Itching all over the body during pregnancy. Why does my skin itch during pregnancy? Treatment of diseases that cause itching

Pregnant women are especially sensitive to their health, because now the well-being of the most precious person in the whole world - their child - depends on their condition. Therefore, every new sensation causes, if not panic, then wariness. Itching is very common during pregnancy. This unpleasant symptom raises many questions in a woman: can this feeling be considered normal, where did it come from, is it a sign of some disease, how to deal with it? Today we will answer each of them.

Why does the body itch, what is the reason, if this is the norm

Pregnant women very often begin to itch their bodies at a certain stage. This usually happens on later, but similar symptoms can occur in the first trimester.

During pregnancy, you may experience itching. Typically, parts of the body that itch are the back, chest, legs, arms, stomach, sides, lower back, buttocks, thighs, armpits, face, head, shins, palms and feet. However, it may seem that this sensation is present everywhere, and gets you from the inside, affecting organs such as the uterus and stomach.

The occurrence of itching is usually accompanied by some manifestations on the skin, in the form of rashes, pimples, redness and dryness of the skin. Such symptoms may indicate both problems associated with pregnancy and more serious diseases.

The reason why pregnant women's skin itches:

  1. Itchy skin in pregnant women may be associated with enlarged breasts and abdomen. It can appear in different places, but most often occurs in the lower abdomen. In this case, the body itches because the deep layers of the skin burst and stretch marks form. The body itches the most at night.
  2. Sweating increases during pregnancy. This causes irritation and redness of the skin, which causes itching.
  3. Dermatosis of pregnant women is a type of toxicosis and appears only in pregnant women. At the same time, the body turns red, pricks with needles, the woman experiences apathy, insomnia and irritation.
  4. Pregnancy jaundice is another rare type of toxicosis that occurs during early stages pregnancy. In such cases, the body itches a lot, especially the hands and feet, and turns yellow.
  5. Itching may also be associated with an increase in estrogen in the body. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of this symptom before birth, but after the birth of the child it will certainly disappear.
  6. A simple lack of vitamins and dry skin can also cause itching.

These causes of itching at the beginning, as well as in the second and second last month pregnancies are relatively harmless. They can be dealt with in simple ways and their treatment will not take much time. However, itching also occurs against a more serious background, so if your body is constantly itching, be sure to consult a doctor.

Serious reasons: itchy back

If your body itches and tingles terribly, and nothing helps, these may be signs of a serious illness. It is not necessary to wait for a rash to appear all over the body; itching can occur without any visible signs.

Itching can be a consequence of nervousness. Some people experience severe itching when they are stressed. remember, that nervous system directly related to the physical condition of your body.

Most often, itching, which is not a consequence of any disease, appears in the evenings or during sweet sleep. If the body begins to itch very strongly and often, then this is sure signs that it's time to see a doctor.

Serious causes of itching or why I itch:

If the cause of your itching is such serious problems, then you need to get treatment from a specialist. However, to do this, you need to identify the nature of the disease; it is best to do this immediately, without delaying until more serious symptoms appear.

How to get rid of itching and dry skin during pregnancy at home

If your itching is not the result of a serious illness, then it can be eliminated using the simplest steps. However, for this, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the presence of any illness.

If your body itches from allergies even after a shower, then you need to reconsider your diet, give up perfumes and cosmetics, and take a closer look at your clothes. When the cause of the allergy is identified, the rest of the mass of factors that are not irritants can be returned to use.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main ways to combat itching at home:

  1. Shower frequently and ventilate the room. Cleanliness and coolness are the key to reducing sweating.
  2. Wash areas that itch with chamomile, string or violet decoctions.
  3. Make compresses from a mixture of chamomile and duckweed. The herb should be brewed or, if it is fresh, turned into a paste, placed on the itchy areas, covered with gauze and left for several hours.
  4. Eliminate fatty, spicy and salty foods from your diet. Reduce the amount of sweets as much as possible.
  5. Use stretch mark oils and moisturizers after your shower. Sometimes it happens that itching is a consequence of dry skin.

Such simple tips will almost certainly help you cope with the itch. A week of massage will also have a beneficial effect. However, these methods will help if the causes of itching are not serious.

What to do if your breasts itch during pregnancy

As we have already said, itching can be a symptom of more serious diseases. If this is the case, then the measures described above will not help. Let's see what methods of treating such diseases are used.

Treatments for diseases that cause itching:

  1. If the cause of the itching is an allergy, then the problem can be solved by identifying the allergen and removing it from your life. For this purpose, a selection method and analyzes are used.
  2. At diabetes mellitus you need to watch your diet. It is also important to control your blood sugar levels. You may be prescribed insulin injections.
  3. With dermatoses, a woman is assigned to hospital treatment. She is prescribed a diet and given lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Cholestasis is also treated inpatiently. The woman is prescribed medications that support liver function and improve bile flow.
  5. Jaundice in pregnancy requires immediate hospitalization. In this case, there may even be talk of termination of pregnancy.

As you can see, the cause of itching can be quite dangerous. However, with timely treatment, the disease can be cured without harming either the woman’s body or the baby.

Itching during pregnancy in the genitals

There is another type of itching to look out for Special attention- This is itching in the genitals. These symptoms may indicate a number of infectious diseases genital tract.

Very often, itching in the genitals is felt more acutely than itching on the skin. This problem can arise due to various factors, and different organisms can cause it. However, in any case, you need to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible, before the disease has a bad effect on the child.

In any case, itching in the perineum requires consultation with a gynecologist. However, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with possible reasons enough trouble to know what to expect.

Diseases of the genital organs that cause itching:

  1. In addition to itching, thrush is accompanied by curdled discharge and an unpleasant odor. It may also be painful for you to urinate.
  2. Genital herpes is characterized by itching and a painful burning sensation. Blistering rashes usually appear.
  3. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that causes itching, burning, bad smell and yellow discharge.
  4. Chlamydia manifests itself as a slight itching.
  5. The cause of itching can be pubic lice, helminths or scabies mites.

Any of these diseases requires immediate consultation with a specialist. Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited, as it can lead to the most dire consequences.

Causes: itching during pregnancy (video)

Itching during pregnancy is physiological in nature, but it can also be a symptom of terrible diseases. Therefore, listen to yourself, do not be afraid to consult a doctor and be healthy.

Among all the complications that arise during pregnancy, there is one thing that is not necessarily a sign of any disease, but certainly brings discomfort, and sometimes even drives you crazy - itchy skin. This is not to say that if you become pregnant, you will certainly encounter this problem. But absolutely everyone has a chance, because practice shows that many expectant mothers have itchy skin.

This may be constant or occasional itching, it may appear independently or in combination with other symptoms, intensify in the evening or not change its character. But be that as it may, before doing anything, you need to consult a gynecologist, infectious disease specialist and dermatologist and find the cause of the itchy skin.

Why does your skin itch during pregnancy?

To the question: “Doctor, why do I itch during pregnancy?” no doctor will answer you unequivocally, because there is simply no exact answer. But for some reason the skin itches, and the reason for this must be sought.

There are several theories regarding the occurrence of itchy skin during pregnancy. Causes are sought depending on the manifestations. It can be:

  • Appearance of stretch marks: Due to the rapidly growing breasts and abdomen, the skin becomes overstretched and severe itching occurs in places where the fibers are torn, which precedes the appearance of stretch marks. This itching is localized in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. It occurs in the second half of pregnancy, most often in genetically predisposed and significantly recovered mothers.
  • Cholestasis in pregnancy: caused by a malfunction due to . It is mainly accompanied by redness of the palms and feet, which are very itchy. Over time, the itching spreads to the entire body and intensifies in the evening and at night. Cholestasis in pregnancy most often occurs in the third trimester. In this case, the urine may darken noticeably, or, on the contrary, become lighter. The risk group includes women with increased level cholesterol in the blood and chronic diseases of the biliary tract.
  • Hormonal changes: They are often the cause of the development of cholestasis. This itching is also localized on the palms and soles and only goes away after childbirth.
  • Skin diseases: Dermatosis and eczema of pregnant women, skin fungus and other diseases accompanied by itching and other manifestations on the skin (peeling, rashes, swelling) are often found.
  • Allergic reactions: usually accompanied by rash, redness and itching, as well as other associated symptoms. Can act as a provocateur washing powder, new shampoo, seafood, exotic fruits, pollen and basically anything you like. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with anything now. If an allergy develops, it is first necessary to eliminate the effect of the allergen on the body.
  • Excessive sweating: Sweat collecting in the folds of the skin can cause itching and discomfort. If you notice that you begin to sweat more, take a shower more often and change into clean clothes (certainly made from natural fabrics). Telling the doctor that the sweating has increased will also not be a bad idea.

Among the causes of itchy skin can be such serious diseases as hepatitis. Therefore, it is still necessary to begin your research and solution to the problem with a visit to the doctor. And even though itchy skin does not affect the child in any way, it definitely brings discomfort to the mother, can be the cause of a bad mood, and even pose a certain threat if it is a sign of some kind of disease. And recent studies even show that itching increases the risk of an unfavorable course of not only pregnancy, but also childbirth.

How to eliminate itchy skin during pregnancy?

The solution to the problem depends on the identified cause. If you have cholecystitis or another medical diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe an examination, treatment and diet. In addition, it is necessary to properly care for your skin. Try to take warm (or summer) showers more often, but not hot showers, and rub yourself with a towel. A massage with alternating stroking and rubbing is especially useful if you are prone to stretch marks - it will significantly alleviate your condition.

After showering, always apply a light moisturizer to your body because dry skin makes itching worse. Try not to overheat, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, and drink enough fluids.

Pay special attention to cosmetics - these should be the safest creams and gels without fragrances and other harmful substances. There are also many traditional medicine recipes for itchy skin.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

During pregnancy, a woman has to face many difficulties, and many expectant mothers note that their body itches during pregnancy. This itching may appear at certain times of the day, or may not go away at all.

With the development of a particular pathology, it may be accompanied by additional symptoms. In any case, only a doctor can correctly assess the condition and prescribe the correct treatment.

Itching in the palms and solesHormonal changes
Itching, rashes and rednessAllergy
Itching in the evening and at nightCholestasis
Itching and small grooves on the skinScabies
Itching, polymorphic rash and excessive weight gainPolymorphic dermatosis
Itching, fever and pain when urinatingKidney damage

Why does your body itch during pregnancy?

Body itching during pregnancy can appear both as a symptom of a serious illness and as a reaction to changes occurring in the body. Do not panic; itching does not necessarily indicate serious problems; this symptom appears in many expectant mothers.

However, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out its cause.

Formation of stretch marks (striae) in pregnant women

This is one of the factors why the body begins to itch during pregnancy. The fruit is growing. The load on the skin increases. Internal gaps appear. Over time, connective tissue forms. It cannot produce collagen necessary for skin regeneration.

The appearance of stretch marks is accompanied by itching. This symptom is observed at the beginning of the second trimester.

Excessive sweating

In the first trimester, the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands increases. The skin begins to undergo changes, and this leads to sensitivity. This is why during pregnancy the whole body sometimes itches.

In the second trimester, the condition of the integument improves, sweating normalizes.

Excessive dry skin

A woman expecting the birth of a child often experiences dry skin. Most often this problem affects the face, arms, legs and neck. Irritation and increased sensitivity occur in inflamed areas of the body.

The body needs moisture, so a pregnant woman needs to drink at least two liters of water. All liquid meets the needs of the fetus. If you do not follow this recommendation, dry skin appears, causing itching.

Vitamin deficiency

Lack of B vitamins is the cause of many pathologies during pregnancy. In this case, the back itches the most. In addition, dry skin and cracks in the corner of the mouth are diagnosed. You can avoid the problem by eating more cereal cereals.

Refusal bad habits will also save you from pathology.

Itchy body diseases

Quite often during pregnancy, the body itches due to illness. One of them - gestational diabetes, which can form while waiting for the baby. This form increases the sugar level.

In addition to this disease, provoke discomfort skin, maybe some other ailments.

Itchy skin due to hormonal changes

Severe itching is a symptom of a surge in hormones during pregnancy. At this time, the body begins to intensively produce estrogen. The liver is unable to cope with this load, so bile gradually accumulates in the body.

Toxic substances are distributed through the blood and muscles throughout the body. The ends of the nerve fibers become irritated, so the body begins to itch very much.

This discomfort is felt most strongly on the feet and palms. It stops after the baby is born.

Itchy skin due to allergies or atopic dermatitis

In late pregnancy, the body itches from contact with the antigen. In addition to itching, rash and redness appear. This pathology is caused by washing products, some food products, and also pets.

Only by removing the effect of the allergen on the body will you be free from itching.

Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

Intrahepatic cholesteasis is a liver disease in expectant mothers. In organism expectant mother restructuring occurs, which can lead to disruption of the liver. The process of production and outflow of bile is disrupted. Bile acids accumulate in a woman's blood.

Many who experienced this disease felt that their entire body was itching. Itching is first felt in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet. After some time, it spreads throughout the body. Increased discomfort occurs in the evening or during night sleep. Pathology is most often diagnosed in the third trimester.

Women with levels of bad cholesterol above normal are most susceptible to cholestasis. Another reason for this condition is hormonal fluctuations and heredity. Most often, the problem is diagnosed in women preparing to become the mother of several children.

Cholestasis appears in late pregnancy. During this period, the expectant mother needs to see a doctor. Only after diagnosis will it be known whether the pathology is related to pregnancy or not.

Scabies in pregnant women

It is caused by a scabies mite, which is transmitted through contact with an infected person.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy

While waiting for a baby, the balance of immunity shifts - the humoral one becomes the main one. Thanks to it, certain substances are produced that destroy foreign organisms. Skin cells begin to react strongly to substances produced by the body of the woman and the fetus.

This is why a pregnant woman's body itches. With polymorphic dermatosis, in the third semester, edematous papules and plaques appear on the skin of the abdomen. They itch and cause discomfort.

Kidney damage

The appearance of pain when urinating, itching in the early stages of pregnancy may indicate problems with the kidneys. Initially, irritation appears in the genital area and can spread to the entire body.

If, in addition to these symptoms, elevated temperature body, consult a doctor immediately.

If your feet itch

Often at the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, a woman’s legs begin to itch. The last days are very difficult physically, and there is a lot of stress on the lower limbs. It accumulates in them a large number of liquids.

The reason is excessive stretching of the skin, microtraumas appear that provoke itching.

Unpleasant sensations in the legs can be avoided as follows:

  • Use moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to care for dry, sensitive skin.
  • Herbal diuretics will help get rid of swelling of the legs. Only after consulting a doctor.
  • Proper nutrition, proper rest and adherence to the regime.
  • Drinking the required amount of water.

Itching in early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, the body begins to itch for several reasons:

  • One of them is the restructuring of the body, causing thrush. In this case, the itching is localized in the genital area. During this period, immunity decreases, and the woman is susceptible to many diseases.
  • The second reason is that the expectant mother was ill even before conception.. During pregnancy, the disease can enter an active stage.
  • Increased estrogen levels in the body also causes itching.

Itching in late pregnancy

Itchy skin in late pregnancy is most often a consequence of rapid weight gain, poor diet and the appearance of stretch marks. The belly grows, the skin does not have time to stretch and begins to itch.

How to eliminate itching all over the body during pregnancy

Itching all over the body during pregnancy cannot be ignored, as there is a danger of harming the fetus. This problem is difficult, but it is necessary to fight. Itching interferes with proper restful sleep, which has a bad effect on the condition of the fetus.

The method of combating pathology depends on the etiology of its occurrence.

Conservative therapy

Options conservative treatment if the body itches:

  • Urosan or Ursofalk prescribed for elevated levels of the enzyme ALT or AST.
  • For an allergic reaction First of all, its cause is determined. After this, antihistamines are prescribed. Treatment is carried out by an allergist.
  • For diabetes The amount of sugar is constantly monitored. I'll have to give up sweets. If necessary, the endocrinologist can increase the insulin dose
  • For skin problems calcium supplements and vitamins are used. Lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate are also recommended.
  • For liver problems The doctor prescribes hepatoprotectors that can be used during pregnancy.
  • Discomfort in intimate area – candles are used.
  • Sedative medications attributed to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • To eliminate stretch marks a special body cream is used.

Relieving itching with folk remedies

To eliminate the discomfort that often accompanies pregnancy, you can resort to folk medicine. Medicinal herbs are most often safe for mother and child. But you should still consult your doctor.

After assessing the risks and approval of the doctor, you can use the following traditional recipes:

  • For lotions– take periwinkle leaves. For one glass of boiling water you need a tablespoon of the plant. The mixture is boiled for ten minutes and then infused. The decoction is used for bathing. The remainder is applied to the problem area.
  • Tea. Melissa and mint are used. The decoction has a calming effect.
  • Cabbage leaf soaked in apple cider vinegar, crushed into a paste and applied to the itchy area.

Treatment of cholestasis in pregnancy

Two types of drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • ursodeoxycholic acid(Ursosan drug) – eliminates or reduces itching and restores liver function;
  • steroids(dexamethasone).

Another treatment method is diet therapy. Protein-rich foods and dairy products are recommended. Weekly monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother is carried out and prescribed necessary tests, examinations.

It is impossible to completely get rid of itching, but it is possible to reduce discomfort. It is recommended to wipe the skin with calamine lotion, chamomile or calendula cream.

Nutrition for cholestasis

The daily menu of the expectant mother should contain:

  • healthy carbohydrates – 40 g;
  • animal and vegetable proteins – 8 g;
  • fat – 30 gr.

A little butter is allowed.

Fried and fatty foods are excluded from the diet. If the level of cholesterol in the blood is high, hard-boiled eggs, sauces, mayonnaise, and fast foods are prohibited. Coffee and green tea is also removed from the diet.

  • Porridges are cooked only in water; you can add a little milk at the end of cooking.
  • Doctors recommend foods high in fiber.
  • The diet should be balanced.

Preventing itching during pregnancy

  • Proper nutrition. Avoid spicy, salty, smoked and fatty foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink the recommended amount of fluid.
  • Personal hygiene. Take a bath more often.
  • Walk more.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Wear loose, breathable clothing.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Use a cream suitable for expectant mothers.
  • Take multivitamin complexes regularly.

Visit your doctor on time and try not to be nervous.

Why is itching dangerous during pregnancy?

If scabies is a symptom of an illness, the woman should be under constant supervision of a specialist. In the absence of specialist supervision, the main danger of pathology for a woman is severe postpartum bleeding.

Can a child get hurt?

The itching is not transmitted to the child and does not cause him any discomfort. If the cause is illness, then you should think about it. Cholestasis is the impetus for premature birth, and the fetus may die in utero.

Therefore, if your stomach or whole body begins to itch in the early stages of pregnancy, consult a doctor immediately.

Physiological changes due to a surge in hormones can be caused by the fact that a woman’s whole body itches during pregnancy. The frequency of itching is individual in each case. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to additional symptoms, which often indicate the presence of a serious disease.

Why does your whole body itch during pregnancy?

Not all women experience itchy skin. Basically, this phenomenon occurs with some frequency, more often at night, when the body is at rest. If a pregnant woman's body itches, it causes discomfort; the woman is not able to get proper rest during a night's sleep, so it is worth understanding the causes of itching:
  1. Stretching of the skin due to active growth of the fetus and sudden weight gain leads to the appearance of stretch marks. The skin does not have time to recover, and tears occur in the layers of the epidermis, which appear on the skin as red stripes. Stretch marks mainly affect the hips, chest and belly, and it also begins to itch around the navel. At the same time, itching does not cause severe discomfort, both in the early stages and in later stages.
  2. Hormonal changes become the main normal physiological factor in the occurrence of itching. In this case, not the whole body itches, but only the feet and palms, without rashes. After the birth of the child, all unpleasant signs disappear on their own, without additional interventions.
  3. 3. Cholestasis – caused by insufficient liver function during pregnancy. It mainly occurs in women with high cholesterol levels or in the presence of biliary tract dysfunction. Itching appears in the later stages, more often at night, decreasing in the morning, and is characterized by the appearance of redness on the feet and palms. However, with cholestasis, the skin may itch in different places.
  4. 4. Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema or various fungi) cause not only itching, but are also accompanied by peeling, redness, swelling reactions, and often a rash appears on the body.
  5. 5. The body’s allergic reaction manifests itself differently in each person and, depending on the irritating factor (dust, washing powder, food, etc.), a rash may appear, arms, legs, back are subject to discomfort, and the whole body often itches during pregnancy.
The 3rd trimester is characterized by significant growth of the fetus inside the womb; the woman also gains weight, which leads to increased sweating, especially in the hot season. The places that are most susceptible to sweating begin to itch - armpits, head, nose, back.

If itching appears in the vagina, then this generally indicates the development of some disease, which involves the appearance of additional symptoms. As a rule, the intimate area and anus itch with thrush, but itching is often caused by underwear made from synthetic materials or insufficient genital hygiene.

What to do if your whole body itches during pregnancy?

Treatment of itching of the skin, first of all, involves identifying the causes and, after diagnosis, you can reduce symptomatic manifestations.

If during pregnancy the skin itches as a result of the appearance of stretch marks, then the use of various cosmetics. It is worth remembering that it is easier to prevent stretch marks than to deal with those that have already appeared. Therefore, from the first trimester, it is necessary to take care of the condition of the skin of the whole body, use special creams, gels or oils to moisturize and nourish the skin.

In the evening, before going to bed, you can reduce the signs of scabies with a cool shower, as hot water contributes to increased symptoms. After water procedures, it is useful to massage the itchy parts of the body.

When diagnosing cholestasis, drug therapy can be prescribed, but in most cases a diet is used that excludes the consumption of chocolate, honey, citrus fruits and other foods that affect the condition of the pregnant woman.

Clothes during pregnancy should also not cause irritation or discomfort; underwear should be made from natural fabrics so that the body can breathe in hot weather.

Severe itching and burning of the skin, together with other symptoms, require a visit to the doctor for further diagnosis and treatment; you should not self-medicate to avoid worsening the pathological process.

While pregnant, women often experience itchy skin on their body. Unpleasant feeling worsens at night, leading to severe nervousness and sleep disturbance in the pregnant woman. What does this condition mean, and how to treat it correctly?

Skin itching in pregnant women

Itching on the skin during pregnancy occurs on different periods, and differs in its intensity. It can occur from an insect bite or due to serious internal pathology. Such an alarming symptom should not be overlooked and at the first manifestations, immediately consult a doctor.

Probable Causes

Most often, women complain that their skin in the abdomen and chest area is very itchy. The causes of this condition are pathological, psychological and physiological factors. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


This group of provoking factors includes:

  • response to an allergen. There are food and household allergic reactions. In the first case, the pregnant woman develops rashes on the skin that are very itchy. Thus, the body’s response to the entry of an external allergen (food product) into it is manifested. When using low-quality washing powders or cosmetics, a pregnant woman also experiences severe itching on the skin;
  • heavy sweating. When a woman's hormonal levels change, the function of her sweat glands also changes. With insufficient personal hygiene, sweat begins to accumulate in the folds, which over time begin to itch;
  • pathologies of the liver and biliary tract (the most common is cholestasis). It develops against the background of hormone surges in the body and manifests itself not only in the form of itching, but also redness of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis, which develops against the background of damage to liver cells.


The main reason is stretching of the skin due to a strong increase in the abdomen. The itching begins to appear especially pronounced in the second trimester.

At this stage, there is a strong stretching of the connective tissue fibers of the skin, resulting in severe itching.


Dermatosis is a characteristic disease for pregnant women, manifested against the background of severe toxicosis. Due to nervousness, a woman develops severe itching, which intensifies at night. The pregnant woman becomes very irritable. With constant scratching, eczema and ulcers appear on the body. The exact cause of such an unpleasant symptom can only be determined by the results of laboratory blood tests and instrumental studies.

If your body is constantly itching without rashes, what does this mean?

If such a symptom is not accompanied by a rash on the body, then the woman should not worry. This occurs due to an increase in estrogen levels in the body. Skin itching stops after the baby is born. To relieve this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe external remedies to the woman.

Which doctor should I consult?

When the first unpleasant symptom appears, you should consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination and prescribe laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment regimen is selected, based on the root cause of this condition.


Therapeutic measures depend on the form of skin itching and the stage of pregnancy. In most cases, external medicines which help relieve discomfort.

In the early stages

In case of allergic itching in the early stages, a woman is recommended to exclude the effect of a potential allergen and take antihistamines. If the reason is hormonal changes, you just need to endure this period. To relieve an unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of unwanted complications, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

In the later stages

Itching in the second and third trimester, in most cases, is associated with severe stretching of the skin. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to regularly lubricate the skin with a rich baby cream.

Applications made from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.) are also considered effective. If the itching is caused by an insect bite, then you need to treat the desired area with a weak solution of baking soda.

If bile stagnates, you can take enterosorbent ( Activated carbon etc.). Any other medications are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication entails the development of unwanted complications.

If you have liver dysfunction, you must adhere to a strict diet that excludes spicy, fried and fatty foods. If there are no contraindications, use maximum amount liquid that helps eliminate toxins. Delaying treatment poses a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

If the cause of severe itching on the skin is a psychological factor, then it is recommended to provide the woman with complete rest and distract her as much as possible. If necessary, use soothing herbal teas and decoctions.

Itching during pregnancy occurs quite often in women. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body, psychological factors, allergies or internal pathology. Dysfunction of the liver or gall bladder, which is accompanied by severe itching throughout the body, is considered particularly dangerous. An experienced specialist who selects an individual treatment regimen can determine the exact cause. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, exclude potential allergens from the diet and minimize nervous tension.

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