Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month

International Mountaineer Day

The holiday dates back to the 18th century, when a brave doctor from Switzerland, accompanied by a mountain guide, reached the highest point in the Alps - the summit of Mont Blanc. Doctor Michel-Gabriel Packard and Jacques Balme left a trace of their visit on the peak at a height of 4810 meters above sea level. The scale of their feat can be appreciated if we take into account the background - hundreds of travelers sought to reach the Chamonix Valley, but were defeated in their attempts to reach the “high altitude pole of Europe”. Local peasants, seeing the interest of visiting tourists, became guides.

As a result, the famous geologist of that time, Horace Benedict de Saussure, having suffered another failure while trying to reach the top, awarded a prize to the daredevil who could do it. The assault on the peak continued for several decades, but it was conquered only after 26 years. Many previous attempts ended tragically. The difficult climb took more than a day, Packard was the first to reach the summit and planted the flag. In the diary, the travelers made sketches of the summit and noted the temperature and pressure indicators. After the descent, Packard immediately began writing a book, and at that time the second traveler received the promised money.

Day of Military Signals

This day has been celebrated in Ukraine since 2000, by decree of the President of Ukraine. The date was chosen because it was on this day that the Kyiv courses for military engineering signalmen opened. To the Great Patriotic War Signal troops made up about 5 percent of the total, and at the end of the war - about 10%. In Ukraine, the Main Directorate of Communications was created in 1992.

Peace Day of the City of Augsburg

A holiday of one city - this is what this day is called in the accident, a federal state of Germany. The peace festival in this city has been held since 1650, and since 1950 it has been official Public Holiday, a day off for businesses and banks. It commemorates the 17th century oppression of Protestants that lasted for 20 years until it was brought to an end by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. But back in 1555, a peace of classes and religions was concluded, when the Lutheran and Evangelical branches of the religion were recognized by the commonwealth of German states.

Ramadan Bayram, Uraza Bayram

Eid ul-Fitr is another name for the Islamic holidays, which are called the holidays of breaking the fast. Each believer on this day feels a special involvement in the community of fellow believers and expresses joy, as well as replenishes spiritual experience. Farewell to the fasting month of Ramadan takes place in festive atmosphere. Believers grew sufficiently spiritually, tamed their passions and provided help to those in need. On this day you can eat good food and indulge in a joyful mood. You can't fast. A collective prayer takes place in the mosque, then everyone disperses for a festive meal. It is obligatory to donate zakat ul-fitr, remember parents and visit the cemetery.

August 8 in the folk calendar

Ermolaev day

In the 4th century, during the persecution of Christians in the Nicodemus church, 20 thousand Christians were burned. Only three men managed to escape. Ermolai, Ermippus and Hermocrates did not renounce their faith and continued to preach and teach people Christianity. But one day they were also captured by pagans and beaten, and they were asked to renounce Christ. They were saved by an earthquake, which suddenly began and broke the idols. Emperor Maximillian sentenced the martyrs to death. Yermolai always has a sufficiently warm day, favorable for the end of the harvest. Fruit picking has begun, but apples cannot be eaten until Yablochnogo Savior. They also dug up potatoes, made okroshka and vegetable salads. The meat used was boiled beef. It is believed that on Ermolaev's day you can collect herbs - healing power is born in them.

Historical events of August 8

They tried to come up with refrigeration structures for a long time, but only Marshall was the first to patent his invention. The ice was purchased. And the refrigeration chambers operated due to large quantity fuel - firewood, kerosene or coal. The first refrigerator was produced by General Electric in 1911. The machine could be placed in a kitchen cabinet. But it was very noisy, it ran on gas, so it made bad smell. A silent, odorless refrigerator appeared only in 19326, it was developed by an engineer and inventor from Denmark, Stindrup. The first “home cold factories” were very expensive - with that money you could buy two Ford cars. In the USSR, the first refrigeration machines began to be produced at the Kharkov Tractor Plant in the 1960s.

Preparations for the Olympics in Beijing were not the only event in the world on this day - the capital of South Ossetia was in ruins in a matter of hours. Georgia decided to resolve the problem of the two republics by force. Just four days of hostilities claimed almost one and a half thousand civilian lives. Georgian troops were driven out of Ossetia, and they also had to leave the Kodori Gorge (upper part) in Abkhazia. Russia officially recognized the independence of South Ossetia, and President Medvedev signed the Decree on the Independence of South Ossetia, then diplomatic relations were established.

The most prestigious men's tennis competition has been taking place for more than a century. The award itself is made in the form of a gold-plated bowl, its height is 33 cm and its diameter is 45 cm. Today, 140 teams take part in the competition, but at first only two countries competed - the USA and Great Britain. The Cup fund was formed in 1981 and today stands at $8.5 million. The competitions are spectacular and the intrigue remains until the last moment. The world group consists of 16 teams. Match dates are scattered throughout the year, with the final usually taking place in November.

Born on August 8

Yuliy Gusman(1943) - captain and judge of KVN, psychiatrist, doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Yuliy Solomonovich left the medical profession and for many years (since 1973) worked as the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Musical Theater, held the first television bridges between the USSR and the USA, initiated political evenings dedicated to A.I. Solzhenitsyn and N.S. Khrushchev. He also took part in the creation of the National Cinematographic Award “Nika”, similar to the American Oscar.

Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya(1948) – Soviet female cosmonaut.

Svetlana Evgenievna graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, studied at the flight technical school at the DOSAAF Central Committee, after which she received the profession of “instructor pilot”. Svetlana was a member of a team of professional skydiving athletes and set 18 records in jet aircraft. After graduating from the institute, she worked as an instructor pilot, then as a test pilot. It is not surprising that she was recommended for training at the astronaut school. The first flight into space was from August 19 to August 27, 1982. In total, Svetlana Savitskaya made several flights, one of them with a spacewalk.

Stanislav Sadalsky(1951) - Russian actor, People's Artist of Russia

After graduating from GITIS, Stanislav Yuryevich received an invitation to the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where he worked with a break of 20 years (since 1991). The actor has about 80 film roles, the author’s program “scandalous news”, columns in “Express Newspaper”, he is a People’s Artist of Chuvashia, a holder of the Georgian Order of Honor and honorary citizenship of Georgia.

Name day August 8

Name days are celebrated on this day by: Sergei, Fedor, Ignatius, Moses, Ermolai, Praskovya

There are holidays dedicated to these furry pets in many countries. For example, in our country Cat Day is celebrated on March 1, in Poland on February 17, in Japan on February 22, and in...

On August 8, the world celebrates International Mountaineering Day or Mountaineer's Day - a holiday that knows no boundaries, uniting all real men and strong-willed women. We owe the appearance of this holiday...

Name day August 8


Origin of the name. The name Ignat is of Latin origin. It is believed to be a short form of Ignatius. It was derived from the Roman family name Egnatius, which in turn came from the Latin word “ignis” and translates as “fire”. Therefore, the meaning of the name Ignat is interpreted as “fiery.”

Short form of the name. Ignatka, Ignakha, Ignasha, Igonya, Igosha.


Origin of the name. The origin of the name Praskovya has ancient Greek roots. It was formed from the name Paraskeva and means “preparation”, “waiting”. Some sources mention that the meaning of the name Praskovya can be interpreted as “fifth day”, “Saturday eve” (in the sense of Friday).

Short form of the name. Paraska, Kunya, Panyusha, Pana, Panya, Para, Paranya, Parasa, Paraskovyushka, Parasya, Parakha, Parasha, Parunya, Parusha, Pasha, It's time, Praskunya, Praskuta, Pronya, Keva.


Origin of the name. Sergey is a traditional, reliable, popular name. It is one of the ten most common male names in Russia. Its origin is associated with the Roman generic Sergius, which translated from Latin means “high”, “noble”.

Short form of the name. Seryozha, Seryozhka, Serge, Serezhenka, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Sergusya, Sergusha, Sergunya.


Origin of the name. Fedor is a rare, ancient, formerly royal name. It is believed that it is modern form Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros) and means “given by God”, “God's gift”.

Short form of the name. Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyusha, Fedyukha, Fedyasha, Fedulya, Fedunya, Fedusya, Fedyuka, Fedyulya, Fedyusya, Theo, Toda, Ted, Teddy, Dor.

Signs for August 8

  • Swallows and swifts flutter over the water - predicting rain.
  • In August, the oak is rich in acorns - for the harvest.
  • A cold morning foreshadows an early, cold winter.
  • The finch sings at sunset or in the morning - a sign of inclement weather.
  • A wagtail jumps along ditches - a sign of wet weather.
  • Rain falls through the shining sun - there will be another rain.
  • Frequent flashes of lightning - for the harvest.
  • Sweet clover secretes droplets of moisture on the edges of its leaves - to the rain.
  • Rabbit cabbage flowers remain open overnight - before bad weather.
  • Anyone whose name begins with the letter E will be especially lucky on the day of St. Hermolai.
  • The cat lies down next to you - to good luck and wealth.
  • It was an unspoken ban not to eat apples (before the Apple Savior). On this day, housewives made preparations for the winter from apples: they made jam and soaked them in barrels.
  • Handicrafts were also prohibited, especially sewing.
  • If, during the harvest, a peasant tucks several ears of rye into his belt, his back will not hurt, and he will have enough strength until the evening.
  • It is believed that herbs collected on this day have healing powers. But they must be collected no earlier than noon, when the earth and air saturate them with life-giving moisture.
  • Tie scarlet on your wrist wool thread on the eve of harvest - to provide yourself with strength and health.
  • On this day you cannot lend work tools to anyone - this will lead to loss of health. But if you can’t do without this, you need to put the tool on the ground, and not pass it from hand to hand.

Orthodox holidays August 8

  • memory of the holy martyrs Hermolai, Hermippus and Hermocrates, presbyters of Nicomedia (c. 305);
  • memory of the Monk Moses Ugrin, Pechersk, in the Near Caves (c. 1043);
  • memory of the Venerable Martyr Paraskeva of Rome (138-161);
  • memory of the holy martyr Sergius Strelnikov, presbyter (1937).

Horoscope for those born on August 8

If you were born on August 8, then your zodiac sign a lion. Look at yours

>>August names for girls

Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of girls born in August

Girls born in August are strong personalities with great charisma. Bright and confident, they attract attention. As a rule, such girls have many fans among boys in childhood. These girls love extra attention, love to be the center of attention and will do anything to achieve this.

Girls born in August have pronounced leadership qualities and may strive to lead other children. They are very independent and their own opinion is very important to them. Their self-esteem is also quite high and often unnecessarily high. Such girls can be arrogant and selfish. Their arrogance often interferes with their communication with other children.

August girls love to be praised. For them, recognition from other people is the highest praise. If they are allowed to be in the first roles, then they can become the most devoted friends on whom you can always rely. As a rule, they are all honest and noble. Such people, although themselves, because of their honesty and faith in people, can easily be deceived. But, despite this, they do not lose faith in people and remain kind and noble, but in nature.

These girls love to play for the audience and love public speaking. They are very demanding of themselves and their appearance. After all, they must always be on top.

For girls born in August, you can choose almost any name. Because this is the case when it is not the name that will color the person, but the person - the name. At the same time, names should be loud and sonorous. However, do not choose a name that could become a derivative of various teasing nicknames, because... they greatly hurt the girl’s self-esteem and will lead to the formation of various complexes in her.

What to name a girl born in August, according to the dates of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Eugenia (from ancient Greek "noble")
  2. "joyful, cheerful")
  3. Milena (from Slavic "Darling")
  1. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3.from Italian "beautiful, dear" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Alina (1.from Latin "stranger" 2.from Old Germanic "noble")
  2. Evdokia (from ancient Greek )
  3. Magdalena (1.from biblical "native of Magdala" 2.from Hebrew "hair curler")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  1. "follower of Christ")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  2. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  3. Eupraxia (1.from Greek "prosperous" 2.from Greek "virtue")
  4. Olympics (from Greek "singing the sky")
  5. Raisa (1.derivative from Iraida, from Greek "hero's daughter" 2.from Arabic "leader")
  1. Praskovya (1.from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, preparation")
  2. Sylvia (from Latin "forest")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. Anastasia (from Greek "resurrected")
  3. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "huntress")
  1. "peaceful" Yarina "high", "enlightened")
  2. Anastasia (from Greek "resurrected")
  3. Elena (1.from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3.derived from Helios, the ancient Greek god of the Sun)
  4. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  5. Irina (from Greek )
  6. Antonina (1.from ancient Greek "opponent", "opposing" 2.from Latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Antony's daughter")
  7. Mavra (from Greek "swarthy, dark")
  8. Paula, Pavla, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  1. "gift of God")
  2. Seraphim (derived from the male Seraphim, from the biblical "fiery")
  3. Clara (from Latin "light, clear")
  4. "lily")
  1. Angelina (1.from Greek “messenger, messenger” 2. from Latin “like an angel”)
  2. Agnia (1.from Latin "lamb" 2.from Greek "pure, innocent")
  1. Elizabeth (from Hebrew "honoring God")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  3. Julia (1.from Greek "curly" 2.from Latin "July" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  4. "favor")
  5. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "favour", "favored")
  6. Elina (1.from Greek "ancestress of the Hellenes" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative from the name Elena)
  1. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "favour", "favored")
  3. Irina (from Greek "prepossessing, peaceful")
  4. Avdotya (form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Oia (from Greek "violet")
  6. Daria (1.from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  7. Clara (from Latin "light, clear")
  1. Daria (1.from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  2. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "favour", "favored")
  3. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  4. Nona (1.from Latin "ninth" 2.from Egyptian "dedicated to God")
  5. Avdotya (form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  6. Ilona (1.from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative from the name Elena)
  7. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  8. Tatyana (1.Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  9. Ellina (1.from the Greek "Greek woman" 2.derived from Elena, meaning "shining, bright")
  1. Sarah (biblical, verbatim) "madam, noble lady")
  1. Elvira (1.from Old German "all truthful" 2.from Arabic "patriot" 3.from Latin "bright, sunny" 4.from Spanish "protective")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  3. "pearl")
  4. Irina (from Greek "prepossessing, peaceful")
  5. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  6. Regina (from Latin "queen")
  1. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  1. Susanna, Suzanne (from Hebrew "lily")
  2. Emilia, Emily (1.from Latin "passionate, strong" 2.from Latin "rival" 3.from Greek "affectionate")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Avdotya (form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  3. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "favour", "favored")
  4. Ksenia, Xenia, Aksinya, Oksana (from Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  1. Eve (biblical "life-giving")
  2. Theodosius (from ancient Greek "gift of God")
  3. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "favour", "favored")
  4. Avdotya (form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  6. Margarita (translated from Latin and ancient Greek "pearl")
  7. Monica (1.from Greek "the only one" 2.from Greek "inspirational")
  8. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "huntress")
  1. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  2. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  3. Lyudmila (Slavic "darling to people")
  4. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "huntress")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  1. Julia (1.from Greek "curly" 2.from Latin "July" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  2. "belonging to the Julius family" 2.Russian form of the name Yulia)
  3. Jeanne (derived from John, derived from the masculine John, or Ivan, translated from Hebrew means "gifted by God")
  4. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  5. Vladana (Slavic "possessing")
  1. Rufina (from Latin "red-haired")
  2. Ulyana, Juliana (1.from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2.Russian form of the name Yulia)

Name days are more of a spiritual old legend, but very often modern people When choosing a name for a child, they turn specifically to church calendars, where dates with personalized holidays are indicated by month.

What are name days?

According to church tradition, name days are the day of remembrance of the saint with whom the name coincides. In the spiritual world, this is also commonly called namesake, or Saints.

In the past, giving a person a name was very simple. It was given during the rite of Baptism, it was necessarily church and coincided with the name of the saint who was indicated in the date of birth of the child or on the day of his baptism in the church. At the same time, for girls it was allowed to choose names not on the exact date, but a few days earlier or later.

In another of the options for choosing a name, it mattered who they prayed to and who the parents chose even before the baby was born. And then the name day was celebrated on the day where the name of this saint is written down, and if there are several of them during the year, then the date closest to the day the child was born was chosen.

Church name days at the end of summer

In fact, there are people who are very responsible when choosing a name for their child, because they believe that it influences the child’s future life, shapes character and even appearance. It is no stranger to them to familiarize themselves with the name day calendar for August (or any other month), read the characteristics, compare and discuss with their family all the positive and negative aspects of any name.

Each month has its own list of saints' names. It should be taken into account that upon baptism a person acquires a protector and patron until the end of his days. This is important for those who prefer a specific guardian angel who have become familiar with his life. In addition to the general list of names in the Saints for each month, there is also a clarification for each year separately. So, for example, in August 2018, name days according to the church calendar will be celebrated by Evgenia, Christina, Praskovya, Anton and Makar.

Women's name days in August according to the church calendar (Saints)

The general list of women's names according to the church calendar is very extensive for each month. Each date has its own name:

  • 1.08 - Makrina, Militsa - translated from Slavic as “sweetheart”;
  • 3.08 - Anna - "God's grace" translated from Hebrew;
  • 4.08 - Maria - “desirable” and Zinaida - “caring”;
  • 5.08 - Anna, Stella - “starry” translated from Latin;
  • 6.08 - Christina - “Christian”;
  • 7.08 - Blandina - “affectionate”, Olympias - “daughter of Olympus” translated from Greek;
  • 8.08 - Silvia - “forest”, Paraskeva or Praskovya - “holiday eve”;
  • 9.08 - Anfisa - “blooming”;
  • 10.08 - Drosida - “irrigating”, Antonina - “entering into battle”;
  • 11.08 - Seraphim - “fiery”, Theodotia - “given by God”;
  • 12.08 - Agnia - “innocent”, Angelina - “messenger”, Klara - “bright”;
  • 13.08 - Julitta - “little Julia”;
  • 14.08 - Solomonia or Salome, which means “peaceful”;
  • 15.08 - Lucilla or Lucille - translated from Latin as “light”;
  • 16.08 - Salome;

  • 17.08 - Evdokia - "benevolence" translated from Greek, Daria - "winner", Irina - from Greek "calm";
  • 22.08 - Maria, Henrietta - translated from the ancient German dialect “rich housewife”);
  • 23.08 - Rose - “flower”;
  • 24.08 - Susanna - translated from Hebrew as “white lily”, Mary;
  • 26.08 - Concordia - translated from Latin as “consonant”, Evdokia, Irina;
  • 27.08 - Monica - translated from Greek as “the only one”, Eve - “life”;
  • 29.08 - Sabina - “beautiful” from Latin;
  • 30.08 - Rose, Juliania;
  • 31.08 - Iulitta, Juliania.

Men's name days in the last month of summer

There are also men's name days in August, and each day has its own name:

  • 1.08 - name day for Seraphim - "fiery angel" and Roman - "Roman";
  • 2.08 - Elijah - "God's power";
  • 3.08 - Semyon and Ivan celebrate their name days;
  • 4.08 - Cornelius - “horn”;
  • 5.08 - Trofim - “breadwinner”;
  • 6.08 - Roman, Gleb, David, Boris;
  • 7.08 - Makar - “happy”;
  • 8.08 - Moses and Ermolai celebrate the day of the angel;
  • 9.08 - Clement, Savely, Nikolai, German;
  • 10.08 - Nikanor, Prokhor, Ivan, Vasily, Nikolai, Julian, Akaki, Eustathius, Moses;

  • 11.08 - Anatoly, Konstantin, Pakhom, Mikhail, Seraphim;
  • 12.08 - Anatoly, Ivan, Maxim, Luka, Valentin;
  • 13.08 - Veniamin, Yuri, Sergey, Evdokim, Maxim, Konstantin, Vasily, Nikolay;
  • 14.08 - Gury, Anton, Leonty, Dmitry, Eliazar, Alexander;
  • 15.08 - Nicodemus, Plato, Stepan;
  • 16.08 - Vyacheslav, Anton, Nikolay;
  • 17.08 - Denis, Ivan, Mikhail, Konstantin, Maxim;
  • 18.08 - Ivan, Semyon;
  • 20.08 - Anton, Mitrofan, Peter, Ivan, Alexey, Afanasy, Elisha, Vasily, Alexander;
  • 21.08 - Nikodim, Nikolai, Zosima, Savva, German, Leonid, Joseph, Nikolai;
  • 22.08 - Anton, Julian, Matvey, Mark, Yakov, Ivan, Photius, Leonty, Peter, Dmitry, Alexey;
  • 23.08 - Roman, Afanasy, Lavrenty, Vyacheslav;
  • 24.08 - Maxim, Alexander, Vasily, Fedor;
  • 25.08 - Leonid, Nikolay, Sergey, Vyacheslav, Ilya, Ivan, Vissarion, Efim, Arkady, Peter, Anton, Savva, Dmitry, Fedor, Matvey;
  • 26.08 - Ivan, Tikhon, Yakov, Alexey, Maxim, Konstantin, Ippolit, Vasily, Seraphim;
  • 27.08 - Alexey, Vladimir, Arkady, Alexander, Mikhey, Matvey, Fedor, Vasily;
  • 29.08 - Stepan and Yakov will celebrate their name days;
  • 30.08 - Philip, Pavel, Miron, Dmitry, Alexey;
  • 31.08 - Lavr, Evgeny, Grigory, Frol, Makar, Ivan, Denis, Mikhail, Georgy are the last on the list of men's name days in August.

What you should pay attention to?

IN modern world many do not pay attention to this and name their children only at their own discretion. In addition, the process of baptism in the church does not occur immediately, but after several months, or even years. Therefore, children are named immediately, and the date of the name day is determined according to the church calendar and according to the name they already have. At the same time, those whose own names do not coincide with the names of the saints on the same day celebrate the name day on the day of their servant of God, closest to the date of birth.

And after baptism, it is customary to celebrate the name day on the day of the baptismal ceremony, since in this case the Church gives the new person a spiritual name.

The most powerful names of the church calendar for August

It is important to note that many names from the church calendar have fallen out of everyday use. But this does not mean that they should be abandoned. Such names are most often replaced with ones that are consonant with church ones, but still modern. For example, Joanna was replaced by Zhanna, Appolinariu by Polina, John by Jan, Ivan, etc.

Speaking specifically about last month summer, then the following male names are considered the strongest and most successful name days in August: Alexander, Nikolai, Denis, Gleb, Maxim, Prokhor, Leonid, Ilya, Sergey, Ivan, Roman, Stepan and Anton. Anastasia, Anna, Daria, Maria, Yulia, Eva, Angela, Christina, Angelina, Irina and Elena are the most successful women's name days in August.

Praskovya, Ermolai, Ignat, Moses and Fyodor - those who received these female and male names at baptism, according to the calendar, can celebrate their name days on August 8.

Additionally, in church calendar for 2019, one can find that those who were named in honor of the holy martyr Sergei (Strelnikov) only in beginning of XXI century canonized by the Orthodox Church, also birthday people on this day.

For girls and boys born today, any of the above female and male names would be perfect. After all, this way the naming tradition will be respected, and the name will become a real talisman for the child.

It is important to remember that August 8 Orthodox Church especially honors the memory of the holy martyr Sergei (Strelnikov), therefore those who were named in his honor are celebrating especially significant name days today.

So it is worth baptizing boys who are born on this day, so that they inherit the best features and extraordinary strength of spirit from their Guardian Angel, and most importantly, they are always under his reliable protection.

It has been noticed that Sergei, who is celebrating his name day today, will be capable of noble deeds; they are very kind and responsible people who do everything they undertake flawlessly.

Father Sergei was born on September 24, 1887. After graduating from school, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, and, following his heart, entered a theological school, and then the academy.

After successfully completing his studies, he taught in various parish schools for about a year and was then ordained a deacon. He served in different churches, but was soon appointed to the Baptist Church of Orshanka.

Here he held services, read sermons in special educational institutions, was engaged in writing theological works. He devoted a lot of time to education ordinary people and their guidance on the true path.

Despite the rise to power of the atheist communists, his church continued to operate until 1936. But even after its closure, Father Sergei continued to conduct services simply at his home.

He was arrested on trumped-up charges of anti-Soviet propaganda. He spent almost a year in a pretrial detention cell, and was later sentenced to capital punishment.
