A 2-month-old baby is not eating breast milk well. The baby eats little and sleeps poorly: how to help a newborn baby if he refuses to eat? Poor appetite with artificial feeding

A healthy baby eats well and gains weight. He is active, sleeps peacefully and cries little. If your baby is not eating well, you need to figure out the reasons.

If a child does not ask to eat or refuses to eat, then the parents immediately wonder why this is happening. The most common reasons why an infant does not eat well are the following.

If the problem arose during natural feeding, then perhaps the reasons are that there is little milk or, conversely, a lot. If the mother has little milk, the baby refuses the breast and does not ask for it. In this case, you need to introduce complementary foods. If there is a lot of milk, then it can strong pressure enter the baby's mouth. He will begin to choke, and this circumstance will push him away and reduce his appetite.

If your child stops eating at night, he may simply not want to eat. However, the timing of when this occurs is influenced by the type of feeding. At what month do babies stop eating at night? Children who eat formula at night may not eat as early as 3-4 months. At breastfeeding The baby can hang on your chest all night.

If a year old baby eats both day and night only breast milk, you need to start weaning him off this. In this case, you can try to follow several recommendations.

  • Every day he needs to be given more food, he should drink an amount of milk that is equal to the daily norm. Before going to bed, there should be a hearty dinner.
  • You need to communicate more, play and hold the child in your arms during the daytime.
  • The one-year-old baby goes to bed earlier than his parents, and before bedtime you will need to wake him up to feed him. In this case, he will sleep longer at night and will wake up at most once.
  • It is necessary at the same time to wean the child from resting together at night. It is better if the baby sleeps in another room.

You can start weaning from night feeding from 6 months. At one year old, the child will no longer ask for anything in his sleep.

How many times a day does the baby eat? In the first months, a baby who is breastfed should eat up to 12 times a day with an interval of 2 hours. Moreover, he can only eat in his sleep. How long should one act of feeding last? The time spent at the breast can be 15-40 minutes. But you should not increase it, as the child falls asleep and begins to simply play with his chest in his sleep.

How many grams of breast milk should a newborn eat? In the first days, when colostrum is produced, one teaspoon is enough, and the child does not need to offer anything else. Gradually, every day the amount of milk will increase by one teaspoon. By the fourth day, the baby should drink 30 ml of breast milk. On the fifth day, the amount of milk required for the baby increases to 70 ml.

If a year-old child eats only in his sleep, it means that while he is awake there are many distractions (sound, light, the presence of other people). A one-year-old child can eat only in his sleep simply because such a regime has been established.

Poor appetite with artificial feeding

If a baby who is fed formula refuses to eat, there may be several explanations for this.

  • The formula is more nutritious than milk, and it takes longer for the child’s body to digest. The feeling of hunger occurs after a longer interval. After how long should the mixture be given? There is no need to give the formula earlier than 4 hours after the last feeding.
  • Perhaps you are not satisfied with the taste of the mixture. You can try buying a mixture of a different brand. The main thing is to make the right choice. Read the ingredients carefully and take into account the age of the child.

  • Incorrectly selected pacifier. The size of the hole in it should correspond to the age and developmental characteristics of the baby. If the child is sick, born ahead of schedule, then you should choose a non-rigid nipple with a large hole.
  • Refusal to eat may be due to abdominal pain.
  • Teething, oral diseases, infections also lead to the fact that the child does not eat anything except milk or formula.

If a child eats only formula, then you should not overfeed him. In this case, it is better to underfeed. The instructions and recommendations of the doctor will help you correctly calculate how many grams of the mixture you need to dilute. You can calculate on your own how much mixture you need to make in the first week of life. To do this, the number of days from birth is multiplied by 10. For example, at 5 days he should drink 50 ml.

The day needs to be planned so that the baby receives the formula every 3-4 hours. It is very important how long after the mixture is given at night. At night, the interval is extended to 5 hours. The mixture is absorbed and digested by the stomach harder and more slowly, unlike breast milk.

Problems with new products

Often mothers face a problem when the baby refuses to eat complementary foods. Why is this happening?

  1. Perhaps the previous portion of food has not yet been digested, and the baby is not hungry.
  2. The baby may not like complementary feeding; you should not insist on eating the dish.
  3. The dish is too hot or, on the contrary, cold.
  4. You should choose the right spoon for the first feeding. It should not be too large or metallic.
  5. Inflammation of the nasopharynx or ear also causes refusal to eat.

It happens that a child is one year old, and he does not eat anything except breast milk. Breast milk fully performs its functions only up to 6 months, after which complementary foods must be introduced. By this time, the digestive organs begin to work quite well, and the child shows interest in new foods. Such interest can be easily discouraged if you start complementary feeding with the wrong foods or food that the baby does not like. Large portions and force feeding can also push the baby away.

If a year old baby does not ask for anything other than breast milk, then you need to take the following actions:

  • Play more with the child, distract from the need for the breast. How much milk does a baby need per year? After the child turns one year old, 500 ml of milk per day is enough for him. If he gets more, he will not want to eat complementary foods.
  • Remove all sweets from the menu.
  • Choose a dish that your baby will like.

What to do to fix the problem

Once the reason has been established that the baby is not eating well or is refusing to eat at all, a further plan of action will be outlined.

If the baby does not want to eat or eats only in his sleep, but is active, plays, communicates, then he has enough nutrients. You can try increasing the time interval between feedings.

Perhaps complementary foods have been introduced, which are offered to the baby from a bottle. Eating from a bottle is much easier than sucking on your mother's breast. Any complementary foods are given from a spoon, all bottles and pacifiers are removed.

Any disease requires consultation with a doctor. Therefore, if the baby refuses to eat due to illness, appropriate treatment must be started. Stomatitis, cough, otitis media and other diseases can lead to loss of appetite and other complications.

During the teething period, you should use special teethers and gels. You can massage your gums. There is no need to offer new complementary foods during this period.

If colic periodically begins to bother you and this leads to weight loss, you need to give the child medicine, do gymnastics and massage. It helps to place the baby on his tummy before each feeding.

A nursing mother needs to establish a daily routine and adjust her diet. You should not eat foods that are too fatty, spicy, or salty. You need to avoid products containing dyes, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.

As parents, it often seems to us that the child is not eating enough. Grandparents are especially worried about this. They think that their grandson is thin and pale because he doesn’t eat well, and they try to feed him more and more food.

This opinion is natural. The universal assertion that a good appetite is a sign of good health lives firmly in the mind. In the old days in Rus', workers were chosen based on food. According to the principle: eat a lot ─ will work a lot.

Weight gain

The situation is different with newborns. Children are born with the instinct to suck; their little bodies have not yet learned to overeat, so the baby absorbs as much as is required, no more. If parents think that the newborn is not eating enough, check whether the baby is gaining weight.

In pediatrics, special standards have been approved that stipulate how many grams a baby gains in weight every month, every week, every year. By checking the standards, parents will understand whether the child is eating properly, whether he has enough milk, or whether it is time to introduce complementary foods. The tables show weight gain over the course of a month for boys and girls, who grow and develop differently.

The increase per week is almost not noticeable, only 70-190 g, but a month-old baby already grows by 760-1340 g. In 2 months, the baby adds 1720-2640 g. Then the rate of weight gain slows down a little and in 3 months it is 2420-3540 g. A by 4 months the baby gains only 2980-4270, although he eats well, and much more than in the first days. Therefore, it seems to us that the child does not have enough nutrition.

The weight gain norms are calculated for the average child; you should not follow them to the nearest gram. Each person is individual in external parameters, and internal processes are also different. If an infant is in good health, alert and active, and weight gain is observed, then parents have no reason to worry.

The baby doesn't eat well

Sometimes it happens that a newborn does not eat well. This doesn’t happen often, but in some families it happens that the child really sucks weakly or refuses the breast altogether. When a baby doesn’t eat well or doesn’t breastfeed, it’s scary for the baby, for the mother, and for all family members. A hungry baby wants to eat, screams from hunger, quickly loses weight and becomes weak.

The baby may not eat much, but if he is active, does not act up, does not cry, then most likely everything is fine with him

Sometimes a child is born weak, especially a premature one. This baby sleeps a lot and eats almost nothing. In this case, pediatricians advise switching to a free feeding method, that is, feeding when you wake up. Do not wake up a sleeping baby: in sleep, the baby gains strength. Gradually the baby will get stronger and nutrition will improve.

Feed your small baby not by the hour, but on demand. Let him eat little by little, as much as he can eat, then he will learn to eat more. To help your baby, express your milk. Supplement with expressed milk using a spoon or other means.

If there are no congenital pathologies or ailments, the baby eats as much as the body requires. If the child does not have enough food, he does not feel well, the issue is resolved with the attending physician. The pediatrician will examine, collect anamnesis, and prescribe treatment. According to indications, it is recommended to undergo tests and consult medical specialists.

Why does a newborn eat little: main reasons

With fever, colds, colic, infections, otitis, stomatitis, the baby eats little or even rejects food. He may be hungry, but strong pain or elevated temperature, making the baby lethargic, motionless, and does not allow him to get enough. It turns out that the baby eats little, he does not have enough strength to grow, and there is no weight gain. That's why he sulks, cries, and looks weak.

Whether the baby's appetite will be good depends on many factors: on his mood, on the taste of breast milk, on the correct latching of the baby's nipple, on the smells around him and even on the psychological climate in the house

In addition to pathologies and diseases, there are many other reasons for a baby’s poor appetite; each baby has its own problem.

  • At incorrect position When the baby is breastfeeding or the nipple is not shaped correctly, the amount of food eaten decreases sharply. When the nipple is not fully captured, air enters the mouth and stomach instead of milk, resulting in gas, colic, tummy problems, but no saturation.
  • As paradoxical as it sounds, a baby may be in a bad mood. It happens that he woke up, cried loudly, called his mother, but his mother did not come right away. The baby got scared and worried. Now he cannot suckle, he needs to be given time to calm down, only then feed him.
  • There are such happy mothers who have a lot of milk, it splashes heavily into their little mouths. The baby cannot cope with such a flow, he simply chokes, coughs, and cannot swallow. It is advisable for such mothers to express a little milk to ease the pressure. Then the baby eats calmly.
  • A nursing mother carefully selects foods for her diet so that the milk turns out sweet and tasty. If you are trying a new dish, take one small spoon, no more. Do not frighten the little one, because the taste and smell of breast milk directly depends on the mother’s nutrition. Eliminate hot, spicy, and alcoholic foods from the menu. Stop smoking: it's bad for you and bad for your baby's brain.
  • It is known that while a mother is breastfeeding, pregnancy does not occur. Therefore, spouses do not use protection during this period, but failures still occur. The onset of pregnancy makes the milk bitter and unacceptable for the baby. The baby refuses such nutrition, the mother bandages the breast, and urgently introduces complementary foods. From this day breastfeeding ends and the period of artificial feeding begins.
  • Mixed feeding poses another problem. Even with excellent, tasty milk from the mother, the child will not want to suck hard at the breast, if the hole in the nipple on the bottle is large enough, the food is sucked out easily, without effort, without tension.
  • Another thing that pushes the baby away from the breast is cosmetics and perfumes. From the time of intrauterine life, the baby knows the mother’s native smell. Therefore, always use the same hygiene products. If you try a new perfume, do it very carefully so that the new aroma is not felt, but slightly guessed. It is common for a tiny child to rely on the senses, including smell. The baby may not recognize you by smell and may not accept your breast or even a bottle with a nipple from your hands.
  • It has been said and written more than once that an important factor in the correct, full development of a newborn is a healthy psycho-emotional climate in the family. When there is discord, screaming, scandals, and even fights in the family, it is unlikely that the baby will have an excellent appetite. Try to establish mutual love and kindness, treat the baby kindly, gently, approach him only in a kind, calm disposition.

Eating problems before and after one year of age

Starting from the sixth month after birth and up to one year, the baby is gradually introduced to complementary foods. Mother's milk is the most delicious and healthy food in the world, but over time the baby grows up to other foods. By this time, the gastrointestinal tract has formed into an almost adult one, ready to digest coarser foods. Therefore, only on mother's milk the baby is hungry. From this time on, the baby is fed additionally.

Frequent reasons for the “little food” of children are their overfeeding by their mothers and grandmothers, as well as the fact that they simply do not have time to get hungry properly

This is where the problems begin. Here are some of them:

  • Many mothers spend a long time looking for “their” formula that would suit the baby, that would not cause allergies, and that he would like. But before making a choice, most people have to try at least several brands.
  • Long-term breastfeeding. Often it leads to the fact that at 8-9 months the baby does not accept complementary foods at all and does not eat anything except breast milk.
  • The baby refuses to eat food that seems to be familiar to him - formula or complementary foods that his mother has already tried with him. She wonders why she doesn’t eat and what to do about it. For a month he ate well, opened his mouth, but now he refuses. The reasons are banal: either the portion is too large (the mother overfeeds the baby), or the little one simply did not have time to get hungry. With age, children's routine changes, but parents do not always have time to fix this: they feed and put their children to bed according to their usual rhythm, while the baby has already “outgrown” it. So, you should reduce the portions, do not feed when you don’t want to, otherwise your baby won’t get used to the new food even within a year.

Important: pediatricians and specialists baby food We are sure that excessively large portions and force-feeding discourage food interest in new foods. It is unlikely that this situation will change in two months or a year.

Then other problems begin. Don't think that you will celebrate your 1 year anniversary and all your problems will be a thing of the past. Now you offer the adult little one another food ─ solids. If he ate from a bottle for 3-4 months, now he begins to eat purees and porridge with a spoon. If the baby has not learned to eat at one year of age solid food, help him. Offer soft food: banana, strawberry, tasty puree, cutlet. While he has only a few teeth, mash hard foods with a fork and feed them a little at a time.


So, we have looked at some aspects of newborn nutrition. If you have problems, do not delay, consult a doctor. If everything is fine with the baby and mother, then the removal from food is temporary and will soon pass. Learn to understand your baby, hold your baby in your arms more often, talk, sing songs, and walk with your baby more often. Soon the baby will learn to eat well and will again delight you with a good appetite.

Changes in the baby’s behavior and deviations from generally accepted norms are very frightening for young parents. One of the evaluation criteria proper development The baby is gaining weight and the amount of milk eaten. This is especially interesting for grandmothers who love chubby cheeks. Sometimes, under the yoke of other people’s opinions, and sometimes mothers themselves feel that the child is not eating enough. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, often depending on the time of occurrence of this effect.

Why does a newborn eat poorly?

If problems with feeding the baby arose while still in the maternity hospital, then this could be:

  1. Incorrect attachment to the breast. Nurses in the maternity hospital or breastfeeding specialists will help you fix this.
  2. Lack of milk. The child sucks greedily, but the hot flashes are not enough. In such cases, tactile contact with the baby, the use of brewed dill seeds or other lactation drugs help.
  3. Excess milk, high pressure. The baby may choke and refuse the breast. Then it is necessary to express the first pressure, to weaken it.
  4. The taste of milk has changed. This is possible when consuming new foods with a pronounced taste (onion, garlic, spicy foods).
  5. It is difficult for a child to suck due to congenital pathologies. For example, a short bridle. This problem can be solved painlessly through surgery.

What to do in such situations?

The remaining milk in the breast can be expressed and the baby can be fed with a spoon or syringe (don’t forget to remove the needle). And forget about the strict regime of your childhood - feed your child on demand. More frequent feedings, even in small portions, will allow you to gain weight well. And don’t forget about the benefits of night feedings - they help, if necessary, establish lactation and increase the daily requirement.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, then change the mixture. This is especially true for hypoallergenic mixtures that have a specific taste. Moreover, with growth, the work of the gastrointestinal tract comes into order, which allows the introduction of fermented milk mixtures.

Refusal to eat as you age

There are cases when infants begin to eat less as they age. In this case, only a pediatrician can accurately identify the cause.
  1. Colic. After eating only a little, the baby begins to cry, arch and refuse the breast. The cause may be pain, so-called infant colic. The baby’s digestive system is absolutely sterile and is just beginning to adapt to the intake of any food, and its progress through gastrointestinal tract causes bloating and pain. Colic can also be caused by air that the baby swallows during feeding. Therefore, check whether he is latching correctly or hold the baby upright to release him. To relieve colic, children are given dill water or other carminatives before feeding.
  2. . Symptoms of dysbiosis are similar to colic. The baby begins to eat, but screams and throws up the breast. This diagnosis can only be made after receiving test results. It usually appears after the baby is treated with antibiotics or from the mother through breast milk. Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by a change in stool color from yellow to green and the appearance of mucus.
  3. . Elevated levels can cause not only refusal to eat, but also lead to... It can be established by performing an ultrasound of the brain. It is also characterized by pulsation of the fontanel.
  4. . If the baby cries while eating and there are white spots in the mouth, and the mucous membrane underneath is inflamed, then this is thrush. The baby could become infected with it during childbirth or by putting a dirty toy into his mouth.
  5. . The child is hungry, but his stuffy nose prevents him from eating. Don't panic, just rinse your nose or use baby drops. If necessary, you can rinse before each feeding.
  6. . The swallowing reflex increases ear pain. You can verify the source of pain by pressing on the tragus. In this case, spoon feed your baby.

It's not necessarily a disease

Even healthy children can eat less. Low weight babies, especially those born prematurely, get very tired while eating, and therefore fall asleep on the chest after eating a little. But when they try to take it away, they wake up and continue to eat. Such feedings can last for an hour and a half. But with age they get stronger and become more active, due to which saturation comes faster. It only takes 10 minutes for a baby to get enough.

At 4 months the child begins to actively learn the world, and is easily distracted by any extraneous sounds or smells. And if someone comes in while eating, music starts playing or the lights turn on, the child will be distracted and forget about food. It is better to feed such children in a separate room with dim lighting.

Babies may also refuse to eat when they are teething. Pain in the gums reduces appetite. To resume normal routine, you can use cooling gels for the gums.

Sometimes the baby doesn't want to eat because of his mood. He did not sleep enough or the parents did not carry him in their arms and the baby burst into tears and was unable to latch on to the breast. First, he should be calmed down, rocked, if necessary, allowed to take a nap and again offered to eat.

Sometimes, appetite decreases after preventive vaccinations. The immune system tries to fight the virus and the baby becomes sleepy and tries to regain strength. After a couple of days everything is restored. Weather-dependent children react to changing weather by refusing to eat.

In general, if nothing bothers the baby, he smiles, plays, and gains weight normally, then there is no reason to worry. Changes may be temporary. You shouldn’t take your child to doctors and think that something is wrong. He's just a little kid by nature.

Some mothers are forced to switch to formula milk when breastfeeding is not possible. However, here parents may encounter a problem when the baby does not eat the formula. But this nutrition is extremely important for the baby, even if he is already switching to complementary foods. The volume of complementary feeding at first is not enough for the child, so it must be supplemented with breast milk or formula until the baby completely switches to adult food. In addition, some babies switch to artificial feeding before starting complementary feeding.

Artificial feeding

Modern infant formulas are developed using new technologies and are maximally adapted to the composition of breast milk. Released today Various types nutrition that is suitable for different categories of children, including newborns, allergy sufferers, premature babies and babies with insufficient body weight, a child with a lack of any vitamins or elements.

Of course, no formula can replace mother's milk, but sometimes parents have no other choice. In this case, it is important to choose the right food for the baby and organize artificial feeding. When a baby does not eat formula or a baby refuses breast milk, he does not eat enough and does not receive important elements and nutrients that the baby needs for harmonious growth and development. In this article we will learn what to do if a child refuses formula.

First of all, it is important to understand why the child does not want to eat. Having determined this, you can eliminate the cause, and then the baby will eat properly and nutritiously, according to the norm and recommendations of pediatricians. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why a child refuses formula.

Features of nutrition of infants

Often the child is not hungry and does not need as much nutrition. Children older than 4-5 months are already switching to less frequent feedings, the intervals between which become larger, but at the same time the serving size also increases. Therefore, by the time of feeding according to the old regimen, the baby may not yet be hungry.

As practice shows, a newborn eats about seven to eight times a day with an interval of three hours. Formula milk for a baby aged 4-6 months can be given once every 3.5-4 hours. If the child feels well, develops and grows normally, there is nothing wrong with him eating less. If the baby refuses to eat, offer the mixture again after 30-40 minutes.

Don't overfeed your baby. Due to overfeeding, the baby will not only refuse the next feeding, but will also feel uncomfortable. As a result, flatulence increases and weight increases; abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may appear. Some children may develop obesity and even diabetes. To avoid complications, stick to a normal diet.

The daily intake of formula for a child up to four weeks is up to 120 ml. For children one to three months old it reaches 150-180 ml, at three to five months it increases to 180-200 ml. After four to five months, with the introduction of complementary foods, the daily volume of formula is gradually reduced.

First feeding

Many children do not eat formula when they start complementary feeding. The taste of adult food may seem more interesting and varied to kids than fresh milk. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the volume of mixtures, but you cannot completely refuse such supplementary feeding!

The first complementary foods for artificial babies begin to be introduced at four to five months. The first adult dishes on the baby’s menu include vegetable purees and dairy-free, gluten-free cereals, then the child begins to be given fruit purees, juices and compotes. He will tell you how to properly introduce complementary foods into your baby’s diet.

Transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding

After the end of lactation, lack of breast milk, serious illness, separation from the mother and for other reasons, parents are forced to transfer the child to artificial feeding. Then the baby may be capricious and not take any milk formula. In this case, you need to be patient, choose the right food and taste that the baby will like and will not cause digestive problems.

Health problems

Health problems reduce appetite or force the baby to refuse food altogether. Among such problems may be a common cold and fever. After all, adults also want to eat less during flu or ARVI, and many cannot eat at all. In addition, newborns and babies up to 3-5 months often suffer from colic and bloating.

Other problems in this category include pain in the ears and throat, when it hurts the child to swallow. The baby cannot comfortably eat formula from a bottle and with a stuffy nose. In this case, special ones are used that easily and comfortably remove accumulated fluid and mucus from the nasal passages. If you have a cold, pain in the ears, throat, jaw, or severe stomach upset, be sure to consult a pediatrician!

Teeth cutting and pain in the gums are a common reason for a baby to refuse to eat. During this period, the baby experiences pain and inflammation, which causes discomfort and cannot eat normally. Some children even experience diarrhea or nausea, which also causes food refusal.

Eating and having a bottle with a nipple in your mouth only intensifies the negative sensations. In this case, you need to wait it out and not force-feed the baby. By the way, special children’s products reduce pain and discomfort.

Selection and preparation of the mixture

Incorrectly selected and prepared formula is a common reason why a baby does not eat formula well. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of different mixtures, and it is important to choose proper nutrition. Remember that the composition can cause allergies in a child and disrupt the functioning of enzymes. In addition, you may not like the taste. It is especially difficult for infants to switch to artificial formula if they have been on breastfeeding for a long time.

It is important to choose the mixture according to the age and needs of the child. When choosing, take into account the characteristics of the baby’s body and consult a pediatrician. Prepare food according to instructions and dilute the powder correctly!

Often a change in the mixture and taste to which the baby is accustomed leads to the fact that he eats little or refuses to eat. Therefore, if you have found a suitable mixture, do not change the product unless it is necessary due to age. But in rare cases, the opposite happens, when the baby is already tired of the taste. Then try choosing a different product. But before changing, be sure to consult with your pediatrician!

If your child has allergies, choose a hypoallergenic formula based on goat's milk marked “GA”. For newborns and babies up to six months, highly adapted and adapted products with the designation “1” are chosen. For children over six months old, partially adapted and casein formulas labeled “2” are suitable.

For children over a year old choose milk formulas “3”, and for premature baby and if you are underweight – product “0” or “Pre”. Fermented milk mixtures classified as a therapeutic food and given to babies with frequent constipation and regurgitation, stool disorders and digestive disorders. Read more about how to choose and prepare the right formula for babies, as well as the rating best products, you will find .

Uncomfortable pacifier

If a child refuses a bottle of formula, it may be uncomfortable for the baby to eat. An incorrectly selected or new, still hard pacifier can reduce your appetite. Choose a comfortable soft pacifier with suitable form and a medium sized hole. A hole that is too large will lead to increased milk flow, as a result of which the baby will choke during feeding and swallow excess air. By the way, this leads to bloating and frequent profuse regurgitation.

A hole that is too small, on the contrary, makes it difficult to supply milk flow. As a result, the baby lacks strength, air and nutrition itself. It is advisable to use the same pacifier model that the baby is used to. In addition, when choosing, follow the recommendations for the child’s age, which are indicated on the product packaging.

When a baby is not eating well at 2 months of age, he may be overexcited. A calm environment during feeding will stabilize the situation. Refusal to eat may be caused by a cold.

A child needs significant energy expenditure to grow and develop. Strength is replenished with sufficient nutrition and rest. It often happens that a child at 2 months begins to eat poorly.
The main food at this age remains breast milk, if possible, or an adapted milk formula.

Breast milk is the best thing a mother can give her baby. Ideal for children's health the composition of mother's milk nourishes with antibodies, hormones, enzymes and immunoglobulins. This natural defense allows the immune system to develop sufficiently.

The principle of breasts on demand is still relevant. The duration and frequency of feedings do not have a specific framework. The baby himself knows how much and when to eat. There is no need to supplement the baby with water if he is breastfeeding. For bottle-fed children, the daily ration is up to 900 ml of formula. The baby should drink about 120 ml per meal. The number of meals is from 6 to 7 times during the day. Children fed with formula must receive water. Also, on the recommendation of the pediatrician, the baby can be supplemented with herbal teas.
If a baby at 2 months eats less than normal, this may be due to environment. During this period, the baby grows up sharply and moves to a new level of perception of the world. Now he is interested in everything that happens around him. Eating for a long time is no longer part of his plans. To stabilize the situation, it is necessary to change feeding conditions. Changing the feeding area to a quieter one will help the right decision. Feed your baby in a quiet, calm atmosphere with minimal sound so that he is not tempted to turn his head around, looking up from food. If the situation does not change, you should contact a specialist. Because often a child at 2 months refuses milk and formula due to excessive overstimulation. The pediatrician will prescribe safe sedatives.
When a 2-month-old baby constantly wants to eat, there is a possibility that he is not getting enough. In this case, a “wet diaper test” is necessary. This test consists of counting the number of times you urinate during the day. The normal indicator is the number of diapers used: more than 12 pieces. The number of urinations is within normal limits, the baby’s general condition is not affected, he is active, cheerful and cheerful - there is no need to worry. Appetite may vary at certain periods of time. This is absolutely normal and not scary.

It’s a difficult situation when a baby at 2 months refuses to breastfeed. This case involves partial or complete transfer of the baby to formula. Breast milk may no longer suit a child for a number of reasons: the mother’s treatment with medications, changes in diet, pregnancy during the feeding period. The adapted mixture will become a necessary and complete replacement in this situation.

A child at 2 months of life screams, cries and gags during feeding. This situation is typical when a child is ill. Nasal and throat congestion, inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), and cough prevent the baby from eating. Pain during swallowing makes the child refuse to eat. Timely and effective treatment prescribed by a specialist will quickly restore the child’s appetite.
