Formation of friendly relations among preschool children during play interaction. Positive attitude towards people

Playing with children: strengthening friendships. 9 games for preschoolers. We learn to interact with each other.

This game piggy bank is a supplement to articles by N.M. Barinova from the series “Child Psychology”:

Playing with children: strengthening friendships.

Game 1. “The sun illuminates friendship”

Target: promote the unification and interaction of children in the group.

An adult draws a large circle on whatman paper. Then he outlines the palms of the children, thus creating rays of the sun. With the help of an adult, children color the drawn palms. The result is a beautiful multi-colored sun that hangs on the wall.

Game 2. “Tender name”

Target: learn to interact with each other, say the name of another child.

Children, with the help of an adult, name variants of the affectionate name of each participant in the game, for example: Misha, Mishenka, Mishutka, mom, mommy, mommy.

Game 3. “Guess the animal”

Target: promote the development of self-esteem in children; Activate the friendly attitude of children towards each other.

The adult announces to the children that animals will now come to visit them. Children will need to guess what animals came to them and what mood they were in.

The adult quietly negotiates with each child about what animals they will portray. Children take turns and pretend to be animals, the rest guess.

Game 4. “The bird’s wing hurts”


One of the children turns into a bird whose wing hurts. He tries to show that he is sad. The adult invites the children to “have pity on the bird.” He is the first to “pity” her with the words: “Bird... (Misha, Lena) is good.” Then the other children also “feel sorry for the bird.”

Game 5. “I’ll show you how much I love”

Target: Help children develop the ability to love others.

An adult says that you can show a person that you love him only with touches, without words. Next, the children show how much they love each other.

Game 6. Invisible thread.

Target: unity.

An adult, on behalf of the toy, invites the children to sit on chairs. In his hands he has a ball of bright threads. He tells the children that now they will pass this ball to each other. At the same time, the one who holds the ball must talk about what kind of this moment the mood, what he feels and what he wants to wish for himself, and perhaps for others. Children who were already holding the ball do not let go of its string. When the ball returns to the adult, the children pull the thread, close their eyes and imagine that they form one whole, that each of them is important and significant in this whole.

Games aimed at reducing aggression in children

Game 1. “Knock out the dust”

Each participant is given a “dust pillow”. He must, diligently beating with his hands, “clean” it thoroughly.

Game 2. “The Leaning Tower”

Children take turns using pillows to build a tall tower. We need to take it by storm - (jump), emitting victorious cries like: “A-a-a”, “Hurray!” etc. Each participant can build himself a tower of such a height that, in his opinion, he is able to conquer. After each assault, the “fans” emit loud cries of approval and admiration: “Well done!”, “Great!”, “Victory!”

Game 3. “We swear with vegetables”

Invite the children to fight, but not bad words, and ... vegetables: “You are a cucumber”, “And you are a radish”

The games were prepared by Natalya Mikhailovna Barinova, one of the authors of our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

  • magazine editor " Children's question»,
  • practicing child psychologist,
  • Head of the psychological department of the Center for Natural Development and Child Health,
  • laureate of the Moscow Grant award in the field of education,
  • winner of the competition “Teacher-Psychologist of Russia - 2009”,
  • teacher of child psychology at the university.

You will see how Natalya plays with children and parents in these videos. And at the same time, you will get acquainted with two wonderful games that strengthen trust and goodwill between an adult and a child and help you learn to negotiate with each other.

Venera Mogilnikova
Game as a means of forming friendly relationships between older preschoolers (work experience)

Formation of friendly relationships during the game

During observation during working with children of senior preschool age,we came to the conclusion: the game can be used as means of formation communication abilities. It is through play that the teacher is able to help the child establish contact with the outside world, as well as with peers and adults.

We tried offer classes in form of game situations, encouraging children to draw closer to each other and to the teacher on the basis of empathy for both the situation itself and its participants, and not only for those events that require sympathy and participation, but also for joyful, cheerful events.

The content of the games we offer includes formation children have the knowledge and skills necessary for friendly communication, education of good manners, which is called a culture of communication. During such games, we sought to bring children to what we consider the main thing - a feeling of belonging to a peer group. Also, their content is aimed at attracting attention to the partner, his appearance, mood, actions, deeds; main method - direct interaction. Observations showed quite high results. This is confirmed by the responses of parents. Their opinion is this: children began to resolve many conflicts independently, without adult intervention, more play, the aggressiveness of those who are called problematic has noticeably decreased, and, conversely, participation has increased "closed", the number of demonstrative reactions decreased.

In joint children games, as a rule, perform game tasks, so it is advisable to use sketches and exercises that are short and accessible in content, selected based on the principle from simple to complex. As a kind of relaxation, outdoor games are offered that allow children to relax, "chill out".

So what can help? create such games for children?

Communication skills and qualities.

The ability to recognize the emotions of others and control your own feelings.

Positive attitude towards other people, even if they "completely different".

The ability to empathize - to rejoice in other people's joys and be upset because of other people's sorrows.

The ability to express your needs and feelings using verbal and non-verbal funds.

Ability to interact and collaborate.

Such five-minute games aimed at eliminating conflicts formation good relations to peers, we include in educational and gaming activities.

Game notes.

"Life in the Forest"

Target: Teach children to cooperate without words.

Educator (sits on the carpet, seating the children around him). Imagine that you are in the forest and speaking... different languages. But you need to communicate somehow between themselves. How to do it? How to ask about something, how to express your friendly attitude without saying a word? To ask a question, how are you, clap your palm on your friend’s palm (show). To answer that everything is fine, we tilt our head to his shoulder; we want to express friendship and love - we affectionately stroke the head (show). Ready? Then we started. It’s early morning, the sun is out, you just woke up. The teacher unfolds the further course of the game at random, making sure that the children do not talk between themselves.

« Good elves»

Target: Encourage children to act without words.

Educator (sits on the carpet, seating the children around him). Once upon a time, people, fighting for survival, were forced work day and night. Of course, they were very tired. Took pity on them good elves. As night fell, they began to fly to people and, gently stroking them, lovingly lull them to sleep. kind words. And people fell asleep. And in the morning, full of strength, with renewed energy they took on work.

Now we will play the roles of ancient people and good elves. Those who sit on right hand from me, will play the roles of these workers, and those on the left will play the roles of elves. Then we will switch roles. So, night came. Exhausted people continue work, A good elves

"Magic Chair"

Target: To cultivate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in children’s speech.

One child sits in the center on "magic chair", others are talking about him kind, kind words, compliments. You can hug and stroke the person sitting.


Target: Teach children to act out the story told through pantomime and actions, ending it with a round dance and dancing.

Educator (seating the children around him). Have any of you ever seen an anthill in the forest, inside of which life is seething day and night? None of the ants sit idle, everyone is busy: someone carries needles to strengthen their home, someone cooks dinner, someone raises children. And so all spring and all summer. And in late autumn, when the cold sets in, the ants gather together to sleep in their warm house. They sleep so soundly that they are not afraid of snow, blizzards, or frosts. The anthill wakes up with the onset of spring, when the first warm rays of the sun begin to break through the thick layer of needles. But before you start the usual working life, the ants throw a huge feast. I have this proposal: let's play the role of ants on a joyful holiday day. Let's show how the ants greet each other, rejoicing at the arrival of spring, and how they talk about what they dreamed about all winter. Just don’t forget that ants can’t talk. Therefore, we will communicate with gestures.

"Shadow play"

Target: Teach children to silently move around the room, look at each other, shake hands. Then a tower is built from imaginary cubes. Encourage desire play in pairs.

Educator. Have you noticed how on a bright sunny day your own shadow relentlessly follows you, exactly repeating and copying all your movements? Whether you are walking, running, jumping, she is with you all the time. And if you are going with someone or playing, then your shadow, as if having made friends with the shadow of your companion, again repeats everything exactly, but without talking, without making a single sound. She does everything silently. Let's imagine that we are our shadows. Let's walk around the room, look at each other, try to communicate with each other, and then together we will build something from imaginary cubes. But how? We will move quietly, without making a single sound. So, let's start!


Target: Continue to foster friendly attitude towards each other, ability to show attention and care.

Children are asked to pretend that they are magicians and can make their own wishes and the wishes of others come true. For example, we will add courage to Yegor and agility to Alyosha.

"Magic Thickets"

Target: Develop mindfulness, cultivate positive attitude towards peers.

Every child (one by one) tries to penetrate the center of the circle formed by those tightly pressed to each other "magical thickets", the remaining children. "Thickets" understand human speech and are sensitive to touch. They may let the child into the center of the circle, or they may not if they are asked poorly. At the end of the game there is a discussion: "In which case "thicket" made way, but which one didn’t?


Target: Teach children to notice positive traits others and express oneself in words attitude towards them, bring up goodwill.

Material: A ball of thread.

Sitting on the floor playing, starting with the teacher, roll the ball to each other and say something nice to the person who caught the ball. At the end of the game, it is checked whether the web is strong.


Target: Teach children play in cooperation games, foster positive attitude towards each other.

Material: A piece of fabric or cardboard.

Each child has a piece of fabric. Children take turns placing their piece of paper on the floor close to each other and standing on it. Children are trying hold on to your patch, helping each other.

"Good bad"

Target:Teach children to evaluate actions from two positions: is it good or bad

Material: Each child has red and black chips.

An adult names an action or shows a picture of a certain action or action, and children must pick up a chip that corresponds to his moral assessment.


Target: Creating a favorable atmosphere, direct, free communication, emotional intimacy and mutual assistance, manifestation of compassion.

Material: A bell for each child.

The teacher gives each child a bell, one is broken (does not ring, and offers play gnomes. This bell is magical; when it rings, the gnome can make any wish, and it will definitely come true someday. “Let's hear our bells ring! Each of you will take turns ringing and making a wish.” The children perform the action, but suddenly it turns out that one bell is silent. “What to do, what a misfortune, who can help him?” Children offer their solutions. Perhaps someone will give up their bell for a while, for this they will receive the child’s gratitude and group approval.

Each of us communicates every day with different people who differ from each other in temperament and character. For ourselves and for those around us, it is important to maintain friendly relationships, which has a positive effect on the psyche, and mental peace is very important for health and longevity. This was noted in a book about old age written by the head of the Higher Medical Administration in Russia (1760) Johann Fischer. The author writes: “We must admit that the lack of peace of mind contributes much more to a shortening of life than the presence of all favorable factors to its lengthening.”

Back in the Middle Ages, it was noticed that one of the factors that shortens life are such feelings as fear, sadness, despondency, cowardice, envy, and hatred.

In the last century, domestic clinicians spoke about mental trauma (prolonged strong affects, grief, fear, etc.) as the causes of diseases (M.Ya. Mudrov, V.M. Monasein, A.A. Ostroumov, S.P. Botkin , G.A. Zakharyin). A.I. Yarotsky pointed out that acute diseases, for example, are often contracted at times of severe emotional distress.

I.P. Pavlov also noted that the nervous system is affected by too strong or complex stimuli, which can cause various diseases. One such irritant is the word. “The word, thanks to the entire previous life of an adult, is connected with all external and internal irritations coming to the cerebral hemispheres, all of them signal, all of them replace them, and therefore can cause all the same actions, reactions of the body that determine those irritations.” These provisions of I.P. Pavlov's ideas are confirmed in life. We all know how a word can offend a person. A word carelessly spoken by a doctor can cause difficult experiences and sometimes lead to complications of the disease. On the contrary, the skillful use of words by doctors, medical personnel and others in Everyday life often has a therapeutic effect, and medications prescribed by a doctor with good advice are more effective. To prevent any diseases, it is necessary to take care of the nervous system in every possible way and cultivate your character from an early age. Bogomolets insisted on this; he said that excessive irritability, leading to quarrels, shortens life. As a rule, long-term people have an optimistic outlook on life, are cheerful, sociable, have a friendly attitude towards people around them, love nature, and do not give in to despondency and gloomy moods; There are no callous, unsociable or evil people among them. Each person must develop a humane and friendly attitude towards others, strengthen and develop feelings of camaraderie and collectivism.

In order to maintain peace of mind, it is very important to find useful and exciting work for yourself, and in your free time to attend theaters, concerts, and read good books, go out with interesting people, participate in dances and games. All this helps maintain a good mood.

Minor mental traumas, accumulating like rust, destroy blood vessels, damage organs and create a tendency to other diseases. All sorts of troubles in life depress a person, causing melancholy, grief, despondency, sadness, and sometimes anger and hatred. They often damage the neurohumoral apparatus, weaken the body's defense mechanisms and create a tendency to sore throats, flu, dermatitis, and even cancer. Doctors have long noted that the occurrence of cancer is often associated with negative emotions and oppression. M.K. In an experiment on dogs, Petrova observed cancer, dermatitis and other diseases resulting from neurosis.

Nice word good attitude to a person increase performance and give a person strength and resistance to diseases. A good, cheerful mood is important for both healthy and sick people. Doctors can confirm that seriously ill patients also recover if they are cheerful, friendly, good-natured and cheerful.

Useful for all ages good mood. The state of the psyche affects all functions of the body. From ancient times the saying has come down to us: “in a healthy body there is a healthy spirit,” and one can add: “without a healthy spirit there cannot be a healthy body.” Meaning of cheerful state of mind for health has been noted for a long time.

Hufeland wrote: “Of all bodily movements that shock body and soul together, laughter is the healthiest; it favors digestion, blood circulation, evaporation and encourages vitality in all organs.”

However, in everyday life we ​​often underestimate the importance of the scheme; we are often too serious, we don’t joke enough, we don’t laugh enough. Laughter is a sign of health, satisfaction with life, it is an expression of victory over boredom and everyday difficulties, it is the best companion for rational relaxation.

Friendly relationships in the family are of great importance for fruitful work and rest. A lonely person is never happy, he needs participation. Most centenarians live friendly family; There are few bachelors among them.

Scientists have found that marriage contributes to longevity, of course, if the family is based on mutual assistance and friendly support.

Thus, maintaining a normal state is of great importance for longevity. nervous system, especially its higher parts, which ensure the normal state of our body in the environment.

Formation of friendly relations among preschoolers

Stage 1. Communication without words

"Life in the Forest"

I sat down on the floor and invited the children to sit next to me. All the children responded immediately. Kostya and Dima stayed to do their own thing - they were building a garage for cars. “Let's play animals in the forest. Animals do not know human language. But they need to communicate somehow, so we came up with our own special language. If we want to say hello, we rub our noses against each other (I show how to do this), when we want to ask how are you, we clap our palm on the other’s palm (I show), when we want to say that everything is fine, we put our head on the other’s shoulder, when we want to express our friendship and love to another, we rub our heads against him (I show). Ready? Then we started. Now it’s morning, you just woke up, the sun is out, the forest is waking up, the animals are joyfully stretching and wishing each other good morning"(children rub their noses against each other). The animals smile at each other and ask how are you? (children clap their palm on the palm of another child). Kostya and Dima began to watch, but did not join the game. “The animals, smiling, answer that everything is fine” (the children put their heads on the shoulder of another child). Kostya and Dima are watching, but it is clear that they want to join the game. I invite them, Kostya joins. “The animals wash themselves and brush their teeth. They decided to have breakfast together. The animals treat each other with fruits and vegetables” (children wash their faces, brush their teeth, hand vegetables and fruits to each other). They perform all movements with desire. “The animals, smiling, say thank you to each other” (children express their gratitude by rubbing their heads against each other). “Suddenly a cold wind blew, rain started dripping, and the animals hid under a large tree, huddling together” (the children huddled together, showing that they were cold). Everyone completed the task well. “The sun came out, and the animals smiled at each other” (children rub their noses against each other). The children liked this task and completed it with pleasure. “The animals held hands and went for a walk” (the children held hands, but at the same time Kostya wanted to take Polina’s hand, but she took Gleb’s hand). Then Kostya approached Dima and extended his hands to him. Dima did not immediately, but still shook hands with Kostya. “The animals danced merrily and joyfully and smiled at each other” (the children, without letting go of their hands, continued the dance). Dima and Kostya joined our game. “So it was a sunny, cheerful day. The animals said goodbye and wished each other Good night“Let’s go to bed” (the children rubbed their noses against each other and went to bed, sitting down on the floor and putting their hands under their cheeks). The task was completed well. At this point I finished the game, the children really liked it, and they expressed a desire to play more. The main goal of this stage was the transition to direct communication, which involved abandoning the verbal and objective methods of interaction that are familiar to children. The rule of this game is no talking between children. The game showed that children can get used to free interaction.

2nd stage. Attention to each other

"Common Circle"

I gather the children around me. “Let’s sit on the floor now, but so that each of you can see all the other guys and me, and so that I can see each of you (all the children sit in a circle). And now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I see everyone, and everyone sees me, let each of you greet everyone in a circle with your eyes. I'll start first; when I say hello to everyone, my neighbor will start saying hello.” I look into the eyes of each child in a circle and slightly nod my head. When I “greeted” all the children, I touched the shoulder of Alina, who was sitting next to me, inviting her to say hello to the guys. It was difficult for Alina to complete this task - to say hello to all the children, as her gaze wandered around the room. I simplified the rules of the game and Alina only said hello to a few children. The rest guessed who she said hello to. I played the same game with other children. Everyone completed the task. When the game was repeated, all the children were able to say hello to the whole group, only Kostya could not keep his attention, his gaze wandered around the group.

"Talking Through Glass"

She invited the children to break into pairs. Dima stood up with Sasha. Nastya took the initiative into her own hands and took Kostya, and she stood next to Dima. “Imagine that one of you is in a large store, and the other is waiting for him on the street. But you forgot to agree on what you need to buy, and the exit is at the other end of the store. Try negotiating purchases through the glass of a shop window. But remember that the glass between you is so thick that trying to scream is useless: your partner won’t hear you anyway. Once you have “agreed,” you can discuss whether you understood each other correctly.” She showed me how to do it. The children tried to portray required item If the partner found it difficult, he resorted to the help of other children. The guys were happy to help each other. After the game, the children shared their impressions for a long time.

The goal of this stage was to develop the ability to see a peer and pay attention to him. During the games, Leva had little attention, he was focused on himself. Dima, Kostya and Sasha tried to complete the task, and they succeeded.

3rd stage. Coherence of movements

"Composite Figures"

I seated the children around me and said: “Those of you who have been to the circus or the zoo have probably seen an elephant. And whoever wasn’t there saw his image in a picture in a book. Let's try to depict it. How many legs does he have? That's right, four. Who wants to be the elephant's feet? Who will be the trunk? Thus, children are selected, each of whom will depict some part of the elephant’s body. I help the children arrange themselves in the correct order. Ahead is the trunk. Behind it is the head, on the sides are the ears, etc. When the elephant is assembled, I invite him to walk through the group: each part of the elephant follows the order. Then a wolf and a dog were depicted in the same order. When moving, the children imitated their gait and voiced the animals. All children took part in the game. The main task of this stage was to teach the child to coordinate his own behavior with the behavior of other children.

The children completed the task. There was a sense of unity of action and attention directed at the other child. Kostya’s behavior was alarming; he was distracted all the time and I had to remind him to coordinate his actions with the actions of other children.

4th stage. General experiences

"Evil Dragon"

At the beginning of the game, I invite children to become gnomes living in small houses. Children are offered 4 houses. When the children took their places in the box houses, I said: “There is a big problem in our country. Every night a big, big dragon flies in and takes people to his castle on the mountain, and no one knows what happens to them next. Exists the only way escape from the dragon: when dusk falls on the city, people hide in their houses, sit there, hugging each other, and persuade each other not to be afraid, console each other, stroke each other. The dragon cannot stand affectionate and kind words and when he hears them coming from the house, he tries to quickly fly past this house and continues to search for another house from which such words are not heard. So, the last rays of the sun are slowly fading, dusk is falling on the city and people are rushing to hide in their houses and hug each other tightly.” I walk between the houses, pretend to be a dragon, howl terribly, make threats, stopping at each house and looking inside. Having made sure that the children inside the house support and console each other, I move on to the next one.

This stage consisted of a game aimed at experiencing general emotions. Shared experience emotional states- positive (negative) children united, generated a feeling of closeness, community and a desire to support each other, destroyed alienation.

5th stage. Mutual assistance in the game

At this stage, the children played a game that required them to show empathy for others and mutual assistance. Before the game, the children played together round dance game, no conflicts arose.

"Living Dolls"

I split the children into pairs. “Let's imagine that your dolls come to life not only at night, but also during the day. They can talk, ask, run. Let's imagine that one of you is a child, and the other is his girl doll or boy doll. The doll will ask for something, and its owner will fulfill its requests and take care of it.” I suggest washing the doll’s hands, feeding it, taking it for a walk, and putting it to bed. At the same time, I warn you that the owner must comply with all the whims of the doll and not force her to do what she does not want. All children accepted the game situation and continued to play themselves. Dima and Nastya helped each other and supported their peers. When Kostya's doll began to act up, the boy showed physical aggression towards her. The children reacted unequivocally - the doll is small and cannot be offended, it will cry. Dima said: “Moms are not evil and do not beat their children, but you are evil.” Kostya did not understand why the children condemned him and, showing verbal aggression towards the players, left. Everyone continued the game together, not paying attention to Kostya. This did not upset the boy; he walked around the group, interfering with the play of one pair or another.

All the children, except Kostya, completed the task. They helped and empathized with each other. Alina even managed to give advice to confused children.

6th stage. Kind words and wishes

The group is quiet - the boys are building with blocks, the girls are playing Board games. Kostya sits calmly and draws. The task of this stage is to teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and advantages of other children. I invite the children to play - everyone agrees.

"Good Wizards"

Children sit in a circle. I tell a fairy tale: “In one country there lived a villain - a rude man. He could bewitch any child, calling him bad words. Enchanted children could not have fun and be kind. Only good wizards could disenchant such unfortunate children, calling them by affectionate names. Let's see if we have such enchanted children. And who can become a good wizard and disenchant them by inventing kind, affectionate names?” She invited the children to choose their own role. But everyone wanted to become “bewitched.” I had to choose according to the counting rhyme. Children, imagining themselves as good wizards, take turns approaching their “bewitched” peers and try to break the spell, calling them by affectionate names. The children took turns changing roles, everyone liked the game. There was a friendly atmosphere in the group.

"Bragging Competition"

Children sit in a circle. I say: “Now we will hold a braggart competition with you. The one who boasts the best wins. We will not brag about ourselves, but about our neighbor. It's so nice to have the best neighbor! Look closely at the person sitting to your right. Think about what he is like, what is good about him. What can he do, what good deeds done what you might like. Don't forget that this is a competition. The winner will be the one who boasts better about his neighbor, who finds more merit in him.” The children actively entered the game, naming their neighbor’s virtues (they came up with something that couldn’t have happened. For example, Polina is a princess and lives in a real castle. Dima and Nastya literally “glowed” with happiness when they were praised. It was difficult to choose a winner, but with my help, they finally chose. Alina became the winner. She was awarded the braggart crown, everyone else received sweet prizes.

7th stage. Help in joint activities

On final stage, when friendly and non-conflict relationships were established between the children (only Kostya had breakdowns), games were held - activities that involved various shapes prosocial behavior: children should share with a peer and help him in the process of joint activities. For the first time, a competitive moment is introduced, but children compete not for their own success, but for the success of others.

"Finish the drawings"

The children sit in a circle. Each person has a set of markers, pencils and a piece of paper. I say: “Now each of you will begin to draw your own picture. At my signal, you will stop drawing and immediately give your unfinished picture to your neighbor on the left. He will continue to draw your picture, then at my clap he will stop and give it to his neighbor. And so on until the picture you started to draw comes back to you.” The children begin to draw together, then, at my signal, they pass it to their neighbor and at the same time receive his picture from the other neighbor. After the drawings came full circle and returned to their original authors, we discussed what happened as a result, and which of the guys drew what in each common drawing. The children acted very amicably, supported and prompted each other, rejoiced at success, and easily accepted the other’s plans. Alena, Alina, Dima admired the resulting drawing for a long time: “How beautiful it turned out.” The children were happy for everyone that everything worked out for them. The competitive moment faded into the background - it was a team.

"Master and Apprentices"

I divide the children into subgroups of four. One child is a master, the rest are apprentices. I say: “In our village a competition has been announced for the best applique, in which the most famous masters are taking part. Each master has his own apprentices, who must follow all his instructions exactly. The application should be created as quickly as possible. The master comes up with a plot and distributes responsibilities: one must cut out the details the desired shape, another - search required colors, the third is to spread glue. The master will paste the parts onto a sheet of paper.” Children begin to work together and quickly, helping and prompting each other. At the end of the work, they discuss their collage and friends. Not a single negative comment, everyone is happy.

Work on this correctional program gave a noticeable positive result: there were noticeably fewer conflicts and quarrels in the group. Aggression has decreased significantly; Dima and Nastya do not show aggression at all. Kostya’s number of demonstrative reactions decreased (but they did not disappear completely). Roma, who previously played alone, began to constantly participate in joint games. All correctional work with a subgroup of children was aimed not only at correcting existing disorders, but also at preventing the occurrence of emotional discomfort in children in kindergarten characterized by a friendly attitude towards each other. At first correctional work children with disadvantaged status were not immediately included in games and joint activities, were shy, not active, did not immediately make contact, and there were outbursts of aggression (Kostya, Dima, Nastya). Children with a favorable status, in turn, were very reluctant to communicate with children who were opposite to themselves. After several lessons, children with opposite statuses began to show interest in each other. By the end of the course of correctional work, both subgroups did not experience discomfort in communicating with each other. I would like to note that the children really enjoyed the games. They come up and ask to play more. Kostya began to regulate his behavior and when I come for a shift, he comes up to me and says: “I behaved well, I didn’t offend the children, and today we will play like yesterday.”

Formative games friendly attitude children to each other

General circle

The teacher gathers the children around him.“Let’s sit on the floor now, but so that each of you can see all the other guys and me, and so that I can see each of you" (the only correct solution here is a circle). When do the children sit down?They form a circle, the adult says:"Now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I see everyone and everyone sees me, let each of you say hello with your eyes to everyone in a circle. I will begin the first one, when I say hello to everyone, will be my neighbour" (the adult looks into the eyes of each child in a circleand nods his head slightly when he greets everyonemi, he touches his neighbor’s shoulder, inviting him to say hello to the guys).

Good elves

The teacher sits on the floor, gathers the children around him and tells a fairy tale:“Once upon a time, people couldn’t sleep. They worked day and night and, of course, were very efficient tawali. And then the good elves decided to help them. When night fell, they flew to people, gently stroked them, calmed them down. fell asleep, gently lulled them to sleep, sent them good dreams. And people fell asleep. They did not know that their dream was the work of good elves, after all, the elves did not know how to speak human language and were invisible. Haven't you ever heard of this? But they still fly to each of you and protect your dream. Let's play good elves. Let those who sit those on my right hand will be people, and those on my left will be el fami. And then we'll switch. Ready? Let's start. Has arrived night, people go to bed, and good elves fly in and kill they nod." Human children lie on the floor and sleep, elf children -they approach each of them, gently stroke them, quietly hum songski, ruffle hair, etc. Then the children change roles.

Life in the forest

The adult sits on the floor and seats the children around him.“Let's play animals in the forest. Animals do not know humansRussian language But they need to communicate somehow, so we came up with our own special language. When we want to say hellowe rub our noses against each other (the teacher shows howdo, approaching each child), when we want to ask how things are, we clap our palm on the palm of the other (showingno), when we want to say that everything is fine, we put our head onshoulder to another when we want to express our friendship to another andlove - we rub our heads against it (shows). Ready? Then we started. It's morning, you just woke up, lookingthe sun has set.” The leader can choose the further course of the game arbitrarilybut (for example, a cold wind blew and animals were hiding fromhim, clinging to each other; animals visit each otherguests; animals clean their skins, etc.). It is importantmake sure that children do not talk to each otherforce children to play, encourage new participants, etc. If the children start talking, the teacher approaches themand puts a finger to his lips.

Toys come to life

Gathering the children around him on the floor, the adult says: “You’ve probably heard that your toys with which you playeat during the day, wake up and come to life at night when you lie downsleep. Close your eyes, imagine your favorite toy(doll, car, horse, robot) and think about what it doesat night. Ready? Now let each of you be your loved onemy toy and while the owner is sleeping, he will get to know the otherstoys. You just need to do all this silently, otherwise he will wake upmaster. After the game we will try to guess which toy iseach of you fought.” The teacher depicts some kind of toy (for example, a soldier who beats a drum, or a tumbler, etc.), moves around the room, approaches each child, examines him from different sides, greets him behindhand (or salutes), brings the children to each other and introducestheir. After the end of the game, the adult gathers the children around againhimself and invites them to guess who was portraying whom. If the children don'tcan guess, the teacher asks the children one by one again byepick up your toy by walking around the room.

World of Shadows

“Each of you has a shadow,” explains the adult. - We often do not pay attention to her, although she is our most trustedny friend. She follows us everywhere and repeats exactlyall our movements: walking, running, jumping, exercising and sleepingtogether with us. She is friends with the shadows of our friends, she obeysshadows of our mothers and fathers. She is like two peas in a pod,only she doesn’t know how to talk or make sounds: she’s still debarks silently. Let's imagine that we are our shadows. Bywe walk around the room, look at each other, try to communicate with each other, and then together we will build something fromimaged cubes. But at the same time we will try to do it quietly, without making a single sound. Fine?"Children, together with an adult, silently move aroundHere they are, looking at each other, shaking hands. Adultshows the children an example of playing with imaginary blocks:picks up an imaginary object, examines it, places it onfloor, takes the next one, places it on the previous cube, tramplesshows up, calls the children to him, shows them what happened,gestures asking them to help build further.


The teacher gathers the children around him and says:"In the sea Usually there are small waves, and it’s so nice when they come they wash you tightly. Let's now turn into sea waves, let's move as if we are waves, just like them, rustle and murmur, smile like the waves when they sparkle in the sun.” Then the adult offers everyone ato swim in the sea. The bather stands in the center“waves” surround him and, stroking him, quietly murmur.


The adult seats the children around him and says: “ComingHave any of you ever seen an anthill in the forest? This is a large hill of pine and spruce needles, inside whichlife is in full swing day and night. No one sits idle, everyoneRavishka is busy with his work: someone is carrying needles for decoratingcaptivity, someone is preparing dinner, someone is raising children.And so - all spring and summer. And in late autumn, when they comecold, the ants gather together to fall asleep in theirwarm house. They sleep so soundly that they are not afraid of snow, blizzards, or frosts. But when spring comes and the first warm rays of the sun begin to break through the thick layer of yokelock, the anthill wakes up, and before starting itsnormal working life, the ants arrange a hugefeast. Let's play ants today and take part in theirholiday The ants greet each other, rejoice at the arrival of spring, and share memories of what they dreamed about all winter. But they don’t know how to talk, so they communicate with gestures.” An adult and children lie down on the floorand sleeps, then wakes up: rubs his eyes, looks around the wokfriend, stretches, strokes his neighbors, walks around the room and greets each child, sniffing him, thenstarts dancing the ant dance with the children, etc.


“Do you know how chicks are born? - asks the teacher. - They live for a long, long time in the shell, and then inone fine day they break this shell with their little oneswith their beaks and crawl out. A big one opens up for them,a bright, unknown world, full of mysteries and surprises.Everything is new to them: flowers, grass, shell fragments. After all, they neitherwhen we didn't see all this. Let's play chicks. SleepFirst we will squat down, and then we will begin to break the shell. Like this (an adult squats down and smashes with his noseinvisible shell, breaks off pieces of shell with hands). Are they all broken? Now let's explore the world! Bytouch all the objects around, sniff them, introduce themwith each other. Chicks don't know how to talk, they onlysqueak." An adult looks around, crawls with the childrenon the floor, touches objects, sniffs them, approaches everyonechild, touches him, strokes him, squeaks along withhim, joyfully flapping his wings.


An adult tells children about Echo, who lives in the mountains.or in a large empty room, it is impossible to see it, but conditionsYou can laugh: it repeats everything, even the strangest sounds.After this, the children are divided into two groups, one of whichdepicts travelers in the mountains, and the other - Echo. First group dethey travel in single file (in a chain) around the room and in turnsmakes different sounds (not words, but sound combinations), for example:“Aw-oo-oo” or “Tr-r-r-r”, etc. Between sounds there must belong pauses, which are better regulated by the presenter. He can also monitor the order of pronounced sounds, i.e. byecall which of the children and when should make their sound. Childrenthe second group hides in different places in the room, carefullylisten and try to reproduce as accurately as possibleeverything we heard.

If Echo works asynchronously, i.e. reproducedmakes sounds at different times, it's not scary. It is important that it does not distort sounds and reproduces them accurately.

Broken phone

A game for five to six people. Children sit in one line.The presenter asks the first child in a whisper how he spent his weekend, and then loudly says to all the children: “How interesting Sasha told me about his weekend! Want tofind out what he did and what he told me? Then Sasha shepothen he will tell his neighbor about it in his ear, and the neighbor will also tell the same thing in a whisper so that no one else hearsto your neighbor. And so, along the chain, we all learn about what Sasha did.” An adult advises children how to better understand and conveywhat a peer says: you need to sit closer and look him in the eyefor and not be distracted by extraneous sounds (you can even hold downother ear with your hand). When all the children have sent their messagessitting, the latter loudly announces what he was told and how heI realized what Sasha did on the weekend. All the children comparehow much the meaning of the transmitted information has changed.

If the first child finds it difficult to formulate a clear messagetion, an adult can start the chain. You can start the game with any phrase, it is better if it is unusual and funny.For example: “The dog a long nose, and the cat a long tail" or "When birds yawn, they don't open their mouths."

Sometimes children deliberately, for the sake of jokes, distort the contentinformation received, and then it can be stated thatThe phone is completely damaged and needs to be repaired.You need to choose a specialist who will find the breakdown and can fix it.eliminate. The master pretends to fix the phone, and then followsEveryone in the general public is assessing whether the phone is working better.


Children sit in a circle. The teacher asks them to carefullyto look at each other:“Each of you has different hair. blossom. Now switch places so that the one on the far right is here on this chair sat the one who had the most blonde hair, rya the house with him - who has it darker, and the one on the far right, on this chair, sat the one who had the most dark hair. No noisy discussions. Let's start." An adult helps children, approaches eachmu of them, touches their hair, consults with the others,where to plant it, etc.

In the same way, you can change places by eye color -from the lightest to the darkest.

Pass the motion

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. Adult, onwhile in a general circle, he comes up with some kind of movement(for example: combing his hair, washing his hands, catching a butterfly, etc.), forthereby waking up his neighbor and showing him his movement, hewakes up the next one and shows him, and so on - in a circle, until everyonethe children will not wake up, and it will not be the last one’s turn. A gamecontinues until everyone wishes to make their wishmovement and will not transmit it in a circle.

Convey the mood

The rules of the game are the same as in the previous one, only the presenter must come up with a mood (sad, cheerful, sad,surprised, etc.). When the children passed it around, you canjudge what kind of mood was intended. Then I lead good Anyone can become one. If any of the children wantsto be the presenter, but doesn’t know what mood to think about,the feeder can help him by coming up and whispering some mood into his ear.

Where are we were, we are not let's say what did you do - we'll show you

Children are divided into small groups (4-5 people),and each group, with the help of an adult, thinks through a scenethe creation of any action (for example: washing, or drawing, or picking berries, etc.) Children must choose a plot themselves and agree on how they will show it vat.

After such preparation, each group silently demonstrates its action. Each show is preceded by a famous phrase: "Where are we We won’t say what they were, but we’ll show you what they did.” Viewers pay attention They carefully observe their comrades and guess what they are doing and where they are. After guessing correctly, the actors become spectators and the next group enters the stage.A more complex version of this game is individualexact reproduction of similar actions. The teacher selects one child and asks:"Where have you been, what have you have you seen? The child should answer: “Where I was, I won’t say, but what I did it, I’ll show you.” He then tries to portray what he did.The rest of the guys have to guess what he is depicting.

If re The child cannot think of what to show, the adult suggestshim some story (a trip to the zoo, a dance class,skating, etc.) When everyone showed whatthey did, you can transfer your actions along the chain. Orgathe level of such a game is approximately the same as in “Spoiled Bodybackground." All participants close their eyes, except the first two,one of which shows the other some action (bywaters flowers, or chops wood, or plays ball, etc.) Thenthis child shows the same action to a third one sitting inrow, third to fourth, etc. So, one by one, the children openeyes and convey the same action to each other. Last inIn a row, the child must guess this action.

Find your brother or sister

Gathering the children around him, the teacher says:"Do you know about that all animals are born blind? And only through : How many days do they open their eyes? Let's play next puff of the little animals. Now I’ll go up to everyone and tie them eyes with a handkerchief and I’ll tell you whose cub it is. Each of you has children will have a brother or sister who will speak one in a different language with you: kittens - meow, puppies - whine, calves - moo. You will have to find each other by sound." An adult blindfolds the children and whispers to each one:whose cub it is and what sounds it should make. Roles need to be distributed in such a way that there are two in the group.a baby of each animal. Children are crawling on the floor, wowspeak their own language and look for another child who speaksthe same language. After the children have found their mates, raiseThe owner unties their eyes and invites them to meet other pairs of cubs.

Conversation through glass

The teacher helps the children break into pairs, and then say rith: “Imagine that one of you is in a large store no, but the other one is waiting for him on the street. But you forgot to agree on what you need to buy, and the exit is at the other end of the store. Try negotiating purchases through the glass of a shop window. But remember that the glass between you is so thick that trying to scream is useless: your partner won’t hear you anyway. Pos After you have agreed, you can discuss whether it is right you understand each other.” The teacher selects a child and tortures himShe tries to explain to him with gestures what he should buy, and then asks him if he understood everything. Then the children play independently.The teacher monitors the progress of the game, helps couples who havesomething does not work. Then you can switch roles.

Choose a partner

Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Now you will have to divide into pairs. Each of you must silently choose a partner, but in such a way that others do not notice. For example, I want Masha to be my partner, I look at her and discreetly wink at her. Try to come to an agreement with the one you chose with your eyes. Is everyone agreed? Now we will find out who failed to reach an agreement. On the count of three, run up to your partner and take their hand.” If it doesn’t work out the first time, you should repeat the exercise several times, while the teacher should make sure that the children change pairs.


The teacher gathers the children and invites them to remember how they played in the shadows a few weeks ago: “Remember, we once played with you in the shadows? But then each of us was our own shadow. And today let's be the shadows of others. Divide into pairs (the teacher helps the children divide into pairs). Let one of you be a man, and the other his shadow. Then you will change. A person will walk around the room and pretend that he is in the forest: picking berries, mushrooms, catching butterflies, and the shadow will exactly repeat his movements.” The adult asks one of the children to pretend that he is picking mushrooms in a basket, and he himself follows him and exactly copies all his movements. Then he invites the children to play on their own. If children like the game, next time they can be given another task, for example: decorate christmas tree; go to the store and buy groceries; wake up, wash and do exercises, etc.

From sunflower seed - V tree

Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands in the center and offerschildren turn into a small shriveled seed (shrink intolump on the floor, remove your head and cover it with your hands). Adult(gardener) treats the seeds very carefully and waters them(strokes the head and body), cares. Happy warm springthe sun, the seed begins to grow slowly (children-seedsrise slowly). His leaves open (handsrise), the stem grows (the body stretches), branches with buds appear (arms to the sides, fingers clenched). Cominga joyful moment and the buds burst (sharply unclenchlachki), and the sprout turns into a beautiful strong flower.Summer comes, the flower becomes prettier, admires itself (examine itbya), smiles at the neighboring flowers, bows to them, lightly touchingreaches them with its petals (with your fingertips you can reachto neighbors). But then the wind blew, autumn is coming. The flower shakesswaying in different directions, struggling with bad weather (swinging with arms,head, body). The wind tears off the petals and leaves (they fallhands, head), the flower bends, bends towards the ground and lies on it. He's sad. But here he goes winter snow. Flower againturned into a small seed (curl up on the floor). The snow has covered the seed, it is warm and calm. It's coming again soonspring, and it will come to life. The teacher walks between the children, showsgives them movement. After the children are curled up on the floor, the adultLyy comes up to each child and strokes him.

Mirror store

The teacher gathers the children around him and says: “Let’sLet's imagine that a mirror store has opened in our forest. Letthose who sit on my right hand will be mirrors, and those on my left will be little animals. And then we'll switch. Zverushthey walk past mirrors, jump, make faces and choose tomirror yourself. At this time, the mirrors must accurately reflect movement.gestures and facial expressions of animals.” Children-mirrors stand in a row, little animals run up to them, make faces, fool around. Mirrorla exactly copy their movements. An adult monitors progressgames and helps children.


Children sit in a circle. The teacher sits with his back to the group and announces:"Attention attention! The girl got lost (describes in detail someone from the group: hair color, eye color, height, se cuttings, some characteristic details of clothing). Let her come children to the announcer." Children listen and look at each other. Theymust determine who we are talking about and name this childka. Anyone can play the role of a radio announcer.

Who said?

A leader is selected who sits with his back to the group.Then one of the children, whom the teacher pointed to, produced wears: “You won’t recognize my voice; you won’t guess who said it.” The presenter must recognize by voice which of the children said thisphrase. The next presenter is the child whose voice was guessed. The game continues until each childI didn’t play the role of presenter.


The teacher seats the children on the floor and says: “PresentCan you imagine how difficult it is for a centipede to live, because it has as many as 40 butzhek! There is always a danger of getting confused. Let's play centipede. Get down on all fours one after the other and put your handski on the neighbor's shoulders. Ready? Then we begin to move forward.Slowly at first so as not to get confused. And now - a little quickrey." The teacher helps the children line up one after another,directs the movement of the centipede. Then the teacher says:“Oh, how tired our centipede is, she literally falls fromfatigue." The children, still holding their neighbors by the shoulders, fall on the carpet.

We make sculptures

The teacher helps the children divide into pairs, and thensays: “Let one of you be a sculptor, and the other - clay. Clay is a very soft and docile material.” Eachthe couple is given photographs depicting people in differentzakh. An adult asks to look carefully at the photoand try to mold your partner into exactly the same hundred
Tuyu. At the same time, it is not allowed to talk, because the clay does not knowhas no language and cannot understand people. As an example, an adultLyy chooses any child and begins to mold himsculpture, after showing the whole group a photograph of their future monument. After this, the children sculpt themselvesBasically, an adult watches the game and approaches the children who are not doing well. Then the children show their sculpturestours for the teacher and other couples. After that the adulthands out photographs again, and the children change roles.

Stubborn mirror

Having gathered the children, the teacher says: “Can you imagine aboutyou wake up in the morning, go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, andit repeats all your movements in reverse: you raise your hand, and it lowers it, you turn your head to the left, and it turns to the right, you close one eye, and it closes the other. Let's playheaven in such mirrors. Break into pairs. Let one of you bea person, and the other - a stubborn mirror. Then you changeplay roles.” An adult helps the children divide into pairs and assign roles. Then, having chosen one child, the teacherinvites him to do something, and he repeats all his movementsZhenya is the opposite. Then the children play independently under theThere is a teacher who helps them in case of difficulties.

Composite figures

The teacher seats the children around him and says: “Thatany of you who have been to the circus or the zoo have probably seenelephant. And whoever hasn’t been there has seen his image in the picture inbook. Let's try to depict it. How many legs does he have? That's right, four. Who wants to be the elephant's feet? Who will be hoa bot? etc. Thus, children are selected, each ofwhich will be depicted by some part of the elephant’s body. VosThe feeder helps children position themselves on the floor in the correct position.ok. In front is the trunk, behind it is the head, on the sides are the ears.etc. When the elephant is assembled, the teacher invites him to walk around the room: each part must follow the order of movements. Such a composing figure can beany animals (dragon, dog, etc.). If there are children in the groupa lot, you can complicate the game and make two animals that can communicate: shake hands, sniff each other, wag their tails when they meet, etc.

Living pictures

The teacher divides the group into several subgroups. In eachto the subgroup, the adult assigns an artist to whom he givesproduction of any subject picture and asks anyone for itdo not show. The artist’s task is to silently place children inaccording to the picture and show each of them which onehe must accept it. Before the game starts, the teacher himself draws a picture with the help of several children and shows it to the whole group. Children are then encouraged to play independently. Whenthe paintings are ready, the artists are showing reproductions of the restto the members of the subgroups. Then you can arrange a vernissage:each subgroup will show its picture to the restthere. The teacher monitors the progress of the game and helps the children whenfacing difficulties.

The blind man and the guide

The teacher helps the children divide into pairs. Aloneof the children, the adult blindfolds his eyes with a handkerchief, he -blind, his partner - guide . The guide must guide the blindthrough various obstacles that were previously created by thetatel from chairs, tables, boxes, etc. The purpose of the guide isguide your blind roommate so that he doesn'ttripped and didn't fall. After completing the route, the children change roles. The teacher and the rest of the childrenmonitors the progress of the game and helps in cases where difficulties arise.


The task is the same as in the previous game, only one ofChildren in a pair are blindfolded by the teacher, and the other child must guide him so that his blind partner does not fall into water.

Prohibited movement

The children stand in a semicircle. The teacher stands in the center and saysRit: “Watch my hands. You must repeat exactlyRemove all my movements except one: down. As soon as myyour hands will go down, you must raise yours up.And repeat all my other movements after me. An adult makes various movements with his hands, periodically lowering themdown, and makes sure that the children follow the steps exactlyhand. If children like the game, you can offer anyonewho wants to act as a presenter instead of a teacher.

Let's work together

The teacher divides the group into subgroups of four people.He gives each of the subgroups the task: wash the dishes, preparemake soup, plant a tree, etc. Then the teacher helpsdistribute responsibilities there (for example: one child digsa hole, another lowers a tree into the hole and straightens the roots, a third buries the hole, a fourth waters the tree). Afterfor five minutes each group rehearses theirskit. Then each group takes turns performing a the rest of the children, and they must guess what the group is depicting.

On the path

A narrow strip is drawn on the floor or asphalt. EducatedThe teacher draws the children's attention to the strip:"This is a narrow tro kick on a snowy road, along it can simultaneously only one person goes. Now you will split into pairs, each Each of you will stand on opposite sides of the path. Your task - go towards each other halfway and stand in opposition at the same time the wrong side of the path, without ever stepping over the line. It is useless to talk in this case: a blizzard is blowing, your words are carried away by the wind and they do not reach comrade". Educated The teacher helps the children break into pairs and watches with the children.watching the next couple pass along the path. Successful completion of this task is only possible inin the event that one of the partners gives way to his partner I'm risching.


The adult gathers the children around him and says: “Let’sLet's imagine that we caught a ladybug. Here it is, in myhands. Would you like to see? I can give it to my neighbor andhe - to his own. But it's not simple ladybug, but magical.Each time it is passed on to another, it increases bytwice the size. So when we pass it around, itIt will already be so big. Be very careful withher, stroke her wings, caress her, try nothurt her, but remember that every time she becomesit curls more and more, heavier and heavier.” Educatorholding an imaginary ladybug in his hands, stroking it,shows it to the other children, then passes it to a neighbor. God'sThe cow is passed around in a circle, the adult constantly reminds the children that it is getting bigger. After God'sthe catch falls into the hands last child, the teacher surprisesshows how the ladybug has grown in the hands of children, comes togetherwith them to the window and lets her out into the street.


Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The teacher says:“Hold each other’s hands very tightly and under no circumstancestake your hands away. Now you close your eyes, and I will confuse you. You will have to unravel without ever breaking your circle.” DeThey close their eyes, the adult confuses them: turns the children’s backs to each other, asks them to step over the interlockedhands of neighbors, etc. So when children open their eyes,Instead of a circle, it turns out to be a heap. Children must unravel without lifting your hands.

Keep moving

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites one of them to be the leader. “Now the presenter will begin to make some movement. When I clap, he will freeze, and his neighbor will pick him up andwill continue this movement. And so - in a circle." Adult predlatells the leader to start any movement (raise your hands, sit onsquat, turn around, etc.). After the clap I leadThe person should freeze, and his neighbor should continue this movement. Sothe movement goes through the entire circle and returns to the leader. A gamecontinues until everyone has played the role of leader those who wish.


From chairs with their backs turned to each other, the teacherplaces an intricate labyrinth with narrow passages on the floor.Then he says: “Now you have to go through the entire labyrinth. But this is not a simple labyrinth: only two people can go through itturning to face each other. If you ever turn aroundor unclasp your hands, the doors will slam and you will not be able to hurt“We better get out.” Children are divided into pairs, stand next to each otherface each other, hug and begin to slowly pass laBirint. Moreover, the first baby is coming as if with your back, believe mefacing your partner. After the first couple has passedthe entire labyrinth, the second pair begins to move. Children together withadults watch the progress of the game.

Wind-up toys

The teacher asks the children to divide into pairs: “Letone of you will be a wind-up toy, and the other will be its owner.Then you will switch roles. Each owner will have a remote controlcontrols that he can control. There will be two toyswander around the room and follow the movements of its owner, andthe owner will have to manage them, making sure that his gameThe wheel did not collide with the others. I give you two minutes to agree which of you will be the toy, whichhe will be a toy, and rehearse the control of bulletsvolume". Couples move around the room at a short distancefrom each other, the child-toy watches the hands of the child-ownerina and moves in accordance with the movements of the control panel. Then the children change roles.

Siamese twins

The teacher gathers the children around him and says: “In one country there lived an Evil Wizard, whose favorite pastime waswas to quarrel with everyone. But the people in this country were very friendlymi. And then he got angry and decided to bewitch them. He connectedeach person with his friend so that they turned into onewhole. They grew to each other side by side and they had twothere were only two arms, two legs, etc. Let's play theseenchanted friends. Divide into pairs, hug tightlyeach other with one hand and count

that you don't have this hand. Eatonly one hand for each. It's difficult to walk, because your legs arebut they have grown together, so that we have to walk as one being.First - a step with two fused legs, then - a single onestep with two side feet (the teacher selects two childrenand shows others how they can walk).

Walk aroundroom, get used to each other. Are you used to it? Try bybreakfast. Sit at the table. Remember that you only have twoTwo arms. Take a knife in one hand, a fork in the other. Cut andeat, put pieces in each mouth in turn. remember, thatyou need to be attentive to your friend’s actions, otherwise you won’twhich won't work." If children like the game, you can offerlive together to wash, comb their hair, do exercises, etc.


Children stand behind each other. The teacher invites them to playfight in a snake: “I will be the head, and you will be the body. We're on trackThere will be many obstacles. Watch me closely andrepeat my movements exactly. When I go aroundobstacles, go around them exactly behind me when I jump overlet each of you, when he crawls to it, jump over the same way as I did. Ready? Then they crawled." When the children have become accustomed to the exercise, the teacher moves into the tail of the snakeski, and the child who was behind him becomes the next leader. Then, at the teacher’s command, he is replaced by a new teacher.and so on - until all the children have taken turns visiting as a presenter.


The teacher divides the children into two subgroups of eight people. century Everyout of seven people - a note (do, re, mi, fa...). One person is a pianist. When the pianist calls a note, the child whoseI named the note, I have to squat down. Pianist firstplays scales and then names notes in random order,then the children change roles, and the other one becomes the pianistchild. An adult monitors the progress of the game, helps childrentake over if they don’t understand something. The accuracy of singing notes in this game does not matter.


The teacher gathers the children around him and shows them therionette: “Today we will organize a puppet show withpuppets. You see, I pull the string and the doll liftshand, I pull another thread, and it lifts my leg.” Wake upThe teacher divides the group into several subgroups. In each subgroupa child puppet is not selected. To his arms and legs grownLyy ties not very thick threads and gives them to the othersmembers of the subgroup. “Remember that puppets are veryobedient and obey every human movement. Repetiwork in your groups and get used to acting in concert.”The teacher approaches each group and looks to see if it is correct.they act. Then the teacher offers the marionette dollscams that other children move, meet, take a walk, takeStretch your arms, then do exercises, etc.

Tug of War

The teacher invites the children: “Split into pairs, stand upat a distance of five steps from each other, pick upimaginary rope and try to pull your partner, movekick him out of his place. Act as if you have a real one in your handsrope - Watch your partner: when he pulls away with effortbutt and 1 pulls you, give in a little forward, and then buttsput in even more effort and pull your partner.” At firstThe teacher shows the children how to play, standing in pairs withone of the children, then the children play independently.


“Let’s play scales with you,” says the teacher. Divide into threes. Let one of you be the seller, and two of you -two scales. Then you will switch roles. Salesmanputs something on the first pan of the scale, it bends from thetin of goods, and the other bowl (the child squats) for the same amountrises. Do you understand everything? Then let's try." At firstThe teacher selects two children, puts something on one of themvar and shows what every child should do. Then deThey play on their own. An adult monitors the game and helpsfor those who need help.


To play, you need a large piece of fabric so that you can use itwas to cover the children. The teacher gathers the children around him and says: “Woe is the ship that ends up at sea at the right time.”The name of the storm: huge waves threaten to capsize it, and the windthrows the ship from side to side. But the waves in the storm -it’s a pleasure: they frolic, buzz, compete betweenyourself, whoever rises higher. Let's imagine that you -waves. You can hum joyfully, hiss ominously, raiseand give up, turn in different directions, changein places, etc. Make sure you all stay undermilk." An adult and children climb under a piece of fabric,jumps, hisses, hums, waves his arms.

Inflatable doll

The teacher divides the children into pairs. One - inflatable cookla, from which the air has been released, lies on the floor in a relaxed posture (knees bent, arms bent, head down). The other one is pump it upblows the doll with air using a pump: bends rhythmicallyforward, exhaling and saying: “Ssss.” The doll slowly fillsit is filled with air, straightens, hardens - it is inflated. Thenthe doll is deflated by lightly pressing on its stomach, the air graduallybut it comes out of it with the sound “ssss”, it falls again. Then the children change roles.

Evil dragon

For this game you need to bring severallarge cardboard or wooden boxes in which couldwould fit two or three children. At the beginning of the game, the teacherinvites children to become gnomes living in small houseskah. When the children take their places in the box houses, the adulttells them:“There is a big problem in our country. Every night a big, big evil dragon flies in and takes away people to their castle on the mountain, and no one knows what happens to them next. There is only one way to escape dragon: when dusk falls on the city, people hide in their houses, sitting there hugging each other and trying to persuade each other not to afraid, comforting each other, stroking each other. The dragon cannot stand affection good and kind words and, when he hears them coming from the house, tries to quickly fly past this house and continue the search another house from which such words cannot be heard. So, pos. the icy rays of the sun are slowly fading, descending on the city twilight and people rush to hide in their houses and stay safe hug." The teacher walks between houses, pretending to be a dracona, howls terribly, threatens, stopping at every houseka and looking inside, and making sure that the children are inside the housesupport and console each other, moves on to the next one.

Lost ducklings

The teacher gathers the children around him and says: “Today you and I will play ducklings that got lost in the forest. Let three guys be ducklings, and the rest - trees, snags and bushes in the forest. Then each of you will have the opportunity to switch roles and be ducklings. The ducklings ran away from the poultry yard. Night found them in the forest. In addition, the weather turned bad. It began to rain and the wind rose. The trees creak loudly and bend their branches under the pressure of the wind almost to the ground, and the ducklings feel as if they are being grabbed by large dark and wet paws. The eagle owls call to each other, and the ducklings think that it is someone screaming in pain. The ducklings ran around the forest for a long time until they found a place where they could hide.” The light in the room is dimmed, the children pretend to be trees, snags and stumps, they take threatening poses and make loud threatening sounds: howl, hoot, etc. The ducklings wander around the room, shy away from trees and snags, trembling with fear and cold. After a few minutes, the teacher points the ducklings to a cave where they can hide from the rain (under the table). The children crawl under the table and curl up into a ball. When an adult turns on the light, he invites those who wish to change roles with the ducklings, and the game continues until everyone has played the role of a duckling.

Who will laugh funniest

The teacher seats the children around him and says: “In one country the King of Laughter ruled and he had a wife, the Queen of Laughter. And they also had many, many funny children. People in this country were never sad and laughed from morning to evening. And then one day a stranger came to the Land of Laughter. He was received very hospitably and, of course, asked to tell about the countries he had visited. And then the traveler told them that all the neighboring states were attacked by a terrible disease - people stopped laughing and cried around the clock. The royal family did not sleep for a long time that night and kept wondering how to help their neighbors. And the next morning, the King of Laughter and the Queen of Laughter gathered their Laughter children and equipped them on the road so that they would scatter around the world and teach people to laugh. Since then, Smeshinki have been wandering around the world, and wherever they appear, laughter is heard and people begin to have fun. And only once a year all the Little Twos return to their kingdom to visit the King and Queen and see each other. What begins here! They laugh so sincerely and loudly that the earth shakes. Let's have a celebration of laughter today and let's all laugh sincerely and joyfully together, like Smeshinki. Agreed? Then we started. And I’ll see which of you laughs funniest.” The teacher begins to laugh contagiously, approaches each child, laughs with him, and calls other children.

Little mice in a mousetrap

The game requires cloth bags so that, once children climb into them, they can move around the room. The adult informs the children that today they will play with little mice: “Little mice lived in the same house. They lived quietly and amicably, did not disturb anyone, only sometimes they climbed into the owner’s cellar and stole cheese from there, because they had to eat something. Of course, the owner of the house was not happy with such a neighborhood, and then one day he decided to destroy the mice. To do this, he bought a lot of mousetraps and placed them throughout the cellar. And in the evening, the unsuspecting mice, as always, went for cheese. And of course we ended up in mousetraps.” The teacher helps the children, two at a time, climb into the bags so that they can only stick their heads out. “So, you're caught! You were so scared and confused that at first all you could do was hug yourself tightly and squeak pitifully.” The teacher approaches each pair of children and strokes them. “To escape, you must get to your hole before the owner arrives.” An adult opens the bedroom door. “Crawl slowly and silently, help each other.” When all the children crawl to the bedroom, the teacher says: “Now help each other get out of the mousetraps. Did you get out? Let’s hug each other, sing the victory anthem and dance the dance of the little mice.” The teacher and the children hug other mice, squeak joyfully, help the children hold hands to create a circle, and dance with them.


Children stand in a circle. “You are all actors, and I am a spectator. I will tell you who you should portray. A good actor playsso that the audience believes what he portrays.Frown , Howautumn cloud, angry man, evil sorceress.Smile hang on , like a cat in the sun, the sun itself, Pinocchio, the sly fox,joyful child, as if you saw the sun.Get angry , like a child whose ice cream was taken away, two sheep for mosthe one, the person who was hit.Get scared like children, having lostwalking in the forest, a hare seeing a wolf, a kitten barking atdog.Are you tired like dad after work, a man who raiseda heavy load, an ant dragging a large fly.Take a rest those like a tourist taking off a heavy backpack, a child helpingmom to clean the whole house, tired warrior after victory. Tryimagine how your characters feel and convey them accuratelystate.Look at each other, try to infect your ownneighbors with this condition.”

Two countries

The teacher distributes all children into two subgroups and racestells them a fairy tale: “Once upon a time, there were two neighboringstates. One was inhabited by cheerful inhabitants: they laughed a lotThey talked and joked, and often held parties. Other - sadresidents: they thought about sad things all the time and were sad a lot.The residents of the cheerful state were very sorry for their sadnessnew neighbors, and one day they were planning to come to them forpower: they decided to infect the sad residents with their fun and laughter. Let those who sit from me left hand, will be sadnew people. Try to remember something very newecstatic and sad. Imagine how you must feelpeople who were never, ever happy. Those who sit fromat my right hand, they will be cheerful people. You have never known sadness and have had fun all your life. Now your task is tospread your laughter and joy to your sad neighbors.Stand opposite each other, and let those sad guys whoSome get infected by the laughter of the cheerful residents and go over to their sideWell, they begin to infect with their joy those who are still grooving stit."

Hen with chicks

IN the game involves a mother hen, little chicks and a predatorny kite that hunts them (this role is played byadult leader). First, the mother hen and chicks warmsitting in the sun, splashing around the pond, looking for worms onclearing, etc. Suddenly a bird of prey swoops in and triessteal the chickens. Mother hen must cover, hide herchildren, bring them together and protect them from danger. It is possible to useuse a large piece of cloth so children can hideunder him. A kite cannot steal a hidden chicken.When all the chicks are hidden, the kite spends some timecircles menacingly above them and then flies away. The mother hen releases her children from hiding, and they again frolic on the ground.lanke. In subsequent games the role of mother hen and kitecan be entrusted to other, especially problem children.

Bunny disco

Rhythmic, cheerful music sounds. "You are all bunniesjumpers. Today is your big holiday: you have outwittedthe wolf and ran away from him. Now you are gathered on the lawn andcelebrating deliverance from the evil wolf.” Bunnies together with sleepwith their body they jump high to the music, bend their ears (wavepalms to the head), jumping merrily across the field, laughing, squeaking.


A small circle is marked on the floor in such a way that the whole group can fit in it only by pressing tightlyleaning towards each other. An adult says: “You are rock climbers, whowith great difficulty they climbed to the top of the highestmountains in the world. Now you need to rest. Climbers have oneIt's a tradition: when they reach the top, they stand on it and sing a song:

We are climbers

We've reached the top

Winds of leprosy

We are not afraid .

Do you remember? Then get up on the platform. She is very smallKaya, and beyond the line is a deep abyss. Therefore it is possiblestand, just clinging very closely to each other and hugging tightly. Support each other so that no one falls.” Childrenstand in a circle, hugging each other, and sing a climbers song.

Old grandma

The teacher divides the children into pairs. Each pair consists of bagrandmothers (grandfathers) and granddaughters (grandson). Grandparents are very old, they don’t see or hear anything. But their obligationbut you need to take him to a doctor, and for this you need to go througha street with very heavy traffic. Grandsons and granddaughters mustcarry them across the road without being hit by a car.

The street is drawn with chalk on the floor. Several children play the role of cars and run up and down the street. The guide needs to be protectedold people from cars, lead them through a dangerous road, show themdoctor (played by one of the children) to buy medicineand lead you home along the same road.


Cardboard or wooden boxes are required for the game.The teacher divides the group into several subgroups of two or threecatcher. Previously, the adult hides encrypted telegrams in different places in the room (these can be sheets of paper,on which strange icons are written). “You are spies.Your state sent you on a very important mission:you must obtain a document of national importance. ButYou need to do this so that no one notices you. For this youThey have issued camouflage protective boxes, after climbing into which you will slowly and very carefully approach the place where the encrypted telegram is hidden. The task is actionabsolutely important and extremely dangerous, because at any moment you canwill be caught and put in jail. Sometimes you will hear an alarm (the teacher makes an alarm sound): this isthe lyceums are organizing a raid on spies. At this moment you must freeze in place and stop moving, otherwise you will you're going.

Be extremely careful and move slowlyand very quiet. You can sometimes look through the crack, liftMay the box, but every time you do this you run the risk of being caughtnymi". The teacher covers the children with boxes, pre-clearly explaining where the important document is located, which must befind each of the subgroups. Children move around the roomeach to his own telegram. Periodically grown upThe boy gives an alarm signal and the children stop moving. When all groups have reached their telegrams, the teacher approaches each of them and thanks them for successfully completing the task.military task.

Lost Children

The teacher gathers the children and invites them to walk around the forest su: “Let's imagine that we all went into the forest: collecting We eat mushrooms, have fun frolicking in the meadow, catch butterflies, pick flowers. The sun gently warms us, and the light breeze gently ruffles our hair." Children walk around the room, imagining everythingin the forest. After some time, the adult gathers the children around him again and says:“Evening is coming, the sky is getting dark. You know, in evening comes much faster in the forest than in the city. Becomes It's cold, it's time to go home. And we don’t even know the way home! It seems, we are lost. Darkness envelops us from all sides, branches de The roars rustle unfriendly and scary. Let's snuggle to each other to keep warm, and let's try to move forward. To me I'm scared and cold, I'm shaking all over. And you? Let's try to call help, what if someone hears us? Ay ! Ay ! Snuggle up Be stronger to each other, otherwise you’ll freeze or get lost!” Through no how many minutes of wandering the teacher says:"I'm afraid today We can't get home. Let's wander somewhere else and then We'll never get out of here again!

I'll light a fire so we can were able to warm up with him. And I will sing you a lullaby.” Children of the races sit around the fire, warm their hands, huddle together,the feeder sings them a quiet song.“Here it is morning! Oh, look, there's a road. How stupid we are, we sat all night in the forest two steps from the road home. But so many adventures!”

Wizard hat

Lost Child

The teacher gathers the children around him and says: “TodayYou and I will play animals in the forest. Each of you will be the onewhatever beast he wants. And one of you will be a child. Since morningthe child went with his mother into the forest, and did not notice how he missed herout of sight and lost. So he wandered in the forest all day, until,tired and frightened, he did not sit under a tree and cry. It was then that the animals discovered him. They were very surprised, because before that none of them had seen a living person. But baby it's so sadhe cried that the animals felt sorry for him and, after consulting, theydecided to help this strange creature. They started strokingto console him, they built him a house from tree branches andstones so that he could spend the night in it, they sang cola to himwhite song in their animal language, and the next morning they spenthim to the road leading home." After the story, the teacher of the organizationlowers role-playing game. Reminds children that they are notThey know human language and therefore cannot speak. Helps build a house from imaginary branches and stones. Informs about the onset of night and the arrival of morning, etc. The game can be repeated, preferably in the role of a lost childHow to assign problematic - aggressive or, conversely, withdrawn - children.

Living dolls

The teacher divides the group into pairs. "Let's introduce ourselvesWe'll see your dolls come to life. They know how to speak, ask,run, etc. Let's imagine that one of you is a child, and the other is his girl doll or boy doll. The doll will ask for something, and its owner will fulfill its requests and take care of it.talking about her." An adult offers to pretend to wash the doll’s hands,feed, walk, put to bed, etc. At the same time, educateThe tel warns that the owner must fulfill all the whimsdoll and don't force her to do anything she doesn't want. WhenThey will accept the game situation and get carried away, let them continue to play themselves. They will have to change in the next gameroles.

Postcards as a gift

Children are divided into pairs. “Today you and I will ricegive cards as gifts to each other. Draw a card to yourpartner. She must be very beautiful, gentle and kind.When the card is ready, I will come up to each of you, and you will dictate kind words and wishes to your friend, and thengive him a card."


To play you need mittens cut out of paper with differentwith an unpainted pattern. The number of pairs of mittens shouldcorrespond to the number of pairs of game participants. Every reThe child is given a mitten cut out of paper and offeredfind your match, i.e. mitten with exactly the same pattern. OdinThere are two halves, they form a pair. Children walk around the roomand are looking for their mate. After each pair of mittens has beenIt's going on, the children must color the same color as quickly as possible.quotes, and they are given only three pencils of different colors.

sleeping Beauty

“Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, an evil, despicable wizardsmall to bewitch a beauty who lived in a castle nearby.He put her to sleep, and for more than a hundred years the beauty has been sleeping soundly. The wizard's spell will dissipate when someonewill come up to her, stroke her and come up with the most beautiful things for herand an affectionate nickname." The game continues until everyonegirls who want to will not be in the role of Sleeping Beauty.

Assistant's Day

The teacher gathers the whole group in the morning and says: “TodayWe are having an unusual day. We will help each other, butso that it is not noticeable. Now I will approach each ofyou and I will tell whom he will try to help in everything today. Nottell anyone else about this. In the evening we are with you againlet's get together and you will try to guess who you want todayhelped, and thank him.” During the day, an adulttells the children about the task. In the evening the teacher collects againgroup and asks each child in turn to talk about whathow and who helped him.


To play you need bells (or rattles) according to the numberparticipants. One bell must be damaged (notno). An adult invites children to play gnomes. EachOne of the gnomes has a magic bell, and when it rings, the gnome gains magical power- he can zagagive any wish, and it will come true someday. Children receive bells. "Let's hear how yours ringbells! Each of you will take turns ringing and zagagive your desire, and we will listen.” Children ring in circlestheir bells, but suddenly it turns out that one of themis silent. “What should we do, one of our gnomes is not ringing?bell! This is such a misfortune for him! He's not nowcan make a wish... Maybe we can cheer him up? Or byShall we give something instead of a bell? Or let's trythe thread of his desire? (Children offer their solutions.) Or maybe someone will give up their bell for a while so that the gnome can ring it and make his wish?” Usually one ofhe always offers his bell to the children, for which, of courseSurely, he receives the child’s gratitude and the approval of the group andadult.

The big picture

The teacher brings a large sheet of Whatman paper and says:“Remember, at the very beginning, you and I played animals in the forest?In our forest there lived kind animals who loved each other very much, were always ready to help another andwhere they didn't quarrel. Today we will all draw together this forest and all its inhabitants, because we are so similar to them: we toowe love each other, always help and never disagree with each otherwe're quarreling!

Name calling

The teacher gathers the children around him and says: “Letone of us willName-calling . His task is to come up with and sayas many offensive nicknames as possible. Let the other one be sadangry and offended child. Everyone else should console him,coming up with kind nicknames for him and talking about how good he is. Then we will switch roles." It is best to assign the most problematic and aggressive children to the role of Name-Caller.

"I wish I could be like you"

"IN every person has many beautiful traits,- The teacher addresses the children. - Let's think about what doseach of the guys in your group has virtues and in whatever wayyou wanted to be like him. Have you thought about it? And now in a circlego up to everyone and tell him:"I wish I could be like that same... (smart, beautiful, joyful, etc.) like you.”

Finish the drawings

Children sit in a circle. Everyone has a set of felt-tip pens orpencils and a piece of paper. The teacher says: “Now everyEach of you will begin to draw your own picture. At my clap you will stop drawing and immediately give back your unfinished carteenager to the neighbor on the left. He will continue to draw your picture, forthen at my clap he will stop and give it to his neighbor. Sountil the drawing that you started to draw inthe beginning, will not return to you." Children begin to draw any carthe teenager, then, when the teacher claps, they hand her over to one neighborand at the same time receive his picture from another neighbor. Posafter the pictures went full circle and returned to theirto the original authors, we can discuss what happened as a result and which of the guys drew what on each common drawingke. The same task can be organized using modeling or appliqué material.


Children are divided into pairs or triplets. "Now we are with youLet’s play the “Guess” game,” says the teacher, “youTalk to each other about which drawing to put on the board.So that no one hears, we need to move closer to each other,hug by the shoulders, lean over and speak in a whisper. Then youyou all post your general drawing together, and when it isready, the others will try to guess what you depicted.” Childrenagree with each other on the plot of the drawing, lay it out. After this, the whole group guesses what drawing the guys had in mind. A similar task of the same type can be carried out on mamaterial of the drawing or appliqué.

Festival of politeness

“Today in our group,” says the teacher, “announcingIt's a celebration of politeness! Polite people are distinguished by the fact thatnever forget to thank others. Now everyoneHow many of you will have a chance to show your politeness andthank other guys for something. You can come overto whomever you want and say:“Thank you for being...” Hereyou'll see, thanking others for something is very pleasantBut. Try not to forget anyone and approach everyone, becauseTruly polite people are also very attentive. Ready? Then let's begin

Tie thread

Children sit in a circle, passing each other a ball of thread,so that everyone who was already holding the ball took up the thread. BroadcastThe ball is accompanied by statements about what children would like to wish to others. The adult begins, thereby showingexample. He then turns to the children, asking if they wantsay something. When the ball returns to the leader, the childrenAt the request of the teacher, they pull the thread and close their eyes, imagining that they form one whole, that each of them iswives and significant in this whole.

If I were a king

The children sit in a circle, and the teacher says: “You know aboutthat kings can do anything? Let's imagine what we would give to our neighbor if we were kings. I'll figure it outis it? Then let everyone in a circle say what gift they would likedid. Start with:"If I were a king, I would give you..." Come up with gifts that couldto truly please your neighbor, because what boy would be happy if he was given beautiful doll, but if it’s summership... Oh, by the way, don’t forget to thank the king for the gift, because only after that you yourself can become a kingrole and give your next neighbor your ownpresent".


An adult tells a fairy tale about Princess Nesmeyana andoffers to play the same game. Some of the children will bejealous, who is sad and cries all the time.

The children take turns approaching the Nesmeyana Princess and trying to console her and make her laugh. The princess will do her best tofight not laugh. The one who can call winsthe princess's smile. Then the children change roles.

Gardeners and flowers

The group is divided into two subgroups, and the teacher explains the content of the game: “If the flowers that are in your groupDo not water them for a long time - they will wither. But today we are with youlet's go to an extraordinary garden, flowers grow there thatno need for water. They fade if they don't hear good things about themselves for a long time.and kind words. Let one group be the flowers that fadeor because they haven’t been showered with kind words for a long time, but othersgaya - gardeners who were called to help the dyingflowers. Gardeners should walk around the garden and contact eachflower home with kind words, and then the flowers will comefoamy come to life and bloom. Then we will switch roles."


Sitting in a circle, children join hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you mustsay a few kind words to him, praise him for something. For exampleMer: you have such beautiful slippers; or it's so good with youplay; or you can sing and dance better than anyone. I acceptthe real compliment nods his head and says: “Thank you, IVery nice!". He then compliments his neighbor. UpThe exercise is carried out in a circle.


“Once upon a time, when good magicians lived among peopleIndeed, it was customary to invite these magicians into the house at the birth of a child. Each magician gave the child a wish, which was obligatorybut it was fulfilled. Let's play magicians. You may wishanything, because you are very powerful, and everyone is yourswishes will come true someday. Which one of you will be the child? Don’t argue, because each of you will have time to be a child.

Good wizards

Children sit in a circle. An adult tells another storyku: “In one country I livedrude villain . He could cast a spellany child, calling him bad words. BewitchedNew children could not have fun and be kind. Break the spellonly kind wizards could call such unfortunate children by affectionate names. Let's see if we have anyenchanted children." As a rule, many preschoolers huntbut they take on the role of the bewitched. “And who can become a good wizard and disenchant them by inventing kind, affectionate names?” Children are usually happy to volunteer to begood wizards. Pretending to be kind magicnicknames, they take turns approaching the enchanted friend andthey try to cast a spell, calling him affectionate names.

Magic glasses

An adult solemnly announces that he has magicnew glasses through which you can see only the good that existsin a person, even what a person sometimes hides from everyone."Here I am Now I’ll try on these glasses... Oh, how beautiful you all are, wow smart, smart! Approaching each child, the adult callsany of his virtues (someone draws well, someonenew doll, someone makes their bed well). “Now let each of you try on glasses, look at others andtries to see as much good as possible in everyone, maybemaybe even something that I hadn’t noticed before.” Children take turns wearingThey wear magic glasses and name the virtues of their comrades. If someone is at a loss, you can help him and suggest some virtue of his friend. Repetitionsare not scary here, although if possible it is advisable to expandcircle of good qualities.
