What is a wrap? Induced abortion

Surgical abortion, today, remains the most reliable way to terminate a pregnancy. During this operation, the contents of the uterus are physically removed or scraped along with the fertilized egg, which makes further development of the embryo impossible.

Despite the 100% guarantee of termination of pregnancy, doctors prescribe this method of getting rid of it to women only in cases where other methods of termination are ineffective or impractical. Surgical abortion is a complex operation that can cause complications and negative consequences for the woman for the rest of her life.

What is surgical abortion and how does it differ from other methods of abortion?

Surgical abortion is a method of dilatation and curettage of the uterus. Dilatation involves mechanical expansion of the cervical canal, and curettage is the process of removing or scraping the inner mucous layer of the uterus with the fertilized egg.

According to the World Health Organization, this type of abortion is one of the most dangerous for the patient. The procedure itself requires putting the woman into a state of medicated sleep, so she must be involved. In terms of the likelihood of complications, surgical abortion also ranks first among other types of abortion.

It is believed that the procedure is only relevant from the 6th to the 12th week of pregnancy, however, for example, in Russia, surgical abortion is often prescribed at a very early stage - from the third week. If there are some indications, abortion produced up to and including 22 weeks. Before the sixth week of pregnancy, doctors recommend turning to less traumatic methods of getting rid of the fetus - a mini-abortion or medical termination.

A mini-abortion is also called a vacuum aspiration procedure. This type of intervention is carried out using special device– vacuum suction. The nozzle of the device, inserted into the uterine cavity, creates negative pressure in it, due to which the fertilized egg is separated from the walls of the organ, and then enters the vacuum suction catheter.

Medical or pharmaceutical abortion occurs in a slightly different way - without surgical intervention. It is used only on early stages pregnancy, up to 6 weeks. In the presence of a doctor, the patient takes a one-time drug that causes fetal death. The substance of the drug acts on progesterone receptors, inhibiting the effect of progesterone. Without the normal production of this hormone, the growth of the endometrium stops, in addition, the myometrium begins to contract intensively.

The next stage of pharmaabortion is taking a medication that is a catalyst for increasing uterine contractions. In this case, the organ simply pushes the fertilized egg out of its cavity.

Thus, surgical abortion requires greater preparedness of the patient and higher qualifications of the doctor. It is allowed to be carried out up to and including the 22nd week of pregnancy, while other types of termination are effective up to a maximum of the sixth week.

Indications for surgical abortion

Abortion surgery is performed in exceptional cases, when a woman cannot or does not want to bear a fetus and give birth to a child.

Every year, throughout the world, opponents of abortion raise the issue of legislative prohibitions on the possibility of abortion without appropriate medical indications, only at the request of the woman herself. Issues of the ethics of abortion are discussed by doctors, church representatives, scientists and public figures. Nevertheless, today in most civilized countries there are no prohibitions on abortion at the legislative level. Therefore, the main indication for its use is a woman’s reluctance to become a mother for any reason, for example:

  • if the child was conceived in the process of rape;
  • if the child’s father refuses to participate in his maintenance and upbringing;
  • if the pregnant woman is in prison;
  • for any other economic or social reasons.

In addition, among the indications for abortion there are a number of objective factors that make bearing a fetus and the birth of a child undesirable or impossible:

  • diabetes mellitus, cancer, heart, liver or kidney disease in a pregnant woman;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • presence in a woman dangerous viruses that can be transmitted to the fetus or cause malformations: hepatitis, herpes viruses, HIV;
  • fetal malformations detected by ultrasound;
  • death of the fetus in the early stages of its stay in the womb;
  • risk of miscarriage.

Contraindications: in what cases is abortion not performed?

There are conditions and factors in which the already dangerous procedure of surgical termination of pregnancy can become a real threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient. So, this type of abortion is not performed:

  • in the presence of purulent foci localized in any part of the body;
  • in acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • if the patient has sexually transmitted diseases;
  • in case of blood clotting disorders;
  • if less than six months have passed since the last abortion;
  • if you are allergic to anesthesia.

What to do to get an abortion

The surgical method of abortion is prescribed by recommendation, so the first thing a woman needs to do is consult a doctor. This could be a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic at your place of registration, a doctor in a local clinic, or a doctor in a private clinic.

Already on the day of treatment, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the patient, and may refer the woman for tests and transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs to confirm her pregnancy status.

If a pregnancy is detected for up to 12 weeks, and the woman expresses a desire to terminate it, the gynecologist gives her a referral for some tests:

  • PCR for hepatitis, HIV:
  • test for antibodies to syphilis;
  • general biochemical analysis blood;
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • Rh factor and blood group.

In addition, the doctor will refer the patient for fluorography and electrocardiography.

Provided that the results of all examinations and tests are within the normal range, the doctor determines the date when the operation will be performed and warns that this will require spending some time in the hospital of a medical institution.

In some cases, unfortunately, a woman is faced with an unprofessional attitude from a gynecologist - sometimes doctors allow themselves to be judged or try to put moral pressure on the patient in order to force her to change her decision. There are medical workers who, in violation of the law, generally refuse to perform an operation on a pregnant woman because of their personal beliefs. Such situations are common mainly in Eastern European countries. Therefore, in addition to physical and medical preparation, a woman needs to prepare and, perhaps mentally, come to the appointment with relatives.

Preparation and features of the operation

On the date appointed by the doctor, the woman, having collected the necessary things for several days in the hospital, appears at the doctor. The gynecologist again conducts a general examination and interview of the patient, after which she is assigned to a ward - general or single. Since surgical abortion is practically not performed without anesthesia, an anesthesiologist talks with the woman before the operation begins - he finds out whether she has chronic diseases and allergic reactions.

One of the most pressing questions that arises among women is whether it is painful to have a surgical abortion, and what type of anesthesia is better to choose. The process of opening the cervical canal through the insertion of medical devices, and even the curettage of the uterus with a sharp curette, is very painful, therefore, if possible, it is better to choose general anesthesia.

When performing an abortion with local anesthesia, 2-3 injections of anesthetic are given into the cervix. After the substance takes effect and the patient falls into a state of half-asleep, the doctor, using a special tube, dilates the cervical canal and inserts a plastic tube into it - an aspiration device. With its help, under the influence of air pressure, the uterine mucosa is scraped and removed along with the fertilized egg.

Immediately after the procedure, the doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity to make sure that the abortion was successful and all elements were removed.

If the abortion is performed under general anesthesia, after the patient is placed on the couch, an anesthetic is administered intravenously. In just a few minutes she falls asleep, and the doctor begins the operation. While the anesthesia is in effect, also using a special instrument, he dilates the cervical canal, after which he inserts an aspiration device into the uterus and scrapes out the internal contents of the uterus. The next stage is an ultrasound to assess the effectiveness of the operation.

How long does the operation take? In total, the process itself for any type of pain relief takes up to 20 minutes. If a woman was in a state of medicated sleep, she will come to her senses for some time after the end of the anesthesia - usually her state of health and consciousness clears up on the day of the operation, a few hours later.

Short-term surgical abortion

It is less traumatic for the patient to terminate a pregnancy between 6 and 12 weeks, for example, at 8 weeks. The embryo in this case is still very small, and is an unformed clump of cells - a zygote. For curettage, a special vacuum apparatus is used - the fertilized egg is literally sucked out of the uterine cavity, after which it is cleaned out. The body of the embryo is destroyed under the influence of vacuum, so it passes freely through the cavities of the apparatus tube.

Features of the operation at a later date

In cases where it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy at 12-22 weeks, the aspiration device cannot cope with the larger and more developed body of the fetus. In addition, the cervical canal has to be expanded to a large size. The extraction of the fetus occurs after its surgical destruction - the doctor uses special forceps to separate the fetus into parts, after which they also pull out large pieces of the fetal body, and suck out smaller parts with a vacuum suction. The procedure also ends with curettage of the uterus.

It should be noted that abortion in such later can only be carried out in exceptional cases, since it is very dangerous for the patient.

What happens after the procedure

When the process of curettage of the uterine cavity is completed, and the woman has come to her senses after the effects of anesthesia, she will feel pain in the lower abdomen. The patient is transported on a gurney to the ward, where she is advised to lie motionless for the next few hours.

In some cases, painful sensations look like strong spasms or contractions - then the woman is given an antispasmodic to alleviate her condition.

On the same day or the next day, the patient is sent home. The doctor explains to her the procedure for rehabilitation after the operation, talks about what kind of discharge, how and how much can be discharged after an abortion, what you need to pay attention to, and in what cases you should come for an examination.

Pain after the procedure can last from one to several days. If they become so strong that it is difficult for a woman to tolerate them, she should take an antispasmodic and consult a gynecologist.

Bloody discharge after an abortion, similar to menstrual discharge, usually occurs in women within 1-2 days. They do not always begin immediately after curettage - sometimes they can take 3-5 days.

It is especially important to monitor your own well-being - if in the days following the operation there is a rise in temperature, weakness and constant abdominal pain that does not go away, but only intensifies, this may indicate an unsuccessful or incomplete abortion. In this case, it is imperative to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Long-term bloody issues(more than 5-7 days) is also an alarming symptom. Continued bleeding after the procedure may be a sign of a placental polyp in the uterus that needs to be removed.

The absence of discharge may be bad sign– perhaps blood has accumulated in the uterus, and due to its spasms it cannot come out.

In any case, 10-14 days after the abortion, the patient again undergoes an ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the uterus and the completeness of the abortion.

One of the aspects of recovery after the curettage procedure is taking antibiotics for 5-7 days, as well as prescribing antifungal drugs. Such measures are taken to prevent the development of inflammatory infectious processes or candidiasis.

Possible complications: the dangers of surgical abortion

Surgical intervention of this nature naturally carries some threat for the woman. Among the most common complications of curettage:

  • endometritis: inflammatory processes in the walls or cavity of the uterus, dangerous because they can cause suppuration and even death;
  • bleeding: occurs due to an unqualified abortion, or due to a blood clotting disorder;
  • infertility: develops against the background of the fact that the inner lining of the uterus, which has undergone curettage, is gradually covered with scar tissue, and subsequent embryos are not able to attach to the walls;
  • damage to the cervix if the doctor performed the expansion incorrectly and carelessly;
  • incomplete abortion: in this case, the embryo continues to develop, although it is guaranteed to have defects and pathologies;
  • perforation of the uterine wall: violation of its integrity;
  • Rh sensitization is a complication that affects women with negative Rh factor blood: they may develop antibodies to fetal cells, which causes its rejection.

Rehabilitation process: changes in the menstrual cycle, intimate life and contraception

Provided a woman has normal hormonal levels, the first full menstruation after surgical curettage begins in 28-35 days. The discharge that the patient notices before this time is not related to the menstrual cycle; it is not so long and abundant. Some women note that after the procedure, the characteristic pain during the first menstruation after an abortion is felt more strongly than usual.

During rehabilitation, the woman is prescribed not only a course of antibiotics and an ultrasound scan, but also a visit to exclude the appearance of tumors in the breast. In addition, the patient is recommended to take a course of multivitamins. Often, the doctor determines the need for hormonal therapy - in such cases, hormonal contraceptives or special hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Concerning intimate life, after an abortion, a woman should abstain from sex for 2-3 weeks. Before complete healing of the uterus occurs, it represents an extensive wound surface open to any microorganisms. It is known that during sexual intercourse the likelihood of bacteria and pathogenic flora entering the internal genital organs is very high, even if a condom is used.

Another reason why doctors advise avoiding sexual intercourse in the first time after an abortion is the likelihood of pregnancy. The abortion procedure that a woman has undergone does not exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant the next time she has sexual intercourse.

The onset of pregnancy is a great stress for the body, which has not yet had time to fully recover after the curettage procedure, so you should plan to conceive a child no earlier than six months after the operation.

During this entire time, partners must be very careful about the issue of contraception: they are allowed to use condoms, oral contraceptives, spermicidal suppositories and lubricants, or combine several of the proposed methods.

Abortion after caesarean section: medical indications

In the case when a woman physiological reasons cannot give birth to a child in the process natural birth, she may be prescribed a caesarean section - an operation during which the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity and the wall of the uterus are dissected, after which the doctor removes the child.

As a result of the operation, a scar appears on the woman’s uterus at the site of the incision.

It takes 3-4 years for the scar to finally form. Doctors strongly do not recommend planning conception during this period, but it is not always possible to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

A woman is faced with a difficult choice: to have a surgical abortion, which is extremely undesirable, given the condition of the uterus, or to carry the fetus in a uterus that has a defective scar.

In this case, it is imperative to contact a qualified gynecologist who will assess the condition of the uterine wall and the scar on it.

When deciding to keep the child, a woman should understand that an unformed scar during pregnancy can lead to uterine rupture.

However, if the patient decides to keep the baby, no doctor will perform an abortion without her consent.

Thus, deciding on an abortion after a caesarean section is the responsibility of the pregnant woman herself - the doctor can only recommend that she terminate the pregnancy.

Surgical abortion is a type of abortion operation that can be performed no later than the 22nd week of pregnancy. Despite the fact that this type of abortion is considered the most complex and dangerous, it is performed most often compared to vacuum or medical abortion.

The operation consists of physically removing the embryo from the uterine cavity, after which its inner lining is scraped out with a special instrument.

Pregnancy is usually a joyful event. But for some, this news causes horror and bewilderment. Some women decide to keep the child after such news. They weigh the situation, consult with loved ones, and find support in their own circle. Others try to get rid of the child through abortion, even if this is their first pregnancy. There are many reasons why some women do this. For some, this is financial problems and obligations, for others it is the absence of a reliable person nearby, for others it may be a whim. But it is worth understanding the consequences and possible problems that may occur after an abortion. You can always have time to have an abortion, but regret what you did for the rest of your life.

According to the definition of medical terms, abortion is the termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman, for medical or social reasons. There is also spontaneous abortion - miscarriage.

Abortion, timing: performed up to 12 weeks early interruption. Late abortions are performed from 12 to 28 weeks. After 28 weeks, termination of pregnancy is called premature birth. Each term implies different type cleaning.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine which abortion is better and which will have fewer consequences. Each woman must independently and consciously come to this decision. Therefore, the choice is yours.

What types of abortions are there?

Sometimes an easy pregnancy can take a negative turn in an instant. Spontaneous abortion may occur. In common parlance, this is a “miscarriage.” It can occur for various reasons, most often these are infections, poor lifestyle, frequent nervous conditions, complications of certain diseases, and there may also be other reasons. In any situation you need to listen to your body. If you experience the slightest discomfort, you should consult a doctor. There is always a chance to save a child's life.

The remaining types are called induced abortion. This type of abortion involves third-party intervention. If a woman has decided to take such a step according to her decision, or for medical reasons, then she should not have the question: “Where to get an abortion?” Of course, this should be done by a specialized doctor. Under no circumstances should you perform an abortion yourself. This is already called criminal abortion. With such a procedure, two lives will be at risk at once. Usually, young girls come to this decision on the verge of despair, for whom this is their first pregnancy and first abortion.

Types of abortions

Depending on the period, there are several types of abortions:

Surgical types of abortions:

  • Vacuum abortion.
  • Surgical abortion.
  • Salt abortion.
  • Abortion by minor caesarean section.

Non-surgical types of abortion:

  • Medical abortion.
  • Abortion using magnetic induction method.
  • Abortion using acupuncture.
  • Abortion using homeopathy.

Before proceeding with the procedure to terminate a pregnancy, the gynecologist must prescribe tests. For each type of abortion, different biomaterial studies are prescribed. Basically these are several blood tests ( general analysis, hCG hormone level, blood clotting, testing for infections, RW, HIV and hepatitis), urine test, ultrasound. Based on the test results, in the absence of contraindications, the doctor determines the type of suitable procedure. Below we look at abortions suitable for different periods, starting with the smallest.

Medical abortion

Medical abortion is the most suitable for early pregnancy. A type of abortion that is performed using tablets. These are mainly French drugs that, with a single use, expel the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. This drug must be prescribed by a doctor. It is selected individually for each patient. This is due to the fact that this type of abortion is based on the effect of hormonal substances on the woman’s body.

The ideal period at which a pill abortion can be performed is 4-5 weeks.

When using tablets there should not be the following contraindications:

  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of progressive diseases of internal organs;
  • allergic reaction to the active ingredients of the drug;
  • pregnancy period is more than 7 weeks;
  • pregnancy occurring while using hormonal contraceptives;
  • presence of scars on the cervix;
  • hypertension.

If there is at least one indicator, it is worth thinking about possible risk for Your health.

How is an abortion performed?

After the tests, the doctor prescribes the drug. The patient takes the pill and is observed in the hospital for 2 hours. Then he goes home. It is also possible to take tablets at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. You should keep in touch with your antenatal clinic specialist. As a result of the interruption, you should start bleeding within 24 hours. It will be small. In case of heavy bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The occurrence of vomiting or diarrhea within the first 12 hours means that the tablets did not work. It is necessary to prescribe repeated use of the drug.

If the pill has a positive result, an ultrasound test will be prescribed after a couple of days, the results of which will show that the uterine cavity has been cleared of the fertilized egg.

Pain during this type of abortion is not noticeable. The usual tingling of the lower back and pulling in the lower abdomen are the maximum symptoms that a woman can feel.

Pharmabort is a gentle procedure. It reduces the risk of damage to the genital organs to a minimum. And stress for the body will be less noticeable. In addition, the body’s recovery will take place in a shorter time.

Consequences of pill abortion

However, we should not forget about the consequences that may arise from pharmaceutical abortion. First of all, the blow is aimed at the woman’s hormonal background. High probability of violation menstrual cycle. For its further restoration, the selection of specialized drugs is necessary.

Additionally, a malfunction of some glands may occur: pancreas, thyroid and others.

To eliminate the malfunction in the body, you need to be under the supervision of a gynecologist for at least three menstrual cycles after a pharmaceutical abortion.

Vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion is a procedure of “pumping out” the embryonic egg from the walls of the uterus. This process is carried out using a suction apparatus, a cannula and a disposable catheter.

A mini-abortion is performed at 4-12 weeks. A gynecologist-surgeon will take 4-6 weeks without any problems. But for a period of 7 weeks you will need another cannula, a wider one. The same applies to higher deadlines. Not every office has specialized equipment. Vacuum abortion for long periods, as a rule, ends with curette curettage. This is due to the fact that the amniotic egg is already attached to the walls of the uterus and is more difficult to “pump out”.

There are cases when it is not possible to catch the embryo even at short notice. For example, at 3 weeks it is better to use the tablet method. But at 4 weeks the fetus will have already grown and can be caught with a pump.

Contraindications to vacuum abortion may be as follows:

  • pregnancy period is more than 12 weeks;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • little time has passed since birth (up to 6 months);
  • poor blood clotting;
  • presence of infections.

Vacuum abortion is a surgical procedure. Only there are fewer complications after it than after a classic abortion. Most women choose this method. But it is worth remembering that the longer the pregnancy, the more difficult it is to avoid the consequences after an abortion.

How is an abortion performed?

When removing the contents of the uterus using a vacuum abortion, an electric pump is used. This method is one of the safest and least traumatic, since during the interruption process there is no need to use metal instruments that blindly scrape out the embryonic egg.

The patient is analgesized with local anesthetics before the procedure. Next, a special cannula tube is inserted through a disposable catheter. The cannula should fit snugly against the walls of the uterus. Thus, upon entering the uterine space, the pump creates negative pressure. As a result, the amniotic egg will be removed from the uterus.

A mini-abortion is also an operation, albeit a small one. It is carried out under the supervision of an ultrasound machine. This is done to make sure that the uterine cavity is empty after an abortion. Experienced gynecologists perform this operation in 5-10 minutes. As a rule, complications rarely occur in the early stages.

Consequences of vacuum abortion

After vacuum aspiration, restoration of reproductive function occurs much faster than surgical abortion. If the procedure is done early, without complications, then the woman will not feel any special changes. Usually, the consequences occur after 7 weeks of pregnancy. The fetus is already tightly attached to the uterine wall and is difficult to extract with a vacuum. In some cases, part of the fetus is separated. The remaining embryo will not be long in coming. The woman will feel unwell, heavy bleeding, and a rise in temperature. In this case, it is necessary to do curette curettage.

Late consequences may occur - infertility. In most cases, gynecological surgeons are inclined to believe that vacuum abortion is one of the safest methods for terminating pregnancy in the early stages. However, it is unknown how the woman’s body will behave.

Surgical abortion

The most common abortion is surgical abortion. It is used in cases where more gentle methods of medical and vacuum abortion cannot be used.

Surgical abortion is the only full-fledged operation in the world that is aimed at voluntarily taking the life of an unborn person. A woman chooses this procedure on her own, or for medical reasons related to abnormal fetal development.

Typically, surgical abortion is performed up to 12 weeks. But, if necessary, pregnancy can be terminated in the second and even third trimester of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that this type of abortion has been practiced for decades, it causes great harm to a woman’s body. After such an abortion, it is most difficult to recover. Moreover, there may be colossal consequences of an abortion, and even death of the failed mother.

Contraindications for surgical abortion may be as follows:

  • The presence of infection in the body.
  • Disease of the organs of the lower abdominal cavity.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases in the body.

It is worth noting that if there is at least one contraindication for abortion, there is a risk to the woman’s health. Therefore, when contraindications are detected, the gynecologist prescribes a course of treatment and only then can he give a direction for termination of pregnancy. It should also be remembered that the longer the period, the more difficult it will be to avoid complications.

How is an abortion performed?

Surgical or instrumental abortion is the most traumatic type of termination of pregnancy. It is carried out by scraping the contents of the uterus. A surgical abortion is performed under general anesthesia.

Classic abortion is performed using dilators. They open the cervix. After mechanical opening, the fruit is removed using special forceps. In order for it to easily pass through the uterine canal, it is removed in parts. Literally tearing apart parts of the body. The remaining amniotic membrane is sucked out of the uterus using a pump. Or they scrape it out with a curette.

Consequences of surgical abortion

It is rare for anyone to survive without consequences after a surgical abortion. During this procedure, the muscle tone of the cervix is ​​disrupted. Due to mechanical opening, its walls are weakened, which leads to further miscarriage. Also, due to curettage of the cavity, injuries to the inner lining may remain. For this reason, the uterus becomes vulnerable to infections. Its walls are perforated, and the risk of infection increases several times.

After a surgical abortion, a woman is prescribed a course of medications, including antibiotics. They have a rather detrimental effect on the intestines, disrupting its beneficial microflora.

Heavy hormonal disbalance may also be a consequence of such an abortion. First of all, this is stress for the whole organism, which has just rebuilt itself for the development of a new life. Here they are again trying to interfere with his work. The menstrual cycle will be disrupted at first, and some internal organs may also “go astray.” These are the liver, kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract organs.

The most dangerous consequence which can occur after an instrumental abortion is infertility. Due to the intervention of instruments into the delicate mucous membranes, they not only become inflamed, but are also injured. Their function is difficult to restore.

However, the antenatal clinic prescribes a rehabilitation course. A woman should be monitored after an abortion for at least the first three months.

In addition to the above types of abortions, there are other types. For example, saline abortion, which is performed by injecting a caustic saline solution into the amniotic sac. A kind of invasion occurs that kills the fetus. After two days, artificial labor is induced. This method is used in rare cases; it is considered ineffective. Among the practice, there were cases when the child remained alive. Nowadays they use more effective ways late pregnancy termination.

Abortion by minor cesarean section is a type of surgical abortion. It is carried out by dissecting the cervix and its lower segment. Thus, it is possible to gain access to the cavity and remove the fetus along with the placenta. When performing such an abortion, sterilization is usually performed. This sequence is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor and only if there are indications for the health of the mother or child.

It is also possible to carry out an abortion using homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and a magnetic cap. This process is carried out in the early stages with a minimum delay of 3 to 5 days.

Pain after abortion

After non-surgical abortion, in most cases, pain does not occur. During bleeding, a slight nagging pain appears in the waist area. It feels like the normal course of the menstrual cycle in the first days.

During surgical termination with local anesthesia, you may experience unpleasant interference with the instruments. But this procedure is tolerable and such sensations are more likely caused by fear than pain. During this time, the anesthesia should take effect and analgesize this space.

During general anesthesia, the woman does not feel anything. After surgical procedures, doctors prescribe painkillers, as well as a course of rehabilitation therapy, including antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

Menstruation after abortion

The same number of days should pass from the moment of bleeding to the next period as during a normal cycle. At the same time, after you have had an abortion, the discharge should not be heavy. They should be the same as in the first days of menstruation. After medical and vacuum abortion, problems with the cycle usually do not arise. If there is a delay, it is most likely due to your irregular cycle. If you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor.

With a surgical abortion, the monthly cycle usually gets disrupted. It is restored with the help of hormonal drugs prescribed by a gynecologist. In this case, until the cycle is completely consolidated, it is necessary to be observed in the antenatal clinic. Here you will be told about the rules of hygiene and precautions that should be followed after an abortion.

It is worth knowing and remembering that with any method chosen to terminate a pregnancy, a number of complications may arise. From the first day they may not appear, but in the future they can affect a woman’s health, including the reproductive function of the body. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to have an abortion or keep the baby, despite all the difficulties and unresolved issues. Try to think about your decision on your own, without anyone's influence. Only you can make a choice in this situation, you should hope that it will be the right one.

Abortion- from lat. Abortus - miscarriage. Artificial miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, expulsion of the fetus, etching of the fetus, murder of an unborn child up to 28 weeks, that is, until the conditional period of viability of the fetus outside the mother’s body. After 28 weeks - artificial or spontaneous premature birth (partus praematurus). In the case of induced "late" abortion, the term is incorrectly used to refer to termination of pregnancy at any stage.

There are A. artificial(abortus artificalis) and spontaneous(abortus spontaneus), i.e. which began without intentional action by the pregnant woman or other persons with the aim of terminating the pregnancy. A. are also divided into hospital and out-of-hospital - criminal.

Induced abortion is considered by all religions of the world as murder of a child. Pagan society did not consider A. a crime. “If those in marital cohabitation should have a child in excess of the allotted number, then they should resort to abortion before the embryo has sensuality and life” (Aristotle, “Politics.” But the concept of the sinfulness of A. is also contained in paganism:

The one who set the example of throwing away a tender embryo -

It would be better if she died in a battle with herself!

If in ancient times mothers liked to do this,

The entire human race would perish with such evil! (...)

With a trembling, embarrassed hand, strike your body?

Tigers have never done this in Armenian lairs;

Would a lioness dare to destroy her offspring?

Women sin this way, even if they are tender, and retribution awaits them:

Often a woman who kills a fetus dies herself... (Ovid)

The Hippocratic Oath, which categorically prohibited doctors from performing abortions, reflected the general opinion of the entire medical community of that time and subsequent generations of physicians. This most important, fundamental document, the generally accepted moral law of medicine, which guided physicians for many centuries, was abolished by the Soviet government.

In the Old Testament, artificial abortion is not mentioned, but there is an indication of spontaneous abortion, which occurred through someone else’s fault: “When people fight and they hit a pregnant woman and she miscarries, but there is no other harm, then take a fine from the guilty person, which the woman's husband will impose on him, and he must pay it through intermediaries" (Exodus 21:22). The Bible, although it does not directly mention artificial artificial limbs, conveys the idea that human life begins not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception.

“Thus says the Lord, who created you and formed you, who has helped you from your mother’s womb.”(Isaiah 44:2).

“For you formed my inward parts, and knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am wonderfully made.”(Psalm 139:13-14).

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you"(Jeremiah 1:5).

Speaking about John the Baptist: “and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb”(Luke 1:15).

“The Lord called me from the womb... And now says the Lord, who formed me from the womb to be His servant...”(Isaiah 49:1-5).

The Apostle Paul says: “When God, who chose me from my mother’s womb and called me by His grace...”(Galatians 1:15).

“Didn’t He, who created me in the womb, create him also, and likewise formed us in the womb?”(Job 31:15).

Isaac was given a name before his conception: “God said to [Abraham], “It is Sarah who your wife, she will bear you a son, and you will call his name Isaac; And I will establish My covenant with him as an everlasting covenant [that I will be God to him and to] his descendants after him"(Gen. 17:19).

John the Baptist was given a name before he was born (Luke 1:13).

During the Annunciation, the angel of the Lord names the Infant God before his conception from the Holy Spirit: “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.”(Luke 1:31).


Read also on the topic:

  • Modern civilization of cannibals: spiritual and moral problems of abortion and contraception- publications section
  • Abortion and contraception from a Christian woman's perspective- Stop-abortion.Ru
  • Legalized infanticide- Metropolitan Meletius of Nikopol
  • Other questions and answers about abortion: They won't tell you this at the abortion clinic. Answering Women's Questions About Abortion in Light of the Bible and Christianity - Everett Kropp, Melody Green
  • Practical advice on how not to have an abortion(detailed considerations for those who are at a crossroads - Yulia Lifantieva
  • The lives of women who did not have an abortion. Stories of women who, being in seemingly difficult social and psychological conditions, did not have an abortion and saved the life of the child. And how happily and prosperously their lives turned out later. These stories are evidence that you cannot build your happiness on sin, on murder, but on truth and goodness you can... - No to abortions!
  • What is abortion and how does it happen?- documentary filming of abortion
  • Film "Silent Scream" (how an abortion occurs)- film by Bernard Nathanson
  • Post-abortion syndrome: how to treat it?- Natalia Volkova
  • The impact of abortion on siblings- Post-abortion syndrome


The Church has always condemned A. as murder.

Rule 21 Council of Ancyra: “Wives who conceived from adultery, and destroyed the fetus, and were engaged in the preparation of destructive poisons, according to the previous definition, were forbidden to partake of the holy mysteries until death: and this is what they do. Seeking something more lenient, we determined that such people should undergo a ten-year period of repentance , according to the degrees established."

Rule 91 6th Omni. Council: “We subject women who give medicine, causing miscarriage of the fetus in the womb, and who take poisons that kill the fetus, to the penance of a murderer.”

Rule 2 St. Basil the Great: “Whoever intentionally destroyed a fetus conceived in the womb is subject to the condemnation of murder. We do not have a fine distinction between a fetus that is formed or one that is not yet formed. For here punishment is imposed not only for what was born, but also for the fact that she slandered herself: because she was a wife, from such attempts, they very often die. With this comes the destruction of the fetus, like another murder, from those who deliberately dare to do this. However, it is appropriate not to extend their repentance until their death, but to accept them into fellowship after they have completed ten years; healing should not be measured by time, but in the manner of repentance."

Rule 8 St. Basil the Great: “…those who give medicine for the eruption of what is conceived in the womb are murderers, just as they accept infanticidal poisons.”

Breviary, rite of confession:“The food of the past, in a hedgehog cannot be created by a child, or if any drink is false, the hedgehog will not conceive, (here we are talking not only about abortion, but also about contraceptives) or the poison of the past, or satiated, and the monster of a youth self-willed. will appear as if he had done something, and the monster of his own accord is a murderer, and is forbidden as a murderer. rule, hedgehog in Trulla. (...) If there is former poison, or something else, and the poison is false, and whoever does not give birth to children, as a murderer is prohibited."

Equally in murder unborn child Doctors who perform artificial abortion and prescribe abortifacients are guilty. Responsibility for the murder of unborn children also lies with the husband, who does not prevent his wife from committing A., those who give advice to do A., insist on A., write a referral for A., ​​distribute advertisements for A. and advocate for A.’s freedom, produce and sells abortifacients.

From the point of view of modern embryological science, human life begins not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception, that is, from the moment of fusion of the nuclei of male and female germ cells (3). At this time, a unique genetic code is formed, therefore the embryo is a biologically independent organism and cannot in any way be considered part of the mother’s body, receiving only oxygen and nutrients from her. In later stages of pregnancy, external signs are formed that especially emphasize that the embryo is a separate person. 20 days after conception, the heart begins to beat, and a month later, formed limbs appear. In an unborn child, the electrical activity of the brain, heart, fingerprints and other signs that are characteristic of an adult and determine the individual’s individuality are recorded. The baby's blood does not mix with the mother's blood. It has also been proven that unborn child feels pain.

Modern church practice does not use lengthy penances for the murder of an unborn child. The severity of this sin does not vary depending on the stage of pregnancy and is a serious crime against God and human life. In the case of spontaneous A., which occurred due to illness or sinful negligence of the mother (heavy lifting, running, carelessness about preserving the child), St. The Church is required to perform the priestly “Prayer to the wife when she disgorges the baby,” which in its meaning is of a repentant nature.

The reading by the priest of “Prayers to the wife when the baby vomits” is intended only for spontaneous A. After artificial A., the reading of this prayer has no church-canonical basis.

In Christian countries until the twentieth century, the killing of unborn children was prohibited by law. In Rus', the death penalty for A. was officially introduced in 1649 in the Code adopted under Sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich (Chapter 22, Article 26): "And the death penalty female there are cases for witchcraft, murder - cutting off heads, for the destruction of children and for other such evil deeds - burying the living in the ground.". However, in Rus', until the Bolsheviks came to power, abortion was an extremely rare occurrence due to the extremely negative attitude towards it in society. In the Russian Criminal Code of 1832, expulsion of the fetus was mentioned among the types of homicide. According to the “Code of Punishments” of 1885 (Articles 1461, 1462), induced abortion was punishable by “hard labor for 4 to 5 years, deprivation of all rights of estate, exile to Siberia for settlement.” The Criminal Code of 1903 softened the measures of restraint:

“A mother guilty of killing her fetus is punished by imprisonment in a correctional home for no more than three years, a doctor from 1.5 to 6 years.” However, abortions strictly for health reasons were allowed.

In Russia, since the beginning of the twentieth century, debates have begun among doctors about the need to legalize abortion. Dr. Shabad was one of the first to express liberal views, based on the principles of the Jewish physician Maimonides. Shabad puts in print the question “about the mother’s right to control the function of her body.” In Russia they are trying to stop evil. In 1900, Dr. E. Katunsky wrote: “The obstetrician has neither the moral nor the legal right to perform an embryotomy (dissection of the embryo) on a living fetus.” Nevertheless, in 1913 the XII Pirogov Congress was held, which condemned the criminal punishment of the mother and doctor for abortion. Many doctors did not support the resolution of this congress. Dr. Lichkus, speaking at the congress, said: “Criminal miscarriage, infanticide and the use of contraceptives are symptoms of the disease of modern humanity.”

For the first time in the world, artificial A. was legalized during the French Revolution (at a short time 1791-1810) and in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917 (Decree of November 18, 1920). “It is allowed to carry out an operation to artificially terminate a pregnancy free of charge in the setting of a Soviet hospital, where maximum harmlessness is ensured” (Resolution of the People's Commissariat of Health and the People's Commissariat of Justice). Thus, Soviet Russia became the first country to legalize abortion. The terror and massacre unleashed by anti-abortion communists against believers and anti-abortion doctors made discussion and any public protest impossible. Due to the threat of extinction of the country, abortion was prohibited in 1936, but soon (in 1955) it was allowed again.

After the Russian Revolution, a wave of liberalism swept the whole world. The American Birth Control League (ABCL) appears in the United States. Founder: Margaret Sanger. Subsequently leaders fascist Germany, inspired by Margaret Sanger's ideas on birth control and direct collaboration with her, begin a policy of exterminating unwanted races in the occupied Slavic territories. A. was used by them as a means of suppressing birth rates. A technique of silent genocide was developed through the distribution and imposition of abortion, contraceptives, sterilization and pornography on the population.

Subsequently, the Birth Control League was renamed IPPF, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). IPPF has branches in almost all countries of the world and uses the ideas of genocide developed by M. Sanger to reduce the birth rate in developing countries, especially those that are rich in mineral and energy resources.

In 1991, IPPF opened its branch in Russia (RAPS, Russian Family Planning Association), which actively influences the demographic policy of the Russian government, uses public funds for its own purposes, and conducts classes in schools on the so-called. "sex education" and actually lobbied for the adoption state program"Sex education of Russian schoolchildren." RAPS, like the IPPF, actively supports abortion. By the beginning of 2000, RAPS had more than 50 branches throughout Russia. In most countries of Europe and America, not without the participation of the IPPF, A. is allowed: in Sweden (1946), Great Britain (1967), USA (1973), France (1979) and other countries. In some countries, A. is prohibited, especially Islamic and Catholic ones (Portugal, Ireland, Poland, etc.). In Russia, A. is officially allowed for up to 12 weeks, but the current so-called. “social indications”, introduced by order of the head of the Russian government V.S. Chernomyrdin (order No. 567 of May 8, 1996) makes A., or rather, artificial premature birth available at any stage of pregnancy. Before this “RSFSR Law on Health Care” in 1971, the indications for abortion were expanded. In 1982 (Instructions on the procedure for performing artificial termination of pregnancy), in 1988 (Instructions on the procedure for permitting artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons), steps were taken to simplify the abortion procedure and its availability. From order to order, the indications for abortion expanded. Thanks to the latest order of V.S.

Chernomyrdin, in fact, late abortion, or rather premature birth with the murder of an unborn child, became available to everyone and at any stage. Late-term abortions result in babies being born that are viable outside the mother's body. They are killed after birth in various ways, such as by immersion in a bucket of water. The method of conveyor belt killings in medical institutions leads to the blurring of the concepts of good and evil both among doctors and among the entire people.

There is a liberal movement for freedom A. It uses numerous slogans and arguments of a propaganda and demagogic nature: “freedom of choice”, “the right to choose”, “freedom to dispose of one’s body”, “the fetus is part of the mother’s body”, “an unborn child is not a person” etc. It is obvious that under the guise of fighting for freedom, many organizations simply benefit materially from the industry of killing unborn children.

Any arguments in favor of A. are untenable either from a religious or a scientific point of view and are rather of an emotional nature. From a Christian point of view, the soul of a person is connected to the body from the moment of conception and, therefore, murder is murder, no matter how long it is carried out. However, in the church environment there is a narrow (for now) layer of people who hold liberal views regarding abortion. This trend indicates the moral degradation of society.

The Roman Church, like the Orthodox Church, strictly condemns A. There is a fairly influential and active Catholic anti-abortion movement, part of the Pro-life movement.

Arguments that the legalization of abortion is necessary to stop criminal abortions are not confirmed in practice. Criminal abortions continue to coexist with legal ones, and total number abortions and complications are increasing sharply.

Intrauterine devices and hormonal contraceptive pills have an abortifacient effect; when used, the fertilized egg cannot implant in the uterine mucosa and dies.

Numerous complications of A. are observed in 100% of cases and are irreversible, including death: blood poisoning, peritonitis, blood loss, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome), shock, breast cancer, etc. The most common complication after artificial A. is infertility and post-abortion syndrome (PAS) - a complex of mental complications that does not subside over the years.

Long-term consequences of abortion include various cancers, purulent inflammation of the appendages, persistent menstrual irregularities, miscarriage (birth of premature babies) and many others. Mainly due to A., about 20-25% of married couples in Russia are infertile.

A. is especially dangerous for young nulliparous women. After an abortion, a woman will in any case not be able to give birth to healthy children.

Contrary to popular belief, the frequency of A. is not related to economic factors: there is no connection between the financial well-being of the family and the number of abortions. In contrast, poor countries have larger families, and richer families tend to have fewer children. Offers of specific financial assistance rarely stop a woman from seeking an abortion. The richest countries in America and Western Europe have very high level abortions. Abortion creates fertile ground for the development of crime (criminalization of society), makes it more cruel, causing irreparable damage to public health and morality. By giving consent to murder, society begins to lose all moral values. One of the manifestations of the moral decay of society due to abortion is fetal therapy, i.e. using body parts and tissue from unborn children to rejuvenate wealthy clients and for the cosmetics industry.

One of the problems that the spread of abortion leads to is violations of the rights of believers. In medical institutes, every student must have an abortion ("Book of registration of practical skills of a fifth and sixth year student", VSMI, 1988). Those. gynecology becomes a forbidden specialty for all Christian believers.

The idea that the use of contraceptives is an alternative to abortion is erroneous and is not supported by practical observations. Advertising of contraception, especially among teenagers, leads to an increase in the number of A. Prevention of A. in modern conditions is widespread church preaching, strengthening the family, and counteracting the so-called. “sexual revolution”, prohibition of pornography, well-organized religious education of youth, publication of anti-abortion literature, legal restrictions. Creation of societies of Orthodox doctors at hospitals and medical institutions. institutions, dioceses. Educational groups in parishes dealing with this problem have proven themselves well. Abroad, the “Pro-life” movement, consisting of numerous organizations, is engaged in counteracting abortion. The number of A. in Russia is 2,469,198 (1996).

Of the three pregnancies, two end in the death of the unborn child. Since 1993, there has been an Orthodox anti-abortion movement called Life in Russia.


1. Ovid "Elegies and Minor Poems". –M.: Fiction, 1943.

2. Materials of the center "Life".

3. V. A. Golichenkov, D. V. Popov. Statement from the Department of Embryology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, 09/03/1993.

4. Evangelos Lekkos. Abortion. Center "Life", 1997.

5. Priest Alexander Zakharov. "A Word about Abortion", St. Petersburg, 1997.

6.Dr. And Mrs J.C. Willke. "Abortion. Questions and answers", 1985. Library of Congress Card Catalog #85-060144.

7.Dr. And Mrs J.C. Willke. "Handbook on abortion". 1971.

8. Maureen Long "Birthright?" Abortion. Religious aspects. Christianity. UK, Triangle SPCK.

9. Valeria Protopapas “Abortion, oikonomia and “severe cases.” Center “Life”, 1998.

10. Hippocratic Oath.

11. George Grant “Angel of Death” Biography of the founder of the “Family Planning Association” Margaret Zanger (Abridged translation from English) Publishing house “Enlightener”.

12. Directory of a doctor at the antenatal clinic. –Minsk: Belarus, 1983.

13. Operative gynecology. -M.: Medicine, 1990.

14. Obstetrics. - M. 1957.

15. Emergency conditions. Ed. Chazova

16. Secret plans of the Nazis in Eastern Europe. New York, 1961

17. Siluyanova I.V.. Modern medicine and Orthodoxy.

18. Aristotle. Policy.

19. Pope John P. II. Humanae vitae.

20. Shabad T. Medical Review, No. 2, 1911.

21. Transcript of the XII Pirogov Congress. "Russian Doctor", No. 28, 1913.

22.Zenkovsky V.V. archpriest. History of Russian philosophy. -Paris, 1950.

23. Liberman Ya. Expulsion of the fetus. Therapeutic Review, No. 5, 1914.

24. Soloviev Z. Abortion. -M., 1970.

25. Canons, or the book of rules of the holy apostles, holy ecumenical and local councils.

26. Dallin A. German rule.

27. Popov Evgeniy, priest “Moral theology for the laity” – St. Petersburg, 1901.

28. Katunsky E. Medical conversation, No. 7, 1900.

Aborted nine-week fetus - www.voy.com

Fetus, mid-pregnancy fetus expelled by saline abortion - www.voy.com

The skull of an aborted baby... put up for sale on one of the foreign sites

Icon - The Lord Jesus Christ cries for every murdered baby...

Maxim Obukhov, priest, leader

Orthodox medical and educational center "Life"

Gynecologist G. Rudykin

Orthodox medical server

These are not machine guns and nuclear bombs, but they now kill as many people in Russia every year as we did not die every year during the Second World War...

Step dilators - they are used to dilate the cervix before an abortion.

Bullet forceps - designed for grasping, pulling from the vagina and fixing the cervix during abortion

The curette is flexible - it is used to perform mini-abortions

The curette is hard - it is used to destroy the fetus in the later stages

Uterine probe - to determine the size of the uterine cavity

Hose for suctioning blood and tissues of a dead baby

Every woman knows what an abortion is, but how an abortion is performed, what the indications and contraindications are, the consequences - not everyone knows. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy that occurs spontaneously or artificially for a period of up to 22 weeks with a fetal weight of up to 500 g.


According to the process, abortions are distinguished:

  • Spontaneous.
  • Artificial.

Spontaneous termination is divided according to the period at which the pregnancy was terminated for various reasons:

  1. Early spontaneous abortion is a spontaneous abortion before 12 weeks.
  2. Late – spontaneous termination between 14 and 22 weeks.
  3. Habitual - this is the name given to a spontaneous interruption that was repeated more than twice.

Artificial termination of pregnancy is also classified according to the conditions under which the manipulation was performed:

  • Safe abortion - performed in a specialized institution under the supervision of specialized specialists.
  • Unsafe – performed under inappropriate conditions, often by non-specialists. It is the performance of manipulation in unsafe conditions that causes postoperative complications, leading to tragic consequences and ending in the death of the woman.

An interrupt can be:

  • Medication.
  • Instrumental.

The instrumental solution, depending on the duration and the chosen extraction method, can be of the following types:

  • Vacuum extraction – used in the early stages up to 12 weeks.
  • Dilatation, curettage - in essence resembles the gynecological procedure of separate curettage, which is performed quite often.
  • Artificially induced labor is used at a later stage.

According to the characteristics of the clinical course, abortions are divided into:

  • Full.
  • Incomplete.
  • Failed.
  • Started, in progress.

Our article is devoted to highlighting some aspects of artificial termination of pregnancy.

Safe and unsafe abortions

Performing unsafe abortions is a rather complex and pressing problem of modern gynecology. Statistics of abortions in the world, according to WHO, indicate that despite the rapid development of modern medicine, improvement and increase in accessibility of care medical care Even in poor countries with low standards of living, the number of unsafe abortions performed annually is more than 20 million. Of these, approximately 5 million end in bleeding, uterine perforation, and septic complications, leading to the death of about 50 thousand women.

Even for developed countries, the mortality rate for women who have an unsafe abortion is 30 per 100,000 cases of unsafe abortion. And for African countries, the rate reaches more than 500 deaths per 100,000 unsafe abortions.

The risk of complications from unsafe abortions increases progressively with increasing gestational age. As a rule, the likelihood of such an abortion is higher when there are restrictions on the availability of safe abortion, lack of proper educational activities and promotion of the use of contraceptive drugs as an alternative to artificial termination of pregnancy.


In order to perform a safe abortion in a specialized medical institution, as for any medical invasive intervention, there are indications:

  1. A woman's conscious choice. Up to 12 weeks, a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate or not terminate a pregnancy is legally enshrined.

  2. Statement as a result of an examination of intrauterine fetal death and pathological conditions of the fetus.
  3. Unforeseen complications that arise during pregnancy that threaten the woman’s life.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy confirmed by examination results.
  5. Critical changes in a woman’s health condition that require immediate intervention and are not directly related to the course of pregnancy: the need for organ transplantation, chemotherapy, radiation treatment in connection with an oncological disease detected during pregnancy. It should be noted that the described clinical situation is not absolute indication for termination of pregnancy. In all the described cases, the woman’s desire and right to continue her pregnancy is taken into account, despite the high risk of fatal outcomes for both mother and child.
  6. The legal aspect is the right to terminate a pregnancy resulting from rape for up to 22 weeks.


General relative contraindications are:

  • Acute inflammatory, infectious diseases of the genital tract.
  • Diagnosed ectopic pregnancy.
  • A period exceeding 12 weeks. The exception is the need to perform manipulation for medical reasons.
  • The presence of Rh conflict during the first pregnancy.


Before an abortion is performed, there is a necessary mandatory list of examinations:

  • General clinical examinations, including general blood test, biochemical, urinalysis, coagulogram, cardiography.
  • Gynecological examination.
  • Confirmation of pregnancy, including analysis of human chorionic gonadotropin levels.
  • An ultrasound examination confirms the presence of pregnancy and reveals deviations in its course.
  • Blood tests for markers of viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis.

If there are appropriate indications, the doctor may prescribe additional clarifying studies and tests.

Medical termination of pregnancy

To implement medical abortion a regimen of progestin antagonists and prostaglandins is used. Currently, a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol is used.

Indications for this type of abortion are:

  • A woman's desire. (provided that the period allows the use of this method).
  • Presence of medical indications identified before the specified period.

Contraindications are:

  • Drug intolerance.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Serious concomitant pathology in the acute phase, disturbance of the rheological properties of blood.

The manipulation is carried out under conditions specialized institution, under the supervision of a specialist. As a rule, the woman does not require hospital stay; the medications can be taken on an outpatient basis.

Hospitalization is required if complications occur:

  1. If bleeding occurs that requires immediate intervention.
  2. In case of incomplete abortion.
  3. If severe adverse reactions occur in the form of allergies, dyspeptic disorders, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

The effectiveness of drug interruption ranges from 92 to 98%.

When prescribing this method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy, an important psycho-emotional factor should be taken into account: medicinal effects are psychologically much easier for women to tolerate than the use of instrumental methods. We have provided more complete information in the article on medical abortion.

Vacuum aspiration

Refers to instrumental methods. It is the WHO recommended way to safely terminate pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

The effectiveness of this method is almost 100%, and the probability of complications, according to statistical data, does not exceed 0.1%.

Indications for performing vacuum aspiration are:

  • The patient's desire to terminate the pregnancy before 12 weeks.
  • Incomplete termination after a previous medical abortion.
  • Availability of medical indications for termination before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The procedure is performed in a specialized gynecological institution. Most often on an outpatient basis. Local anesthetics are used to provide pain relief during the procedure. How an abortion is performed using vacuum aspiration, the procedure for performing the manipulations can be described as follows:

  1. It is performed in a typical woman position using a gynecological chair.
  2. After treating the genital tract with an antiseptic and using local anesthesia, a special vacuum aspirator tube is inserted through the cervical canal and the functional layer of the endometrium is aspirated along with the implanted fertilized egg.
  3. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  4. After aspiration of the contents of the uterus, observation of the woman’s condition for up to 2 hours is required, after which the patient is sent home.
  5. It is recommended to perform suction under supervision ultrasound examination in order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention performed.

Complications are:

  • Uterine bleeding requiring surgical intervention if it cannot be stopped conservatively.
  • Incomplete abortion – if it is impossible to perform ultrasound control after incision.
  • Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, manifestations of severe weakness are temporary and do not significantly affect long-term consequences.

It is important to remember that after vacuum aspiration it is necessary to maintain sexual rest for at least 2-3 weeks.

Instrumental abortion (curettage)

Until recently it was the only way termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Indications for:

  • Today, this method of interruption is used for periods longer than 12 weeks solely taking into account medical indications.
  • In case of incomplete aspiration after minimally invasive manipulation, when visualizing residual tissue of the ovum during ultrasound monitoring of the uterine cavity.

Requires operating room conditions in a gynecological hospital. Performed under general intravenous anesthesia.

The mechanism of how an abortion is performed (curettage) is similar to performing a separate curettage performed for diagnostic purposes: through the open external pharynx and the cervical canal, the entire functional layer of the uterus with the fertilized egg is scraped out with a special instrument (curette).

Complications are:

  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Injury to the walls of the uterus, perforation of the uterus, damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix with the subsequent development of erosions.
  • The occurrence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

Artificial induction of labor

Performed at a later date. Essentially it is an abortion, but with significant differences:

  • The presence of exclusively medical indications: statement of the fact of intrauterine death of the fetus, identification of severe anomalies of the child’s development incompatible with life.
  • Complications of pregnancy, severe pathology identified in the mother, requiring immediate treatment, entailing the possibility of fatal consequences for the mother.

Long-term consequences of abortion

The consequences of abortion are divided into:

  • Early. These are early postoperative complications.
  • Distant.

It is necessary to understand that termination of pregnancy in the absence of early complications does not mean that abortion is a harmless procedure that does not affect the body.

Long-term consequences are:

  1. Disturbances in the hormonal balance of the body, manifested by cycle disorders.
  2. The occurrence of tumor formations of the mammary glands.
  3. Tumor and pre-tumor background diseases of the female genital organs.
  4. Chronic inflammatory diseases pelvic organs.
  5. The occurrence of adhesions in the pelvis.
  6. Infertility.
  7. Psycho-emotional trauma, experiences.

Of course, every woman has the right to decide whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy. Making a decision should involve a calm and balanced analysis of all the pros and cons.
