How should a husband provide for his wife and children? Should a husband provide for his wife? The wife complains about her husband's constant employment

Many couples today do not experience any pleasure in their relationships. Instead of enjoying life, people find out who should pay for what and why one has to earn more...

Psychologist Oleg Silyavsky about the correct roles of men and women, the immutability of human nature and why paying 40 rams for a lady is right!

“Where is the justice?” - ask the male earners. “The real heroes have long since disappeared,” lament the fair sex. correspondents talked with coach, trainer-psychologist, teacher of true essence, director of the consulting company “Practicum” Oleg Silyavsky about the correct roles of men and women, the immutability of human nature and why paying 40 rams for a lady is right.

— What should be the roles of men and women ideally?

— At my trainings, I often invite people to imagine a simple biological model. For example, there is a house on the edge of the forest, a man, a woman and five children live in it - as it used to be. And from here flow all the roles, functions, consequences, who should treat whom how, who should do what. Yes, in material and socially everything has changed: people live in comfortable apartments, there is no need to cut down trees or carry firewood. But at the same time, the archetypal nature of man remained the same. If people do not follow it, then problems and certain defects begin: psychological, social.

In general, in modern world There is a clear distortion of the roles of men and women, it’s like crazy. People are too far removed from their true nature and do whatever they want. Men forget their roles and functions, women lose theirs... In this sense, now it really is a complete mess.

— If we follow your model, then it turns out that a man should fully provide for a woman?

- Of course I should. Definitely. Otherwise, he loses his masculine essence and degenerates. There is such a thing as a spiritual path, and everyone follows it, whether they know it or not. If a man does not realize his true biological function, then his path, his psyche turns out to be distorted. It's the same with a woman.

- But does a man owe a woman anything?

- If he is a man, then first of all he owes it to himself, his masculine nature and his spiritual path. A man’s duty, his natural nature, is to be a warrior, a protector, a patron. And if he doesn’t do this, then he’s not a man. Of course, a person can act differently. He really doesn't owe anyone anything. But then let him accept the consequences of what he does, of the fact that he does not fulfill his specific purpose. And the consequences will be sad - both for men and women who do not want to go naturally.

- What are the consequences?

— For a man, this is the destruction of a business, loss of the meaning of life, depression, alcoholism, impotence. There are a lot of options that nature has prepared. In women, violation of their nature and the correct spiritual path leads to loss of beauty, weight gain, and female cancer.

At first it all seems fun, especially at a young age. These consequences have not yet caught up... In Hinduism and Buddhism, such a concept as karma is professed. This beautiful law is actually the law of karma, or, as it is also called, the law of universal justice. But even if we remove the mystical side of the issue, the law of karma really exists. And here it is not even necessary to cite all these Buddhist stories about reincarnation. The law of universal justice works already in this life. The essence of this law is very simple: the choices we made yesterday determine our lives today, the choices we make today will determine our lives tomorrow. Therefore, those people who today make a choice against their true nature can first enjoy and receive a lot of pleasures. It seems to them that they have gotten rid of unnecessary obligations: to provide for a woman, support a family, or - for a woman - serve a man, maintain a hearth, raise children. But a person can be happy for a year, two, three, and in five it will catch up with him. And after eight it will catch up with him so much that he won’t think enough. I have been practicing for twenty years and have seen so many destinies! It actually works like clockwork, and people don’t even realize it. They think: this is the world, you know, do whatever you want in it. But it is not as simple as it seems.

- So, what is the true path of a real man?

- First of all, he must have a Business. For a man, it plays a fundamentally important role. If he has no business, then he is not a man. To say “profession” here would be incorrect. Is being a businessman a profession? Or an artist?

Again, in a simple biological model, the head of the family must go hunting every day or plow the land. Then he survives, his family survives. Therefore, the main male path, spiritual development, is connected precisely with business. This is the first priority.

And the second priority is a woman. Because a man needs, how to put it, to get rid of the fruits of his business. If a man doesn't have loving woman, then his life begins to be completely delusional. For example, he begins to reinvest the fruits of his labor. This is what many businessmen do who have problems with their relationships. That is, I created one business and received a lot of money. Where should I put them? We need to invest in the next business. Invested in the next one. Now where to put them? After all, if a man is successful and has created one business, he will create two or ten. I thought about getting rid of the money, but there were twice as many of them. We need to start a third business! He will be so bent, he will live his whole life in these businesses, and then at the age of 70 he will discover that everything has passed him by. There was success, but there was no happiness, he was still building a career, doing something else.

Therefore, every man should ideally have a woman who would waste his money.

- Right into the wind?

- Yes exactly. Women waste money, this is obvious. But first a man needs to earn money. And this has always been indicated in traditional cultures. Unfortunately, in the modern world, most traditional practices have been lost. But in some places such cultures still remain. For example, in the East, such a phenomenon as bride price has still been preserved. And that's right, I tell you. This is very correct. Because if you can’t pay 40 rams, you can’t trust a woman.

- What if the woman doesn’t want you to pay 40 rams for her?

“But they have no concept of what a woman doesn’t want.” It's a different upbringing. And the man is also sure: if he paid 40 sheep, he knows for sure that the woman wants him, the children, and the kitchen. I saw it all with my own eyes.

- And a man, perhaps, gets pleasure from the fact that a woman wastes his money?

- Of course, it’s obvious. Perfect family- this is a family in which the woman does not know where the money comes from, and the man does not know where it goes. For the money, this is a superb example of a pair. A woman always has a lot of wonderful ways to spend her money.

A man doesn’t know how to spend cash just like that, he always counts, thinks about how best to invest funds. Strives to ensure that there is always a profit on invested capital. And a woman spends easily. I bought a ring for 9 thousand dollars, for example. And this one was still small, it would cost 25 to get a bigger diamond. Once - and 25 thousand are gone, gone down the drain.

Money in this case is the continuation and embodiment of male love. Gifts, flowers, houses, cars, fur coats and specifically cash. If a man loves, then he gives all this to the woman.

- Why else does a man need a woman, except to spend money?

— In general, a woman is one of the best sources of investment for a man. Provided, of course, that this real woman. He puts something into her all the time, and she always comes out with something. Once you invested something, you got children; another time you invested, you got a house. On a material level this is important.

On social level- status, they say, I have a woman, and the best and most beautiful. In addition, it gives a feeling of reliable rear support.

But what about on the spiritual level? This is also very important. On a spiritual level, a woman helps a man in one very important matter - in the search for truth. Men are always looking for the truth, they are itching for everything. That's why there are so many men in science, among the Nobel Prize laureates, for example? Because this is their thing: they want to know how the world works, they want to find the truth. Scientists, religious figures, even politicians, in some way, want to know how this world works in order to command it. This is fundamentally important for a man - the truth. And most importantly, the truth about yourself. Find out who I am in this world. And it is a woman who can suggest this. It speaks directly into words who you are. Goat, for example. And if you’re lucky, he says: “You are my hero.” And that’s it, the man immediately becomes enlightened. Only a real woman can give a man the true image he is looking for. And to give it exactly in the way he needs: I am a hero, I am a winner, I am the best in this world, because such a woman loves me, and she tells me about it.

“And yet, a lot has changed.” Previously, gentlemen stood up when a lady entered the room, but now it is not customary to give up a seat to a girl on public transport.

“The fact is that the classes have shifted a lot. Who were the real men in Rus'? Mostly officers, nobles. Like Tsvetaeva: “with one fierce will you took the heart and the rock”... And they behaved accordingly. But these were really men!

And then in Rus' almost all the men were destroyed. For about a hundred years there was a total genocide of the male population. Look. The First World War, then the October Revolution and the Civil War - the destruction of the entire color of the White Guard, the nobility. Those who were not killed were expelled from Russian territory. But these were best men not only Russia - the world in general! Further. Dispossession is the extermination of men in the countryside. Those who could actually do something, create a product, run a farm. Then, through Stalin’s purges, the Red commanders, the thinking intelligentsia and, in general, everyone who was capable were destroyed. Patriotic War finishes off all the others who were heroes and went to defend their homeland.

As a result, our women were left with no one. It would be good if there was one man per village after the war. Women are accustomed to having to do everything themselves. It’s like the post-war proverb: “I am a horse, I am a bull, I am a woman and a man.” After this, the next generations are brought up in a distorted gender: boys - in an infantile feminine way (there are no men around), and girls - like draft horses. And then this scenario is passed on from generation to generation. And it still works. Our women strive to be independent. I read this on Facebook recently. How to find a real Russian woman? Three-step technique. Set fire to the hut, disperse the horse, wait. [Laughs - approx.]

The Russian woman still strives to grab everything herself. “Can I bring you the bags?” - “No, no need, I’ll do it myself.” And it’s okay that the man left, she will earn money herself, she will raise the children herself. And she thinks she should be applauded for it. Previously, yes, when there was no other choice, it was heroism. But now the situation is different, there are a lot of men. And here we shouldn’t applaud, but throw tomatoes at her for ruining the children’s lives, because these boys, raised without a father, don’t know what they should be like a real man, and girls don’t know how to deal with the opposite sex. Vicious circle. She shouldn’t applaud, but say: “Listen, you sick woman, get rid of your idiotic script, attract a normal man into your life. You don’t need to work three jobs and raise children. Learn to be a woman, learn to submit, obey, adore a man, admire him, and everything will be fine with you.”

- That is, a woman does not need to build a career at all, but should only engage in borscht?

— A woman cannot build a career. Is not female image life. And a woman cannot work. The female body is simply not designed to handle stress. Well let's see. Let’s take this box that you have in the editorial office, and we’ll walk with it down the corridor 20 times. First me, then you. You'll see what happens.

Well not designed female body for workloads. A real lady should not work, she should have something to do, and a favorite one at that. If it brings her a good profit, I will be all for it. [Laughs - approx.] But if it is not profitable, it doesn’t matter. A woman shouldn't earn money!

I'm not saying that a woman cannot receive money or other dividends - fame, respect, recognition - through social merit. Please, for God's sake, let him do whatever he wants. The main thing is that this does not become a job for her. Because only men really know how to work and can do it. But women are not created for this work. Their body and psyche are tailored to a completely different occupation. First of all, this is borscht, you said it right. Just don't be so skeptical about it. Borscht is a great thing. But here we need to look more broadly. Not just borscht. This is the same as saying that a man is designed only for a hammer. Only narrow-minded cynics say that, both on the part of men and on the part of women. Everyone has their greatest role in this world. Borscht and a hammer are only the tools of this greatest role. The most important functions of a woman, which includes borscht, are femininity and motherhood in the broadest sense. First you have to be a woman, and then, if she is able to attract and keep a man, start a family, it will come to motherhood. And if she is bad as a woman, then she will not become a good mother. And femininity is, first of all, beauty, the same one that will save the world. In other words, a woman has two main functions: beauty and care, femininity and motherhood. By the way, you can build some kind of business on them. Women are most successful in careers that are related to these areas. For example, modeling business. Or restaurants, all sorts of clubs - where you need to take care of clients. And when women start managing factories... To do this, I would say that you need to have it, but I won’t be with you. The woman doesn't have this.

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A bachelor man who is in no hurry to get married, much less have children, can be understood. He knows that it is he who must support the family, and if he is not yet capable of this, then he has a sense of responsibility. At least it's honest. Is it always only the man who is obliged to earn money for the family and fully provide for it, or is this just a stagnant stereotype?

About the benefits of civil marriage

It’s hard to imagine that a man who decided to get married would make such a proposal to his girlfriend:

Expensive! I want you to be my wife. But I’ll warn you right away - I’m terribly lazy. I don't like studying or working, and my real hobby is lying on the couch and watching TV. Even if children appear, you will still have to provide for your family, run the household and raise the kids yourself. I definitely won't do this.

It is clear that the girl will immediately have a thought - either he is crazy, or this is an anti-proposal. But here's the funny thing - in many families this is exactly what happens.

Many women engage in self-deception - in pursuit of a stamp in their passport, they are ready to turn a blind eye to many things: that her chosen one is such a hulk and that it is difficult to push him off the couch or tear him away from a computer game. The woman hopes that she can somehow influence her husband and he will change.

When starting a serious relationship with a man, there is no need to urgently drag him to the registry office, much less have a child. Give it a kind of “test drive” - run it in to check its suitability in the family with the help of life together without marriage. Just don’t expect manna from heaven from him right away - just watch.

If he doesn’t even try to make life better, but simply gets by with his sabbaths, then you will have neither manna from heaven nor manna for your child. If you are satisfied with this option for male “real estate,” then go ahead to the registry office and don’t complain later. Such a man will definitely not support his family - this is his way of life.

What complaints can a working man have against his wife?

According to many men, they should be the breadwinners in the family. To recognize a drone in yourself who lives at the expense of his wife means killing the man in the family. It’s a shame to be an opportunist, it’s a shame to eat for your wife’s money, because a real man won’t have a bite in his throat, even if his wife herself doesn’t reproach him for anything.

And yet, men who conscientiously raise finances for the family often have complaints against their wives, and most often these accusations are fair.

Wife doesn't do anything around the house

Yes, the man is the breadwinner, but she is the housewife! Many women who get married justify their laziness this way:

I am married, which means I am married to my husband! Behind the stone wall! And I myself am a weak woman!

So is there really supposed to be ruins and desolation behind the stone wall? To justify your laziness by being tired because of crazy children is at least unfair. The husband, coming home from work, is also tired and hungry, and if he has hard physical labor, then he is generally ready to collapse at the door.

So if you think that your husband should provide money for his family, then be kind and provide him with a satisfying and comfortable life. He must be well-groomed and kindly treated by you, especially if you yourself are sitting at home, even with children. From the article you will learn what you absolutely cannot shy away from.

No matter how much money you bring, it’s not enough for her

Claims about a man’s low earnings most often come from wives who gave birth to their first child. Oddly enough, but the more desired children are born, the smaller woman makes claims:

  • a woman already knows how to correctly calculate the family budget;
  • a man tries to earn more, realizing his responsibility;
  • savings can even be in things from an older child to a younger one.

But while the wife is young and inexperienced, she has many requests, sometimes completely unreasonable, that go against the capabilities of the family budget:

The child needs a branded stroller with a cool chassis and a “book” mechanism, otherwise the child will be uncomfortable in another one. And definitely pink! Expensive? Let's take it on credit!

The baby needs clothes famous brands, and not some consumer goods from the store. Let's order online - it's more reliable and there's no need to run around!

The child needs super toys - sensory, electronic, music books and sorters. No stupid cubes or tumblers.

But the child doesn’t need this - neither a chassis on a stroller, nor a jacket from Cardin, his mother needs it for the farce and to make others jealous. And it is precisely these “stupid” cubes and tumblers that develop children’s imagination, and not electronic machines that think for the baby.

If you think that a man should support the family, then learn to live within your means: divide the “boot” throughout the entire period until the husband brings new “boot.” Otherwise, your claims will be groundless, since he cannot support his family any other way.

The wife complains about her husband's constant employment

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to clone husbands. Either he has a job, or even two, to provide for his family, or he needs to be more modest in his desires. Lots of work - not enough husband and father. He also gets tired: he comes and sleeps. The brain signal is blocked by the senses, nothing can be done.

If he is not lazy, goes to work regularly, and the family is prosperous, albeit without excesses, then there should be no complaints. He must support his wife and children - so he supports them.

And if there was a drone, you would be looking for an answer to another question: . Read this article and you will understand that everything is not so bad for you.

Should a married woman work?

In ideal families, even if they are not the richest, for some reason there is always wealth. Surprisingly, they have everything so organized that the refrigerator at home is not empty, and there is time for relaxation. And a good rest: we got into the car and went on a picnic on the weekends.

The point is that in normal families where the number of children is planned based on the budget, the wife also tries to work. Well, unless she lives in a village with a huge farm in the yard. There's definitely no time for picnics here.

Why is it good:

    She knows how money is earned and how sorry it is to spend it on all sorts of nonsense, even if you really want to.

    She doesn’t die of boredom at the window waiting for her husband and doesn’t give him a hard time in the evening for being late - she’s busy herself and knows what it’s like to be in a rush at work.

    She is at least somehow developing in communication with adults, and she has topics for conversations with her husband in the evenings.

It also has a wonderful effect on raising children. Why sit for up to three years? maternity leave, if it is possible to place them in kindergarten? Only then can one understand that the child is developing in society among peers, and not from a advertised electronic toy.

And the most important thing is that a woman’s earnings go into the common piggy bank. Less quarrels and conflicts. But this is only if the wife actually has the opportunity to go to work. But the article describes some cases in which there are some obstacles to this.

And yet the man is the main breadwinner

Remember Gosha’s golden words from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”:

No matter how much time passes, no matter how the world changes, these words will always be relevant. This law of life began to operate back when our ancestors lived in caves, and, as you can see, little has changed.

Yes - a man should earn more than his wife, and yes - he should fully provide for his family, but at the same time he should never stoop to the level of his wife's heel. Because he is the head of the family!

All the main components of arrangement, decoration, caring for children, washing, cooking, cleaning, etc., fall on the woman in the family. This happens most often. This begs the question: what role does a man play in the family? Naturally, nothing else comes to mind other than: providing financially and helping in home life. This classic version ordinary family.

Nowadays, a woman wants to feel equal with a man. Naturally, men protest. Not only does the wife work on her own, she can’t always cope with household chores, the husband must survive on sandwiches, the children are sometimes left to their own devices, the house is sometimes unclean, but she also claims that he is obliged to fully provide for the family. Agree, the man’s anger in this case is justified. One can also understand the woman’s position: all household chores are hers, the husband is only busy getting money, which he completely does not want to contribute to the family budget, because the wife also works. Therefore, the woman does not report her income to him.

In fact, in a real family, people must discuss and agree on everything. It will be easier if both the husband and wife determine how much money they will leave for their own expenses and how much money they will give to the family budget.

Goals of creating a family for spouses

A woman gets married to give birth to a child, to create home comfort and surround the house with warmth and care, as well as receive comfort from male care, feel “ strong shoulder" When starting a family, a man is most often driven by the desire to possess the woman he loves.

Most often, a man simply does not understand all the responsibility that he takes on for the life of the mother and child when he gets married.

A man always demands from his chosen one complete dedication and care for himself and his beloved. He was not used to giving all the money he earned to anyone; he spent it on himself. Very often, with such a husband, a woman acquires a “”, to whom she must show a lot of patience and gently reconfigure him to suit his needs. family relationships. Therefore, if a woman is on equal terms with him, if she earns a decent amount, naturally, you need to discuss a joint budget, honestly draw up planned expenses for yourself, for your family, for everyday life.

There is simply no other option. We can't do this without trusting each other. Very often, due to the reason of finding out who owes whom, the family does not get out of conflicts and scandals. Dear lovers, try to remember how you loved and trusted each other, you need to preserve your relationship and not allow everyday life to destroy it. It is necessary to help and trust each other.

In some families, the question of whether a husband should support his wife during marriage is relevant. Sometimes it turns out that each family member has his own budget. If someone doesn't have enough money, then that's his problem. However, the law clearly states in what cases a husband is obliged to support his wife, regardless of the internal foundations of the family.

Responsibilities of spouses for mutual maintenance

Information about this is written in Art. 89 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. It says here that spouses are obliged to support each other.

If one of them has money, but refuses to provide it to the second, then the right to .

There is an unconditional right:

  • for women who are on maternity leave;
  • with a spouse who is caring for a disabled child they share.

According to the provisions of Art. 89 of the RF IC, one of the spouses may demand money for subsistence, regardless of whether the parties are in official marriage or not. The law equates continuous civil marriage(5 years of marriage or more) to a registered relationship.

According to Clause 1 Art. 31 of the RF IC, spouses must jointly manage the household and manage the budget based on the principle of equality between themselves. Thus, if one of them finds himself in a difficult financial situation, the second is obliged to provide the necessary amount as support.

After a divorce, it is also possible to apply for alimony in cases provided for by law.

Should a husband support his wife during marriage?

According to the provisions Family Code RF, the husband, as well as the wife, are obliged to support each other if one of the parties has temporary difficulties. Today, often the spouse is a housewife, and the spouse works. In this regard, some people question the legality of maintaining a wife.

In fact, this issue should be resolved at a family council. Taking into account the equality of the parties, guaranteed by the Constitution and the RF IC, any decision can be made. Most often, the spouse gives all or some part of his money to support the family. However, to avoid problems in the future, it is recommended to draw up a prenuptial agreement. It must contain the following information:

  • data of the parties;
  • responsibilities of the parties to a marriage;
  • the amount of maintenance if one of the spouses has difficulties with work or health;
  • the amount of maintenance if one of the spouses is engaged in housekeeping and the other works.

It is recommended to indicate not specific numbers, but a percentage of the salary, so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation later. If you refuse marriage contract(it can be concluded at any time after registration of marriage) it is necessary to find a compromise. Exceptions are those cases when a man is obliged to support his wife on the basis of current legislation. The document must be certified by a notary.

Peculiarities of forced maintenance of a wife in marriage

If a husband denies his wife financial assistance, the latter, without breaking the marriage bond, can go to court to collect alimony.

There are several conditions when a woman can legally request financial assistance:

  • the presence of a common minor child for whose maintenance money is needed;
  • being on maternity leave or sick leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three;
  • the presence of a disabled child in common (disability group I gives the right to receive alimony indefinitely, in other cases the husband is obliged to pay it until the child reaches adulthood).

Only if these grounds are present will the court agree with the plaintiff’s arguments and force the defendant to pay.

If the wife does not work without a good reason, the court will refuse to satisfy the claim.

Is a husband obligated to support his ex-wife after a divorce?

In this case, it all depends on the financial condition of the wife, with whom the children are staying, as well as on a number of other small nuances. Each case must be considered separately in order to make a decision on it. There are two ways to receive alimony:

  1. drawing up a settlement agreement after a divorce, on the basis of which the husband undertakes to support his wife for a certain time, making a money transfer to her account or by personally transferring funds;
  2. going to court for .

The second way is quite difficult and unprofitable if the husband’s official earnings are small. The judge has the right to award alimony only from official income.

Is a husband obligated to support his non-working wife after a divorce?

No, such an obligation is not provided for by law. However, there is a note according to which this obligation is provided for. If a woman was unable to work before the divorce or she lost the opportunity to work within a year after the divorce, then the spouse is obliged to pay alimony. Their size must be established in court if the parties are unable to reach an agreement on their own.

Maintenance of a wife during pregnancy

According to Art. 17 of the RF IC, a husband does not have the right to divorce his wife while she is pregnant.

But if a woman herself agrees to divorce, then there are no obstacles.

However, after a divorce, the ex-husband is obliged to support his wife until the birth of the child.

If the child was born within 300 days after the divorce, then the ex-husband is considered the father

Therefore, the ex-spouse can legally request alimony.

After giving birth, a woman has the right to file for alimony due to being on maternity leave. Ex-husband is obliged to support her and the child until the latter is 3 years old. After this, it will be possible to file another lawsuit to support the child until he reaches 18 years of age.

In our modern world, every person does what he wants, denying his true purpose, provided for by nature itself. Then questions arise - why did the problems begin in the relationship? And all because they go against nature... against their essence....

Trainer-psychologist, teacher of true essence, director of the consulting company "Practicum" Oleg Silyavsky talks about the correct roles of men and women, the immutability of human nature and why paying 40 rams for a lady is right.

What should be the ideal roles of men and women?

In my trainings, I often ask people to imagine a simple biological model. For example, there is a house on the edge of the forest, a man, a woman and five children live in it - as it used to be. And from here flow all the roles, functions, consequences, who should treat whom how, who should do what. Yes, in material and social terms everything has changed: people live in comfortable apartments, there is no need to cut down forests or carry firewood. But at the same time, the archetypal nature of man remained the same. If people do not follow it, then problems and certain defects begin: psychological, social.

In general, in the modern world there is a clear distortion of the roles of men and women, it’s amazing. People are too far removed from their true nature and do whatever they want. Men forget their roles and functions, women lose theirs... In this sense, now it really is a complete mess.

If we follow your model, then it turns out that a man should fully provide for a woman?

Of course I should. Definitely. Otherwise, he loses his masculine essence and degenerates. There is such a thing as a spiritual path, and everyone follows it, whether they know it or not. If a man does not realize his true biological function, then his path, his psyche turns out to be distorted. It's the same with a woman.

Does a man owe a woman anything?

If he is a man, then first of all he owes it to himself, his masculine nature and his spiritual path. A man's duty, his natural nature, is to be a warrior, a protector, a patron. And if he doesn’t do this, then he’s not a man. Of course, a person can act differently. He really doesn't owe anyone anything. But then let him accept the consequences of what he does, of the fact that he does not fulfill his specific purpose. And the consequences will be sad - both for men and women who do not want to go the natural route.

What are the consequences?

For a man, this is the destruction of a business, loss of the meaning of life, depression, alcoholism, impotence. There are a lot of options that nature has prepared. In women, violation of their nature and the correct spiritual path leads to loss of beauty, weight gain, and female cancer.

At first it all seems fun, especially at a young age. These consequences have not yet caught up... In Hinduism and Buddhism, such a concept as karma is professed. This is actually a wonderful law - the law of karma, or, as it is also called, the law of universal justice. But even if we remove the mystical side of the issue, the law of karma really exists. And here it is not even necessary to cite all these Buddhist stories about reincarnation.

The law of universal justice works already in this life. The essence of this law is very simple: the choices we made yesterday determine our lives today, the choices we make today will determine our lives tomorrow.

Therefore, those people who today make a choice against their true nature can first enjoy and receive a lot of pleasures. It seems to them that they have gotten rid of unnecessary obligations: to provide for a woman, support a family, or - for a woman - serve a man, maintain a hearth, raise children. But a person can be happy for a year, two, three, and in five it will catch up with him.

And after eight it will catch up with him so much that he won’t think enough. I have been practicing for twenty years and have seen so many destinies! It actually works like clockwork, and people don’t even realize it. They think: this is the world, you know, do whatever you want in it. But it is not as simple as it seems.

What is the true path of a real man?

First of all, he must have a Business. For a man, it plays a fundamentally important role. If he has no business, then he is not a man. To say “profession” here would be incorrect. Is being a businessman a profession? Or an artist?

Again, in a simple biological model, the head of the family must go hunting every day or plow the land. Then he survives, his family survives. Therefore, the main male path, spiritual development, is connected precisely with business. This is the first priority.

And the second priority is a woman. Because a man needs, how to put it, to get rid of the fruits of his business. If a man does not have a loving woman, then his life begins to be a complete mess. For example, he begins to reinvest the fruits of his labor. This is what many businessmen do who have problems with their relationships. That is, I created one business and received a lot of money. Where should I put them? We need to invest in the next business. Invested in the next one. Now where to put them? After all, if a man is successful and has created one business, he will create two or ten. I thought about getting rid of the money, but there were twice as many of them. We need to start a third business! He will be so bent, he will live his whole life in these businesses, and then at the age of 70 he will discover that everything has passed him by. There was success, but there was no happiness, he was still building a career, doing something else.

Therefore, every man should ideally have a woman who would waste his money.

Right into the wind?

Yes exactly. Women waste money, this is obvious. But first a man needs to earn money. And this has always been indicated in traditional cultures. Unfortunately, in the modern world, most traditional practices have been lost. But in some places such cultures still remain. For example, in the East, such a phenomenon as bride price has still been preserved. And that's right, I tell you. This is very correct. Because if you can’t pay 40 rams, you can’t trust a woman.

What if a woman doesn’t want you to pay 40 rams for her?

But they have no concept of what a woman doesn’t want. It's a different upbringing. And the man is also sure: if he paid 40 sheep, he knows for sure that the woman wants him, the children, and the kitchen. I saw it all with my own eyes.

And a man, perhaps, gets pleasure from the fact that a woman wastes his money?

Of course, this is obvious. An ideal family is a family in which the woman does not know where the money comes from, and the man does not know where it goes. For the money, this is a superb example of a pair. A woman always has a lot of wonderful ways to spend her money.

A man doesn’t know how to spend cash just like that, he always counts, thinks about how best to invest funds. Strives to ensure that there is always a profit on invested capital. And a woman spends easily. I bought a ring for 9 thousand dollars, for example. And this one was still small, it would cost 25 to get a bigger diamond. Once - and 25 thousand are gone, gone down the drain.

Money in this case is the continuation and embodiment of male love. Gifts, flowers, houses, cars, fur coats and specifically cash. If a man loves, then he gives all this to the woman.

Why else does a man need a woman, other than to spend money?

In general, a woman is one of the best sources of investment for a man. Provided, of course, that this is a real woman. He puts something into her all the time, and she always comes out with something. Once you invested something, you got children; another time you invested, you got a house. On a material level this is important.

At the social level - status, they say, I have a woman, and the best and most beautiful. In addition, it gives a feeling of reliable rear support.

But what about on the spiritual level? This is also very important. On a spiritual level, a woman helps a man in one very important matter - in the search for truth. Men are always looking for the truth, they are itching for everything. That's why there are so many men in science, among the Nobel Prize laureates, for example? Because this is their thing: they want to know how the world works, they want to find the truth.

Scientists, religious figures, even politicians, in some way, want to know how this world works in order to command it. This is fundamentally important for a man - the truth. Well, most importantly - the truth about yourself. Find out who I am in this world. And it is a woman who can suggest this. It speaks directly into words who you are. Goat, for example. And if you’re lucky, he says: “You are my hero.” And that’s it, the man immediately becomes enlightened. Only a real woman can give a man the true image he is looking for. And to give it exactly in the way he needs: I am a hero, I am a winner, I am the best in this world, because such a woman loves me, and she tells me about it.

And yet, a lot has changed. Previously, gentlemen stood up when a lady entered the room, but now it is not customary to give up a seat to a girl on public transport.

The fact is that classes have shifted a lot. Who were the real men in Rus'? Mostly officers, nobles. Like Tsvetaeva: “with one fierce will you took the heart and the rock”... And they behaved accordingly. But these were really men!

And then in Rus' almost all the men were destroyed. For about a hundred years there was a total genocide of the male population. Look. The First World War, then the October Revolution and the Civil War - the destruction of the entire color of the White Guard, the nobility. Those who were not killed were expelled from Russian territory. But these were the best men not only in Russia but in the world in general! Further. Dispossession is the extermination of men in the countryside. Those who could actually do something, create a product, run a farm. Then, through Stalin’s purges, the Red commanders, the thinking intelligentsia and, in general, everyone who was capable were destroyed. The Patriotic War is finishing off all the others who were heroes and went to defend their homeland.

As a result, our women were left with no one. It would be good if there was one man per village after the war. Women are accustomed to having to do everything themselves. It’s like the post-war proverb: “I am a horse, I am a bull, I am a woman and a man.” After this, the next generations are brought up in a distorted gender: boys - in an infantile feminine way (there are no men around), and girls - like draft horses. And then this scenario is passed on from generation to generation. And it still works. Our women strive to be independent. I read this on Facebook recently. How to find a real Russian woman? Three-step technique. Set fire to the hut, disperse the horse, wait. [Laughs - approx.]

The Russian woman still strives to grab everything herself. “Can I bring you the bags?” - “No, no need, I’ll do it myself.” And it’s okay that the man left, she will earn money herself, she will raise the children herself. And she thinks she should be applauded for it. Previously, yes, when there was no other choice, it was heroism. But now the situation is different, there are a lot of men. And here we shouldn’t applaud, but throw tomatoes at her for ruining the children’s lives, because these boys, raised without a father, don’t know what a real man should be, and girls don’t know how to deal with the opposite sex. Vicious circle. She shouldn’t applaud, but say: “Listen, you sick woman, get rid of your idiotic script, attract a normal man into your life. You don’t need to work three jobs and raise children. Learn to be a woman, learn to submit, obey, adore a man, admire him, and everything will be fine with you.”

That is, a woman does not need to build a career at all, but should only engage in borscht?

A woman cannot build a career. This is not a woman's way of life. And a woman cannot work. The female body is simply not designed to handle stress. Well let's see. Let’s take this box that you have in the editorial office, and we’ll walk with it down the corridor 20 times. First me, then you. You'll see what happens.

Well, the female body is not designed for work loads. A real lady should not work, she should have something to do, and a favorite one at that. If it brings her a good profit, I will be all for it. [Laughs - approx.] But if it is not profitable, it does not matter. A woman shouldn't earn money!

I'm not saying that a woman cannot receive money or other dividends - fame, respect, recognition - through social merit. Please, for God's sake, let him do whatever he wants. The main thing is that this does not become a job for her. Because only men really know how to work and can do it. But women are not created for this work. Their body and psyche are tailored to a completely different occupation.

First of all, this is borscht, you said it right. Just don't be so skeptical about it. Borscht is a great thing. But here we need to look more broadly. Not just borscht. This is the same as saying that a man is designed only for a hammer. Only narrow-minded cynics say that, both on the part of men and on the part of women. Everyone has their greatest role in this world. Borscht and a hammer are only the tools of this greatest role.

The most important functions of a woman, which includes borscht, are femininity and motherhood in the broadest sense. First you have to be a woman, and then, if she is able to attract and keep a man, start a family, it will come to motherhood. And if she is bad as a woman, then she will not become a good mother.

And femininity is, first of all, beauty, the same one that will save the world. In other words, a woman has two main functions: beauty and care, femininity and motherhood. By the way, you can build some kind of business on them. Women are most successful in careers that are related to these areas. For example, modeling business. Or restaurants, all sorts of clubs - where you have to take care of clients. And when women start managing factories... To do this, I would say that you need to have it, but I won’t be with you. The woman doesn't have this. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet
