How to introduce parents to the results of pedagogical diagnostics. Parent meeting: “Introducing parents to the results of diagnostics of children’s speech development

Sample " Analytical information» pedagogical diagnostics

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region
Description of material:
In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the need arose to formalize the results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) in a new way. Nobody knows how to do this correctly. I suggest to my colleagues, preschool teachers, a sample of the “Analytical Report”, developed by us based on the results of diagnostics using the example of one group. I will be very glad if this development is useful to someone, and I will also listen with interest to any comments...

Analytical information
based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics
2015 – 2016 academic year

Group No. ... ... (2nd junior)

Number of children diagnosed: 26
The date of the: September 2015
Monitoring status: to the beginning school year
Purpose of monitoring: 1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
Tasks: Studying the results of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education and child development.
Monitoring methods: regular observations by the teacher of children in Everyday life and in the process of direct educational work with them, analysis of children's activity products, conversations, tests, game situations.

Work with children was carried out in accordance with “ Work program teacher”, created on the basis of the “Basic educational program of the MDOU “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region."
The preschool educational institution implements the “Approximate basic general educational program preschool education "Kindergarten-2100" edited by O.V. Chindilova.

The following technologies were used in working with children:

1. health-saving technologies;
2. technology of project activities;
3. research technology;
4. information and communication technologies;
5. person-oriented technologies;
6. gaming technology.

Characteristics of children for the analyzed period:
Average age of children: 2 years 10 months
Total children in the group: 27 people
Diagnosed children: 26 people
Boys: 7 people
Girls: 19 people
Number of undiagnosed children: 1 child who has not attended kindergarten for more than 3 months.

Pedagogical diagnostics for the analyzed period were carried out in two directions:
pedagogical diagnostics of the quality of education in the group (through the implementation of educational areas);
pedagogical diagnostics of child development.

Diagnostics was assessed at three levels: high, medium, low.
According to the results diagnostics of education quality(through the implementation of educational areas) “at the beginning of the school year” the following results were revealed: three children have high level in areas:

Average level in certain educational areas and directions have:
... I.F. child – educational areas, sections
Low level: on all educational fields have:

Low level according to certain educational areas and directions have:
... I.F. child – educational areas, sections.
Analyzing the diagnostic results, we can conclude that three children partially mastered the program material.
In educational areas and directions, the quantitative composition of children with an average and low level is almost equal:
average level – 22 children
low level – 23 children
Mostly you need to pay attention to the educational areas “Speech development” and “ Cognitive development».
The indicator in the educational areas “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” is slightly higher - children have sufficiently developed skills productive activity, fine motor skills of the pupils’ hands are developed, but accuracy, sequence of actions and variability of thinking are not fully developed. There is a lack of proper attention on the part of parents to the educational process; auditory and visual attention and the desire to show interest in environment.

Annex 1

2. Form the following subgroup to optimize work:
subgroup No. 2, direction of work – “Cognitive development”
... I.F. children
According to the results diagnostics of child development“at the beginning of the school year” the following results were revealed:
High level:
... I.F. children, directions.
Average level:
...I.F. children, directions.
Low level:
... I.F. children, directions.

Comparative data is given in the table Appendix 2

Analyzing the results of diagnostics of child development, we can conclude that the average level of development of children (17 children) in six areas generally prevails. Children have formed the basic cultural ways of activity, they show initiative and independence in different types activities - play, communication.
With a high level – one child.
Low level – 8 children. These are children who do not strive to participate in practical and play activities together with adults, experience an unstable interest in the actions of their peers, and cannot subordinate their behavior to the rules of communication.
The explanations for these low results are as follows: long-term adaptation of some children, frequent absences with or without reason, due to limited speech contacts, social and communicative qualities are not sufficiently formed, reluctance to obey general rules.
Create an individual educational trajectory (route) for the following children:
... I.F. children, the reason for determining the individual educational trajectory

Monitoring was carried out by: ... Full name. educators

Table. Annex 1

Table. Appendix 2.

The problem of pedagogical diagnostics remains one of the pressing problems of the theory and methods of raising children preschool age. Diagnostics allows the teacher to understand whether he is carrying out his activities in the right direction. It is recognized, firstly, to optimize the process of individual learning, secondly, to ensure the correct determination of learning outcomes, and thirdly, guided by the selected criteria, to minimize errors in assessing children’s knowledge.

“Diagnostics” (Greek) - “cognition, determination.”

Pedagogical diagnostics is a mechanism that allows us to identify individual characteristics and prospectschild development.

The main goal of a diagnostic examination is to obtain not so much qualitatively new results as operational information about the real state and trends in changes in the object of diagnosis for the correction of the pedagogical process.

The main task of diagnostics is to obtain information about the individual characteristics of a child’s development. Based on this information, recommendations are being developed for educators and parents on preparing older preschoolers for school.

Very often, parents of preschoolers ask questions: why are preschoolers examined and is there a need for it? Pedagogical diagnostics are necessary in order to assist in choosing optimal, favorable conditions for learning and development for each child. Diagnostic examination of preschool children is important for every child, teachers kindergarten trying to warn possible problems in a child’s education, because early diagnosis and properly selected correctional work gives excellent results.

Signs of diagnostic examination:

  1. Availability of goals of pedagogical examination
  2. Systematicity and repeatability
  3. The use of techniques specifically developed for these specific situations and conditions
  4. Availability of procedures for their implementation

Principles of diagnostic testing

The principle of consistency and continuity of diagnosis is manifested in a sequential transition from one stage, criteria and diagnostic methods to others as the individual develops, trains and educates, in the gradual complication and deepening of the diagnostic process.

The principle of accessibility of diagnostic techniques and procedures - visual clarity becomes the main condition for obtaining the necessary information (tests with pictures)

The principle of predictability

The last principle is manifested in the orientation of diagnostic activity towards correctional work in the “zone of proximal development” of preschoolers.

The concept of “zone of proximal development” was introduced by L. S. Vygotsky: What is essential is not so much what the child has already learned, but rather what he is capable of learning, and the zone of proximal development determines what the child’s capabilities are in terms of mastering what he has not yet learned. does not master it, but can master it with the help and support of an adult.

Exists a large number of methods of pedagogical diagnostics. As the main methods to identify the degree of program implementation and assess the level of development of children, conditions of the preschool educational institution are used:


Studying the products of children's activities

Simple experiments


However, difficulties may arise during observation; one of them is the subjectivity of the observer. Therefore, in order to reduce the number of errors, one should abandon premature conclusions, continue observation for a long time, and only then begin to analyze the results.

Observation of the child should be carried out in natural situations: in a group, on a walk, during arrival and departure from kindergarten. During the diagnostic examination, it is important to maintain a trusting, friendly atmosphere: do not express your dissatisfaction wrong actions children, do not point out mistakes, do not make value judgments, often say the words: “very good!”, “You’re doing great!”, “I see you’re doing great!” The duration of an individual examination should not exceed, depending on age, from 10 to 20 minutes.

Required condition successful implementation pedagogical diagnostics is the transition from the position of a teacher to the position of a person conducting diagnostics. This inevitably entails a change in its activities. If in the process of everyday work the main goal is to provide knowledge, to achieve the correct answer in this moment, educate, then in the process of diagnostics - obtain reliable data about the level of development of the child, the formation of certain skills.

When examining preschoolers, it is very important to adhere to the “rules” of pedagogical diagnostics.

Examination of preschoolers is carried out only in the first half of the day, on the most productive days (Tuesday or Wednesday). The diagnostic environment is calm and friendly. One adult works with the child; this can be a psychologist or teacher. Parents are present during the examination of preschool children. The child is not rushed to answer, but is given the opportunity to think. You cannot show your feelings in relation to the child’s answers. Do not discuss the results of a preschooler’s examination with parents in his presence. Parents must be informed in one form or another about the results of the examination. A plan is developed together with parents individual work with baby. Diagnostic examination of preschool children is considered by both teachers and parents as necessary and important help to kid.

Since preschoolers are already at a sufficient level mastered speech , react to the personality of the teacher, then it is possible to communicate with the child, during which developmental diagnostics are carried out. The examination of preschool children is carried out using both verbal and non-verbal methods. So, if a psychologist conducts a diagnostic conversation, then at this time the teacher observes the child’s behavior during the examination. He observes and records the functional and emotional condition child, showing interest (indifference) to the proposed tasks. The examination must be carried out in a playful way. You cannot force a child if he does not want to do something; it is better to postpone the diagnosis. Observations provide valuable material for correct assessment of the child’s level of development, measures of the formation of the cognitive and motivational spheres. When interpreting diagnostic results, it is necessary to listen to the opinion and explanation of the parents.

It should be noted that diagnostic examinations are carried out in all age groups 2 times a year: at the beginning of the year and at the end. Based on the results obtained at the beginning of the school year, educators not only design the educational process in their own age group, but also plan individual work on sections of the program with those children who require increased attention from the teacher and who need pedagogical support. In the middle of the school year, only children at risk are diagnosed in order to adjust plans for individual work with children in all sections of the program. At the end of the school year - first a final diagnosis, then a comparative analysis of the results at the beginning and end of the year. The processed and interpreted results of such analysis are the basis for designing the educational process for the new academic year. The results of the diagnostic examination of each child are entered into the diagnostic table


Before a child enters 1st grade, we diagnose his school maturity. The goal is to determine the most favorable educational conditions for the further development of the child, including the choice of educational program, to find ways to correct detected deviations, and to identify gifted children. An objective assessment of the level of school maturity can be given by determining:

​physical readiness for school, level physical development the child, his compliance with age standards, the health group on which the student’s performance in the conditions of systematic education depends;

​mental readiness for school - compliance with age standards: level of development of intelligence, emotions, higher mental functions, perseverance, patience, perseverance;

​social readiness for school - the development of the child as an individual in his system of relationships with the world (attitude towards things, toys, parents, peers, etc., rules of behavior, communication skills);

​didactic readiness for school - the readiness of the child as a subject educational activities, the presence of educational skills to read, write, count (which is not mandatory) or the prerequisites for such skills (speech development, fine motor skills, ideas about quantity, etc.).

Based on a comparison of the results of system diagnostics, the level of school maturity of the child is determined (high, average, low, zero), according to which he will be offered one or another educational program. Diagnosis of a child’s mental development, as well as the study of learning skills, are necessary, at a minimum, for the following purposes.

Firstly to determine how well his level of development corresponds to the norms that are typical for children of this age. If the child fits into these norms, everything is fine. But if not, then something must be done urgently, because if this problem is left unattended, it will be very difficult to solve it in the future.

Secondly, diagnostics are needed in order to find out the individual characteristics of the development of abilities. After all, some of them may be well developed, and some not so much. The presence of certain underdeveloped intellectual abilities in a child can cause serious difficulties in the process of learning at school. Pre-identified “weak points” can be corrected. For example, with the help of a specialist, you can select games and exercises aimed at developing the required ability.

Third, diagnostics makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of those means and methods that were used for the development of a child in preschool institution, and will also be used by the teacher at school. For example, a school psychologist might test a child at the beginning of the school year and then at the end. A comparison of the results will show who experienced what changes (and whether they occurred at all).

And finally fourthly, children need to be introduced to various forms testing so that they are thus prepared for the testing tests that await them at various stages of training in the future. It is very important to create normal conditions for the child during the diagnosis. Thus, diagnostics is needed for the family of a preschooler to know how to approach the successes and failures of their child, in which direction to make corrections. To the same extent, a teacher needs diagnostics: in order to teach, you need to know the child in all his manifestations.

How to treat the diagnostic results? (Advice for parents.)

The most important thing is, regardless of the results obtained, to treat them calmly. None psychological tests and educational assignments do not give an unambiguous, categorical assessment, especially in terms of intellectual development. And if you have any questions or doubts, it is best to contact specialists. Pay attention first of all to low and high diagnostic scores. If your grades are low, don't be discouraged, engage in educational games and training exercises. After a certain time, say, one to two months, try repeating the diagnosis. If the results have not improved, you should contact a psychologist, especially since it is useful to do this periodically in any case. If the child showed good results, you can be happy. However, along with the good news, you also have cause for concern. Most likely, your child is intellectually gifted, and you need to worry about how not to ruin this giftedness. It requires a special training and development program. And here consultations with a teacher and psychologist will help. Average results promise more peace of mind. But this is only if you do not want your child to become even more intellectually minded.

The following tests, questions, creative tasks do not pretend to be a diagnostic system. We are only trying to draw the attention of parents to their child.

Let us highlight several main aspects of a child’s readiness for school:

​The health of children going to school. The day before, preferably in the spring, it is important to examine the psychological and physical condition of the child. Consultations with a psychologist and pediatrician will help improve health, taking into account the identified deficiencies. It is important to find out whether the child is familiar with the “Taking care of myself” program and whether he knows the elements of self-defense;

---------------- level of education and moral qualities. Hard work. Attitude towards others;

。 Expression of oneself and one’s attitude to the world around us in visual arts(child’s drawing “My Family”);

​knowledge and special practical skills necessary for a future first-grader: basic computing skills, orientation in the phonetic aspect of speech, readiness of the child’s hand for writing;

​skills in learning activities. The child's motivational readiness for school.

It is necessary to think about whether the child has mastered the system interpersonal relationships to be in the school community. This system either creates an atmosphere of emotional well-being for the child and thus stimulates his educational activity, or, on the contrary, it develops unfavorably. It is very important to develop skills in educational activities in a timely manner, not to frighten them with school, but also not to show it from an entertaining perspective. The child must learn this before entering school.

Lyubov Poroshina
Presentation “Familiarization of parents with the results of the examination mental processes in preschoolers"

We live in such a rhythm that we cannot devote enough time to our family and loved ones. In addition, there is a lot of information that falls on us like a downpour. I invite you to bring information to parents in the form of individual sheets that display results of examination by an educational psychologist. Sheets are issued parents in person at a consultation with a teacher - psychologist, or by the group teacher under signature in "Leaf familiarization» .

The “Summary table for results of examination of mental processes».

The consultation schedule is located in the reception group. Record parents for consultation is carried out as follows way:

1. Teacher- psychologist fills in the date and time of the proposed consultations in the first column.

2. Parents choose the time, convenient for themselves, are written down in the second column and take the tear-off coupon with them.

In the reception group there is also a teacher’s folder - psychologist with recommended games for development mental processes.

Individual sheet with child examination results

Dear parents!

For your information results of diagnostics of mental processes.

U *** on high level formed:

representation of space the child has orienteering skills, discovers knowledge and definitions "ahead", "behind", "left" And "on right", both in relation to foreign objects and in relation to one’s own position. Answers questions intelligently.

Visual-effective thinking

Visual memory.

Visual-figurative thinking.

Formed according to age normal:

Visual perception

Auditory perception

Auditory-verbal memory

But attention should be paid to the development of the concept of time - mistakes are made both when determining the days of the week and when determining the time of day.

If you have any questions, I will be glad to help you.

Sincerely, teacher- psychologist L. A. Poroshina

Publications on the topic:

Correction of basic mental processes during a correctional block during extracurricular activities at a boarding school of type I-II Municipal government special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities.

We carry out diagnostics using the method of “Express diagnostics in kindergarten” by N. N. Pavlova. L. V. Rudenko. We diagnose the level of mental development.

Didactic game as a tool for the successful development of the child’s basic mental processes Long before play became a subject of scientific research, it was widely used as an important means of education.

Games for the development of a child’s mental processes Development of mental processes in preschool age. Preschool childhood- an important period of human development. In preschool age under the influence.

Consultation for parents “Introducing preschoolers to fiction” Introducing the child to fiction begins in infancy. The mother, rocking the child, reads nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes to the baby.

Master class for parents “Exercises aimed at developing cognitive processes in older preschoolers” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 151 of the city of Tyumen Master class for parents on the topic:.

Workshop for parents: “Introduction to rag doll, as a means of introducing preschoolers to folk culture" Study of national.

Natalia Marsheva

Summary of parent meeting on the topic: « Diagnostics in kindergarten»

Target: Introduce parents with diagnostic requirements according to the Federal State Educational Standard


1. Form parents positive attitude towards monitoring issues in kindergarten and diagnostics according to the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Present parent results of children mastering the program

Preliminary work:

Stand design “Modern requirements for diagnosing a child in kindergarten»;

I introductory part

Educator: Dear parents! The topic of our parent meeting« Diagnostics in kindergarten: contents and requirements for implementation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education"

To begin with, I would like to tell you what it is diagnostics and why we need it. (stand explanation)

II main part:

Educator: Dear parents! Now, I present to your attention the results myself. diagnostics,here you can clearly see the dynamics of the development of children in our educational group regions: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

Teacher1:Grade individual development children can be carried out by a teacher during internal monitoring of the development of indicators of the child’s personality development, the results of which are used only to optimize educational work with a group of preschoolers and to solve problems of individualization of education through building an educational trajectory for children experiencing difficulties in educational process or having special educational needs.

Educator:Monitoring is carried out in the form of regular observations by the teacher of children in everyday life and in the process directly educational activities with them

Monitoring in the form of observation is carried out throughout the academic year.

Educator:The overall picture of the group will allow us to identify children who need special attention teacher and in relation to which it is necessary to adjust and change the methods of interaction.

Educator: Therefore, monitoring data are features of the dynamics of the development of child personality development indicators in preschool education– will also provide assistance to primary teachers general education to build more effective interaction with the child during the period of his adaptation to new conditions of development when entering school.

III final part

Educator: Dear parents!Since you are in kindergarten, we invite you to plunge into the world childhood and being children. On the table in front of you are glasses with a picture of a flower.

Educator: Your task is to color the flower so that your neighbor does not color it (parents paint flowers) .

Educator: Now show each other your flowers, what they are (answer parents:different, beautiful, unique...)

Educator: Everything is correct! Our children are as different, wonderful, unique as your flowers. And therefore they need to be loved and accepted as they are without comparing them with others. Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the parent meeting “Adaptation of children to kindergarten” Goals: 1. Create conditions for parents to get to know each other and for the emergence of positive relationships between them. 2. Set expectations.

Goal: Create conditions for parents to get to know each other. Introduce parents to the child development program, development and education goals.

Summary of the parent meeting in the first junior group “Adaptation of children to kindergarten” Goal: Increasing the level of educational skills and pedagogical culture of parents. Preliminary work: Arrange the chairs in a semicircle.

Summary of the parent meeting in kindergarten “Our children’s favorite books” Topic: “Our children’s favorite books” Preliminary work Arrange exhibitions: 1. Children's books recommended by preschool education programs.

Goal: to create conditions for cooperation between children and parents, their emotional and psychological rapprochement; increase parents' interest in

Summary of the parent meeting “Health in the family and kindergarten” Goal: to ensure cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in matters of strengthening and preserving the health of children. Form: conversation. Tasks: - together.

Summary of the parent meeting on the topic “Speech development of preschool children” Preliminary work: Prepare a mobile folder.
