Bleeding from the nose in the last stages of pregnancy. What does nosebleeds mean during pregnancy in the third trimester?

Due to hereditary and physiological characteristics Each individual organism reacts differently to the same changes. As for the pregnancy period, reactions can be very diverse. Some women observe certain manifestations in themselves, others - completely different ones, and still others do not notice any peculiarities at all in connection with their new position. Moreover, a woman who has become pregnant not for the first time often carries the baby in a completely different way than before.

A frequent companion during this period is nosebleeds during pregnancy. And as always, expectant mothers immediately have two main questions: who is to blame and what to do?

Pregnancy and nosebleeds

Any person can bleed from the nose, and most often this phenomenon is temporary and does not portend anything dangerous. As for pregnant women, they are more susceptible to nosebleeds than others. This tendency is explained, which is not at all strange, by the hormonal changes that occur during this period. Mainly by increasing the activity of the hormone progesterone. Under its influence, the nasal mucosa changes, becomes swollen and loose: the secretion of nasal mucus occurs more intensely (which is why women sometimes blow their nose too often, which damages the nasal capillaries), blood circulation throughout the body and in particular in the nose increases (stress on the capillaries increases), the walls of blood vessels become thinner and more fragile.

One way or another, hormonal changes are very often the cause of nosebleeds in pregnant women. But there may be others.

Why does the nose bleed during pregnancy: reasons

By and large, nosebleeds always come for one reason: due to damage to the blood vessels in the nasal cavity. But many factors can lead to their damage, the main ones usually being:

  • drying of the nasal mucosa. Lack of hydration of the mucous membrane leads to capillaries bursting and bleeding. Whether it is dry air in the room, excessive use of vasoconstrictor nasal agents, high body temperature in the background colds- any of these factors can cause nosebleeds during pregnancy and not only;
  • horse racing blood pressure. If a nosebleed is preceded by headache and tinnitus, then this is the cause that should be suspected first;
  • nasal injuries. Mechanical damage to the blood vessels in the nose can occur under a variety of circumstances: during an ENT examination of the nasal passages, due to a blow or bruise, against the background of frequent and intense nose blowing, etc.;
  • nutritional deficiency. The fragility and fragility of blood vessels is often due to a lack of certain natural elements. So, with frequently recurring nosebleeds, doctors mainly suspect a deficiency of calcium, as well as vitamins K or C. By the way, for this reason (along with a general increase in the amount of circulating blood), blood flows from the nose and gums during pregnancy (in connection with this The oral cavity during this period also requires enhanced and special care).

In addition, if nosebleeds occur frequently, and if the nosebleeds do not stop for a long time, then it is necessary to consult a hematologist and rule out low blood clotting.

Bleeding from the nose when blowing your nose

When a person blows his nose, the pressure in the blood vessels of the nasal cavity increases sharply, and if their walls are very weak and fragile, they burst. For this reason, blood flows from the nose when

blowing your nose. And during pregnancy, this is also facilitated by overcrowding of blood vessels and thinning of their walls.

If this happens often, then you should think about the cause of vascular fragility. Obviously, it is better to avoid blowing your nose in such a situation: try to clear your nose by gently rinsing the nasal passages, then blotting away the moisture and mucus, rather than blowing your nose.

Nosebleeds in early pregnancy: first trimester

Any of the reasons that can lead to nosebleeds can occur at any stage of pregnancy, starting from the first weeks. And yet, if we talk about the first trimester, then hormonal changes certainly come to the fore. A rapid increase in the level of progesterone in a woman’s blood triggers a number of mechanisms in the body, and different pregnant women varying degrees feel certain consequences of such changes. All processes aimed at attaching ovum, its normal growth and development, as well as the woman’s favorable bearing of a child and its subsequent breast-feeding, occur in the body of the expectant mother thanks to and under the guidance of this hormone.

Such changes can have many “ side effects", which, however, do not pose a danger to either the baby or the mother. Often one of these is nosebleeds during pregnancy. It is considered a completely normal symptom and can even be considered the first sign.

Nosebleeds in late pregnancy: second and third trimester

For more later Nosebleeds during pregnancy often occur for other reasons. The most common culprits for such an unpleasant phenomenon in the second trimester are dry mucous membranes (especially if pregnancy occurs during the heating season, and the air in the room where the pregnant woman is is not humidified), and vitamin and mineral deficiency also becomes more relevant.

In the process of laying the main organs and systems in the first trimester, the baby took over a significant part of the nutrient reserves in the mother’s body. If these reserves were not available at that time, that is, already with the onset of pregnancy, there was a shortage of them, then the woman’s health condition is guaranteed to worsen. A nosebleed in the second or third trimester is just one of the likely ways this deficiency may manifest itself. If the doctor suspects this particular reason, he will certainly prescribe the woman additional vitamin supplements.

Bleeding from the nose in the third trimester also often flows against the background of late gestosis. In this case, the woman, in addition, complains of headaches, dizziness, darkening and spots before the eyes, severe swelling, excess weight. Increased blood pressure (hypertension) is not only one of the causes of nosebleeds, but also belongs to the main signs of gestosis. This condition poses a threat during pregnancy, and therefore requires urgent medical attention and treatment appropriate to the severity of the condition. Women predisposed to hypertension need to keep their blood pressure under constant control.

What to do if your nose bleeds during pregnancy

In general, nosebleeds during pregnancy are not dangerous in most cases. If they do not recur frequently, do not last long and are not accompanied by large blood losses, then it is hardly worth worrying about, although, of course, it would not hurt to tell the doctor about it when the opportunity arises.

However, ask for medical care should be immediately followed by pregnant women who have episodes of bloody discharge from the nose are regular and whose nosebleeds continue for more than 10 minutes, despite attempts to stop them.

Even those pregnant women who experience such a nuisance in very rare cases should know how to behave correctly in such a situation, what to do and what should never be done if there is a nosebleed during pregnancy:

  1. Open a window if you are indoors to let fresh air flow in. If necessary, free your neck from your collar, scarf, or scarf.
  2. Soak a towel in cold water or wrap it in a thin cotton fabric ice and apply to the bridge of your nose.
  3. Take a vertical position of your body, it is best to sit down, since due to blood loss you may feel dizzy. You can’t lie down if your nose is bleeding!
  4. Lean forward a little to improve the flow of blood from the nasal cavity - do not interfere with this in any way. You can't throw your head back!
  5. Don't blow your nose if your nose is bleeding.
  6. If the bleeding does not stop for a long time, then try placing a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide to your nostrils.
  7. Once the bleeding has stopped, the nasal passages should be carefully cleaned and moistened. For the first, you can use ready-made salt solutions, running water, a cotton pad or swab soaked in peroxide, for the second - vegetable oil(regular sunflower, sea buckthorn, calendula or eucalyptus oil).

In a situation where the nose bleeds in an inappropriate place (for example, when you are not at home, among strangers, in society), you can press the bleeding nostril with your finger to the nasal septum and hold it for 5-10 minutes. But if possible, it is better not to obstruct the exit of blood through the nostril so that it does not flow down the larynx: this can cause nausea and poor health (due to blood collected in the stomach), and also lead to the formation of a blood clot, further removal of which can resume nasal congestion. bleeding.

If, despite the measures taken, blood from the nose continues to flow for more than 15 minutes or immediately flows profusely, very strongly, or foams, then call an ambulance.

To reduce the risk and frequency of nosebleeds, just follow simple recommendations:

  1. Avoid drying out the nasal mucosa: do not use vasoconstrictor drops without a doctor’s prescription and humidify the indoor air during the heating season.
  2. Avoid exposure to polluted air (cigarette smoke, industrial and household fumes (for example, synthetic smoke) detergents) vapors).
  3. Blow your nose carefully, without zeal, and only when necessary - do not overuse this manipulation.
  4. Eat a nutritious and balanced diet, including foods rich in calcium, vitamin C and K.
  5. Check your blood pressure regularly.
  6. Do not overuse (and if gestosis develops, completely eliminate them from your diet) salty, smoked, spicy and fried foods.
  7. Drink enough clean water.
  8. Walk on fresh air, frequently ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

Finally, we want to reassure you once again: if blood flows from the nose during pregnancy, then first of all this indicates an increase in its quantity and weakening of the walls of blood vessels due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone. But sometimes you need to see a doctor.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes various kinds of metamorphoses associated with ensuring the vital functions of the fetus. The most common and best known phenomenon of this period is toxicosis.

Emergency help for nosebleeds

  1. Being in public place or transport, you need to press the nostril tightly with your fingers for a while using a napkin or scarf. This time should be enough to go to a secluded place or to the toilet.
  2. Do not tilt your head up, but rather, lean down over the sink and let your nose clear as much as possible, then rinse thoroughly and carefully with cold running water.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide stops heavy bleeding well. A cotton swab soaked in peroxide and placed in the nasal passage for a minute or two can stop bleeding and prevent the formation of bloody crusts.
  4. Cold will help stop nosebleeds quickly. Ice wrapped in a cloth and applied to the bridge of the nose can quickly and effectively stop nosebleeds.

As a conclusion, a little advice. In cases where dried blood has formed crusts in the nose that are difficult to remove, their rejection is well helped by lubricating the nasal mucosa with medicinal oils: calendula or sea buckthorn oil. These oils promote rapid healing of injured capillaries.

05 Mar 2012 581

Epistaxis or nosebleeds during pregnancy occurs in the majority of expectant mothers. Typically, such a symptom is not dangerous and is caused by hormonal changes, but sometimes it warns of the development of dangerous pathologies.

Why does blood appear?

The nose performs an important job; it recognizes odors, purifies the inhaled air, moisturizes and warms it. In order for its activity to be carried out fully, it needs an extensive capillary-vascular network that provides excellent blood supply. Sometimes capillaries are damaged for various reasons, their walls become thinner, become brittle and are easily injured, which is accompanied by nosebleeds during pregnancy. Why might this happen?

  • Calcium deficiency is considered one of the common causes of nosebleeds. For a number of reasons, a mother may eat poorly (for example, toxicosis) or her body does not absorb calcium from incoming foods, so the body suffers from a lack of microelements and nutrition. The child takes from the mother’s body the elements necessary for the construction of its organs and tissues. Calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia) is often combined with vitamin K deficiency, which is why bleeding from the nose and gums is observed.
  • Hormonal metamorphoses. More often, nosebleeds in pregnant women are a concern in the first stage of pregnancy, when the body is just adjusting and preparing for a new state - pregnancy. Progesterone increases, without which full fetal development is impossible, which results in increased blood flow and provokes mucous swelling. As a result, the pregnant woman gets a stuffy nose, so she tries to ease her breathing and begins to drip all kinds of drops, some of which dry out the nasal mucosa even more. And when you blow your nose, the capillary ruptures and bleeding opens. This explains the bloody nose early stages pregnancy.
  • Another factor in nosebleeds is increased blood pressure. This reason is considered the most serious and, unlike the previous ones, is clearly pathological in nature. Elevated blood pressure is extremely dangerous for the fetus, because it disrupts the placental blood supply, and the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrition. This factor most often causes nosebleeds during pregnancy in the third trimester. If this phenomenon is combined with headaches, then there is a risk that the woman has preeclampsia - a dangerous form of gestosis that threatens termination of pregnancy and requires mandatory medical attention.

Also, nosebleeds can occur due to excessively dry air, low blood clotting ability, damage to the nasal mucous tissues, or traumatic deformation of the septum.

First trimester

In the first months of fetal development, nosebleeds are caused by increased levels of progesterone and estrogen. The woman complains of frequent congestion, and no mucous discharge is observed. An atrophic form of rhinitis develops, for which nosebleeds during pregnancy are typical. This is explained by atrophic lesions of the nasal mucosa.


In the second trimester, this phenomenon occurs somewhat more often, which is associated with rapid intrauterine development and growth, as well as with an increased volume of circulating blood. The second trimester is characterized by a weak manifestation of toxic symptoms, but a more pronounced idiopathic increase in blood pressure, which is why nosebleeds occur during pregnancy during this period.

In addition, a significant number of women develop hypertension towards the middle of their pregnancy, which is also often manifested by nosebleeds. During this period, the baby in the mother’s womb is included in the metabolic processes of her body. As a result, a woman experiences a deficiency of substances involved in strengthening the vascular walls. As a result, the vessels become brittle, making them easily injured.

The fetus actively develops the skeletal system, so the maternal body suffers from hypocalcemia. Therefore, in the second trimester, it is imperative to replenish microelements by taking vitamin complexes.


In the last months of pregnancy, blood flows from the nose due to decompensation of previously occurring transformations associated with the development and growth of the fetus. If you adjust your diet and stabilize your blood pressure, nosebleeds will not appear in pregnant women at this stage of gestation.

Features of nosebleeds

ABOUT possible reasons bleeding can also be judged by the time of its occurrence. For example, a pregnant woman may bleed from the nose at night due to trauma to the mucous membrane that occurred during the day; the reaction simply occurs with some delay. In addition, such a night reaction occurs due to an overly stuffy or hot atmosphere in the bedroom. Also at night, blood may flow against the background of pressure surges.

If bleeding occurs mainly in the morning:

  1. This indicates active hormonal changes, raging vitamin deficiency and calcium deficiency, as well as disorders in the blood clotting system.
  2. Sometimes the morning appearance of nosebleeds during pregnancy is caused by lack of sleep due to sleep disturbances, stress or discomfort (scratchy blanket, uncomfortable bed, stuffy, etc.).
  3. If you stand up suddenly after waking up, your blood pressure may jump, which will cause blood to appear.
  4. Morning bleeding may indicate the development of cardiovascular pathologies, but this is quite rare in pregnant women.

If nosebleeds rarely appear during pregnancy, you still need to inform your gynecologist about this, but if such a manifestation occurs frequently, then you must definitely donate blood to determine the degree of its coagulation. In the absence of a pathological factor, the causes of bleeding are eliminated by taking vitamin preparations. If there is a pathological trace, then the woman needs a hematological consultation with the appointment of appropriate therapy.

First aid

A nosebleed is by no means a sign of pregnancy, and not everyone suffers from this disorder. Those who have it need to know how to stop sudden nosebleeds, because traditional methods of treatment do not always help. Most simplest option- just pinch your nose and wait for the blood to stop and clot, then simply remove the blood clots from the nasal passages. But in pregnant women, removal of clotted blood fractions usually leads to rebleeding. Therefore, a slightly different algorithm of actions is needed here. First, you need to bow your head over the sink so that the blood flows out calmly, and soon the bleeding will stop on its own.

Then you need to put ice or a towel soaked in cold water on your nose. Then you need to moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and carefully remove any remaining clotted blood from your nose. Then lubricate the passages of the nose with Vaseline or oil so that the dried blood softens and separates from the mucous membranes. Sometimes nosebleeds do not stop on their own, then you need to act a little differently.

To begin with, a small turunda soaked in peroxide is placed in the nose, while the nose needs to be pinched slightly. Over the next hour, ice should be periodically applied to the back of the head - hold for 5 minutes, remove for 5 minutes, then hold for 5 minutes again, remove, and so on for an hour. If during such manipulations the blood does not want to stop, then medical intervention is necessary.

What not to do

You should absolutely not throw your head back, as many people are used to doing when bleeding. Such actions can aggravate the condition, and blood will enter the throat and stomach, which can provoke a vomiting reaction. Also, doctors do not recommend blowing your nose in such a situation, especially during pregnancy, as many people mistakenly do when bleeding. Blowing your nose prevents the blood from clotting, so the bleeding does not stop.

Regardless of the result, i.e. whether the bleeding has stopped or not, you should not panic, otherwise the pressure will increase and the blood will flow even more. Call your doctor and get advice on what to do next. If the flow of blood from the nose during pregnancy does not stop within half an hour, then you need to call an ambulance.

Treatment approach

If nosebleeds occur frequently, a woman is advised to undergo a thorough diagnostic examination in order to determine the etiology and prescribe the correct therapeutic course.

  • If the causes of bleeding are caused by a runny nose, eliminate it. For this they use local drugs(spray, drops) that do not cause drying of the mucous membranes.
  • If the blood in the nose is of hypertensive origin, the woman is prescribed medications indicated for the correction of blood pressure.
  • For hypersensitivity and thinning of the vascular walls, taking vitamins and drugs that strengthen vascular tissues (Aevit, Ascorutin, vitamin K, calcium supplements) is indicated.


It is easier to prevent any ailment or disorder during pregnancy than to look for ways to eliminate them. To do this, a woman must definitely contact a gynecologist; if necessary, the doctor will refer you for a hematological consultation. You need to take vitamins throughout your pregnancy, and if you have problems with blood pressure, then constantly monitor your blood pressure levels. If the atmosphere in your home is dry, then purchase a humidifier that will saturate the air with the necessary humidity and minimize the likelihood of nosebleeds.

It is necessary to ventilate the apartment more often and carry out wet cleaning, then the microclimate in the house will be most favorable for the pregnant woman. After childbirth, the problem will disappear on its own if it does not have a serious pathological etiology.

It is known that during pregnancy a woman’s body is subjected to severe stress because it works with double force. Toxicosis is a common symptom of pregnancy, but practically no one knows anything about it. At the same time, nosebleeds in pregnant women are as common as toxicosis. In our article we will look at why this process occurs, what needs to be done and what prevention should be.


And yet, in pregnant women? Here's one answer. During pregnancy, when the unborn baby is developing, the blood vessel system does not change, and the amount of biological fluid in female body increases. Therefore, pregnant women are the causes of this process. This is due to the fact that the vessels in the nose are very fragile and the pressure of the blood breaks them.

Is nosebleed dangerous?

While expecting a future baby, every woman needs to pay close attention to the symptoms that occur in the body, because any change in the general condition of the pregnant woman can lead to serious consequences. Blood from the nose in pregnant women indicates a slight increase in blood pressure. If a pregnant woman has it, then you need to tell your doctor about this fact. It should be emphasized that moving blood in the vessels can put pressure not only on the vessels in the nose, but also on the uterine vessels.

A pregnant woman is bleeding from the nose, what to do in this situation and. First of all, a pregnant woman needs to pay attention to other emerging symptoms. After all, nosebleeds in pregnant women are accompanied by dizziness and general weakness. In the absence of other symptoms, nosebleeds in pregnant women are not dangerous.

What to do

There are a number of different activities that you can take advantage of during pregnancy. Such events include:

  • If the expectant mother is in a public place and at that moment her nose begins to bleed, then you need to lightly press a nasal tissue or pinch your nostrils with your fingers for a couple of minutes.
  • It is necessary to tilt your head down so that the biological fluid can completely drain out. After the end of the flow, carefully rinse your nose with running water, using cotton pads and hydrogen peroxide. This should be done if the expectant mother is at home.

  • If it was not possible to remove all the dried blood, then you can use sea buckthorn or calendula oil, simply lubricating the inside of the nose.
  • The action of cold objects will also help. To do this, the woman must tilt her head down and apply a piece of ice, previously wrapped in a towel, to the bridge of her nose.

Nosebleeds at different times

If the onset of bleeding from the nose is detected in pregnant women in the early stages, the woman should inform her gynecologist about this. Typically, in such situations, the doctor prescribes the use of vitamin C, which will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, a woman expecting a baby should absolutely not expose herself to physical or psycho-emotional stress.

Blood from the nose in the 3rd trimester most often begins to flow due to late. In this case, the pregnant woman complains of dizziness, gaining extra pounds, darkening of the eyes and swelling of the limbs. A girl develops a nosebleed on recent months pregnancy, they speak of an insufficient amount of required nutrients in the body of the expectant mother. If this condition is detected, the attending physician should prescribe additional vitamin preparations.

It is important to know that if the bleeding does not stop 10 minutes after the bleeding starts, you should immediately seek emergency medical help. Also, pregnant women who rarely experience nosebleeds should follow the measures listed earlier to properly stop bleeding.

The nine months of waiting for a baby proceed differently for each woman. Some do not encounter any ailments at all, while others experience a full range of all kinds of problems. What unites them is the phenomenon of nosebleeds during pregnancy. Not a single expectant mother is immune from this trouble. Nosebleeds can occur both during a completely successful pregnancy and during a problematic one.

Causes of nosebleeds

In pregnant women, nosebleeds can be not only a sign that certain physiological changes are occurring in the body, but also a symptom of a serious illness. If you experience nosebleeds at least once during pregnancy, you need to take this seriously. Only correct solution in this case, consult a doctor immediately to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

Nosebleeds in pregnant women most often begin to bleed if:

  • the air in the room where the expectant mother spends most of her time is too dry;
  • if you clean your nose too hard, the thinned mucous membrane is damaged;
  • the nasal septum is deformed.

In addition to the reasons listed, there are several more. It is very important to diagnose them in a timely manner. After all, we are talking not only about the health of the expectant mother, but also about the health of her child. If the cause of nosebleeds is identified promptly and correctly, in most cases it can be successfully and quickly corrected.

We list the most common causes, which should be corrected in accordance with prescriptions and under the supervision of a doctor:

If a pregnant woman has suffered a nasal injury that results in even very slight bleeding, she should immediately visit an otolaryngologist.

  1. Heat. If elevated temperature body persists for a long time, this adversely affects the cardiovascular system of the pregnant woman. Due to high temperature, blood flow is disrupted and the fragility of capillaries located on the surface of the nasal mucosa increases. Therefore, blood may flow from the nose.

In the morning and at night

If a pregnant woman experiences nosebleeds in the morning, this may indicate that the body is reacting this way to a large-scale hormonal change. Also, morning nosebleeds may indicate vitamin deficiency, calcium deficiency (usually in combination with bleeding gums) and poor blood clotting. At the same time, the cause of this trouble can be completely harmless and easily fixable: inadequate sleep, stress, poor microclimate in the room where the pregnant woman spends most of her time. Sometimes blood may flow if you jump out of bed too quickly.

If the nose bleeds at night, we can assume that this is simply a delayed reaction to injury to the nasal vessels, which occurred during the daytime. In addition, the pregnant woman’s body thus reacts to too much high temperature indoors and high atmospheric pressure.

In addition to the above, nosebleeds at night can signal the following problems:

  • high pressure – arterial or intracranial;
  • stagnation of venous blood in some parts of the brain;
  • changes in blood composition and increased vascular permeability;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Let's sum it up

Nosebleeds can be annoying to the expectant mother throughout the entire pregnancy. Fortunately, after childbirth this trouble disappears by itself. It should be noted that most often the cause of this phenomenon is the changes that the body of a woman undergoes. They are not dangerous at all, so there is no need to worry about this. However, nosebleeds can also occur due to various serious disorders that require urgent medical intervention.

If the nosebleed is not intense and is short-term, but recurs quite often, you should visit a doctor. A specialist should be involved in finding out its cause.
