David Caruso: Emotional intelligence is more important than IQ in business. Five questions about emotional intelligence for David Caruso David Caruso's activities

Dear friends, We are pleased to inform you that registration of participants for David Caruso’s practical course “Emotional Intelligence as a Management Tool” is open.

David R. Caruso— Ph. D., professor at Yale University. He is one of the founders of the original scientific concept of Emotional Intelligence, co-author of the test for determining the level of emotional intelligence - MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test - the most developed and relevant testing methodology emotional intelligence).

David Caruso conducts training programs for specialists in the USA, Canada, Japan, Dubai, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Australia and India. In business, he has held various positions in marketing research, strategic planning and sales management; has experience in numerous developments and implementation of marketing strategies for promoting new product lines in the United States and Europe.

  1. Perceive, be aware of your emotions and recognize the emotions of other people.
  2. Use emotions to effectively solve problems in business and personal life.
  3. Understand and analyze emotions and the reasons for their occurrence.
  4. Consciously manage your own emotions and those of others.

These methods and techniques serve as a template or, more simply put, are called the Emotional Intelligence Development Plan. Workshop participants gain self-understanding, develop new skills, but most importantly, they learn a process that they can use to solve difficult situations and problems in their work and life.

The uniqueness and attractiveness of this concept of Emotional Intelligence lies in the fact that it offers a different perspective on human mental abilities. Emotions are considered in collaboration with reason, and not in opposition to each other, that is, intellectual work with emotions aimed at the success and effectiveness of both a specific person and an entire organization.

Exercises and techniques from D. Caruso’s program:

  • "Emotional Intelligence Development Plan." Presenting a 4-step, structured approach to emotions and problem solving. Participants make their own plans during the workshop.
  • "7 Ways to Communicate Using Emotional Expression." Many of the ways we communicate are non-verbal and these techniques encourage participants to better recognize and express a range of emotions.
  • "Moods corresponding to tasks." There is no need to be happy all the time! In fact, this technique helps people solve different tasks according to their different moods for more optimal performance.
  • "Ways to consciously manage emotions." Sometimes we all suppress emotions, but we do it in a primitive way. Let's consider and analyze modern techniques for managing and expressing emotions.
  • "Smart Emotions" We analyze examples of “smart emotions”, learn self-control and thoughtful expression of emotions to obtain the best result. We use emotions as resources necessary to make the right decisions.
  • "Reading People" In many cultures, emotions are displayed by people only for a short time and then muted. Micro-expressions training increases your level of emotion recognition.
  • "Leader-mood." This technique is dedicated to identifying the role of emotions in company leadership and team management.
  • "Rules of Cultural Identification". Emotions have universal origins, but each one has unique rules about which emotions are best shown and which ones hidden.

About the basic program of the course "Development of emotional intelligence"

Today, the methodology is adapted for specialized, corporate and individual training programs, such as “Emotional Intelligence of a Leader”, “The Art of Emotional Selling”, “Emotional Leadership”, “Emotional Intelligence as Corporate Culture”, “Public Speaking Skills”, “Human Resource Management” " and etc.

This is a multi-level program that allows you to develop emotional competence, understand the true role and influence of emotions on the success of people and businesses, learn to manage emotions in various life situations, control and influence the emotional climate in a team.

The scientific director of the program for the development of emotional intelligence in Russia is Elena Khlevnaya (MBA, Ph. D. in Economics and Psychology, Head of Laboratory of behavioral economics and analytical consulting REU of Plekhanov).

The Russian program of the Course "Development of Emotional Intelligence" was approved by the international scientific community at the 4th International Scientific Congress "International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (ICEI) in 2013, as well as at the 28th International Congress on Applied Psychology in Paris in 2014 .

You can join the group of the basic level of the course “Development of Emotional Intelligence”, where you will get acquainted with new techniques and methodology for developing emotional competencies and emotional intelligence.

All participants receive a free MSCEIT test (determining the level of emotional intelligence).

A 2-day Tutor master block will be held for professional business trainers.

Development of professional skills and competencies of Tutors for the development of Emotional Intelligence according to the standards of the European Association of Cultural and Emotionally Intelligent Projects (E.A. C.E. I.P.) Integration of professional tools necessary for joining the association.

Details on the website.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

Psychologist, management specialist, employee of the Center for Emotional Intelligence at Yale University (USA). Co-author of the concept of emotional intelligence (together with P. Salovey and J. D. Mayer), co-author of the most authoritative test for determining the level of emotional intelligence MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test). Conducts seminars and trainings on around the world. Co-author (with Peter Salovey) of the book “Leader Emotional Intelligence. How to Develop and Apply” (Peter, 2016).

A few simple questions and answers on an extremely important topic for both the individual and the company as a whole - emotional intelligence.

Question: We all know about emotional intelligence thanks to Daniel Goleman, who made it an extremely popular and at the same time vague concept. How would you define what emotional intelligence is in a strict scientific sense?

David R. Caruso: The idea of ​​emotional intelligence (EI) was first proposed and developed in 1990 by two psychologists, John Mayer and Peter Salovey. Their works were published only in academic journals, so the general public knew nothing about them. And then Daniel Goleman, a wonderful writer, came along and wrote a book about emotional intelligence. Essentially, this is a story about the power of marketing. He retold the idea of ​​emotional intelligence in his own words and the way he understood it, and made it accessible to everyone. And it was great: if it weren’t for his book, I wouldn’t be here today, no one would have known about EI. But Goleman, retelling our ideas, greatly expanded them. From our point of view, EI is not what makes someone a good or happy person; we are talking about our skills, about how much we are able to recognize emotions (how I feel, how other people feel), understand the causes of emotions, experience different emotions, show empathy.

Question: When is the best time to start developing these abilities? How long does it take to master basic skills?

D. K.: In an ideal world, emotional intelligence should be developed in early childhood. But we live in an imperfect world, so about fifteen years ago we created a program to teach these skills. Because EI is, first of all, skills. And we primarily train managers and business leaders, because they have a great influence on the emotional climate in the organization. Now our ideas are being implemented in schools: we teach teachers how to involve emotions in the learning process and how to develop emotional intelligence in children.

If we talk about top managers, basic skills can be taught in a couple of hours or in a day. We sometimes call this an emotional GPS system. Some people lack spatial intelligence. We can teach them how to read a map and how to navigate on a map, but it may take a year. Another option is to buy them a navigator. It's the same with emotional intelligence. To begin with, we can test you: what are your strengths and where are your weaknesses. Let's say you're not very good at reading other people's emotions. Knowing this, we can teach you to better understand emotions or ask the right questions. When you ask, “So, what did you think of my presentation?” and someone else responds, “Oh... that was great!”, you may not hear the intonation and realize that it was, in fact, a terrible presentation. So we'll teach you to ask, "On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being bad and 10 being great, what do you think of my presentation?" And they will answer you: “I think it was 8.” After that, if I were you, I would ask: “What do I need to do to make my presentation a ten?” And you can rest assured that your interlocutor will give you 25 tips on possible improvements.

Question: Are there national and cultural differences in EI levels?

D. K.: I travel a lot, and besides, we have research data. The main difference is how emotionally expressive the people of a particular country are. Russian culture, for example, rather implies emotional restraint. But this does not mean that Russians experience emotions less or less often. I was in China for the presentation of our book, and before that I was in Japan, and the culture is different everywhere. But on a deeper level, all people are the same. Our data shows that we all recognize emotions in the same way and feel them in the same way. And culture sets the framework that determines when and how we express emotions. And in general: I am less interested in culture than in individual people. Perhaps your friends and acquaintances express their feelings in different ways. But one should not think that someone who cannot or does not want to express their emotions has a weaker EI. Sometimes they are even emotionally smarter because they listen, process information, and understand it.

Question: Our readers love to look for extrovert and introvert traits in themselves. Is the way we behave and express emotions related to emotional intelligence?

D. K.:

No, these are absolutely unrelated things! There are introverts with high EI and extroverts with high EI. But from the outside it looks a little different. The most difficult combination is, of course, low emotional intelligence and pronounced extraversion. Such a person will explain to you how you feel, tell you “You are angry about something today,” and if you do not agree, he will accuse you of simply being defensive, and it is useless to refute his words. Emotionally intelligent introverts, on the contrary, process information in their heads and do not show their feelings. Sometimes it seems like they don't really get into it at all, but at the end of the conversation they can sum it up and tell you exactly what you felt and how they felt. And then you realize that they are good at managing their emotions; As a result of such a conversation, you will feel much better, although you will be surprised how many things turn out to be happening inside the interlocutor.

Question: How does the spread of virtual communication affect emotional intelligence? When we cannot see the other person, how can we read his emotions?

D. K.: Online communication is very poor, we have very little information about the other person there. When we meet face to face, we have body language, facial expression, tone of voice... And when we exchange text messages or emails, or write a post on social networks, we lose a significant part of this richness. But on the other hand, I have high hopes for technology. I'm sure that in the near future they will allow us to be much "emotionally smarter" online. There are already systems that allow using a webcam to recognize the emotional state of someone in the frame: the camera can “read” emotions. And I predict that very soon, in the next few years, we will have tools that will allow us to convey emotions in text messages more accurately than we can now. Emoticons are already better than nothing, but I think we will have much more advanced and sophisticated tools that will help us choose the most appropriate word to describe how we feel.

The authors identify four different practical components of the hierarchy of emotional skills of a leader: identifying emotions (the ability to “read people”), using emotions (the ability to competently direct emotions to solve problems), understanding emotions (the ability to determine the causes of emotions and predict emotional scenarios) and... .

Read completely

It has long been believed that the emotions we experience and express need to be carefully controlled. And it is very important to monitor them while at work, especially if you manage people. It was considered unprofessional to express emotions in the workplace. And many usually associate their greatest disappointments and regrets with an uncontrollable reaction when feelings literally overwhelm.
From the book you will learn that for a person with a high level of emotional intelligence, emotions are not only important, but also absolutely necessary for making the right decisions, finding a way out of a difficult situation, coping with changes and achieving success.
The authors identify four different practical components of the hierarchy of emotional leadership skills: identifying emotions (the ability to “read people”), using emotions (the ability to competently direct emotions to solve problems), understanding emotions (the ability to determine the causes of emotions and predict emotional scenarios) and managing emotions (ability to act with emotions). You'll understand how to learn and develop each skill so you can use them together to solve your most challenging problems.
The publication is addressed to managers, executives and owners of companies, as well as everyone who wants to learn to recognize emotions and manage them when creating effective teams, planning and decision-making.


David Caruso can be safely classified as one of those professionals about whom they say: “He stood at the origins...”. David Caruso is one of the compilers of perhaps the most famous methodological test, the results of which can reveal the level of emotional intelligence (EQ msceit).

Emotionally intelligent management

In the process of scientific research, scientists trained several thousand managers from all over the world to apply acquired skills in practice and developed a test to determine the level of emotional intelligence.

Teaming up with fellow American scientists Peter Salovey and John Mayer, Caruso, after numerous experiments devoted to the study of EQ, put the results on paper and then published them. According to the co-authors of the book, one of whom is David Caruso, emotional intelligence (the book is called “The Emotional Intelligence of a Leader”) is an important link in business relationships.

The collaborating scientists mentioned above came together to collaborate approximately 30 years ago. According to the authors of the book, the mental abilities of an excited person (or emotional intelligence) consist of several “applications”:

  • conscious settlement of impressions;
  • understanding emotions;
  • fusion of feelings in thinking;
  • ability to recognize and express emotions.

In addition to many academic articles and the aforementioned book that sheds light on emotional intelligence management, David Caruso (films on this topic can be found on YouTube and other video content) and his followers are the creators of thematic video lessons.

Activities of David Caruso

David Caruso has scientific developments in the field of psychology and two years of experience in the department of psychological development at Yale University. The result of the work done was a doctorate and membership in the State Institute of Mental Health in the United States of America.

Despite this track record, David Caruso is not an indifferent theorist. Remaining devoted to science, he was involved in research of a different nature, dedicated to “earthly” matters: strategic planning and building a product line. In addition, Caruso led production teams, developed new products and took care of the qualifications of service personnel.

Today, as the owner of his own company, Dr. Caruso conducts business training on developing leadership skills and assessing career opportunities, not forgetting about consulting in the field of emotional intelligence.

Activities EI Skills

The EI Skills company, the creator and owner of which is David Caruso (emotional intelligence and everything connected with it is the company’s field of activity), has taken upon itself the organization and conduct of trainings for professional coaches, among whom are people of different nationalities and citizens of different countries: Americans, Brazilians, Peruvians, Canadians, Japanese, Koreans, Russians, Arabians, English, Spanish, Italians, French, Germans, Lithuanians, Australians and Indians.

The concept of “emotional intelligence” appeared and then spread in Western scientific circles in 1990. It consists of experience, skills and habits acquired in the process of perception, and the ability to manage one’s emotions.

Unlike dissident specialists, David Caruso sees a close connection between emotional intelligence and traditional intelligence, since emotions, in his opinion, can also be carriers of information.

Emotional intelligence: what is it?

There are several answers to this question. This is what David Caruso, one of the authors of this concept, thinks. It all depends on who exactly the question is asked, how it can be interpreted and through what methods it can be applied in practice. Recently, many consultants, business trainers, and psychotherapists have appeared who use the concept of “emotional intelligence” in their practice.

Recently, the concept of emotional intelligence has begun to be used in relation to many other concepts, such as self-confidence, sensitivity, and communication skills. Official science considers the concept of emotional intelligence as the ability to perceive and “digest” information contained in feelings, as well as determine the meaning of the latter and their relationship.

The goal of scientific research is to teach a person to use the information contained in emotions as a knowledge base necessary for mastering the principles of effective thinking and the ability to make decisions independently.

The concept (EI) has been introduced into business circulation by numerous MBA schools, where entire courses are dedicated to teaching this discipline. The book by David Caruso and Peter Salovey “The Emotional Intelligence of a Leader. How to develop and apply” will make this knowledge accessible to the Russian reader.

Emotional intelligence is understood as a set of emotional and intuitive characteristics that help a manager make decisions without preliminary analysis, based on his own experience and understanding of the characteristics of human behavior and emotions. The abbreviation EI is familiar to anyone who seriously studies management theory.

About the authors

INTERESTING! The university is part of the famous Ivy League, whose graduates traditionally occupy leading positions in the US administration.

As one of the authors of the concept of EI, together with Peter Salovey, he co-authored the famous MSCEIT test (The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Tests). He has been teaching the skills of its use to senior managers all over the world for many years, and he has worked with a number of business representatives in Russia.

Peter Salovey is an American social psychologist who served as the 23rd president of Yale University. He has written about 10 books and hundreds of articles devoted to the study of emotions.

Prices for David Caruso, Peter Salovey The emotional intelligence of a leader

About the book

The book completely changes the way you look at emotions in the life of a business leader. If previously all management theories assumed the need to hide emotions and show subordinates and partners one’s impartiality and detachment, modern theories consider the manifestation of feelings and their management as one of the effectively working management tools.

The structure of emotional intelligence includes the abilities:

  • recognize the emotions of the interlocutor;
  • perceive and evaluate the intentions of the interlocutor;
  • manage your emotions;
  • manage the emotions of others;
  • use these personal skills to solve practical problems.

The formation of a holistic concept of EI is impossible without intuition and the ability to be charming. The authors, in order to more accurately measure human abilities and to develop a test, narrowed this concept a little and included in it:

  • perceiving the emotions of others and identifying one’s own;
  • using emotions to stimulate one's own thinking;
  • understanding the causes of emotions, the ability to grasp the transition between emotion and thought;
  • managing emotions.

For each group of emotions, actions are proposed that are best carried out in this particular state. So, sadness will be the optimal state for editing documents and dealing with complaints, anger is good for motivating employees and conducting tough negotiations, joy is good for brainstorming or team building.

At the same time, EI is not considered a static phenomenon, once given to a person and frozen, but as a set of abilities that need to be developed. Emotions are seen as a catalyst for decision-making, a way to accelerate the development of mental abilities. The authors provide methods for such development.

The concept of “being funny is more profitable than being smart” does not fully reflect the idea of ​​the book, but it does give a general understanding of how exactly you can use emotions to achieve success.

What readers say about the book

Reviews from readers of the book are not very diverse. Most of them are already familiar with the basic postulates of the book and the significance of the authors’ theory, which is why the reviews are written complimentary.

The study of “Emotional Intelligence of a Leader” must be carried out in conjunction with passing tests developed by the authors and keeping an observation diary, in this case the effect of reading it will be significantly higher, readers believe.
