglect and homelessness are an incurable social disease, then it is not only impossible, but it is also possible not to treat, and sometimes even to exploit physically and morally the children of the social bottom. The traditional merciful dominant understanding of the vital connection of lost children with a lost society, traditional for Russia and Russians, is weakening.

Due to the fact that the existing system of social, preventive and correctional work does not correspond to today’s increasingly complex situation, an urgent task has become the formation of a new social policy for the prevention of child neglect and social orphanhood, the creation of a specialized system of institutions for homeless and neglected children and adolescents, designed for targeted work on their social rehabilitation.

Specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation are designed to provide assistance to that category of children and adolescents who have not previously received the attention of the authorities.

Abandoned by family and school, they are, at best, noticed only by law enforcement agencies in connection with the commission of illegal actions. In violation of international legal norms, children and adolescents who had not committed any offenses were often held for long periods in reception centers of internal affairs bodies, awaiting referral to residential children's institutions.

There are no official statistical data on the number and composition of street and neglected adolescents, but various pilot studies give grounds to assert that child homelessness and neglect is still one of the most acute and intractable problems. A system of specialized institutions for maladjusted children and adolescents in Russia began to be created in 1992. Thanks to the efforts of federal and regional authorities social protection the number of such institutions is constantly growing, and more than 150 thousand minors have already undergone rehabilitation there.

The objectives of institutions for homeless and neglected children and adolescents are:

  • - prevention of neglect, vagrancy, maladjustment;
  • - psychological health care children who, through the fault of their parents or due to an extreme situation (including due to physical and mental violence or living conditions dangerous to life and health), find themselves in a hopeless situation;
  • - formation in children and adolescents of positive experience of social behavior, communication skills and interaction with people around them;
  • - performing guardianship functions in relation to those who are left without parental attention and care, and means of subsistence;
  • - psychological and pedagogical support that contributes to the elimination of crisis states of the individual;
  • - assistance in the return to the family or further life arrangement of children;
  • - providing opportunities to get an education;
  • - taking care of further improvement and place of residence.

The main goal of the activities of such institutions is social protection and support for children in need, their rehabilitation and assistance in life determination. The creation of a specialized institution for children and adolescents provides a real opportunity to provide them with emergency assistance.

Specialists from such institutions identify three main stages in working with children:

  • - diagnostic work;
  • - rehabilitation, the program of which is based on data obtained after a comprehensive diagnosis;
  • - post-rehabilitation protection of the child.

First of all, in the system of social rehabilitation services for minors, social shelters for children and adolescents are created.

The main directions of rehabilitation of neglected and homeless children and adolescents in the social rehabilitation center are:

  • - prevention of neglect, assistance in eliminating difficult situation in the child's family;
  • - providing minors with temporary full-time residence state provision before determining and implementing, together with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, optimal forms of living arrangement;
  • - provision of accessible and timely qualified social, legal, psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with various forms of maladjustment, based on individual social rehabilitation programs, including vocational, educational, cognitive, sociocultural, physical education and other components.

The centers are designed for children and include:

  • - reception department;
  • - department for diagnosing social maladjustment;
  • - department for the implementation of social rehabilitation programs;
  • - department of social and legal assistance;
  • - family educational group.

A structural unit of a social rehabilitation center may be a social shelter for children and adolescents.

In the reception department, a primary medical examination and initial sanitary treatment of the teenager are carried out, who, if necessary, is sent to a hospital medical facility.

In the department for diagnosing social maladaptation, the factors that determined his social maladaptation, features personal development and behavior of a teenager; Individual programs for his social rehabilitation are being developed. Based on this data, it is created individual program rehabilitation.

Its phased implementation is carried out in the department for implementing social adaptation programs. Work is underway to restore lost ties with and within the family, to improve the health of the system interpersonal relationships minors, restoration of their social status in a group of peers, assistance to adolescents in obtaining an education, specialty and career guidance.

An individual rehabilitation program is implemented both in a day or 24-hour hospital setting at the center, and in a family educational group. Rehabilitation groups are formed in the department - children in them can be of different ages, but it is advisable to unite children with a similar level of adaptation for the most effective use of group techniques. The optimal number of children for a day hospital is from 5 to 10, and for a round-the-clock hospital - up to 7.

The Department of Social and Legal Assistance protects the rights and legitimate interests of students. Including those in family educational groups; provides assistance to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the further life of the pupils; forms a database of possible adoptive parents, trustees, guardians, foster families, organizes psychological, pedagogical and legal preparation for the adoption of stepchildren into the family and monitors the adaptation of minors to the new environment.

And finally, perhaps the most difficult area of ​​the center’s activity is working with families. Social rehabilitation at the center is certainly focused on solving family problems of children and adolescents. Work with conflicting families is based on interaction with a psychologist at the counseling level; work with immoral families is carried out at the level of social patronage.

After the children return to the family, social patronage, direct contacts with family members and consultations with specialists (psychologists, lawyers, narcologists, etc.) continue.

Of the currently existing types of social rehabilitation institutions for children and adolescents, the Center for Minors, which has a social shelter as a division, is designed to solve the most important tasks of overcoming the increase in the number of maladjusted adolescents, to eliminate the causes of manifestations of maladjustment at the initial stage, before the teenager breaks up with family. This direction of activity is certainly promising in the general system of social rehabilitation institutions, since on its basis it is possible to holistically solve the problems of correctional and rehabilitation work, focusing it both on the child who finds himself in a difficult situation and on his family.

At the same time, the social rehabilitation of a teenager is greatly facilitated if it occurs against the background of his emotional acceptance of new conditions, rules of life, and new people. Therefore, the primary task of all social workers is to provide a teenager who has arrived at a rehabilitation institution with maximum support in the process of mastering his new life. Analyzing the experience, we can note such an undoubtedly promising area of ​​activity as the “Street Children” program, which works with homeless and neglected teenagers directly in their usual habitat - on the street. This direction helps at an early stage to prevent the destruction of a teenager’s connections with his family and to prevent crime.

The goal of the program is to create a system of address social assistance, introduction of new technologies into the work of social services.

Main objectives of the program:

  • - creating conditions for patriotic, spiritual and moral education, intellectual, creative and physical development of children and adolescents;
  • - prevention of drug addiction and dependence on psychoactive substances, preservation mental health children and adolescents;
  • - prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. Legal protection of children and adolescents;
  • - creating conditions for promoting social adaptation and increasing the competitive ability of young people in the labor market;
  • - development modern technologies work of social services, clubs for children and teenagers.

Main directions of program implementation:

  • - propaganda healthy image life, mental health of children;
  • - support and development of forms and methods of education, needs for physical culture, sports;
  • - generalization and implementation of effective methods of social advertising;
  • - education of adolescents on reproductive health, safe motherhood, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • - creating conditions for patriotic, spiritual and moral education, intellectual, creative and physical development of children and adolescents;
  • - propaganda of national history and culture, development and implementation of elements and forms of civil patriotic education in the system of general, additional and vocational education, development of a system of relations between the army and teenagers;
  • - development of various forms of patriotic education in summer camps recreation, in clubs at the place of residence;
  • - coordination of the work of children's health and educational institutions.

Prevention of neglect, juvenile crime and legal protection of children:

Ensuring coordination of actions of government bodies and public organizations of the district to implement

Federal Law "On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency";

  • - creating conditions to satisfy the social needs of the population during the school holidays, increasing opportunities for temporary employment of teenagers in their free time from school;
  • - creation of a system of preventive work to prevent asocial phenomena among teenagers;
  • - creation of a system for increasing legal knowledge among teachers, children and parents.

Development and implementation of modern technologies in the work of social services:

  • - creation of an information support system;
  • - creation of a database system for various types the activities of social services and its monitoring;
  • - creation of psychological and social service centers;
  • - development of new forms of family education, creation of a methodological advisory office with the involvement of psychologists and methodologists;
  • - creation of a personnel system, increasing the level of professionalism of social educators;
  • -creation of an information system for increasing legal knowledge among teachers, children and parents.

But there is another way of social assistance to neglected and homeless teenagers, which is now practiced by many institutions - the creation of family (educational) groups.

First, the presence of such children is notified through the media or a special data bank. If there is a family willing to take in a child, its material and living conditions are carefully examined, after which a contract is signed for two months. The teenager visits a foster family on weekends for two months, and then is permanently transferred there. Family group is considered as a structural unit of the shelter, and one of the parents is registered in the shelter as a teacher. In addition, the psychologist gives the necessary recommendations to each family.

Experts, not without reason, believe that ideally, every orphanage pupil should go through a home group, since these are one of the real and effective ways of his rehabilitation, in which the social, moral and spiritual ties he has lost with the outside world are restored. While in a home group, a child remains a ward of the state until the family obtains guardianship or adoption, but even if the adoption does not take place, life in a healthy family environment in a home group becomes an important condition social rehabilitation.

The composition of minors in social children's institutions is complex in social and pedagogical terms and differs from that in orphanages and boarding schools because:

  • - the vast majority of children have already taken up smoking and systematic drinking of alcohol;
  • - the vast majority of children are in a crisis or borderline state due to socio-psychological deprivation in the family, physical or sexual violence, school maladjustment;
  • - most children are diagnosed with various chronic diseases;
  • - many children have never studied anywhere, they have not developed (or lost) basic social and everyday skills. The experience of living in a family has not been formed (or lost);
  • - Many children have mental retardation.

Minors are admitted to a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation on the basis of:

  • o personal appeal;
  • o referrals from bodies providing social protection of the population;
  • o decisions of commissions on juvenile affairs;
  • o statements of parents, petitions from educational, health, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, internal affairs bodies;
  • o decisions or rulings of the court, prosecutor or investigative authorities, if the parents or persons replacing them are convicted or detention is applied to them as a preventive measure.

One of the main tasks of social institutions where children can receive shelter and food is to restore a wide range of their relationships with the world, teach them to communicate with adults and peers, to gain a sense of family and their importance.

An individual rehabilitation program for a child is created based on a study of his personality and analysis of all available information (the state of his physical and mental health, the degree of educational preparation, etc.), which determines not only the implementation of general health measures, but also the treatment of chronic diseases.

Of great importance in the rehabilitation of a teenager are psychological diagnostics and correction. Orphanage workers have to deal with two main psychological problems: the child’s mental retardation and overcoming the consequences of his mental deprivation.

Social and psychological problems manifest themselves in children in varying degrees and in various forms. Accordingly, rehabilitation is carried out individually for each child.

Specialists use two methods of psychological rehabilitation: group and individual. A child’s participation in psychocorrectional groups contributes to his personal growth, self-discovery, acquisition of certain knowledge, abilities, skills, especially the ability to communicate; individual rehabilitation is primarily designed to relieve a child’s feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, increase his self-esteem, help him cope with fears, and build trust in people.

The most important way to rehabilitate children with 100% school maladjustment is to organize a systematic educational and educational process in a social institution, eliminate existing pedagogical neglect, and correct behavioral disorders.

Rehabilitation of adolescents is the most difficult. If when working with children younger age education is necessary, compensation for the deficit of warmth, skills, knowledge that they did not receive from their environment (parents, relatives, etc.), then adolescents have to be re-educated, eliminate already acquired deviant behavior, distorted ideas about relationships between people.

A teenager strives to be independent and reacts painfully to adults’ attempts to manage his life and educate him; he pretends to be an adult, to be treated with respect.

There are several ways to develop self-esteem and self-awareness in adolescents.

Some of them are orientation towards a model worthy of imitation (relative, acquaintance, real or fictional hero). Great help In the rehabilitation of a teenager, individual psychotherapy also provides assistance: conversations, conversations, discussion of various problems.

One of the difficulties in rehabilitating a teenager is the reluctance to learn. Many teenagers have never been to school or have had a gap of one to five years in their studies; they do not have adequate thinking skills.

That is why the learning process in children's social institutions should be organized on a strictly individual basis. Teenagers must go through a phase before returning to school. Institutions use several training options:

  • o general education - day and evening school;
  • o college;
  • o alignment classes.

In a number of institutions, education is carried out within the framework of the so-called home school, which is the most optimal for the majority of orphanage pupils; its task is to reduce emotional and mental stress generated by unfavorable experiences at school, restore and strengthen general educational skills, fill gaps in knowledge, and give the teenager confidence in his abilities; classes here are conducted individually or in small groups (two to three people).

A social institution is only a temporary place of stay for a teenager, therefore one of the main tasks of social assistance to a teenager is the arrangement of his future fate.

The ideal option is to return the child to his family of origin, but this is only possible with appropriate work with parents and children.

Employees of the institution are obliged to study the living conditions of the family, its functional abilities, and the possibility of the child living in specific family conditions. A visit to the family by a social worker provides an opportunity to assess the prospects for the child’s return to the family. However, another failure on the part of the parents may return the child to the institution.

If the return of the child to the family is impossible, other ways are used. Until recently, legislation provided only for such forms of life arrangement for children as adoption, guardianship (trusteeship) or a state orphanage institution, where children were mainly sent.

A productive form of family arrangement is to place children under guardianship or adoption by relatives, but the latter often do not express a desire to do this for various reasons: the teenager has any illnesses, cramped living and material conditions, etc.

If returning to the family is not possible, institutions transfer teenagers to a boarding school.

In institutions, relationships are modeled similar to those at home. This is not so simple: educators have no experience working with such a complex category of children as socially maladjusted adolescents.

Thus, the task of the institution is to create conditions conducive to the involvement of children in the normal life process, recovery from a crisis situation, restoration of broken ties with the family, and resolution of issues of their future life arrangement.

The work of a social institution for children and adolescents is carried out within the legal framework, adopted federal laws and regulations of state executive bodies:

  • 1. “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ.
  • 2. “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and crime” dated June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ.
  • 3. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 1997 No. 4 “On approval of the procedure for the admission, maintenance and release of persons in a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation.”
  • 4. Decree of the Moscow Government: “On measures for social support and protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care - graduates of orphanages and boarding schools” dated August 31, 1999 No. 797.

A social institution for children and adolescents in its work for coordinated actions to develop and implement social programs of both federal and local significance interacts:

  • - with departments of social protection of the population;
  • - departments of social protection of the population;
  • - commissions on juvenile affairs;
  • - education departments;
  • - guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • - youth affairs bodies;
  • - healthcare authorities;
  • - employment service authorities;
  • - internal affairs bodies;
  • - public and charitable organizations. Basic technologies used in the activities of a social rehabilitation center.
  • o Prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to this.
  • o Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors.
  • o Social and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors in a socially dangerous situation.
  • o Diagnosis and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in committing crimes and antisocial actions.
  • o Organization of health improvement and recreation for orphans and children from socially vulnerable families.

The main objectives of the institution:

  • 1. Participation in identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the neglect and homelessness of minors.
  • 2. Providing social, psychological and other assistance to minors, their parents or other legal representatives in eliminating difficult life situations, restoring the social status of minors in peer groups at the place of study, work, residence, facilitating the return of minors to their families.
  • 3. Maintenance of minors in the established manner on full state support, implementation of their social rehabilitation, protection of their rights and legitimate interests, organization of medical care and training of minors in relevant educational programs, promoting their professional orientation and their acquisition of a specialty.
  • 4. Notification of parents of minors or their other legal representatives about the presence of minors in the specified institutions.
  • 5. Assistance to guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the implementation of placement of minors left without the care of parents or other legal representatives.

Specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, in accordance with the charters of these institutions or regulations on them:

  • 1) take part in identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the neglect and homelessness of minors;
  • 2) provide social, psychological and other assistance to minors, their parents or other legal representatives in eliminating difficult life situations, restoring the social status of minors in peer groups at the place of study, work, residence, and facilitate the return of minors to their families;
  • 3) contain minors in the established manner on full state support, carry out their social rehabilitation, protect their rights and legitimate interests, organize medical care and training for minors in appropriate educational programs, promote their professional orientation and acquisition of a specialty;
  • 4) notify the parents of minors or their other legal representatives about the presence of minors in the specified institutions;
  • 5) assist the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the placement of minors left without the care of parents or other legal representatives.

Specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation accept minors from 3 to 18 years of age around the clock:

  • 1) left without the care of parents or other legal representatives;
  • 2) living in families in a socially dangerous situation;
  • 3) lost or abandoned;
  • 4) those who left their family without permission, those who left without permission from educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care, or other children’s institutions, with the exception of persons who left without permission from special closed educational institutions;
  • 5) having no place of residence, place of stay and (or) means of subsistence;
  • 6) who find themselves in another difficult life situation and in need of social assistance and (or) rehabilitation.

In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) a child is a person under the age of 18, unless national and state legislation stipulates more early age coming of age today The number of children in Russian society is estimated at 38-39 million people, which is about 27% of the country's total population

Main social problems children are caused, firstly, their objective psychophysiological, intelligence and social status and,Secondly, the state of the society in which they live. Any society is characterized by the existence of two main systems of limiting a child’s life activity, which largely determine the nature and content of these problems.

First of all, this is the biological and physiological dependence of the child on the parents, which leads to the formation of needs for food, care, protection, care, etc..

And finally limited capabilities and abilities of the child to adequately respond to external influences and adequately evaluate their own actions and actions. This

in conditions modern society children continue to remain the most dependent, suffering and least protected group of participants in any social catastrophe (from family breakdown to genocide). All many social problems problems that children face can, with a certain degree of convention, be divided into the following: groups:

1. Begotten age characteristics children,(adolescence crisis, transition from preschool V high school, mistrust on the part of adults, etc.).2.Conditioned by the basic characteristics of the child’s family(child abuse, misunderstanding in the family, absence of one or both parents, economic difficulties, etc.).3.Generated by the activities of some social institutions and organizations working with children(conflicts with teachers at school, pedagogical neglect, child crime, etc.).4.Generated features of socio-economic and socio-political development of society(exploitation of children, reduction of child care facilities, refugee children, children members of illegal armed groups, threat to the life and health of children).

Basicmethods social work with children boils down to the following:

1. Socio-psychological, aimed at the child’s inner world and involving a certain correction of his system of values ​​and orientations, as well as ideas and preferences, improving his psychological capabilities and providing appropriate support and assistance (methods of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, psychological counseling, etc.).

2. Social and pedagogical, which make it possible to increase the educational and intellectual level of the child, to form a system of value orientations and ideas that is adequate to the conditions surrounding him (methods of education and enlightenment, pedagogical correction and pedagogical counseling).

3. Socio-medical, intended to provide the child with timely and necessary medical care (treatment, social and medical rehabilitation and adaptation, organization of the necessary and comfortable living environment, etc.). 4. Socio-legal, including certain procedures and operations that allow the child’s life process to be brought into compliance with existing norms of law (legal and legal protection of the interests of the child, legal education, legal control, legal sanctions).

5. Socio-economic aimed at solving problems of the child’s material well-being, creating the economic conditions necessary for him to live a full life and development (expanding and improving the system of economic rights and opportunities for children, material support and assistance, employment, etc.).

6. Social group allowing the social worker and others

specialists to work with the child’s social environment. Activities of social protection bodies and other specialists working with children should be aimed at solving the following main tasks: - tasks to save children, activities aimed at eliminating a real threat to the life and health, well-being of the child (providing necessary medical care, suppressing child abuse, evacuation from the disaster area, etc.);- tasks for the social development of children,Creation necessary conditions to discover and realize the child’s abilities, his social adaptation and social rehabilitation in new conditions of life);- tasks for the social functioning of children,creating favorable conditions for children to actively participate in the life of society, obtaining the social status they need in the future and harmonizing their relations with the outside world (increasing educational level of children, support for children's positive initiatives, etc.)

The following are distinguished: main categories of children in need of social protection. 1. Maladjusted children, which are characterized by disruption of processes

socialization, social functioning and social development The following group of children can be classified as maladapted children today Howstreet children,i.e., children deprived of parental supervision, attention and care, positive influence from adults Neglect leads to the fact that these children find themselves in a system of asocial or even antisocial connections based on those types of activities, norms and rules of behavior that deviate from those approved by society. Another, most tragic group of maladjusted children are abandoned children. As the experience of modern life shows, children of the most different ages and states. Most often, these are newborns, children suffering from serious or incurable diseases, with severe physical or mental pathologies. Social assistance to abandoned children– this is, first of all, solving problems to save them. It necessarily includes the following: - provision of urgent and necessary medical care, placement of the child in a special children's institution (Children's Home, Orphanage, children Hospital);

- psychological rehabilitation of the child, providing him with the necessary legal assistance; - assignment, registration and payment of relevant benefits, etc. If the child has any relatives and a corresponding desire on their part, it is possible to resolve the issue of adoption, registration of guardianship and trusteeship.

2. Street childreni.e., children who do not have parental or state care, permanent residence, age-appropriate positive classes, necessary care, systematic training and developmental education (23.P.72).

The main reasons for homelessness in society there are, firstly, a variety of social disasters(wars and socio-economic crises). Secondly, large-scale social transformations, affecting all aspects of the life of society as a whole and each person (social revolutions, socio-economic and socio-political reforms, political coups, etc.). Thirdly, the reasons hidden in the features intra-family relationships and ways of functioning of specific families: parental drunkenness, immoral lifestyle, large families, catastrophic poverty, cruelty towards children, etc. The main document defining the most important areas of this activity on the territory of the Russian Federation is the Federal Program “Orphans”. According to this program, the main forms of social protection for orphansare: - measures aimed at compensating a child for the loss of parents and parental care (placement in an orphanage, establishment of guardianship or adoption); - protection of property and housing rights; - material support (assignment and regular payment of benefits or pensions);

- creating the necessary conditions for comprehensive development and education, vocational training, civic and social development of orphans. 4. Children abused by adults. Child abuse can manifest itself in a wide variety of ways. forms, such as - brutalorphysical cruelty(beatings and violence);

- social cruelty(obstacle in obtaining education, in communicating with peers and in everything that disrupts the process of normal social

th functioning or development of the child);- moral and psychological cruelty(threats, ridicule, humiliation and psychological coldness);- sexual violenceover the child When working with this category of children, the main thing is to create conditions that completely and in the shortest possible time exclude the possibility of abuse of the child. To solve this problem, the following are used in practice:main directions of social protection of children exposed to

ill-treatment:- identifying facts of child abuse; - protecting him from violence and cruelty (up to the removal of the child from the family, group, team); - providing the child with the necessary medical, psychological and legal assistance; - considering and deciding on the advisability of further stay in the environment where he is subjected to cruel treatment.

5. Children with specific social and personal needs and

problems, The specifics of these needs are determined features of the physical

and intellectual development of the child(disabled child or child with increased intellectual abilities), features of the social and natural environment of his life activity(children living in the Far North and children in prison), features of social processes and phenomena in which they are involved(refugee children).

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The complex processes of systemic transformations currently ongoing in Russia have affected almost all layers of society, destroying the system of social stratification that had existed for many decades and had already become established.

Modern scientific research conducted in the social sphere identifies crisis situations in many areas of people’s lives that affect their consciousness and behavior. A serious social danger is that the negative consequences of such changes affect children, as the most vulnerable category of the population. This leads to disruption of their physical and mental health, giving impetus to the development of so-called social diseases, including neglect and homelessness.

Significant reasons for the increase in neglect in modern conditions cite the continuing deterioration in the standard of living of Russian families, the decline of its moral principles, the reluctance of many parents to raise their children, the increase in the number of divorces and single-parent families.

Additional factors of child neglect, in addition to a dysfunctional family, are violations of children’s rights in the field of education, health, obtaining a profession and housing, as well as increased unemployment, which further worsens the financial situation of families.

A serious factor in child neglect in recent years has been the increasing number of refugees and internally displaced persons.

Without diminishing the importance of these reasons responsible for the difficult situation of childhood, it is worth noting that the problems of children that arise within the framework of their pedagogical space, aspects related to upbringing and education remain in the shadows. In addition, the system of education and upbringing of the younger generation that has existed for a long time has made the main bias in working with such children in closed-type inpatient institutions and internal affairs bodies, without taking into account the pedagogical aspects of the rehabilitation of neglected and street children.

This has led to the fact that the measures existing today are not enough to overcome child and adolescent neglect and homelessness.

The above determines the relevance of studying “neglect” and “homelessness”.

The purpose of the qualifying work is to consider social work with homeless and neglected children.

Objectives of the qualifying work:

– to reveal the concepts of “neglect” and “homelessness” of children and adolescents;

– consider child homelessness and neglect in the history of Russia: problems and solutions;

– consider the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors;

– study the activities of social services working with minors abroad;

– show the organization of social work with minors in social rehabilitation institutions: domestic experience.

The qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, six paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Child homelessness and neglect in the history of Russia

The variety of social problems accompanying the development of Russian society has largely affected the modern family.

Many problems of the modern family give rise to a situation where children find themselves cut off from family concerns. This situation is reflected in an increase in the number of neglected and street children. It is quite difficult to determine how many street children there are in Russia. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2004 there were from five hundred thousand to two and a half million street children in Russia. Their number constantly fluctuates and is based on data received from internal affairs bodies. The figures cited by official bodies differ by a factor of two from those used by non-governmental organizations.

Thus, according to the Russian Children's Fund, there are three million street children in the country, according to the movement “In Defense of Childhood” - four million. Conducted sociological studies provide different figures. The media operate with various indicators.

It is impossible to give a figure that actually determines the number of street children, just as it is difficult to determine the line that separates street children from street children. The impossibility of clearly recording street children is due, among other things, to the uncertainty of the very concept of “neglected child”. Thus, in some popular literature, newspaper and magazine publications, the terms “neglected” and “street” children are used as synonyms, and sometimes such a confusion of terms appears in scientific works.

Thus, it is necessary to separate two different, although related, problems of child neglect and homelessness.

Despite the fact that in modern pedagogical science and social practice in the social protection of childhood, the concepts of neglect and homelessness are interrelated.

To correctly determine the causes of neglect, it is necessary to determine the essence of this concept, considered as a phenomenon, state or process.

We should proceed from an understanding of neglect as a process and as a phenomenon, that is, a social phenomenon. Some scholars also study neglect as a result of a particular social condition.

Neglect can be defined as a lack of supervision (control) on the part of parents or persons replacing them. Neglect is one of the forms of social maladaptation of minors and is closely related to such manifestations as school evasion, vagrancy, early alcoholism and drug addiction, deviant and criminal behavior.

The Pedagogical Dictionary defines neglect as “a social phenomenon consisting in the lack of proper supervision of children by parents or persons in their stead.”

The Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia (Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia, 1993) more clearly delineates the concepts under consideration: neglect is defined as “the absence or insufficiency of control over the behavior or activities of children and adolescents, educational influence on them from parents or persons replacing them.”

In the social work dictionary, street children are also defined as those deprived of supervision, attention, care, and positive influence from parents or persons in their stead.

Child neglect is mainly defined using categories of pedagogy and is considered as a lack or insufficient control over the behavior and activities of children and adolescents. At the same time, an important point is missed - the alienation of the children themselves from the family, the children's team, the lack of emotional connection between children and parents. Based on this, we can assume that the state of neglect is characterized not only by the absence or insufficiency of control over the behavior and activities of children and adolescents, but also by the lack of internal communication between children and parents or persons replacing them, due attention from the school, various regulatory bodies, and others. social institutions.

Consequently, neglect can be both a phenomenon that occurs under certain conditions with certain, very specific individuals, and a process that has a time frame and is characterized by a transition from one state to another.

It is obvious that neglect can be both the final stage of a social process, that is, the result of a transition from a “normal” state to a neglected one, and an intermediate stage, that is, one of the stages of desocialization of the individual and the transition to a state of homelessness.

In order to clarify the concept of “homelessness,” we will consider it from the perspective of scientists and practitioners involved in this issue.

Regulatory acts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation interpret the concept of “street children” as those who do not have a specific place of residence or place of stay. Social work practitioners define street children as those who do not have parental or government care, a permanent place of residence, age-appropriate positive activities, necessary care, systematic training and developmental education. Some of them lead a sedentary lifestyle, others a nomadic lifestyle. Many find themselves in a criminal environment. Therefore, homelessness is often associated with illegal behavior.

It is often pointed out that homelessness is an extreme manifestation of neglect. It is common for street children to live outside the family.

In the law of the Russian Federation, adopted in June 1999 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” (Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”, 1999), a homeless person is defined as a street person who does not have a place of residence and (or) place of stay. .

For a more substantive understanding of the term “homelessness,” let’s clarify the categories of children that include them:

– living on the street for more than a month (permanently living on the street due to various circumstances);

– living on the street periodically, from several days to several weeks. Children in this category end up on the street during their alcoholic parents’ regular drinking bouts, conflict resolution with their parents, etc.

– those who still live (sleep) at home, but satisfy their basic needs on the street, returning home only to spend the night. For the most part, these are children who dropped out of school a long time ago and are registered with the 17th police station (OPPN) or the commission on minors' affairs (KDN).

The transition of a minor to the category of street children does not entail the termination of family legal relations. All rights and obligations of parents provided for by family law remain in force. But it is not possible to implement them, since the fate of the child is unknown to anyone.

Speaking about the discrepancy between the terms “homeless” and “neglected,” it should be taken into account that neglect is mainly defined using categories of pedagogy. It is no coincidence that its essence and signs are included in the sphere of attention of science, which pays attention to correctly understood supervision of minors, which does not boil down to control over their behavior and pastime, but consists of maintaining, preserving an internal spiritual connection with a child, a teenager, such a connection that allows maintain contact between parents and surrogates with their pupil, even at a distance. The absence of just such supervision leads the child into a situation from which he often cannot find a way out using socially approved ways and means.

Thus, there is undoubtedly a strong connection between neglect and homelessness, since, as a general rule, neglect serves as fertile ground for homelessness. The initial phase of this social disease is precisely neglect, and the final, already extremely neglected, on the verge of irreversibility becomes homelessness as such, which determines the position of the minor himself, his peculiar social status, which he acquires by at will or due to a combination of circumstances.

Child homelessness is the lack of a place of residence or place of stay for children and adolescents. The emergence and growth of homelessness is facilitated by economic crises, unemployment, need and child exploitation, as well as conflict situations in families, immoral behavior of parents, abuse of children, wars, revolutions, famine, natural disasters, epidemics and upheavals, leading to orphanhood of children. Homelessness gives rise to severe social consequences and deviations in behavior: an increase in crime, juvenile delinquency, child prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction.

  • Dontsov Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Science, Professor, other position
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • Dontsov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides
  • Dontsova Margarita Valerievna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Moscow Psychological and Social University

The article is devoted to the social situation of street children and adolescents in the Russian Federation. The article substantively examines various aspects of psychological, pedagogical and psychosocial work with street children and adolescents.

  • Psychological and social characteristics of student and youth age
  • Psychosocial approach as a multifaceted scientific and practical direction in extreme psychology and psychological assistance
  • Children experiencing abuse and violence as subjects of psychological safety
  • Psychology of social work with disabled children and their families in Russia

The situation of street children and adolescents in the Russian Federation

The term “neglect” has become common in scientific literature and practical activities when studying child and adolescent crime and its causes. He has received recognition in legal acts and legal literature.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and delinquency of minors” dated June 24, 1999 offers the following interpretation: “a minor is recognized as neglected if there is no control over his behavior due to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties for his upbringing, training and (or) maintenance by parents or legal representatives or officials.”

There is a strong connection between neglect and homelessness. Neglect serves as fertile ground for homelessness. Neglect is the lack of supervision of a child or teenager, and it does not matter due to what circumstances - objective or subjective - this supervision is absent. Here it is important to pay attention to the behavior of those responsible for supervising the child, to the child’s position in the family and society, and it is important to supervise the child’s social status. A neglected child, unlike a street child, as a rule, lives under the same roof with his parents, maintains ties with the family, he still has an emotional attachment to one of the family members, but these ties are fragile and are in danger of destruction. Left to their own devices, children “abandon” their studies and devote all their time to the street, aimless, “free” pastime. Neglect of children is often the first step towards homelessness, social maladjustment, and disruption of the normal process of socialization of the child.

The Federal Target Program “Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” for the period from 1997, and then the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency”, adopted in 1999, draws attention to the increase in the number of street children and provides a list of groups children belonging to this category. These are: children who have lost family and kinship ties; abandoned by their parents or independently left families that did not provide them with the minimum necessary conditions for life and full development, which allowed them to be abused; children who ran away from boarding schools and found themselves without a livelihood; children engaged in vagrancy; children begging; children committing petty theft; children who consume alcoholic beverages, toxic and narcotic substances; children who are victims of sexual crimes; children involved in illegal activities, and other categories.

The problem of modern neglect is still poorly understood by society as a humanitarian catastrophe. In Russia as a whole, 20 thousand children run away from boarding schools every year, and about 50 thousand run away from home, approximately 10% of the total die.

Every year, the police take measures to search for 28-30 thousand missing minors. In 2002, more than 78 thousand children were taken to temporary detention centers for minors, which is 7.8% more than in 1999.

The educational level of teenagers registered with the Department of Internal Affairs is sharply declining. The number of teenagers aged 14-15 years who, for various reasons, do not attend educational institutions at all and do not engage in any work in any profession has increased. Their number is more than two million people. Many of them have only completed primary education.

Weakened mental functions and serious physical health disorders determine the inability of children and adolescents to resist the negative influence of a criminal environment. Most “street” children become victims of sexual assault and become involved in criminal gangs. There is actually a trend towards an increase in criminal activity among young children.

Neglected children and adolescents have a difficult social, medical, psychological and pedagogical status. Analysis of the problem of neglect led to the understanding that the conditions in which these children and adolescents lived and live hinder their social, physical and mental development.

Living outside the family or boarding institutions, in basements and attics, in unsanitary conditions, without medical care, regular nutrition, undermines the health of children, leads them to social disadaptation, destroys cognitive activity, sharply negatively affects the success of socialization. Children are admitted to social shelters in a state of exhaustion, burdened by a number of serious diseases. Social and mental development street children are significantly deformed. They are characterized by a low degree of social normativity, distorted value orientations, a lack of social motives of behavior, and a low level of knowledge.

A medical examination of street children and adolescents shows that almost all of them have somatic diseases, which in most of them are chronic. And since these children themselves do not see a doctor for several years and are not under the control of educational authorities, they may have serious deviations in both physical and mental development, and pedagogical neglect is observed everywhere. Unfortunately, these children often exhibit mental retardation and/or mental retardation, and serious distortions in personality development are observed.

Experts note that street child– this is not an ordinary healthy child growing up in the psychologically comfortable conditions of a calm family or a comfortable child care institution. Neglected children have a very developed instinct of self-preservation, which is not observed in other children of the same age. The conditions of a neglected environment very early put the child in a position of real responsibility for his life, which also leads to the excessive formation of a number of socio-biological qualities. However, the following positive properties of neglected children are often identified: good biological hardening of the body, realism and accuracy of perception of the world around them, vital flexibility and activity.

Due to their physiological and psychological inclinations and habits, street children and adolescents are especially vulnerable when faced with any danger that awaits them on the street: a place to sleep, the search for a livelihood, the desire to smoke, beer alcoholism, etc. Having run away from home from the oppression and cruelty of parents, a child is often at risk of becoming a victim of violence, robbery, insult, humiliation, etc.

Thus, it can be noted that among the many unfavorable factors that characterize the current situation of minors who belong to the “high-risk group” and give rise to the largest number of street children, there are victimogenic (victim) life circumstances that “recruit” their victims in the most vulnerable groups people and, above all, among minors. Russia, having entered the socio-economic field of a market economy, must inevitably perceive not only certain positive, but also negative consequences of such a radical restructuring of the state economy that has functioned for decades and an objectively “ideologized” system of social values. And among the main negative results of the new Russian life, one should point out a sharp drop in the economic, social and legal protection of children and adolescents.

Reasons for the spread of neglect among children and adolescents

Many believe that today's street children are children of degenerate parents, mentally and intellectually disabled. Unfortunately, a number of media create and support this image of small creatures that have lost their human appearance. In fact, a child from any social class can end up in a boarding school or on the street. Today in society the idea is being implanted that the majority of socially problematic children are not able to return to normal life. However, it is not. And in order to help these children socialize successfully, it is necessary to know what leads them to psychological changes and deviations in behavior, which, in turn, is one of the main factors of neglect.

Experts identify three main groups of causes of child neglect: socio-economic, socio-psychological and psychological.

TO socio-economic reasons for neglect These include factors that long-term disrupt the working lifestyle and deform the way of life of people. These are: economic crisis, unemployment, hunger, epidemics, intensive migration processes in connection with military conflicts or natural disasters.

Social upheavals throughout the world and in Russia, in particular, are accompanied by a widespread increase in the number of street children. The combined social and political situation in our country is characterized by high instability, low incomes of most families, a decline in production, and a deterioration in the quality of nutrition. The political situation in many regions is tense.

During perestroika (“Gorbachev’s period”), as well as later (the chaotic 90s), as the country’s economic situation deteriorated, national conflicts intensified and the food crisis grew, the number of children left without parental care began to grow significantly . Among them there are more and more chronic patients due to congenital genetic pathology, because of which parents are asked to leave the child in children's institution. A large number of street children are “formed” as a result of poor child care in dysfunctional families, where parents “drink bitter things,” lead an immoral lifestyle, etc.

The reason for the increase in the number of street children is the increase in the number of parents who have lost their jobs due to the curtailment of production, the lack of adequate funding for social programs, and the almost complete lack of control by law enforcement agencies over compliance with legislation in the field of protecting the interests of children.

A certain negative impact on the development of neglect is also exerted by the curtailment of state and departmental infrastructure serving the summer and winter recreation of children and adolescents, their leisure activities, the commercialization of the sphere of education and culture, etc.

Social psychological reasons neglect are deeply intertwined with the socio-psychological causes of neglect, therefore, they must be considered together. The socio-psychological causes (factors) of neglect of children and adolescents are associated with the crisis of the family institution, an increase in divorces, the loss of one of the parents, deterioration of the climate in the family, rough treatment of children, physical punishment of children used in families, sexual, physical and emotional ( moral and ethical) violence from adults.

The reasons for the increasing neglect of children and adolescents are rooted mainly in the living conditions of many Russian families. The difficult financial situation of the majority of the population, the growth of alcoholism and drug addiction, and the cultural and social marginalization of society create serious psychological overloads for the social institution of the family. The number of dysfunctional families is growing, from which children are socially, psychologically and economically pushed out onto the streets. These children often become homeless and beggars - after all, every fourth teenager brought to the internal affairs bodies for neglect is engaged in begging.

Being born into a psychologically dysfunctional family, a child initially does not receive the opportunity to satisfy the basic psychological needs of life: love, care, acceptance, attention and participation from parents and surrounding adults.

The moral and psychological atmosphere of dysfunctional families gives rise to “difficult” children. Up to 90% of children from these families have behavioral deviations from the psychological norm. They are characterized by psychological incompatibility among family members and in the microenvironment, a unique understanding of the problems of cohesion, authority, leadership, etc. The topics of their communication with others are usually limited, and the tone of communication is overly emotional. Often, a conflict situation becomes a way of life and becomes chronic. It is family dysfunction that is a prerequisite for various deformations in the process of socialization of a child’s personality, which ultimately manifests itself in the neglect of minors.

The psychological climate is also deteriorating in so-called stable families. The main reason for this is the lack of means of a normal livelihood, the threat of unemployment, poor nutrition, and the constant growth of the so-called. consumer prices. A sharp increase in volume various kinds Stressful situations clearly have a negative impact on children. A fairly large proportion of children have one or both parents who are unemployed. Thus, the majority of street children lived in poverty and squalor. Lack of care in families, mental deprivation, physical and moral violence push children to run away from home.

Children aged 10-15 years often decide to escape; their share of the number of fugitives is more than 74%. More than 80% of homeless children are city residents.

Family dysfunction is the main, but not the only reason for child neglect. Additional risk factors for neglect are: parental unemployment and migration processes, aggravated national conflicts, violation of children’s rights in the field of education, vocational training, and slow resolution by guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the life issues of children left without parental care.

The weakening of educational work with children both at their place of residence and in educational institutions. To replace the previously existing educational system no new one has been created, which actually disarms society in the face of child neglect.

Poverty, which occurs in the context of the commercialization of the cultural, educational, sports and recreational spheres, has denied children and adolescents from disadvantaged families access to sports and recreation, additional education, artistic culture, developmental activities, reasonable leisure and recreation. There is a need to find additional income, a significant complication of economic and social living conditions, increasing marginalization, alcoholism and drug addiction of many families. All these negative aspects have reduced the opportunities for parents to communicate with their children and leveled out the opportunities joint activities, joint activities, joint leisure, thereby increasing the risk of children and adolescents getting into street groups with antisocial behavior.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for 2000/2001, in Russia there are over 620 thousand juvenile delinquents and 113 thousand parents who negatively influence their children.

According to a study conducted by the International Children's Fund UNICEF in 2002-2003, every fifth crime in Russia is committed by a teenager; 85% of criminal groups and gangs involve children; Every fourth street teenager has already committed a criminal offense.

According to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for 2003-2004, 18 out of 37 million Russian children are at social risk. 160 thousand minors who have already crossed the line of the law are in children's colonies.

Psychological causes of neglect Researchers associate the increase in the number of children with pronounced personality anomalies with manifestations of asocial and antisocial behavior.

In our real life The socio-economic, socio-psychological and psychological reasons for the neglect of our children are closely interconnected and, unfortunately, “actively complement” each other.

So, in our society and in the world as a whole, the neglect of children and adolescents is influenced by crisis transformation processes in the family, and social tension in society, and changes in the functions and capabilities of educational and educational institutions, and the broad criminogenic background of public life. The child is actually pushed onto the street by dysfunctional families, the number of which is noticeably increasing; a school “freed” from education does not deal with the psychological and pedagogical support of children’s life activities; out-of-school institutions, of which there are fewer and fewer and which provide services on a commercial basis, are closing their doors to children. And, as a result, the wave of child neglect in Russia and in the world is growing every year.

Neglected children and adolescents lose ties with their families, they end up on the street, acquire negative social experiences, and fall under the influence of criminal elements who use them for their own criminal purposes. All this deforms the mental, physical, personal, social development of children and adolescents, often irreversibly distorting the process of their socialization in society.

All these trends indicate the need for a psychological and pedagogical solution to the problems of preventing the neglect of minors, legislative protection of their rights, their social rehabilitation and adaptation.

Regulatory and legal framework for social work with street children and adolescents

In recent years, in our country, the social situation of children has received close attention from the state and society; for example, the “year of the child” recently passed. Certain positive changes are taking place at the political, legislative, program-target and organizational-managerial levels to implement the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, recognizes every person as a child until they reach the age of 18, and considers children as a special socio-demographic group of the population in need of a special protection system, considering necessary creation favorable conditions for the survival, healthy and harmonious development of each child as an individual, considering him an independent subject of law. The Convention on the Rights of the Child not only emphasizes the priority of the interests of the child over the interests of society, but also specifically highlights the need for special care by both the state and society for socially deprived groups of children: orphans, social orphans, disabled people, refugee children, street children, child delinquents.

In the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a number of legislative acts, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation have been adopted. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 942 of August 14, 1996, the National Action Plan in the interests of children was approved until 2000 inclusive and, thereby, in modern history Russia has made a real start to the formation of state social policy in this area.

On June 24, 1999, Federal Law No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” was adopted. This Federal Law, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and generally recognized norms of international law, establishes the foundations legal regulation relations arising in connection with activities to prevent neglect and delinquency of minors.

The system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors includes the activities of the following institutions and bodies: commissions for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, formed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; social protection authorities; education authorities; guardianship and trusteeship authorities; youth affairs authorities; health authorities; employment service authorities; internal affairs bodies.

The activities of specialized social rehabilitation institutions for minors are within the competence of the social protection authorities, which was later enshrined in the Federal Law “On Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”.

On October 3, 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a new Resolution No. 732 “On the Federal Target Program “Children of Russia”” for 2003-2006, which includes the subprograms “ Healthy child", "Gifted Children", "Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency", "Orphans" and "Disabled Children".

The main activities proposed within the framework of this program in this regard were: the creation and implementation of an electronic information system for identifying and recording children who find themselves in difficult life situations; development of new technologies and forms of prevention of neglect and crime prevention among minors; strengthening the material and technical base of children's institutions.

The goal of the subprogram “Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” was to strengthen the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; creating conditions for effective rehabilitation and comprehensive development of children and adolescents in difficult life situations.

As a result of the implementation of this subprogram, it was expected that there would be a significant reduction in the number of homeless and neglected children, as well as minors using narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, alcohol, and a reduction in the number of juvenile delinquencies.

As a result of the implementation of the entire “Children of Russia” program in the Russian Federation, the material and technical base was strengthened and the network of specialized institutions for children in need of social rehabilitation was expanded - up to 1225 units, and institutions for helping children and families - up to 2026 units . These institutions were able to provide assistance to a third greater number of minors who found themselves in difficult life situations compared to 2000-2001.

Resolution No. 154 of March 13, 2002 “On additional measures to strengthen the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors” clarified diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitation measures aimed at optimizing the life activities of children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

In order to strengthen measures to improve the provision of medical care to street and neglected children, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 47 of February 7, 2002 “On improving the provision of medical care to street and neglected children” was adopted.

Thus, it can be stated that there is a process of formation and approval of the legal and regulatory framework for social services for street children and adolescents and social care for them, which will increase the level of their social well-being and expand the list of various social and medical services available to them.

It should be taken into account that the regulatory framework for social work with street children and adolescents should also include laws that are not directly related to this category of the population, but are designed to eliminate the causes of neglect. These laws should be aimed at preventing the destruction of the social microenvironment (family, immediate environment, including social relations at school) of a minor, conducive to his normal development. These laws must prevent this microenvironment from becoming a microenvironment that promotes neglect and puts street children and adolescents at risk of becoming offenders or victims of crime. Therefore, these laws should be included in the regulatory framework for the prevention of neglect of minors.

The main activities of institutions for social services for street children and adolescents

As stated in the 2003 state report of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the situation of children in Russia”, the main link in the system for the prevention of neglect and homelessness has been created - a network of institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation. As of January 1, 2004, in the Russian Federation there were 911 specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, 754 inpatient departments for minors, 430 departments for the prevention of child neglect in other institutions for social services for families and children. During 2003, these institutions provided social services to 340 thousand minors. The priority area of ​​activity of such institutions remains working with the family to eliminate a difficult life situation and return the child to the family upon completion of social and medical rehabilitation. Of the 129.3 thousand children in inpatient departments of institutions, 62% of children were returned to their families. All this was done after serious criticism of this area of ​​state social activity, expressed in the media, at that time by the President of the Russian Federation, and in the current period by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin.

In general, in social service institutions for families and children of all types in 2003, 3.6 million minors underwent social rehabilitation and received other social services (in 2000 - 3.2 million). In the education system, the prevention of social and pedagogical maladjustment was carried out by more than 550 centers of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to children, 56 special closed educational institutions, 14 special open educational institutions. Wasting of body weight and mental disorders were noted in 70% of street children, almost 15% had experience of using drugs and psychotropic substances, they are most susceptible to HIV infection. The social and mental development of street children is deformed. They are characterized by a low degree of social normativity, distorted value orientations, motives of behavior, and a low level of knowledge. Most begin to be able to read Russian well only after entering social rehabilitation institutions.

Currently, several models of social services for families and children have developed and operate in the Russian Federation. They can be classified as follows: government, public (non-profit), commercial and various mixed services.

So, the system of social work with neglected minors includes the following institutions.

Social protection authorities

These institutions, as one of their leading functions, carry out measures to prevent the neglect of minors and organize work with street children and adolescents, their parents or legal representatives who do not fulfill their duties in relation to minors or negatively influence them. These institutions supervise the activities of specialized institutions for minors in need of social and medical rehabilitation, and the activities of other institutions providing social services to minors. These institutions introduce into the activities of various services involved in working with street children and adolescents, modern techniques and technologies of social rehabilitation.

Social service institutions

Social service institutions include territorial centers for social and medical assistance to families and children, centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance, and centers for emergency psychological assistance. These centers provide free socio-medical and psychological-pedagogical services to minors in dangerous situations. These institutions identify minors who are in a socially risky situation, carry out their social rehabilitation and provide necessary help: organize leisure time, develop them Creative skills, organize medical care, promote health and recreation, provide educational care, psychological support and social protection for minors.

Specialized social institutions for minors

Specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation include social rehabilitation centers, assistance centers for children without parental care, and social centers intended for the temporary detention of minors.

Social shelters– these are temporary stay institutions for children and adolescents from 3 to 18 years old. Children from families who need help, for example, due to illness of their parents, are sent to a social shelter by the direction of the relevant authorities, for example, the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Social Protection. Children are also referred by the Education Committee (if the parents are not raising children), by the police and the Commission on Minors (these are children from the “risk” group who are involved in vagrancy or are registered in the children’s room of the police). Children can come to the shelter even on their own, when it is no longer possible for them to live in a family, or at the request of neighbors, teachers, educators or acquaintances. In social shelters, each child receives a differentiated approach. Their daily routine is gentle, but strictly observed. Orphanage employees try to ensure that all children study, develop harmoniously, and attend various clubs and sports sections. But the main task of the specialists of this institution is to return the child to the family, although if this fails, the child is transferred to an orphanage. Social shelters are financed from the state budget, but they also receive significant sponsorship.

Social rehabilitation centers for minors carry out measures for the social rehabilitation of minors aged 7 to 18 years with various forms and degrees of maladjustment who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The structure of a social rehabilitation center usually includes a social shelter and a department day stay for minors. The main tasks of such a center include: preventative work to prevent homelessness of children and adolescents, medical care for minors, psychological and pedagogical services aimed at establishing the degree of maladaptation and its elimination, working with the child’s family and assistance in returning the child to the family or transferring the child in the established manner to new family, as well as ensuring the comprehensive development of the child.

Guardianship and trusteeship authorities identify children left without parental care, keep records of such children and, based on the specific circumstances of the loss of care (death of parents, deprivation of them parental rights, restriction of parental rights, recognition of parents as incompetent, illness of parents, prolonged absence of parents, evasion of parents from fulfilling their duties), choose the forms of living arrangements for children, and also carry out subsequent control over the conditions of their detention, upbringing and education.

Officials of preschool, general education, medical and other institutions and other citizens who have information about street children are obliged to report this to the social guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of the actual location of the children. Employees of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, within three days after such a signal, must conduct an examination of the child’s living conditions and, if it is established that there is no parental or relative care over him, ensure the protection of the rights and vital interests of the child until a court decision on the issue of his placement. If the parents are alive, have not been deprived of parental rights and the family is not dysfunctional or deviant, then psychological and pedagogical work is carried out with them (and/or, if necessary, medical treatment) and if the result is positive, the children are returned back to the family. If children are left without parental care, they may be subject to transfer to a foster family on the basis of guardianship, trusteeship or adoption, or they may be sent to children's educational institutions for orphans and social orphans.

Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights

These commissions ensure the implementation of measures to protect and restore the rights and legitimate interests of minors, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors. They organize control over the conditions of education, training, maintenance of children and adolescents, as well as control over their treatment in institutions of the neglect prevention system. The commission provides assistance in the everyday life and employment of minors released from institutions of the criminal correctional system or those returning from special educational institutions, assists in determining the forms of placement of minors in need of state assistance, and also carries out other functions for the social rehabilitation of minors. The Commission on Minors' Affairs applies various measures of influence in relation to minors, their parents or legal representatives in cases and in the manner prescribed by law.

Education authorities and educational institutions control and develop a network of specialized open and closed educational institutions, orphanages and boarding schools. They participate in the organization summer holiday, leisure and activities of minors, keep records of minors who do not attend classes in educational institutions. Specialists from these institutions develop programs and methods aimed at developing law-abiding behavior in minors. Within these institutions, psychological and pedagogical commissions are created that identify and conduct examinations of minors with developmental and behavioral disorders, and provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to minors with developmental, behavioral or learning problems. Just like commissions on juvenile affairs and social protection authorities, educational authorities identify minors in a socially dangerous situation, such as street children and adolescents, and take measures for their upbringing and receipt of general secondary education; they also identify families in in socially difficult situations and provide them with assistance in raising and educating their children.

Youth authorities and institutions of youth authorities within the limits of their competence, they participate in the development and implementation of targeted programs for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, provide organizational and methodological support and coordinate the activities of social and medical institutions, clubs and other organizations sponsored by them. They actively participate in organizing recreation, leisure and employment for minors, and supervise youth labor exchanges. The system of youth affairs bodies includes social rehabilitation centers for adolescents and young people; centers for socio-psychological and socio-medical assistance; vocational guidance and employment centers; youth clubs, etc. All these organizations provide free social, medical, legal and other services to minors, organize leisure and employment for the so-called “difficult” teenagers, and carry out outreach work with young people.

IN divisions of internal affairs bodies for juvenile affairs includes:

  1. divisions for juvenile affairs of internal affairs bodies,
  2. temporary detention centers for juvenile offenders,
  3. criminal police units.

These institutions carry out:

  • preventive work with minors and their parents or representatives who do not fulfill their duties;
  • identify persons involving minors in committing crimes, prevent and suppress illegal actions against minors;
  • participate together with commissions on juvenile affairs in the preparation of materials necessary for the placement of minors who have committed significant offenses in isolation centers or special educational institutions;
  • inform commissions on juvenile affairs, social protection authorities and youth affairs authorities about identified cases of neglect.

IN health authorities minors are referred who need examination, observation or treatment due to their socially dangerous situation: experiences of violence or discrimination, vagrancy, criminal activity, alcohol or drug use. These institutions provide free medical care to all “difficult” children and adolescents who apply.

All of the above social bodies closely interact with each other in order to prevent and identify cases of neglect of minors, protect their rights and interests, educate and train full-fledged members of society. Bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, within the limits of their competence, are obliged to ensure respect for the rights and legitimate interests of minors, to protect them from all forms of discrimination, violence, etc., to identify minors and families who are in a socially and financially vulnerable situation.

So society and family must decide main task– to raise every child to be a family man, a citizen and a specialist. Until all involved state, public and private structures realize their belonging to social institutions state and society responsible for childhood and adolescence, the described general situation cannot be fundamentally changed. Although society and the state are seriously concerned about the crisis in this direction, there is still no deep and objective analysis reasons for the increase in dysfunctional families; No promising strategic government policy has yet been developed that could stop the trend of family destruction and, as a result, stop the spread of neglect of children and adolescents, which is where efforts must be directed by all structures of state and municipal government, public and other organizations.

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  9. Pavlenok P.D., Rudneva M.Ya. Technologies of social work with various population groups. Textbook. Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. Reviewers: B.F. Usmanov, D.A. Dontsov. – M.: Infra-M, 2009.
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  1. Alekseeva L.S. State of the art, technologies of social work for the prevention of neglect of minors in social service institutions for families and children. - M.: RAO, State. scientific research Institute of Family and Education. 2001.
  2. Dontsov D.A. Economic foundations of social work. Academic method. allowance for students higher uch. head - M.: MGPU, 2006.
  3. Dontsov D.A. Organization, management and administration in social work. Academic method. allowance for students higher uch. head - M.: MGPU, 2006.
  4. Dontsov D.A., Dontsova M.V. Social work with orphans and children without parental care // Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University No. 3, 2008.
  5. Dontsov D.A., Moskvitina O.A., Eremina L.Yu. Dysfunctional families from the perspective of social work specialists // Health School No. 4, 2008.
  6. Dontsov D.A., Dontsova M.V. Models of family psychological counseling // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work No. 2. - M., 2009.
  7. Dontsov D.A., Eremina L.Yu., Orlova I.N. Legal and technological aspects of social work with migrants, using the example of social work with refugee children // Information bulletin of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Examination of the psychological safety of the educational environment No. 4. - M., 2009.
  8. Duminova L.T. Organization of social rehabilitation of street children and adolescents. - M., 2002.
  9. Duminova L.T., Marshak A.L., Kholostova E.I. Child neglect: condition and ways to overcome. - M., 2002.
  10. Marshak A.L. Child homelessness and neglect: status and problems. - Khabarovsk, 2003.
  11. Melnikova E.L. Prevention of neglect of children and adolescents. - M., 2002.
  12. Regulatory and legal framework for the prevention of homelessness and neglect of children: Collection of normative acts of the Russian Federation. - M., 2003.
  13. Fundamentals of social work. Textbook. Ed. 3rd, corrected. and additional Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. - M.: Infra-M, 2001.
  14. Pavlenok P.D., Rudneva M.Ya. Technologies of social work with various population groups. Textbook. Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. Reviewers: B.F. Usmanov, D.A. Dontsov. - M.: Infra-M, 2009.
  15. Rybinsky E.M. Managing the child welfare system. - M., 2004.
  16. Sokolova M.A. Legal aspects of social work with children without parental care: A textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: GOU VPO MGUS, 2006.
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