Scenario for summer fun in the senior group. Scenario for a summer holiday in kindergarten

Physical education in summer for older children preschool age"Who knows how to be friends"

There is a song about friendship.

Leading: Hello guys. What is this song about? That's right, about friendship. Today we will talk about it.
Brighter than the sun's rays
Friendship in the whole world.
It's more fun with friends
On any planet!

Guys, friendship is a great value, a gift of fate. Friendship helps us study, work, live. It makes us better, kinder, stronger. Not for nothing Russian folk proverb says: “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him!” Are you guys friends? We’ll check this now, answer my questions loudly and unanimously.
- Shall we celebrate the holiday?(Yes)
- Will we miss you in silence?(No)
- Will we play together?(Yes)
- Maybe I can put you to bed?(No)
And now I invite everyone to play the game “Best Friend”.
We stand in 2 circles, one circle goes to the left, the other goes to the right.

We say: “The circle of friends invites everyone to our merry round dance.”
We stop facing each other and perform the following movements:
- I, I, I am your best friend- touch your chest with your palm;
- Me, me, me - look around- we spread our arms to the sides;
- Better, better there is no you- we pat each other on the shoulder;
- We, we, we are friends,
- You, you, you are my best friend- shake hands;
- You, you, you, look around- spread their arms to the sides;
- Better, better, no me- press hands to chest;

- We, we, we are friends- hugging.

Now I see that you know how to be friendly. Let's see how the heroes of our fairy tale can be friends.
Host: It’s beautiful in the forest in winter. One thing is bad - the forest animals are cold and hungry. They wander through the forest, looking for food. A sly Fox I decided to get closer to people, maybe there would be no food left. She walks carefully so as not to be noticed.
The fox comes out, sneaking.

The fox noticed that one man had gone fishing and ran after him. She waited for him to catch a fish, ran ahead, the cunning one, fell on the path and lay there as if dead. The man picked up the fox and said: “It will be a nice collar for my wife’s fur coat.”
The fox threw away all the fish and ran away.
And you and I will try to catch the fish ourselves.
1. Game "Catching Fish"
Plastic fish need to be placed into a bucket with their feet.

Presenter: The fox walks happy, has eaten enough fish, and sings songs. And a wolf meets her, hungry and angry.

2. Breathing exercise"Wolf"
Gray wolf in a dense forest - ooh-ooh
Often howls at the moon - ooh-ooh
How will you hear this howl - ooh-ooh
Run home quickly - ooh-ooh

Host: And the Wolf asks the Fox: “Teach me, sister, to fish.”
- Of course, I’ll teach you. After all, you and I are best friends! - the fox answers. And she keeps jumping around the wolf.
3. Exercise "Jump like a fox"
Jumping from hoop to hoop, moving the hoop forward.

Fox: Lower your tail into the hole and say: “Catch a fish, small and large!” The fish will catch itself on its tail. The stupid wolf believed the cheat and sat all night with his tail hanging down at the ice hole.
4. Game "Who can stand on one leg longer"

Presenter: The whole wolf was chilled. Let's help him warm up.
5. Hand massage "Warming your palms"
Let's warm our hands,
Let's rub our hands.
(rubbing palms)
We shake hands, shake hands(turn palms over, tinder)
Let them burn with fire.(quickly rub palms together)
Three faster and faster
We rub them harder.
All! Warm up, Look!
(put palms to cheeks)
They turned red.(show palms to each other)

Leading: And in the morning the women came to the ice hole for water, saw the Wolf and began throwing snowballs at him.
6. Throwing a ball into a basket
"Let's help drive away the Wolf"

Presenter: The wolf jerked harder, and his tail came off. He ran into the forest to lick his wounds. Meanwhile, the fox sneaked into the village into a hut, ate some dough and smeared it on his head.
The Wolf meets the Fox and says: “What’s wrong with you, sister?”
Fox: “People caught me, beat me, even took out my brains.”
The Wolf took pity on the Fox, put him on his back and took him into the forest. And she drives along and quietly says: “The beaten one is lucky.”
7. Game "How the Wolf Carried the Fox into the Forest"
(carry in a hoop).
Presenter: “Die yourself, but help your comrade.” Were the Wolf and the Fox friends? Yes, there was a Wolf good friend, and Lisa constantly deceived him.
Children recite poems about friendship.

P/i "Couples".
Don't sleep, don't yawn, quickly choose a pair. (Children stand in pairs and scatter to the music. When the music ends, they stand in pairs with those with whom they stood).

Presenter: Let's end our sports holiday with a song about Friendship.

Summer scenario sports leisure for children 5-7 years old “This is what our summer is like!”

Natalya Sergeevna Myzhevskikh, teacher at the Lesobazovsky kindergarten, Yarsky district.
Purpose: the sports leisure scenario is intended for teachers primary classes, preschool teachers, parents. In the summer, with children in preschool institutions, a lot of time is spent on fresh air, playing various games, as well as, and thanks to all this, children need to be provided with all the conditions for the health and physical training of the future first-grader. I bring to your attention a summary of various sports relay races and outdoor games in the summer.
Target: Creating conditions for physical relaxation of children.
Tasks: 1. Shape motor activity children; strengthen physical health children; formation of correct posture, development of coordination of movements;
2. Strengthen the motor skills acquired earlier;
Engage children sports games, relay races;
3. Cultivate good and friendly relationships in children.
Equipment: large hoops - 8 pcs., large balls - 2 pcs., satin ribbons for each child. Two toys are our goal.

The song sounds on the lyrics. “This is what our summer is like.” Location on kindergarten The teacher and physical instructor gather children of secondary and preparatory group and are built in pairs, and the kids are the second junior group Together with their teacher, they are spectators and sit on mats to the side.

Leading. Nothing in the world is better, nothing more wonderful
Celebrate this summer at the site together.
Compete in sports relay races
And make friends with everyone here.
Guys, let's say hello in an unusual way. When I say: “Hello!” all the kids will shout: “Shake!” and get up from their place. (we try - we say hello).
And the big guys, in response to my “Hello!” they will shout “Salute!” and wave their hands (we try and say hello). So we said hello. Look, I have a wonderful basket, and there are balls in it, and other little things.
Guys, what's your mood? (Children's answers.)
Do you like to play? (Children's answers.)
What about winning? (Children's answers.)
Are you all strong and agile today? (Children's answers.)
What should you do in the morning to be cheerful and healthy? (Exercise.)
Well done! Now let's do a little exercise.
Let's raise our hands up - once
Above the nose, above the eyes.
Hold your hands straight up
Don't sway, don't tremble.
Three - put your hands down,
Stay where you are, don't move around.
Up one, two, three, four, down!
We repeat, don’t be lazy!
We'll make turns
Do everything willingly.
Once - turn left,
Two - now it's the other way around.
So, without any haste,
Repeat 8 times.
Hands on the belt, legs wider!
Bend forward and back, three or four.
And now everyone is together
Easy and beautiful - running in place.
Stand still, one or two!
Ready to compete, right?
Leading. Let's split into two teams.
Relay race “Jumping from hoop to hoop”.
We jump from hoop to hoop on two legs. We reached the goal (toy Kolobok and Dog) and run back to the team. Passing the baton is a clap of the palm of the hand on the palm of the recipient.

Leading. Great, well done everyone! But this is just the beginning, and now we move on to the next task. Are the teams ready?
Children. Yes!
Kangaroo relay.
The ball is hidden under clothes on the stomach. Holding the ball with your hands, you need to run to the goal, running around the toy, running back to the team, passing the baton with a clap.

Relay race "Who will jump further."
Children line up in one line. On the count of “One-two-three!” - we jump, the presenter looks to see who jumped the furthest.
Leading. Well done boys! They completed the task quickly and deftly.

And now it's time
Let's play, kids.
Outdoor game “Find yourself a partner”
For the game you need to prepare satin ribbons according to the number of participants. Half the ribbons are one color, the rest are another. Each child receives one ribbon. At the teacher’s signal (blow the tambourine), the children scatter around the playground. At another signal (two hits on the tambourine or the words “find a pair”), children with identical ribbons stand next to each other.
An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. Turning to him, all the players say:
Vanya-Vanya, don't yawn (Misha, Katya)
Quickly choose a couple.
Then, when the tambourine is hit, the children scatter around the playground again, and the game is repeated.
Note. Children must keep their ribbons up while running.
Developmental exercise “Let’s jump over the stream”
A stream is drawn on the site, narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm).
A group of children is asked to jump over a stream, first where it is narrow, and then where it is wider, and finally where it is widest.
The teacher marks those who managed to jump over the stream at the widest point.
Low mobility game “Runs, flies, swims”
The presenter says the word “swims” and the children must name and show what or who swims in the water. If the presenter says the word flies, then the children name and show who flies and how they fly, that is, name and show with gestures and facial expressions the bird. The presenter will say the word runs, then the children name and show an animal or insect that runs or crawls on the ground. It's clear?
A swallow flies...
A shark swims...
A zebra is running... Etc.

Leading. You guys were all smart and brave today. And they showed themselves at their best. Our holiday is coming to an end, I think that victory is not important, but friendship is important. And our last game will be for all of you.
Speech game “Dear words”
I will read a poem, and you will unanimously insert the word: “Very expensive.”
Uncle Sasha is upset, this is what he said.
I saw first-grader Nastya on the street now,
Nastya is a nice girl, Nastya goes to first grade.
But I haven’t heard the word from Nastya for a long time..... Hello!

I met my neighbor Vitya, it was a sad meeting
He came at me like a torpedo from around the corner,
But imagine, in vain I waited for a word from Vitya.... Sorry
What's the word? Very expensive.
He was talking about his granddaughter, what a shame.
I gave her a briefcase, I see she’s very happy.
But you can’t be silent like a fish.
But I would say... Thank you.
And what is the word? Very expensive.
Leading. Words are simply very precious and simply magical. I think you will say them more often and remember them.
Sweet prizes are given to children.

Thank you for your attention!

Scenario summer fun with kids senior group"Good mood"

Description of material: Entertainment in kindergarten is carried out with the aim of amusing children, bringing joy to daily life. Activities, games, and hard work make up the regular program of every day. Entertainment becomes a joyful event for a child, contributes to the manifestation of positive emotions in him, and lifts his spirits. This methodological development will be of interest to educators and music directors preschool institutions for organizing summer leisure in kindergarten.

Target: Create a good, positive mood in children from participating in games and fun. Contribute to the creation of a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process.


Improve motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements.

Develop the ability to interact in a team.

Foster a sense of mutual assistance and attention to each other.

Preliminary work: preparing musical accompaniment, attributes and props for entertainment, learning the words of songs and fables with children.

Equipment and materials: clown costume, throne, large scarf for the princess, music Center, CDs with recordings of children's live music, artificial flowers, two large and one small ball. Progress of the entertainment (The hall is decorated with balloons, flowers, in the middle there is a throne of the princess. Smeshinka, the presenter, enters in a clown costume.)


Hello guys!

Which one of you sits and is sad?

Who looks sour?

My entertainment will lift your spirits.

I invite everyone to fun gymnastics. (A cheerful melody sounds) Game “Fun Gymnastics” Place your hands on your belt first,

Shake your shoulders left and right.

You will reach your little toe to your heel.

If you succeed, everything is in perfect order.

And finally you should meow,

Quack, croak, bark and grunt. Well done!

(The crying of Princess Nesmeyana can be heard from behind the door.)

Oh, guys, I completely forgot to tell you why I came to you. Such a disaster happened. In one Russian folk tale in a distant state, a king had a daughter, which means a princess. This girl has been very spoiled and capricious since childhood. And then the king had a fight with Baba Yaga, he wanted to drive her out of the kingdom. So she bewitched the princess and said: the princess will cry until someone cheers her up. Until this time, no one had been able to cheer up the princess. And now all hope is on me and on you, of course. Will you help me cheer up Princess Nesmeyana?

Children: Yes.

Two-Bit: Hooray! Hooray! Then we will succeed.

(The crying becomes louder. Princess Nesmeyana comes out sobbing. She sits on the throne, loudly blows her nose into a huge handkerchief and sobs.)

(Smiley whispers to the children) And here she is, Princess Nesmeyana. Let's have fun. (He curtsies towards the Princess.) Good morning, Your Wetness! What's our mood this morning?

Princess: Bad, bad, very bad. (Sobbing, stomping his feet).

Two-Bit: Wouldn’t you like to see how fun the guys are playing?

Princess: No, not at all. (Cries.)

Two-Bit(whispering): Even though she’s capricious, she’s still a princess. We'll have to indulge her whims. Guys, let's show how we can play. I will tell you a poem, and you tell me loudly in chorus: is it true or not. Word game"True or false" Is it true or false,

Why is the snow as black as soot?

Sugar is bitter

Coal is white,

Well, is a coward as brave as a hare?

Why doesn't the combine harvester reap any wheat?

Why do birds walk in harness?

That cancer can fly

And the bear is a master at dancing?

What do pears grow on willow trees?

That whales live on land?

What from dawn to dawn

Are pine trees felled by mowers?

Well, squirrels love pine cones,

And lazy people love work...

And the girls and boys

Don't you put cakes in your mouth? (L. Stanchev)

(The last time “No, this is not true” the princess screams along with the children and stamps her feet, begins to cry loudly.)

Two-Bit: Yes, it’s difficult to deceive such attentive guys as you. But my deceptions are not deceptions, but simply inventions - to create a good mood, for cheerful laughter.

Princess: It’s a bad game, boring, I’m not interested in playing such games, only small children play, and I’m already big. (Blows nose, cries.)

Two-Bit: Yes, it didn’t work the first time. But don't be upset. We'll come up with something now. What else do you guys like to do?

Children: Sing dance.

Two-Bit: Guys, let's show Princess Nesmeyane how we can dance. Your Majesty, let's dance with us.

Princess: I don’t want to, I won’t dance. I can't dance like the guys. (Sobbing.)

Two-Bit: You should not cry, Your Seriousness, but study.

Princess: How to study? I can't study.

Learning is almost like playing. All the guys stood in a circle, and you, Your Highness, stand too. Dance “Boogie-Woogie” (Children walk in a circle, sing, make movements in accordance with the text. Smeshinka invites Princess Nesmeyana to dance. The Princess moves weakly and sluggishly. When the music ends, she sits down in her place and begins to cry.)

Princess: I don’t like your games, dancing, this is not a royal business.

Two-Bit: If you don’t like this one, we know another one. Guys, let's play the game “Who can collect the most flowers?” While the music is playing, dance, when the music ends, collect a bouquet. (A game is played.) Outdoor game “Collect a bouquet”
Two-Bit: Well done guys, you have collected a wonderful bouquet.

Princess(capriciously). I'm tired of your games, I'm tired of them. I'm bored.

Two-Bit: It didn’t work out again. What to do now?

Princess(through tears): Just dance some more, I’ll watch anyway.

Two-Bit: Guys, shall we dance? Only you must dance even more cheerfully so that the princess stops crying. Dance “Cheerful Ducklings” (A song plays, the children dance. Nesmeyana dances on a chair. When the dance ends, Nesmeyana begins to sob loudly.)

Two-Bit: Your Wetness! Didn't you like the way we dance?

Princess: Liked. I'm just tired of sitting here!

Two-Bit: Hooray! Hooray! It turns out! Come, princess, dance with us! (The princess wipes her eyes with a handkerchief.)

Princess: No, I won’t dance, you’ll laugh at me, but maybe you’ll persuade me to play, if only I definitely win.

Two-Bit: Well, if you put in effort, skill, dexterity, you will definitely win.

Princess: Then I'll try.

Two-Bit: Hooray! Hooray! We can do this! What game should Nesmeyane offer? I came up with an idea! Let's hold a competition called "Nimble Frogs" (The clown and the princess jump on a ball to the chair and back, the princess comes first.) Outdoor game "Nimble Frogs"
Princess: I won, I always win, I’m the Princess.

Two-Bit(whispering to the children): I gave in to her on purpose, let her boast. Now let’s see, Your Excellency, how our girls and boys compete. Now we will assemble two teams. One team is called the Team of Princess Nesmeyana, and the other is the Team of the funniest, smartest clown, that is, me. Get ready: one, two, three. (All children take part in the game.)

Two-Bit: Well done guys, all dexterous, brave, fast.

And now, Your Highness, I invite you to listen to funny fable stories. Tales
1 child.

I saw a snowdrop in the autumn forest,

Where the hare dragged the fox along the edge,

And the wolf sneaked after the hunter.

2nd child.

I heard the hunter chattering his teeth,

I heard him shout "help"

And he laughed loudly with fear.

3 child.

Yesterday I went on foot to collect firewood,

The grass around was green under the snow.

I didn’t bring a whole cart of firewood from the forest

And he rubbed his frostbitten nose in the heat. (T. Belozerov)

(All the children laugh and the princess also begins to laugh)

Two-Bit(whispers): Guys, look, the princess laughed! Hooray! Hooray! Happened. (Smeshinka takes Nesmeyana by the hand and spins around with her.)

Princess: I didn’t even notice when I started to feel funny.

Two-Bit: Now everyone has good mood, everyone is having fun. And when do we still have a particularly joyful mood?

Children: When friends are nearby.

Two-Bit: So, let's stand in a circle and say good things to each other, pleasant words. (Children pass the ball in a circle and say kind words to each other.) Verbal game “Say a kind word” Now no one is sad, everyone is smiling, everyone is in a good, joyful mood. Let's all sing the song “Smile” together (Sing a song.)Song “Smile”
Princess: Guys, your holiday was wonderful,

He made me laugh.

I won't cry anymore!

Let my laughter sound everywhere!

And I have a gift for you. Because you made me laugh - honestly, I didn’t know how to laugh before, and now even my dress is dry - for all this I give you a whole basket of sweets.

Two-Bit. Thank you princess. We had a lot of fun, we had a good time. And everyone is in an upbeat, joyful mood. It is very nice.







The recording contains cheerful children's music. On the site, decorated with berry bushes and trees, Berries children appear in multi-colored outfits. The berries are dancing.


We want to tell you a story about berries,

We can show you games and dancing!

Berries are famous among the guys,

They are irreplaceable and useful!

Pick berry after berry,

Take their vitamins for yourself.

The berries are tasty and juicy growing in the garden and in the clearing.

You can find them under the leaves both here and here!

Strawberries and raspberries, blackberries, apricots!

Useful for sure. And that's not a question!

Hawthorn, mulberry, blackthorn and gooseberry

The gardener will invite you to the garden!

Plum and currant -

For them, a garden is as good as a home!

Enjoy, kids,

Berries from the heart!

Berries dance with children a cheerful dance “Pick Berries.” Children repeat the movements behind the leading berries. The best berry dancers are rewarded with prizes - “Berry Caramel”. After the dance, the children sit in the hall.

Raspberry and Strawberry appear on the stage.

Raspberry and Strawberry(together).

We are sister berries: Raspberry and Strawberry.

Raspberries. I live in the garden

Strawberries. Well, I'm in the forest.

Raspberry and Strawberry.

We invite you guys

Admire the beauty!

We invite everyone to the podium,

Collection of berry models

We present together!

The recording contains rhythmic music.

Children dressed in berry style appear on an impromptu podium. They may have unusual hats, headdresses in the shape of berries or using berries. Shoes or other footwear are also decorated with berry patterns. The girls have various berry ornaments “scattered” on their dresses, skirts and blouses. The boys' shirts also have large and small berries on them. On socks or knee socks there are designs with berries or pompoms made in the shape of berries.

First, the models come out one after another, and at the end of the demonstration, according to the rules of the show, all participants appear on stage together. They are applauded.

After the demonstration of the models, two couples appear on stage: Blackberry and Hawthorn, Thorn and Plum. To measured music, they perform a pair dance with bows, transitions and squats.


Berry greetings to you from the garden and forest!

Listen, guys, to our humble advice.

You are filled with health,

Communicate with vitamins!

We want to help you, friends -

Overcome all diseases!

Get in order.

Let's exercise together!

Berries place children in lines and perform a set of exercises with them.

Exercise 1. “Gathered for berries.”

We walk in place, bending one arm, as if we were carrying a basket.

Exercise 2. “Look under the leaf.”

We squat and pretend to look under the leaves.

Exercise 3. “Collect berries in a basket.”

We imitate picking berries in a basket. We move around the site, squat, then stand up and bend and unbend right hand. The left arm is bent at the elbow, as if a basket were hanging on it.

Exercise 4. “Sorting out the berries.”

We imitate that we are laying out the berries in different directions. We move our right and left hands apart.

Exercise 5. “Delicious berries.”

We bring the right one to our mouth, then left hand, showing how berries are fragrant and tasty.

Mulberry and Apricot come out.


I am an important Mulberry tree,

Berry official!

I love order and precision,

In the sun I ripen ahead of schedule.


I am Mr. Apricot!

Seriously full of vitamins.

Jam and juices, compote and decoction -

Apricot makes a wonderful brew!


We would like to offer you a game,

It will amuse you!

The game "Who can pick the berries faster."

2-4 tree models are brought to the site, with “berries” attached to them. 2-8 people are chosen from among the children. The game can be played individually or in pairs.

Music is playing. Children on the command “Pick the berries!” fruit picking begins. Whoever can pick the berries faster while the music is playing wins. The winners are awarded with gifts.

Currant and Gooseberry come out. Energetic, cheerful music sounds. Berries perform a dance.

Currants and Gooseberries.

Girls and boys

Boys and girls

And also guest spectators,

Berry stories

Would you like to see it?

Funny stories

The screen will show ours,

The stories are funny

In the magazine "Berry Collage"!

Children watch cartoons on the TV screen related to the theme of berries.

Discussion: which cartoon character did you like best and why?

Children are rewarded for the best answers.


Stories about berries

They told you

Everything was shown in pictures

It's time to dance

Stretch your arms and legs!

The performance ends with a cheerful “berry” disco.

Elena Suvorova

Target: To form the desire of children to actively participate in entertainment. Develop children have a need for daily motor activity. Learn to play outdoor games with elements of competition. Bring up: agility, strength, endurance, responsibility.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations about summer.

Conversations on the topic: "Summer", "Hello summer".

Memorizing poems about summer and friendship.

Material:, hoops, balls, skittles, sandbag.

Educator: Summer laughs again

Through an open window

And sunshine and summer

Full, full - full!

Children, now we will split into two teams and conduct summer competition Let's find out who is the strongest, most dexterous, and bravest among us.

To break into teams, first each of you will think about who he will be (sun, month, flowers, trees, grass, etc.). After that, you will approach the captains, and they will choose you. Who will be your team captains?

(children choose two captains, after that they come up in pairs and the captains select children for their team).

Educator: I see the teams are ready. Now we need to name the teams.

(Children consult).

Educator: First team.

Children in chorus: Chamomiles.

Educator: Second team.

Children in chorus: Breeze.

Educator: Great! Let's start the first competition.

Many flowers bloom in summer. Now you take turns (teams) When you name the flowers, whose team names the most will win.

(consolidate knowledge, development of thinking) .

Educator: First competition - relay race “Carry it and don’t drop it”.

Inventory: balls.

The first participant from each team holds the ball between his legs and jumps with it, running around the pin, and returns back. Passes the ball to the next participant. You cannot hold the ball with your hands! If the ball falls, you need to stop and correct the ball, only then continue moving. The winner is the team that finishes the relay first and with the fewest errors.

Educator: Second competition – relay race "Pass the ball".

Participants stand one after another. The captains are given balls. At the leader’s signal, the captains pass the ball over their heads to the second player, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and lift the ball up.

Educator: Third competition – relay race "Jumping".

Jump forward on one right leg. Back - on the other left leg. Hands on the belt. At the line start passes the baton to the next person with a touch of his hand.

Educator: Fourth competition – relay race "Knock down the pin".

Team captains are invited. You need to roll the ball with both hands to knock down the pin standing 3m in front. Each captain has 3 attempts, 1 point for each pin knocked down.

Leading: Now let's rest a little.

Guess the riddles.

I wake up early in the morning,

Together with the rosy sun,

I make the bed myself

I do it quickly... (Charging)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles, I must admit,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I’m calling, so you know. (Bike)

I'm not sitting on a horse,

And on the tourist's back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearably!

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet. (Soccer ball)

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she does it through me. (Jump rope)

Educator: Fifth competition – relay race

(Run up with a chalk to the drawn sun, draw one ray, run back, pass the chalk to the next one.)

Educator: Sixth competition

“Whose team will build faster”

While the music is playing, the children run around, and when it ends, they quickly line up; The team that lines up the fastest wins.

Educator: Seventh competition – relay race Most marks

Get into a sandbag hoop

Leading: Our competition is over. All team members showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Exercise sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance!

Leading: And here we sum up,

Whatever they are.

Co we will be friends through sports,

And cherish our friendship.

And then we will become strong.

Healthy, capable,

Both dexterous and brave.

Publications on the topic:

"Mothers Day". Musical and sports entertainment for older children and their loved ones MOTHER'S DAY “By playing with mom, we strengthen our health.” Musical and sports entertainment for older children and their loved ones.

Summer physical education activity “In Search of Treasures” for children in the senior group of kindergarten. Summer physical entertainment"In Search of Treasures" Senior group Purpose of entertainment: Popularization of physical culture and attraction.

Program content: 1. Instill interest in sports and physical culture. 2. Create a joyful emotional mood. 3. Educate.

Sports entertainment for the senior group “Health Day” It has become a tradition in our kindergarten to conduct sports entertainment for children in the fresh air. Children especially liked “Health Day”.

Goal: to form in children the need for healthy way life. Objectives: - develop interest in winter games-competitions; - develop dexterity.

Sports entertainment dedicated to February 23rd for the senior group Attributes and equipment: Route sheets for each team. 1. Hoops, obstacles, flags. 2. Sticks, plastic balls (balls) 3.
