Folk conspiracies for money. Folk spells for money Magic spell to make money stick to your hands

Today I am excited to offer you a guest post. In it you will find money conspiracies, wealth conspiracies and material well-being from our regular wise commentator named Peace.

Those who leave comments on articles on my blog are great fellows. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your opinion and your experience in using certain techniques are very important to me.

Surely you have read one of the most active and wise commentators on the Field of Joy. This is a World that regularly shares its knowledge and successfully supplements my articles with it in the comments.

Recently, Mir provided for publication his collection of money and wealth conspiracies, which he had been collecting for many years on the Internet and from all available sources.

What you will learn from the article:

A spell for wealth that is read at dawn

Conspiracy from lack of money

Conspiracy to make money come

"Pike" money plot

Spells for money (read in the house, or in a rented apartment)

Conspiracy for large monetary incomes (read above the wallet) (A.M. Krasnova)

Conspiracy for daily well-being

Ritual with pins

You will need a jug or pot, put seven pins, seven needles and seven coins in it, fill it all with sugar to the top. Shake seven times and close the lid. Read the following words seven times:

“Needles, needles, sew prosperity to the house. Pins, pins, pin the money to your pockets. So that the coins multiply, and we (say the family name) do not worry about them. So that there will be plenty of money, and we will never live at a loss!”

Seal the lid of the candle with wax and put the container in a secluded place.

Spell for a coin and candy under a tree

Arm yourself with a coin of any denomination, candy of any flavor and an hour of free time. Write the words of the conspiracy on paper in advance, take the piece of paper with you.

Go to a park, planting or forest. Read the words of the conspiracy over the coin three times. Then you wrap the coin in paper on which the words of the conspiracy are written, place it under a tree, and place a candy on top to entice. The conspiracy will attract money to you for 2-3 months, then the ritual can be repeated for a new effect.

A conspiracy to attract money, more suitable for women

The ritual takes place on a full moon. Take a bill, put it on a bag of grain, a bag of cereals (you can put it on a chair), strip naked, sit on top and say:

Place the bill in your wallet. The text is difficult to remember, so copy it down on a piece of paper. After reading, so as not to confuse the bill, wrap it in a piece of paper with a spell. Do not spend the banknote within a year.

Spell for indoor flowers

A conspiracy to get money into your hands

Surely you have more than one handful of small change at home. Pour metal money into some kind of bowl, coat your hands with honey, and mix the coins with the words:

“Like flies to honey, money comes to me. Just as everything sticks to honey, so would money stick to my hands. Amen."

Conspiracy for the new month

Green candle spell

To marry a rich woman

To marry a rich man

A conspiracy to make the long-awaited money come sooner

Conspiracy for material luck

So that your money does not jinx it

Conspiracy for general well-being

This plot is read so that a person will have good luck and profit in all his affairs: his work will be successful, his house will become a full cup, money will flow like a river and people will treat him well.

Built-in conspiracy for wealth

So that big money comes quickly

Early in the morning, take a handful of any coins and scatter them in all corners of your house. When you scatter, say it out loud, by heart, repeating as many times as there are corners in the house.

The golden chariot flew across the sky, rang with gold, shone with gold, and threw gold to the ground. I put my palms up, collect gold, I thank God that he remembers me, sends gold from heaven. Arrive, money, in the house. Amen.

Leave the money where you threw it for a day. The next morning, put it in your wallet and spend as usual.

So that the money starts coming

For promotion

Walk up the stairs saying:

I go higher and higher, closer to the roof. I'm going up, getting closer to the sky. Everyone loves me, everyone respects me, they put up a ladder, they put me above everyone else. Who sits below, and I am always at the top. Let my word be strong and molding. Amen.

To ensure good luck in your business and always attract money, carry with you any image of a ladybug (embroidered, drawn, engraved on a stone, or a decoration, a brooch of the appropriate shape).

It will be a success if you drink tea at work from a mug with a ladybug on it.

An old spell for the keys to work (for a big income)

In the old days, merchants read this conspiracy over the keys with which they locked their shops. Nowadays, a conspiracy for a large income can be read over the keys to any premises where you work and earn money. Then your income will increase many times over.

Spell for small change

Exchange five kopecks per ruble or ten. When midnight comes, place them in a container of clean water and place them on an uncurtained window. Wake up before dawn and read the plot over the coins:

Let the coins remain on the window until the water dries or evaporates completely. Then collect the coins, put them in a linen bag (or other natural fabric) and take it to the temple on the eve. After this ritual, your income will multiply many times over.

Popular Islamic money conspiracy

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Greetings, O happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, O happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, O happiness! Let it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, O happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, O happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate everything around! Come, O happiness!”

Below is a Russian transcription of this conspiracy in Arabic. It can be used by those who do not know Arabic, but want to read the plot only in this version, because they consider it a more reliable way to get money.

“Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim, sslam galeikem, ya bhet-dlt! y v hush kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kilr beln kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kn v koyash kebek tua kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Yagmur kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Karkebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Sgadt kabalyn ala kil, ya bhet-dlt! Senechlek berl kil, ya bhet-dlt! Nigmt kapugyn acha kil, ya bhet-dlt! Rkhmt nuryn chch kil, ya bhet-dlt!” It is read at dawn 7 times. You can write it on a piece of paper and use it as a talisman by putting it in your wallet. Or pour some water and then sprinkle it around the house.

Dear friends, these are money conspiracies that I have collected. I hope they help you!!! I also collected money mantras and prayers, which I will soon transfer to the site.

Some people will not use the presented conspiracies because they belong to a different faith. But don't worry - use them, God is one! Even conspiracies from another faith can help you very significantly, because a religious egregor may thus try to lure you to himself. Good luck!

The desire to get rich is common to many people, but fortunately, not to everyone. There are people, and there are quite a few of them, who do not put money and wealth above everything else in the world. I don’t want to delve into ethical questions about the thirst for profit now; let each person decide for himself what is important to him in this life. My task is to talk about powerful conspiracies with the help of which you can easily attract money to yourself and become a rich person. Whether you do them or not is up to you. I say right away that after such a conspiracy, not only money will come - there may be a kickback. Which one will be decided by those who will help you get rich; everyone gets it differently.

All conspiracies published in this article are black ones. If you are afraid of black magic, then I can advise you Spells and prayers to attract money, they do not involve any black forces and are completely safe. Well, for those who want to really get rich, I will publish four powerful black conspiracies that, if carried out accurately, will provide you with a truly rich life (you definitely won’t have problems with money).

Strong spell for wealth on a pear

This plot is done in the fall. For the plot you need one ripe pear. You can buy a pear in a store or somewhere else, in principle it doesn’t matter. The spell should be done only on the waxing moon.

Take a pear, wash it well, cut it into two parts. Carefully remove the seeds from both parts of the pear, and insert a folded hundred-ruble bill into the resulting space. After this, fold the pear back (with a hundred-ruble note inside) and say the following words to it:

“Just as a pear is fed with money, so whoever eats it will be fed with money. And that man will have a lot, a lot of money, as he never dreamed of. And behind the black is black, even if there is no bleaching. Amen.”

Once you say these words to a pear three times, wrap it in foil and bake it well in the oven. You need to do all this alone, so that no one sees you. Once the pear is cooked in the oven (20-25 minutes), take it out, remove the foil from it and say:

“I’ll eat a pear of money, I’ll become rich, but I’ll lose something else.”

You have to say this once, and then eat the pear, and you also have to eat the hundred-ruble note.

The conspiracy begins to take effect almost immediately, within a few days.

A conspiracy to make money stick to your hands

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need honey (the honey must be fresh, not candied and flowing). And you will also need a large amount of change (at least a liter jar of change, but the more the better!). The moon should be waxing. They make a plot in the evening, as soon as the sun has set.

Pour honey into a deep plate and pour the money into a basin.

The spell is made as follows - carefully immerse your hands in honey so that honey is everywhere, both on your fingers and on the back of your hand. After this, hold your hands suspended for a couple of minutes and lower your hands into the bowl of change so that as much change as possible sticks to your hands. And when you begin to raise your hands from the basin, say the following words:

“Aginumba, as it is now, let it always be. Let my hands be such that money sticks to them. And the larger the money, the more let it stick. You do this to me, and I will give you what I cherished. And never from my words I won’t refuse, everything is for you.”

You only need to say this once. After this, you can remove the coins from your hands and wash your hands. Collect all the little things that you used for the ritual and put them in a bag. There is no need to wash it as it is, let it lie in honey in a bag. And hide the bag in a secluded place so that no one has access to it. And get ready to count your money - soon you will have a lot of it!

Black money conspiracy for water

This conspiracy is done on the third night, after the new moon. A conspiracy can be made only if the night is clear and the emerging month is clearly visible in the sky.

Pour water into a glass, go to the window where you can see the moon and say to the water:

“During the dark nights, dark forces came out and began to do evil. And I helped and facilitated them in that evil, and they rewarded me with money. As for this, I gave everything that they asked, and I began to live richly.”

You need to repeat this three times, then drink water. The plot begins to work in a month.

Black conspiracy to gain wealth using bird feathers

For this plot you need to buy an unplucked chicken. The easiest way to buy chicken is from farmers, or from ordinary private owners who live in the private sector and raise poultry. You need to carefully pluck all the feathers, and then say to the plucked carcass:

“I’ll throw away what’s unnecessary, and take away what’s most important, so that nothing interferes with me on the path to wealth.”

After this, you need to cook the chicken and eat it yourself, without sharing with anyone. But the feathers need to be washed well, then thoroughly dried and fluffed. There won't be many feathers. You need to prepare a fabric bag (small pillowcase), put the feathers in it and talk about the feathers when they are already in the bag:

“Gaiorna, give them the strength so that wealth can find me, and pinch off me wherever you like.”

Speak three times and sew up the bag of feathers. Afterwards, place this bag under the mattress on which you sleep. Everything else will happen on its own, the main thing for you is to be ready to receive big money. There will be plenty of opportunities for this.
Especially for www.

No matter what people say, everyone needs money. Money gives us freedom of choice, movement, and simply comfort in life. But it happens that a person works tirelessly from morning to night, but the money still does not come to him. And if they come, then along with unexpected expenses. It's a shame, isn't it? If this sounds like you, then it makes sense to try magic spells for money that work flawlessly (as reviews from our readers say). In this article, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with methods on how to improve your financial well-being.

Spells for money are ancient rituals that came to us from ancient centuries. Many of them are associated with such a branch of witchcraft as black magic, but they are the most effective.

Many successful people use white magic spells or carry charmed amulets with them. Those who consider these to be stupid superstitions end up counting every penny and cannot afford the simple joys of life.

Here is one very effective spell for attracting money at home. To complete it you need to take 10 coins worth 1 ruble. Then you need to light two green candles and place an empty glass vessel between them. You need to gradually pour consecrated water into the vessel, while saying the following words:

“Let my pockets be filled, let money come to my house as quickly as I fill a vessel with water!”

Then start throwing one coin into the vessel and say a spell for each of them:

"I wish you health. I wish you success. I wish you happiness. I wish you wealth. I wish you gold. I wish you silver. I wish you abundance. I wish you help. I wish money to come into my life. I wish this, so be it!”

Do not put out the candles, they should burn out on their own. The next morning, spray all the corners in the house with water from the vessel, and pour the remaining water over the threshold. Place the coins on the windowsill, and in the evening put them in the piggy bank along with other coins saved during the day.

Money spell on wick

There is another not very complicated spell for getting money. Take the wick from the church candle and light it on both sides. While it is burning, quickly say the words:

“Fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen!".

Extinguish the wick, and put the remainder in your wallet and always carry it with you.

Ladder of Wealth

The Ladder of Wealth is an ancient, very effective magical ritual. Of course, you are unlikely to find ones that work flawlessly, because everything depends on a person’s faith.

But if you perform this ritual correctly, you can very soon expect a replenishment in your budget. This spell for money must be performed on a waxing moon.

You will need green thread, nine clove buds and a green candle. Tie knots on the thread, tying clove buds to it, that is, you should have 9 knots in total. After this, take the thread with the buds in your hand and say the following words:

“Ladder of nine knots, I created you so that the wealth I want can be mine. So that I can climb through you to prosperity and well-being. This is my will, so be it!”

Tie a “ladder” around a green candle and light it for a while every day for nine days. You need to light it until the candle burns out completely.

Ritual for prosperity

A rather complex and extensive ritual to attract wealth and prosperity to your home must be carried out on a certain day. There are several options for time periods for performing this ritual:

  • On the night from the thirtieth of April to the first of May
  • The night from the thirty-first of July to the first of August
  • On the night of October thirty-first to November first
  • The night from the thirty-first of January to the first of February.

Most are usually carried out at night. This ritual for prosperity should also begin immediately after midnight.

To perform this spell for money you will need sixteen candles, of which 1 is gold, 9 are white and 6 are green. Grease all the candles with pine oil, then place it in the center of the table. Surround the golden candle with green ones, and, in turn, place the white ones around the green ones.

In the first minute after midnight, pour a circle of salt around the white candles. Light the central gold candle, then the green candles clockwise, and the white candles clockwise. Walk around the table with candles three times, while chanting:

“If Jupiter circles the sun three times, it will bring me money.”

Sit down and imagine all the material things that you are missing. Then extinguish the candles in the reverse order in which you lit them.

Spells for money and luck

To perform this ritual, you will again need three multi-colored candles. Candles will need to be purchased at a specialized store that sells components for magical rituals.

One candle is white, one is brown and one is green. The white candle symbolizes you, the green one symbolizes your material profit, and the brown one symbolizes your main activity. Build an equilateral triangle of candles: a white candle is directly opposite you, a green candle is a little further away, on the left side, and a brown candle is on the right. Start lighting the candles while saying the words.

  • First the white candle:

A flame is like a soul, a soul is like a flame.

  • It is followed by brown:

Deeds in deeds, ways in ways, all prayers.

  • And finally, the green candle:

Profit in profit, money in money.

Stare at the candles for a few minutes, keeping your hands on either side of them. Then bring all three candles together and say:

In strength is power, in power is strength,
I am with the strength and with that authority.

Now wait until the candles burn out, collect all the remaining wax and store it out of the reach of prying eyes. Now this is your talisman of prosperity and good luck in business.

Debt recovery spell

It happens that someone borrowed money from you and does not want to give it back. At the same time, no persuasion or exhortation to repay the debt has any effect on the debtor.

This situation is ambiguous and an old Russian spell to return money will help solve it.

During the waxing moon, take a traditional green candle and lubricate it with something sticky and sweet. For this purpose, for example, honey or sugar syrup is suitable. Place it in the center of the table and warm your hands over the flame for several minutes. After that, read these words:

“As sweet is sugar, as sticky as honey, so the money would stick to my hands, but would not come off!”

Take a small piece of paper, write on it the amount that the debtor will never return to you, and under the number write:

“Mine - come to me, don’t hide anywhere, don’t linger!”

Light the paper with a candle and place it on a saucer to burn out. While the leaf is burning, say the spell:

“Let what is mine be returned to me by right, by honor, by conscience. I bless the hand that gives, may it not fail! Let it be so!".

Scatter the ashes remaining after burning the paper in the wind (you can from the window), and hide the candle until next time. Remember that this ritual can be performed solely to return your money, and not for profit. Otherwise, you may not receive money and incur losses.

Conspiracies and spells for money (video)

When you cast magic spells for money or other magic spells, a suitcase with money will not fall on your head. Continue to work, and soon you will notice how profits increase, debtors pay off old debts, and expenses are reduced and reduced.

Strong conspiracy for money and wealth

To attract money In the house you need to dig a hole under the aspen tree, put a coin in it, say something and cover it with earth. Do this CONSPIRACY- ritual on the full moon and on even days, while reading:

God bless you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse won’t gnaw you, a worm won’t gnaw you, so that no one will waste my money. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

CONSPIRACY permanent profit

Read this CONSPIRACY for money for honey:

Just as flies and bees fly to sweet honey, so money would stick to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Dilute honey in water and wash your face with this water exactly at midnight.

CONSPIRACY, to double yours income

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk there, looking at your feet, until you find any money (at least a penny). Taking it with your left hand, read this CONSPIRACY for money:

He went and found how I (name) was going to this money, so that the money would come to me. Just as many people were here today in honor of Holy Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

CONSPIRACY, h to wealth came to hand

For the new month they bake bread, reading the dough before baking this CONSPIRACY for money:

As you, dough, grow, rise and increase, so I will grow, rise in position, increase above people in my glory and in money. Amen.

CONSPIRACY so that money multiplies

This CONSPIRACY for money read on a coin. The coin must show a five (5 kopecks or 5 rubles).

I go to trade as a merchant, and return on a sable a fine fellow. I'm bringing the treasure home. May God grant you so much money that you have nowhere to put it. Amen.

Carry this amulet coin with you at all times. Get rid of it in a month and read this CONSPIRACY for money to another coin.

CONSPIRACY, to money always found

On the new moon, buy a gray poppy, remembering that poppies cannot be bought from men, and that you cannot take change from your purchase. At home, lay a new black scarf on the table, draw a circle on it with a remnant that only one person has used.

Place poppy seeds in the drawn circle. With the ring finger of your right hand, draw a cross on the poppy and read this CONSPIRACY for money:

There is one island on the sea, on the ocean. There is land on that island. There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me. I will come closer to Them, I will bow to Them lower. Mother of God, You lived on earth, took bread in Your hands, paid for bread with money, in your wallet money carried. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven, candles will not be sold in church. Give me, Lord, as much money as there is on this scarf, as much money in my wallet. I close my words, I close my business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Money after this conspiracy-rite you will never run out.

CONSPIRACY if you don't get out debts

They make a sauerkraut and walk around their house. They stop at the corner, take a piece of sauerkraut in their mouth, and before that they read this CONSPIRACY for money:

- Who is coming towards you? - Christ! - What is he talking about? - Money! - As this kneading grows and comes, so, with God’s help, good things come. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

CONSPIRACY, if you were taken into duty, but they don’t want to give it away

There is a proverb in the world: "IN duty they ask, they follow, but how to repay, you have to look for the debtor.” If you no longer hope that you will be honored duty will be returned, a special one will help CONSPIRACY. Light a candle, go to the window with it and read this three times CONSPIRACY for money:

I send a message to the servant of God (name). Let this indictment of God’s servant (name) burn and bake. He chases into corners, breaks bones. Doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't drink until (name) duty will not return. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now we will talk about what you can do to attract money and luck to yourself, what folk conspiracies to read and rituals to perform.

Conspiracy "Money Corridor"

You need to do this ritual at night, just before going to bed.

It requires two small mirrors and several large coins (fives, tens). Place mirrors opposite each other and place coins in the center. They will be reflected many times in numerous mirrors reflecting each other. Light two candles on both sides of the mirrors and turn off the lights. Look at the reflections of the coins and say a spell to make money flow:

I will go out, young servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, at dawn, I will pass the east, I will pass midday, I will pass the evening, I will go out to the blue sea, I will meet the dark night. The sands are yellow on the blue sea, and there are frequent stars in the sky at night. Just as you can’t count the sands in the blue sea, just as you can’t count the stars in the black sky, just as you can’t count the coins in the mirror, so I, the servant of God (name), would have uncounted money. I secure it with a lock, close it with a key, the key is in the sea, and the money is in my wallet. Amen.

Stare at the coins until the candles go out. You should dream about the reflections of the coins all night long. If this does not happen, the ritual must be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

Conspiracy to make money

This ritual can only be performed by those who have good, thick hair. Every time you comb your hair, say this:

Just as my hair grows thickly, so would I, the servant of God (name), have a thicket of money. Amen.

A conspiracy to have a lot of money

This folk plot for wealth and good luck is done on a new moon, on a starry, clear night. Open the window and count the stars in the sky. When you lose count, take spring water, wash your face with it and say:

I count the stars, but I can’t count them; I count the money, but I can’t count them. Amen.

A conspiracy to keep money at home

Take a hundred-ruble note, put a piece of transparent paper the size of the bill on it, and write the following prayer:

Lord, You visit and accept sinners! And you raise the dead! And you command the waters of the sea, the winds of the sky! And the loaves grow miraculously in Your hands, giving a thousand-fold harvest - they are sown, reaped, baked and broken at the same time, in one instant! And You hunger to deliver us from famine! And You long for our thirst to go away! And you travel through the country of our exile, straining Yourself to return to us the calm, heavenly nature filled with sweets that we have lost! You shed Your sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane, so that we stop shedding our sweat in obtaining bread, and learn to shed it in prayers for worthy communion of the Heavenly Bread. The thorns that the cursed earth produced for us, You took upon Your head; Thou hast crowned and bruised Thy most holy head with thorns! We have lost the heavenly tree of life and its fruit, which imparted immortality to those who ate it. You, prostrate on the tree of the cross, became for us the fruit that bestows eternal life on your partakers. Both the fruit of life and the tree of life appeared on earth in the camp of our exile. This fruit and this tree are superior to those of paradise: they imparted immortality, and these communicated immortality and Divinity. Through Your sufferings You have poured sweetness into our sufferings. We reject earthly pleasures, we choose suffering as our lot, just to become partakers of Your sweetness! It is like a foretaste of eternal life, sweeter and more precious than temporary life! You fell asleep in the sleep of death, which could not keep You in eternal sleep. You - God! You rose up and gave us excitement from this dream, from the fierce sleep of death, gave us a blessed and glorious resurrection! You raised our renewed nature to heaven, and planted it at the right hand of the eternal, co-eternal with you, your Father! Our Lord! Grant us both on earth and in heaven to glorify, bless, and praise Your goodness! Grant us with a frank face to behold Your terrible, unapproachable, magnificent Glory, to behold It forever, to worship It and bliss in It. Amen.

The prayer is long, so you will have to write in very small but legible handwriting. Place this piece of paper in your wallet. Rewrite the same prayer in larger size and read it every day. Donate a hundred ruble to the church or give it to someone in need.

Pear spell for money

Buy a ripe, juicy pear at the market. Peel it without using a knife, mash it, remove the seeds from the pulp, and say to the pulp itself:

I eat the pear and instill a money spirit in myself. Where the spirit is, there is money. Amen.

Conspiracy in gambling

If you like to play for money, you can say on the handkerchief:

Spirit of the game, help me, cast a love spell on me. I don’t play out of idleness, I play for business. I don't play for fun, I play for gain. Return, turn away, return, turn away! Be these all my words, which I finished and which I did not finish, and which I spoke, word for word, the front ones in the front, the back ones in the back and the middle ones in the middle. Into an open field, into a blue sea and a key and lock.

Wipe your hands with that handkerchief before playing.

A conspiracy to get money into your hands

Save up a lot of change so that the middle bowl is full. Coat your hands with honey and immerse them in this bowl while reading the plot to make money flow:

Like flies to honey, money comes to me. Just as everything sticks to honey, so would money stick to my hands. Amen.

Ritual "Money chicken"

Take a chicken carcass, clean it, stuff its belly with change (the change must be washed), sew it up, pepper it, add salt and bake it in the oven. You need to eat this money chicken alone, so that no one sees. Scatter the coins in the corners of the house.

Bird feathers spell for money

I can’t count the feathers, and I can’t count the money either. Just as that feather can’t jump back onto the chicken and not be on it, so my money won’t go away. Amen. No matter how many chickens are born in the world, no matter how many feathers there are on them, no matter how many scientists there are in the world, no one can count all the feathers in the world. So in my purse there will be money unmeasured, uncounted, unaccounted for. Amen.

Take three bird feathers and say on them:

P I can’t count my clothes, and I can’t count my money either. Just as that feather can’t jump back onto the chicken and not be on it, so my money won’t go away. Amen. No matter how many chickens are born in the world, no matter how many feathers there are on them, no matter how many scientists there are in the world, no one can count all the feathers in the world. So in my purse there will be countless amounts of money, not counted, not calculated. Amen.

Place these feathers in your wallet.

A conspiracy to make the long-awaited money come

Take a handful of wheat, go out to the crossroads at midnight and say:

Fly, birds, to my wheat, bring some money with you, and give it all to me. Just as birds flock to grain, so money would flock to my wallet. Amen.

A conspiracy to give money more often

Get up at dawn, take a bucket of cold water, splash it from head to toe and say:

Water flows into the sea from all rivers, springs and streams, all tends to the sea, all flows into the ocean. So money would flow to me, God’s servant (name), small and large, and medium, and all kinds. Amen.

Conspiracy "Money Coffee"

This is a spell in case the holidays have arrived, you have nothing to buy gifts for your loved ones, but you really want to do something nice for them. For this gift plot you will need: 1 green candle, knowledge of runes.

Before going to bed, take a candle, place it lengthwise in front of you and write from left to right, as you write on a piece of paper, from the wick to the base of the candle: kenaz, feu, odal, dagaz, yera, feu.

Now sit down and light a candle. Meditate on its fire and visualize those people on whom you are going to spend the attracted money. See their delight at the gifts you bought for them and feel happy that you gave them a little happiness. Go to sleep and let the candle burn out, knowing that the energies embedded in it are already having an effect.

So, you will need: coffee, cinnamon.

Brew coffee (as you usually do). As soon as the coffee is ready and foamy, throw a piece of cinnamon into it and, at the same time visualizing the coffee soaking in cinnamon and adding money to your wallet, say:

Just as cinnamon adds flavor to coffee, so does my money.

Let it be so.

And remove the coffee from the heat, as by this time it will already have time to ripen. That's all. Don’t expect a million, but in a couple of days an additional amount will appear in your wallet, and, as a rule, from where you didn’t expect it.

Gift spell note: the better the coffee, the more pleasant the result. And the cinnamon must be fresh. As soon as the smell begins to weaken, buy another portion.

Conspiracy "Money tablecloth"

If there is no money in the house, so there is not enough even for food, make a “money tablecloth”. To do this, take a piece of unbleached canvas slightly larger than the table and trim the edges. Sew four coins into the four corners of the tablecloth. When everyone at home has gone to bed, take red woolen threads and stitch them around the edges of the tablecloth (as best you can). While sweeping, repeat the following conspiracy to yourself:

If you see evil spirits at night, drive them away with this prayer:

My angel, stand on your defensive, enemy Satan, turn away from me! I am not sitting alone, the Mother of God is with me, the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is with me, the power of the cross is with me! Amen. Amen. Amen.

This tablecloth should always be on the table. It cannot be washed, so cover it with oilcloth or another tablecloth.

Conspiracy to make a profit

Cover the hem of your skirt with red thread and say:

I don’t throw and stitch around hems, I sweep money towards me, small and medium and large, old and new, copper and gold, silver and paper. Amen.

Conspiracy to repay the debt

If you are not repaid, throw a dry crust out the window at midnight with the words:

You sit, debt, in someone else’s house, you eat someone else’s bread, you ruin the house. Don’t sit with strangers, come back. Amen.

A conspiracy to make financial affairs successful

Take a silver ring, go out at midnight to an intersection where no one drives, stand in the middle of the intersection, throw the ring behind your back and say a spell to make money flow:

The Mother of God walked through holy places, through high mountains, collecting dew and pouring it into a cup of gold. Whoever drinks from that cup, wealth comes to him. Whoever takes a sip does not know the need. Whoever drinks two drinks, the trouble recedes from him. Whoever drinks three drinks, God blesses him. Gold, silver, house and livestock, and all sorts of goods. Amen.

Take the ring in the morning. If the ring is not there, then the ritual failed.

Bird chirping spell for prosperity

Go out into the free air, even into the forest, even into the garden. Find a place where there are birds, and wait for them to sing, chirp - even tits and sparrows chirping, or pigeons walking. Throw crumbs and millet to the birds and say this:

IN Every bird sings, every bird brings food to its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to its cuckoos, I won’t throw bread to the cuckoo. Little birds, here’s a treat for you, take it to the little kids. Just as I feed and treat you, so would I, God’s servant (name), receive all kinds of prosperity and good things. Amen.

Prayer for the icon for money

In this folk conspiracy, they pour water over the icon and wash themselves with that water. Therefore, it is necessary to take not a paper icon, but a written one, or under glass, so that it does not spoil. They slander the icon of forty saints, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, or the icon of the Mother of God. So there is no need to pour it with a glass or a ladle, just sprinkle the icon with spring water, and catch at least a few drops of that water and rub it over your face. They say this:

WITH Holy water, send grace and all prosperity to the servant of God (name), without suffering, without fatigue. Amen.

A conspiracy to always have money

Take a coin, place a candle stump on it, light it, and while the candle is burning, say this:

Fire to the sky, and money grows. Amen.

After this, put the coin in your wallet.

Go to the cemetery, find the grave of a person whose name is the same as yours. Read the funeral prayer for him, and when leaving, say this:

The Lord will remember and give you rest, servant of God (name), in Your Kingdom, and remember me too, and ask God for me.

On the way from the cemetery, give to the first beggar you come across.

Conspiracy to attract money

This is a folk conspiracy for money and attracting wealth carried out on the full moon. Take a thousand ruble bill, put it on a bag of grain, strip naked, sit on top and say:

I will rise, servant of God, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, I will come to the new chapel, I will stand under the written images, I will pray and bow to the holy maiden, the holy martyr Catherine. Saint Catherine! You were beautiful, smart in mind, and rich in wealth. Good people admired you, old learned men marveled at you, the wicked king was drawn to you. So the money would have been drawn to me, attracted to me, stayed with me, but never parted with me. Forgive, Lord, my acquisitive spirit, enlighten, Lord, nourish, Lord, as you enlightened and nourished Saint Catherine. Amen.

Put this bill in your wallet and don’t spend it for a year. Don't worry about not having enough money. As long as this bill is in your wallet, there will be enough money.

Conspiracy to make money increase

Place the largest bill you have on the table, throw the smallest coin on it with the words:

The small one beat the big one.

A conspiracy to keep your money safe

Take out all the paper money and place it on the table. Take the smallest and oldest bill, stroke it and say:

I stroke and smooth, I caress my dear, I cherish and cherish the money received, entrusted to me. New money, lucky money, I caress you, I call you elder money. You sit in my purse, keep an eye on all the money, don’t let it go anywhere, and attract new money. I said it, and everyone heard it. Amen.

Put this bill in your wallet and don’t spend it.

A conspiracy to prevent money from being jinxed

Speak over the money in your wallet three times:

Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of God, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, all the heavenly host! I light a candle for you, I honor you and bow to you. Protect, protect my treasury from the eyes of the envious, from the hands of those who grab it. Lord, everything is your will. Amen.

Money talisman

Pick up all the coins you come across on the street. You need to collect 12 coins. When you dial, at midnight on the 12th of any month, speak to them:

Money, I’m not letting you go out, I’m sending you with an order: find your sisters, and tell them to come live with me, and not leave me anywhere. My house is good, warm and light. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After the plot to attract wealth, place one coin in each corner of each room (if you have a three-room apartment, just 12 coins should be enough. If there are more rooms, add coins from your money). Let them lie there for three days. After that, distribute a few coins to your family members - both they and you will have money.
