Hand pain during pregnancy, what to do. Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “wrist joints hurt during pregnancy.”

During pregnancy, many women complain to the doctor about pain in the joints of their fingers. This phenomenon is quite common and characteristic of the female body during the process of bearing a child. At this time, pain appears not only in the hand and joints of the arms.

Often painful sensations the woman notices it in the knee joints and feet. It is still not known for certain why such sensations appear.

However, pain is associated with the stress that the body experiences during pregnancy.

Characteristic symptoms

According to statistics, during pregnancy, approximately 70% of women experience pain in their arms, back and legs. This phenomenon is called “carpal tunnel syndrome.” As a rule, these long-term pains stop after the birth of the child. But some young mothers suffer from this syndrome for some time.

Pain in the arms appears in a woman in the third trimester of pregnancy. Then expectant mother is actively gaining weight. Also, along with joint pain comes swelling of the entire body.

The joints of the fingers of pregnant women hurt because there is compression of the neural tubes that connect the hand to the arm.

The stable functioning of the nerves is disrupted, and the woman feels pain in her fingers. However, long-term pain is not the only symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. As a rule, it is accompanied by:

  1. Frequent itching and burning in the fingers and palms, as well as pain in the forearm.
  2. Strong, sharp and sudden nature appearance.
  3. Weakness of the fingers, slight numbness of the hand.
  4. Numbness in each finger.

It is quite easy to reduce the frequency of such pain. To do this, you need to avoid sleeping with your hands under the pillow, and if pain occurs, stretch your hands and move your fingers. The hands will be developed by having the woman move her hands throughout the day and massage.

Monotonous work, which often causes hand pain during pregnancy, should be avoided. You can’t keep your hands down all the time; this will cause a strong rush of blood and swelling of the limbs.

The reason for such painful sensations– arthritis or arthrosis. If a woman has previously been diagnosed with these diseases, it is important to tell the doctor about it. In addition, a young mother may be at risk, and such diseases may appear or worsen during pregnancy.

As a rule, all such symptoms disappear after the birth of the child. Over the course of several months, the woman sees the disappearance of edema, and the body begins to recover. But if the pain does not go away, you need to consult a doctor.

Pain in the hand may occur due to disruption of the nerve canals. If this defect does not go away after pregnancy, it is worth finding out why, since such deformities require surgery.

After surgery, the pressure on the nerve should decrease and unpleasant symptoms should disappear.

Why do joints hurt?

Pain in the arms, back and legs can be caused by inflammation in the joints. After conception, a woman’s body weakens greatly, and the functioning of the immune system becomes worse.

If a woman has been diagnosed with chronic joint diseases, then an exacerbation may begin during pregnancy. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor.

The doctor must prescribe the necessary course of treatment, which fits better Total. You cannot self-medicate at all stages of pregnancy.

This precaution is due to the fact that during pregnancy it is undesirable to use medications for joints. This can cause harm to the mother or fetus.

The joints of the hands often hurt due to vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrients in the body. In many cases, we are talking about a lack of calcium.

During the process of bearing a child, you should consume higher rate calcium per day, provided there are no allergies. Calcium is available in the following foods:

  • cottage cheese,
  • milk,
  • ryazhenka,
  • kefir,
  • seafood.

If a pregnant woman eats unbalancedly or incorrectly, this can cause pain in the joints of the hands.

To determine the level of calcium in the body, a blood test should be done. Biochemical analysis will show the degree of calcium saturation. If a woman does not have enough calcium, her doctor may prescribe her a special diet, as well as dietary supplements.

Quite a few joints hurt after pregnancy and during gestation due to large amounts of the hormone relaxin. This substance is produced in all pregnant women and is involved in the process of bearing a child. Relaxin primarily reduces joint stiffness. Otherwise, the hip bones simply will not move apart under the pressure of the uterus.

The hormone relaxin has side effect– pain in the limbs. If a woman experiences pain under the influence of this hormone, nothing needs to be done. It will not be possible to fight relaxin with medications.

After normalization of hormonal levels, joint pain goes away on its own.

Elimination of pain

During pregnancy, the joints of the hands are often subject to prolonged pain. To avoid discomfort, you should perform small exercises.

Exercise improves blood circulation. Hands are warmed up very carefully. If the manipulations are unpleasant and painful, it is best to stop them. It is important not to wear bulky, heavy jewelry.

To reduce pain in your hands, you can:

  1. rub your hands
  2. apply cold to the joint without overcooling it,
  3. Keep your hands in cold water, this will relieve swelling.

To improve blood flow, you need to raise your arms up. For pain in the hand or back, it is best to massage, that is, thoroughly massage each finger, then the entire hand, moving up to the elbows and shoulders. If massage is done systematically, it will significantly reduce pain and improve blood circulation.

Pregnancy is important and responsible period in the life of every woman. Over 40 weeks, unimaginable changes occur in the body, allowing you to give birth to a new life. The hormonal background changes, which does not go unnoticed for the body expectant mother.

Frequent ailments, sudden mood swings - all this becomes a common occurrence.

Why the joints of the fingers hurt during pregnancy, how it manifests itself and what it depends on, we will analyze further.

Production of the hormone relaxin

During pregnancy the whole body adapt to what is comfortable and proper development baby, and also prepares for the upcoming birth. A special hormone relaxin is produced, which helps bones be more elastic. This is necessary so that during pushing the pelvic bones can easily pass the baby’s body without causing harm to either him or the mother.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

A woman feels the first signs of hormone production in the second trimester, when causeless pain in the joints, aches and a characteristic crunch appear.

But the peak occurs precisely in the third trimester, when the body is intensively preparing for childbirth.

During this period, discomfort in the joints is a completely common occurrence, which does not require concern for your health.

Type of pain
The pain is aching, squeezing, very similar to the manifestations colds. The fingers may swell, giving the appearance of enlarged joints.
Fingers, knee joints, hip joints.
Additional symptoms
A characteristic sign of excessive hormone production is also swelling of the soft tissues. Water cannot be fully eliminated from the body, accumulating mainly in the extremities. The peak of pain occurs in the late evening.

They can go away on their own without outside help and are not a sign of pathology.

Despite. That such manifestations are completely natural processes, A doctor's consultation is still needed. The doctor must exclude the possibility of diseases that manifest themselves similarly. To do this, the patient is examined and interviewed, and the hormone relaxin in the blood is measured.
In 99% of all cases, the woman does not need help. If the problem is still excessive hormone production, the pregnant woman is encouraged to attend special fitness and yoga classes, as well as swim in the pool. This will strengthen muscle tone, as well as speed up metabolic processes in the phalanges of the fingers.

As for nutrition, it should include foods rich in protein and calcium, which are extremely important for the development of the child.

These include:

  • boiled dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey);
  • cottage cheese, milk and natural dairy products;
  • legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas);
  • nuts.
  1. Make contrasting hand baths - prepare two containers with warm and cold water, placing your hands in them alternately.
  2. Do special exercises for your arms every morning, which will speed up metabolic processes in your limbs.
  3. Avoid consuming large amounts of salt and salty foods, which cause fluid retention in the body.

Lack of calcium and other minerals in the body

For the normal course of pregnancy and favorable development of the fetus required a large number of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. When there are not enough of them in the body, and the deficiency is not replenished with food, two organisms suffer at once. Because to form a child’s bones, his body consumes the “building material” that is in the body. Therefore, the woman begins to feel a clear lack of nutrients. This may manifest as follows:

  • become brittle nails, there is a tendency towards their delamination;
  • hair splits;
  • teeth crumble and fall out;
  • pain in the skeletal bones, especially in the arms, knees and pelvis.

Therefore, most leading experts recommend that women take vitamin complexes from the first day of pregnancy, which will reduce the risks of calcium deficiency and all the ensuing consequences.

Type of pain
The pain is aching, episodic. Occurs mainly after physical activity. It is short-term in nature. Calcium deficiency increases the risk of developing bone fractures because bone becomes more loose.
Phalanges of fingers, legs, neck, pelvis.
Additional symptoms
If there is a lack of nutrients, a pregnant woman may also experience symptoms such as:

  • increased irritability;
  • hands become numb, followed by cramps;
  • poor sleep, the reason for which is a decrease in the production of the sleep hormone.

If there are complaints, a woman is offered to donate blood for two tests:

  1. Biochemistry - shows the quantitative and qualitative composition of blood, as well as its individual components as a percentage of the total mass of lymph.
  2. Hormones - shows whether there are any abnormalities in the work endocrine system, as well as a deficiency or excess of a particular hormone.

In most cases, treatment is replenishing the lack of nutrients in the body what is achieved through them artificial administration. The doctor recommends taking complex vitamins containing all the necessary microelements for the normal development of the fetus, as well as maintaining the health of the mother’s body.

It is important to eat right, eliminating all harmful foods.

The diet must include meat, fish, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Joint diseases

It so happens that when pregnancy occurs, the body literally forced to lower immunity, so that the “alien body” takes root safely. Against the background of reduced protective functions, diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis can progress, affecting the phalanges of the fingers.

Arthritis occurs in the presence of pathogenic microflora in the synovial fluid of the joint, which subsequently leads to degeneration of cartilage tissue. This in turn provokes a narrowing of the space between the phalanges of the fingers, which begin to touch each other when moving. Ultimately, the disease deforms the phalanges themselves, distorting appearance hands The limbs themselves lose their strength and also constantly hurt.

Arthrosis is non-bacterial in nature, and joints are destroyed in the presence of corresponding processes in the body that contribute to the degeneration of cartilage and bones.

The inflammatory process in this case is not the cause, but the consequence, causing constant pain in the limbs and deforming their phalanges.

Type of pain
The pain is stifling, aching, shooting. It intensifies with movement, especially when a person tries to clench his hand into a fist. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an increase in pain when the weather changes, especially if rain is expected.
Phalanges of fingers, knees, shoulders.
Additional symptoms
As these ailments progress, the following may also appear:

  • weakness in the arms, which leads to decreased activity;
  • decline fine motor skills(fingers become more clumsy);
  • numbness of the palms and loss of sensation in the bundle.

When examining the patient and assessing her complaints, the doctor gives a referral for a blood test (detailed and rheumatic tests), which will reveal the presence of pathogenic microflora, as well as the prerequisites for the development of arthritis and arthrosis.

Treatment for arthritis and arthrosis is selected most carefully, since the main task reduce inflammation without harming the child’s development. The doctor prescribes only those medications that are least harmful to health. The selection of medications during pregnancy is carried out exclusively by the attending physician. There can be no talk of any self-medication. This may have the most adverse consequences. Up to the loss of a child.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This pathology during pregnancy most common. The main reason is uncontrolled weight gain, which occurs in the third trimester for more than half of women. An increase in subcutaneous fat entails pinching of the nerve endings that nourish the arm, palm and fingers. Decreased nerve impulse conduction causes limb numbness, swelling, tingling and loss of sensation.

Many women during pregnancy do not want to deny themselves anything, eating only what they want. This approach is wrong and will not lead to anything good. Carpal tunnel syndrome is proof of this.

Problems with the nervous system can be diagnosed not only in the hands, but also in other parts of the body, causing seizures and other unpleasant symptoms.

Type of pain
Fingers go numb during pregnancy. Decreases them physical activity. Pain can be of several types:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • aching;
  • freezing;
  • constraining.

Increased pain felt after a night's sleep, as well as after a long position of the hand in comfortable position, contributing to increased infringement.
The peak of pain occurs on the thumb, and. There is an ascending pain, that is, the hands initially hurt during pregnancy in the fingers, spreading the pain upward to the forearm and shoulder.
Additional symptoms
A woman may also experience additional symptoms such as:

  • the increase in pain is directly related to the load on the hand;
  • in a relaxed position, the pain practically disappears;
  • when pressing on the thumb, a sharp, sharp and shooting pain appears, radiating to the forearm and shoulder.

It is quite simple to identify pathology, even without resorting to the help of special devices. To do this, a neuropathologist examines the patient, conducting diagnostic tests such as:

  1. Raised arm test - a woman is asked to raise her sore arm up above her head, holding it for several minutes. In the presence of the syndrome, the pain intensifies, and the entire hand becomes numb, losing sensitivity.
  2. Palpation of the thumb - when pressing on the bundle of the thumb, a sharp shooting pain appears, which goes directly from the bundle itself along the entire arm to the shoulder.

This is more than enough to identify pathology.

The doctor recommends losing weight by following a special diet. Its essence is to fill the body with all the necessary nutrients, reducing consumption junk food to a minimum. It is also necessary to consume B vitamins, which improve the conductivity of nerve fibers.

Necessary keep a daily routine, as well as perform simple physical exercise to speed up metabolic processes in the limbs. The use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments and creams is discussed exclusively with the doctor.

Self-medication is not considered.

Other reasons

Less common, but still occurring, are pathologies that, as they progress, cause pain in the joints of the hands during pregnancy. These include:

  1. Pathologies of the circulatory system - these include vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart defects and anemia. The vessels are not able to cope with the load, so blood flows poorly to the very tips of the fingers. Because of this, they accumulate in tissues harmful substances, and oxygen is not supplied in the required quantities.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system are congenital pathologies that affect nervous system, can become especially aggravated during pregnancy.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the tendons, which lead to a decrease in motor activity in the hand.
  4. Kidney diseases, in which fluid is not completely removed from the body, accumulating in the tissues of the fingers.
  5. Excessive salt consumption, which leads to the progression of gouty arthritis caused by impaired purine metabolism and deposition of salts in the joint cavity.
  6. Limb injuries - a bruised finger, fracture, dislocation or even a regular cut can cause persistent moderate pain that worsens with movement.

In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

It is worth noting that during pregnancy you can’t self-medicate and relieve any pain with medications, which can be dangerous, especially for the child. Immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary in such cases as:

  1. Reason severe pain is an injury (dislocation, fracture), the finger is swollen, turned blue, and there is no sensitivity.
  2. Numbness in the fingers often appears for no apparent reason.
  3. When you move your fingers, a crunching sound appears, after which you feel a warmth enveloping the entire palm.
  4. The fingers constantly swell, although the water regime is not impaired and there is no abuse of salty foods.
  5. The pain intensifies after waking up and goes away on its own during the day.
  6. Painful sensations unsettle you, preventing you from doing your usual things.

First aid and how to relieve pain?

If the pain is moderate, occurs periodically and generally does not cause harm to the pregnant woman, you can try to eliminate it yourself. This may be due to natural processes occurring in a woman’s body due to pregnancy. The algorithm of actions includes the following provisions:

  1. Massage your hand, massaging each area well. This will help speed up blood flow, which helps reduce pain.
  2. Contrast baths in which hands are immersed alternately. Temperature changes cause blood vessels to constrict and dilate, which also increases blood circulation.
  3. Visit more fresh air, and also be exposed to the sun, which will help produce vitamin D, without which calcium absorption is impossible.
  4. Reduce the load on your hands, but do not forget about the need for physical exercise.
  5. Take vitamin complexes. Which will help to avoid a deficiency of nutrients in the body, which is one of the key reasons for the increase in pain in the fingers.
  6. Sleep in a comfortable position so as not to squeeze your arm with a pillow or head.
  7. Limit monotonous work that requires constant use hands

In most cases, pain and discomfort disappear after childbirth within 1.5-2 months.

During this time, the hormonal system is restored, and the body gets used to its new role. It is strictly forbidden to take any medications that can relieve pain in the fingers. This can have a detrimental effect on the baby's development and may also jeopardize the pregnancy itself. Only a responsible approach to your own health will help make pregnancy easy and the woman’s condition excellent. Consultation is only needed if the pain is persistent. Spontaneous and short-term pain is not a reason to panic.
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Pregnant women often experience various ailments that occur periodically throughout pregnancy. A woman may experience severe pain, migraines, bloating, and a lot more. discomfort, because the load on the body at this time is enormous. One of the most common problems during pregnancy is discomfort in the joints and they will all vary depending on the woman’s pain threshold. The expectant mother may feel numbness, tingling or even severe palpable pain in her hands. It could also just be numbness in the fingers or even pain from the hand to the elbow.

Causes of pain and discomfort in the hands:

1. Hormonal changes. Hormones relax all the joints and bones in the pregnant woman’s body, thereby increasing the possibility of pain in the hands. This pain is periodic and often occurs at night, when the joints are most static. This is a physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment.

2. Tunnel syndrome. Different pregnant women experience different sensations from this syndrome: from burning to pain. Most often they feel numbness at night, even without exertion. This syndrome occurs in many pregnant women and therefore gynecologists do not carry out diagnostics, reassuring the woman. In normal situations, this disease affects people who work a lot at the computer.

3. Edema. Mid-pregnancy is very often accompanied by swelling of the extremities, which can lead to pain in the extremities of both arms and legs. This pathology usually manifests itself in the evenings and should immediately be discussed with a gynecologist. If you quickly consult a doctor, swelling can be easily removed with a salt-free diet.

4. Ligament rupture, fractures, sprains. Aching pain in the hands can occur against the background of heavy physical exertion, which is dangerous during pregnancy.

5. Heavy stress on the heart can cause pain in the left arm.

6. Deficiency of microelements can affect the appearance of pain in the hands.

7. Osteochondrosis, hernia, osteoporosis and others. These diseases cause pain or numbness in the hands as a result pathological processes in the spine.

8. Arthrosis. Pain in the hands, with arthrosis of the cervical spine, is usually one-sided.

9. Arthritis of the fingers. This pathology is accompanied by various symptoms: an increase in joint size, redness, swelling, and possibly an increase in temperature. Inflammation occurs on both arms symmetrically and for a long time does not pass. The pain is most troublesome at night and very often causes insomnia.

Diagnosis during pregnancy is difficult due to the many possible options violations. Doctors who can help with hand pain are a neurologist and a traumatologist. Treatment during pregnancy is carried out depending on the cause of its occurrence. These can be either creams or medications. Surgery is usually postponed until after childbirth.

Prevention of pain:

Limit sitting at the computer to a minimum.

Small exercise stress It will help not only with pain in the hands, but also with other disorders.

Taking complex vitamin preparations prescribed by a gynecologist.

Balanced diet.

During pregnancy, you must always remember that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Early therapy will help avoid complications and preserve your health and the health of your unborn baby.

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About 60% of women planning to have a child should be prepared for the fact that during pregnancy they will be bothered by pain in the extremities, especially in the joints of the hands and feet. According to statistics, this is the number of expectant mothers who have pain in their finger joints during pregnancy.

Why do the joints of the arms and legs hurt during pregnancy? The information, photos and videos in this article will help you understand the causes of this complication, diagnostic features and treatment methods.

When hand joints hurt during pregnancy, women most often complain of the following symptoms:

  • feelings of tightness and aches;
  • fingers do not bend and become “wooden”;
  • pain in the phalangeal joints, which intensifies when clenching and unclenching your fingers into a fist or when trying to take an object;
  • burning, tingling and/or itching in the wrist, hand joints, and palms;
  • painful “lumbago” between the elbow and wrist joints;
  • weak finger grip, especially adduction or flexion of the thumb;
  • swelling, swelling;
  • numbness of one finger, all fingers or the hand as a whole.

For your information. All of the above symptoms may occur with to varying degrees severity and intensity during the day, and also depend on the etiology of their occurrence.

Causes and appropriate treatments

The joints of the arms and legs hurt during pregnancy for various reasons. However, in most expectant mothers, pain manifestations are physiological.

They are determined by the load experienced female body during gestation, therefore, after childbirth, such phenomena will gradually, and quite quickly, disappear on their own.

Edema and calcium deficiency

In half of the cases, pain in the joints of the hands and feet in pregnant women is caused by swelling and a “banal” lack of calcium. It is intensively spent on the development of the skeletal system in the fetus and is difficult to replenish from the diet, which at this time is highly dependent on the “nutritional whims” of pregnant women. Many people simply feel sick to the point of vomiting from foods containing calcium.

In this case, the obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe a blood test for total calcium levels. To accurately determine the required dose of calcium gluconate, such an analysis is performed several times at certain intervals.

In general, the treatment regimen for pain caused by edema and calcium deficiency looks like this:

Treatment method Recommendations, warnings, explanations

If not specified separately, then drink panangin and calcium gluconate - 1 tablet 3 times a day. Do not be afraid to take calcium supplements prescribed by your doctor; they will not cause ossification of the skull in the fetus.

Don't drink Calcium D3 Nycomed! It is difficult for a mother to overdose on vitamin D, but it is very easy for a baby. This can damage his kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.

It will seem strange to many, but it is the normalization of clean drinking water consumption to 1.5 liters that will help eliminate swelling. We remind you that this volume does not include liquids - teas, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, juices, fermented milk drinks and soups. Avoid diuretics, including such dubious ones as no-spa. Instead, pay attention to limiting salt - this gives a quick decongestant effect!

Turn on weekly menu more fish - salmon, cod, herring, white tuna fillet. To garnish it, it is better to choose green vegetables.

If you can, then eat cottage cheese, drink kefir or yogurt. Choose dairy products short term storage Consume them separately. This way there is a greater chance that microelements from other foods will not interfere with calcium absorption.

Don't forget eggs and liver (vitamin D).

During the day you need to do a little but often exercise for the wrist joint and fingers. Increased blood circulation in the hand will help reduce pain.

Naturally, you should limit and alternate the types of stress on your hands; when falling asleep, do not place them under your head, and if they become numb during sleep, slowly massage them in the direction from the tips of your fingers to the elbow.

On a note. It has been observed in practice that visible results– the hands of pregnant women hurt much less, – they are felt already on the 4th day after following these recommendations.

Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy

Tunnel or carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common cause of pain in the joints of the hands during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters.

This condition has characteristic symptoms:

  • local tingling skin on all fingers of the hand, with the exception of the little finger and the “vertical half” of the ring finger (see photo above);
  • impaired sensitivity of the skin on the hand and in the area of ​​the wrist joint;
  • numbness of the wrist at night;
  • forearm cramps are possible;
  • pain in the wrist area, shooting through the thumb;
  • deterioration of mobility in the wrist joint and stiffness of the hand;
  • loss of amplitude of flexion movements, ensuring accuracy of execution;
  • holding light objects in your hands becomes problematic, and lifting heavy objects becomes impossible;
  • “tweezer grip” disorder – it is extremely difficult to grasp an object with the thumb and forefinger.

Tunnel neuropathy in the wrist is a consequence of compression of the median nerve of the hand by swollen tissue in the area between the retinaculum and the flexor tendons of the fingers. In the vast majority of pregnant women, carpal tunnel syndrome heals on its own after the birth of the child, but even its mild manifestations require attention and appropriate treatment.

Why and what is the cost of ignoring symptoms? In 1% of women, after the baby is born, the pathology may remain.

Attention! Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects “ordinary” 35-50 year olds too. summer women. Unfortunately, the disease cannot be treated with medication, so a severe course, which is accompanied by degeneration of the median nerve, requires a simple, but still surgical operation.

The diagnosis of carpal neuropathy is clarified by a neurologist:

  1. Prescribes electromyography and ultrasound. The first examination will determine the magnitude of changes that have occurred in the conduction velocity of the median nerve, and the second will determine the degree of degradation of the ligaments and tendons around it.
  2. Performs Tinel and Phalen tests.

There is nothing dangerous or difficult about testing.

Treatment method Instructions

At night you need to wear special orthoses, compression bandages, or fix the wrist and palm with an elastic bandage. They will help curb the development of swelling during sleep, thereby preventing the occurrence of numbness or severe morning pain.

Several times a day you need to perform special exercises to strengthen and develop the elasticity of the tendons of the wrist joint. In your free time, occupy your hands with massage balls.

Light self-massage with a drop of cypress will also help reduce the severity of pain. It is especially effective at night.

If possible and prescribed by a doctor, undergo a course of physiotherapy - iontophoresis and ultrasound irradiation. Also shown:
  • Homemade ointment from fenugreek.
  • Cold compress of ginger, eucalyptus and mint.
  • Cool lotions made from a decoction of cypress branches.

If a pregnant woman’s work involves typing on a keyboard, the use of special devices will help her perform it.

American doctors spent about 2 million dollars and about 3 years to prove that wearing special pads or bracelets with magnets does not have the slightest effect on the course of carpal tunnel syndrome.
The daily menu should include foods and drinks with a high content of B vitamins - flaxseed, brown rice, chicken, vegetables, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, pineapple, juice from white cabbage in half with juice from green apples.

Remember to limit salt and increase your intake clean water up to 1.5 liters per day.

If the above methods are ineffective and the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome cannot be tolerated, the pregnant woman may be offered a corticosteroid injection directly into the carpal tunnel. Don't panic. This procedure is safe for the fetus, and the mother will quickly feel relief.

For your information. In addition to carpal neuropathy, other neuralgia may occur in pregnant women. IN III trimester- this is neuralgia of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, after caesarean section- neuralgia of the femoral nerve, and during the birth of a large fetus or prolonged labor - neuralgia of the obturator nerve.

Pain caused by relaxin

Another reason why pregnant women may have sore hands in the second and third semester is by-effect enhanced production of a special hormone – relaxin. It is produced so that the ligaments of the pelvic joints of the expectant mother acquire elasticity, and the pelvis can smoothly expand under the influence of the growing uterus.

In this case, the pregnant woman has to wait for the birth. After them, the pain will go away within a few days, and before that, doctors recommend doing cooling compresses, wearing elastic bandages and doing exercise therapy.

And in conclusion, it is worth mentioning the possibility that endocrine changes against the background of reduced immunity in a pregnant woman will give impetus to the development of one of the “classic” pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which, after the birth of the baby, will not go away.

These include:

  • different types of arthritis;
  • polymyalgia rheumatica;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • fibromyalgia.

In such cases, to clarify the diagnosis, the neurologist will prescribe rheumatic tests, and then select the necessary light therapy, which will help wait until the moment when treatment of the pathology is possible in full force - after the end of breastfeeding. Most of the medications that treat joint damage are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

They can harm the health of the unborn child. That is why a pregnant woman should follow the instructions that the doctor gives her, and not self-medicate.
