Position of the fetus at 37 weeks of gestation. Increased blood pressure

Another week of waiting for some, and time to give birth for others. If you are having your first birth, then you may reach your due date, but with your second birth, the baby may be born within these 7 days. But this is normal, because the baby is completely ready for birth, according to medical indications it will be considered full-term, and the birth is called urgent.

How does the fetus develop during this period?

The baby is 39-40 cm tall, he already has good weight– 2.9 kg, and every day he gains 30 grams, and 15 of them are subcutaneous fat.

The baby is completely ready to be born, all organs are functioning. The heart and lungs are fully mature. Only the connection between them has not yet been created, which will occur after birth; oxygen will begin to flow from the lungs into the circulatory system. The child will enrich himself with oxygen only after he is born and takes his first breath.

The brain began to be covered with a special membrane, which will continue to be produced after the birth of the child for a year. With its help, the connection between the brain and nerve endings is established, which allows the baby to develop coordination of movements. The grasping reflex is already working well. Also, the baby’s bones have become stronger, the cartilages of the nose and ears have become stiff.

Now the baby sleeps not only in the REM sleep phase, which is accompanied by an increase in brain activity and a decrease in muscle tone, but also in the slow phase, which indicates that your baby is now, learning about the world around him, processing information even in his sleep.

The expectant mother and her symptoms

The 38th week of pregnancy will become a little more pleasant for many women, as the uterus, baby and, naturally, the tummy drop down, if this did not happen last week.

Due to the fact that the baby moves downwards, it is easier for you to breathe, and you no longer suffer from heartburn. Now the moment has come when it becomes easier. But by this moment the uterus begins to put more pressure on the lower abdomen, perineum, and bladder.

If you previously suffered from constipation or had no problems with bowel movements at all, now you may experience indigestion. This is due to the fact that the intestines begin to cleanse themselves in preparation for future births. As your body's blood volume increases to its maximum, you may begin to experience fever and heavy sweating.

It happens that the stomach is pulled down strongly and when palpated, pain occurs. This indicates that your baby is already lying down correctly and is approaching the cervix. And the uterus contracts in order to hold the baby. After all, now she is carrying a very large load, she is completely supporting the weight of the baby on herself.

Monitor your well-being and body, because now contractions and labor can begin at any moment.

Harbingers of childbirth

In recent weeks, the female body is carefully preparing for childbirth, hormonal changes occur, and as a result, changes occur that show the pregnant woman that she will soon begin labor. But the harbingers of childbirth are often not noticed by the expectant mother.

The following symptoms indicate imminent labor:

  • My stomach dropped. The baby has turned over and is descending towards the cervix, preparing for the fact that he will soon pass through the birth canal.
  • Digestion is upset. Nausea and indigestion appeared, thereby the body removes excess in preparation for childbirth. Because of this, you should not refuse an enema before childbirth, since during labor, due to pushing, the contents of the intestine may come out unnoticed by you.
  • The mucus plug has come off, which closed the entrance to the uterus to prevent germs from entering it. The consistency of the plug is somewhat slimy; it comes out either abruptly or gradually.
  • The child's movements become inactive. This is him preparing for birth, resting before a difficult journey.
  • The desire to clean, to create comfort. Under the influence of hormones, a woman begins to put everything in order in the apartment before giving birth, an internal instinct that the baby will be born soon and he needs comfort.

But if your water breaks or contractions begin, these are no longer harbingers of labor, but the beginning of labor. Get to the maternity hospital urgently by ambulance or on your own.

At the end of pregnancy future mom is already getting ready to see her baby. After the end of the 36th week of gestation, childbirth is highly likely to go well. If a child is born now, he will be able to exist without medications. The 37th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman can already pack her things for a trip to the maternity hospital.

Baby at 37 weeks

The baby's gestation period is coming to an end. Baby at 37 weeks of pregnancy

already fully prepared for birth. The small body produces hormones that prepare the newborn for existence outside the womb. The 37th week of pregnancy is the time when the necessary amount of iron accumulates in the fetal liver, which can provide the baby with blood cells during the first year of his life. During this same period, a hormone begins to be produced that is responsible for the maturation of the baby’s lungs. Special substances are also produced that help reduce the effects of stress after childbirth. This is necessary for both the baby and the mother in labor.

The 37th week of pregnancy is also characterized by the improvement of all vital systems of the fetus. Some processes will continue in subsequent weeks of pregnancy. The main ones will be completed only when the child reaches one year of age. Neurons develop rapidly and are enveloped in a special membrane that has a protective function. This is necessary for the development of coordination of movements of a small person.

The 37th week of pregnancy is also difficult for mothers. The baby's movements become more and more active. He no longer has enough space in his mother’s womb and wants to be born. But the birth process will begin only when both mother and child are ready for it. Premature birth can lead to birth injuries and non-expansion of the lungs. Therefore, the 37th week of pregnancy is not considered suitable for planned induction of labor.

You should pay attention to the movements of the baby in the womb Special attention. The baby's movements can be perceived by the mother as quite painful. But the absence of tremors should be alarming. If the child does not remind himself for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The fruit also grows significantly in size. The amount of adipose tissue increases. It is quite difficult for those women who are at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The child's weight already reaches almost 3 kg. In addition, the number of amniotic fluid and blood volume. The total weight gain of a woman can reach 15 kg.

Childbirth at the 37th week of pregnancy, occurring naturally, usually occurs without problems. The baby already has a good body weight, can breathe independently and suck on the mother's breast. During this period, cartilage tissue hardens. But the bones of the skull remain soft. Thanks to this, the fetus can easily pass through the mother's birth canal.

Well-being of the expectant mother at 37 weeks of pregnancy

A woman who has gained a lot of weight during pregnancy may become more tired during this period. The center of gravity shifts, and the stomach changes significantly

increases in size. It is no longer so easy for an expectant mother to walk long distances. Yes, and doing this now is not very advisable. Excessive fatigue can lead to premature birth, which can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

It becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe at this time. The fact is that the fetus is already preparing to be born. The uterus descends, and the baby's pressure increases internal organs mother decreases. But the pressure on the bladder, on the contrary, increases. The woman begins to visit the toilet even more often.

The condition of the expectant mother during this period can be improved with the help of a bandage. This medical device not only supports an already quite heavy belly, but also prevents the appearance of stretch marks. At the pharmacy you can purchase universal bandages that will be used not only during pregnancy, but also in the postpartum period. In this way, not only will the condition after childbirth be alleviated, but the uterus will quickly return to its place.

What should you do at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy can begin at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, the expectant mother must be fully prepared for the long-awaited event.

The first thing you need to do is choose a maternity hospital and agree with the doctor who will deliver the baby into the world. You can pay for your stay in the postpartum ward in advance. After all, after the birth of a child, there will be even more worries. The doctor’s phone number must be written down in several copies, and relatives must also be informed.

The 37th week of pregnancy is also suitable for packing things for the maternity hospital. The list of necessary medications can be checked with the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy. You also need to pack a separate bag with bedding, clothing and personal hygiene products. Don't forget about your camera and video camera. The first minutes of a baby’s life should definitely be captured.

You need to prepare things for the newborn in advance. You shouldn’t buy too many clothes for the maternity hospital. Babies grow very quickly. Therefore, a few blouses, caps, rompers and pairs of socks will be quite enough. Determining clothing size is very difficult for primiparous women who have begun the 37th week of pregnancy. The child’s weight and height are the main indicators from which to build. If the baby develops normally, then the expectant mother can purchase clothes for a newborn with a height of 56 cm. The same principle should be used to purchase diapers for the maternity hospital.

Immediately after birth, the baby should not be bathed completely. Full water procedures will be carried out only after the umbilical cord falls off and the wound has healed. Special wet wipes for babies will come to the rescue. You can buy them at almost any pharmacy. The maternity hospital should buy several packages of such napkins at once. They will also be useful for the mother in labor.

How to determine that childbirth is around the corner?

There are some signs that indicate that labor will begin soon. A woman should be prepared for the baby to be born soon if the 37th week of pregnancy has begun. The precursors of childbirth are almost the same for all expectant mothers.

First of all, you should pay attention to the shape of the abdomen. The uterus drops significantly lower. Many women notice a sharp drooping of the abdomen at 37 weeks of pregnancy. As a result, the frequency of trips to the toilet increases and pain in the perineum appears. But breathing becomes much easier. At the 37th week of pregnancy, the fetus almost rests its head on the cervix, which can lead to premature dilatation.

Strange discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy may also alert the expectant mother. There is no need to be afraid. A few weeks before birth, a special mucus plug comes off, which protected the baby from various infections during pregnancy. The plug may be completely transparent or contain blood. If a pregnant woman is bothered by this type of discharge, she can contact her doctor. He will determine the nature of the mucus and tell you when to expect labor to begin.

It should be noted that a mucus plug in itself is not a sign of the onset of labor in the near future. After the mucus has cleared, it may take up to ten days before the baby is born.

Every expectant mother has an excellent appetite. But its absence is also one of the harbingers of an early birth. A few days before the baby is born, some pregnant women refuse to eat at all. As a result, the weight of the expectant mother may decrease slightly.

Nutrition of a woman in the third trimester of pregnancy

Despite the lack of appetite, a woman should eat well. After all, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about your child. Preference should only be given

high quality natural products. IN summer period You should eat more vegetables and fruits. But in winter it is better to give preference to vitamins from the pharmacy. The fact is that the fruits that are offered in stores in winter are characterized by a large number of carcinogens and harmful substances. Such nutrition can be harmful to the health of both mother and child.

During pregnancy, the fetus takes a huge amount of calcium from the mother. Therefore, dairy products must be present in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. You can prepare various delicious dishes from cottage cheese, which will also be healthy.

Fried and spicy foods are not good for the expectant mother. It is better to cook food by steaming or in the oven. This way it will be preserved in products maximum amount useful vitamins and minerals. You should also forget about fast food and convenience foods.

Many pregnant women are accustomed to drinking coffee before pregnancy and do not want to give up their habit while they are expecting their baby. It is not necessary to completely remove this product from the diet, but it is still worth reducing its amount. A cup of coffee with milk in the morning will not do any harm. But it is not recommended for the expectant mother to drink an invigorating drink at night.

Psychological state of a woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy

At the end of pregnancy, a woman already feels tired. She wants to get rid of it faster extra pounds. At the same time, she is filled with joy. After all, very soon she will meet her baby. Very often the mood of a woman who is diagnosed by a doctor as 37 weeks pregnant changes. The harbingers of childbirth haunt you, and joyful thoughts set you in a positive mood.

At this time, the future dad must support his companion like no one else. The normal psychological state of the pregnant woman depends on it. And if the expectant mother is calm, the child is calm.

The 37th week of pregnancy is characterized by the so-called “nesting period”. At this time, the expectant mother begins to prepare her home for the arrival of a new person in it. A pregnant woman can initiate cosmetic repairs or purchase new furniture. At the same time, she does not directly participate in the process due to her condition.

Sexual relations in the last weeks of pregnancy

Despite her condition, the expectant mother remains a woman. Many pregnant women

note that while waiting for a baby, sexual desire increases several times. If there are no medical indications, there is no reason to refuse sexual activity. A belly at 37 weeks of pregnancy makes a woman even more attractive to her partner.

Quite often it is the future father who has problems in bed. Men are afraid of harming the fetus and refuse to have a love relationship with their other half. It is not right. There are special positions that allow sexual intercourse to be painless and safe.

A couple can be wary only if, at 37 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach hurts and atypical discharge appears. It is better to contact a specialist in advance. Perhaps this is simply preparing the uterus for the upcoming birth and there is no reason to worry.

Edema in late pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, especially during latest dates, the production of the hormone progesterone increases significantly. In this regard, swelling of the limbs may occur. If it is small, this is considered normal. Fluid retention in tissues is especially common during the summer. This is due to the fact that a woman drinks a lot of fluid. Prolonged walking also contributes to the appearance of edema.

The expectant mother should be alerted sharp jumps weight, as well as swelling of the face. This may indicate pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman. Swelling should not appear suddenly. The amount of fluid increases in a woman’s body gradually. The maximum peak of swelling can be observed precisely at the 37th week of pregnancy. Visually determining the presence of a problem is quite simple. If pressing on the shin leaves a hole, then there is a reason to consult a doctor for advice. He may prescribe medications that will reduce the amount of fluid in the tissues.

There are several reasons for the appearance of pathological swelling. First of all, this is poor nutrition. If a woman does not consume enough protein, blood vessels can easily leak. soft fabrics liquid gets in. Improper kidney function also contributes to excessive swelling. Varicose veins can provoke swelling of the limbs. Any discomfort associated with fluid retention should be a reason to immediately contact an antenatal clinic.

What should you be wary of at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

At normal course During pregnancy, a woman should feel well even in the last stages, provided that she follows the doctor’s recommendations. But carrying a baby does not go smoothly for everyone. The presence of some symptoms may indicate the manifestation of late toxicosis. Should be on your guard headache, muscle spasms, spots before the eyes. If you experience pain in the upper abdomen at 37 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult a specialist immediately.

Dangerous enough later pregnancy is gestosis. This is a pathological condition that can lead to death if you do not seek treatment promptly. medical care. The manifestation of gestosis may be primarily indicated by a high content of protein in the urine, as well as severe swelling of the extremities. Temperature at 37 weeks of pregnancy is also a bad sign. She can talk like late toxicosis, and about the beginning inflammatory process.

In the later stages of gestation, all systems of the expectant mother work to their limits. This can also lead to worsening chronic diseases. A pregnant woman should be observed by a specialist in her disease and not hide alarming symptoms. Indeed, during this period it is worth taking care not only of your health, but also of the condition of the fetus. In this way it will be possible to avoid possible complications during childbirth.

Gymnastics will help ease childbirth

Childbirth is undoubtedly a rather painful process. But how fast and good

they will pass, it depends only on the woman herself. Special gymnastics for expectant mothers will come to the rescue. It’s not too late to prepare for childbirth, even at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Physical exercise helps strengthen the pelvic muscles and improves the functioning of the nervous system. A woman prepared for childbirth feels calmer and more confident. The functioning of the heart and respiratory system improves. It is also much easier for representatives of the fair sex who do special gymnastics during pregnancy to get back into shape after childbirth.

It is worth noting that doing physical exercise Not all pregnant women can afford it. For those who have started the 37th week of pregnancy, the stomach feels tight and bloody issues, gymnastics should be stopped. Diseases such as tuberculosis, thrombosis, pleurisy are contraindications to physical activity during pregnancy. Women who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system should also avoid gymnastics.

Physical education in the last stages of pregnancy differs from physical activity a woman who is not pregnant. Even professional athletes give up their usual workouts while expecting a baby.

Morning is the ideal time to do gymnastics. If a woman cannot choose a special set of exercises on her own, she can turn to an instructor for help. Physical education classes for pregnant women are also held at antenatal clinics.

Most of the exercises for expectant mothers are aimed at training the pelvic muscles, as well as breathing. The classes are simple and quite effective.

Pregnancy and bad habits

Today bad habits every second woman has. Unfortunately, expectant mothers are in no hurry to give up alcohol and smoking even while pregnant. Many people think that one cigarette and a glass of red wine a day is not enough to

harm the child. This is wrong. The adverse effects of nicotine are completely independent of the number of cigarettes smoked. Dangerous time The period for smoking is 37 weeks of pregnancy. Precursors of childbirth can be observed much earlier than this period, but the child will not yet be prepared for birth.

Nicotine has an adverse effect not only on the child’s body, but also on the expectant mother. The risk of premature termination of pregnancy increases several times!

Alcohol is even more dangerous for the fetus. A child whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy may lag significantly behind his peers in development. In addition, alcohol is a common cause of babies being born with heart defects.

Pregnancy lasts only nine months. At this time, giving up bad habits is not so difficult. Especially if the life and health of a newborn baby depends on it.

A pregnant woman expecting an imminent birth at 37 weeks may become nervous and irritable. Try to calm down and keep good mood. Almost all pregnant women feel very awkward at this stage. Pain in the pelvic area intensifies, and the gait changes once again due to a shift in the center of gravity. The baby begins to descend, so the pressure on the diaphragm and stomach decreases. And increased pressure on the bladder can cause frequent urge to go to the toilet, especially at night. Training contractions during this period can be long and painful. To reduce discomfort change your position, walk around a bit, or take a shower.

Your weight may now drop a little - this is normal, and there is no need to worry about it. It becomes more difficult to sleep, not only because of the inconvenience, but also because nervous tension. But still try to get a good night's sleep, because soon you will need a lot of strength and energy. In the placenta and ovaries at week 37, the production of the hormone relaxin increases, preparing the body for the upcoming birth. This hormone reduces uterine contractions, preventing premature birth, softens the tissue of the cervix and symphysis pubis. It also increases the extensibility of the pelvic floor bones. Also, under the influence of this hormone, the breasts prepare for upcoming feeding.

Nutrition and bad habits

Due to the descent of the fetus and the reduced pressure on the stomach, your appetite may increase, but try not to overeat. It is better to eat in small portions, but often. Include light diet foods in your diet. Eat cereals, lean meats, dairy products and plenty of fresh vegetables. Avoid eating fatty, spicy and salty foods. Do not forget to drink enough liquid, giving preference to unsweetened compotes, plain water and weak tea. Since there is more pressure on your bladder now, try not to drink too much in the hours before bed. To reduce the number of nighttime urges to go to the toilet, do not drink yogurt and kefir 4 hours before bedtime. During this period, severe discomfort can be caused by training contractions, which become more painful and prolonged. It can be very difficult to determine whether these are training contractions or real ones. Some pregnant women even go to the maternity hospital several times, deciding during training contractions that labor has already begun. To relieve the condition, walk around the room or take a shower. If contractions have not passed, go to the hospital. The pressure on the bladder increases, so the urge to go to the toilet at night becomes more frequent. Try not to drink a lot of fluids a few hours before bed.

Intimate life

Most modern gynecologists do not consider it necessary to interrupt intimate life in the last weeks of pregnancy. On the contrary, male sperm contains substances that prepare the pregnant woman’s body for childbirth. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, then you can have sex. You need to focus solely on your well-being. Many couples stop having an intimate life during this period due to psychological factors. The baby's presence becomes more noticeable, so it seems that he is also involved in this process. If mucous lumps appear in the discharge, then intimate life will still have to be stopped before childbirth, since when the plug comes out, an infection can occur.

Physical activity

At 37 weeks physical activity will have to lower it a little. To keep yourself in good shape, you can perform simple exercises under the supervision of a professional trainer, who will make sure that you do not get injured. Under no circumstances should you force yourself to perform this or that exercise through force. To make the birth process easier and recover faster after it, perform Kegel exercises and breathing exercises.

Medicines and procedures

Taking any medications and undergoing medical procedures must be agreed upon with a gynecologist. At this stage, medications cannot affect the baby’s development, but some of them can worsen his well-being. In some cases, your doctor may recommend postponing treatment after birth. Only a qualified specialist can determine the effectiveness of a medicine and its safety.

The 37th week of pregnancy occurs in the middle of the 9th month. Childbirth is approaching, for which the body of mother and child is preparing. The lungs of the fetus produce a surfactant substance intended for the baby's oxygen breathing. A subcutaneous fat layer is formed, and conditions for protecting the nervous system, which will be strengthened within a year after birth. Due to the increase in fat, the child’s weight increases and can reach three kilograms. Small man in the womb preparing to be born.

Harbingers of childbirth

For a woman's body last month Before birth, signs of stabilization are typical. This concerns the establishment of the respiratory system, normalization of digestive processes, which contributes to excellent digestibility of food. The only worry for the mother is the frequent urge to go to the toilet, but this is normal. It is associated with the movement of the fetal head towards the pelvic region. This position of the child indicates a normal pregnancy and no risk of premature birth.

Relief in the well-being of a pregnant woman at 37 weeks is very helpful. She can calm down and look forward to the upcoming birth without fear. Preparing for the birth of a child is an important responsibility; many expectant mothers at this time are deciding whether their husband will be present during the birth process, this gives confidence in a successful delivery of the pregnancy.

Other signs of impending labor:

  • lowering of the abdomen with accompanying heaviness at the bottom, there is a feeling that there is also a nagging, mild pain in the perineum, but this is not dangerous, the stomach is just heavy and its load begins to noticeably press;
  • in some pregnant women the stomach does not descend, which is not considered a pathology; a signal for imminent labor is pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the skin on the navel and on the living thing is stretched, the umbilical knot may turn out, but this is a temporary phenomenon, after childbirth its appearance will be the same;
  • a baby at 37 weeks is cramped in the womb, so there are peculiarities of movement; tremors can be felt in the hypochondrium and be painful.

During this week of pregnancy, it is recommended to pay close attention to training contractions. Their rhythm, increased duration and increased pain indicate the beginning of the birth process.

What happens to the child

At 37 weeks, many women go into labor. Nature arranges it in such a way that the child is ready for changes in living conditions. His digestive system has formed, the mucous membrane in it is covered with villous epithelium, which will ensure the absorption of nutritional components. That is, the digestion process and absorption during feeding will proceed normally.

Meconium, the original feces, has formed in the intestines, and peristaltic contractions begin, facilitating the exit of feces and urine from the body through the outlet openings.

The fat layer ensured the baby's skin was smooth, and he was strong enough to suck milk from the breast. The baby’s heat exchange processes have started, and he will be able to maintain his body temperature within the limits necessary for life outside the mother’s womb.

The baby's lungs are already ready, all respiratory system The hormone cortisone, produced by the child’s body at 37 weeks, will help to finally form.

At this stage, the process of formation of the child’s body is still underway, but it is already prepared for birth and functioning in other conditions. He will not experience stress when changing his environment, since the adrenal glands have produced a hormone to adapt to extrauterine existence.

The liver actively accumulates iron, which is necessary for the production of blood cells. During the formation of the central nervous system, neurons are formed that control motor coordination at birth and up to one year.

At week 37, we can already talk about the features of the baby’s appearance; the nasal and ear cartilaginous elements harden.

The cranial bone structures are not yet solid, this ensures the passage of the child through the birth canal without deformation of the head. The fontanelles will remain open for some time after birth; after they heal, the cranial bones will finally harden.

The size around the circumference of the abdomen and head of the fetus is the same, height should be between 48-50 cm. But this is not a static indicator, it depends on genetic factors and is individual for each baby.

The expectant mother should monitor the nature of the baby's movements. In case of deviations from the characteristics of the baby's mobility in the womb listed below, you should consult a doctor.

  1. The movements and tremors should be intense and noticeable.
  2. In quantitative terms, this is at least 10 submitted characters in half a day.
  3. If this happens more often or less frequently, the child beats strongly and the mother experiences pain from the tremors, then you need to consult a doctor. Such facts are observed when an infant experiences suffering.
  4. If there is no movement for several hours, you must immediately inform your doctor about this.

Pregnant twins should keep in mind that the onset of labor at 37 weeks is not premature birth. The same can be said for multiparous women, because they often do not carry to full term. Future mother and relatives must be in full readiness. Prepare your bag for admission to the hospital, take an exchange card with you even on a walk, and constantly monitor changes in your well-being.

Ultrasound at 37 weeks

Ultrasound examination is carried out to clarify the characteristics of fetal development that are important in the prenatal period. These include:

  • position of the fetus;
  • examination by a doctor;
  • fixing dimensions;
  • study of heartbeat rhythm;
  • determination of the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • study of changes in the uterus.

If the fetus is positioned head down, then this will be a normal delivery, usually ending in a successful birth. This is the correct physiological location that matches the shape of the uterus. In this case, the passage of the child will be problem-free. Childbirth will be complicated if the child is positioned across or sits on his butt. In this situation, a caesarean section is possible.

The study of blood circulation in the placenta is carried out using Doppler sonography.

Condition and behavior of the pregnant woman

A woman needs to protect herself from stress, her stomach from accidental bruises and exercise maximum caution in everything. You can have sex, but subject to certain conditions. The expectant mother must be healthy so that the membranes do not rupture. You should choose a position that is comfortable and safe; if you experience pain during sex, it is better to stop having sex.

The prenatal period is characterized by the presence of vaginal discharge. They are caused by the discharge of amniotic fluid, can be abundant or scanty, and are transparent. If there is, then the color of the watery discharge is observed; it has a greenish tint.

The mucus plug comes out together with the water or regardless of it. Its purpose is to close the entrance to the uterus throughout pregnancy. This is the natural protection of the fetus from the penetration of harmful microorganisms. The plug is a mucous clot that is white, creamy, bloody or translucent. The plug comes off in parts or completely, it looks like discharge on underwear. If there is a complete release, it will be immediately obvious by the amount of mucus; if it is partial, then small mucus lumps will appear. To avoid infection, it is not recommended to have sex on these days.

If bleeding occurs after your water and mucus have broken, call 911 immediately. This is an alarming symptom that suggests that there are problems with the location of the placenta.

Lumbar, sacral, spinal pain and painful sensations in the limbs - common occurrence for the third trimester. At week 37, the concentration of pain occurs in the lower extremities, they intensify when walking

Before the cork mucus leaves, the lower abdomen begins to tug, which is considered a signal of impending labor in the near future. The consumption of the pelvic bones begins, and the child puts pressure on the perineum, these factors contribute to the occurrence of pain.

Pregnancy provokes weight gain.

It can be natural and occurs due to fetal growth, enlargement of the mammary glands, formation of the placenta, and amniotic fluid. The rate of weight gain is individual for each woman; it depends not only on the reasons listed above, but also on the genetic factor, concomitant ailments and body type. However, excess body weight should be insignificant compared to the norm. This is the key to easier childbearing. But before childbirth, the weight may stabilize, since the fetus has already gained its weight.

In the last few prenatal days, women complain of feelings of stuffiness and heat inside, increased sweating. This is a symptom of a significant increase in blood. Try to get examined by a doctor to find out if the uterus is ready to dilate.

Childbirth at 37 weeks

In the absence of pathological phenomena, the child’s body is prepared for release into the world. Nervous system will also not suffer, the neural connections surrounded by tissue will not react to changing conditions, this will not affect them in any way. The baby’s central nervous system will continue to change and strengthen during the first 12 months.

The baby's lungs are also ready to breathe in the air space, thanks to the surfactant produced. A newborn will breathe on its own within moments of birth. The fetus is so developed that it fully corresponds to the time of birth. The birth process can begin on any day of the 37th week, and for those carrying twins or giving birth again, this birth date is considered the norm.

But you need to understand that a strong push from a baby or a single contraction is not a reason to immediately run to maternity hospital. Birth signs should be monitored and not lost sight of. different features and little things.

You need to go to the maternity hospital if several signs are present:

  • repetition of contractions every five minutes;
  • severe pain during contractions;
  • reducing the intervals between contractions.

Don’t be afraid to have a light meal before going to the maternity hospital, you will need strength and you need to support it. Will help you alleviate your condition breathing exercises and walking. The pain will be more noticeable if you do not move.

37 weeks is considered favorable for childbirth. The well-being of the birth process at 37 weeks is ensured by nature itself. Mother and child are prepared, the placenta has fulfilled its function and is aging, ceasing to provide the fetus with the substances necessary for life. At this moment, the woman begins to produce a hormone designed to naturally stimulate initial and subsequent attempts.

The main thing for a woman is to be psychologically prepared for childbirth. Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, you need to remember that childbirth is not a simple, but natural process. Typically, pregnant women are prepared at the antenatal clinic for childbirth; many attend special courses and learn ways to alleviate the condition during labor.

Remember that the mood of the mother in labor is transmitted to the child; panic fear can harm both the pregnant woman and the baby. The key to a successful birth is strict adherence to the instructions of the obstetrician.

This is especially true for behavior in the prenatal ward and delivery room. If you comply with the requirements of the medical staff, then everything will work out with minimal or no disruption. The pain will be forgotten, and the happiness from the birth of a child will be remembered for a lifetime.

If you gave birth at 37 weeks, the baby is considered full-term. Remember that initial birth characteristics- these are training contractions and mucous marks on underwear that appear due to the removal of the plug.

  • if strange changes occur during pregnancy, you need to seek advice;
  • by week 37 you need to decide where you will give birth;
  • before giving birth, it is advisable to get tested for streptococcus, this will avoid dangerous infection;
  • if the doctor insists on hospitalization, this cannot be neglected.

Now you know how the 37th week of pregnancy progresses and what you need to do. By following the recommendations of professionals, you will safely give birth to a healthy baby and be happy.

For more convenient management of pregnancy and description of changes in the female body, the entire period of gestation can be divided into weeks and months. Pregnancy dates may vary depending on the starting point. So, many mothers count the period from the moment of conception, but in gynecology it is customary to start from the day the last menstrual cycle began.

37th obstetric week corresponds to the 35th week of pregnancy, counting from the moment of conception, and symbolizes the beginning of the 10th month.

At this stage female body I am completely ready to give birth to a baby.

How does the expectant mother feel?

During this period, signs of impending labor are considered normal. So, the stomach may drop a little - this is how the fetus prepares for release. If a woman has not given birth before, the belly may drop a month before the baby is born. If this is not the first birth, it may become lower just before birth.

After the abdomen drops, the pain under the ribs decreases or disappears altogether, future mommy will be able to breathe freely again. The increasing load on the musculoskeletal system increases pain in the sacrum, back and lower back. A common occurrence is the occurrence of shooting pain in the perineum.

Constipation and heartburn appear much less frequently than before. But due to an increase in the size of the uterus, compression occurs Bladder and as a result, increased urination.

Video - 37 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, signs of rapid rejection of the mucous plug located in the cervix may also appear:

  • Discharge is white to yellowish-brown, in some cases streaked with blood;
  • Cloudy mucus.

During gestation, the mucus plug blocked access to infection in the cervix. After its rejection, it is better to refrain from intimate relationships and swimming in open waters - the infection can easily penetrate the uterine cavity.

Mucus can come out either gradually, in small portions, or completely, at one time. In case of partial rejection, jelly-like lumps will be present on the underwear. The total volume of the mucus plug is 2 tablespoons. Often the plug is rejected only with the beginning of the birth process.

If the plug comes off accompanied by bleeding, you should go to the hospital immediately. The presence of discharge of this kind indicates an incorrect presentation of the fetus or the location of the placenta.

Due to changes in hormonal levels, the volume of discharge may increase - there are no deviations from the norm. However, if they have unpleasant smell, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. The cause of their appearance may be an infection.

An increase in the volume of discharge for this period is considered normal. If they cause discomfort, it is worth considering that using tampons in such a situation is strictly prohibited. Better to use panty liners and wash yourself several times a day.

The appearance of watery discharge indicates the beginning of the labor process - the breaking of water. They may appear in small quantities, slightly wetting the laundry, or pour out in a stream. During the normal course of labor, their structure should be transparent, but in case of hypoxia they can turn greenish.

The approaching date of birth is also indicated by pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Constant pressure from the fetus on the perineum leads to a gradual divergence of the pelvic bones.

The abdomen can harden up to several times a day.

Excessive tension of the skin leads to the fact that the stomach begins to itch very much, a dark stripe may appear on it, and the navel may protrude outward. Don't panic, all these symptoms will go away after childbirth.

At this stage, the blood volume in the expectant mother’s body increases significantly, which is why she may experience increased sweating or internal heat.

State Description

By the beginning of the 10th month, the uterus reaches its maximum possible size:

  • Weight ~ 1 kg;
  • Volume – up to 5 l.

The upper part of the uterus at this time is located 165 mm from the navel and 370 from the symphysis pubis.

The circumference of the tummy and head becomes the same by this age. Does not accumulate in the intestines a large number of first stool. Intestinal peristalsis is gradually activated. The fleecy epithelium completely covers the mucous membrane of the child’s stomach and intestines, thanks to which he becomes able to absorb food.

By this time, the fluff (lanugo) should disappear from the child’s body. The original lubricant can be found only in the folds or, conversely, envelop its entire body.

Cortisone is released in large quantities, which promotes the maturation of the lungs. The connection between the circulatory system and the lungs has not yet been established, but during the birth process, the corresponding valve in the heart will open, sending blood to the lungs for oxygenation. The lungs begin to produce surfactant, a substance that performs immunomodulatory and bactericidal functions. Thanks to it, after birth the baby will be able to breathe oxygen freely.

The fetus makes its first attempts to breathe on its own. As he inhales, amniotic fluid enters his lungs and is then expelled as he exhales. The baby may also hiccup.

At this time, neurons begin to be covered with a protective cell membrane (myelin layer), a process that will continue for another year after birth. The grasping reflex is already well developed by this age.

This week, boys undergo important changes - the testicles descend into the scrotum.

Heat exchange processes in the baby’s body proceed normally, he is able to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

Fact! When a child is born, he or she will not experience as much stress as if he was born more recently. early. At this point, the fetal adrenal glands significantly increase in size and begin to produce a hormone that promotes the baby’s successful adaptation outside the womb.

The fetal liver actively accumulates iron, intended for the formation of blood cells in the first months of life.

Most children's hair grows by this time; it can reach a length of 0.5 to 4 cm. Although cases are common when a baby is born bald.

By this time, the baby’s skin is denser, the fat layer thickens. The cartilages of the nose and ears harden, the bones of the skull remain soft and elastic so that they can easily change their shape during the passage of the birth canal.

The child's nails are actively growing, moving in the womb of the mother, he can injure himself a little.

Diet of the expectant mother

At this stage of bearing a baby, the quality of nutrition plays a very important role - the well-being of both mother and child depends on its balance.

Nutrition should be moderate - dieting and overeating at this time are extremely undesirable. Thus, starvation poses a serious threat to the baby’s life. You need to eat food as often as possible (up to 7 times a day) in small portions. Nutritionists recommend focusing on fermented milk products.

Also, the expectant mother’s body urgently needs vitamin C. You can get it along with potatoes and other vegetables.

It is extremely important to reduce the amount of fluid you drink in the evening and fatty foods– these measures will help overcome insomnia.

Allowed to use bakery products and cereals, especially whole grains - these products contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which ensures the normal functioning of the intestines.

How to behave as an expectant mother

You need to listen carefully to your well-being. Any changes in sensations should be reported to your doctor immediately. The uterus at this stage may be hypertonic, which can provoke premature birth.

TO imminent birth You should prepare for the following symptoms:

  • Prolapse of the abdomen, strengthening in it pain– the baby begins to prepare for birth, he takes a position in the birth canal;
  • Digestive disorder;
  • Detachment of the mucus plug.

Before the birth of the baby, mothers may experience a worsening of the “nesting” syndrome - they begin to actively clean, they want to bring maximum order to the house.

Insomnia is considered a common phenomenon during this period. The expectant mother must fight her, as she will soon need strength. To improve the quality of night sleep, you should try to do simple work during the day and move more. It is also advisable to sleep less during the day. It is important to take a little walk fresh air, especially before bed.

Be sure to provide ventilation in the bedroom in the evening, or sleep with the window open.

There is a high probability that the labor process will begin at the beginning of the tenth month. You need to prepare for the fact that you will have to go to the maternity hospital at any moment. So, the expectant mother must collect everything she needs. It is advisable to write a list of things and documents that will be needed in the maternity hospital. They can be divided into 3 packages - one for the maternity ward, the second with the mother’s things, the third with the baby’s things for the postpartum ward.

Important! Now is the time to get tested to determine your Rh factor and blood type - this information will be needed upon admission to the department.

A common occurrence during this period is the frequent occurrence of false contractions. They are distinguished from real ones by their relative lightness and irregularity. Mommy may feel contractions and tension in the uterus. Such contractions can occur a couple of times a week or every day.

Advice! You can ease your condition during training contractions by standing under a warm shower.

Don’t panic and go to the maternity hospital prematurely as soon as you feel contractions. The signal to leave should be a reduction in the interval between contractions (less than 5 minutes) and intensification painful sensations. There is no need to stand still—walking back and forth and using breathing techniques can make you feel much better.

  • By the onset of the 37th week, the expectant mother should already have decided on a maternity hospital.
  • It is imperative to get tested for the presence of streptococcal bacteria to avoid infecting the baby during birth.

Ultrasound of fetal development

Often the last ultrasound is done long before the 37th week - based on this study, the approximate scope of the onset of labor can be outlined. But to clarify some information, ultrasonography can be carried out at this stage. For example, it can be used to check the position of the fetus on the eve of birth.

Baby's face at 37 weeks of pregnancy

The most physiological position is to position the baby head down, this is how it will be easier for the baby to pass during childbirth. But, sometimes the fetus can be located across the uterus or with its butt down. When diagnosing breech and associated aggravating factors, a cesarean section may be prescribed.

If earlier it was not possible to establish the gender of the child using ultrasound, then nothing will work now - the baby’s activity is significantly reduced, so examining his genitals is quite problematic.

To examine the state of uteroplacental blood flow, Doppler sonography may be prescribed.

Dopplerography can be performed to examine uterine and placental blood flow.

The approaching birth can cause increased anxiety and worry for the mother. There is no need to make yourself afraid; it is better to focus on the joyful thought that the long-awaited baby will soon be born.
