Why is the pregnancy period short and the belly big? How the belly changes in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, the belly of all women grows differently, it all depends on individual factors such as:

  • body type;
  • muscle tone;
  • pelvic structure;
  • amount of amniotic fluid;
  • rapid growth of the child and uterus.

Someone is already on early stages notes that the belly has become rounded, but for others at the same period, changes in the size of the abdomen may not yet be noticeable. But, nevertheless, there are some general patterns, which we will consider below.

Abdominal growth by trimester

First trimester

Usually, in the first three months of pregnancy, the belly does not change, and if it grows, it is only a little. The uterus at this stage is still very small and does not take up much space. For example, at the 4th week the uterus enlarges only to the size of a chicken egg, and during this period it has not yet reached the symphysis pubis, so the enlargement of the abdomen is not yet noticeable. Only by the 12th week - the end of the first trimester of pregnancy - the uterus rises above the pubic symphysis, and the abdomen begins to be slightly rounded.

Second trimester

At this stage, the fetus begins to grow rapidly and gain weight, therefore, the uterus also grows. Therefore, at 12-16 weeks, an observant pregnant woman may already notice that her tummy has become slightly rounded, but those around her may not yet notice these changes. And only at about the 20th week, if the pregnant woman wears adjacent clothes, the growing belly will be visible to others.

Third trimester

Now your pregnancy is already visible to strangers, even loose clothes no longer hide your rounded tummy.

Factors influencing the shape and size of the abdomen

  • Body type. In thin and petite women, the belly can look huge, while in plump and tall women the belly looks small, and often the changes are not noticeable until late dates pregnancy.
  • Conditions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and uterus. With weak muscle tone, the child most often takes the final position only on last month pregnancy, which may make your belly look a little distended.
  • During multiple pregnancies, the belly will grow faster.
  • Overweight. Often the belly looks too big if a woman eats more than she should.
  • Large fruit. If the baby is big, then, accordingly, the mother’s belly will be larger.
  • The location of the baby in the uterus. With some types of fetal presentation, the abdomen becomes noticeable earlier and grows faster, with others it is less noticeable.

If your belly grows faster

I'm six weeks pregnant. This is my third child. I look like I'm 3-4 months pregnant. Why is my belly growing so fast? Will I get better faster just because this is my third child?
Lisa, Sevastopol

As a rule, during the second pregnancy, the tummy “shows” a little earlier than during the first. This phenomenon is completely normal and there is no cause for concern. Your muscles have been stretched during previous pregnancies, and now they are more relaxed than when you were first pregnant, which is why your baby bump becomes noticeable earlier than in your previous pregnancy. This is observed in many mothers who have given birth several times.

If your belly grows faster during your first pregnancy, this could be explained by multiple pregnancy. Or an incorrectly set deadline.

Just in case, you can be examined by a doctor and undergo an ultrasound to make sure everything is in order.

If your belly is growing too quickly, take steps to prevent stretch marks and dry skin: apply anti-stretch mark creams or anti-stretch creams to the problem areas every night. olive oil– this will reduce the risk of unpleasant sensations such as flaking and itching, and prevent the appearance of white stripes.

March 28, 2017 Author admin

Big belly during pregnancy4.33 /5 (86.67%) Votes: 3

At a certain time, a pregnant woman's belly begins to grow. It is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, uterus and volume amniotic fluid. Each week there are certain norms for the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, but the doctor begins to measure the abdomen only in the second half of pregnancy. This allows you to determine the absence or presence of possible pathologies and clarify the duration of pregnancy. For what reasons could it be big belly during pregnancy, and should I worry about this?

Causes of a big belly during pregnancy

The doctor measures the size of the abdomen from the 20th week of pregnancy. Special attention it also pays attention to the shape of the abdomen. Normally, it should be ovoid; in primiparous women, it should be slightly pointed upward. Multiparous women usually have a slightly saggy belly. If it has a spherical shape, this may indicate polyhydramnios, and with a transverse presentation of the fetus, the abdomen is oval. If a doctor diagnoses this pathology, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, and in some cases it is necessary to resort to amniocentesis, that is, pumping out amniotic fluid.

The weight of the fetus is a very important indicator of its condition. Large sizes can be inherited by the baby, or may indicate a metabolic disorder expectant mother(including diabetes), so it is important to donate blood for sugar on time.

A pregnant woman may develop a large belly due to swelling or severe weight gain. It is important to eliminate these factors in order to normalize your weight. In the case of edema, it is important not to drink too much at night and reduce salt intake, but diuretics should be avoided. Swelling in the second half of pregnancy can indicate gestosis, a very dangerous condition that requires urgent treatment, so a visit to the doctor is essential. In advanced cases, gestosis can lead to coma and fetal loss.

Excess weight can significantly affect the development of the child and complicate the birth process. An overweight woman may give birth to a baby with skin diseases and a congenital tendency to obesity. Excessive fat layer can also appear in the fetus, which often leads to complications of the birth process and cervical injuries. Therefore, it is very important to monitor proper nutrition and follow a proper diet. If your weight deviates from the norm, you can consult a doctor who will tell you how to change your diet for the better without harming the unborn child.

Less common is uterine enlargement caused by a tumor of the placental tissue, which usually leads to fetal death. But the largest bellies in pregnant women occur with multiple pregnancies, which require increased attention. In some cases, the issue is the large size of the fetus, but this is a purely individual indicator, since women with a small belly, but a small amount of amniotic fluid, also give birth to large babies.

Big belly during pregnancy: what to do?

It’s easy to understand the expectant mother’s desire to compare her belly with different standards, and no one forbids measuring it yourself. There are many signs associated with the size and shape of the abdomen that attract the attention of pregnant women. But you shouldn’t diagnose yourself, because every pregnancy is different from the others. A woman who is carrying a child should not be nervous, especially if there are no good reasons for it. Only a specialist who can determine the causes of a large belly during pregnancy can assess the condition of the fetus. If you trust your doctor and follow his recommendations, you can avoid many troubles.

Appearance huge belly in the early stages of pregnancy is associated with various changes in the body of the expectant mother - both natural and dangerous to health. During the period of bearing a child, it is important for every woman to know why the waist circumference rapidly increases in the first trimester.

Normal abdominal size in early pregnancy

Norms for uterine fundus height and abdominal circumference

During the normal course of pregnancy, up to 16-20 weeks, the belly increases slightly. The uterus in the first trimester has a small volume and takes up little space in the pelvis. By the end of 1 month it does not exceed the size of a chicken egg, and after 8 weeks it increases to the volume of a goose egg. During the first trimester, she does not have time to reach the pubic symphysis, located in the lower abdomen. In most cases, in the early stages of pregnancy, changes female body can not see.

The abdominal circumference begins to increase only after the 20th week of gestation (the average is 70-75 cm). Of particular importance for diagnosis is the height of the uterine fundus (UFH) - the distance from the upper wall of the organ to the edge of the pubic joint. This figure is 2-6 cm at week 12, and by the 16th week it already reaches 10-18 cm.

In the second trimester, the baby begins to gain weight sharply. As a result, the uterus also enlarges. At 12-16 weeks, the belly is already noticeable to the woman herself, and by the 20th week it is visible to others.

Causes of a large belly in early pregnancy

During the second pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable a little earlier than during the first pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered normal. The increased waist size is explained by stretched muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

If the belly grows quickly in the early stages of the first pregnancy, the development of twins can be suspected. Another explanation is an incorrectly determined period of gestation. To get accurate results, you should undergo an ultrasound.

Particular attention is paid to the shape of the abdomen. In first-time mothers, it slightly sharpens upward, and during repeated pregnancy it sags slightly. In any case, normally its shape should resemble an egg. If the abdomen is spherical, polyhydramnios should be suspected. If this deviation is detected, the health of the mother and child can only be preserved under the supervision of a doctor. If conservative treatment does not help, they resort to amniocentesis - the pumping process amniotic fluid.

Polyhydramnios often occurs during Rh-conflict pregnancy - when antibodies against the baby's red blood cells are formed in the woman's body. The volume of amniotic fluid reaches 2-5 liters, and in some cases – 10-12 liters. Anomalies in the development of the child can also cause an increase in its volume.

If the shape of the abdomen is oval, then the baby has taken a transverse position in the womb. In such cases, the doctor closely monitors the course of pregnancy.

Other causes of bloating:

  • A rapid increase in abdominal volume in the early stages is often caused by edema. To eliminate them, you should not drink a lot of liquid at night and reduce your salt intake. You should not take diuretics. Swelling that develops after the 20th week of pregnancy indicates gestosis, a dangerous condition in which the functions of the brain, immune, vascular and endocrine systems are disrupted.
  • Excess weight negatively affects the development of the baby and the process of his birth. A layer of fat that appears in a child during intrauterine development, can complicate the process of delivery and lead to cervical injury. In such cases, a large fetus develops a genetic predisposition to obesity and skin pathologies. For these reasons, the expectant mother needs to adhere to a special diet.
  • Sometimes an enlargement of the abdomen occurs with the development of a tumor of the placental cavity, which often leads to the death of the fetus.
  • At the early stage of bearing a child, the stomach swells due to the accelerated production of progesterone, which causes gas formation.

A rapid increase in waist circumference during pregnancy can be caused by many factors, so trying to determine them yourself is not recommended. Sometimes delay leads to fetal development disorders. It is important to get tested on time (blood - if you suspect diabetes) or undergo an ultrasound. In the presence of accompanying symptoms(pain, discomfort) the doctor prescribes additional tests.

Alarming symptoms

Sometimes, when a large belly appears in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman notices accompanying signs:

  • Tingling. They begin 3-4 days after conception. This phenomenon is associated with a change in the shape of the uterus. Its vessels fill with blood, causing the organ to become rounded. However, tingling should not cause discomfort - otherwise this symptom is alarming. If the pain intensifies and lasts more than 1 hour, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Pulsation in the abdomen. The sensation does not only occur in the first trimester - it can accompany the entire pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered normal. Because the inferior vena cava is located near the uterus, the vessel is sometimes compressed, creating a pulsating sensation. To eliminate discomfort, just change your body position.
  • Burning in the lower abdomen. The irritating sensation of heat occurs due to the growth of the uterus. If the symptom does not go away within a few hours, you should suspect ectopic pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, genitourinary tract infections or toxicosis.
  • Hardening of the lower abdomen. The phenomenon is provoked by increased tone of the uterus - its muscles begin to contract intensively, which is dangerous for the child. The lower abdomen hardens during emotional shocks, physical overload, infections and diseases of the pelvic organs. For these reasons, in the early stages it is important to avoid stressful situations and correctly alternate work with rest.

In most cases, an urgent visit to a doctor helps save the child’s life, even in severe cases.

How to eliminate bloating

In the first weeks of carrying a baby, the expectant mother needs to follow simple recommendations:

  • avoid overeating;
  • eat 4-6 times a day;
  • eat food while sitting, in a calm environment, chewing each piece thoroughly;
  • exclude from the diet foods that cause bloating (legumes, asparagus, cabbage);
  • It is forbidden to drink food;
  • It is not recommended to consume fermented milk products.

During the day, a pregnant woman needs to drink a sufficient amount of still water. It should be consumed from a glass or cup. Coffee is prohibited, only weak tea is allowed.

During pregnancy, a woman can exercise moderately physical activity. It is useful to perform gymnastic exercises that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For training, you should choose loose clothing that does not compress anything. Regular walks are beneficial fresh air and swimming lessons.

A large belly in early pregnancy indicates dramatic changes in a woman’s body. Based on certain signs, one can assume the presence of a specific disease, but only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis.
