The creative energy of money. Material well-being Material need and material well-being


Material well-being is an important factor influencing the formation of family well-being. It provides an opportunity to get an education, implement interesting projects, improve and strengthen your health, make your life more comfortable and safe, etc. Each family has its own ideas about what material well-being is, how much money you need to have and how to spend it wisely. But nevertheless, material well-being has a significant impact on the moral and psychological climate in the family, the distribution of roles and the consolidation of responsibilities for performing family functions. The article, based on the results of a survey of the population and experts, analyzes the factors of strengthening the modern family. Particular attention is paid to the material factor, namely: the level of income of modern families is revealed; basic expenses in families are analyzed; the optimal level of income necessary for the effective socialization of the child in the family is determined.

family institute

family functions

socialization of personality

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The crisis, which affected all life support systems of society, directly affected the institution of the family, which at the same time acts as the most important social factor determining the viability of the nation, society and state.

If in the past the family was united by formal factors (laws, traditions, public opinion), now a new type of family is being formed, the unity of which increasingly depends on the mutual understanding of its members, love, affection, mutual participation, respect, etc. It is these feelings that contribute to the strength of the family hearth. Material wealth plays an important role in the well-being of a modern family, which is due to the following factors. Firstly, in the context of socio-economic transformations in the country, the family is forced to adapt to new economic conditions. Secondly, in the absence of the necessary social and economic support, the family needs enhanced government policy in this direction. Thirdly, the existing system of benefits, benefits and compensation payments to the family shows that their role in the level of material well-being of the family is small. These measures do not provide significant support to families with low financial standing, and in families with high incomes they do not play any role in their material standard of living.

In order to identify the role of the material factor in the socialization of the individual in the family, in 2010 I.V. Pivovarova, O.V. Ustinova conducted a survey of the population of Tyumen (384 respondents) and an expert survey of specialists in the field of family life and family education (94 experts).

Analysis of the distribution of respondents' opinions regarding factors that largely strengthen the family: 62.2% named mutual understanding, warm relationships, 55.7% - love, 53.1% - the presence of children, 44.8% - sincerity, honesty in relationships. It is noteworthy that the majority of respondents chose the presence of children as one of the factors that strengthens the family, that is, they think about children and feel responsible for them. Material wealth, restraint, control, and independence of all family members were noted by a small number of respondents (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Distribution of respondents’ opinions on the degree of importance of family strengthening factors, depending on age, %

Studying the opinions of respondents depending on their age made it possible to clarify the preferences of different groups of the population (Fig. 2).

In general, the trends are the same as for all age groups of the population, but 30.6% of respondents aged 30-44 years named material wealth as a factor influencing the strengthening of the family, and 20.2% of respondents aged 45-59 years - restraint, reasonable control, restrictions, which is quite typical for these ages: 30-44 years - the initial accumulation of family capital, and 45-59 years - wisdom and restrictions.

The opinion of experts in some aspects of the problem under study confirms the opinion of the respondents: the presence and number of children has a positive effect on the socialization of the individual, and therefore on the strengthening of the family, since successfully socialized children understand the importance of a strong family for the development of society. A high level of income and the presence of one’s own living space indicate high material wealth, and this, according to experts, positively contributes to the socialization of children in the family. A similar opinion is shared by 30% of the younger generation of respondents, who expressed the view that material wealth helps strengthen the family, while the older generation does not consider it a significant factor. 57% of experts noted the positive impact of children having a job as a factor in their successful socialization (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Distribution of expert opinions on the influence of material factors on the socialization of the individual in the family, %

Almost 40% of experts emphasized the fact that the presence of non-working family members (father, mother, grandfather or grandmother) does not have any impact on socialization in the family, 23.4% has a negative impact on this factor versus 24.5% of those who spoke for its positive impact. Most likely, this discrepancy occurred due to the vagueness in the answer proposed in this question: a non-working father has a negative impact on the socialization process due to the fact that he has not found his place in life, while a non-working grandfather, grandmother, or mother can take care of children and fully realize educational functions.

Most of the respondents have an average income (56.5%), 18.5% are above average and 20.6% are below average. In general, based on available income, it is logical to assume that working family members have the opportunity to actively influence the socialization of children in the family.

Rice. 3. Income level of respondents, %

In Fig. Figure 4 presents the results of an analysis of expert opinion regarding the most optimal level of family income for the successful implementation of the socialization function.

Rice. 4. Distribution of expert opinions on the optimal level of income for the effective socialization of a child in a family, %

The majority of experts (48.9%) consider the most optimal level of family income for the successful socialization of children to be above average (costs for comfortable living, leisure and recreation, education are feasible, but large purchases (real estate, cars, etc.) are difficult). It is noteworthy that 10.6% of experts believe that income level does not matter in the process of socialization of a child.

The study showed that even with alimony, single-parent families, especially those without a father, have a lower income compared to two-parent families, and this affects educational processes (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Income level in two-parent and single-parent families, %

Food, clothing

Costs for children

Health costs

Items for comfort (household appliances, computers, cars, etc.)

Education costs

Vacation expenses (travel, etc.)

Buying books, magazines

Costs of entertainment events

Buying a property

Other (utilities, mortgage, loans)

Considering the data presented in Fig. 5 and table. 1, it can be assumed that most families experience financial difficulties, which determine the process of socialization of children in the family. This is evidenced by the data from the answers to the question about the family’s release of its functions. In fact, the majority of respondents admit that at present the family does not fully realize its inherent functions, except for economic (household support and care for family members) and emotional, for which the majority (more than 55%) said that they are being implemented effectively . 10.6% of respondents noted that the function of social control (regulation of the behavior of family members) is not implemented, 12.1% - the leisure function of the family, 13.1% - the economic function (providing material resources), 18.9% - the social status function (providing social status to family members), 19.4% - spiritual (spiritual development of the individual).

According to experts, all functions of the family are not fully realized. Only 41.5% of experts noted the effective implementation of the household function, and 30.8% - the economic one. On the other hand, 24.5% believe that the spiritual function is not realized at all, coinciding in opinion with the same part of respondents (19%).

In drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that the process of socialization in the family is a fundamental first life experience for an individual, fundamental in its content and significance. This process, in addition to the moral and psychological atmosphere in the family, the distribution of role functions, etc., is significantly influenced by material wealth. Considering that a quarter of respondents have an income below average, enhanced government policy is required aimed at creating favorable conditions for the functioning of a modern family.


Belonozhko M.L., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen;

Khairullina N.G., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen.

Bibliographic link

Suvorova N.V., Pivovarova I.V., Pilipenko L.M. MATERIAL WELCOME AS A FACTOR OF THE WELFARE OF A MODERN FAMILY // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 2-2.;
URL: (access date: 12/21/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The level of material well-being is a reflection of our ability to read our own destiny, that is, the plans of the Higher World for our lives. It doesn’t matter to him whether we are rich or poor, he is interested in the extent to which each person realizes the plans of the Creator. If the implementation is successful, then he will willingly support the physical body, financially encouraging its activities. It will enable a person to create conditions around himself that will preserve his physical health and increase the level of creative potential.

However, it is not often that we meet people who are able to connect deep spiritual truths with the prose of everyday life. But it is here, in our ordinary lives, that the role of spirituality is most important. At any level of material well-being, you can be a highly spiritual person if you remember your divine essence.

At the Mental level, a person is a conductor and transformer of thoughts. Therefore, his material well-being is either limited to the extent that he limits his capabilities, or grows in proportion to the development of creativity. A physical phenomenon is a spiritual force that materially realizes itself in the world. Success and luck are determined by everyday life. Those who study become smarter, those who polish their acquired skills become more capable, those who apply them achieve success.

I. Goethe: “ the depths of our soul lies a creative force capable of creating what should be, and giving us neither sleep nor peace until it is somehow embodied by us outside or within us.” Creative power has many names: Spirit, spark of God, creative potential, Creative Mechanism. The Creative Mechanism built into us by nature acts automatically and completely autonomously, striving, depending on the goal, to success and happiness or to failures and disappointments.

By aiming for success, you will make the system function as Mechanism of Success. Charged with negative attitudes, turn it into a Mechanism of Failure.

Like any service mechanism, The Creative Mechanism must have a clear goal or task to work towards. It works based on a variety of information and various information: our own thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, as well as drawing the necessary data from the universal “memory bank”. In the course of evolution, nature has built into man a mechanism more amazing and magnificent than any electronic machine or automatic guidance system. There is no longer such a unique creature in the Universe as man with his Creative Mechanism.

The Success Mechanism not only helps you avoid and overcome dangers, but also create: manage production, engage in commerce, explore new things in science, improve - in a word, succeed in any field of activity.

Dr. Norbert Wiener, who was one of the first to work on the creation of homing mechanisms, believed that something very similar occurs in the nervous system of a person engaged in goal-directed activity. When you choose a goal and take action, an automatic mechanism takes over. His work is based on the experience of all previous incarnations. He had already learned to solve such problems correctly, to use the information that was sent to the brain through the feedback line. This process is especially noticeable if you watch a baby trying to grab a rattle. He still has little accumulated information, so his hand moves towards the goal in a zigzag, literally feeling his way. As you master the process, the adjustments become more subtle and unnoticeable. The mechanism remembers its successes, forgets failures and repeats successful actions automatically.

Progressive science has long agreed that the information accumulated by a person is not limited to his personal past experiences. The concept of “Earth’s noosphere” was introduced by our compatriot Academician Vernadsky. Emerson compared each individual brain to a bay in the ocean of the Universal Mind. Edison insisted that he got many of his ideas from outside, “ideas are in the air,” and if he had not discovered them, someone else would have. Dr. J.B. Rhine, head of the parapsychology laboratory at Duka University, experimentally proved that a person has access to knowledge, facts, ideas that are not a product of information accumulated by him during life. His conclusions that man has a “supersensible gene,” which he called “psi,” are not questioned by scientists who have seriously studied the results of his experiments.

When we set out to find a new idea or solution to a problem, we must firmly know that the desired solution already exists somewhere, and immediately begin searching for it. If you are serious about what you have planned, sincerely want to implement it, and think hard about various aspects of the task, then your Creative Mechanism is already functioning. The “scanning device” goes through the accumulated information, groping for the correct solution. It selects an idea here, a fact there, picks up the results of previous experience and ties everything together into a meaningful whole, completes the missing part of the situation and finds a solution to the problem.

A solution may enter the consciousness completely unexpectedly, even while one is doing something else, but the person immediately feels that this is the one he was looking for. Opportunity appears, as a rule, in an unexpected form and not at all from the side from which it is expected.

Often it comes in the form of failure or temporary defeat. That's why many people don't recognize her. But failures always contain the seeds of success. Because there are only two ways to force an ordinary person to turn on his Creative Mechanism - inspiration on a wave of love or a hopeless situation.

To control your own “servomechanism” you do not need to be an electronics engineer or a physicist, but it is absolutely necessary to learn how to enter a state of internal silence at least for a while. Otherwise, you may miss the solution you are looking for. This is exactly what happens most often to people on the astral level. Waves of emotions, passions, experiences do not allow most of the solutions found by the Creative Mechanism to enter the consciousness.

To consciously work with the Mechanism of Success, several conditions must be met:

1. A clear goal is needed. It must be presented as already existing, actually or potentially. The mechanism functions in one of two ways: it either leads to a goal whose location is known, or it identifies a goal that exists somewhere.

2. "Autopilot" has teleological nature, that is, focused on the final result. One should not be embarrassed by the apparent lack of means necessary to achieve the goal. It is his job to provide the necessary funds. You only need to think about the end result, and the means will appear.

3. You cannot be afraid of temporary failures and mistakes. All “servomechanisms” achieve their goals using negative feedback, moving along the intended course and constantly adjusting the direction of movement.

4. “Learning” is done through trial and error, Miscalculations are automatically corrected until the correct movement, rhythm, and quality of performance are developed. Success is ensured by the fact that past mistakes are forgotten, and only successful actions are stored in memory, which are subsequently copied.

5. Creative Mechanism operates on a subconscious level. A person cannot know what is happening there, so he should not be burdened with excessive concern, anxiety, or any astral manifestations. The mechanism cannot be adjusted, i.e., the situation cannot be pushed through. It was created by the Creator in such a way as to function spontaneously in accordance with the needs of Time. If you are familiar with the technique of working in cause-and-effect relationships according to the method of Professor V.P. Goch, then you can shorten the search path by working out negative obstacles in the matrices.

6. Creative Mechanism comes into motion as soon as a person begins to act and, through his actions, set various tasks for him. There is no need to delay action until you receive confirmation that everything is going well. You must act as if it already exists, and it will come. “Get to work, and the strength will appear,” said Emerson.

It is naive to believe that you can get rich without working and without taking knowledge lessons. There is a threshold for the admissibility of wealth, and it is impossible to get something that is not your own. The rule is that the required level of material well-being must correspond to the values ​​that you created in past incarnations and in this life. And if a person officially did not receive what he earned, he will still receive the unpaid difference through winning the lottery, inheritance, or unexpected earnings. Most Russians do not know that it was the “sharks” of the criminal world who suffered enormous losses by investing in GKO securities. In fact, this was only a manifestation of the law of the Universe, according to which a person’s material well-being is brought in accordance with the true price of his creativity.

Having moved to the mental level, a person is freed from the illusions of the astral world for a long time. The main distortions that prevent access to money are internal limits, restrictions written into the subconscious. The main distortion is an inadequate self-image. The image of one’s own “I” determines the scope of possibilities. The fact is that positive thinking manifests itself only when it coincides with a person’s ideas about himself. The image of one’s own “I” changes for the better or for the worse, primarily in the process of accumulating practical experience and only secondarily by acquiring theoretical knowledge.

A healthy, happy and balanced person grows not from a child who was told about love, but from one who has experienced love to the fullest. Our self-confidence and self-control are the result only of practical experience, and not of familiarity with theory. Whether we realize it or not, each of us carries within us a mental image or portrait of ourselves. All our actions, feelings, and actions are consistent with this image of our own “I”. A person always acts like the person with whom he is identified. Those who imagine themselves as “a typical loser” will always find a way to fail, while the “sufferer” will become a victim of injustice. People believe that they cannot change this reality. Since the Middle Ages, the teachings of “poverty and punishment” have been presented to the masses of people as the only road to salvation. Deprivation was considered a Christian virtue, although this was done only because the feudal system could only provide prosperity to a privileged minority. At that stage of evolution, the creative potential of most people was poorly developed.

The limiting limits due to which the energy of money cannot circulate freely in human fields are mainly distortions of the will, doubts and records of fears. A distorted record of will in external manifestation is expressed by indecision. Indecision is the seed of fear, which develops into doubt, and together they transform into fear. Fears absorb a huge amount of a person’s energy to fuel and nurture themselves. According to the classification of negative energy formations by V.P. Goch, fears in matrices are seen as “larvae” or “unclean spirits.” The only reason you can scare another person is that fear (“unclean spirit”) has the ability to be transmitted and multiply. The main fears from which people suffer are well known: fear of poverty, fear of being judged by other people, fear of loss of health, fear of loss of love, fear of old age, fear of death.

Fear is just a state of consciousness. And every fear has its own symptoms.

The fear of poverty is: lack of ambition (indifference), indecision, doubt, anxiety, over-caution, procrastination;

for fear of condemnation: shyness, lack of self-control, inferiority complex, wastefulness, weak character, lack of initiative, lack of ambition;

for fear of losing health: habit of negative self-hypnosis, hypochondria (imaginary illnesses), general lethargy, habit of begging for sympathy, pretending to be ill to disguise laziness, interest in information about illnesses;

Fear of losing love has symptoms: jealousy, looking for faults in other people, a tendency to be adventurous, gambling, the habit of borrowing, spending and gifts that do not correspond to income in order to impress, the belief that love can be bought, the habit of spending more than you earn, insomnia, nervousness , lack of self-confidence, bad character;

have a fear of old age a tendency to slow down the pace of life, a guilty tone, a craving for a youth style in clothing, terminology, and actions;

Fear of death symptoms: the habit of thinking about death, preparations for it, lack of goals in life, disappointment in life and love, religious fanaticism.

A person whose consciousness is full of fears not only destroys his own capabilities, but also transmits this destructiveness to everyone who comes into contact with him. Negative thinking leads to failure, anxiety, worry, ineffective performance, fear, depression, illness and poverty. By agreeing with this negativity, a person creates limitations for himself, including financial ones. These are false boundaries that do not reflect true potential, but it is necessary to recognize their existence. Let us call them conventionally “the consciousness of the poor.” Records of this nature are generic, made by other people, the media, or the person himself. Negative programming can be neutralized by internal work to create a new reality with repeated statements (affirmations), but most effectively by working in matrices and runic codes with the Power of the Family (methodology of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ph.D., Professor V.P. Goch).

Repeating an order addressed to the subconscious For an unprepared person, this is the only known way of consciously developing faith. All thoughts, brought to the image and merged with faith, immediately begin to be transformed into a physical equivalent, that is, to materialize. If you believe that your desire will come true, the subconscious mind will carry out this mental order in the most direct and practical way. Perfection will come with practice. It doesn't come from reading instructions and attending seminars.

Boundless new reality

After reading this page, you may find that your biggest flaw is a lack of self-confidence. You can get rid of it with the help of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist, but the fastest and most effective way is to work it out in matrices.

They interfere with the free circulation of money energy in human fields:

Negative attitude towards rich people, envy towards anyone. On the subtle plane, an impenetrable energetic mud is formed from energies attracted by the likeness, which does not allow money to pass to a person;

Lack of a channel of communication with the subtle World, if a person does not direct anything to charity and spiritual goals;

Negative attitude towards the activity you are engaged in (“I hate this job”). Work elevated to the rank of compulsion is not creativity, that is, it does not add strength and energy to the one who works;

A bias towards spiritual practices with a disdainful attitude towards money and the physical world. The transition to the Spiritual planes is possible only after

Organizing your own life, space and time at the physical level;

Linking your own capabilities to the state of the economy in the country. The energy of money is generated by personal creativity, regardless of ups and downs in the state;

Focus on the poor, the unfortunate, the losers, those suffering from hardship and poverty is contagious. “The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them” (L. Hancock);

Relying only on one's own strength. Distrust of God. People often do not understand that God is always with them, even regardless of whether they believe in his existence;

The absence of at least a small reserve amount that is inviolable. It may not be needed, but it should always be available, like grain for sowing. Even without using reserve capital, a person always feels its supporting Force.

And one more condition for the Mental level: a person must want money first of all for himself, then for others, and clearly know for what purposes he needs it. The absence of egoistic motives in interaction with money is already the Causal and Buddhist levels, but they have their own, different Laws.

They say that only a person can create a feeling of complete peace and immense happiness in his soul. Since the time of their appearance on Earth, people have been looking for an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life? How to become happy? And this is natural. The concept of happiness is closely related to satisfaction with one’s destiny, the necessary conditions of which are factors of well-being. This applies to various areas of human life and involves a harmonious combination of its individual elements: emotional, social, intellectual, physical, spiritual and career.

Family is a reliable support

No one will argue with this. Happiness necessarily includes social well-being. Close people play a big role here, giving us psychological support. These are marital and intrafamily relationships, friendships.

The family serves as support and support. Here a person is charged with strength and positive energy. Friends help him achieve his goals and enjoy pleasant moments amid the daily routine. The one who does not have quarrels and discord in the house, who is surrounded by loving people who encourage his growth and development, is the true master of his destiny. His life is filled with communication, love, success and mutual support. Social well-being is the strong foundation of relationships and love that everyone wants to build.

The sun colors the earth, and man's labor

One of the main factors of moral satisfaction is the availability of work. This concept often becomes a dilemma: what should come first - professional activity or family? Not only the fact of paid and decent work is important, but also its psychological side in terms of diversity, meaningfulness and independence of work, its social value and emotional climate. Professional activity in conditions of unhealthy relationships with colleagues or management has never brought pleasure to anyone.

He who does not work does not rest

Speaking about work, we should not forget about leisure. Handicrafts, active recreation, visiting cafes, restaurants, clubs, museums, concerts, theaters, exhibitions, cinema... This list can be continued indefinitely. Hobbies are opportunities for self-expression, space for activity, communication with like-minded people and a kind of outlet. Sometimes it is more important than work. In theory, wealthy people have more opportunities to do what they love, but in reality this is not always the case. Some people don’t have enough free time, others simply don’t need it. The ability to choose, as well as the state of well-being, is the determining factor.

Money - freedom or fetters?

In the modern world, a full life is unthinkable without a good income. Comfortable housing, necessary household items, household appliances, varied and healthy food, quality education and even medical care, not to mention recreation - all this, whatever one may say, comes down to money! Financial condition determines most of the opportunities to realize your desires. Material well-being cannot be called successful if there are not enough funds to satisfy basic basic needs.

It would seem that what else is needed for happiness when there is financial security? How many people work all day long with one goal - to increase deposits in bank accounts and improve their material well-being! Sometimes there is no time left for family and communication with friends. However, no matter how money is related to the satisfaction of needs and social status, it influences a person’s well-being up to certain limits. With a busy schedule and stress, nervous breakdowns and depression are inevitable. And what then is happiness?

How to attract prosperity?

It so happens that money plays an important role in life. It's not easy to be poor and happy. In order to receive all benefits, including material ones, people from time immemorial have honored and passed on to new generations various traditions and rituals to attract positive energies into the family and home. They believed in certain signs and chose their symbol of well-being.

To a new family

The home represents the harmony and well-being of the family. In this regard, a very beautiful and touching ceremony is held at weddings. Mothers of newlyweds pass a piece of fire to the newly-made keeper of the hearth, lighting her candle, symbolizing family warmth. At this moment, sincere words and good wishes are heard, wishing the young husband and wife a long and happy life. Music plays, the lights are dimmed, and small round candles are distributed to all guests in advance. Standing with lit lights around the young woman, everyone says kind words. The presenter ends her speech with a wish for the newlyweds to carry warmth, love, unity and warmth through all the years of their happy marriage. According to custom, the bride takes the candles as a keepsake, as a sign of a warm home and saving the family from adversity.

By the way, an orange promises a successful marriage and abundance. According to Feng Shui, four fresh fruits or dummies should be placed in the family area. This will help attract a future husband, and a rich one at that. Eating oranges helps attract love.

To a new home

When moving into a new house, superstitious people first let a cat into the apartment. This is done to ensure that none of the residents becomes a victim of the new building. It is common for a cat to take on negative energy. In the old days, noble people walled up commoners in castles to save their loved ones from misfortune. So, intuitively, some older people are reluctant to change their home to a new home.

Any housewife knows that the smell of pies in a new home guarantees well-being, homeliness, comfort, peace and quiet.

It is believed that a stray dog ​​that strays brings wealth and well-being to the homeowners, and if you drive it away, you cannot avoid trouble. Figurines and figurines of a person's faithful friend attract good luck. Some install them in apartments and even offices to protect against unkind people.

To protect the house from material problems, a money tree is grown in it. Figurines of goldfish and a three-legged toad also activate the energy of wealth. Another popular attribute of happiness, wealth, fun and prosperity is the laughing Buddha or Hottei. There is a belief that if you rub his belly 300 times, your deepest wish will certainly come true. Other prosperity and good luck in the home include a horseshoe, an elephant, a butterfly, a deer, a horse, a ficus, a pair of doves, and a pair of mandarin ducks.

How to activate the symbol of well-being?

In order for attributes to “work”, they must be used correctly. For example, you can’t place it in the kitchen (it’s hot there) and in the bedroom (it’s a sleepy atmosphere). The elephant is placed so that with its trunk it draws positive energy and all good things into the house from the street. When a horseshoe is hung on a door, its “horns” are directed upward so that it resembles a bowl, which in turn also symbolizes well-being. In Russia, for some reason, this is done the other way around and leads to the opposite - losses and ruin. Moreover, true happiness comes from accidentally finding a horseshoe on the road.

If you believe the legend, then the Devil in the form of a horse took out one blacksmith and imposed dark thoughts and deeds on him. But he ran into the wrong thing... The peasant did not fall for the tricks, managed to “shoe” the demon, and then nailed a horseshoe to his door so that the “horned” one would remember the lesson he had learned. It was customary to hang horseshoes at the entrance to scare away evil spirits.

Chinese lanterns

The spectacle invented by the Chinese - the launching of multi-colored lanterns into the sky - fascinates and puts you in a good mood. People make wishes. It seems to them that even the world is becoming cleaner and kinder. Watching flickering lights floating into the abyss of the starry sky or towards the sun and carrying away negativity brings prosperity and success.

Children - the meaning or flowers of life?

Adults are in a hurry somewhere, striving for something and constantly achieving something. With all this, for many of them the main reason for existence is children. That's a moot point. Someone constantly talks about the desire to give the child the best, everything that the parent himself did not have in childhood. And there are those who take the position of “giving the best to children as much as possible,” or even not spoiling them at all, so as not to raise an egoist.

To ensure the well-being of children, parents should first of all create a happy family life as an example for their children. When they grow up, they will repeat the family model in their personal lives. There is no need to exist as a sacrifice to yourself. Do not forget that a parent must have personal space, interests and the opportunity for self-improvement. It is necessary to create conditions for choice and development for children. It is best to find some balance in order to remain an authority and role model for your descendants in the future.

Wise parable

One cheerful sage met on his way a man who could hardly drag his feet, carrying a huge, unbearable burden. When asked by a passerby what he was doing, the poor man replied that he was dooming himself to torment for the sake of the happiness of his children and grandchildren, following the example of his ancestors. Then the sage asked if at least one of them had ever been happy in the family. The exhausted father replied that it was not, but his grandchildren and children will definitely live a decent life! From the elder he received the following answer: “A person who does not know how to read will never teach him to read, and no mole can raise an eagle. First you need to learn to accept the gift of well-being yourself, and when you know the happiness of life, then you will understand how to give it to your future descendants!” Agree, many of us have never thought about this. People do not live, but exist, driving themselves crazy

Physical well-being

A successful and intellectually developed person knows how to maintain his health. Useful habits, healthy lifestyle, work, rest and nutrition. Such people are happy with their lives and are full of plans; they always have enough energy to realize their plans.


At first glance, it seems impossible to have all the factors and conditions for achieving well-being. This is quite realistic, because all components can complement or compensate for each other. Owning a favorite profession, a person earns money, finds his calling, sets specific goals in life, and some even inspire friends to achieve life’s exploits.

Moreover, sometimes two lonely hearts find each other in the same organization or collide while performing official duties. Some people in happy marriages don't need companions.

Religious beliefs can help cope with a serious illness, giving a positive attitude and acceptance of the situation. This only proves that you need to believe and hope for prosperity, without postponing happiness for later. It has been noticed that a person receives real satisfaction from material things when he can be happy without them.

Money plays a large and often decisive role in our lives. They become a measure of success in life, giving freedom of action, inner confidence and stability in life. However, the world is structured in such a way that financial resources are distributed unevenly among people. Some people are attracted to large cash flows and various material benefits, while others are forced to barely make ends meet. However, not everything is so fatal! Each of us can try to slightly correct the unfavorable situation with money using stones and minerals.

There are stones that can influence your aura in such a way that money begins to love you and be attracted to you. At the same time, each of these stones acts a little differently, emphasizing certain personality traits of its owner or protecting him from unfavorable currents coming from the outside world. We have selected 10 stones for you that can improve your financial situation, attract money, and protect you from financial losses. So,

1. If you are quite young, you do not have any serious obligations to your family or work team, and you are not afraid to take risks, then this stone is suitable for you AVENTURINE. Aventurine in yellow, orange and brown shades is necessary for people who are embarking on the path of business, commerce, and pink and red ones - if they are discovering a completely new field of activity, a niche in the market that has not yet been occupied. Aventurine awakens leadership qualities in its owner, attracts fortune, makes a person lucky, and allows him to successfully carry out financial transactions associated with risk. This stone is also considered a talisman for gamblers and gamblers. Therefore, if you set out to win a fortune in a casino or lottery, carry aventurine with you. However, for this stone to work, it is necessary to read a spell over it, preferably at a time when the Moon or Sun are in the sign of Aquarius. It is better to wear aventurine so that it does not come into contact with the skin.

2. For people who are more practical, responsible, focused on a long and successful career in serious organizations, a stone is suitable GIDDENITE. Giddenite loves people who have clearly defined their purpose in life and are willing to work hard for this purpose. It is for such owners that giddenite will help eliminate all obstacles when moving up the career ladder, will contribute to profitable deals and projects, trust and respect from business partners. However, giddenite will not bring much benefit to idle dreamers, people who are lazy or rushing about in search of themselves; moreover, it can force the unlucky owner to give his stone to a more purposeful person, or even get lost altogether. Also, giddenite does not favor scammers and those who earn money dishonestly. A stone can bring all sorts of misfortunes to such people.

3. CHRYSOLITE. is a talisman for unlucky people. It helps to correct difficult financial situations when it seems that there is no way out. If there has been a major financial collapse in your life, loss of your job, you have fallen into a hole of debt and have already lost faith in your strength and are desperate to change anything for the better - buy Chrysolite. This stone will help you start over and regain faith in yourself. A ring with chrysolite, if put on the index finger of your left hand, can attract quick financial assistance to you. Money may come from where you do not expect: relatives or friends will help, someone will pay off a debt that you have already forgotten about, you will be asked to provide some service for which they will generously pay, or in some other way. If you urgently need to win some kind of financial dispute, wear a gold pendant with chrysolite. (This method is only suitable for women). Chrysolite can also help you if you are unable to promote your product or service on the market, so this stone can serve as a good talisman for those involved in PR and advertising. However, Chrysolite has astrological preferences: it especially favors people born under the sign of Leo, and least of all helps Pisces.

4. Also a stone for advertisers, PR people and anyone who wants to maximize their sales is CITRINE. Citrine works in such a way that its owner begins to manifest such qualities as the gift of persuasion, the ability to present himself, his product or service in the most favorable light. The stone greatly helps people who are insecure and shy. It makes them more active, sociable, resourceful, rational, helps expand contacts and connections, and attracts new clients and customers. In addition, citrine is a stone of abundance and constant income. By wearing this stone in the form of a ring on the index finger of your right hand, you will never be left completely without money. Even if your income is not very large, it will be uniform and constant, which will contribute to your confidence in the future. Citrine is also a talisman for people who are engaged in handicrafts, applied arts, are craftsmen in wood, glass, stone, etc. If you are a craftsman or needlewoman and want your products to sell well and bring you significant income, have a bright yellow citrine in your workplace and try to look at it as often as possible. Citrine can also be placed in the darkest corner of your home or work space so that it disperses dark spirits that interfere with the progress of your business.

5. Another stone suitable for those who want to turn their hobbies and interests into a source of permanent income and profession is RHODONITE.Rhodonite will also help those who are in search of themselves, their business. It helps to discover talents and try yourself in some new field. This stone, if worn as a bracelet on your left hand, will attract money to you to realize your talents. You will be able to invest in your development - attend the necessary courses, receive the appropriate education, organize an advertising campaign, buy materials, equipment for your business , rent an office or workshop. It must be said that rhodonite does not act immediately: when you first come into contact with this stone, most likely you will not feel its influence. However, if you carry rhodonite on you for a long time, you will no longer be able to part with it. The fact is that rhodonite gradually accumulates energy from space and transforms it in accordance with the vibrations of its owner. Thus, this stone will always give you the necessary energy boost that you need for new beginnings and financial success.

6. If you lack motivation, interest in your business, at the very first failures you give up, and you cannot or do not want to move on - we will help you YELLOW OR BROWN MUSCOVITE. This stone tunes its owner to the vibrations of success, helps to plunge headlong into a project, without being distracted by idle thoughts. He will force you to develop professionalism, delve into the intricacies of your business, and will not allow you to abandon a started project halfway to success. With yellow muscovite, you will not stop until your business becomes stable and profitable, or until you reach the highest heights in your profession.

7. Since ancient times, a stone was considered a “merchant talisman” ANALTSIM. He favors people who have an “entrepreneurial spirit” who enjoy the process of buying and selling and trading. Analcime protects its owner from unprofitable deals and prevents him from making rash decisions. Analcime is a rather fragile stone, so products are practically not made from it; it is used in its natural form. It is recommended that traders at the market and sellers in stores keep a piece of analcime in their pocket; this stone will attract buyers and make them buy the product at your price without haggling. Analcime, which has no color, is considered the strongest.

8. One of the strongest stones that attracts success and wealth is CHRYSOPRASE. This is the stone of serious business people working in large businesses or dealing with large sums of money (for example, bank employees). Chrysoprase requires extreme honesty from its owner. If a person plays a dishonest game of money, chrysoprase quickly darkens and loses its magical properties. An honest person can be warned by a stone by its cloudiness about scammers in his business environment. Chrysoprase is a stone of winners, its action is expansive - it helps to develop new territories in business, expand the scope of activity, the sales market, and the target audience of clients. This stone was the talisman of Alexander the Great and allowed him to conquer more and more lands. In today's realities, chrysoprase helps its owners increase power and wealth, increase their wealth, and attract reliable and promising business partners. For the greatest success, it is recommended to store large banknotes under this stone. You can also carry a piece of chrysoprase in your left pocket. Signet rings with chrysoprase are a symbol of power, they should be worn on the ring finger, they will promote self-confidence and optimism. Chrysoprase is especially favorable for people born in winter - under the constellations of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces in the first decade. It allows Capricorn to strengthen power and control over finances, helps Aquarius to expand their sphere of activity, and attracts money flow and luck to Pisces.

9. The stone is also good for business and attracting money. CORNELIAN. Carnelian constantly attracts a flow of cosmic energy to its owner, so those who constantly wear carnelian will never find themselves without money. A constant influx of energy will help increase cash flow; a “vortex” will form around a person, where he will be the epicenter of attraction for new connections, projects, ideas, everything that stimulates financial success. Carnelian will also protect against envious people, dishonest partners, and the machinations of competitors. Carnelian is especially suitable for people born under the signs of Gemini and Aries.

10. For people for whom the main thing in life is family, not career, who want to spend more time at home and dream of their home being a “full cup” - a stone is suitable HEMIMORPHYTE. Hemimorphite works with the energy not so much of its immediate owner, but with the energy of the entire house. This is a family stone that attracts abundance and prosperity to your home, drives away negative vibrations from it, and does not allow thieves, scammers, and envious people to penetrate it. Hemimorphite makes household members calmer, more confident in the future, and hospitable. If you have hemimorphite talisman figures in your home, they will attract all sorts of benefits to the family hearth: gifts from relatives and friends, a generous inheritance. Your home will always have an abundant table, beautiful furniture, and all the necessary home appliances and utensils. If you are going to rent out an apartment or room, leave a hemimorphite talisman in it in a secret place: the apartment will bring good income, and the guests will be decent and clean people.

We hope that our review will help you choose a stone that will contribute to your financial prosperity and material well-being, will allow you to successfully realize your talents and will bring prosperity and confidence in the future to your home in such a difficult time.

You can buy stone runes and other handmade products from us.

We have all seen a figurine of a small cat raising its paw up. Why do you think this Japanese figurine is a symbol of material well-being and is designed to teach a person how to make money? How can a cat help a person earn money?

We may also think of a frog sitting with a coin and wide-eyed eyes, or Goddess Lakshmi with a glass of pouring wine. It is believed that such symbols should attract money into a person’s life. How do such archetypes work?

It turns out that every symbol that was created by people is aimed at ensuring that a person constantly remembers something. When the Venus de Milo was created, it was probably created so that people would remember that female beauty exists. And when they created Jupiter, they said that there is beauty of the male body, as well as masculinity. Thus, through sculpture they tried to somehow teach a person some quality.

So, what should a person remember when looking at such a cat? What does the cat have to do with it?

Let's look at how a cat plays with a toy. Do you see how his paw is raised up? Why? Because the cat knows how to relax, he finds entertainment for himself! This is what it says.

While doing business, know how to take a break from business. Enjoy life like a cat knows how to do.

Why does he need to play with this ball?

This ball is a prototype of the cat enjoying life. The cat enjoys the ball, and, in turn, the owner likes how the cat plays with the ball. And the owner wants to give him more so that the cat is fatter. Have you noticed?

The cat is playing and you want to pet it. What a cute creature! And he pushes with these paws, and he gets excited when you stroke his belly, and when he wakes up in the morning, he stretches. And he came to you - he purrs, stomps around...

Then you get up and think: “Oh, I need to give my Pokemon something. Because he’s already hungry.” Why is this happening? Because that's exactly what we like! The cat enjoys life - he is given food!

Guys, you don’t get pleasure from life - they don’t give you food! That is why the image of a cat was created. It was created so that a person always understands that one should enjoy life!

What other symbols are there?

Image of Hotei. This is a figurine of a monk who took a vow of abstinence from family life. The only thing he could get pleasure from was what he ate. That's why he had a big belly.

What does this symbol teach us? Enjoying food makes you a rich person!

The next symbol is the goddess Lakshmi. Why does feminine energy bring material well-being to a person?

The peculiarity of any business is connected with this. It's easy to do business! Because it is done on male energy. But to maintain a business and make sure that something is postponed and consistently generates profit - this is called living on feminine energy. Can you imagine? It's easy to start a business on the fly. Today, opening two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand, a million kiosks and filling them with goods is very easy. But how to manage this? How to save money? How to make this profit? How to save a little bit? So this is precisely what is done not by male energy, but by female energy.

The image of Lakshmi is a prototype of feminine energy, which says this: no matter how much money you have, always save a little! I always save money in my life. Tell you why I do this?

I am a fan of the great financier G. Anderson, who in one of his books gave an amazing formula that I could not figure out for a long time. Literally it sounded like this: it turns out that the more savings you have (and he proved this with a mathematical formula), the more strongly it will affect all your material income in the future.

It roughly sounds like this: if you have one thousand dollars lying around at home, then, in theory, according to his formula, your maximum earnings during the month will be approximately one hundred dollars. That is, you can easily earn 10% of this amount.

The feature he came up with looks like this:

If a person has savings, then these savings form 10% of the profit from nowhere.

If you don’t manage to make savings at home, know that then you won’t be able to attract money in the future. Try to always make sure that you have passive savings at home. Try not to spend this money.

I started noticing this a long time ago. At that moment, when I had fifty thousand dollars lying at home, my business brought me three thousand dollars a month. But when there were already one hundred thousand dollars lying at home, the earnings within a month reached ten thousand dollars.
