Pain and sensations: what the expectant mother feels.


When the calendar marks the 38th obstetric week of pregnancy, the discomfort caused by an enlarged uterus and the displacement of organs from their usual places reaches its apogee. In this regard, a woman may have problems falling asleep, which inevitably affects her well-being and mood. Painful sensations occur:

  • in the pelvis and pubic symphysis;
  • in the sacral area;
  • in the lower back;
  • in the calf muscles;
  • in my head.

About two weeks before giving birth, pain may intensify, especially in the pelvic area. Here there is an increase in the elasticity of the ligaments, which will allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Be sure to talk to your doctor if the pain does not go away and only gets worse.


Discharge at the 38th week of pregnancy normally remains the same as before - whitish in color without a pungent odor. Except that by this time there may be a little more of them. This is explained by the fact that the cervical canal opens, and the cervix softens and shortens.

Watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

If a woman finds mucus with blood clots, this may be a harbinger imminent birth- removal of the plug.

If such suspicious discharge appears, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance doctor, who, after examination, will determine where to send the pregnant woman - to a maternity hospital or an antenatal clinic.


When compared with earlier stages of gestation, movements at the 38th week of pregnancy are felt by the mother much less frequently.

The decrease in the baby’s activity is due to completely objective reasons: there is no free space left in the uterus. The child sleeps almost all the time, sucking his finger.

During the waking cycle, the mother feels him tossing and turning, trying to stretch his muscles, or hiccupping. A mother needs to listen sensitively to her baby’s movements every day. If they occur very rarely or too often, you need to inform your gynecologist.

Complications at 38 weeks of pregnancy

If complications arise at the 38th week of pregnancy, the gynecologist decides what to do next: send the pregnant woman to the maternity hospital for emergency delivery or begin treatment in a hospital. The most common problem women face is late toxicosis. If the expectant mother feels sick all the time, has severe swelling and high blood pressure, then this may be gestosis. Need immediate medical attention.

In addition, complications of the 38th week include placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, multiple pregnancy, large fetus and immaturity of the birth canal.

Women who have had miscarriages in the past can also be hospitalized before giving birth.

Position of the baby in the uterus

By the 38th week, the fetus has already taken a head-down position, pressing ever more tightly against the pelvic bones. From the pressure exerted, the woman feels severe discomfort in the area of ​​the womb and sacrum. A gynecologist performs a weekly examination to determine the position of the baby in the womb. If it is not what is necessary for a safe and comfortable delivery - feet down or across the uterus, then the pregnant woman may be prescribed C-section. This will help avoid complications during childbirth.

Necessary studies and analyzes

A pregnant woman should visit an antenatal clinic once a week. In addition to determining the position of the child, the doctor performs the following procedures:

  • listens to the baby's heart beat;
  • measures abdominal circumference, fundal height of the uterus;
  • records weight gain and arterial pressure;
  • gives directions for urine and blood tests;
  • if necessary, conducts an examination on a gynecological chair (takes a smear for microflora, determines the degree of dilatation of the cervix).

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the exchange card should be constantly in the expectant mother’s bag, it must be carried with her everywhere. If labor suddenly begins and the woman is taken to the maternity hospital, this document will help obstetricians-gynecologists familiarize themselves with the course of pregnancy, find out all the indications and contraindications. The exchange card contains information about all ultrasound examinations, as well as about the triple test (hCG, estriol and AFP) - the most important screening that determines the presence or absence of genetic pathologies in the embryo.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks

An ultrasound examination is carried out at 38 weeks strictly according to the doctor’s direction. Usually, a gynecologist using this method tries to clarify specific questions: what is the degree of maturity of the placenta, is there oxygen starvation or entanglement in the umbilical cord, what is the condition and quantity amniotic fluid. Depending on the results obtained from the ultrasound, the doctor gives his opinion on the state of health of the mother and child, as well as recommendations on choosing the option of delivery.

If 36 weeks have passed since the conception of your baby, then, according to the obstetric counting system, you are already 38 weeks pregnant and be prepared that labor can begin at any moment. The baby is already fully formed and ready for extrauterine development.

Baby development at 38 weeks

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby can be considered as preparation for childbirth and life outside the tummy.

  • At 38 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development follows a cumulative principle. The baby will need active accumulation of subcutaneous fat for thermoregulation;
  • The adrenal glands actively accumulate adrenaline and norepinephrine, which will help him cope with the stress of birth;
  • There is a sterile environment in the baby’s intestines; beneficial bacteria will enter it with the first sips of your colostrum;
  • Placenta at 38 weeks of pregnancy of the second or third degree of maturity;

It still copes with its functions, but you need to protect yourself and the placenta from premature wear. And this is the maximum healthy image life, walks and breathing exercises, which you can do until the birth.

  • The respiratory system of the fetus at the 38th week of pregnancy is formed and immediately after birth it will start with the first breath;
  • In organism baby is coming accumulation of iron, which is useful for independent hematopoiesis;
  • Externally, the baby is already fully formed, its weight can reach 3 kg, with a height of up to 50 centimeters. Please note that in recent weeks, weight gain should not exceed 200 grams;

The weight of a child at 38 weeks of pregnancy can vary significantly and genetic inheritance, in this case, plays an important role.

If your husband or you were strong newborns, then you can’t expect your baby to weigh less than 3 kilos at birth.

  • The baby's skin is pink, there are hairs only on the head, and the nails on the fingers are soft from water, which will immediately harden after birth;
  • The volumes of the head and abdomen practically coincide, the shoulders are retracted and somewhat rounded;
  • The baby should already be busy correct position in the uterus with the head down.

Breech presentation of the fetus at 38 weeks is a reason to refuse natural childbirth, but now more and more maternity hospitals are accepting natural childbirth and with this position of the baby.

Mom's well-being

Every week your weight and the weight of your baby is steadily growing and this does not make you feel any lighter. But at the same time, we can talk about some advantages of the last weeks of pregnancy.

  1. As a rule, by the 38th week of pregnancy, the stomach has dropped, so you can breathe deeply, and the feeling of heartburn practically goes away;
  2. But you are already quite fed up with the constant urge to go to the toilet. The reason is banal - pressing on the uterus bladder, so try lying down more comfortably to lower your blood pressure or visit the restroom more often;
  3. Your mood may change several times a day; at the same time you want to hug your baby quickly, but at the same time you are scared of childbirth.

If you haven’t attended an in-person course on preparing for childbirth, then take a look at the online course, where you will find an analysis of each stage of childbirth + methods for naturally easing the sensations of labor. Follow the link to the course: Easy childbirth >>>

Uterus size

The uterus at 38 weeks of pregnancy is 36 centimeters in height, the cervix is this period somewhat softened and gradually shortened, which provokes the passage of the mucus plug.

Know! This process can last several days or the plug comes off all at once.

Pain at 38 weeks

Your weight at 38 weeks of pregnancy has increased from your initial body weight by at least 11 kilograms, and sometimes this figure exceeds 20 kilograms.

With these parameters, the load on your back and legs increases, so you may experience various pain symptoms:

  • Back pain;

A protruding belly, a change in the center of gravity, and a gradual expansion of the pelvic bones cause constant nagging pain in the sacral area; at 38 weeks of pregnancy, the lower back hurts.

  • Abdominal pain;

Training contractions and the feeling that your stomach is turning to stone become more frequent at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

If they become systematic, and the time between contractions decreases, it’s time for you to go to the maternity hospital.

The stomach may also hurt due to digestive problems. Do not overeat, make sure that your stool is regular, eat healthy and quickly digestible foods.

Feelings of tugging in the abdomen at 38 weeks of pregnancy are associated with prolapse of the abdomen and additional stress on the muscles or additional pressure on the pubic area.

  • Leg pain;

It is quite normal if after a walk you feel tingling or heaviness in your legs; as a rule, these unpleasant symptoms go away after rest.

The same principle with swelling. Your body stores fluid in the prenatal period to cover blood loss during labor, so evening swelling is normal at 38 weeks pregnant.

  • Headache;

Worries and insomnia that accompany you in the last weeks of pregnancy can trigger headaches. The best medicine is rest and a walk fresh air.

  • At 38 weeks, you may experience constipation or inflammation of hemorrhoids.

There must be a comprehensive approach to this problem. Nutrition is adjusted, local medications are used to eliminate inflammation and itching in the perineal area, and bowel regularity is monitored.

Bleeding. Discharge

  1. Bloody discharge is normal in the first days after childbirth, but before that it is a dangerous symptom that requires consultation with a doctor;
  2. But don’t be alarmed if you see small brown mucous clots in the discharge, this is a plug coming off;
  3. Inflamed hemorrhoids or cervical erosion can also bleed, especially after examination by a gynecologist;
  4. Normal discharge at the 38th week of pregnancy is transparent, without any obvious odor, but note that its amount is slightly increased compared to previous weeks;
  5. Curd discharge with a sour milk smell, accompanied by a burning sensation - this is a sign of thrush;
  1. Greenish, yellow tint discharge is a pathology indicating inflammatory or purulent processes in the genitals. Urgent diagnosis and treatment is necessary;
  2. Abundant transparent discharge with a distinct sweetish odor is the release of amniotic fluid and a reason to immediately go to the hospital.

Feelings at 38 weeks

At the 38th week of pregnancy, everything that happens to the mother is a preparatory stage for childbirth.

  • If you feel sleepy, do not deny yourself the opportunity to sleep, you need sleep;

During rest, the nervous system is restored, the body relaxes, and swelling decreases. In addition, no one knows how quickly labor will occur, so you need to save your strength.

  • Along with rapid fatigue, you may feel a surge in activity, which is due to the hormone oxytocin;

But you shouldn’t move mountains, so as not to provoke premature birth, but now is the time to go through the baby’s dowry and check the contents of the bag at the maternity hospital.

  • You may note that the baby’s movements at 38 weeks of pregnancy are not so strong, it’s just that the baby is very cramped in the tummy and he practically does not move his arms or legs;

But although small, there should be fluctuations at least 10 times in 12 hours. Fetal subsidence can be regarded as a harbinger of labor.

  • At 38 weeks you may notice a lack of appetite. Your worries about the upcoming birth process may be to blame. You may even lose a few kilos at this stage;
  • In addition, stool disorders are often observed at 38 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Another sensation at 38 weeks of pregnancy is severe breast swelling and yellowish discharge from the nipples. This colostrum, which will become the main food for the baby after childbirth (read on the topic: Colostrum during pregnancy >>>).

Narrow issues of pregnancy

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you need to be especially attentive to your health.


One of the precursors of labor may be a slight increase in body temperature.

So, a temperature of 37 or 37.3 degrees is considered quite normal, this is explained by an increase in blood flow in the prenatal period, the accumulation of fluid in the body and an increase in sweating.

Cold at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Be careful, if, in addition to a rise in temperature, you have aching joints, a runny nose, a sore throat or a cough, then most likely you have a cold.

Before giving birth, your body is most susceptible to various types of bacteria and viruses, the immune system weakened, so treatment should be started immediately.

Of course, from medicines better to refuse, but folk remedies safe and no less effective.

Mandatory conditions for the treatment of colds at 38 weeks of pregnancy are:

  1. bed rest;
  2. plenty of warm drinks;
  3. vitamins, in the form of fruits and vegetables;
  4. teas from medicinal herbs, which are not contraindicated during pregnancy (read the article: Herbal tea during pregnancy >>>).


If there are no contraindications and you feel normal, then sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy is allowed.

  • Firstly, positive emotions and the hormone of happiness will be useful for both you and the baby;
  • Secondly, during orgasm, the uterus contracts, and these are a kind of training contractions, quite acceptable at 38 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Thirdly, the partner’s seminal fluid has a softening effect on the walls of the cervix, which contributes to its normal opening during labor.

Alcohol at 38 weeks

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy, and especially in the last weeks, is prohibited. Alcohol easily penetrates the baby’s body, poisoning it. Ethanol also has a negative effect on brain activity.

In addition, alcohol can cause bleeding, increased blood pressure, and swelling in the mother.

Harbingers of childbirth

After 37 weeks, the pregnancy is considered full-term and labor can begin at any time. Be attentive to changes in your body and do not miss birth warning signs. At 38 weeks of pregnancy there may be several of them:

  1. Training contractions become regular, the time between them is reduced, while the contractions themselves lengthen;

To distinguish real contractions from training contractions, simply walk around the room or take a warm shower. Braxton Hicks contractions should subside.

  1. A drooping belly at 38 weeks of pregnancy indicates that labor is imminent;
  2. At 38 weeks of pregnancy, period-like pain that does not subside may be a sign of the onset of labor. But there is no need to rush or go anywhere. Wait for rhythmic contractions and then go to the maternity hospital;
  3. Slight weight loss, stool upset;
  4. Removal of the mucus plug;
  5. Quiet baby.

Note! At the 38th week of pregnancy, precursors of labor in multiparous women may appear on the eve of the onset of labor, and the process itself continues at an accelerated pace.

But in first-time mothers, the belly may drop a few weeks before giving birth, and the plug will come off gradually, a few days before the main event.

Lifestyle and preparation for childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy

  • You continue to lead a healthy lifestyle, despite fatigue, do not skip evening walks in the fresh air, which help normalize sleep (see article

The 38th week of pregnancy is the ninth obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 260-266 days have passed since conception. The period when birth is no longer considered premature. They can happen at any minute, since the baby is already completely ready for life outside the womb, all of his internal organs and systems are formed and fully functioning.

38 weeks of pregnancy. Norms for fetal size and development

What happens to the baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy. What is the size and weight of the fetus? At 38 weeks, the baby already looks just like an adult, only with smaller proportions:

  1. The baby's height is 48-51 cm, weight - 2.7-3.7 kg. Head circumference - 309-357 mm, abdomen - 304-368 mm, volume chest- 99 mm. Heart rate per minute - not less than 120 and not more than 160.
  2. There was practically no original lubricant left on the skin, and the hair fluff (lanugo), which previously covered the entire body, remained in small quantities only on the back and ears.
  3. The fetal lungs are in dormant mode, but are already fully formed and ready for the first breath.
  4. The intestines are filled with original feces - meconium, which will be released immediately upon birth.
  5. The reproductive system is also formed. The boys' testicles took their proper place in the scrotum, and the girl's outer labia closed the inner ones, the genital slit was closed.
  6. The liver and pancreas are not yet fully developed; their final formation will occur during the first year of a newborn’s life.

The 38th week of pregnancy is different in that the baby’s weight gain slows down, amounting to no more than 200 grams per week. This is due to the fact that the placenta loses its former plethora, its thickness decreases, as a result of which the baby receives less nutrients and oxygen. The same nutrients that manage to get to the fetus are only enough to maintain its life support.

The 38th week of pregnancy is a period when many expectant mothers notice that the baby “calms down”, its movements become less active and are felt less and less often. There is no need to worry about this: the baby simply becomes cramped in the uterus, there is not enough space for active movements of the arms and legs, so he prefers to sleep most of the time.

However, movements at 38 weeks of pregnancy are the main indicator of a normal course. intrauterine development the fetus, and if they are felt less frequently than 10-12 times a day, this is a significant reason to contact a doctor as soon as possible: a reduction in their number may be a consequence of a lack of oxygen in the fetus.

Photo of the belly at 38 weeks of pregnancy

38th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor

At 38 weeks, abdominal prolapse may occur, which reduces pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, and the heartburn, which had been haunting me until this time, finally goes away, it becomes easier to breathe. But, at the same time, the drooping tummy begins to press down on the pelvic bones, which makes it very difficult for the expectant mother not only to walk, but also to lie down and move in general.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the abdomen reaches a significant size in appearance and becomes very stretched, which is why the expectant mother becomes clumsy and clumsy. The navel stretches and even turns out, a thick brown stripe is observed from the pubis to the chest, the skin of the abdomen begins to dry out more and more often. There is no reason to worry: after childbirth, everything will definitely return to its previous form. And in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks), it is recommended to lubricate the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs twice a day with a thick layer of a special cream or oil.

The 38th week of pregnancy, according to experts, is a period when most mothers experience an unprecedented surge of strength, energy and a great desire to bring perfect cleanliness to their home before the baby arrives. The main thing here is not to overdo it, since active movements can trigger labor at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, at 38 weeks of pregnancy, many mothers also note an increase in training contractions, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, and in common parlance as false contractions. They differ from real ones in their short duration and different intervals between contractions.

Possible pain and its causes at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Feel

  • Back pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy, particularly in the lumbar region. A pregnant woman's belly is already very large and protrudes forward, so to maintain balance, the mother has to arch her back greatly. The extra pounds gained also make themselves felt, which can result in back pain, particularly in the lumbar region. To alleviate them, doctors recommend wearing a bandage, preferably a universal one, which will also be very useful after childbirth. In addition, you should rest more, lie down and put less strain on your back.
  • Stomach ache. In addition to short false contractions, pain in the navel area and unpleasant painful sensations in the area of ​​the stomach or intestines. Such pains usually indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract and stool retention. That is why at 38 weeks it is recommended to eat food in small fractional portions with a predominance of foods containing fiber and pectin. These include: baked apples, zucchini, pumpkin, beans, and various grains. Fresh fermented milk products, prunes and plums have a strong laxative effect. If normalizing the diet does not help, you can resort to laxatives allowed during pregnancy: duphalac, phytomucil, senade, glycerin suppositories. It is important to remember that problems with stool can provoke not only childbirth, but also the appearance of hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  • Pelvic pain, leg cramps. The 38th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby’s head is already firmly attached to the fundus of the uterus, against which background pain may develop in the pelvis, pubis, and groin. In this case, to relieve pain, it is recommended to use the knee-elbow position. If pain, including cramps, is felt in the calf muscles, then you should visit a doctor: this may indicate a lack of calcium in the body and you may need to prescribe additional calcium-containing medications.

38 weeks of pregnancy: discharge

Normally, during pregnancy, the discharge should be clear or whitish in color and have a slightly sour odor. At 38 weeks, a significant increase may be observed: the cervix begins to intensively prepare for childbirth, opening slightly and secreting mucus.

It is at the 38th week of pregnancy that it is very important to closely monitor vaginal secretions: childbirth can occur at any time, and if the discharge suddenly takes on a cotton-like appearance, yellow or greenish color, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will take a smear and prescribe appropriate treatment, since such discharge indicates the appearance of a sexually transmitted infection. It is advisable to treat this infection before the onset of labor: when moving through the birth canal, the baby may become infected, which will adversely affect the further development of the newborn.

If you notice streaks of blood in the discharge, or their color has acquired a pinkish tint, this indicates the removal of the plug. You should be prepared for the fact that labor can begin at any time.

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, you should be very careful about copious watery discharge, which may directly indicate water leakage. Normally, this should not happen; this leakage indicates the opening of the cervix and an increased risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In addition to discharge from the genital tract, at 38 weeks of pregnancy you can notice thick discharge yellowish color from the chest. This is the so-called colostrum, which the baby will eat until the milk comes in. It is considered very nutritious and beneficial for the newborn. It is not recommended to squeeze it out; it is advisable to simply wipe the nipples with a damp towel.

By this time everything mandatory ultrasound must be passed. If the doctor leading the pregnancy, for some reason, decided to prescribe an additional one at the 38th week of pregnancy, then there is a suspicion of deviations in the correct course of pregnancy.

But don't worry. Ultrasound is an absolutely safe procedure for both mother and baby. In addition, this is a reason to once again make sure that the child is not in danger, or, on the contrary, to prevent terrible consequences if it is confirmed that the child is in a serious condition, for example, experiencing an acute lack of oxygen or the amount of amniotic fluid has reached a critical level.

It is important to remember that the 38th week of pregnancy is a rather alarming period: the onset of labor can catch a pregnant woman at any moment, anywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable not to go out unaccompanied loved one. If for some reason you had to do this, you should try not to go far from home for a long period of time. The phone should always be at hand and charged;
  • You should always have SNILS, passport, birth certificate, medical insurance with you;
  • only positive emotions and no stress;
  • If you haven’t had time to attend courses for pregnant women, then now is the time to do so. During them you will not only learn correct behavior in childbirth, but also in caring for the baby in the first days of his extrauterine life;
  • decide on the choice of maternity hospital, and also clarify the list of things necessary for mother and child during their stay in the maternity hospital;
  • Slow walks in the fresh air are very useful, as they are beneficial not only for the general well-being of the mother and fetus, but also promote restful sleep.

The 38th week of pregnancy is a period when women in labor increasingly complain of insomnia or very short sleep. It is normal to sleep at least 8 hours a day: sleep plays a fundamental role in proper functioning nervous system not only the mother, but also the fetus. In addition, during sleep, all the internal systems of the body are relaxed, which contributes to the rapid restoration of strength before the most significant and important event in the life of every woman - the birth of a baby!

Pregnancy is a wonderful and desirable state for a woman. Expectant mothers are counting down the days with impatience and slight apprehension until they hold their baby in their arms.

38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the time when you should start actively preparing for childbirth. Girls are usually born a little earlier, boys a little later. But in general, this period is considered optimal for the birth of a child.

Harbingers of imminent birth:

  • the stomach drops;
  • pressure on the stomach and diaphragm is reduced;
  • appetite appears;
  • a thirst for activity appears and so on.

But there are also unpleasant companions to the prenatal process: swelling increases, anxiety increases, sleep deteriorates, and false contractions appear.

It is important to learn to distinguish real contractions from false ones. The pain from the latter spreads only to the abdomen and does not radiate to the back or pelvis. You can check them very simply: just move a little or change position, this will ease the condition and relieve discomfort if the contractions are false.

Condition of the fetus at 38-39 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

As for the baby, by this time he gains weight from 3 kilograms or more, grows at least 47 cm, and loses the vernix and lanugo (fine body hair). Its development is complete, all internal organs are formed. The lungs are prepared for the first breath, the heart is prepared for the blood supply to the body.

The level of development of the kidneys, intestines and brain also indicates the ability and readiness for birth and independent life outside of mom's belly. The skin is smooth and pink. He already feels his mother’s mood and can adopt it.

During this period, the norm for fetal weight gain is considered to be no more than 30 grams per day. He still receives food through the placenta.

Hair and nails continue to grow. The latter can create some discomfort in the form of scratches. In the ultrasound photo you can already see a fully formed person.

At this time, he begins to change his position and tries to position himself with his head forward. More than 95% of babies are born this way. By using special exercises you can help him lie down correctly. But he moves less and less, because day by day he becomes more and more cramped. The uterus, which surrounds him quite tightly, interferes. He makes no more than 10 movements a day, and tries more and more to rest. After all, there is still childbirth ahead.

But this does not mean that you should not listen to the baby’s movements. Don’t be afraid to contact your gynecologist if you feel like you haven’t felt any movement or kicks for a long time.

Feelings and well-being of the mother at 38 weeks of pregnancy

A woman begins to feel differently from the moment she learns that something has arisen inside her. new life. As pregnancy progresses, and especially when it’s time to give birth, the body changes, the position of the organs changes. All this is done in order to better prepare for the process of childbirth.

For most pregnant women, the belly begins to droop. This happens along with the lowering of the baby’s head into the pelvis. But there are exceptions to the rules. The uterus relieves its pressure on the stomach and navel, moves away by 16-18 cm. This, in turn, returns good appetite, and nausea no longer appears. But you shouldn’t celebrate your belly and increase the amount of food you consume. It is recommended to gain no more than 10-15 kg. Anything beyond the norm will create additional difficulties for mother and baby during childbirth.

In the last weeks, fatigue accumulates, movements become more difficult, swelling and periodically appearing false contractions are tormented. The lower back ache and the lower abdomen pulls. Pressure on the bladder makes itself felt more and more often, and visits to the toilet become more frequent.

If your stomach hurts and feels stiff at 38 weeks of pregnancy, don’t be alarmed. Of course, this is an unpleasant but normal process. It is caused by the fact that the pelvic bones diverge, the ligaments become more elastic, and the uterus begins the process of opening.

Swelling and its causes

Swelling is a merciless tormentor of future mothers, the root cause of which is the compressed state of the ureters and inferior vena cava. It becomes more difficult for blood to circulate, it begins to stagnate in the veins of the legs.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon of physiological origin. There are several reasons for their origin:

  • The first is injuries to the uterus during a prenatal gynecological examination, which at this time becomes softer and, therefore, more sensitive to damage.
  • The second is having sex.
  • Third – the mucous plug comes off. Slime Brown- the first sign that the reproductive process may begin in 2-4 days or even in the next couple of hours. If such signs appear earlier than 2 weeks, call your gynecologist immediately and tell him about it. The cork can be removed all at once or in parts. Sometimes it can leave along with the amniotic fluid, and for a woman giving birth, this stage goes unnoticed.

If such discharge is observed during pregnancy, this is alarm signal. It is possible that some complications have arisen that require emergency medical intervention.

Chest pain

Unpleasant sensations in the chest are a common occurrence during this period of pregnancy. Feelings of pain in the chest and nipples may be due to individual characteristics. Basically, this is typical for early dates. However, at 38 weeks this may indicate that the mammary glands are ready for feeding. Perhaps an excess of milk has been produced, so the breasts and nipples begin to swell, and any touch causes severe pain. The reason may also lie in diseases, for example, lactostasis (stagnation of milk that is not released) or mastitis (inflammation of the glands, cracks with the entry of microbes). If such symptoms are detected, you need to consult a specialist to exclude bad consequences.

Preeclampsia (toxicosis)

Another trouble on later– gestosis. This is nothing more than late toxicosis. It is considered a complication and is observed in 13% of pregnant women. Doctors name several possible reasons occurrences, including neuroses, problems with endocrine system, the absence of changes characteristic of the uterus during this period, and even heredity. Practice shows the presence of several factors at once. How to recognize it? Blood pressure rises, convulsions occur, and protein is found in the urine, which indicates problems with the kidneys. If these symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor and start treatment.

Diarrhea and other digestive disorders

The occurrence of diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy may be a consequence of a hormonal surge and active changes. It may also be a harbinger of labor or a reaction to infection, which must be dealt with immediately.

It is important to understand that pregnancy is a normal physiological process, so careful adherence to your doctor’s recommendations and a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid many troubles and make this period enjoyable in all respects.

Follow your diet and carefully monitor your diet to protect yourself and the fetus from possible additional difficulties due to excess weight. Focus your diet on:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits (but it is better to avoid citrus fruits, which can cause allergies in the baby);
  • fish and lean meat;
  • cottage cheese, cheese and other fermented milk products.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of the expectant mother and baby.

A few simple rules will help your body effectively combat swelling:

  • lie on your left side more often;
  • try to stand and sit in one position as little as possible;
  • taboo – crossed leg position;
  • reduce the amount of fluid consumed;
  • If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to lie down and put a pillow or a blanket under your feet.

If your breasts are bothering you and colostrum is leaking, purchase special pads and a bra. Moreover, it will be useful to you during the period of feeding your baby.

From the moment the mucus plug comes out, the risk of infection increases. You should protect yourself from any, even the most insignificant, threat: do not swim in stagnant bodies of water, and generally protect yourself from water, try not to go far from home.

Sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy is more beneficial, although doctors' opinions on this matter vary. On the one hand, it can cause pain, since the uterus has already begun to open. You should be careful and choose your poses more carefully. On the other hand, joy hormones are produced and blood circulation improves, which is good for both mother and baby. Very often, it is sex that stimulates labor, causing a surge of hormones. The cervix opens better and contractions are coordinated.

If second birth

38th week of pregnancy, second birth: everything is easier and simpler here, both mentally and physically. She already has experience, the woman knows what to expect. But some women in labor report increased pain during contractions. As for the cervix, it opens faster.

Most second pregnancies end in childbirth at 38 weeks; few reach 40 weeks.

This period is the best time to start reading special literature about child care and upbringing.

Precursors of labor and delivery at 38 weeks

Expectant mothers, especially those giving birth for the first time, are concerned about the question “How can I understand that I am starting to give birth?” The answer is simple - listen to your body and notice the slightest changes. The harbingers of labor look like this:

  • the stomach drops;
  • the breathing process is facilitated;
  • the uterus is toned;
  • weight loss is noted;
  • discharge appears or increases;
  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • trips to the toilet become more frequent;
  • False contractions become more and more intense, this is a kind of training of the uterine muscles.

The final chord for departure to the maternity hospital will be the release of amniotic fluid.

As for the birth itself, each woman experiences it differently. Some can do it on their own in 40 minutes, others take an hour or more. If the contractions are weak or disappear altogether, then doctors try to induce labor artificially by injecting special stimulating drugs. In some cases, a caesarean section has to be performed. The indication can be both the state of health of the mother in labor (often the woman initially knows that she will undergo this operation) and complications that arise before or during childbirth. Now you know enough to not be afraid of anything and boldly go to maternity hospital to finally see your baby and experience this long-awaited happiness.

Video 38 weeks pregnant

The pregnancy has reached 8.5 months, but judging by the obstetric months, which is 4 weeks, then you are already at 9 months.

The baby's age at this stage is 36 weeks, and he is already fully formed and ready to be born.

Normal weight gain before this week is considered to be no more than 14 kg.

What happens at 38 weeks

A woman may notice that this week she has weight decreased. No need to worry, the baby is fine. Just in female body hormonal changes have occurred. Before this, the main hormone was progesterone, which promotes fluid retention in the body. Now estrogen has taken its place, and excess liquid begins to leave the body.

Processes start this week aging placenta: she becomes thinner and loses her plethora. Its weight is no more than 2 kg, and its diameter is about 20 cm. This in turn reduces the amount of nutrients that reach the child. At this stage, they are only enough to support the life of the fetus. From this week, the baby's weight gain and height begin to decrease.

In addition, it is constantly decreasing, but this is quite natural, since the child is growing and there is not enough space for him. However, there is enough fluid to continue to protect the baby.

From time to time a woman may feel like she's being electrocuted. This happens because the baby, moving down to the pelvis, touches the nerve trunks. The body is actively preparing for childbirth. Due to the constant influence of hormones, the pelvic bones move apart, the joints become more mobile, and the ligaments and cartilage become softer.

Signs of approaching labor

The first sign that may already appear is lowering of the abdomen. Availability pulling pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and cross, this is the next sign. Besides departure mucus plug, leakage of amniotic fluid, all this brings you closer to time “X”. Some women develop a fever before labor begins. If this is a woman’s second pregnancy, then most likely she will give birth this week.

Read more about the signs of labor beginning

How a woman feels at 38 weeks

Women have been carrying their child under their hearts for quite a long time, so fatigue is present in almost everyone. Moreover, they experience fatigue not only physically, but also mentally.

Possible physical sensations

On latest dates the body does not change much, but there are still some changes:

  1. Uterus. Today, the distance from the pubic symphysis is about 38 cm, and from the navel about 18 cm. If the uterus has not yet descended, then most likely this will happen this week. This will reduce pressure on the diaphragm and internal organs. On the other hand, they will increase painful sensations in the pelvis and back of the legs.
  2. Stomach. Because of this, the skin on the abdomen has become very stretched; it has become very dry and often itches. The navel became very stretched, and in some cases even turned out. But don’t worry, after giving birth everything will return to normal.
  3. Braxton Hicks contractions. During this period, both the strength and duration of training contractions increase. They are very similar to the real thing, but still they remain temporary. Basically, they occur when a woman moves. Read about how to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor.
  4. Stretch marks. This week, many women may experience stretch marks, even if they weren't there before. They look like red grooves that appear mainly on the stomach, thighs and chest. In this case, it is recommended to use olive oil, which must be regularly rubbed into the skin.
  5. Breast. In the last stages of pregnancy, the mammary glands enlarge significantly as they prepare for future feeding and become sensitive. To prevent stretch marks from appearing, purchase a special cotton, thick bra. Many women experience colostrum this week, which in turn is a harbinger of impending birth. To prepare your breasts for future feeding, it is recommended to massage your nipples with a rough towel. Thanks to this, cracks will not appear on the nipples when feeding.
  6. Movements. The number of movements decreases as labor approaches and now their number ranges from 20 to 30 movements per hour. Firstly, the baby has little room for activity, and secondly, he is preparing for childbirth by gaining strength. A baby who is head down is even more limited in his movements. Many children like to take a nap at midday, so you don’t have to worry about him falling asleep. You only need to tell your doctor if you don’t feel your baby for a long time. Read about the importance of tracking your baby's movements
  7. Discharge. This week, the same as in previous periods, they are considered normal, that is, homogeneous, cream-colored with a sour smell. Due to the opening of the uterus, the mucus plug may come out. Because of this, some mucus may appear in the discharge:
    1. if the discharge has become cheesy and has bad smell, be sure to consult a doctor, as this indicates the presence of an infection that needs to be gotten rid of as quickly as possible. The birth canal must be clean in order to receive the baby and not transmit any infections to him;
    2. If you see blood in the discharge, then call ambulance, as this may indicate placental abruption. The main thing is to apply in time to save both your life and the life of the child;
    3. if the discharge becomes watery, then most likely you have leaked amniotic fluid. In this case, you also need to consult a doctor, as this opens up access to the child, that is, the chance of infection increases.
  1. Urine leakage. Due to the fact that the stomach has dropped, the pressure on the bladder has increased significantly. Now, when laughing, sneezing or sudden movements, premature urination may occur. In this case, it is recommended to use gaskets.
  2. Edema. If you do not have signs, then most likely you have developed them due to an inactive lifestyle. Edema can also be affected by changes in the blood circulation.
  3. Painful sensations. Pain can be caused by: imbalance in the intestines, bloating, premature birth, pancreatitis. A woman may feel pain in her legs, arms, back, abdomen, pelvis and other parts of the body.
  4. Loose stool. This is definite preparatory moment to childbirth. Thus, the body is freed from everything unnecessary. When the intestines are empty, the contractile activity of the uterus increases, therefore, labor pains will occur much faster. During this time, a woman can lose up to 2 kg.

Possible emotional experiences

In the later stages, many women experience the so-called "nesting syndrome", which is characterized by the appearance of enormous energy and the desire to move mountains. The expectant mother tries to provide her unborn child with a cozy and comfortable environment for the future as much as possible. This happens due to the hormone oxytocin, which is produced in the female body during last month pregnancy.

A woman may constantly experience irritability, insomnia, sudden changes in mood, headaches - all this indicates the presence of depression, which is quite common in the last stages of pregnancy. Be sure to tell your loved ones about this, thanks to their support you will get rid of your worries and improve your psychological state.

For many women this week feeling of anxiety increases, basically, it is fear of the unknown. To get rid of this, read the relevant literature. There you will certainly find answers to your questions and get rid of groundless fears.

In addition, a woman may suffer from frequent mood swings, which many people may perceive as moodiness. One moment you can cry bitterly, and after 5 minutes you can laugh heartily. This is all due to the active work of hormones in the body. It is very important that your loved ones, and especially your husband, understand this, and perceive all this as a temporary event.

There is no need to take various stories about childbirth to heart. Remember that this process happens differently for every woman.

Believe only in the good, surround yourself only with positive emotions, and then everything will be as you want.

Reviews from women about 38 weeks

What do expectant mothers say about the changes and feelings they have this week:

Christina: “Rush hour is approaching. My stomach sank 2 weeks ago, the plug is coming off gradually, and a week ago I started getting colostrum. I was so happy that I almost cried, because I really want to see my son. I bought all the things a long time ago, and I also packed a bag for the maternity hospital. By the way one helpful advice from my doctor - you need to drink 1 tbsp daily. spoon olive oil so that there are no ruptures during childbirth.”

Victoria: “The 38th week has already arrived. I am very happy and am waiting for the time to go home. It is very difficult for me to walk and almost impossible to sleep. Training contractions bother me daily. I watch it every day various videos and I read literature about childbirth, so I’m fully armed and not afraid of anything.”

Vita:“Today is exactly 38 weeks and the baby practically doesn’t bother me. I have more than enough strength, I go on a shopping tour to children's stores every day. I feel like I’m still pregnant for another month.”

Anastasia: “The time is approaching when I can finally hug and kiss my little son. I have already packed a bag of necessary things for the maternity hospital a long time ago. There are no signs of labor at all. It’s only scary because of the unknown that awaits ahead, but everything is fine.”

Zhanna: “My fear is so great that I was about to decide on a caesarean section. But mine best friend, who gave birth herself, convinced me. So far I have no signs of pregnancy approaching. Feel extreme fatigue and in the evenings I get heartburn, but otherwise I’m fine.”

Sofia: “Today is exactly 38 weeks and 2 days and we are already considered full-term, so now it’s not scary to give birth. My baby loves to communicate with dad. When my husband puts his hand on my stomach, my son either kicks me or calms down, as if he is playing hide and seek with him, this is such happiness. But when someone else tries to feel his son, he is silent, like a partisan. I can’t wait to hug my little man.”

Elena: “I already have all the signs of approaching labor: my stomach has dropped, the plug has come out, the training contractions have intensified, my stomach hurts, but the doctor says that it’s still early and I need to wait. The heartburn has gone away, breathing has become much easier, I feel good, I just have to go to the toilet often. It’s almost impossible to sleep anymore, firstly, it’s uncomfortable, but Secondly I’m afraid that labor will begin in my sleep.”

Daria: “I’m very afraid, because the doctor said that we have a double entanglement of the umbilical cord, as they say, before we tumbled. I'm worried that everything will be fine with the baby. Despite this, the doctor said that I would give birth myself, I pray to God that everything goes well, and I hugged my healthy baby.”

Margarita: “I’m ready to meet my daughter, and apparently she is too. All the signs of an approaching pregnancy appeared. In addition, this week she has quieted down, apparently gaining strength before the final push. I'm looking forward to it."

Marina: “My back hurts a lot, which makes it difficult for me to walk. I take a few steps and then sit down to rest. Probably a small injury that I received at the age of 20 reminds me of myself. I really want to sleep on my stomach and not run every 15 minutes. to the toilet. I hope my daughter will help me with this soon.”

Fetal development at 38 weeks of gestation

The child is already fully formed and his height is about 50 cm and his weight is about 3100 g.

But remember that all these values ​​are approximate and each baby is individual and his readings may vary. Every day the child gains about 28 g. The heart rate this week is about 150 beats.

Marigold They have already become very large that the baby can even scratch himself with careless movements. After giving birth, most likely, mommy will have to carefully trim them. Almost all the children have already lost the lagoon that previously covered their bodies. The layer of original lubricant becomes thinner.

Genitals are already fully formed. In boys, the testicles have already descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the labia majora have closed.

Bones continue to strengthen, including the bones of the skull. But at the same time they remain mobile, which is simply necessary for the normal passage of the child through the birth canal. Baby's skin is already Pink colour and she is ready to feel her mother's touches and kisses.

In the intestines a certain amount of original feces, called meconium, has already accumulated. It consists of blood cells, dead intestinal cells, lagoon, in general, everything that is in amniotic fluid, which the child swallows while breathing. They should come out after childbirth, but this can happen in the womb, in which case the baby will be born in green mucus.

In the lungs surfactant is increasingly produced - a certain substance that covers the alveoli of the lungs from the inside. This is necessary to ensure that the lung tissue does not stick together.

Fetal ultrasound photo

Portrait of a child:

Photo of 3D ultrasound of the fetus at 38 weeks:

Helpful Tips:

  1. Check the exchange card; it should indicate the results of all tests that you previously took. The most important among them: analysis for HIV, staphylococcus, syphilis. In addition, there must be a note about fluorography. This is very important, as you may simply not be allowed into a regular delivery room.
  2. Despite the constant discomfort, you should not constantly lie on the couch, continue to lead an active lifestyle.
  3. Wear clothes only made from natural materials, no synthetics.
  4. If there are no prohibitions and you have enough strength, then continue to exercise in the pool. Don't forget to go for a walk every day.
  5. Continue visiting where you will learn a lot of interesting information and learn useful and necessary things.

Nutrition rules

In late pregnancy nutrition should be balanced and versatile. Add different foods to your daily menu so that your baby receives all the necessary and beneficial microelements and vitamins. Remember that it is not advisable to overeat so as not to feel heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

Continue to consume adequate amounts fermented milk products , which supply the body of mother and child with much-needed calcium. If a woman feels very heavy, then once a week you can arrange the so-called fasting days, for example, on kefir.

This week it is necessary limit amount consumed liquids, this applies to juices, tea, and water. In addition, completely eliminate fatty, smoked, salty and highly sweet foods from your diet. If you do not follow these recommendations, the chance of swelling, heartburn and extra pounds, which will not be so easy to get rid of after childbirth.

Intimate relationships

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the mucus plug has not come out, and the doctor has given permission, then you can not deny yourself the pleasure.

Pros of sex at 38 weeks pregnant:

  • the pleasure hormones that a woman releases during sex reach the child, and as a result he enjoys it together with his mother;
  • during sex, blood actively circulates through the placenta, thanks to which the baby receives more oxygen and nutrients;
  • male sperm contains substances that make the cervix more elastic;
  • sex can bring the long-awaited birth closer.

Examinations at 38 weeks of pregnancy

You need to visit a doctor every week, the doctor will definitely listen to the child’s heart, measure it, and, as usual, you will have to take and.

The doctor will also examine the cervix this week to determine whether it is ready for childbirth.

Video about 38 weeks of pregnancy
