I'm at 39 weeks. Changes in the female body

The 39th week may be the last week of pregnancy, or maybe not the last - it is quite difficult to predict the due date, and there is no point. For the expectant mother, something else is more important now - monitoring her well-being, counting the baby’s movements and getting proper rest.

Size, appearance and position of the fetus

The weight of the fetus at week 39 reaches 3.5 kg (but can be either 3 or 4 kg), height is 51-52 cm. The baby has a fairly large head, wide shoulders, a convex tummy, a narrow pelvis and legs, which may seem short compared to the body and arms. Folds and constrictions have already appeared on the baby’s arms and legs, and the larger the baby’s mass, the more pronounced these constrictions are. There is still a little protective lubricant left in the folds, but on the body it is practically gone. In the same way, vellus hair has disappeared from the baby’s body (a small amount of it can only remain on the shoulders). The skin has lost its redness and wrinkles. The marigolds completely covered the nail beds on the fingers. That is, the baby is now no different from a newborn.

At 39 weeks antenatal period future mom may note that the baby seems to have become calmer, and his stomach has stopped shaking. There is no need to worry about this. The baby simply does not have enough space and all he can do is lightly push his mother with his elbow, knee or heel. But what is very important is that a woman must feel these movements; the “rule of 10 movements” has not been canceled. If the tremors disappear, you should immediately consult a doctor.. Helps assess the baby's condition ultrasonography and cardiotocography (CTG).

By week 39, the fetus has already taken the position in the uterus in which it will be born. Normally, it should be longitudinal, head down, with the back of the head towards the internal os of the cervix. But in some cases the baby is located completely differently:

  • transverse;
  • obliquely;
  • or legs;
  • throws back the head and turns the forehead or face to the internal os of the cervix.

Most of these baby positions are indications for cesarean section.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The fundus of the uterus has dropped down a little, so it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe and eat at 39 weeks (the stomach and lungs are no longer supported by the uterus). And here bladder On the contrary, she now feels the highest pressure of her entire pregnancy, so she has to write almost every hour.

In general, the woman’s well-being remains consistently satisfactory - it cannot be called good, since preparation for the approaching birth makes itself felt constantly:

  • the pelvis diverges;
  • legs go numb and hurt;
  • the stool becomes liquefied.

At week 39, when she steps on the scale, the expectant mother may notice a weight loss of 1 or even 1.5 kg. This is absolutely normal. The body, in preparation for childbirth, tries to get rid of excess fluid and toxins that have accumulated in the intestines. That is why a pregnant woman has to run to the toilet more often, “big” and “small”.

Placenta at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At week 39, the placenta begins to age - its thickness decreases, calcium deposits appear in the tissues, and blood flow in the vessels worsens. Of course, these changes affect the blood supply and provision of the baby with all the necessary substances, but not critically. Doctors believe that such stressful training is even useful for the baby before childbirth, during which there are always periods when the fetus begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. However, it happens that children's place begins to age prematurely and by the 39th week they almost completely lose all their functionality. In such conditions, the baby stops gaining weight and is constantly in a state of oxygen starvation.

It is possible to determine that the baby is unwell inside the uterus using CTG and Dopplerography. In addition, both the obstetrician-gynecologist, having listened to the fetal heart, and the expectant mother, monitoring the movements of her baby, may suspect something is wrong. Therefore, you should not ignore going to the antenatal clinic and monitoring the baby’s motor activity in the last weeks of pregnancy.

There is one more important point– aging of the placenta leads to the fact that it ceases to perform its barrier function. Now pathogens, toxins, harmful chemical compounds, etc. can reach the baby. Therefore, the expectant mother should not forget about vigilance for a minute:

  • no self-medication;
  • no visiting crowded places where you can “pick up” something;
  • no experiments with food;
  • no general cleaning using strong household chemicals or home repairs.

Precursors of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother has most likely already become acquainted with the harbingers of childbirth, but if not, let us remind them:

  • Prolapse of the abdomen (the abdomen begins to sag slightly downward).
  • The release of a lump of mucus from the vagina is a mucus plug that “clogged” the cervix throughout pregnancy and protected the baby from the outside world.
  • Frequent training contractions.
  • Selection. It could have been released before, but not so abundantly.
  • The desire to “build a nest for your chick.”
  • Reducing body weight.

The appearance of any of these symptoms does not mean that you need to immediately go to the hospital. This is only evidence that labor will begin very soon (perhaps in a few days), so it is advisable for the expectant mother to carefully listen to her body.

Necessary examinations

At week 39, you should visit an observing gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Now this is more important than ever, since only a doctor can determine whether everything is fine with the baby and whether there is a reason for hospitalization in the maternity hospital.

During this visit, the doctor will do the following:

  • Ask about your health and complaints.
  • Will evaluate the results, which should be taken in advance.
  • Will measure arterial pressure, weight and abdominal parameters of the patient.
  • Listen to the fetal heart.
  • He feels the stomach to determine whether the baby is positioned correctly and whether his head has dropped into the mother’s pelvic area.
  • Check the woman's legs for swelling.
  • He will give a direction for CTG, if there are indications.

If a woman cannot give birth on her own (for example, if there are several scars on the uterus, if there is narrow pelvis), at 39 weeks she will most likely be hospitalized and undergo a planned procedure.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

The peak of experiences for the expectant mother usually occurs at the end of pregnancy. How to understand that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital is one of the most exciting questions. To reassure themselves and their loved ones, some pregnant women go to a medical facility in advance and wait there until labor begins. In fact, you can wait for the birth at home - there is nothing difficult or dangerous about it.

An expectant mother at 39 weeks of pregnancy needs to focus on several important points:

Also, the expectant mother needs to know about situations in which it is better to immediately call ambulance or go to the hospital on your own, without waiting for contractions to appear, the intervals between them to shorten, or the leakage amniotic fluid. Such situations include:

  • Strong painful sensations- as if the uterus cannot fully relax between contractions.
  • A change in the nature of the baby’s movements – if the fetus has stopped moving altogether or has become very active.
  • Increased blood pressure. It is advisable to check it if the expectant mother has a severe headache or blurred vision or spots appear.
  • The onset of labor in a woman with a multiple pregnancy.
  • Permanent and expectant mother.

When going to the maternity hospital, the main thing is not to panic! Important: do not forget to take with you documents (passport, exchange card, certificate issued by the antenatal clinic) and a prepared bag of things (it should already be in the room, packed, for at least 2 weeks).

Your baby will meet you soon; labor may begin at 39-40 weeks.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the middle last month pregnancy.

The baby should have been fully prepared by this time to be born.

You must also be prepared both spiritually and financially. Always keep it nearby mobile phone to call an ambulance. Prepare a bag with necessary things. Get ready for childbirth and everything will be fine.

Visiting the doctor at 39 weeks pregnant

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should definitely visit a doctor. It is quite possible that you will not have to undergo any tests this week, it all depends on the doctor’s decision. But they will examine you, measure your belly, weigh you, also measure your blood pressure and check your baby’s heartbeat.

What does a baby look like at 39 weeks of pregnancy?

The fetus at the 39th week of pregnancy reaches a weight of about 3 - 3.5 kilograms, and a height of about 50-53 centimeters.

The child is fully formed. Theoretically, his lungs are ready to take their first breath, and digestive system preparing to process food on its own.

The central nervous system. Thus, the spinal cord and glial tissue, which is responsible for protecting the nerves, as well as part of the facial nerve, which is responsible for sucking, have already matured. But the remaining parts of this system will continue to form only after the birth of the child.

Villi form in the intestines to move food along. The stomach produces enzymes that break down foods.

But for now, he continues to receive nutrients through the umbilical cord and placenta.

The baby's skin takes on a light pink tint, which means that the subcutaneous tissue is already well developed.

Condition of a woman at 39 weeks of pregnancy

By the 39th week of pregnancy, women can gain from 11 to 16 kilograms. From this point on, weight gain stops. On the contrary, a “countdown” may begin, and you will gradually begin to lose weight.

Stitching pain may appear in the perineal area. This is due to the fact that the uterus puts pressure on the bladder. This symptom is considered quite normal.

Braxton Hicks contractions are increasing now, they happen 2-3 times an hour, it doesn’t hurt, but the stomach seems to thicken and becomes hard, but after a few seconds or a couple of minutes everything goes away, this is normal, it’s just the body preparing for the birth of a child.

Training contractions are becoming more frequent and more painful, as if your period is about to begin; while there is no periodicity in them, these are not real contractions yet.

Also, at week 39, the belly drops significantly; this is normal; after all, this is the last week of pregnancy.

At 39 weeks, your back may begin to hurt badly; this can happen if the baby’s position is back to back; to change the baby’s position, it is recommended to sit on a large exercise ball, as well as in a position on all fours, and sit only straight in a chair or on the sofa.

Also, common sensations at this stage include a hard, as if petrified stomach, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. A mucus plug may come out, which is a yellowish or pinkish discharge with bloody cells - this is a substance that blocks the entrance to the fallopian tubes. There may also be bloody discharge.

At week 39, a pregnant woman constantly feels tired and may have poor sleep.

The digestive system fluctuates again, you may suffer from either diarrhea or loose stool, and from increased appetite.

And, of course, on the eve of childbirth there is a separation amniotic fluid.

Ultrasound photo at 39 weeks of pregnancy

What to do at 39 weeks of pregnancy?

All a woman’s thoughts are focused on childbirth.
One of the first harbingers of labor at 39 weeks is engorgement of the breasts and flow of colostrum; this, of course, occurs for everyone at different times.
Also, a pregnant woman feels nauseous in the morning, or she cannot eat at all, and she can also feel nauseous throughout the day.

During this period, you need to walk more than ever. The fact is that the placenta is aging, and so that the child does not feel a lack of air, you need to be in the fresh air more often.

Try to enlist the support and help of your family. Don’t quarrel with them, and if you have already quarreled, blame it all on the play of hormones before childbirth.

When should you pack up and go to the maternity hospital?

First, the mucus plug comes off, the next day mucus with blood streaks may appear, the stomach also drops, as you can notice - it becomes a little easier to breathe and it becomes visually clear that the stomach has become lower.

A clear sign imminent birth if you place your palm under your chest and it fits between your chest and tummy.

There is also a stronger pressure on the bladder and intestines.

Not much blood may be released, as you know, the mucus plug can come off a week before birth and one day before birth, the mucus may contain streaks of blood, this is also normal, but if blood is released, labor usually begins within 24 hours. At the 39th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may periodically have a stomach ache, periodic pain in the abdomen is the beginning of contractions and it’s time to get ready for the maternity hospital.

Week 39 is almost the end of pregnancy. Your meeting with your child will happen soon, you and he are ready for it. For the baby, this is more physiology, but a test awaits you, the result of which will be the happiness of motherhood. This period for many is the moment of relief from the burden, so you need to know how this will happen and how you and your child will feel.

Fetal development

The physiological readiness of the fetus to emerge is already formed at 38 weeks, so at 39 it is already asking to come out. His body matured and acquired vitality in a new environment, outside the womb. During these seven days he will still grow, but very little, his weight will also increase slightly, and his skin will become natural color. Thanks to the produced pulmonary surfactant, immediately after leaving the mother's womb, the child will breathe and live in the air space.

The baby’s digestive organs are ready to process food, because the villi in the gastrointestinal tract will absorb nutrients, and gastric enzymes will help the milk be absorbed.

Some reflexes have already appeared, for example sucking and grasping, the rest will still be improved. The nervous system matures in stages and will be fully formed by the end of the first year. But many brain analyzers are already developed at 39 weeks; it is able to sense touch, see at a distance of 25-30 cm, distinguish three-dimensional objects, sense movements, perceive color differences, their contrast, and respond to bright light.

By appearance he looks like a newborn baby, he has hair on his head and the original lanugo fuzz has disappeared. The lubricant that protected him in the womb has also disappeared, its remnants are visible only in the folds. At week 39, the skin is renewed and becomes pale pink, thanks to the subcutaneous fat layer. The nails protrude above the fingers, so the child is sometimes born with scratches. He inflicts them on himself, moving his hands as he moves.

The number of kicks at this stage is reduced to 10 per day, but this should not cause concern to the mother. There is simply not enough space in the uterus for the baby to actively move. In addition, nature provides for the child to accumulate strength for birth, and for this you need to take care of it. You only need to worry when there are less than ten movements a day. In this case, immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The child in your womb sleeps most of the day, and when he is awake, he reacts to noise and bright flashes of light. You will feel his displeasure in the form of shocks, sometimes quite strong.

Readiness for birth is related to the position of the baby in the uterus. During the birth there are no complications, but during the pelvic birth the woman in labor has to endure additional trials. At week 39, the position of the fetus is already final, that is, the way it will emerge through the birth canal. There are only a few cases where a child changed its position during the birth process.

The doctor pays attention to the issue of presentation Special attention, because the obstetric technique depends on it and possible consequences. Women in labor are also informed about the position of the fetus so that she is ready to withstand everything and follow all the recommendations of the obstetrician.

In order for your baby to feel great in the last days before leaving, and for you not to have to experience additional troubles, you need to know how to behave and what to do.

  1. You need to optimally combine physical activity with rest. It is recommended to lie in a position that is comfortable for you. When resting while sitting, try to rest your back.
  2. Follow your diet and eat only healthy foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, porridge Meat and fish are recommended boiled, and overeating is strictly prohibited. Give up fatty, fried, salty, spicy, sweets and starchy foods this week.

    These products take a long time to digest and will clog your gastrointestinal tract for a long period.

    And labor can begin at any hour, and the more food there is in the stomach and intestines, the more problems you will have.

  3. Learn information about childbirth, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn.
  4. Prepare everything you need for the birth, talk with your spouse about possible participation in childbirth and convince him to undergo the necessary examinations on time.
  5. Take care of your body and face to minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Constant care procedures will also contribute to the rapid restoration of previous attractive forms.
  6. Try to distract yourself from thoughts about upcoming pain and other negativity.

    Remember that your mood is passed on to your child.

    If you get nervous, he will start getting worried too.

At week 39, the mammary glands need special care. Wash them carefully and without soap. Because soap procedures tighten the skin and contribute to cracking of the nipples. Wear their bras natural fabric with pads to absorb colostrum. Remove the bandage, you no longer need it, and it is even harmful for the child. He feels cramped in the uterus, and the bandage gives additional compression.

What happens in the mother's body

A pregnant woman is afraid of the moment of labor, but knows that this is inevitable and often prays in her heart that everything will happen sooner. Her desire is understandable; she wants to quickly see her baby and hold him to her heart. At the same time, she sensitively listens to her feelings and notices all the changes occurring inside her. To understand the features of pregnancy at 39 weeks, you need to have an idea about them.

  1. The readiness of the uterus for the birth process is manifested by the fact that the cervix becomes softened and shortened. This is how nature prepares the child’s passage through it.
  2. The uterus itself is located above the pubis at approximately 40 centimeters in height.
  3. The fruit fills it almost completely.
  4. The pelvic bones are preparing to move apart, so their connective tissues also soften.
  5. The baby's head is as close to the exit as possible.
  6. Excitability of the uterus increases in anticipation of hard work during labor.

At 39 weeks, a woman experiences a number of pain sensations that are associated with Braxton-Hicks training contractions. This is a rehearsal of labor pains, they are similar to menstrual cramps and stop if you do not stand still, but walk around.

The feeling of heaviness and a stone belly brings pain localized in the lower back and perineum. Nagging pain is caused by increased fetal pressure. Shooting pains in the pelvic area appear due to the movements of the child trying to find a comfortable position.

In addition to pain, there is heaviness in the legs, numbness of the limbs, exacerbation of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, and along with this constipation.

The picture of the discharge looks like this:

  • normally - light milky discharge with a slightly sour odor;
  • thick mucous lumps with bloody streaks on the underwear are the exit of the mucus plug, they are also safe;
  • greenish and yellowish discharge With unpleasant smell- this is a signal of the presence of infection, which poses a danger to the mother and child;
  • the loss of water in parts or in a single stream indicates the beginning of labor and you need to hurry to the maternity hospital;
  • the green tint of amniotic fluid is a dangerous signal, you should immediately inform the doctor about this;
  • blood discharge is even more dangerous; it indicates placental abruption, which can lead to fetal death.

If you remember all the features of the changes that occur at week 39, you will clearly know when you need to save yourself and your baby, and what phenomena should be perceived as natural.

How to speed up labor

If the delivery date is delayed by 10-14 days from the date indicated by the doctor, you don’t have to worry. This plus or minus means absolutely nothing.

The reason may be an error in determining the period of conception by the doctor. But if two weeks have already passed and labor has not begun, then you need to ask how it can be speeded up.

At week 39, these efforts are made on the initiative of the gynecologist and on the initiative of the mother herself, who finds it difficult to go beyond the term. If the doctor decides to stimulate the process, that is, safe way for this. The pregnant woman is examined on a chair and the amniotic sac is punctured. The beginning of the water discharge provokes labor and it proceeds as usual.

A woman can rush things herself. To do this you need to follow some recommendations.

  1. Resumption of sexual activity. Sex will quickly prepare the birth canal for the passage of the child, and orgasm and sperm entering the woman’s body stimulate the contraction of the uterus and its opening.
  2. Stimulating massage. The procedure is done on the pregnant woman’s nipples; the woman in labor or her husband can massage them. A natural response to nipple massage is increased uterine tone, a condition that can stimulate the onset of labor. The procedure has a double benefit: it prepares the breasts for feeding the baby.
  3. Exercise stress. A woman at 39 weeks is already having a hard time and feels tired, but despite this, to speed up labor she needs to move more. But you can’t overexert yourself. You need to walk more often, or slowly climb the stairs to your apartment, but the best way is to attend classes for expectant mothers.

If these home methods do not help, and you want to give birth at 39 weeks, then consult your doctor about an enema. This method helps many to speed up the onset of the birth process.

Stimulation of labor with the help of drugs is done only by the decision of a doctor and under his supervision. The doctor must have complete confidence that the mother’s body and the child itself are ready for the final act of pregnancy. In this case, it is possible to use Prostaglandin in the form of suppositories, injections or gel.

Remember one thing, if your body is not ready for childbirth, all efforts will be in vain and harmful for you and the baby. Save yourself the risks and don’t set yourself the goal of giving birth earlier than nature intended.

Harbingers of childbirth

The 39th week is different in that the pregnant woman’s body gives many signals that the baby is due to be born very soon. At this time, the whole complex of precursors of childbirth appears:

  • Training contractions, which are considered false, but are intended to “teach” the uterus to contract. They are not very painful, like menstrual pain, they are not regular and stop on their own or with a change in position. This is their main difference from regular labor contractions, the intensity of which increases, and the intervals between them decrease.
  • Abdominal prolapse. At 39 weeks this usually happens to everyone. The reason is the position of the child, characterized by a tight fit to the entrance to the pelvis with the head or buttocks.
  • Discharge of water. It can be partial, jet, abundant, that is, it pours out immediately in a stream. This harbinger means that it is time to go to the maternity hospital.
  • Removal of the mucus plug. This harbinger can be two weeks before the birth process begins, or it can happen only before the birth itself. Discharge can also be complete or small lumps in the form of mucus discharge on the underwear. The substance contains blood streaks, it has no odor, and its release means that infection can penetrate to the fetus, since it was this plug that blocked the path to infection of the baby.
  • Colostrum release. Transparent white drops, similar to milk, appear on the nipples. This happens from time to time, but it brings trouble in the form of a wet bra and stains on the blouse. You don't need to do anything about it. Just take care of your breasts, wash them and use pads in your bra. Squeezing out colostrum is prohibited, as this will injure the nipples and complicate feeding.
  • Weight loss. At week 39, a pregnant woman may lose up to 2 kg of body weight. This is explained by the fact that the baby’s weight has stabilized, the body is actively cleansing itself before childbirth with the help of prenatal diarrhea and due to high blood pressure uterus to the bladder. This causes swelling on the body, legs, and face to disappear.

The onset of labor pains signals that the process of resolution has begun. They are repeated every five minutes, becoming longer with shorter intervals. These are the same labor pains that all women in labor have to endure. But they are forgotten quickly, so many women are not afraid to give birth again. It will be the same for you, on the second day you will laugh and rejoice that your long-awaited child is now with you.

In the last stages of bearing a baby, the desire of every mother to meet her baby becomes more and more unbearable. What happens during this period and how to promptly recognize the precursors of labor in primiparous and multiparous mothers at 39 weeks? This article will help you understand in detail.

Child development

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed and is waiting to be born. The brain and other organs will be able to work outside the mother’s body. The little one hears perfectly, recognizes voices, and becomes agitated by loud sounds or bright light. He can focus his vision on objects located close to him. The little man clearly recognizes bright colors.

Internal organs

The chewing muscles and salivation are poorly developed, but as soon as the baby is born and begins to suck on the mother’s breast, they will become stronger. The mucous membrane of the mouth still has a large number of blood vessels, which is why it is colored red. Already 30 days after birth, the salivary glands begin to actively produce secretions. During this period, the little one will be able to latch onto mother’s breast well and actively suck milk.

All internal organs are fully formed. The kidneys and liver are ready to fully perform their functions, despite the fact that even after birth they will still be forming. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes necessary for digesting food. As a rule, they are enough to break down breast milk.

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The stomach and intestines work well. Original feces appear in the rectum. While the baby is in the womb, his intestines are sterile. As soon as the child receives breast milk, the first beneficial bacteria will colonize his digestive organs. In the future, this is necessary to improve food digestion.

What does a baby look like at 39 weeks

At the end of the third trimester, the small organism is formed and ready to meet the outside world. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, the little one will have to go through a rather difficult period. Not only mommy experiences physical pain at this time. Due to the contraction of the uterus, it is quite difficult for the child.

Outwardly, children at 39 weeks are very similar, but still for every woman her baby is unique. The first thing parents pay attention to is eye color. Brown-eyed toddlers, as a rule, remain with dark eyes. If the newborn is blue-eyed, then after some time the shade may change. This also applies to hair. At birth, many babies have light hair, but by the age of one year they darken. It often happens the other way around.

The baby's skin is pink, folds are clearly visible on the body. Many still have vellus hairs. More often they are visible on the forehead, in the area of ​​folds. There is a cheese-like lubricant on the body, which is necessary to protect the skin. The bones of the skull are mobile, the fontanelles remain between them. This structure is necessary for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal. The volume of the head is quite large and is approximately one fourth of the length of the body. The height of babies usually reaches 50-55 cm.

At week 39, the baby's growth stops. This is necessary for normal childbirth. The baby's movements are severely limited due to the pressure on his body from the walls of the uterus. The arms and legs are pressed to the body and are in a bent state. When trying to straighten them, mom clearly feels this.

In addition, it decreases physical activity child due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. During this period, the baby is completely ready for childbirth. Its head descends into the woman’s pelvic area and the little man remains in this position until childbirth. The average body weight of a newborn should be about three kilograms. Height, as already mentioned, is approximately 50 cm.

Despite the decrease in motor activity, the mother must monitor the movements of her child. If there are fewer than 10 times in 12 hours, you should inform your doctor.

Feelings of a woman at 39 weeks

It is unlikely that it will be possible to describe the feelings of a woman at 39 weeks of pregnancy in a nutshell. The expectant mother experiences a whole range of feelings from both moral and physical well-being. Many girls are afraid of the upcoming birth, but at the same time dream of meeting their baby.

Changes in physical health

At 39 weeks, the pregnant woman’s body is actively preparing for the birth of a new life. During this period the following changes occur:

  • Colostrum production begins mammary glands. This product is necessary for a newborn in the first days of life. Colostrum provides the tiny body with all the necessary microelements, which is important for the further development of the child.
  • The placenta has already fulfilled its role and is gradually beginning to age. At this stage, the baby needs fewer nutrients than during active growth.
  • Due to the prolapse of the tummy, it is difficult to breathe to the expectant mother It becomes easier, but with it comes new difficulties. Walking, lying and sitting becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman.
  • The baby's movements become less active due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • A woman's weight gain is stopped. Often body weight even decreases by several kilograms. Appetite also decreases.
  • Progesterone levels decrease, and estrogen concentrations increase slightly.
  • Legs swell less than more early stages.
  • At 39 weeks, the cervix becomes soft and shortens.

Very soon contractions will begin, and the little man will be born. Thoughts about this make a woman experience new sensations.

Before the upcoming birth, the expectant mother experiences anxiety. Often the fear is very strong and it is quite difficult to cope without the support of loved ones. To cope with these experiences, you don’t need to withdraw into yourself. A girl should definitely share her feelings with her husband or another loved one.

In addition, experts recommend attending special courses. There are several types of courses. Some will help you get acquainted with the period of pregnancy, while others are necessary in order to find out how childbirth proceeds and how to behave during this period. Specialists will provide information on how to recognize contractions, what you need to take with you to the hospital, how to care for a newborn baby and how to properly apply the baby to the breast.

The courses can be attended not only by pregnant women, but also by young fathers. This will help them in the future help the mother care for the newborn.

Is sexual intercourse allowed?

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, intimate intimacy between partners is not only not prohibited, but, on the contrary, is encouraged. This is explained by the fact that sex is considered a good stimulation of the birth process. Male sperm contains substances that have a softening effect on the cervix. This helps her open up faster. In addition, during sexual intercourse, a woman’s body produces hormones that have a positive effect on the mother’s emotional well-being. As is known, good mood is passed on to the baby.

The main rule during this process is to avoid pressure on the abdominal area and choose a position that excludes deep penetration. By the way, after sex, a woman may experience slight brownish discharge.

Before giving birth, every girl experiences certain discharge to one degree or another. More often they are white, milky or yellow. There is normally no smell. The discharge should have a uniform consistency, which indicates normal physiological processes.

By the 38th week, the baby is considered fully term. His systems and organs are mature and fully viable. However, the fetus continues to grow little by little, receiving the necessary nutrients through the placenta and umbilical cord. The lungs are ready to start working and the first breath will be taken immediately after birth. The stomach is already producing the enzymes necessary to break down food, and the intestines are about to begin to absorb the food entering the body.

The baby's reflexes are well developed, especially sucking, which the baby will need immediately after birth. At the same time, the central nervous system is still unevenly developed, and only the following elements have matured:

  • sensitive analyzers;
  • spinal cord;
  • facial nerve;
  • glial tissue.

The baby's gaze can already focus at a distance of up to 30 cm, which corresponds to the distance to the mother's face during future feeding. We are actively improving the child’s brain: he is able to distinguish and remember three-dimensional objects, colors and all kinds of movements. The length of the hair on his head can reach 4-5 cm, and at the same time the specific fluff and vernix lubrication have already been removed from the body. The nails on my fingers and toes have grown. The baby's skin has a pale pink color, indicating the completion of the formation of the subcutaneous fat layer.

By the onset of the 39th week, the baby’s motor activity noticeably decreases, but this should not be a cause for concern: there is simply too little room in the stomach for intense body movements. In addition, the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased. And the baby is also accumulating strength to participate in the upcoming birth process.

Feelings of the expectant mother

As a rule, women in the 39th week of pregnancy try not to resort to physical activity unless absolutely necessary and are psychologically prepared for childbirth, which may well begin any day. In addition to noticeable heaviness in the abdomen and all the inconveniences it causes, a woman may experience:

  • cramping and nagging pain in the lower abdomen due to narrowing of the walls of the uterus;
  • nagging pain in the perineum and lumbar region under fetal pressure;
  • lumbago in the pelvic area that occurs with sudden movements of the baby;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • numbness of the arms and legs, painful swelling of the extremities;
  • constipation, in some cases leading to prolapse of hemorrhoids.

A woman’s body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth process. The most noticeable changes occur in the uterus, which rises approximately 40 cm above the pubic symphysis, and its cervix shortens and softens. Soon the baby will have to pass through it without getting injured.

The tissue that connects the pelvic bones softens so that they can move apart during childbirth and allow the baby to pass through. Sometimes slight tremors may be felt in the lower abdomen, indicating that the baby's head is pressing against the exit of the uterus, thereby preparing for birth.

Signs of the onset of labor

It is very important to recognize in time that labor is about to begin. Before approximately the 38th and subsequent weeks of pregnancy, a woman should already have experienced the phenomenon of training or false contractions (“Braxton-Hicks contractions”). They are not very different from the true urge to give birth painful sensations and occur no more than several times a day. If contractions begin to occur several times an hour, causing noticeable pain, you should urgently call an ambulance. In addition, the completion of pregnancy is usually indicated by:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • discharge of water and mucous plug;
  • secretion of colostrum;
  • weight loss.

It all starts with a gradual lowering of the abdomen simultaneously with pressing the presenting part of the fetus (head or buttocks) to the entrance to the pelvis. The woman begins to feel a decrease in pressure on the stomach and lungs. At the same time, weekly weight gain stops, and even begins to roll back in the opposite direction.

Simultaneously with these phenomena, appetite decreases: with active preparation for childbirth, the body does not require excess fluids and nutrients. Also, under the pressure of the fetus on the bladder and intestines, the urge to frequent urination and a woman's bowel movements may increase sharply during the prenatal period.

The mammary glands begin to actively produce colostrum - a special secretion containing a large amount of protein. The baby will feed on this liquid in the first days of his life. If previously colostrum could be released only in small volumes when the breast was compressed, now it can flow out on its own and in large quantities, talking about the imminent onset of labor.

The most obvious sign that it is time to go to the hospital is the breaking of amniotic fluid. This is a colorless and odorless liquid that flows from the vagina in a thin stream or in an intense stream. This phenomenon may be accompanied by the discharge of a mucus plug - a white, pinkish or yellow color with red streaks covering the entrance to the cervix. Usually the mucus plug comes off 1-2 weeks before or just before giving birth.

By now, all basic examinations should have already been completed. A woman can expect a test before giving birth general analysis urine. In addition, the obstetrician-gynecologist measures the mother's blood pressure, her body weight, abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus. By palpating the abdomen with your hands, the location of the fetus in the uterus is revealed. A woman may be advised to undergo cardiotocography if the procedure has not been performed for a long time. During it, the fetal heartbeat, the frequency of uterine contractions, and the characteristic features of the baby’s body movements are measured. If you are pregnant with twins or have an upcoming birth Caesarean section An additional ultrasound is prescribed.

It's time to discuss your upcoming hospitalization with your doctor before giving birth. The exact date will be set based on the characteristics of the pregnancy. If primary signs of the onset of labor are already observed, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Usually the procedure begins in the next 1-2 days. All that remains is to wait until the cervix is ​​sufficiently dilated, and the obstetricians will be ready to fulfill their professional duty.
