Speech therapy lesson on flowers. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Flowers

Lesson objectives:
  1. To clarify and expand children’s ideas about flowers, the structure of a flower, and where it grows.
  2. Continue to teach children to independently form relative adjectives (garden flowers, meadow flowers, forest flowers, field flowers, indoor flowers).
  3. Development grammatical structure speech through the ability to correctly agree pronouns MY, MY with nouns.
  4. Activation and enrichment of the lexical side of speech.

Nouns: names of flowers: carnation, lily of the valley, tulip, bell, chamomile, rose, dandelion, snowdrop; parts of a flower: root, stem, leaves, bud, petals, core, seeds.

Signs: garden, meadow, field, forest, indoor.

Actions: care, plant, dig, water.

  1. Development of visual perception through the game “Magic Pipe”.
  2. Development of coordination of words with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, development of creative imagination.
  3. Automation of delivered sounds through the telling of poems.
  4. Developing children’s ability to ask questions independently, following the example of a speech therapist.
  5. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis through a complete sound analysis of the word ROSE. (Working with colored magnets)

Equipment: a picture of a vase with a bouquet; a picture depicting the structure of a flower; magic trumpet; pictures of flowers: carnation, lily of the valley, tulip, bell, chamomile, rose, dandelion, snowdrop; sheets with outline images of flowers superimposed on each other according to the number of children; magic chest; artificial rose flower; colored magnets for sound analysis of words; pictures depicting flowers according to the number of children, illustrations depicting a forest, meadow, garden, greenhouse.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time:

2. Introductory talk: (Reading by a speech therapist of S.A. Vasilyeva’s poem “Vase with a Bouquet”)

Name in one word the plants mentioned in the poem? (This is flowers.)

(I hang the illustration on the board)

What flowers do you know? Name it. (Children's answers)

What nature do we classify flowers as? Living or non-living?

Why? Explain. (Children's answers)

Tell me, where can we see flowers? (In the forest, in the meadow, in the field, in the store, in the room, on the windowsill, etc.)

If flowers grow in the forest, what are they? (Forest)

If flowers grow in a meadow, what are they? (Meadow)

If flowers grow in a field, what are they? (Field)

If flowers grow in the garden, what are they? (Garden)

If flowers grow in a room, what are they? (Room)


3. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lesson:

Have any of you guessed what we are going to talk about now? (We will talk about flowers)

— Today in our lesson we will talk about flowers and learn a lot of interesting things about them.

4. Game “I’m looking through a magic pipe.”

— Guys, last night someone knocked on my door. When I opened the door, I saw a wizard. In his hands he held this magic pipe. And today this magic pipe will help us learn a lot of new and interesting things about flowers.

- Do you know how a flower works?

- Now we find out by looking into the magic pipe.

— I take the pipe, look into this picture and see only the root of the flower.

- And you, Sasha? (the child takes the pipe, points at the picture and names the parts of the flower). Similar work with other children.

5. Phys. just a minute.

Target: coordination of words with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, development of creative imagination.


On the lawn in the morning

We started a game

I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed.

Stand in our wreath. (Children stand in a circle, hold hands)

One two three four, (Take four steps back, expand the circle)

Move the circle wider.

And now we are streams, (Run in circles)

Let's go racing.

We hurry straight to the lake, (Spread the circle)

The lake will become big.

Get into the circle again (Close the circle)

Let's play in the sun. (Run in circles)

We are the cheerful rays (Stretch on tiptoes, arms up)

We are frisky and hot. (They jump on their toes, hands on their belts)

6. Telling poems to children:


Long green stem

Carnations double flower,

That's why mom

Warm light in the eyes.

Yellow and white - different

There are many such flowers.

Dad and I chose red -

It means "love".

(V.I. Miryasova)


White pearls stuck in a row

To the thin stem - they give aroma.

In May they bloom and bloom in the forest.

Even the Red Book preserves its beauty.

And a red fox will pass nearby,

The white and fragrant flower will not fade.

(V.I. Miryasova)


The tulip proudly strives for the sky,

Yellow or red - either one is beautiful.

Its bud looks like a small oval,

It was preserved in the onion over the winter.

At dawn it will open a little -

He wants to look at the sun,

And at sunset he will go to bed again -

And he doesn't need a bed for this.

(V.I. Miryasova)


It blossomed in the silence of the forest,

Blue gramophone.

Whether it rings or not -

Only the forest will give us the answer.

(V.I. Miryasova)


In the form of yellow circles,

Daisies have centers

Frame the cores

Lots of white petals.

Daisies grew in the field,

You can't carry all the flowers.

Beauty around, expanse,

I’ll sit down to weave a wreath.

I I'll make a wish,

Tearing off a petal

If I'm lucky, I'll find out -

My flower will give me the answer.

(WITH.A. Vasilyeva)

I smell fragrance in the garden,

I'm dropping petals

I shine with beauty

But the claws are sharp.

I gave the flower a name.

For the warm sunshine

I'm grateful for summer.

There is no more elegant flower!

(V.I. Miryasova)


yellow head,

Pink leg.


I'll hold it in my palm.

The sun has appeared

In May in the meadow,

I admire him

I'm very careful.

It's a pity the sun won't last long

It will be golden

The sun will turn white -

And I will part with him.

(V.I. Miryasova)


Where the pines did not wake up,

Where dead wood sleeps in the snowdrifts,

This morning was born

Blue flower - snowdrop.

...He raked up the cold sand

With your spine, like a paw.

He considers me dad

And he considers you a mother.

(Pictures with flowers are put on the board)

- Name the flowers about which you can say MY.

Name the flowers about which you can say MY.

7. Game "Find and name the flower."

Guys, look carefully at the leaves that are lying on your tables.

What flowers do you see? Name it. (Each child has a sheet with an outline image of flowers superimposed on each other. Children look at the images and name the flowers.)

8. Game "Magic Chest".

Guys, a kind wizard gave you such a magic chest.

Do you know what's in it? The wizard said that there was a beautiful flower in the chest.

Guys, the flower is whispering something to me. He wants to know, do you know what people should do to make flowers grow? (Dig up the ground, make a flowerbed, plant seeds, care: water and weed the flowerbed).

Now, let's guess what flower the wizard sent us?

I’ll ask a question now, and you listen carefully.

Flower, flower, do you grow in the forest? Are you a forest flower? (Imitation of denial).

Now you ask.

How do you ask? Where else do flowers grow? (-Flower, do you grow in a meadow? Are you a meadow flower?)(Negation)

If a flower grows in a clearing? How do we ask? (-Flower, you grow in a clearing, are you a wildflower?)

If a flower grows in a room, how do you ask? (-Flower, do you grow in a room? Are you an indoor flower?)(Negation).

What if a flower grows in a garden? How do you ask? — (Flower, do you grow in a garden? Are you a garden flower?)(Imitation of agreement).

Guys, what flower grows in the garden? (Pay attention to the pictures).(ROSE)

Now, look at the picture and tell me, ROSE, what is it?

(red, thorny, proud, graceful, fragrant, beautiful, etc.)

9. Sound analysis of the word ROSE:

And now, guys, we will write down the word ROSE.

But I won’t write in letters, but with what? (I draw the children’s attention to the color magnets).

What is the first sound in the word ROSE? (R)

Which magnet should I get? (Blue). -Why? Prove it.

(Because the sound R - consonant, hard).

Similar work with other sounds. On the board under the picture you get the following diagram:

- Tell me, how many syllables are there in the word ROSE? (Two)

Why did they decide this? ( Rule: the number of vowel sounds in a word, the number of syllables).


Each child has a picture of a flower.

- Guys, now everyone will name the flower, determine the place where this flower grows and place it in the picture.

Sample speech therapist: - I have a carnation. Carnation grows in the forest, which means it is a forest flower. I place the picture on an illustration of a forest. Children do similar work.

teacher-speech therapist MBDO

institution kindergarten"Fairy Tale" of Irkutsk.

More interesting and educational information

Speech conclusion: combined group: sibilant sigmatism, lambdacism, rhotocism.


Stage: Automation of delivered sounds.


  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the given sounds.
  • Expansion and activation of the dictionary on this topic.
  • Development of grammatical concepts.
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills.
  • Development of attention, memory, thinking.
  • Development of sound analysis of words.

Equipment: pictures on the topic “Flowers”, cut-out pictures, colored pencils, sheets with individual tasks.


Organizational moment

The snow has melted, the frosts have passed and we are not afraid of the cold,
And all this because spring has come to visit us.

Introduction to the topic

- Guys, spring has come, nature has come to life, the sun has begun to shine brighter, the snow has melted, soon green grass will appear in the clearings, and beautiful... (flowers).

Meeting the guest

– Today we will talk about flowers: we will remember their names, what parts they consist of, and much more. But we are not the only ones who want to know everything about flowers. A girl came to our lesson to listen to what we were going to talk about.
– Do you want to know what this girl’s name is? (Yes)
– Write out the letters from the top row of colors in exactly the same colors in bottom row and read her name. (Katyusha)
- Let's tell Katyusha the names of the flowers that we see on the board. (Cornflower, rose, dandelion, snowdrop, carnation, tulip, lily of the valley, bell).

Note: The speech therapist asks the child to name the flower whose name contains its automated sound.

Game "Four Wheel"

– Guys, find an extra flower in each line and explain why you made this choice. (Cornflower, tulip, snowdrop, rose are all early, spring flowers, and the rose is a late flower, etc.)

Game “What has disappeared, what has appeared”

– Look at the pictures with flowers (bell, lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip), remember their order. Do you remember? And now night has come - close your eyes. (At this time, the speech therapist takes one picture from this row and changes it to another).
– What disappeared, and what appeared? (There is no lily of the valley, but a daffodil has appeared).
The speech therapist asks a child with a hissing sound disorder.

Parts of a flower

- Let's tell Katyusha what parts the flower has. (Roots, stem, leaves, petals or bud)
– Name the 3rd sound in the word roots.
– 1st sound in a word stem.
– 3rd sound in a word leaves.
– 1st sound in a word petals.

Motor development

A tall flower grew in a clearing (palms clasped in front of us, arms raised up).
On a spring morning I opened my petals (spread your fingers).
Beauty and nutrition to all petals (movement with fingers).
Together they give roots underground (exercise “Roots”).


– Do you know that there are flowers that are grown on the balcony, in the garden. They are looked after, watered, protected from the cold, and fed with fertilizers. This garden flowers: rose, tulip, daffodil, etc. There are flowers that grow in the field. Nobody takes care of them. This field flowers: cornflower, dandelion, buttercup, etc.
(On the board there is a panel with wildflowers and garden flowers)
– You each have pictures on your table with the same flowers with flowers. Now everyone will show their picture and say: the name of the flower, whether it is a wildflower or a garden one. (Each child has flowers whose names have an automated sound)

Game "One - Many""(with the same pictures)

For example, tulip - tulips.

– Now you must guess the riddle about the flower:

The yellow Sun's rays are not hot.
The yellow Sun has white rays. (Chamomile)

- Let's write down the name of the flower in a notebook and do a sound analysis of this word. (Children use colored pencils to complete the task)
- Guys, Katyusha is our guest, let’s give her flowers: one bouquet of wildflowers, and the other of garden ones.
(2 children go to the table where there are pictures with wild and garden flowers. Each chooses only their own flowers)
– What flowers will you give to your guest? (I give cornflower, I give...)


- Katyusha has to leave. Let's remind her once again of the names of colors with the sound “L”, with the sound “Sh”, with the sound “R”.
– Today we talked a lot about flowers, but why do we need flowers, what is the use of them? (For medicine, give food to insects, decorate our lives)

Olga Astakhova
Lesson in the senior speech therapy group “Flowers”

Tasks: teach children to recognize flowers as described, classify them by habitat and time flowering, name the parts of any flower, form relative adjectives, use nouns correctly. in units and many more h., coordinate numerals with nouns.

Equipment: pictures with images colors, three cardboard vases with slots, cardboard loose flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment:

Speech therapist: -I meet them all in the garden

And I notice them in the forest,

I see them in the meadow,

In the field, in the park, in the country,

I can't live without them!

What do you think I was talking about? (O flowers)

2. Main part:

Speech therapist? -Today we will visit the kingdom colors. Look how many are here colors. Do you guys know them? I will describe appearance colors, and you guess which one it is flower and whether it is on our screen.

(Speech therapist makes riddles about flowers, and the children find answers on the screen)

Find him in the clearing...

In the meadow and field

We meet him

Petals are white

We count on it.

Core yellow

U that flower,

Like a little sunshine

I climbed into it. (chamomile)

Four bright red

Shiny petals

And grains in a box

This one has flower.

Behind these grains

You ran into the garden.

In the garden bed

Such flower growing. (poppy)

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue.

He met you at the edge of the forest.

It has a sonorous name.

Look - it fits

the name is

But we never heard the ringing

From a blue forest bouquet. (bell)

There is one like this flower,

You can't weave it into a wreath.

Blow on it lightly -

Was flower and no flower. (dandelion)

What's my name tell me:

I often hide in the rye,

The humble field flower

Blue-eyed…. (cornflower)

The snow did not have time to melt -

He appeared, my friend,

Blue and tender

Small …. (snowdrop)

3. –Speech therapist: What's happened flowers? (plant) How do you prove that it is a plant?

(They have root, stem, leaves) Why do we call them flowers? (They bloom, they have petals)

-Speech therapist: -Before flowers still have blooms

He was a tight fist

And he relaxed and became flower. (bud)

Speech therapist: - What time of year do they appear? flowers? Which the flowers are called primroses?

What time so many flowers what can you say about them? say:

Elegant sisters

Guests are greeted all day,

Do they treat you to honey? (in summer)

Summer is the time of life and flowering of all plants. Why do you think?

(in summer there is a lot of sun, heat, light and moisture, and plants need all this. Without this they cannot exist.

Speech therapist: - What do we call it? flowers that appear in the spring? In summer? In the fall?

(spring, summer, autumn)

A game "Collect bouquets"

(3 cardboard vases: children insert spring, summer, autumn into the slots flowers)

A game "Count flowers» (1 flower, 2 flower, ….)

Physical education minute:

We planting flowers in the garden.

We water them from a watering can.

Asters, lilies, tulips -

Let them grow for your mother.

4. Formation of relative adjectives.

Speech therapist: -Consider our flower kingdom and select flowers who are friends. ( Speech therapist reads a quatrain, and the children choose pictures, calling flowers that he reads about speech therapist)

I I meet flowers in the garden,

I notice them in the forest,

I see them in the meadow too

Speech therapist: - Look, what pictures are left? (flowers that grow in the room)

If they grow in a room, what are they like? (houseplants)

Flowers in the meadow...(meadow)

Flowers in the forest(forest)

Flowers in the field....

Flowers in the garden....

Flowerbed in flowers....

Speech therapist: -Where else can you meet flowers? (on a river, lake). What is this flowers? (water lilies, lilies). Eat flowers that help people recover. Medicine is made from them. They are called medicinal: this is chamomile, lily of the valley, calendula, etc.)

5. Results:

Listen to the poem by V.V. Viktorov

« Flower»

Flower in the meadow

I broke it while running.

I can’t explain why.

In glass

He stood for a day and withered,

How long would he stand in the meadow!

Did the boy do the right thing? In order not to regret it is necessary to protect nature, because flowers are part of nature.

Publications on the topic:

Teacher-speech therapist Natalya Vladimirovna Kulikova, educator Oksana Borisovna Zabalskaya Topic: Dishes Purpose: Expand ideas.

Goal: to consolidate the topic “Fruits and vegetables”; identification of fruits and vegetables by taste, smell and touch; description of fruits and vegetables by shape.

Goals: educational: - teach easy singing; - teach children to sing and work music lessons while in a gaming situation. developing:.

Lesson notes on manual labor V senior group Topic: “Flowers of Joy” Goal: to develop fine motor skills hands Objectives: consolidate skills.

To the music, children enter the hall and dance with glowing hearts. Child 1: Bright day, spring day, The drops are ringing joyfully! Have a fun spring.

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Class in a senior speech therapy group

Topic: “Flowers. Journey to a forest clearing"

Program content:

Correctional and educational:

  • continue to form ideas about flowers, medicinal plants, primroses;
  • continue to introduce unconventional method drawings: drawing using salt;
  • consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature;

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop visual attention;
  • develop constancy of visual perception based on the exercise “Find the shadow”;
  • develop speech motor coordination;
  • develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations;


  • develop the ability to work in pairs;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials: cards - signs “Behavior in the forest”, images of two baskets, color images of flowers and medicinal plants, PVA glue, glue brushes, outline images of flowers, colored salt, napkins for hands, d/i “Primroses”, silhouette images of flowers, flannelographs, felt-tip pens.

1. Introductory part

Educator: “Guys, look how many guests we have. Let's say hello to them again. Today is an unusual day - I suggest you go for a walk to a flower meadow. One-two-three, turn around - you’ll find yourself in a flower meadow.”
(The melody “Birdsong” sounds)

2. D/i “Talking Signs”

Educator: “So we ended up in our clearing. Look how cool it is here! Birds are singing, butterflies are flying, there are so many flowers around! But before you go for a walk, I suggest you remember the rules of conduct in the forest and in nature. Signs will help you with this."

3. D/i “Flower Baskets”

Educator: “Well, we remembered the rules of conduct, we can move on. You and I already know that among the many flowers, there are not only beautiful flowers, but also medicinal flowers or medicinal plants. Since ancient times, people have noticed that sick animals go away to find some kind of grass, which, after eating, they get better. So the man began to seek help from different plants. I suggest collecting medicinal plants in one basket, and flowers that we use to create beautiful bouquets in another. We work in pairs. Polina and Dima collect medicinal plants. Ulyana and Daryana are picking the rest of the flowers. What plants do you consider medicinal? How is clover useful? What is chamomile for? etc.

What plant is said to burn? That's right, it's nettle. But why does nettle still burn? The leaves and stems of the plant have special hairs. Each hair is like the needle of a tiny syringe. There is a caustic liquid inside the hairs. If you touch it, you get injections. Nettle leaves are rich in various beneficial salts and vitamins. Magnificent cabbage soup and nettle puree with eggs are prepared from nettles. Nettle contains substances that kill microbes and are good at stopping blood. It also strengthens the hair.”

4. D/i “Bring the Flowers to Life”

Educator: “Before you are contour images of flowers. But look how sad they are. Let us revive them ourselves using colored salt. First, let's revive the flowers themselves. Polina, what flower do you have? What color salt will you use when painting the flower? Daryana, how will you bring your flower to life? etc. Now let's start reviving the leaf and stem? What shape are the leaves? What color salt will you use to color the leaves? etc."

5. Dynamic pause “Flowers”

Educator: “We are a little tired and let’s rest.
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,
(perform exercise “Bud”)
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
(perform exercise “Flower”)
He moved, he started,
(move your palms folded like a flower to the right - to the left)
He soared up and flew away.
(raise the “flower” above your head)
It was a butterfly sitting
(perform exercise “Butterfly”)
Then she flew on.
(move your palms folded “butterfly” to the sides and up)

6. D/i "Primroses"

Educator: “You and I know that some flowers appear earlier in the spring, and some later. Here are contour images of flowers. Circle green colors In the circle are the flowers that appear the very first in our country after a long winter. What flowers did you circle? What color? What do we call the flowers that appear the earliest? Why?"

7. D/i “Find the shadow”

Educator: “You know that during the day all living and nonliving creatures cast a shadow and now you need to match their shadow to the flower. I decided to confuse you a little. If color images of several images are given, then the silhouette images show one flower.”

8. Summary

Educator: “So our wonderful walk has come to an end. In conclusion, I would like to read a wonderful poem. And I hope you will draw a conclusion from it.

If I pick a flower,
if you pick a flower,
If everything: me, you,
If we pick flowers,
They will be empty
And trees and bushes.
And there will be no beauty
And there will be no kindness
If it's just me and you
If we pick flowers.

Now I suggest you return to the group, where I want to treat you and the rest of the guys to a vitamin drink made from medicinal plants: rose hips, etc. One-two-three, turn around and find yourself in the group.”

Summary of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children in a preparatory school group on a lexical topic:

"Garden and wild flowers"

Prepared and conducted by a teacher-speech therapist 1st quarter. cat.

GBOU school No. 760 named after A. P. Maresyev

s/p kindergarten No. 997 Pavlova Tatyana Igorevna

Moscow, 2017

Target: development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.


- Educational: clarify ideas about flowers and their parts; teach to distinguish between wildflowers and garden flowers; instill in children careful handling of flowers; introduce the peculiarities of growing flowers and caring for them.

- Correctional and developmental: enrich, clarify and activate children's vocabulary; form a grammatically correct structure of speech (practice in agreeing nouns with numerals and adjectives, correctly using verbs and prepositions), consolidate the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis, improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, develop in children the ability to answer questions with complete answers, and justify their choice; develop fine and gross motor skills; develop visual and auditory attention and thinking; develop speech breathing.

-Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and love for its beauty, respect for the work of adults. Stimulate the formation of interest in educational activities.

Equipment: Subject pictures for the board on the topic “Flowers” ​​(garden: rose (5 pcs.), peony, aster, narcissus, phlox, gladiolus, lily, tulip; and field: chamomile (5 pcs.), dandelion (5 pcs.), cornflower (5 pcs.), poppy (5 pcs.), bell, loach, clover), a basket for pictures with flowers and leaves with riddles, four pictures with vases with a schematic representation of the number of syllables, colored diagrams of words: garden, field, gardener .

Handout: pictures with garden flowers: lily, rose, phlox, peony, daffodil, aster, gladiolus, tulip (1 for each child, i.e. if there are more children than the flowers indicated here, then duplicate the required number)

1. Organizational moment, message of the topic of the lesson:

The speech therapist has a basket of leaves with riddles in his hands, takes out one leaf at a time, reads the riddle, the children guess, and the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-guess. (You can also ask the children to explain why they decided this way)

*Knocked on our window

Summer is red with a basket.

What's hidden in it, guys?

Okay, I’ll give you a hint - riddles! (Guessed who? Children: - Riddles!)

Listen to the riddles carefully, listen to the end:

I was walking along a path through a meadow and saw the sun on a blade of grass.

But the white rays of the sun are not at all hot.

A ball grew on a green fragile leg near the path.

A little breeze rustled and scattered this ball.


Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-guess and reads the next riddle)

The rye is earing in the field, there you will find a flower in the rye.

Bright blue and fluffy, but it’s a pity that it’s not fragrant.

Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-guess and reads the next riddle)

Eh, bells, Blue colour, with a tongue, but there is no ringing.


Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-guess and reads the next riddle)

The sun is burning the top of my head, it wants to make a rattle.

Right! (the speech therapist shows a picture with a flower-guess and reads the next riddle)

What flowers were the riddles about?

Poppy, bluebell, cornflower, dandelion and chamomile. These are wildflowers. They grow on their own and do not require any care.

What other flowers do you know?

Rose, peony, phlox, asters, tulips, gladioli, lilies, daffodils. These are garden ones. They require a lot of care and will not be able to grow without human help.

What a great fellow you are, you remembered everything correctly!

Today in class we will play with both garden and wildflowers.

2. Main part:

The speech therapist places pictures with flowers on the board and all the children count together.

One daisy, two daisies, three daisies, four daisies, five daisies.

One poppy, two poppies, three poppies, four poppies, five poppies.

One dandelion, two dandelions, three dandelions, four dandelions, five dandelions.

One cornflower, two cornflowers, three cornflowers, four cornflowers, five cornflowers.

One rose, two roses, three roses, four roses, five roses.

We got a lot of beautiful bouquets, let's count how many bouquets are on the board?

One bouquet, two bouquets, three bouquets, four bouquets, five bouquets.

Who is the most attentive? Did you notice anything interesting? Maybe there is an extra bouquet?

An extra bouquet of roses! Roses are garden flowers, and all others are wild flowers.

How attentive you are! Well done!

Roses, like most garden flowers, smell very pleasant. And wildflowers have almost no smell, or have a barely perceptible smell.

Let's imagine as if we are smelling a real bouquet of roses!

Exercise for developing speech breathing “Pleasant smell”

Children should take a deep, long breath through their nose without raising their shoulders. As you exhale, say the phrase: “Smells good” or “Very pleasant smell.”

In order for the children to take a deep diaphragmatic breath, the adult first shows how to smell the flowers, and then asks the children to put both hands on their stomachs and thus control their breathing.

Guys, how long will the bouquet delight us with its beauty and pleasant smell?

What needs to be done to make the bouquet stay beautiful longer?

Bouquets must be placed in vases with water, or they will quickly wither.

I suggest putting bouquets in vases. But we will have unusual vases! Let's collect bouquets

from different colors! In the first vase we will put flowers in which there is one syllable, in the second - from two

syllables, in the third - from three, and in the fourth - from four.

The speech therapist places pictures of vases with a schematic representation of the number of syllables on the board, and removes the pictures of flowers previously placed on the board.

The speech therapist shows a picture:

This is a poppy. The word poppy has one syllable, let's put it in a vase with one circle.

The speech therapist places a picture of a poppy in a vase with one circle and then places flowers in the correct vase with each child's answer.

The speech therapist shows the following picture:

This is a rose. The word rose has two syllables, let's put it in a vase with two circles.

This is a tulip. The word tulip has two syllables, let's put it in a vase with two circles.

This is a lily. This word has three syllables, let’s put it in a vase with three circles.

Dandelion. This word has four syllables, let's put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Peony. The word peony has two syllables, let's put it in a vase with two circles.

Loach. This word has two syllables, let’s put it in a vase with two circles.

Bell. This word has four syllables, let's put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Cornflower. This word has three syllables, let's put it in a vase with three circles.

Phlox. The word phlox has one syllable, let's put it in a vase with one circle.

Narcissus. This word has two syllables, let’s put it in a vase with two circles.

Clover. This word has two syllables, let’s put it in a vase with two circles.

Gladiolus. This word has four syllables, let's put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Aster. This word has two syllables, let’s put it in a vase with two circles.

Chamomile. This word has three syllables, let’s put it in a vase with three circles.

What beautiful bright bouquets they turned out to be! What other words can be said about them?

Garden, field, bright, colorful, fragrant, summer, fresh, large, chic, elegant, delicate, festive.

What a great fellow you are! Great words matched with bouquets!

Only you can’t say about these bouquets that they are garden or field, they turned out to be mixed.

Let's separate the garden ones from the field ones.

Which flower do you think is the odd one out in the first vase? (poppy, phlox, loach) Why?

In the first vase, phlox is a garden flower, and poppy and loach are wildflowers. So the phlox is superfluous.

In the second vase? (rose, peony, daffodil, aster, tulip, clover)

There is extra clover in the second vase. He is a field farmer, and the rest are gardeners.

In the third? (chamomile, cornflower, lily)

In the third vase, the chamomile and cornflower are field ones, and the lily is a garden one, which means it is superfluous.

And in the fourth? (gladiolus, bell, dandelion)

There is an extra gladiolus in the fourth vase, it is a garden one, and the rest are field ones.

How smart you are! Correctly separated wildflowers from garden ones!

Guys, how long do you think the flowers in the vase will please us?

No... They will wither soon anyway.

Yes, guys, unfortunately, flowers cannot last long even in a vase with water, but they can delight us for a long time in a flowerbed or in a field. Maybe someone can guess why this happens?

Because flowers cannot grow without a root. Flowers drink water with their roots and

They feed on nutrients from the ground, and without roots the flowers die.

Therefore, it is better to admire flowers in a flowerbed or in a field, and not pick them unnecessarily.

Do you know what other parts a flower has?

Root, stem, leaves, petals, stamens, bud.

Let's show together the parts of the flowers with our hands:

*Finger gymnastics (The speech therapist speaks and does things together with the children)

stem and

On a stalk


And in the bud there is

stamens and

many petals.

Show the “root” with the palm of one hand (as if we were holding an apple in our hand, fingers down)

We substitute the elbow of the other hand to the hand simulating the root (the hand is directed upward from the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees)

The hand imitating the stem imitates the bud with closed rounded fingers

To the hand representing the stem, with the palm of the other hand we attach “Leaves”

Emphasis on "bud"

Place your palms together, fingers up, fingers spread

Show “petals” with open palms

Great knowledge about flowers! They showed everything great! Well done!

As you have already said, the flowers growing in the flowerbed will delight us for a long time, so let's plant them. Go out one by one and plant a flower.

*Flowers hid in a small basket

We need to plant them in a flowerbed under the window!

The speech therapist holds a basket with pictures of garden flowers in his hands (or places it on the table) and invites the children to come up one at a time, take a picture from the basket and place it on the board, commenting on their actions. Pictures previously placed on the board must be removed.

I planted a rose in the flowerbed.

I planted a peony in the flowerbed.

I planted a daffodil in the flowerbed.

I planted a lily in the flowerbed.

I planted phlox in the flowerbed.

I planted a tulip in the flowerbed.

I planted an aster in the flowerbed.

I planted a gladiolus in the flowerbed.

What a beautiful flowerbed you have created! Flowers in a flower bed delight not only people, but also insects. They collect pollen and nectar from flowers.

What do you think, should something else be done to make the flowers grow and make everyone happy?

The flowers need to be watered.

Exercise for developing gross motor skills

The speech therapist says and does together with the children:

I am a flower, you are a watering can

Water me!

Point with hands at yourself, then to the side

Right hand placed on the belt, the left one is taken to the side, slightly up and the body is tilted towards the raised hand, imitating a watering can watering flowers.

When repeating the exercise, change hands

Well done! You planted flowers, watered them, but do you know what kind of flowers they are? How to call them in one word?

The speech therapist places pre-prepared word patterns on the board:

(A strip is a word divided into squares colored red (vowels), blue (hard consonants) and green (soft consonants))

scheme for the word "field"

You skillfully distinguish between garden and wildflowers, well done! Will you be able to distinguish these words in diagrams just as skillfully?

The first diagram fits the word “garden”, and the second - “field”. They have the same number of vowels and consonants, only in the word “garden” all the consonants are hard, and in the word “field” the consonant, which is the third in the word, is soft.

Well done, you guessed correctly!

Do you know who takes care of garden flowers?

Gardener, gardener.
