Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the second junior group. Lesson on familiarization with nature in the first junior group “The World of Wildlife”

Program content:

Educational objectives -

Form a holistic picture of the world around you;

Activate the cognitive and speech activity of children;

- identify children’s ability to determine whether objects belong to the natural or man-made world;

To consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals, animals and their young;

Reveal children's knowledge about professions (driver, salesman, doctor)

Developmental tasks -

Develop listening and answering skills;

Develop intelligence, memory, logical thinking;

Educational tasks -

To cultivate love and respect for nature, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the team.

Integration educational areas: Cognitive development With speech development with social and communicative development.

Methods and techniques:visual (demonstration of illustrations, pictures and dummies), verbal (organizational moment, conversation, artistic expression: poem, riddles), practical (physical education lesson “Apples”, physical education lesson “Winter Winds”, breathing exercises“Breeze”, game “Domestic and wild animals”, “Mother and baby”, game “Find objects of the man-made world and objects created by nature”, game “Vegetables and fruits”).

Vocabulary work: "The rye is earing, the wheat is golden,” “the powder is falling,” “the blizzard is coming.”

Preliminary work:observation while walking, looking at the illustrations “Seasons”, solving riddles about nature, e. the game “Gathering the Harvest”, e. the game “Animals Are Lost”.

Material and equipment:

Demo:illustrations of seasons, illustrations of "rules" traffic", pictures "Mother and cubs".

Dispensing: toys of wild and domestic animals, dummies: fruits, vegetables, objects of the man-made world and objects created by nature (car, bed, banana, duck, etc.).

Progress of NOOD

I. Organizational moment

Educator: Today we will talk to you about our nature, about our land. We go on a journey through different seasons and remember what we know about them.

What can you ride? (by train, by horse, by bus)

Let's go guys by bus.

II. Main part

Look, there's a road ahead. And a lot of cars. Who is driving the car? Who's driving? (driver, chauffeur). How can we get over? But look what this is? ( traffic light) . What kind of light should be on before you can walk? ( green ). And if the light is red ( we stand ).
Well done! Guys, where should the cars go? (
along the roadway), where should people walk? ( on the sidewalk ), and where should they cross the road? (along a pedestrian crossing - zebra crossing or underpass). What kind of transition is this? Where is he located? ( underground)

1 stop: The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived.

To your home - hive - bee

She brought the first honey.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?(Spring.)

Spring painting.

What is spring like in our region?

(cold and warm, cloudy and sunny, rainy, green, etc.)

What happens in spring?

(nature comes to life, snowdrops appear - the first flowers, buds swell on the trees and leaves appear, etc.)

Who brings spring on his wings?


What are these birds called?


Articulation gymnastics

Educator: Guys, we came across a lot of objects on our way. Bring objects made by human hands to the doll, and objects created by nature itself to the tree. (Car, furniture, bunny, duck, banana, orange) The teacher walks with the children around the group looking for objects and comments on the children’s actions.Who found the object from the tree on which we sleep? The child who finds a picture of a bed answers and shows the picture. The teacher asks to repeat the name of the object and determine which world - man-made or natural - this object belongs to. (This is a bed, this is furniture, a man-made world).

Educator: Well done, let's move on.

2nd stop: Spring will pass, and behind it...

The sun is burning

The linden blossoms

The rye is spiking,

The wheat is golden

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?(summer).

Summer painting.

What is summer like in our region?

(warm, clear, hot, long-awaited, red).

What good things does summer bring?

(fun, flowers, berries, green grass and clear, sunny weather, etc.)

Summer invites us to play and gallop across the meadow.

Adults, children and even animals love summer, and I invite you to play

game "The Cubs Are Lost"

Guys, the cubs are lost, and their mothers are looking for them and can’t find them.

We definitely need to help mothers find their babies.

The horse is looking for... (foal)

The cat is looking for... (kitten)

The mouse is looking for...(mouse).

Educator: Guys, let's play another game "Wild and Domestic Animals". Here are pictures of animals. Where do wild animals live? ( In the woods ), where do pets live? (in the house or near the house).Place pictures of wild animals near the Christmas tree, and pictures with pets near the house. Children complete the task. Well done, let's move on.

3rd stop: Summer has passed, and behind it...

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down,

When does this happen?(Autumn).

Autumn painting.

Educator: Children, vegetables and fruits ripen in the fall, they lie in front of you. Please place them on different trays, vegetables on one, fruit on the other. Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, when vegetables and fruits ripen, where do they go? ( to the store ). What else do they sell in the store? (books, toys, sweets, etc.). Guys, who is selling us all this?(salesman ), and who are we in the store? ( buyers ). Well done, now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “Apples”

I stand on my toes,

(rise on tiptoes)

I get the apples

(hands up)

I run home with an apple,

(running in place)

My gift to mom.

(claps hands)

4 stop: Autumn has passed, and behind it...

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking -

When does this happen?(Winter).

Painting winter.

Educator: Guys, I invite each of you to blow a snowflake off your palm.

Breathing exercises “Veterok”


What are your favorite winter activities?

(slide rides, sledding, ice skating, snowball fights with friends)

What is winter like in our region?

(snowy, frosty, long, white, cheerful, etc.).

Educator: Guys, it’s cold in winter and we often get sick. Who is treating us? ( doctor ). How does he treat? ( looks at the neck, listens, takes the temperature, gives syrup, pills, injections). Children, what should you do to avoid getting sick? (take vitamins, dress for the weather)

III. Results


Guys, our wonderful journey has ended. What seasons do you know? (spring Summer Autumn Winter)

What did we do in class today? (played, looked for baby animals, rode the bus, etc.)

What did you like most?(travel, play with animals, look at paintings, etc.)

List of used literature:

Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment.Junior group. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2016. – 80 p.

Solomenkova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten:Junior group. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2016. – 64 p.

NURSLU Satanova
Summary of entertainment in the second junior group “Children and Nature” “A Journey to Visit the Fairy of Nature...”

Subject entertainment in the second junior group No. 6: Children and nature


1) Consolidate children’s knowledge about nature, seasons and their signs, children’s ideas about animals and birds of the forest, about their habits and characteristics, about a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

2) Develop Creative skills children, the ingenuity and intelligence of children, their erudition, communication skills and the ability to clearly formulate answers to questions posed.

3) To cultivate in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to beauty in natural surroundings.


Flower with tasks, cardboard flowers, medals, cards "What was what".

Progress of entertainment:

Children sitting on chairs

The teacher tells the children that we have received a letter from a fairy nature

"I am a Fairy Nature. I heard that you are very good and smart children and I really want to get to know you better and invite you to my place guests. In my natural there is a club of amateurs in the state nature. Do you want to visit there? But to do this you must pass the test. Aren't you afraid?"

The teacher asks children:

Guys, do you want to go to natural state?

Now look, I have a wand in my hands, but not a simple one, but a magic one. Close your eyes and I will cast a magic spell.

I'll take the wand in my hands,

I'll lead a magic circle

I'll knock softly one, two, three,

Bring the magic to life!

I will say the magic words, and you perform all the movements and immediately find yourself in the forest...

To the Kingdom Nature is easy to get to,

You don't have to go far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now let's clap our hands So:

One clap, another clap -

And now a haystack is visible,

And now the field is heading

The wheat is noisy and agitated,

The skies are blue above her,

Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: Here we are in the kingdom Nature.

Educator: Here we are in the Fairy State Nature. Where is she herself? Let's look for her. Oh, look at the magical flower - Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. He fulfills every wish. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are tasks. Let's read it.

1. Red petal. "Name the artist".

Children, take the cards on the chairs. Now I will read lines of poetry, and you must raise the card. If the poem is about winter, you should raise a white square, about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow.

Four artists

as many paintings.

Painted it with white paint

All in a row one.

The forest and field are white,

White meadows,

Near the snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns...

U second - blue

Sky and streams.

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow

Ice floes - lace.

The first thawed patches,

First grass (Spring)

In the picture of the third

Countless colors:

Yellow, green, blue are available.

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue River

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky (Summer)

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

The fields are productive,

Ripe fruits...

There are beads everywhere - berries

They ripen through the forests,

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn)

Well done! You know the seasons well. What's on the orange petal?

2. Orange petal. Game "Who (how) was, who (how) became".

The children are given cards. The back side of cards of a certain color. Children are united into groups based on the color of the cards.. There is a picture on the back.

You must confer and lay out the chain. What it was and what it became.

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - Chicken - chicken.

Egg – tadpole – frog.

Seed – sprout – plant (dandelion).

Acorn - sprout - oak.

Well done guys completed the task. Let's see what's on the yellow petal.

3Task Yellow Petal

“Draw a forest figure”

A game of low mobility is being played

"The trees are swaying, once...".

Target: Develop Children have the ability to perform movements according to a signal, according to a word. Develop initiative, intelligence.

Progress of the game: During the game children they say things like this words:

The trees are swaying...

The trees are swaying, two...

The trees are swaying, three...

Forest figure freeze in place!

After finishing the words, the leader chooses the figure he likes, after which this child takes on the role of the leader. A game repeated several times.

4 Green petal.

Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play a game with you "If I come to the woods". I will tell you my actions, and you will answer if I act well, we say "Yes", if it’s bad, then we all scream together "No"!

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I'll make a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,

Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature,

I'm helping her! (Yes)

5Blue petal

Held "Dance Competition".

Progress of the game: large cardboard flowers are placed on the children’s heads, and at the presenter’s signal they begin to dance to the music without touching the flowers with their hands. The winner is the one who dances the longest without dropping the flower.

6. Blue petal.

Flash questions.

We respond quickly.

– Who carries the house? (Snail)

- Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

-What animal has a bush on its head? (Elk)

– What animals hibernate? (Badger, bear, hedgehog, gopher, hamster)

– What animals change color for the winter. (Hare, squirrel)

– What bird doesn’t build nests and hatch chicks? (Cuckoo)

- What kind of bird is it called? "forest doctor"? (Woodpecker)

– What animal is called "ship of the desert"? (Camel)

– Without what can a plant not grow? (Light, water, heat).

You know everything, well done!

And now the purple petal.

7 Outdoor game "By the Bear in the Forest"

A fairy appears here nature:

Hello guys, you coped with the tasks very well, and I can safely call you my assistants.

Let's play a game with you "Fruits vegetables"

You need to put fruits in one basket and vegetables in the other. Fairy nature chooses those who want.

Children To the music, vegetables and fruits are placed in a basket. Fairy nature checks whether it was done correctly kids assignment. A game repeats itself several times with other children.

Fairy thanks the children:

Thank you guys, you did everything right.

Take care nature, and she will always reward you with delicious berries, vegetables, fruits and fresh air.

Fairy nature presents medals to children "Best in the world" And “The best in the world around us”

Publications on the topic:

"Visiting the Bunny." Entertainment summary for children of the second junior group Program content: Consolidate knowledge about wild animals. Practice playing the game musical instruments. Develop speech and creative abilities.

Children's autumn holiday- this is a sea of ​​smiles and fun, because even though they say that autumn is a dull time, children, like no one else, are capable.

Summary of the walk in the second junior group “Journey to visit the seasons” Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Journey to visit the seasons” Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children of the second junior group about.

Summary of entertainment on traffic rules in the younger group “How the children helped Kolobok return home” Goal: To consolidate knowledge of traffic rules: crossing the street, pedestrian crossing, traffic lights; understand the meaning of green, yellow, etc.

Summary of the entertainment “Visiting the Insects” for children of the second junior group Insect toys are hung around the group. Voss: Today, children, we will go with you to the forest. In the sky, white as cream of the Sun, there is a yellow seal.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the natural world in the senior group “What is nature” Topic: “What is nature?” Goal: to expand children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature. Objectives: Continue to teach children to distinguish living objects.

Summary of the entertainment lesson “Journey to the world of your favorite toys” in the second junior group Topic: “Our toys.” Goal: To consolidate the concept of “toys”, to create an atmosphere in the group psychological comfort. Objectives: - Continue to expand.

Entertainment scenario “Visiting Kolobok” for children of the second junior group Goal: Through familiar fairy tales to children, improve motor skills. Objectives: Continue to teach how to perform exercises with swords;

Scenario for entertainment in the second junior group “We are going to visit summer.” Municipal government preschool educational institution « Kindergarten"Sun" Soligalichsky municipal district of the Kostroma region.

Scenario of sports entertainment with parents in the second junior group “Visiting Mishka Toptyshka” Goal: To identify common health-saving technologies used in the improvement of children’s health in preschool educational institutions and families. Objectives: 1. To form in children.

Image library:

Lesson summary for the second junior group “Winter-winter has come to visit us”

Abstract open class in the second junior group on the topic: « Zimushka - winter has come to visit us »

Target: Summarize children’s knowledge about the season - winter, winter fun, winter clothes. Expand children's horizons, form a holistic picture of the world, develop free communication, introduce them to verbal art, and develop emotional responsiveness.



Strengthen children's knowledge about characteristic features winter (it's cold in winter, snowing, snow lies on the roofs, roads, trees.);

Teach children to notice the beauty of winter nature;

Form a concept about the properties of snow (consists of snowflakes, cold, fluffy, soft);

Learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (snow melts on a warm hand and in a warm room);

Activate children's vocabulary on the topic "Winter", "Cloth";

Develop skills in coordinating speech with movement.


Development of research and educational interest in experimenting with snow.

Develop the ability to use accumulated knowledge in conversation.

Continue to work on developing the dialogical form of speech.

Develop voluntary attention, the ability to act according to verbal instructions from an adult.


To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, and love of nature. Fostering a culture of communication in the process joint activities.

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoon film: "Seasons" a series "Lessons from Aunt Owl".

Reading poems about winter.

Looking at an illustration about winter.

Watching the snow while walking.

Board game– lotto: "Seasons".

Didactic game : “When does this happen?”.

Didactic game: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”.

Vocabulary work:

White, cold, fluffy, sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silver, crispy, soft, melts, lies, fly, fur, winter

Materials and equipment:

Decoration: snowdrifts, Christmas trees in the snow.

Bucket (pelvis) with snow

Subject pictures: hat, fur coat, mittens, boots, shoes.

Progress of the lesson:

Enter with light music. (Establishing emotional contact).

Greetings "Hello".

Hello golden sun,

Hello blue sky,

Hello free breeze,

Hello little white snowball.

Hello guys -

girls and boys.

Hello, I'll tell you,

I greet you all.

Educator: Children, come on, and we will greet our guests.

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, I know that all children love to solve riddles. And now I want to tell you a riddle.

“I have a lot to do.

I cover the whole earth with a white blanket.

Whitewashing fields and houses. My name is…" (Winter)

Well done, of course it's winter. What time of year is it outside our window?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Guys, how did you guess that it’s winter outside now?

Children: It’s snowing, frosty outside...

Educator: Winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year! What is it like, winter?

Children: Cold, fluffy, prickly, snowy, white!

Educator: Indeed, winter can be different, and that’s why adults and children love it so much.

First picture: snow falls.

Educator: Look how beautiful it is!

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

(I. Surikov).

What kind of snow is there?

Children: White, cool, fluffy, sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silver, crispy, soft.

Educator: And when a lot of snow falls from the sky, what is it called?

Children: Snowfall.

Educator: And when snowflakes swirl, the wind carries them, what is it called? Children: Blizzard, blizzard.

Educator: Guys, how does the blizzard howl?

Children: uuuuuu

Educator: What is snow made of?

Children: from snowflakes.

Second picture: winter road, field.

Educator: Children, look where the snow lies?

Children: On the roads, in the fields. (Snow lies on the roads, in the fields).

Third picture: house in the snow.

Educator: What else is there snow on?

Children: On the roof. (Snow is on the roof).

Educator: What can you compare snow to when it covers streets, houses, trees. What does he look like? (on canvas, carpet, blanket, hat, etc.)

Fourth picture: forest, snow lies on the trees.

Educator: Look, where else is there snow?

Children: Snow lies on the trees.

Educator: Yes, there is so much snow on the trees. Why is there snow on trees and under trees?

Children: To prevent trees from freezing.

Educator: Why else do you need snow in winter?

Educator: Is winter good or bad?

Educator: What's good when it's winter?

Children: a lot of snow, you can play snowballs, go downhill, skate, ski, sculpt a snow woman.

Educator: When can you say that winter is bad?

Children: it's cold in winter, very coldy, snowstorms, you need to dress warmly, you can’t walk for a long time.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you take a walk into the winter forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! Want to go with me?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What did we forget to do?

Children: Get dressed.

Educator: Why do we need to dress?

Children: Cold.

Didactic game "Children Dress Up"

Children approach the table on which pictures of clothes are laid out. Of these, only the image is selected winter clothes and clothes are displayed in a certain sequence on a magnetic board.

Look outside the window (overview hand gesture)

White paths.

Let's go for a walk anyway (walk in place)

Stomp along the paths.

Put it on your feet (bend over, point to feet)

Warm boots;

This one is from the right leg, ( “put a boot on the right foot”)

This one is from the left leg. (“put a boot on the left foot”)

Mittens for the hands (hands up)

Warm sisters. (rotate palms)

This one is on the left cam (show right fist)

This one is on the right fist. (show left fist)

Fur coats (wear "fur coat")

Down hats. (put on "hat").

Educator: Tell me, guys, how can we quickly get to the forest? Children: get there, fly...

Educator: How can we get there? But in the garden we have no transport, so how can we get to the forest?

Children: sledding, skiing...

Educator: I suggest you go skiing into the winter forest.

Children and teacher imitate skiing.

Educator: Guys, now raise your heads, look, what do you see? Children: Cloud.

Educator: What a big cloud hangs overhead. What do you think might fall out of the clouds in winter?

Children: Snow.

The teacher pulls, snowflakes fly.

Educator: What a beauty, catch them. Take it in your hand and tell me what it is?

Children: Snowflakes.

Consider them, what are they?

Children: White, fluffy, light, airy, patterned.

Now let's throw snowflakes up and catch them, what are they?

Children: Lungs.

Guys, what can snowflakes do?

Children: Fly, spin, fall, melt.

Educator: Oh, guys, look how much snow has piled up under the Christmas tree!

Children approach the Christmas tree, the teacher takes out a bucket of snow. Children touch the snow with their palms.

Educator: Let's see what he is like?

Children: White, light, soft, cold, fluffy.

Educator: What do you think snow is made of?

Children: From snowflakes.

Educator: Now take some snow in your palms.

At my Irinka's

Two beautiful snowflakes.

I wanted to show everyone

Lo and behold, there are no snowflakes in sight.

Educator: Children, open your palms(no snow). Where has the snow gone?

Children: Melted.

Educator: What did you turn into?

Children: In water.

Educator: Why?

Children: Palms are warm.

Educator: Our hand is warm, so the snow is gradually melting. What a cold snow, let's wipe our hands.

Educator: Well, we took a walk through the snowy forest, it’s time to go back to the garden.

Educator: Guys, well, our journey is over, remind me what you and I did today?

Educator: And while we were walking through the forest, I noticed this chest under the Christmas tree.

Here is a wonderful chest

He's a friend to all the kids,

We all really want

Look, what's there?

Treats are distributed

Lesson objectives: give children of the second younger group an initial concept of the importance of water in the life of living organisms; cultivate desire.

Material: screen, bibabo theater dolls (bunny, fox); preliminary reading of the poem by B. Zakhoder “Everyone needs water”, I. Melnichuk “Water”.

Progress of the lesson

Bunny and Chanterelle appear from behind the screen.

Bunny. Hello children. Lisichka and I came to visit you from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” My hut is bast, and the fox’s is ice. And now we have a housewarming party. I did the cleaning, turned off the tap and hurried to your kindergarten.

Chanterelle. My ice hut is also in order. But I was in a hurry to get to you guys, and I didn’t close the tap all the way. It's no problem!

Educator (V.). You're wrong, Foxy. Listen to what happened to your friend Lisa the fox.

Like Lisa, the fox,

Once upon a time there lived little sisters

In the new copper tap,

In a snow-white bath.

Lisa washed the dress,

And then I rinsed them,

After washing the pen with soap,

I just forgot to turn off the tap!

The droplets fell

And they disappeared into the ground,

One droplet cries:

I don't want to jump to the bottom!

Where are my sisters?

Small drops?

Who will help?

Wash, wash and rinse?

What to do, how to be?

Lisa needs to turn off the tap!

Chanterelle. Now I understand that water needs to be conserved so that it is not wasted.

IN. Children, huh? (Children's answers.) If you don't water the plant, it will dry out. If an animal does not drink, it will die. And a person cannot live without water. Every living thing needs it. That is why you need to treat water very carefully. Remember an important rule:

You washed your hands with water -

Close the tap quickly.

And now I invite everyone to play the game.

Game "Little Drops"».

Children stand in a circle, holding hands.

Drops spread -

The guys are running away

(Children run around the room.)

Droplets drip-drip, knock-knock -

Gather, children, in a circle.

(Children stand in a circle and hold hands.)

Bunny and Fox. Goodbye guys. We now know that water needs to be conserved, and we will definitely tell all the animals in our forest about this. (Disappear behind the screen).

Summary of the lesson on ecology “Take care of nature” in the second junior group.

Educator Gorelova Evgenia Leonidovna.

Topic: “Take care of nature.”

Target: - give children an initial concept of ecology

To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest, its inhabitants, as well as memory, attention, thinking, coherent speech, and vocabulary on this topic;

To consolidate color, generalize children’s knowledge about wild animals and their habitat;

Foster love, respect for nature and show care and attention to all living things;

Clarify and expand children’s existing ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; - teach children to clearly, clearly, loudly answer questions using pictures and pronounce familiar words denoting an object and its purpose.

Integration of areas:

socialization, communication, physical education, safety, music.


Blue fabric; two baskets: red and green; sounds of the forest, birds, rain, joyful melody.

A set of pictures with animals and birds.

Pictures showing: hedgehog, forest, sun, sky, flower, snowflake, ant, purple fish (cardboard grey, green, yellow, blue, red, white, brown, purple).

Pictures: hare, butterfly, bear, frog, sparrow, fish.

Pictures for cutting: rainbow, tree, forest, wolf, fox.

Progress of the lesson:

V.: Guys, today we will go to forest fairy tale. We will see how amazingly beautiful it is in the forest, how wonderfully the birds sing.

V.: Oh, look, someone is coming towards us. Who is this?

L.Kr.: I am the Forest Beauty.

V.: Why are you so sad?

L.Kr.: The tourists who came to my forest did not remove the garbage after themselves, burned a fire, cut down trees, and played loud music. And from all this, all the animals and birds ran away, and the forest lost its colors, everything became white and black.

V.: Maybe we can help you? Shall we help you guys?

L.Kr.: Okay, but you will have to complete many tasks. Can you handle it?

V.: Guys, first we must show the Forest Beauty that you know how animals differ from birds. We have scattered pictures here and we need to collect them. We collect animals in a green basket, and birds in a red basket, just don’t mix them up. Let's remember how animals differ from birds?

D.: Birds have wings, they fly, and animals have paws, they run fast.

V.: Well done guys, you completed the task.

V.: Let's go further. Oh, guys, look, there's a lake here, but it's dirty. Let us clean it so that the water becomes clean. Game: "Clean the lake." There is a blue cloth in the hoop, small balls lie on it, children must take one ball at a time and put them in the basket.

V.: Well done guys! You have cleared the lake, now it is blue. When we swim in a lake or river or sea in the summer, we cannot throw anything into the water.

V.: Oh, guys, look. Someone scattered pictures, and the pictures are not simple. We must choose a different color for each picture. Game: “Pick your color.” Pictures showing: hedgehog-gray, sun-yellow, sky-blue, forest-green, flower-red, ant-brown, snowflake-white, fish-purple, etc.

V.: Well done.

V.: Guys, look, animals and birds left us a message. In order for them to return to the forest, we must perform the movements. Game: “Guess what kind of animal?” Animals are drawn in the picture and children must show what kind of animal it is (hare - jumps, butterfly - flies smoothly, bear - bear's clubfoot gait, frog - jumps, sparrow - flies, fish - swims).

V.: You did great. The animals and birds are grateful to you, now they will all return to the forest. Guys, when you come to the forest, you should not litter, do not offend animals and birds.

V.: Oh, guys, it looks like it’s going to rain, hurry up and run under your umbrella. Game: "Rain". When rain music plays, children hide under an umbrella, when joyful music plays, children walk. Repeat 2-3 times.

V.: Guys, there is a bridge in front of us, we need to carefully cross it. Everyone crossed, no one fell?

D.: No.

V.: Guys, look, some ill-mannered children tore up a lot of pieces of paper and scattered them throughout the forest. Is it possible to throw litter in the forest?

D.: No.

V.: Let's collect all these pieces of paper and try to fold them. Game: “Assemble the puzzles.” Cut pictures: rainbow, tree, forest, wolf, fox.

V.: Well done guys, you collected all the pictures.

V.: Guys, let's dance for the sun. Dance "Golden Rays".

V.: Look, the trees have become green, the sun has become yellow, the sky has become blue. You and I helped the Forest Beauty transform the forest and return its colors.

L.Kr.: Guys, did you remember that you can’t listen to music loudly in the forest so that the animals and birds don’t get scared. You cannot litter; you must take your garbage with you and throw it in special containers.

L.Kr.: Goodbye!

V. and children: Goodbye!

V.: Guys, we’ve been in the forest with you, and now it’s time for you and me to return to the group.
