When to expect your child's first words and how to help him learn to speak? What should a child say in the first three years? Adverse childbirth and its consequences.

The long-awaited moment has arrived: your baby has celebrated his first birthday. This year has been filled with excitement, anxiety and unforgettable moments of happiness. How happy parents are with the skills acquired by the baby! Nevertheless, every attentive and caring mother asks herself the following questions at this milestone: “What can a child do in a year? Is there anything important missing?”

Don't worry if your child's scores don't match the list below 100% (these are averages). Perhaps your baby will be somewhat behind age norms.

Work with your baby - he will soon succeed. Children who have been striving to develop since birth are often ahead of the average, which is a source of special pride for parents.

Important article: “Child development by month from birth to one year”- familiarize…

  • Follows the light source with his eyes (when he begins to see)
  • Listens to the sound of the rattle, follows it with his eyes (when he begins to hear)
  • Smiles at mom (baby's first smile at mom)
  • Holds the head (when the child begins to hold the head independently)
  • Roll over from back to tummy and back
  • Reaching out to toys
  • Sit (begins to sit independently)
  • Cooing (when he starts cooing and cooing)

When mastering motor skills, at the age of one year a child should be able to:

  • Stand confidently without support.
  • Walk with the support of an adult using one (both) hands or independently (when the child begins to walk).
  • Actively crawl (this does not apply to the category of babies who do not crawl at all: such children begin to walk quite early, bypassing the crawling stage, which is a variant of the norm) (when the baby begins to crawl).
  • Crawling up and down stairs.
  • Walk up the stairs with a side step with the support of an adult.
  • Squat, straighten, rise to your feet from any position.
  • Climb onto a bed, sofa, chair, or go down to the floor.

Cognitive development corresponds to the norm if the baby can:

  • Assemble and disassemble the pyramid (by imitation of the actions of an adult and independently).
  • Open and close the lids of jars, boxes, put them in small toys, get it back (by imitation of the actions of an adult and independently).
  • Make a “tower” of cubes.
  • Can play with various household items (dishes, shoes, hats, etc.).
  • commit various actions with figurative toys: “feed”, “comb your hair”, “scold” (by imitation of the actions of an adult and independently, if a play situation has been created).
  • Grasp small objects (button, eraser) with your thumb and forefinger.
  • Roll a toy on wheels in front of you, roll a ball.
  • Open and close cabinet doors, take out and examine various things, pull out and close drawers.
  • Imitate the actions of an adult: “comb your hair,” “put on your mother’s makeup,” “blow hot,” etc.
  • Imitate the actions of peers: knocking, clapping, pouring, digging sand, etc.

The emotional and social development of a child at the age of 1 year should correspond to the following indicators:

  • The baby can emotionally express his feelings: kiss, hug mom, dad, favorite toy.
  • rejoice fun games with elders, new toys (sometimes a child may even be frightened by the appearance of new toy).
  • Recognize all loved ones and rejoice at their arrival.
  • Recognize loved ones in photographs, point with your finger where mom and dad are.
  • The baby may become wary and cry when a “stranger” person appears.
  • Flip through books, look at pictures with interest, point to any image (cat, dog) upon request.
  • React emotionally to music: “dance”, “sing along”.
  • Imitate the facial expressions of an adult.
  • Express your dissatisfaction with facial expressions (screaming, crying, squeaking) in response to the prohibition, strict tone of an adult.
  • Look in the mirror, admire your reflection, play with it, make faces.
  • Imitating adults to “talk” on the phone.

Evaluating speech development child, experts consider two indicators: active speech and speech understanding. In one year, a child should be able to:

  • Speak in “children’s” language from 2 to 10 words, to the question “Who is this?” respond in autonomous words.
  • Depict familiar sounds and actions: imitate the voices of animals, answer the question “How does Vanechka cry, sing, dance?” and so on.
  • Imitate (intonation), repeating new words after adults.
  • Imitate familiar words spoken by peers.
  • Point to one of 4 toys and one of 2 pictures upon request.
  • Fulfill requests: “bring”, “give”, “put”, “close”, “open”.
  • Understand the word “impossible”.
  • Point to named objects in the house upon request.
  • Waving a hand “bye-bye”, playing “pallets”, showing how a bird flies (waving your arms), playing the game “peek-a-boo” (covering and opening your face with your palms).
  • Knows and responds to his name

By the age of one year, the baby should master the simplest everyday skills:

  • Bite and chew pieces of bread, crackers, cookies.
  • Drink independently from a bottle, sippy cup, some babies drink from a mug, holding it with their hands (When they start drinking from a mug).
  • Make the first attempts to eat with a spoon (some children deftly prick pieces of soft food onto a fork, but more often children take food with their hands).
  • Pull the handles under the faucet to wash your face and dry your face and hands with a towel.
  • When dressing, some children help themselves to put them on: they put their arm into the sleeve, insert their foot into the shoe, but many do not like this process and express their dissatisfaction with a squeak (scream).
  • Signaling with characteristic sounds that pants are wet or dirty (if the child is not wearing a diaper for most of the day), sometimes it happens that babies at this age are already starting to ask to go to the potty.

In general, all children are different and individual!

Skills by month:

1 month | 2 month | 3 month | 4 month | 5 month | 6 month | 7 month | 8 month | 9 month | 10 month | 11 month

04.08.2015, Norms of speech development, Articles

The “Development” train is approaching the “1 God” station at full speed. The locomotive-brain drags many trailers-skills, trailers-knowledge, without slowing down. Ahead new life– verbal or speech.

Your baby has already perfectly mastered pre-speech communication - he actively uses facial expressions, simple gestures, and babble. Over time, in their communication with adults, children begin to add stable sound combinations that denote simple actions (“am - am”, “bye - bye”, “bang”), games (“ku – ku”), objects and toys (“tick – so", "mu-mu"). The development of communication is also associated with the appearance of the first real words - call, request, appeal, instruction - “mom”, “dad”, “give”, “here”.

What should a 1 year old child say?

Who came up with the norms for speech development? And how can you tell whether a child’s speech development meets these standards?

Developmental norms were determined based on large-scale studies of a large number of children different ages. The development assessment standards accepted in domestic practice, developed by E.L. Frucht (download table of norms) suggest that in 12 months the child pronounces 5–10 simple words and easily imitates the syllables. At the same time he:

  • understands the names of several objects, actions, names, fulfills individual requests (“find, bring, give to mom, put here”);
  • understands the word “impossible”;
  • upon request, performs play actions (“rock the doll”, “roll the car”)

The speech of a significant number of modern Russian children does not meet such “inflated” requirements for various reasons. At this age, the most significant may be medical factors that acted both during pregnancy (intoxication, fetal hypoxia), and during labor and delivery. postpartum period(rapid/prolonged labor, neurological problems).

Hearing impairment can also make it difficult to formulate speech. If you suspect hearing loss, contact a specialist immediately.

The causes of delays in speech development and the occurrence of speech disorders can be not only medical, but also social and psychological factors: poor speech environment, bilingualism in the family, violation of emotional contact with the mother, separation from her.

IN last years Foreign diagnostic techniques are often used, which are more “loyal”. So, according to them, only by 15–18 months can a child learn to pronounce 4 to 6 words. Unfortunately, such techniques can make it difficult to early identify disorders in a child’s development.

How to adequately assess the development of a child’s speech at 1 year old?

We think you have no reason to worry if your baby:

  • understands spoken speech within the scope of age requirements;
  • fluently uses pre-speech forms of communication - facial expressions, gestures; active in contact;
  • pronounces the first words - designations (“av-av”, “kis-kis”).

How to develop a child's speech at 1 year old?

First of all, in the process of daily communication and child care.

  • Remember, a child should not just hear the speech of adults, but the words that are addressed specifically to him.
  • Avoid an aggressive communication style and do not use overloaded monologues.
  • Speak in a friendly tone, use affectionate, melodic words, poems, nursery rhymes, lullabies, etc.
  • Speak all words clearly; Make sure your baby pays attention to the movements of your lips.
  • Speak as if you are telling him something important; touch the baby so that he gets ready to listen.
  • “Voice” actions and name surrounding objects.
  • When looking at objects, list their features and characteristics (where are the cat’s ears?); imitate toys, the voices of animals (who says what?).
  • When communicating with your child, give him time to think, do not rush to answer. Be affectionate, attentive, and encourage your baby’s activity.
  • Don't tell your child “wrong.” It’s better to offer two options: “Yes, it’s a dog, “aw-aw.”
  • Monitor the child’s overall development (play with blocks, pyramids, nesting dolls; work with plasticine and clay, draw, etc.).
  • Develop auditory attention: for example, teach him to distinguish between musical toys and surrounding sounds.
  • Develop your articulatory apparatus: wean yourself off the pacifier in a timely manner; make sure your child is using solid food and etc.
  • Develop finger movements (sculpting, finger games, massage), accompany finger games with reading poems and nursery rhymes.

Your child’s inexhaustible energy will help the “Development” high-speed train move forward and forward. Now it includes a unique trailer - speech - a means of communication and thinking. Bon Voyage!

How quickly time flies! It seems like just yesterday you brought a snoring newborn into your home, and today your baby is already celebrating his first birthday! Parents are concerned with questions: how their baby is developing, what a 1-year-old child should be able to do, and what their child can do with it. Of course, all children are different and learn new things at different times. But there is a certain average set of skills, most of which children should master by the age of one.

First skills

The first year is not easy for a little person. There is so much to master! The baby approaches the annual milestone with basic skills on which his further achievements will be based:

  1. knows how to follow the movement of an object (or light) with its eyes;
  2. moves his eyes after the rattle, hears and is interested in its sound;
  3. gives loved ones their first smiles;
  4. knows how to keep his head upright;
  5. changes positions, rolls over from stomach to back and the other way;
  6. reaches for a rattle;
  7. is sitting;
  8. masters walking.

Physical development of the child

By the age of one year, children can sit, stand (holding onto an adult or pieces of furniture), stand on their feet, and crawl. Kids can get up from any position. Some babies skip the crawling stage.

Usually these are those yearlings who got on their feet early and learned to walk - they immediately choose the “adult” method of movement for themselves. Most often, such children are very active and develop quickly physically. Find out when your baby starts walking>>>

Basically, babies can walk along a support, or with support from one or both arms. Particularly nimble children walk without support and even run.

Physical development baby is coming forward by leaps and bounds:

  • at 1 year old the baby can walk up the stairs with the support of an adult;
  • crawl up the stairs;
  • climb onto chairs, sofas, and other pieces of furniture;
  • children also climb down from beds and sofas, and slide down ladders.

Important! Therefore, do not leave your child in a room with open windows, sockets, or heavy objects that he could drop.

Even if it seems to you that the baby does not know how to climb onto the windowsill, know: you underestimate him! At this age, children realize to substitute a chair.

Independence plays an important role in the physical development of the baby. If you want your baby to learn to walk as quickly as possible, do not pick him up at the first request, let him get where he needs to go on his own. If the baby tries to climb into the sandbox or up the hill on his own, you should not put him there. Just insure the baby, but the child must do the main “work” himself. Also find out what to do if a child is afraid to walk?

Psychomotor development of the baby

At one year of age, children are actively learning the world. The child is interested in how this or that toy works, how several large parts of the construction set are connected into one whole.

By one year old, the child has the following skills:

  1. knows how to assemble and disassemble a pyramid of two or three rings;
  2. can form a turret from two cubes;
  3. knows how to remove lids from pots and boxes, can put an object in a box and close the lid;
  4. masters the first sorters: can push small items into holes cut in the lid of a cardboard box;
  5. plays with dishes: “eats” with a spoon, “drinks” from a cup;
  6. can “comb” a toy, feed it or put it to sleep;
  7. plays with his clothes, hats, boots;
  8. takes toys with one or two hands, transfers them from hand to hand;
  9. can grasp small objects with two fingers (thumb and index finger);
  10. pushes a stroller, pushes a car, can push a ball to make it roll;
  11. tries to throw and catch a ball or other objects;
  12. knows how to open cabinet doors, pull out and close drawers, take things out of them, and put them back;
  13. copies the actions of other children: digs, claps, knocks on objects with a stick;
  14. plays like an adult: for example, he twirls a screwdriver like dad, or puts on lipstick like mom.

Emotions and integration into society

  • Closer to one year, babies begin to express their emotions more often with sounds, smiles, facial expressions, and not just crying;
  • Tactile expression of feelings also becomes more active: most children know how to hug and kiss (parents, other kids, toys);
  • If you carefully observe your baby, you begin to understand his body language. Close people usually know well what the child wants to “tell” them. Children may be more withdrawn with strangers;
  • The baby knows well those whom he often sees: parents, other relatives; recognizes them in photographs and knows how to show them at the request of adults. He can also show cats, dogs, other animals or objects in pictures;
  • At this age, children already know how to leaf through books. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that not everyone is interested in books in one year, and this is normal: other kids will appreciate the charm of this activity a little later;
  • One-year-old children actively display both positive and negative emotions: they rejoice at the return of their parents from work, the appearance of a new toy. At the same time, they may cry if a stranger addresses them, or get angry at the word “impossible.” Read the article on how to explain to a child what is not allowed?>>>
  • At this age, the baby often imitates adults: “talks” on the phone, “reads” a book, tinkers with dad’s instruments.
  • In addition, children copy their parents’ facial expressions and use them. At one year old they can distinguish facial expressions. Children also understand the intonation with which they are addressed and can copy it when walking;
  • The baby knows how to fulfill simple requests: “give me a toy,” “show me the cat,” “where are the eyes.” Children master this skill quickly; it is enough to play similar games with them several times;
  • The baby knows how to dance to the music he likes and “sings along” to children’s songs. If your child doesn't do this, set an example for him - he will learn right away. One-year-old children really like this activity;
  • By imitating adults and peers, children master their first games. One-year-olds can clap their hands, play “peek-a-boo” (hide their face in their palms);
  • Children are interested in their reflection in the mirror, they can actively spin around in front of it and admire themselves.

This is far from full list what a child can do, because at 1 year old social and emotional development crumbs primarily depend on the people around him. At this age, children do amazing things. It is enough to engage in their physical development and set your own example, and your baby will amaze you with her intelligence.

Formation of speech

At one year old, the child understands speech addressed to him. He focuses on intonation and knows simple expressions. The more you talk to him, the wider his passiveness becomes. lexicon(i.e. those words that he understands). A 1-year-old child can speak from 2 to 10 words.

Abbreviated words and onomatopoeias are also considered words at this age if they always mean the same thing. For example, if “mu” is always “cow”, then this onomatopoeia is also considered a word.

Important! But don't worry if your child doesn't say anything. It is much more important that he understands you. If this does not happen, the baby needs to be shown to a specialist.

The child may have problems with hearing, speech apparatus, neurological, and psychological disorders.
Most deviations from the norm at this age can be successfully compensated for if you start working with the baby on time.

What else does a one year old child know:

  1. answers the question “who is this?” in separate words: mom, aw, me-me;
  2. knows how to show familiar actions upon request: how he smiles, how he stomps his foot, how he eats, etc.;
  3. knows his name, responds to his name;
  4. tries to repeat new words;
  5. knows the words “can” and “can’t”.

You can speed up your child’s speech development if you constantly talk to him, comment on your actions and what is happening around him. You can pronounce words, clearly articulating sounds, encouraging your baby to repeat after you.

When talking to children, you should not distort or shorten words. In this case, the child remembers the “wrong” sound, and it can be very difficult to relearn it. Talk to your child like an adult, only more emotionally.

Yearlings and their skills self-service

In year small man is already striving for independence. Here are some everyday skills of one-year-old children:

  • They know how (or at least try) to eat with a spoon. There are even children who successfully use a fork at this age;
  • They drink from a sippy cup, and sometimes from a mug;
  • They try to dress themselves. If you are not in a hurry, give your baby the clothes you plan to put on him and let him practice a little;
  • They know how to bite and chew solid food (cookies, bread, banana). Read also: how to feed a child correctly?>>>
  • They know how to wash their hands and dry them with a towel. It is very easy to teach children this action by showing your own example several times. Read more about how to develop independence in a child?
  • They begin to gradually master the potty. Find out at what age should you potty train your child?

At this age, it is enough if the baby knows what the potty is for and knows how to correlate wet pants with his natural needs.

It’s good if he accepts some kind of conventional sound that denotes a desire to go potty, although such an understanding may come much later than one year of age. To do this, you can sit the children on the potty, pronouncing this very conventional sound. They will remember it very quickly.

Each child approaches the one-year mark with a certain set of skills. What this set will be depends largely on the parents. At this age, it is necessary not only to show the baby the world around him and talk to him, but also to give the baby more independence (under the supervision of elders). Let your child learn from experience and you will soon be surprised by the results!

From a very early age, your child should be taught to correctly express their emotions and construct sentences correctly. At first glance, it seems that the process will not be difficult, and there will be no difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. However, every child is different and may not start talking right away.

When to teach a child to talk

There are age periods by which you can determine how correctly a child’s speech development is progressing. There are no strictly defined rules. The learning process should begin from birth: the baby should sing songs, tell stories, talk to him while walking. The mother's heart will tell you how to act.

In the period from 6 months to a year, the active formation of brain centers responsible for speech occurs, so increased attention should be paid to communication with the baby.

Between 2 and 3 years speech areas almost completely formed. It is at this time that children begin to freely express their thoughts, speak, and learning should take place as actively as possible. Don't worry if it doesn't happen by this age. sharp jump. The best option– consult a specialist, and if there are no signs of illness or physiological abnormalities continue to develop the speech apparatus.

Speech norms for children of different ages

Each period of growing up is characterized by certain sounds, words and sentences with which the baby expresses his emotions.

What does a child under 12 months say?

The first sounds from a child can be heard as early as 2 months (in addition to screaming and crying). The baby happily says “-gu” and extends the vowel “-a”. It is important to respond to the baby, to make it clear that communication is important. After a few months, you can hear more complex combinations. It is useful to turn on music, audio books, etc. A one-year-old baby knows about 5-10 words consisting of a couple of syllables.

Speech norms for children 1-1.5 years old

A child's speech becomes more extensive at one year of age and older. His vocabulary is growing every day. He understands well what his parents ask him to do, for example, to go wash his hands, go to bed, etc.

By 18 months, a child can remember up to 20 new words.

The baby likes to learn everything new; he himself is happy if he remembers and reproduces more. Books with three-dimensional pictures that need to be looked at together and asked questions about them help to develop well during this period.

How should children 2-3 years old speak?

At 2 years old, children’s vocabulary includes about 70 words, and a year later the baby knows more than 200 new expressions and about 1000 words. In addition, the child already knows how to inflect words into cases and inserts pronouns into sentences. Sound pronunciation is not clear, but by the age of 5 this problem resolves itself.

What should a child say at 3-4 years old?

Starting from the age of three, kids can learn little songs and poems, and solve easy riddles. The baby's speech can be easily understood, even despite errors in the use of gender, number and case.

Vocabulary reaches almost 2,000 words by age 4.

The baby begins to fantasize and invent his own expressions. More adverbs, pronouns, adjectives and numerals appear. The main problems at this age are the rearrangement of syllables, the absence of sounds [r], [l] or [ts].

What children say at 4-5 years old

The speech of children from 4 to 5 years old consists of 3,000 words, not including those “remade” in their own way. The sentences are already saturated with various prepositions and adjectives. Kids cope well with tasks such as describing an object, retelling a short fairy tale, reciting a poem by heart with intonation, and alternating between quiet and loud pronunciation. Most children can count to 10.

Speech of a 6-7 year old child

The speech of children 6 years and older is literate and has a small number of grammatical errors. They easily communicate with peers and adults, and can easily describe any life situation and objects. With more than 4,000 words in stock, a child is able to compose interesting story, come up with a name for it. The main problems in this period include distortion of unfamiliar words and incorrect emphasis.

How to teach speech and develop a child’s speech

Speech development occurs differently in one-year-old children, older children and preschoolers. It is important not only to focus on established standards, but also to take into account individual characteristics child.

How to teach a 1 year old child to speak

Often parents are faced with a situation where a year-old child does not say what is considered the norm for this age. What to do in this case?

  • Try to communicate in such a way that he responds. For example, when going for a walk, you can ask what color shoes he likes best. Naturally, the baby will not be able to respond appropriately, but several coherent sounds are also the result.
  • Communicate with your baby more often: on a walk, at home, in a store, at a party.
  • Voice all your and his actions out loud. This could be cleaning the house, discussing animals, toys.
  • Pay attention to reading a lot of books and looking at pictures. You can choose not only fairy tales, but also encyclopedias for children. Perhaps the baby will show interest in animals, insects, climatic phenomena, etc.
  • Communicate using correct speech, without abbreviating or distorting words. Talk to your child like an adult.

Don't worry if you can't achieve a positive result. It often happens that a baby is not yet ready at 1 year for full communication.

Speech development of children 2-3 years old

If a child has difficulty communicating or does not speak at all at 2 years old, it is necessary to stimulate his speech.

What can be done:

  • Play "alphabet". Children of this age love to repeat letters after adults. It is necessary to pronounce sounds clearly and loudly; this gives certain skills in learning the alphabet.
  • Ask questions more often that are difficult to answer unequivocally: “no” or “yes.”
  • Repeat those words that are difficult for the baby to cope with, or those where he “swallows” the endings.
  • Poems or songs should be selected for any problematic sound. In this case, you need to pronounce each line with the child so that he can see how an adult does it.
  • Correct your child every time he tries to replace a complex sound with a simpler one. Most often this happens with the letters “l”, “zh”, “r” and “s”.
  • Let them listen to children's songs, watch educational cartoons, introduce them to new people: peers and adults. The baby will develop faster in communication.

There is no need to worry about incorrect pronunciation of the letter “r” at this age. Specialist help will be required if the problem is not resolved by age 6.

Teaching speech to a 4-5 year old child

Speech development for children aged 4 to 5 years should take place through games, exercises and training.

Don't forget to look at picture books together. It is necessary that the baby tries to talk as much as possible about the objects he sees. Learning poems and songs by heart helps a lot.

How to develop speech for children 6-7 years old

The main thing in the process of developing the speech of a 6-year-old child is to form phonemic hearing, to teach how to isolate words from large sentences, and specific sounds from words. In addition, it is important that children divide at least small words into syllables. This is important not only for speech, but also for the further ability to read carefully and comprehend what is read.

To avoid speech delays, you must do the following:

  • Regularly give children the best literary works. Moreover, the child should not just listen to it (if he cannot read), but try to retell it or prepare a skit where he would play the role of the main character.
  • Make riddles, give a variety of tasks related to texts or words. For example, this could be the correct arrangement of syllables or words in a sentence. You should carefully monitor mistakes, correct them in time, and regularly repeat what the child has a weak point in.
  • Play word games. The simplest and most popular ones involve rearranging letters in the opposite direction and selecting synonyms. Many children like the game “third wheel”.
  • Talk proverbs and sayings with your child. This is considered one of the most effective methods development speech apparatus, eliminating defects.

It is best if all problems are resolved before going to 1st grade so that the child does not experience difficulties in reading and writing.

Many parents do everything to ensure that their child’s speech apparatus develops correctly: they re-read mountains of literature, sign up for consultations, and go to children’s centers. The best thing is to try several methods and choose the one that is most suitable for your baby.

Methodology "Letterogram"

The developmental methodology “Literogram” is a real assistant for parents. The program, developed by S. Shishkova, candidate of psychological sciences, is based on the principles of neuropsychology, speech therapy, and defectology. Designed for more than just children preschool age who poorly concentrate on the material and are restless, but also on teenagers.

The purpose of using the technique is to activate memory and attention, as well as correct all types of speech.

These objectives are accomplished through fun activities included in the program. Mental work alternates with breathing training and physical exercise. Shishkova believes that proper breathing helps strengthen the work of brain centers. In total, the program includes 20 classes that require regular implementation.

Shishkova about the “Literogram” method:

Cartoons for child speech development

Watching cartoons is one of the favorite activities of any child. However, even this hobby can be turned into a useful one. There are many cartoons for speech development that will be of great benefit if selected correctly.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, the baby absorbs all the information he sees and hears, so you can replenish his vocabulary through cartoons with colorful characters.

It is worth paying attention to age restrictions. Some educational animated series (“Smeshariki. Pin Code”, “Fixies”) will be of interest to schoolchildren junior classes, but “Mickey Mouse Club” or “Aunt Owl’s Lessons” are ideal options for preschoolers.

Games that develop speech in children

To develop speech, you can play with children. If a child likes to make faces and make faces, he will enjoy playing “funny faces.” One of the parents should sit opposite the baby and tell him what is required of him. This could be a request to puff out your cheeks, stick out your tongue, move your jaw in different directions, etc. The main thing is to use as many combinations as possible to use as many facial muscles as possible.

In the “clock” game, the child needs to use his tongue, imagining that it is a clock hand. They should move, changing speed each time, in different directions.

Another version of the game is to invite the baby to pretend to be a giraffe and a mouse. In the first case, the baby should kneel down, raise his hands clenched in his palms, and stretch as high as possible while inhaling. Accordingly, as you exhale, the baby pretends to be a mouse, crouching down, lowering his head, clasping his knees with his hands. It is imperative to observe multiple repetitions.

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky advises parents not to worry if the child does not speak before the age of 2. It is worth sounding the alarm if the child has reached the age of three and cannot correctly express his thoughts or refuses to speak at all.

  • You need to talk to your baby without using diminutive suffixes.
  • If the baby is silent for a long time, the kindergarten will help correct the situation. Some children open up in just such an environment.
  • Children need to regularly turn on music, ranging from funny songs from cartoons and fairy tales to classics. All this has a positive effect on the perception of speech, sounds, and the world.
  • Use any free minute for conversations. You can discuss everything: the color of a car passing on the street, the height of a running dog, vegetation, etc., the main thing is to use a large number of adjectives.
  • Constantly ask questions, even if the baby refuses to answer them.

Positive dynamics with regular exercise will definitely be noticeable if the baby is healthy and does not have any physiological abnormalities.

Ushakova’s method for children’s speech development

Learning coherent speech is a long and complex process. The technique of the famous Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences O. Ushakova can help parents. The goal of the program is to improve the pronunciation of sounds and improve diction.

The technique is based on small poems, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and games.

The program involves the use of syntactic, lexical, and phonetic structures in order to accelerated development meaningful and coherent speech. It is great for little kids attending kindergarten and schoolchildren. Many speech therapists choose this technique as a basis for correcting speech defects.

Speech development of preschoolers based on Ushakova’s methodology:

Tongue twisters for children's speech development

Tongue twisters are assistants not only in learning your native language, but also in improving your speech apparatus. Moreover, many children prefer tongue twisters rather than poems or songs, which is due to the fascination of their pronunciation and fun. Pronouncing a difficult phrase quickly helps eliminate most problems.

If you correctly structure the process of becoming familiar with tongue twisters, then it will be difficult for the baby to tear yourself away from studying them. He will enjoy not only the fun activities themselves, but also the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities to his friends. You can start with such simple examples as “puppies had their cheeks cleaned with brushes” or “there lived a giraffe who chewed fat.”

Don't worry if your child doesn't speak early age, because everyone’s speech skills manifest themselves at different times. There is no single learning rule; parents will have to choose from many options, experiment, and observe the baby’s reaction. Patience and the ability to listen to the baby will lead to a positive result.

The first year of a baby’s life is the most important and eventful. Never in life will there be such dramatic changes, such progress in the development of the baby, as in these 12 months.
During this time, the child’s weight triples, 8-12 teeth appear, he can walk (on his own or with the support of adults)…
Despite such dramatic changes, many parents wonder whether their child’s development meets generally accepted standards, or whether such standards exist at all. Today we’ll talk about what a child should be able to do at 1 year old.

Physical indicators: what is considered normal?

Every baby, starting his life path, has different starting opportunities and conditions. It’s not strange if by the end of the first year children arrive with different indicators. The baby is Blank sheet, and what will be written on it depends on many factors.

But, despite the individual characteristics, according to WHO, by the first year of life the child should arrive with the following physical indicators and have the following motor skills:

  • Approximately tripled weight gain;
  • With height increased by half that at birth;
  • Ability to stand, walk (with assistance), squat and climb;
  • Climb stairs (crawling or with the help of adults);
  • Perambulate;
  • Climb onto a chair, sofa;
  • Click on toys that create sounds.

Height and weight parameters are not constant However, in pediatrics there is a table with approximate indicators of the physical parameters of a baby’s development. A balanced approach is important here: if the parents are of a fragile constitution, it is difficult to demand from the child full compliance with accepted standards.

It is important to ensure that your baby’s diet is varied and includes enough foods with calcium and vitamin D.

Cognitive development of the baby: activity and fine motor skills of the hands

The one-year age of a baby is a period of discovery and knowledge of the world, individual phenomena, awareness of the properties and purpose of objects. It is extremely important that during this period the child has the opportunity to fully communicate with parents, older children, and peers. This makes it possible to observe, compare, and repeat actions.

Rita, mother of Yegor, 1 year old: “It turns out that there can be competition between babies. The neighbor’s nine-month-old son knew how to show with his fingers that he would soon be one year old, and mine was one year old, but I didn’t teach him this. The baby learned instantly, and on the same day he not only showed how old he was, but also learned to say “ding” (one in translation).”

Psychologists believe that a one-year-old baby can independently perform the following manipulations:

  • Fold and disassemble the pyramid;
  • Collect small toys in a box or other large toy (bucket, etc.);
  • Build a tower from cubes;
  • “Find” fun for yourself from everyday things (dishes, shoes).
  • Reproduce “life” situations: feeding a doll, combing a dog’s hair, praising or scolding someone in your own language;
  • Take small objects with your fingers and give them back when asked;
  • Roll the ball, roll it to your playing partner;
  • Imitate the actions of adults “like grandfather coughing, dad reading the newspaper, mom putting on lipstick”;
  • Be interested in the contents of drawers, cabinets, open and close them;
  • Imitate the behavior of older children or repeat after peers: squeak, clap, jump.

The mother of eight-month-old Rostislav shared her son’s “invention”: “My son sat in the playpen and laughed loudly. When I approached, I saw an interesting picture: the kid put a pencil (with edges) in a cup, tilted it a little, and the pencil rolled along the walls of the cup, making a clicking sound as it rolled from edge to edge. This sound made the baby laugh merrily, and when the pencil stopped, he tilted the cup again, and the movement continued by inertia.”

Social skills and habits

A one-year-old child, whom parents do not limit in communication and walks, is distinguished from overprotected peers by active behavior, sociability and the desire to try everything, constantly move. Having gained access to an object of interest, the baby pays attention to it, explores it, and tests it with all possible ways, brags to others.

For a one-year-old child, the following behavior is typical:

  • Show your feelings for mom, dad, and favorite toys. To the question “How do you love your mother?” kiss and hug, even bite the adored object;
  • React joyfully to the appearance of a new toy;
  • Rejoice at the arrival of people he knows;
  • Show family members in photos;
  • Be afraid of strangers;
  • Be interested in books, enthusiastically leaf through them, point your finger at familiar animals, objects, and fairy-tale characters;
  • Sing and dance (reaction to playing music);
  • “Be indignant” at the prohibitions or strict tone of elders with the help of facial expressions, grumpy muttering, squeaking, screaming;
  • Imitate many of the actions of adults; vacuuming, talking on the phone, getting ready for work;
  • Praise yourself, look at yourself in the mirror.

The more attention the baby was given, adult “conversations” were had with him, books were “read”, the more knowledge and skills the baby will have by the age of one.

Speech and its understanding

According to neurologists, one of the main skills that a child should be able to do at the age of one year is to understand the speech of others and begin to pronounce his first words. The most important indicator of the normal development of a baby is his reaction to the request of others: “Show me where your ear is, bring the ball, feed the doll, etc.” If there is no reaction, there is cause for concern: the baby may have hearing problems (this is often discovered earlier than a year) or is developmentally delayed.

So what should a 1 year old child know, what is considered normal “vocabulary” by 12 months of age?

  • Pronounce ten separate words;
  • Imitate the sounds made by animals, vehicles, show how the baby himself sings or talks on the phone;
  • Copy the intonation of adults;
  • Pronounce individual words or their substitutes when communicating with other children;
  • Follow the requests of adults, understand the prohibitions;
  • Point to interior items listed by adults;
  • React to your name;
  • Perform game manipulations “okay, peek-a-boo, bye.”


By the age of one year, parents are already well oriented towards the baby’s personal characteristics: calm or capricious, assiduous or too active. This is inherent in nature, and as the wise men of this world said, we can only change a few percent through educational measures.
12 months of age is the period when the child begins to realize that separation from his mother is bad, and the first childhood fears appear. Wise parents- those who patiently explain where they are going, for how long, know how to negotiate with the baby and do not give in to screams and hysterics (at one year old this is already clearly evident).
It is important to teach your child correct reaction for a ban: a serious tone and a calm explanation will eventually develop the baby’s understanding of the word “impossible.”

Household skills

By the age of one year, the child should have mastered some everyday skills:

  • Hold and bite hard food;
  • Drink on your own;
  • Try to eat on your own (with your hands or a special spoon);
  • Understand and actively participate in hygiene procedures: give hands and face to wash, wipe hands;
  • Making the first attempts to dress, reacting to mom’s words “give me one leg, and now the other”;
  • Realize the connection between wet pants and his needs, show that he is uncomfortable because his clothes are wet or he wants to go to the potty.

Is it possible to speed up a baby's development?

The list of what a 1-year-old baby should know and be able to do is quite extensive. How to achieve such a result with only 12 months to spare?
Nature is wise, the child receives basic skills at the genetic level, but relatively psycho-emotional development– there is room here to raise a little prodigy.

Naturally, natural gifts are extremely important, but communication and early development can bring amazing results. Having started teaching a baby to swim at the age of several months, by the age of one year we get a result that is inaccessible to 99% of peers. It is wrong to say that a child does not know how to do anything; it is more correct to admit that his parents did not teach him anything.

How to speed up development: games, activities, travel

How to help your child grow up active, smart and inquisitive? The answer is simple: offer him new objects, impressions, communication not after the child is interested in it, but before that moment, that is, act according to the method of advanced development. This does not require huge financial investments, nannies and tutors. Enough attention, love and desire of the parents themselves.

There are frequent cases when a child sees scissors for the first time and tries to cut with them. kindergarten at the age of 5 years. The story is similar with watercolor paints, glue, colored paper and plasticine. And there are other cases when a one and a half year old child deftly wields scissors, draws with paints using his own palms and, together with adults, glues tear-off appliqués.

Champions, scientists, inventors grow up in those families where the child was offered something new, interesting, and exciting from the cradle. But there is nothing complicated about this: a children's horizontal bar, gymnastics equipment, an encyclopedia, paints and paper, joint travel and constant conversations with the baby - this will give results, and then even at the age of one, the baby will delight you with his successes.

Video on the topic

By the time the child is one and eight years old, we can already talk about his character and individuality. If earlier all the kids reacted approximately the same way to certain things, showed or did not show interest in something, now they are already beginning to develop their own tastes and preferences. This is especially evident among those boys and girls who attend kindergartens and nurseries and are surrounded by their peers. But, nevertheless, parents should still find out the opinion of teachers and pediatricians about what a child should know and be able to do, and what should be taught to him now.


  • Height boys aged 1 year 8 months on average range from 80 to 85 cm. For girls - 78-83 cm.
  • Weight boys at this time is about 11-12.5 kg, and girls - 10-12 kg.
  • Head circumference : 48-50 cm for boys and 46.5-49 cm for girls.
  • Teeth All babies erupt differently, so by the age of one year and 8 months, some may have 13-14 teeth, while others already have all 18.

IMPORTANT! Many parents often worry about their child's teething, but doctors say there is no need to worry. 20 teeth by 2 years is a very average figure. If you have the same number of teeth not by the age of 2, but by the age of 2.5 or even by the age of 3, this is also within the normal range.

For a child to develop physiologically normally, he needs healthy sleep. At this age, ideally, the baby should sleep about 13 hours a day (including night and daytime sleep). If he doesn’t want to fall asleep during the day, then you need to arrange his routine in such a way that he at least just rests in the middle of the day.

Baby skills at 1 year and 8 months

By this age, girls and boys recognize themselves as separate individuals. They are not yet completely “severed” from their mother, but they know for sure that mother and they are different people. Such knowledge is manifested in the fact that many not only know exactly, but can also name their name and the names of their parents.

What else has a child already learned by this age?

  1. Repeat all the actions after adults, try to help and be useful. You shouldn’t limit your child’s attempts, even if they greatly slow down, for example, the cleaning or cooking process.
  2. Clearly express your desires and resist what you don’t want to do - say a clear and clear “No!”
  3. The baby easily identifies primary colors and can show red, blue, yellow, etc. objects. Many children already see and distinguish shades and halftones. The same thing with shapes: the baby knows where the circle is, where the square is and where the triangle is.
  4. By the age of twenty months, children should know where some object known to them is (even if it is out of sight) and bring it at the request of an adult.
  5. The kids begin to show interest in each other and play simple games together.

IMPORTANT! At the age of 1 year 8 months, it is time to instill in children everyday skills: undressing on their own, understanding what certain things are or are not intended for (a potty should not be put on the head, and gloves should not be put on the feet).

Nutrition for a child aged 1 year 8 months

If a child aged 1 year or 8 does not want to eat on his own, this does not mean that he cannot do it. Perhaps he is simply not given enough freedom to show off his skills. Give your baby a spoon and thick, homogeneous food (for example, mashed potatoes) - let him try to scoop up the food himself and put it in his mouth.

A balanced diet for a baby at this age should consist of a number of products

  • Milk and dairy products - about 400 ml per day; It is better to cook porridges and first courses with milk; you should not quench your thirst with this drink; At night, kefir and yogurt are quite appropriate.
  • Meat, poultry or fish - must-have products for every day. From fish, preferably fillet of pike perch or cod; from poultry meat - chicken or turkey (breasts). Cooking method: boiled or steamed. Meat can be given to the baby both in chopped form and in the form of cutlets and meatballs. Sausages, sausages and smoked products are contraindicated.
  • By-products They may well be present in a child’s diet, but they just need to be prepared skillfully. Dishes should be soft enough so that the baby can chew everything calmly. It is best to stew offal (for example, pieces of liver with sour cream).
  • Vegetables They are already given not only in the form of puree, but also simply boiled and finely chopped. Gradually introduce greens (lettuce, dill). However, if the child does not like the taste of greens, then you should not insist.
  • Fruits Must be on baby's menu. In addition to apples, pears, bananas and other already familiar foods, you can try giving your baby citrus and tropical fruits. You just need to do this with extreme caution, because oranges, peaches, kiwi, etc. are strong allergens.
  • Cereals will make the diet not only more varied, but also bring considerable benefits; especially buckwheat and oatmeal. They are boiled in hot water and then add milk.
  • Bread While it is worth leaving only white bread (80 g per day), black bread can cause fermentation in a fragile stomach and, as a result, the child will develop bloating and colic.

Of course, many mothers and grandmothers want to pamper their babies with sweets. But for now you should refrain from pastries, cakes and sweets. And as a dessert (from time to time) offer your child marmalade made with natural juice, apple pectin pastille or natural jam.

The total amount of food for a child one year and 8 years old should be 1200-1300 g per day, taking into account the fact that meals are four times a day and the number of calories is distributed as follows: for breakfast - 20 percent of the daily volume, for lunch - 40, for an afternoon snack - 15 and for dinner - 25 percent.

Speech development of a baby at 1 year and 8 months

By the age of one and a half years, most children have firmly established connections between words and objects. And after this, not only the understanding of speech begins, but also its active development.

At 1 year 8 months, children operate more with sounds than words, but relate them to specific objects: “woof-woof”, “meow”, “muu”, “beee”, etc. - this is a dog, cat, cow, sheep, etc.; “jzhzh” or “bi-bi” - car, “bang” - to fall, etc.

But, nevertheless, there are very specific words that children at this age say (or should already say)

  1. Mom, dad, grandma, uncle, etc.
  2. Simple names, for example, “Alya”, “Anya”, “Danya”, etc.
  3. “Give”, “on” (when giving something), “bye” (necessarily with an appropriate gesture).
  4. From long three-syllable words, the baby makes simple two-syllable ones, for example, “pencil” - “landas”, “fell” - “palya”, “car” - “blue”, etc.

On average, by the age of 1 year 8 months, a baby should already have about 14-15 words in its active vocabulary. However, if this is not the case, do not despair. Many children can remain silent until they are 2-3 years old, limiting themselves only to sounds, and then speak in whole phrases at once.

Now it is important to make sure that the child wants (or even is forced) to say this or that phrase. To do this, repeating the same action each time, for example, when getting ready to go outside, you can tell your child “Let’s go for a walk!” And after a while the baby himself will call you for a walk, saying “Hey, go for a walk!”

Activities and games for a child aged 1 year and 8 months

For harmonious development Every child needs toys. But just buying your child an interactive bunny that makes sounds is, of course, not enough. You definitely need to play with children and teach them while playing.

  1. "Put it on it's place" . This game is suitable for children who cannot sit in one place for a long time, as it requires constant movement. You need to take several items that usually lie in a very specific place (TV remote control on the table, pillows on the sofa, etc.), collect these items on the floor and ask the baby to put everything in its place. Both boys and girls will be pleased to do this, since this activity is similar to cleaning - an “adult” task that children strive for.
  2. "Bowling" . This activity will require props: a medium-sized ball and several fairly light objects (empty ones will do). plastic bottles), which must be put in a row. Move a few steps away from these objects and roll the ball on them, and then ask the baby to do the same. If he is good at skating, let him try to throw the ball and hit the pins.
  3. "Garages and cars" . You need to take several boxes of different sizes and several different cars. Place the boxes next to each other, and then give the baby the cars and ask them to put them in the garage of the required size (large - in the large one, small - in the small one). Later, the task becomes more complicated in that the cars must be rolled along a certain trajectory, overcoming a simple “obstacle course.”
  4. "Fairy Tale on a Magnet" . This is an activity for diligent children. You will need a metal board and several magnets with animal images. We need to read a fairy tale to the child.
  5. So, a fairy tale: “Turnip” or “Kolobok” , and then you need to build a chain of magnets, according to the sequence in which the animals appear in the text. Then the baby must repeat it himself. Later, you can try to read some unknown fairy tale - let the baby try to figure out on his own how to correctly integrate the chain.
  6. "Let's cook lunch" . It is important that children have the opportunity to use some adult things. Therefore, for such a game it is worth giving your child a large saucepan, a couple of spoons, deep plastic plates and a ladle. In different bags or boxes, you need to give the baby cereals, peas, beans, etc. Show how they can be put into a pan with a spoon and mixed, and then placed on plates. The child’s task is to repeat your actions and “cook dinner” on their own.

Not only educational activities are useful for children aged 8 months, but toys are also very important:

  • pyramids;
  • cubes;
  • puzzles;
  • baby dolls large sizes, similar to babies;
  • sets plastic, wooden or fabric figurines of vegetables and fruits;
  • bath toys : ducks, boats, etc.;
  • bucket, scoop and molds for playing with sand;
  • materials for creativity : plasticine, paints (finger paints are possible, but not all children like them), felt-tip pens, paper, etc.;
  • toys that make sounds - a whistle, rubber squeakers, figures with buttons, by pressing which you can hear a wide variety of sounds (mooing of a cow, howling of a siren, human voice, etc.).

We must not forget that a child of 1 year 8 months is still very small, and he needs to be taught everything, even games. Therefore, it is impossible to leave him alone with toys, especially if there are some small parts there.

A whole year has passed since the day a tiny bundle of happiness appeared in your life and your home. What is it - a child at 12 months, what has he become and what awaits him ahead? The restless time of infancy is over, he has grown up, taken his first steps and has already managed to show his character. He learned to frown and laugh wildly, mastered the first communication skills and can already do a lot on his own. What next, what to teach a one-year-old child now, what should his weight be, what to feed, how to develop correctly - we will try to give answers to these questions.

Physical development of a one-year-old baby

The first thing that worries mom, of course, is physical development baby. Thinking about how her child is developed, she involuntarily compares him with other children: thin or plump, stands firmly on his legs or is still unsure. To dispel any doubts that may arise, let us turn to the average statistical indicators.

Looking into the baby's mouth, we will see 12 strong milk teeth. If there are fewer of them, don’t worry - the child’s development by 12 months often progresses according to individual plan. Provide vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium in your baby’s diet – the teeth will grow.

Weight fluctuates between 10 and 11 kilograms (the last increase before weighing is at least 350 grams). Thus, by the age of 1 year a child should gain about 7 kilograms. Let's look at the growth. For a 12 month old child it should be 72-77 centimeters, for last month The increase in height should be 1.5 centimeters. Note that after a year, his physical parameters will change more slowly, because the baby will begin to move more.

New independent actions

As a rule, a child begins to walk at 1 year of age. Its other activities related to environment. The vertical position enriches the physical skills of the baby, and the mind of a great researcher encourages them to use them.

At one year old, the baby is actively exploring the world around him: he no longer depends so much on his mother, so you need to keep an eye on the child - he can end up anywhere
  • Stand firmly on your feet and take your first steps (we recommend reading:). If your child stands poorly and crawls more willingly, you should take him to the pediatrician. The doctor will determine the reason for this behavior and give useful recommendations. You may need to undergo a special massage course. There is no serious reason for concern, but it is desirable that by the age of one year the child confidently stands on his feet.
  • A 12 month old baby is trying to learn how to climb on and off the sofa. Learns to go up and down stairs. If he climbs easily, then when descending, fear may appear, based on the formed instinct of self-preservation. Help the baby, tell me how to do it correctly, so as not to develop a phobia in the child in the future.
  • Independence is also manifested in the desire to hold the spoon yourself. The baby can transfer it from one hand to another, tries to take porridge or puree with it, and learns to eat himself.
  • New skills include scooping up water, opening cabinets, doors, drawers, removing beads over the head, and tearing paper into pieces. While bathing, he can splash not only with his hands, but also with his legs. Once he has learned to stand firmly, he can try to climb out of the bath. Never leave him alone while bathing.

Learning through imitation and active participation

Imitating adults is a natural process for a one-year-old child to learn about the world. If you do exercises in the morning, your baby will repeat gymnastic exercises after you, follow dad into the kitchen and help him repair something. It is important here that the example is correct and useful.

  • The tactile way of studying objects is preserved in a 1-year-old little man. Besides, he still tries to taste what he picks up. Now that he can independently move around the house, carefully monitor what comes into his eyes and hands - put away small and dangerous things so that the child cannot swallow them or put them in his nose and ears.
  • Having been observing the world for a long time from a lying position or in the mother’s arms, by the age of one year the former baby is ready to become the center of the universe. A 12-month-old child develops at a rapid pace (see also:). He wants to take part in everything, he wants to be full actor. If something is forbidden to him or he is not allowed somewhere, the baby is able to show his character and express his dissatisfaction with an angry grumble or scream. Here he also copies you.
  • An important personal hygiene item for a 12-month-old child is a chamber pot. Most parents introduce their baby to it earlier, but if you have not yet accustomed your child to it, use the recommendations given on our website.

There are no fewer dangers lurking right in the baby’s house than on the street, so parents must take measures: buy plugs for sockets, remove sharp objects and medications from the bottom drawers

Speech, emotions and behavior

Having reached the age of one, the child parts with the simplest speech sounds such as “agu” and “gu-gu”, and consciously tries to pronounce syllables and individual words. Subject to normal development, he can please you with 5-10 easy words from his own vocabulary. His main desire is for mom and dad to understand him. Learn to understand your child, especially since if there is a lack of words, the child can supplement his speech with gestures.

In addition, he correctly voices what he sees: his mother will be “ma”, and the car will be “holes” or “shi”. He also understands the words that adults say to him: in response to a remark about an object that it is “kaka,” the child will throw it out of his hands. If your child is stubbornly silent, refer to the video lessons of Dr. Komarovsky. They explain in detail the reasons for such silence and give advice on how to correct the situation.

In a 1-year-old child, the need for emotional expression of his desires and actions also increases. The speech is complemented by tears and laughter, fear and joy. If a baby sees a stranger, he may cry, but a familiar person evokes joyful emotions in him. He reacts well to music, loves to dance to it if he stands firmly on his feet.

Mom should understand that this is a person in front of her, not a baby. Learn to praise a boy or girl for good behavior, say “thank you” to them, setting a personal example of politeness. Stock up on educational games and read to your baby more so that new words appear in his speech.

What to feed a 1 year old baby?

The baby's diet consists of products recommended for feeding a child at the age of one. An exception is the diet of children who have allergic reactions to certain foods. It is not permissible to feed a child for 12 months with spices, chocolate, smoked products, sausages, and spicy foods. The time has come - the baby must be taught to handle a spoon independently. However, Dr. Komarovsky advises keeping formula for a one-year-old child on the menu, but it is better to give it not from a bottle, but by pouring it into a bowl.

A one-year-old baby can slowly switch to adult food, however, not harmful, but useful, which will help him actively develop fully

Special attention Pay attention to the consistency of the food, as the child must develop a chewing reflex. Replace mashed potatoes with stewed potatoes or vegetables. Also include tender meat and fish cutlets in your baby’s diet. Make sure he doesn't bite off large pieces. You can give bread, cookies, fruits. Keep the intervals between feedings at 3.5-4 hours. Give your baby only freshly prepared meals: anything that has been left in the refrigerator for a day is not suitable for the child to eat.

Health and personal hygiene

A visit to the pediatrician with a child aged 1 year is a mandatory procedure. The doctor takes physiological measurements (height, weight, volume chest and head circumference), takes tests. Specialists (orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon) check the baby in their areas. Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist and dentist so as not to miss any little details in the child’s development. Personal hygiene of the baby consists of:

  • ability to wash hands and face, attempts to brush teeth;
  • mandatory hand washing after going outside and before eating;
  • evening bathing or rinsing in the shower;
  • personal hygiene items (soap, towel, toothbrush, comb).

The issue of vaccination is discussed with the pediatrician. Lately There are numerous debates about the advisability and safety of vaccinations. Many children tolerate various vaccinations well, but there is always a risk of individual intolerance. It is wrong to discuss something based on rumors; it is better to consult a doctor. You should not decide on your own whether to refuse vaccination. The topic of vaccinations is covered in detail in other materials on our website.
