How to expand your vocabulary of words. How to replenish your vocabulary with smart words? All this applies to both adults and children

Want to expand your vocabulary? 4 tips to help improve your vocabulary and show off your knowledge in front of your friends.

The Russian language is perhaps the most expressive language in the world.

And the number of words of our great and mighty exceeds five hundred thousand.

Well, just imagine!

Of all these five hundred thousand beautiful words that can express the beauty of the soul and the surrounding world, you know at most 4-5 thousand, and use even less.

Want to argue?

Here's a little test for you.

Write its meaning next to each next word (be honest with yourself - no one is looking at you :)):

  • suffragette
  • gentile
  • penance
  • aberration
  • slander
  • columella
  • frap

Enough for the first time.

Now tell me, how many words from this list do you know?

How much do you use? Zero? Not much!

However, no need to worry!

Better think about it how to increase vocabulary and show off your knowledge to your friends.

great and mighty

Friends, I want to say that you (and my company) are incredibly lucky.

Already from birth you have received the most powerful and expressive tool at your disposal -.

There is no other language in the world that can so emotionally reflect a storm of feelings, experiences and indignation.

Sometimes we only need one word to express a feeling or emotion, while foreigners need whole sentences.

It is not for nothing that the greatest poets sang “great and mighty,” and many nations still sing the praises of our poets and writers.

And knowing what wealth you got, it’s simply a shame not to use it and to be an illiterate lazy person!

So let's gather our courage and think how to expand your vocabulary.

And I, in turn, will help you with this.

How to increase your vocabulary: increasing your IQ

Naturally, you will never be able to use all five hundred thousand words, and it will be impossible to remember them.

However, I can guarantee you a couple of extra thousand.

But only if you apply the tips you received and start working on your vocabulary.

So, as a small introduction, I will say that the vocabulary of each person is divided into passive and active:

  • passive - all the words that we know but do not use,
  • active – all the words we use in our everyday vocabulary.

And if your passive vocabulary can count 4 thousand words, then your active one is unlikely to exceed 3 thousand.

So now your goal is to maximize improve vocabulary.

Tip 1. Engage in retelling and expand your vocabulary

If you didn’t like retellings at school, then you shouldn’t have.

After all, these are not stupid inventions of teachers, but tasks aimed at developing the child’s vocabulary.

And in adult life you will have to return to them again.

What is required of you?

Read a short story or chapter from a book, then tell yourself what you read out loud.

Retell the text in as much detail as possible, using all the words in the text.

If you don’t know these words, then you will have to memorize them.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is so-called basic English, consisting of 850 words. It is believed that this is enough for ordinary life.
  • The lexicon of A. S. Pushkin’s works contains more than 20,000 words.

Thinking how to improve vocabulary, start reading all the books out loud.

By reading aloud we also expand our vocabulary.

After all, if you quickly skim the text with your eyes, unfamiliar words may not stick in your memory.

But when reading aloud, all rare and unfamiliar words will be better remembered.

By constantly reading aloud, later you may not even notice how you begin to use more words and expressions in your everyday vocabulary.

Tip 3. Use unfamiliar words and improve your vocabulary

Remember the main rule: unfamiliar words will never stick in your memory if you simply learn them.

So do things differently.

In the evening, choose 2-3 new words for yourself, and the next day try to use them by inserting them into sentences.

For example, take the first word “suffragette” and use it on any appropriate occasion.

Your friend refused to go through the door that was open to her, and you said to her: “What are you, a suffragette?” (I imagined your friend’s reaction for a minute – it became funny :)).

People who can speak well and convincingly are often more successful than those who have to “reach into their pockets” for every word. That is why recommendations teaching how to replenish your vocabulary with smart words are so popular.

How to improve and develop your speech and vocabulary?

The need to increase vocabulary and improve speech is experienced by those specialists whose responsibilities include being active with various people, frequent speaking in front of an audience, and participating in business correspondence. Like any element of self-improvement, speech development takes quite a long time.

The development of vocabulary in any language begins in childhood. Reading books, especially classical literature, is especially useful for enriching your vocabulary. For example, L.N. can help in replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin, A.P. Chekhov and other recognized writers of the past and present. But even those who, considering the classics boring, read detective stories and romance novels, still expand their active vocabulary and improve their literacy.

In addition, the following helps to replenish your vocabulary:

  • learning any foreign language (when learning different words that have the same meaning, the number of neural connections in the brain increases, and it is much easier to find the right word in a conversation);
  • daily keeping of notes about the past day (entries in a diary teach an individual to formulate his thoughts correctly and clearly, and it is easier to find new words to describe the situation);
  • linguistic entertainment - crosswords, scanwords, charades, Scrabble, etc.

How to increase your vocabulary in communication?

Communication with erudite and educated people helps to replenish your vocabulary with smart words. Complex terms and professionalisms that use these should be written down, and in your free time, learn their meaning. At every opportunity, the learned terms should be introduced into your speech. Over time, this word will enter a person’s active vocabulary and will be used appropriately without effort.

“Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they know another language.”

(H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

“Never laugh at a person who speaks broken English. This means that he knows another language.” (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)

An extensive vocabulary is the basis and guarantee of high-quality knowledge of the English language. However, other areas of its study should not be underestimated, such as grammar, speaking, reading and writing. If you know thousands and thousands of English words without knowing how to link them into sentences and phrases, then such training, to put it mildly, will not make much sense.

Any training must have a comprehensive and thoughtful approach.

But in this book we will be happy to share with you secrets and life hacks of Aishe Borseitova’s technique, which will be devoted to high-quality and effective replenishment of your vocabulary.

You will be able to put these techniques into practice and see that English is much easier and more accessible than you previously imagined!

You will also be exposed to common myths and prejudices that prevent you from expanding your vocabulary.

You just need to find the key to it and the appropriate technique, which will open up a huge number of possibilities for you!

Learn English with pleasure with us! Make English work for you, and not the other way around!

A modern person who uses cultural speech for communication and has a rich vocabulary is perceived by others as a well-mannered, highly educated and pleasant person to communicate with. In addition, the richness of speech indicates that the person using it has great creative abilities and a high level of intellectual development. Such people easily get the job they are interested in, quickly rise up the career ladder, and their opinion is highly valued by everyone around them.

We can say that imagery and richness of speech are the key to success for anyone. But if this is so, then learn to speak correctly and beautifully? To do this, you need to take advice from experts.

Tip 1.

Think about how often during the day you say banal phrases and words in standard and everyday situations. Write them down and arm yourself with a dictionary of synonyms or an explanatory dictionary. On their pages, find the words that are boring to you, which are repeated by everyone every day, and study the list of words that can be replaced with them. Read it out loud and find the options that seem most natural and appropriate to you. pronounce them. Repeat your exercises until new words begin to be pronounced organically and become an integral part of your speech.

Tip 2.

The main source of new words for any person is communication. When talking with someone, you get a great opportunity to hear new words that your interlocutor uses. Try as much as possible with colleagues, relatives, while using new words. In addition to expanding your own vocabulary, you will learn to correctly and appropriately use words that have recently appeared in your arsenal.

Tip 3.

Another way of how to improve your vocabulary, is reading books. Start reading with those authors who are most interesting and understandable to you. Gradually begin to move on to literature that is more difficult for you. If in the process of reading you come across new and incomprehensible words or expressions, do not be lazy and write them down in order to later parse them and learn how to use them in your own speech.

Tip 4.

Try as much as possible. To do this, it is not necessary to write your own works; it is enough to rewrite the works of other authors. This will not only enrich your vocabulary, but also help improve your overall literacy.

Tip 5.

Solving crossword puzzles is not only a tool for killing time, but also a great way to improve erudition and increase vocabulary. You can always take them with you on vacation, on the train. You can solve them during a long wait or when you have nothing else to do. To make this activity more productive, try to give preference to crossword puzzles from well-known publications that have a good reputation in the market.

Tip 6.

If you don't have free time or spend most of your life on the road, listening to audiobooks can be a great solution for you. This method of expanding vocabulary can also be recommended for those who better perceive information by ear. From any point of view, rather than wasting time aimlessly standing in a traffic jam or in a queue, it is better to devote it to listening to audiobooks.

The tips given are not exhaustive. There are other ways to expand your vocabulary. But even if you decide to use only them, it will help you enrich your vocabulary.


Skill helps to make an impression and move up the career ladder. This is not about using a couple of memorized clever phrases, but about colorful dialogue. An interlocutor who constructs sentences correctly and uses interesting words attracts people's attention. You want to make friends with such a person; it’s nice to communicate with him. Anyone can learn this skill. How to expand your vocabulary?

Vocabulary test

Before you begin the practice exercises, make sure that your speech is sparse and banal. Striving for perfection is encouraged, but you run the risk of overdoing it. As a result, you will look not like an educated and erudite person, but like a bore and a vain smartass.

To check your vocabulary, take a dictionary yourself. Then open the book to any page and read the words. Honestly mark those that you hear for the first time and do not know the meaning. The next step is to count the number of familiar words and multiply by the number of dictionary pages. The resulting figure reflects vocabulary. For a foreigner, the average is up to 5000 words, for a native speaker it is twice as much.

How to replenish your vocabulary with smart words?

Read books. Start with the works of your favorite authors. Even if these are ironic detective stories or romance novels. Then select literature from different genres, since each author has his own catchwords and favorite phrases. You will find a treasure trove of new words in Pushkin’s poems. In his work, Alexander Sergeevich used more than 20,000 words. This is despite the fact that a modern person has accumulated no more than 4,000 words in his passive assets. Of these, only 3000 are used. This method is suitable for people who have visual memory. The more often a new word is encountered, the faster a person will remember it and begin to use it in speech.
Learn by heart. The method is suitable for people who perceive information by ear. Learn poems, write out and memorize aphorisms and proverbs. The last two genres are great to use in conversation, inserting sayings of famous people into the topic. Reading books out loud helps a lot. Words are remembered better when spoken than when read fluently. This method helps not only in expanding vocabulary, but is also used to develop speech. Suitable for people who study.
Listen to audiobooks. Advice for those who do not have a free hour a day to read. The entries are easy to use. Listen to books while jogging, while commuting to work, during your lunch break. Memorize or write down unfamiliar words, then find out their meaning. Over time, you will develop a vocabulary with new words.

Retell what you read. Everyone's least favorite school essays were not invented in vain. The material is better reinforced if you retell the contents after reading the book. Share the story with your significant other, tell a colleague or friend. When retelling the plot of the work, use the words you learned about from the book. Then check yourself. Read the chapter of the book again and highlight the words that you did not use during the retelling. Write them down and use them when necessary.

Let's start, make new acquaintances. If the interlocutor does not use unfamiliar speech patterns, then you should not end the conversation. Practice using new words while talking in a group, discussing a released movie, or presenting a project to your boss. Practice helps to enrich your vocabulary. Pay attention to closed people, those who live on their own or... The speech of such individuals is poor, so verbal expressions are replaced by gestures.

How to expand your vocabulary and put your speech correctly?

Work with dictionaries. The scarcity of speech is due to the use of the same words. Take a dictionary of synonyms and select words that are close in meaning. To deliver your speech, use phraseological units and antonyms. If you are planning to study foreign languages, then a dictionary of borrowed words will come in handy. The collection indicates the origin and meaning of words. Their use will brighten up your speech and show you from a developed side. Then, when learning foreign languages, some of the words will be familiar.

Repeat new words. For the richness of speech, it is important not only to use rare and non-trivial phrases. The main thing is to understand their meaning and pronounce it correctly. Therefore, after working with the dictionary, write down the words you like, pay attention to the meaning (there are several). Such books indicate options for using the word and in what context it is appropriate to use it. Keep these tips in mind. Read out loud the written phrases and sentences so that at the right moment you can pronounce them easily, naturally and with the correct emphasis.
Write. Correct speech depends on a person's literacy. If you don’t have the talent for writing articles or composing poetry, then keep a regular diary. Write down the events of the past day, including achievements in the field of vocabulary acquisition. Another option is to rewrite the works of authors you like. Daily exercise will definitely bring results.

Be curious. When you hear an unfamiliar word, look up the meaning in the dictionary. Open the encyclopedia, study the material on this topic. Of course, not everyone has a whole library at home. In this case, use the Internet. Wikipedia contains condensed facts on the topic and indicates the meaning of words.

Some tips for those who are not ready for reading and everyday work. The easiest way is to solve crossword puzzles. A large selection of different charades is presented on store shelves. The method is interesting because it is easier to guess a word, because sometimes several letters are known. The subconscious mind throws up the desired option, which has long been recorded in the person’s memory. At the same time, a person not only remembers forgotten words, but also learns their meaning. Daily training significantly increases intellectual development. By the way, there are crosswords dedicated to a specific topic. By choosing such collections, you can quickly pick up new words in the desired area.

How to expand your vocabulary?

Use words. A working and simple method. Fix a new word, find out the meaning and use it within a week. After the specified period, you will pronounce new phrases automatically, without making any serious effort. In a week, 2-3 words can be easily memorized in this way.
Watch TV. Today there are many programs dedicated to the lives of great people and the study of global problems. By watching erudite programs, you expand your knowledge, make discoveries, and memorize words in a relaxed atmosphere. To better assimilate the material, share the facts you hear and see in the program with your friends. This advice applies to educational programs only. Watching TV series will not bring the expected result.

Prepare notes. The method is popular when learning foreign languages, but is also suitable for enriching your vocabulary. Write down unfamiliar words and briefly the meaning of phrases on pieces of paper. Then place notes around the apartment. While doing household chores or relaxing, you will come across clues. Over time, the words will become firmly embedded in memory.

Replenishing your vocabulary does not require Herculean efforts. Get started today by reading a chapter of a book you bought a long time ago or listening to an audio recording on a topic that interests you. In any business, consistency is important. The same is true when learning new words. By working on your vocabulary for just 1 hour a day, you will expand your knowledge, gain confidence in business meetings, and gain intellectual development.

March 18, 2014, 10:17