How to make a doll from threads. Simple thread doll

Since ancient times, dolls-amulets have been made in Rus' for children and for the home. It was believed that they protect against the evil eye and diseases, from bad news and all the misfortunes. You can make such a doll with your own hands from threads.

Tools and materials

For the amulet doll you will need:

  • Threads or yarn of different colors.
  • A sheet of thin cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Super glue.
  • The book is 20 cm wide.
  • Beads.
  • Decorative tape, braid, pieces linen fabric or chintz - for finishing.

Threads or yarn can be used either new or used. If they have been used previously, the material must be wetted and dried under tension. Wavy threads also look good. Acrylic yarn also looks original.

Operating procedure

Step 1. Choose yarn. If the balls are different sizes, then the dolls will turn out to be different sizes.

Step 2. Make a structure from a tripod and crossbars. You can use a flat book or any object of suitable shape.

Step 3. Now you need to wrap the yarn around the crossbars 70-100 times. Same for a book or board.

Tip: when wrapping the threads, do not pull them too tight.

Step 4. You need to retreat about 1/5 of the workpiece from the top and bandage it, forming a head. Then carefully remove the future doll and tighten the knot tightly.

Step 5. So that the amulet doll can be hung, you need to make a loop. To do this, a piece of yarn is pulled through the hole in the head and tied. On a board or book, the loop is made immediately. And then it is tightened in the neck area.

Step 6. The lower part of the product is cut off.

Step 7. The arms and body of the doll are formed randomly. Approximately two identical strands are separated horizontally and most of them vertically.

Step 8. Then the waist is emphasized.

Step 9. And the hands are designated. The do-it-yourself girl doll is ready. It can be further decorated: make an apron, kokoshnik, wreath.

Step 10. To get a talisman in the shape of a boy, just divide the lower part of the body into two parts and mark the feet.

Such figurines can be hung at home, decorated with a Christmas tree, or used in various compositions.

You can make the work a little more complicated and braid your arms and legs.

For the arms, the braid is braided separately and then threaded through the body before the waist is marked. It is tightly fixed directly under the hands so that they do not slip out. You can insert a cardboard cone under the skirt and distribute the yarn evenly or glue it. Then the amulet, made with your own hands, will stand on its own. All that remains is to glue the beads on the face and tie a ribbon to the belt.

For a boy's amulet, the lower part of the body needs to be divided into two parts and braided. Bandage the feet from below and another doll, made by yourself, is ready.

Such products can be made together with children, since it does not take a lot of time, and the result is visible quickly. In addition, leftover yarn is used, which is a pity to throw away, and there is not enough to knit something.

Since ancient times in Rus', in every house, housewives wove dolls from threads and wool, which served as amulets for the whole family. And now many women make thread dolls: small faceless ones - to protect the child from the evil eye, large ones made of fluffy yarn - as an entertaining, soft, kind toy, dressed in a bright outfit - as a souvenir for family and friends. If you are interested in this type of creativity, join us - together we will make a doll from threads.

How to make a motanka doll from threads

To understand the principle of weaving a toy, let’s make it from thick woolen threads. For work you will need: colored yarn, scissors, a piece of cardboard.

  • Decide on the height of the doll and, based on this, make a cardboard blank. Wrap it once with thread, which is tied in a knot on the top edge of the cardboard. Wind the yarn (about 100 turns) around the warp.
  • On the last turn, tie the thread around the previous turn, move it up, and tie a knot.

  • Remove the wrapping from the cardboard. Cut the thread and tie it with a bow in the intended place of the doll's neck.

  • Pull out several loops to the right and left of the neck - later you will make handles out of them. Tie the waistband with a piece of yarn.

  • Tie the loops that you left on both sides of the body with threads and cut off the ends of them - you will get handles, do the same with the lower part - the legs will come out.

  • Such a toy can be made from multi-colored yarn, floss, or ordinary spool threads, and upon completion of the work, decorate the craft with a bright ribbon, tying it around the waist.

How to make a game doll from threads

This toy is made according to the same principle as the motanka. The only difference is that the child’s doll is given a face, hair, and clothes. Materials needed: threads for knitting in two colors, a notepad, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, pieces of multi-colored rags, small beads.

  • Wind the threads around the notebook, then remove them. Tie the ends and form a head. Make handles by connecting several layers of winding at the points of the hands.

  • Divide the body wrap in half and insert the handles.

  • Tighten your waist with a thread belt, tying it in a knot. Create the legs as in the first option or leave them with a skirt - you will get a girl doll. Prepare a square of flannel, glue it to the head - this is how you designate the face.

  • Tie a bunch of yellow threads in the middle - future hair. Fluff the hair threads, trim the bangs and glue the resulting hairstyle to the doll.

  • Draw the face - a smile, dotted eyes, blush.

  • Cut a rectangle from the fabric. Make holes in it for the arms and put a vest on the toy, securing it at the back with Velcro and decorating it at the front with a shiny bead.

How to make a talisman doll from threads

To make a doll, take linen threads; for finishing, use red floss, which symbolizes health and well-being. You will also need a board or book 12 cm long and scissors.

The most important thing: when making a talisman, do not turn on the TV or loud music, work in silence, mentally wishing your loved one health, happiness, and good luck.

  • Wind the book with 120 turns for the body and 35 turns for the arms and braid. Cut one edge of the thread. Tie a knot in the middle of the small bundle and place the structure in the middle of the large bundle.

  • Fold the thick winding in half around the thin bundle and wrap it with red thread, forming a neck. Weave a braid from the remaining threads, tie it on both sides with red strands and insert it into the middle of the fringe of the body. Wrap the threads crosswise around the doll's torso. Braid your hair with a braid, the bottom of which is secured with thread.

  • Place the made amulet under the pillow of a crib or pin it with a pin (in an inconspicuous place) on a stroller. An adult can store the doll in a glasses case, purse, or pin it in his outerwear pocket.

Making a doll from threads is not difficult. All you have to do is follow our instructions, use your imagination and put a piece of your soul into your work.

A thread doll is a strong Slavic amulet with which you can improve your life and cleanse yourself of negativity. In Rus', such dolls were made all the time, for children and adults. They were made for themselves, as a gift and passed on by inheritance.

Our article will tell you where they came from, help you understand their meaning and teach you how to make a doll from threads with your own hands. Using our simple step-by-step master class, you can make such an amulet for yourself or a loved one.

The Slavic doll is a powerful amulet that can protect against negative impact from outside and attract various benefits.

Thread dolls, like many, appeared during the heyday of paganism and worship natural phenomena. These magical things were made by people with secret knowledge. The dolls served their masters long years, and sometimes for the rest of your life. They made them for themselves, relatives, and close friends.

For us, dolls are children's toys, but the pagans endowed them with special properties and used them even as adults. Each of the dolls had its own task, which it successfully completed if the craftswoman did not violate the manufacturing rules, and the person who received such an amulet believed in its power.

Usually the purpose of dolls wound from threads was protection, but some of them helped in the search for happiness. Compact doll figurines skillfully averted envious glances and bad wishes, protected the happiness and health of their owner, helped him become rich and protect his family.

What else are Slavic amulets dolls made of?

The ancient Slavs left behind a huge legacy of all kinds of amulets and amulets. They used special objects to protect themselves from evil entities and enemies - for example, pendants made of stone or wood, and even dolls. Or they simply put protective symbols on clothes and household items.

To make doll amulets, the Slavs used exclusively natural materials.

However, it was the folk protective dolls that were the most popular amulet in those days. The Slavic thread doll is not the only representative of the doll family. Such amulets were created from scrap materials:

  • dried tree branches;
  • straw;
  • vines;
  • fabric scraps;
  • yarn.

Most often, protective dolls were made from threads or. After all, in the house of any housewife there is always a chest with embroidery or knitting accessories, where you can take some wool threads and shreds. In addition, it is much easier, because you do not need to go into the forest and look for twigs that have fallen from the trees.

Such amulets served for a variety of purposes. They brought good news to the house, brought money, and protected marital happiness. Personal talismans were also often made - they helped to find love, or.

What does a thread reel doll look like?

Externally, the thread doll looks like an ordinary children's toy made by a caring grandmother. She looks like a faceless figurine, entirely made of threads. To prevent the doll from falling apart, at the ends of the arms and legs, the threads collected in a bundle are fastened by tying a knot.

Like other amulets dolls, a reel of thread must be faceless.

However, you should not be deceived; this simply made figurine is a powerful amulet that can protect against negative influences from the outside and attract various benefits.

The amulet does not become strong on its own. In order for it to work as expected, you must adhere to the manufacturing rules and activate the protective attribute using a special spell suitable for the occasion.

Doll amulet made of threads happens different sizes. Those dolls that are planned for use by one person are made no more than 10 cm in height. This allows you to carry the amulet in your pocket or bag with you to prevent negative influences outside the home.

Family amulets are made in a different format - two to three times larger. A large motanka doll made of thread, like a small one, is also decorated with ribbons and fabric with embroidery.

How to make a doll amulet from threads with your own hands

When they first heard that there are such amulets as motanki, people are surprised how they can make a doll from threads. This seems strange and unthinkable, because in our imagination dolls are made from completely different materials.

But in fact, it is quite possible and not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the master class and familiarize yourself with all the rules for making an amulet.

Manufacturing rules

Amulet dolls from threads should be made following established procedures. These rules should not be ignored, because they were not invented out of nowhere.

Each of the nuances related to the making of a protective doll has a logical explanation. Us, modern people, many of these statements may seem stupid. But our ancestors took such requirements seriously and strictly followed them.

Amulet dolls made from threads should be created following established procedures.

Nuances to consider during manufacturing Slavic doll from threads:

  • The Slavs believed that all protective dolls should be faceless. Otherwise, a navy spirit will move into them and cause harm to the person using the amulet.
  • When making a doll, it is important to take into account the mood and well-being of the craftswoman. If you have problems with this, you should postpone creating an amulet from threads until you recover, so that the talisman does not absorb pathogenic energy.
  • Dolls of thread, like reels, are made without the use of scissors or needles directly at the time of working on them. Everything that needs to be cut, sewn or embroidered will have to be taken care of in advance.

Only women were allowed to make such amulets - men were not even allowed to look at their work. However, the Slavs made an exception for children. They believed that if children were involved in making the talisman, it would help fill it with pure light energy.

What does thread color mean?

When making a thread amulet, not only the material from which it will be made is important, but also its color. The Slavs believed that each color carries certain information. They used this sacred knowledge when tossing the dolls.

Having understood the meaning of colors for amulets, you can quickly and easily determine what functions any of the reels or thread dolls perform.

Each thread color has an individual meaning.

The meaning of flowers for Slavic dolls:

  • Since ancient times, red has been considered the color of wealth and love. A doll made in these colors attracts powerful positive energies. But the red thread tied to the thread figurine’s belt will have a protective character - it will help ward off the evil eye and damage.
  • Green symbolizes nature. Shades of this color have a beneficial effect on nervous system, improving health and improving mood. Green is also considered the color of healers.
  • Yellow represents the sun, which the Slavs worshiped. This is the color of abundance and wealth, the energy that gives life to everything that is in this world.

A protective thread doll should be bright and colorful. The more noticeable it is, the better it will be able to ward off trouble from its owner.

Master class: doll amulet made from threads with your own hands

One of the most famous Slavic traditional thread dolls is. This doll was made to help a young housewife who moved from her father's house to new family- to the spouse's relatives.

According to legend, a woman who was unable to achieve anything received such a talisman from the goddess Mokosha. A doll made of threads helped her do housework - cook, clean, sew and raise children.

To ensure that the Ten Handles favors its future owner in everything, perform a special ritual when making it. Each of the ten hands of the figurine must be assigned one of the tasks with which the doll will help. Say your requests out loud.

The Ten-Handed doll was created to help a young housewife who had moved from her father’s house to a new family.

The ten-handled doll is a simple doll, so with due perseverance you can make it yourself. We have a master class in store for this case. Using it, you will feel like a needlewoman, even if you don’t know how to sew or knit at all.

Before you begin, check if you have all the materials:

  • linen threads;
  • floss threads;
  • wide lace ribbon with patterns;
  • narrow patterned ribbon;
  • thin red satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of cardboard.

Among the floss threads there must be a red thread. The remaining tones are at your discretion. But don’t forget that they should be eye-catching and always light - no brown, gray or black!

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Wind 9-21 (the number depends on the thickness, but the number must be a multiple of 3) turns of linen thread onto a cardboard rectangle base. Cut the threads on one side and remove from the cardboard.
  2. Handle the threads carefully so that they do not fall apart. Stepping back 2 cm from the cut, fasten the bundle with red thread. After this, make a cut from the other edge.
  3. The procedure performed in the previous paragraph must be repeated 4 more times. As a result, we will get 5 blanks, from which we will make 10 handles. Each time, use different shades of floss and do not forget during the process to wish for each pair of hands a certain type of work in which help is required.
  4. Divide each of the blanks into 3 bundles and braid them. Secure the second edge in the already familiar way. Braid the braids tightly so that they hold well.
  5. Now let's make the body. We wind the thread on the cardboard 150-210 times and cut it off on one side. Exactly in the middle we fix the bundle using a small piece of the same linen thread.
  6. Take a small handful of threads evenly from each side and pull them up. Tie a thin scarlet ribbon onto a knot and then onto a bow.
  7. The upper part will become the hairstyle, and below we will form the head. Step back a little from the ribbon and, gathering the threads into a kind of ball, fasten with linen thread.
  8. The doll's hair will be braided, so take the tail and turn it into beautiful braid, using the classic method of dividing into three strands. We decorate the end beautifully with a red ribbon.
  9. We evenly divide the threads going down from the head into two parts - upper and lower. We insert the hand blanks into them, straightening them so that they do not overlap one another.
  10. This flimsy structure needs to be held together. The simple method that we have already used before is suitable for this. Having straightened the arms and threads from the body, tie linen thread underneath them.
  11. We will decorate the upper part of the body of Ten Hands with a ribbon. It needs to be tied crosswise on the chest, and then tied around the waist.
  12. No Slavic motanka could do without an apron, so we will also make an apron for the doll with a belt. For the apron, take a wide lace ribbon and tie it around the figure slightly below waist level, securing the end at the back.
  13. We fix the apron with linen thread, and then hide it under a beautiful belt made of thin tape. We tie a bow behind the back.
  14. Traditionally, the dress of the Ten Hands was decorated with red bows. There should be exactly nine of them. Since our dress is made of threads, it won’t be difficult to take a handful of them in a bun and tie them with a ribbon, and then make a bow.
  15. The last stage is fixing the braid. Surely you noticed that it sticks up unattractively. To fix this, bend the braid down and wrap it with red tape at the “broken” location. And it’s beautiful, and the braid is in place!

The thread motanka doll is ready! You can use it for its intended purpose.

IN Ancient Rus' There were many beliefs associated with mystical amulets dolls. Knowledgeable people believed that such a toy protects its owner from the effects of evil spirits on the subtle energy level. And all troubles, illnesses, misfortunes and evil are bypassed far away.

Thread dolls may look different, but the principle of their manufacture is always the same

Special dolls-amulets from threads were traditionally made by hand from yarn, usually bright red, symbolizing happy life And mutual love. This is a great thing that attracts only good energy and positive emotions. There are two types of pupa:

  • A magical amulet completely knitted from multi-colored threads.
  • A magical amulet made of a different material, but with a red thread tied to the doll’s wrist. This little thing appearance reminiscent of an old "motanka".

Every woman could make such a talisman with her own hands for some festive event. It was created for one’s own needs or for a loved one and could sometimes be passed on by inheritance.

A doll made by yourself has many times greater magical powers.

No one can say who made the first talisman toy, but the idea was suggested by the ancient Slavic tribes. You had to make the amulet yourself, then a special power was manifested in it. Do-it-yourself amulet dolls made from threads late in the evening in the family circle.

It is noteworthy that such things not only had magical potential, but were also beautiful elements room decor. Each master tried very hard to make a truly unusual and functional thing, because usually a mystical amulet accompanied its owner until death.

But there was a second scenario, when the doll was made to achieve a certain goal, for example, a love spell, after which it was burned to the ground at the stake. Thus, there was no “binding” of the item to the manufacturer. Consequently, destruction had no effect on the person doing the magic.

Mandatory conditions for making a talisman doll

Such dolls were made for the most different cases in life

A magical amulet doll made of threads should be made with your own hands according to the following ancient canons:

  1. Facelessness: without fulfilling this condition, the doll could not protect the owner from evil spirits and evil spirits. It was believed that endowing a talisman with certain facial features helps to connect entities at the energy level.
  2. The presence of bright red threads: according to esoteric teaching, this color greatly enhances the witchcraft properties of any object and protects against dark forces. It is present on antique items, clothing, symbols, jewelry, ornaments, etc.
  3. Application of a special spell: the amulet had to be “spoken” in a special way so that it would protect its owner from damage or an evil look sent by an envious person.
  4. Purpose of creation: it is allowed to create a doll to attract love, finance, health and well-being into life. A person needs to create the necessary message in his thoughts to fulfill his wishes.

Important: another superstition connects the symbolism of the color red with human health. Healers often tied a scarlet thread to the patient’s ankle so that he would begin to recover faster. And if a person’s actions and thoughts contain a beneficial energy principle, then everything will work out for him.

The amulet doll exists in many variants, but the following types of magical talismans are considered the most popular:

  • Doll-amulet Desire - a special object is created to fulfill a specific desire, and after achieving a positive result it is destroyed. On our website you can find a master class on how to make it yourself;
  • Doll-amulet Herbalist - a specially enchanted herb that has magical properties is placed in such a toy. You will learn how to make a Herbalist with your own hands from our master class;
  • Doll-amulet Ten Hands - making such a talisman should attract a desirable and single guy into the life of an unmarried girl. The young man will not only be enchanted by the beautiful girl, but will also see what a wonderful housewife she is. She also protects the handicrafts of the needlewoman from damage;
  • The amulet doll Cabbage is a magical talisman in its shape and likeness that resembles a famous vegetable. This amulet helps unmarried beauties quickly find their betrothed and get married, and helps pregnant women to successfully and easily give birth to a healthy child;
  • Amulet doll Bereginya - protects family hearth needlewomen from envious people, failures, illnesses and misfortunes. Promises happiness and prosperity in the home. Witchcraft spells are designed to protect against evil spirits and evil spirits.

Thread dolls are loved by magicians of all stripes

The miraculous thing contains a strong energy source, so sorcerers and magicians recommend making a talisman in the following cases:

  • if it is necessary to protect a specific person from causing damage or the evil eye;
  • if a person is seriously ill with something, it gives hope for a speedy healing or a rapid improvement in health;
  • if you need to put a “block” on your home from the arrival of uninvited guests - evil spirits or unkind spirits;
  • if it is necessary to increase productivity, the doll often acts as a symbol of fertility and the birth of new life;
  • if you need to attract more to your environment good people, as well as happiness, luck, wealth, prosperity in the home and mutual love;
  • if the girl’s goal is to find a betrothed husband and get married as soon as possible, successfully become pregnant.

How to make a doll amulet from threads correctly and safely?

Only bright thoughts can fill the doll with strength

You can make a beautiful amulet doll not only for yourself, but also as a gift to a near and dear person, for example, your child. However, there are a few things to keep in mind important rules when making such a talisman:

  • depersonalization of the toy is required;
  • it is recommended to make a doll only in good mood and having previously been spiritually cleansed;
  • use only natural and high-quality materials - it will be a little more expensive, but the result will be more effective;
  • It is not recommended to use scissors or a sharp knife when working - there is a belief that such objects significantly “dull” magical properties dolls

In addition, children can also be involved in the making of miraculous crafts - clean and bright energy will only improve the esoteric properties of the protective object. And then the doll will serve its craftswoman for many, many years!

Master class on making a doll-amulet from threads with your own hands

All you need is thread

Making a doll-amulet from threads is not as difficult as it might seem. For this we need wool threads two colors. One color is used to make the doll's body, the second for the hair.

Making the doll's body

We take the threads for the body and wrap them around a rectangular object. As such an item you can use cutting board, photo frame, book, etc. The number of turns is not regulated, but usually from 30 to 50 turns are made. Then we cut the threads and tie the bundle.

Hair for a doll

Similarly, we make a bun of threads of the second color (for the doll’s hair).

Making hands for the doll

We also make another bunch of threads of the first color, only we tie it on both sides, these will be the doll’s hands.

Then we fold the first and second bundles crosswise and fold them in half. We tie the bun intended for hair with a thread of the same color. Then we tie a bunch of the first color, thereby getting a head with hair.

Now you need to pass your hands through the first bundle and bandage it again. The doll is almost ready. All that remains is to adjust the length of the threads and show your imagination: you can give the doll a hairstyle (for example, a braid), make an apron for the doll, or glue a paper cone on which you can place the doll vertically.

Photo Doll amulet made of threads with your own hands for children step by step

The history of the creation of such crafts goes back more than one century, because the very first of them appeared during the birth of the Slavic tribes. Despite the passing of years, the thread doll, although somewhat improved, has not lost its position to this day. Be sure to involve your children in this creativity. This way you will become closer to your child and will never know what is.

Of course, the goals of creating a toy, manufacturing rules and materials have changed. Previously only female hands could touch the dolls, and the first crafts were faceless. The ancestors believed that along with the face, toys receive a soul, which means that through them damage can be brought to the owner.
Some dolls were destined to be burned, which meant renewal and purification, while others were to serve as a talisman for the home and family from evil intentions.

Materials for production

To create a doll from threads you will need:

yarn of medium thickness (wool blend, acrylic, cotton are suitable);
a rectangular solid object for winding;

Weaving stages

1. Threads are wound on the base in an amount of 100-200 revolutions, then the yarn should be cut on one side.
2. Fold the bundle in half and tie it with thread at the top so that the future head does not “fall apart” to the sides. The thread can be either short just for fastening, or long for hanging the finished doll.
3. Form a head of the required size and separate it from the body with a thread.
4. For handles, 80-90 turns of yarn are wound onto the base. A braid is woven from the resulting bun, and the ends are then secured.
5. Next, the lower part must be divided into two equal parts, handles are inserted between them.
6. Underneath them, the body is tightly tied with another thread.

In general, the thread doll is ready, but it can still be decorated. For example, make a face, knit a wreath or bouquet, and also make elegant dress. For clothes you will need cardboard rolled into a cone, decorated with beads, appliqué or beads. The dress is attached to the toy using glue.
