On the procedure for post-boarding care of orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care. Technologies for post-boarding support for graduates of state care institutions

The state of children in boarding schools who are on the verge of leaving the orphanage can be described as confusion before independent life. Formally, they have many life paths before them. At the same time, the implementation of this choice is difficult and limited. The graduate is usually in a state of psychological stress. This is due to an increase in psychological stress. “Independence” is a word that is both frightening and a “desire for freedom.” Therefore, graduates leave the orphanage with a feeling of fear, uncertainty, and loneliness. For many students Orphanage was my home for about ten years. If in the orphanage he was taken care of and provided for, then outside the institution he himself must provide the conditions for a normal life. They will have to practically rebuild and organize their own living space.

There is virtually no continuity between life in the orphanage and the independent life of graduates. Children from the family do not have such a gap. They, as a rule, make the transition to independent life more systematically and they have a certain continuity of living space.

Thus, when independent life begins for orphans, they are faced with two immediate urgent tasks: to switch to almost independent life support and to mark the boundaries of their new space.

A big problem for 90% of graduates is the housing problem. As a rule, children raised in orphanages have assigned living quarters where they previously lived with their relatives. During the time the child spent in the orphanage, parents deprived parental rights, they are increasingly becoming drunkards, degrading as individuals, and it is simply impossible to live with them in the same apartment. One of the reasons aggravating the unfavorable situation of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care is the reduction in the share of state construction. The norms of housing legislation, which provide for the preservation of living space for children placed in state child care institutions with relatives and guardians, are not observed. Unfortunately, often guardianship and trusteeship authorities and administrations of boarding schools do not take proper measures to assign living space to this category of citizens. This allows persons deprived of parental rights, other family members, guardians, and housing authorities to dispose of it contrary to the rights and legitimate interests of minors. After leaving the orphanage, a teenager who has parents often returns to their apartment and again plunges into the antisocial environment of a dysfunctional parental family.

More than 50% of graduates believe that they have no chance of finding acceptable conditions of coexistence with their parents and relatives. At the same time, the absence of a positive model of the “parent-parent” and “parent-child” relationships leads to a shift in value orientations: in the system of life values ​​of orphanage graduates, caring parents and family ties appear as self-worth in only 14%.

Psychological problems also appear during studies in vocational schools. “I’m ashamed to admit that I’m an orphanage resident, afraid of self-pity” - this is the opinion of one of the graduates. Many people could say this. Children from orphanages often hide from their fellow students that they were raised in an orphanage. To say that those closest to you betrayed you is terribly embarrassing.

It can be difficult for them to find friends among their peers at home. "We are different. They think differently. We reveal too much about ourselves, and then we get ridiculed for it,” this is what some graduates think.

The expression “gnawing at the granite of science” often has an almost concrete meaning. For many people, studying is difficult. Today, only 6% of orphanage graduates enter higher education institutions, 23 - 33% - into secondary vocational education institutions, 60% - into primary vocational education institutions.

It is encouraging that the proportion of graduates who get jobs without professional training is decreasing.

In the first year after leaving the orphanage, graduates need support. More than 50% consider it necessary for someone to be with them, otherwise they feel helpless. They hope for patronage without relying on their own resources.

Very often, graduates do not know how to properly use independence, although they strive for it while in an orphanage. They skip school under any pretext and do not know how to properly manage their budget.

The feeling of orphanhood accompanies graduates of orphanages throughout their lives. The frequency of memories of childhood and identification of oneself with the reference group of orphans depend on how prosperous or unfavorable their lives were. Orphans, deservedly or undeservedly, attribute all their problems to loneliness, upbringing in an orphanage, and the prejudiced attitude of others towards them.

The problems of an orphan are not solved not only until he reaches the age of 23, as provided by law, but throughout his life.

6. Strategija razvitija vospitanija v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda. URL: https://rg.ru/2015/06/08/vospitanie-dok.html (data obrashhenija: 05/20/2017).

7. Federal"nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel"nyj standart nachal"nogo obshhego obrazovanija obucha-jushhihsja s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostjami zdo-rov"ja. URL: http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71254376/ (data obrashhenija: 05.20.2017).

8. Furjaeva T.V. Anthropologicheskij podhod kak metodologicheskaja ramka sravnitel "nyh issledovanij // Pedagogika. 2015. No. 3. P. 22-28.

9. E.M. Safronova, L.S. Beylinson, N.V. Zolotykh, T.Yu. Shevchenko. Gratefulnessasa Life Principle: Essence and Diagnostics (Blagodarnost" kak zhiznennyj princip: sushhnost", diagnostika) // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 2016. Vol. 11. Iss. 16. URL: http://www. ijese.net/makale/1139 (data obrashhenija: 05/20/2017).

Perechen" mul"tfil"mov

Neblagodarnyj kozlik. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ssYePeR5A (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Pouchitel "nyj mul" tfil "m o tom, kak vazhno umet" byt" blagodarnym. URL: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v5YcLBfNQM (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Olen" i volk. . URL: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMn_Hoy-8M4 (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Blagodarnost". Detskaja ploshhadka. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-ca9bpy0aM (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Developing a sense of gratitude

as the way of "healing" disabled students

The article deals with the research results of re-garding the educational standards for students with disabilities and the analysis of the relevance of developing a sense of gratitude as the characteristics of moral education of a person. It specifies the essence of the phenomenon of "gratitude" as one of the learning results. The author describes the components and characteristics of its development, as well as the original diagnostic material. The experience in the design and implementation of the educational project "Animation as a means of developing a sense of gratitude" is proposed and described in the article.

Key words: education, gratitude, morality, sense, ability, diagnostics, design.

(The article was received by the editor on May 24, 2017)




model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care

The need to develop a scientific and methodological basis for social support for orphans and children left without parental care is noted. A structural and functional model of post-boarding support for this category of children is presented. The author's subprogram "Op"Npe Club Navigator" was substantiated, which constituted the practical significance of the study and made it possible to ensure its effectiveness.

Key words: post-boarding support, graduates of boarding schools, model, approaches, components.

The issue of supporting various categories of the population at the present stage is a pressing topic due to the fact that the phenomenon of orphans and children left without parental care still remains widespread in civilized countries. This article examines one of the problems of the functioning of the support system - the scientific and methodological substantiation of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care.

In the Russian social work system, a special culture of support and assistance is developing for graduates of a boarding school - accompaniment. The term “support” in psychology, social pedagogy, and social work is used both conceptually and in relation to practical activities to solve specific problems. Accompanying means walking alongside a person moving forward through difficulties. It is used in relation to someone who needs help, support in overcoming emerging (arising) difficulties (problems) in the process of self-realization and achieving vital goals. During human development, support provides social interaction with the surrounding

© Plokhova I.A., Bibikova N.V., Grineva E.A., 2017

us people in a variety of personal and social situations.

The modern interpretation of the concept of “support” makes it possible to clarify the specifics of the relationship between graduates of orphanages and boarding schools and the subjects of their post-boarding support. As an analysis of the literature shows, most often support is understood as a set of actions by representatives of state and public institutions that ensure the entry of residents of boarding schools into social life. Post-boarding support is also considered as a form of education and provision of social assistance and support to orphans, children left without parental care, who are graduates of boarding schools, during full-time studies in educational institutions after completing vocational education until they reach the age of 23 at terms of the contract.

In the process of analysis, the following basic grounds for providing post-boarding support for graduates of orphanages were identified:

1) implementation of state guarantees to ensure the rights of adolescents to social adaptation in society;

2) the formation of a unified state system of post-boarding adaptation for orphanage graduates;

3) orientation of adaptation measures in the interests and benefit of the minor;

4) targeting of adaptation measures, taking into account the personal characteristics of graduates.

The process of organizing support is not a chaotic (from time to time) interaction of support subjects. This process has its own logic and time continuums. The core of the support process is the goal itself - the graduate’s adaptation in society, and the structural components are diagnostic, program-methodological, technological and organizational components. each of them is aimed at solving specific support problems.

The diagnostic component reflects the procedures that are necessary to build the support process. Experts rely on the results of monitoring studies showing which objective and subjective factors in a certain period influence the effectiveness of the support process.

sciences -

The technological component serves to ensure the manufacturability of the maintenance process. The presence of certain technologies suggests that a specialist has the opportunity to navigate the implementation of the support process, choosing technologies that determine the successful adaptation of the particular group of graduates he is caring for. This allows the specialist to evaluate the effectiveness of his efforts.

The organizational component is necessary to ensure interaction between all participants in the support process. The management structure of the support process gives an idea of ​​the sustainability, resourcefulness, and dynamics of the support process.

The program and methodological component presupposes the scientific validity of the implemented programs, the inclusion of new ones in the support process innovative technologies, increasing the professionalism and competence of specialists working with graduates.

The technology of post-boarding support for orphans includes the following stages:

1) preparatory - all information about the graduate is collected, a map of the graduate’s social support network, and an individual support program are drawn up;

2) adaptation - provides assistance to graduates in resolving pressing issues related to housing, education, employment, provision of medical and legal assistance;

3) post-boarding support according to an individual program - the use of a differentiated approach with determination of the complexity of problems.

In the process of conducting the study, an attempt was made to clarify the essence and content of the concept of “post-boarding support.” Post-boarding support is support for orphans and children without parental care, which consists of building optimal social relationships; in providing assistance to this category of children in solving personal problems; in overcoming the difficulties of socialization during the acute adaptation period.

Post-boarding support for orphans is designed to create conditions that will

news of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University

actualizing the problem of finding the meaning of life and predicting life prospects, as well as the formation of competencies necessary for making a responsible decision and self-realization in accordance with it. It allows you to track the life of a pupil after leaving the orphanage, provide various assistance in solving current problems, thereby contributing to the development of personality.

in the practice of social work, attempts have been made repeatedly to develop and implement a model of post-boarding support for various spheres of life of graduates of orphanages. A model is understood as a phenomenon artificially created for study, similar to another phenomenon, the study of which is difficult or impossible. Models often act as analogues of the research objects being studied; they are similar to them, but not equivalent to them.

With the help of models, it will be much easier to overcome various difficulties that arise in the life path of orphanages. There are several models of support for graduates of boarding schools: post-boarding patronage; family patronage, family center model; inpatient departments, temporary stay centers, social hotels, etc.; preliminary preparation on the basis of an orphanage (boarding school) and subsequent support; support at institutions of primary and secondary vocational education; clubs for graduates of boarding schools; mixed model, involving a combination of elements from several models.

Thus, despite the variety of models of post-boarding support for graduates of boarding schools, all of them are united by the following features: firstly, the creation of a special socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological comfortable, socio-legal protective environment; secondly, ensuring the individuality of graduate support; thirdly, monitoring the graduate’s adaptation process and making the necessary adjustments.

There is still no universal model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care. This raises the need to create an effective model of post-boarding support for graduates. During the study

Therefore, we tried to create a structural and functional model of post-boarding support.

The model was tested on the basis of the regional state government educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, the Ulyanovsk special (correctional) orphanage for children with disabilities “Gnezdyshko” - the Center for the development of family forms of placement and support families and children with the participation (hereinafter referred to as the Ulyanovsk orphanage "Gnezdyshko") orphans and children left without parental care.

Based on the analysis of the results of the diagnostic study, a holistic understanding of the phenomenon under study was obtained and a model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care was constructed (see Fig. 1 on p. 25). Let us consider and justify the components of the presented model.

The developed model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care includes the following components:

1) target;

2) theoretical and methodological;

3) organizational and technological;

5) effective.

1. The goal-setting component is the main and system-forming link of the model, meeting the needs of modern society and reflecting the social order. Defining the purpose as the main component of the study is important point, because it acts in relation to the other components of the model as a control authority that has an image of the future result. In this case, the development and implementation of a modern universal model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care.

The social order is determined by the need of society to develop a system of social adaptation and life arrangements for pupils after leaving the orphanage based on innovative forms.

pedagogical sciences

Rice. 1. Model of post-boarding support (compiled by the authors)

The creation of a model of post-boarding support for orphanage graduates was dictated by a social order for:

Successful socialization of graduates of state child support institutions;

Preventing duplication of social orphanhood among graduates of orphanages;

Their professional and personal self-determination, successful competition in the labor market.

Post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care in the Ulyanovsk orphanage "Gnezdyshko" was built on the basis of the implementation of the program of social adaptation and post-boarding support for graduates of the Ulyanovsk orphanage "Gnezdyshko" "Believe in yourself." The goal of the program is to ensure successful social adaptation and support for graduates of orphanages. The objectives of the program are to improve the system of social and pedagogical support for graduates of orphanages; ensuring their continuous professional support and successful social adaptation; providing a developing environment for graduates; formation of legal literacy and psychological stability; interaction between the orphanage, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and vocational education institutions to ensure the rights and social guarantees of graduates; development of forms of interaction and communication between graduates.

2. The next most important component in this process is the theoretical and methodological component of the model, which contains a systematic approach. This approach allows you to separate and carefully study each element of the system separately, analyze and compare them with each other, combining them into a coherent structure. The criteria for a systematic approach to solving this problem are:

Implementation of social and pedagogical support for persons under the age of 23 who were at full age before reaching adulthood state provision, within the framework of the state-public system of support for orphans and children left without parental care;

Introduction of new models of post-boarding support for graduates of orphanages and boarding schools;

Providing comprehensive and systematic social and pedagogical assistance to graduates of educational institutions for orphans with the participation of state and public structures in this process.

The systems approach includes a number of other approaches.

The personal approach is understood as reliance on personal qualities. the orientation of the individual, his value orientations, life plans, formed attitudes, dominant motives of activity and behavior are considered. Neither age taken separately nor individual personality characteristics (character, temperament, will, etc.) make it possible to objectively assess the level of preparedness of graduates. value orientations, life plans, personality orientation are certainly related to age and individual characteristics. however, only the priority of the main personal characteristics leads to the correct accounting of these qualities.

The activity approach affirms the idea of ​​activity as the basis, means and main condition for the development and formation of personality; orients the individual towards organizing creative work as the most effective transformation of the surrounding world; allows you to determine the most optimal conditions for personal development in the process of activity. In the activity approach, personality, its formation and development are considered from the standpoint of practical activity as a special form of human mental activity. According to the approach, the internal wealth of a person is determined by the variety of activities in which a person is actually involved, and the personal meaning with which he fills these types of activities.

The information approach should be considered as a complex system of information processing processes that can be carried out both sequentially and in parallel, both with and without the use of information and communication technologies.

The competency-based approach does not presuppose that a person acquires knowledge and skills that are separate from each other, but masters them in a complex, the formation of a personal responsible attitude towards the results of the activities performed (educational, search, project, etc.).

3. The organizational and technological component provides for a step-by-step theoretical

Rice. 2. Comparative diagnostics of levels (by blocks) before and after the experiment (compiled by the authors)

12 10 5 6 4 2 Comparative diagnostics

Social-psychological block Social-legal block Social-household block

N After 11 9 10

cical and graphical modeling in this work. At the preparatory stage, the theoretical aspects of post-boarding support for orphans and children without parental care were studied, as well as experience in post-boarding support; an analysis of models of post-boarding support and monitoring of a data bank of graduates was carried out; survey to collect and systematize information about the problems of graduates. During the organizational and activity stage, the “On line Club Navigator” subprogram of the “Believe in Yourself” program was implemented.

The analytical stage included an analysis of the research results, testing the effectiveness of the "On" line subprogram of the Navigator club. Changes in the studied indicative indicators - levels of legal literacy, psychological stability and social and everyday skills - were assessed.

During the research, work was carried out to improve legal literacy, psychological stability and social skills using Internet technologies. The following indicative indicators have been identified:

1) the level of legal literacy necessary to maintain or change the law

legal status, provision of legal assistance, protection of legal rights and interests;

2) the level of psychological stability, aimed at helping to improve mental state, restoring the ability to adapt in the environment of life;

3) the level of social and everyday skills aimed at maintaining or ensuring life activities in everyday life.

The “Online Club Navigator” subprogram of the “Believe in Yourself” program was presented on the Internet (on the social network “Vkontakte”). The subprogram is organized as a virtual group, which is currently functioning and is open in nature, i.e. anyone can join it and take part in its development and improvement, as well as in direct communication between participants.

The On"line Club provides two forms of communication: online and anonymous. A special application provides the opportunity to ask any question of interest anonymously. The obvious advantage of the application is that all group members can see the answers to questions, which means they can find something useful and interesting for yourself. On"line Club is a collection of structured, selected, useful information in the form of pictures, videos, audio files and short notes.

5. The results of targeted and systematic work are presented in the effective component in the form of a developed and implemented universal model of post-boarding support for orphans and children.

those left without parental care. To determine the effectiveness of the implemented subprogram, a control diagnostic was carried out, which revealed positive dynamics in increasing the level of legal literacy, psychological stability and social skills of graduates of the boarding school (see Fig. 2 on p. 27).

As the study showed, the developed and implemented model is important for solving social and psychological problems of post-boarding school support for orphans and children left without parental care, helps improve the quality of life and increase confidence in their future among graduates of boarding schools.


1. Bibikova N.V. Social-psychological and spiritual-moral aspects of the development of a creative personality // Vector of science of Togliatti State University. 2015. No. 1(31). pp. 213-217.

2. Grineva E.A., Makarov D.V., Davletshina L.Kh. [and etc.]. On the way to a new Russia: spiritual and moral aspect of socio-ecological education of youth: coll. monograph Ulyanovsk: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "UlSPU named after I.N. Ulyanova", 2015.

3. Kurilko L.V. Post-boarding care is a modern form of socialization of orphanage graduates // Social work. 2008. No. 3. P. 52-57.

4. Lugina E.N. Life arrangement and support in post-boarding school for Moscow graduates: method. allowance. Penza, 2012.

5. Mardakhaev L.V. Social and pedagogical support and support of a person in a life situation // Teacher Education and science. 2010. No. 6. P. 4-10.

6. Plokhova I.A. Social support: concept and classification // Social and pedagogical context of education: problems and trends: materials of the All-Russian Federation. scientific-practical conf. Ulyanovsk, 2015. pp. 386-393.

7. Rozhkov M.I., Bayborodova L.V., Sapozhnikova T.N. Interaction of subjects of post-boarding support for orphans: method. allowance. Kaliningrad: Publishing house of the Russian State University named after. I. Kanta, 2010.

9. Schmidt V. Models of support for graduates of boarding schools // Homeless child. 2008. No. 1. P. 10-14.

10. On"line Club "Navigator" [Electronic resource]. URL: http://vk.com/klub_navigator (access date: 01/15/2017).

1. Bibikova N.V. Social"no-psihologicheskie i duhovno-nravstvennye aspekty razvitija tvorcheskoj lichnosti // Vektor nauki Tol"jattinskogo gosudarst-vennogo universiteta. 2015. No. 1(31). S. 213-217.

2. Grinjova E.A., Makarov D.V., Davletshina L.H. . Na puti k novoj Rossii: duhovno-nravstvennyj aspekt social"no-jekologicheskogo obrazovanija molo-dezhi: kol. monogr. Ul"janovsk: FGBOU VPO "UlGPU imeni I.N. Ul "janova", 2015.

3. Kurilko L.V. Postinternatnyj patronat - sovre-mennaja forma socializacii vypusknikov detskih do-mov // Social"naja rabota. 2008. No. 3. S. 52-57.

4. Lugina E.N. Zhizneustrojstvo i soprovozhdenie v postinternate moskovskih vypusknikov: metod. po-sobie. Penza, 2012.

5. Mardahaev L.V. Social"no-pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie i podderzhka cheloveka v zhiznennoj situacii // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka. 2010. No. 6. S. 4-10.

6. Plohova I.A. Social"noe soprovozhdenie: po-njatie i klassifikacija // Social"no-pedagogicheskij kon-tekst obrazovanija: problemy i tendencii: materialy Vseros. nauch.-prakt. conf. Ul"janovsk, 2015. S. 386393.

7. Rozhkov M.I., Bajborodova L.V., Sapozhnikova T.N. Vzaimodejstvie sub#ektov postinternat-nogo soprovozhdenija detej-sirot: metod. posobie. Kaliningrad: Izd-vo RGU im. I. Kanta, 2010.

9. Shmidt V. Modeli soprovozhdenija vypuskni-kov internatnyh uchrezhdenij // Besprizornik. 2008. No. 1. S. 10-14.

10. On"line Klub "Navigator". URL: http://vk.com/klub_navigator (data obra-shhenija: 01/15/2017).

Model of post-residential support of orphans and children without parental care

The article deals with the necessity of development of scientific and methodological basis of social support of orphans and children without parental care. The structural and functional model of post-residential support of this category of children is represented in the article. The authors describe the program "On line Club Navigator", which contributed to the significance of the practicality of the study and ensured its effectiveness.

6. Strategija razvitija vospitanija v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda. URL: https://rg.ru/2015/06/08/vospitanie-dok.html (data obrashhenija: 05/20/2017).

7. Federal"nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel"nyj standart nachal"nogo obshhego obrazovanija obucha-jushhihsja s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostjami zdo-rov"ja. URL: http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71254376/ (data obrashhenija: 05.20.2017).

8. Furjaeva T.V. Anthropologicheskij podhod kak metodologicheskaja ramka sravnitel "nyh issledovanij // Pedagogika. 2015. No. 3. P. 22-28.

9. E.M. Safronova, L.S. Beylinson, N.V. Zolotykh, T.Yu. Shevchenko. Gratefulnessasa Life Principle: Essence and Diagnostics (Blagodarnost" kak zhiznennyj princip: sushhnost", diagnostika) // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 2016. Vol. 11. Iss. 16. URL: http://www. ijese.net/makale/1139 (data obrashhenija: 05/20/2017).

Perechen" mul"tfil"mov

Neblagodarnyj kozlik. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ssYePeR5A (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Pouchitel "nyj mul" tfil "m o tom, kak vazhno umet" byt" blagodarnym. URL: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v5YcLBfNQM (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Olen" i volk. . URL: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMn_Hoy-8M4 (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Blagodarnost". Detskaja ploshhadka. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-ca9bpy0aM (data obrashhenija: 05/19/2017).

Developing a sense of gratitude

as the way of "healing" disabled students

The article deals with the research results of re-garding the educational standards for students with disabilities and the analysis of the relevance of developing a sense of gratitude as the characteristics of moral education of a person. It specifies the essence of the phenomenon of "gratitude" as one of the learning results. The author describes the components and characteristics of its development, as well as the original diagnostic material. The experience in the design and implementation of the educational project "Animation as a means of developing a sense of gratitude" is proposed and described in the article.

Key words: education, gratitude, morality, sense, ability, diagnostics, design.

(The article was received by the editor on May 24, 2017)




model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care

The need to develop a scientific and methodological basis for social support for orphans and children left without parental care is noted. A structural and functional model of post-boarding support for this category of children is presented. The author's subprogram "Op"Npe Club Navigator" was substantiated, which constituted the practical significance of the study and made it possible to ensure its effectiveness.

Key words: post-boarding support, graduates of boarding schools, model, approaches, components.

The issue of supporting various categories of the population at the present stage is a pressing topic due to the fact that the phenomenon of orphans and children left without parental care still remains widespread in civilized countries. This article examines one of the problems of the functioning of the support system - the scientific and methodological substantiation of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care.

In the Russian social work system, a special culture of support and assistance is developing for graduates of a boarding school - accompaniment. The term “support” in psychology, social pedagogy, and social work is used both conceptually and in relation to practical activities to solve specific problems. Accompanying means walking alongside a person moving forward through difficulties. It is used in relation to someone who needs help, support in overcoming emerging (arising) difficulties (problems) in the process of self-realization and achieving vital goals. During human development, accompaniment ensures social interaction with others.

© Plokhova I.A., Bibikova N.V., Grineva E.A., 2017

us people in a variety of personal and social situations.

The modern interpretation of the concept of “support” makes it possible to clarify the specifics of the relationship between graduates of orphanages and boarding schools and the subjects of their post-boarding support. As an analysis of the literature shows, most often support is understood as a set of actions by representatives of state and public institutions that ensure the entry of residents of boarding schools into social life. Post-boarding support is also considered as a form of education and provision of social assistance and support to orphans, children left without parental care, who are graduates of boarding schools, during full-time studies in educational institutions after completing vocational education until they reach the age of 23 at terms of the contract.

In the process of analysis, the following basic grounds for providing post-boarding support for graduates of orphanages were identified:

1) implementation of state guarantees to ensure the rights of adolescents to social adaptation in society;

2) the formation of a unified state system of post-boarding adaptation for orphanage graduates;

3) orientation of adaptation measures in the interests and benefit of the minor;

4) targeting of adaptation measures, taking into account the personal characteristics of graduates.

The process of organizing support is not a chaotic (from time to time) interaction of support subjects. This process has its own logic and time continuums. The core of the support process is the goal itself - the graduate’s adaptation in society, and the structural components are diagnostic, program-methodological, technological and organizational components. each of them is aimed at solving specific support problems.

The diagnostic component reflects the procedures that are necessary to build the support process. Experts rely on the results of monitoring studies showing which objective and subjective factors in a certain period influence the effectiveness of the support process.

sciences -

The technological component serves to ensure the manufacturability of the maintenance process. The presence of certain technologies suggests that a specialist has the opportunity to navigate the implementation of the support process, choosing technologies that determine the successful adaptation of the particular group of graduates he is caring for. This allows the specialist to evaluate the effectiveness of his efforts.

The organizational component is necessary to ensure interaction between all participants in the support process. The management structure of the support process gives an idea of ​​the sustainability, resourcefulness, and dynamics of the support process.

The program and methodological component presupposes the scientific validity of the programs being implemented, the inclusion of new innovative technologies in the process of supporting, increasing the professionalism and competence of specialists working with graduates.

The technology of post-boarding support for orphans includes the following stages:

1) preparatory - all information about the graduate is collected, a map of the graduate’s social support network, and an individual support program are drawn up;

2) adaptation - provides assistance to graduates in resolving pressing issues related to housing, education, employment, provision of medical and legal assistance;

3) post-boarding support according to an individual program - the use of a differentiated approach with determination of the complexity of problems.

In the process of conducting the study, an attempt was made to clarify the essence and content of the concept of “post-boarding support.” Post-boarding support is support for orphans and children without parental care, which consists of building optimal social relationships; in providing assistance to this category of children in solving personal problems; in overcoming the difficulties of socialization during the acute adaptation period.

Post-boarding support for orphans is designed to create conditions that will

news of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University

actualizing the problem of finding the meaning of life and predicting life prospects, as well as the formation of competencies necessary for making a responsible decision and self-realization in accordance with it. It allows you to track the life of a pupil after leaving the orphanage, provide various assistance in solving current problems, thereby contributing to the development of personality.

in the practice of social work, attempts have been made repeatedly to develop and implement a model of post-boarding support for various spheres of life of graduates of orphanages. A model is understood as a phenomenon artificially created for study, similar to another phenomenon, the study of which is difficult or impossible. Models often act as analogues of the research objects being studied; they are similar to them, but not equivalent to them.

With the help of models, it will be much easier to overcome various difficulties that arise in the life path of orphanages. There are several models of support for graduates of boarding schools: post-boarding patronage; family patronage, family center model; inpatient departments, temporary stay centers, social hotels, etc.; preliminary preparation on the basis of an orphanage (boarding school) and subsequent support; support at institutions of primary and secondary vocational education; clubs for graduates of boarding schools; mixed model, involving a combination of elements from several models.

Thus, despite the variety of models of post-boarding support for graduates of boarding schools, all of them are united by the following features: firstly, the creation of a special socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological comfortable, socio-legal protective environment; secondly, ensuring the individuality of graduate support; thirdly, monitoring the graduate’s adaptation process and making the necessary adjustments.

There is still no universal model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care. This raises the need to create an effective model of post-boarding support for graduates. During the study

Therefore, we tried to create a structural and functional model of post-boarding support.

The model was tested on the basis of the regional state government educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, the Ulyanovsk special (correctional) orphanage for children with disabilities “Gnezdyshko” - the Center for the development of family forms of placement and support families and children with the participation (hereinafter referred to as the Ulyanovsk orphanage "Gnezdyshko") orphans and children left without parental care.

Based on the analysis of the results of the diagnostic study, a holistic understanding of the phenomenon under study was obtained and a model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care was constructed (see Fig. 1 on p. 25). Let us consider and justify the components of the presented model.

The developed model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care includes the following components:

1) target;

2) theoretical and methodological;

3) organizational and technological;

5) effective.

1. The goal-setting component is the main and system-forming link of the model, meeting the needs of modern society and reflecting the social order. Defining the goal as the main component of the study is an important point, because it acts in relation to the other components of the model as a control authority that has an image of the future result. In this case, the development and implementation of a modern universal model of post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care.

The social order is determined by the need of society to develop a system of social adaptation and life arrangements for pupils after leaving the orphanage based on innovative forms.

pedagogical sciences

Rice. 1. Model of post-boarding support (compiled by the authors)

The creation of a model of post-boarding support for orphanage graduates was dictated by a social order for:

Successful socialization of graduates of state child support institutions;

Preventing duplication of social orphanhood among graduates of orphanages;

Their professional and personal self-determination, successful competition in the labor market.

Post-boarding support for orphans and children left without parental care in the Ulyanovsk orphanage "Gnezdyshko" was built on the basis of the implementation of the program of social adaptation and post-boarding support for graduates of the Ulyanovsk orphanage "Gnezdyshko" "Believe in yourself." The goal of the program is to ensure successful social adaptation and support for graduates of orphanages. The objectives of the program are to improve the system of social and pedagogical support for graduates of orphanages; ensuring their continuous professional support and successful social adaptation; providing a developing environment for graduates; formation of legal literacy and psychological stability; interaction between the orphanage, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and vocational education institutions to ensure the rights and social guarantees of graduates; development of forms of interaction and communication between graduates.

2. The next most important component in this process is the theoretical and methodological component of the model, which contains a systematic approach. This approach allows you to separate and carefully study each element of the system separately, analyze and compare them with each other, combining them into a coherent structure. The criteria for a systematic approach to solving this problem are:

Implementation of social and pedagogical support for persons under the age of 23 who were fully supported by the state until adulthood, within the framework of the state-public system of support for orphans and children without parental care;

Introduction of new models of post-boarding support for graduates of orphanages and boarding schools;

Providing comprehensive and systematic social and pedagogical assistance to graduates of educational institutions for orphans with the participation of state and public structures in this process.

The systems approach includes a number of other approaches.

The personal approach is understood as reliance on personal qualities. the orientation of the individual, his value orientations, life plans, formed attitudes, dominant motives of activity and behavior are considered. Neither age taken separately nor individual personality characteristics (character, temperament, will, etc.) make it possible to objectively assess the level of preparedness of graduates. value orientations, life plans, personality orientation are certainly related to age and individual characteristics. however, only the priority of the main personal characteristics leads to the correct accounting of these qualities.

The activity approach affirms the idea of ​​activity as the basis, means and main condition for the development and formation of personality; orients the individual towards organizing creative work as the most effective transformation of the surrounding world; allows you to determine the most optimal conditions for personal development in the process of activity. In the activity approach, personality, its formation and development are considered from the standpoint of practical activity as a special form of human mental activity. According to the approach, the internal wealth of a person is determined by the variety of activities in which a person is actually involved, and the personal meaning with which he fills these types of activities.

The information approach should be considered as a complex system of information processing processes that can be carried out both sequentially and in parallel, both with and without the use of information and communication technologies.

The competency-based approach does not presuppose that a person acquires knowledge and skills that are separate from each other, but masters them in a complex, the formation of a personal responsible attitude towards the results of the activities performed (educational, search, project, etc.).

3. The organizational and technological component provides for a step-by-step theoretical

Rice. 2. Comparative diagnostics of levels (by blocks) before and after the experiment (compiled by the authors)

12 10 5 6 4 2 Comparative diagnostics

Social-psychological block Social-legal block Social-household block

N After 11 9 10

cical and graphical modeling in this work. At the preparatory stage, the theoretical aspects of post-boarding support for orphans and children without parental care were studied, as well as experience in post-boarding support; an analysis of models of post-boarding support and monitoring of a data bank of graduates was carried out; survey to collect and systematize information about the problems of graduates. During the organizational and activity stage, the “On line Club Navigator” subprogram of the “Believe in Yourself” program was implemented.

The analytical stage included an analysis of the research results, testing the effectiveness of the "On" line subprogram of the Navigator club. Changes in the studied indicative indicators - levels of legal literacy, psychological stability and social and everyday skills - were assessed.

During the research, work was carried out to improve legal literacy, psychological stability and social skills using Internet technologies. The following indicative indicators have been identified:

1) the level of legal literacy necessary to maintain or change the law

legal status, provision of legal assistance, protection of legal rights and interests;

2) the level of psychological stability, aimed at helping to improve mental state, restoring the ability to adapt in the environment of life;

3) the level of social and everyday skills aimed at maintaining or ensuring life activities in everyday life.

The “Online Club Navigator” subprogram of the “Believe in Yourself” program was presented on the Internet (on the social network “Vkontakte”). The subprogram is organized as a virtual group, which is currently functioning and is open in nature, i.e. anyone can join it and take part in its development and improvement, as well as in direct communication between participants.

The On"line Club provides two forms of communication: online and anonymous. A special application provides the opportunity to ask any question of interest anonymously. The obvious advantage of the application is that all group members can see the answers to questions, which means they can find something useful and interesting for yourself. On"line Club is a collection of structured, selected, useful information in the form of pictures, videos, audio files and short notes.

5. The results of targeted and systematic work are presented in the effective component in the form of a developed and implemented universal model of post-boarding support for orphans and children.

those left without parental care. To determine the effectiveness of the implemented subprogram, a control diagnostic was carried out, which revealed positive dynamics in increasing the level of legal literacy, psychological stability and social skills of graduates of the boarding school (see Fig. 2 on p. 27).

As the study showed, the developed and implemented model is important for solving social and psychological problems of post-boarding school support for orphans and children left without parental care, helps improve the quality of life and increase confidence in their future among graduates of boarding schools.


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1. Bibikova N.V. Social"no-psihologicheskie i duhovno-nravstvennye aspekty razvitija tvorcheskoj lichnosti // Vektor nauki Tol"jattinskogo gosudarst-vennogo universiteta. 2015. No. 1(31). S. 213-217.

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3. Kurilko L.V. Postinternatnyj patronat - sovre-mennaja forma socializacii vypusknikov detskih do-mov // Social"naja rabota. 2008. No. 3. S. 52-57.

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Model of post-residential support of orphans and children without parental care

The article deals with the necessity of development of scientific and methodological basis of social support of orphans and children without parental care. The structural and functional model of post-residential support of this category of children is represented in the article. The authors describe the program "On line Club Navigator", which contributed to the significance of the practicality of the study and ensured its effectiveness.

Beginning independent adult life is a difficult time for anyone young man. Inexperience gives rise to mistakes that can affect the rest of your life. At this time it is very important to have loved one, to whom you can turn in a difficult case, who will support and suggest the right way out. Orphans and graduates of orphanages have to enter adulthood earlier than a child from a family. The largest number of children are released from orphanages at the age of 15-16 years. Their life experience is very small, and they often completely lack the skills necessary for independent living: children do not know how to arrange their lives, manage money, or organize their own leisure time.

Leaving the orphanage, these young people, essentially still children, find themselves unprepared for life and begin to have problems:

lead a dependent lifestyle;

suffer from alcohol addiction;

commit offenses and become involved in criminal activities.

This is due to the fact that most graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care are not sufficiently adapted to independent life. Therefore, it is necessary, at least for the first time (2-3 years) after leaving the orphanage, to provide pupils with support in the form of post-boarding support, which will help them successfully adapt to a new social environment, build a constructive strategy for independent living, create new and strong social contacts, both with close circles and with government agencies.

The program is designed for 3 years, for the entire adaptation period of orphanage graduates.

The post-boarding adaptation program for orphanage graduates is based on five sections:

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics (determining the social status of a graduate)

Social and pedagogical consultation

Social and preventive work

Social education

Protecting the rights and interests of graduates

The program provides for the use of frontal, group and individual forms of work with students.

The goal of the program is to organize individual support and support for orphanage graduates for successful socialization and integration into society.

Program objectives:

To facilitate the adaptation of orphanage graduates to living and learning conditions in educational institutions of primary vocational education and secondary vocational education.

Influence the development of professionally important qualities of an orphanage graduate.

To create conditions for the successful socialization of a graduate of an orphanage after graduating from an educational institution.

Methodological basis of the program

Personal-activity approach to the organization of the educational process, ensuring the development of the individual’s capabilities in activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, M.M. Potashnik, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.V. Serikov, etc.);

Conceptual ideas of the environmental approach to building the educational process in educational institution, explaining the socialization of an individual through the environment that surrounds him (V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova, Yu.S. Manuylov, M.V. Shakurova, etc.).

The theoretical basis of the program was:

Humanistic ideas of upbringing and education, which determine the understanding of man as a unique, open system, capable of change and development in the process of interaction (S.A. Amonashvili, A.S. Makarenko, I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ilyin, etc. );

Theoretical provisions in the field of development and education of orphans in boarding institutions (M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, A.M. Prikhozhan, N.N. Tolstykh, T.I. Shulga, etc.);

Theoretical provisions developmental psychology about neoplasms of adolescence and youth (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, I.S. Kon, etc.), including in orphans (E.V. Nekrasova, I.P. Krokhin, T .I. Yufereva and others);

Provisions on the active influence of the social environment on personality development (A.V. Mudrik, A.Ya. Oliferenko, S.A. Raschetina, M.V. Firsov, etc.);

Conceptual provisions that reveal the essence and specificity of social and pedagogical activity (L.A. Belyaeva, Yu.V. Vasilkova, M.A. Galaguzova, F.A. Mustaeva, V.A. Nikitin, A.Ya. Oliferenko, L. K. Sidorova and others);

Research on the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of orphanages (L.M. Zagrebelnaya, O.Yu. Italyankina, K.R. Melkonyan, G.V. Semya, I.I. Shevchenko, L.M. Shipitsyna, etc.).

The principles on which the program is implemented

The principle of humanism

The principle of democratization of relations

The principle of an individual personal approach

The principle of conformity with nature

The principle of creativity and freedom

The principle of freedom and choice

Operating principle

The principle of cultural conformity

The principle of complexity and integrity

The principle of science.

The principle of systematicity and consistency

The principle of multidisciplinarity

The program is based on socio-pedagogical technologies:

Technology of humane-personal approach - Sh.A. Amonashvili

Technology of pedagogical support - O.S. Gazman

Social and pedagogical technologies of working with graduates of orphanages and boarding schools - N.V. Vladimirova, H. Spaniard

Technology of individual support for graduates of orphanages - V.A. Grigorieva, M.Yu. Kuzmicheva.

Working methods used in the program:

Theoretical methods: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of documentation (educational plans, personal files of students), modeling the process of social and pedagogical activity, classification of pedagogical facts and their generalization;

Methods of collecting and processing information (observation, conversation, questioning, psychological testing, analysis of activity products, methods of graphical data processing);

Practical methods: socio-psychological counseling, support, methods of socio-psychological assistance (training business game, confidential dialogue, role-playing);

Method of sociological research on the adaptation of graduates;

Methods of education: (methods of forming consciousness, organizing and stimulating activities);

Working techniques used in the program:



establishing logical relationships;

resolving problems of choice and problematic situations;

identifying the social “I”;

training in information retrieval.

The program consists of 5 sections.

SECTION 1. Socio-pedagogical diagnostics (determining the social status of a graduate)

Goal: determining a plan for primary adaptation to new conditions.

diagnosing the graduate's needs for further care and support that have arisen in connection with a violation of his socialization;

diagnostics of the social situation (the presence of conditions conducive to adaptation - education, work, leisure opportunities, etc., necessary for adaptation to the new conditions of independent living);

studying the level of development of social behavior (deviations from social norms and rules);

diagnosis of deviations in social behavior and the causes that cause them;

studying the characteristics of social adaptation of pupils to determine those requiring development and special formation of socially necessary skills, including interpersonal interaction skills;

Annex 1.

SECTION 2. Social and pedagogical consultation

Goal: to assist graduates with problems associated with socialization disorders.

Individual counseling - providing assistance in difficult situations, work on planning and organizing life activities, developing the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities related to integration into society.

providing assistance in difficult situations;

together with the graduate, drawing up individual development plans, including the development of necessary skills;

work on the reconstruction or creation of a supportive social environment, a “social network” (drawing individual plan reconstruction of the "social network");

drawing up, together with the graduate, a plan for correcting his deviations in social behavior;

providing assistance in professional identification and employment.

SECTION 3. Social and preventive work

Goal: preventing possible violations in the social adaptation of graduates and creating conditions for full personal development.

consultations with other specialists on the issues of creating conditions that favorably influence the development of the graduate’s ability to adapt;

working together with the graduate and his entourage (with the involvement of other specialists) to create a new “social network”, if one does not exist;

optimizing the interaction of graduates with the environment;

social and legal education of graduates;

prevention of bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.);

prevention of interpersonal conflicts.

Appendix 2.

SECTION 4. Social education

Goal: special professional assistance to the graduate in his socialization.

work on the correction and development of social competence, everyday skills (group and individual forms);

correction of various deviations in behavior (aggression, self-aggression, etc.);

correction of problems associated with bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.);

correction of problems associated with interpersonal conflicts;

work on the reconstruction and maintenance of the “social network”.

SECTION 5. Protection of the rights and interests of graduates

Goal: protection of the rights and interests of graduates; representation of graduates’ interests in human rights and administrative bodies.

resolving issues related to the availability of documents necessary for living arrangements;

assistance in matters related to the protection of rights and interests;

representation in human rights and administrative bodies;

assistance in choosing a profession and finding employment;

providing assistance in obtaining housing and living arrangements.

Expected Result

1. Sufficient social and personal potential of graduates for independent life and successful integration in modern society;

2. Professional self-realization of orphanage graduates;

3. Creation of a post-boarding support service for orphanage graduates;

4. Obtaining data on problems and violations of adaptation of graduates, the possibility of their prompt use

5. Accumulation of a statistical database characterizing the post-boarding life of graduates.


social adaptation

and post-boarding support for orphanage graduates

Approved by: Methodological Council

State Budgetary Educational Institution S(K)OSHI village Pokrovka

Novosergievsky district

Protocol No. ___ dated "___"_______20__

Compiled by:

Molotnikova N.D. - social teacher

Kvernadze L.F. - educational psychologist

Explanatory note

Among the most pressing tasks facing both state authorities and local governments, as well as boarding schools, is the task of improving the system of social adaptation of graduates of institutions for orphans, including their socio-psychological support, provision of housing, assistance in obtaining vocational education and employment after completion of their stay in the institution.

This problem was repeatedly reflected in the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2010 and 2011 and the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation aimed at their implementation, which set the task of developing and implementing programs for social adaptation and support for graduates of institutions for orphans. In this regard, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as institutions for orphans, need to take comprehensive measures to ensure the development and implementation of appropriate programs.

The legal basis for the development and adoption of social adaptation programs for graduates of institutions for orphans is a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, including the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Family code Russian Federation, Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of December 21, 1996 N 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care", Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation ", Model regulations on an educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1996 N 1203, of August 28, 1997 N 1117, of March 30, 1998 N 366, of December 23, 2002 N 919, dated 08/18/2008 N 617, dated 03/10/2009 N 216) and others.

The transition of boarding school graduates into independent life is fraught with great difficulties and is not always successful. A graduate, entering adulthood, faces a number of problems: providing housing, finding a job, organizing everyday life, food, leisure, interaction with the wider society and others.

A long stay in a boarding school often leads to the formation of a special socio-psychological status in students, which is characterized by the presence of dependent attitudes, a low level of work motivation, legal literacy, an increased level of victimization, and vulnerability to various forms of exploitation.

As a result, graduates often cannot take advantage of the provided social benefits and guarantees, protect their own rights, establish contact with people around them, become victims of violent crimes, fraudulent actions that lead to the loss of property (primarily housing), and are involved in antisocial acts and illegal activities.

In this regard, one of the priority tasks in the field of social adaptation of boarding school graduates is to improve the system of work on educating and training students, preparing them for independent life after graduation from boarding school.

Purposeful work to prepare orphans for future life in society should begin from the moment the child enters the institution. This work should include:

    Creation of conditions in the institution that are close to the conditions family education(including the formation of “family groups” of different ages, the presence of permanent teachers in groups);

    Development and implementation of programs for education, rehabilitation and social adaptation of pupils, providing them with comprehensive individually oriented psychological, medical, pedagogical and social support and containing routes for post-boarding adaptation of graduates, based on an assessment of their real needs and capabilities;

    Providing quality education for students, organizing work on their professional self-determination and finding competitive professions for them;

    Formation of law-abiding behavior of pupils.

A positive role in the support system for students and graduates can be played by the provision of so-called “mentoring,” which presupposes that each of them has a significant adult in the pre-graduation and graduation period. Such adults can be relatives or acquaintances of pupils (graduates), employees of a boarding school or employees of another organization dealing with issues of social adaptation of orphans (vocational education institutions, enterprises, public organizations), as well as volunteers.

Based on the conducted research on the personality of graduates, as well as the results of the adaptation process, several groups of graduates are distinguished according to the degree of complexity of the problems they encounter during the period of post-boarding adaptation and, accordingly, the assistance they require in social adaptation.

First group - graduates who have a fairly high level of social competence, well-structured life plans, have received special education and are ready to continue their studies at an educational institution of primary vocational education or get a job. Graduates of this group may need socio-pedagogical and psychological support in the initial period of life after completing their stay at the boarding school.

Second group - graduates who have insufficiently developed social skills, clear life plans, the ability to make independent decisions, they are not active enough, and have problems with communication and getting established in a team at their place of study or work. This group of graduates needs informational, socio-pedagogical and psychological support, intensive support and assistance in settling down their lives.

6. Monitoring the success of the adaptation process.

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher

7. Further support in difficult life situations.

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher, educational psychologist, boarding school administration, PU administration. Social teacher and psychologist PU.



July August

Social teacher

Doctor, nurse

3. provision of seasonal clothing.

Boarding school administration

As you receive housing.

Administration of CCSON


As needed

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher, educational psychologist

The first six months - 1-2 times a month, for the next year of adaptation - 1 time every six months

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher

The first year once a month, for the next year of adaptation - once every six months

10. Contact with the PU supervisor or the administration of the graduate’s place of work.


3. Help.

July August

1. Assistance in finding a job or studying at a university.

Social teacher

2. Assistance in passing a medical examination.

Doctor, nurse

3. Providing seasonal clothing

Boarding school administration

As you receive housing.

4. Help from the Comprehensive Center for Social Services.

Administration of CCSON

From the moment the graduate enters the PU

5. Drawing up a plan for interaction between the boarding school and the PU. The plan is accompanied by a post-boarding adaptation route, except for the “Monitoring” section.

Social teacher, teacher-mentor, PU administration

From 8th grade until the graduate reaches 23 years of age


As needed

7. Providing social, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support.

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher, educational psychologist

The first six months - 1 time per week, the next year 1 time per month

8. Monitoring the success of the adaptation process.

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher

Once a year until age 23

9. Monitoring the success of adaptation.

Teacher-mentor, social worker Teacher, educational psychologist

The first six months - once a week, for the next year of adaptation - once a month

10. Contact with the PU curator or the administration of the graduate’s place of work or study.


11. Further support in difficult life situations.

Teacher-mentor, social worker teacher, educational psychologist, administration

Expected results of the program:

1. Graduates have sufficient social and personal potential for independent living and successful integration in modern society. As a result of the program, the graduate must:

Possess communication skills with elders, peers and juniors.

Be able to implement joint activities in the team, including the workforce.

Maintain a culture of behavior in in public places, be able to behave correctly in various situations.

Have psycho-emotional stability, adequate perception of unforeseen situations, and the ability to self-regulate.

Know your body, be able to care for it, have self-care skills.

Possess first aid skills.

Know how to run a household.

Take care of your appearance, maintain neatness and neatness. Be able to create your own style of clothing.

Have knowledge of child care, be able to build and plan family life.

Form professional interests. Focus on a certain type of profession, have a goal in life.

Be a law-abiding citizen of the Russian Federation, have knowledge of your rights and responsibilities.

2. Professional self-realization of boarding school graduates.

3. Obtaining data on problems and violations of adaptation of graduates, the possibility of their prompt use.

4. Accumulation of a statistical database characterizing the post-boarding life of graduates.

Annex 1

State government educational institution

“Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans,

and children left without parental care"

With. Pokrovka, Novosergievsky district, Orenburg region.


individual post-boarding training for pupils

FULL NAME_______________________________________



Personal information

1. Full name______________

2. Date of birth:__________________________________________________________

3. Time of arrival at boarding school:_________________________________

4. Departure time: ___________________________________________________

5. Social status(emphasize):

orphan left without care

6.Social protection (underline):

Disability ( I , II , III group) pension recipient

7. Providing housing (underline):

assigned is in line own

8. Level of physical and somatic development (underline):

8.1. Vision:

Normal Deviation from normal

8.2. Hearing:

Normal Deviation from normal

8.3. Chronic diseases:

Yes No

8.4. Health group:

1 2 3 4 5

8.5. Physical education group:

Basic preparatory special

Social teacher: _____________ N.D. Molotnikova

Teacher-mentor: ________ ________________


psychological and pedagogical training of the student



Based on the above data, the following program has been drawn up for working with students in the 20___-20___ academic year:

TARGET:develop proper communication skills and strong-willed qualities.

Work plan for 20____-20____ school. year (8th grade):

Pupil: ____________ __________________

Dynamics of preparation:



Recommended for next year:_______________________________________________

Pupil: ____________ __________________

TARGET:continue to develop proper communication skills and strong-willed qualities.

Work plan for 20____-20____ school. year (9th grade):

Dynamics of preparation:


(Positive, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

Over the past period from _______ to ________ the following changes occurred:



Educational psychologist: ________ L.F. Kvernadze

Pupil: ____________ __________________


assessment of the development of everyday skills of the pupil


Dresses cleanly and neatly

Takes care of your clothes and shoes

Knows how to wash his own things

Can perform minor repairs and ironing of items

Takes care of hair, nails and body cleanliness

Knows how to keep the home clean, can create comfort

Knows how to cook and set the table


2. Culture of educational work:

ability to organize work (plan)

Ability to use additional literature

Perseverance, perseverance

Hard work

Organizing self-training assistance for other children

ability to get things done



3. Communication culture:

Polite with peers

Doesn't use nicknames

Doesn't use foul language

Can establish contact and carry on a conversation

Respectful with elders

Attitude towards children (can improve play, takes care of them, watches over them appearance).

Able to ask for help and give it


4. Culture of behavior

At the table

In public places

In transport



5. Careful attitude

For educational supplies

To products

To the furniture

Able to distribute and spend money


Average score:

Overall GPA based on two GPAs:



(a brief description of the problems of developing qualities, obtained from the results of the study)

1. Full name______________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth:__________________________________________________________

3. Place of study: _________________________________________________


(indicate full name)

Residence address

Nature of the relationship


Older brother:

Elder sister:


Other relatives:

Other citizens involved in the fate of the child:



(brief conclusion about the possibility of using the resource of the pupil’s social support network)


Based on the above data, the following program has been drawn up for work in the 20___-20___ academic year:

TARGET:creation or reconstruction of a social network for the successful socialization of the student, through the formation of close relationships between the graduate and his uncle.

Work plan for 20____-20____ school. year (9th grade):

Dynamics of preparation:


(Positive, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

Over the past period from _______ to ________ the following changes occurred:

Recommended for further adaptation:__________________________________________

Social teacher: ___________ N.D. Molotnikova

Pupil __________ __________________


studying the level of professional self-determination of the student



(brief conclusion about the student’s level of readiness to choose a profession)


Summary of the result

differential diagnostic questionnaire E. Klimov



(brief conclusion about the results of the interview with the student)


Based on the results of the survey, as well as based on the results of an individual conversation with the student, we can say that:


(does the result of the questionnaire correspond to the personal preferences of the student? If so, which vocational training institution and what specialty were chosen by the student for further admission)


Pupil: __________ _____________________

Social teacher: ____________ N.D. Molotnikova

Educational psychologist: _____________ L.F. Kvernadze

Teacher-mentor: ___________ ______________

Appendix 2

State government educational institution

“Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans,

and children left without parental care"

With. Pokrovka, Novosergievsky district, Orenburg region.


individual post-boarding support for graduates

FULL NAME. _______________________________________



Teacher-mentor: ___________________________________

1. General information about the graduate

"____" __________ 20____

left without care

Level of physical and somatic development (underline):

Chronic diseases:

Health group:

Physical education group:

Normal deviation from the norm

Normal deviation from the norm

Basic preparatory special

Education (underline):

graduated from 9th grade

Housing conditions (underline):

does not have housing, but is put on a waiting list;

own housing with amenities;

own housing without amenities;

dorm room;

Place of expected residence at the time of graduation from boarding school (underline):

own housing with amenities

own housing without amenities

dorm room

rental housing


What does he plan to do after graduating from boarding school (underline):

study and work at the same time


registration at the employment center

Name of educational institution, profession to be acquired

Place of proposed work and position after graduation from boarding school:

Possible means of content (underline):

salary at the place of work

casual income

help from relatives


unemployment benefit

resale of housing, property


What is needed when leaving boarding school (underline):

medical service

passport (citizenship)

funds for home repairs


How he plans to spend his free time (underline):

walking in the streets


go to a computer club

spend time with friends


Who does he intend to communicate with (underline):

with relatives

with members of the foster family

with friends


Presence of bad habits (underline):


Substance abuse

Drugs (what):______________________________

Attitude towards offenses (underline):

served a sentence in prison

was given a suspended sentence

payment of an administrative fine




boarding school specialists


Contact details for the graduate:

(residence address, telephone)



2. Characteristics of the graduate’s weak and strong qualities

Realistically assessing the existing difficulties and opportunities for my further adaptation and for the purpose of my successful adaptation to independent life, I ___________________________________________________________________________________

(graduate FI)

I voluntarily give (underline as appropriate):

your agreement disagreement

for help and accompaniment of me in independent life from boarding school specialists, namely:

Teacher-mentor represented by _____________________________________________________.

(Name of teacher)

Social teacher: ______________________________________________________________

Teacher-psychologist: ________________________________________________________________

In addition, by agreeing to my post-boarding accompaniment, I voluntarily accept the following conditions:

1. A graduate who decides to take part in post-boarding school support for graduates of a boarding school is obliged to:

In the process of entering an independent life, adhere to the recommendations of specialists;

Fill in the information required for support.

2. A graduate who decides to take part in post-boarding school support activities for boarding school graduates has the right:

Choose your own type of post-boarding support;

Participate in the development of your support plan;

Participate in group and individual work offered by specialists;

Contact boarding school specialists regarding personal issues.

Social teacher: _____________ N.D. Molotnikova

Teacher-mentor: ________ ________________________

Graduate: ____________ ___________________

    SWOT - adaptation process analysis

Graduate needs

Graduate expectations

Possible problems

Ways to prevent or solve problems or “risks”

Social teacher: _____________ N.D. Molotnikova

Teacher-mentor: ________ ________________________

Graduate: ____________ ___________________

Thus, thanks to the data obtained, it seems appropriate to establish the following type of post-boarding support for the graduate (underline):


In accordance with the selected type of support, the following program has been compiled:

Target: assistance to graduates in adapting to independent life.


interaction between a boarding school and a vocational school of education under the program of post-boarding support and social adaptation of a boarding school graduate

Creating the conditions necessary for the successful socialization of a graduate in a PU (obtaining education, organizing leisure time, social activities, facilitating the graduate’s adaptation to the conditions of life and study at a PU).

During the training period

Administration of the PU

Continue to develop the graduate’s vital skills and abilities.

During the training period

Teaching staff and curator of the PU,

Ensuring the rights and legal guarantees of graduates

During the training period

Boarding school, PU

Ensuring the implementation of social support measures established by law for graduates

During the training period

Administration of the PU

Monitoring the success of adaptation (according to the approved form).

Depending on the type of support


boarding school teacher-mentor, PU curator

Exchange between specialists of the boarding school and the PU of the necessary documentation related to monitoring the success of the adaptation process and the identity of the graduate.

As needed

Boarding school administration, PU administration

teacher-mentor, PU curator,

Arrangement of the graduate’s own housing and life.

Upon receipt of housing and at the request of the graduate

Graduate, Boarding school administration, PU administration

Teacher-mentor, PU curator.

Social teacher ______________________________ \ N.D. Molotnikova

Educational psychologist ____________________________ \ L.F. Kvernadze

Teacher-mentor ______________________________________________

Graduate _____________________________________________________

PU curator _____________________________________________________

6. Monitoring the success of adaptation

for the period from _____________ 20____ to ____________ 20___

Doesn’t know how or where to go for medical care. with help

No honey policy

There are no necessary means for treatment

Plays sports and has no bad habits

The situation is normal

Rarely plays sports, but has bad habits

Health situation is stable, sometimes sick

Doesn't play sports at all

Health situation is stable, Gets sick often, Doesn’t know where to go in for sports


Active in society

Member of public organizations; Takes part in elections; Helps other orphans; Helps others.


Leads a secluded life, refuses to participate in the life of society, is an outcast in society

Antisocially active

Informal groups; hooliganism; fights

Advanced education and career

Gets a profession

Full time job

Strives for career growth

Spends money on education

Improves qualifications

Constantly learning

The meaning of life and values

Has a dream, can formulate it and understands what needs to be done

Strives to realize himself

Only dreams

Doing nothing

There is a purpose in life

Strive to achieve

There are positive values

Strive to create everything we can

Lack of dreams and long-term life plans

Doesn’t know what to strive for, looks for something to do; constant search for friends; seeks help from the community; seeks help from relatives; looking for help from organizations

Socially useful employment

Studying or continuing their studies at a university

Studies diligently, with the goal of gaining knowledge, has problems attending classes, has negative learning results, studies for the sake of getting a mat. maintenance or free housing

Serving in the Armed Forces

The situation is normal.

Officially got a job

Works and has no penalties at the place of work

Got a job unofficially

Not a stable source of livelihood, does not want to triple down officially due to lack of opportunity (problems with documents, little pay, no job, etc.)

Worth on the labor exchange

Receives benefits and is actively looking for work

Temporarily not working due to respect. reason

actively looking for work, solving problems that arise

Doesn't want to work

Has no means of subsistence and does not want to work


Lives on his own in his own home

Housing is ok

Own home needs renovation

Assembles and carries out repairs; Needs help, Doesn't want to do

Lives in a fixed area

Housing is not up to standard

Lives with friends and has his own place

Housing is rented out, Housing is idle

Lives wherever he needs to

Do not pay

Lives in a dormitory

Housing is ok (temporary)

Household arrangement

The life of the place of residence is normal

The situation is normal

The daily life of the place of residence requires arrangement (purchase of furniture, equipment, etc.)

Gets ready and arranges,

Help Wanted

Normal living conditions are absent and not created

Doesn't want to do the arrangement

Dresses cleanly and neatly

The situation is normal

Dresses without “taste”, sloppily

Doesn't know how, doesn't want to, doesn't have the financial opportunity

Takes care of your clothes and shoes

The situation is normal

Doesn't take care of his clothes and shoes

Doesn't know how, doesn't want to

Takes care of hair, nails and body cleanliness

The situation is normal

Doesn’t take care of hair, nails, body cleanliness

Doesn't know how, doesn't want to

Knows how to keep the home clean, can create

The situation is normal

Does not keep the home clean, but can create comfort

Doesn't know how, doesn't want to

Free time

Culturally conducts

Develops himself

Hanging out with friends

Informal group

Spends time with relatives

Preservation and maintenance of family ties

Spends leisure time at home or with a friend

Normal adaptation in life

Walking on his own

Possible casual acquaintances

Watching TV, computer, studying in accordance with his interests

Lack of desire to communicate, No friends, Problems in society

Leisure is not organized

Doesn’t know how to manage time, Strives to earn more, Doesn’t know how to organize leisure time

Family life

Member of the official marriage

The family is normal

Civil marriage

The family is normal; Possible problems in the family

Have children

Normal lifestyle

Not married (not married)

Normal lifestyle; Frequent changes of partners are possible; Has difficulties with the device family life

Economic well-being

Maintains itself

Knows how to distribute income, income is combined with expenses. Helps others with money.

Not enough money

Does not know how to distribute income, Expenses do not correspond to income

Needs money, works part-time

Looks for opportunities to earn money through work; begs; steals; borrows money

Adaptation in society

Independent and relies only on himself

Does not need support (does not regularly seek help)

Experiencing difficulties, but trying to cope with the situation

Moral support required. Need help from specialists

Financial assistance required

Didn't adapt

Went to jail; wanders;

Dubious company

Abuses alcohol.

Uses drugs.

Negative result



(brief conclusion about the results of the graduate’s social adaptation)


Based on the results of the monitoring, as well as based on the results of an individual conversation with a graduate, the following recommendations were given:



Teacher-mentor: ________ ________________________

Graduate: ____________ ___________________

Example: mastering a specialty; ability to draw up documents for the privatization of housing and receiving a pension; mastering the skills and abilities of home renovation; achieving psychological readiness for independent living; ability to prepare personal documents, various applications, make payments; the ability to interact constructively with others. Providing psychological assistance to a child is a service, not a task. The task is to master the skills of psycho-emotional relaxation.

Example. Task - Ability to draw up personal documents, various applications, make payments.

1) Training the graduate to calculate electricity consumption (take readings from the meter, fill out a receipt, go to the savings bank - pay) - responsible social teacher
